Just add water: 7 hill country watering holes

11th annual art waddle spradley hats: the age-old craftsmanship of brooks atwood
May 2023

Just add water: 7 hill country watering holes
11th annual art waddle spradley hats: the age-old craftsmanship of brooks atwood
May 2023
wooDlanD ranch estates, Boerne
141 woodland ranch road. 5 bedroom, 4 bath stone home on 13.96 acres. wraparound porch overlooking pool and spa plus pool house/guest quarters – $2,195,000
41 sisterdale road. 3,000+ sq.ft. 3 bedroom stone home plus guest house on 3.04 acres. lots of space for animals. great for multigenerational living or str – $1,150,000
73 Breeze way. 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath masterpiece on 10.78 acres, ag-exampt with pool, 4-stall barn + tack/storage areas, pavilion with fireplace and outdoor kitchen – $1,895,000
Bergheim, north Barcroft
320 fuller Drive. 4 bedroom, 3 bath hill country farmhouse style on 9.54 acres with large deck, dipping pool, barn and tank site – $1,100,000
wherever you there
Denise graves
Though, I think, besides his family, there wasn’t anything
William Wallace
Just a couple of weeks removed from tax day, the quote from Benjamin Franklin has come to mind several times that says, “There are two things that are certain in life, death and taxes.” Everyone would like that not to be the reality of living, but these two ([un]necessary) evils are unfortunately unavoidable.
While death is the end of both taxes and of life on this plane, there is something that remains unchanged. You see, I feel so strongly about the power of music, that just as I believe that the soul is eternal, as are hope and love, I maintain that music has an innate quality that affects us so deeply during our lives, that after our life on this earth is over, that the music that shaped us continues to carry a dynamic impact on those who have loved us the most after we are gone.
by Matt Kershloved more in life than he did music.
In November of this last year, my wife’s parents moved to Texas to be close to us. It was a move that we were both surprised and excited about taking place. They were both lifelong residents of Washington State, where my wife, Courtnay, grew up. So, the relocation to Texas was a big deal.
We are getting ready to have a baby in July, and both my Mother-In-Law, Kathy, and Father-In-Law, Wally, were so excited for this blessing in all of our lives. Wally would never have been characterized as particularly expressive verbally or with physical affection. His love language was largely shown through thoughtful gifts and doing his best to live with a sense of zest for life.
A man of many interests, his entire career was spent at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard as a Metallurgical Engineer. He loved animals. He was crazy about almost every single sport. Though, I think, besides his family, there wasn’t anything William Wallace Cavanagh loved more in life than he did music.
He and I loved the same things, though I didn’t have his affinity or the remotest knowledge of metallurgical engineering! But, animals, sports, family, and music were all areas where we both had deep passion. When coming to visit, and even more so after they moved here, Wally and Kathy would regularly come out to see me play at my shows.
It is always a treat to play for folks that are clearly enjoying themselves when I am on stage performing. And I would venture to say, there was almost never anyone more connected to what I was doing musically than my father-in-law. That was another reason I loved that man. He always had genuine praise for my songs and passion for performing. That meant more to me than I am sure he knew.
You may wonder why I keep writing in past tense. Heartbreakingly, Wally Cavanagh passed suddenly in his sleep after laying down to take a nap on a Saturday
afternoon in late January. To say we were crushed would be putting it mildly. It was the beginning of this exciting, beautiful new season of our lives, and it was over almost before it started. However, the memories we had in the last couple of years, especially as they began to visit more after making the decision to move here were (and will always remain) incredibly precious.
I hate death. You do, too, I’m 100% sure of it. This is especially true when you don’t feel there was ever a chance to have a proper goodbye. Physical touch was not something my father-in-law was
my mother-in-law said about that night, “On the way home, Wally said, ‘I guess I’m gonna have to learn how to hug.’”
Nevertheless, at Christmas, when we shared with our family that we are having a little girl in July, I will never forget the love and emotion I saw him express to my wife, his baby girl. His eyes welled with tears, and he sweetly touched her on the back of her head and said, “I love you SO MUCH.” I nearly broke down right in that moment. It was a rare privilege to see that expression from him. I loved that he was working on growing. And he really was. We should all be working to grow. Always.
very comfortable with, especially between men. For me, growing up with my parents and in the south, expressing physical affection and verbal appreciation to my friends and family was never something with which I struggled.
The last day I saw Wally was on his birthday, four days before he passed away. I went in for a hug, and he sort of awkwardly, halfheartedly received and returned it. I laughed, and said, “Oh, Wally, you crack me up.” You see, it wasn’t that I had any doubt he loved me, he just struggled to convey it. This is the case for many, especially “manly men,” of which he was certainly one. Later on,
One of the last nights we spent hanging out together, he was sitting in the front seat while I was driving and I showed him one of my favorite bands, which I figured would be a new one for him. It was Greta Van Fleet, whom I wrote about a few months ago here in our column. Knowing Wally loved Zeppelin, Hendrix, and Pink Floyd, I knew they would be right up his alley. There are few things I enjoy more than introducing a fellow music lover to a band I know they will love. That drive home with his commentary saying things like, “Wow. Damn. I didn’t know anyone these days was making music like this,” will ever remain a treasured memory.
Like I said before, when he would come to my gigs, and in a few of those moments in the car listening to tunes cranked up, my father-in-law and I were living in a deep moment of connection together. Even though he is gone, he is not dead. Not really. His soul lives on. It endures through the sweet memories, the apparent desire he showcased to continue to be a better man which inspires me to do the same, and the transformational love and impact the music made on us both. And in those sweet echoes of his life, I can finally feel Wally really hugging me.
“He and I loved the same things, though I didn’t have his affinity or the remotest knowledge of metallurgical engineering!“
When it comes to providing legal services you can trust, the Boerne Attorney, Bob Ogle is the best-of-the-best. Bob Ogle confidently guides his clients through the legal system and brings order to chaos. Bob Ogle recently opened his brand-new firm this month, Ogle Legal Team. The Ogle Legal Team handles Law Services in Probate, Litigation, Family, Estate Planning, and Mediation. The Ogle Legal Team provides clients with confidence as the team handles each case with excellence and compassion. The Ogle Legal Team strives to empower you to seek your legal rights.
Long time Boerne resident, Bob Ogle has been practicing law in the Texas Hill Country for more than three decades – initially opening his law office in Boerne, Texas in 1989. Officially named five times as Boerne’s Best Attorney by the readers of the Boerne Star, Bob Ogle proudly owns the title and serves it well. Bob Ogle is also a former President of the Boerne Chamber of Commerce, founder of the Kendall County Bar Association, and Boerne Independent School District Board of Trustees. Bob Ogle is a strong advocate and protector of peace.
Mr. Ogle loves the vastly growing community and looks forward to the bright future his new firm holds. Ogle Law Firm, PLLC is located on the second floor of the Jefferson Bank building off Main Street in Boerne. Go visit 371 N Main St, Suite 202 in Boerne or call them (830) 249-9358 today for legal expertise you can trust!
“Iwas always into hats,” said Brooks Atwood, “I shaped my own as a kid and worked for Leddy’s in San Angelo in the hat department while I was in college. It was there that I learned the difference between a good hat and a really fine hat.”
Brooks’ father, Dick Atwood, started Atwood Hat Company in 1996. A business born out of necessity that sprang forth because of Dick’s constant search for a hat that would work as hard as he did and still look good enough to wear to town after the workday was done. What started out in a 12 by 16 foot portable building on the Atwood’s ranch has since grown to become a leader in the western hat industry. According to Brooks, “I started making felt hats six or seven years after my father started Atwood Hat Company. He started with the palm leaf hat, and it was absolutely the American dream come to life. His goal was to make the best hat no matter the material. My dad was a great example of hard work and vision. The big hat companies kind of scoffed at him and one even told their sales reps that a year from now you won't remember his name. A great man with a great product is hard to whip I guess. They never got it done.”
At this time, Atwood Hat Company was making everything but a felt hat, so Brooks set out to teach himself how. “I only ruined about $38,000 worth before I started to get it,” laughed Brooks. “But, I was blessed with some great teachers and eventually figured it out.”
“Fast forward about 15 years and I was making what I thought, as did many others, the best felt hat on the market. Then it happened. We have a place in Fort Davis and one day I wandered over to Alpine, Texas to Spradley Hats. I had never heard of them and it was just killing me. This is when I met Jim Spradley, we were instant friends. I immediately knew he was special, and then I touched one of his hats and it was like the heavens opened up and I found the Holy Grail of hats. That’s where it all started,” said Brooks.
“One day I was talking to Jim on the phone and he expressed that his shoulders were giving him some trouble and I offered to block some hats for him and just get the hats started. I did that for some length of time and paid more visits to his shop, learning more from him each time. Then he tasked me to help with more of the steps in his process. More time passed, more visits. More steps for me. Finally, he had three hats to make for three
all the way down to putting their name in the sweatband. I was pinched up. I wasn't sure I could live up to the Spradley legacy. Well, I shipped him the hats and the guys all told him that those were the best hats he had ever made for them. That’s when he told them that he never touched them, his friend Brooks Atwood made them.
It was shortly after that Jim called me. I said ‘hello’ and the first words out of his mouth were ‘you have a decision to make.’ You are buying this hat shop or I'm closing it after all these years of hard work. We
Starting at Noon
Hors d’oeuvres, Beer, Wine
talked about it and figured out how to do it and here I am.”
To this day Brooks still makes these Spradley Hats out of the finest material that is to be found anywhere, just like Jim told him about. All of the hats are still handmade, one at a time by Brooks Atwood, using the same time-honored traditions used by master hatters for centuries, with some of the tools used dating back to 1850.
“There really is only one explanation for this journey. It’s a straight up God given gift,” said Brooks. “It took me a long time to figure out what I was supposed to do in life. I spent time on the road with a band, did the Nashville thing for a few years, got close but not close enough. Had an Air Conditioning company for nine years, hated that. Ran a lot of outside cattle for a long time. Turns out I was a hat maker all along.”
“Hat making is a great and challenging profession. It lets you create with your hands and interact with the finest sort of people and I love every minute of it. So, long story short,
God knew all along where he was taking me, but he also knew that I was hardheaded so he thought it best to make me earn it. I'm thankful every day for a dad who taught me how to work and enjoy my fellow man and showed me what quality in a product really is. And for Jim Spradley who is in the finest sense of the word a disciple of Christ. He showed me how that plays into following your dreams of making the best product that you possibly can for those that trust you to do so.”
Her first book Can I Sniff My Way to Heaven?, helps to lead children to the Lord using actual dogs, Wally and Snipey, as her characters.
Sandy Loker resides in San Antonio, Texas, with her loving husband, Loren, and her beloved dog, Wally. She has four grown children, two grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Her first book Can I Sniff My Way to Heaven?, helps to lead children to the Lord using actual dogs, Wally and Snipey, as her characters. Mrs. Loker is a Hospice nurse by profession, which inspired her second book, Snipets From Heaven. In this book, Wally and Snipey use memories and other experiences to help children cope with loss and grief.
River Road Park, 100 River Road, BOERNE, TX
Saturday, May 13th, 2023, 10 AM - 5 PM
The 11th Annual Boerne Art Waddle showcases an outside art market throughout the day, and features a field of 38 fine artists and craft artisans. Live music will set the mood for Waddlers, who should dress casually, and comfortably for this Mother’s Day weekend event. Along with individual artists and artisans booths, community partners representing Cibolo Center for Conservation; Boerne Independent School District, Fine Arts department Spring Show winners and Advanced Placement students; arts partners from Carriage House Gallery; and Ladies of the Cibolo Creek Quilters Guild will join in the fun and informative day. Proceeds from the Waddle benefit the Cibolo Center for Conservation Summer Art Camp scholarships, and Hill Country Council for the Arts.
continued on page 16
The Artist Spotlight for this 11th Annual Boerne Art Waddle shines brightly on Shea Daniel-Youngblood whose artwork singularly, and in toto as a body of work, represents, in a word, community. In Daniel-Youngblood’s words, “I enjoy traveling around the city, stopping anywhere I feel pulled by the moment, or a shadow, or a stoplight.” The art poster created for the event features her recent painting of The Dienger, a Main Street landmark and meeting place, and has been printed in a Limited Edition of 100.
We invite you to join other Waddlers along Cibolo Creek Trail, and shop from our featured artists and artisans displaying original works of art. Meet the Creatives in our community and hear their inspirations. Dine in local restaurants, and enjoy a full evening of entertainment following the Waddle, at Salvador Dobbs for live music, across the street from River Road Park.
HCCArts supports the arts in Texas Hill Country. Programs supported include performance arts, fine arts, education, public art, visual art, literary art, historic conservation, and music. We encourage businesses to partner with the arts. Our focus is to enhance awareness, develop opportunity for involvement, encourage individual and corporate financial support; and continue developing long-range strategies to promote growth of the arts in all 19 counties of Texas Hill Country. HCCArts is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is recognized as the regional Texas Hill Country chapter of Business Committee for the Arts, under the auspices of Americans for the Arts. Visit their website often: www.hccarts.org.
and preparation in showcasing their home in today’s market will not be able to reap the best benefit and maximum dollar.
It should come as no surprise that here in the Texas Hill Country we have stepped into a new season of real estate. Over the past two years the market has rapidly shifted. Today is a season where we are stabilizing and seeing normal interest rates and normal prices. This will offer opportunities for both sellers and buyers. This current market calls for sellers and buyers to choose a professional Realtor with a lot of experience who can assist clients in working through market strategies for the best results.
If you look at the national real estate headlines, you’ll be misinformed on what is going on in San Antonio and the Texas Hill Country, our market is stable and thriving. Many sellers and buyers are very comfortable with this stabilizing market allowing them great opportunities right now. There is not an interest rate issue on our forefront, but rather an inventory issue making for a strong market for sellers.
Currently in our area we are experiencing two months of inventory, while there is still a shortage of primary housing supply. It is a great time to be a seller, the fact that spring is here and coupled with a shortage in the housing market makes for a beautiful opportunity for sellers to take advantage of a great market. No longer can sellers offer their homes in “as is” condition, they are expected to put their property on the market in great condition to receive top dollar. That’s why hiring the right Realtor is even more important than ever. Showcasing your home and making sure you are aligned with a Realtor that will market for success will give you the best advantage for top dollar. Sellers who lack guidance
Are you a buyer entering today’s real estate market? A season of stabilization is good for you as well. Interest rates have seen significant fluctuation over the past few months, but they are now stabilizing and you should feel confident that now is the best time to invest in real estate. Look forward to capitalizing on your home and avoiding multiple offers or negotiating low sales price because of necessary repairs.Partnering yourself with a professional Realtor, brings benefits and connections with lenders, contractors, and service providers. For example, mortgage lenders can advise and provide strategies that will enable negotiating the payment desired, utilizing buy downs, recasting, or advise for future use.
Find a Realtor who will take care of you and be your best advocate for you in the market while confidentially supporting you in purchasing your next investment.
The Rivers Team is abreast of market changes and housing trends and provides a concierge level of service and customer care with unwavering professionalism. We work with an extensive group of professionals and utilize these resources for our client’s best interest.
If you’d like to discuss the market or the value of your property, please contact The Rivers Team.
The Rivers Team
Phyllis Browning Company
Judith and Dwaine Rivers
(210) 393-3231
Home is where we relax. It is the ultimate art we love and display. Our home is our heart. Forrest Smith with Smith Outdoor Concepts understands just that and his goal is to make your home your ultimate oasis. Forrest is the creator, brain and lead artist behind Smith Outdoor Concepts and his devotion to making your dream come true is obvious in all he does.
About 25+ years ago Forrest was in management in the auto industry. He enjoyed managing his crew, providing fantastic service to his customers and the success it all brought. He knew there was more and that he could move into the next step of his life goals. He imagined the beauty he could create and the joy he could build. He could bring one’s imagination to life and provide the art they desired in their own realm. Forrest and his Concept crew are artists and craftsmen extraordinaire! A mere thought or idea can be reality in your own paradise. But I am getting ahead of myself…
Forrest had a vision of how he could develop magic from a thought, an idea or a simple plan. One could create an entire paradise from their own ideas on basically a blank slate of property. Projects that can be in phases for ease of completion or budget or projects that maintain the beauty and comfort of an already established home.
Art enhances our lives and gives us peace and comfort for a life we choose. Smith Outdoor Concepts can do an endless unlimited list of projects. They are most certainly The One Stop destination for all of your outdoor and some indoor needs! They offer small handyman jobs, quality sturdy secure fencing to keep animals in or predators out, decorative fencing for yards, gardens or even pastures. Since Smith Outdoor Concepts are proficient in welding, they can create gorgeous fencing to last a lifetime.
Forrest and his knowledgeable crew can create the perfect deck for entertaining or just enjoying wildlife or bird watching. Want to enjoy a beverage in the evening and listen to the wildlife, then contact Forrest to draw up that dream for you and make it happen!
Smith Outdoor Concepts will create the perfect entrance personalized just for you to awe those guests as they enter for a relaxing visit. A comfortable barbeque outdoor kitchen under a dramatic pergola provides an oasis of beauty for a meal. Have a pond or outdoor water feature with the soothing sounds of a babbling stream? No? Well Forrest Smith can build one just for you that will give you, your family and guests a relaxing evening!!!
I am pretty certain that by now you understand that for Forrest and his crew at Smith Outdoor Concepts there are no limits!!! If you can dream or imagine it then they can build it!
Already have a pond, but need a dock
for fishing or parking that water toy or maybe you need the pond? Yep, Call Forrest! Smith Outdoor Concepts is the entire package for all of your dreams and projects. Forrest assures me that he works with all budgets and ideas. He personalizes each project completely with the client. His goal is to maintain repeat customers that always know Forrest makes their happiness his first goal.
Forrest has an impressive happy clientele that extends back more than 20 years and many are repeat happy customers. He protects his clients’ identities but his list contains doctors, lawyers, athletes, musicians and other artists as well as farmers and ranchers. No job is too small or too difficult. If one can imagine or dream it then Forrest and his crew can create it!
The corporate world assisted Forrest realizing his skills learned as management could guide him in his Smith Outdoor Concepts and it has, but do not let the name fool you, he can do it all. His knowledgeable crew, led by Forrest, can fix small jobs around the house. A leaky pipe, a bathroom issue with plumbing,
new cabinets, a sink drip or maybe a small electrical issue are all in Forrest Smith’s wheelhouse.
One really should keep Forrest number handy. Besides the artistic features he can provide on your property, Forrest builds garages, carports, all types of fencing, gates, decks, water features, animal pens, railing, docks and porches. Whew! What have I left out? The kitchen sink? Nope
he also creates bbq areas, pergolas, and so much more. It is really true that if you can imagine it then Smith Outdoor Concepts can build it.
Forrest has an awesome support system in his family. His parents, siblings, children and grandchildren keep him motivated and creative. But he was quick to tell me that his “better half,” as he refers to her, is Kaye! Kaye assists Forrest in projects that need a female perspective. She gives sound advice for projects that need that softer approach. Forrest and his crew stay up to date on the latest trends, styles and colors with continuing education. He employs talented crew members who share his vision of customer satisfaction and quality work.
Forrest has always enjoyed his talent of creativity and throughout his life has sought out careers that showcased those talents. He has successfully advanced in the auto industry through management, owned and operated a food truck serving delicious food and superb service and now providing a business that meets the needs of beautiful and attractive landscaping features to impress all. Even his elaborate or simple fencing projects attract attention for their service, as well as their enhanced beauty for the eye.
Forrest through Smith Outdoor Concepts gives an aesthetic quality while providing a long lasting durable product to stand for generations. Art is dependable and valuable and Smith Outdoor Concepts is a master at its art craft. Forrest insists on continued on page 22
continued from page 21
quality products, quality service and quality materials.
Smith Outdoor Concepts is conveniently located in the Comfort area and Forrest is a hometown man with deep roots in his community. He volunteers locally and is invested in his town. He assured me that quality and happy customers are his priority. His customers are his neighbors, friends and fellow residents. He interacts with them on a regular basis, not just as his clients. Being an active member of society is important to him and he has pride in his work ethic. Smith Outdoor Concepts serves the surrounding areas around and in Kendall County and a consultation with Forrest will secure your next project.
Forrest, aka Smith Outdoor Concepts, has easy ways to connect with him. He can be reached by phone at 210-3470319, on facebook Smith Outdoor Concepts, or by email at Forrest7766@hotmail.com or his personal facebook which is linked on his Smith Outdoor Concepts page! Many people know him as Bubba!
Many of Forrest’s projects can be done within a few days, but many projects require weeks if not months. Calling him with your dream idea allows him to focus on the plan and it is important that you as the client, and Forrest as the artist, know exactly what you want. An interesting note on Forrest’s artistry is that he is adaptable even in the middle of the project if the client finds something additional they desire or a change in the direction of the plan. Nothing is out of his wheelhouse or throws him. Forrest has always been a calm in control man and he can handle what you throw at him.
Smith Outdoor Concepts always gives free estimates and no job is too small or too big. Just give them a call and let Forrest work his magic on your idea.
Forrest has an extensive reputation for using materials that are good for the environment. He is adept at repurposing wood and metal at the clients request for many projects giving them the wow factor. Forrest maintains that his work reflect the clients image desired. He shared with me an outdoor kitchen that Smith Outdoor Concepts built that was out of repurposed wood and tin. The pergola just framed the space beautifully creating a functional pleasing relaxing area for his client.
A feature that Forrest explained is that South Texas areas sometimes require drought resistant plants that are eco-friendly and he has created amazing xeriscapes keeping a green ecological function for his clients and the earth. Plants, bushes, flowers and vegetable raised gardens are part of Smith Outdoor
Concepts tool box. Always with the preference of the client and artistically arranged and designed by Forrest. And maintenance you ask? Yes, I told you Smith Outdoor Concepts does it all! From start to maintaining to a finish…well is anything ever really finished…not really! Forrest and his Smith Outdoor Concepts always offers more.
The use of native stone and Forrest’s ability to design. gives many projects the historical value that we all treasure. A fence or structure can be built to give the impression it has been there for years. Only you and your artist will know.
Smith Outdoor Concepts is proud to have certified welders and irrigation certification experts on staff. Forrest proudly shares that he requires his employees to be state of the art artists. With Forrest and Smith Outdoor Concepts, the client is assured they are getting the best.
Every artist has tools that they are masters in using. This operation is no different. From shovels, rakes, small hand tools to large machinery and welders this group has it all and knows how to use it all. Forrest not only employs the best crew, but he uses the best machinery and equipment that he can acquire. So it only is natural that his material is the best from plants to nails to wire to service.
Smith Outdoor Concepts offers a warranty on their work and projects. Their projects include animal friendly, safe plants and products, and they stay knowledgeable on materials that are earth and animal safety products. They are able to adapt to the need and requirements of the client and environment equally.
Forrest prides himself and his art business on honest, fair, flexible business ethic. The art that Smith Outdoor Concepts provides is comfortable, pleasing, functional and beautiful. Beauty is just a call away and your dream is a reality with Forrest at Smith Outdoor Concepts! It is never too soon to make it happen!
Cowboys on Main MAIN STREET
10:00am to 2:00pm
Expect to see and interact with a sample of the old west cowboy lifestyle on Bandera Main Street. Hosted by Bandera Business Association.
Saturdays Bandera Cattle Company Gunfighters
11:00am to 1:00pm
Bandera Visitors Center - 830-796-3045
Bring the kids and have them get deputized after the show!
May 18
Third Thursday Cowboy Camp with Lew Peterbaugh
Bring your guitar to play along, or simply come to listen. Pickers who play cowboy, Texas, or Western swing music are welcome to sit in. banderacowboycapital.com
May 28
Frontier Times Fourth Sunday Jamboree
The Frontier Times Museum presents this jamboree on the fourth Sunday of each month. The event includes live music, storytelling, and fun for all ages. frontiertimesmuseum.org
May 26-28
Memorial Day Weekend
Stampede Rodeo and Parade
Bandera Pro Rodeo presents three nights of PRCAsanctioned rodeos with bull riding, team roping, bareback riding, and other competitions. The annual Memorial Day Parade down Main Street gets underway at 11 a.m. banderaprorodeo.org
May 27
Chuckwagon Dinner and Show
Fill up on a barbecue dinner with all the fixings. The event includes live country music and dancing, Western entertainment, and other festivities. flyingl.com
Every Friday & Saturday Night
Tapatio Springs Hill Country Resort
6:30pm to 10:30pm at La Cascada Table & Bar
Kick back at our La Cascada Table & Bar and enjoy pure Texas fare, a refreshing beverage, and live music from talented artists Friday and Saturday evenings. tapatiosprings.com
Live Music at Dog & Pony Grill
1481 S. MAIN
Weekends in May – See Ad on Page 2 for full schedule
A Day at the Farm and Farmers Market
The Farmers Market at the Herff Farm is an open-air farmers market open every Saturday morning on the historic Herff Farm. Hike the trails, shop in the open air, get gardening inspiration, take classes on growing your food, help the Cibolo Center for Conservation maintain the land through volunteer service projects, or get new recipe ideas. Cibolo.org
May 12-13
Handmade Market
The Boerne Handmade Market is the largest market of its kind in South Texas. It is a two-day event featuring more than 75 handmade-only vendors selling merchandise that includes jewelry, apparel, leather goods, toys, home décor, art, handmade candles, food, and drink. boernehandmademarket.com
May 12-13
Art Waddle
The 11th annual Boerne Art Waddle is located along the Cibolo Creek Trail, creating a relaxed, fun setting with the attributes of a major fine art event. eventsoffmain.com/art-waddle
May 13, 27
Bluegrass Jam at the AgriCultural
Every second and fourth Saturday of the month, bring your instrument and play along or just come to listen to the Bluegrass Jam.
May 13, 27
Kuhlmann-King Museum Tour and Programs
Every second and fourth Saturday of the month, the Kuhlmann-King house gives the public the
opportunity to step back in time to see what a historic Boerne home looked like “way back when.” Monthly events and themes vary.
May 13
Second Saturdays at America Reclaimed AMERICA RECLAIMED, 810 AVENUE A
Shop reclaimed lumber, antiques, vintage signs, custom furniture & more. Live Music! Complimentary Adult Beverages! And lots of fun!
May 6
Founders Day Celebration
Fredericksburg honors the month of its founding and the birth month of its founder, John O. Meusebach. The celebration includes a wreath-laying ceremony at the Vereins Kirche and free admission to the Pioneer Museum, which has living history demonstrations taking place all day. pioneermuseum.org
May 13
Texas Flower Country Women’s 5K and 10K Run/Walk
Run or walk through the flower fields and vineyards of Wildseed Farms. Then, enjoy the beautiful setting and champagne, craft beer, food, massages, live music, and the boutiques of Wildseed Farms. Your entry also includes a race T-shirt and custom finisher medal. runintexas.com/flower
May 13
Willow City VFD Annual Benefit Barbecue
Enjoy a country store where baked and canned goods are sold, hand-sewn items and crafts, silent and live auctions, prize giveaways, a barbecue meal, and beverages. facebook.com/people/willow-cityvolunteer-fire-rescue-inc/100058326136409
May 19-21
Trade Days
Shop more than 350 vendors in seven barns and acres of antiques, collectibles, tools, crafts, shabby chic, primitives, ranch furniture, hunting accessories, candles, unique clothing, jewelry, food, and other items. fbgtradedays.com
May 21
The Moanin’ Frogs in Concert
Fredericksburg Music Club presents the Moanin’ Frogs, an ensemble featuring six saxophones from soprano to bass. Bending genres and uplifting spirits, The Moanin’ Frogs offer an electrifying approach to chamber music. Fredericksburgmusicclub.com
May 26-28
At this festival on Memorial Day Weekend, indulge with great Cajun food, live music, shopping, and a kids’ carnival. This event is sponsored by the Fredericksburg Jaycees. fbgcrawfishfestival.com
May 29
Memorial Day Observance
At this event hosted at the National Museum of the Pacific War, visitors can remember those who gave their lives for the freedoms enjoyed today. The event includes guest speakers, music, and a wreath-laying ceremony. pacificwarmuseum.org
May 27-Sept. 2
Crider’s Rodeo and Dancehall Opening Night CRIDER’S RODEO AND DANCEHALL, 2310 SH 39
For 95 years, Crider’s Rodeo and Dancehall has been a entertainment spot along the banks of the Guadalupe River each summer, with seasonal rodeos, live music, and dancing on Saturday nights. The season kicks off on May 27 with a rodeo followed by dancing and live music by Mike Donnell. cridersrandd.com
Johnson City
May 27-28
Market Days
Held the fourth weekend of the month, this openair market features vendors and artisans selling handmade or locally produced products in the heart of Texas wine country. johnsoncitytexas.info
April 13-May 13
Art Exhibits
Tuesday through Saturday, visit the Kerr Arts and Cultural Center for three separate art exhibits: “Tierra Linda Ranch and the Texas Hill Country” by photographer SJ Derby, “Road Trip: One Woman Show” by Catherine Massaro, and “The World of NONS: Spatial/Surreal Environs” with the art of HC “Hardy” Lewis, featuring Sadie Roselle. An artists reception takes place March 18. kacckerrville.com
May 7
Kerr County Market Days and Hill Country Swap Meet
Market Days continues to feature artists and crafters bringing their own original handcrafted items. Hill Country Swap Meet is a community garage sale/flea market. Kerrmarketdays.org
May 18-July 1
Southwest Gourd and Fiber Fine Art Show
Open Tuesday through Saturday, this exhibit showcases gourd and fiber art from all over the country. Meet the artists at the artists reception on May 27. kacckerrville.com
May 26-28
Texas Masters of Fine Art and Craft
Celebrating its 20th year, this exhibition offers works by some of the finest professional artists and craftspeople from Texas. texasmasters.com
May 25-June 11
Kerrville Folk Festival
This annual festival features 18 days and nights of music from songwriters of national and international acclaim. One of the longest continuously running music festivals in the U.S., the festival has activities for all ages with a focus on nurturing and developing artistic expression, especially the art of songwriting, in a loving family-friendly environment. kerrvillefolkfestival.org
New Braunfels
March 3-May 26
Friday Afternoon Club at Gruene Hall
This Gruene Hall tradition, now in its 25th year, is where hipsters, oldsters, suits, locals, and drifters mix it up to start their weekend. This quintessential Friday happy hour offers great beer prices, prize giveaways, and the best in Texas tunes broadcast live by KNBT 92.1 FM Radio New Braunfels. There’s even a very special guest interview each week. gruenehall.com
May 18
Come and Taste It: Meet Texas’ Best Winemakers
On the third Thursday of each month (except January), come to The Grapevine and taste some of Texas’ best wines and craft beer straight from the winemakers and brewers. This monthly event features complimentary tastings and live music in the heart of Gruene Historic District. grapevineingruene.com
May 20-21
Old Gruene Market Days
Nearly 100 vendors offer uniquely crafted items and packaged Texas foods at this monthly market. gruenemarketdays.com
May 21
Americana Music Jam
This annual music jam, co-sponsored by KNBT2.1 FM Radio New Braunfels, is a celebration of Americana music featuring exceptional artists of the genre. Each year’s event benefits a local charity. gruenehall.com
Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Wednesday 9:00 AM -
PM :: Friday 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM 1375 South Main Ste.
CEO of Penguin Suits Advertising Agency, Debi Burrows, earns yet another International Hermes Creative Award for creative professionals. Awarded by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP), Penguin Suits Advertising Agency is recognized for their outstanding work in the industry while promoting marketing and communication. Specifically, the award is for the website design and development of LevTech’s website – www. leveltechnology.us.
As the owner, Head Storyteller, and Marketing Strategist of Penguin Suits Marketing Agency, it's no surprise that Mrs. Burrows receives another international award for her success immediately following the company’s recent 20th anniversary celebration. On April 11th, 2023, Mrs. Burrows and the Penguin Suits Team celebrated with The Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce, and the surrounding community. “Receiving this award not even a week after celebrating the company’s 20th anniversary is great validation for my team and I,” says Mrs. Burrows. So, what’s next for Penguin Suits? Mrs. Burrows proudly announces, “We’re excited to explore commercials and even more digital media! Everything nowadays is shifting to digital, and we’re on top of it!” Stay tuned for Penguin Suits’ next inspiring endeavor in the near future!
Penguin Suits Advertising Agency handles every aspect of business marketing, starting with the strategy, including social media, ad campaigns, websites, printed items, broadcast commercials, public relations, and even trade shows. As Your Marketing Department, Penguin Suits becomes part of your company. Working directly with the business owner, the Penguin Suits team listens to your specific goals for your company and creates an action plan to achieve those goals. The talented and innovative staff
are well-educated in web design, SEO, graphic design, social media management, and marketing promotions. Using their creativity and skill, the team at Penguin Suits creates compelling advertising campaigns that will influence your target audience, increase your overall brand awareness, and bottom line.
We focus on a high-quality experience with books that appeal to all readers. Having a wide range of topics and an eclectic mixture in all areas is a point of pride for us. We want to both provide the books our customers are seeking and expose them to books that will intrigue them. To this end we seek to engage with our customers on what they read and the topics that interest them. And if we don’t have something you want, we can get it.
Hot Texas summers call for a refreshing dip in a crisp, cool swimming hole. Luckily, the Texas Hill Country is home to several spots that will do the trick! Here are a few of our favorites that are perfect for a fun and refreshing day trip.
A sight to behold, Hamilton Pool is a natural pool that lies beneath a 50-foot waterfall. The grotto and jade-green pool were formed when an underground river collapsed due to massive erosion over thousands of years. There is a shallow part around the edge of the pool where you can sit and lounge, however if you want to swim under the waterfall it is around 25 feet at its deepest! The pool is surrounded by large slabs of limestone that rest by the water's edge; large stalactites grow from the ceiling high above. Located about 23 miles west of Austin, the Hamilton Pool Preserve consists of 232 acres of protected, natural habitat.
Located about 1.5 miles from the “Y” in Ingram, the Dam is next to Ingram Lake and is best known for its slippery, sliding fun down the Dam. The Dam Store, which is located close by, rents mats for sliding and tubes. Swimming is also allowed in the roped off area in the lake.
Enjoy fishing, paddling, swimming and relaxing in this serene 25-acre county park in Comfort. The park also includes, 1.5 miles of trails, multiple river access spots and picnic areas.
Swim, fish, tube or canoe in the four miles of Guadalupe River that lies within this state park located in Spring Branch. The river is lined on one side with cliffs over 40 feet tall. Inside the river are large boulders in several spots, great for climbing, jumping and tanning. Open daily, in addition to plenty of river fun, the park offers overnight camping and 13 miles of hike and bike trails.
Blue Hole Regional Park is a natural spring-fed swimming hole that is located in Wimberley. Great for the entire family, spend the day in the crystal clear water, swinging on the famous rope swing or lounging on the grassy banks. About five miles northwest of Blue Hole is Jacob’s Well. While close in proximity, they are not part of the same park. Jacob’s Well is an artesian well that is the head waters to the Cypress Creek. It releases thousands of gallons of water per day from the Trinity Aquifer. Year round the water stays at a constant 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The cave system below is the second-largest fully-submerged cave system in Texas.
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.
– John LubbockSince 1957, Paradise Canyon has offered a slice of heaven. Hang out with family and friends as you soak up the sun in the bluegreen waters of the Medina River. Jump in for a swim, grab a tube for a float or throw your line in the water and catch a few fish in this true paradise in Rio Medina.
In the early 1920s, the late John Schumacher dammed up this spot of the Guadalupe River to prevent flooding. The result was the creation of an awesome swimming hole in Hunt! This hidden gem is a true delight with a cascade of short waterfalls surrounded by giant cypress trees. There is a roadside park that is maintained by the State with covered picnic tables and parking.
NOTE: Some of these destinations require an advanced reservation. Please check their websites for availabity and water/drought conditions.
As you review our menus you will see we prepare nearly any type of entrée. However in South Texas, nothing is more popular than our BBQ options. You’ll love whatever we cook… especially our BBQ.
Alamo Cycle Plex is one of the area’s premier powersports dealers! Come meet our professional sales members, finance experts, service technicians and knowledgeable parts and accessories staff. We pride ourselves on having well-trained experts here to support you!