Drakenstein gazette 20 02 2015

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• Bouers Gereedskap • Elektriese Gereedskap • Tuin Gereedskap • Skoonmaak Masjiene • Sleepwaens • Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service • Draaibank/Milling Werk; TIG/MIG Welding WELLINGTON, 12 VERSAILLES ST 021 873 2222


Year 5 • Friday 20 February 2015 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365


In the latest Paarl Post Boy dies after athletics ) Shooting at abattoir ) Pigs roasted alive ) Outcry after SPCA dog death ) Win tickets to shows )

Huis brand byna af

2 Traffic circle rules

3 W’ton beats Paarl



Hierdie dansers van Paulus Joubert Sekondêre Skool het hul passies verlede week uitstekend uitgevoer tydens die tradisionele byeenkoms wat by Dal Josafat-stadion gehou is. FOTO: ERNEST KILO­ WAN

Tel: 021 872 1617

Fax: 021 872 6558



1 1 1 1

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7kg Butternut, 7kg Squash, 7kg Potatoes, 7kg Onion



Valid until Wednesday 21 February 2015. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES.

All for R100 X1PRDBFD-GZ200215


News - Nuus

Drakenstein Gazette

Man oorleef trein-trap ’n Man is ernstig beseer toe hy deur ’n aankomende trein raakgery is tydens ’n vermoedelike selfdood-poging. Volgens ’n woordvoerder van die Wellingtonpolisie was die trein Maandag omstreeks 07:46 op pad uit Wellington uit toe die man, wie se identiteit nie bekend is nie, op die spoorlyn gehardloop en met sy rug na die trein gaan sit het. Die trein, wat ongeveer 30 km/h gery het, het hom oomblikke later getref. Hy is onder die derde wa gevind, en is met veelvuldige beserings na ’n hospitaal geneem. Geen vuilspel word vermoed nie.

Friday 20 February 2015

Huis brand toe egpaar klag lê DEVIDEAN MOSES

Verder vertel sy: “Ek en Martha het toe verder ondersoek ingestel en by die Terwyl ’n vrou in die straat afgeloop. Dit is toe Paarl-polisiekandat ons sien hoe die rook toor was om ’n klag by die Lestrih-gesin se wovan roof aan te meld, ning uitborrel. Ons het ’n het sy die nuus ontmotorbestuurder in die vang dat haar huis in straat gestop en die perGroenheuwel besig soon gevra om die polisie was om af te brand. en brandweer te bel. “Ons het gedink dat daar Elizabeth Lestrih dalk nog mense binne die was Woensdagoggend huis was en het ’n baksteen omstreeks 09:30 by die deur ’n ruit gegooi om toepolisiekantoor besig gang tot die huis te kry, om ’n klag van roof aan maar gelukkig was daar te meld, nadat sy van niemand tuis nie.” haar handsak in die Die Drakenstein-brandmiddedorp beroof is, toe sy die tyding ont- Elizabeth Lestrih staan hier in haar weer was vinnig op die tovang het. brand-beskadigde huis, terwyl haar neel en het daarin geslaag Volgens haar twee man, Pieter, nog red wat te redde is. om die brand in enkele mibuurvroue, Petro JoFOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES nute te blus. Die oorsaak van die nathan en Martha Meyers van Simfonielaan, het hulle in die brand is steeds onbekend. Niemand is tystraat gesels toe hulle ’n digte rookwolk in dens die brand beseer nie, maar die huis is erg beskadig. die lug sien. Die Lestrih-gesin het op die toneel gesê “Die rook was oral en ons het gedog dat dit dalk mense in die buurt is wat skroot dat hulle almal wil bedank wat hulle te hulp gesnel het, tydens en ná die brand. verbrand,” vertel Jonathan.

The Paarl West Community Policing Forum in partnership with the Paarl Police would like to inform the public of crime tendencies as recorded for the week of 9-15 February 2015. ) Residential burglaries: In the Lemoenkloof, Groenvlei en Northern Paarl area, incidents were reported in Louie and Olyven Streets. In Courtrai, Vrykyk and De Zoete Inval, houses in Benhardi Street and the Bergriver Boulevard were targeted, while in the farming areas residential burglaries occurred in the Sonstraal, Bo Dal, Swawelstert and Paardeberg areas. ) Business burglaries: Businesses in Borsenberg, Auret Streets and Sonstraal Road were targeted by burglaries. ) Theft out of/from motor vehicle: The theft out of/from motor vehicles remains a concern for Paarl Police as numbers of incidents being reported remain high. For the above-mentioned period approximately 16 cases have been reported. They occurred in the following streets: Oosbosch, New, Derksen, Verster, Marais, Rabie, Perold, Skakel, Hospital, Mernoleon, Van der Lingen and Main Road. Incidents were also reported from farming areas.

Jong man sterf weens beserings

Paarl Police requires the assistance of the public regarding the whereabouts of these Transnet copper clamps, valued at approximately R420 000, that were stolen at the Transnet storage facility in Huguenot station last year. Anyone with information can contact Constable Marshall Liebenberg on 073 325 2351.

’n Jong man (25) van Groenheuwel in Paarl-Oos het aan noodlottige beserings gesterf nadat hy op 2 Januarie vermoedelik deur die gemeenskap aangerand is. Volgens ’n polisiewoordvoerder van PaarlOos,hetdiegemeenskapglovir Thulani Gebe by ’n plaaslike vulstasie aangerand nadat hy na bewering ’n man wou beroof het. “Die gemeenskap, wat al raadop is oor misdaad, het almal saam gestaan en vir Gebe glo aangerand. Die gemeenskap moet ten alle tye onthou om nie reg in eie hande te neem om iemand te wil straf nie, maar eerder die polisie te kontak vir hulp,” sê die polisiewoordvoerder. Gebe is vinnig na Paarl-hospitaal vervoer vir mediese be-

handeling en is na Tygerberghospitaal oorgeplaas, waar hy op7Februarieaansybeserings gesterf het. Gebe het voorheen met die gereg gebots toe hy aangekla is van roof en diefstal. ’n Gemeenskapsleier in dié gebied, wat nie geïdentifiseer wil wees nie, het gesê dat booswigte hul rieme nog lelik gaan styfloop. “Ons as gemeenskap is moeg vir misdaad. Veral tik-koppe steel als wat hulle kan en ons wordindagligberoof.Onsgaan hulle nie meer duld nie – ons baklei terug.” Die Paarl-Oos-polisie ondersoek ’n saak van moord, maar niemand is in hegtenis geneem nie. Enigiemand met meer inligting, kan die speur-afdeling by 021 877 5900 bel.

Important notice The Mbekweni Police Station is experiencing problems with its telephone lines. Members of the public might at times find it difficult to get hold of the police as only one line

(021 868 9900) is working. The community is urged to contact 10 111 if they wish to report a complaint. Their call will be directly transferred to the station via radio control.

ONS SOEK AKKERS! EKSTRA GELD LÊ REG ONDER JOU VOETE! Verdien ekstra inkomste deur akkers by mekaar te maak. Ons haal af en beloon u daarvoor. PLASE/SKOLE RAAK BETROKKE BY DIE AKKERPROJEK 2015 Baie se drome het al gerealiseer. Kontak Anne-Marie Goosen vir meer besonderhede 072 010 9695 sms/whatsapp e-mail: anne-marie@floralandpty.co.za X1PQG4AX-GZ200215


Friday 20 February 2015

News - Nuus

Drakenstein Gazette


Klagtes oor diens by House of Strength ondersoek

Nadat verskeie klagtes deur vroue oor die dienslewering van die Athlone House of Strength (Ahos) in die Paarl, wat werk met mishandelde vroue en hulle kinders, ontvang is, is die sentrum se bestuur genader oor dié aantygings.

Due to changing traffic volumes, the Drakenstein Municipality recently re-evaluated the Market Street/Berg River Boulevard and Langenhoven/Jan van Riebeeck circles in order to provide the smoothest and safest traffic movements. In the past the left lane was only used to exit at the first exit and the right lane for the second and third exits. Now motorists can use the left lane to also exit at the second exit. At the Jan van Riebeeck/Langenhoven traffic circle the same rules apply for using the left lanes, but motorists approaching this circle from Market/Langenhoven Streets in the right approaching lane may only take the third exit. PHOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS

Stap deurnag saam teen kanker Die jaarlikse Cansa Relay For Life vind plaas op 21 en 22 Februarie van Saterdag om 18:00 tot Sondag om 06:00 by die Boy Louw-sportterrein, Bergrivier Boulevard. Relay For Life is simbolies van die kankerpasiënt se stryd. Dit is ’n geleentheid waar spanne, besighede, kerkgroepe, families en sportspanne van 10 tot 15 mense ’n tent langs die baan opslaan, dit versier en deur die nag om die baan loop. Die hoofrede vir die Relay For Life is om hulde te bring aan die oorwinnaars van kanker en terselfdertyd geld in te samel en bewuswording te kweek. Deelnemers simboliseer dat almal deur die siekte geraak word en die hoop met elke tree toeneem dat kanker eendag oorwin kan word. Spanne gaan deurnag produkte verkoop as deel van hul geldinsameling vir Kansa.

Daar is ook die Luminaria-seremonie wat van 21:00 gaan plaasvind, waar belangstellendes vooraf Luminaria-sakkies teen R10 elk kan koop wat hulle versier en ’n boodskap en foto daarop plaas. Verskeie kunstenaars soos Sydwell Beziek, Clarissa, Trevino Smith, Tylo Fortuin, Kharma, Alban Pietersen, Drakenstein-koor en Fransiena Koopman sal optree. Phox Dance Academy sal met hul danspassies vermaak en daar sal ook zumba wees. Radio KC sal by die geleentheid uitsaai. Besoekers betaal R5 by die hek. Besoekers kan slegs tot 23:40 bly. Geen drank word toegelaat nie. Navrae: Christa Classen (Kansa-koördineerder), 0 082 945 3844, Louise Goslett (voorsitter), 0 072 782 9704, of Michelle van Aardt (bemarking), 0 082 486 0117.

’n Vrou wat anoniem wil bly, vertel dat sy en haar kind glo sleg behandel is tydens haar verblyf by Ahos. “Daar was baie vroue wat ongelukkig was oor die manier hoe met ons gepraat word, maar ons was te bang om daaroor te praat, want ons was bang ons word uitgesit. As ons kla, moes ons hoor ons is ondankbaar, want ons ‘kry mos als verniet’. Sekere vroue word steeds daar bevoordeel en teen ander word daar gediskrimineer,” meen ’n vrou, wat glo in kontak is met van die vroue wat steeds daar woon. Volgens eerwaarde Denver Heugh, voorsitter vandieAhos-raad,ishulleniebewusvan mishandeling van enige soort wat by die sentrum plaasvind nie. Heugh erken dat hulle in die verlede optrede gehad het wat nie gestrook het met die sentrum se waardes nie, maar dat die betrokke werkers nie meer daar werk nie. “Voorheen is daar te veel toegelaat, nou is daar reëls, sodat Ahos volkome reg bestuur kan word. Daar moet ook in ag geneem word dat die vroue uit verskillende agtergronde kom en baie van hulle nie by die reëls wil hou nie.” Hy sê dat die werkers almal gereeld na werksessies gaan om hulle te help hoe om met mishandelde vroue te werk. Nóg ’n vrou het gekla dat van die skenkings nie by die vroue uitkom nie en dat van die werkers dit hou. Volgens Melissa Koopman, bestuurder van Ahos, word daar deeglik boek gehou van alle

skenkings en word hulle gebruik soos deur die skenkers vereis. “Ons het byvoorbeeld Mandela-dag komberse geskenk gekry en die winkel het gevra dat ons ’n foto neem van die vroue met die komberse. Die winkel het ook gesê dat die komberse Ahos se eiendom bly en dat die vroue dit nie mag saamvat as hulle Ahos verlaat nie, maar hulle het dit nie almal verstaan nie.” Koopman sê dat vroue wat ongelukkig is, met die maatskaplike werker daaroor moet praat of iets anoniem in die voorstelkassie sit. “Daar was al sulke briefies in die kassie en dan het ons na ’n oplossing gekyk.” “Die vroue moet ook besef dat Ahos hier is om hul probleme aan te spreek. Ons doen alles moontlik om hulle gemaklik en veilig te maak en as heel mense na buite te stuur. Ons kan ongelukkig nie permanente verblyf verskaf nie, omdat daar gereeld nuwe vroue kom. Ons vind dit ook dat wanneer sekere vroue se behandeling ophou, hulle opnuut probleme ervaar en stories opmaak om ons te dwing om hulle langer te laat bly.” Volgens Heugh word daar ook gekyk na maniere om kommunikasie tussen die kliënte (vroue), die bestuur en die raad te verbeter. “Plekke soos Ahos vereis gekwalifiseerde personeel. Ons het ’n maatskaplike werker, ’n maatskaplike hulpwerker, sowel as die sentrumbestuurder wat almal gekwalifiseerd is. Ons hou by die personeelvereistes soos deur die departement maatskaplike ontwikkeling vereis. Die skuiling het ook prosesse en prosedures wat deur die departement gekontroleer word,” sê Heugh. “As ’n kerklike entiteit bied ons ’n ope uitnodiging aan die publiek om ’n dag by ons deur te bring om saam met ons die daaglikse lewe in ’n skuiling soos hierdie te ervaar.”


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Kay’s Community Outreach het met die hulp van skenkings ’n groepie vroue in die Hillcrest-gemeenskap bederf met koek en tee ter viering van Valentynsdag. Die vroue is met ’n limousine vervoer wat geborg is deur Solomon Funerals. In die middel is die drywer, Stanton Lingson.



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General - Algemeen

Drakenstein Gazette

Star Star Signs Signs CAPRICORN

22 December to 21 January

The emphasis is now on long-range financial planning, thinking about future security, and formulating strategies to achieve your ambitions. Your ability to study quietly, to concentrate on complex mental work, and to think deeply about serious matters is much better than usual. This is a good time to organize your affairs and also to seek professional advice about your concerns.


21 January To 20 February

You feel expansive, enthusiastic, and optimistic now. You want to reach out, do more and experience more. You benefit greatly from the opportunities that present themselves at this time, and a person who will be very influential and helpful to you may come into your life.


20 February to 21 March

You are fascinated by the mysterious now. Unsolved or puzzling problems and the hidden or behind the scenes aspects of a situation interest you most, and you delve and probe until you discover the truth. An interest in psychology or other peoples' secrets comes to the fore. You enjoy spy, mystery, and supernatural stories.


21 March to 21 April

Your ability to concentrate on mundane concerns and problems diminishes now. The world of imagination, fantasy, entertainment, or art holds more attraction for you. Go to a movie with a friend (or write your own!). Also, your psychic sensitivity and intuition are heightened at this time. You are more impressionable and open, but somewhat less precise and clear mentally.


21 April to 21 May

This is a time for rejuvenation and awakening new creativity and interests. The old adage that one is never too old to start fresh and learn new things applies to this time period. Now is the time to consider new leisure activities, projects, interests, or pursuits that you previously have not had time for or not made a priority in your life.


21 May to 22 June

Verbal battles, disputes, and heated debates are very likely at this time because you speak your mind without much forethought, tact, or consideration of consequences. Right now you will say the things you usually only think, especially to people you disagree with. Also, you are quite impatient and easily frustrated and are inclined to move about too quickly and abruptly, which can cause accidents.


22 June to 23 July

You become more keenly aware of your own unique and individual purposes and goals in this lifetime or, as many people would say, "the reasons for this incarnation". This increased sense of spiritual purpose may be inspired by a book, movie, or another person, but most often it arises from within while you are pursuing the work that is most meaningful to you.


23 Julie to 24 August

This is likely to be a time of considerable frustration and discouragement for you. You are unusually sensitive to criticism of your efforts and to the limitations and restraints that your responsibilities entail. Fighting with authority figures or lashing out at others who restrict you in any way is a strong possibility.


24 August to 23 September

An incident involving miscommunications, missed messages, or missed meetings which causes a change of plans is likely. Co-workers, secretaries, receptionists, and other people you may normally take for granted, but who keep the flow of your life running smoothly, may be unaccountably inconsistent or simply keep you at bay.


23 September to 23 October

You are very clear and perceptive now. It's a good time to make a decision or come to an agreement, negotiate, exchange your views with others, or present your case. If you are in a profession dealing with words, ideas, or communication, this is a very productive time for you. Ideas flow, and you express your thoughts well.


23 October to 23 November

At this time you must guard against being too aggressive, coming on too strong, or trying to force your own will and thereby arousing hostility in others. Also, frustrated desires and obstacles to achieving your aims can evoke enormous anger in you, and you may do something rash and regrettable.


23 November to 22 December

Your amorous feelings and passions are strong and compelling at this time, and you tend to be very demanding of a lover's energy and affection. Tensions may erupt in close relationships because one of you feels that you have been giving more and not receiving enough in return, or one of you is more amorous than the other. Frustrated love desire can easily turn to anger or irritability at this time. X1PPEV25-GZ200215

Live comedy in Paarl LJ Projects brings live comedy to Paarl in the form of the evergreen Marc Lottering on 27 February, to raise funds for Arise and Shine Paarl-Initiative for the Disabled. This fund raising event will be held at the Huguenot Community Hall in Paarl. LJ Projects, based in Paarl, is an Event Management Initiative aimed at helping community projects to raise funds for much needed projects to enable the effective delivery of their service. They have successfully raised funds for the Paarl Post Christmas Fund with a jazz evening with Richard Ceasar and band during October 2014. This event was covered by the popular TV Crew, Kollig, who broadcast on Kyknet en Kie. Arise and Shine concentrates on providing and offering services to people with disabilities. They started with 25 individuals and the group grew to a member and client base of 600 families, consisting of 14 branches in three different municipalities (Drakenstein, Witzenberg and Overberg). Their vision is to assist people with disabilities to become part of the mainstream of society. Their objectives are presenting and conducting relevant training programmes that will eventually bring a paradigm shift in the individual, and equip them with the necessary tools in order to become self-sustainable. Their project needs include: Toiletries/nappies, office furniture/appliances, food, stationery/ books, clothing, cutlery/ crockery, cleaning products, volunteers and training. For more information contact the event director Lynden Jafta at 073 899 4670. Smile with Marc Lottering.

AUNT DORA............


: MANGELSdru iweasyn.

tel • ½ koekie kanfer op 1x2 bot Gorrel daarmee Of Na n paar • Gorrel met Lewensessens. ltemal iets hee gels man r see die herhalings sal van die velede wees Of • Gorrel met hotnotsvye-sap

Saamgestel deur: Danie Smuts se Boererate

Friday 20 February 2015

Raak ’n Gazette entrepreneur Maak jy Mbekweni Muffins of Chicago Lekkers? Of dalk Klein Drakenstein Koekies of Blikkiesdorp Beelde? Die Drakenstein Gazette wil weet van alle entrepreneurs wat vanuit hul huise interessante en unieke besighede bedryf en vervaardig. In vandag se moeilike ekonomie is die oplossing om jou eie besigheid te bedryf. Hierdeur skep jy nie net vir jouself werk nie, maar vir ander ook. Stuur vir ons ’n beskrywing van jou bedryf, of kom sien ons daaroor. Aan die einde

van elke maand sal die Gazette Entrepreneur van die Maand gekies word. Hiervoor kry die wenner ’n artikel oor hulself en hul besigheid in die Drakenstein Gazette, asook ’n advertensie om sy of haar besigheid ’n hupstoot te gee. Om in te skryf of vir meer besonderhede, bel 021 870 4614, e-pos drakenstein@media24. com of besoek ons by Newstraat 1a, Paarl.

Hulp vir werkloses moeders The Clothing Bank Winelands, by Bergrivier-park, bied ’n twee jaar opleidingsprogram aan werklose moeders om hul te help om ’n sake-onderneming te begin. Die organisasie ontvang oortollige klere van klerewinkels asook van die publiek. Die vroue kan daarmee handel dryf ná ’n kort opleidingsperiode. Hulle koop die

items by die organisasie en verkoop dit teen ’n wins. Die doelwit is om R3 500 per maand te verdien. Die SA Kwalifikasieowerheid (SAQA) akkrediteer die opleiding. Belangstellendes kan die opedag op 4 Maart (09:30) bywoon. Om seker te maak jy voldoen aan die vereistes, bel 021 868 0036 of 076 898 8343.

Does your business really make a profit? DAVID MALHERBE

The news recently featured the big turnaround that is happening at the SAA at present. For example, they are busy eliminating flight routes that were not profitable. These incurred a loss of more than R 2,5 bn during one year. Now they have a new business plan which they believe will help them save R 1,25 bn by the end of March. My first thought is why they have only now started to implement a new business plan and are only now willing to cut down on routes that are not profitable. They needed a bail-out of a R 6,5 bn guarantee from government to keep the company afloat, which means that taxpayers’ money is risked for this unprofitable operation. But in your business you cannot afford not to make a profit. When your creditors or bank decide they will no longer bear with an unprofitable business, they simply close your doors and the government will definitely not bail you out. Therefore you do not have the same luxury of running on empty and beyond like the SAA. You need to make sure that your business stays profitable. Therefore my question to you is whether you really know the cost of each prod-

uct or service that you supply? Do you know the exact amount of your fixed and variable costs and your break-even point? Without this information you risk going the SAA route. I’ve come across quite a number of business owners who think that while there is money in the bank account, they can spend money. But often an unpleasant surprise waits at the end of the month when they realise they have a shortfall paying all the accounts. The only way to ensure that your business makes enough profit and is able to grow, is by having a thorough record and bookkeeping system to keep track of all expenses. The information collected and presented in financial statements, is what is necessary for future planning, whether it means eliminating non-profitable aspects of your business or expanding on the profitable ones. The only way to grow your business in future is by measuring what happened in the past and then plan accordingly. * David Malherbe is a business and career consultant and lives in Wellington. He can be contacted via his website www.jedidiah.org.za or on 021 873 0262 or on Facebook at “Jy die Entrepreneur.”


Tickle your tastebuds


BACON AND CHEESE CRUSTLESS QUICHE Ingredients: • 5 eggs • 1/2 cup cream • 250 g bacon, finely sliced and fried

• 1 tsp seasoning • 1 handful gouda cheese, grated • 1 handful baby tomatoes, halved

Method: Preheat your oven to 180 °C. Mix the eggs with the cream and seasoning until well combined. Stir in the grated cheese. Pour into a baking dish, before spreading over the bacon and tomatoes, evenly. Bake for approximately 30 minutes - or until set and golden brown. Serve warm or at room temperature, with a salad. X1PPEV59-GZ200215


MONDAY 23/02





34°C 8°C





21°C 10°C


29°C 7°C





27°C 15°C

FRIDAY 20/02


SUNDAY 22/02





27°C 10°C

MONDAY 23/02


34°C 8°C

SUNDAY 22/02


30°C 16°C





30°C 16°C


21°C 10°C

28°C 15°C


29°C 7°C



27°C 15°C



28°C 15°C


Friday 20 February 2015

Advertisement - Advertensie

Drakenstein Gazette





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Rhino Board Partitian 12.5mm x 1.2m x 2.7m


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Desk Fan 30 cm


R199 Ceiling Fan 30 Inch 6 Blade White

Xtreme Sheetsander 150watt




Xtreme Grinder 230 mm x 2200 Watt


Extension Lead Reel 15m


Carport Post 64mm x 3m


/post Per Post

Romatherm 55mm x 1.2m x 10m






Drakenstein Gazette

Friday 20 February 2015

Niks beters as moedersmelk DAGSORG & CRÈCHES


Dit is moeilik om aan iets meer kwesbaar te dink as ’n baba wat te vroeg gebore is. Soms so vroeg dat hy/sy so klein is dat hy/sy binne die palm van jou hand kan lê.




AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/Sms/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000. MEUBELS 1635

KELVINATOR KISVRIESKAS 210liter R950; Defy 621 4-soliede1435 plaat stoof - R1900; LesDR. MAAMA ZAI senaar - R300. Baie net•For all women's problems jies. Skakel 072 375 0237. •Want to buy or sell property •3 in 1 for men ALLERLEI •Cleaning homes •Lost lover 1655 •Magic wallet 078 205 4986 KRUIEKENNER

GESOEK LEWEND OF dood, ys/vrieskaste,stowe, wasmasjiene, mikrogolf oonde. 073 608 4652.

AANDAG ALLE KLIENTE Voertuie dringend gesoek. Ek koop enige gebruikte voertuie vir kontant. Skakel 083 464 6960. Doen bank aflosse.

Dit is ’n felle stryd om oorlewing wat letterlik ingeboesem is aan die ma se bors. Wanneer dit kom by die voeding van babas, is daar eenvoudig niks wat kan vergelyk met borsmelk nie. Hierdie is reeds keer op keer onbetwis wetenskaplik bewys. Terwyl formule-melk op sy beste ’n voldoende plaasvervanger is vir gesonde babas wat gebore is op volle termyn, is dit nie van toepassing as dit by vroeggebore babas kom nie. Kortliks, borsmelk kan dikwels die verskil tussen lewe

Stalletjies beskikbaar vir karnaval





Saterdag 21 Februarie is die volgende sterrekykpiekniek by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument op Paarlberg. Die tema van die aand is “Kosmiese bruilofsdans”. Die piekniek begin om 18:00. ‘n Begeleide toer van die Monument word om 18:30 aangebied. Besoekers kan van 20:00 tot 22:30 onder leiding van lede van Orion Observasiegroep deur teleskope na die sterre kyk. Besoekers is welkom om hul eie piekniekmandjies saam te bring of een by Volksmond Koffiewinkel te bestel (021 863 2800). Bring jou verkyker en warm klere saam. Toegang by die hek is R30 (R10 vir kinders). Bespreek by 021 863 0543/4809 of 072 181 6744 (ook vir weernavrae). Sterrekykpieknieks sal gekanselleer word indien die weer sleg is. Besoek www.taalmonument.co.za.


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en dood vir vroeggebore babas beteken. Om verskeie redes het talle sulke kwesbare babas in die WesKaap nie toegang tot borsmelk van hul moeders nie. Dus is ’n melk-bank, Milk Matters, gestig om hierdie babas te help om op ’n gesonde wyse die lewe in te gaan. Dit is ’n gemeenskap-gebaseerde melk-bank geleë in die hart van Kaapstad, wat staat maak op gesonde skenkers om borsmelk te skenk. Hulle het 18 depots dwarsoor die provinsie wat wil sorg vir ’n genoegsame voorraad van borsmelk. As jy dus meer inligting soek, ’n borsmelkskenker kan wees of wil bydra op ander maniere, kontak asseblief Milk Matters op info@milkmatters.org of 021 659 5599.

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Agenda 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

Opening & Welcoming - AGM Facilitator Apologies Reading of the minutes of the previous AGM Acceptance and Adoption/correction of the minutes Organisational Report Chairperson’s Report Presentation of the Financial Statements Appointment of the Board of Directors Appointment of the Audit Committee Appointment of the Company Secretary Appointment of the External Auditor Corporate Governance a. Proposed amendments to the articles of Association b. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws 12) Vote of thanks 13) Closure X1PMQF1R-GZ200215

St Albans Primêre Skool in Wellington hou hul 24ste karnaval met mallemeule op hul skoolterrein op 13 en 14 Maart. Bekende sanggroepe en sangers sal optree, daar sal ’n verskeidenheid van stalletjies wees, heerlike kos, ’n biertuin en nog vele meer. Toegang is R25 (R15 vir kinders). Kaartjies kan vooraf gekoop word by die skool teen R20 vir volwassenes en R10 vir kinders voor 17:00 op 13 Maart. Ritte-kaartjies is by die skool beskikbaar teen R5. Skakel die skool tussen 08:00 en 14:00 by 021 873 2441 vir navrae oor stalletjies.

21 Februarie ) Alle oud-Smirna-gemeentelede vanaf 1989 vergader om 15:00 te Smirna-gemeente, Klein Drakensteinweg, Paarl om reünie van 21 Augustus te bespreek. Bel Zenda by 072 391 2651 of Abie by 078 590 5235.

28 February )Noorder Paarl High School invites you to a fun-filled family day at the school. There will be live entertainment, Miss NP trails, fun for kids and adults as well as food stalls and much more. On 6 March the old student union presents a picnic dance with the Elginairs Dance Band at the Huguenot Community hall. Doors open at 19:00. Tickets sold at the school for R100. Bring your own picnic basket. The event includes lucky draw prizes. Contact the school on 021 872 7016 or finance@nphs.org.za.

1 Maart ) Charis Worship Centre (ou Planet-bioskoop) bied aan ’n gospel-konsert om 15:00 met Hildegardt Whites, bekend as Bonita Meintjies van 7de Laan. Ander plaaslike kunstenaars sal ook optree. Kaartjies is R60 (R30 vir kinders onder 12). Bel pastoor Edwin Lawrence by 074 761 4625 of pastoor Emilton Daniels by 078 977 5398.

7 March )Beacon of Light church presents a leadership breakfast with apostle Vincent Alexander at the Berg River Hostel Hall at 09:00. Tickets cost R70. For details: 021 872 7494.

8 Maart

) Wellington Christmas Koor vergader by St Albans Primêre Skool om 11:00. Bel Allister Ben by 083 689 2130 of by 021 864 7030.

Friday 20 February 2015

Schools - Skole

Drakenstein Gazette


Aanlyn­talentsoek in Afrikaans Leerders word uitgenooi om aan die jaarlikse Talentsoek-kompetisie aanlyn deel te neem. Hierdie is ’n projek van die Institute of IT Professionals South Africa (IITPSA), die vereniging vir die IT-beroep in Suid-Afrika, en is hierdie jaar ook in Afrikaans aanlyn beskikbaar. Daar is nou ook ’n spesiale kategorie vir laerskole. Die Talentsoek het as doel om denkvaardighede te identifiseer – die vaardighede wat ’n mens nodig het vir rekenaarwetenskap, maar ook vir wiskunde en wetenskap. Beide die aanlyn- en die papierweergawe is beskikbaar in Afrikaans en Engels. “Wanneer dit by keuse vir gr. 10 en by beroepskeuses in gr. 12 kom, is dit belangrik om te weet waar jou aanleg

is” sê Peter Waker, die bestuurder van die Suid-Afrikaanse Rekenaarolimpiade. “Die vermoë om dinge uit te werk, is belangrik vir IT, RTT Wiskunde en Wetenskap.” “Hou tog in gedagte dat motivering, vasbeslotenheid en toewyding baie kan bydra. Denkvaardighede kan aangeleer word. Elke Talentsoek het 15 take. Deur slegs elke jaar aan die Talentsoek deel te neem, kan leerders meer as 100 take voltooi teen die tyd dat hulle die skool verlaat.” Leerders wat goed doen in Talentsoek kom in aanmerking vir beurse, kampe en ’n spesiale rekenaarkursus by die Universiteit van Kaapstad. Daar is geen tweede ronde vir die Talentsoek nie, maar baie van die deelnemers gaan aan na die rekenaar-

Laerskool Hugo Rust het onlangs Valentynsdag gevier.

toepassings-olimpiade en die programmerings-olimpiade. Vier van hulle sal uiteindelik SuidAfrika verteenwoordig by die Internasionale Olimpiade in Informatika in Rusland. Om seker te maak dat skole die Talentsoek in hulle rooster kan inpas, sal dit van Maandag 16 Maart tot Vrydag 20 Maart aanlyn beskikbaar wees. Skole wat die papierweergawe gebruik, sal in dieselfde week deelneem. Inskrywings vir die Talentsoek kan slegs deur skole gedoen word. Onderwysers wat skole wil inskryf, kan dit doen by http://www.olympiad.org.za/register-talent-search en die deelname is gratis. Vir nadere navrae bel Peter Waker by 021 448 7864 of e-pos info@olympiad.org.za of gaan besoek www.olympiad.org.za.

Van Wyksvlei Primary School last week celebrated Valentines's Day by wearing red and white clothes and also taking part in the Mr and Miss Valentine competition. Here are Zeta Demas, Ovayo Qudalele and Shuvai Masedze, showing off their beautiful clothes.

Laerskool Gimnasium se nuwe skoolhoof, Danie le Roux, het ’n groot liefde vir kinders en laat nie ’n geleentheid verbygaan om by hulle te kom inloer en kuier nie. Hier het hy by die jong Glimlaggiesklas besoek afgelê.

Die dwergies van Dwergiebos Kleuterskool in Wellington het liefde gaan versprei op hul dorp op Valentynsdag.

Fight against HPV-related cervical cancer continues Vaccination remains one of the most effective methods with which to prevent illnesses among children and Western Cape Department of Health already offers many kinds of vaccinations that help keep your child healthy. The 2015 campaign to immunise Grade 4 girls against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) that starts on Monday 23 February, is one of these vaccinations, which the Western Cape Department of Health will apply this year in its fight to reduce cervical cancer in women. In 2014, the HPV campaign took

place in two rounds. The first round achieved coverage of 87%. The second round, in October, found that not only had a number of girls become eligible for the vaccination, but also that more parents had signed consent forms, allowing their daughters to be vaccinated. This small group (approximately 13% of the total), will receive a booster shot during the second round of the 2015 campaign. The dates for the 2015 campaign are as follows: ) Round 1: 23 February - 20 March. ) Round 2: 12 October - November.

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is an easily-contracted virus which is responsible for up to 80% of cervical cancers. Cervarix, the vaccine that will be used in South Africa, is a vaccine that prevents the development of HPV-related cervical cancer, as it stops the infection from spreading. It has proven to be effective and has minimal side-effects, if any. As is the case with all new medication, people ask questions, one of which regards the safety of the HPV vaccine. Published studies regarding the safety of HPV vaccines pro-

vide evidence that no auto-immune conditions, neurological diseases or thrombo-embolic disease are triggered by the HPV vaccination. Other findings to consider when making the decision whether or not to vaccinate your daughter against HPV are: ) No adverse reactions could be attributed to the vaccine serum, Cervarix, during trials. ) The vaccine does not contain any ingredient that can have an effect on fertility, menstruation, hormonal activity and/or age of sexual debut.

) The vaccine prevents HPV infections in the same manner that other vaccines prevent illnesses. ) The Western Cape Department of Health personnel, who will be administering the injections, have received training specifically in how to manage adverse side-effects and events during and after the campaign. ) Only girls in Grade 4 aged nine or turning ten, with signed consent forms from their parents or legal guardians, will be vaccinated during the campaign.


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The beautiful Monte Christo fields in New Orleans played host to some exciting soccer games on Sunday. Here Orleans Saints (blue) is playing against ST United with Junair Mouzer taking control of the ball. Saints proved too strong for their opponents as they comfortably won the game 7-3. PHOTO:

Gedurende die jaarlikse Evergreens Sewestoernooi het Young Peoples teen Roses United in die beker-finaal gespeel. Peoples het vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar die toernooi gewen met ’n telling van 17-7. Hier is die wenspan ná die wedstryd.


Klubkaptein ­ Jerome West Wedstrydsekretaris ­ Jessica Esau Direkteur van afrigters ­ Hilton Green Afrigters ­ Gerchwin Paulse en Patrick Solomons Oefeninge geskied te New Orleans­rugbyvelde Dins­ dae tot Donderdae vanaf 18:00. Eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd is op 7 Maart. Alle spelers word versoek om te kom registreer asb.

A break in the 50-over format is currently in place while the local teams face off against each other in exciting T20 action. On Saturday morning Paarl travelled to Wellington for a 20-over game. Here Warren Groeneveld from Wellington faces a speedy delivery from Hillroy Paulse of Paarl. Groeneveld scored 41 runs off just 37 balls. For Wellington the best batsman was Raoul Paulse, 50 off 41 balls. Paarl’s best bowler was Godfrey Stevens (5/7) which included a hat trick. Wellington scored 138 in the allotted 20 overs and Paarl was restricted to 120 runs. Wellington won by 18 runs. PHOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

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) Villagers Newton se voorseisoenoefeninge is elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 19:00 aan die gang. Die klub vier ook hierdie jaar hul 50ste bestaansjaar en nooi alle oudspelers en ­lede om kontak te maak met die bestuur rakende die aktiwiteite vir die jaar. ) Blues oefen op Maandae en Woensdae vanaf 18:00 op die New Orleans­sportvelde. ) Albions oefen elke Dinsdag­Donderdag op die Dal. Die klub bied ’n familiedag aan in die vorm van ’n bring­ en­braai te Orleans Park op 7 Maart. Daar sal ’n “slip­ pery slide” vir die kinders wees. Die vriendskaplike wedstryde is soos volg,14 Maart teen Newtons, 21 Maart teen Hamiltons en die 28ste Maart teen Abbotsdale. Albions bring vir Emo Adams Paarl toe op die 28ste Maart in die Strauss­saal. Kaart­ jies is by die bestuurslede beskikbaar. Vir meer beson­ derhede bel die voorsitter Ryan Dirks by 079 183 6048. ) Young Standards se eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd is 7 Maart en word afgesluit met ’n jaarlikse derby­krag­ meting teen Retreat op 28 Maart in Retreat. Vir verdere besonderhede, bel die sekretaris by 082 731 4879 ) Allandale­rugbyklub se voorseisoenoefeninge is voorlopig op Maandae en Woensdae om 18:30 by Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste. Die klub se eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd is 21 Februarie teen Denne­ geur­rugbyklub by Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste. Alle nuwe sowel as oudlede is welkom. Vir navrae, bel die klub­sekretaris by 082 737 8952. ) Violets RVK (Paarl) se vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Blue Stars (Klapmuts) is gekanselleer. 28 Februarie is die volgende vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Evergreens op Boy Louw­veld. 22 Februarie hou die klub ’n High Tea geldinsameling te Amstelhof Primêr Skoolsaal teen R60 p/p. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Maryna Jaftha sel: 079 814 1879 14 Maart: ’n Vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Fransch­ hoek United te Franschhoek. Oefentye is Maandae, Woensdae en Donderdae by Paulus Joubert Sekondêre Skool se rugbyveld vanaf 18:30. Bel Stephen Japhta 078 648 9437 of Timothy Dennis 083 461 9770. ) Die Paarlstreekspan se volgende wedstryd is Sater­ dag 21 Februarie teen Never Despair te Faurestraat­ stadion. Die span het Saterdag in Saldanha ’n goeie oorwinning behaal. Eerste wedstryde begin om 13:00 terwyl die hoofwed­ stryd om 15:30 begin. ) Riverstones het onlangs hul nuwe bestuur verkies: Voorsitter ­ Vida Claasen Ondervoorsitter ­ John­Arthur Goetham Kassier ­ Devon Arries Hulpkassier ­ Wilbur Asia Sekretaris ­ Grezelda Daniels Hulpsekretaris ­ Tommy Jacobs

) Paarl­muurbalklub bied die volgende aan:­ 27 Feb – 1 Maart die Boland Junior ope. Ons het reeds inskrywings ontvang van WP, Boland, SWD en OP. (Normaalweg speel so 120 spelers). Sondag word alle finale gespeel. 13­15 Maart – Boland Junior Proewe. o. 11­o. 19

VEERPYLTJIES ) Wellington darts­unie het onlangs met sy flenters­ kompetisie begin. Alle klubs wat betrokke is moet kennis dra: Alle nuwe klubs wat belangstel om te speel is wel­ kom. Vir enige navrae kan Sam Classen: 082 683 3728 of Ernest van Wyk: 083 354 9499 gebel word.

NETBAL ) Die Paarl­netbalklub se oefening het reeds by die Boland­bane in die Paarl begin. Vir meer inligting bel Bennie Saayman by 083 462 6311.

KRIEKET ) Die Tiere van Young Peoples het Saterdag al drie hul T20­wedstryde verloor. Die eerstes het op Stellen­ bosch teen Van der Stel met 35 lopies verloor, die twee­ des het op Kraaifontein teen Northdene met twee paal­ tjies verloor terwyl die derdes op New Orleans met 20 lopies teen Paarl­Oos 3 die spit afgebyt het. Die Tiere voltooi die naweek hul T20­program en hoop om heelwat beseerdes asook manne wat op Sabbats­ verlof was, terug te verwelkom voor die ligaprogram volgende week in alle erns hervat word. Die klub kyk reeds na die ligawedstryd op 28 Februarie wanneer hy Piketberg toe moet reis vir sy belangrike 50­beurt wedstryd daar. Saterdag speel die eerstes tuis teen Brackenfell om 10:30, die tweedes tuis teen Drakenstein Edu om 14:30, albei op Dal Josafat A, en die derdes reis na Kraaifon­ tein vir hul wedstryd teen Easterns om 14:30.

WINDBUKSSKIET ) Cape Air Rifle Club hou Saterdag 21 Februarie ’n windbuks­skietkompetisie by Le Bac Estate. Inskiet begin 09:00 Veiligheidspraatjie 09:45 Skietkompetisie begin 10:00 Inskrywing vir nie­klublede:R40; klublede :R20 Eerste keer skuts : gratis. Kom geniet ’n dag van veldteikenskiet met ’n windbuks. Vir enige verdere inligting, bel Gerhard Genade 076 372 3717.

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