• Bouers Gereedskap • Elektriese Gereedskap • Tuin Gereedskap • Skoonmaak Masjiene • Sleepwaens • Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service • Draaibank/Milling Werk; TIG/MIG Welding WELLINGTON, 12 VERSAILLES ST 021 873 2222
Year 5 • Friday 6 February 2015 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365
In the Paarl Post ) Crime in CBD escalates ) Bunnies dumped on pass ) More armed robberies ) Arson suspected as car burns
Brand new houses
2 Raad vir skuld
4 W’ton laerskole atletiek 8
Optog laat harte warm klop
Honderde Wellingtonners het langs dié dorp se strate en by Boland-stadion saamgedrom om na verlede Saterdag se klopse-vertoning op die dorp te kyk. Altesaam nege van die 14 troepe wat deel vorm van die jaarlikse klopse-kompetisie het aan Saterdag se vertoning deelgeneem. Die Caledonians is uiteindelik as die wen-groep aangewys. FOTO: JOHAN NEL
News - Nuus
Drakenstein Gazette
Friday 6 February 2015
Honderde mense het Woensdag by die Ambagsvallei-sportsentrum saamgedrom om lenings aan te gaan met hul Sassa-kaarte. Sassa-kaarthouers word herhaaldelik gewaarsku om nie geld op hul Sassa-kaart te leen nie omdat dit onwettig is, maar steeds maak talle mense hul skuldig hieraan. Volgens ’n inwoner in die gebied het Sassa-werkers vir die mense verduidelik dat dit onwettig is, maar die publiek het eerder oproerig geraak as wat hulle hul plek in die lang ry opgegee het. Mense het van so ver as Kaapstad en Bellville hiervoor gereis. Geen werknemers van die leningverskaffers wou kommentaar lewer nie of sê aan wie die onderneming behoort nie. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX
Paarl-Oos-polisie ondersoek klagtes DEVIDEAN MOSES Die Paarl-Oos-polisie ondersoek verskeie klagtes nadat inwoners ernstig aangerand is. In die eerste voorval is ’n 17-jarige meisie wat vyf maande swanger is aangerand, nadat haar 26-jarige broer na bewering met haar baklei het. Volgens polisiewoordvoerder, lt. Diana Linee, het die verdagte die slagoffer verlede Woensdag (28 Januarie) omstreeks 11:00 aangerand. “Sy was besig om die huis skoon te maak toe haar broer haar begin slaan het. Die slagoffer het blykbaar vir hom gesê dat hy nie in die huis moet mors nie. “Die verdagte het ag-
gressief geraak en haar uit woede begin slaan.” Die saak word op Dinsdag 10 Maart in die Paarl-landdroshof aangehoor. In die tweede voorval is ’n 30-jarige vrou op 25 Januarie in Tygerberg-hospitaal opgeneem, nadat sy na bewering ernstig deur haar kêrel aangerand is. Linee vertel: “Die slagoffer word vir jare deur haar kêrel aangerand en dus het sy ’n interdik teen hom laat uitreik. Haar kêrel, vermoedelik ’n dwelmverslaafde, het haar so hard geslaan dat haar kaak gebreek is. Sy is aangerand in die teenwoordigheid van haar vyf-jarige en nege-jarige kinders. Die kinders het na hul huis gehardloop om hulp te roep. Die vrou is met die Paarl-ambulansdienste na Paarl-hospitaal vervoer.
Die polisie ondersoek ’n klag van ernstige aanranding en vra die publiek se hulp om vir Johan McHarty (38) van Bauhinia-woonstelle 9A op te spoor. In die derde voorval is ’n man van Polonaisestraat, Groenheuwel, met ’n mes gesteek toe diewe hom van sy selfoon in Van der Stelrylaan beroof het. “Die voorval het op 29 Januarie plaasgevind toe die slagoffer op pad was om na sy huis te loop. “Die verdagte het na die slagoffer geloop, hom met ’n mes gedreig en hom beveel om sy selfoon te oorhandig. Die verdagte het sy selfoon gegryp, waarna hy hom ook met die mes gesteek het. Enigiemand wat die polisie met hul ondersoeke kan help kan 021 877 5900 bel.
Suspects escape police custody
BRAND NEW HOUSES. Cllr Wendy Philander (right) the Mayoral Committee Member for Housing and Human Settlements in the Drakenstein Municipality, welcomed Gail Rossouw (second from right) to her new house in the Lantana/Kolbe Housing Project. A formal handing over of houses ceremony will take place soon with the Provincial Minister of Human Settlements, Bonginkosi Madikizela. Rossouw and four other families took ownership of their homes on the same day. Houses will be handed over to beneficiaries of the project on a weekly basis. With Rossouw from left are: Faarieg Rhoda (senior manager: Human Settlements) and Agnetha Hansen (Housing Project section).
Tower Gebou, Nantes Straat ......................................R199 p/kg Biltong ......................................R199 Wors..................................R159 p/kg Droë Wors..................................R159 .................................R249 p/kg Chili Bites .................................R249 Bites..............................R249 p/kg Biltong Bites..............................R249 ............................R249 p/kg Chutney Bites ............................R249 .................................R49 p/kg Lean Mince .................................R49 ......................R59 p/kg Goudini Boerewors ......................R59 .....(Price on Request) Matured Steak Cuts .....(Price For all quantities exceeding 10 kg on fresh meat and 5 kg on Biltong and Droe Wors we give a 10% discount. Fresh meat orders before Thursday mornings at 11:00
All our products are manufactured in our Worcester factory and the fresh meat orders delivered to our shops Friday mornings for your collection.
