Drakenstein gazette 12 julie 2013

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• Bouers Gereedskap • Elektriese Gereedskap • Tuin Gereedskap • Skoonmaak Masjiene • Sleepwaens • Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service • Draaibank/Milling Werk; TIG/MIG Welding


Year 3 • Friday 12 July 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365

www.bolandgazette.co.za bolandgazette.mobi

In the latest Paarl Post: ) Latest on the Waterfront ) Police and business tackle crime ) Pittbull set loose on police ) Kokkedoor winner ) Berg River Marathon

Gelukkige boekwenner

2 Bekende sterf ná siekbed

3 Bergrivier skop af

KavaliersCurriebeker gereed

KAVALIERS DEEL HANDTEKENINGE UIT: Die Regent Boland Kavaliers het Woensdag op Wellington by ABSA-bank hul eerste handtekening-sessie gehou. Hier staan ’n aanhanger by Sabelo Mhlapo (stut) van die Kavaliers. Die Kavaliers speel Vrydag 16:00 in ’n Absa Curriebeker Eerste Divisie-wedstryd teen die Grens Bulldogs op die Boland-stadion, Wellington. Toegang beloop R30 vir volwassenes en R5 vir skoliere. FOTO: JACO VAN WYK



Drakenstein Gazette

Entertainment - Vermaak

MR CAT & THE JACKAL BY MEUL: Die immergroen, immergewilde en waar-is-my-skoen-musiekgroep, Mr Cat & the Jackal, het besluit om bietjie stadiger te seil. Dit beteken nie hulle gaan laag lê nie, o, nee. Dit beteken hulle is weer lus om na al die klein dorpies te gaan waar hulle vantevore geraas en kerrie aan gejaag het. Dus tree hulle op 12 Julie om 20:00 py die Ou Meul-teater in die Paarl op. Die groep het bekende liedjies verwerk en hul instrumente skerp gemaak om rooiwynbekke langs die vuur te vermaak. In plaas van die gewone vyf musikante, gaan daar net drie wees met vreemde instrumente om dinge meer intiem en warm te hou. So bespreek ’n plekkie vir twee langs die vuur saam met die groep goëlende kitaarkatte vir rooiwyn en vlamme en stories met tande. Kaartjies kos R70 en kan bespreek word by Vicky Stemmet, 083 564 0056 of vicky@oumeulteater.co.za.

Friday 12 July 2013

13 Julie

Die Van Coke Cartel tree om 20:00 op by die Boer Teater-restaurant, Durbanville. Hierdie bekende groep bestaan uit lede van Fokofpolisiekar, Francois Van Coke en Wynand Myburgh, saam met Jedd Kossew en Jason Oosthuizen. Kaartjies kos R100. Vir besprekings en verdere inligting skakel 021 979 1911/083 406 0111.

18 Julie

VLV Wellington vergader om 09:30 by die NGK Wellington Noord se saal. Kwiltblokke en blommerangskikking word gedemonstreer. Kom ondersteun ook die marktafel. Navrae Juanita 083 264 9834.

20 Julie

Wees deel van Mathys Roets se Wintertoer, wanneer sy vertoning, Iemand soos Jy, Paarl toe kom. Mathys sing van sy musiek van die laaste twintig jaar asook splinternuwe musiek deur Piet van Wyk de Vries – die man wat weet hoe om met woorde te speel. ’n Voorsmakie van Mathys se DVD wat in Augustus bekendgestel word – wees eerste om dit te hoor! Roets tree om 20:00 by die Ou Meul-teater op en kaartjies is R100. Vir besprekings skakel Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056 of per epos, vicky@oumeulteater.co.za.

26 Julie

Paarl Post bied ’n kerrie-(maalvleis) enrys-verkope teen R25 per bakkie ten bate van die Paarl Post-kersfonds. Aflewering is gratis vir 10 bakkies of meer in Paarl en Wellington. Plaas jou bestellings by Maryke Lourens by 021 870 4603 of maryke.lourens@media24.com voor 17:00 op 17 Julie. Plaaslike diva Sarah Theron, tree saam met Lucas Heinen by Die Boer Teater-restaurant in Durbanville op om 20:00. Skakel 021 979 1911 vir besprekings.

27 Julie

WEN ’N BOEK: Speurder Kwaaikofski word ontvoer! Sy ontvoerders lyk baie grillerig – hulle het almal maskers op en hul kaalgeskeerde koppe is blou. Maar, dis nie die ergste nie. Een van die booswigte waag dit om vir Kwaaikofski dieselfde haarstyl te gee – en nou lyk hy soos ’n blou paaseier. Die slim baasspeurder gaan dit beslis nie daar los nie. Wag maar, sy wraak gaan wreed en woes wees! Hierdie is ’n heerlike avontuurlustige verhaal vir jongmense deur die pen van Jürgen Banscherus en uitgegee deur Human & Rousseau. Staan ’n kans om die boek te wen deur die titel na 32365 te SMS teen Maandag 15 Julie.

OPGEWONDE WENNER: Olivia Loubser van Denneburg is die gelukkige opgewonde Drakenstein Gazette-wenner van die boek Soene op ’n Suzuki. Sy sê sy is gek oor lees en gaan haarself terdeë geniet. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Prinses Pippie kom kuier in die Paarl

PSYCHIC READER ‘prof’ GARY in Cape Town • Bring families and friends together • Natural problems; Troubled marriages: Boosting your business - Dream Interpretations • Lucky wallet financial growth • Quick selling/buying of property • Using spiritual powers – luck from forefathers • Clean houses from evil spirits – home perfection • Financial problems “borrow” magic stick and Amagundwane. • All unfinished work by other readers – palm reading also done here.

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Hajjat Aisha & “Dr” Ali

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Roland help om sy dapper terug te kry? Want sonder jou dapper kan jy mos nie ’n rowwe seerower wees en op gevaarlike avonture gaan nie! Nes al die stories uit hierdie produksiehuis, is Prinses Pippie en Rowwe Roland weereens ’n fees van verbeelding, snaakse sêgoed en eienaardige nuwe karakters. Dis definitief ’n vertoning waarna elke kind sy ouers behoort te bring. Vir navrae en besprekings kontak Vicky by 083 564 0056 of e-pos vicky@oumeulteater.co.za.

Vollies op toer na Kimberley vir reünie

Hajjat Aisha 6x2_2813 DG


Prinses Pippie en Rowwe Roland word Saterdag 13 Julie om 10:00 in die Ou Meul-teater opgevoer. Kom ontmoet die eksentrieke Prinses Pippie wat bang is vir wel, feitlik alles! Sy dra haar teddiebeer, Meneer Claudius, oral met haar saam omdat dit haar bietjie dapperder laat voel. Maar op ’n dag ontmoet sy die seerower, Rowwe Roland. Sy broer, Minder Rowwe Rian, het sy dapper gesteel en nou is hy bang vir wel, alles! Kan Prinses Pippie en die kinders vir Rowwe

Die Suid-Kaap onderwysopleidingskollege (Vollies) in Oudtshoorn sou vanjaar 61 jaar bestaan het, en om hierdie geleentheid te vier, kom die Vollies vanjaar in Kimberley byeen. Die Paarl-Wellington Vollies reël ’n trein vanaf Huguenot-stasie tot in Kimberley en terug om deel te wees van die feesvieringe. Die trein vertrek op 18 September en keer weer op 22 September. Daar is nog plek beskikbaar. Bel die organiseerders Clarence Adams by 076 485 0880 en Jorrie Jordaan 082 768 4386. Hierdie saamtrek belowe om een van die grootste Vollies geleenthede nog te wees.

Ploegdag 2013 word aangebied by Abbotsdale buite Malmesbury, op Saterdag 27 Julie om 09:00. Veterane trekkers ploeg met antieke ploeë soos in toeka se dae! Moenie dit misloop nie. Daar sal ook vermaak vir die hele gesin wees met ’n markiestent vol stalletjies, verversings, ’n kontantkroeg, springkasteel, boeremusiek-orkes en vele meer. Kaartjies vir volwassenes is R30 en kinders R10. Bel Freddie Truter 082 252 5381 vir meer inligting. Jak de Priester stel sy sewende oorspronklike Afrikaanse album N1 van my hart bekend met 16 nuwe liedjies uit sy pen by die Boer Restaurant-teater in Durbanville om 20:00. Die nuwe songs sal jou emosies laat wipplank ry en dan natuurlik die stories wat die nuwe songs inlei. Die trein na Kaapstad, Die heel eerste dans, Gee jou hart vir liefde, Pippie Langkous, In ons bubble is van die nuwe titels om slegs ’n paar te noem. Kaartjies is R120 en beskikbaar by 021 979 1911.

2 Augustus

Die gewilde kykNET sportprogram, Toks ’n Tjops, sal eersdaags in die Paarl met ’n direkte uitsending verfilm word. Kom geniet die aand saam met Toks, Breyton en Janina. Rhebokskloof-wynlandgoed sal gasheer speel vir ’n spesiale uitsending waar Toks ’n Tjops Interskole 2013 sal vier asook die Paarl Rugbyklub se 130ste bestaansjaar. ’n Aand vol vermaak word beloof en tafels kan bespreek word by Arnelle van Eyssen op 083 226 8650.

Nederburg CLC soek masjien Die Nederburg CLC wat aandklasse vir mense wat die matriekkwalifikasie wil voltooi asook Abet-klasse aanbied, benodig naaimasjiene vir een van hul klasse. Indien jy dalk ’n naaimasjien het wat jy nie gebruik nie en graag wil skenk, kan jy Alec Abrahams bel by 073 482 1112 of 021 862 0161.

