Drakenstein Gazette 8 Mar 2013

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Year 3 • Friday 8 March 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600

In the latest Paarl Post ) Thieves plunder Mall ) Farmworker dies in crash ) Tunnel celebrates 25 years ) Local cricketer blasts 6 sixes in an over

Adagio bekoor

3 Fast rider

4 Kampioenskappe

Skoene by dosyne! DAG SONDER SKOENE: LK Zeeman Primêre Skool het verlede Vrydag deelgeneem aan ’n dag sonder skoene om die skoene aan behoeftige leerlinge van die skool te skenk. Saam met die leerlinge is die skoolhoof Merna Williams (middel) en Majory Sameuls (onderwyser). FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES







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Entertainment - Vermaak

Drakenstein Gazette

Friday 8 March 2013

Versversnit by Bôrdienghuisteater Die Bôrdienghuisteater op Wellington bied Versversnit op 13 Maart om 19:00 aan. Versversnit is ’n program wat deur regisseur Louis du Preez saamgestel is. Dit behels ligte musiek, gedigte en ’n skeut opgetekende volkskuns wat op ’n speelse wyse met ’n wyntema versny word. Johann Enslin is die produksiebestuurder. Winand Grundling, bekroonde orrelis, sorg vir die begeleiding en improvisasies. Toegang is R80 en kaasborde kan geniet word teen R120. Vir besprekings, skakel 074 359 8069 of e-pos Johann Enslin by johann@jsemusic.co.za.

Versversnit by die Bôrdienghuisteater op Wellington beloof ’n aand van aanskoulike voordrag en genotvolle musiek.

Ligstraal Skool hou basaar Ligstraal Skool hou op Saterdag 16 Maart vanaf 09:00 hul jaarlikse basaar op hul skoolterrein. Daar sal verskeie stalletjies soos ’n mini-kostafel, gemengde tafel,

teetuin, potjiekos, groot koeke, klein koekies, kindertafel, handwerk en nog vele meer wees. Vir navrae, bel Raylene by 021 862 7182.

PJP-oudleerlinge hou sportdag Oudleerlinge van Paulus Joubert Primêre Skool (PJP) hou op Saterdag 16 Maart van 14:00 op hul skoolgronde ’n sportdag met ’n bring en braai. Worsrolletjies en koeldrank sal

verkoop word. Bring jou eie piekniekmandjie, stoele, gazebo en sonsambrele saam. Toegang beloop R2 vir volwassenes en R1 vir kinders. Vir navrae, bel Loretta Meyer by 021 862 3690.

LK Zeeman hou middagtee LK Zeeman Primêre Skool hou op Sondag 17 Maart om 15:00 ’n high tea in die Annunciation Kerksaal. Die skool samel geld in en kaartjies teen R50 is te koop by die skool. Gaste sal getrakteer word op heerlike eetgoed. Vir navrae, bel die skool by 021 862 3900. DieWes-Kaapse minister van onderwys, Donald Grant, het verlede jaar aangekondig dat LK Zeeman en nog skole in Desember 2012 sou sluit. Hul beheerliggame het saam met die SA Demokratiese Onderwysunie ’n dringende tussentydse interdik in die Kaapse Hooggeregshof aangevra en die sluit van die skole is uitgestel.

SHAVATON-PRET: Andreas van der Merwe, ’n leerling van Laerskool Slot van die Paarl, het vanjaar aan die tiende Kansa Shavathon deelgeneem. Hier is hy in Paarl Mall besig om sy hare te laat skeer sodat hy ’n donasie aan dié jaarlikse en verdienstelike projek kan maak.

10 March

8 March Are you looking for a new home or car?

)Join in the celebration of International Women’s Day, with the theme “The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum. Celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future”.The gathering will be at 09:45 at the Station Bridge in Wellington, the march will be at 10:00 and the closure at 12:00. Please wear white and bring a sun hat. For enquiries, contact Charmaine Potgieter (Charmaine@capewinelands.gov.za/021 870 3200).

9 Maart

Perhaps you would like a new job or career?

Do you have something you would like to buy or sell?

Call Craig at 021 870 4618 to advertise

J & S


Ons wil net dankie sê aan al ons getroue kliënte en dat ons vir hulle van hulp en bystand kan wees vir die pad vorentoe. Jacob 083 409 7216 Salome 078 793 7171 Dorothy 083 958 8373 Ons is geleë in Kerkstraat 46B, Wellington

)Superstars-klopsegroep van Wellington tree op by ’n piekniekkonsert in die Afrikaanse Taalmonument Tuinteater in die Paarl om 19:30. Toegang R35 vir volwassenes en R10 vir kinders (kinders o.6 gratis). Kaartjies is beskikbaar vooraf by die Taalmonument of by die hek. Besoekers kan eie piekniekmandjie saambring of ’n mandjie by Volksmond Koffiewinkel bestel teen R170 vir twee persone (021 863 2800). Koffie, ligte verversings, wyn en bier sal te koop wees. )Tasty treats will be on sale at the Autumn Food Fayre from 08:30 to 12:00 in Wellington Moederkerk hall. Proceeds will go to the Green Bag Outreach Ministry of the St George’s Presbyterian Church in Wellington. Call St George’s Church office at 021 873 2021. )Tribal Echo will play out this season’s final summer concert at Solms-Delta wine estate at 19:00. The Delta Valley Entertainers will kick off the evening followed by Lekker Lekker Delta (Solms-Delta’s very own brass stage ensemble), the Delta Langbroek Band, the Soetstemme choir and the Delta Four. Tickets are R210 and R100 for kids under 12yrs. For bookings call Henry on 021 874 3937 or email restaurant@solms-delta.co.za. )See The Notebook at the Zabalaza Fringe Festival at the Baxter Theatre (Golden Arrow Studio) on 9 and 16 March. Tickets are R25 and only available from Computicket. Groups of 45 people or more get free transport. For more information, contact 078 969 6642.

)Vondeling wine estate in the Voor Paardeberg is hosting a Sunday buffet lunch. Booking is essential and must be made by no later than 8 March. Children are welcome and you can order from a special children’s menu. Tickets are R260 per person and can be booked at info@vondelingwines.co.za or 021 869 8339. 083 564 0056

15 Maart ) Kevin Leo, Suid-Afrika se eie Pavarotti en Lanza, tree op by die Ou Meulteater om 20:00. Kaartjies is R100 en kan bespreek word by 083 564 0056 of by vicky@oumeulteater.co.za. Kevin se debuutalbum (vrygestel in 1995) getiteld Kevin Leo - C est la Vie is ’n uitmuntende Afrikaanse album. Sy liefde vir musiek het hom gedryf om ook die immergewilde ensemble-groep “Drie van die Bestes” (hyself, Danie Niehaus en Mathys Roets) in 1997 op die been te bring.

16 Maart )Kom sit aan saam met die kunstenaar Louis Jansen van Vuuren by ons langtafel wat opgetower is met boerekos deur Isabella Niehaus, in die agterplaas van die Breytenbach Sentrum in Wellington om 18:00. Distrik 7 se boeremusiekklanke sal sorg vir ’n tikkie nostalgie. Kaartjies is R750 en die wins van hierdie aand gaan aan visuele kunsopleiding by die Breytenbach Sentrum vir talentvolle kunstenaars uit arm gemeenskappe. Vir besprekings of meer inligting, stuur ’n e-pos aan olivia@breytenbachsentrum.co.za of bel 021 873 2786. )Hoërskool Noorder-Paarl hou ’n familiedag op hul skoolgrond. Karaoke, jazz-musiek, ’n mej. Noorder-Paarl-kompetisie, potjiekos- en talentkompetisies, springkastele en Super 15-rugby op ’n groot skerm sal sorg vir hope pret. Heerlike kos sal ook te koop wees teen bekostigbare pryse. Toegang is gratis. Vir navrae, bel 021 872 7016.

21 Maart )Die 1993-Matriekklas van Klein Nederburg Sekondêr hou hul tienjaar reünie en nooi alle oud-leerlinge asook onderwysers uit om in verbinding te tree. Vir besonderhede bel Angeline Hoffman (Levens) by 0732526949 of rig ’n e-pos aan matrix93kn@gmail.com.

Leef die Woord Kerk


‘n Kerk waar jy kan kom net soos jy is. Dienstye: Elke Sondagoggend om 09:30 Kleine Parys Landgoed, Konferensiesaal, Jan van Riebeeck Rylaan (R301) (reg langs Kleine Parys restaurant), Paarl Kontak: 083 611 1622

Vakante pos:

MAATSKAPLIKE WERKER Rig aansoekbriewe, CV en afskrif van rybewys aan: Die Voorsitter, Posbus 69, Paarl, 7646 Of per e-pos na: badisapaarl@telkomsa.net Faks: 021 862 4442 Sluitingsdatum: 15 Maart 2013

Your chance to be a winner, don’t delay advertise today!

Contact Sharon at 021-870-4600

Friday 8 March 2013

News - Nuus

Drakenstein Gazette

Adagio van Wellington bekoor met fluweelstemme

FRAUD: The Paarl Police requires assistance from the public on the whereabouts of this man. He is wanted in connection with fraud at a guest house in Courtrai. Contact Capt. Louise du Plessis on 082 850 9614.

Whites Silkiewicz op te tree. Die groep se lede skram beskeie weg van woorde soos “gewild” en “roem”, en voel meer op hul geHierdie Wellingmak met die uitdruktonse groep bestaan kings “genade” en uit vier vriende – “seën”. Rodger Adams, FranAdagio se musiek co Lovember, Grasal byval vind by ham Hendricks en Jomense van alle oudervan-Ré Cupido – en domme. Hulle bied sing sedert 2008 saam. vermaak vir enige geMusiek is in hul leentheid – van feesbloed en elkeen van te, troues en teaterdie vier manne het al produksies tot Kersvan kleintyd af ’n passangdienste en ander sie vir musiek ontspesiale kerkdienste. wikkel. Van Adagio se trefElkeen van hulle is ferliedjies sedert die beskeie, vasberade, groep se bestaan is: spontaan en baie doelgerig, asook Die sanggroep Adagio se lede is Rodger Adams, Jovan-Rè Cupido, Franco Lovember “Have yourself a merry little Christmas”, hoogs professioneel. en Graham Hendricks. “Christmas with AdaDit is nie net Adagio se besonderse stemme nie, maar ook hul menslikheid, gio and friends”, “Krismis in Wellington”, “There’s so toeganklikheid, vertroue in mekaar en hul onwrikbare ge- much to be thankful for”, “Where we are” en “Septembermaand”. loof wat die groep so suksesvol en gewild maak. Met die Septembermaand-skouspel het Adagio aan vyf Adagio het ’n klassieke aanslag, maar is tog ook modern. Die musiekgenre wat hulle volg, kan beskryf word as klas- minderbevoorregte leerlinge van tien laerskole in die Welsieke pop. Canadian Tenors, Il Divo, Romanz, Afro Tenors lington-omgewing ’n skooluniform geskenk. Die groep se eerste en enigste sangkompetisie waaraan en The Gaithers is van die kunstenaars wat ’n groot invloed op hul styl uitoefen, hoewel hul verwerkings tog uniek en hy al ooit deelgeneem het, is die ATKV/Rapport-koorfees as deel van die jaarlikse Suidoosterfees. Hulle het in 2009 eie aan Adagio is. Hulle fokus daarop om gehaltemusiek te lewer en daar- en 2010 as naaswenner in ATKV/Rapport-koorkompetisie geëindig. Verlede jaar het hulle ook die koorkompetisie in mee mense se harte aan te raak. Gedurende die FIFA-sokkerwêreldbeker in 2010 het Ada- die sanggroep-kategorie gewen. Vanjaar het hulle as algehegio by die Bavaria-fees opgetree. In 2011 was hulle deel van le wenner in ATKV/Rapport se koorkompetisie vir die ’n produksie by die Suidoosterfees waar hulle bevoorreg sanggroep-kategorie weggestap. Adagio beoog om ’n CD binne die volgende vyf jaar op was om saam met kunstenaars soos Camillo Lombard, Niel Rademan, Rocco de Villiers, Allistair Izobell en Hildegardt die winkelrakke te kry.

Adagio is ’n sanggroep met woema en dinamika wat die land soos ’n stormwind tref.

OPTOG: Die Ou Apostoliese Kerk in Groenheuwel se vasvat-organisasie het onlangs ’n optog in die gemeenskap gehou. Die doel van hierdie optog is om hul teenkanting te wys teen die gebruik en misbruik van dwelms in die gemeenskap veral onder die jeug. Die organisasie beywer hul om die jeug en lede te bemagtig teen gevare van dwelms, tiener swangerskappe, gesinsgeweld, kindermolestering- en mishandeling.

Kansa se deurnag-staptog Die deurnag-staptog, die Kansa Relay For Life Paarl, vind vanjaar op 16 en 17 Maart by die Boy Louw-sportterrein plaas. Alle spanne wat voorheen deelgeneem het, word uitgedaag asook splinternuwe spanne om vanjaar hul span in te skryf. Spanne kan bestaan uit 10 tot 15 persone en span-inskrywings beloop R600 per span wat ook hul luminaria-sakkies (sakkies wat versier kan word ter nagedagtenis aan geliefdes of net uit dankbaarheid vir die lewe) insluit.

Nie net is hierdie ’n pretbelaaide manier om kankerlyers te help nie, maar ’n uitstekende spanbou-geleentheid vir besighede. Besoekers kan die geleentheid van 17:00 tot 24:00 bywoon en toegangsfooie beloop R5 vir kinders en R10 vir volwassenes. Die spankaptein-vergaderings vind plaas op Vrydag 15 Maart om 19:00 by die Boy Louwsportterrein plaas. Vir navrae, bel Barbara Williams by 021 873 6358 of 082 718 5639.



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BRANCHES: HEAD OFFICE, Shop 19, Brighton Square, Brighton Road Kraaifontein JEWELLERY SHOP (new & second hand), Shop 20, Brighton Square, Kraaifontein KRAAIFONTEIN 2, Shop 13, Shoprite Centre, Voortrekker Road MALMESBURY, Nr3, Piet Retief Street | SALDANHA, 52 Saldanha Road VREDENBURG, 15 Skool Street | TABLEVIEW, 17C Blaauwerberg Road PARKLANDS & JEWELLERY SHOP, Shop 20, Piazza Centre@Superspar, c/o Main & Link Road (opposite KFC)



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WOW! * similar to picture

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oonly nly

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Solid Pine

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• Strong and firm • Solid SA Pine • All sizes available • Ad price for single

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Hier is die Drakenstein Kankeroorwinnaars wat jaarliks deelneem aan Kansa se deurnag-staptog.