Call 076 536 8711
HEALTHCARE TRAINING ACADEMY is proud to present the
Home Based Care / Community Health Worker Program in Paarl, Western Cape from February 2015.
We are open for registration! Visit us at 41 Lady Grey Street, Paarl
Tel: 021 871 1046/1048 E-mail: info@medicaemanus.co.za | Website: www.medicaemanus.co.za X1PPN8CM-GZ060215
Mbkweni Police are looking for two men who escaped from the holding cells at the police station. According to Mbekweni Police spokesperson, Serg. Nceba Vanqa, two men, Phumulo Motsokotsi (21) and Leon Liebenberg (32), escaped at around 14:30 on Sunday. Motsokotsi and Liebenberg were arrested in separate incidents over the weekend for possession of drugs and theft respectively. It is alleged that they removed the grill covering lights of the cells and used it to cut open a part of the roof in the exercise room, through which they then escaped. Liebenberg has been rearrested but Motsokotsi is still at large. Since he escaped, police paid several visits to his house in New Drommedaris but with no success. Police urge residents who have information about his whereabouts to contact them immediately at 021 868 9900/01.
Die Paarl-Oos-woongebied word sedert verlede jaar erg deur kabeldiewe geteister en dus is talle strate pikdonker. Paarl-Oospolisiebeamptes van skof-D het Maandag gesteelde kabels verlate in Van der Stelstraat gevind. Hier wys konstabels Ludwick Vuso en Naima Jeppie die kabels. Die publiek kan misdaad aanmelddeurdiepolisiekantoor te skakel by 021 877 5900.
Friday 6 February 2015
News - Nuus
Drakenstein Gazette
Man shot at in armed robbery A moneylender from Van Wyksvlei, Wellington, is lucky to be alive after armed robbers shot at him. It is alleged that the man was driving to his house at around 21:30 on Monday, when he stopped at his front gate to open it. A white vehicle suddenly pulled up next to him and two men, one armed with a firearm, climbed out and fired two shots at him. Fortunately both missed, ena-
bling him to run to safety. The suspects searched the victim’s bakkie and took a sportsbag containing R45 000 in cash. Paarl Cluster Commander, Brigadier Aneeqah Jordaan, this week expressed her concern regarding the increase in serious crimes in which firearms are used. This was the third incident in a week. On 29 January a woman, who deposited money at a bank in Main
Road, was allegedly followed to her workplace in Berlyn Street and robbed at gunpoint. On Tuesday a businessman was yet again targeted in Main Road while on his way to a bank when robbers fooled him into thinking they had bumped into his vehicle. They lured him back and robbed him of R70 000. Jordaan said people should be extremely careful when depositing big sums of money at a bank, and should
preferably take someone with them and alter their times if they do regular deposits. EFT (electronic fund transfers) are also a safe way to make payments and possibly avoid falling victim to robbery. She says when faced with a firearm, try to remain calm and do not resist. Gather as much physical information about the suspects (race
and facial/body features such as piercings, tattoos etc.) and if applicable, the vehicle (colour, model, registration). Also be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious behaviour immediately. Paarl Operational Room is active 24/7 and can be contacted in case of an emergency at 021 870 4017.
HELP! Ek het ’n moeilike kind KARIEN SCHOEMAN
nie en moenie verbaas wees as hulle heftig reageer as iets in hulle alledaagse roetine veranMoenie moedeloos raak nie, daar is werklik der het nie. Om te trek, van skool te verwissel, praktiese hulp wat werk om moeilike kinders ’n kamer te skuif of net iemand anders te stuur om hulle te gaan haal, bring werklik die “slegte hanteer. Herken jy jou kind en jouself in die volgen- ste” in hulle na vore, aangesien hulle nie voorbereid was daarop nie. Hulle raak sommer de: kwaad of huilerig oor ’n nuwe karretjie! en Die kind dan dink ons hulle is ondankbaar, maar eint• Toets grense lik gaan dit oor die feit dat hulle onverhoeds • Hardkoppig gevang is. • Ongehoorsaam Doendinge: • Redeneer en onder• Waarsku jou kind: handel oor alles Ons gaan môre winkel toe • Nooit tevrede om vir jou ’n pop te gaan • Blameer alles en almal koop / Ouma kry jou vanas iets fout gaan middag na skool. • Eis onmiddellike, on• Stel ’n weekkaart op verdeelde aandag waarop jy elke dag se akti• Kerm onophoudelik witeite aandui. Wys vir om sin te kry jou kind in die oggend hoe • Ondankbaar sy/haar dag gaan lyk, so• Sukkel om maats te dat hulle ’n “prentjie” het maak/kinders hou nie van hoe hul dag gaan vervan my kind loop. Die voorskoolse • Reageer nie goed op kind kan nog nie lees nie, verandering maar herken prentjies Die ouer baie vinnig – hulle is ver• Skreeu op my kind al mal oor plakkers. Be• Gee toe ter wille van perk georganiseerde aktivrede witeite – hulle moet speel. • Moet alles verduidelik Hoe praat ek met hieren herhaal of onderhan- Hou moed, daar is hoop