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CHICAGO 51 A nnuA l
pr I de pA r A de Information Schedule
dATe: Sunday, June 26, 2022
TIMe: 12 noon
STArTS AT: Broadway & Montrose
lIne up: North Broadway (both the east and the west curb lanes, from Montrose to Wilson); West Montrose (both the north and south curb lanes from Broadway to Clark); Sunnyside Ave. from Broadway to North Sheridan Rd. and North Sheridan Rd., between Montrose and Wilson.
rOuTe: Step off from the Broadway/Montrose corner, proceeding south on Broadway; then south on Halsted; then east on Belmont; then south on Broadway; then east on Diversey to Cannon Drive.
The parade will feature 150 registered entries, including floats, decorated vehicles, performance groups, a marching band and walking contingents.
The entries represent community organizations, businesses, governmental officials and individual community members. Crowd estimates each year are in the hundreds of thousands. So the plans are to line the parade route with barricades on both sides of the street from beginning to the end of the parade route. Spectators will be required to remain behind the barricades.
Only parade registrants traveling down the middle of the street, police officers, other city officials, security staff, parade marshals and credentialed media reps will be allowed in the street. In recent years, the City of Chicago has required that several large city parades, including the Pride Parade, line their parade routes with barricades at our own expense. Police officers and parade marshals will be stationed at various points on the street in front of the barricades along the parade route.
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Stay In Shape, Get Fit and Stay Healthy
While what works for everyone is different, there are some general best practices that you can use as a starting point to explore how you can best manage anxiety with exercise.
For example, “exercise that consists of repetitive motions tends to have a meditative effect on the brain, as they create lasting changes in our ‘feel good’ neurotransmitters known as serotonin and norepinephrine, both during and after exercise,” says Perlus. Restorative practices like yoga can also reduce anxiety, as can exercising outdoors.
“Workouts that you find terribly daunting can have an opposite effect on mental health,” adds Robinson. While it’s great to keep an open mind and try new things (you may just find you love jogging, dancing, or hiking), pay attention to what workouts feel rewarding, not draining.
In terms of timing, the biggest guideline is to avoid working out within two hours of your bedtime, as that can disrupt your sleep. Perlus suggests trying morning workouts to start your day off on the right foot. Exercise burns off adrenaline, a stress-fueled hormone that triggers our fight-or-flight response. Having less adrenaline will not only make you feel calmer but also promotes the production of endorphins, which, produce a sense of well-being. When you work out in the morning, these mood-regulating hormones can be kept in check as we start our day.
When you wake up in the morning, maybe you meditate for 10 minutes, do some yoga, or grab your phone and check your social accounts. But there’s something your morning routine is missing, Water. The key is not just water, but warm water. Essentially, warm water gives the insides of your body a gentle nudge to get going instead of a cold electric shock to get out of bed. Warm water sounds much more pleasing, right? ...And beyond just warming you up, your hormones can hugely benefit by starting your day off by sipping at least eight ounces of warm water enhanced with a slice of lemon and pinch of Himalayan or sea salt. It’s a great way to start off your day off while you wait to brew your usual cup of coffee or tea!
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rICHArd pFeIFFer
For more than 50 years Richard was an activist and organizational volunteer. He headed the Chicago Gay Alliance (which ran the city’s first community center) and founded the Gay Activist Coalition (the first gay and lesbian organization at a City Colleges of Chicago campus). He is best known for leading prideChicago, which facilitates the annual LGBTQ+ Chicago Pride Parade.
Richard W. Pfeiffer, his name is synonymous with The Gay and lesbian pride Week Committee, and its sponsorship of the annual LGBTQ+ Pride Parade, for many of Chicago’s gays and lesbians. Pfeiffer has been involved with this organization since 1971, its second year of existence. During the early years of Pride Week, he organized major dances, including one at the Allerton Hotel on Michigan Avenue, as well as an annual pride rally in what is now daley plaza. Pfeiffer is best known for coordinating the annual Pride Parade, arranging for necessary permits and police protection; by 1993 the Pride Parade had 232 entries and involved close to 145,000 people, in the parade and along its route.
Pfeiffer became a member of the Chicago Gay Alliance [CGA] in 1971, and he was among the volunteers who staffed the city’s first Gay Community Center that house on Elm Street. He was coordinator of the group’s speaker’s service, and he later served as the organization’s President.
Also in 1971, he started the first gay group at a city college campus. The Gay Activists Coalition at loop College, now Harold Washington College, held weekly social and discussion groups, and provided teach-ins at college classes. Pfeiffer was the Coalition’s President until his graduation in 1973. He later organized various teach-ins at the university of Illinois at Chicago while enrolled in post-graduate classes.
CGA’s speaker’s service broke off into a separate organization, the Gay Speaker’s Bureau. Pfeiffer has been the group’s coordinator since 1972.
Between 1972 and 1982, he performed an average of six speaking engagements every week, these included personal appearances at high schools and colleges and before church and civic groups, as well as interviews on radio and television. Since that time, Pfeiffer has averaged, and continues to conduct, six to eight speaking engagements annually.
He was among the earliest volunteers for Gay Horizons, now Horizons Community Services, serving as staff for its community center. During the mid-1970s, Pfeiffer became the organization’s President.
Also as a volunteer, Pfeiffer penned a monthly column for three years for the Chicago Gay Crusader, covering both national and local news, and community events. His volunteer writing continued at Gaylife news paper, this time on a weekly basis, his news and community happenings column appeared for almost three years, through the late 1970s.
In 1985, Mayor Harold Washington appointed Pfeiffer as a founding member of the Committee on Gay/lesbian Issues. He was re-appointed by Mayor richard M. daley, and Pfeiffer served on the reconstituted Advisory Council on Gay and lesbian Issues.
Richard Pfeiffer was a real estate sales associate by profession. Throughout the many years of his community involvement, he has maintained a long-term relationship with his life partner, Tim Frye. Rich Pfeiffer passed away on October 6, 2019 and is truly missed by us all, especially at this years Pride Parade!
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Gender is different from sex. Although genetic factors typically define a person’s sex, gender refers to how they identify on the inside. Only the person themselves can determine what their gender identity is.
The term gender identity refers to the personal sense of an individual’s own gender. Because a person’s sex and gender identity do not have to be the same, it is important to know the difference between them.
A person’s gender is how they identify internally and how they express this externally. People may use clothing, appearances, and behaviors to express the gender that they identify with.
The World Health Organization (WHO)
Trusted Source note that gender is a social construction that people typically describe in terms of femininity and masculinity. In Western cultures, people associate femininity with women and masculinity with men, but this social construction varies across cultures. However, gender is not neatly divided along the binary lines of “man” and “woman.”
A person’s sex is typically based on certain biological factors, such as their reproductive organs, genes, and hormones. Like gender, sex is not binary. A person may have the genes that people may associate with being male or female, but their reproductive organs, genitals, or both may look different.
This is called differences in sex development. People may also refer to differences in sex development as intersex.
People typically use the terms “male,” “female,” or “intersex” to refer to a person’s sex.
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The concepts and terms that refer to gender identity continually change, as our perceptions evolve.
The term “gender identity” first appeared in the 1960s. It referred to a person’s inner sense of belonging to the category of male or female. In time, the term came to include people who identify in other ways. It refers to a person’s own sense of their gender, regardless of the sex a doctor assigned to them at birth.
Some terms, such as “transsexual,” have also changed meaning over time. In the past, this term referred only to people who had undergone certain medical procedures, such as a mastectomy or phalloplasty. The meaning of this term has since broadened to include people moving toward or having a gender identity that is different from the one assigned to them at birth.
Other language has changed in terms of acceptability. The term “queer,” for example, was historically used as a slur against people who did not conform to expectations about gender expression or identity. Now, some people have reclaimed it. It can be acceptable in some circumstances but offensive if people use it inappropriately.
It is also important to note that gender identify may not fit into a category. Labels may help a person understand their identify, but gender identities are not always classifiable in these ways. As people come to perceive their gender identity in new ways, they may find that no single term defines it. Or, they may identify in several ways.
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Mental Health & Behavioral Health, Same or Different?
by: Dr. Charla Waxman BS, MBA, EdD
The terms mental health and behavioral health are often interchanged. Should they be?
