Year 2 • Vrydag 6 Julie 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600
Distribution area THE Drakenstein Gazette is published every Friday in Paarl and Wellington. A total of 21 000 copies are distributed in Central Paarl, Paarl South, Paarl North, Huguenot, Denneburg, Paarl East, Mbekweni (businesses only), Wellington, Van Wyk’s Vlei and Newton.
Junior leier na Toernooi op Swede 3 Wellington
Paarl paddlers 3 prepared 8
VAKANSIEPRET! Die Breytenbach-sentrum bied tans in samewerking met die Wellington-biblioteek vakansiepret aan vir die jongspan. Hier in ’n kring spog Caitlyn Smit (onder), met (kloksgewys) Leanne Martin, Theodore Appollis, Wilton Williams, Vuyo Fas, Megan Henderson, Charltin Adams en Moné Rossouw met hul handwerk. Die vakansieprogram word aangebied tot 5 Julie. Foto: Devidean Moses
E n t e r t a i n m e n t Ve r m a a k
6 Julie 2012
Gesoek: Vrou van die Vallei ’n FUNKSIE waar die Vrou van die Vallei aangewys gaan word, word op 9 Augustus (Vrouedag) om 15:00 in die Paarlse stadsaal aangebied. Daar word gesoek na die vrou in die Vallei wat ’n groot bydrae lewer tot die gemeenskap. Die wenner sal ’n kontantprys ontvang. Die “high tea” word georganiseer deur sakeman Obe Sauls, eienaar van die bakkery Obe 4 Cakes in die Paarl, in samewerking met Supreme Media. Die seremoniemeester is die omroeper Grant Johnson. Daar sal ’n genooide spreker wees en ’n orkes gaan optree. ’n Plaaslike polisielid sal ook selfverdediging demonstreer. Nominasies sal beoordeel word deur ’n paneel beoordelaars, waarna die wenner gekontak sal word om die funksie by te woon en haar tjek te ontvang. Kaartjies is teen R120 elk beskikbaar by Obe 4 Cakes se winkel te Versterstraat 6. Nominasies kan na die winkel geneem word, of gepos word na Versterstraat 6, Paarl. Stuur ’n volledige motivering asook die persoon wat genomineer word, se foonnommer.
MIS-VERSTAND. Klaarblyklik kon verskeie besoekers Sondagoggend nie die Paarl kry nie. Dalk het hulle misgetas, want die Paarl was reeds van laat Saterdagaand in ’n miskombers toegevou. Gisteroggend het die temperatuur by vriespunt gedraai. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen
Choral festival THE Ihlombe South African Choral Festival will be held at the Toring Church in Paarl on 11 July. The concert with three choirs starts at 19:00. Choirs performing are Lirica Choir, Belgium, the New Zealand Secondary Students’ Choir and Paarl Boys’ High’s Cantare Vocal Ensemble Choir. Contact Marissa on 083 413 0119 for tickets R50.
Talent search competition THE annual Global Spotlight Talent Search Competition invites singers, dancers and actors to enter and stand the chance to win great prizes. The entry fee for solo acts is R25 per act and R40 per member for duos and groups. Everyone between the ages of 15 and 25 years can enter by 31 July. Auditions with Sidwell Buziek will take place on 18 and 25 August at the Old Mill Theatre in Paarl with registration at 09:00. To be part of this exciting competition, fax your entry form as well as your proof of payment and a copy of your ID to 021 872 8285 before 31 July. For entry forms and more information, contact Adri Francke on 073 503 9753 or Angela Adams on 076 970 0351. Entry forms will also be available at the Paarl Post office in 1A New Street (next to Virgin Active).
Dress up in red, blue and white THE Franschhoek Wine Valley, South Africa’s leading wine and food destination, will be hosting the annual Bastille Festival over the weekend of 14 and 15 July, to celebrate the Valley’s French Huguenot heritage. The Food and Wine Marquee, which will be located closer to the village this year, is open from 12:00 until 17:00 and as always is the hub of the festival. There will be a selection of stalls and activities as you make your way to the marquee where you can enjoy fine wines and indulge in mouth-watering dishes created by the Valley’s highly acclaimed chefs. An entrance fee of R150 per person allows you access to the Bastille Food and Wine Marquee, which includes a tasting glass and a complimentary booklet of tasting coupons. Thereafter all tastings will be charged on consumption.
There will also be major festival attractions, including boules, the Waiters’ Race, the Franschhoek minstrel parade, as well as the popular barrel-rolling contest. A farmers’ market, craft market stalls, musicians and children’s activities are also included in the line-up of festival celebrations. Visitors to Marche de Franschhoek, located in the Town Hall, can look forward to an array of French and French inspired food and lifestyle products. Tickets to the Food and Wine Marquee, VIP area, as well as the public wine tasting can be purchased from www.webtickets.co.za. Booking is essential as tickets to the marquees are limited. Once the venues are full no further patrons will be admitted. For more information, visit www.franschhoekbastille.co.za or contact the Franschhoek Wine Valley offices on 021 876 2861.
What’s happening Saturday 7 July ) A Revival Youth Conference will take place on Saturday 7 July at the House of Revival, 34 Lady Grey Street, Paarl. The theme of the conference is Just do It. There will be different sessions starting at 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00. Entrance is free. Contact Vanessa Wessels on 074 485 9181. ) The Cadillacs, who are known in the Western Cape as a fun and entertaining tribute band, will perform at the Wynvlieg Cellar Theatre (Boland Winery) on 7 July with a Creedence Clearwater Revival tribute show. Doors open at 19:00 and the show starts at 20:00. Remember to bring your own picnic or snacks. Wine and drinks will be for sale at the cellar. For tickets (R80) phone 021 862 6190. You can also purchase your tickets online at www.ticketbreak.co.za.
Saterdag 14 Julie ) Paarl-Wellington Vollies onderneem op 14 Julie ’n uitstappie na Grand West en Houtbaai. Vir meer besonderhede, skakel Esau Jacobs by 072 405 4513.
Friday 20 July ) Two well-known local authors, Patricia Schonstein and Don Pinnock, will talk about their books at the next “Culinary Innovations” evening on 20 July at 19:00 at Bosman’s Restaurant at the Grande Roche Hotel in Paarl. Guests will enjoy a journey through the magical realism and travel adventures of the two authors and enjoy wines of Avondale’s proprietor Johnathan Grieve and
a superbly matched dinner conjured up by Chef Roland. Tickets cost R420 and can be booked at 021 863 5100.
Saturday 21 July ) A Stamp Fair will take place on Saturday 21 July at St Petri Lutheran Church Hall at 6 Mill Street, Paarl, from 09:00 to 13:00. If you have any stamps to sell or you need an evaluation, this is the place to be. The usual contingent of dealers and collectors is expected. This is the last opportunity to submit stamps for the next auction on 4 August.
Sondag 29 Julie ) Twee weke nadat die skole weer open, bied die Frank Pietersen Musieksentrum hulle jaarlikse Galakonsert aan. Dit vind hierdie jaar plaas op Sondag 29 Julie in die Bethel Congregational Kerk in Paarl-Oos om 17:00. Op Saterdag 28 Julie om 15:00 sal dieselfde konsert in Mbekweni by Ihlumehlo Hoërskool se skoolsaal aangebied word. Kaartjies kos R60 (R30 vir pensionarisse en R20 vir leerders). Skakel Jocelyn Jones by 021 872 2123/4. Kaartjies sal ook beskikbaar wees by die deur.
Thursday 28 July ) The Wellington Autism Support Group will host an introductory Autism workshop on Thursday 28 July from 10:00 to 16:00 at the Breytenbach Centre. The topics at the workshop are changing your perception, changing your child’s behaviours and a toolkit for home intervention. Book tickets at R250 at autism.wellington@gmail.com or call 072 649 5465.
6 Julie 2012
News Nuus
Junior leier beleef Sweedse avontuur king tussen gemeenskappe te bevorder en DIE junior stadsraad ook om ’n verskil te van Wellington is ’n maak in die breë gehardwerkende groep meenskap.” jongmense met baie Die Wellington Juprojekte vanjaar op hul nior Stadsraad beprogram. staan uit verkose verHul leier is die junior teenwoordigers vanburgemeester, die toegeuit plaaslike hoërskole wyde Rechelle Mars (16), (Wellington Hoërwat onlangs ’n jeugsenskool, Hugenote Hoërding meegemaak het na skool, Weltevrede SeSwede, wat gereël is deur kondêr en Bergrivier Drakenstein MunisipaliSekondêr) en daar is teit en geborg is deur die tans 24 lede. Kungsbacka MunisipaliRechelle verdeel teit in Swede. haar aandag tussen die Drakenstein Munisiskool se VRL-raad, die paliteit is besig om ’n salof- en aanbiddingsmewerkende verhouding koor van Emmanuel rondom jeugdemokrasieShepherds en haar projekte op te bou met pligte by die junior Kungsbacka. stadsraad en poog om Rechelle vertel sy kon ook haar beste te lewer haar hart hoor klop toe sy as dit kom by haar akavir die eerste keer op ’n demie. Dan speel sy vliegtuig moes klim, opook netbal. pad na Swede. “As ek die dag mis“Dit het vir my so onmoedig voel, dan sal ek werklik gevoel en ek sal sommer sing om mydit onthou as die beste be- LEIER. Rechelle Mars (16) is die junior burgemeester van Welling- self te kalmeer,” vertel sy. Foto: Deivdean Moses lewenis van my lewe,” ton. Vir hierdie jong leier is vertel ’n oorstelpte Redit belangrik om nie net chelle wat in graad 11 is aan Wellington Hoërskool. haar pligte na te kom nie, maar om ook haar hart Sy het die reis afgelê saam met Nicola Hanekom te deel. van die Paarl Junior Stadsraad. “Jy moet bereid wees om om te gee vir jou medeDaar het hulle tydens ’n jeugwerkwinkel kennis mens,” vertel sy. gemaak met junior stadsraadslede van Swede. “Baie jongmense het hul respek vir die ouer garde Rechelle vertel: “Daar in Swede lê geen papiere verloor, maar ons as Wellington Junior Stadsraadsin strate nie. Daar gebeur ook nie sommer rooftogte lede respekteer hulle.” nie - jy beleef ’n skitterend atmosfeer,” vertel RechelDie Wellington junior stadsraad het reeds vroeër le. vanjaar ’n rommeldag en blikkieskud-dag gehou om “As ek ’n bydrae in ons land kan maak, sal ek defi- fondse in te samel vir die junior stadsraadsbal. nitief sorg dat elke individu veilig voel en in ’n skoon Projekte wat later dié jaar aangepak sal word, is omgewing leef. die boomplantdag by ’n kleuterskool, boekskenkdag “Vir my is die Wellington Junior Stadsraad ’n ini- by Soetendal Primêr, ’n sopkombuis en plaasbesoek. siatief wat poog om jeugdiges te bemagtig, hul leier- In Desember sal die groep ’n veldtog teen mishandeskapsvaardighede te ontwikkel, groter samewer- ling loods. DEVIDEAN MOSES
AKADEMIEWEEK. Wellington en Boland Rugby was hierdie week die gasheer van die Coca-Cola o.18Akademieweek waaraan 22 spanne deelgeneem het. Maandag is die besoekers op eg tradisionele manier deur ’n Wellingtonse klopsegroep verwelkom. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen
LOOK-ALIKE. Former Springbok rugby coach Peter de Villiers recently launched his book Politically Incorrect written by Gavin Rich, at Bargain Books in the Paarl Mall. As part of the launch there was a Peter de Villiers look-alike competition. Here de Villiers (left) stands with the second runner-up, Mervin Ephraim of Wellington. The winner was Peter Arnoldus from Paarl. Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen
Lifestyle Leefstyl
6 Julie 2012
Skenk aan behoeftiges dié winter MET die koue winterweer hier, is die nood vir warm klere, komberse en kos nog groter in die Drakenstein-gebied. Verskeie organisasies het reeds projekte waar hulle die behoeftiges help en deur skenkinkgs aan hulle te maak kan jy ’n verskil in iemand anders se omstandighede maak. Items kan by die volgende organisasies ingehandig word. ACVV Paarl (Zeederbergstraat 6, 021 872 2738), ACVV Paarl Vallei (Langstraat 14, 021 871 1515), ACVV Noorder-Paarl (Gimnasiumstraat 5, 021 872 3487), Badisa Paarl (VGK Zion kerk, 021 862 4606), Monte Christo Miqlat Ministries (Hoofstraat 73, 021 863 4454), Valcare (Louiestraat 2, 021 872 2365) en Haven Nagskuiling (021 862 1812).
DINEE. Die jeuggroep van VGK Bet-El in Groenheuwel het onlangs tydens hul jeugweek ’n spoggerige dinee aangebied.
Make something pretty for a needy child ANYONE over the age of 60 can add value to a child’s life by making something pretty and practical for a needy child when participating in the 10th Pretty Things for Little Things project. Senior citizens are creative, resourceful and caring, and this is a golden opportunity to prove to many who view older persons as a bother with nothing to contribute to society, that you still matter and have a valuable role to play. Besides bringing joy to the heart of a needy child, you could also win some great prizes. You can enter the categories for: cute items of clothing; cuddly soft toys; fluffy blankets; or items made from wood or metal. You can enter one or all categories and there’s no limit to the number of entries, but remember that they must be 100% child friendly. All items will be handed out to the children before Christmas throughout the province. The project runs until 31 August and all items will be judged provincially. If your article wins a first prize, it will go into the national draw which means you stand a chance of winning nationally as well. Entry forms are available at the money market counters at all Shoprite and Checkers store. For more details, call Michelle Morris at 021 423 0204.
Christmas in winter THE Lazy Days Market at Laborie Wine Farm brings a South African winter Christmas market to Paarl on Saturday 28 July. The Christmas-themed market will be open from 09:00 until 14:00 and will also offer an array of exciting and varied lifestyle goods.
Tip of the week DID you know that running a swimming pool pump accounts for up to 20% of your household electricity consumption? Check with your pool pump supplier – in winter you should be able to reduce the pump running time to six hours or less a day. You can also cut down on running costs by servicing the pump regularly, keeping filters clean and covering the pool when its not being used.
6 Julie 2012
Pe o p l e M e n s e
BESOEK. Die welsynsorganisasie Badisa Paarl het onlangs kinders uit die gemeenskap geneem op ’n uitstappie na die Hawequa Korrektiewe Sentrum as deel van hul Jeugdagprojek. Hier staan Shane King by een van die personeellede, wat demonstreer hoe ’n mens boeie gebruik. Agter staan MJ Heyns wat die vervoer beskikbaar gestel het. Die doel van die besoek was om die kinders se instelling teenoor hul ouers, die lewe en hul loopbane te verander, sodat hulle nie ’n tweede kans in ’n korrektiewe sentrum hoef te kry nie.
BESOEKERS. Agtien Amerikaanse skryfstudente het die Afrikaanse Taalmonument onlangs besoek onder leiding van Glen Retief, ’n Suid-Afrikaanse skrywer wat in Pennsylvanië woon en klas gee aan die Skrywersinstituut van die Susquehanna Universiteit. Hulle het Suid-Afrika besoek om reis-essays te skryf. Van links na regs is dr Carel Stander (ABO-monument), Edwina Pieterse (Taalmonument-gids), Chris Doody, Liesel Rossouw van Wellington, Luke Krzastek en Johan Wagenaar (Voortrekkers).
BESOEK. Graceland Arts Ministries het onlangs verskeie besoekers gehad wat na hul verskillende projekte kom kyk het. Marie Mueller (agter middel) wie se familie help met befondsing van die projekte, het van so ver as Duitsland gekom. Saam met van die kinders is voor van links Clifford Couter (Graceland), Aletia Grundling (Monte Christo Miqlat Ministries), Elsa Fourie (Paarl Skool), Dorothea Scarborough (donateur), met agter van regs Henry Oktober (Graceland), Razine Gertse (Graceland), Chris Botha (Paarl-skool) en Henry Booysen saam met Mueller. Foto: Liezl Davids VINEYARDS. As a build-up to the Derby between Vineyards and Blues Rugby Clubs, these supporters of Vineyards enjoyed a fund-raising games evening held at the Get Smart Call Centre in Paarl recently. Seated from left are Adlee Moerat, Achmad Tyer, Maawiya Moerat, Adnaan Moerat and Ganief Dalvie. Pic: Achmat Patel
LEER MEER. Studente wat tans besig is met hul internskap by Goeie Hoop Sielkundige Diens het onlangs ’n ouerleidingswerkswinkel vir jong moeders aangebied. Die moeders asook toekomstige moeders was geleer hoe om huidige situasies en toekomstige situasies te hanteer asook hoe om na hul eie welstand asook dié van hul kinders om te sien. Saam met die moeders is (agter van links) Greer Salt, Sarita Oosthuizen, Donene Botha, Helène Smit (almal leerlingberaders) en Hanlie Snyman (intern-sielkundige). Foto: Liezl Davids
SKOOLVLAG. By Groenheuwel Primêr wapper ’n nuwe skoolvlag en Suid-Afrikaanse vlag nou, danksy die borgskap van Regent. Hier, tyens ’n ‘dankie sê’seremonie wat deur die skool gereël is, staan van die trotse personeel met die verteenwoordiger van Regent: Julian Davids (links), André Schoonraad (Regent), Adriana Francke, adjunkhoof Thubeka Ntubuntu en James Kopana.
DIENS. Drie personeellede van LK Zeeman Primêr is al vir dekades betrokke by die skool. Van links is June Kenned (sekretaresse), Samuel Daniels (opsigter) en Iris Mouton wat altesaam 90 diensjare agter die rug het by die skool. Foto: Ernest Kilowan SKENKING. Agrimark Wellington het ’n skenking aan Hillcrest Primêr gemaak van die nodige materiaal om blombeddings te vestig langs die heining wat grens aan Blignautstraat. Van links is Jamie-Linn Moses (onderhoofmeisie), skoolhoof Terrance de Jongh, Roné Raats (hoofmeisie), Werner van Rensburg (assistent-bestuurder Agrimark Wellington) en Hannes Stassen (bestuurder Agrimark Wellington). Foto: Christine Siebrits
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6 Julie 2012
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GESOEK. Lede van Paarl polisie wil graag vir Russel Theunissen ondervra in verband met ’n klag van besit van die dwelm Tik. Enigiemand met inligting oor waar Theunissen hom bevind, kan konst Pumlani Mamkeli skakel by 073 415 2345 of 021 807 4000.
S c h o o l s S ko l e
6 Julie 2012
DANCE. At the recent Youth Exhibition of the Drakenstein Municipality which was held in the Thusong Paarl East Centre, several youngsters showed of their dancing talents during the day. Pic: Devidean Moses
KNIP EN INKLEUR. Tydens die Breytenbach-sentrum se vakansieprogram was Skylor Ockhuis (links) en Deoné Thomas hard besig om hul handwerkprojek te voltooi. Die vakansieprogram word aangebied in samewerking met Wellingtonbiblioteek. Foto: Devidean Moses
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Ruim huis op hoekerf met waskamer, groot sit/eetkamer en ekstra binnebraai kamer, dubbel motorhuis, naby N1.
RAME. Die jongspan van Vanwyksvlei het onlangs by die Wellington lesersbiblioteek foeliefotorame gemaak as deel van hul vakansieprogram. Agter (van links) wys Steno du Plessis, Sadiah Strauss, Marshall Pietersen, Keano du Plessis (middel), Amber Loverlott, Antonio Goeieman, Shannon Cupido (voor) en Caithlin Goeieman hul handewerk. Foto: Devidean Moses
If you are looking to rent or want to let out your property, call our rental specialist Elizabeth Solomons.
INTERNET. Die publiek kan nou die Groenheuwel- en Paarl-biblioteke besoek met hul biblioteekkaartjie om vir ’n halfuur gratis die internet te besoek. So kan gratis navorsing gedoen word of na eposse geloer word. CV’s kan ook getik word. Die ander plaaslike biblioteke sal ook in die toekoms internet kry. Vir navrae, kontak die biblioteke by 021 868 0012 (Groenheuwel), 021 807 4871 (Paarl), 021 868 2759 (Mbekweni), 021 873 6038 (Wellington), 021 873 2979 (van Wyksvlei) en 021 862 5127 (Drakenstein).
LITA HARTMAN 083 498 1018 / 021 872 2223 Seeff_2112_ Gazette | Ads 10x2 | fc Paarl Week21 18 Mei 2012
STOKKIELEKKERS. Ná afloop van Drakenstein Biblioteek se poppekasvertoning vir maatjies van 4 tot 5 jaar oud, is hulle met stokkielekkers bederf. Hier saam met die goep verskyn (agter) bibliotekaresses Louisa Mbabane (links) en Yolandi Swartz. Foto: Devidean Moses
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Student Bursaries are being offered in the following trades:
Blacksmith Armature Winder Welder Electrical Fitter Spray Painter
JEUG. Die Drakenstein Munisipaliteit het onlangs ’n Jeugmaand-uitstalling vir die jeug gehou in die nuwe Thusong-gemeenskapsaal in Paarl-Oos. Verskeie leerders van Drakenstein het die geleentheid bygewoon. Foto: Devidean Moses
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Year 2 • Vrydag 6 Julie 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600
Twenty-four of Paarl in 2012 Berg
DUZI HERO. Thulani Mbanjwa, a previous Duzi winner. Pic: Anthony Grote
NATIONAL COLOURS. Tristen Fox (front) was selected for the NMA/ISC National Kickboxing team that will participate in the World Kickboxing Championships in Orlando (USA) next week. He is a student of the Paarl Valley Kickboxing and Muay Thai Academy of Shihan Russel van Sitters (rear).
THE twenty-four Paarl Canoe Club paddlers who will take part in the 2012 Berg River marathon will meet Dusi hero, Thulani Mbanjwa, who has lodged a late entry for this year’s race. Mbanjwa has vowed to give the local stars a good run for their money on his debut in the tough 220 km four day race from Paarl to Velddrif that starts on Wednesday 11 July at the Market Street bridge. Heindrich Schloms is Paarl’s favourite for a podium place after finishing fourth last year.
The other Paarl Club participants are Giel van Deventer (43rd time), David Morris, Wayne August, Joseph Williams, Emile Minnaar, Luke Stowman, Jerome Willemse, Jason Minnaar, Burger Coetzee, JP van der Westhuizen, Hannes van der Westhuizen, JT Basson, Francis Steyn, Juli Steyn (female), Riaan le Roux, Reinhold de Villiers, Abri Kriel, Eric Farringer, Jacques Swart, Giel de Kock, Hennie Lategan, Charles Nieuwoudt (relay2) and Ryno van der Westhuizen (relay 2).
YOUNG GUN. Luke Stowman of the Paarl Club is a South African junior sprinting champion.
AKSIE. Daar was oorgenoeg aksie tydens die Wes-Kaap-karatekampioenskappe wat Saterdag in die Paarl aangebied is in die ou BAT-fabriek. Dit was die eerste keer dat dié geboue, waar daar voorheen sigarette vervaardig is, vir dié doel gebruik is. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen
AMPERTJIES. Leerders van Paarl-Oos (Wyk 26) het die gure weer die afgelope Saterdag trotseer en deelgeneem aan die sportdag wat dié wyk by Paulus Joubert Laerskool aangebied het. ’n Netbal- en rugbykompetisie is aangebied. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen