Year 4 • Friday 10 October 2014 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365
In the Paarl Post ) Jewellery heist in F’hoek ) Perlemoen worth millions found in W’ton ) Policeman commits suicide ) Join in the Spring Walk
W’ton teen dwelms
2 Tips to fight diarrhoea 3 Rangers wen derby
Alfie se huis brand byna af DEVIDEAN MOSES
“Toe ek my deur oopmaak, was die vlamme reeds hoog.” Só vertel Joy Cupido, ma van Alfred Cupido (40), die bekende skrootkar-bestuurder van Charleston Hill. Alfred, wat doofstom is, woon op sy ma se erf in St Olmarstraat, Charleston Hill, in ’n woonstel waar die brand Sondag 5 Oktober omstreeks 09:30 uitgebreek het. Minstens drie mense; Alfie, Chantelle Bester (23) en Keithan Cupido (6) wat in die woonstel geslaap het, is beseer en sterk steeds aan in Paarlhospitaal se hoë intensiewe sorgeenheid. Keithan is oorgeplaas na die Rooikruis-hospitaal in Kaapstad. Joy vertel: “Die brand het in ’n oogwink se tyd gebeur toe ’n onbekende man na ons bure se huis gehardloop het om ons te waarsku dat Alfie se woonhuis brand. “Ek het nog geslaap en het wakker geskrik weens mense wat aan my voordeur hamer en skree: ‘dit brand! dit brand!’ Ek het toe vinnig opgespring, my kamerjas gegryp en na die voordeur gehardloop.
“Toe ons by Alfie se woonhuis kom, het die vlamme reeds hoog gebrand. Vier onbekende mans het die brandende huis ingehardloop en betyds vir Alfie, Chantelle en vir klein Keithan (6) gered,” vertel die geskokte Joy. “Alfie is ’n baie gewilde persoon in die gemeenskap en is altyd gereed om almal te help waar hy kan. Hy is so geliefd onder die inwoners van die gebied dat hy gereeld in hul tuine werk. “Ek is baie dankbaar vir almal wat ons gehelp het asook vir die vier mans wat hul lewe op die spel geplaas het om my familie te red,” vertel Joy. Die ontstaan van die brand is steeds onbekend. Die brandweer is na die toneel ontbied, maar die omstanders en gemeenskap het daarin geslaag om die brand self te blus. Die hoofuitvoerende beampte van Paarl-hospitaal het wel bevestig dat al drie persone in die hospitaal opgeneem is vir ernstige brandwonde. “Keithan is oorgeplaas, terwyl Alfred en Chantelle steeds by ons versorg word. Joy Cupido en Ashley Cupido is ook in die noodeenheid behandel vir rook-inasemhaling en dieselfde dag ontslaan.”
Alfie Cupido staan by sy geliefde skroot-kar waarmee hy dikwels in die strate van Charleston Hill gesien is.
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Frozen Mixed Chicken Braai Portions
Frozen Cater Breast
Vars Hoender Fillette
Frozen Mixed Vegetables
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News - Nuus
Drakenstein Gazette
Friday 10 October 2014
Wellington betoog teen dwelms DEVIDEAN MOSES “As jy deur die strate van Wellington ry sien jy net hoe armoede en werkloosheid hier heers.” Só vertel Shafiek Mouton (33), ’n bekommerde inwoner van Wellington. Shafiek het Augustus-maand ’n beroep op Facebook gemaak en inwoners uitgenooi om hande te vat om misdaad, veral in Wellington, hok te slaan. Volgens hom gaan die jeug gebuk onder die misdrywe wat verband hou met dwelms. “Die jeug word blootgestel aan dwelms en veral tik. Dit is hartverskeurend om te sien hoe jongmense hul lewens vernietig en hoe die dwelmhandelaars net ryk word in die proses. “Wanneer jy een probeerslag van tik neem, kan dit veroorsaak dat jy nie kan stop nie en vinnig word jy verslaaf hieraan,” sê Shafiek. Die terugvoering op Facebook was goed en die gemeenskap van Wellington het ingestem om te help deur ’n optog met baniere deur die strate te hou. Die groep wat hulself nou “Wellington teen dwelms” noem, het ook hande geneem met die polisie, geestelike organisasies en skole om aandag aan hierdie probleem te gee. Die eerste optog het ongeveer 400 mense gelok wat deur die strate van Wellington gestap het.
Genoeg is genoeg: So het die Wellingtonners tydens hul optog teen dwelms in die strate geskree. Almal was geklee in rooi T-hemde om die teken van liefde en stop-teken teen dwelms te simboliseer. “Ons het vanaf die Egoli-gebied deur die strate beweeg en verskeie groepe mense het by ons aangesluit,” vertel Shafiek. Die visie van die gemeenskap is om kinders teen dwelms en ongewenste swangerskappe te beskerm. Volgens Shafiek wil hulle kinders help om die geleentheid te skep om positiewe besluite te maak teen die euwel van dwelms. “Ons moet saam staan en sê: My kind is jou kind en ons gee om vir mekaar,” meen Shafiek.
Verder vertel hy: “Cornal Hendricks, ons Springbok-rugbyspeler, kom ook uit die Paton-gebied hier in Wellington. Ons is baie trots op hom en hy dien as voorbeeld vir ons jeug. Hierdie Paton-gebied is een van die areas wat ook tans gebuk gaan onder die gevolge van dwelms,” vertel die bekommerde Shafiek. “Saam as gemeenskap kan ons die euwel beveg.” Die gemeenskap word genooi om op Saterdag 11 Oktober teen 10:00 ’n optog deur die strate van Wellington by te woon. Vir navrae oor die optog, bel Shafiek Mouton by 082 474 0011.
The Paarl East Police is looking for a missing person, Ebrahim Joseph (aka Bibap van der Westhuizen), ever since 22 October 2002. Ebrahim was 16 years old and resided at 10 Desiree Close, Smartie Town, when he went missing. According to police spokesperson, Ebrahim is allegedly mentally challenged. He has not been seen since he left his house and went to his place of work. If anyone has information on his whereabouts, contact sgt. Haviwla Stephans at SAPS Paarl East on 021 877 5900 or 079 894 1353.
The Paarl West Community Policing Forum (CPF) in partnership with the Paarl Police would like to inform the public of the following crime tendencies recorded for the month of September. ) Residential burglaries: In the farming area of Windmeul, Old Paarl and Wemmershoek Road, incidents of residential burglaries occurred especially between Wednesdays and Saturdays, with the majority occurring on Fridays between 11:00 and 14:00. Northern Paarl reported the most burglaries for this area, followed by the Lemoenkloof area. The following streets were targeted: Upper Faure, Bethel, Bo Meul, Hendrika, Joerning, Kronkel, Lang, Moll, Nicola, Peter, Pieter Wium, Reitz, Skool, Plein, Riparia and Koning. The majority of the burglaries occurred on a Wednesday, however incidents were reported on all days of the week. Most of the incidents occurred between 11:00 and 14:00 followed by 14:00 to 15:00. Two arrests have been made in this area. Dorp, Fabriek, Stirling, Verster, Louis Botha, Burbank, Delmont, Christelle, Du Toit Streets in and around the Paarl CBD, Denneburg and Klein Parys areas were also targeted for residential burglaries. These incidents occurred mostly on a Monday and Tuesday at random times. Two arrests were made relating to incidents in this area. Southern Paarl had the least amount of residential burglaries reported. ) Business burglaries: Business Burglaries showed a drastic increase in the farming areas for the month of September compared to the previous months. Farms in the Sonstraal area, Wemmershoek Road, Old Paarl Road, Bo-Dal Road and Malmesbury Road were mostly targeted, with the majority of incidents occurring on a Friday, followed by a Monday between 05:00 and 10:00. Four arrests were made in this regard. In the CBD, Triangle Park and Daljosaphat areas, businesses in the fol-
lowing streets were targeted: Lady Grey, Main Road, New, Triangle, EK Green, Klein Drakenstein, Langenhoven, Arboretum, Market and Jan Van Riebeeck Road. Incidents occurred between 06:00 and 08:00 on all days of the week. Two arrests were made in this area. Business burglaries in both Paarl North and South were reported in Louws Avenue, Auret, Zion, Berlyn, Hospital Streets and Main Road. The majority of incidents occurred on a Monday between 06:00 and 08:00, with three people arrested in connection with the burglaries. ) Theft out of motor vehicle: As reported throughout the month, including previous months, theft out of motor vehicle is a concern of the Paarl police. About 70 cases were reported for September. The incidents were not in one specific area and time frames are throughout the day and night with no specific days. Members of the public are still leaving valuable items in their vehicles. Seven people have been arrested for theft out of a motor vehicle. ) Theft of motor vehicle: Eleven incidents were reported for the month with the majority being stolen in the CBD area. Four arrests were made in this regard. ) Possession of stolen property: About 30 arrests have been made for the possession of stolen property for the month. It is vital that all thefts and burglaries are reported so police can link the stolen property to incidents. An example: A suspect was arrested and linked to two burglaries in separate areas in Paarl on the same day. The complainant was not aware that the suspect had been caught and was surprised to find that all his possessions had been retrieved earlier the day. . Paarl Sector numbers: Sector 1: CBD/Denneburg/Klein Parys/Industrial areas – 082 379 4735 and 082 444 3060. Sector 2: De Zoete Inval, Courtrai, Vrykyk area to Market Street – 082 443 5647. Sector 3: Upper Lady Grey, Groenvlei, Northern Paarl, Lemoenkloof area – 082 444 3194. Sector 4: All farming areas North and South of Paarl – 082 422 2985 and 082 379 4742.
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Friday 10 October 2014
News - Nuus
Gear up for diarrhoea season As part of the Western Cape Government in cases with 43 891 treated. This resulted in Health’s strategy to reduce the number of diar- a slight increase in the number of deaths rerhoea cases in the province, the Department ported – in the province over the same period will embark on a five-month (November 2014 – 52 in the Metro and nine (9) deaths in the to March 2015) awareness and education cam- rural areas. The Department’s interventions have manpaign to drive home the key message of how preventative action can reduce the risk of this aged to keep deaths relatively low, but communities need to work with them. disease. “It is not necessary to lose the life of a child The campaign will include radio and print advertisements, face-to-face interaction at to diarrhoea if we are aware of the symptoms, various taxi ranks, taxi interior branding and and keep a suffering child hydrated,” says the Western Cape Minisdetailed portals on ter of Health, Theuns MXit and social meBotha. “We will condia sites. tinue to drive our inWestern Cape Govterventions, which ernment Health aphave demonstrated to peals to parents and achieve results.” caregivers to take spe“The first warm cial care of their childays of summer, dren who are prone to should ring alarm this disease during bells for parents and the upcoming Diarcare givers, because rhoea Disease Season of the increase in temWashing hands is very important. (DD season). peratures resulting The DD season is between November till May, when there is an in heightened symptoms of diarrhoea,” increase in acute diarrhoea cases due to the warned Minister Botha. “It is critical that parwarm summer months when the disease is ents and caregivers know the symptoms of dimore prevalent. However, diarrhoea cases are arrhoea and how to treat cases of diarrhoea. This can save a child’s life.” also reported throughout the year. The Western Cape Health Department has The areas most affected during DD season are those with poor infrastructure and lack introduced a number of interventions to bring of access to clean water. Virtually all our facil- down deaths resulting from diarrhoea in the ities see an increase in the number of children province. All Western Cape Government Health faciliunder five suffering from various degrees of dehydration due to infectious diarrhoeal dis- ties also have Oral Rehydration Treatment (ORT) corners or rooms. Mothers and caregivease during these months. Over the past five years the Western Cape ers are urged to visit these areas for informaHealth Department has managed to reduce the tion about the prevention and treatment of dinumber of deaths in the province due to diar- arrhoea, and also how to make and use the sugar-salt solution (SSS) when their children rhoea disease. However, there was an increase in the cases show early signs of diarrhoea. However, the role parents and caregivers recorded at health facilities during the past financial year. In 2012/13, 40 050 cases were need to play in preventing their children from recorded and in 2013/14 there was an increase catching diarrhoea disease is crucial.