Friday 12 July 2013

News - Nuus

Inga Mbikanye (8) here with his mother, Andiswa Mbikanye at home showing his fractured leg after he was allegedly hit by a police vehicle in Paarl East. PHO-


Young boy hit by police van SABELO MPANA

Holiday fun ended dramatically for a 8-year old boy, when he was hit by a police vehicle. Inga Mbikanye was hit last Thursday while walking to a shop close to his home in Fairy Land, Paarl East. He was left with a severely broken leg. Members of Paarl East police where allegedly chasing a stolen vehicle when Inga was run over. Inga explained to Drakenstein Gazette how the incident happened. “I saw two cars coming from the direction of the police station in the Bo-Dal Road as I was about to cross over. I waited for the first car to pass before I ran across the road. I thought I could get to the other side safely, but the van hit me and I fell back on the pavement.” The boy’s mother, Andiswa

Mbikanye (27) said: “I was called by Inga’s cousin to the scene telling me that my son was hit by a van. I immediately rushed to help him. He was sitting on the pavement crying and clearly in a lot of pain. Policemen on the scene told me not to move him until the ambulance arrived.” An eyewitness who wanted to remain anonymous, said: “There were two vans following each other and the one in front had blue lights on. The van that hit the boy was not driving fast, but its blue lights were not on. The driver of the van could not avoid the boy because he suddenly tried to cross the road in front of him.” According to Capt Ignacio Korabie, the driver of the police vehicle, they were chasing a stolen vehicle. A case of negligent driving was opened and is being investigated.

Drakenstein Gazette

Here is Mirriam Toni showing off only some of the work she inspires in Mbekweni.


Mirriam is proud of her soccer club, All Stars, who have won sevaral trophies.


Mirriam’s heart is a safe house DEVIDEAN MOSES Mirriam Toni (43), who is known for her Mirriam’s Safe House in Mbekweni, recently received an award from Mama Africa in George for her work within the community of Mbekweni. This Clover Mama Afrika-project identifies women who are already making a difference in their communities and helps them to become self sustaining with skills they can derive incomes from, in order to support orphaned and abused children as well as the elderly. Not only does she run a safe-house for destitute children, but she has initiated various other projects to uplift women within the community. She arrived in Mbekweni 1987. After joining a gospel choir she decided to stay in Mbkeweni. She soon realised that there was a need in Mbekweni for a centre that cares for abandoned children and needy adults. As a former abused child herself, she loves and nurtures children who

have suffered the same fate. She started off her safe house in a humble home of half brick and half metal sheeting. The community helped her to enlarge the house as more children took refuge with her. But in 2010 tragedy struck, when Mirriam’s safe house was set ablaze, presumably by a neighbour who had made a fire next to her house. One of her foster children was killed. This was an enormous set-back for Mirriam but she got on her feet again, and with the help of the community and church organisations, her home was rebuilt. She, along with the other mamas, have been trained in cooking and baking, sewing, gardening, quilting, flower arranging, crocheting, beadwork, artwork and first aid. She also completed a basic finance management course. Mirriam describes herself as a loving mother for her 16 foster children and three children of her own. Her aim is to make a difference in the community. Mama Africa says that children must know their identity,

and need love as a foundation for a stable footing in life. “As a young girl I was involved in a Sunday school and my mother always gave me extra food to share with those who were in need,” says Mirriam. “And this was the beginning of my road to caring for and helping others.” She also started an aftercare soccer club in Mbekweni, the All Stars, to keep children off the streets. Today the soccer club has grown to more than 65 members. Not only does she see that the players practise regularly and stay fit, but she also sees that they go to school and do their homework. She has arranged for them to have lessons in basic computer skills with the help of Shaun Petersen. Her latest project is a designer school where they make matric farewell dresses. Mirriam’s dream is to have a bigger venue where she can run different courses, and in doing so, empower the community around her. “I want to open a multi-race centre for the needy people in Drakenstein.”

Bekende Albions-lid sterf ná siekbed DEVIDEAN MOSES

byklub en was ook vir jare sekretaris van die destydse Paarl Rugbyunie David Marquard (72) (unen het ook in WP Rugbycle Davie), bekende lid van unie gedien. Albions-rugbyklub en ’n “Hy sal altyd onthou geliefde oudonderwyser word as die Madiba van van Paarl-Oos is Saterdag Albions,” vertel familiená ’n lang siekbed in Medilid, Wilfred Williams. clinic Paarl oorlede. Marquard se begrafUncle Davie is gebore en nis is Saterdag om 09:00 getoë in die Paarl en het vanuit sy huis in Glemdiep spore in die gemeenskap getrap. Sy eerste on- David (Uncle Davie) holdstraat 10, Charlesderwyspos was in Monta- Marquard (72) het ná ton Hill. Die kerkdiens gu en ná ’n onderwysloop- ’n lang siekbed gesterf. daarna is in die VGK in Klein Drakensteinweg. baan van 40 jaar, het hy die Hy word oorleef deur sy vrou, Agtuig neer gelê. Hy was van 1960 tot 2004 deel van nes, en drie dogters Agatha, Lesley, die administrasie van Albions-rug- Ilse en drie kleinkinders.

RELATIVES SOUGHT: This man was brought in to Paarl Hospital by the police after he was found on the street, disorientated and unable to speak. He has been unable to communicate anything about himself since his admission. Relatives or friends of this man, or anyone who can identify him, is requested to contact Anne-Marie Fourie during office hours at 021 860 2500.

Verdagte in hegtenis geneem vir swanger vrou se moord DEVIDEAN MOSES Die gemeenskap van Paarl-Oos is nog steeds erg geskok nadat ’n vrou wat vier maande swanger was, wreedaardig vermoor is. Asheline Dampies (25) se lyk, wat verlede Saterdagnag op ’n oop veld langs die Bo-Dalpad oorkant Fairyland gevind is, was vermoedelik herhaaldelik met ’n reuse stomp voorwerp oor die kop geslaan. Volgens haar ma, Catherine Alexander-Stole, het Asheline op Donderdag 27 Junie om 18:30 die huis van haar tante in Smartie Town verlaat om by ’n vriendin in die omgewing te gaan kuier. “Volgens haar vriendin het vier mans om 02:00 die huis saam met haar verlaat en belowe

om haar veilig tuis te bring,” het Catherine gesê. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, kapt. FC van Wyk, het bevestig dat ’n moordsaak ondersoek word en dat een verdagte in hegtenis geneem is. Volgens hom is die verdagte verlede Saterdag in hegtenis geneem en verskyn hy op 16 Julie in die Paarl Streekhof. Bronne het ook bevestig dat die verdagte die Donderdag voor die moord uit die gevangenis vrygelaat is nadat hy slegs vyf van ’n tien-jaar vonnis vir ’n rooftog uitgedien het. Die polisie vermoed dat nog minstens nog een persoon betrokke was by die voorval. Gerugte dat Asheline verkrag is kon nog nie bevestig word nie. Enigiemand met inligting kan die Paarl-polisie bel by 021 807 4000.



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General - Algemeen

Drakenstein Gazette

Friday 12 July 2013

You the entrepreneur: Good business administration

Is jy ’n entrepreneur?

W iam m S Sm 's W ilillila miitthh 's


Maak jy Mbekweni Muffins of Chicago Sweets? Of dalk Klein Drakenstein Koekies of Blikkiesdorp Beelde? Die Drakenstein Gazette wil weet van alle entrepreneurs wat vanuit hul huise interessante en unieke besighede bedryf en goedere vervaardig. In vandag se moeilike ekonomie is die oplossing om jou eie besigheid te bedryf. Hierdeur skep jy nie net vir jouself werk nie, maar vir ander ook. Stuur vir ons ’n beskrywing van jou bedryf, of kom sien ons daaroor. Aan die einde van elke maand sal die Gazette Entrepreneur van die Maand gekies word. Hiervoor kry die wenner ’n promosie-artikel in die Drakenstein Gazette, asook ’n advertensie om sy of haar besigheid ’n hupstoot te gee. Om in te skryf of vir nadere besonderhede, skakel 021 870 4614, e-pos drakenstein@media24.com

for 12 July 2013 CAPRICORN

(22 December - 21 January)

A very concrete practical limitation, for example, money, a health challenge, or responsibility for another may unexpectedly prevent you from being as free as you wish. No doubt your patience will be severely tested, but if you manage to come to some uneasy balance or partial solution, the tension will ease.


(21 January - 20 February)

This is the time to be doing something new and unusual. You may get an impulse to experiment with something new, or a friend may invite you to do something you haven't done before. Go along; you will love it and you will be glad you went.


(20 February - 21 March)

This is the time to be doing something new and unusual. You may get an impulse to experiment with something new, or a friend may invite you to do something you haven't done before. Go along; you will love it and you will be glad you went.


(21 March - 21 April)

You know just what you want right now and woe to anyone or anything that gets in your way! You are much more likely to become domineering, pushy, or inconsiderate of others now, so it is a good time for you to do what you need to do by yourself rather than with others.

DAVID MALHERBE Anyone of us knows the importance of making good decisions.

of besoek ons kantoor by Newstraat 1a, Paarl. Die eerste Gazette Entrepreneur sal volgende week aangekondig word.



(21 April - 21 May)

You may feel temporarily blocked now. Resistance and challenges from others or from outside situations suggest that this is not a good time to try to force your will and desires upon the world, as friction is the only likely result. Relations with men can be especially tense.


(21 May - 22 June)

Communications, conversations, sending and receiving messages, and taking care of routine tasks that require mental clarity are important activities now. It is a good time to present your ideas and point of view to others, as you express your thoughts clearly, though you are not apt to listen as well. Buying, selling, or negotiating is likely to go well now.



(22 June - 23 July)

Your desire for pleasure, ease, and affection is brought to the fore and may interfere with work or complicated situations in which you need to be acting assertively and on your own behalf. Your mood and attitude is conciliatory, and your need for love and approval heightened. Social gatherings and personal relationships are favored.


Ingredients: • 1¼ Cup Vegetable Oil • 4 Large Eggs • 1½ Cup Light Brown Sugar • 5 ml Vanilla Essence • 350 g Carrots - Grated • 1 Cup Banana - Smashed • 2 Cup Flour - All-purpose • Pinch of Salt • 1½ Tsp Baking Powder • Pinch of Cinnamon • Pinch of Nutmeg • 1 Cup Icing Sugar • Juice of ½ - 1 Lemon • Sprinkled Nuts For Topping

(23 July - 24 August)

You are contentious, argumentative, and impatient now. Disagreements erupt because you aren't willing to overlook minor irritations as readily as usual. Confrontations with others may be fruitful if you don't allow your anger to get out of control. You are highly competitive at this time.


(24 August - 23 September)

Self-confidence, physical energy, and courage run high, so this is a fine time to undertake any project or challenge that confronts you, especially if it involves competition or asserting yourself vigorously. You are inclined to take charge or assume a leadership role at this time.


(23 September - 23 October)

Your desire for love, companionship, and affection predominates at this time. A new friendship or romance could begin, or an established relationship can be revitalized and enhanced. If there is someone you have wanted to reach out to, doing so now is likely to create warm feelings between you and may be the start of something beautiful.

Method: Beat the oil, eggs, sugar and vanilla essence with electric mixer until light and fluffy. Add the carrots and banana and mix with a wooden spoon until just incorporated. Sift the flour, salt, baking soda and spices. Add to the egg mixture and mix until just incorporated. Add spoonfuls of batter to your muffin cups, filling them ½ to ¾ full. Bake for 10 – 15 minutes until risen and brown and tester comes out clean. Combine icing sugar with lemon juice a few drops at a time to achieve the correct consistency. Pipe or smear cooled down muffins with icing and sprinkle with nuts.


(23 October - 23 November)

Your vitality and self-confidence are high, and you can achieve your goals with much more ease than usual. You enjoy vigorous physical activities, competitive work or sports, and meeting challenges. You are inclined to strike out on your own and to assert your own will, but not in a way that creates resistance in others.


(23 November - 22 December)

If you are a writer, teacher or student or are involved in any intellectual work, this is a positive time for you: ideas flow and it is easier than usual to express your thoughts. Also, this is a good time for buying, selling, negotiating, and communications of all kinds. *AFRIKAANS - DAAGLIKSE STERRE: Ram: 083 9140 010, Bul: 083 9140 011, Tweeling: 083 9140 012, Kreef: 083 9140 013, Leeu: 083 9140 014, Maagd: 083 9140 015, Weegskaal: 083 9140 016, Skerpioen: 083 9140 017, Boogskutter: 083 9140 018, Steenbok: 083 9140 019, Waterdraer: 083 9140 020, Vis: 083 9140 021


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4 6 9 5

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1 9 8

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VRAE: 12 JULIE 2013

Elke ry en elke kolom asook elke 3X3 blok mag die syfers een tot nege slegs een keer bevat.



Each row and each column as well as every 3X3 square may contain the numbers 1 to 9 only once.



1 9 6 3 5 7 2 8 4 9 4 1 3 2 5 7 6 8

5 4 2 1 8 6 3 9 7 8 5 2 7 6 1 9 3 4

3 7 8 9 4 2 1 5 6 3 6 7 9 4 8 1 5 2

6 3 1 4 9 8 7 2 5 4 7 9 2 1 6 3 8 5

7 5 4 2 6 3 9 1 8 6 1 8 5 3 9 2 4 7

2 8 9 7 1 5 6 4 3 5 2 3 4 8 7 6 1 9

8 1 5 6 3 9 4 7 2 1 9 4 8 7 3 5 2 6

4 2 3 5 7 1 8 6 9 7 8 6 1 5 2 4 9 3

For a business owner it is even more important because bad decisions can cost him his business; his source of income. But there is a way to minimize this risk; it is called good administration. Yes, many people do not like administrative work, but this is a business’ source of information. Every transaction is a piece of data that builds the picture of what is happening in the business. But the recording of transactions is just the first step in a whole process that forms part of the bigger administrative and information system of the business. And what we want is information of what happened in the past to make predictions for the future, e.g. a budget. Without accurate and well recorded information you make bad decisions due to wrong information. Unfortunately business owners often neglect this aspect and are not willing to pay good money for good administration. Administration is a lot more than just knowing how much money you have in your bank account. Businesses are subject to a multitude of laws and bylaws that they need to comply with. One of the easiest ways to determine whether a business has a good administrative system is to look at their compliance to government systems, ordinances and laws. You need to have somebody to keep your administration up to date. If not, it may cost you dearly sometime in the future. Either you’ll have to pay someone to sort out all the neglected paperwork, or pay penalties and interest to SARS for undeclared income, or go bankrupt due to a lack of knowledge about the true state of your business. Administrative personnel need to be people who have a savvy for detail and paperwork. Good administrators are usually people with good qualifications. Unfortunately business owners seldom regard administration as important enough to allocate good remuneration to administrative personnel. A good record keeping and administrative system is a necessity for any business. Without it you head for disaster without even being aware of it. You can start by yourself keeping all paperwork filed away and clearly marked into sections. David Malherbe and Dewald Scholtz will discuss this topic in more detail Monday evening from 19:00 till 20:00 on Radio KC 107.7FM in the program “You the Entrepreneur”. David Malherbe is a business and career consultant and lives in Wellington. He can be contacted via his web page www.jedidiah.org.za or at 021-873 0262.



9 6 7 8 2 4 5 3 1















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Friday 12 July 2013

People - Mense

SERVICE DELIVERY: Two Allandale Correctional Centre officials recently had the opportunity to talk live on the radio during a talk show called Fokus met DKD. Members Mongesi Bafo (left) and Jakobus Fredericks (right) were well prepared and specialists in their different sections when they informed the community on the topics of fines and bail as well as visitation to inmates. Mariska Pietesen (middle) the host and also the Manager Communication Services at the Voorberg Management Area in Porterville, put the officials at ease with her professional style of questioning and handling of the interview. These opportunities for the officials informing the public on crucial issues can only make their work easier and enhance service delivery to the community.

JOINT TOURISM ORGANISATION:The Local Tourism Authority (LTA), a joint tourism organisation for all Drakenstein towns, has been registered recently with the assistance of Drakenstein Municipality. The Municipality is presently finalizing a joint co-operation agreement with this authority. Here are (rear from left): Trevor Harris (Chairperson: Drakenstein Local Tourism Association), Girshwin Fouldien (LED Manager), Councillor Thys Smith (Portfolio Holder: Planning and Economic Development), Schalk Burger (Wellington Wine Route), Johann Mettler (Municipal Manager), Barry Coetzee (Secretary, Drakenstein Local Tourism Association), Isabeau Botha (Paarl Tourism), Bernard Nicholls (Paarl Wine Route), Tom Turner (Drakenstein Business Federation); (front) Stephan Richardson (Paarl Wine Route), Advocate Gesie van Deventer (Executive Mayor) and Ashraf Adam (Executive Manager, Planning and Economic Development).

VRAGMOTOR TUIMEL OM: ’n Vragmotor het verlede Vrydag op die draai van Jan van Riebeeck-rylaan en Ambagsvalleistraat op sy sy beland toe die bestuurder, volgens ooggetuies, vermoedelik te vinnig om die draai gekom en beheer oor die vragmotor verloor het. Die bestuurder is na ’n plaaslike hospitaal vir behandeling geneem. Niemand anders is in die voorval beseer nie.


ONWETTIGE DRANK: Verlede Vrydag (28 Junie) het die Paarl-Oos-polisie toegeslaan op ’n smokkelhuis in Bluemoonstraat, Paarl-Oos, en beslag gelê op onwettige drank. Siyubulela Ngqakasa is in hegtenis geneem en aangekla van onwettige handel in drank. Hier wys ao. Anthony Sauls van die drank waarop daar beslag gelê is. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

TOEKENNING VIR KATEGORIE ONTVANG: Konst. Samantha Smith, sosiale misdaadsvoorkomingsbeampte in die Paarl, was derde in die kategorie Vrou van die Jaar tydens die polisie se jaarlikse Prestige-toekenningsgeleentheid in Kaapstad. Hier is sy met haar toekenning. FOTO: MARYKE SWART

Drakenstein Gazette


TRAINING AT YOUTH PRISON: The Youth Centre at Drakenstein Correctional Services recently took training of offenders to a new level when officials decided to train and expose a group of young inmates to the basic maintenance of a car, with special reference to the changing of a flat tyre and replacement of a battery. For many of these inmates this was their first encounter with these basic maintenance and replacement principles.

JEUG-ONTWIKKELING: Wyk 25 het onlangs krieketkolwe en ander sporttoerusting van die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit ontvang. Hier staan die sewe landjiekrieketspanne se verteenwoordigers saam met dr. Noel Adams (raadslid, vierde van links) en raadslid Amminah Allomen (derde van links).



Drakenstein Gazette

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Friday 12 July 2013

I’d just nod and smile but inside I would gasp, “How do they do it?” I am the mother of beautiful twin girls. That’s right; twins. From no babies to two babies; from lazing on the couch on weekends to not having enough time or energy to do anything not baby-related. Like washing dishes. Or myself. I was a hot mess mama when my babies were small. Clueless, sleep deprived, and a little punch drunk from the conflicting parent information out there; I was definitely not “fine”. But, after 12 months, our twins are alive, we are alive, and the house is still standing. It feels like we’ve painstakingly clawed our way up a mountain of rocks, blindfolded and without a map, and have finally reached the top, covered in fatigue mixed with awe and elation. Because it didn’t come naturally to me I had to learn how to survive. For those of you who, like me, are not “fine”, I give to you what I’ve learnt along the way: ) Coffee, and lots of it Sleep deprivation is used by marble-faced military people with brutal efficiency. If I just knew what they wanted me to confess, I would have gladly! Whether you like instant, percolated, beans or ground, this will be your constant companion in the early days. If you’re breast-feeding then one cup of coffee a day is fine, so make sure it’s the good stuff. If you’re not breast-feeding then two or three cups of coffee a day is perfect, but more than that becomes counterproductive and may keep you from sleep. ) Friends, family and foresight For advice, a shoulder to cry on,

Take a little nap while baby’s napping.


or an empathetic sounding board, there’s nothing that comes close to friends and family. I called my best friend and asked her, in a wobbly voice, “Does it ever go back to normal?” – ‘it’ being our lives. She gave me these shortterm goals for the future: ) At three months they start sleeping longer, and you start thinking clearer. ) At five months they start getting interested in solids, and the day is more manageable. ) At eight months they start crawling and become more mobile. ) At a year they’re practically toddlers and you have a semblance of your life back. It wasn’t as if my life became instantly easier with each milestone, it was more like a gradual improvement where one day I realised, “I almost feel like my old self again.” That was a happy day for everyone. (Source: Candace van Zyl from Shift ONE for Little Bo Babies).