Although as long as the language relating to mental health is not stigmatizing, it is commonly accepted that, in general, using one phrase over the other is really ok. The truth, however, is that mental health and behavioral health are different. Even the idea and actions in treating them differs.
To define these important terms, mental health is about our emotions and the psychological and social connections to our mental status. Behavioral health is all about how we behave and how those behaviors affect our mental health. Overall, it is recognized that physical wellness is important, but that mental health and behavioral health may be the foundation for overall good physical health.
Let’s review each of them:
Behavioral health is how our real life works because of the thoughts and thinking patterns we put into it. It's what we do and how we do it because of what we were thinking. It is how we react and respond to various life events. Good behavioral health means taking care of yourself through exercise, the things you choose to eat and managing your way of doing things to promote both physical and mental health. There are some behavioral conditions that come about when we have difficulty coping with experiences or things we think about.
Substance addiction is an all too common disorder; starting with peer pressure to elevate moods, as a coping tool, or to avoid negative issues.
Highly addictive substances that often are used initially to seek pleasure or improve outlook on life often become addictions, changing a person’s life forever, sometimes even resulting in death.
eating disorders are certainly behavioral issues, but mental health concerns like self-image, body obsessions and perspectives related to control can take center stage. Eating disorder behaviors are referred to most frequently as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, orthorexia nervosa, and binge-eating. As with substance use disorders, eating disorders can be lethal, and, in fact, have the highest mortality rate of any behavioral or mental health disorders (SAMHSA).
Self-injury is seen as a behavioral issue and a mental health concern oriented to negative self-image, depression, and anxiety. Either way, experts agree that it is not a disorder unto itself, but a series of behaviors and thinking that hamper recovery and potential for healthy living.
Gambling addiction is like a substance addiction. What once appears as harmless and fun evolves into a cycle of negative outcomes and a life-changing way of functioning and developing relationships.
Mental health can relate very specifically to a mental disorder, an issue that can arise from genetics, trauma, life stressors, behaviors like substance use, or even medications from physical injuries or ailments. Mental health is about the thoughts, moods, and feelings related to any of these concerns. Although it often is the case, know that negative behaviors do not always latch onto a mental illness. Just like with behavioral disorders, there are conditions called mental illnesses because they are directly connected to and affect our thinking (which then affects our behavior and physical well-being).
HeAlTH & WellneSS
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depression is a mood disorder. People describe depression using words like sad, helpless, worthless or hopeless and with descriptors like empty or feeling like lead weights are on them. There are different types of depression, perinatal mood disorder, seasonal affective disorder, or drug- induced depression. Regardless of what they are named, they are all disruptive forces in a person’s day-to-day patterns and routines for living.
Anxiety disorder is more than just worry over occasional life stresses. Just like depression, there are different kinds of anxiety: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorders. Anxiety disorders are often typified by worrisome thoughts, a pervasive sense of unease, sleep issues, or an inability to sort out persistent negative thoughts. Every aspect of one’s day to day functioning can be impacted by anxiety and the accompanying thoughts and behaviors.
Bipolar disorder implies the preface “Bi” meaning that this disorder is characterized by states of both depression and mania, a mood and a behavior. Every person is different and bipolar disorder and the states of the disorder can last for varying amounts of time and with varying degrees in thoughts and actions.
Schizophrenia is a low prevalence disorder, but it can be devastating. (National Council for Mental Well Being) The loss of touch with reality, hallucinations, delusions or paranoid thinking is certainly life changing.
The caveat is not just that there may be poor balance between our mental health, our physical health and our behavioral health. We have to keep in mind that everyone is different in physical health, mental health and behavioral health and how we communicate our health needs to others. The term co-morbidity is something that implies that those imbalances have sparked the existence of the combination of 2 or more illnesses. For instance, someone with a substance addiction may be using those substances to block thoughts of suicide and depression. One can see how any of these illnesses can come together and have a huge impact on our health.
Because of the almost certain possibility that our health involves the coexistence of multiple conditions, make sure that the choice of a treatment program or treatment professional is well researched. Make sure that all issues can be skillfully approached and you can be supported in seeking health at multiple levels.
Just as there are distinct behavioral health and mental disorders, there are licensed professionals who work in those distinct areas. For behavioral health issues, consider Chemical Abuse Dependency Counselors, Addictionologists or other recovery specialists, psychologists, and programs that support eating disorders and self- injuring issues. For mental health disorders, licensed family therapists, nurse practitioners, or mental health technicians and programs support mental health. Remember that many behavioral and mental health problems coexist, so just be a real consumer of services and ask what path for treatment will be chosen for your combined conditions.
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pr I de JO urney Salt Lake City
by: Joey Amato
For years I have heard about Salt lake City’s thriving LGBTQ community, but I had yet to experience it firsthand. The Advocate even called Salt Lake City, one of the ten ‘Queerest Cities in America.’ Recently, I had an opportunity to travel to the Beehive State with my good friend and internationally known EDM musician Joey Suarez, where we had a chance to revel in the city’s attractions and culinary scene and see what all the hype was about.
Begin your first day in Salt Lake City with a trip to eva’s Bakery, a wonderful little establishment offering freshly baked goods and a variety of homemade breakfast items. I decided to try their Roasted Beet & Avocado Toast which was served with potatoes and organic greens. This was a perfect option for those who enjoy a savory breakfast item over something sweet, although Eva’s definitely has a nice selection of sweet treats to choose from if you prefer.
Our homebase for the visit was the fabulous Hotel Monaco, part of the Kimpton collection of hotels. Kimpton is well-known for being one of the most LGBTQ-friendly chains in the country, so I knew we were in good hands. The property features a welcoming lobby, fitness center, two culinary options: Bambara and The Vault and is within walking distance to almost every attraction in the city.
Just a short drive away from downtown is the natural History Museum of utah. The beautifully designed building blends in perfectly with the natural surroundings of the mountains and contains quite the selection of dinosaur fossils and gemstones, most of which were discovered locally. The museum boasts an extensive paleontology program and possesses nearly 30,000 specimens in their collection.
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Drag Lunch, no, not exactly brunch, as some performances occur after standard brunch hours. The intimate venue is a wonderful place to catch a performance by one of Salt Lake’s fabulous drag performers, while sipping a delicious tropical cocktail.
Next, swing by Tracy Aviary, one of only two free standing aviaries in the country and say hello to Andy, the Andean condor as well as the Chilean flamingos.
The aviary also offers unique experiences which guests can participate in to get up close and personal with some of their feathered attractions. Don’t forget to stop by the South American pavilion featuring 30 South American birds nestled amongst lush plants in a unique indooroutdoor exhibit.
Salt Lake City’s international culinary scene is something the city is proud of and one of its shining stars is a Japanese restaurant called Takashi. We ordered four dishes to share, and each was prepared to perfection. Our favorites included the Magic Dragon roll as well as the Tiger’s Roll featuring tiger shrimp tempura with spiced crab, kaiware sprouts, unagi and avocado, topped with eel sauce and sesame seeds.
For some fun entertainment, head to Why Kiki, a tiki bar themed venue just a few blocks from the hotel which recently started weekend
Adventure seekers can go on a hike along one of the city’s numerous trails. On one crisp morning, we headed to a trail nicknamed “The living room” due to the rock formation at the top of the mountain that resembles a couch, or so I’ve been told. We made it about threefourths the way to the top before we had to stop from exhaustion due to the altitude. Yes, I’ll blame the altitude. Don’t despair, there are many picturesque vantage points along the way to capture that perfect Instagram photo.
For dinner, head to Manoli’s, a tapas style Greek restaurant which offers a variety of traditional dishes as well as some modern twists of Greek specialties.
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We dined on a sumptuous lamb burger and the Garides, which were grilled shrimp cooked in a Greek coffee BBQ sauce served over seared polenta. We decided to share an order of Spanakopita which is a savory phyllo filled pastry stuffed with feta and spinach and served with an artichoke cream sauce. I love Spanakopita and Manoli’s didn’t disappoint. However, the best part of the meal was the cinnamon ice cream, which was probably one of my favorite ice cream dishes ever!
When I lived in Nashville, I published an LGBTQ magazine called UNITE and one of our issue’s featured country music superstar eric Church on the cover. He is country music’s answer to Bruce Springsteen, so much in fact, one of his biggest hit songs is titled “Springsteen.” We had the opportunity to attend the Eric Church concert at the Vivint Arena, home of the utah Jazz. While it would have been fun to experience a basketball game, hearing 15,000 people sing Church’s hit songs was quite memorable.
After the concert, it was time to explore Salt Lake’s nightlife. Located on Harvey Milk
Boulevard is Milk+, a swanky new LGBTQ club that would rival that of most major cities. Milk+ offers a huge dancefloor, stage, patio, and table seating to enjoy cocktail or food. The eye candy was abundant, and the bar staff was quite friendly. All the entertainment occurs in one large open room so the venue mixes between drag and dancing most of the evening.
Another bar worth visiting is The Sun Trapp, which is within walking distance of Hotel Monaco. With limited time, it was impossible to visit all the nightlife establishments, but I think I got a good taste of what Salt Lake City had to offer. I began to see why the city was voted one of the most queer-friendly cities in the country.
Enjoy the Journey!
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vaping and e-cigarettes
by: Dr. Charla Waxman BS, MBA, EdD,
ENDS are Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems. These vaping devices are battery-operated devices that are used to inhale an aerosol, which contains nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. If you have vaped or used e-cigarettes, in any form, you have used an END. ENDS are a relatively simple product to understand. ENDS work when chemicals combined with nicotine or THC are heated to create vapor or an aerosol. Inhaling from those vapors transfers the combined chemicals to the lungs. Vaping devices are available on the internet, many retail shops, and in specialty vape stores. Wheras vapes are rechargeable and have refillable tanks; an e-cigarette is a “run-out” unit that is disposable Prices are determined by the vape or e-cigarette style, product ingredient strength and flavorings. What may make e-cigarettes appealing in addition to perceived safety, flavorings, no smoke smell, and THC-infusing options is that the cost per use is lower than regular cigarettes.
The acceptance of use has varied and some workplaces consider vaping and e-cigarettes the same as smoking and disallow it. Vaping devices have been disguised to look like flash drives, pens or, key fobs; making it easier to bypass workplace policies. They can also look like traditional tobacco cigarettes (sometimes called cig-a-likes), cigars, or pipes. Some ENDS are rechargeable via a USB, making it even easier to use whenever and wherever the user wants. The design and appearance may be different, but these devices, for the most part, function the same way and use similar working elements.
Over 460 different e-cigarette brands are being sold. (Zhu, Sun, and Bonnevie)
Are e-cigarettes or vapes any safer or less addictive than cigarettes? No, not necessarily. First, they contain nicotine which is the addictive substance in regular cigarettes. Carcinogenic chemicals are contained within the product. The chemicals that are blended with the nicotine or THC and the flavorings are often dangerous. Ecigarettes expose the lungs to various chemicals; there is no doubt about that. Some e-cigarette products have not only known carcinogens and other toxic chemicals like cadmium, but contain metal nanoparticles that come directly from the smoking device. Some of the flavorings added to the e-cigarettes have been known to contain both nickel and chromium. A 2021 research project through Johns Hopkins even identified pesticides in chemical mixtures found in these devices. Many of the vaping pods, even contain more nicotine than would be received from a whole pack of regular cigarettes. It is also not unusual for people to use black market materials, modify the device, or borrow devices from friends without knowing what has been used in that device. There may not be ingredient listings, so you are never sure just what it is that you are getting. What we don’t really seem to know yet is what long term exposure may mean to the user.
If the goal is to utilize the vape as a means of quitting cigarettes, know that the FDA has not approved these devices and their ingredients as “quit smoking aids”. They may not legitimately reduce nicotine cravings and some smokers may even choose to use both cigarettes and e-cigarettes; creating even more impact on their lungs and overall health.
If you don’t smoke cigarettes, don’t vape. Nicotine is a very difficult drug to stop using. Vapes often have higher concentrations of nicotine, making for an even higher potential for nicotine addiction. In addition, the jury is still out and the science indicates that vaping is not really less dangerous than smoking regular cigarettes.
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by Jack Santo
In 2021 a 30-year-old terminology gained new traction and became top of mind for many business leaders: The Metaverse. There’s currently a lot of hype and potentially a bit too much hype in particular on the decentralization web3 aspect of the Metaverse with NFTs. Aside from this overhype, we believe there’s real potential in web3 and the Metaverse, that will enable new beneficial experiences not just for consumers but also for corporations with their own branded Corporate Metaverse spaces. Another interesting flavor is the Real-World Metaverse, the AR Cloud, essentially a Digital Twin of our world, a digital content layer that is persisted and mapped to real objects and locations in the physical world. Virtual content can be anchored in the realworld, shared cross-platform, between platforms and over time.
It’s just the beginning of the Metaverse with the puzzle pieces of AI, Spatial Computing and decentralized protocols like blockchain becoming mature enough and the rest of the world are expecting huge growth opportunities here. For example Bloomberg predicts “The global Metaverse revenue opportunity could approach $800 billion in 2024 vs. about $500 billion in 2020”. Therefore, it’s no surprise that all large tech companies and many startups are working in this space.
Metaverse worlds rely on users and their presence usually in the form of an avatar. The user’s own digital identity and virtual presence is an important personal element between Metaverse spaces. The avatar will become the new social media profile picture and user’s would want to maintain it between different Metaverse platforms which is a challenge without open interoperability. Decentralized identity systems powered by blockchain have the potential to maintain the user’s Digital Human identity including the virtual presence avatar across Metaverse spaces. NFT might be used for linking the actual avatar asset and for the transaction of virtual goods and assets. The Digital Human doesn’t have to stop there and can be even more useful by leveraging heterogeneous data sources and providing unified realtime insights.
What about the potential of Multiexperience (MX) solutions, for accessibility and Spatial Computing? Total Experiences go beyond MX and further include the customer experience (CX), employee experience (EX) and user experience (UX). TX enables outstanding shared experiences combining all of those in a homogenous, frictionless experience from A to Z. This requires a strong, unified user experience approach with user-centered design thinking, plus great technology support like cloud backends to fuel dynamic frontends
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with the data they need for the custom experience. Market researchers ran a survey and found that the top two reasons from business leaders for starting digital initiatives are: enhancing the customer experiences and increasing productivity for employees. With TX, businesses can achieve a holistic user experience approach both for customers and employees.
This is going to grow further but trained and skilled resources are the bottleneck, therefore the democratization of AI will be key to fulfill the demand.
The trend with low and no-code development is continuing, even in the AI space where 2021 brought us further democratization of AI and investments into citizen data science where domain experts without prior Machine Learning or Deep Learning knowledge can create sophisticated, custom AI models easily. Also, designers and developers are benefiting from the immense progress with neural network and large transformer models used for Generative AI. Even experienced programmers are profiting by getting AI-assisted co-development into their hands with tools like GitHub Copilot.
The trend is only going to continue with the rising adoption of AI in almost every digital transformation aspect of all industries. A recent survey among IT organizations saw an increase of AI adoption rising to 56% in 2021 from 50% in 2020.
Edge AI and IoT are maturing further and are key pieces for the growth of industry 4.0, not just in manufacturing. The data needs to be processed fast and smaller IoT devices become more and more capable of executing AI workloads directly on-site with Intelligent Edge deployments for shorter latency. This is particularly the case with computer vision models requiring large and fast data streams like images or videos. These AI models are trained in the cloud, then deployed to an edge device and executed. The best of both worlds is used with this approach where the scalability and computing power of the cloud is leveraged during training and the short latency of the edge deployment provide large benefits for real-time model inference.
A category of AI models is called generative AI models, which basically learn from training data to generate similar, but brand-new original assets. Impressive examples are human-liketext, poems, images, music, graphical art and more. The most impressive outcomes are enabled by so called transformer models with billions of parameters which can only be handled in the cloud, for example Microsoft’s Turing or GPT-3 (which is also the basis for GitHub Copilot). With such great innovations comes unethical things too, like Deep Fake videos or malicious voice synthesis which further emphasize the point that we need Digital Ethics and Responsible AI frameworks to limit the ability of bad actors. It’s not just doom and gloom with AI video synthesis and tools exist to generate custom talking head videos only from plain text as input.
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