Drakenstein Gazette 10-05-13

Page 1


• Bouers Gereedskap • Elektriese Gereedskap • Tuin Gereedskap • Skoonmaak Masjiene • Sleepwaens • Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service • Draaibank/Milling Werk; TIG/MIG Welding


Year 3 • Friday 10 May 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365

In the latest Paarl Post­ ) Toll roads set to strangle economy ) Social grant delay ) ANC councillor implicated in attack ) Gimnasium top rugby school

50ste vieringe vir koor 3 Boek bekend gestel

5 Gimmies wen wedstryd 8


Die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit het onlangs ’n splinternuwe speelpark vir kinders in Klein Nederburg opgerig en dit word terdeë geniet. Die inwoners wil graag die munisipaliteit bedank vir al hul moeite met die inrigting van die parkie. FOTO: JOEY ABRAHAMS



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Drakenstein Gazette

Entertainment - Vermaak

Friday 10 May 2013

Wen kaartjies na Kanoeksie en Kadoeksie Saterdag 11 Mei om 10:00 kan die kleinspan uitsien na Kanoeksie en Kadoeksie by die Ou Meul-teater. Kanoeksie en Kadoeksie is twee elfies wat vir kindertjies help om basiese vaardighede te leer met die hulp van prettige aktiwiteite. Hulle behandel onderwerpe soos wiskunde, kleure, die alfabet, maniere, gesondheid en higiëne. Hierdie twee karaktertjies het baie unieke persoonlikhede wat net so kleurvol soos die reënboog is.

Kanoeksie hou van ballet en klassieke musiek en sy hou ook van leer en slim wees. Kadoeksie hou van sport, speel, bou en dinge ontdek. Hulle deel die verhoog met hul beste maatjie die sesjarige Pippie. Kaartjies is R45 en kan bespreek word by Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056 of vicky@oumeulteater.co.za. ) Twee gelukkige Drakenstein Gazette-lesers staan ’n kans om elk twee gratis kaartjies na dié vertoning te wen. SMS jou naam en die naam van die program na 32365 vóór 12:00 vandag. SMS kos R1,50.

Vermaak by Stasiefees op Wellington

WENNER: Nadia Cronje, van Courtrai in die Paarl is aangewys as die gelukkige wenner van die Drakenstein Gazette se leserskompetisie. Nadia is ’n student by CPUT op Wellington waar sy onderwys studeer. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

Moenie die opwindende Stasiefees op 17 en 18 Mei misloop nie. Die stasie is vanjaar 150 jaar oud en daar sal regdeur die jaar in en om die Wellington-stasie feesgevier word. Die doel is om die dorp Wellington uit te beeld as ’n eenheid en ideale tuiste, wat ’n gemeenskaplike kultuur gevorm het as gevolg van ryk insette en invloede van ander kulture. Op Vrydag 17 Mei sal die bekende sanger Snotkop in die tent op die terrein van Wellington Wynkelder optree. Daar sal ook verskeie stalletjies wees.

Saterdag 18 Mei sal Martelize Brink as gasspreker optree. Tannie Evita Bezuidenhout van Darling-stasie gaan haar bes doen om die wêreldrekord te slaan en die grootste melktert ooit met haar verleidelike resep te maak. Die toegang is R20 (R10 vir kinders onder 18 jaar). Stalletjies kan bespreek word by Tharina Schweidler by 082 779 4001 of karltha@absamail.co.za teen R200 ’n stalletjie vir die Vrydagaand en die Saterdag. Uitstallers moet hul eie tafel en stoele bring (slegs drie mense per tafel).

LEER EN SPEEL: Kanoeksie en Kadoeksie is Saterdag te sien by die Ou Meul-teater.

Hemelbesems Hemelbesems tussen Wolkekrabbers met André Terblanché en Winand Grundling (op klavier) is vanaand om 20:00 te sien by die Bôrdienghuis-teater in Wellington. Iewers tussen Coenie en Kurt wys André Terblanché en Winand Grundling die kompleksiteite van die musiekbedryf uit. Dit is heerlike tong-in-die-kies vermaak met uitstekende kunstenaars en puik musiek. Kaartjies is R70 en kan bespreek word by 083 570 4765 of 071 672 3090.

die skool. Ouers is welkom om die geleentheid by te woon. Vir navrae, bel 021 862 7182.

18 Mei 11 Mei )The Depression awareness project will host a group session with the theme If you really knew me, for people with a depressionrelated disorder. The guest speaker is Rozina Newman and the session will take place at Orleansvale Primary School at 10:00. For more information, call Neil on 078 772 1266. )Wellington gaan Saterdag blom by die jaarlikse Wellingtonse krisanteskou in die Breedsaal. Die blomme kan van 13:00 af besigtig word en sal van 16:00 te koop aangebied word. Toegang is R10, hele familie is welkom.

SMS EN WEN: Die boom se naam is Bojabi is ’n lekker leesboek vir kinders. Die diere is so, so honger. Dan sien hulle ’n pragtige boom, oortrek met rooi, ryp vrugte wat ruik na die soetste veselperske, vet soos ’n spanspek, sappig soos ’n granaat. Maar styf om die boom gekrul is die grootste luislang wat hulle nog ooit gesien het. Die skrywer van die boek is Dianne Hofmeyr, die kunstenaar is Piet Grobler en dit word uitgegee deur Human & Rousseau. ’n Drakenstein Gazette leser kan die boek wen deur die naam van die boek te SMS na 32365 voor Dinsdag 12:00. SMS kos R1,50.

)Kom luister na stories uit die Drakenstein van 10:00 tot 13:00 by die Historium Konferensiesentrum langs die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum in die Paarl. Bespreek jou plek by 021 872 2651.

19 May )Apostle and Bishop Dr. Ralph Long will give a sermon at the service of the House of Elohim on 19 and 20 May at the IOTT Hall in Wellington at 19:00. Dr. Ralph is the founder of the World Kingdom Fresh Fire Ministries in Baltimore, USA. For more information, call 071 152 3645 or 082 071 2295.

16 Mei

26 May

)Reik na Herstel Borskanker-ondersteuningsgroep sal die nuutste navorsing en bevindings oor borskanker bespreek. Die groep kom by die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum, Pastorielaan, Paarl, byeen 10:00 tot 12:00. Vir navrae, bel Christa Theron by 082 817 1124. )VLV Wellington vergader om 09:30 by Wellington Noord-gemeente se onthaalsentrum waar Wilmar Burger sal gesels oor peste en plae in die tuin. Vir navrae, bel Juanita by 083 264 9834. )Ligstraal Skool hou hul inwydingsfunksie vir hul vier nuwe klaskamers om 14:00 by

)The Zion Fellowship Cogic choir presents a Gospel concert at the church hall in Wellington at 17:00. Tickets cost R20 (R10 for children). Everyone is welcome. For more details, phone Christopher on 060 370 3133.

31 Mei )Ligstraal Skool hou ’n debutantebal by die Paarl-Oos Thusong-saal. Die Newtoniansorkes sal sorg vir die musiek. Kaartjies is R150 en is te koop by die skool. Vir navrae, bel 021 862 7182.


Bederf die vroue in jou lewe met blomme van


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True story of having spent a lot of time and money visiting several places for help, I decided to give up because I wasn't getting anywhere. I went to so many churhes, a lot of men of God prayed for me, they touched me, prayed for me and my family, prayed for my work but there was no change. I was still in the same financial difficulty and troubled marriage and childless marriage with a lot of bad luck and jealousy around me. I could not get a loan in the bank to renovate my house and worse still, I could not get a promotion at work after all these years of service. To me, life was not good. After being failed by the men of God, I decided to visit some traditional doctors. I made the situation worse because each one I visited charged me a lot but never got to finish my work. That brought another blow to my life. This last man I visited turned things around for me. I called him and fixed an appointment, he agreed to meet me and for only R200, he promised to help me within 21 days and indeed I can see a turn around in my life. My work is starting to show a positive trend and my loan application was approved yesterday. I can now renovate my house and carry on positively in my life. I got positive feelings and I believe that soon my girlfriend will get pregnant and we're going to live happily. Life is a journey and I would have given up had I not met this man that helped me. Thank you so much doctor Livingstone 0218235650 / 0784493409

Friday 10 May 2013

News - Nuus

Bel-Canto-koor vier 50ste vieringe Die Paarl Bel-Canto-koor wat in 1963 deur David Samaai gestig is, vier vanjaar hul 50ste bestaansjaar. Samaai, oudmusiekonderwyser van die Hoërskool Noorder-Paarl, het elke jaar ’n groot konsert in die Paarl-stadsaal gehou. “Ek en die destydse skoolhoof Percy Rhode het daardie tyd die idee gehad om ’n gemeenskapskoor te stig. Ons het ’n beroep op die gemeenskap gedoen en elf mense het gereageer.” Die koor het toe by Samaai se woning in Optenhorststraat bymekaar gekom en binne ’n maand het meer as 40 mense hulle by die koor aangesluit. Die eerste kooroefeninge was by Holy Trinity Primêre Skool gehou. “Almal is aanvaar wat lief is vir koorsang,” sê Samaai. In daardie jare was daar geen apartheidsbeperkings nie en alle rasse kon uit alle dele van die gemeenskap in die Paarl aansluit. Dit het die ledetal aansienlik laat styg en oefeninge het later na die saal van Hoërskool Noorder-Paarl verskuif. Koorsang in die verskillende kerke was van ’n hoë gehalte, maar op daardie stadium is net op die sing van gewyde musiek gekonsentreer. “My eie siening was dat ander tipes koorsang ook aangedurf moet word soos volkswysies musiek, operamusiek, ligte musiek en sang in verskillende tale,” vertel Samaai. Dit het groot byval by die lede gevind en die plan was om konserte in die toekoms met groot verskeidenheid aan te bied.