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SKROOTDIEWE VASGETREK: Skrootmetaal-diefstal bly steeds ’n reuse-probleem vir inwoners van Paarl-Oos. Twee mans, Riaan Leeu en Denver West van Kudu-woonstelle, Chicago, is in hegtenis geneem vir koperdiefstal, nadat hulle met twee koperkabels in hul besit betrap is. Albei van hulle het op 2 Julie in die Paarl-landdroshof verskyn op aanklag van skrootdiefstal. Verlede Woensdag (3 Julie) is nog twee mense in hegtenis geneem vir die besit van vermoedelik gesteelde koperkabels, nadat die Paarl-Oospolisie inligting ontvang het. Hier wys (van links) ao. Alta Booyens, sers. Lefebri Pekeur, konst. Chantal Davids en oa. Anthony Sauls die skrootmateriaal waarop daar die afgelope week beslag gelê is. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Friday 12 July 2013

Schools - Skole

Drakenstein Gazette




NEWTON HOU VAKANSIEPRET: Newton-vakansieklub het ’n vakansieprogram gehou onder leiding van die Calvyn Protestante Kerk, Newton, ds. James Fredericks en ander jongmense van verskeie kerkgemeentes. Die tema vir die program was Breaking Through om die negatiewe gedagtes van kinders in positiewe gedagtes te omskep. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

GIFTS FOR THE YOUNG ONES: Paarl Library spoilt their young holiday-goers by giving them a bag and some stationery during their holiday activity programmes.

HOLIDAY IS FUN: Drakenstein Library once again held a fun holiday programme for the community where children could participate in various activities. One of the fun activities presented to the children was board games. Here they are concentration hard while playing bingo.

MONTI CHRISTO-PROJEK SOEK HELPERS: Kaap Agri se IT-afdeling het Bowy House-kinders by Butterfly House besoek as deel van hul gemeenskapsdiens. Monte Christo Miqlat (MCM) nooi graag besighede om deel te wees van hul “Hoekom-projek” om sodoende tyd af te staan en met die kinders van Bowy House te speel en te lees. Hierdie projek het sy oorsprong by Agri IT (Kaap Agri se IT-afdeling) en ander Kaap Agri-afdelings wat ook betrokke is, soos Agrilog, Saft and Grainco. Enigiemand wat iets aan Bowy House wil skenk, kan dit by Monte Christo Coffee Shop, Pastorielaan 19 (agter Toring-kerksaal) aflaai of skakel 021 872 5580 of e-pos aletiagrundling@gmail.com. Besoek die webwerf by www.mcmmiqlat.com.

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Skakel Craig 021 870 4618 Year 3 • Vrydag 12 Julie 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600

Blues oorrompel Simondium Laer Paarl (Blues) het Saterdag op Daljosafat koning gekraai teen die span van Simondium. Blues het die wedstryd 55-29 gewen. Blues se fisieke spel by die afbreekpunte het Simondium op die agtervoet geplaas. Manfred Solomons en Glenvor Kimber het gereeld Simondium se lynstaanballe afgeneem. Kempton Kika open Blues se rekening ná ’n stukkie briljante spel deur die agterspelers en gaan druk onder die pale met Bjorn Wicklow wat verdoel om die telling 7-0 te laat lees. Simondium se voorspelers staan egter nie terug vir Blues nie en plaas hulle onder geweldige druk in die skrums. Blues gaan druk nog drie drieë met Wicklow wat verdoel twee om telling 26-0 te maak. Net voor rustyd druk Simondium onder die pale en verdoel om die rustydtelling 26-7 te maak. Ná rustyd draai Blues die krane oop met Faff Julies aan die spits, wat ’n doring in Simondium se vlees is. Blues se agterspelers speel egter met passie en ryg een drie na die

ander in. Dissipline aan albei kante neig om handuit te ruk met geelkaarte vir altwee spanne. Ná Blues se afrigters sekere sleutelspelers vervang het, lyk dit of Blues se spel nie aan die gang kan kom nie. Simondium buit Blues se foute behoorlik uit en gaan druk drie drieë om Blues te laat wakker skrik. Ryan Jordaan gaan druk ’n briljante drie en sny deur Simondium se verdediging om onder die pale te gaan druk. Een van Blues se spelers word deur die skeidsregter met ’n rooikaart van die veld gejaag nadat hy op ’n speler getrap het. Blues staan egter steeds sy man met slegs 14 spelers. Met dié tipe spel wat Blues lewer lyk dit asof hy moeilik gestuit gaan word in sy opmars na ’n derde titel. Driedrukkers: Kempton Kika; Audin Carolissen; Neville Adams; Oswald Thomas; Faff Julies; Lorenzo Jacobs; Ashley Swarts; Ryan Jordaan (2) Doelskoppe: Bjorn Wicklow (5) Derde span wen: 28-20 Tweede span wen: 38-14


KLIPHARDE RUGBY: Allandale het Saterdag op die Boy Louw-velde teen Violets gespeel. Hier is Allandale op die voorvoet met hul sterk voorspelers wat veld wen. Allandale wen die stryd 34-17.

