Drakenstein gazette 13 02 2015

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• Bouers Gereedskap • Elektriese Gereedskap • Tuin Gereedskap • Skoonmaak Masjiene • Sleepwaens • Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service • Draaibank/Milling Werk; TIG/MIG Welding WELLINGTON, 12 VERSAILLES ST 021 873 2222


Year 5 • Friday 13 February 2015 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365


In the Paarl Post ) Hundreds homeless after fire ) Load-shedding woes ) Micro-loansharks ) Meintjies innocent of second murder ) New police chief

Victory for schools

3 Sepiester by konsert

4 N’burg troef Paarl

Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool het onlangs hul jaarlikse padwedloop gehou. Hier is die leerders besig om die 5 km-wedloop te voltooi. Sien padwedloop-wenners op bl.7.

Voete klap in wedloop WELLINGTON TAKKE Hoofweg 84, Wellington Tel: 021 864 3007

Kortstraat 4, Wellington Tel: 021 873 5837

SPESIALE AANBIEDINGE Kom loer gerus in vir ons spesiale aanbiedinge! Terwyl vooraad hou!

WELLINGTON TAKKE Vars AB (2-Tand) Skaap Vleis Pakke Frozen Mix Chicken Braai Portions







Vars Hoenderborsies

Mix Vegatables





Frozen Cater Thighs

30 Unwrapped Eggs





/tray X1PQK8W5-GZ130215


News - Nuus

Drakenstein Gazette

Friday 13 February 2015

Child (4) found abandoned in street A four-year-old boy, who may be suffering from a serious skin infection was found abandoned in Langabuya, Mbekweni on Tuesday afternoon. According to Mbekweni Police spokesperson, Sergeant Nceba Vanqa, police were informed about the child by educators from the Lungabuya Educare Centre who found him walking up and down in Bishop Crescent.

When asked his name, he told them he was called Kwekwe. Community members were asked if they knew the boy or his relatives but no one was able to identify him. Vanqa said the boy had a severe skin irritation over his body and face, and was taken to Paarl Hospital for medical treatment. According to a spokesperson for the Department of Health in the Cape Winelands, Jo-

Anne Otto, a patient matching the boy’s description was admitted to the hospital. She said he is recuperating and receiving treatment. A case of child neglect was registered with the police and the help of social services was called in. Anyone who knows the whereabouts of the child’s parents is requested to contact the Mbekweni detectives at 021 868 9900/26.

“Traditional healer” exposed

Paarl-Oos-polisiebeamptes het onlangs hierdie blou Toyota, wat vermoedelik by Dal Josafat-stasie gesteel is, in Robertsonstraat, Charleston Hill sonder sy wiele gevind. Die motor is deur die Paarl-polisie aangemeld as gesteel. Niemand is in die voorval in hegtenis geneem nie. Enigeen met inligting, bel ao. Alta Booyens: 021 877 5944.

A woman from Project 2, Mbekweni, is facing a charge of fraud after allegedly posing as a traditional healer. The suspect, who has not yet been arrested, aroused suspicion when three officials from a security company in town reported sick to their boss for the same period, namely 1 December 2014 to 5 February 2015. All three certificates of absence had been obtained from the suspect.

The owner of the security company called the Medical Board and the Traditional Healers Association to enquire about her accreditation. He found that the woman, who goes by the name of Dr. Nowelcome Sobutyu, was not registered with either body, and that her practitioner number was invalid. A case of fraud was opened and the police are investigating the matter.

Moordverdagte in aanhouding Die moordverdagte Masonwabe Dyantyana (20), wat tereg staan vir die moord op ’n tweemaande-oue babaseun, is steeds in aanhouding, nadat hy op 6 Februarie vlugtig in die Paarl-landdroshof verskyn het vir ’n borgtogaansoek. Na bewering het Dyantyana die baba, Maxwell Williams, op Saterdag 17 Januarie hard op die grond neergegooi waarna hy glo op hom gespring het. Maxwell was reeds dood toe die polisie op die toneel aangekom het.

Volgens Maxwell se tante, Sandra Williams (31), was die rede vir die treurspel onduidelikheid oor die vaderskap van Maxwell. Ooggetuies het glo gesien hoe Dyantyana die kind neergooi en op hom trap. Dyantyana het weggehardloop, maar is later deur Paarl-Oos-polisiebeamptes in die omgewing aangekeer. Dyantyana verskyn weer op Maandag 9 Maart in die Paarl-landdroshof vir ’n hofdatum vir ’n verhoor in die Hooggeregshof.

Die bekende karwasman, Niklaas Thomas, wat reeds ’n geruime tyd ’n karwasbesigheid bedryf uit ’n waentjie wat hy agter sy fiets sleep, het onlangs ’n splinternuwe fiets met ratte en ’n ligte waentjie ontvang om hom beter toe te rus vir die werk. Die skenking is deur François van der Werf van Easyskips gemaak. Niklaas sê die nuwe fiets en waentjie is baie geriefliker. “Ek trap nou die bult sit-sit uit,” skerts hy, “dit is ’n groot verligting.”

