Year 17 • 9 Julie 2013 | Tel. 023 626 5212
Best in SA Robertson Hospital’s pharmacy was awarded the National Public Institutional Pharmacy of the Year award by the Pharmacy Council of South Africa. The deserving pharmacy team members are (back from the left) Daniëll Adendorff, Annerien Geldenhuys, Sampie van Staden and TaMari Myburgh; (front) Abrey van Beulen, Christelene Plaatjies, Barend Visser, Ashwon Hartnick, Anolia Josias, Hendrika Doms and Sinisipho Gxagxa. Read the story on page 3.
) Munisipaliteit moet besluit oor nuwe stortingsterrein
Bonnievale of Worcester? DALEEN FOUCHÉ
Die beplande Stockwell-stortingsterrein waarteen Bonnievalers hewig kapsie maak, is moontlik iets van die verlede as ’n streek-stortingsterrein tussen die Langeberg-, Breedevallei- en Witzenberg-munisipaliteite goedgekeur word. Daar bestaan egter steeds kommer oor die addisionele koste wat die vervoer van afval na ’n nuwe stortingsterrein vir die munisipaliteit en belastingbetalers kan inhou. Soyisile Mokweni, bestuurder van die Langeberg-munisipaliteit, het verlede week bevestig dat al drie plaaslike munisipaliteite en die Wynland-distriksmunisipaliteit op 21 Ju-
nie byeengekom het om die moontlikheid van ’n streek-stortingsterrein te bespreek. Mokweni sê indien die munisipaliteit besluit om met die streek-stortingsterrein voort te gaan, sal dit ’n alternatief wees vir die plaaslike stortingsterrein. “Langeberg-munisipaliteit sal slegs met een van die terreine voortgaan.” Die voorgestelde streekstortingsterrein word beplan langs die huidige een in Worcester. Die Gazette het reeds verskeie kere berig dat die Bonnievale-gemeenskap gekant is teen die oprigting van ’n stortingsterrein op die Stockwell-perseel buite dié dorp, waarvoor reeds in 2010 omgewingsgoedkeuring verkry is. Daar sal teen Desember vanjaar besluit word of ’n afval-bestuurslisensie daarvoor uitgereik sal word.
Hansie Wolfaardt, voorsitter van die Bonnievale Sakekamer, sê hulle is bewus daarvan dat die Ashton-stortingsterrein vol is, maar die sakekamer is bekommerd oor die koste verbonde aan die aanry van vullis na Bonnievale. Die vervoerkoste na ’n streek-stortingsterrein sal nóg duurder wees omdat vullis verder aangery moet word. Maar Mokweni sê die voordele van ’n streek-stortingsterrein is juis hoofsaaklik ekonomies. Die per eenheidkoste vir afvalstorting sal laer wees,
die Langeberg sal nie verantwoordelik wees vir die ontwikkelingskoste nie en die vervoerkoste om die afval van die Langeberg na die streek-stortingsterrein te neem, kan uitgebalanseer word met die bedryfskoste wat aansienlik minder kan wees.” Die burgemeesterskomitee vergader op 16 Augustus om die langtermynkostevoordele-ontleding van die voorgestelde Stockwell-stortingsterrein teenoor die streek-stortingsterrein te bespreek. Die volledige kosteontleding sal na verwagting in Maart 2014 voltooi wees en die munisipaliteit sal daarna ’n besluit neem oor watter opsie die Langeberg ondersteun. Volgens Mokweni is die departement van omgewingsake sowel as die nasionale afvalbestuurstrategie ten gunste van ’n streek-stortingsterrein.
Mokweni sê energie kan moontlik opgewek word uit die afval van ’n streek-stortingsterrein. Indien die streek-stortingsterrein voortgaan, sal die vervaardiging van etanol, ’n herwinbare energie, ondersoek word. Mokweni meen die grootste nadeel van ’n streek-stortingsterrein is dat die Langeberg nie die stortingsterrein sal bedryf nie, maar ’n diensleweringsooreenkoms kan met die distriksmunisipaliteit gesluit word. “Ons wil klem daarop lê dat die munisipaliteit die beste langtermynbesluit wat die mees koste-voordelig vir ons sal wees, sal neem. Ons het geen voorkeur vir enige van die terreine nie en die besluit sal slegs gebaseer word op die mees koste-effektiewe opsie oor die langtermyn.”
General - Algemeen
Breederivier Gazette
Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013
) The next Robertson Farmers’ Market will take place on 13 July. ) Eseltjiesrus Donkey Sanctuary will host their sixth AGM on Wednesday 17 July at 18:30 in McGregor (venue to be confirmed). For more information, send email to ) Bok van Blerk en Peter Mitchell is te sien in die komiese produksie Die Boer en die Skot op 20 Julie by Janeza Plaasteater (op die Rooibrugpad). Bespreek by of bel 082 978 7020. ) ’n Damesoggend word op 3 Au-
Gazette pronk met ‘nuwe’ webwerf
Deelnemers aan die fietstoer ten bate van die Herberg Kinderhuis is hier by die Rapid River Spur in Robertson.
Fietsryers trap vir kinderhuis ’n Groep fietsryers het in die laaste week van Junie altesame 647 km gery ten bate van die Herberg Kinderhuis. Individue kon ryers per kilometer borg en sodoende is geld ingesamel. Die roete was van Bellville tot Knysna. Die groep bergfietsryers het elke
dag sowat 100 km deur die pragtige natuurskoon van die Wes-Kaap gery. Die eerste skof was van Bellville tot Worcester, waar hulle by die Golden Valley Lodge oornag het. Die volgende dag het twee Robertsonners, Darren Kelly en Phillip Grobbelaar, hulle by die groep aangesluit en saamgery tot op Montagu. Die Rapid River
Spur op Robertson het reggestaan met heerlike verversings. JJ Steyn van Classic Cycles is die organiseerder van die toer wat jaarliks plaasvind. Enigeen wat belangstel om deel te wees van volgende jaar se toer, kan Petro Uren, bemarker van die kinderhuis, by 023 626 3140 bel.
Kom geniet Boer- en Skot-stories Die skreeusnaakse produksie Die Boer en die Skot met Bok van Blerk en Peter Mitchell sal te sien wees by die Janeza Plaasteater op Saterdag 20 Julie vanaf 18:30 vir 19:00. Bok van Blerk sê Die Boer en die Skot is anders as sy ander konserte. “Daar gaan net ’n paar musikante saam met my op die verhoog wees en hoewel ons al die grootste treffers gaan speel, gaan hierdie ’n baie meer intieme konsert wees.” Peter Mitchell, die Kaapse sanger en musikant, gaan die verhoog met Bok deel en die konsert gaan nie net uit musiek bestaan nie, maar ook ’n goeie dosis komedie hê. “Ons gaan stories en grappe vertel,” sê Bok. In dié teaterstuk vertel Bok die stories van sy grootste treffers. Tussen-
deur vertel en komponeer Mitchell skreeusnaakse staaltjies en liedjies. Omdat Bok altyd met sy volle orkes optree, is dit nie altyd moontlik om in kleiner teaters op te tree nie. Kleiner teaters, soos die Janeza Plaasteater, het nou ’n gulde geleentheid om ’n kunstenaar van Bok se statuur te kry om by hulle op te tree. Aanhangers kry ook die kans om Bok te sien soos nog nooit tevore nie. Hierdie teaterstuk het in 2012 vol sale getrek regoor die land en almal wat die stuk gesien het, het gegons daaroor. Kaartjies kos R195 vir volwassenes en R100 vir kinders. Vir meer inligting oor Die Boer en die Skot, skakel 082 978 7020 of besoek
Bok van Blerk
gustus van 10:00 af by Robertson NGK gehou met Ymile Kennedy van Juig-tydskrif as gasspreker en Kenny Prichard as gaskunstenaar. Kaartjies kos R100. Bel Maggie le Roux by 023 616 3333. ) Robertson Slow vind plaas van 9 tot 11 Augustus. ) Geniet melktert en tee of koffie die laaste Vrydag van elke maand om 10:00 by die Joubert-huis, Montagu. Groepe moet ’n week voor die tyd bespreek by 023 614 1774. ) Geniet pannekoek en koffie elke eerste Saterdag van die maand by die Museummark op Robertson. Daar is ook stalletjies waar tuisgebak, boeke en snuisterye van 09:00 af verkoop word. ) Send event details to gazette@ by 10:00 on Fridays.
Die Breederivier Gazette is trots om aan te kondig dat die aanlynweergawe van die koerant en sy susters,, met ’n splinternuwe voorkoms spog. Die webwerf is ’n jaar gelede in die lewe geroep en bedien sedertdien die aanlyn-gemeenskap met plaaslike nuus van al ses titels in die Boland Gazette-groep. Plaaslike nuus van die Langeberg-, Theewaterskloof-, Swartland-, Helderberg-, Stellenbosch-
en Drakenstein-streke word of die webwerf gedeel. Die nuwe baadjie stel aanlyngebruikers in staat om nuus, vermaak, sport en plaaslike gebeure maklik en vinnig op te spoor, asook om sonder moeite aktief deel te neem deur self hul eie foto’s, stories, gebeure en nuuswenke op te laai. Om dit met jou eie oë te sien, besoek gerus ons webwerf by
Cape flowers on show in Bredasdorp Residents of the Boland will soon have a unique opportunity to see the wealth of flora in the Cape Floral and Fynbos Kingdom under one roof. The first Cape Floral Kingdom Expo is to be held at Mega Park, Bredasdorp about two months from now. After South Africa won yet another gold medal at the 2013 Chelsea Flower Expo, the organisers of the Cape Floral Kingdom Expo decided to focus on the conservation of the unique, colourful and prestigious Cape Floral and Fynbos Kingdom as it is one of only
six world biomes which is found within the borders of a single country. “Revive our Floral Heritage” is the headline theme of what promises to be a massive exhibition of various wildflower species from the Western Cape. It will be hosted in the 6 000 m² BKB Hall and will be completely sheltered. It will be open to the public and all stakeholders from Thursday 29 August until Sunday 1 September. For more information, send email to
Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013
News - Nuus
Breederivier Gazette
Mob retaliates after murder DALEEN FOUCHÉ Two weeks after a brutal mob killing in Zolani, the atmosphere is still tense. According to the Ashton police, Zolani residents stoned and then burned a 26-year-old man to death for allegedly murdering a local man on Saturday 23 June in the early morning hours. Warrant Officer Riana Truter, interim station commander, says an argument erupted between the two men, just after midnight, and it is suspected that the 26-year-old stabbed his 40-year-old victim in the chest and ran away. Police launched a search for the suspect, but could not find him. At 02:45 police received an anonymous phone call with information that a large group of people were stoning the suspect, who is said to be a foreigner, in Khuselo Street. Truter says that upon their arrival on the scene, officers were met by a “big riotous crowd” who kept the police from helping the victim. Members of the crowd then set the victim’s body alight. No-one has been arrested in connection with the murder and police request the assistance of residents with any information regarding the incident.
The scene where a murder suspect was set alight by a mob in Khuselo Street, Zolani. Truter assures residents that all informants will be kept anonymous. Johan Burger, a senior researcher with the Crime and Justice Programme at the Institute for Security Studies, says there might be two reasons for a community to react in this way. The first is a lack of faith in the justice system and a lack of trust that a perpetrator would be prosecuted. The community thus takes the law into their own hands. A second reason might be the absence of traditional courts amongst people who migrated from areas where they were used to such courts.
Burger explains that they are not familiar with the official justice system. He adds that the mob killing may have been further aggravated by the victim’s foreign nationality. Lt Cynthia Mngcele, spokesperson for the Robertson police, says the police urge residents not to take the law into their own hands.
) The Robertson police warn residents not to pay a deposit on wendy houses or other products before the item is in their possession. Lt Cynthia Mngcele, spokesperson for the Robertson police, says incidents have been reported in which people had paid a deposit but did not receive their wendy house. ) Mngcele also reports that three incidents of housebreaking in which firearms had been stolen, were reported last weekend. She urges residents to ensure that their firearms are secured in a safe. She says that if a gun owner is found to be negligent with the safekeeping of a firearm, police will take further action. ) Inwoners van Nuwedorp, Bonnie-
vale word deur die Bonnievale-polisie versoek om meer paraat te wees vir inbrekers, en om hulle eiendom gesluit te hou. Indien moontlik moet hulle ook diefwering by hul huise laat installeer. Die polisie waarsku inwoners om nie besittings te laat rondlê nie en om motorhuise te alle tye gesluit te hou. Die polisie vra veral dat mense wat vuurwapens besit, dit te alle tye in kluise wegsluit. Vir meer inligting, bel konst. Christel Geldenhuys by 023 616 8060. ) Die Montagu-polisie het onlangs ’n opedag by die Montagu-polisiestasie gehou. Vyf-en-twintig lede van Springroses Dienssentrum vir bejaardes het die opedag bygewoon. Dit het deel gevorm van Afrika Diensleweringsweek van 20 tot 27 Junie. Ao. Kevin Butler en sers. Suria Meyer het die besoekers meer vertel van die polisie se werksaamhede en ’n toer van die traumakamer en aanhoudingselle gelei. Die gaste is ook vir ’n rit in ’n polisievoertuig geneem.
Robertson pharmacy best in SA The Robertson Hospital’s pharmacy was awarded the National Public Institutional Pharmacy of the Year award by the Pharmacy Council of South Africa. This was at their annual awards ceremony held at Sun City on Saturday 29 June. It is the second time that this pharmacy has been awarded national recognition. Sampie van Staden, pharmacist, was awarded the National Pharmacist of the Year award in 2011. The prestigious award was given to the pharmacy for its achievements in the following areas: ) The continued Grade A rating by the council, based on the principles of good pharmacy practice, including activities such as accurate labelling, stock control and management of the pharmacy area. ) The contribution made towards the management of the “burden of disease”. This includes counselling patients who are using chronic medication.
Gazette also on Facebook The Breede River Gazette has a Facebook page where readers can comment, like and link to stories on our web page. To keep up-to-date with the latest Breede River Gazette news, like our page at Breederivier Gazette.
) Community-based orientation towards patients. The pharmacy has a recognised system of alternative distribution points whereby chronic medicines are pre-packaged and delivered to a venue closer to the patient’s home. ) Participation in annual health promotions as indicated by the Pharmacy Council. The pharmacy routinely distributes a questionnaire to waiting patients entitled “Know your medicine” to encourage knowledge on their condition and adherence to regime. ) The pharmacy staff actively encourage patients to return unused medicines in an effort to improve understanding and compliance among patients. Van Staden said the key to the
success of the Robertson Hospital’s pharmacy is empowerment of not only the staff and health care workers, but also of clients. He explained that with training and information, people can be empowered. He further attributed the success to respect for colleagues, clients and their employer, the Department of Health, and its systems. Western Cape Minister of Health Theuns Botha said, “This is yet another example of how Western Cape Health is working towards creating wellness in our communities. The continued high scoring in best pharmacy practice indicates that the staff of this pharmacy do their work not only with passion, but also with efficacy and accuracy, all the while keeping the needs of their patients in mind. What a feather in the cap not only for the pharmacy services and management of Robertson Hospital, but also for the patients of the Langeberg area that they serve.
Dié groep van Springroses Dienssentrum het die Montagu-polisie op 21 Junie besoek.
Kinders van Bergsig in Robertson oefen daagliks tydens die skoolvakansie saam met plaaslike atleet Willie Engelbrecht (links). Lt. Cynthia Mngcele, woordvoerder van die Robertson-polisie (regs), moedig plaaslike kinders aan om die groep by die Bergsigsportterrein aan te sluit en sodoende “uit die kwaad” te bly. Vir meer inligting, bel Allan Smith by 060 380 7434 of Engelbrecht by 084 619 2241.
General - Algemeen
Breederivier Gazette
Two farms proposed to tap into the energy of the sun DALEEN FOUCHÉ
Proposals for two solar farms in the Langeberg are currently before the local council for a decision. Rezoning applications for both proposed solar farms were submitted by the developers, Sunspot Pty (Ltd), to the Langeberg Municipality early in June. The first application requests that a portion of Bosjemansdrift farm outside Bonnievale be changed from agriculture to renewable energy. In a second proposal, Sunspot also applied to rezone a portion of farm 340 in the Takaps Valley outside McGregor. The National Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has expressed concern over the rezoning application for the portion of Bosjemansdrift and the loss of agricultural land. But Mark Bleloch, owner of Sunspot Pty (Ltd) says this portion of Bosjemansdrift, which is privately owned land, has not been farmed in seven years. Both solar farm projects have been in planning for over a year and have received environmental approval from the provincial Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning in November last year (“McGregor solar farm gains approval”, Breede River Gazette, 18 No-
vember 2012). But Bleloch says the two Langeberg projects still have a long way to go after the rezoning applications have been approved. He explains that in order to become an independent energy provider, a company has to be selected by the Department of Energy through the renewable bidding process. Bleloch plans to submit both projects to bid in the third window of the national Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer (IPP) Procurement Programme. If Sunspot is selected by the Department of Energy as a preferred bidder, Sunspot will win a contract with Eskom to provide energy. Bleloch says the bidding process and building of the solar farm may take up to two to three years to complete. If, however, Sunspot is not chosen by the Department of Energy, Sunspot will look at options for selling electricity to private companies, if the tariff to feed into the national grid is not too expensive at that time. The Bosjemansdrift project proposes to build a solar farm with a footprint of 19,9 ha with an output of 8,5 Mw. The McGregor project proposes to build a 12,5 ha solar farm with an output of 5 Mw. Bleloch says that a solar farm with a 5 Mw capacity can roughly provide
electricity to 1 000 houses if the sun shines from 09:00 until 16:30. Bleloch says the solar farms would feed power into local substations and provide power to the local communities during the day. “I prefer to develop smaller projects that provide energy locally, instead of building big projects, where energy has to travel over a long distance before being used.” Bleloch says he chose to specialise in solar energy instead of wind energy, because of South Africa’s abundance of sunlight. He says that with wind energy, it is not as economically viable to pursue small projects as it is with solar energy. He says mountainous and coastal areas are suitable for wind farms, but says most inland areas of South Africa are suitable for solar energy. “In South Africa, the wind is often too strong or too weak.” He furthermore believes that solar farms do not have the big visual impact that wind farms have. Plans for a proposed wind farm on Brakkenfontein outside Bonnievale, were abandoned by its developers, Terra Power Solutions in October 2012. According to the developers, the proposal was withdrawn due to a combination of factors, including the lack of wind resource on the proposed site. Local landowners welcomed this decision.
Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013
Eskom contracts await winners of energy race DALEEN FOUCHÉ The national Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement (IPP) Programme aims to generate 3 725 megawatts (MW) renewable energy through its three-phase bidding programme. Through this programme, independent companies are urged to plan renewable energy projects. Once these projects have the necessary approval from the appropriate authorities, including environmental authorisation, the project can be submitted for the national bidding process. The bidders, preferred by the National Department of Energy, are then awarded with a contract with Eskom to provide a predetermined amount of renewable energy into the grid. The required 3 725 mw is divided by the Department of Energy into various renewable energy technologies: Onshore wind is to account for 1850 mw, concentrated solar thermal is to account for 200 mw and solar photovoltaic will account for 1 450 mw. Bio-
Heilsleër skenk komberse
Die vroue van die Tuisdiens, die vrouediens van die Heilsleër (Salvation Army), het fluks kniekomberse gebrei en gehekel. Altesame tien komberse is oorhandig aan die inwoners van die Huis Le Roux-tehuis
vir bejaardes se verswakte afdeling. Die Tuisdiens bedank die personeel van Huis Le Roux vir hul toewyding in die versorging van ouer persone, asook vir al die vroue wat gehelp het met die projek.
Die vroue van die Tuisdiens wat komberse gebrei en gehekel het is (agter van links): Cynthia Swanepoel, Elizabeth Erasmus en Jeanne Swanepoel; (middel) Sannet Morris, Cindy Swanepoel, Babie Swanepoel en Betje Braaf; (voor) Daleen Louwrens, Marita Beeslaar en Minie Groenewalt.
mass will account for 12,5 mw and biogas for 12,5 mw, while landfill gas will account for 25 mw and small hydro projects for 75 mw The department recently launched the IPP Small Projects, where companies with renewable energy projects that produce less than 5 mw can bid. The small projects will account for 100 mw of the targeted 3 725 mw The first two windows of bidding have been concluded and contracts with preferred bidders signed. The closing date for application for the third window of bidding is 19 August. During the first window for bidding, 28 proposals were chosen. From these proposals, 633.99 mw will be produced by wind projects, while 631.53 mw will be produced by solar photovoltaic projects. During the second window for bidding, 19 proposals were chosen. From these proposals, 562.4 mw will be generated by wind projects, while 417.1 mw will be generated by solar photovoltaic projects.
Verslaafde kinders kan hulp kry Die Wes-Kaapse regering is druk besig met pogings om ’n dwelmvrye provinsie te skep. Daar is vroeër vanjaar ’n studie in dié provinsie gedoen oor dwelmmisbruik en misdaad onder graad 10- tot 12-leerlinge en doeltreffende ingryping op nasionale vlak sal na verwagting ook aansienlik versterk word met die Wet op Voorkoming en Behandeling van Middelmisbruik. Pogings soos hierdie word met geesdrif verwelkom deur Badisa, ’n maatskaplike dienste-organisasie van die VGK en NGK, wat gemeenskappe in die Wes-, Oos- en Noord-Kaap met die voorkoming en behandeling van dwelmmisbruik bystaan. Altesame 240 skole is by die Wes-Kaapse navorsing betrek, wat getoon het dat tabak, alkohol en dagga steeds die vernaamste verslawende middels is. Tweederdes van die leerlinge het reeds met alkohol kennis gemaak. Die helfte van hulle gebruik dit gereeld. Meer as ’n derde het voor die ouderdom van 13 met sigarette geëksperimenteer en 13% van hulle rook meer as tien per dag. Byna ’n kwart het al dagga probeer (baie van hulle voor 13) en 13% is gereelde gebruikers. Leerlinge wat al ’n graad gedruip het, was meer hiertoe geneig. Die gebruik van harde middels is nie so hoog as wat aanvanklik vermoed is nie. Na berekening loop 15% van die leerlinge in alle grade en distrikte ’n hoë risiko op geestelike versteuring as gevolg van middelmisbruik. Badisa wys op die hooffaktore wat tot middelmisbruik lei: chaotiese huislike omstandighede, ondoeltreffende ouerskap, ontoepaslik skaam of aggressiewe gedrag op skool, swak prestasie en bande met vriende met afwykende gedrag. Met goed opgeleide personeel lewer Badisa ’n professionele diens gegrond op wetenskaplike navorsing. Die organisasie lewer voorkoming- en nasorgdienste aan individue en hul gesinne in die gemeenskap. Badisa het ook twee sentrums, Ramot en Toevlug. Dié diens is vir almal toeganklik en bekostigbaar en geloof vorm ’n belangrike hoeksteen in die herstelproses. Wat kan mense doen om te help? “Bemagtig jouself met kennis oor alkohol en dwelms. Bid dat ons jongmense nie vasgevang word nie. Stel ’n goeie voorbeeld. Versterk gesinsverhoudinge en ondersteun slagoffers sonder om hulle te verwyt,” sê Theresa Rossouw, bestuurder van een van Badisa se behandelingsentrums. Die volgende telefoonnommers kan ook byderhand gehou word: 023 342 1162 of 021 939 2033.
Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013
General - Algemeen
Breederivier Gazette
SPCA in good shape thanks to bequest DALEEN FOUCHÉ
Ford says she is also hopeful that an outstanding application The Winelands for R300 000 to the NaSPCA is on a stable tional Lottery will be financial footing approved. thanks to a bequest During her inspecfrom an estate that tor’s report, Lesley has been finalised. Bevis-Challinor, Winelands SPCA inThis was anspector, raised eyenounced at the Winebrows with the statislands SPCA’s Annual tics related to the General Meeting work of the Wine(AGM), held at the lands SPCA. Robertson Bowling From April 2012 to Club on Tuesday 2 JuMarch 2013, 1 976 ly. dogs and 772 cats The AGM was were brought to the opened by chairperWinelands SPCA. In son Sarah Ford, who this time, the Wineexpressed her thanks lands SPCA sterilised to all the volunteers 330 and de-wormed and members attending the meeting. Lesley Bevis-Challinor, Winelands SPCA inspector. 134 animals. More than 220 animal cruIn her report, Ford expressed a need for an umbrella organisation elty complaints were attended to. Six animal for all animal protection groups to strengthen cruelty court cases were finalised, while the outcome of six cases are still pending. their effort to prevent animal cruelty. The Winelands SPCA’s infrastructure conIn her financial report, Ford emphasised how easily a non-profit organisation can be- sists of six adoption kennels, four kennels for come financially unstable. She said without lost and injured animals, two large catteries the Jeffery Whelan bequest of R900 000, the an office building with a clinic and two mobile Winelands SPCA would only have enough clinics. The mobile clinics visit each of the five money to continue their work for the next four towns in the Langeberg on a weekly basis. The current committee for the Winelands to five months. Altogether R400 000 of the bequest has been SPCA was re-elected with open invitation for placed in a fixed deposit account in order to anyone to join the committee. Ford emphasised the importance of a good relationship beensure the future of the Winelands SPCA. This, in light of the recent closure of the Har- tween the committee and the staff and thanked rismith and Breede Valley SPCAs, was wel- all involved for their hard work and commitment to the work of the SPCA. come news.
Search starts for province’s Farm Worker of the Year The 2013 Western Cape Farm Worker of the Year Competition was recently launched at Elsenburg, Stellenbosch. Shoprite, the official sponsor, is contributing R750 000 towards the 2013 competition. The total cost of the competition, a Western Cape Government Department of Agriculture initiative, will be R1,5 million. The overall winner will receive close to R100 000 at a gala event in November. The competition has been growing each year since its inception in 2002. This year will see more than 1 100 entrants from 15 regions competing for top laurels. This represents a 10% growth in entries since 2012. The 2013 competition also sees a new category, Social Development, which has been
created to facilitate entries for health and crèche workers. Western Cape Minister of Agriculture Gerrit van Rensburg urged all role players in the agricultural sector to get involved in this year’s competition. He said in light of the unrest the Western Cape experienced in 2012, it is now more important than ever before to give recognition to the farm workers of the Western Cape. He said the competition is still the only government initiative in South Africa that recognises the invaluable role farm workers play in our society and economy. The Langeberg Farm Worker of the Year event is on 5 September in the Town Hall, Robertson and the provincial event is on 25 October in Cape Town.
TRADISIES LEEF VOORT: Die Khoisan Riel- en Dramagroep van Robertson het op 16 Junie, op Jeugdag, by die Jeugdag-vieringe in die Robertson-gemeenskapsaal opgetree. Hier is (agter van links) Katrina Stevans, Nicola Heroldine, Triesa Speek, Bethadette Meintjies, Bonita Meintjies, Shanna Kyster en chief Adam Stevens, (voor) Shirley Meintjies, Nicole Adams en Shantell Cock. Derick Heroldine en Roger Samuels was afwesig met die neem van die foto. Indien lede van die gemeenskap betrokke wil raak by die groep, kan hulle Stevens bel by 073 031 8032. FOTO VERSKAF
General - Algemeen
Breederivier Gazette
Visitors sit comfortably and listen to Bibi Slippers recite Breytenbach poems. Darryl Earl David is in the middle, next to writer Ingrid Winterbach (on the right).
Montagu rediscovers its cultural roots
Montagu has served as inspiration to various artists, whether they create with words or paint.
This was the testimony of several speakers at the Breyten Breytenbach literary festival that took place in Montagu over the weekend. The festival is only in its second year and already attracts prominent, established and up-coming names in the literary and art worlds. The festival is the brainchild of Darryl Earl David, who also organises several other literary festivals, including the Richmond Boekefees. David says Montagu was the “obvious choice” for the festival, because of its rural beauty and the fact that Breyten Breytenbach has a holiday home in the town. Friday’s jam-packed programme included a talk by David about the country churches
of South Africa and a tour of the Bonnievale Museum. The Saturday programme kicked off with the Montagu Historical Walk and Art Meander, where local architecture was admired by visitors. Bibi Slippers, literary journalist, paired photos of Breyten with his poems in a beautiful presentation. Riana Scheepers and Christopher Nicholson gave insight into their new books, while Justin Fox gave insight into the life and work of famed South African artist, Francois Krige. In an enlightening talk, Fox focused on the inspiration Krige drew from Montagu and its surrounds. The talks were held in the NG Church Hall, which was decorated with the work of local artists. The weekend of literary delights was concluded with a Poetry and Music picnic at Die Stal.
Low-cost tips to keep warm during winter DANIQUE FULLARD Keeping warm this winter does not have to cost you the earth. Indeed, expensive down duvets are really effective, as are oil and gas heaters and electric blankets. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we have a responsibility to be energy conscious and if we are not, the result will be a dark winter, literally. Eskom chief Brian Dames has warned that there is a high risk of blackouts this winter, which could affect industries, businesses and homes. Dames said, “Eskom calls on all South Africans to pull together and switch off every nonessential item, particularly between 17:00 and 21:00 – particularly geysers, which consume large amounts of electricity.” Other than switching off our geysers and unnecessary appliances, there are more ways to keep our lights on this winter and keep warm at the same time. Use hot water bottles to keep warm and snuggle on the couch with throws and warm layers of clothing rather than heaters. Drawing your curtains in the afternoon also helps to keep the heat in and keep your doors closed to hinder icy draughts chilling your home. Furthermore, embrace the cold weather with some interesting hot drinks. Other than warming the body, these easy
recipes also keep unwanted colds and flues at bay. Home-made Chai tea (serves 4) ) 8 cardamom seeds ) 8 cloves ) 4 black peppercorns ) 2 cinnamon sticks ) 1 1-inch piece fresh ginger, sliced ) 2 cups whole milk ) 4 bags black tea (such as Darjeeling) ) 8 teaspoons sugar or more, to taste Place the cardamom, cloves and peppercorns in a re-sealable plastic bag and crush with a heavy skillet. Then place the crushed spices in a medium saucepan, along with the cinnamon sticks, ginger, milk and two cups water. Bring to the boil. Remove from heat, add the tea bags, cover, and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain into cups. To each cup, add two teaspoons sugar or more, to taste. Warm hazelnut toddy (serves 1) ) 1½ ounces Frangelico ) ½ cup hot water ) 2 tablespoons lightly whipped heavy cream In a mug, stir together the Frangelico and hot water. Spoon the whipped cream over the top before serving.
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Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013
KOM geniet die avontuur en ontspanning van perdry by die Robertson Ryskool.* Ons bied verskeidenheid van rylesse vir kinders en grootmense vir beginners en ervare ruiters *Outrides tussen die wingerde en langs die Breërivier * Wynproë op ’n perd se rug of met die waentjie by Majors Hill en Springfield. * Perdrykampe vir kinders gedurende skoolvakansies * Mini kommando’s op Saterdae* Kinderpartytjies. Skakel ons gerus by 072 291 7631 of 082 402 7088.
Motors te Koop Vehicles for Sale 24/7 Cash of your bakkie or car. Just SMS or PHONE 072 620 1126.
Dorpshuise te Huur Townhouses to Let ASHTON 3 slpkm huis te huur. Skakel 079 082 1174.
Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013
General - Algemeen
Breederivier Gazette
Bursaries for local computer course still available Logika Computers, in collaboration with Stellenbosch Entrepreneur and Enterprise Development (SEED), has received funding from the HCI Foundation and now offers 25 bursaries to deserving Langeberg candidates. The HCI Foundation is the corporate social investment arm of HCI, a black empowerment investment company with its origins in the
Die Kambroo Diggers-dramagroep van George tree op tydens die amptelike bekendstelling van Langeberg Substance Abuse Action Group (LSAAG).
Drukgroep in Robertson gestig
Die nuut gestigte Langeberg Substance Abuse Action Group (LSAAG) het op 22 Junie sy amptelike bekendstelling by Langeberg Sekondêr in Robertson gehou. Groepe van Ashton, Montagu en Bonnievale het ook hierdie geleentheid bygewoon. Clara Meyer, speaker van die Kaapse Wynland-distriksmunisipaliteit, en Khanyile Klaas, onderburgemeester van die Langeberg-munisipaliteit, was van die eregaste en het ook hul motivering vir en ondersteuning aan die inisiatief toegesê. Nazlie du Toit, uitvoerende beampte van die Waitrose Foundation (voorheen uitvoerende beampte van die Gemeenskapskas WesKaap), was die gasspreker en het
op praktiese wyse die tema van alkohol- en dwelm-afhanklikheid belig en veral ook daarop gefokus om die probleem aan te spreek deur te fokus op die gemeenskap. Allistair Williams het sy ervaring met dwelms en sy lang pad na herstel met die gehoor gedeel. Magdal Jaftha, koördineerder van LSAAG, bedank almal wat hul ondersteuning gegee het om van die bekendstelling ’n sukses te maak, veral die volgende groepe wat die dag so ’n sukses gemaak het: departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling, Langeberg-munisipaliteit, die polisie, Toevlug, CAD, Lean on Me, Kambroo Diggers-dramagroep van George, Vergesig Primêre Skool se trompoppies, Christiaan Art School, Johan Jagers en die La Colline Dancing Kids.
PLAASLIKE SKOONHEDE: Vrugtekelkie Bewaarskool in Ashton het op Saterdag 29 Junie ’n gala-aand vir sy leerlinge aangebied. Agter van links is die onderwysers, Sophy Plaatjies, Jo-Ann de Bruyn, Geraldine Deelman, Anichia Lewis, Idrey Steve, Magdelena Pyl en Chris-Sean Plaatjies. Die wenners van die skoonheidskompetisie was (voor) Phebe de Bruyn, Waldré Strydom en Godvin Joseph. FOTO VERSKAF
Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers’ Union. The courses at Logika Computers cover the basic computer skills required to make people employable. They are ICDL (International Computer Driver’s Licence) and MICTSETA (the government training body for media, information and communication technologies) accredited courses.
Application forms will be available at Logika Computers, and the closing date for the HCI Foundation applications will be 12 July. Another sponsor, Refresh Sparkling Mineral Water, will sponsor one student per month for a full eLearner Platinum course. Applications will open every month. Keep an eye on Facebook at
Year 17 • 9 Julie 2013 | Tel. 023 626 5212
Gholf-wenk vir die week Die Breederivier Gazette sal voortaan gereeld ’n gholf-wenk publiseer om plaaslike gholfspelers te help met hul spel. Die wenke word verskaf deur die plaaslike professionele gholfspeler Jacquin Hess, wat tans in die Sunshine-reeks speel. Vandeesweek se wenk is: “Visualisering is belangrik. Voor elke hou is dit belangrik om ’n positiewe resultaat van die hou te sien. Ek raai aan dat gholfspelers en ander sportmense hulle in ’n positiewe uitslag indink en dit visualiseer. Ná die visualisering kan die hou geslaan word. As jy negatiewe uitslae visualiseer, sal jy ’n negatiewe resultaat kry.” ) Hess bied professionele gholf-lesse aan om geld in te samel wat hom in staat sal stel om aan die Sunshine-reeks deel te neem. Vir meer inligting, bel hom by 076 629 6390.
Jacquin Hess
Gazette wil ingelig wees oor wenners. Wat gebeur in jou sportgebied? Het jou gemeenskap ’n sportster? Presteer jou skool se leerlinge op die sportveld? Laat die Gazette weet! SMS op 32513 of e-pos na
Participants in the first Ride2Nowhere, in 2012, cross some wet pathways.
McGregor’s ride to nowhere Cyclists can get their pedalling muscles ready for a unique threeday mountain bike race, the Ride2Nowhere, taking place for the second time in McGregor from 13 to 15 September. Families can combine a weekend of mountain biking with good wine, good company, delicious plaaskos and entertainment. Apart from the three-day stage race, manageable for anyone who has at least a couple of hours cycling practice under their belts, there are also kiddies’ races, local entertain-
ment every night as well as a local market where members of the community will be selling their products. The race follows a clover-leaf format with each day’s start and finish in McGregor. Distances will vary between 60 km and 65 km each day. This race is designed to cater for the social “weekend warrior” while still offering many challenges to the more serious cyclists. Various lucky draw prizes will be on offer and everyone will stand a chance to win. The Ride2Nowhere is in aid of the Kimberley Rose Cancer Association
and the JAG Foundation, which aims to offer positive alternatives to many social ills, using sport as a catalyst. The event is organised with the involvement of members of the local community, who are responsible for organising, hosting and other activities during the weekend. The entry fee is R5 500 for a team and R2 750 for individuals. For more information and registration, visit, email or phone 021 702 7886.
Youth boxing in Nkqubela The Boland Youth Boxing Championships will be held at the Nkqubela Community Hall on Saturday 13 July. Boxers from across the Boland will compete. No alcohol will be allowed inside the hall.Tickets to the event are R15 each for adults and R5 each for children. For more information, phone Earnest Qhankqiso on 078 775 5017.