Hier laat loop ’n speler van Blues die bal na sy agterlyn. Blues seëvier teen Simondium 55-29. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN


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WINNER OF STAGE 1: Ben Brown from the United Kingdom has won the first stage of the 52nd Bergriver Marathon. The stage started in Paarl and ended 62 kilometres down the river at Sonquasdift. Brown is also a previous world champion and is competing in his first Bergriver marathon. Graeme Solomons (green shirt) came second. The race ends on Sunday in Velddrif after more than 230 kilometres of racing. PHOTO:

195/65x15 .................R648 205/55x16 .................R796 205/40x17 .................R735 155x12C .....................R525 195x14C .....................R830 195x15C .....................R884 195/70x15C ...............R860 215x15 ......................R1291 265/75x15 .................R1308

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) Paarl-Oos Krieketklub se algemene jaarvergadering vind plaas Sondag 21 Julie om 14:00 by die klubhuis in New Orleans. Bel Andrew Apollis vir nadere besonderhede. Voorseisoen-oefeninge vir 2013–’14 vind plaas op die New Orleans-velde Maandae en Woensdae 17:30. Bel vir Terence Adonis by 084 609 5060 of Jackie Daniels 082 626 5412.

) Sekondêre Skool Klein Nederburg hou vanjaar hul jaarlikse derby-kragmeting met Sekondêre Skool New Orleans op 10 Augustus. Rugby-oudstudente sal elke Woensdag vanaf 17 Julie by die skool met John Heugh vergader. Die oudstudente-wedstryde sal op 7 Augustus op Daljosafat-stadion gespeel word. Vir nadere inligting, bel vir John Heugh by 071 868 6598 Riverstones oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae op Daljosafatstadion om 18:00, met die juniors wat om 16:00 begin.

) Drakenstein-edu KK het onlangs hul jaarvergadering gehou. Die volgende persone is verkies vir die krieket seisoen 2013–’14. Gershon Witbooi (voorsitter), Sharon Paulse (ondervoorsitter), Nolan Witbooi (kassier), Timothy Milton (sekretaris), Lemore Appolis (hulpsekretaris), Nabiel Jephta (klubkaptein), Wayne Jacobs, Faeez Bayley en Dean Jacobs is addisionele lede. Die klub oefen op Maandae by Boland Krieket om 18:00. Oud en nuwe lede is welkom. Bel Ryan Corrolissen (hoofafrigter) of Gershon Witbooi 079 325 1360 vir verdere inligting.

) Newtons-rugbyklub wat vanjaar sy 70-jarige bestaan vier, bied op Vrydag 26 Julie sy gala-aand aan om 19:00 te Wellington-stadsaal. Kaartjies beloop R100 en is beskikbaar by bestuur en spelers. Saterdag 6 Julie speel Newtons RVK ’n tuiswedstryd teen Delicious van Ceres. Young Peoples speel Saterdag op Gustrow Park teen Strand. Die bus vertrek om 10:00 uit Groenheuwel. Oefeninge vind nog plaas op Daljosafat vanaf 18:00. United Stones se oefeninge is Dinsdae en Donderdae op die Primêre Skool Daljosafat se veld. Bel 021 873 1307 vir meer inligting.

) Paarl Cricket Club’s AGM takes place on Sunday 14 July at 14:30 at the clubhouse at Parys Sport Grounds. Training sessions are currently run at Boland Park’s indoor facilities Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:00. Current players and new players are requested to attend. Call coach Riaan Nieuwoudt at 081 0322 126 for more details. ) Young Peoples-krieketklub oefen elke Maandagaand vanaf 17:45 in die binnenshuise nette by Boland Park, en ook Woensdae om 17:30 op Daljosafat.Spelers word versoek om die oefeninge by te woon en hulself vir n goeie seisoen voor te berei. Nuwe spelers is baie welkom en kan die afrigter, Marco Walters by 076 982 7774 of die sekretaris, Trevor Davy ,082 497 3884 skakel vir inligting.

) Saterdag speel Violets teen Rangers op Daljosafat-stadion. Die klub hou op 3 Augustus hul Miss Violets-kompetisie. Alle jong vroue tussen die ouderdom van 16 tot 21 is welkom om in te skryf. Vorms en inligting kan by Carmen America en Maryna Jafta afgehaal word of bel hulle by 079 814 1879/072 498 1964. Violets versoek ook alle oudspelers (veterane en Ou Kroks) om Dinsdae en Donderdae by die oefenveld aan te meld om voor te berei vir die Derby.



) Boland Sport Vereniging vir Liggaamlik Gestremdes se algemene jaarvergadering vind op Donderdag 18 Julie om 19:00 by Worcester Tennis-klubhuis, Bolandpark, Worcester, plaas. Klubverteenwoordigers van al die geaffilieerde klubs moet teenwoordig wees. Enige gestremde persoon wat by die vereniging se aktiwiteite wil inskakel is welkom om die vergadering by te woon. Bel die vereniging se sekretaresse, Avril Farao op 082 770 3071/023 342 3770 of e-pos bolandsapd@gmail.com

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