The Paarl West Community Policing Forum (CPF) in partnership with the Paarl Police would like to inform the public of crime tendencies for the month of January. ) Residential burglaries: In the areas of Lemoenkloof, Groenvlei and Northern Paarl, incidents were reported in Reyneke, Egbert, Plein, Jan Steyn, Michael, Moll, Reitz, Williams, Du Plessis, Etna, Du Lot, Uitspanning, Bethel Streets and Main Road. In several instances entrance was gained by climbing in through open windows or opening open windows wider to gain access. In De Zoete Inval, Courtrai and Vrykyk, residential burglaries were reported in Upper Bosman, Chapelle, Joubert, Berea Streets and 1st Avenue. Thom, Breda, Salamiender, Dorp, Karlsen Crescent, Langenhoven, Muller and Distillery Streets in the Central Business District, Denneburg and Klein Parys areas were also targeted. The majority of the incidents occurred on a Thursday during the day. In the farming area of Simondium, Sonstraal, Paardeberg, Slent, Voorpaardeberg, Windmeul and R45 areas, residential burglaries occurred mostly on a Monday and a Thursday between 04:00 and 06:00. Five arrests were made. ) Business burglaries: Business burglaries mostly occurred on a Friday evening and were reported in Borsenburg, Alkmaar, Oosterland, Voorschoten, Van der Lingen, Waterkant, Lady Grey, Breda, Synagogue, Market, Triangle, Zuidmeer, Frater, Auret, Alleman, Concordia, Hospital, Langenhoven Avenue and Jan van Riebeeck Road. Entry was gained into premises by means of breaking windows, breaking locks and forcing open burglar bars. Two arrests were made. In the farming area, incidents were reported in the Vryguns, Voorpaarderg, Roggeland, Lustigan, Nuwedrift, Old Paarl Road, R45 and Simondium areas, and occurred mostly on a Thursday and a Friday before 08:00. One person was arrested. ) Theft out of/from motor vehicle: This still remains a concern for the Paarl Police. There is no fixed area in which vehicles are being broken into. A total of eight arrests were made, however, these arrests still have no impact on the total number of cases reported. Tools are being left visible and laptops are still being left under car seats. Clothing and other valuable items are also being left in the open. The Police requests that all valuable items are locked away before parking. ) Possession of stolen property: The Paarl Police made 18 arrests for the possession of stolen property. Some of the items retrieved could be linked to theft and burglary incidents. However, most items are not marked or photographs not available in case dockets. The public are urged to mark all valuable items, record serial numbers and take photographs. Another means of securing your valuables is by making use of the Data Dot system 0861 328 2368 or www.datadot.co.za for information. Each station has a Data Dot verification instrument which can be utilised.

Motor leeggesteel

’n Ford Laser motor is onlangs deur Paarl-Oos-polisie teruggevind in Strelitziastraat, Paarl-Oos, nadat dit vermoedelik in Paarl-Wes gesteel is. Vir verdere navrae oor die motor, bel vir ao. Alta Booyens by 021 877 5944.


’n Vrou van Uitsig in Wellington het ’n slagoffer geword van ’n diefstal uit haar motorvoertuig. Die vrou het Maandagaand oudergewoonte haar motor in haar erf ingetrek en die motor agter slot en grendel gelaat. Diewe het egter steeds in die loop van die aand toegang tot die erf gekry, die motor oopgebreek en alle besittings wat daarin was, gesteel. Die vrou vra die publiek se hulp om enige van hierdie items terug te vind, wat ’n skootrekenaar insluit. Enigiemand met inligting kan Ilke bel by 072 406 4701. ’n Beloning word beloof indien van hierdie goedere teruggevind word. * ’n Polisiewoordvoerder het die publiek opnuut gemaan om nooit enige goedere oop en bloot in motors te los nie.

Friday 13 February 2015

News - Nuus

Drakenstein Gazette

AWARDS: The quarterly Paarl Cluster Awards, hosted by Paarl Cluster Commander Brigadier Aneeqah Jordaan (left), was held on Tuesday at the Drakenstein Correction Centre with special guest Maj Gen Sharon Jephta (Divisional Commissioner: Inspectorate) (second from right) attending the ceremony and delivering a message of encouragement to members. Here with them, from left are Sgt Cliffdilene Zwaan (winner: best detective - Mbekweni) and Acting Mbekweni Station Commander Lt Col TE Mahlatshana.

From Left: Paarl Cluster Commander Brigadier Aneeqah Jordaan, Captain Hannalie Smith (winner: best Crime Prevention Unit- Paarl East), Divisional Commissioner Maj Gen Sharon Jephta and Paarl East Station Commander Colonel Mabuti Stephans.

From left: Paarl Cluster Commander Brigadier Aneeqah Jordaan, WO Pierre Hugo (winner: Best Vispol member - Wellington), Divisional Commissioner Maj Gen Sharon Jephta and Wellington Station Commander Lt Col Johan Barkhuizen.

From left: Paarl Cluster Commander Brigadier Aneeqah Jordaan, WO Richard Cornelius (winner: Best Shift - D relief, Wellington), Divisional Commissioner: Inspectorate Maj Gen Sharon Jephta, and Wellington Station Commander, Lt Col Johan Barkhuizen.



Schools win battle in court DEVIDEAN MOSES The LK Zeeman and Bergrivier Primary Schools, together with another 12 schools in the Western Cape are overwhelmed with the final decision of the Western Cape Department of Education (WCED) not to close their schools. The former Minister of Education Minister Donald Grant, announced in 2012 that underperforming schools with small pupil numbers and multi-grade teaching classes would have to close their doors at the end of that year. A court battle, however, followed with first the Western Cape High Court putting the closures on hold when it was found that the minister’s decision was inadequate and irrational. Another court application ruled again for the department, where after the affected schools planned to take the case to the Constitutional Court. It was, however, this week decided by the affected parties to set aside the planned appeal as both parties have now decided to revisit the matter and start the process over again. Despite these battles, dedicated educators of LK Zeeman and Bergrivier Primary Schools have continued as per usual to further the education of the learners. But this is not the end of the line for this matter.

Education Minister, Debbie Schäfer, says that the department will look at the situation as a whole in the province and in the event that closure is recommended again, new notices will be published and representations may again be made. Futhermore, she continued that they had made this offer, despite the unanimous judgment of the Supreme Court of Appeal in their favour. “The amount of time that has elapsed since the decision to close the schools will be at least four years once the Constitutional Court process is finished. This may render the facts upon which the decision to close was initially taken potentially irrelevant. The future of the learners has remained and will remain uncertain pending the finalisation of the matter should this continue in the Constitutional Court. Even in the event that the Constitutional Court finds in our favour, which we believe they would, the fact that so many years have elapsed would in our view necessitate that we reassess the situation.” Myrna Williams, acting principal, said that they as staff of LK Zeeman are very glad about the fact that the matter has been withdrawn. “We can continue the education of our 275 learners without too much uncertainty.” On Thursday 12 February, LK Zeeman held a thanksgiving service at the school to celebrate their ‘victory’.

Here are the staff of LK Zeeman Primary School. From left are Majory Samuels, Dawn Williams, Elize Browne, Myrna Williams (acting principal), Charmaine Moosa, Edwin Standfliet (acting head of department), Juanita Jansen and Harvey Cupido.



General - Algemeen

Drakenstein Gazette

Star Star Signs Signs CAPRICORN

22 December to 21 January

This is not a period when you feel like pushing your own interests or one in which you are especially energetic. Other people's concerns and needs receive more attention from you now, and you are more motivated to do something which serves others, perhaps a group you are affiliated with. Cooperating with others for some idealistic purpose is very satisfying for you at this time.


21 January To 20 February

You are very inclined to make rash decisions. With little forethought, you will suddenly decide to do something. Because the impatient, spontaneous, innovative quality of this astrological influence bursts forth in short spurts, you often surprise even yourself by your quick decisions and reactions to situations.


20 February to 21 March

You tend to be very abrupt and inconsiderate of others. It's best for you not to try to cooperate or slow down your pace to suit other people too much. You need to follow your own rhythm. You are likely to actually act on some of the more unusual or "crazy" impulses you feel from time to time: you crave excitement.


21 March to 21 April

A sudden accident, trauma, violent outburst, or fever are possibilities now. If you have been withholding any animosity, not taking what you need for yourself, or been in any sort of ongoing battle with another, the stress is likely to become unbearable. You also tend to force yourself unmercifully now, which will backfire. You might sustain injuries in a competitive situation or "burn out".


21 April to 21 May

Strong sexual feelings and romantic passions are stimulated now, and the urge to be with your love partner is compelling. If you are not currently in a relationship, you are likely to be bold and to make the first move toward someone you are attracted to. Artistic and creative expression is also favored now.


21 May to 22 June

You know just what you want right now and woe to anyone or anything that gets in your way! You are much more likely to become domineering, pushy, or inconsiderate of others now, so it is a good time for you to do what you need to do by yourself rather than with others. Accidents, mistakes made in haste, or ego conflicts may occur due to your impatience and willfulness.


22 June to 23 July

Verbal battles, disputes, and heated debates are very likely at this time because you speak your mind without much forethought, tact, or consideration of consequences. Right now you will say the things you usually only think, especially to people you disagree with. Also, you are quite impatient and easily frustrated and are inclined to move about too quickly and abruptly, which can cause accidents.


23 Julie to 24 August

Significant changes and opportunities face you at this time but making the correct decision about what to do is not easy. One side of you is impatient to make some major changes. You are tired of the same old routine and life style. You want to break free and get things really moving. You feel there is much more to life, and you are not growing and living as fully as you ought to be.


24 August to 23 September

This is a time when it is difficult to stay within a budget or on a diet, as your tendency is to splurge on beautiful things and to enjoy yourself as much as possible. You want comfort and ease and have luxurious tastes. Quality is especially important to you right now. Also, you want to share whatever good fortune you have. You need company and happy fellowship.


23 September to 23 October

This is an excellent time to make decisions about your financial affairs, as your judgment is sound and reliable, though a bit conservative. Investing in beautiful things which are likely to increase in value over time (such as jewelry or fine art) is favored. You are not interested in fleeting excitement or frivolity now. Spending "quality time" with an old and trusted friend will make you happy.


23 October to 23 November

What occurs now makes you more aware of what you need, feel, and want in your relationships. If you are unhappy in your personal life, this is brought out now, and you'll need to face what is causing your dissatisfaction. Differences in personal style, tastes, and ways of expressing affection may emerge.


23 November to 22 December

This is a time when it is difficult to stay within a budget or on a diet, as your tendency is to splurge on beautiful things and to enjoy yourself as much as possible. You want comfort and ease and have luxurious tastes. Quality is especially important to you right now. Also, you want to share whatever good fortune you have. You need company and happy fellowship. X1PPEV25-GZ130215

Friday 13 February 2015

Jy die entrepreneur: Die Eskom-faktor DAVID MALHERBE Eskom se onvermoë om genoegsame krag te lewer is deesdae op almal se lippe. Dit wat ons tans beleef, is die gevolg van ’n groot onderneming se gebrek aan strategiese uitbreiding en goeie bestuur vir die toenemende elektrisiteitsbehoeftes van ’n groeiende bevolking en ekonomie. Vir Eskom is die produksie van genoegsame elektrisiteit ’n interne faktor (waaroor hulle beheer kan uitoefen) en wat deur Eskom aangepak moet word. Dit is sake wat hulle na die beste van hul vermoë moet bestuur sodat dit die minste moontlike ontwrigting vir hul kliënte (ek en jy) veroorsaak. Vir my en jou wie se besighede afhanklik is van Eskom-krag, is dieselfde elektrisiteit ’n eksterne omgewingsinvloed waaroor

Do you want to be the next Drakenstein Gazette Entrepreneur? Drakenstein Gazette wants to find out more about entrepreneurs who operate their unique businesses from their homes, making interesting products, whether it they be place-mats, handbags or fancy cakes or cookies. In today’s tough economy, starting your own business is the solution. Not only do you create work for yourself, but for others as well. Send us a description of your business, or come and tell us about it. Once a month the Gazette Entrepreneur of the Month will be selected. The winner will receive a free promotional article in the Drakenstein Gazette and a free advertisement to boost his or her business. To enter or for more information, call 021 870 4614; email drakenstein@media24.com or visit our office at 1a New Street, Paarl.

AUNT DORA............

ete Bo Beoreerrearta

: MANGELSdrui weasyn.

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Saamgestel deur: Danie Smuts se Boererate

ons geen beheer het nie. As Eskom die krag afskakel, is al wat ons kan doen om die beste van ’n slegte saak te maak. Miskien het jou besigheid ’n kragopwekker en kan produksie tot ’n mate voortgaan. Die meeste van ons moet ons egter skik volgens die beskikbaarheid van elektrisiteit. Het jy as besigheidseienaar ’n plan hoe om jou besigheid se produksievermoë ten beste aan te pas by onvoorsiene kragonderbrekings? Dit is belangrik om onder dié omstandighede daagliks steeds die grootste moontlike produksie te lewer. Ongelukkig is dit so dat die kragonderbrekings noodwendig ’n invloed op besighede se produksiekapasiteit sal hê. In al die media word ons tans gewaarsku dat die huidige probleme met elektrisiteitsvoorsie-

ning tot negatiewe groei in die ekonomie en ’n moontlike resessie kan lei. Ekonomiese groei is afhanklik van sake-eienaars se positiewe vooruitsigte vir die land se ekonomie en toekoms. Eskom reik tans op ’n daaglikse basis teenstrydige nuusvrystellings uit. Dit bring mee dat die vlak van onsekerheid in ons ekonomie tans baie hoog is en sakevertroue waarskynlik redelik laag. Gedurende sulke tye is groot en riskante uitbreidings selde wys. Hoe groter die onsekerheid, hoe groter die risiko. In ’n onseker tyd het selfs Dawid sy risiko’s beperk en gewag totdat hy sou weet wat God aan hom sou doen. (1Sam 22:3) Wees dus versigtig met die aangaan van groot nuwe skuld. Probeer liewer om skuld vir eers so laag moontlik te hou.

14 Februarie )’n Valentynspiekniek word by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument in die Paarl aangebied. Gaste is welkom om ’n eie piekniekmandjie saam te bring of een te bestel by 021 863 2800. Die piekniek begin om 17:00 en die monument sal tot om 22:00 oop wees. Kaartjies is by die hek beskikbaar teen R30 (R10 vir kinders). Indien die weer sleg is, word die piekniek afgestel. Bel 021 863 0543/4809 vir meer besonderhede.

28 Februarie )Die Christengemeente Paarl se Bo-Dalwyk bied ’n sangaand aan by die kerksaal, 1 Barkerstraat, Paarl-Oos. Toegang is R20 (R10 vir kinders). ’n Bus sal ook vanaf Drommedaris, deur Groenheuwel en Chicago tot by die kerk persone optel teen R10 stuk. Die bus vertrek om 18:00. Vir navrae, bel C. Maans by 076 518 6858 of A. Kermis by 082 962 0368. )Noorder Paarl High School invites you to a fun-filled family day at the school. The day will be filled with live entertainment, Miss NP trails, fun for kids and adults, as well as food stalls and much more.

Charis Worship Centre bied aan ’n gospel-konsert met Hildegardt Whites, bekend as Bonita Meintjies van 7de Laan. Die konsert vind plaas op 1 Maart om 15:00 by die Paarl-Oos Thusong-sentrum. Ander plaaslike kunstenaars sal ook optree. Kaartjies is R60 (R30 vir kinders onder 12). Vir navrae, skakel pastoor Edwin Lawrence by 074 761 4625 of pastoor Emilton Daniels by 078 977 5398.

Police numbers during load shedding Load shedding has also had an impact on the daily service delivery of Paarl police. The public is urged to make use of the following numbers: ) Shift Commander: 082 411 3427 ) Sector 1 Vehicle: CBD, Denneburg, Klein Parys and the Industrial area – 082 379 4735,

082 444 3060 ) Sector 2 Vehicle: De Zoete Inval, Vrykyk, Hoog en Droog, Courtrai – 082 443 5647 ) Sector 3 Vehicle: Lemoenkloof, Groenvlei, Northern Paarl – 082 444 3194; ) Sector 4 Vehicle: Rural areas – 082 411 2985, 082 379 4742


Tickle your tastebuds


VALENTINE’S DAY RASPBERRY JAM PUDDINGS Ingredients: • 125 ml butter, plus extra for greasing • 80 ml Raspberry jam • 125 ml Raspberries, defrosted • 125 ml Caster sugar

• 2 Lemon peel, grated • 1 tsp Vanilla essence • 2 Extra large eggs • 2 cups Sifted cake flour • 2 tsp Baking powder • 1 cup milk, warm

Method: Preheat oven to 180 ºC. Grease 6 ramekins (200ml each) or moulds thickly with butter. Mix jam and raspberries together and spoon into bottom of each ramekin. Cream butter, sugar, lemon peel and vanilla together with an electric beater until pale and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating until smooth. Sift flour and baking powder into mixture. Add milk and beat until smooth. Divide batter between ramekins and bake for 15 minutes, or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. Invert puddings onto serving plates and serve with cream. X1PPEV59-GZ130215


MONDAY 16/02





30°C 14°C




28°C 16°C


29°C 12°C





30°C 17°C

FRIDAY 13/02


SUNDAY 15/02



MONDAY 16/02




22°C 17°C

SUNDAY 15/02


31°C 12°C





23°C 16°C


22°C 18°C

31°C 17°C


21°C 17°C



23°C 19°C



24°C 21°C


Friday 13 February 2015

People - Mense

Drakenstein Gazette


Alvina Abrahams is gekies as die Independent Civic Organisation of South Africa (ICOSA) van Drakenstein se leier en koördineerder vir 2016 se plaaslike verkiesing. Belangstellendes kan haar by 073 750 3484 bel. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Dinner and dance for Kin Culture Hierdie groep verpleegsters het hul verpleegopleidingskursus begin by Paarl-hospitaal in samewerking met Worcester-hospitaal se verpleegskool. In die voorste ry saam met die groep is Noeleen van Rooy (derde van links), kliniese fasiliteerder, Marilynne Holtman (kliniese programkoördineerder Verpleegopleiding), Lea Money (kliniese fasiliteerder). FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Prevention of pregnancy complications The month of February has been dedicated to women’s health on the National Health Awareness calendar, with special attention being given to pregnancy awareness from 10 to 16 February. A team of specialists at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University and Tygerberg Hospital, have established a new obstetric critical care unit (OCCU) in the labour ward of Tygerberg Hospital, one of only a few in the world. They are concentrating on the prevention and management of pregnancy complications, especially complications that may threaten the lives of both mother and baby. Pregnancy complications may be due to factors like pre-eclampsia (very high blood pressure), bleeding before, during or after la-

bour, infections and underlying disorders such as heart disease. The establishment of this quality emergency care unit in the labour ward of Tygerberg Hospital has already led to a significant decrease in maternal deaths due to pregnancy and non-pregnancy related life-threatening emergencies. Effective emergency management has also decreased long-term complications such as renal failure or cerebral palsy. The maternal mortality in the Western Cape is the lowest of all provinces in the country and comparable to that of private hospitals. The outcomes of seriously ill mothers and babies managed in this unit are as good as, and in some instances even better than, those achieved in countries such as America, Brazil and the United Kingdom.

Enjoy an evening with friends to the benefit of Kin Culture on 14 February at 19:00 with dancing and food at Rusticana Estate. Kin Culture is an organisation aiming to give a home to orphans and vulnerable children. Tickets at R180 with Philip at 084 402 1000.

Toks van der Linde at black tie dinner Monte Christo Miqlat will host a Black Tie Dinner and auction with Toks van der Linde on 19 February at the Paarl town hall. Tickets at R300 per person include a welcome drink, a three- course meal and wine on the table. A cash bar will also be available. The dress code is formal and the event starts at 18:30. Companies are welcome to book a table of 12 (R3 600), help with the donation of vouchers or gifts or to donate wine to be auctioned. To make a booking, call Aletia Grundling on 021 872 5580 or 083 623 1485.

Bethel Congregational hou basaar en opskop Die Bethel Congregational Kerk hou hul jaarlikse mini-basaar op Saterdag 7 Maart om 10:00 op die kerkterrein. Besoekers kan kies uit watertandlekker koeke, lekkernye, vars produkte asook heerlike tuisgebak. Daar is iets wat in oud en jonk se smaak sal val. ’n Toevoeging tot vanjaar se basaar is ’n springkasteel asook ’n waterglybaan vir die kinders.

Hugo van Sitters van William Lloyd Primêre Skool het behoorlik stof geskop in sy teenstanders se oë toe hy die 100 m hekkies vir seuns o. 13 gewen het. Hy het albei sy rondes vir 80 m en 100 m gewen tydens die laerskole atletiekbyeenkoms op Dal Josafatstadion. William Lloyd vier vanjaar hul 50ste bestaansjaar. FOTO:

Toegang is gratis. Vir meer inligting, bel 021 8625185. ) Die jaarlikse mnr. en mej. Bethel Sondagskool skop af op Saterdag 28 Maart om 16:00 by die kerksaal. Verskeie aktiwiteite soos dans, sing asook motiveringsprekers sal by die geleentheid optree. Verversings sal ook verkoop word. Toegangsgeld beloop R10. Vir navrae, bel James Pietersen by 073 949 59950.


Paschens P Butchery aschens Butchery Half or Whole A Grade Lamb


per kg

Club Steaks

The Paarl Islamic Youth Movement under the auspices of the Paarl Muslim Jamaa (PMJ) hosted a parent leadership programme last Saturday afternoon at the former Malay school next to the Breda Street mosque. This programme is the first in a series of programmes that will focus on the relationship between parents and children, the role of the parent in developing the child into an independent, confident adult and financial aid to students. Seen here from left are Taliep Samaai (convener of the Paarl Islamic Youth Movement), Sheigh Zarier Moerat (Imam of the PMJ), Dr Salie Abrahams (guest speaker), Fatima Jakoet (SA’s first Muslim woman pilot, also formerly from Wellington and guest speaker), Raagib Najjaar (guest speaker) and Abdul Jabaar Mukkadam. PHOTO: ACHMAT PATEL


per kg

Steak Mince


per kg

Stewing Beef


per kg

Beef Patties


per kg

Half or Whole Sheep


per kg

We also stock clean afval and a range of cold meats. Special prices available for beef forequarters and hind-quarters. Debit and credit cards now accepted. (except Amex and Diners Club)

PRICES VALID UNTIL STOCKS LAST Vosmaar Street, Dal Josaphat • Tel: 021 868 1493

E+O.E. X1PQK9FW-GZ130215



Drakenstein Gazette

Friday 13 February 2015









AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/Sms/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.

Dié Wellingtonner wou seker maak dat hy ’n goeie uitsig gehad het oor die klopse-troepe wat onlangs verbygekom het. FOTO: ENGELA DUVENAGE

AANDAG ALLE KLIENTE Voertuie dringend gesoek. Ek koop enige gebruikte voertuie vir kontant. Skakel 083 464 6960. Doen bank aflosse. HUISE TE HUUR ELEKTRIES


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Help2read aims to empower disadvantaged communities through capacity building and opportunity creation. This can be achieved by empowering learners to help themselves through becoming literate, opening their minds and gaining self-belief and by empowering community members to help themselves and their communities through marketable skills.

We are seeking Literacy Tutors to assist learners with their reading. Literacy Tutors read books, play games and talk, enabling the children to become more confident readers and to see that reading is fun. You can have a positive impact on a child’s life by becoming a Literacy Tutor! In addition to helping a learner, you as the tutor will be provided with on-going training, support and mentoring, as well as a stipend for your time. Requirements: • Be Literate in English • Education: Completed Grade 12 • 1 Year commitment, 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. Interested parties will be invited to attend a help2read presentation where application forms will be completed For more information about the programme and presentation date, please contact Melody at help2read on 021 930 3669



Radio KC het 'n eerste gehad met die


Sexually Transmitted Infections Week and Condom Week are marked from 10 to 16 February. Although HIV is the most notorious sexually transmitted infection (STI) in South Africa, there are several other STIs affecting the population. A recent study in the Western Cape found that more than two thirds of young women were infected with one or more strains of the human Papilloma virus (which causes cervical cancer), a third had chlamydia, more than one in ten had gonorrhoea, and one in 16 had syphilis. Another study showed that 13% of women in KwaZulu-Natal had STIs, and it was most common in young, unmarried women (under 25). Gonorrhoea is the most common STI seen at South African clinics, with between 36% and 68% of people presenting with it. Make sure you visit your nearest clinic or doctor for regular check-ups.


Radio KC , keeping you informed, on 107.7fm

T: 021 871 1438

Many affected by STIs – visit doctor regularly

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A well established Hardware store in the Boland is looking for


3-5 years industry experience, excellent communication skills, sales driven, matric and computer literate. Bring CVs to Paarl Post/Drakenstein Gazette's offices 1A New Street, Paarl

Radio KC se eerste engeltjie wat hierdie jaar verjaar is Casey Carse wat 7 geword het op 8 Februarie. Tannie Engel van Radio KC het haar verras met 'n Radio KC Engeltjie Klub kussingsloop en vir Casey en haar klasmaaitjies 'n storie voor gelees.


Malmesbury has vacancy for the following:



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aan te sluit. Skakel Radio KC en gesels met tannie Engel!



Friday 13 February 2015

Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool het onlangs hul jaarlikse padwedloop gehou. Hier is die wenners: Links, Amber Jacobs (tweede), Devine Brown (eerste), Nicole Titus (derde), Bradley November (tweede), Devon van Niekerk (eerste) en Hershelle September. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

Schools - Skole

During the Interhouse swimming gala of Courtrai Primary School the Gr. R and 1 learners also had an opportunity to take part by competing with kicking boards.

For the Gr. 8 learners of Noorder-Paarl High School the second day of their 2015 school-year was not spent sitting behind cold, hard desks, but rather on the soccer field, or under the magnificent wild fig trees, or in the swimming pool – or even climbing a two-storey wall at Manyano Centre. The LIVElife team from Manyano Centre facilitated a jolly Orientation day for the almost 200 learners, which included fun activities and team-building exercises to stretch both mind and body, from the daunting climbing wall, through “crossing a raging (imaginary) river using only a pole and some ropes”, to passing team mates through a “spider’s web” and solving puzzles. Afterwards a dip in the pool was very welcome on this toasty Paarl day.


As die hitte die Paarl tref, koel Gimlaggies se kleuters lekker af op die grasperk. Hier loop opvoeder Marianna Stander met die kleuters deur die sproeiers.

Gr. 8-leerders van Hoërskool Labori het verlede Dinsdag aan die tradisionele boeresport deelgeneem as deel van hulle verwelkomingsweek.

Boland College Paarl campus has welcomed over 400 first-year students and a fun orientation was hosted in collaboration with the Drakenstein Department of Sports. Students played games, slid down water slides and competed at chess. Walking between the various activities, one could sense the excitement and energy. It is going to be a busy year at the start, with students being exposed to a different learning environment, yet moments like these are something they will remember as skilled professionals working in their various fields.

Drakenstein Gazette

Al Azhar Institute of Paarl recently held their inter-house athletics day at the Daljosaphat Sports Stadium. Seen here from left are Maahir Slamdien (third), Muhammad Faheem Pangaker (second) and Assif- Ali Davids (first) who all took part in the 4x25 m u-10 relay race. FOTO: ACHMAT PATEL



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Community Challenge Cup competition kicks off this weekend Ten clubs from the Boland Rugby Union and Western Province Rugby Football Union are getting ready for the annual Community Challenge Cup Club Rugby Competition, which kicks off this Saturday. The participating clubs from the Boland region are: Hawston, Never Despair, Saldanha, Roses United and Vredenburg. The Western Province teams are: False Bay, Belhar, Paarl Region, SK Walmers and Primrose. Both these unions have strong club rugby structures and traditions and the purpose of this competition is to strengthen the relationship between Boland Rugby and WP Rugby. At the same time the event will promote and enhance club rugby in these unions in general.

Tournaments like the FNB Varsity Cup and Cell C Community Cup offer valuable opportunities for young players to get exposure, while the Community Challenge Cup offers an alternative opportunity where promising players can also showcase their talents. Round one fixtures, Saturday: VredenburgvsFalseBay(venue:Vredenburg) Roses United vs Belhar (venue: Wellington) Saldanha vs Paarl Region (venue: Saldanha) Never Despair vs SK Walmers (venue: Malmesbury) Hawston vs Primrose (venue: Hawston) The finals of this competition will take place on 29 March (venues to be confirmed).


) Villagers Newton se voorseisoenoefeninge is elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 19:00 aan die gang. Die klub vier ook hierdie jaar hul 50ste bestaansjaar en nooi alle oudspelers en ­lede om kontak te maak met die bestuur rakende die aktiwiteite vir die jaar. ) Alle spelers en belangstellendes word genooi na Riverstones se oefeninge op Dinsdae, Woensdae en Donderdae om 18:00 te New Orleans­rugbyvelde. Nuwe bestuur sal eersdaags gekies word, almal word versoek om vergadering by te woon. ) Blues oefen op Maandae en Woensdae vanaf 18:00 op die New Orleans­sportvelde. ) Albions oefen elke week van Dinsdag tot Donder­ dag, die vriendskaplike wedstryde is soos volg,14 Maart Newtons in Newton, 21 Maart Worcester Ha­

The Monte Christo fields played host to another round of thrilling matches on Sunday. Here Irvin Makarie (left) from FC Nederburg is running with the ball. Nederburg won the match 5-2 against Paarl United.


miltons by Boy Louw­velde en 28 Maart Abbotsdale op Faurestraat. Albions het op 7 Maart ’n familiedag te Orleans Park, daar sal slippery­slides vir die kin­ ders wees sowel as steak­verkope waar ’n bord R50 sal kos. Op 28 Maart bring Albions vir Emo Adams Paarl toe, die kaartjies beloop R120 en is by be­ stuurslede beskikbaar. Vir meer besonderhede skakel die voorsitter Ryan Dirks by 079 183 6048 ) Young Standards se eerste vriendskaplike wed­ stryd is 7 Maart en word afgesluit met ’n jaarlikse derby­kragmeting teen Retreat op 28 Maart in Re­ treat. Vir verdere besonderhede, bel die sekretaris by 082 731 4879 ) Allandale­rugbyklub se voorseisoenoefeninge is voorlopig op Maandae en Woensdae om 18:30 by Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste. Die klub se eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd is 21 Februarie teen Den­ negeur­rugbyklub by Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste. Alle nuwe sowel as oudlede is welkom. Vir enige navrae, bel die klub­sekretaris by 082 737 8952. ) Violets RFC (Paarl) se vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Blue Stars (Klapmuts) is gekanselleer. 28 Februarie is die volgende vriendskaplike wed­ stryd teen Evergreens op Boy Louw­veld.


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) Die Paarl­netbalklub se oefening het reeds by die Boland­bane in die Paarl begin. Vir meer inligting bel Bennie Saayman by 083 462 6311.


) Die derdes van Young Peoples het Saterdag op Dal Josafat die klub se naam hoog gehou deur hul T20­derbywedstryd teen Paarl 3 maklik met ’n bo­ nuspunt te wen. Paarl het eerste gekolf en kon net 95 lopies aanteken teen Ashwell Williams, 3/21 en kie. Peoples het die wenlopies in die 12 de beurt aangeteken met Diego Claasen 48 (nie uit), die topkolwer. Die eerstes het hul T20­stryd teen Robertson met 40 lopies verloor, terwyl die tweedes op Stellenbosch teen Distrikte verloor het. Saterdag speel die eerste span weg teen Van der Stel. Tweedes weg teen Northdene en die derdes weg teen Paarl­Oos.


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) Wellington darts­unie het onlangs met sy flenters­ kompetisie begin. Alle klubs wat betrokke is moet kennis dra: Alle nuwe klubs wat belangstel om te speel is welkom. Vir enige navrae kan Sam Classen: 082 683 3728 of Ernest van Wyk: 083 354 9499 gebel word.

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NATURAL FIBRE BEDS DOUBLE OR QUEEN! • 100% Natural Fibre Beds • The world's GREENEST bedset! • Cotton, viscose & pure lambs wool • The worlds greenest bed S NORMALLY • All sizes on special - call us! A R14 999


22 Februarie het die klub ’n High Tea geldinsameling te Amstelhof Primêr Skoolsaal teen R60p/p. Kaart­ jies is beskikbaar by Maryna Jaftha sel: 079 814 1879 14 Maart vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Fransch­ hoek United te Franschhoek. Oefentye is Maandae, Woensdae en Donderdae by Paulus Joubert Sekondêre Skool se rugbyveld vanaf 18:30. Bel Stephen Japhta 078 648 9437 of Timo­ thy Dennis 083 461 9770. ) Evergreens RVK is al aan die oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 19:00 op Evergreens Park. Vir verdere inligting, bel Japie van Rooyen by 078 870 9787. ) Franschhoek­rugbyklub het sy voorseisoen­voor­ bereiding reeds begin. Alle oud­ en nuwe spelers is welkom. Vir meer inligting bel Julian Williams 084 843 9326. ) Roses United speel eerskomende Saterdag 14 Fe­ bruarie in ’n Gemeenskapskildwedstryd teen die ge­ dugte span van Belhar op Pelikaanpark in Welling­ ton. Die Rose se nuwe hoofafrigter, Daniel Roman, sal wil verseker dat sy manne die nuwe seisoen op ’n hoë noot afskop teen die besoekers, wat oor ’n goed gebalanseerde span beskik. Die hoofwedstryd begin 16:00


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