• Bouers Gereedskap • Elektriese Gereedskap • Tuin Gereedskap • Skoonmaak Masjiene • Sleepwaens • Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service • Draaibank/Milling Werk; TIG/MIG Welding
Year 3 • Friday 15 February 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600
In the latest Paarl Post ) Elderly man attacked at home ) Cemetery murder trial continues ) Transport giant liquidated
Arbeidsterapie vir HAM 3 Gazette gee om 5 Atlete presteer
Pure pretloopplesier
PRET EN PLESIER: Leerlinge van Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool het hulle spesiaal vir hul jaarlikse 5 km-wedloop uitgevat. Hier wys die groep dat hulle nie net die wedloop hardloop om dit te voltooi nie, maar dat dit ook pure pret is. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES
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Entertainment - Vermaak
Drakenstein Gazette
Harvest festival at Grande Provence
Fliek by Le Bonheur DINK DIEP: Dowwe Dolla sal vanaand om 20:00 by die Ou Meulteater diep dink, filosofeer en voorspel. Twee boeke van Frederick Nietsche en Siener van Rensburg beland per ongeluk tussen Dolla se versameling Mills & Boon’s wat sy spesiaal vir haar “trip” op die Costa Concordia bymekaar gemaak het. Dolla begin lees terwyl sy wag om aan boord te gaan. “Kennis is mag”, sê Nietsche, maar “kennis sonder begrip is gevaarlik”. Kaartjies is R100 en besprekings kan gemaak word by 083 564 0056 of by vicky@oumeulteater.co.za.
The Grande Provence Harvest Festival has become an institution in the Franschhoek valley and will take place on Saturday 23 February at Grande Provence Heritage Wine Estate. The day kicks off at 09:00 with coffee and fresh muffins, followed by a tractor ride to the vineyards for the grape picking. Then guests move to the cellar for a tour, wine tasting and a presentation by winemaker Karl Lambour. This is followed by stomping the freshlypicked grapes and a traditional hose-down of your feet. Guests wiil then gather under the old oak tree for a braai by executive chef Darren Badenhorst, accompanied by live music. Tickets are R295 for adults and R130 for children u. 12 and special rates are given to groups of 10 or more. Included in the price is a bottle of Angels Tears wine. Contact Nicole on 021 876 8600 or reservations@grandeprovence.co.za
Die kinderkankertrust Little Fighters (LFCT) sal op 23 Februarie om 11:00 ’n nuwe boek, Seisoene van die Lewe deur Sandra Uys, bekendstel by Picardie-gasteplaas in die Paarl. Dié organisasie is oorspronklik gestig deur Paarliete, Tania Goslett en Thomas Engela, na die diagnose van kinders binne hul vriendekring in 2010. Sedert die stigting van LFCT het die organisasie, wat steeds in Paarl gebaseer is, gegroei om hulp aan kinders met kanker en hul families ook op Nasionale vlak te voorsien. Die boek handel in kort oor ’n familie wat hulle seuntjie aan kanker verloor, ’n daaglikse realiteit in Suid-Afrika. Kinderkanker is vir meer kindersterftes verantwoordelik as HIV/ Vigs, Malaria en Tuberkulose tesame. Seisoene van die Lewe is ’n boek wat hoort op die elke boekrak as ’n fisiese gestalte van Hoop en Liefde. Pierre Rossouw sal optree en sy snit 1000
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Die filmweergawe van Marita van der Vyver se roman, Die Ongelooflike Avonture van Hanna Hoekom, sal op die skerm lewe kry op 22 Februarie om 18:30 by Le Bonheur-wynlandgoed op die R44 regoor Wiesenhof. Gaste sal kan deel in die lewe van die tiener Hanna Hoekom en haar eksentrieke gesin. Dié rolprent is in 2010 deur Regardt van den Bergh gemaak. Die rolverdeling sluit in Anna-Mart van der Merwe, Gys de Villiers, Anneke Weidemann en Helène Lombard. Kaartjies kos R125 per persoon, waarby die fliek, aandete en wyn ingesluit is (R45 vir slegs die fliek en wyn). Vir meer inligting en besprekings, kontak Katja Ruppel by 021 875 5478 of per epos by kruppel@distell.co.za. Bespreking is noodsaaklik.
Little Fighters stel boek bekend
HARTEDIEF: Die berge om Wellington gaan volgende naweek behoorlik dreun wanneer die gewilde Afrikaanse sanger en hartebreker Steve Hofmeyr by Kleinevalleij in die Bo-vlei optree. Die konsert begin om 20:00, maar hekke open al om 18:00. Kaartjies is R140 per persoon en ’n kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees. Vir meer inligting, kontak Anelma by anelma@kleinevalleij.co.za of skakel 021 873 0075. ’n Verskeidenheid heerlike kos sal te koop wees. Besoekers kan hul eie eetgoed saambring, maar geen drinkgoed nie.
3 Piece Econo Kitchen Scheme
Friday 15 February 2013
73 MAIN ROAD, WELLINGTON TEL: 021 864 1323
16 Februarie )Amstelhof Primêre Skool hou ’n vergadering in die skoolsaal om 14:00 oor die 50ste bestaansjaar van die skool in 2014. Alle oudstudente word uitgenooi. Vir navrae, skakel Derick Cloete by 084 243 3023. ) Master guitarist Albert Frost and the inimitable Hannes Coetzee, will perform in a summer concert at Solms-Delta wine estate from 19:00 to 21:30. Every Saturday evening until 9 March feast on rural Cape food, music and dance on the Fyndraai restaurant lawns. Tickets are R210 per person, and R100 for kids under 12 years. For bookings, call Henry on 021 874 3937 or email: restaurant@solms-delta.co.za.
16 Februarie tot 5 April )Louis Jansen van Vuuren se grafiese werk word ten toon gestel by die Breytenbach Sentrum in Wellington. Die tentoonstelling word geopen deur Marilyn Martin op 16 Februarie om 11:00. Vir navrae, bel 083 415 0002 of epos na ampiec@mweb.co.za.
17 February )Johannesburg based band Clint & Co will rock the Theatre on the Lake, at Rhebokskloof Wine Estate. Front man Clint Cun-
Candles for Baby Reef, wat hy geskryf het vir ’n kind met kanker, is ingesluit in sy optrede. Kopieë van boek sal by die bekendstelling te koop wees en die skrywer sal met graagte persoonlik die boeke onderteken. Van stapel gestuur in samewerking met LFCT, is hierdie boek nie net ’n bewusmaking van die uitdagings wat mense dag na dag moet oorkom nie, maar ook ’n boek van genesing vir die gesinne wat vasgevang is in die geveg teen kinderkanker. Sandra Uys skenk ook alle opbrengste van die betrokke boek vir LFCT, wat dit hulle mikpunt maak om kinders en gesinne wat deur kanker geraak word finansieel en emosioneel te ondersteun deur die lang geveg teen hierdie siekte. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by LFCT teen R100 per persoon, wat vingerhappies en drinkgoed insluit. Skakel gerus met Mandie op 073 729 6155 of per epos, mandie@littlefighters.org.za
ningham, supported by a three piece of master rockers, will take you down memory lane with a host of classic hits. Gates open at 17:00 and the show starts at 19:00. Tickets are R130 per person and can be booked at Computicket. Food and beverages will be for sale, but visitors may bring their own picnic baskets. See www.rhebokskloof.co.za for details. ) Die St Petri Lutherse Gemeente se erediens geskied om 09:30 en word deur pastor Peter waargeneem in Afrikaans. Ná die diens geniet almal saam ’n koppie koffie of tee in die gemeentekamer.
18 Februarie ) Paarl Koekversiergilde vergader om 17:15 by Laerskool Drakenstein-klubhuis. Madelein Buys sal kalligrafie demonstreer. Besoekers is welkom.
22 Februarie ) Mediclinic Paarl bied ’n gratis swangerskapinligtingsdag aan om 09:30 by die hospitaal met verskeie sprekers en uitstallers. Besprekings kan gemaak word by Jacorie Visagie (021 807 8000) teen 15 Februarie. Beperkte plek is beskikbaar.
23 February )South Africa’s most glamorous polo event, the Veuve Clicquot Masters, will take place at the Val de Vie Estate on the Wemmershoek Road outside Paarl. Tickets are R390 per person and include a drink and a light lunch. Visit www.valdevie.co.za.
Night of worship under the stars
Backsberg Sunday picnic concerts
Come and enjoy a night of worship under the stars on Klein Drakenstein Farm on 23 February from 19:00 – 21:00. Tickets are R50 and available at Musieklood and Lig en Lewe Centre in Paarl. No tickets will be sold at the gate. Bring your picnic basket, blanket and flashlight. No children under 12 years. For more information, contact Erik Marais at 074 101 2279 or Triveno Smith at 082 484 2416. Directions: take the Drakenstein Road towards Huguenot Tunnel, turn left at Sonstraal Road and turn left into Klein Drakenstein after the Palmiet Valley Estate.
A picnic concert can be enjoyed at Backsberg every Sunday afternoon from 17 February to 17 March with an up-and-coming opening act and the main band to entertain audiences. Pre-sale tickets for the concerts are available from www.ticketbreak.co.za/backsberg for R85. Tickets are also available at the gate for R100 or R60 with a valid student card. Children under 12 years get in free when accompanied by an adult. Admission to concert venue starts at 15:00, with the opening act starting at 16:00 and the main act at 17:00. For the full line-up of bands, visit www.facebook.com/backsbergconcerts.
Friday 15 February 2013
News - Nuus
Drakenstein Gazette
Arbeidsterapiediens vir Huis Andrew Murray Die departement Arbeidsterapie aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch en die bestuur van Huis Andrew Murray (HAM) in Wellington, het ’n samewerkingsooreenkoms gesluit ingevolge waarvan twee arbeidsterapiestudente op ’n voltydse basis tot beskikking van die kinders van HAM sal wees.
DAGGA GEKRY: Tydens ’n roetine-ondersoek is ’n voertuig op die N1 afgetrek waarin 30 sakkies dagga gevind is. Gerswin Crottz is daarna gearresteer vir die besit van dwelms. Hier is die twee konstabels wat op die vonds afgekom het, WiIlem Pretorius (links) en Zongezile Bakula.
Van links is Juanita Bester (dosent by US), Johann von Wielligh (hoof van HAM), Juanita Badenhorst (praktykleier), Lindi Lucas en Nelia Janse van Vuuren (studente) en Marlene Haasbroek (toesighouer).
Hierdie diens is die eerste in die 114 jarige geskiedenis van die inrigting en ook ’n eerste vir kinderhuise binne die Badisa-groep. Die diens word gelewer onder die bekwame leiding van Marlene Haasbroek en Juanita Badenhorst, beide gekwalifiseerde arbeidsterapeute in privaatpraktyk. Studente kry hier die geleentheid om die teorie met die praktyk te integreer en HAM trek voordeel uit die onmiddellike beskikbaarheid van kundiges op die perseel. Omdat HAM-kinders verskeie skole in Paarl en Wellington bywoon, was dit in die verlede noodsaaklik dat kinders binne skoolure vir terapie gaan en moes hulle ook teen groot koste na en van die terapeutiese sessies vervoer word. Onderwysers het ook gerapporteer dat die kinders te veel klastyd misgeloop het en nie in staat is om die verlore werk in te haal
nie. Skoolgaande kinders kan nou ná skool die diens ontvang. Die samewerkingsooreenkoms tussen die US en HAM lei daartoe dat alle HAM-leerlinge aan toetsing onderwerp kan word sodat leer en ontwikkelingsvlakke, -uitvalle en agterstande vroegtydig bepaal kan word en die nodige intervensie beplan en toegepas kan word. Die diens sal die effektiwiteit van terapeutiese insette verhoog tot voordeel van die kind in nood. Sowat 80% van die leerlinge wat sedert 2008 tot HAM toegelaat is, moes van die arbeidsterapeutiese dienste gebruik maak om sekere ontwikkelingsagterstande uit te wis. “Ons het gesien hoe kinders se lees- en skryfvaardighede drasties verbeter, nadat effektiewe terapeutiese insette gelewer is en hoe sekere leerlinge net skielik selfvertroue begin ontwikkel en op akademiese, sosiale en selfs sportgebied begin presteer”, vertel Johann von Wielligh, hoof van HAM. .
Don’t let them miss out on Two Oceans Every year many talented athletes from disadvantaged communities miss out on participating in the Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon due to financial constraints. In recognition of this, the Two Oceans Marathon Association is inviting clubs to assist their less-privileged members with applying to be part of the Runners’ Village 2013. The Runners’ Village provides assistance to athletes who lack the means to become part of the world’s most beautiful marathon but have the passion to participate. Runners who fulfil certain criteria will be responsible for making their own way down to Cape Town after which transport, accommodation and meals will be provided. These runners will be accommodated at the Runners’ Village which will open on Friday 29 March at 10:00. Breakfast, lunch and supper will be provided over the week-
Wear black against rape Enough is enough! The public is encouraged to wear black today, 15 February, to show their support against rape. This awareness campaign has come into being after widespread shock has been expressed worldwide at the brutal rape and murder of Bredasdorp teen, Anene Booysen.
end and runners will meet at race registration and be transported to the accommodation venue as well as the start and finish line on race day. Participants who are interested need to fulfil certain criteria including: •Applicants should be registered with a recognised and ASA-affiliated athletic club. •Runners must have entered and qualified for the 2013 Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon. •First preference will be given to novices or previously disadvantaged applicants and athletes who have never stayed in the Runners’ Village before. •Participants should be unemployed or not earn more than R3 000 per month. The application process will close on 28 February. For more information or to apply, please contact Patiswa on 021 657 5140 between 10:00 and 15:00 or e-mail runnersvillage@twooceansmarathon.org.za.
Silver • Diamonds • Kruger Rands • Even Broken Gold Please bring all your unwanted gold anD we'll give you cash for gold
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GEVIND: Hierdie Titan-kinderfiets is by ’n verdagte in Evelynstraat Groenheuwel gekry. Indien die fiets aan jou behoort, bring ’n bewys van aankope na die Paarl-Oos polisiekantoor. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX
KNOW YOUR STATUS AND ACT RESPONSIBLY. WE ARE DOING FREE HIV TESTING IN YOUR AREA. Get tested for free at: Pine Valley, Wolseley (Khanyisa Crèche) • Chris Hani, Tulbagh • Nduli Community Centre • Oppikoppi Crèche, Prince Alfred Hamlet • Witzenberg Community Care Office • Spar, Op die Berg • Jaysham Fruits, Bella Vista from 11 – 15 February 2013. Testing times: Monday – Friday 08:00 to 16:00 All results and people who are tested are completely confidential Enquire at your local clinic about where your closest testing station is Visit www.westerncape.gov.za or call 0860 142 142 for more information
SHOP: 021 872 3947
FRIKKIE: 076 411 1700 | CHARLES: 072 478 6070 4A Verster St, Paarl (around the corner from Pep Home) • www.mrsgold.com
BRANCHES: HEAD OFFICE, Shop 19, Brighton Square, Brighton Road Kraaifontein JEWELLERY SHOP (new & second hand), Shop 20, Brighton Square, Kraaifontein KRAAIFONTEIN 2, Shop 13, Shoprite Centre, Voortrekker Road MALMESBURY, Nr3, Piet Retief Street | SALDANHA, 52 Saldanha Road VREDENBURG, 15 Skool Street | TABLEVIEW, 17C Blaauwerberg Road PARKLANDS & JEWELLERY SHOP, Shop 20, Piazza Centre@Superspar, c/o Main & Link Road (opposite KFC)
Recipes - Resepte
Drakenstein Gazette
Friday 15 February 2013
Sterrekykpiekniek by die Taalmonument
W m S Sm 's iam W ilillila miitthh 's
Starguide for 15 February 2013
Sterrekykgeesdriftiges kan weereens uitsien na ’n reeks sterrekykpieknieks, waar besoekers ’n piekniek kan geniet terwyl hulle die sterrehemel verken. Die pieknieks word in samewerking met die Orion Observasie Groep (OOG), ’n informele sterrrekundeklub van die Boland, aangebied. Sterrekykpieknieks vind plaas op 16 Februarie en 23 Maart. Die pieknieks begin om 18:00 en ’n begeleide toer van die monument word om 18:30 aangebied. Besoekers kan van 20:00 tot 22:30 onder leiding van lede
(22 December - 21 January)
Giving and receiving appreciation, love, and happiness come into your life now. You are moved to express your affections more openly than usual. You also want to be surrounded with beauty and harmonious people, and your artistic efforts flourish.
(21 January - 20 February)
This is not the best time to schedule any activity that calls for tact, diplomacy, or caution, as you are inclined to be extremely straightforward, direct, and to the point in all of your interactions. You say exactly what you think, and in fact are even inclined to be verbally aggressive, pushy, or perhaps sarcastic.
(20 February - 21 March)
Friendships and love relationships are favored as you are openly affectionate, warm, and also quite responsive to loving gestures from others. It's not enough for you to simply feel loving toward another; at this time you really want to express it and show it physically. An opportunity for a new romance or friendship is likely to surface now and work out quite nicely for you.
(21 March - 21 April)
Today it is easy for you to concentrate on your work, to eliminate what is superfluous or distracting you from what you really need to do. You have the self-control and discipline to apply yourself to tasks that you may have been avoiding. You want to put your affairs in order and have a greater tolerance for tedium than usual.
van OOG deur teleskope na die sterre kyk. Toegang by die hek: R25 vir volwassenes en R10 vir kinders. Bespreek by 021 863 0543/4809 of 072 181 6744 (ook vir weer navrae). Pieknieks word gekanselleer as die weer sleg is. Besoekers kan hul eie piekniekmandjies saam bring of een by Volksmond Koffiewinkel bestel (021 863 2800). Volksmond sal oop wees vir koffie en ligte verversings. Bespreking is noodsaaklik. Kontak Amira Clayton by 021 863 0543/4809 of kommunikasie@taalmonument.co.za.
(21 April - 21 May)
You are fascinated by the mysterious now. Unsolved or puzzling problems and the hidden or behind the scenes aspects of a situation interest you most, and you delve and probe until you discover the truth. An interest in psychology or other peoples' secrets comes to the fore. You enjoy spy, mystery, and supernatural stories.
(21 May - 22 June)
You may decide to change the decor of your home, or you may attend a musical or artistic event that exposes you to new styles that are different from your customary tastes. Communications with family and friends can be strained at this time, as you try to clear up points of confusion.
(22 June - 23 July)
Rebelliousness, recklessness, impatience, a sudden burst of anger or your need to break free from rules and restrictions may create a lot of disruption in your life right now. Also, you can't seem to settle down or focus on one task for any length of time. Though you are unusually energetic, it is hard for you to get anything done.
(23 July - 24 August)
An incident involving miscommunications, missed messages, or missed meetings which causes a change of plans is likely. Co-workers, secretaries, receptionists, and other people you may normally take for granted, but who keep the flow of your life running smoothly, may be unaccountably inconsistent or simply keep you at bay.
(24 August - 23 September)
You are very congenial and cooperative now and more interested in the similarities than in the differences between yourself and others. This is a very good time to let people know you care about them: send a card, write a note of appreciation or even a love letter! You may also want to buy something beautiful, pleasing, and frivolous which simply makes you feel good.
Ingredients: • 4 Portions Sea Harvest Hake Medallions 2 Cup Good Quality Lowsodium Fish Stock 1 Cup Good-quality Low Sodium Chicken Stock 2 Tsp Coriander Seeds 2 Tsp Black Peppercorns 1 Piece Fresh Ginger 2 Fresh Garlic 2 Slices Lemon 1 Stalk Lemongrass 3 Green Chillies 3 Tsp Low-sodium Soy Sauce 2 Bell Peppers 250 g Broccoli 2 Packs Asian Noodles
(23 September - 23 October)
Tangles in romantic relationships are likely now. Your sexual drive is quite strong, and you may be more concerned with satisfying your own desires than in being sensitive to your partner. All interactions with people of the opposite sex are inclined to be tense right now.
(23 October - 23 November)
At this time you must guard against being too aggressive, coming on too strong, or trying to force your own will and thereby arousing hostility in others. Also, frustrated desires and obstacles to achieving your aims can evoke enormous anger in you, and you may do something rash and regrettable.
(23 November - 22 December)
At this time you must guard against being too aggressive, coming on too strong, or trying to force your own will and thereby arousing hostility in others. Also, frustrated desires and obstacles to achieving your aims can evoke enormous anger in you, and you may do something rash and regrettable.
Method: Let the hake medallions defrost. Combine the two stocks in a pot to create the broth and bring to a simmer. Peel the ginger, crush the garlic cloves and lemon grass, roughly chop the chillies and add them, as well as the coriander, lemon peppercorns to the broth. Cover the broth and bring to a simmer and allow the flavours to infuse for 10 minutes. Add the soy sauce to the broth and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes. In the meantime, chop your peppers and broccoli into pieces that you can stir fry. Remove the broth from the heat and remove all the solids by passing it through a sieve. Return the broth to the pot and put it back on the heat. When the broth is simmering again, use a slotted spoon to lower the Sea Harvest hake medallions into the broth. Ideally the broth should cover the medallions, but if the level of the liquid is a bit low you can just turn the fish over halfway through the cooking time. While the fish is poaching it is the ideal opportunity to quickly stir fry the vegetables and noodles. Keep them fresh and crunchy for the best results, 5 or 6 minutes should be sufficient. Lay the cooked noodles and vegetables in your bowl. After 8 minutes of poaching the fish, remove the medallions with a slotted spoon and place on top of the vegetable and noodle medley. Finally, pour about 150ml the poaching liquid over the fish and vegetables.
*AFRIKAANS - DAAGLIKSE STERRE: Ram: 083 9140 010, Bul: 083 9140 011, Tweeling: 083 9140 012, Kreef: 083 9140 013, Leeu: 083 9140 014, Maagd: 083 9140 015, Weegskaal: 083 9140 016, Skerpioen: 083 9140 017, Boogskutter: 083 9140 018, Steenbok: 083 9140 019, Waterdraer: 083 9140 020, Vis: 083 9140 021
MAKLIK 2 8 7 2 1 6 2 1 5 4 3 7 3 4 2 8 1 9 3 9
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9 1
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Elke ry en elke kolom asook elke 3X3 blok mag die syfers een tot nege slegs een keer bevat.
Each row and each column as well as every 3X3 square may contain the numbers 1 to 9 only once.
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Breaking the habit.
Practical tips to stop smoking To stop smoking is more difficult than it seems. Cigarette smoking has been identified as the main source of premature mortality in the world. People who smoke face an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, arthritis, high blood pressure, colitis, impaired hearing, and pulmonary tuberculosis. Smoking has been associated with lung cancer, emphysema, and gastric ulcers. The good news is that it is never too late to stop smoking. Smoking is responsible for approximately 90 % of all deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease. Studies indicate that this habit increases the risk of coronary heart disease by four times. Smokers are 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer than nonsmokers. Smoking is responsible for over 87 % of lung cancer cases. Individuals who smoke present an increased risk of throat cancer, mouth cancer, stomach cancer, and skin cancer. Cigarettes are filled with chemicals that are absorbed into the lungs. Many smokers have a cough that is triggered by the toxic substances in smoke. This habit makes asthma worse and causes chronic bronchitis. Carbon monoxide decreases the oxygen flow to the heart, while nicotine narrows blood vessels and increases heart rate. Smoking is one of the main causes of abdominal aortic aneurysm, bladder cancer, acute myeloid leukemia, preterm delivery, infertility, and osteoporosis. It can be difficult to break the hold of nicotine. Before you actually stop smoking, you will go through some sort of preparation and think about why you want to quit. Understanding the health risks associated with cigarette smoking is necessary for any individual who wants to win the fight against this bad habit. Smoking is both a physical addiction and a psychological habit. As soon as you stop smoking, your body will start to experience physical withdrawal symptoms. • Write down the reasons why you want to quit smoking. • Tell everyone about your decision. • Get rid of cigarettes, lighters, and ashtrays. • Decide what day you will get rid of this habit forever. • Anticipate the challenges you’ll face while quitting. • Stop drinking coffee and alcoholic beverages for a few weeks. • Drink lots of water to eliminate toxins. Be positive and feel free to tell people why you want to quit smoking. Do breathing exercises, begin a workout routine, and start a detox diet.
3 4 8 1 6 9 5 2 7
8 6 9 3 4 2 5 1 7
Friday 15 February 2013
People - Mense
Skenkings vir Kindersorg Paarl Kindersorg Paarl in Paarl-Oos wat reeds 60 jaar maatskaplike dienste aan die gemeenskap bied, is geleë op die hoek van Solomon en Mackierstraat. Hulle bedien Amstelhof, Langvlei, Boland Park, Lustigan Village, Klein Drakenstein korrektiewe sentrum se huise, New York, Nederburghoogte, Nederburg (Mackier tot Maystraat), Riverside, Mountain View, Klein Drakenstein-plase (25) en Du Toits Kloof-plase (5) en beskik oor ’n maatskaplike kantoor op die hoek van Solomon en Mackierstraat. Dienste word gelewer deur twee maatskaplike werkers, ’n gemeenskapsontwikkelingswerker sowel as ’n administratiewe klerk. Maatskaplike dienste sluit in statutêre dienste, pleegsorgtoesigdienste, huweliksberading, aansoek om hulptoelae en wanbesteding, kinderverwaarlosing, bejaardes, gesinsgeweld, pleegouer-keuring, gedragsprobleme en privaat reëlings. Die gemeenskapsontwikkelingswerker behartig projekte soos nasionale Vrouedag, 16 dae van aktivisme, Kinderdag, Vigsdag, kinderbeskermingsweek asook geldinsamelings-, voorkoming- en bewusmakingsprogramme.
Drakenstein Bewaarskool, wat ook in Mackierstraat geleë is, waar daar daagliks na sowat 70 kinders omgesien word, is ’n projek van Kindersorg . Kindersorg behartig ook die Amstelhof-nasorgsentrum. Leerlinge van verskillende skole in die omgewing meld in die middae naskool aan sodat daar toesig oor hulle gehou
Drakenstein Gazette
B’meer gholfdag
kan word. Die departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling help met befondsing vir die nasorg. Finansies bly ’n kopseer en dit is moeilik om kop bo water te hou. Die maatskaplike kantoor benodig ’n kleinkas houer, rekenaar-trollie, skootrekenaar, selfoon, lugtyd, drukker en ink, ongedrukte papier, witbord- en witbord-merkers, inkleurboeke, inkleurpotlode, vetkryt, balle, springtoue, balonne, karton, potlode, legkaarte, penne, kospakkies, nie-bederfbare produkte, suiker, koffie, tee en melk (vir die gebruik van projekte). Die Kindersorg Bewaarskool benodig: komberse, lakens, opvoedkundige speelgoed, opvoedkundige DVD’s, skottels met deksels, skoonmaakmiddels, ’n strykyster, potte en panne en ’n kisvrieskas. Die Nasorg-sentrum benodig inkleurboeke, potlode, opvoedkundige speletjies, handdoeke, waslappies en toiletware. Die publiek kan skenkings (geen kontant nie) vir Kindersorg Paarl tot Vrydag 3 Mei na die Drakenstein Gazette (Paarl Post) se kantoor by Newstraat 1A, Paarl (langs Virgin Active- bring. Vir navrae en nadere besonderhede, bel 021 870 4600.
Die derde jaarlikse Transformasie-Gholfdag, by Boschenmeer-gholflandgoed in die Paarl, vind plaas op Vrydag 19 April. Maatskappye kan ook adverteer teen R500 per gholf-setperk of -bof. Borge word verlang en kan Gawie Hugo kontak by 072 341 3946, of Paula Hugo by 082 452 4955. Vir meer inligting, skakel bogenoemde nommers of stuur ’n e-pos aan sa.transformation@gmail.com.
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Paarl Navorsingseenheid bied gratis evaluasie vir die volgende siektetoestande tot einde Maart 2013.
ASMA (KINDERS EN VOLWASSENES) & DIABETES (SUIKERSIEKTE) U sal moontlik ook kan deelneem aan ’n gratis kliniese studie. HIP-HOP: Hierdie twee dansspanne vanDrakenstein, die Paarl Hipsters en die Wellington Street Dance Crew, neem van 8 tot 10 Maart deel aan die SA Hip-HopDanskampioenskappe wat by die CPUT Bellville-kpus plaasvind. Hulle is Saterdag gekies tydens uitdunne wat in Paarl-Oosgehou is. FOTO’S: LISE BEYERS
OP SOEK NA ’N NIER: Valentina Adams se nierprobleme lê nog altyd soos ’n donker wolk voor haar. Sy het op Valentynsdag haar 21ste verjaarsdag gevier. Haar grootste geskenk waarna sy verlang is om ’n geskikte nier te ontvang. Sy is op dialise geplaas tot sy ’n geskikte nier ontvang. Die geskikte kandidaat se bloedgroep moet A-positief of O-positief wees en die skenker moet ’n gesonde leefstyl handhaaf. Indien jy ’n orgaanskenker wil word, kan jy hul kontak by 0800 2266 11 of besoek www.odf.org.za. Daar is geen kostes verbonde.
Indien u belangstel kontak Karin of Chano by 021 872 9279 / 071 347 8317(sms) vir meer inligting. Kantoorure: Maandag – Vrydag: 07:30 – 16:00
KILOTREADS Jan van Riebeeck Drive, Huguenot, Paarl Tel: 021 872 1637 After hours: 082 494 8604 | Fax: 021 872 6876
Deals This Week
REACH OUT: As part of on-going community outreach projects by police members, Mbekweni police handed out food parcels to community members. Here is sgt Nceba Vanqa with Nomandethe Madegwene (left), Nomvulo Ndabeta, Bukelwa Makwetu and Miseka Sifumba. PHOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES
SAKKE VOL GLIMLAGGIES: Raadslede van Drakensteinmunisipaliteit, in samewerking met die Kaapse Wynland-distriksmunisipaliteit, het op 21 Januarie ’n Terugskool-toe-projek geloods en 300 kinders in landelike gebiede ondersteun met rugsakke en basiese skryfbehoeftes vir die nuwe skool jaar. Hier saam met die leerlinge van Laerskool Mbekweni, is (van links) dr. Norman Kahlberg (burgemeesterskomiteelid Kaapse Wynland-distriksmunisipaliteit), Zithembele Kem (wyksraadslid Drakenstein-munisipaliteit), Eveline Somgqeza (wyksraadslid Drakenstein-munisipaliteit), Mziyanda Paliso (wyksraadslid Drakenstein-munisipaliteit), Miriam Nxezise, Linda Mhlebi en Nancy Georges.
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Drakenstein Gazette
Friday 15 February 2013
Classic polo at Val de Vie 108
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1ml SAND, klip, kompos & bogrond (topsoil) in klein areas afgelewer, sowel as bourommel en vullisverwydering. Skakel Neels 021 872 9397 of 083 412 8810.
Algemeen General Vacancies REACH TRUCK DRIVER. Needed in Klein Drakenstein. Fax CV to 021 862 0055.
The Veuve Clicquot Masters Cape Town, South Africa’s most glamorous polo event on the annual social calendar, is set to take place for the third year running on Saturday 23 February at Val de Vie Estate on the Wemmershoek Road outside Paarl. The prestigious Champagne House sponsors some of the world’s leading polo events such as the Manhattan Classic, the LA Polo Classic and the UK’s Gold Cup. Veuve Clicquot Masters Cape Town, one of five international tournaments, is their first and only on the African continent. Proven a resounding success and enjoyed by SA’s glamorous elite,
STUKKIE SHOW: Pieter Smith en DJ Ossewa gaan die oewers van die Bergrivier behoorlik laat skud vanaand wanneer hulle hul gewilde musiekvertoning, Stukkie Show, na die Paarl bring. Hul vertoning begin om 19:00 by die Paarl Rugbyklub en kaartjies is slegs R80 per persoon ( R50 kinders o.13). Kaartjies sal by die deur beskikbaar wees. Vir navrae, bel 083 226 8650.
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EERSTE KEER SKOOL TOE My naam is:……………………........... Ek is …………………............jaar oud. Ek is in Graad 1. My Juffrou se naam is …………………………………............. in ........................................................ laerskool. As ek eendag groot is gaan ek ’n ………………………………….....word. Vir slegs R100 kan u die foto van ’n leerling in graad 1 inskryf elke week tot einde Februarie 2013 om in Drakenstein Gazette te verskyn onder die hofie “Eerste keer skool toe”. Voltooi die bogenoemde inskrywingsvorm en u kontakbesonderhede onderaan tesame met ’n kop en skouers foto en handig tesame met R100 in by Paarl Post se kantore te Newstraat 1A voor Woensdae om 10:00. Of skakel Sharon of Zeta om ’n elektroniese foto te stuur en ’n internetbetaling te doen.
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guests include top celebrities, fashionable socialites and avid polo lovers. The Veuve Clicquot Masters Cape Town has grown considerably since its first year and is expected to draw in more than 1200 guests this year. Val de Vie’s world-class polo fields and luxurious club house facilities provide the ideal venue to host an event of this calibre. VIP guests can expect a day out filled with champagne, gourmet canapés, sophisticated fashion, traditional games of pétanque, pamper lounges and of course a riveting game of world class polo. The cost is R390 per person which includes a refreshing drink and light lunch. For more information, www.valdevie.co.za.
OUERS SE BESONDERHEDE: Naam: ................................................ Van: ................................................... ID: ...................................................... Posadres:........................................... Tel no werk: ........................................ Huis of sel: .......................................... Drakenstein
Newstraat 1A, Paarl, 7646 • 021 870 4600
On 16 March Leopard’s Leap Family Vineyards in the picturesque Franschhoek Wine Valley will host the annual Franschhoek Summer Wines. More than 30 of the Valley’s finest wineries will be showcasing their top summer wines. Participating wineries include, amongst others, La Bri, Morena, Colmant, Môreson, Anthonij Rupert’s Cape of Good Hope and Terra del Capo, Franschhoek Cellars, Bellingham, Noble Hill, Leopard’s Leap, La Motte, Solms-Delta and Haut Espoir. Wine lovers will have the opportunity to browse at their leisure or engage with the winemakers, while hungry visitors will be able to purchase mouth-watering deli-
style food from the Harvest Table. Live entertainment ensures an unforgettable experience throughout the day, from 12:00 until 17:00. The theme for this year’s event is “elegantly white”. Tickets cost R180 per person and include a tasting of all the wines on show. Tutored tastings will take place at 1pm and 15:00. Visitors are requested to pre-book their seats via events@franschhoek.org.za and tickets can be purchased directly from www.webtickets.co.za. Booking is essential as tickets are limited to 500 people only. For more information contact the Franschhoek Wine Valley offices on 021 876 2861.
Skrif-gefokusde webwerf Christene kan voortaan inspirasie vir die siel kry deur middel van ’n nuwe webwerf www.seker.co.za. Op www.seker.co.za se tuisblad kry gelowiges, werkgewers, kan-
toorpersoneel en mense wat die Woord van die Here voor die aanvang van die werksdag wil hoor, elke oggend ’n skrifgedeelte met vrae waaroor gesels en nagedink kan word.
Oudstudente vergader
Job festival in Mbekweni
Die algemene jaarvergadering (AJV) van Paulus Joubert Sêkonder Oudstudente vind plaas op Saterdag 23 Februarie by die skool om 11:00. Alle oudleerlinge word uitgenooi om hierdie vergadering by te woon aangesien PJSS ALUMNI net kan slaag met jul samewerking en ondersteuning. Vir enige navrae kontak die sekretaris Charles Solomons by 021 959 2946/3 of 082 202 3263 of epos csolomons@uwc.ac.za.
Siyahluma Development Organisation invites unemployed young people to apply for temporary jobs for March. This organisation is planning a large Aids charity fundraiser which will be held in Mbekweni from 21 to 24 March. Successful applicants will be trained to assist with the catering, administration and sports events at the Aids fund-raiser. Those interested can contact Coach at 078 149 2072.
