Ultra/Czech-Mate 8th Annual Bull Sale 2025

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FEBRUARY 17, 2025

at Ultra Livestock - Carstairs, AB - 1pm MST



FEBRUARY 17, 2025 at Ultra Livestock - 1pm MST





served at 12 pm MST


Jay Wildman


Ryan Dorran



Taylor Richards


Hosted on DLMS.ca


Kolton Kasur - Livestock Insurance Agent 780-387-8376


Compass Creative 587.581.2625


We can be found as ‘Ultra Livestock’ on Google Maps.


From Carstairs - Head West on HWY 580 for 16km to Range Road 25 (where you will see an Ultra Livestock Sign from the road) and head North to yard 30067. From Cremona - Head East on HWY 580 for 18km to Range Road 25 (where you will see an Ultra Livestock Sign from the road) and head North to yard 30067.


Cattle will sell under the standard Canadian Simmental Association Sale Terms & Condition; these are available upon request.


All bulls are fully guaranteed to be satisfactory breeders in accordance with the Canadian Simmental Association bylaws. Should a bull fail to be a satisfactory breeder, he will be replaced or a credit will be given.


Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold. Insurance will be available sale day and all bulls returning or staying on the sellers’ farm MUST be insured. We strongly recommend that insurance is purchased for full value. Bulls will be delivered free of charge within the Western Provinces.

- Elco Livestock Ltd. Is available for trucking needs – we highly recommend Elco Livestock Ltd. for long distance hauling if needed in a timely manner! elcolivestock@outlook.com Cody Doucette 1-780-243-4412



5% Discount on total purchases after the purchase of 3 or more bulls in the sale. $200 off the purchase price of the bull if he is taken home within 3 days of the sale day.


All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. The seller(s), facility owner and sale manager assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents that occur.


All announcements at sale time, written or oral, supersede any written material in the catalog.


All bulls will be semen tested, palpated and scrotal measured. Information will be available sale day. Ultra Livestock & Czech-Mate Livestock reserve the right to draw semen on any bull at our expense and the new owner’s convenience. Thank you



Welcome to the 2025 edition of the Ultra/Czech-Mate Bull Sale. This life long friendship and partnership to host one of the must attend sales of the spring is celebrating its 8th year together and is again hosted at the Ultra Livestock sale building. We are very proud to have a close working relationship with both of these families and on behalf of our entire Bohrson Marketing Team as well as the Chalack, Smith and Sullivan’s, wish to extend this as your personal invitation to the February 17th sale near Carstairs, Ab.

The Ultra Livestock pen of bulls is well summed up with one word, diverse. That said it is certainly a powerful, consistent and deep in quality set. The Ultra bulls have many red, black, Fullblood, calving ease and performance bulls sprinkled throughout their 2025 offering providing something for everyone no matter what their needs. Sire highlights include the rookie calf crop from past high selling, home raised bull, Apollo Creed, his proven sire Crossroad Apollo, KWA Slider, the popular P.R Man and MRK 28J to name a few. These bulls are truly exciting and are a set that must be seen to be appreciated.

The Czech-Mate bulls are highlighted by a potent set of half, 3/4 and full sibs. Their attention to detail building around many proven and predictable cow families and utilizing industry leading sires has given them a set of bulls for 2025 to be very proud of. These bulls are also responsibly developed with exercise and athleticism at the forefront of their priority. They are bred and designed to get out and work for you and we know you’ll be impressed with what they bring for your appraisal.

We highly encourage you to join us at Ultra Livestock for the 2025 sale. Be sure to tour through both bull pens anytime prior to sale week as both outfits would love to show you the bulls and their mothers. If any of us from BMS can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to give us a shout and discuss your bull needs, we would be pleased to help in anyway. We hope to see you sale day.

Best Regards,

The Bohrson Marketing Team


We welcome you to our joint bull sale with Czech-Mate Livestock. We are very proud of our longstanding friendship and relationship with Jim, Gwen, AJ, and Andrew. We are excited to welcome you to the Ultra Czech-Mate Bull sale hosted here at Ultra Livestock!

We also would like to introduce our long-time partnership with Trish and Peter Putnam of Hay Valley Ranches. They have operated alongside us since 2017 and their dedication and support to our program does not go unnoticed. We would like to thank them for all they have done throughout the years and for their tremendous support! We are excited to offer feature bulls from the HVAL program.

In addition, we have some great friends we are in partnership cattle with, Crowe Bros, Scott Cattle co., J R Simmentals, Barlee Simmentals, and JK Fraser. We enjoy working alongside these friends throughout the years, thank you for trusting us and cheers to many more years to come.

We would like to extend our thanks to you, our customers for your loyalty and confidence in our program over the years. After last year’s very successful 1st bull sale at home we were overwhelmed by your show of support which did not go unnoticed on sale day! We wouldn’t be here without your trust in our program, we thank you, and we look forward to visiting with you all! It was a fun fall run to see some record calf prices along with bred female sales. There is a lot of optimism in the air and for good reason! We live and breathe the beef industry, and were very pleased to see you all get rewarded for the efforts you put in each and every year.

We have assembled a unique group of bulls this year to offer you. In our pen we feel there is truly something for everyone whether it be a power bull you’re looking for or a calving ease bull, we are confident we have it. This year we are starting our sale off strong with some new sire groups. The rookie calf crop from our high selling bull in 2023 ULTRA/HVAL Apollo Creed 95K. His dark red blaze face son leads our pen off and followed by a group of black sons we are sure will impress you. Along with the “Creed” sire group we will feature Polled Full Fleckvieh; Red; Red Blaze Faced; Black and Black Blaze faced sons from these breed leading sires: KWA Slider, MRK Liner, Crossroad Apollo, MRL PR Man, Mader Walk the Line, Ultra Dream Catcher 97U, Rampage, and Black Gold Approval.

We are happy to introduce you to our sales management team. Scott and Rebecca Bohrson, with their amazing team at Bohrson Marketing. Throughout the years they tour our herd and sale pens, and they

know the type of cattle we produce and stive for. We have instilled full confidence in their professionalism therefore we invite you to contact any one of their team members for inquires, opinions or order buying. Thank you to Bohrson Marketing for their dedication to our program.

We are thrilled to have DLMS back for the Ultra Czech-Mate sale. If you are unable to attend this year’s sale in person, we will be online with DLMS.ca to bid and buy on live video stream! Bull videos and pictures were taken late December and can be viewed on DLMS.ca.

Thank you to our Veterinarians, Dr. Waylon Wise & Dr. Alessa Kuczewski for their combined expertise and advise throughout the year on nutrition, herd health and the use of HerdTrax. Thank you to a very good friend of ours Dr. Adam Schierman, he and his team at Davis Rairdan Embryo oversee flushing our donor cows and implanting embryos, they are some of the best people in the industry and highly recommend their services!

Thank you to all the individuals that helped along the way this past year with preparations, Brody Slykhuis, Lee Jensen, Charles White, Tyler Thompson, Jordie Buba (Pictures & Videos), Madison Lafrentz (Catalogue) and Chase Sheehan. My parents Tim and Cathy for their countless hours each day. As always most importantly my beautiful wife Cassidy.

Visiting prior to sale day is always welcome so stop by the ranch or give us a call! We look forward to visiting with you and greeting you at Ultra Livestock for sale day February 17th, 2025!

We are excited to welcome you to the 8th Annual Ultra Czech-Mate Bull Sale! This joint sale with our good friends the Chalack’s at Ultra Livestock is one that we are very proud of, and we feel showcases the longstanding relationship we’ve built with Tim, Cathy, Riley and Cassidy. We’ve always believed the cattle industry is built on friendships and that is certainly true in this regard.

When talking about friendships and relationships, we’d be remiss not to include all the people that make this sale possible. The good people at Bohrson Marketing. Scott, Becky and their crew are great friends and truly know both ours and Ultra’s programs. If you have any questions on the bulls on offer or the herd at home backing them up we are confident they can answer them! We also need to thank our longstanding veterinarian Dr. Rob DeHaan and his team at the Innisfail Veterinary clinic for the years of assistance both in our herd health program and in semen testing the bulls year after year. Of course the team at DLMS, Mark and his crew are back again this year to ensure that if you can’t make it sale day that you are able to watch and bid online. Look for videos of the bulls on their webpage ahead of the sale as well.

The biggest thank you needs to go to our customers for their continued support of our program. We are very fortunate to have some loyal repeat buyers who we have built strong relationships with, and many new customers who have shown confidence in our herd as well. Nothing makes us happier then seeing the success of our customers with bulls and females they have purchased from us. After an absolutely astounding response last year to bringing the sale back home to Carstairs to the Chalack farm we are excited to welcome you once again to their beautiful sales facility. The bulls will once again be on display from the Thursday prior to the sale, February 13th, right through till sale day. Feel free to come by any time - our home place is just 10 minutes from Chalack’s located between Highway 2 and Carstairs so please stop in. We would love to tour you through the dams and sisters of all of these bulls on offer.

The percentages at calving last winter were pretty heavy in favour of the females, as such we have a slightly smaller pen of bulls than


usual but it is one we think is very strong and has a bit of something for everyone. We have some new sire groups this year to go along with a few of our go to sires. LCDR Favor was an extremely successful cross with our Soda Pop/Tula backed cows, and are the definite heavyweights of the pen. We have a pair of brothers from our $42,000 CMS Strutter bull who are sure to impress along with bulls out of Mader Walk The Line, Rust Primetime, Wheatland Next Century, CMS Uprising and KWA Shamrock. Whether you are in need of some calving ease options, some added frame and length, power and performance or balanced bulls from strong maternal backing we are confident you can find what you are looking for in this group.

The bulls were developed on a 12-acre pen after weaning allowing them to get out and move and flex their athleticism. We hand bucket feed a textured ration from Masterfeeds, along with supplementing with barley/wheat silage and free choice hay. This year we switched over to the Key-Lix lick tubs and we feel it has greatly improved the feed efficiency of our herd along with great overall health benefits. The bulls have been double dosed with Fosugaurd along with being treated with Ivomec at weaning and Cleanup this winter and our regular whole herd health program.

Don’t forget that on each bulls picture you will find a QR code, simply scan this with the picture app of your phone for a link to pop up to that bulls video. You can also find a map to the Ultra yard and sale facility on the back of the catalogue, and a QR code with the google maps link for directions. Make sure to watch our Facebook page as we will be highlighting the bulls, along with their dams in the lead up to the sale.

We look forward to welcoming you sale day February 17th at 1pm, but be sure to come before for a delicious lunch from Kodiak BBQ and stick around after the sale for some hospitality and visiting.

Tulsa King 76M a dark red blaze faced bull that has been a highlight around the farm since day one. Easy doing, docile bull that puts together an attractive package. Loads of meat in this bull. Dark feet, large testicular development, Tulsa kings pedigree has a fresh twist to the Red side of things in our opinion. Coming from two black parents. Tess 35F a beautiful blaze face cow, sister to the legendary Spring Creek Lotto 52Y. She has proven her worth here - her first two daughters sold for $30,000 and $21,000, a son working at Severtson Land and Cattle and a daughter retained in herd. We have group of embryo transplant calves on the ground this year from her that have us excited once again. Ultra/HVAL Apollo Creed 95K, this young herd sire was our high selling bull in 2023 to Dusty Rose and Hillltop Cattle Co. he has done a great job on his rookie calf crop, backed by our long standing “Cottonball” cow family with a shot of American Red in there this cross has worked extremely well. We plan to utilize Tulsa King in our program. Owned with Scott Cattle Co.


ULTRA Creed 102M

Creed 102M is a very impressive individual. Attractive front end, loads of rib sharp, easy bull to analyze. Apollo Creed 95K stamped his sons very consistently and we admire that from this bull’s rookie calf crop. Once again coming from a long-standing cow family here at Ultra the ‘FINESSE” females have been great producers for us and have put a lot of sons through our sales over the years.

Creed 71M comes from the same cow family as 102M. The Keepsake cows have worked very well, they have extra frame and length and know how to produce. Creed 71M is a prime example of what they can do. He would rival to be the longest made and biggest framed bull in the pen. Yes, he has a touch more birth weight but it shouldn’t scare you away, we all know that extra length adds up, especially when the heavy calves come fall bring in that extra fun money!


Morrow and Mayfield, these two full brothers are the result of a flush from the high selling black female out of the McMillen Ranching program we own with the Crowe Brothers. These two powerhouse bulls that have made a lot of friends throughout the summer and rightfully so. Looking to add that natural muscle with a smooth build, look no further. We admire the 1424J cow and you will hear more from her in the future. Two brothers walking your pastures will make for a very uniform calf crop. Lot 4 Owned with Crowe Bros.

ULTRA Creed 58M

A Creed son that was so close to having that blaze face, just a snip of white on his nose! Another performance bull. Packing that extra length and frame. This bull didn’t love the picture pen but is easy to handle. Definitely a bull that is going to go out cover cows and do a job for you. Expect some really nice females from this pedigree as the ‘Cypress” cow family has beautiful udders and loads of maternal strength.

This creed son comes from a three-year-old cow and did a bang up job her second year in production. 42M is once again coming from a great cow family that has stood the test of time here and has worked over and over again. Soft made good, hair coat and is built very well.




Were very proud to offer a sire group of bulls coming from an Ultra prefix sire and these Creed 95K sons have been fun to watch grow. They’re real easy doing cattle that are built in good stature. 88M is a strong topped bull that comes from the Genie cow family, we purchased his granddam from Beechnor Bros years back and she’s been a great addition here. A maternal sister sold this past fall to Polar Farms out of the Sim Power female sale - a female we really admired, and we look forward to watching the accomplishments she will do for those great folks.

Deuces Wild, full brother to ULTRA/HVAL APOLLO CREED 95K! 42G is a model type female in our minds. Strong structured, long bodied, beautiful udder with tiny teats and works overtime on her calves each year. This will mark her third bull through the sale ring, and she has one daughter retained in herd along with a beauty Dateline Blaze faced heifer calf at side this year. Her son Apollo Creed 95K has made his mark on his rookie calf crop and we believe the proof is in the pudding here. We admire the consistent traits 78M has that follows suit with 95K. Stout topped, huge hipped awesome statured bulls that will give an extra boost of performance. A true highlight in our black pen and a bull we think will do as good or better of a job then his brother has done for us. Owned with Hay Valley Ranches.



Apollo 189M is a ¾ brother to Deuces Wild 78M. This stud comes to you in a blaze faced package, very unique front end with a wide top and hip. Ultra Tanker Cottonball 9A has quite the trophy wall of achievements. 9A is the dam to one of our most prominent females on the farm TC 43C who last year raised the $140,000 TOMMY GUNN bull Siroski and Canadian sires purchased. Very proven product here and a bull to have on your short list.



Woof here could be possibly the stoutest rascal in the whole works right here! 86M is the bull we could pick out for miles away on pasture, always looking proud and showing off. A bull you will admire for the mass through his top and hip with a heavy hair coat and a star of white on his forehead to add that little extra shot of class. Once again, a bull whose pedigree runs deep through the cow herd dating back to the Great BVF Cassidine 24F where it all started for us!

Apollo has done a big-time job for us here and 72M is a great example of what he does time and time again. Boosting impressive weaning weights, adding great stature, big topped and wide assed bulls. This meat wagon comes from a real sweetie of a cow we acquired from the Gardner’s west of olds. She holds the great “RUSH” cow family deep in her pedigree. They have real neat and tidy udders, strong feet and put in the work. Awesome bull here you don’t want to miss! Owned with Hay Valley Ranches.

One of the youngest bulls in the offering but holds his own. Really cool blaze face! Soft made bull that comes from the same cow family as TC 58M a Creed son you’ve seen earlier. This bull does like to stick to the outside of the pen, doesn’t like the attention like his fellow compadres.


Red baldie with all the bells and whistles. A true stand out in our red division and one that made friends throughout the year. A real easy going, deep sided, stretchy bull. Posting a 1050 weaning weight to a 1390 yearling weight 39M would be one of our top performing red bulls. Coming from our red donor Mader Lady 50G, a female we’ve built our red program around. She was a past CWA Champion Simmental Female and produces quality stock. We have a beautiful walk the line daughter milking in herd that we plan to infuse into the flush program this spring. We sold a sister this past fall to Kamlah farms. We all know how well the red blaze bred heifers have sold these past years, dive in here on a bull to produce those exceptional breds to bring to town!


Dark red blaze, awesome hair coat, wide topped big middled. Another Apollo son the checks off a lot of boxes. These MRL Playmaker cows are worth their weight in gold. Her first crack at it last year she brought a black blaze calve ease bull to the sale, this year she’s got the power red blaze, a lot of future in this young cow when she can crank them out each year like this!

Another pen favorite in the Apollo sire group. Dark red long spined bull full of meat. TC 7G and Apollo have crossed well, this would be the third one we’ve made in this model, and it gets better each time! Very admirable cow that knows her job and cranks out ripper bulls like this each go round. 31M sets down a large foot with a smooth build, powered up with adequate muscle. Typical Apollo son, showing large testicular development from a young age. Proven pedigree, no guess work here, big time bull ready to get down to business.


Here we have a neat individual, a ¾ blood red blaze faced Apollo son. Loaded with length this young bull is just a March 18th born and he’s holding his own! Dark red in colour, with a great silhouette. If you’re looking for that percentage bull here is a great option, we don’t have many but the ones we do have are of high caliber. Havanna 1H came from the SouthPaw program - a stout made cow, awesome feet and legs strong udder, ideal cow that can produce.

Toyko Rose is one of the most impressive heifer bull candidates we have ever offered. A bull that we think puts it all together in a stout package! Bold rib cage, extra extension through his front end, and heavy straight hair! Check out the stats sheet as well, 16.1 on CE and a -1 on BW! 17M follows true to his sire the calve ease specialist KWA Slider, big square feet, and travels out with ease. ULTRA MISS MOLLYDOOKER is a neat breeding piece that adds some excitement and different twist of pedigree to our program. An own daughter of the now deceased CRN MOLLYDOOKER 34C, a stunning female from Canadian Donors that made a name for herself immediately when put into production raising high valued females throughout the industry. We plan to utilize Tokyo Rose heavily and we believe he will be a great breeding piece furthering our program ahead.


ULTRA Slider 70M

The KWA Slider sons each year impress us that much more then before. The stoutness they promote is incredible when coming from such a small birth weight at the start. Huge stats once again with a 14.7 CE and -1 BW onto a 128 YW. 70M is another typical Slider heavy haired, smooth shouldered, small headed and powered up with above average performance. We have admired 70M from a young age and has never had a bad day. His dam might be the best part about him, a natural daughter of the great 723E Cottonball donor. TC 190K is a picture-perfect female, big footed, easy doing with an udder that would rival any female in the herd. We look forward to moving her into a flush program this spring, she has a Dateline calf that has us fired up!


Slideshow is a real cool made Black Blaze faced low birth weight option bull. Awesome set of numbers, 16.8 CE and -3.4 BW, holding his own in the group of bulls posting a 800 weaning weight. 181K is a beautiful moderate framed Approval daughter, which adds two shots of calve ease to this bull’s package. We would take a whole open of cows like 181K, once again this year she’s raising a ripper of a calf sired by our $120,000 Lethal Weapon bull that sold to double Bar D and Canadian Sires. Real neat blaze face bull in a Homo Polled, Homo Black package!

ULTRA Sliderman 55M

Sliderman 55M attractive made and always proud to show himself off. Smooth made like Pendelton Whiskey over ice. I probably sound like a broken record on these Slider sons, but they are as consistent of a sire group as you will find. Great haired, big ribbed, thick topped and wide assed. Wedge shaped, calve ease, low birth weight options. They all run an impressive set of EPD’s all in




Outstanding low birthweight, high performance Slider son. A black bull in the pen that will stop you in your tracks! TC 59K is a direct daughter of 14W the Pride cow family has been around here from the beginning, and we just lost 14W this past fall. Exceptional longevity in this linage that created an exceptional bull.

ULTRA Slider 7M




Here could be possibly the highest performing slider son. Early born calf with that extra growth. He is a large framed, wide topped and very athletic bull with the smooth build. Go ahead and use this guy on heifers or cows he’s got some great features! He posted a 900-pound weaning weight first of September. Going back to the Great Cassadine cow family, longevity is in his blood.

ULTRA Slider 99M

Here is our highlight red calving ease, low birth weight option. Very smooth build, small headed, lighter boned bull. Coming from a large framed easy doing cow, TC 49K from the Cottonball cow family. Real intriguing Cottonball grandson in a red package is pretty neat we figure!


Standout percentage bull. From a young age this calf always had the look and walked around acting like a herd bull. You always knew when there was a cow in heat because there would be 20M tailing her trying to get in on the action! Very impressive Approval son. Moderate birth weight and a high yield in weaning weight. The Hybrid vigour is a great deal! Have a good look here if your interests are in ½ blood cattle.


Bender 141M

Interesting pedigree here coming from the MRL program. The bender sire group has always impressed us, lower birth weights and built smooth with attractive front third. Real cool blaze faced dam that’s owned with Crowe Brothers of Manitoba. Tiny teats and square udder on this female, a bull that would make some beauty replacements. Owned with Crowe Bros.

Long spined, good-looking bull here, with a different twist in pedigree. We dug deep into the embryo tank and found this one from years back! Awesome haired bull with a clean head and smooth shoulder. Another moderate

bull that will make some flashy calves.

Dream on, Joker, WFL Absolute, Grand Fortune these are just a few of the great sires backing this meat wagon of a bull. Overall performance black bull right here. He’s got the wow factor in his hip and topped, the extra length of spine. Out of our 723E Cottonball Donor, a bull that you will have marked high on sale day. Owned with Hay Valley Ranches.

LOT 29, 30 & 31 Three full brothers that give you a nice selection of colour! If you’re looking for a black blaze, 93M is a wide backed, big hipped bull that is the pen pet. Looking for that red blaze with loads of performance, 48M is rivals to be one of our top red bulls in the whole offering. Extremely docile bull. One we really admire. 53M is the solid black of the flush but is no slouch, follows suit in same type and build as his full brothers. The Wanda cow family has been a great asset here, big, bodied cattle, that can convert feed efficiently. We have a large group of full sisters from this flush and they are the top of our replacement pen, we will highlight a few this fall throughout the female sale fall run. Owned with Hay Valley Ranches.

ULTRA/HVAL Money Man 48M

ULTRA/HVAL Makers Mark

LOT 32 & 33

Here is a pair of flush brothers that have been intriguing since the start. Coming from the $47,500 Rampage, this adds some fresh and exciting outcross genetics. TC 78U the original Cottonball cow, adds a lot of value to these young herdsires being her most impressive sons to date. Longevity of this linage is impressive as well, TC 78U is in her 17th year and still flushing strong for us. In need of a new pedigree that comes in a Homo Polled and Homo Black package, look close here.


151M is a rancher’s type of bull, long spined, smooth made and overall well rounded bull. A grandson of the great TC 78U who has a strong influence through our black bulls in the sale offering. Cottonball females have neat and tidy udders, great feet and longevity.

Big time performance PR Man son. Extra length of spine, added frame in a dark red package. 135M embodies the appearance of his sire. The PR Man sons will create those extra pounds on your calves come fall time. Extremely docile bull, another highlight red bull in the pen.


A solid red percentage ¾ bull - A PR Man son that’s blood red. Long spined smooth made, with extra stifle muscle. 192M comes with a moderate birth weight combined with explosive weaning and yearling stats. A definite standout in the PR Man sire group and one that is backed by a heck of a good half-blood cow!

Possibly the darkest red bull in the offering. MRL PR Man worked so good for us here, we ended up losing him suddenly this past summer. He bred true to himself, smooth built, extra natural muscling, herd bull presence. Owned with Hay Valley Ranches.

MRL PR Man son that is a moderate package but long as you can make one. 164M is a younger calf but loaded with hair and a proud look. A grandson of TC 30B one of our top end red cows that has produced many bulls through our sales. Her natural bull is TC 310L who you will find in the Walk the Line sire group. Very impressive.

The PR Man bulls are built very consistently. Dark red, heavy haired, bulls that get out and travel. Athletic built low set bull, we lost his dam the end of June so he had a little disadvantage than the rest of the bulls as he was without a mother majority of the summer.





A young PR Man son with a blaze face. ¼ fleck influence in this bull adds that loose hide and extra middle. We’ve sold half and ¾ brothers to 213M that have gone out and worked really well.

Redmoon 139M is not only a favourite son from our Liner 28J herdsire but also a highlight red bull in the pen. Easy going bull, great disposition, holds his head proud with extra muscle shape. Liner 28J is an impressive induvial, large feet, easy doing bull that has bred very well for us.

Redmoon would be his greatest accomplishment from the red hided offspring. Powerful red bull here worth a close look.


Black Liner son that we hold in high regards. Very docile laid-back type of bull that has extra length. Big square top with a wide ass. The Liner 28J sons are easy to look at and find throughout the pen. Once again backed by the great Cottonball cow family, expect impressive females out of this bull.

175M is a ¾ brother to 163M, two very impressive Liner 28J sons. Stout made, awesome black bulls that we think will sire a consistent group of steer calves and you will want to retain every heifer off these two as the Liner linage makes some of the breeds most beautiful females. Backed by the Cassade cow family only adds more value.

The Liner 28J sons are stylish, little extra length and hair. They come with a square hip and wide top. Strong foot quality and move with ease. The Liner 28J daughters have strong maternal attributes, were excited to watch them when they get into production.

Dark red Walk the Line son that has a wow factor. Possibly the stoutest bull in the offering. Lots of bells and whistles, from a young age he has always had a little more to him than the rest. Definitely a bull that’s going to sire a stout group of calves. A son of TC 30B who has raised several of our top red bulls in the past and she really hit a grandslam with 310L. We have sold two sisters through Friday Night Lights that have averaged over $20,000. Really impressive bull here that will be easy to find sale day.

ULTRA Marvel 302L

WTL son that puts it all together in a neat package. Smooth built, awesome haired and backed by our foundation red cow. Lady 50G was a cow we purchased from Mader Ranches as their high selling bred out of the Ladies Night Sale. Her first year she raised a $45,000 son and the pair was Grand Champion Simmental female at CWA. 50G has been a large part of our red program and we have daughters milking in the herd now that are picture perfect, strong udders, dark coloured highly maternal females.

ULTRA Walk On 52M

52M is a pen favourite, has had explosive growth from a young age. Larger framed bull in the offering with a great hair coat. High performing WTL son that has a lot to offer, impressive weaning and yearling stats. Out of a beautiful young cow that’s making her mark. Once again, this year she gave us a dark red calf from our high selling red bull last year, the $140,000 Tommy Gun.




117M is a typical WTL son, extra length of spine, added frame, and extension through their front end. We admire how well balanced and correct 117M is, gets out and strides with ease. Backed by a beautiful young cow that we hold in high regard around the farm. Backed by the “Pride” cow family you will see this pedigree through our offering. They are no strangers to bringing power bulls to the party!




Solid black WTL son with a herdbull presence. Stout hipped, early maturity and a bull that’s out of a young donor cow.170M is a brother to 25M and 40M that are from the Creed sire group. 170M is the natural calf from MRL 1424J a black baldie female that has a bright future here. a young bull that will do a lot of good. Owned with Crowe Bros.

ULTRA Mayor 14M

ULTRA Matrix 75M

We always think it’s pretty neat to showcase ET full brothers, especially when they of high caliber bulls like 14M and 75M. Dark pigmentation, heavy haired bulls that have an abundance of length and frame. Two polled bulls with ability to improve high growth curves into their progeny. These two are brothers to our high selling fullblood bulls, coming from the Wild West MS Xiang cow. A prominent cow for Black Gold Simmentals. We’re very high on these two flush mates and when you see them in the flesh, we know you will be as well.

Few years back we sold a bull called Classic Rock, we were able to infuse his genetics onto a few cows here and boy we are sure glad we did. Dark pigment loads of length, heavy muscled cattle he sired. Very attractive, smooth made very athletic ‘Rock’ son. Tulip 99A was among the very first Fullblood females we ever purchased. A polled cow with a picture-perfect feet and udder, and one that has a strong track record. Multiple times she has brough a son to the sale pen and each year are very well accepted. Powerful polled bull here.

Very high quality ‘Rock’ son again, extra length and frame with that heavy hair coat his sire stamps on his progeny. Impressive growth curve on 77M. Started out at a modest 97 birth weight, onto a 900+ weaning weight. Jane 11J has been a great young female, last year’s bull went to Kale Gist.

ULTRA Classic Rock 46M

Stout made, deep sided, cherry red polled bull that comes from a big ol momma cow! MCM 8E is among some of the very first fullblood females we acquired and has been a staple for raising consistent beef bulls. A granddaughter recently sold through Friday Night Lights this past fall for $13,000.

Gunfire’s picture doesn’t do him any justice here! Doesn’t look like he wanted to show off in the picture pen. Honestly a very good bull, lots of length and large testicular development. Coming from our Whisper donor, he would be a maternal brother to Classic Rock who sired a handful of bulls in this offering. Gunfire is a neat bull that we have a few daughters from, calved for the first time this year. they are moderate framed, beautiful udders and strong maternal traits. Swing on by sale day have a good look at this guy, then enjoy a


JFRS Hugh Hefner 45M

Big time heifer bull candidate! Hefner son off a Whisper cow, a combination that worked well. Smooth made bull, small headed, clean boned very well-balanced bull. Owned with J R Simmentals, Jim purchased 39K through Sim Power Bred female sale last year as our high selling bred. Out of Whisper 36G, making her a full sister to Classic Rock who has sired a handful of sons in the sale. Big time calving ease prospect here. Owned with JR Simmentals.

ULTRA/CD Renowned

33M is a popular bull in the pen. Easy to look at, heavy haired, soft made with a herd bull presence. Once again, a son from the Whisper cow family. These young Whisper cows know how to go to work. Sired by Reputation a bull that has produced a long list of highly marketable cattle in the breed and will continue to do so. Definitely a bull that would be comfortable on young cows, clean boned, and smooth made.

101M is in a league of his own. Big haired, big bodied and a bull we have admired from a young age. Have this guy on your short list – if you are looking for a calving ease option look no further! Starting out at an 80lbs BW and weaning off at 910lbs. impressive stats on this young herdsire in the making! What we like the most about this guy is his dam 57K. A Kananaskis daughter coming from the Sunny Valley program. This beautiful cow is the ideal package – awesome feet, square tidy udder, and we look forward to having her enter the donor pen this spring!


C-D/ULTRA Titan 344M




This is a bull that packs a punch! Big round assed, long bodied, and loose hided.

344M is a bull that we think is going to sire a heck of a set of calves! Out of the great NGDB HELENA 264K cow – we know this guy is going to make a splash! She was the $55,000 high seller out of the 2022 Friday Night Lights sale from Hogel Livestock. Owned with Canadian Sires.

C-D/ULTRA Thor 358M




358M is a really intriguing Raptor son! He is blood red in color, smooth made, and attractive skull! This guy has awesome feet and is out of a dynamite cow from the MAVV program. Mark this bull down on your list cause we think he’s got a huge future ahead of him! Owned with Canadian Sires.



Tyrus is one of our high performing black bulls this year - just like every son from our CMS Soda Pop 412B donor cow, her calves always rise to the top! 412B’s Walk the Line son in last year’s sale was our top black bull @ $17,000 going to Yellow Rose & Hampton Simmentals. This year’s son, Tyrus, had an actual weaning weight of 946 lbs @ 230 days of age, gaining 3.65 lb/day on grass and mamas milk with a 4.08 WPDA. These LCDR Favor calves are impressive, big time performance bulls. 465M & 416M are full brothers on paper coming from two flush sisters and are our two heaviest bulls this year. Tyrus is equally as impressive as his brother was last year - he has tremendous length, depth and width and will sire calves that will put on the pounds. Stemming from one of the original Soda Pop flush sisters who have all been top money makers, Tyrus has the predictable genetics to write his own story. A very attractive, strong herd bull prospect who is darn good!

CMS Prophecy 409M

CMS Prophecy 409M is a Favor son that we have been very high on from birth. Out of a dynamite little cow we purchased from Chamber’s through SimPower a couple years ago who goes back to the famous Tula cow. His second calf dam did a bang up job on this guy, weaning him off as the third heaviest bull in the pen and he has continued to stay in that top group at every weigh in. Square hipped, big ribbed and deep sided CMS Prophecy will be a bull to look at if you are wanting to add performance and pounds to your calf crop.

CMS Shrek 416M is the next in the long line of top bulls out of our CMS Soda Pop 519C donor, a full ET sib to the famous 6 Soda Pops. CMS 519C has raised bulls who have topped the pen year after year, selling sons into many top herds. CMS Shrek combines a balanced set of EPDs; with Calving Ease, Birthweight, YWT and WWT all in the top end of the percentiles; along with muscle and power. He has been either first or second heaviest in the pen every time across the scale. He also scored well for the Leptin testing being TT, AA, CC, CG. He is definitely a ranch type bull, if you’re looking for a pet this isn’t the bull for you but he will go out and cover

CMS Motorhead 407M is the first of the two sons off our CMS Strutter bull who sold to Downhill Simmentals for $42,000 and was champion Simmental Bull at Brandon as a yearling, walking in the prestigious Agribition Supreme show. Motorhead 407M is a solid made, balanced bull out of two phenomenally uddered cow families. With some heavyweights in his genetics as well we are confident he will produce not only high performing sons, but daughters you can build a herd around.

We have come to expect the huge hip, long spine and big performance from the Mader Walk The Line calves but it doesn’t stop them from being extremely impressive individuals. CMS Black Sabbath 406M is no exception, he types his sire group exceptionally well while adding in the easy fleshing big rib of his dam. His dam, CMS Soda Pop 918G, is an extremely impressive MRL Missile daughter that is one of our top black donors and is easily a favourite of anyone who comes through the herd. Big gains and lots of muscle are to be expected with top WWT and YWT EPD’s, but he also has very impressive Calving Ease and Birth Weight numbers as well. Sabbath 406M is one to be sure not to miss come sale day.

CMS/Silverlake Omen 419M is the natural son from our CMS Soda Pop 918G donor cow who we own with Clint and Andrea of Silverlake Farm. He types his outstanding dam exceptionally well with an extreme amount of middle, deep side and wide top in a mid frame size. He was campaigned successfully on the show road this fall where he found many friends and admirers. A striking black baldie with very balanced EPD’s and a strong foot Omen is the complete package.


Paramount is our black calving ease prospect this year. Sired by Rust Primetime with an 83 lb birth weight and a CE EPD in the top 12% and BWT EPD in the top 15%. 476M still has good growth and performance with his WWT and YWT EPD’s both in the top 25% (his actual EPD profile is almost all in the green). We really like this bull - he’s got a great look to him with an attractive head and neck extension along with good width and rib shape! His hair coat is awesome! His first calving dam is a daughter of Walk this Way and our old donor cow BGF 930W which makes CMS 274K a maternal sister to the ever popular CMS Sochi 307A. Paramount reminds us a lot of Sochi and we are excited to see what his future holds! He could be the next great black calving ease sire we are all looking for, homo polled & homo black.


Jameson is our only Shamrock son we have on offer but we have kept a hand full of daughters in the replacement pen that we really like. I saw Shamrock at Spring Creek in the summer of 2023 and really admired him and his bull calves that Brian had. We used him with great success on our heifers last year and continue to do so. He sired calves that are born early and with ease. Jameson came 6 days early with an easy 71 lb birth weight. Coming from a first calving Approval daughter and with his BWT and CE EPD’s both in the top 1% of the breed, I think he is safe to use on heifers. We don’t promote bulls as heifer bulls, but I’m very confident in him being just that. Jameson has a tremendous dark red hair coat and is square made with a great look to him. If you are looking for a calving ease red bull, you should check this guy out - we really like him!

CMS Loverboy 422M is very well named, this big dark red baldie will definitely be a breeder as he is the bull always calling for the cows and pacing the fence. He is a direct son of our CMS Strutter bull and an up and coming dark red cow we are very high on. CMS Queen Bee 130J is a beautifully uddered, good footed cow with an astounding amount of depth of rib and capacity. Loverboy has many great characteristics of his great dam and sire, with a well muscled large frame matched with a big hip and good performance. You won’t miss this guy, he will be calling you over to take a

LOTS 70 & 71

These two Walk the Line sons are full brothers on paper and hail from two flush mate sisters of our highly regarded donor cow - CMS Heirloom 112Y. Their dams are maternal sisters to the very popular CMS Heirloom 473M heifer we sold at the World Simmental Sale this past summer to Maxwells for $20,000 and these two are also 3/4 brothers to CMS Fine Line 317L who sold at SimPoower 2024 to X-T for $27,000.. Walk the Line has done a tremendous job for us with 11 sons in last year’s sale topping our group of bulls! These two WTL brothers are very similar in their performance as well as their EPD profiles. Almost all traits are well above average - each had a very reasonable birth weight and good weaning weights. 464M has a bit more stretch with 478M being softer made. Both brothers have great eye appeal, are strong, solid made bulls with great feet. Coming from our Heirloom cow family, they will be good, reliable herd bulls!

Outlaw is an interesting bull - his dam produced our high seller in last year’s sale @ $19,000 to Nick Fletcher in Manitoba. She is a TNT Bootjack daughter off our CMS Heirloom 112Y donor cow who has a great udder and top foot quality as do all of our Heirloom daughters. 483M is a dark red, sniped face bull that has great calving ease with an 82lb birth weight. His CE and BWT EPD’s are in the top 4% and 1% respectfully and sired by our heifer bull, CMS Uprising, all point to Outlaw siring calves that arrive easy. He will be just a year of age come sale time, but he does have enough size and growth to be a reliable breeder this coming spring. Backed by our Heirloom cow family,


We only have two Next Century sons on offer this year, but they are two very impressive individuals. CMS Next Gen 414M is a long sided, big hipped, super hairy meat machine. His exceptional dam is an Empire daughter that keeps producing high performing sons and is turning into a dynamite producing cow with a great udder and exceptional foot structure. Her son last year sold to Rogerson Farms for $14,500. Next Gen 414M is a bull that’s going to add high producing daughters and big performance to any pen.

The other Next Century son in the sale that is out of another outstanding no-miss cow. CMS Youngblood 421M is a darker red package but with the same outstanding performance, muscle, haircoat and hip as his paternal brother. His dam CMS 034H is an Identity daughter who’s own dam is a maternal sister to the well known Sochi bull. She is a good honest cow with phenomenal feet and legs and a great udder, she raised a $10,500 Top Tier son as a first calf heifer that sold to Jeff Macrostie, and a daughter sold through the Associate Invitational sale at Agribition to Hoffus Stock Farm. Youngblood 421M is another hit from a great cow that will add some jam and hair to your calves.




The youngest bull in the pen by a two week margin is by far not the smallest. CMS Revolt 428M is a beginning of March calf off an Identity daughter and our home bred walking heifer bull CMS Uprising 133J, who goes back on his dam side to the well-known Soda Pop flush sisters. Uprising himself was a March bull who sold through our sale to Jon Rosland for $10,000 that we purchased half back on to use in our own herd. We’ve been happy with the calves off him as they come easy and the vigour is unmatched. Revolt 428M types his sire in his long spine, good testicle development and attractive make. A dark red baldie as well, he’s one to make sure not to discount for his age.



CMS Rebellion is another son of our calving ease herd bull Uprising and out of a daughter of Springcreek Launch. His dam’s own mother 411B, is one of our very good and long serving Horizon daughters whose own daughters we have retained, as in 027H, and one sister that sold at FNL in 2021 to Sun Star Simmentals and Anchor K Lazy M. Maternal brothers to 425M have sold to Paul Laqua and Trail Creek Farms. Rebellion 425M is an attractive made , long sided, smooth shouldered dark red baldy with a great hair coat.


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