vir ’n moeilike kind. die kind: Kort, presies en del • Dreig die kind met byvoorbeeld ’n houtle- ferm. Lang verduidelikings met te veel detail maak net meer deure oop vir onderhandelings pel of die aftel voor straf: Een, twee... • Straf al hoe meer en erger, want dit wat en argumente. Ek kry dikwels ouers wat baie mooi, baie geduldig en in baie detail aan ’n jy nou doen werk nie meer nie kind iets probeer verduidelik, sodat die kind • Baklei oor alles met my kind • Sê goed wat kon gebly het en waaroor jy tog net “OK” sal wees met die verduideliking en sal verstaan hoekom iets nie nou kan gelater spyt is beur nie. Ek het nuus vir jou!: Hoe langer die • Voel jou kind is “sterker” as jy • Sit met vrese dat ons nie eendag ’n verhou- verduideliking, hoe erger die argumente en onderhandelings, want jy gee die boodskap dat ding gaan hê nie In my praktyk kry ek dikwels te doen met dit onderhandelbaar is en daar opsies is. Doendinge: wonderlike en toegewyde ouers – ouers wat • Vier sinne met nie meer as agt woorde elk gedaan, op en moeg is en voel dat hulle as ouers misluk. Sommige ouers sê dat hulle gefrus- is die manier om inligting oor te dra – wees treerd, magteloos en onbevoeg voel en die ook presies oor iets. Ouers sê baie keer vir ’n kind “jy is stout”. Kinders verstaan nie die “invoortdurende “stryd” maak hulle gedaan. Die vraag is of daar praktiese raad is wat houd” daarvan nie – dit beteken vir hulle dat ouers kan volg om dit “beter” te maak? Hier hulle oor die algemeen net onaanvaarbaar is. Wees eerder kort, ferm en presies: “As jy op volg ’n paar wenke: Verandering en verrassing: Hierdie tipe my skreeu, gaan ek jou kamer toe stuur / As kind hou nie van verandering of verrassings jy lekkers vat sonder om te vra, maak dit my nie – hulle raak nukkerig en “stroom-op” as kwaad en kry jy nie môre een nie”. Onthou: dinge verander of as hulle nie geweet het iets wees kort, presies en ferm. Wees konsekwent, anders is dit koebaai Megaan plaasvind nie. Moenie hierdie kind verras met ’n uitstappie, nuwe rok of ’n lekkertjie raai!
Members of the local Khoisan community held a meeting at the Thusong Centre in Paarl-East on Saturday to discuss various land claim issues. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN
Office 021 003 3460
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WEB REF: 597541
A GOOD WAY TO START OUT!!!! Neat and well looked after 1st floor, 2 bedroom flat in secure complex of Mount View in Paarl East. Tiled throughout and under counter oven completes the package. Come and make an offer!!! Coleen Francke 083 630 9641
WEB REF: 608843
NEDERBURG HEIGHTS R 495000!!! Very neat house that offers 2 bedrooms, fitted kitchen, lounge, bathroom in a cul de sac, quite street. Enclosed yard, driveway with a gate. House is near all the relevant amenities. As mentioned the house is very neat and any buyer can just move in!!!! Vera Loriston 072 243 8380
WEB REF: 614059
R695 000
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R450 000
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WEB REF: 614461
FIX ME UP!!! This large family home, in ever popular Charleston Hill, either be used as 1 house or 2 separate dwellings. This house needs some TLC to make it your ideal dream home. All offers will be presented!!! Coleen Francke 083 630 9641
4A Verster St, Paarl (around the corner from Pep Home) • www.mrsgold.amawebs.com • charlie930916@gmail.com
Prices from: R120/gram and up for 9ct gold | R240/gram and up for 18ct gold R300/gram and up for 22ct gold | R320/gram and up for 24ct gold X1PPN9BW-GZ060215
Berenice 072 423 1455
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WEB REF: 608573
NEW RELEASE IN EVERGREEN DENNEBURG!!! Golden oldie on massive corner plot offers 4 spacious beds, 1.5 baths, 2 living areas, fitted kitchen, laundry, study, single garage, knotty pine floors. Stoepe enclosed for safety with stunning views over Paarl Mountain. A must see call me today!!! Berenice Maans 072 423 1455
Paarl East Spar Centre, Shop 13 Corner of Van Der Stel & Broadway Road Tel: 021 003 3460 Fax: 021 003 3470 Email: admin.paarl@rawson.co.za X1PPM9TH-GZ060215
General - Algemeen
Drakenstein Gazette
Star Star Signs Signs CAPRICORN
22 December to 21 January
A sudden accident, trauma, violent outburst, or fever are possibilities now. If you have been withholding any animosity, not taking what you need for yourself, or been in any sort of ongoing battle with another, the stress is likely to become unbearable. You also tend to force yourself unmercifully now, which will backfire. You might sustain injuries in a competitive situation or "burn out".
21 January To 20 February
Thoughts of love and an appreciation of the beauty in your life comes to the fore. This is a favorable time to communicate your feelings to the ones you care about: write a love poem or send a love letter! Also your aesthetic sense is strong now; you may want to make changes in your environment to make it more harmonious and pleasurable for you.
21 March to 21 April
This is a time to make sudden changes in attitude and orientation towards the world. Be careful when making major career decisions or business agreements now, however, as your impatience and fanaticism can cause you to make decisions so quickly that you haven't sufficiently thought through the details.
21 April to 21 May
Your feelings for friends and your emotional responses to life in general are deeper and more intense. The need to share, to give and receive love, and to be accepted and wanted is very strong. You have an opportunity now to see what keeps you from being really close to others - perhaps a forgotten hurt or hidden resentment - and to rid yourself of it by bringing it out in the open or simply releasing it.
21 May to 22 June
At this time you will want to branch out; you have the energy to do more and take on more challenges. This is a very good time to begin implementing the plans and promises that you have made to yourself, as any new endeavor is likely to succeed. A new health regimen, actions taken to advance professionally, or anything you do to move toward achieving a cherished goal or ideal goes well now.
You the Entrepreneur: The debt trap DAVID MALHERBE When we talk about a debt trap, the first thing that comes to mind is consumer debt. Although it can ruin your finances due to the interest payable, remember that You the Entrepreneur views debt from the business owner’s perspective. Therefore, when I talk of a debt trap, I talk about the amount of credit you grant to clients – i.e. the amount that is owed to you for products or services already rendered. The big problem is that your books indicate that you have earned an income, but you had no cash flow. Many businesses suffer because of cash constraints. Your business may have many assets and healthy sales, but without enough cash flowing into your business, you cannot
20 February to 21 March
The emphasis is now on long-range financial planning, thinking about future security, and formulating strategies to achieve your ambitions. Your ability to study quietly, to concentrate on complex mental work, and to think deeply about serious matters is much better than usual. This is a good time to organize your affairs and also to seek professional advice about your concerns.
Do you want to be the next Drakenstein Gazette Entrepreneur? Drakenstein Gazette wants to find out more about entrepreneurs who operate their unique businesses from their homes, making interesting products, whether it is placemats,handbagsorfancycakesorcookies. In today’s tough economy, starting your own business is the solution. Not only do you create work for yourself, but for others as well. Send us a description of your business, or come and tell us about it. Once a month the Gazette Entrepreneur of the Month will be selected. The winner will receive a free promotional article in the Drakenstein Gazette and a free advertisement to boost his or her business. To enter or for more information, call 021 870 4614; email drakenstein@media24.com or visit our office at 1a New Street, Paarl.
22 June to 23 July
This is a time of considerable frustration and your desires or efforts appear to be thwarted or at least delayed. Relationships with men and people in authority may be particularly uncomfortable. Also, you have more self-doubt than usual; your mood is somber and rather selfcritical. This is a good time to take stock of your life, to see how you are limiting and holding yourself back, and to determine your next steps.
23 Julie to 24 August
You are mentally restless and can not concentrate well on your immediate, familiar tasks. You are not inclined to discipline your mind or focus on practical matters, unless there is an element of gambling, play, or risk-taking involved. Reading something that is mind expanding, taking a trip, or planning a vacation is favored at this time.
24 August to 23 September
You know just what you want right now and woe to anyone or anything that gets in your way! You are much more likely to become domineering, pushy, or inconsiderate of others now, so it is a good time for you to do what you need to do by yourself rather than with others. Accidents, mistakes made in haste, or ego conflicts may occur due to your impatience and willfulness.
23 September to 23 October
Your feelings for friends and your emotional responses to life in general are deeper and more intense. The need to share, to give and receive love, and to be accepted and wanted is very strong. You have an opportunity now to see what keeps you from being really close to others - perhaps a forgotten hurt or hidden resentment - and to rid yourself of it by bringing it out in the open or simply releasing it.
23 October to 23 November
Your pushiness or competitive attitude is likely to create antagonism, hostility, and further resistance to your efforts. It is best to work alone rather than try to cooperate or coordinate your efforts with anyone at this time. Also, you are impatient and tend to behave in an impulsive, irritable way which makes you more prone to accidents during this period.
23 November to 22 December
You are in a dreamy, romantic mood. Yearnings for love, feelings of compassion, or even religious devotion accompany this time period. You are definitely more idealistic, tolerant, and selfless in your relationships, which may cause you to act against your own interests. Decisions involving money or important commitments to others, therefore, should probably be made some other time. X1PPEV25-GZ060215
Friday 6 February 2015
AUNT DORA............
ete Bo Beoreerrearta
2 eetlepels fyn • 2 koppies broodkrummels, suiker. Maak aan met kruienaeltjies, 3eetlepelswit aan inflamaasie plek brandewyn tot pap en smeer Of 8 eiers se geel. Meng dit • 8 eetlepels Stockholmteer, sie area 3 keer per dag goed en smeer aan inflamma Of totdat eier gaar is en sit • Bak eier in roulynolie. Roer op inflammasieplek
Saamgestel deur: Danie Smuts se Boererate
pay your accounts. Many businesses go into liquidation because they cannot pay their creditors. Small business owners are often tempted to grant credit just to get the business, but they cannot really afford it. The best way for a small or micro enterprise to operate is on a cash-only basis. We can learn from the big retailers who work on a cash only business. When the consumer buys from them, he/ she may pay with a credit card, but the business receives its money immediately. Credit brings a lot of extra administration. You must now keep track of who owes what to your business plus send them an account or statement at the end of each month. This makes for a lot more admin and requires ex-
tra staff just to earn the same money. On top of that, you’ll need an attorney to collect the money if people do not pay their accounts. If you really deem it necessary to sell on credit, limit the amount of credit you’ll grant by the measure of whether you can afford to lose that amount if the client(s) cannot pay. If you cannot afford to lose it, do not grant the credit. You may say I am hard on business owners, but rather safe than sorry. Your future income is dependent on a surviving business. * David Malherbe is a business and career consultant and lives in Wellington. He can be contacted via his website www.jedidiah.org.za or on 021 873 0262 or on Facebook at “Jy die Entrepreneur.”
Hou só kop bo skuld ) Vergroot julle inkomste. Julle kan ekstra Skuld kan gespanne verhoudings in ’n gesin veroorsaak of dit kan ’n gesin selfs verwoes. skofte werk, seisoenwerk doen, privaat lesse Die navorser, Jeffrey Dew, het byvoorbeeld aan ’n leerling gee of ’n stokperdjie in ’n tuisbegevind dat egpare wat in die skuld is minder sigheid omskep. ) Besnoei uitgawes. Vind as ’n gesin praktietyd saam deurbring, meer dikwels stry en ongelukkiger is. In vergelyking met ander onder- se maniere om uitgawes te besnoei. Hier is nog ’n paar wenke. werpe duur argumente oor skuld en finansies ) Behuising: Trek, langer, gee dit tot indien moontlik, na ’n meer skreeuery en woning waarop die slanery aanleiding en maandelikse betais daar ’n groter lings kleiner is. moontlikheid dat dit ) Kos: Pak middagtot verdere argumenete of ’n versnapering te sal lei. Dit is dus nie in werk toe eerder as verbasend dat meom gereeld uit te eet. ningsverskille oor Gebruik afslagkoegeld een van die verpons en ander spesiale naamste oorsake van aanbiedinge. egskeiding is nie. ) Vervoer: Verkoop Oormatige skuld motors wat julle nie veroorsaak ook genodig het nie, en hou sondheidsprobleme, julle motor in stand soos slapeloosheid, eerder as om haastig te kopsere, maagpyn, Moenie dat skuld jou onderkry nie. wees om ’n nuwer mohartaanvalle en dedel te koop. Gebruik openbare vervoer of loop pressie. Vir party word die stres te veel en hulle wil wanneer julle kan. Nadat julle julle uitgawes besnoei het, is julle dan net hierdie aarde verlaat. Maar skuld hoef nie die einde van die wêreld gereed om julle oorblywende geld wyslik te gebruik. te wees nie, jy kan dit te bowe kom. Ontleed julle skuld en tree op. ’n Sleutel tot sukses: Werk saam om julle Eerstens, stel die volgende vas oor elke skuld skuld af te betaal. Dit sal nie die situasie verbeter as jy jou woe- wat julle het: die rentekoers, die fooie, wat die de op jou maat uithaal nie – al was jou maat gevolg is as ’n rekening laat of nie betaal word nie en of julle rekeninge het wat agterstallig die een wat die skuld aangegaan het. Onthou, julle voer ’n stryd teen die skuld, nie is. Gaan die bewoording van die lening of rekening noukeurig na, aangesien krediteure beteen mekaar nie. Sit ’n spesifieke tyd opsy om openlik en kalm drieglik kan wees. Onthou as julle nie julle skuld kan betaal nie, oor julle skuld te praat. Erken enige fout wat jy dalk gemaak het. Moenie ou koeie uit die kan julle met julle krediteure oor nuwe afbetasloot grawe nie; probeer eerder oor beginsels lingsplanne probeer onderhandel. Sommige ooreenkom wat julle finansiële besluite in die krediteure sal moontlik selfs bereid wees om die bedrag wat julle skuld te verminder as julle toekoms sal rig. die laer bedrag onmiddellik ten volle kan beNeem beheer van julle finansies: taal. ) Bereken wat julle huidige begroting is.
Tickle your tastebuds
BUFFALO HOT WINGS Ingredients: • 16 whole chicken wings • 1 cup any good quality hot sauce • 1/2 cup lemon juice • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
• 2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 2 tsp coarse salt • 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper • 115 g butter OR ¼ cup oil
Method: Wipe down the chicken wings with a kitchen towel. Set aside. In a sealable bowl mix together half the hot sauce, all the lemon juice, oil, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, salt and pepper. Add the chicken wings, mix well and store in the fridge for 4 to 10 hours. When your coals are warm but not too hot they’ll be ready for the wings. Just before grilling the wings, melt the butter in the microwave or in a saucepan on the grill. Add the wings to the grill turning them regularly to prevent the skin from burning. Mix the melted butter / oil into the marinade. Brush this baste onto the wings as they cook. After 20 minutes check one of the wings to see if it’s done by cutting it close to the bone at its thickest part. If it’s still pink continue cooking until the chicken is cooked through. Serve with chips (to soak up the excess sauce) and ice cold beer. X1PPEV59-GZ060215
MONDAY 09/02
21°C 10°C
32°C 12°C
31°C 10°C
28°C 16°C
FRIDAY 06/02
SUNDAY 08/02
MONDAY 09/02
24°C 16°C
SUNDAY 08/02
29°C 12°C
28°C 16°C
25°C 16°C
29°C 18°C
23°C 15°C
27°C 18°C
28°C 20°C
Friday 6 February 2015
General - Algemeen
The Rockets het verlede Saterdag die skare vermaak met al hul treffers gedurende ’n opvoering by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument. Hier is ’n paar Paarliete wat lekker onder die sterre saam met The Rockets gekuier het. FOTO: SHAUN PHILANDER
Drakenstein Gazette
For the Gr 8 learners of Noorder-Paarl High School the second day of their 2015 school-year was not spent sitting behind cold, hard desks, but rather on the soccer field or under the magnificent wild fig trees or in the swimming pool – or even climbing a two-storey wall at Manyano Centre. The LIVElife team from Manyano Centre happily facilitated an Orientation day for the almost 200 learners, which included fun activities and team-building exercises to stretch both mind and body, from the daunting climbing wall, through “crossing a raging (imaginary) river using only a pole and some ropes”, to passing team mates through a “spider’s web” and solving puzzles. A dip in the pool was very welcome on a toasty Paarl day.
Call for Entries: SA Maths Olympiad
Prospective learners and their parents queue outside Langabuaya Primary School in Mbekweni to enrol. The school already accommodates 1 164 learners from Gr. R to Gr.7, with each classroom already at capacity with more than 42 pupils. PHOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES
Verskeie skole in Drakenstein het verlede Vrydag aan die Sone 1 atletiek op Dal Josafat-stadion deelgeneem. Hier wen Lize Verreynne van Laerskool Courtrai (links) die o. 11-100 m wedloop. FOTO: SAMMY DAVIDS
Vanaf Februariemaand het Paarl sy eie Medicae Manus Healthcare Training Academy kollege vir die opleiding van tuisversorgers. Tans bied die kollege ’n ses maande tuisversorgingskursus aan. Aansoek vir die aanbied van verdere verpleegkursusse is in die proses van akkreditasie. Praktiese werk word by plaaslike gesondheidsinstellings met professionele begeleiding gedoen. Die kollege se administrateurs is druk besig om hul eerste studente te registreer. Elke drie maande sal ’n nuwe groep geregistreer word. Die Kollege is in sentraal-Paarl geleë en maklik bereikbaar deur die nabyheid van die taxi staanplekke. Hier is Fallon James van New Orleans Sekondêr wat een van die eerste studente is om te registreer. Saam met haar is die registrasiebeampte, Heinrich Bester.
Mathematics teachers are invited to enter learners from Grade 8 to 12 in the annual South African Mathematics Olympiad (SAMO). This Olympiad, which was first held in 1966, has for the past 10 years been organised by the national office for mathematics, the South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF) and is sponsored by Liberty and the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA). Prof Johann Engelbrecht, executive director at the SAMF says: “Mathematics has, through the ages, been seen as the queen of all sciences. Everything in existence is supported by mathematics and the prosperity of a country is highly dependent on the state of mathematics in the country.” According to Engelbrecht, examples of careers in mathematics include, but are not limited to engineering, statistics and (most recently) biology. He says that DNA analysis, for instance, is a mathematical theory and that even fingerprints and retina scans need mathematics for the classification. This makes biological mathematics one of the most exciting careers that will play a major role in the field of science in the next century. Participation in the SAMO (and other SAMF programmes) ultimately prepares a learner for tertiary education. The type of mathematical problems that participants are faced with dur-
ing each round of this Olympiad is very similar to what can be expected at university level. Engelbrecht strongly recommends that all learners who plan to further their education at university take part in the Olympiad from an early age. “Our learner development programmes start at Grade 4 and the majority of past winners of the high school Olympiad have been taking part in our programmes since they were 10.” The first round of the SAMO will be taking place on 12 March at each individual school; the duration is one hour and the school can schedule its own time. First round parcels consisting of the final instructions regarding round one, the question papers, answer sheets, solutions and certificates will be couriered as soon as the SAMF receives the school’s entry form. The entry fee is R24 per learner for schools in South Africa and schools with more than 100 entrants can enter at a reduced fee of R20 per learner. Learners at Dinaledi schools can enter free of charge since their entry fee is supported by the Department of Basic Education. Schools and teachers who wish to enter can contact the SAMF on 012 392 9362 or send an email to info@samf.ac.za. The entry form is also available online at www.samf.ac.za
Entertainment at Freedom Walk This year’s 27 For Freedom Walk will take place on 7 February at the Drakenstein Correctional Facility. Besides the different walks and runs on the day, there will also be entertainment provided by RJ & On the Move (09:00 – 10:00), Crushanda Forbes (10:00 – 10:30),
Adriaan (10:30 – 11:00), The Pedestrians (12:00 – 12:30), Koekie/Abigail James (12:30 – 13:30) and last but not least, The Rockets (14:00 – 15:30). To enter the races – 50 m for toddlers, 5 km, 10 km and 27 km (for adults) visit www.27ForFreedom.co.za.
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Pick 'n Pay, Wellington, visited Pauw Gedenk Primary School on the first day of school and handed out chocolates to all the new learners. With the excited new learners is principal Julius Williams.
PRICES VALID UNTIL STOCKS LAST Vosmaar Street, Dal Josaphat • Tel: 021 868 1493
E+O.E. X1PPMAD9-GZ060215
Drakenstein Gazette
Friday 6 February 2015
BESIGE CARWASH soek dringend betroubare werkers met Carwash/Valet agtergrond. Skakel DuToit 072 226 8547.
OP SOEK NA JAN JANSEN. Laas gesien in Paarl. Enige inligting, kontak asb 084 493 2747 / 073 309 1792.
New Orleans Sekondêre Skool het onlangs hul jaarlikse pretloop gehou. Hierdie leerders het baie aandag getrek met hul kleurvolle uitrustings. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN
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Hoërskool Labori se matrieks het volgens tradisie die eerste aand van hul eerste skooldag ’n braai gehad waar hulle ook hul name op die matriekmuur kon skryf.
Pay after results. BELLVILLE / PAARL 071 785 2704
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Restoring Fatherhood
is a new programme on Radio KC... Thursdays @ 21:00 Presenters: Franklin Huizies the station manager of Radio KC together with Norm Wakefield, founder of The Spirit of Elijah Ministries based in Texas.
Huizies Franklin
This very important subject is one of the biggest challenges in our community. Tune in to 107.7 FM and join this conversation between Franklin and Norm.
Norm Wa kefield
7 Februarie 2015 uitsendings
7:00 - 9:00 @ Buco Jan van Riebeeck Paarl 10:00 - 17:00 @ Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste se Freedom Walk 19:00 - 22:00 @ Pelikaan Park Wellington X1PMQF1P-GZ060215
Toks van der Linde at black tie dinner Monte Christo Miqlat will host a Black Tie Dinner and auction with Springbok Toks van der Linde on 19 February at the Paarl Town Hall. Tickets at R300 per person include a welcome drink, a three course meal and wine on the table. A cash bar will also be available. The dress code is formal and the event starts at 18:30. Companies are welcome to book a table of 12 (R3 600), help with the donation of vouchers or gifts or to donate wine to be auctioned. To make a booking, call Aletia Grundling on 021 872 5580 or 083 623 1485.
Oudstudente hou Valentynsdans Die Paulus Joubert Primêre Skool se oudstudente bied Vrydag 13 Februarie hul jaarlikse Valentyn-piekniekdans saam met DJ Gaiwin in die skoolforum om 19:30 aan. Kaartjies beloop R60 per persoon. Bring jou eie piekniekmandjie en drankies. Vir navrae, bel die skool by 021 862 3690.
Friday 6 February 2015
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Drakenstein Gazette
Toilet Suite (Includes Pan, Cistern Mechanism) Excludes Toilet Seat
Cedar Hi-Hiding 20 L White
Medal Gloss 5 L White
Aluminium Sliding Door
Woodoc 25 5 L Satin
Duram Wall & Ceiling 20 L White
Dulux Trade Plaster Primer 20 L
Rockgrip Plaster Primer 20L
Mixed Timber Panel Door 8 Panel
Half Security Door
Hardwood Door Frame 90x45 (No Sill)
Battons 38x38 per l/m
Wall Plates 38x114 per l/m
Purlines 50x76 per l/m
Rafters 50x152 per l/m
FLOORING Laminated Flooring 8 mm selected colour
Dulux Weather Guard 20L (selected colours)
R599 Deep Mould White Door
Cedar Universal Undercoat 5 L
Pool Filter 2 Bag Superflow
Pool Salt 25 kg
R79,95 / m²
R2199 Wall Tiles
(10 & more) (Cash & Carry only)
Shutterply Board 1.2x2.4mx18mm
R59,95 / m² R69,95 / m²
Sink Double Bowl 1.2m
Underground Pipe 110 mm x 6 m
Xtreme Circular Saw 185 mm x 1400 Watt
ELECTRICAL Flood Light 10 Watt LED
Xtreme Grinder 230 mm x 2200 Watt
R14,95 each
R499 Fragram Mitre Saw 1800 Watt
R49,95/m Energy Saver Bulb - 15 Watt
DECORATIVE Ceiling Tiles From
R199 Ceiling Fan 30 Inch 6 Blade White
Desk Fan 30 cm
Geyser 100 L x 400 KPA
3 kg Cadac Gas Cylinder
Tile cement 20kg Per bag
Gas Cooker Top
Floor Tiles
Alpine Cement 50 kg 42,5N
Roof Sheets Corr. 0.3mm (3.9m only)
Pool pump 0.75 KW Sunflo
Extension Lead Reel 15m
Polystyrene Cornice From
Assorted Wallpaper 530 mm x 10 m From
PAARL PETS Hoofstraat 397 Tel: 021 872 6756 Beste Diens Kennis Waarde
Hoofstraat 397 | Tel: 021 872 6756
Beste Diens | Kennis | Waarde
25 kg Adu R299 lt
4’6.....................@ R120 6’ft....................@ R180 10’.....................@ R300 12’......................@ R330
Year 5 • Vrydag 6 Februarie 2015 | Tel. 021 870 4600
Die Head Aches-krieketklub van Nederburg Hoogte doen uitstekend hierdie seisoen. Sover het hulle al drie spanne in ’n ry geklop. Die klubvoorsitter, William, is baie trots op sy spelers. Hierdie tipe aktiwiteite hou die kinders van die straat af.
Die Wellington-laerskole se atletiekbyeenkoms het Saterdag op die Dal Josafat-stadion plaasgevind. Honderde atlete vanuit Wellington het die dag bygewoon en hier wys die o. 13-meisies hoe jy oor ’n hekkie moet vlieg. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN
Alle nuwe sowel as oudlede is welkom. Vir enige navrae, bel die klubsekretaris by 082 737 8952.
Nog aksiebelaaide sokkerwedstryde is Sondag op die Monte Christo-velde gespeel. Hier is die spanne van Victoria United (blou) teen Paarl United in aksie. Heinrich Stubbs (regs) probeer die bal onder beheer kry. Victoria wen die stryd gemaklik 11-4. FOTO: ERNEST
RUGBY ) Villagers Newton se voorseisoensoefeninge is elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 19:00 aan die gang. Die klub vier ook hierdie jaar hul 50ste bestaansjaar en nooi alle oudspelers en lede om kontak te maak met die bestuur rakende die aktiwiteite vir die jaar. ) Alle spelers en belangstellendes word genooi na Ri verstones se oefeninge op Dinsdae, Woensdae en Don derdae om 18:00 te New Orleansrugbyvelde. Nuwe bestuur sal eersdaags gekies word, almal word versoek om vergadering by te woon.
) Blues oefen op Maandae en Woensdae vanaf 18:00 op die New Orleanssportvelde. Blues neem ook deel aan die Evergreens 7’stoernooi op 7 Februarie wat by Nieuwedrift gaan plaasvind.
Spesiale aanbiedinge hierdie week
Kortstraat 4, Wellington Tel: 021 873 5837
Hoofweg 84, Wellington Tel: 021 864 3007
Vars Hoenderborsies
Vars Hoender Fillette
30 Unwrapped Eggs
Frozen Necks
Kom loer gerus in, terwyl voorraad hou!
) Young Peoples neem Saterdag deel aan die Ever greens 7’stoernooi wat by Nieuwedrift gespeel word. Young Peoples se voorseisoensoefeninge vind plaas op Maandae en Woensdae op Daljosafat om 18:30. Alle spelers en voornemende spelers is welkom om te kom voorberei.
Frozen Cater Thighs
) Albions RVK het ’n nuwe bestuur gekies vir 2015/2016 seisoen. Voorsitter – Ryan Dirks, onder voorsitter – Laurichia van Niekerk, kassier – Charlene November, hulpkassier – Jolene Rooi, sekretaris – Manfred Matjan, hulpsekretaris – Rowatney Juries, wedstrydsekretaris – Stevie William. Vir enige navrae bel Roderick Dirks by 079 183 6048. Albions oefen Dinsdag, Woensdag en Donderdag om 18:30. Bel Roderick Allies by 078 427 8571.
/kg X1PPM9E1-GZ060215
) Young Standards se eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd is 7 Maart en word afgesluit met ’n jaarlikse derbykrag meting teen Retreat op 28 Maart in Retreat. Vir verdere besonderhede, bel die sekretaris by 082 731 4879 ) Allandalerugbyklub se voorseisoensoefeninge is voorlopig op Maandae en Woensdae om 18:30 by Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste. Die klub se eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd is 21 Februarie teen Denne geurrugbyklub by Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste.
) Violets (Paarl) RFC se program is: * 7 Februarie deelname aan Evergreenssewestoernooi te Nieuwedrift * 14 Februarie – vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Blue Stars (Klapmuts) te Faurestadion. Oefentye is Maandae, Woensdae en Donderdae by Paulus Joubert Sekondêre Skool se rugbyveld vanaf 18:30. Kontak Stephen Japhta 078 648 9437 of Timo thy Dennis 083 461 9770. ) Edward Sabbat is onlangs aangewys as Paarl Ran gers se nuwe hoofafrigter. Ons wens hom voorspoed toe met sy taak. Die klub het Maandag 2 Februarie sy eerste algemene vergadering in die Thusongsentrum gehou. ) Evergreens RVK is al aan die oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 19:00 op Evergreens Park. Vir verdere inligting, bel Japie van Rooyen by 078 870 9787. ) Franschhoekrugbyklub het sy voorseisoenvoorbe reiding reeds begin. Alle oud en nuwe spelers is wel kom. Vir meer inligting bel Julian Williams 084 843 9326.
) Wellington dartsunie het onlangs met sy flenters kompetisie begin. Alle klubs wat betrokke is moet kennis dra: Alle nuwe klubs wat belangstel om te speel is wel kom. Vir enige navrae kan Sam Classen: 082 683 3728 of Ernest van Wyk: 083 354 9499 ge bel word.
) Die Paarlnetbalklub se oefening het reeds by die Bolandbane in die Paarl begin. Vir meer inligting bel Bennie Saayman by 083 462 6311. LIGGAAMLIK GESTREMDES ) Die Bolandsportvereniging vir liggaamlik gestrem des vergader Maandag 9 Februarie om 19:00 by Eden Skool in Fisherstraat, Hexpark Worcester. Klub verteen woordigers moet die geleentheid bywoon. Enige persoon wat by die klub se aktiwiteite wil inskakel is welkom om die vergadering by te woon. Avril Farao kan gebel word vir verdere inligting by 082 770 3071 of bolandsapd@gmail.net. LUGGEWEER SKIET ) Cape Airrifle hou Saterdag 7 Februarie ’n skietdag by Eenzaamheid. Eerstekeer skuts skiet verniet en almal is welkom. Inskiet begin 09:00 Skietdag begin 10:00. GPS Koördinate: 33*45’32.6’’ S 18*50’26.4’’E.