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Year 3 • Friday 15 March 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600
In the latest Paarl Post ) Renowned local journo dies ) Paraplegic must leave retirement village ) Chaos at athletics ) Dancer loses leg
3 Healthy skin
4 Bergrivier bo
Paarl Lionsklub open oë Die Wes-Kaapse Departement van Gesondheid in die Kaapse Wynland Distrik en die Paarl Lions-klub liefdadigheidsorganisasie het hul hulpbronne saamgegooi om te verseker dat 13 mense wie se sig in albei oë deur katarakte aangetas is, nou weer kan sien.
Hoewel die meeste van die spesialishospitale soos Paarl-hospitaal bykans 150 katarakoperasies ’n jaar uitvoer, is die vraag na en behoefte aan dié prosedure vir die verbetering van lewensgehalte baie groter as die hulpbronne waaroor die departement beskikbaar het. Die lense wat ingevoer word, kos sowat R 500 per eenheid. Dit is juis hier waar die Lions betrokke geraak het. Lions Internasionaal het ’n wêreldwye poging om geld in te samel vir projekte wat hul projek “Die Voorkoming van Blindheid en die Behoud van Sig” bevorder. Die Paarl Lions-klub en Wes-Kaapse Regering Gesondheid in die Kaapse Wynland het ‘n privaat oftalmoloog van Paarl genader om die operasies uit te voer. Toe hy gevra is hoekom hy bereid is om homself tot hierdie projek te verbind, het hy gesê: “Ek is versot op die positiewe ervaring van die chirurgie, en is opgelei om hierdie tipe prosedures te doen. Die fasiliteite by Paarl-hospitaal en die span in beide die teater en die buitepasiënt-kliniek is ongelooflik.” Theuns Bester, huidige voorsitter van Paarl Lions-klub, het gesê die Paarl Lions-klub is baie trots op hul vennootskap met Wes-Kaapse regering Gesondheid se Kaapse Wynland Distrik en Paarl-hospitaal. Die grootste uitdaging vir die organisasie is om te verseker dat hulle genoeg geld insamel
Die katarak-pasiënte saam met die versorgingspan van die Paarl Lions-klub. om maandeliks hierdie tipe katarakmarathon te kan bekostig. Die eerste pasiënte is op 31 Januarie 2013 geopereer. Die verbande is eers die dag ná die operasie afgehaal en die pasiënte se verrassing en genot oor hul nuwe sig was tasbaar. Pasiënte se reaksies het die volgende roeren-
de kommentaar ingesluit: “Ek brei en hekel al jare sonder om regtig te weet watter kleure ek gebruik. Nou is rooi rooi,” en “Ek het eintlik al vergeet hoe mooi my vrou eintlik is.” Getruida Hendricks van Paarl is die oudste pasiënt wat die prosedure ondergaan het. Sy het verduidelik: “Ek was so bang dat die opera-
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sie seer gaan wees, maar die personeel is wonderlik en daar was nie glad nie pyn nie. Nou kan ek weer sien, veral wanneer ek in die potte kyk!” Vir meer inligting oor die Lions en hierdie projek kontak Theuns Bester gerus by liontheuns@gmail.com.
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Entertainment - Vermaak
Drakenstein Gazette
Friday 15 March 2013
17 Maart
) Kevin Leo, Suid-Afrika se eie Pavarotti en Lanza, tree op by die Ou Meulteater om 20:00. Kaartjies is R100 en kan bespreek word by 083 564 0056 of by vicky@oumeulteater.co.za. Kevin se debuutalbum (1995) Kevin Leo - C est la Vie is ’n uitmuntende Afrikaanse album. Sy liefde vir musiek het hom gedryf om die immergewilde ensemble-groep Drie van die Bestes (hyself, Danie Niehaus en Mathys Roets) in 1997 op die been te bring.
16 Maart
MUSEUMDAG: Ter viering van Internasionale Museumdag bied die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en -monument, tesame met Paarl Museum, ’n storievertelprojek aan. Die doel van die projek, Stories uit Drakenstein, is om oud en jonk bymekaar te bring om hul stories te vertel en dit vir ons nageslag te bewaar. Alle inwoners van Drakenstein (van graad 10-leerlinge af) is welkom om deel te neem. Die sluitingsdatum vir die inhandiging van stories is einde Maart. Die plaaslike skrywer Petro Gordon sal help om die beste stories uit te kies, wat dan op 18 Mei, Internasionale Museumdag, tydens ’n storievertelprogram aan die publiek bekend gestel sal word. Hierdie stories sal ook in ’n boek opgeneem word wat op Taaldag, 14 Augustus, bekend gestel sal word. Elke deelnemer sal ’n boekprys ontvang. Belangstellendes moet vir Elizabeth Bowes by Paarl Museum kontak by 021 872 2651 of paarlmuseum@telkomsa.net. Hier is ( van links) Elizabeth Bowes (Paarl Museum), Catherine Snel (Taalmuseum), Petro Gordon (skrywer) en Janine September (Taalmuseum).
Woesterfees in April Die Woesterfees, ten bate van die Pioneerskool vir Blindes in Worcester vind plaas op 19 en 20 April by die Kleinplasie-skougronde op Worcester. Die hele gesin kan antieke uitstallings, onder meer veteraanvoertuie en demonstrasies van items wat aan die jonger geslag onbekend is, besigtig. Die Instituut vir Blindes gaan hul werksaamhede ten toon stel en die mond- en voetskilders gaan hul vaardigheid met ’n kwas demonstreer. Die vreemde stokperdjies, moderne tegnologie en tuisteskeppers se vindingrykheid sal nie agterweë gelaat word nie. Daar sal heerlike eetgoed wees en plaaslike besighede en boere gaan hul produkte uit-
stal. Kunstenaars soos Jakkie Louw, Anton Myburgh, Tiro, Ruben Lennox, Chris Else, Amore en ’n Duitse Umpah-orkes saam met Valiant Swart sal sorg vir vermaak regdeur die naweek. Die Loslippige eenmanvertoning van Ian Wessels van RSG is ’n hoogtepunt Saterdagaand. Hekke open Vrydag om 14:00 en Saterdag om 08:00 en is oop tot laat. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by die hek teen R50 vir volwassenes en R10 vir skoolgaande kinders. Indien u belangstel om uit te stal of enige navrae het, kontak Johan Horn by 083 635 3301 of hecticb2@polka.co.za, of stuur ’n epos aan Mauritz Meyer by mauritz.meyer@gmail.com.
)Hoërskool Noorder-Paarl hou ’n familiedag op hul skoolterrein. Karaoke, jazz-musiek, ’n mej. Noorder-Paarl-kompetisie, potjiekos- en talentkompetisies, springkastele en Super 15-rugby op ’n groot skerm sal sorg vir hope pret. Heerlike kos sal ook te koop wees teen bekostigbare pryse. Toegang is gratis. Vir navrae, bel 021 872 7016. )Die deurnag-staptog, Kansa Relay For Life Paarl, vind op 16 en 17 Maart by die Boy Louwsportterrein plaas. Spanne kan bestaan uit 10 tot 15 persone en span inskrywings beloop R600 per span, wat ook hul luminaria-sakkies insluit. Besoekers kan die geleentheid van 17:00 tot 24:00 bywoon en toegangsfooie beloop R5 vir kinders en R10 vir volwassenes. Die volgende spankapteinvergadering is 15 Maart om 19:00 by die Boy Louw-sportvelde. Bel Barbara Williams by 021 873 6358 of 082718 5639 vir navrae.
Paarl Bel-Canto-koor begin halfeeu-feesvieringe Die Paarl Bel-Canto-koor, wat in 1963 gestig is om koorsang te bevorder, begin die viering van sy 50ste bestaansjaar met ’n sangdiens in die United Church in Auretstraat op Sondag 17 Maart om 20:30. Die koorleier, David Samaai, het die sangdiens wat bestaan uit gewyde koorstukke, solo’s en By-
bellesings saamgestel. Die tema is Ons is dankbaar vir ons Herder se liefde. Die publiek word vriendelik uitgenooi na die sangdiens om saam met hulle die 50ste bestaansjaar te vier. Bel Samaai by 021 862 1917 vir nadere besonderhede oor die vieringe.
LK Zeeman hou middagtee LK Zeeman Primêre Skool hou op Sondag 17 Maart om 15:00 ’n high tea in die Annunciation Kerksaal. Die skool samel geld in en kaartjies teen R50 is te koop by die skool. Gaste sal getrakteer word op heerlike eetgoed. Vir navrae, bel die skool by 021 862 3900. DieWes-Kaapse minister van
onderwys, Donald Grant, het verlede jaar aangekondig dat LK Zeeman en nog skole in Desember 2012 sou sluit. Hul beheerliggame het saam met die SA Demokratiese Onderwysunie ’n dringende tussentydse interdik in die Kaapse Hooggeregshof aangevra en die sluit van die skole is uitgestel.
Ligstraal Skool Volunteers to hou basaar teach music
Drakenstein Basaar
Sa 16 Maart 09:00
Kerksaal, h/v Antoinetteen Kotzestrate, Denneburg Vele te koop en geniet, o.a. kindervermaak, koekversieringskompetisie, wit olifante & handwerk. Kindervermaak sluit in Tombola, skyfskiet, gesigverf, lekkergoed kinders kan ouers uitdaag in koekversieringskompetisie. Navrae by die kerkkantoor 021 872 8242 (Ma - Vr 09:00 - 13:00)
Ligstraal Skool vir Gestremdes hou op Saterdag 16 Maart vanaf 09:00 hul jaarlikse basaar op hul skoolterrein in Pienaarstraat. Daar sal verskeie stalletjies soos ’n mini-kostafel, gemengde tafel, teetuin, potjiekos, groot koeke, klein koekies, kindertafel, handwerk en nog vele meer wees. Koepons is by die skool en basaar te koop. Vir navrae, bel Raylene by 021 862 7182.
Graceland Arts Ministries in Paarl are looking for volunteers to give music lessons to children in the community. They offer lessons in guitar and piano twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 15:45. Auditions for a community choir and a show will also be held on these days. Closing date for auditions is Thursday 28 March. For information contact Henry Oktober at 071 257 9373.
Leef die Woord Kerk
‘n Kerk waar jy kan kom net soos jy is. Dienstye: Elke Sondagoggend om 09:30 Kleine Parys Landgoed, Konferensiesaal, Jan van Riebeeck Rylaan (R301) (reg langs Kleine Parys restaurant), Paarl Kontak: 083 611 1622
20 Maart )Vir een aand alleenlik sal vier van die gewildste kunstenaars in Suid-Afrika die verhoog deel by die Amfiteater op Paarlberg. Steve Hofmeyr, Theuns Jordaan, Andriette Norman en Jay tree Woensdag 20 Maart om 20:00 by die TygerBurger Leserskonsert op as deel van Cultivaria se Somerkonserte. Kaartjies is beskikbaar vanaf R110 tot R160. Vir verdere navrae en besprekings kontak 021 872 9754/admin@cultivaria.com. Besoekers kan vroegaand reeds berg toe gaan en verversings en drinkgoed wat op die terrein te koop aangebied sal word, geniet. Die aand beloof om ’n onvergeetlike musikale ondervinding te wees.
21 Maart )Die 1993-matriekklas van Klein Nederburg Sekondêr hou hul eerste reünie. Vir besonderhede bel Angeline Hoffman (Levens) by 0732526949 of rig ’n e-pos aan matrix93kn@gmail.com.
20-23 September )Die Opleidingskollege Suid-Kaapland hou hul reünie in Kimberley. Vervoer sal vanaf die Paarl verskaf word. Vir navrae, bel vir Clarence Adams (Boland) by 021 862 3721 of 076 485 0880.
PJP-oudleerlinge hou sportdag Oudleerlinge van Paulus Joubert Primêre Skool (PJP) hou op Saterdag 16 Maart van 14:00 op hul skoolgronde ’n sportdag met ’n bring en braai. Worsrolletjies en koeldrank sal verkoop word. Bring jou eie piekniekmandjie, stoele, gazebo en sonsambrele saam. Toegang beloop R2 vir volwassenes en R1 vir kinders. Vir navrae, bel Loretta Meyer by 021 862 3690.
Earth Hour Fire at the Taalmonument The Psychedelic Theatre’s fire troupe is back in action with another captivating fire dance picnic at the Afrikaanse Taalmonument on Paarl Mountain on Saturday 23 March at 20:00, in celebration of Earth Hour. Earth Hour is an annual worldwide event organised by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), encouraging everyone to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour to help raise awareness about the need to take action on environmental issues. All electrical lights will be turned off and the performance will rely on the human body and fire to tell the story, accompanied by live acoustic music. Mike Didge and Ren Skyclad are two masters of out-of-the-ordinary instruments like the didgeridoo and the gong, and the perfect addition to this extraordinary group of performers. Visitors are welcome to bring picnic baskets order one from Volksmond Coffee Shop at 021 863 2800. Coffee, beer, wine and light refreshments will be for sale. The concert is held in aid of the Taalmonument’s Reading Project for the Youth. Tickets are R100 for adults and R40 for students and children (children u. 6 free). Book at 079 148 1933 or 021 863 4809/0543 or buy tickets at the gate. Enquiries: 021 863 0543/4809 or www.taalmonument.co.za or see facebook.
Hypnotic Centre 5x2 1113
15 Maart
)Awesome Ministries bied ’n Gospel Extravaganza aan by die Huguenot-gemeenskapsaal in Paarl om 16:00. Kaartjies teen R30 is beskikbaar by die deur en sowat 15 groepe sal optree. ’n Bus sal belangstellendes op die taxi-roete tussen Paarl, Wellington, Simondium en Saron optel. Bel Clifton Pietersen by 083 610 9453 vir navrae.
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Friday 15 March 2013
News - Nuus
Lede van die gemeenskap en die Drakensteinmunisipaliteit het verlede week hul stemme dik gemaak teen geweld en mishandeling van vroue tydens Internasionale Vrouedag-vieringe op Wellington. Hier is onder andere burgemeester Gesie van Deventer (regs) en rdl. Dr Elna von Schlicht (links) van die Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit. FOTO: CHRISTINE SIEBRITS
Internasionale Vrouedag in styl gevier Die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit het ten spyte van gure weer, Vrydag ’n suksesvolle Internasionale Vrouedag by die Wellington-stasie gevier. Die klem van hierdie byeenkoms het geval op die voorkoming en beëindiging van geweld en seksueel verwante misdade teen vroue en kinders. Tydens hierdie geleentheid is ’n petisie aan die burgemeester Gesie van Deventer oorhandig waarin die volgende versoeke aan haar gerig is: ) Dat Drakenstein-munisipaliteit dringende aandag gee aan werkskepping as teenvoeter vir armoede. ) Dat plekke van veiligheid geïdentifiseer word
waarheen vroue en kinders kan vlug wanneer en indien nodig. ) Die daarstelling van rehabilitasiesentrums waar persone wat van dwelms en alkohol afhanklik is gehelp kan word. ) Die beskikbaarstelling van sigbare polisiëring om toe te sien dat geweld en seksuele misbruik uitgewis word en die implementering van doelbewuste programme ten opsigte van die morele herlewing van die gemeenskap. Die 150ste bestaansjaar van die Wellington Stasie is terselfdertyd herdenk. Die rol van die vrou in hierdie verband is beklemtoon.
9A Verster Straat Paarl 7646 Tel: 021 872 4316 Faks: 021 872 7429
PAARL Navorsingseenheid
Ons bied tans navorsingstudies vir die volgende toestande: • Jig/Gout • Asthma (asma) • Hoë cholesterol • Diabetes mellitus (Suikersiekte) • Vorige Hartaanval • Vaskulêre Siektes (Swak bloedvloei in die bene) • Kroniese Long Siekte
Pasiënte wat aan kliniese studies deelneem word deur dokters gesien, ontvang nuwe medikasie, kry bloedtoetse en opvoedkundige advies oor hul siektetoestande.
Daar is geen onkoste betrokke nie.
Indien u belangstel om deel te neem aan 'n kliniese studie kontak Chano of Elfreda by 021 872 4316 /9279 of 071 347 8317 vir meer inligting.
Kantoorure: Maandag – Vrydag: 07:30 – 16:00
Moenie die DBV misbruik nie Die doel van die dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV) is om dieremishandeling te beveg en wreedheid teenoor diere te voorkom. Die Paarl en Wellington DBV hanteer gemiddeld 6 000 diere per jaar. “Die publiek verstaan nie altyd wat die doel van die DBV is nie en misbruik soms hul dienste,” sê Linda Groenewald van Paarl DBV. “Ons het nie ’n veearts op ons terrein nie, dus moet siek diere na die dierehospitale geneem word deur hul eienaars. Rapporteer slegs aan die DBV gevalle waar siek of beseerde diere nie na ’n veearts geneem word nie. “Ons hou wel klinieke waar ons hulpbehoewende mense se diere teen ’n laer tarief op Dinsdae by die biblioteek in Paarl-Oos help. “Die DBV is ook nie daar om werpsels hondjies en katjies in te ent sodat die eienaar hulle kan verkoop nie. Die DBV is juis gekant
teen teling. Die verantwoordelikste ding om te doen is om jou diere te laat steriliseer en hulp-behoeftiges kan gerus hul DBV hieroor kontak.” Volgens Groenewald is dit nie die plig van die DBV om rondloperdiere van strate af op te tel nie, maar wel die plig van die munisipale wetstoepassing-afdeling. “Die DBV moedig die publiek aan om sulke gevalle direk by die munisipaliteit se wetstoepassing aan te meld. Die munisipaliteit kan by 021 807 6353 gebel word,” sê Groenewald In die geval van verlore diere, kontak die munisipaliteit en DBV en rapporteer siek diere aan die DBV en die munisipaliteit. “Die DBV verseker die publiek dat hulle steeds hul hulp, bystand, raad en opvoeding aan diere-eienaars verleen en geen diere sal wegwys nie.
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Drakenstein Gazette
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GESOEK: Die polisie soek inligting oor Hillroy Adonis wat betrokke was by ’n inbraak in Augustus 2012. Kontak speurder Craig Truter by 083 641 1951. FOTO: VERSKAF
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BRANCHES: HEAD OFFICE, Shop 19, Brighton Square, Brighton Road Kraaifontein JEWELLERY SHOP (new & second hand), Shop 20, Brighton Square, Kraaifontein KRAAIFONTEIN 2, Shop 13, Shoprite Centre, Voortrekker Road MALMESBURY, Nr3, Piet Retief Street | SALDANHA, 52 Saldanha Road VREDENBURG, 15 Skool Street | TABLEVIEW, 17C Blaauwerberg Road PARKLANDS & JEWELLERY SHOP, Shop 20, Piazza Centre@Superspar, c/o Main & Link Road (opposite KFC)
News - Nuus
Drakenstein Gazette
Friday 15 March 2013
Win a stand at The Market at Val de Vie
W iam m S Sm 's W ilillila miitthh 's
Starguide for 15 March 2013 CAPRICORN
(22 December - 21 January)
de Vie’s world-class facilities. The market is an ideal platform for local vendors to promote their brands and expand their businesses in a beautiful setting that is recognised as one of South Africa’s top destinations. The market will also be accompanied by a special polo match. It will not only act as a unique attraction for the event, but also allow visitors to become better acquainted with the sport. Val de Vie estate welcomes more than 33 000 people a year through its gates and hosts several popular annual events. To stand a chance to win this amazing prize to the value of R3 900, send a description and photograph of your product to elsje.human@valdevie.co.za. Only top quality fresh and hand-made products will be considered.
Val de Vie is proud to announce The Market at Val de Vie, a fresh goods and craft market that will showcase some of the finest local produce from the PaarlFranschhoek Valley and beyond.
At this time you must guard against being too aggressive, coming on too strong, or trying to force your own will and thereby arousing hostility in others. Also, frustrated desires and obstacles to achieving your aims can evoke enormous anger in you, and you may do something rash and regrettable.
(21 January - 20 February)
And they are offering one Paarl Post reader a stand free of charge for 13 markets. The market plans to be the first of its kind in the area. Several successful markets are held in Stellenbosch, Franschhoek and Cape Town. The Val de Vie market will offer a unique experience to Paarl. The Market at Val de Vie will be held from 10:00 to 15:00 bi-monthly on Sundays at Val de Vie’s scenic terrace, which overlooks the polo fields. Here local producers will have the opportunity to sell fresh produce and home-made goods, accompanied by Val
You are headstrong and rash at this time. Wild and daring physical activities, or just plain recklessness and impatience, can put you into dangerous situations. Your drive for freedom, independence, and absolute authority over your own life is quite strong. You tend to be very abrupt and inconsiderate of others.
(20 February - 21 March)
Today you want to stand out, to be the center of attention, and receive recognition. It is a time to appreciate who you are as a unique individual. This is the beginning of a new year for you, and you feel charged with new energy, vitality, and sense of purpose.
(21 March - 21 April)
You are optimistic, hopeful, and forward-looking at this time. You can see connections and possibilities you may have overlooked before. Now is a time for communicating your enthusiasm, sharing your plans and dreams, and also being more receptive to others' thoughts and points of view. Contracts, negotiations, and business dealings of all kinds are favored now.
(21 April - 21 May)
Doors open and new opportunities for personal and professional growth present themselves. Any initiative or action you feel inclined to take at this time is likely to lead to a positive outcome for you. Partnerships or joining with others for mutual benefit is favored. Your energy level is high; this is a good time for athletics, especially team sports.
(21 May - 22 June)
You may feel temporarily blocked now. Resistance and challenges from others or from outside situations suggest that this is not a good time to try to force your will and desires upon the world, as friction is the only likely result. Relations with men can be especially tense.
Superfoods for healthy skin and hair Salmon Salmon is one of the best food sources for omega-3 fatty acids, which helps keep your skin supple and moisturized. Salmon also has selenium, a mineral that protects the skin from sun exposure. The vitamin D in salmon keeps your bones and teeth strong and healthy, too. Spinach This leafy green vegetable is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Spinach is loaded with lutein, which keeps your eyes healthy and sparkling. Spinach is also a good source of vitamins B, C, and E, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Tomatoes Tomatoes are the best source of the anti-aging antioxidant lycopene. Surprisingly, lycopene in tomatoes is more easily absorbed by your body when it is cooked or processed, so make sure to stock up on canned tomato sauce, tomato juice, and ketchup. Walnuts You don’t need to eat cupfuls of walnuts to enjoy their many benefits: smoother skin, healthy hair, brighter eyes, and strong bones. Get your daily dose of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E by eating a handful by themselves or throwing some in your salad, pasta, or dessert. Kiwi fruit This small, brown, fuzzy fruit is loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, which keep skin firm, help prevent wrinkles, and are great for healthy bones and teeth. The antioxidants in kiwis also protect you from cancer and heart disease.
(22 June - 23 July)
A fast pace, with many letters, phone calls, errands, meetings, or discussions, is on the agenda. You may feel mentally restless, impatient, and overly eager to get your own ideas across. Also, a situation may arise which requires you to say what is on your mind, to make a decision, or to clearly voice your personal opinion on some issue.
(23 July - 24 August)
Romance and flirtations are likely now. You are feeling warm, expressive, and lively. Loving feelings flow between you and the people you meet, especially those of the opposite sex. Friendships are also strengthened at this time. Also, your creativity and desire to make something beautiful is stimulated now.
(24 August - 23 September)
The craving for sweetness and comfort in the form of loving affection or food is strong now. This is a good time to baby yourself and also to spend time with the people who love and appreciate you the most. Also, you are feeling rather tender and softhearted and may do something "maternal" on impulse.
Ingredients: • 30ml Oil • 1 Onion, Chopped • 1 Green Pepper, Chopped • 250 g Fresh Black Mushrooms, Sliced • 200 g Smoked Vienna Sausages, Sliced • 100 g Mature Cheddar, Grated • 3 Large Eggs • 30 ml Flour • 10 ml Mustard Powder • 500 ml Milk • 5 ml Dried Origanum • Salt And Freshly Ground Black Pepper • 8 Slices Tomato
(23 September - 23 October)
You are apt to feel at odds with yourself or other people right now, as if you can't quite get into a comfortable rhythm or flow with what is happening in your environment. Over sensitivity and childish impulses are stronger than usual.
(23 October - 23 November)
Your needs for love, companionship, friendship, and sharing are very strong now, and you won't want to be alone or go off to do solitary work. In fact, you feel like relaxing and enjoying the beautiful side of life rather than laboring or concentrating on difficult tasks.
(23 November - 22 December)
At this time you may feel out of your element or out of sync with yourself or your surroundings. Interference from others requires adjustment and perhaps sacrifice on your part. What you have to offer or want to do doesn't mesh well with what seems to be necessary.
Method: Set oven temperature to 180 °C. Heat the oil in a large pan and sauté the onion until soft. Add the green pepper and cook for 1 minute, then add the mushrooms and cook until the liquid has evaporated. Add the sausages and fry for a further 2 minutes. Spoon the mixture into a greased quiche dish and sprinkle the cheese over the top. Place the eggs, flour, mustard and origanum into a bowl and whisk until smooth. Add milk and whisk until well combined. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Pour over the mixture in the quiche dish and place tomato slices around the edges of the dish. Bake in preheated over for about 45 minutes, until golden brown. Serve warm or cold.
*AFRIKAANS - DAAGLIKSE STERRE: Ram: 083 9140 010, Bul: 083 9140 011, Tweeling: 083 9140 012, Kreef: 083 9140 013, Leeu: 083 9140 014, Maagd: 083 9140 015, Weegskaal: 083 9140 016, Skerpioen: 083 9140 017, Boogskutter: 083 9140 018, Steenbok: 083 9140 019, Waterdraer: 083 9140 020, Vis: 083 9140 021
6 3 1 7 3 6 9 4 1 2 8 3 6 4 5 4
9 7 8 9 6 2 5 1 4 8 1 5 7 3 8 2
2 5 1 2 5 7 4 6 9
8 7 1 4 9 5
2 6 8 3 6 9
3 7 2
VRAE: 15 MAART 2013
Elke ry en elke kolom asook elke 3X3 blok mag die syfers een tot nege slegs een keer bevat.
Eat superfoods like kiwi fruit for healthy and radiant skin and hair.
Each row and each column as well as every 3X3 square may contain the numbers 1 to 9 only once.
7 1 5 8 4 9 2 3 6 7 5 9 8 6 3 4 2 1
4 3 6 5 1 2 8 7 9 4 2 8 9 1 7 6 5 3
8 2 9 7 3 6 4 5 1 3 1 6 2 5 4 8 7 9
1 6 8 4 2 7 5 9 3 6 4 5 7 3 8 1 9 2
9 4 7 6 5 3 1 2 8 2 9 1 5 4 6 3 8 7
2 5 3 1 9 8 6 4 7 8 7 3 1 2 9 5 6 4
6 7 2 3 8 5 9 1 4 9 8 4 3 7 5 2 1 6
5 8 1 9 7 4 3 6 2 1 6 7 4 8 2 9 3 5
3 9 4 2 6 1 7 8 5
5 3 2 6 9 1 7 4 8
Friday 15 March 2013
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Drakenstein Gazette
Drakenstein Gazette
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Huise te Koop Houses for Sale
1ml SAND, klip, kompos & bogrond (topsoil) in klein areas afgelewer, sowel as bourommel en vullisverwydering. Skakel Neels 021 872 9397 of 083 412 8810.
KOPERS & VERKOPERS WINSKOOP!2/3 Slpk huise: Paarl/Wellington. R145 000; R195 000; R240 000; R465 000; R575 000. Tel: 072 805 3574.
Gordyne/Matte/ Stoffering Curtains/Carpets Upholstery
I SELL QUALITY dog food Montego Classic Adult. 2kg Montego - R35; 10kg - R135; 25kg - R295. Delivered in Paarl ONLY. Delivery by appointment only, two times a week or collect 08:30 to 18:00 at Klein Drakenstein Road, Paarl. Contact Willie 073 599 7022.
Vervoer en Berging Moving & Storage
Ons naam is u waarborg Vir die beste diens, skakel 083 556 6359
E-pos: premierblind@mweb.co.za Gratis kwotasies & installasies. Asook herstelwerk.
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Wednesday 10:00
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EVENTS HIRING COMPANY in Paarl. Looking for English/Afrikaans speaking Labour workers. Contact Mark 076 471 2876.
Weekliks kan Drakenstein Gazette maatjies lekker lees, gesels en inkleur saam met Let.
EK BENODIG aflos/tydelike carwash/algemene toesighouer/supervisor werk. 8 Jaar ondervinding. Kode 8 lisensie. 083 531 0041.
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Friday 15 March 2013
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083 708 4950
Paarl – Lady Gey Street | 021 872 7062 Wellington – Pick 'n Pay Centre | 021 864 2003
Friday 15 March 2013
Schools - Skole
KASKARRE: Laerskool Hugenote het ’n geldinsamelingsprojek aangebied waar die leerlinge aan ’n kaskarkompetisie deelgeneem het.
UITSTAPPIE NA DIERESORG: Laerskool Drakensein se gr. R-leerlinge het hulself terdeë geniet op hul uitstappie na Wellington Dierehospitaal.
Drakenstein Gazette
BLACK FRIDAY: The boys and girls of Gr. 8F at New Orleans Secondary School are supporting the Black Friday initiative by wearing black ribbons on their shirts. The boys have declared war on rape and abuse of women and children and pledged, with the whole school, to be model citizens.
MUSIEKLESSE: Christian African Kerk is tans besig by Magnolia Primêre Skool om vir die leerlinge gratis musieklesse en kos aan te bied. Hier is Deidre Jantjies besig om te oefening op die klawerbord. Belangstellendes kan die skool bel 021 862 2610 of Clifford Couter by 079 183 5932.
SIERLIKE SPRONG: Kyle Green van New Orleans Sekondêr vlieg deur die lug om die seuns o.14 verspring te wen. Hy het deelgeneem aan die Paarl Hoërskole Sone 3 atletiekbyeenkoms. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN
VINNIGE VOETJIES: Pre-primêre leerlinge van verskeie laerskole in die Paarl het verlede Vrydag op Daljosafat aan die jaarlikse preprimêre atletiekbyeenkoms deelgeneem. Party was soekend, party glimlaggend en party sommer baie ernstig. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN
DAG SONDER SKOENE: Leerlinge van Magnolia Primêre Skool het ’n dag sonder skoene ondersteun en honderde pare skoene ingesamel vir behoeftiges. Hier spring Eltino Roland, Xavier Lakay, Mechè Jansen en Kee-sha Samuels van blydskap.
COUNTRY LIVING PAARL R375 000: Neat 1 bedr/1bathr flat with lounge/kitchen, own parking in central nice area of Paarl. NEWTON Buy your own new dream house from R469 000 – R676 000. 2 or 3 bedrooms, 2 or 3 bathrooms, single garage and braairoom are optional depending on which plan/price you choose. Consult with me asap. Bonds from major banks are available. Terms and conditions apply. Nice area, near schools and shopping centres. Web ref: 300745669 & 300379697. WELLINGTON R375 000: 3 bedr/1 bathr, kitchen, open plan lounge, garage, spacious plot for extensions. Needs serious renovations/upgrading.
UITSTAPPIE NA KAAPSTAD: Die gr.7-leerlinge van Ebenezer Primêre Skool het die Iziko Museum in Kaapstad besoek om meer te leer oor die evolusie van die mens, rotskuns en fossiele, as deel van hul sosiale wetenskap en geskiedenis kurrikulum. FOTO: SAMMY DAVIDS
Marlize van Schalkwyk RE/MAX Country Living W: 021 873 7342/083 379 4060 www.remaxboland.co.za
The successful candidate will have the following qualifications and skills: • Snr. certificate / Matric (NQF4) or equivalent • Samtrac NQF 5 or equivalent • 2 - 3 yrs. experience as a Safety Officer in Construction industry • Computer literate • Valid Code B driver's license A comprehensive CV can be faxed or emailed to Vicky Landman before 20 March 2013
Email: Vicky.landman@wkc.co.za Fax: 041 372 1732 • Tel: 041 372 1728
Drakenstein Gazette word versprei na 21 000 huishoudings in Paarl, Wellington en Mbekweni.
Om hier te adverteer, kontak: 021 870 4600
Year 3 • Vrydag 15 Maart 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600
Drie in ‘n ry vir HJS
SKRIF AAN DIE MUUR: Paarl Gimnasium se laaste eerstespankolwer word Saterdag tydens die jaarlikse interskole teen Boishaai skoongeboul. Gimnasium is vir 115 uitgeboul waarna Boishaai dit op ’n drafstap verbygesteek het. Hulle het gemaklik met 5 paaltjies gewen en is vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar die wenspan. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN
Khan hits second consecutive 20/20 century Mohsin Khan continued his pulverising purple patch when he struck his second consecutive 20/20 century in the last of the group matches when Wellington CC played against Young Peoples CC at the Pen Basson field on Saturday. After electing to bat first, the Wellington opening pair of Junaid Cassiem and Khan got off to a brisk start until Cassiem got dismissed for 14 of 11 balls. Tiaan Cloete joined Khan and the two of them put on a 100 partnership within the space of 11 overs. Khan continued to take the attack to the Young Peoples bowlers and went to his century in the normal fashion with
a huge six over square. He was eventually dismissed for 101 off 62 deliveries. Cedric Williams and Warren Groeneveld compounded the onslaught with intermittent boundaries at the back end of the innings, allowing Wellington CC to end at 186/6 leaving Young Peoples a target of 187. In their chase, Young Peoples started off well but Gershwin Williams accounted for the consecutive wickets of Wade October and Waylain September in the 4th over. Imran Nackerdien entered the fray and duly took the attack to the home side. He was ably supported by the other opener, Melvin Jackson, who was dismissed in the 9th over for 33 off 26.
However, wickets fell intermittently while Nackerdien was at the wicket and with his departure for 62 off 48 deliveries, their chances waned of reaching the massive target. They were eventually dismissed for 117 giving Wellington a victory by 69 runs. On Sunday, Wellington CC and Paarl CC contested the one semi-final while Berg River CC and Paarl East CC contested the other semi at the Parys sportsgrounds. After losing the toss, captain Warren Groeneveld was asked to bowl first on a dry and dusty pitch. Robyn Andrews was the first to be dismissed when he was bowled by Gershwin Williams in the second over. Paarl lost intermit-
tent wickets and it was only Lynal Jansen who made a significant contribution with his 31 off 35 balls to allow Paarl to end at 90/9 at the end of the 20th over. Wellington’s best bowlers were Clint Brockman with 3/16, Cedric Williams with 2/16 and Gershwin Williams with 2/17. In their turn at the crease, Mohsin Khan and Junaid Cassiem had a 49 run opening stand before Khan was dismissed in the 8th over. After Cassiem’s dismissal two overs thereafter, Warren Groeneveld and Charl Smith consolidated the chase with good running between the wickets and a staccato of boundaries in the 16th over to seal the victory for Wellington CC by 8 wickets.
Enter now for Safari’s Half Marathon in Welinton Entries are open for the Safari Half Marathon and over 10 000 runners and walkers are expected to take to the streets of Wellington on Workers Day, Wednesday 1 May. This popular Boland event always attracts some of the country’s top runners, who compete for prize money totalling over R30 000. Consistently voted by runners as one of the best half marathons in the Western Cape, entrants can choose to take part in the 21.1 km half marathon or 10 km walk, as well as the relay event, a 2 by 10.5 km. There is also a 5 km fun run, which participants can pre-enter or enter on race day. The final closing date for entries is Sunday 14 April and participants can
enter online at www.safarihalfmarathon.co.za or pick up an entry form from any Sportsmans Warehouse or other sports outlets around the Peninsula and the Boland. For more information contact 021 5117130, email info@topevents.co.za or visit the website at www.topevents.co.za. The half marathon and relay events both start at 07:10, while the 10 km walk has a later start at 09:30. The 5 km fun run starts at 09:00. All races finish at the Hugenote High School in Wellington. Walkers, fun runners and beginners, as well as the serious runners, are encouraged to come out and support this event and to bring their family and friends along to enjoy the day and join
in the post-event festivities. “The race offers all participants scenic routes through the streets, country roads and beautiful vineyards of Wellington. The carnival atmosphere at the finish adds to the overall experience and participants can enjoy the many farm stalls, craft markets and entertainment,” said Lydia Britz category brand manager for Safari. The event has chosen to support two charities namely CANSA to sustain their vital research, education programmes and patient care and the local Wamakersvallei Training Centre that serves the Wellington community by providing subsidised training for students in child, baby and frail care, plus cooking and housekeeping.
Final F&T meeting Boland Athletics final track and field meeting will be held at Coetzenburg Stadium today starting at 17:30 with the u.15 girls 90 m hurdles. It will cater for the athletes who have qualified for the SA Youth and Junior
Championships as well as for the Western Cape High Schools Championships and who want to do final preparation for the mentioned events. This event also serve as qualifier for athletes who have not yet qualified for
the 2013 Boland Senior Championships or the 2013 SA Senior Track and Field Championships. For more details please contact Mario Smith at 021 808 4684 or bms@sun.ac.za.
TROTSE WENNERS: Garth Abrahams (regs) van die Bergrivier Krieketklub is Sondag as speler van die wedstryd aangewys tydens die Jive T20-krieketfinaal tussen Bergrivier en Wellington CC. Saam met hom is die kaptein van Bergrivier, Aqib Douman. Abrahams se 46* lopies en sy drie paaltjies met sy eerste boulbeurt het die deurslag gegee dat Bergrivier in die laaste boulbeurt met vyf paaltjies gewen het.FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN