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Explore the wisdom traditions of ancestral knowledge and the pattern language of nature. A seasonal health guide for the modern urban individual interested in mastering rhythm and cultivating a creative lifestyle guided by the intelligence of nature.
Letter F rom T he Editor My name is Elzabieta, I have been involved in citizen journalism since the age of 12 and have published and created media though my life, everything from curriculums, multimedia art and design to street culture magazines, and the hosting and producing of a popular FM based radio program called Wellness Wednesdays for the last decade. I have a background in community health education for over 19 years and formal and ap prenticeship based training in BodyTalk, Classical Chinese medicine, Structural Integration, Somatic Therapy, Women’s and Children’s Health, Eastern and Western Herbalism, Qi Gong and Martial Arts I maintain a full time private practice specializing in the treatment of chronic pain and stress related disorders in Denver Colorado and teach locally and internationally.
I started this digital online platform and podcast because in all these years and growth into the expertise of integrative medicine I have learned that people are their own best doctors. In the spirit of community health education, this is my contribution to provide this interactive platform tohelp people access knowledge and daily practice that are the underpinning of longevity and wellness. I have gathered a group of artists and creators to translate these messages through art, music, culture and creative genius.