Friday 15 February 2013
Schools - Skole
Drakenstein Gazette
Applications to fellowship now open The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation is offering bright young learners the opportunity to become South Africa’s future high-impact entrepreneurial leaders. Applications to its fellowship programme are now open to current Grade 12 and first year university students. Anthony Farr, CEO of the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, says: “We are of the belief that high impact entrepreneurial leaders will make important contributions to positive economic, social and political change. Therefore, we aim to support and develop talented young South Africans through our Fellowship programme, which provides comprehensive financial support, access to entrepreneurial and personal development as well as
mentorship opportunities to ensure the individual’s continued progress.” Applicants in Grade 12 who pass the initial screening phase must write the National Benchmark Test. Those who successfully complete this phase will be interviewed and thereafter some are invited to attend one of the Selection Camps. Those who are successful through all stages of the selection process are invited to join the Fellowship, giving them access to all the benefits that the programme offers. Applications to the fellowship close on the 30 April for Grade 12 pupils and on the 31 August for current first year university students. Visit www.allangrayorbis.org for more information.
PRET: Die leerlinge van Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool het hul jaarlikse 5 km pretloop terdeë geniet.
DUBBELS: Paulus Joubert Primêre Skool het vanjaar ’n verstommende 12 tweelinge in hul skool. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES
SPORTS DAY: Mbekweni Primary held their annual colours sports day where all the pupils were divided into the yellow, blue, white, red and green houses groups. The yellow house were selected as the overall winners of the day. PHOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES
Be Wise, Advertise BLOUVLEI 50 JAAR VIERING Bedanking
Blouvlei Primêr vier vanjaar sy 50ste bestaansjaar. Die skool het 'n baie geslaagde Dankseggingsdiens in die VGK Gemeente Wellington gehad. Die onthaal in die Breedtsaal, net na die diens was ook 'n groot sukses.
UITSTALLING: Drakenstein-munisipaliteit het vandeesweek ’n uitstalling oor die leeftyd van Nelson Mandela gehou. Vanjaar vier Madiba 23 jaar se vryheid nadat hy in 1990 vrygelaat is uit die Victor Verster-gevangenis. Plaaslike kunstenaars soos Selwyn Pekeur, Kervin Cupido, Riaan Viktor, Nannette Ranger, Gilbert Saunders en Richard Joseph het hul kunswerk uitgestal. Hier by Lorensia Thomas (biblioteekbestuurder) is Tarryn Abrahams, Shanah Arendse, Will-Nay Newman en Cameron Kannemeyer. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES
BESOEK: Laer Meisieskool La Rochelle se leerlinge het toebroodjies, sjokolade en drinkgoed geskenk aan die brandweermanne wat so hard gewerk het om die vure te blus tydens die onlangse bergbrande. Saam met die leerlinge en brandweer-personeel is (agter vierde van regs) skoolhoof Carien van Zyl.
Die skool bedank graag die volgende instansies en individue vir hul bydrae: • VGK Gemeente Wellington • NGK Moedergemeente Wellington • Pastoor Vernon Mitchell • ”Praise & Worship” Groep, VGK Gemeente Wellington • Mnr en Mev Hugo V/d Merwe • Me Renni Hildebrandt • Mnr. Braam Van Zyl • Oud Studente, -Hoofde en opvoeders • Nibbly Bits • JC Vervoer • Willem Walters • Personeel, ouers en leerders van Blouvlei
Blouvlei Primêr hou op 15 Februarie 2013 'n Valentynsbal by die skool.
COUNTRY LIVING PAARL R375 000: Neat 1 bedr/1bathr flat with lounge/kitchen, own parking in central nice area of Paarl. NEWTON Buy your own new dream house from R469 000 – R676 000. 2 or 3 bedrooms, 2 or 3 bathrooms, single garage and braairoom are optional depending on which plan/price you choose. Consult with me asap. Bonds from major banks are available. Terms and conditions apply. Nice area, near schools and shopping centres. Web ref: 300745669 & 300379697. WELLINGTON R375 000: 3 bedr/1 bathr, kitchen, open plan lounge, garage, spacious plot for extensions. Needs serious renovations/upgrading.
LOADS OF FUN: Koinonia’s peer educators from nine high schools in Drakenstein had loads of fun when they had their team-building sports day at the Paarl Action Sports venue where they played action cricket, action soccer and action netball.
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Thousands to enter for stiff MTB challenge Thousands of riders from across the country will be participating in a weekend of family fun and challenging dirt track races during the Cape Argus Pick n Pay MTB Challenge that will take place on 2 and 3 March at the Boschendal Wine Estate. Saturday 2 March is a family-focused day that includes a 13 km fun ride (perfect for novice riders and families with children) and a 29 km route that is suitable for intermediate riders who seek to improve their abilities and showcase their talents. Saturday also marks the final day of the newlook Nashua Grape Escape, which finishes at Boschendal. Sunday 3 March is dedicated to the more experienced riders who enjoy some stiff competition. On offer are a 35 km route aimed at riders who want to challenge themselves, as well as a 52 km route that will test skill and endurance.
In order to cater to the extreme riders, a more intense 75 km route designed by trail king Meurant Botha will challenge even the most experienced rider. David Bellairs says the aim of this new route is to give the riders competing in the Nashua Grape Escape the opportunity to ride an ultra-distance race the day after their three-day event ends, effectively turning it into a four-day stage race. “This route is very tough, so riders will have to adhere to strict seeding and ability requirements to qualify.” Entries close today, 15 February, and no late entries will be accepted. Registration will take place over two days. On Thursday 28 February, from 11:00 to 18:00, at the Limpopo Room at the River Club in Observatory and on Friday 1 March, from 11:00 to 18:00 at the Dirtopia Trail Centre at Delvera Wine Estate in Stellenbosch. Riders can enter now by visiting www.mtbchallenge.co.za.
HOOG TRAP: Gianni Lombard van Boishaai is los voor in die 300 m-hekkies vir seuns o.15 tydens die Prestige-atletiekbyeenkoms wat Maandagaand op Coetzenburg aangebied is. Dit was vanjaar die eerste keer dat Boishaai en HMS aan dié byeenkoms deelgeneem het. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN
)Windmeul United hou hul algemene jaar vergadering op Saterdag 16 Februarie by die Windmeul Skool in Agter-Paarl om 14:00. Dien benoemings in by Owen Simonse 073 552 9982. Oefeninge is Dinsdae en Donderdae om 19:00 by die Windmeul Skool. Rig navrae aan Abel Mentoor by 083 352 2703. )Paarl Rugbyklub se oefeninge is op Dinsdae en Donderdae vanaf 18:30 by die Boy Louw-velde. o.20-spelers is ook welkom. Bel vir Stephan (079 182 5700) of Nell Fourie (072 445 2003) vir meer inligting. )Young Standards oefen van Maandae tot Donderdae (18:30) by die Boy Louw-velde. Nog plekke is beskikbaar vir die Oos-Kaap-toer. Bel Lee Scholtz by 082 598 5805. )Violets-rugbyklub se juniors oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 17:00 by Paulus Joubert Sekondêr. Almal is welkom sowel as nuwe spelers. Bel vir Roger Uren 082 228 0470. )Violets hou ook op 1 Maart ’n hoenderbraai by Grebe Straat 36 (Kenneth se woning ) teen R40 per bord. Kontak vir Tyrone Uren by 079 399 6545. )Die klub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 18:00 by Paulus Joubert Sêkonder. Bel die direkteur van afrigting, Lorenzo Fortuin, by 084 469 3858 vir meer besonderhede.
NET-NET: Hennie Beukes (o.17) seil oor die dwarslat in die paalspring tydens die Prestige-atletiekbyeenkoms wat Maandagaand op Coetzenburg aangebied is. Hy het dié item gewen. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN
)Violets speel op 23 Februarie teen Hillcrest (weg), 2 Maart teen Evergreens (Faurestraatstadion), 16 Maart teen Franschhoek (weg) en op 23 Maart teen Blue Stars (weg). Violets oefen elke Dinsdag tot Donderdag om 18:00 by Paulus Sekondêr. Bel Ashley by 078 786 1999. Hulle hou op 15 Februarie ’n worsrolletjie-verkope teen R15 by Roger se woning. )Young Peoples RVK se voorseisoen-oefeninge vind op Maandae en Donderdae by Daljosafat-stadion vanaf 18:00 plaas. Alle huidige spelers en voornemende spelers is welkom om aan te sluit. )Villagers Newton oefen Dinsdae, Woensdae en Donderdae om 18:30. Jannie Japtha by 078 147 3082 kan inligting gee. )Vineyards se oefeninge is Maandae tot Donderdae om 19:00 by Daljosafat. )Hillcrest United Rugbyklub se oefeninge is van Maandae tot Donderdae om 19:00 by Pelikaanpark. )Laer Paarl (Blues) oefen elke Woensdag om 18:30 op New Orleans se sportveld. Bel Mark Goliath by 084 991 4672. )Allandale se oefeninge is Dinsdae en Donderdae om 19:00 by die Drakenstein-veld. )Paarl Rangers se oefeninge is Dinsdae en Donderdae op Daljosafat. )United Stones se oefeninge is Dinsdae en Donderdae by die Daljosafat Primêre Skool se velde. Op 23 Februarie hou hulle ’n dans by 2Shotz. Bel 021 873 1307. )Evergreens bied op 16 Februarie ’n sewestoernooi op Evergreens Park aan. Die spanne wat gaan deelneem is Laer Paarl, Young Peoples, Young Standards, Newton Villagers, Young Gardens, Violets, Barbarians en Eve-
greens. Hekgelde is R10 (R5 vir kinders) en R5 per motor.. )Riverstones oefen Dinsdae, Woensdae en Donderdae om 18:00 op die New Orleans-rugbyvelde. Bel Adam Seconds by 076 186 8824 vir meer inligting. )Albions oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae om 18:00 by Daljosafat. Vanjaar se afrigters is Roderick Allies (eerstes), Kabaan Goetham (tweedes) en Rodney November (derdes). Wolfred Asia by 084 908 2975 kan help met inligting.
Netbal )Paarl-netbalklub se oefeninge is in Februarie op Maandae en Donderdae om 18:30 op die Boland-bane langs die Boy Louw-velde. Bel vir Bennie Saayman by 083 462 6311 of Aneli Lucas by 083 377 2232 vir meer inligting. )Die Metro Netbalunie se verrigtinge open op 23 Februarie met vriendskaplike wedstryde in die Strand op die Gustro-sportgronde. Op 2 Maart sal al die spanne meeding vir die Arnoldsbeker-toernooi.
Gestremdes )Die Boland Sportvereniging vir Liggaamlik Gestremdes se bestuursvergadering vind plaas op Maandag, 18 Februarie om 19:00 by Worcester-klubhuis, Bolandpark, Worcester. Klubverteenwoordigers van al die geaffilieerde klubs moet teenwoordig wees. Enige gestremde persoon wat by die vereniging se aktiwiteite wil inskakel is welkom om die vergadering by te woon. Bel vir Avril Farao vir enige navrae by 082 770 3071 of 023 342 3770(w).
Paarl Golf Club – 9 February – Saturday competition: A. 1 L Schwarte 2. Stef vd Walt B. 1 B Goodwin 2. H De Villiers C. 1 P du Toit 2 H Visagie. Nearest to the pin (4th) Willie Griesel and (17th) Brian Goodwin.
PMW-byeenkoms, Daljosafat: Meisies: La Rochelle 717, Hugenote 369, Swartland 309 en Worcester Gimnasium 242. Seuns: Boland Landbou 658, Hugenote 505, Worcester Gimnasium 364 en Swartland 353. Prestige-byeenkoms, Coetzenburg: Bloemroos (Bloemhof/Paul Roos) 860, Paarl Gimnasium 847, Boishaai/HMS 802.
ENE OË: Jason le Roux van Hoër Landbouskool Boland, gooi ’n tweede plek los in die spiesgooi vir seuns o.19 tydens die PMW-byeenkoms wat verlede week op Daljosafat aangebied is. Dié skool se seunspan het die beste gevaar by die byeenkoms. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN