Mali MESS / Mini MESS 2016

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56. Internacionalni teatarski festival MESS MALI MESS PROGRAM 23.9 - 26.9.2016. 23.9.2016. / PETAK 19.00 / Pozorište mladih Sarajevo PUSTOLOVINE BOLETA KOMETE Gradsko pozorište Jazavac / Nevid teatar Banja Luka Režija: Marko Dukić BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA 24.9.2016. / SUBOTA 10.00 i 16.00 / Pozorište mladih Sarajevo BAJA BUF VRUM Režija: Sanja Tropp Frühwald / Till Frühwald HRVATSKA / AUSTRIJA 25.9.2016. / NEDJELJA 11.00 / Pozorište mladih Sarajevo TATA LAV I NJEGOVA SRETNA DJECA Pozorište mladih Sarajevo Režija: Belma Lizde-Kurt BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA 4

26.9.2016. / PONEDJELJAK 18.00 / Pozorište mladih Sarajevo DUGA Umjetnička organizacija GLLUGL Režija: Tamara Kučinović HRVATSKA MALI MESS RADIONICE 23.9 - 26.9.2016. Pozorište mladih Sarajevo MLADI/E KRITIČARI/KE – radionica kreativnog pisanja Voditelj: Dejan Košćak HRVATSKA 24.9.2016. / SUBOTA Pozorište mladih Sarajevo NO WORK & JUST PLAY Voditelj: Till Frühwald Asistencija: Asher O’Gorman HRVATSKA / AUSTRIJA

56th InternaTIONAL tHEATER festival MESS MINI MESS PROGRAM 23.9. - 26.9.2016 23.9.2016 / FRIDAY 19.00 / Youth Theater Sarajevo The adventures of bole the Comet Gradsko pozorište Jazavac / Nevid teatar Banja Luka Director: Marko Dukić BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 24.9.2016 / SATURDAY 10.00 and 16.00 / Youth Theater Sarajevo BAJA BUF VRUM Directors: Sanja Tropp Frühwald / Till Frühwald CROATIA / AUSTRIA

26.9.2016. / MONDAY 18.00 / Youth Theater Sarajevo RAINBOW Umjetnička organizacija GLLUGL Director: Tamara Kučinović CROATIA MINI MESS WORKSHOPS 23.9. - 26.9.2016 Youth Theater Sarajevo YOUNG CRITICS - creative writing workshop Facilitator: Dejan Košćak CROATIA 24.9.2016 / SATURDAY Youth Theater Sarajevo NO WORK & JUST PLAY Facilitator: Till Frühwald Assistance: Asher O’Gorman CROATIA / AUSTRIA

25.9.2016 / SUNDAY 11.00 / Youth Theater Sarajevo DADDY LION AND HAPPY KIDS Youth Theater Sarajevo Director: Belma Lizde-Kurt BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA



Autor teksta, režija, muzika, animacija, ilustracija i dizajn / Author, Director, Music, Animation, Illustration and Design: MARKO DUKIĆ Igra / Cast: SMILJANA MARINKOVIĆ Kostimografija i izrada rekvizite / Costume and Prop Design: NINA POPOVIĆ Dizajn zvuka / Sound Design: ALBERT SAVIĆ

23/9/16 19.00 Pozorište mladih Sarajevo / Youth Theater Sarajevo Uzrast / Age: 5+ Bosna i Hercegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina Trajanje / Duration: 45 min. 6

Off glasovi / Off Voices: ALEKSANDRA SPASOJEVIĆ GORAN DAMJANAC DEJAN ANDRIĆ NINA POPOVIĆ MARKO DUKIĆ Fotografija / Photography: Aleksandar Čavić



nimirana bajka za djecu, mlade i odrasle Pustolovine Boleta Komete je autorski projekat Marka Dukića koji prikazuje fantastični dramaturški sklop u kojem se čudesno isprepliću živa glumačka igra, projektovana animacija na platnu, zvučni i svjetlosni efekti. Priča govori o dječaku Boletu Kometi koji je u potrazi za svojim nestalim ocem, otetim od strane Sum Suma, bića iz svemira. Bole Kometa na svom putu, rješavajući razne zagonetke i prepreke, proživljava nevjerovatne situacije: put u pustinju i kroz morsku oluju, silazak na dno mora i duboko u zemlju, te putovanje kroz svemirske crvotočine do drugih planeta.



arko Dukić je grafički i video dizajner, jedan od osnivača nekonvencionalne teatarske trupe Nevid teatar iz Banja Luke u kojem obavlja poslove izvođača, koreografa, muzičara, grafičkog dizajnera, animatora i tehničkog direktora. Do sada je u Nevid teatru radio na projektima: Art poezija, Zvaće se Hamlet, Moćni Ć protiv Dekokrada, Eros škrt na strijeli, Tito ovdje nije bio, Slučajevi, Arto luda. Igrao u predstavama: Kako su postale ružne reči, režija Aleksandra Spasojević, Gradsko pozorište Jazavac; Braća (Gabrijel), režija Andrea Paćoto (Italija), a u koprodukciji LaMaMa etc. NYC SAD, Offucina electric arts, Spoleto - Italija, Gradsko pozorište Jazavac, Banja Luka - BiH; koreograf scenskog pokreta na predstavi Lijepi, Veliki, Jaki, režija: Goran Damjanac, Narodno pozorište Republike Srpske; video art za predstavu Smog, Out!, režija: Goran Damjanac, Bosansko Narodno Pozorište Zenica; koreograf scenskog poketa na predstavama Biberče, reditelj: Živomir Joković i Životinjska farma, reditelj: Aleksej Ljeljavski, Dječije pozorište Republike Srpske...



he animated fairy tale for children, youth and adults, The Adventures of Bole the Comet is Marko Dukić’s original project which shows the fantastic dramaturgical circuit in which the vivid acting, animation projected on the screen, and sound and light effects are wonderfully interwoven. This is a story about a boy called Bole the Comet who is searching for his missing father, abducted by Sum Sum, the creature from outer space. Bole the Comet goes through unimaginable situations on his way, solving various puzzles and obstacles: traveling to a desert and through the sea storm, descending to the bottom of the sea and deep into the ground, and traveling through space wormholes to other planets.



arko Dukić is a graphic and video designer, one of the founders of the unconventional theater group Nevid Theater from Banja Luka where he works as a performer, choreographer, musician, graphic designer, animator, and technical director. He worked on the following projects in Nevid Theater: Art Poetry, He will be named Hamlet, Powerful Ć against Blanketthief, Eros stingy with Arrows, Tito was not here, Cases, Arto jester. He performed in the following plays: How did the Bad Words Come to Be, directed by Aleksandar Spasojević, City Theater Jazavac; Brothers (Gabrijel), directed by Andrea Paciotto (Italy), in co-production with LaMaMa etc. NYC, USA, Officina electric arts, Spoleto, Italy, City Theater Jazavac, Banja Luka, BiH; stage movement choreographer in Pretty, Big, Strong, directed by Goran Damjanac, National Theater of the Republic of Srpska; video art for the play Smog, Out!, directed by Goran Damjanac, Bosnian National Theater in Zenica; stage movement choreographer in Peppercorn, directed by Živomir Joković and Animal Farm, directed by Aleksei Ljeljavski, Children’s Theater of the Republic of Srpska...




24/9/16 10.00 16.00 Pozorište mladih Sarajevo / Youth Theater Sarajevo Uzrast / Age: 10 – 24 mjeseca / months Hrvatska / Croatia Trajanje: 30 min. + uvod 10 min. za odrasle Duration: 30 min. + intro 10 min. for adults 8

Muzika / Music: DAMIR ŠIMUNOVIĆ Scenografija i kostim / Stage and Costume Design: MAJA PATAFTA Grafički dizajn / Graphic Design: DINKO UGLEŠIĆ Fotografija / Photography: Siniša Sović



aja Buf je događanje, predstava i igra. Kreirana je za i sa osam beba u starosti 10-24 mjeseci i četiri izvođača/ice, a odvija se u velikom i mekanom prostoru koji nudi mirno i sigurno okruženje. Igra dobro funkcionira sa ovom starosnom skupinom jer djeca u toj dobi imaju prirodnu želju za spontanim i slobodnim kretanjem, istražujući sebe, prostor u kojem se nalaze i svijet oko njih svojim vlastitim tijelom kao primarnim sredstvom komunikacije. Baja Buf je i proslava – proslava nevinog života! Djeca su slobodna da sama odluče kada i kako žele sudjelovati, a prema njihovim odlukama odrasli će pokazati puno poštovanje. Svaki session traje otprilike 45 minuta. Roditelji / staratelji ostaju prisutni u prostoru, dok djeca shvataju činjenicu da su zapravo ona sama “za volanom”. Režirajući svoj vlastiti pokret bebe stupaju u interakciju sa izvođačima/cama i nepredvidivi i zaigrani dijalog slobodnog toka govora tijela kreće… između odraslih, beba i izvođača/ica gradi se povjerenje koje omogućava djeci, čak i onoj najsramežljivijoj, da povedu igru i prihvate “razgovor”, potičući razvoj i učenje komunikacijskih vještina i pokreta, i malenih i velikih, na jednostavan, ali inventivan i originalan način – zajedničkom izvedbom predstave, kroz zabavu.




aja Buf is an event, a play, and a performance. It was created for and with eight babies between 10 and 24 months of age, and four performers, and it takes place in a large and soft space that offers calm and safe environment. The play works well with this age group because the children of that age have a natural desire for spontaneous and free movement, exploring themselves, the space they are in, and the world around them using their bodies as primary means of communication. Baja Buf is also a celebration - a celebration of innocent life! The children are free to make a decision on when and how they want to participate, and the adults will fully respect their decisions. Each session lasts for approximately 45 minutes. The parents/guardians remain present in the space, while the children realize the fact they are actually “behind the wheel” on their own. By directing their own movement, the babies interact with the performers and the unpredictable and playful dialog of the free flow of body language begins... the trust is built between the adults, the babies and the performers, which allows the children, even the shyest among them, to lead the game and join the “conversation”, encouraging the development and learning of communication skills and movements, both large and small, in simple but inventive and original way - through performing together, through fun.






ill Frühwald je rođen 1983. godine, a glumu je studirao od 2005. do 2009. godine na univerzitetu Mozarteum u Salzburgu. Postao je aktivan član VRUM kolektiva za scensku umjetnost odmah nakon diplomiranja, gdje je radio kao reditelj, učitelj glume, tehnički voditelj i izvođač. U periodu od 2009. do 2011. godine, bio je član ansambla Junges Schauspielhaus u Dusseldorfu. Od 2011. godine radi kao samostalni umjetnik, te sarađuje sa velikim brojem teatara i reditelja/ica. Žiri pozorišnih kritičara/ki ga je 2010. godine proglasio jednim od najboljih mladih glumaca u Njemačkoj, kada je dobio i nagradu za ulogu Demaina u istoimenoj predstavi. Predstava Demain, kao i predstava Die besseren Wälder, donijele su mu nominacije za najprestižniju teatarsku nagradu u Njemačkoj (Der Faust), 2011. i 2013. godine. Predstava MINIMI, u čijoj je režiji učestvovao sa Sanjom Tropp Frühwald, osvojila je posebnu nagradu žirija na festivalu Gumbekovi dani u Zagrebu, 2015. godine, a plesni kolektiv VRUM bio je nominiran za nagradu publike. anja Tropp Frühwald je rođena 1978. u Hrvatskoj. Koreografkinja je, plesačica i organizatorica. Diplomirala je 2007. na Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance. Sarađivala je s brojnim domaćim i stranim autorima/cama. Autorica je brojnih plesnih projekata (Jutro; Ptice, ptice, ptice; Flutter; Moving south; Almost; Something to do with death; Tainted; Focka; Vanishing Acts 2,3&4; Premiere; Bones...) Za svoj je rad višestruko nagrađivana na raznim festivalima u zemlji i inozemstvu. Dobitnica je DanceWeb stipendije / Impulstanz festival (Beč, Austrija) 2007. godine. Iste je godine na Platformi mladih koreografa u Zagrebu proglašena najperspektivnijom mladom koreografkinjom Hrvatske. U 2012. selektirana je umjetnica u rezidencijalnom programu Fresh Tracks Europe – europsku mrežu organizacija koje se bave razvojem i produkcijom savremeno-plesnih programa za mladu publiku. Radi kao pedagoginja u polju savremene plesne tehnike, improvizacije i kompozicije u Hrvatskoj i Europi. Umjetnička je voditeljica i producentica VRUM kolektiva u Hrvatskoj i u Austriji, te trenutačno koordinira rad saradničke platforme za razvoj plesa za mladu publiku KLIKER.

ill Frühwald was born in 1983, studied acting from 2005 – 2009 on the University Mozarteum in Salzburg. Since study, Till Frühwald is an active member of VRUM Performing Arts Collective, in function of director, acting coach, technical supervisor and performer. From 2009 – 2011 Till Frühwald was a member of the Ensemble of Junges Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf. Since summer 2011 he is active as a freelance artist, collaborating with many different theater companies and directors. Till Frühwald was announced by the board of theater critics as one of best german newcomer artists in 2010 and awarded for the performance Demain in the role of Demain. With the production Demian and Die besseren Wälder he was nominated for highest German theater award Der Faust in 2011 and 2013. The production MINIMI, directed by Sanja Tropp Frühwald and Till Frühwald, was awarded with the special Jury price from Festival Gumbekovi Dani Zagreb 2015 and VRUM performing arts collective was nominated for the audience award. anja Tropp Frühwald was born in 1978 in Croatia. She is a choreographer, dancer, and organizer who graduated in 2007 from the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance. She cooperated with numerous domestic and foreign authors. She is the author of numerous dance projects (Morning; Birds, Birds, Birds; Flutter; Moving south; Almost; Something to do with death; Tainted; Focka; Vanishing Acts 2,3&4; Premiere; Bones...) She received multiple awards for her work at various festivals in the country and abroad. She is the 2007 recipient of DanceWeb scholarship / Impulstanz festival (Vienna, Austria). The same year, she was declared the most promising young choreographer at the Platform for Young Choreographers in Zagreb. In 2012, she was among the artists selected for the Fresh Tracks Europe residential programme - the European network of organizations involved in the development and production of contemporary-dance programmes for young audiences. She works as a pedagogue in the field of contemporary dance technique, improvisation, and composition in Croatia and Europe. She is the artistic director and producer of VRUM collective in Croatia and Austria, and currently coordinates the work of a collaborative platform for the development of dance for young audiences KLIKER.




25/9/16 11.00 Pozorište mladih Sarajevo / Youth Theater Sarajevo Uzrast / Age: 6-10 Bosna i Hercegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina Trajanje / Duration: 45 min.

Režija / Direction: BELMA LIZDE-KURT Igraju / Cast: EDIN AVDAGIĆ SANIN MILAVIĆ MIRZA DERVIŠIĆ ELMIR KRIVALIĆ i učenici/e Međunarodne francuske škole CIFS Sarajevo / and students of International French School CIFS Sarajevo: UMA ATIFA MAIRA KURT TINA PEROVIĆ UNA UZEIRBEGOVIĆ ZARIA IVKOVIĆ KASIA IRENE ANKA FITZGERALD LAYLAH LUNA ŠABANAC NUR ZEC FILIPOVIĆ ARMAN LUNEL SAMAH ALISAH Scenografija i kostimografija / Stage and Costume Design: ADISA VATREŠ-SELIMOVIĆ Dramatizacija / Dramatization: SEGOR HADŽAGIĆ Fotografija / Photography: DŽENAT DREKOVIĆ 10



anoscheva ilustrovana priča Tata Lav i njegova sretna djeca ima podnaslov “mali odgojni priručnik”, tako je i ova predstava mali scenski odgojni priručnik čije je najvažnije pravilo da se kroz igru, najbolje uči. Proces odrastanja u današnje hiperužurbano doba je zapravo konstantno gušenje kreativnosti koja je urođena svakom biću. Naš glavni junak, dobroćudni i nježni Tata Lav upravo glavni naglasak u odgoju stavlja na igru – čistu, direktnu, nesputanu, veselu, ali i istraživačku. Kroz igru se spoznaju zakoni i pravila, tako da je ova predstava namjenjena i roditeljima koji u svom odgojnom pristupu trebaju i moraju razbiti razne predrasude. Treba to još jednom glasno reći: djeca spoznaju svijet kroz igru, a ne kroz unaprijed utvrđena pravila.



elma Lizde-Kurt rođena je u Sarajevu gdje završava Akademiju scenskih umjetnosti, Odsjek za glumu u klasi prof. Miralema Zubčevića i Aleksandra Jevđevića. Pored veoma uspješne glumačke karijere u zadnjih nekoliko godina, bavi se i ostalim aspektima teatarske umjetnosti: režija, scenografija, kostimografija i koreografija. Važnije uloge: Leonce i Lena, režija Manfred Weber; Die Verlobung von San Domingo, režija Manfred Weber; Woyzek, režija Manfred Weber; Babylon, režija Herbert Gantschacher; Magbeth, režija Dino Mustafić; Košmar o Bosni, režija Faruk Lončarević; Mjera za mjeru, režija Aleš Kurt; Revizor, režija Dritero Kasapi; Trg ratnika, režija Dino Mustafić; Bog, Rat i ostalo, režija Aleš Kurt; Muholovac, režija Aleš Kurt. Režirala je: Pinokio u nevolji, adaptacija A.Kurt, produkcija Aparat teatar (2010); Plumb BO-BO, ZU, koprodukcija Aparat teatar / SARTR (2014); Zaljubljeni vuk, koprodukcija Edus / Aparat teatar / SARTR (2014).



anosch’s illustrated story Daddy Lion and Happy Kids is subtitled as a “small educational guide”. Thus, this play serves as a small, scenic educational guide whose most important rule is that children learn the most through playing. The process of growing up in today’s hyper-speed era is, in fact, a continuous suppression of creativity inherent in every being. Our main character, the good-natured and gentle Daddy Lion emphasises the importance of play for education – clean, direct, uninhibited, cheerful, but also exploratory play. The norms and rules are learned through playing, so this play is also aimed at parents who need to break various prejudices in their educational approach. This needs to be said once again, loudly: children learn about the world through play, not through previously determined rules.



elma Lizde-Kurt was born in Sarajevo, where she graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts, department of acting, under the tutelage of prof. Miralem Zubčević and prof. Alexander Jevđević. In addition to a very successful acting career, in the recent years she worked on other fields of theater: directing, set design, costume design, and choreography. Important roles: Leonce and Lena, directed by Manfred Weber; Die Verlobung von San Domingo, directed by Manfred Weber; Woyzek, directed by Manfred Weber; Babylon, directed by Herbert Gantschacher; Macbeth, directed by Dino Mustafić; A Nightmare about Bosnia, directed by Faruk Lončarević; Measure for Measure, directed by Aleš Kurt; Auditor, directed by Dritero Slashing; Warrior Square, directed by Dino Mustafić; God, War, and the Other Things, directed by Aleš Kurt; Flycatcher, directed by Aleš Kurt. She directed: Pinocchio in Trouble, adaptation Aleš Kurt, produced by the Aparat Theater (2010); Plumb BO-BO, ZU, co-production Aparat Theater / SARTR (2014); The Wolf in Love, co-production Edus / Aparat Theater / SARTR (2014).


Režija / Direction: TAMARA KUČINOVIĆ Igraju / Cast: FILIP ELDAN NIKŠA ELDAN KRISTINA FANČOVIĆ NINO PAVLEKOVIĆ LUKA BJELICA MAJA LUČIĆ Scenografija i lutke / Stage Design and Puppets: TAMARA KUČINOVIĆ MAJA LUČIĆ Dizajn svjetla / Light Design: TAMARA KUČINOVIĆ Fotografija / Photography: Goran GuKsić




Umjetnička organizacija GLLUGL 26/9/16 18.00 Pozorište mladih Sarajevo / Youth Theater Sarajevo Uzrast / Age: 12+ Hrvatska / Croatia Trajanje / Duration: 50 min. 12



elo usred kamena i krša. Sparina vlada i cijede se mrtve kapi znoja. Rijeka Glibuša nije dovoljna da ohladi usijane glave i kamene stavove. Jedno dijete željno je slobode. Ona želi da se na jablan penje, da prepliva Glibušu, da trči na konju, da se potuče s dječacima. A čuje samo riječi zabrane: Ti nijesi nikakav dječak. Ne smiješ trčasti, past češ i nagrditi lice. Dječaci mogu žderati koliko hoće, a ti moraš biti tanka i vitka... I Srna umjesto da traži slobodu s skoku, onda potraži slobodu u slučajnoj smrti, koja se rodi iz priče jedne nesretne žene, kljaste Save. Slučajne riječi: Ako prođeš ispod duge postat ćeš dječak! dale su djetetu slobodu u smrti. Ili ne? Ko je od tih zbijenih i ukočenih Čardaka “kriv” za to što je to dijete potražilo slobodu u smrti, a nije ni znalo da tamo hiti. Kajanje ovo priča nam Sava, koja jedina ostade živa, i ne slobodna, ili možda ipak sobodna... Ovo je lutkarska predstava o kajanju, praštanju i želji za slobodom, koju je pitanje mogu li doživjeti likovi od kamena, rođeni u kamenu i u kamen uklesani!



amara Kučinović rođena je 1984. u Zagrebu gdje je od malih nogu pohađala Dramski studio Zagrebačkog kazališta mladih. Nakon završetka Jezične gimnazije u Zagrebu, 2004. godine upisuje Umjetničku akademiju u Osijeku (smjer gluma i lutkarstvo) na kojoj je diplomirala 2008. Iste godine svoje školovanje nastavlja na Akademiji pozorišne umjetnosti u St. Petersburgu u klasi Nikolaya Petrovicha Naumova (smjer redatelj pozorišta lutaka) gdje je diplomirala 2012. godine predstavama Dobri doktor Jojboli (Dječje kazalište Branka Mihaljevića u Osijeku) i Kako se vjetar spustio među ljude (Gradsko kazalište lutaka Split). Nakon toga, svoj stvaralački rad nastavlja mnoštvom predstava, između kojih su: Grga Čvarak (Dječje kazalište Branka Mihaljevića u Osijeku) za koju dobiva nagradu za najbolju scensku adaptaciju i nagradu dječjeg žirija na SLUK – u 2013. godine, Genijalni genije (Kazalište lutaka Zadar) za koju dobiva nagradu dječjeg žirija na PIF – u 2014. godine, te nagradu za najbolju scenografiju na Assiteyu 2014. godine, te višestruko nagrađivana predstava Duga Dinka Šimunovića (Umjetnička akademija u Osijeku 2015). 2013. godine zapošljava se na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Osijeku, gdje drži nekoliko kolegija.



village in the middle of stone and karst. Pervasive sweltering heat, seeping drops of sweat. River Glibuša not enough to cool the hotheads and opinions set in stone. One child longs for freedom. She wants to climb a poplar tree, to swim across Glibuša, to gallop on a horse, to get in a fistfight with boys. But all she hears are the prohibitions: You are not a boy. You mustn’t run, you’ll fall and mar your face. Boys can stuff their faces, but you have to be thin and slender... And then Srna, instead of searching for freedom to jump, sought freedom in accidental death, born from the story of one unhappy woman, lame Sava. Words: If you pass under long you’ll become a boy! spoken as an off-hand remark, awarded the child the freedom in death. Or did they? This is a puppet show about repentance, forgiveness, and desire for freedom, and the question arises: are characters of stone, born in stone and carved in stone, able to experience this freedom.



amara Kučinović was born on November 12, 1984, in Zagreb where she attended Drama Studio of the Zagreb Youth Theater. After graduating from the Language Gymnasium in Zagreb, in 2004 she enrolled at the Art Academy in Osijek (department of acting and puppetry), from which she graduated in 2008. She continued her studies the same year at the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg, in the class of Nikolay Petrovich Naumov (department of directing of theater puppets), from which she graduated in 2012 with the plays The Good doctor Ouch (Children’s Theater of Branko Mihaljević in Osijek) and How the Wind Came Down Among the People (City Puppet Theater, Split). After that, she continued her creative work with numerous plays, including Grga Čvarak (Children’s Theater of Branko Mihaljević in Osijek), for which she received the award for best stage adaptation and the Children’s Jury award at SLUK in 2013. In 2014, she received the Children’s Jury award at PIF for The Ingenial Genius (Puppet Theater Zadar), and the award for best scenography at Assitey in 2014, including the multi award-winning play Rainbow by Dinko Šimunović (Art Academy in Osijek in 2015). Since 2013, she works at the Art Academy in Osijek, where she holds several courses. 13




MALI MESS RADIONICA MLADI/E KRITIČARI/KE – radionica kreativnog pisanja 23.9-26.9.2016. Pozorište mladih Sarajevo Uzrast: 10-12 Broj učesnika/ca: 5-10

MINI MESS WORKSHOP YOUNG CRITICS - creative writing workshop 23.9.-26.9.2016 Youth Theater Sarajevo Age: 10-12 Number of participants: 5-10


Facilitator: DEJAN KOŠĆAK

Radionica Mladi/e kritičari/ke bavi se kreativnim pisanjem i kritičkim promišljanjem o savremenim pozorišnim i plesnim izvedbama. Cilj radionice je zainteresiranoj mladoj publici pružiti osnovne informacije o pozorišnim predstavama i ponuditi im neke nove načine interpretiranja predstava i pisanja o njima. Djeca će kroz praktično iskustvo promatranja predstava, razgovora i pisanja o njima proširiti svoja dosadašnja pozorišna iskustva i steći neka nova, razviti svoje komunikacijske vještine, upoznati umjetničke procese i upotpuniti doživljaj gledanja predstava. Radionice su namijenjene djeci uzrasta od 10 do 12 godina starosti.

The Young Critics workshop deals with creative writing and critical reflexion on contemporary theatre and dance performances. The goal is to provide the interested young audience with basic information about the theater plays, and offer them new ways of interpreting the plays and writing about them. Through practical experience of watching the performances, talking, and writing about them, the children will expand their previous theatrical experience and gain some new ones, develop their communication skills, become familiar with artistic processes, and complement the experience of watching the performance. The workshops are intended for children from 10 to 12 year of age.

Dejan Košćak rođen je u Varaždinu 1988. godine. Studirao je na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu gdje je stekao titulu bakalaureata historije te kasnije titulu magistra historije umjetnosti i magistra muzeologije i upravljanja baštinom. Specijalizirao se za izvedbene umjetnosti, naročito izvedbenu teoriju i muzejsku obradu djela izvedbene umjetnosti. Kao student, radio je za brojne muzeje grada Zagreba (Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Umjetnički paviljon, Galerija Klovićevi dvori…), a od 2014. sarađuje s umjetničkom organizacijom VRUM za koju od 2015. godine radi kao producent te koordinator platforme KLIKER. Uključen je u rad Nomadske plesne akademije. Na 7. Danima suvremenog plesa – Sjever moderirao je festivalski format razgovora s publikom Umjetnici će vam dati odgovore, a na KLIKER festivalu u Zagrebu 2016. godine vodio je radionicu kreativnog pisanja za mladu publiku. Pisao je za izdanje časopisa Kretanja/Movements.

Dejan Košćak was born in Varaždin in 1988. He studied at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, where he obtained a Bachelor degree in history and later a Master’s degree in history of arts, and museology and heritage management. He specialized in performing arts, especially performing theory and museum treatment of works in the performing arts. While he was studying, he worked in numerous museums of Zagreb (the Museum of Contemporary Arts, Art Pavilion, the Klović’s Palace Gallery…), and since 2014, he cooperates with the art organization VRUM where he started working in 2015 as the producer and the coordinator of the KLIKER platform. He is involved in the work of Nomad Dance Academy. He moderated the festival format of conversations with the audience Artists will give you answers at the 7th Days of Contemporary Dance – North, and he facilitated a workshop on creative writing for young audience at the KLIKER festival in Zagreb in 2016. He wrote for the Kretanja/Movements magazine.



MALI MESS RADIONICA NO WORK & JUST PLAY 24.9.2016. 17.00-19.00 Pozorište mladih Sarajevo Broj polaznika: 10-30 Radionica je namijenjena svim dobnim skupinama, a prethodno iskustvo nije potrebno

MINI MESS RADIONICA NO WORK & JUST PLAY 24.9.2016 17.00-19.00 Youth Theater Sarajevo Number of participants: 10-30 The workshop is intended for all ages, no previous experience needed


Facilitator: TILL FRÜHWALD

Asistencija: ASHER O’GORMAN

Assistance: ASHER O’GORMAN

Radionica započinje otvaranjem i zagrijavanjem tijela, za šta koristimo različite sisteme igara kroz koje smo omogućili fuziju različitih pristupa pokretu i plesu. Niz vježbi usredotočen je na buđenje i osvještavanje potencijalnih tjelesnih mogućnosti, koncentraciju, otvaranje osjetilne razine koja uključuje doživljaj prostora i doživljaj trenutka, te pripomaže zajedničkom kreiranju situacija. Kroz brojne fizičke kontakt tehnike koristimo improvizaciju kao model kroz koji će se dogoditi neočekivano, a upravo to nepoznato ponajprije ovisi o saradnji s drugima. Cilj je otvoriti percepciju. Na jednak način pristupa se polaznicima/ama svih dobnih skupina (od 6 do 106). Inspirirani smo pričama i iskustvima koje polaznici/e radionice donose iz svoje svakodnevice i našim iskustvima iz VRUM-ovih umjetničkih procesa. Upravo uvođenjem svakodnevnog, odnosno iskušanog, proživljenog, polaznicima/ama stvaramo sigurno i blisko polazište za daljnje kreiranje i improviziranje. Koristeći njima blisku i poznatu mrežu citata, generira se opuštena atmosfera u kojoj pojedinac/ka lakše otvara percepciju i postepeno se priprema na saradnju s drugima i na razvoj neočekivanog. VRUM

The workshop starts with opening and worming up the body, by using different systems of games through which we enabled the fusion of different approaches to movement and dance. A series of exercises are focused on awakening and awareness of potential body possibilities, concentration, opening of the sensuous level which includes the experience of space and the experience of moment, and assists the mutual creation of situations. Through numerous physical contact technics we use improvisation as a model through which the unexpected will happen, and this unknown primarily depends on cooperation with others. The aim is to open up the perception. The participants of all ages (from 6 to 106) are approached in the same manner. We are inspired by the stories and experiences the participants bring from their every-day life, and by our experiences of VRUM’s artistic processes. Precisely by the introduction of the everyday, the tried, the experienced, we provide a safe and familiar starting point for participants for further creation and improvisation. Using the network of quotations well-known to them, we generate a relaxed atmosphere in which an individual opens their perception easier and is gradually preparing for cooperation with others and the development of the unexpected. VRUM

Till Frühwald je rođen 1983. godine, a glumu je studirao od 2005. do 2009. godine na univerzitetu Mozarteum u Salzburgu. Postao je aktivan član VRUM kolektiva za scensku umjetnost odmah nakon diplomiranja, gdje je radio kao reditelj, učitelj glume, tehnički voditelj i izvođač. U periodu od 2009. do 2011. godine, bio je članom ansambla Junges Schauspielhaus u Dusseldorfu. Od 2011. godine radi kao samostalni umjetnik, te sarađuje sa velikim brojem teatara i reditelja/ica, kao što je Staatstheater Darmstadt, Consol teatar u Gelsenkirchenu, Kainkollektiv i Burgfestspiele Bad Vilbel. Žiri pozorišnih kritičara/ki ga je 2010. godine proglasio jednim od najboljih mladih glumaca u Njemačkoj, kada je dobio i nagradu za ulogu Demaina u istoimenoj predstavi. Predstava Demain, kao i predstava Die besseren Wälder, donijele su mu nominacije za najprestižniju teatarsku nagradu u Njemačkoj (Der Faust), 2011. i 2013. godine. Predstava MINIMI, u čijoj je režiji učestvovao sa Sanjom Tropp Frühwald, osvojila je posebnu nagradu žirija na festivalu Gumbekovi dani u Zagrebu, 2015. godine, a plesni kolektiv VRUM bio je nominiran za nagradu publike.

Till Frühwald was born in 1983, studied acting from 2005 – 2009 on the University Mozarteum in Salzburg. Since study, Till Frühwald is an active member of VRUM Performing Arts Collective, in function of director, acting coach, technical supervisor and performer. From 2009 – 2011 Till Frühwald was a member of the Ensemble of Junges Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf. Since summer 2011 he is active as a freelance artist, collaborating with many different theater companies and directors. Till Frühwald was announced by the board of theater critics as one of best german newcomer artists in 2010 and awarded for the performance Demain in the role of Demain. With the production Demian and Die besseren Wälder he was nominated for highest German theater award Der Faust in 2011 and 2013. The production MINIMI, directed by Sanja Tropp Frühwald and Till Frühwald, was awarded with the special Jury price from Festival Gumbekovi Dani Zagreb 2015 and VRUM performing arts collective was nominated for the audience award.























DIREKCIJA / DIRECTORATE: Naida Đugumović Dajana Gurda Nermin Hamzagić Lejla Hasanbegović Ira Isović Oliver Jović Belma Jusufović Jasmina Koluh Nihad Kreševljaković Mirna Ler Sandra Milanović Aida Mujković Dino Mustafić Bojan Mustur Dragana Radulović Zana Rapa Ismar Salimović Selma Spahić Mirsada Škrijelj

IZDAVAČ / PUBLISHER: J.U. MES - Međunarodni teatarski festival – Scena MESS Public Institution MES - International Theater Festival – MESS Scene

FOTOGRAFI / PHOTOGRAPHERS: Velija Hasanbegović Nikola Blagojević ODNOSI SA JAVNOŠĆU / PUBLIC RELATIONS: Una Bejtović Emir Muhamedagić Benjamin Bajramović Rasim Pavica Jasmina Đikoli UREDNICA / EDITOR: Belma Jusufović 26

ZA IZDAVAČA / FOR PUBLISHER: Nihad Kreševljaković ŠTAMPA / PRINT: Amosgraf TIRAŽ / COPIES: 800


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