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Now Only

FACTORY 245 Broadlands Rd Strand 021 845 8962

R1 399

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MICHEAL DOUBLE BUNK • Strong & firm • Solid SA Pine • Ladder & safety rail included • Big single size on special • Smooth sanded finish Normally R2 199


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Now Only

R1 499

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PAROW 258 Voortrekker Road 021 930 9608

Affordable franchise available from R250 000. Call Andrew 082 871 6128. Ons praat Afrikaans

Recipes - Resepte

Drakenstein Gazette

W iam m S Sm 's W ilillila miitthh 's

Starguide for 8 March 2013 CAPRICORN

(22 December - 21 January)

This is a time when it is difficult to stay within a budget or on a diet, as your tendency is to splurge on beautiful things and to enjoy yourself as much as possible. You want comfort and ease and have luxurious tastes. Quality is especially important to you right now.


(21 January - 20 February)

You are alert, mentally sharp and clear, and your ability to comprehend new concepts is heightened. Also, you can verbalize and articulate your ideas very well at this time. Intellectual curiosity is also high. This is a good time to make plans and strategies or begin a course of study.


(20 February - 21 March)

You experience a burst of energy and are more vigorous, bold, assertive, and impatient at this time. You feel ambitious and capable of doing a lot and meeting challenges successfully. However, if your will is blocked, you become quite angry now. You are less willing to accommodate others and meet people halfway.


(21 March - 21 April)

Friendships and love relationships are favored as you are openly affectionate, warm, and also quite responsive to loving gestures from others. It's not enough for you to simply feel loving toward another; at this time you really want to express it and show it physically. An opportunity for a new romance or friendship is likely to surface now and work out quite nicely for you.


Friday 8 March 2013

Become a faster rider The Argus Cycle Tour is around the corner and some cyclists might feel a little bit stressed. These 10 simple diet tips by Kevin Currell, performance nutritionist at the English Institute of Sport, will help you to ride your best in any race. Breakfast Always eat before starting your morning training. Look for foods high in carbohydrates, low in protein and low in fat and. Don’t compromise on your sleep – choose foods you can eat on the go such as a jam sandwich or sports bar. Bioflavonoids Bioflavonoids are naturally occurring chemicals found in foods, which have been shown to protect against heart disease and high blood pressure, and regulate blood sugar levels. Bioflavonoids are found in fruit, vegetables and salad, so rather than having five portions a day, you’ll need to eat


(21 April - 21 May)

This is a good time to phone friends or family, write personal letters, or record any thoughts or feelings that you have. Emotions and personal biases are apt to cloud your objectivity, however, so you may wish to postpone activities that require strict logic and clarity.


(21 May - 22 June)

Tension in your home life, conflicts between work demands and personal needs, or unresolved emotional tangles are likely to arise now, necessitating adjustments and compromises on your part. A side of you which is usually hidden or in the background is likely to emerge now, and this may be positive or negative.



(22 June - 23 July)

Increased physical courage and a strong sense of adventure combine to make this a very interesting time. You need to do something innovative, daring, unusual, liberating, exciting, and challenging. You are inclined to act on some of the wilder impulses and desires you feel from time to time. You crave stimulation.


Ingredients: • 500g Chicken Mince • 4 Spring Onions, Finely Chopped • 45 ml Finely Chopped Fresh Coriander Leaves • 2 Cloves Garlic, Crushed • 2 ml Cayenne Pepper • 1 Egg White, Lightly Beaten • Salt And Pepper To Taste • 30 ml Oil • 4 Pita Breads • Lettuce, Tomato And Mayonnaise To Serve • 1 Lemon, Halved

(23 July - 24 August)

You are impulsively affectionate and flirtatious at this time, and you feel quite restless if you are in a stable, predictable relationship that offers little excitement. You may be highly attracted to someone new, simply because of the novelty and possibilities for adventure. Also, your friends or love partner may behave in unexpected ways.


(24 August - 23 September)

You may feel out of step with the people in your immediate environment now, not in harmony with the intentions and desires of those you work or live with. Relationships, especially professional ones, can be tense, especially if you attempt to work your own will. This is not a time to force issues.


(23 September - 23 October)

You express good will more openly than usual now. You are eager to lend a helping hand and are very generous. More than likely, you will make charitable donations or spend time helping someone who can use your assistance. Shared enthusiasm for some project or athletic event is accentuated now.

double that. Protein Protein improves your postride recovery – try a yoghurt after a short ride or a milkshake or carbohydrate-and-protein recovery drink after a longer effort. Milk If there is such thing as a superfood it’s got to be milk. It’s an amazing source of protein, contains good carbohydrate and provides a range of vitamins and minerals. Green tea PHOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants. Drinking green tea has many health benefits and, most importantly for cycling performance, seems to increase the amount of fat you use as a fuel. Glucose and fructose To ensure you’re using the best sports drink available, don’t make your choice based on flavour alone – check the label to make sure it contains a mixture of glucose or maltodextrins and fructose. Caffeine Caffeine has consistently been shown to improve performance. Caffeinated gels are readily available – use one during a ride to boost performance. Having around 2-3mg per kilo of body weight one hour before a race will also be beneficial. Fish oils The consequences of too little omega 3 and omega 6 are slow recovery and increased fatigue. Taking a fish-oil supplement or eating oily fish three to four times a week can restore our bodies back to how they should be. Nuts and seeds Nuts and seeds are good sources of essential fatty acids. Omega 3 and 6 are essential, but omega 9 fatty acids are also important. They help decrease inflammation and enhance recovery. Look to eat a handful of nuts (such as almonds, peanuts, pecans, pistachios, cashews and hazelnuts) and seeds (such as sesame and pumpkin) each day and you will recover quicker. Carbohydrates There are carbohydrate sensors in the mouth that stimulate the brain into working harder. Consuming sports drinks and gels during hard training can be uncomfortable. Just swilling the gel around your mouth will help you maintain the training intensity.

Method: Mix together first 7 ingredients. Shape mixture into 4 patties. Refrigerate for 20 minutes before cooking. Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium heat, add patties and cook for about 5 minutes on each side, or until brown and cooked through. Place pita bread in oven for about 1 minute to puff up. Fill each pita bread with a chicken patty, lettuce leaves, tomato slices and mayonnaise to make burgers. Serve each with a squeeze of lemon.


(23 October - 23 November)

At this time you come across in an appealing, charming, openly affectionate manner which is likely to win you new friends and admirers. You make an excellent first impression now. This is a very favorable time for doing something to enhance your appearance such as getting a hair cut or purchasing new clothing.


(23 November - 22 December)

This is a time of considerable frustration and your desires or efforts appear to be thwarted or at least delayed. Relationships with men and people in authority may be particularly uncomfortable. Also, you have more self-doubt than usual; your mood is somber and rather self-critical.

Looking for people to give music lessons Graceland Arts Ministries in Paarl are looking for volunteers to give music lessons to children in the community. They offer lessons in guitar and piano twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 15:45. Auditions for a community choir and a show “A trip down memory lane” will also be held on these days. This will be a musical show of music from the 70s up until new releases. Closing date for auditions is Thursday 28 March. For more information contact Henry Oktober at 071 257 9373.

*AFRIKAANS - DAAGLIKSE STERRE: Ram: 083 9140 010, Bul: 083 9140 011, Tweeling: 083 9140 012, Kreef: 083 9140 013, Leeu: 083 9140 014, Maagd: 083 9140 015, Weegskaal: 083 9140 016, Skerpioen: 083 9140 017, Boogskutter: 083 9140 018, Steenbok: 083 9140 019, Waterdraer: 083 9140 020, Vis: 083 9140 021

MAKLIK 1 8 9 2 6

8 2 5 3 2 4 5 9 8 7 4 7 1 2 3 2 9 8 7 5 1 1 6 9 9 2 1 8 9 3 4




9 5 1 4 2 9 5 3 5 3 2 7 4 6 2 4 8 3 5 8 4 3 2 8




VRAE: 8 MAART 2013

Elke ry en elke kolom asook elke 3X3 blok mag die syfers een tot nege slegs een keer bevat.



Each row and each column as well as every 3X3 square may contain the numbers 1 to 9 only once.



9 8 1 6 3 7 5 2 4

6 4 5 9 2 1 7 3 8

2 7 3 5 8 4 6 1 9

8 2 9 4 6 3 1 5 7

4 1 6 2 7 5 9 8 3

3 5 7 8 1 9 4 6 2

7 9 2 1 5 8 3 4 6

5 6 4 3 9 2 8 7 1

1 3 8 7 4 6 2 9 5

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Friday 8 March 2013

Skenkings vir Kindersorg Paarl Kindersorg Paarl in Paarl-Oos wat reeds 60 jaar maatskaplike dienste aan die gemeenskap bied, is geleë op die hoek van Solomonen Mackierstraat. Hulle bedien Amstelhof, Langvlei, Boland Park, Lustgan Village, Klein Drakenstein Gevangenis Huise, New York, Nederburg Hoogte, Nederburg (Mackier tot Maystraat), Riverside, Mountain View, Klein Drakenstein Plase (25), Du Toits Kloof Plase (5) areas en beskik oor ’n maatskaplike kantoor op die hoek van Solomonen Mackierstraat. Dienste word gelewer deur twee maatskaplike werkers, ’n gemeenskapsontwikkelingswerker sowel as ’n administratiewe klerk. Maatskaplike dienste sluit in; statutêre dienste, pleegsorgtoesig-dienste, huweliksberading, aansoek vir hulptoelae en wanbesteding, kinderverwaarlosing, bejaardes, gesinsgeweld, pleegouerkeuring, gedragsprobleme en privaat reëlings. Die gemeenskapsontwikkelingswerker behartig projekte soos nasionale vrouedag, 16 dae van aktivisme, kinderdag, Vigsdag, kinderbeskermingsweek, geldinsameling, voorkoming en bewusmakings programme. Drakenstein Bewaarskool, wat ook in Mackierstraat geleë is, is ’n projek van Kindersorg waar daar daagliks na ongeveer 70 kinders omgesien word. Kindersorg behartig ook die Amstelhof Nasorgsentrum. Leerlinge van verskillende skole in die omgewing meld in die middae ná skool aan sodat daar toesig oor hulle gehou kan word. Die departement van maatskaplike ntwikkeling help met finansiering vir die nasorg. Finansies bly ’n kopseer en dit is moeilik om kop bo water te hou. Die maatskaplike kantoor benodig ’n kleinkashouer, rekenaar trollie, skootrekenaar, selfoon lugtyd, drukker en ink, ongedrukte papier, wit bord en witbordmerkers, inkleurboeke, inkleurpotlode, vetkryt, balle, springtoue, ballonne, karton, potlode, legkaarte, penne, kospakkies, nie-bederfbare produkte, suiker, koffie, tee en melk (vir die gebruik van projekte). Die Kindersorg Bewaarskool benodig asseblief komberse, lakens, opvoedkundige speelgoed, opvoedkundige DVD’s, skottels met deksels, skoonmaakmiddels, strykyster, potte en panne en kis-vrieskas. Vir die Nasorgsentrum sal inkleurboeke, potlode, opvoedkundige speletjies, handdoeke, waslappies en toiletware baie handig te pas kom. Die publiek kan donasies bring tot Vrydag 3 Mei na die Drakenstein Gazette (Paarl Post) se kantoor by Newstraat 1A, Paarl (langs Virgin Active). Geen kontant. Vir navrae, bel 021 870 4600.

GALA: Al Azhar Institute hosted a Fun Gala at the Drakenstein swimming pool in Paarl East. Catching up on family time at the event are Shaakir Moerat (middle) with his sister, Faiza Jassiem (left) and daughter, Faghria Esau. PHOTO: ACHAT PATEL

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Friday 8 March 2013



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Friday 8 March 2013

Schools - Skole

Drakenstein Gazette


Art-CAN-Win Competition Extended Tertiary students across South Africa have a chance until the 31 March to enter Collecta-Can’s Art-CAN-Win competition by designing a print advert for Collect-a-Can. Not only do students stand a chance of winning an AppleMac Book, iPad or iPhone, the winning entry will also form part of Collect-aCan’s national advertising campaign. The Art-CAN-Win competition which was launched last year aims to give tertiary students the opportunity to create a print ad for Collect-a-Can and provides an opportunity for students’ talents to be recognised. “We have already received incredibly exciting entries, and are impressed with what students are creating for this challenge. The competition is part of our ongoing commitment to the development of young people in the communities across South Africa,” says Zimasa Velaphi, public relations and marketing manager of Collect-a-Can.

“The competition encourages entrants to become cognisant of the important work that Collect-a-Can is doing through the recovery of used cans, not only by benefiting the environment but also by creating jobs and building environmental awareness.” Velaphi continues. The ad must have a headline, visual, body copy and a pay-off line. All entries must be original in concept, design and execution. The competition launched on 01 July 2012 and has been extended to run until 31 March. It is open to tertiary-level students only. Entry forms are available on the Collect-a-Can website www.collectacan.co.za. Entries can either be mailed to Collect-a-Can at PO Box 30500, Kyalami, 1684, for attention Jenette Kruger or emailed to jenette@collectacan.co.za. For more information about Collect-a-Can, contact the Collect-a-Can head office on 011 466 2939. Collect-a-Can is also on Facebook (http:// www.facebook.com/CollectaCan) and Twitter (http://twitter.com/CollectaCan).

TROETELDIER-VERSORGING: As deel van die gr.R-klas van Laer Meisieskool La Rochelle se tema, Troeteldiere vir die week, het hulle vir Max die hond gewas. Hier is Ursula Callanan en haar eggenoot Trevor besig met Max, terwyl Annamari Laubscher (onderwyser) en die leerlinge toekyk.

SKEER DIT: Boland Kollege Paarl se studente het die jaarlikse Shavathon namens KANSA in Paarl behartig. Huis Bruwer en Jakaranda se koshuiskomitees en studente het die stalletjie in die Paarl Mall met baie entoesiasme beman en al 15 ywerige studente het van 08:00 tot 17:30 bontgestaan. Dit is reeds die vyfde agtereenvolgende jaar wat Boland Kollege by die jaarlikse Shavathon betrokke is. Daar was ’n bedrag van R9 602,65 ingesamel. Die meeste van die mense wat hul hare laat waai het, word op die een of ander wyse geraak deur kanker. Volgens Riël Stofberg, die superintendent van Huis Bruwer, was die studente se ongelooflike toewyding entoesiasme en vriendelikheid aansteeklik en het dit bygedra tot die sukses van die dag. Ten spyte daarvan dat almal seer voete gehad het aan die einde van die dag, bly dit steeds ’n wonderlike voorreg vir die studente om by hierdie belangrike saak betrokke te wees. Agter is Chester Carolus, Joy Andrews, Kurt Andrews, Joey Stander en Suné Abrahams.

FARMYARD VISIT: Tiny Todd’s Daycare in Riverside-Park Paarl had an enjoyable time on their visit to the Farmyard near Klapmuts.

SKOOL KRY NUWE BAADJIE: Die personeel, skoolbeheerliggaam, ouers en leerlinge van Bergrivier Primêre Skool is dankbaar vir Hannes Stassen van Kaap-Agri in Wellington vir die skenking van verf en alle toebehore vir hul klaskamers en om die hele skoolgebou buite om, te verf. Die skool is een van 18 skole wat op die lys is vir skoolsluiting, hangende ’n hersieningsaansoek deur die Hooggeregshof. Die gemeenskap het die skool baie nodig en doen alles in hul vermoë om die skool oop te hou. Hier is die gelukkige gesiggies met hul lekker eetpakkies wat ook deur Kaap-Agri aan elke leerling geskenk is.

LANGASEM: Klein Nederburg Sekondêr se Devine Brown (o.19) is hier op pad na haar oorwinning in die 800 m. Sy het deelgeneem aan die Paarl Hoërskole Sone 3 atletiekbyeenkoms by Daljosafatstadion verlede Vrydag. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

KRONING: Blouvlei Primêre Skool wat vanjaar hul 50ste bestaansjaar vier het onlangs hul kroning gehou. Cameron van Rooy (middel) is as Mej Blouvlei junior aangewys. Saam met haar is die naaswenners Jay lee Abrahams en Alicia Williams.



Drakenstein Gazette word versprei na 21 000 huishoudings in Paarl, Wellington en Mbekweni.

Om hier te adverteer, kontak: 021 870 4600 Year 3 • Vrydag 8 Maart 2013 | Tel. 021 870 4600

Paarl on track for semi’s Paarl’s CC Pro20 campaign remains on track after a convincing six-wicket victory over Drakenstein Edu at the Parys Grounds and they now only need a win against Paarl East at New Orleans on Saturday to reach a home semi-final. Both the semi-finals and finals for the Drakenstein region will be played at the Parys Grounds on Sunday. Drakenstein Edu elected to bat first and laboured to 69/8 in 20 overs, thanks mainly to the efforts of Edrich Cook (34). He hit four boundaries in his patient innings, but lacked support. Ultallyn Erntzen (2/12) and debutant Keanu Cupido (2/12) mesmerised the visiting batsmen, especially Cupido, who displayed an impressive spin variation on his 17th birthday. Opening batsman Darryl Hendricks (34*) kept matters under control for Paarl, after losing captain Lynal Jansen

early on. He hit four boundaries and, together with the left-handed Godfrey Stevens (19), kept the home team on track to secure victory in 14,5 overs. The unbeaten Paarl East also have a chance to play in the semi-finals and Paarl will therefore need to pull out all the stops in the last match of the series. The New Orleans wicket usually favours the spinners, where Paarl East will rely heavily on Alfredo Adams and Wayne Minnies. The pace of the Adams twins (Jade and Wade) as well as Zainodien Fredericks was ineffective against Mbekweni last week, and they are not likely to be a factor against Paarl’s frontline batsmen. Paarl, however, could turn to Lynal Jansen, Godfrey Stevens, Cameron Cupido and Keanu Cupido in the spin-bowling department and the home team can therefore be in for a tough time. The match is due to start at 14:30

)Op 2 Maart sal al die spanne in die Metro Netbalunie meeding om die Arnoldsbeker-toernooi. Die Paasfees-toernooi vind op 30 Maart op die Macassar-sportgronde plaas. Plaaslike klubs van Klapmuts, Franschhoek, Kylemore en Pniel sal deelneem. Caroline Scholtz, 073 948 3583 en Racheline Thomas 074 774 8730, kan meer inligting gee.

Die spelrooster sal gefinaliseer word. )WPRFU hou ’n Paarlstreek-vergadering op Woensdag 20 Maart om 19:30 in Allandale Ontspanningslokaal. Alle Paarl-klubs word versoek om dit by te woon. Vir verdere navrae, bel die sekretaris by 082 731 4879. )United Stones se oefeninge is Dinsdae en Donderdae op die Primêre Skool Daljosafat se veld. Op 8 Maart hou hulle ’n dans by 2Shotz. Skakel 021 873 1307 vir meer inligting. )Violets speel op 16 Maart teen Franschhoek (weg) en op 23 Maart teen Blue Stars (weg). Violets oefen elke Dinsdag tot Donderdag om 18:00 by Paulus Joubert Sekondêr. Bel Ashley by 078 786 1999 vir meer inligting. Hul juniors oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 17:00 (Paulus Joubert). Almal, asook nuwe spelers, is welkom. Bel Roger Uren, 082 228 0470.



Evergreens se vriendskaplike wedstryde is op 9 Maart (Young Peoples), 16 Maart (oefenkamp) en 23 Maart (Rawsonville). Young Gardens speel Saterdag op die Boy Louw-veld in sy eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Riverstones. Wedstryde begin om 14:30. Die klub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae om 18:30 op Daljosafat B. Volgende week speel die klub teen Evergreens (weg) en op 23 Maart teen Kylemore (weg). Op 20 Maart vind die klub se jaarlikse Sewe-aan-’n-Kant-toernooi by die Faurestraat-stadion plaas. Die klub gaan ook weer aan die Paasnaweek-toernooi van Boland deelneem. Dit is vanjaar die klub se 65ste bestaansjaar en daar is ’n versoek dat oudlede en oudspelers met die klub se bestuurslede in verbinding sal tree. )Die Paarl Rugbykode Klub-vergadering word op Woensdag 13 Maart om 19:30 by Allandale Ontspanningsaal gehou.

)Die jaarlikse Old Boys Interskole T20-krieketwedstryd tussen HJS en Gimnasium vind Dinsdagaand 12 Maart (18:00) onder spreiligte op Gimnasium se veld plaas. Alle ondersteuning word verwelkom. )Paarl-Oos hou op 9 Maart ’n hoenderbraai (R40) by die New-Orleans-klubhuis, asook ’n karaoke (R10). )Paarl-Oos se gholfdag by die Paarl-gholfklub is op 11 April. Bel Elroy Abrahams by 078 223 8117, Wayne Minnies by 072 149 2738 of Andrew Philander by 071 897 9445.


Pluimbal )Die Paarl Pluimbalklub oefen om Maandae en Donderdae vanaf 19:30 by die Paarl-ontspanningsaal in Du Toitstraat, Paarl. Vir meer inligting, bel Eda Venter (083 331 0559), Schalk Fourie (083 412 8799) of Carlien Fourie (073 348 6440).

CYCLE: With the Argus Cycle Tour coming up, the mountain bikes had the privilege of going first at the Argus Mountain Bike Challenge. Riders cycled along the picturesque Franschhoek mountains. Here some participants cross the finish line at Boschendal.


STREK: Kyla Kruger van Hoër Meisieskool Paarl het deelgeneem aan die Boland Hoërskole-byeenkoms wat by Daljosafat-stadion gehou is. Sy het in die paalspring-ope met ’n hoogte van 2,5 m, ’n algehele vyfde posisie behaal. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

Blues ryg vriendskaplike wedstryde in ter voorbereiding Op die vooraand van die 2013 rugbyseisoen berei die 2012-kampioen, Laer Paarl (Blues), hulle goed voor met vier voorseisoen-vriendskaplike wedstryde in die volgende maand. Op 9 Maart is dit Pniel Villagers

(weg), op 16 Maart - All Stars (tuis), op 23 Maart - Hands & Hearts (tuis) en op 30 Maart - Riviersonderend (weg). Die klub hou ook op Vrydag 15 Maart ’n steakbraai by die klubhuis.

Tiere sit segetog voort Young Peoples het Saterdag op Malmesbury hul segetog voortgesit deur ’n sterk span van Wesbank met 19-15 te klop. Die Tiere het die eerste helfte saam met ’n sterk wind gespeel en met goeie bewegings die span van Wesbank telkemale op die agtervoet gehad. Die stryd tussen die voorspelers was verwoed en Young Peoples se voorry met Monster Courtereal aan die spits het die tuisspan laat swaar leef in die skrums. Agterlangs het die senterpaar Jacques Bantam en Tabeti Qualuba die agterlyn van Wesbank voos geduik. Die samespel van die voorspelers was goed en Jason Thorne het weer sy krag getoon met stormlopies. Die spanne het gaan rus met die telling op 7-5 in die Tiere se guns. In die tweede helfte teen die sterk wind het Delwayne Cornelissen die spel takties baie goed beheer deur die Tiere telkemale op die voorvoet te plaas. Die Paarliete se dissipline was goed en met die positiewe gees wat tans heers by die klub kan daar uitgesien word na ’n opwindende seisoen. Die tweedes en die derdes het verloor met onderskeidelik 12-22 en 7-12. Die klub se jaarvergadering vind plaas op Maandag 11 Maart (19:00) by die Daljosafat Krieket klubhuis. Saterdag speel hulle teen Evergreens op die Faurestraat-stadion in ’n vriendskaplike wedstryd. Die juniors begin reeds om 11:00. Toegang is R10 (motors en kinders R5).

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