Uncontrolled gambling is a powerful addiction. As do most addictions, gambling affects not just the person struggling with the behavior, but family and friends as well. Gambling can be the cause of mental illnesses like depression and anxiety, and has led to suicidal ideation, attempts and completion of the act. As mounting debts, job loss, deceit and criminal behavior become lifestyle essentials for the gambler, relationships fall apart and support diminishes. The gambler enters a world where wanting to quit and promises made to do so are superseded by the extreme urge to make the next bet.
With that cycle in place, the gambler’s view of his/her potential and value is reduced. Many times the person with the addiction loses hope and no matter how damaging the behavior, no matter the losses, the behavior is compulsive, driven and unstoppable. Feelings of selfhate, frustration, anxiety and depression become every day feelings.
An interesting fact about gambling addiction that is different from other kinds of addictions is that, at some point, there will be a sudden reward… a pay out of money that makes the addicted person feel that all is right with the world and that the addiction might just pay off. Even an occasional win will fuel the need to pursue the addiction and test the luck. The cycle is perpetuated and seems irresistible.
Most people don’t quit any addiction without support. Gambling Addiction Anonymous programs, intensive outpatient or partial hospital programs can be helpful. Gambling is often a tandem addiction and many of those addicted to gambling also need substance abuse support. Calling 1-800 GAMBLER is one way to get started getting the help needed.
Connecting to a local behavioral health hospital like Lake Behavioral Hospital in Waukegan, Illinois can be an in-person way to receive a free assessment to determine the best level of care. Calling 1-855-990-1900 will get someone the help they need 24/7/365.
Ever since I was young, I have wanted to visit Green Bay. I didn’t know much about the city itself aside from the fact that it is home to arguably the most iconic stadium in the world. I remember watching football with my dad and listening to the broadcasters comment on how it felt to be at Lambeau Field to watch the Green Bay Packers play. What I didn’t realize was the reason why the stadium became so famous. I found that out during my recent visit to Green Bay.
Green Bay may not be the first city that comes to mind when you are looking for LGBTQ-friendly destinations to escape to, but if you are a football fan, there is no better place to visit.
The city comes alive on game day. On the Sunday I was in town, it seemed like everyone in the city was either watching the Packers game at a bar, attending a tailgate outside the stadium or had a seat at Lambeau. If you are lucky enough to score tickets, you are in for a treat. The building is a monument to football dating back to the formation of the Green Bay Packers, the third team to join the NFL behind the Arizona Cardinals (then St. Louis Cardinals) and Chicago Bears, one of the team’s fiercest rivals.
Surrounding the stadium are statues of Curly Lambeau, the team’s co-
founder, coach Vince Lombardi and other Green Bay icons who made the game what it is today. Ironically, based on today’s criteria, a city the size of Green Bay would never be awarded an NFL franchise, but the team became the most winning team in NFL history with thirteen league championships since its formation in 1919.
If you have a chance to tour Lambeau Field the day prior, I highly recommend doing so. You will get to visit parts of the venue you probably won’t have access to on game day as well as the opportunity to get on the field and stare in awe of the size of the structure, which holds over 81,000 fans.
After the game, head to one of Green Bay’s LGBTQ bars including The Roundabout, XS and Napalese, the Wisconsin’s second oldest gay bar.
A beautiful mural was also created on the side of Napalese’s wall that is worth seeing during the daylight as well.
Green Bay is home to a ton of momand-pop cafes and coffee shops. One of my favorites was The Attic, which also doubles as an independent bookstore. Grab a latte and head over to The Automobile Gallery, a collection of
Spend the rest of the afternoon strolling around downtown Green Bay or the De Pere Riverwalk before heading to dinner at Taverne in the Sky which is located on the top floor of the Lodge Kohler. Lodge Kohler is part of the new Titletown development which is just across the street from Lambeau Field. Taverne in the Sky is a modern restaurant with panoramic views of the city. The menu features an assortment of entrees including a delicious Ancho Rubbed Wood-Fired Salmon which comes with chorizo corn cakes and grilled asparagus served with ginger-mango salsa and a poblano cream sauce. For dessert, try the Sticky Toffee Carrot Cake. I promise you will be in love, even if you’ll need to hit the gym the next morning.
Or if you prefer, you can skip the gym and treat yourself at The Pancake Place. I went there before the game on Sunday morning, and it was filled with Packer fans as well as a few tables of New England Patriot fans, who the hostess picked on from time to time. It was all in good fun and everyone was in high spirits. It was one of the most entertaining breakfast experiences I’ve had in a long time.
classic and unique cars founded by William “Red” Lewis that is housed in an old Cadillac dealership. The Automobile Gallery’s mission is to offer a unique atmosphere for public and private events which supports the education and inspiration of “The Automobile is the Art.” You will get up close and personal with everything from sporty Mercedes’, Porsches, and Corvettes to a classic Rolls Royce and Hippie-inspired van. It truly is a car lover’s dream.
As far as lodging is concerned, there aren’t a ton of boutique properties in Green Bay. Most hotels are chains, with the exception of Tundra Lodge, a local favorite. It has an indoor water park. You don’t see that very often.
What I enjoyed most about the city were the people. Everyone was extremely friendly and welcoming, which helped make my trip to Green Bay really special. Go Pack Go. Enjoy the Journey!
Working out while sick may not sound enjoyable, although a popular urban myth argues that a person can “sweat out” an illness through exercise. However, working out while sick may be helpful in some cases.
In general, a person with symptoms in their head and nose, such as those of a head cold, may benefit from working out.
A person with symptoms in their chest or stomach or someone with a fever should avoid exercising, however. If symptoms get worse or working out causes pain, people are best to avoid working out while sick.
Typically, it is okay to exercise with the typical symptoms of a head cold. These include symptoms such as:
• nasal congestion
• runny nose
• puffy or red eyes
• tension headache
In some cases, these symptoms may actually improve with exercise. Exercise increases the heart rate and stimulates circulation, which might help the body release fluids.
It is vital to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water when working out, especially if a person is sick.
It is also necessary to consider that different exercises will cause different reactions in the body. In general, it is best to avoid extremely strenuous workouts while sick. Instead, an individual should focus on lighter,
movement based exercises that get the blood flowing without pushing the body too hard.
These activities might include:
• walking
• light jogging
• leisurely riding a bicycle
• swimming
• tai chi
• gentle yoga
The idea that a person can literally sweat out their illnesses through exercise is a myth. It may have stuck around for so long because regular exercise keeps the body healthy, and may boost the immune system.
However, as the authors of a 2018 study note, moderate exercise can reduce the risk of common respiratory illnesses, reduce their severity, and even shorten how long the person has symptoms.
These effects appear to have more to do with empowering the immune system to handle the illness better, and not how much people sweat out the illness while sick.
Mild exercise may also temporarily help with some symptoms, such as a runny nose or headache.
It is essential to take certain precautions when it comes to working out while sick. For instance, a fever is a definite sign a person should not work out.
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As a clinical review in the journal Sports HealthTrusted Source notes, fever increases fluid loss in the body, decreases muscle strength, and makes a person feel more exhausted.
A fever also means the body is increasing its internal temperature to fight off an infection. Exercise raises body temperature, making a person feel even worse.
Symptoms in the ear are another factor to consider. These signs of illness may cause a person to feel dizzy or off balance, which could also pose risks if they are working out.
People experiencing dizziness may want to avoid working out until they are better.
Also, anyone with symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea should avoid working out.
Exercise can cause the body to lose water through sweat. Since someone with diarrhea or vomiting is losing a lot of water already, working out may put them at risk for dehydration.
Chest symptoms are another sign that it is best to avoid working out. These symptoms may include:
• tightness in the chest
• difficulty breathing
• coughing
Finally, even if a person only has mild symptoms, such as nasal congestion and sneezing, but they feel weak or unable to work out, it is important to rest.
Some activities may not be right for the body while a person is sick. The body is trying to recover, and pushing it too hard may make symptoms worse or the recovery time longer.
Workouts to avoid while sick include:
• sprinting
• heavy weigh strength training
• running for long periods
• hot yoga
• spin classes
• Pilates
• team sports, which can increase the risk of others getting sick
Anyone who chooses to work out while sick can keep the following tips in mind:
Hydration is always important but is vital while the body recovers from sickness. The body is likely already using extra fluid to move toxins. It may also be losing fluid from extra sweating and a runny nose.
Staying hydrated while working out and throughout the course of the sickness may help avoid the effects of dehydration.
Along with hydration, it is essential to find ways to replenish electrolyte salts while exercising.
Even a simple runny nose can use up electrolytes. Adding a sweaty workout to the mix means the person should take extra precautions.
Drinking liquids, such as coconut water, broth, miso soup, or sports drinks, may help restore these electrolytes and keep the body working as it should.
Along with regular exercise, eating a healthful diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables is one of the best waysTrusted Source to boost the immune system and prevent infection.
The body also needs these healthful nutrients while it is recovering from an infection
When someone is sick, their body is trying to fight off and recover from an illness. As such, it is crucial to keep exercise light. It may not be the best idea to push the body to its limits, such as doing sprints or heavy weight lifting.
A brisk walk or bike ride may be enough to get the blood flowing without pushing the body too hard.
As a consideration to other people, it may be a good idea to avoid exercising in an enclosed space with shared equipment, such as the gym.
Some gyms even have rules that prohibit people from exercising while sick. Instead, they can choose to exercise at home or outdoors
Most importantly, listen to the body. If a person feels exhausted just a few minutes into working out, it is probably time to stop.
It may be inconvenient, but it is much better to give the body a chance to recover and then go back to the usual exercise routine.
Choosing to work out while sick or not is an individual matter in most cases.
Light to moderate exercise may help boost the immune system to avoid sickness, and when someone is already sick, it may also help increase circulation to reduce some symptoms of a head cold.
It is important to avoid heavy or very strenuous exercise. People with more severe symptoms, such as those with a fever or a heavy cough, should also avoid exercise.
Overall, it is important to listen to the body and to stop working out if a person feels exhausted or too ill.
Lastly, 1000mg of Vitamin C twice a day will help give your immunity system what it needs to kick it out faster.
This Statment is a Paradox
When uttering the phrase, “there are no coincidences,” the speaker feels fully confident in its truth. But, just like coincidences themselves, the meaning depends on the beliefs of the person involved.
Let’s start by looking closely at the word coincidence. Dictionaries usually define it as two or more events coming together in a surprising, unexpected way without an obvious causal explanation. Embedded in the definition is a hint that there might be an explanation.
This possibility of an explanation creates the opportunity for saying “there are no coincidences.” If a cause can be defined, then there is no coincidence.
Many believe that Fate or Mystery, or the Universe or God, causes coincidences. Their faith in something Greater provides them with a cause. Since God causes them, the cause is known. Therefore, there are no coincidences.
Statistically-oriented people believe that coincidences can be explained by the Law of Truly Large Numbers, which states
that in large populations, any weird event is likely to happen. This is a long way of saying that coincidences are mostly random. Because statisticians “know” that randomness explains them, coincidences are nothing but strange yet expect-able events that we remember because they are surprising to us. They are not coincidences, just random events.
Those who believe in Mystery are more likely to believe that coincidences contain messages for them personally. They may think, “It was meant to be,” or “Coincidences are God’s way of remaining anonymous.” Some of those in the random camp can find some coincidences personally compelling and useful.
Each of these two explanations take responsibility for coincidences away from you! Each suggests that you are powerless in the face of inexplicable forces.
Randomness says you have nothing to do with creating coincidences, stuff just happens because we live in a random universe.
You think coincidences may have something to do with you, but they don’t. When God is called in to explain coincidences, you are the recipient of divine grace. If you think you had something to do with it, you are deluding yourself.
Randomness and God are extreme positions in a coincidence dance that usually involves you, to varying degrees. Probability plays a necessary role. Some coincidences are more unlikely than others. Mystery plays a role because our minds cannot grasp the multiple stirrings hidden behind the veil of our ignorance. Here lies some of the beauty in the study of coincidences. They make us wonder. How much do we have to do with them, and how much is beyond our current concept of ourselves in the world?
Coincidences exist. Coincidences are real. Saying that there are no coincidences stops inquiry. Challenging the statement forces us to make sense of its ambiguity and explore our potential involvement. You can choose the random perspective and with a wave of a mental hand, dismiss most coincidences as not worth further attention. Or, you can seek out their possible personal implications and make life into an adventure of discovery both about yourself and the world around you. As you explore, you may uncover the latent abilities hidden within you.
Lake Behavioral Hospital
Relationships, work, finances, trauma…. the list of things that can create stress and anxiety are many and any one of these can take a toll on your physical health and your mental health. To manage your mental health means planning and developing skills to help navigate difficult times before you need them.
Here are some ways you can manage your mental health. These are ongoing skills that can benefit you on a daily basis. Give them a try.
What? This acronym was created by Dr. Marsha Linehan and is part of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. The acronym spelled out, is as follows:
Describe: This means describing in clear words what your needs are.
Express: Be in control, and express a full range of feelings.
Assert: Find the middle ground. Being passive or aggressive cannot help you achieve success in relationships.
Reinforce: Help the person understand what you want and why you are expressing your needs in this moment and how they can help by being honest in their communication and response to your needs.
Stay Mindful: This is about staying in the moment and staying in focus as you communicate.
Avoid distractions.
Appear Confident: Believing in yourself often helps others believe in you and listen more carefully to what you have to say.
Negotiate: This a mature way to show that “it’s not all about you” ; someone else’s feelings and needs are at stake. Be a compromiser.
Journal: Sort your feelings out in writing. You can review, contrast and compare how you are managing your emotions.
Pray or Meditate: Depending on your practices, prayer and meditation may help give you a state of relaxation to begin or end your day. There are some great apps that can help you find the best way of managing your mental health. Practicing breathing techniques is a great way to start.
Simply put, eat well, work out and sleep plenty. Journal this and you will find you may begin competing with yourself to do better and better with each of these important life elements.
Achieving mental health is not always easy. If you need support because you find that you are struggling to feel successful, to cope or that handling day to day tasks is just too much, don’t go it alone. Call Lake Behavioral Hospital for a free assessment that will help determine the best kind of support for you right now. Calling 855990-1900 at any time for an appointment is a great step toward managing your mental health.
Distilled water or spring water? Let's look at two of the most common versions of drinking water available in the market today. From their pros, cons and overall health benefits.
Distilled water is a type of purified water generally made by boiling water until it condenses and makes way for enough steam. The water used for distilled water generally comes from municipal sources such as cities, towns and communities.
During the rigorous distillation process, minerals along with contaminants and chemicals are all left behind. This process further removes other particles such as heavy metals and nitrates, making sure that the end result is free of any harmful contaminants such as bacteria, fungi and viruses.
When it comes to its overall taste, distilled water is generally flat and bland. This is because all the minerals have already been taken out during the water distillation process. Additionally, the water’s texture is considered the best type to use for small kitchen appliances such as hot water urns and even steam irons for clothes. Using the water on these appliances won’t result in any mineral build-up, a reaction that is common when it comes to tap water.
The main benefit that comes with drinking distilled water is the assurance that it is clean, pure and safe. Because of the strict and exacting standards taken when producing it, every harmful substance or contaminant is almost certain to be eliminated. However, because of this same process, all of the minerals in the water are also taken away, something that could be a great cause of concern for individuals looking to receive their daily mineral intake in their everyday drinking water. Additionally, distilled water also has the potential to leach into plastic containers once stored for a long period of time.
Unlike distilled water, spring water generally comes from underground sources and no longer passes through municipal sources. As a result, spring water is known for its great and refreshing taste and rarely tastes flat or boiled. Compared to distilled water, it’s a lot “fresher” and “crisper.”
When it comes to its production process, spring water also undergoes a rigorous set of vulnerability perimeters, allowing it to reach the stores with no traces of pollution or contamination. As a matter of fact, water from spring sources is already considered to be ready for human consumption once taken out of the source.
One of the biggest benefits of this drinking water is the amount of vital nutrients present in its composition. Electrolytes are mostly present in the water, making it the perfect choice for people who are looking to receive their daily intake of sodium and potassium in a drink. It’s also known to give the body and brain oxygen and can even promote better digestion in the system. However, people with high blood pressure are advised to avoid drinking spring water because of its sodium content.
There’s no doubt about it: spring water is the best choice for you. It provides your body with vital nutrients and is known to help give it with different health benefits along the way. But that’s not to say that you should shut out distilled water altogether!
Advances in hardware and software development, data analysis needs, security considerations, medical emergencies, sustainability, privacy concerns, connectivity, and communication have all inspired the latest technology trends.
The unexpected switch to remote and hybrid working has also fuelled some of the progress in the tech world.
Even though the limitations on movement and assembly brought about during the last two years hampered tech projects, there are still many innovative technologies to look out for in 2022. Companies have become more agile, adapting to the new normal and releasing upgraded technologies to help other businesses manage their work.
2022 saw a big increase in cyberattacks. The steep increase in cyber-attacks, email phishing scams, and ransomware is forcing cyber-security firms to search for tech solutions to address the vulnerabilities. Criminals are hacking individuals’ accounts, countries’ critical infrastructure,
and businesses of all sizes, causing millions of dollars in losses.
Workplace digitization and a recent trend in remote working made it a priority to retrain employees on online safety to reduce data breaches and losses.
Businesses are also adopting new cybersecurity technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI,) to monitor and guard networks against hackers in real-time rather than responding to the threat after the damage is already done. Moreover, cloud storage companies are offering end-to-end encryption for online data storage and data transfers.
More people, more connections, and more data: 5G adoption will skyrocket in 2022
According to the Ericsson’s Mobility Report, published by Statista Research, 5G technology subscriptions will surpass one billion this year.
While 4G brought significant improvements, for example, in streaming videos seamlessly, 5G has 100 times the speed, meaning that uploads, downloads, data transfers, and streams will be much faster.
5G will boost the Internet of Things (IoT,) which involves internetpowered smart devices linking and operating together. Unlike with 4G, many devices can connect to the 5G network without a significant drop in speed, latency, and reliability. That’s because of the network-slicing feature that creates independent networks offering different services for each device.
Furthermore, while 4G mobile networks struggle with connectivity in a crowded location, 5G can transmit its radio waves to as many as one million devices per square kilometer.
IoB promises further personalization of services and better-targeted marketing.
A lot of customer data is collected by service providers through IoT devices in the home. Businesses are using analytics and big data techniques to determine the data’s value in what is now known as the
Internet of Behaviors (IoB).
By reviewing this customer information, businesses can personalize their services, market their products, and improve a customer’s experience with the company.
While personalized solutions are important, companies face an uphill battle convincing users to share personal data with them to develop these solutions.
Website hacking and other cybersecurity challenges also make customers uncomfortable about risking their privacy in return for valuable services. A different approach to data collection will be vital for businesses’ data analysis needs.
AI use will continue to grow in 2022, in areas such as health, security, and education
Artificial intelligence is one of the most consistently evolving technologies in the world. Its widespread use symbolizes its potential to provide solutions in multiple industries, from health, security, and education to logistics and information technology.
For example, navigation apps use AI to guide drivers through various locations, while machine learning technology ranks online search results and predicts what a user is searching for by offering suggestions.
Other uses for AI include automation in manufacturing, guiding self-driving cars, operating as smart online assistants such as Siri or Google.
Plus, AI is helping with airline reservations and hotel bookings. However, perhaps its most potent power is in analyzing large chunks of data and providing reports that can be used by organizations to develop strategies and solutions.
Meta’s metaverse links the company’s Oculus VR technology with Facebook.
Facebook’s name change to Meta put a spotlight on the metaverse, described as the next evolution in social connectivity.
The metaverse is a virtual, threedimensional space that people can log into as avatars to socialize, work, shop, collaborate, or play games together.
Companies are investing in novel technologies to bring the metaverse to life, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). For example, VR headsets enable people to explore and immerse themselves in digital worlds and share experiences.
Metaverse real estate sales reached $501 million last year and have already topped $85 million this year, according to MetaMetric Solutions. Thanks to blockchain technology, people can own these virtual assets or even make ingame purchases.