Met harde werk aan ’n program wat verskillende soort musiek ingesluit het, het die tyd aangebreek om toere in die gemeenskap te onderneem en konserte aan te bied en om vas te stel hoe dit aanvaar sou word. Eers is konserte by dorpe in die Boland en plekke in die Skiereiland gehou. Oral is die Bel-Canto-koor met ope arms ontvang en later is reise verder van die huis af onderneem. “Só is Mosselbaai, Pacaltsdorp, Uitenhage, Oudtshoorn, Graaff-Reinet en Upington besoek en oral is liefde en waardering uitgespreek vir die gehalte van die sang,” vertel Samaai. Daardie tyd was die Paarl Bel-Canto-koor landwyd bekend vir hul konserte en sangdienste asook vir hul deelname aan die Protea-radioprogram op Sondagoggende. Die koor se deelname aan die Carols by Candelight strek oor meer as dertig jaar. Eers was dit in samewerking met die Rotariërs, toe later met die munisipaliteit en nou is dit ook deel van die Taalmonument se program, asook konserte op die perseel van die Spar in Paarl-Oos. Die koor besoek tehuise om aan die oues van dae ’n boodskap in sang te bring en net voor Kersfees besoek die koor hospitale om die gevoel van Kersfees aan die siekes oor te dra. En nou dat die Paarl Bel-Canto-koor sy halfeeu vier, word ’n groot konsert later vanjaar in die Paarl-stadsaal gehou. “Die gemeenskap is welkom om te kom deel in die vreugde van ons koor se sukses,” sê Samaai.

Drakenstein Gazette


Bejaarde se huis met klippe bestook MARYKE SWART

hier nie, kon dit meer drasties gewees het.” Volgens Howard is daar ’n ’n Bejaarde vrou van New Orgroot boom voor die huis leans se huis het onder vanwaar dié woongebied se tiedale deurgeloop toe kwaadners gereeld bymekaar kom stokers vermoedelik vroeg en rook. Vrydagoggend twee klippe Hy sê hy gaan nou die mudeur ’n ruit gegooi het. nisipaliteit versoek om die Esther Arendse (82), ’n penboom af te kap. sioentrekker van Rooi El"Dit is ’n alewige rumoer of slaan 2, het omstreeks 03:00 gespelery voor die deur.” Vrydag wakker geword van Arendse het nie die voorval ’n harde slag. by die polisie aangemeld nie. Sy het opgestaan en op die “Dit is nutteloos. Die klippe stukkende ruit in haar sitkais van buite af gegooi. Daar is mer afgekom. nie by die ruit gepeuter nie. Twee klippe is op die vloer Daar sal nie vingerafdrukke voor die ruit gekry. Sy het die glasstukke opge- Howard Arendse met een van die klip- wees nie,” het hy gesê. * An elderly women of New vee en haar broerskind, Ho- pe wat gebruik is om ’n ruit in die sitkaward Arendse, wat tydelik by mer uit te gooi. FOTO: MARYKE SWART Orleans was rudily awakened by a loud bang early Friday haar bly, van die voorval vermorning, when troublemakers threw stones tel. Howard sê: “As sy alleen was en ek was nie through a window into her lounge.



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DOUBLE BED SALE! Ná 50 jaar staan die Bel-Canto-koor steeds sterk.

Overcome mid­year anxieties Mid-year examinations are beginning to occupy the minds of many students across campuses in South Africa. For those who are not studying this year and others who might be considering other options, now is the time to make big decisions regarding future education and careers. According to an education expert, mid-year exams are often a wake-up call for students to apply themselves for the rest of the year while for others it will be a reward for hard work. Dr Felicity Coughlan, director of the Independent Institute of Education, which is responsible for the academic leadership and governance of education and training on more than 20 registered higher education campuses throughout the country, says the mid-year period can also bring the unfortunate realisation of a wrong choice. “Many students might now be realising that they made the wrong decisions about their choice of studies and know that no matter what effort they put in, the results are going to be disappointing. “The mid-year period is not normally the ideal time to make big decisions. Students should seek support if they are feeling a change is required because not making a decision could be more damaging in the long run. Most institutions have good student support services that can help a student or prospective student, with anything from generic study skills to actual course content. “Peers or lecturers can play an equally important part in enabling a student to unlock the doors standing between them and mastering a particular subject or field of study. “Peer support is often most valuable as it is least threatening for students. But then it is very important for the student to select the right peers,” says Dr Coughlan. She says students should not wait until the

year end but use the mid-year months to seek help and support. “In the six weeks or so that is left before the mid-year break, students and prospective students need to enlist expert assistance in their education and career choices. Dr Coughlan says it is not surprising to discover that many students who are struggling might be doing courses that do not match their temperament or their aspirations or, perhaps most distressingly, courses they knew they did not want to do but enrolled in under pressure or as a result of limited alternatives. Under these circumstances failure is far more likely. “Young people register for courses for many reasons and some of the most problematic and common ones are associated with living out parents or others’ career dreams. Often educators hear, ‘my father wanted me to be a lawyer’ or ‘I am just following the trend because everyone in my school wanted to do engineering’. “The various options are not easy decisions. Giving up is not something anyone really wants to do, but there are times when making the right decision to start again sets you on a path of success that you would not get from merely hanging in. “The path to success is different and unique for each student. For some the best option remains to stay the course and persevere. And for others, the correct and brave choice will be to make the right change for the right reasons and recommit to the right path to success. “The best course of action is to seek professional educational advice and not try to solve tertiary education and future career options on your own. “Failure and disappointment are scary but their consequences are less dire if they are faced as just another of life’s tough moments and not as defining who one is or will be”.


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Affordable franchise available from R250 000. Call Andrew 082 871 6128. Ons praat Afrikaans

Recipes - Resepte

Drakenstein Gazette

Friday 10 May 2013

Plant Iceland poppies in May

W iam m S Sm 's W ilillila miitthh 's



for 10 May 2013

when planted early in the season, soon providing blooms that will keep on appearing right through to late spring. Iceland poppies prefer full sun and require fertile soil, good drainage, protection from strong winds and regular watering. They usually start flowering within 90 days after transplanting and continue to do so for about 16 to 20 weeks. Poppies love gardeners that like to pick for the vase – the more you pick them the more they flower for you. If you don’t pick the blooms it’s essential that you deadhead the spent blooms to keep them flowering.

When it comes to massed, long lasting winter colour, the South African gardener can’t go wrong with poppies.


(22 December - 21 January)

Dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love are strong now, and you may be infatuated with someone you meet at this time, only to be disappointed later when you discover this person does not fulfill all of your expectations. You are simply not seeing people objectively now.

For instant, glorious colour in the garden nothing beats bedding plants. Just a few trays of seedlings will transform an otherwise dull corner into a kaleidoscope of brilliant colour. While some gardeners are loath to buy seedlings when they can’t see any blooms on the little plants, this shouldn’t be a concern. Poppies offer their best


(21 January - 20 February)

Your desire for pleasure, ease, and affection is brought to the fore and may interfere with work or complicated situations in which you need to be acting assertively and on your own behalf. Your mood and attitude is conciliatory, and your need for love and approval heightened. Social gatherings and personal relationships are favored.



(20 February - 21 March)

Dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love are strong now, and you may be infatuated with someone you meet at this time, only to be disappointed later when you discover this person does not fulfill all of your expectations. You are simply not seeing people objectively now.


(21 March - 21 April)

Your usual routine is likely to be disrupted now, either by "freak" accidents beyond your control or by your own impatience with the status quo. Sudden unexpected events and breaking free of confining situations and relationships are very likely.


(21 April - 21 May)

Al gehoor van Tekkie Tax-dag? Dié dag is ’n nasionale geldinsamelingsprojek vir ’n uitgesoekte groep van die land se grootste welsynorganisasies en vind plaas op Vrydag 31 Mei. Kindersorg Suid-Afrika is een van die organisasies wat daarby sal baat en die Paarlse tak vra alle Drakensteiners om hulle te ondersteun. Lede van die publiek word aangemoedig om ’n Tekkie Tax-plakker teen R10 te koop. Daar kan ook spesiale veters met ’n “Tekkie Tag” aan gekoop word teen R30. Ondersteuners moet dan op 31 Mei hul plakkers of spesiale veters en tekkies dra. Vir meer inligting, bel Kindersorg Paarl se kantoor by 021 862 6182.

Bestandele: • 125 ml Botter • 2 Beesvleisaftrekselblokkies • 10 ml Grofgemaalde Swartpeper • 2 ml Varsgemaalde Neutmuskaat • 2 ml Varsgemaalde Koljander • 250 ml Koekmeelblom • 500 ml Melk • 1,5 L Kookwater • 250 ml Grofgerasperde Chedderkaas • 200 g Fyngekerfde Klam Biltong • Room en Port (opsioneel) • 100 g Bloukaas, gerasper • Broodstokkies vir opdiening


(21 May - 22 June)

Happiness and a desire to share your good fortune and joy with others is the theme now. You are feeling generous and expansive and are inclined to give lavish gifts or buy something lovely for yourself that is costly or extravagant. A diet or budget is likely to go out the window right now.


(22 June - 23 July)

A sense of failure, self-doubt, or inability to effectively compete and assert your own will may typify this time period. Stifled anger and resentment over the frustrations and obstacles you confront now may further complicate matters. This is not a good time to begin a new venture, ask for a promotion, or try to expand your activities in any way.


(23 July - 24 August)

You are inclined to be aggressive and hot-tempered now, particularly when your will is blocked. Your pushiness or competitive attitude is likely to create antagonism, hostility, and further resistance to your efforts. It is best to work alone rather than try to cooperate or coordinate your efforts with anyone at this time.

Free piano workshop German master piano builder, Martin Witzel, offers a free lecture on the operations of pianos. His aim is to educate the youth on the mechanism and technical workings of the piano, in order to give them a better understanding of the instrument. The workshop will take place on 11 June at 2 Church Street, Wellington, at 15:00. To book a free lecture, call 021 864 3781 or 078 653 0593.

Metode: Smelt die botter in ‘n groot swaarboomkastrol. Krummel die aftrekselblokkies oor en voeg die speserye by. Roer die meel in en verhit, terwyl aanhoudend geroer word, tot die mengsel begin prut. Meng die melk en kookwater en roer stadig by die meelmengsel in. Verhit oor matige hitte tot die sop begin prut en verdik - roer aanhoudend. Verwyder die sop van die stoof en roer die chedderkaas en die helfte van die biltong in. Moenie die mengsel weer laat kook nie; hou dit net warm. Roer ‘n bietjie room en port net voor opdiening in. Skep die sop in diep sopborde, sprinkel die orige biltong oor en krummel die bloukoos oor. Sit aan met broodstokkies voor. Lewer 8-10 porsies.


(24 August - 23 September)

Friendships and love relationships are favored as you are openly affectionate, warm, and also quite responsive to loving gestures from others. It's not enough for you to simply feel loving toward another; at this time you really want to express it and show it physically.


(23 September - 23 October)

This is an excellent time for home improvements, particularly those which enhance the appearance and beauty of your living space. Decorating or rearranging furniture in order to create a more harmonious and pleasing arrangement is favored. Relationships with your family are very satisfying and loving.


Full Circle’s needs list

(23 October - 23 November)

Full Circle Ministries (A Heart for the Street People) one of Monte Christo Miqlat’s focus areas, is moving to Paarl East (Old Police Station) on the corner of Klein Drakenstein and Solomon Street. They will soon start with new projects and programmes, but in order to do this they are in need of the following things: ) second hand clothing (jeans, shirts, shoes, skirts etc.) ) food (to sell in small portions in the shop) ) toiletries (deodorant, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes) ) creative and writing materials (pens, paint, paper, writingbooks, pencils, clay etc.) Theyarehopingyoucanhelpthembydonating one or more of the above-mentioned items to help them help people on the street. For more detail, call 021 872 5580.

Dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love are strong now, and you may be infatuated with someone you meet at this time, only to be disappointed later when you discover this person does not fulfill all of your expectations. You are simply not seeing people objectively now.


(23 November - 22 December)

Dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love are strong now, and you may be infatuated with someone you meet at this time, only to be disappointed later when you discover this person does not fulfill all of your expectations. You are simply not seeing people objectively now. *AFRIKAANS - DAAGLIKSE STERRE: Ram: 083 9140 010, Bul: 083 9140 011, Tweeling: 083 9140 012, Kreef: 083 9140 013, Leeu: 083 9140 014, Maagd: 083 9140 015, Weegskaal: 083 9140 016, Skerpioen: 083 9140 017, Boogskutter: 083 9140 018, Steenbok: 083 9140 019, Waterdraer: 083 9140 020, Vis: 083 9140 021


Each row and each column as well as every 3X3 square may contain the numbers 1 to 9 only once. Elke ry en elke kolom asook elke 3X3 blok mag die syfers een tot nege slegs een keer bevat.


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VRAE: 10 MEI 2013

Iceland poppies are perfect to plant in the month of May.

Ondersteun vanjaar se Tekkie Tax­dag


You use charm, humor, and a light touch to get your point across now, and your friendly attitude makes a favorable impression on others. Your artistic and aesthetic sense is heightened now also, and interest in literature, poetry, and culture is strong. Serious and demanding mental work should probably be put off for another time.



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Friday 10 May 2013

People - Mense

Drakenstein Gazette


Boek bekendgestel oor Wellingtonse Klopse JOHAN NEL Die Wellingtonse Klopse, ’n omvattende boek deur Michael le Cordeur en Marlene le Roux, vertel met behulp van pragfoto’s en boeiende vertellinge die verhaal van die Wellingtonse Klopse. Dit is onlangs by ’n glansgeleentheid op Wellington bekendgestel. Volgens Herman Bailey, bekende Wellingtonner wat ook as beskermheer van die Wellingtonse Klopse-groepe optree, is hierdie ’n uiters belangrike boek oor die geskiedenis van ’n belangrike faset van Wellington se geskiedenis. “Die Kaapse Klopse is vandag nasionaal en internasionaal bekend. Die Wellingtonse Klopse het net so ’n lang geskiedenis as die Kaapse Klopse en dit het parallel oor baie jare saam met die klopse-beweging in die Kaap gegroei en ontwikkel. Met hierdie pragboek is ons egter die Kaapse Klopse een

voor: hierdie boek is die heel eerste, deeglik nagevorste boek oor die geskiedenis van ’n deel van die klopse-beweging in ons land.” Volgens die skrywers het hulle, saam met studente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch baie maande lank intensief navorsing gedoen om die stof wat in die boek opgeneem is, te versamel. Honderde onderhoude is gevoer en ’n stuk geskiedenis wat tot dusver bloot vertelde geskiedenis was, word nou vir die heel eerste keer in boekvorm saamgevat. “Daar mag dalk nog leemtes wees wat ingevul behoort te word, maar ons is daarvan oortuig dat hierdie boek ’n belangrike eerste tree in die optekening van ’n stuk van ons landsgeskiedenis is. Ons was ook baie gelukkig dat ons boek ryklik geïllustreer kon word met ’n wye verskeidenheid pragtige foto’s deur die bekende fotograaf Hannes Thiart. Die klopse-beweging van Wellington het waarlik deur hierdie uitsonderlike foto’s lewe gekry.

Olivia Ockhuys van die Breytenbachsentrum op Wellington se bestuurspan, sê hierdie uitsonderlike boek verdien ’n ereplek in elke Wellingtonner se huis. “Dis ’n pragboek oor ons dorp en ons mense. Ek wil amper sê dis die heel eerste keer in my lewe dat ek met stygende verwondering ou en bekende gesigte, mense uit my grootwordjare jare, tussen die bladsye van so ’n mooi boek kon sien. Dit was werklik ’n verrykende ervaring.” Die boek is verlede Dinsdag op ’n spesiale funksie in die Breytenbach-sentrum bekend gestel en na die bekendstelling kon die gaste ’n spesiale optrede deur die Wellingtonse jeugontwikkelingsorkes by Bergrivier Sekondêr bywoon. Die ontwikkelingsorkes is ’n spesiale projek spesiaal vir jong klopse-musikante wat onder die vaandel van die Wellingtonse Klopse, Kunstekaap, die Breytenbach-sentrum, die Kaapse Filharmoniese Jeugorkes en St Alban’s Primêre Skool aangebied word.


individuals and their bodies have the ability to process alcohol differently. I’m 26 year old and I Skryf gerus vir Klara by That doesn’t make you think that I drink too antieklara@gmail.com, weak or inadequate. It’s much alcohol. just useful information for I don’t drink all day, but SMS 32365 you to act on. Some people when I do drink it seems faks 086 559 9644 of know when to stop, but as as if I cannot stop. I have lewer ’n brief af by alcohol first knocks out sotoomuchwhichcausesme Newstraat 1A, Paarl. cial guidelines and adult to make a show of myself. awareness, it can be hard The next day I feel guilty and ashamed. All my self-confidence is lost. I even for others to take control of their drinking. Most towns will have an Alcohol Anonymous feel depressed. Then a day or two later I start drinking again group where people with similar problems share and it feels good. But then the next day I feel terri- their experiences and support each other. Contact ble again. Men also seem to take advantage of me 0861 HELP AA (435 722) for more information and when I have had too much to drink. At the time advice. I highly recommend this. They will lead I like the attention, but the next day I am embar- you in the right direction. Klara rassed. Please can you help? Thank you. Hello Klara Mary Ek hoop jy kan help. Ek het ’n aaklige vlek op my gunsteling wit hemp wat nie wil uit was nie. Dear Mary Wat is jou raad? Saartjie Well done for recognising that you have a problem with alcohol. It’s the first step in regaining Hi Saartjie control over your life and feeling good about yourMeng ’n bietjie bleikmiddel soos Jik saam met self. Even though you don’t drink every day you’ve tandepaste (nie die jel-tipe nie) en vryf dit op die been drinking to the point where it affects your vlek met ’n sagte lappie. Wag vir tien minute voormood, your self-worth and your behaviour. dat jy die hemp was. Hoop dit werk vir jou. You’ve even put yourself in harm’s way. By some Klara definitions that counts as alcoholism. People are Dear Auntie Klara

OFFICERS RETIRE: Collin Roman (second left) and Willie Small (second right) from the Department of Correctional Services stationed at the Allandale Correctional Centre, recently said farewell. Collin retired after 33 years of service in the Department of Correctional Services and Willie with 37 years’ service. With them are (left) Kosie Sinclair (area commissioner) and Khayalethu Mondi (head of Allandale Centre).

Petronella Ebrahim van die Breytenbach-sentrum op Wellington is besig om die groot uitstalling van klopse-foto’s wat spesiaal met die oog op die bekendstelling van Die Wellington Klopse gereed te kry. FOTO: JOHAN NEL

KANKER BEWUSMAKING: Die Cancer Warriors het tydens vanjaar se Cansa Relay For Life die prys vir die beste bewusmaking gewen. Die prys sluit in ’n naweek na Paternoster wat die groep volgende naweek sal geniet.

EDUCATIONAL FUND: Amharic Community Development launched their first special project where they funded the school fees of 28 pupils of various local schools in the Paarl-East community. Amharic acknowledges there partner Koinonia who helped them identify the children in the various schools. This organisation that is based in Paarl-East has a vision to ensure that the youngsters have a healthy community, becoming responsible leaders and serving their communities and country. Here are Daphne van Rooyen handing over to a pupil of Klein Nederburg Secondary and her mother. With them (rear back) is Nolan Cupido (coordinator at Amharic) and Johnathan Bruintjies (Koinonia).

9A Verster Straat Paarl 7646 Tel: 021 872 4316 Faks: 021 872 7429

PAARL Navorsingseenheid

Ons bied tans navorsingstudies vir die volgende toestande: • Diabetes mellitus (Suikersiekte) • Hoë cholesterol • Vorige Hartaanval • Vaskulêre Siektes (Swak bloedvloei in die bene) • Kroniese Long Siekte • Asthma (asma)

Pasiënte wat aan kliniese studies deelneem word deur dokters gesien, ontvang nuwe medikasie, kry bloedtoetse en opvoedkundige advies oor hul siektetoestande. Daar is geen onkoste betrokke nie.

Indien u belangstel om deel te neem aan 'n kliniese studie kontak Chano of Elfreda by 021 872 4316 /9279 of 071 347 8317 vir meer inligting. BOEKEDAG TOEPASLIK GEVIER: Ter viering van nasionale Boekedag het onderwysers van Laerskool Drakenstein aangetrek soos karakters uit boeke.

Kantoorure: Maandag – Vrydag: 07:30 – 16:00



Drakenstein Gazette

Friday 10 May 2013

Pioneer foods join forces to empower 120 local communities Did you know that every fourth women is in an abusive relationship and that every sixth day a woman is murdered by her intimate partner and that every 25 seconds a woman or girl is raped in South Africa? These shocking statistics are not new to us, because every time we read a newspaper or turn on the television we are made aware of the escalating level of abuse towards women and girls that takes place in our communities every day. “A family cluster is very important and who said beating women will make them straight? If children witness their parents being abused it becomes a vicious cycle which must be broken. Children must be protected,” says Yvonne Chaka Chaka who supports the organisation The Women’s Hope Education and Training (WHEAT) based in Wynberg, Cape Town, in partnership with Pioneer Foods, have initiated the Isilulu project which seeks to empower women and their partners to effectively address the issues of genderbased violence in communities.

With project Isilulu (a word meaning a special basket to keep grain), WHEAT’s major aim is to empower women and their partners to effectively address issues of gender-based violence in communities. “Bringing Pioneer on board, empowers us to solicit the support of other stakeholders,” explains Tina Thiart, special events organiser at WHEAT. “In 1998 women leaders identified that many women-led organisations cannot access formal funding although these organisation provide valuable services to women and also raises awareness of Women’s Rights entrenched in the new constitution in the country,” Thiart says. “Many of the women leaders of today were recruited by government, business and local structures, leaving a leadership gap in most women’s organisations. The role of the WHEAT trust is to access funding via companies and government and donate the funds to needy women’s organisations. The underlying principle for the proposed project is based on the high levels of gender-based violence.”

The results of the Isilulu project will empower 120 women-led organisations to analyse their programmes and identify the training they need to do their work better. Women will acquire the skills to do community mapping and project management including basic financial skills. Women will be empowered to attend various meetings with stakeholders (community police forums, meetings with service providers and local government) and communicate the challenges women face when reporting gender-based violence and abuse. “Informal Networks will develop in rural communities where women share information, learn from their experiences and amplify their voices in communities. “Being a patron of WHEAT and one of the founding members of the 1 000 Women United Against Domestic Violence Initiative, I believe every South African should get involved in this initiative. Women play an important role in society, in family and in business. This is issue is very close to my heart, violence in the home needs to stop now!”concludes Wendy Ackerman from Pick n Pay.

Yvonne Chaka Chaka.



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BEHEER OOR MOTOR VERLOOR: ’n Vrou is ernstig beseer toe sy vroeg Maandagaand beheer oor haar motor verloor het in Langenhovenweg en binne-in ’n sloot beland het. Die voorval het omstreeks 17:10 plaasgevind toe Cecelia Cloete in die rigting van die Paarl gery het. Sy is ’n diabeet en volgens paramedici op die ongelukstoneel, het sy agter die stuur haar bewussyn verloor wat daartoe gelei het dat sy beheer oor haar voertuig verloor het. Sy het gesigs- en ribbebeserings opgedoen. FOTO: LISE BEYERS

Friday 10 May 2013

Schools - Skole

ONS HOU VAN LEES: Laerskool Drakenstein se leerlinge het ter viering van nasionale Boekedag hulself aangetrek soos die karakters uit boeke. Hier pronk sommige van die leerlinge met hul interessante uitrustings.

Drakenstein Gazette


MARKDAG: Twintig skole van regoor die Wes-Kaap het met hul entrepeneursvaardighede gespog tydens hul deelname aan die Rachel’s Angels-bemagtigingstrust-program. Die trust word deur Media24 en Universiteit Stellenbosch gerugsteun en behels ’n slypskool wat gr. 11- en 12-leerlinge met universiteitstudente as mentors in aanraking bring. Hier (van links) is Roxanne De Kock, Mercia Mentoor en Kaylin van Schalkwyk, almal van Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool, wat deelgeneem het aan die markdag.

TOPREDENAARS: Die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en -monument, in samewerking met Laerskool Gimnasium, bied jaarliks die Interskole Redenaarskompetisie aan. Verskeie skole was uitgenooi en vanjaar was daar 14 deelnemers van agt verskillende skole. Hier is (van links) Janine September van die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en -monument, Julius Kruger (derde plek, Laerskool Eikestad), Cilmie Geyer (tweede plek, Laerskool Gimnasium), Nina Cuyler (eerste plek, Laerskool Hugenote) en Mazelle Engelbrecht (Laerskool Gimnasium).

TOOL KITS FOR CRÈCHES: The Speaker of the Cape Winelands District Municipality, Claire Meyer (rear second right), donated tool kits to needy crèches in Paarl.

OPVOEDKUNDIG: Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool het onlangs hul wiskunde- en wetenskappe-week gehou waar verskeie wetenskaplike sprekers hul toegespreek het en eksperimente vir die leerlinge aangebied het.

ATLETIEK: Atlete van Simond Privaatskool het uitstekend gevaar tydens hul jaarlikse Kleuteratletiek-pretdag.

PRAATJIE OOR DWELMS: ’n Praatjie vir die jeug oor die gevare van dwelms en alkohol is onlangs deur die gemeenskapswerker Karel Dampies (agter vyfde van links) in die Paarl-Oos Thusong-sentrum gehou.


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Naelskraap oorwinning vir Young Peoples Die span van Young Peoples het Saterdag in Milnerton die weer ook gehad om mee rekening te hou, maar hul kon steeds die knoop net-net deurhak. Young Peoples het vir Milnerton hul eerste nederlaag van die seisoen besorg deur die wedstryd 29-28 te wen. Die vaste vyf van die Tiere het hulle man deeglik in die skrums en in die lynstane gestaan. Die span van Young Peoples het gevaarlik gelyk elke keer as die bal langs die agterlyn beweeg het en Nathaniël Manuel het onder sy teenstanders uitgenael om Peoples se eerste drie te druk. Daarna het die agsteman Scarra de Bruyn met flinke voetwerk die Tiere se tweede drie gaan druk. Die spanne het gaan rus met die telling op 12-9 in die Tiere se guns. Ná rustyd kon die Tiere saam met die sterk wind geen momentum in die wedstryd kry nie. Die swaar voorspelers van Milnerton het gaandeweg beheer oor die wedstryd geneem. Die skeidsregter het die Tiere telkemale gestraf binne hul eie gebied en Milnerton kon sodoende drie strafdoele by hul punte totaal voeg. Frustrasie het begin insluip

in die Tiere se spel en swak verdediging agterlangs het toegelaat dat Milnerton twee verdere drieë kon druk.Met ses minute se spel oor was die Tiere met 15–28 agter. ’n Goed-berekende skop tot in Milnerton se kwartgebied het daartoe gelei dat die Tiere ’n skrum onder die pale kon afdwing. Die flank Lolla Geduld het weggebreek en onder die pale gaan druk. Delwayne Cornelissen het die drie verdoel en die telling was skielik 22-29. Met speeltyd byna verstreke het Manuel langs die kantlyn afgenael, binnetoe geskop en die heelagter van Milnerton het die bal aangeslaan in die hande van Danwill “Pannie” Cupido wat die wendrie onder die pale gaan druk het. Die skrumwerk van die vaste vyf en lynstaanwerk het die grondslag vir die Tiere se oorwinning gelê. Daar sal egter hard gewerk moet word aan die verdediging agterlangs voor die volgende wedstryd. Young Peoples se tweede span speel gelykop met 19 elk terwyl die derde span 3-23 verloor en die o.20span val ook vas met 0-15. Hierdie naweek speel hulle teen Strand United op Daljosafat se A-veld.

KILOTREADS Jan van Riebeeck Drive, Huguenot, Paarl Tel: 021 872 1637 After hours: 082 494 8604 | Fax: 021 872 6876

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195/55x15 from .......R581

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DETERMINED RUN: Lower Paarl (Blues) played the team of Gardens on Saturday. Blues proved too physical and beat Gardens comprehensively 3410. Here Kempston Kika (Blues) breaks through a tackle. PHOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

CPUT byt vas en wen ’n moeilike stryd Die rugbyspan van die Kaapse Skiereiland van Tegnologie het die naweek op Riviersonderend hul hande vol gehad met die tuisspan wat klipharde rugby gespeel het. Die begeesterde tuisspan het met passie en durf byna die knoop deurgehak en dit was net die vernuf van CPUT se agterspelers wat die verskil gemaak

het tussen wen en verloor. Gilmore Adams en die losskakel David Slabbert moet van melding gemaak word. Kort voor rustyd het beide Slabbert en Adams drieë gedruk wat moontlik die draaipunt in die wedstryd was. Riviersonderend het egter in die tweede helfte met mening teruggeveg, maar

baie goeie verdediging het vir CPUT gered. ’n Goeie drie deur Tiaan van Wyk het die wedstryd beslis. Die eindtelling was 20-16 in die guns van CPUT. Hulle speel hierdie naweek tuis teen Grabouw en wedstryde begin reeds om 13:30.

Mixed results for Paarl Hockey The Paarl Hockey Club’s women played against Durbanville this past weekend and drew the match. It was a close contest between these two sides. Paarl started off well with a good passing game and Annelise Smeda managed to score a wellworked goal during the first half of the game. The game became more physical and started to close down. Durbanville managed to score in the second half and the game was locked at one all. The final score was 1-1.


Call-outs and field service available. FREE 10 POINT SAFETY CHECK

HOKKIEMEISIES: Hoërskool Gimnasium het die afgelope naweek teen Settlers Hoërskool in die Paarl hokkie gespeel. Aneesha Badenhorst op die aanval en moker hier die bal veld af. Die Gimmies wen die o.18 wedstryd 2-0.


Paarl Men’s 2nd team clashed with Old Mutual and continued their winning streak. Both teams created a lot of opportunities with shots at goal. The half-time score was equal at 0-0. Chris Cloete scored the first goal shortly after the start of the second half. Moments later Old Mutual fought back and also scored. But Paarl’s attack was just too strong for Old Mutual and they secured a short corner. The formidable Wilhelm Voges, capitalised here and

secured the game for the second team with a final score 2–1. Paarl Men’s first team however lost 3-2 against Old Mutual. Although, Paarl led most of the game and had more ball possession, Old Mutual outplayed them in last few minutes of the game to secure the match at 3-2. Fixtures for this Saturday 11 May: Paarl Men’s 1st team vs WPCC at 16:30, Paarl Men’s 2nd team vs Old Mutual B at 15:30 and the Paarl Ladies vs. CPUT Wellington at 13:30. All the matches will be played at Paarl Gim.

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