UIA rolls out in Wellington In May this year, Unlimited Internet Access (UIA) South Africa installed their technology at Wellington High School. UIA’s aim is to prove that their technology is the latest technology that will provide internet to all classrooms and the e-learning solution to schools. E-learning is the latest technology for schools astext books will be replaced bysoftware, where teachers and learners will access the server, via tablets (iPads etc), where the content of the curriculum is installed. A Wi-Fi network will be the vehicle for the tablets to be connected to the server, with no wiring. “South Africa lags behind the world with internet connectivity,” was the heading of a daily newspaper article and it is UIA’s main focus to be able to supply uncapped internet access to the community at an affordable fixed monthly fee. The UIA have broadened their network and will now be able to supply wireless internet to the people around Wellington High School.
The streets that will be connected first are: Davids, Williams, Poole, Scholtz and April Avenue. The UIA will branch out to the new school, which will open next year in Van Wyksvlei, also supplying the rest of Van Wyksvlei, Newton and Wellington with internet access. UIA offers 30 days free uncapped internet access to everyone who is interested. The monthly fee to households is R150 per month, which is fixed for two years. In year three a telephone service will be added. And in year five they will add television channels through the network. The cost for uncapped internet access, free landline calls and a minimum of 100 television channels in total, will be at a fixed affordable fee per month. Households will not pay for equipment, installation,registration,landlinerentalsorextra data per month. For further information, sms, whatsapp, contact 072 650 9158 or 071 457 6428 or email info@uiasa.co.za. Visit the website at www.uiasa.co.za.
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Drakenstein Gazette
Support Breast Cancer Awareness month
The campaign theme is “early detection saves lives” and the organisers hope to achieve this by educating and creating awareness about breast health and breast cancer among all South Africans. Three mobile units are currently situated in various provinces and are run by breast cancer survivors. In the past year they have educated 105 263
Ref 301906899 www.remaxboland.co.za X1PAEFLW-GZ101014
examination. To obtain an order form contact 0860 283 343 or send a fax to 086 558 5684. Alternatively send an email to karen@mybreast.org.za or louise@mybreast.org.za.
Die Paarl-Oos-polisie ondersoek ’n klag van roekelose en nalatige bestuur nadat ’n jong seun Woensdag 8 Oktober omstreeks 14:15 deur ’n motor in Van der Stelstraat raak gery is. Volgens ooggetuies het die seun nie mooi gekyk voordat hy die pad gekruis het nie. Die Paarl-ambulansdienste is na die toneel ontbied. Enigiemand met meer inligting oor die voorval, kan die polisiekantoor by 021 877 5900 bel. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES
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www.rawson.co.za CHARLESTON HILL
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PERFECT STARTER UP!!! IN CHARLESTON HILL!!!! Cute & cosy starter up offers 2 beds, full bath, lounge, separate kitchen, carport. Within walking distance from all amenities & railway station. Excellent investment and also perfect for scaling down. Don't delay call today!!! Berenice Maans 072 423 1455
WEB REF: 580237
READY TO MOVE IN!!!! Neat 3 bedroom house in popular Voordorp area. Large living area and large tranquil garden make this the ideal setting to raise your kids. Come make an offer... Coleen Francke 083 630 9641
Berenice 072 423 1455
SPACIOUS HOME!!! IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE!!! 3 Bedroom house offers 1 and half bathroom, open plan kitchen, living and dinning room. Easy access to Schools and main road. Don't miss out on this one!!!!! Zoerydah Nackerdien 072 425 5542
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R729 000
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MAKE THIS YOUR HOME!!! 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom house in quiet street in ever popular area of New Orleans. Big yard completes the picture. Lots of room to make this your dream home. Coleen Francke 083 630 9641
R600 000
WEB REF: 590199
HOT NEW LISTING IN PAARL EAST! Spacious family living house, with 3 bedrooms, 1 and a half bathrooms. Big kitchen with lots of cupboard space. Living area with fireplace. Nicely tiled. Painted Inside and outside recently. Enclosed on big plot. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Coleen Francke 083 630 9641
PERFECT FOR THE BIGGER FAMILY! 3 Bedrooms. 1 Bathroom. Separate toilet. Kitchen. Dining room. Lounge. TV Lounge with fire place. Covered veranda. Big yard for future additions to the house. Marlize van Schalkwyk 083 379 4060
people, of which 596 have been diagnosed with various stages of breast cancer and a further 831 breast-related problems have been picked up. The campaign’s goal is to increase the reach in educating South Africans from all walks of life. Purchase a pink Breast Cancer Air Freshener, which can be used in vehicles during the month of October. The fresheners cost R20 and include a bookmark that has step-by-step illustrations on how to perform a breast self-
October is breast cancer awareness month and the Breast Health Foundation’s vision for all South Africans is to increase the awareness of breast health, to promote education and treatment and provide support in respect of breast health.
WEB REF: 580979
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R1 410 000
BEAUTIFUL CAPE DUTCH STYLE HOUSE IN CHARLESTON HILL!!! Very spacious 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, beautiful dining room/lounge, fitted kitchen, fireplace, pool etc. Part of the house can be closed off and rented for +- R4500. Vera Loriston 072 243 8380
Zoerydah 072 425 5542
Paarl East Spar Centre, Shop 13 Corner of Van Der Stel & Broadway Road Tel: 021 003 3460 Fax: 021 003 3470 Email: admin.paarl@rawson.co.za X1PAKH2H-GZ101014
General - Algemeen
Drakenstein Gazette
Star Star Signs Signs CAPRICORN
22 December to 21 January
Mental objectivity and concentration are excellent now. You are able to communicate effectively now, especially on subjects that require precise, articulate formulation of principles. Your approach is wellorganized, clearly structured, very matter-of-fact and not very intuitive.
21 January To 20 February
Romance and flirtations are likely now. You are feeling warm, expressive, and lively. Loving feelings flow between you and the people you meet, especially those of the opposite sex. Friendships are also strengthened at this time. Also, your creativity and desire to make something beautiful is stimulated now.
20 February to 21 March
Your thoughts turn to love and this is a favorable time to bring out any concerns you have in your personal relationships. Agreements and cooperation can be achieved easily now. You readily discuss your personal needs and desires. Also, you are more aware of beauty and may want to rearrange your decor or buy something to beautify your surroundings.
21 March to 21 April
Hidden passions, fears, jealousies, longings, desires, or needs surface in you now and can stir up trouble in your closest relationships. You are prone to be compulsive or demanding in a close relationship, to be emotionally driven and to force things to a head in some emotionallyladen situation. Positively, a relationship can be deepened and reborn now, given new life by your willingness to reveal yourself.
21 April to 21 May
You are prone to be compulsive or demanding in a close relationship, to be emotionally driven and to force things to a head in some emotionally-laden situation. Positively, a relationship can be deepened and reborn now, given new life by your willingness to reveal yourself completely to your loved one.
21 May to 22 June
The need for more freedom, independence, or novelty on your part, or on the part of someone close to you, may disrupt the status quo in an important relationship. You may also come into contact with someone who is very different from yourself and who challenges, surprises, or upsets you. Expect the unexpected in your relationships!
22 June to 23 July
Self-discipline, training, persevering through a dry or slow period, and working quietly or in meager circumstances are themes in this time period. You have the ability and stamina to concentrate, to work carefully and thoroughly, and to accomplish something modest, yet of real practical value and substance now.
23 Julie to 24 August
You have a lot of mental energy and are eager to "attack" intellectual or conceptual problems. You are likely to come up with a clever solution or a very workable plan, especially if you brainstorm with others. You also tend to make up your mind very quickly and decisively now and to translate your ideas into action.
24 August to 23 September
The need for more freedom, independence, or novelty on your part, or on the part of someone close to you, may disrupt the status quo in an important relationship. You may also come into contact with someone who is very different from yourself and who challenges, surprises, or upsets you. Expect the unexpected in your relationships!
23 September to 23 October
You are alert, mentally sharp and clear, and your ability to comprehend new concepts is heightened. Also, you can verbalize and articulate your ideas very well at this time. Intellectual curiosity is also high. This is a good time to make plans and strategies or begin a course of study.
23 October to 23 November
Communications, conversations, sending and receiving messages, and taking care of routine tasks that require mental clarity are important activities now. It is a good time to present your ideas and point of view to others, as you express your thoughts clearly, though you are not apt to listen as well. Buying, selling, or negotiating is likely to go well now.
23 November to 22 December
You should certainly spread your wings during this time period and seek out new opportunities for growth and advancement, but try to curb wild and unrealistic ideas of what benefits can accrue. With a little care and attention to detail, you can, indeed, help turn the corner, bringing yourself a step closer to your goals. X1P9K5P9-GZ101014
Friday 10 October 2014
You the Entrepreneur: The E- of business DAVID MALHERBE We experienced severe changes in the way we live and do things during the last decade or two. The major driving force behind these is undoubtedly the technology available to us. E-banking, e-learning, e-commerce and many more became available because of the staggering growth in the use of computers and the internet. Yet there are people who claim that they are old school and do things the way it was done before. Advances in technology wait for no one. In today’s world, no one can afford to say that they are not interested in, or do not find it necessary to use computers. Computers are the new tools that everybody should learn to use.
Being without it, is like a new kind of illiteracy. If you cannot use a computer and the internet, you are to a large extent cut off from the modern day world of business. The most basic things are internet banking and using emails for correspondence. On the one hand we can reason that this should be to the detriment of a company like the Post Office who will now handle fewer letters. On the other hand new markets of e-trade opened up where people order and pay for goods over the internet via websites. All these goods need to be sent to and delivered to clients which open vast opportunities for parcel mail. But e-business goes far beyond emails and internet banking. More and more people nowadays make a living by working from home
mainly using a computer and the internet. Experts believe that the internet is still only in its baby phase. I believe the internet and advanced computer technology will more and more become the linchpin around which business will develop in future. Therefore you can guess what my next question will be. Yes, are you computer literate or are you busy learning? Remember all such learning is an investment in your business as well as in your own future. Your future business and employment will to a large extent be determined by your computer literacy. Do not stay behind. Do all you can to learn as many of these most needed skills as possible. ) David Malherbe is a business- and career consultant and lives in Wellington. He can be contacted via his web page www.jedidiah.org.za or T/F 021 873 0262 or on Facebook at “Jy die Entrepreneur.”
Entrepreneurial spirit encouraged among SA teens Recent reports revealed that according to Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga’s response to parliamentary questions, over half a million learners are registered to write the Grade 12 final exams across South Africa this year. Many are encouraged that such a large number of learners are seeing it through to Grade 12, while other experts and opinion leaders are concerned because this is an indication of the number of learners that will need to enter the job market in the coming year. The most recent youth unemployment statistics recorded South Africa’s youth unemployment at a staggering high of 36%. At the opening of the Youth Employment Conference in September, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa mentioned that government is looking at employment tax incentives to encourage employers to employ first-time employees, such as school leavers and university graduates. This is one of the ways that government is looking at addressing the youth unemployment issue. The vision of the SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation, which was formed in 2011, is to
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cultivate and promote the entrepreneurial spirit in all South African teenagers, while still at school. Under the leadership of Lydia Zingoni, founder and director of The SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation, the foundation has been running a number of workshops, seminars and competitions with high schoolers to encourage entrepreneurial thinking and nurture their ideas. The newest initiative that will launch on 28 October at Bishops Diocesan College in Rondebosch is establishing High School Entrepreneur Societies. The vision is to grow entrepreneurs and business leaders at all high schools in South Africa through establishing entrepreneur clubs and societies in each high school in the country. The ripple effect is that, through encouraging entrepreneurial teens to explore their ideas at a young age, a generation of employers will graduate from school and each community around the school will benefit from the impact of the business activities of these societies. “The staggering youth unemployment statistics are a stark reminder that we need to implement programmes that will make youth employable when they leave school and possibly even make them employers from a young age already,” says Lydia. The launch event is open to parents, teachers, business and political leaders and learners who are interested in playing an active part in supporting South African youth to play an active role in the economy. There is no cost to attend but bookings are essential as space is limited. For more information please contact Nadia Snyders on 021 447 6183 or send an email to nadia.snyders@teenentrepreneur.co.za.
Do you produce Mbekweni Muffins or Chicago Chocolates? Or maybe Klein Drakenstein Cookies or Smartie Town Sweets? Drakenstein Gazette wants to find out more about entrepreneurs who operate their unique businesses from home, making interesting products. In today’s tough economy, starting your own business is the solution. Not only do you create work for yourself, but for others as well. Send us a description of your business, or come and tell us about it. Once a month the Gazette Entrepreneur of the Month will be selected. The winner will receive a promotional article in the Drakenstein Gazette and an advertisement to boost his or her business. To enter or for more information, call 021 870 4614; email drakenstein@media24.com or visit our office at 1a New Street, Paarl.
Tickle your tastebuds SNOEK BRAAI
Ingredients: • 1 West Coast Snoek, Cleaned (or Any Other Firm, White Fish) • Sea Salt Flakes • 30 ml Olive Oil
• 15 ml Finely Chopped Garlic • 10 ml Finely Grated Fresh Ginger • 1 Handful Chopped Fresh Parsley
Basting Sauce: • 80 ml Sherry • 60 ml Apricot Jam • 100 g Butter
Stuffing: • 100 g Soft Apricots Soaked In 60 ml Sherry • 1 Orange, Sliced
Method: Season the snoek inside and out and score the skin on both sides. Set aside until needed. For the basting sauce: mix all the ingredients together in a small saucepan and simmer until the butter is melted. Set aside to cool slightly. Baste the inside of the snoek with the sauce and place the soaked apricots and orange slices inside. Tie the snoek up with string and baste the outside with the sauce. Grill over the coals until cooked and golden. Serve with extra grilled lemons. X1P9K66W-GZ101014
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Friday 10 October 2014
General - Algemeen
Drakenstein Gazette
Skud die soutgewoonte Sout het altyd ’n interessante rol gespeel in die geskiedenis van mense en dit is as kosbare verbruiksartikel verhandel, gebruik as ’n geldeenheid en oorloë is gevoer oor sout. Sout is ’n essensiële mineraal wat die liggaam help om vloeistof te behou in bloedselle, inligting deur die senuweestelsel te stuur en help met die opname van sekere voedingstowwe van die kleiner spysverteringskanaal. Te veel sout is baie nadelig vir die
gesondheid en is een van die erkende faktore wat bydra tot ’n verhoogde risiko vir hartaanvalle en beroertes. Baie mense is nie bewus van die gevare van ’n hoë sout-dieet nie, terwyl sommige mense inderdaad die aanbevole 5 g sout per dag (omtrent 1t) oorskry, met meer as dubbeld die hoeveelheid, volgens die Hart- en Beroertestigting Suid-Afrika. ’n Hoë soutinname dra by tot hipertensie (hoë bloeddruk) wat ook een van die belangrikste voorspellers is vir beroerte en ernstige kardiovaskulêre toestande soos ’n hartaanval
Oktober is borskankermaand en gemeenskapswerker, Karel Dampies, het saam met jeug in die Paarl bome met pienk lint versier om kankerbewustheid te ondersteun.
of ’n hartdefek. Ander nadelige effekte sluit in ’n toenemende gevaar vir niersiekte, nierstene en maagkanker. Om die risiko vir ’n beroerte of hartaanval te verminder, is dit belangrik om die ‘nommers’ te ken. ’n Normale bloeddruklesing is minder as 120/80 tot 129/84, 130/85 tot 139/89 word beskou as hoog na normaal, 140/90 tot 159/99 effense hipertensie, 160/100 tot 179/109 matige hipertensie en hoër as 180/110 ernstige hipertensie. Bron: Mediclinic
The teachers at Langabuya Primary School recently celebrated Heritage Day in cultural style. All of them were dressed up in smart culture clothing to portray the theme of the day. Here are two teachers, Siphiwo Kundulu (left) and Cordelia Njomani, in their traditional outfits.
As deel van toerisme-maand het die Kaapse Wynland-distrik verskeie programme van stapel gestuur. Hier, by die onlangse uitstalling wat in die Paarl Gemeenskapsaal gehou is, is onderburgemeester Conrad Poole (voor regs), en raadslid Lutisia Daries (voor links) besig om kennis te maak met een van die krokodille wat by die uitstalling was. By hulle is Graham Moss (middel) van die krokodil-plaas en agter kyk David Frandsen, Drakenstein Tourism Local Association (DTLA) se hoofuitvoerende beampte toe.
Drakenstein Gazette
Friday 10 October 2014
October to light up stage On Saturday 29 November wellknown singer Brandon October, along with a host of South Africa’s brightest young musical stars, are set to light up the stage at Nederburg in Paarl.
CODE 14 DRIVER + PDP needed in Klein Drakenstein. Minimum 2 years experience with own transport Fax CV to 021 862 0055. GENERAL WORKERS Needed in Klein Drakenstein. Fax CV to 021 862 0055.
The star-studded line-up will include SA’s Got Talent finalists Limited Edition, who are known for their electrifying drumming performances, YouTube sensation Filipa, who won the RyanSeacrest.com search for the best One Direction cover, top young jazz vocalist Zoe Modiga, saxophonist Matthew Ehrenreich and award-winning classical singers Siyabulela Ntlale and Noluvuyiso Mpofu. This year, the annual Nederburg Picnic Concert will be even bigger and better. It is an event not to be missed. The performers will be backed by a full symphony orchestra, the Cape Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, conducted
by up-and-coming orchestral conductor Brandon Phillips. Guest artist Brandon October is regarded as one of South Africa’s leading singers, having risen to fame with his success in the first SA Idols competition. The concert will be compèred by popular TV presenter and singer, Lynnelle Kenned, who became a household name after taking part in the My Top Billing Dream competition which resulted in her now being a familiar face on the Afrikaans TV programme, Pasella. General admission tickets at R100 per person are available online at www.webtickets.co.za. Children (12 years and under) enjoy free entrance. Picnic hampers at R195 per person can also be purchased when booking online. The Nederburg Picnic Concert on Saturday 29 November starts at 18:00 and gates open at 16:00. For more information, call 021 809 8412.
Spring Walk entries open Entries are pouring in for the 14th Spring Walk that will take place on Saturday 25 October starting from the Paarl Cricket Club. The walk is the flagship community event for Drakenstein Hospice and was initiated and funded by Hospice volunteer Tommy Goliath and his son André, in 2000 with just 281 walkers. It is a major, mass-participation fundraiser catering for the whole family and draws walkers from all over the Cape Winelands. The Spring Walk offers a day of fun walking through some of the most scenic and historic areas of Paarl, culmi-
nating in an opportunity for families and friends to socialise, enjoy the food stalls and local entertainment. The 2014 event includes feature walks: the 3 km family fun walk caters for the mothers and babies in prams, active toddlers or the not so fit; the 8 km family fun walk which will take the walkers alongside the Berg River; the 10 km spring challenge caters for the more serious social walker. Walkers will all complete the course through the Paarl Arboretum. For more information, visit www.dphspringwalk.co.za or contact them on 021 872 4060/ 021 872 9799.
Brandon October is set to wow audiences at Nederburg in November.
Polisie hou dans Groot-Drakenstein-polisie hou eersdaags ’n dans as deel van ’n geldinsamelingsprojek met die doel om terug te ploeg in die gemeenskap. Ondersteun hulle Vrydag 17 Oktober by Afterlife (Old Charlies), Dal Josafat, vanaf 19:00 tot laat. Kaartjies is by die deur beskikbaar teen R20.
The battle against polio continues
ALLE LOODGIETERWERK 24/7 Geysers; Geblokte dreine; Instandhouding; Badkamer renovasies. Geen werk te klein/groot. Quinton 084 564 2451.
INVITATION TO LEASE BUSINESS SPACES AND UNITS AT WAMKELEKILE STREET, MBEKWENI. The Drakenstein Municipality hereby invites applications for the leasing of business hive units at Wamkelekile Street Mbekweni. These units have been constructed with the express purpose to provide affordable trading spaces to local entrepreneurs. (a) The eastern elevation or the side facing the street will be utilised for informal trading. Please note that you must complete an application form to be considered. No business plan is needed for this section. (b) The western elevation or units with closed doors will be utilised by upcoming entrepreneurs. Please note that the submission of business plan is compulsory. Applicants must meet the following criteria: • Preference will be given to traders who are registered at Drakenstein voters roll; Please note: No person, councillor or official, in their individual capacity, will be able to influence the allocation of the business hive units. Application forms and format business plan can be collected from the LED & Tourism Unit, 1st Floor, Wellington Municipal Offices, Pentz Street, or on the municipal website at: www.drakenstein.gov.za Applications must reach the offices of the LED & Tourism Unit by no later than Friday, 31 October 2014 Further information please contact Mr. Ntobeko Vacu at Ntobeko.Vacu@drakenstein.gov.za or Tel: 021 807 4740 or Fax: 0866156204 “A Place of Excellence” X1PAKA1H-GZ101014
Although polio has been eradicated in 99% of countries in the world, some hot spots are left in the Middle East and West Africa. On Friday 24 October at 10:30, Rotary will present a Livestream internet event on the website endpolionow.org, to invite support for the battle against this dangerous disease. The public health effort to eliminate all cases of polio infection around the world, begun in 1988 and led by the World Health Organisation, UNICEF and the Rotary Foundation, has reduced the number of annually diagnosed cases from the hundreds of thousands to 291 in 2012, a 99,9% reduction. This remarkable achievement has been supported by more than 30 000 Rotary Clubs worldwide, including the Rotary Club of Paarl, which has been making financial contributions to the Polio Plus campaign since it started, and doubled its annual contribution last year. But recently there has been a bounce back in some countries towards more cases. In May this year the World Health Organisation declared a global health emergency for only the second time since regulations permitting it to do so were adopted in 2007, due to a spread of polio from Pakistan, Syria and Cameroon to Afghanistan, Iraq and Equatorial Guinea, respectively. Immunisation is especially compromised in war-torn areas. If polio is the next disease to be successfully eradicated, this will represent only the third time this has ever been achieved, after smallpox and rinderpest. India is the latest country to successfully stop transmission of polio. To learn more, visit endpolionow.org.
Friday 10 October 2014
Schools - Skole
Drakenstein Gazette
Grade 9’s: Choose subjects for future use Grade 9 learners are currently wrestling a very difficult issue: Choosing which subjects they will take with them for the rest of their school careers, and ultimately be tested on during the National Senior Certificate exams in 2017. There are many factors that need to be taken into account, and it is an exceptionally hard choice to make, which will have a profound impact on the rest of their lives. “Grade 9s must choose their subjects with care, and not before they have thoroughly done their homework about the implications of their choice,” says Dr Felicity Coughlan, director of The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest private higher education institution. Many young people hope to pass matric well enough to be able to study further and some will have aspirations of degrees that are very strict about required subjects and performance. Those who are not clear about what to do, should visit the websites of both public and private higher education institutions to verify the requirements and let that be a guide for subject choices. Look at a range of different institutions and courses within a desired field to allow numerous choices after matric. For those who are not yet 100% sure about what they want to be when they grow up, Coughlan suggests making choices that will keep a wide range of options open. “There is a list of designated subjects which are the ones that higher education institutions require for admission. Ensure that all your subjects are drawn from that list, unless you are absolutely sure you want to pursue a career that won’t require higher education. But don’t make that decision lightly, as you may well change your mind later on.” It is important to pursue a field of study which genuinely interests you, as the vast majority of your life will be spent working, and
Shandronay September from ACE Models, Paarl, was recently crowned Miss Tiny Out of Africa 2014 and also won awards for the best dressed, best introduction, best African wear and best ramp performance.
everything is just so much better when you do something you love. Determine which subjects mirror your interests and career dreams, and include them. Choose at least two strong subjects that you really enjoy and in which you can do well – even if your friends think those are not “cool” or “real” subjects. Remember that admission to higher education is performance-based, so it makes sense to do very well in some subjects rather than badly in all of them because you chose only gateway subjects. For example, if you know you will need maths but are struggling with it, it may make sense not to do science and instead to do a subject that requires less mathematics, such as hospitality, so that you can raise your overall score. This will also help to reduce your stress and enable you to give more time to maths so that you can do better in that challenging subject. If you do not want to pursue a degree after matric, making subject choices will be a more flexible endeavour. The South African National Senior Certificate has four levels of pass. One of them is the degree pass, but you could also qualify for diploma or higher certificate study. These two qualifications, which are normally vocationally or career-focused, could give you access straight to the world of work and even degree study if you wanted to do this later. There are also options in public and private FET Colleges, or you may even want to start your own business. In these cases, a pass that enables access to higher education may not be as important, and it makes sense to include business or information technology-geared subjects. Keep your options as wide open as you can for as long as you can, so that if your needs and interests and aspirations change by the time you are 17, you are not boxed into a corner by the decisions you made today. Source: The Independent Institute of Education
Pauw Gedenk Primary School in Wellington recently celebrated Heritage Day in the form of a casual day. Teachers and learners were dressed up in different diverse cultural outfits. Seen here are teacher Rachel Walters (at the back far left) and the group of learners showing off their colourful culture attire.
Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Tesourie opstel- en beurskompetisie Die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Tesourie, in samewerking met Nedbank en die Wes-Kaapse onderwysdepartement (WKOD), nooi skole om in te skryf vir die graad 11-opstelkompetisie. Dié kompetisie bied aan graad 11-leerders in die provinsie, wat ’n kombinasie van ekonomie, wiskunde en rekeningkunde as vakke neem, die geleentheid om beurse en ander aansporingsbedrae te bekom ten einde verder in hierdie rigtings aan ’n universiteit te studeer. ’n Maksimum van 12 beurse, sowel as ’n kontantprys as finansiële bystand tydens hulle graad 12-jaar, sal toegeken word aan leerders wat kwalifiseer en beoog om ’n graad in ekonomie, rekeningkunde, handel of wiskunde by ’n Wes-Kaapse universiteit te volg. Die beurse is vir graad 11-leerders wat uitblink in ten minste twee van die vakke, ekonomie, wis-
kunde en rekeningkunde (minimumvlak van 60%), en wat kwalifiseer vir toelating tot ’n universiteit in 2015. Deelnemers moet Suid-Afrikaanse burgers wees wat in die Wes-Kaap woon en oor ’n goeie mondelinge en skriftelike taalvermoë in Engels beskik. Die beurskompetisie beoog om entoesiasme vir ekonomie, wiskunde en rekeningkunde en loopbaangeleenthede te bevorder; kennis en vaardighede in ekonomie, wiskunde en rekeningkunde te bevorder en toekomstige leiers op die gebied van die ekonomie, wiskunde en rekeningkunde te ontwikkel, onder andere. Vir verdere inligting besoek www.westerncape.gov.za/dept/treasury of kontak De Wet van Aarde by 021 483 3040 of stuur ’n epos na Nicolaas.vanAarde@westerncape.gov.za
TOP-NOTCH DRUMMIES: The Ebenezer Senior Drummies, who are all learners at Noorder-Paarl High School, are from left: Aymesha Jumat, Bianca Moses, Danelle Tembanie (coach), Olga Montso and Danielle Swarts. In front are Aakifah Kannemeyer and Janet Lingson. The group took part in the Saldanha Bay, Grabouw and Boland Championships and won the coveted first place. The group also participated in the national championships on 2 October. For more information about the group, contact Tembanie on 073 231 3531.
Gimlaggies Speelskool het hul derde kwartaal afgesluit met ’n lekker prettige week. Dinsdag was dress-up-dag en die seuns het aangetrek soos helde en die dogtertjies as feetjies, skoenlappers en prinsesse. Hier is van die seuns in hul Superman-uitrustings.
Silver • Diamonds • Kruger Rands • Even Broken Gold Please bring all your unwanted gold anD we'll give you cash for gold 9 CT | 14 CT | 18 CT | 22 CT | 24 CT | Silver
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FRIKKIE: 076 411 1700 | CHARLES: 072 478 6070
BRANCHES: HEAD OFFICE: Shop 19, Brighton Square, Brighton Road Kraaifontein • JEWELLERY SHOP: (new & second hand), Shop 20, Brighton Square, Kraaifontein KRAAIFONTEIN 2: Shop 13, Shoprite Centre, Voortrekker Road • PAROW VALLEI: c/o Mark & Prinsloo St MALMESBURY: Nr3, Piet Retief Street • SALDANHA: 52 Saldanha Road • VREDENBURG: 15 Skool Street • TABLEVIEW: 17C Blaauwerberg Road PARKLANDS & JEWELLERY SHOP: Shop 20, Piazza Centre@Superspar, c/o Main & Link Road (opposite KFC) X1PAFWBD-GZ101014
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Skuldberading beskerm bates. Ons onderhandel vir verlaagde paaiement en rentekoers. Moenie geld leen om uit die skuld te kom nie.
Moenie skuldeisers ignoreer nie. D A A R Kontak Consolidebt by 021 863 2754
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Year 4 • Vrydag 10 Oktober 2014 | Tel. 021 870 4600
WP het Saterdag in ’n rillerstryd op Bloemfontein die Vrystaat Cheetahs gepak. WP moes vroeg reeds verwoed terugveg nadat die Cheetahs die eerste drie gedruk het. Wellington se eie Juan de Jongh (kaptein) het twee keer agter die doellyn gaan kuier terwyl Paarliet Kobus van Wyk die wendrie kort voor die eindfluitjie gedruk het. WP wen die stryd 34-29 en speel môre teen die Haaie om 17:00 op Nuweland. FOTO: CHARL DEVENISH/FOTO24
KILOTREADS 155R13. . . . . . . . . . . . R428 165R13. . . . . . . . . . . . R477 175/70R13 . . . . . . . . . R484 175/65R14 . . . . . . . . . R499 185/60R14 . . . . . . . . . R537 185/65R14 . . . . . . . . . R606 195/50R15 . . . . . . . . . R652 195/55R15 . . . . . . . . . R738 195/60R15 . . . . . . . . . R662
RUGBY ) Die Paarl Rangers-rugbyklub hou op 24 Oktober sy bekeruitdeling by die Thusong-sentrum. Die kaartjies is R150 p.p. ) Die Jaarlikse Bekeruitdelingsfunksie van Young Gardens RFC vind Donderdag 30 Oktober by die Allandale-ontspanningsaal om 19:00 plaas. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by bestuurslede teen R60 p.p. Kontak die voorsitter Mario Williams by 082 380 2680 of epos mwwilliams@telkomsa.net vir meer besonderhede. ) Riverstones RVK se bekeruitdeling is op Vrydag 17 Oktober. Plek: Thusong-saal, New Orleans Tyd: 19:00 Prys: R30 – Braai sal bedien word Bring eie XYZ asb. ) Hillcrest het Saterdag 4 Oktober die wedstryd teen St. Helenabaai gewen met goeie hardlooprugby. Rustyd het die besoekers voorgeloop met 8 –7, maar in die tweede helfte het Hillcrest beslis karakter getoon met sy agterlynspelers. Hierdie oorwinning het sy plek bespreek in die top 8 uitspeelronde wat Saterdag 11 Oktober sal begin te Boland-stadion. Die puntemakers was Phil Lee George (5) en Weedon Jooste (5) en Phill Lee George 8 Hillcrest hou sy jaareindfunksie Saterdag 8 November te Wellington-stadsaal. Kaartjies beloop R120 per persoon. ) Albions se bekerfunksie vind 1 November plaas by die Thusong-saal. Vir meer besonderhede kontak Manfred Matjan by 078 746 2598, Riaan Dirks by 079 183 6048. ) Laer-Paarl (Blues) se bekeruitdeling vind Saterdag 11 Oktober om 19:00 by die Thusong-saal plaas.
Kaartjies is R80 p.p. Bring jou eie piekniekmandjie en XYZ. ) Vineyards RFC are planning a day of rugby against Rangers RFC (Cape Town) on Saturday 18 October. All players are urged to meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 19:00 at the practice field. ) Young Peoples-rugbyklub hou 7 November sy piekniekdans (bekeruitdeling) in die Thusong-saal. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by bestuur en funksie komiteelede teen R80. Bring eie piekniekmandjie en XYZ. Kontak Jerome 083 402 0302. Dan op 2 November hou die klub ook sy gholfdag op Wellington. Vir borge, inskrywings en navrae bel George Buziek by 083 522 6438. BOLAND RUGBY ) Die Boland-rugbyklub-uitspele (Superliga kwartfinale en Presidentsliga semifinale) vind Saterdag 11 Oktober plaas by Boland-stadion in Wellington * Boland A-veld 16:30 – Young Hamiltons vs Mamre (Superliga), 14:30 – Abbotsdale vs Hamlet (superliga), 12:30 – Velddrif vs Rangers Robertson (Presidentsliga) 10:30 – Ashton vs Hillcrest (Superliga). * Boland B-veld 12:30 – Hopefield vs Caledon (Superliga), 10:30 – Tulbagh vs Langebaan (Presidentsliga). Toegang: Volwassenes: R20, kinders: R10 en voertuie R10. Die Boland Rugby Eersteliga Top 16 uitspele vind plaas te Moorreesburg (Gene Louw-sportgronde) en Robertson (Van Zylstraat-sportgronde). MUURBAL ) Die Paarl-muurbalklub hou die volgende 5 weke die volgende toernooie/ proewe:9 – 12 Oktober – Paarl junior Ope – Spelers vanaf Namibië, Gauteng, Vrystaat, WP, SWD en Boland. 18 – 19 Oktober – Boland junior proewe (o. 16 en 19). 25 Oktober – Klubkampioenskappe en Algemene Jaarvergadering. 1 – 2 November – Boland junior proewe (o. 11 – o. 14). FUN RUN ) The Paarl Athletic Club will be host-
ing a fun run on Saturday 11 October at Courtrai Primary School in Montreaux Street, Paarl. Walkers are welcome to enter a 21,1 km or 5 km fun run. There are prizes to be won. For more information contact Sybrand du Plessis on 083 444 6940. ROLBAL ) Mense wat belangstel in rolbal of graag wil weet waaroor die sport gaan, kan vir Avril Darlew by 083 708 4904 vir verdere besonderhede bel. KRIEKET ) Young Peoples KK het Saterdag op Daljosafat sy promosie/relegasie- wedstryd teen Robertson met 9 lopies verloor. Die klub sal dus vanjaar in die Premier B-afdeling meeding. Robertson het die loot gewen en eerste gekolf. Peoples se boulers het deurentyd die botoon gevoer en veral Jade Adams, 2/17 het die besoekers laat bontstaan. Charlton Daniels het ook 3/44 ingeoes terwyl Lee-John Julies 2/20 met sy draaiballe geneem het. Die besoekers is in die 45 ste beurt vir 160 lopies uitgeboul. Daar was geen noemenswaardige vennootskappe nie, en dit was uiteindelik die Tiere se grootste probleem. Lindsay Davy, 37, Tom-Ross Fortuin, 26 en Lorenzo Jacobs, 21 was Peoples se beste kolwers. Die eerste ligawedstryd is Saterdag op Dal Josafat teen die moeilike span van Stellenbosch en Distrikte. Oefeninge is Donderdagaand om 17:00 op Dal Josafat. TENNIS ) Paarl Huguenot Tennis Club practises are Tuesday and Thursday 17:00 – 19:00. On Fridays children get free coaching from 15:00. For more information phone Aiden Demas on 079 644 2373. ACTION SPORTS ) Junior players are wanted to compete in action netball and cricket games. A junior league will be launched and all available youngsters are welcome to participate. Contact Wiaan Swart on 072 253 3054 or email mswart@worldonline.co.za for more information.
195/65R15 . . . . . . . . . R699 205/55R16 . . . . . . . . . R776 205/40R17 . . . . . . . . . R741 155R12C . . . . . . . . . . R525 195R14C . . . . . . . . . . R855 195R15C . . . . . . . . . . R909 195/70R15C. . . . . . . . R1 150 215R15. . . . . . . . . . . . R1 277 265/75x15 . . . . . . . . . R1 309
CALL-OUTS & FIELD SERVICE AVAILABLE Jan van Riebeeck Drive, Hugenot, Paarl Tel: 021 872 1637 / 082 494 8604 (a/h), Fax: 021 872 6876
Suppliers of all brands, new tyres, retreads, wheel balancing, wheel alignment, shocks, exhausts, batteries and towbars. Rangers en Albions het mekaar Saterdag in hul jaarlikse derby-stryd op Dal Josafat gepak. Hier is die veterane besig met Adrian Dombas (regs) van Rangers wat met die bal hardloop. Rangers se eerste span het die wedstryd 22-21 gewen.
T&C’s apply. Prices include VAT. Balancing, valves, fitting excluded. While stocks last. X1PAD371-GZ101014