Drakenstein Gazette 20150130

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• Bouers Gereedskap • Elektriese Gereedskap • Tuin Gereedskap • Skoonmaak Masjiene • Sleepwaens • Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service • Draaibank/Milling Werk; TIG/MIG Welding WELLINGTON, 12 VERSAILLES ST 021 873 2222



Year 5 • Friday 30 January 2015 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365

In the Paarl Post ) Armed robbery at Paarl Mall ) What really happens in prison ) Six ploughed down by car ) Attempted hijacking in Wellington

Immunisation drive

3 Bright future

6 Victoria seëvier


Thumbs up for Crime Watch

The Fairyland Neighbourhood Watch, which was started in 2012 after the community decided to assist the police in combatting escalating crime in their area, have proved to be quite successful in recent months. Since October last year they seized these weapons and stolen goods from suspects. They also assist the police by manning the mobile crime unit in Symphony Avenue, Groenheuwel. With the proud members are at the back in the centre, WO Charles Van der Westhuizen and WO Akram Hammers. If anyone would like to get involved with the neighbourhood watch or report crime, phone 021 877 5900 or 079 894 1351. PHOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

WELLINGTON TAKKE Hoofweg 84, Wellington Tel: 021 864 3007

Kortstraat 4, Wellington Tel: 021 873 5837

WELLINGTON TAKKE Frozen Mixed Chicken Braai Portions

R230 Frozen Necks



g 10k

SPESIALE AANBIEDINGE Kom loer gerus in vir ons spesiale aanbiedinge! Terwyl vooraad hou!


Frozen Cater Thighs

Frozen Cater Breast





Kekkel en Kraai 18 Eiers

Vars Hoender Fillette




/kg X1PND5PW-GZ300115


News - Nuus

Drakenstein Gazette

Man vermoor in Paarl-Oos plakkerskamp DEVIDEAN MOSES ’n Man (36) van Chester Williams plakkerskamp, Paarl-Oos, is op Maandag 27 Januarie omstreeks 02:00 voor sy opslaanhut vermoor. Volgens ’n polisiewoordvoerder, lt. Diana Linee, het Leon Simons en die verdagte ’n onderonsie gehad wat tot ’n bakleiery gelei het. “Blykbaar het Simons die verdagte se vrou beroof, terwyl die verdagte in aanhouding by Allandale Gevangenis was. Die verdagte se vrou moes kort na sy vrylating vir hom van die voorval vertel het. Die verdagte het toe besluit om die oorledene te konfronteer hieroor.” Simons is met ’n mes in die linkerkant van sy nek gesteek. Die polisiebeamptes het die moordwapen op die toneel gevind. Die verdagte het van die toneel gevlug, maar is later in die omgewing deur die polisie aangekeer. Enigiemand met inligting, kan PaarlOos-polisiekantoor se speurafdeling by 021 877 5900 bel.

Friday 30 January 2015

Dief loop sy rieme styf DEVIDEAN MOSES

Vier lede van Drakenstein Gevangenis (Mfunda Mpasa, Randall Williams, John Gerson, Davey de Kock) en die gemeenskap van Paarl-Oos het Maandagoggend tot ’n jong vrou se redding gekom toe sy aangeval is en van haar iPhone beroof is. Volgens lt. Diana Linee, PaarlOos-polisiewoordvoerder, het die voorval om 06:45 in Manus

Fortuinstraat plaasgevind toe inwoners op pad was werk toe. “Die slagoffer het met haar iPhone in haar hand gestap en wou toe ’n oproep daarmee maak toe die verdagte haar vermoedelik aangeval het,” het Linee gesê. “Die verdagte het haar iPhone probeer gryp, maar die slagoffer het terugbaklei. Hy het haar toe verskeie kere met sy skroewedraaier gesteek. “Sy het hard geskree en dis toe dat drie bewaarders van Drakenstein Gevangenis, wat ’n kollega

in Kolbestraat opgelaai het, gehoor het hoe die slagoffer skree.” Die bewaarders en nóg lede van die gemeenskap het soos een mens almal na die toneel gehardloop en die verdagte, wat toe gevlug het, agterna gesit. Die verdagte het probeer ontsnap deur by drie verskillende erwe se heinings oor te spring, maar die bewaarders en lede van die publiek het op sy hakke gebly. Hy is uiteindelik vasgetrek en deur die bewaarders aan die polisie oorhandig.

Don’t become just another victim Incidents of theft out of motor vehicles as well as smash-andgrab incidents are on the increase. Here are some handy tips that could save you the trauma of becoming a victim: . Keep all valuables out of sight, preferably locked in the boot of your car. . Be aware of suspicious behaviour at intersections or if you are stuck in a traffic jam near a bridge or embankment. Turn the music down and pay attention to your surround-

ings. . Keep your doors locked at all times. . If you are driving an older model car, ensure that your boot is locked as many criminals try their luck with unlocked boots while moving through traffic. . Consider fitting your vehicle’s windows with smash and grab protection. . If you don’t have smash and grab tinting on your windows, open your windows slightly, which will make the

glass more pliable and resistant to shattering. . Always leave a gap between yourself and the vehicle in front of you, in case you need to make a quick getaway. . If you are unfortunate enough to become a victim of a smash-and-grab, remember that your safety comes first. . Do not attempt to pursue or apprehend the criminal as they may be armed or have accomplices close by – the tablet or phone simply is not worth risking your life for.

Die verdagte het op Dinsdag 27 Januarie in die Paarl-landdroshof verskyn op aanklagte van roof en ernstige aanranding. Paarl-Oos-polisie waarsku die publiek om te alle tye veiligheidmaatreëls toe te pas. “Rowers teiken inwoners wat op pad is na hul werksplekke. Wees versigtig en versteek alle waardevolle goedere.” Die Paarl-Oos-polisiekantoor raai die publiek aan om alle misdaad aan te meld deur 021 877 5900 te bel.

Man se familie dringend gesoek Daar word dringend gesoek na enige familie/naasbestaandes van John Mokoena. Indien enigiemand inligting het, bel asseblief Ilze Cilliers (maatskaplike werker by Sonstraal-hospitaal) by 021 862 3176 of 021 862 0818 gedurende kantoorure (Maandag – Vrydag 07:00 – 16:00).

Three arrested for transporting dagga

Micromath het verlede week handradio's geskenk aan die nuutgestigte Noorder-Paarl Buurtwag om hulle te help om beter met mekaar te kommunikeer tydens patrollies. Hier is Rainier Nel (links) en Pieter Mans (regs) van die Noorder-Paarl Buurtwag saam met Dick Kruger van Micromath. FOTO: MARYKE SWART


RETAIL REPAIR CENTRE Specials on all cellphones! We do repairs to all kind of cellphones and electronic devices: Samsung, iPhones, iPads, tablets and all Smart phones We fix water damage, laptop repairs, LCD screens and all game station repairs eg: PSP, PS2, PS3, XBOX Also do software upgrades, unlocking and flashing of devices.

Shop 3, 41 Lady Grey Street (next to Debonaires) Tel: 021 872 3875 / 073 141 4920 X1PNN8F1-GZ300115

Drie polisiebeamptes, adjudant-offisier Anthony Sauls en konstabels Grant Williams en Dean Jacobs van Paarl-Oos-kantoor se speurtak, het hulself die afgelope week goed van hul taak gekwyt toe hulle verskeie vermoedelik gesteelde goedere in die besit van verdagtes in Paarl-Oos gevind het. Al drie verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem en het Maandag in die Paarllanddroshof verskyn vir die besit van gesteelde goedere. Polisielede het ook op ’n groot hoeveelheid drank (1489,01F) beslag gelê waarvoor albei verdagtes ook in hegtenis geneem is. Hier wys adjudant-offisiere William Daniels en Alta Booyens die goedere. Vir navrae oor gesteelde goedere bel 021 877 5944/5. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Three men were arrested after found transporting more than a ton of dagga. According to Mbekweni Police spokesperson, Sergeant Nceba Vanqa, police received information from a member of the public, regarding a vehicle that is transporting dagga in the vicinity of Project 2. A vehicle control point was set up in Silimela Street. Police spotted the suspected vehicle but when the driver saw the police vehicles he turned around and tried to flee the scene. The police, however, set chase and apprehended the vehicle in the same street. “The vehicle was thoroughly searched and 25 parcels of dagga were found.” The estimate weight is 1, 289 kg. The suspects, respectively 22, 28 and 29, were charged with possession of dagga. The 28-year-old suspect was also charged for having more alcohol than allowed for consumption at his residence. A total of 536,1 F of alcohol was found at his house after police went there to confirm his residential address.

Friday 30 January 2015

News - Nuus

Drakenstein Gazette

Drive to immunise children


Tips on saving energy With the cloud of load shedding still looming over our heads, we should take a little time to see how we can conserve energy and electricity in our homes: ) Reduce the temperature of your geyser to around 55 °C so that you don’t need to add too much cold water when you shower or do the dishes. ) Remember to keep the lid on the pot when you cook to conserve heat and energy. The size of the pot should match the size of the stove plate; this can save you up to 25% on the electricity you use while cooking. ) Close the door every time you take things out of the fridge and also check that it seals properly. ) Soak beans, samp and other related dry food over night. This will save time, money and several hours of cooking. ) It will save energy and water to rather shower than bath. ) Insulate your geyser by wrapping newspapers, old blankets or other insulating materials around it and the hot water pipes. ) Switch off lights, fans, computers and other energy-consuming appliances when you leave the room. It will save you money. ) Always try to use appropriate cooking utensils when cooking; for example, use pots and pans with a flat bottom, as these consume up to 50% less energy. Note that an electric stove consumes a lot of electricity, so use the plates and oven as little as possible. ) Use the right energy for the right purposes; for example, use heaters for space heating rather than hotplates, and use an electrical kettle for water heating rather than an ordi-

will administer polio drops and a TB vaccination before you and your baby leave the maternity ward. ) At six, 10 and 14 weeks old, parents should take their babies to the clinic for The catch-up is aimed spefurther immunisations. cifically at those children unThese immunisations are to der five years, who, for whatprotect your child against: ever reason, may have measles, mumps, rubella, missed any of their diphtheria (whooping immunisations. cough), tetanus (lock jaw), The department has identified places where there is a Nine-month-old Prince Chuman Simamkel and his mom, hepatitis B and pneumonia. high number of migration, Sithabile Dube, watch carefully while the nurse immunises An immunisation to prevent rota-virus, which is a kind of high poverty and other social him, ensuring protection from measles. virus that causes diarrhoea, issues as the focus areas. Health teams will visit these com- to work. This means that a baby does is also administered. ) At nine months, only a measles munities and crèches to ensure that not receive the vital follow-up immuimmunisation is administered. all children under the age of five nisations. ) At 18 months, the second mea“I want to encourage parents to have had all their immunisations. Only those children whose immuni- keep their Road to Health booklet sles immunisation is given and polio sations are not up to date will receive ready or to send it along to your drops are administered. ) At 6 years (before starting immunisation. You need not visit child’s crèche, thus ensuring that the clinic if your child’s immunisa- the health care team can check that grade 1) a vaccine is administered to your child’s immunisations are up protect against diphtheria and tetations are up to date. Parents who are referred should to date. Our children have so many nus. Polio drops are also adminisremember to take their child’s Road challenges during their lives, it tered. By the time your baby is 18 months to Health booklet (clinic book) with makes sense to do your best to keep them healthy – all it takes is six visits old, he or she should have received them to the clinic. If you are unsure if your child’s to your local clinic. An immunised vaccination that protects him/her immunisations are up to date or not, child has the best chance of staying from 10 dangerous childhood illnesses. or you do not live in an area that will healthy.” Western Cape Department of Vaccination remains the cheapbe visited by the health teams, please est, most effective way to prevent the Health has an agreement with Clicks ask the nurse to check for you. Newly appointed Western Cape spread of dangerous childhood ill- and DisChem pharmacies, where Minister of Health, Dr Nomafrench nesses such as measles, TB and po- parents can take their children to Mbombo, said: “Our statistics show lio. These vaccinations are offered these pharmacies for their vaccinathat up until l4 weeks, parents rou- free at all clinics – all that parents tions. There is a minimal administinely bring their babies to the clinic have to do is visit their clinic as ad- trative fee. Parents can contact their closest Clicks or DisChem for more as prescribed for check-ups and im- vised by the health carer. All children should receive the fol- information. munisations. After this age, we see All communities in the Drakena marked decrease in clinic attend- lowing vaccines: ) At birth, the health care worker stein area will be visited. ance, possibly because moms return

Western Cape Department of Health will embark on an immunisation catch-up drive from 7 to 13 February.

nary pot on the stove. You will use about 50% less electricity. Note: Electricity is good for electronic devices but gas is more efficient for heating and cooking. If using a washing machine, do not set it too hot. 40 °C will still clean your laundry. ) Reduce the temperature on the heater from full heat to a comfortable level. ) Turn off all stand-by modes every time you leave the house and before going to bed. ) Use energy-saving light bulbs. They last much longer and use less electricity, saving you money in the long run. Use also only one light in a room. ) Reduce your electricity bill by doing all your ironing at the same time. ) Check your electricity or gas meter at regular intervals and take a keen interest in your energy consumption level. ) Share your energy consumption information with your neighbours; discuss your electricity. ) If you are in the market for a new dishwasher or clothes washer, consider buying an efficient, water-saving energy star model to reduce hot water use. ) Boil the required volume of water. It is energy wasting to fill the kettle, just to prepare only one cup of tea. Use the kettle to boil water. It is energy wasting to use the stove to boil water compared to a kettle. ) Just air dry dishes, instead of using your dishwasher’s drying cycle. ) Drive sensibly. Aggressive driving (speeding, rapid acceleration and braking) wastes petrol.

’n Trekker met ’n vrag druiwe op sy bak is deesdae ’n gewilde prentjie in die strate van die Paarl. Maar waarheen gaan die druiwe? Vragte wat klein korrels vervoer, is wyndruiwe wat na kelders gery word vir die vervaardiging van wyn. Maar wanneer groot druiwekorrels dié bak vul, word dit geklassifiseer as uitval-korrels of druiwe uit pakstore wat nie aan die graderingsvereistes voldoen het nie, verduidelik voorsitter van die Bergrivier-streek se Tafeldruif-produsentevereniging, Eurica Scholtz. “Hierdie korrels gaan na Fraterstraat Kelder en word vir stookwyn gebruik en kan tot soveel as 10% van die oesgewig beloop. Die stookwyn word weer later gebruik om spiritualieë van te maak.” Scholtz sê in terme van produksie beleef tafeldruiwe egter ’n baie goeie seisoen. “Die seisoen was wel so 10 dae vroeër met aanvang en gaan seker ’n paar dae vroeër as gewoonlik eindig, in Maart. Ongelukkig het pryse as gevolg van groot hoeveelhede beskikbaar in die oorsese markte begin daal. Ons het egter relatief min siektes en hoef dus nie so intensief soos byvoorbeeld verlede jaar te spuit nie.” Sy sê die helikopters, wat van tyd tot tyd in die gebied opgemerk word, word aangewend om vrugtevlieë te spuit, en die chemiese middels is baie mens-vriendelik. Volgens Scholtz is die tafeldruif-industrie baie arbeidsintensief en word werk aan sowat 250 werkers per 40 ha grond in die seisoentyd verskaf. ................... FOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS X1PND5BD-GZ300115

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E+O.E. X1PND521-GZ300115


General - Algemeen

Drakenstein Gazette

Star Star Signs Signs CAPRICORN

22 December to 21 January

You will be alert and on your toes now. The pace is likely to be fast, even hectic. You are restless and eager to meet others halfway, to converse, exchange information, and make connections. Nervousness or irritability due to aggravations and the stress of increased demands at work is possible.


21 January To 20 February

You are very impulsive and restless now and you are likely to act or speak too quickly without sufficient forethought or concern for the consequences. You tend to be verbally aggressive, starting fights with people who don't agree with you or who simply get in your way. Positively, you are very sharp and clear mentally at this time and can attack problems and tasks with great vigor.


Jy die Entrepreneur: Lees die kontrak DAVID MALHERBE Deel van besigheid doen, is om kontrakte te sluit. Eintlik is elke transaksie wat gedoen word, die gevolg van ’n ooreenkoms (kontrak) wat gesluit word. Wanneer jy ’n koeldrank koop, het die winkelier aangedui hoeveel geld hy daarvoor wil hê, en deur dit te betaal, dui jy aan dat jy die voorwaardes van die transaksie aanvaar. Hoe groter die waarde van die transaksie egter is, hoe belangriker raak die detail van die ooreen-

koms. So byvoorbeeld moet alle kontrakte t en opsigte van vaste eiendom skriftelik wees. ’n Mondelinge kontrak is in so ’n geval nie geldig nie. Wanneer ’n mens ’n kontrak (ooreenkoms) aangaan, is dit baie belangrik om seker te maak dat jy die volle omvang van dit waarvoor jy jou inlaat, verstaan. Ek wil lesers waarsku om seker te maak hulle ken die presiese voorwaardes en kostes waarvoor hulle teken voordat hulle hul handtekening op papier sit. Verlede jaar het iemand met my gepraat oor ’n rekening by ’n meu-

’n Kanon sal Saterdag 31 Januarie om 12:00 by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument afgevuur word. Hierdie maandeliks plegtigheid word in samewerking met CAOSA (Cannon Association of South Africa) aangebied en sluit ’n kort praatjie oor die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika se kanonne en die VOC-kanonseinstelsel in, asook ’n demonstrasie van die gebruik van al die laaigereedskap. Die kanon word gelaai met buskruit, maar om veiligheidsredes word geen projektiel gebruik nie.

21 March to 21 April

21 April to 21 May

Rebelliousness, recklessness, impatience, a sudden burst of anger or your need to break free from rules and restrictions may create a lot of disruption in your life right now. Also, you can't seem to settle down or focus on one task for any length of time. Though you are unusually energetic, it is hard for you to get anything done. You tend to fly off the handle and to scatter your forces.


21 May to 22 June

The craving for sweetness and comfort in the form of loving affection or food is strong now. This is a good time to baby yourself and also to spend time with the people who love and appreciate you the most. Also, you are feeling rather tender and softhearted and may do something "maternal" on impulse (such as take home a stray kitten, offer to babysit, buy a gift for your family, etc.).


22 June to 23 July

You may be considering a major overhaul or revision in your ambitions at this time. If you do not have a sense of meaningful purpose or a passionate commitment to anything, you will want to reassess where you are going and why. If you do have a clear goal, you can make significant progress and work with great satisfaction now. An opportunity to do what you really want to do is likely.


23 Julie to 24 August

You are fascinated by the mysterious now. Unsolved or puzzling problems and the hidden or behind the scenes aspects of a situation interest you most, and you delve and probe until you discover the truth. An interest in psychology or other peoples' secrets comes to the fore. You enjoy spy, mystery, and supernatural stories.


24 August to 23 September

You are fascinated by the mysterious now. Unsolved or puzzling problems and the hidden or behind the scenes aspects of a situation interest you most, and you delve and probe until you discover the truth. An interest in psychology or other peoples' secrets comes to the fore. You enjoy spy, mystery, and supernatural stories.


23 September to 23 October

You feel the need to pursue the things that you love and instinctively find appealing rather than do what is practical, marketable, secure, or logically correct. If your job does not express your deeper talents and interests, you may make a job change now, or you may become more intensely involved with a hobby that is more personally rewarding and motivating than your job.


23 October to 23 November

At this time you enjoy emotional satisfaction and harmony in your home life. Relationships with women run smoothly. If you have a solid emotional base in your life, you will receive the benefits of that. If not, this is a good time to begin making connections with people and also to discover what gives real emotional nourishment and fulfillment.


alles wat jy onderneem het om te betaal, te betaal. Om te sê jy het nie geweet nie, help niks. Jy is volwasse en kan self besluit watter kontrakte jy wil aangaan en dan is jy verantwoordelik om daaraan te voldoen. Minderjariges mag nie op hul eie kontrakte sluit nie. As jy enigsins onseker is oor die detail van ’n ooreenkoms, moenie teken voordat jy nie alles uitgeklaar het nie. Vra raad voordat jy teken, nie agterna nie. * David Malherbe is ’n besigheid- en loopbaankonsultant en woon in Wellington. Hy kan gekontak word via sy webblad www.jedidiah.org.za of by 021 873 0262 of op Facebook by “Jy die Entrepreneur.”

Kanon by monument afgevuur

You will want a break from the predictability of your usual routine and methods. You're in the mood to experiment and to learn something new. Offbeat or original ideas excite you and you will seek people who can offer you a different way of looking at things. Discovery, inventiveness, and spontaneity are major themes now.


belwinkel. Nadat die persoon reeds meer as dubbel die waarde van die items betaal het, is die persoon steeds gedreig dat die meubels teruggeneem sou word as nog ’n groot bedrag geld nie spoedig betaal sou word nie. Onlangs het nog ’n persoon met my kom gesels oor ’n kontrak waarvolgens die persoon so te sê alle beheer in ’n besigheid weg geteken het. In beide gevalle was dit wettige kontrakte, maar hulle was onkundig oor presies waartoe hulle hul verbind het. Vir baie van ons is al die “papierwerk” net ’n las. Jy wil nou net die item(s) by jou huis kry of die transaksie afgehandel hê. Maar as jy geteken het, is die kontrak bindend. Dan is jy verplig om

20 February to 21 March

Your feelings for friends and your emotional responses to life in general are deeper and more intense. The need to share, to give and receive love, and to be accepted and wanted is very strong. You have an opportunity now to see what keeps you from being really close to others - perhaps a forgotten hurt or hidden resentment - and to rid yourself of it by bringing it out in the open or simply releasing it.


Friday 30 January 2015

23 November to 22 December

A furious battle of wills is quite possible, for you are fired up, impatient, aggressive, and inclined to put your own interests and desires ahead of anything else. You may also have to stand up for your rights against some fierce competitor. Also, you can't sit still right now and hasty, abrupt, impulsive action may result in accidents. X1PLUYP5-GZ300115

Do you want to be the next Drakenstein Gazette Entrepreneur? Drakenstein Gazette wants to find out more about entrepreneurs who operate their unique businesses from their homes, making interesting products, whether it is place mats, handbags or fancy cakes or cookies. In today’s tough economy, starting your own business is the solution. Not only do you create work for yourself, but for others as well. Send us a description of your business, or come and tell us about it. Once a month the Gazette Entrepreneur of the Month will be selected. The winner will receive a free promotional article in the Drakenstein Gazette and a free advertisement to boost his or her business. To enter or for more information, call 021 870 4614; email drakenstein@media24.com or visit our office at 1a New Street, Paarl.

AUNT DORA............

ete Bo Beoreerrearta GEELSUG:

etart en rabarber • Meng ewe veel salpeter, kreml vol 3 maal per dag lepe poeier goed saam. Gee 1 eet OF smeer dit in die mond • Stamp 'n bietjie foelie fyn en 3 maal per dag OF bossies: kalkoenbos, • Neem 1 blaar van die volgende Trek dit soos tee en os. belb en s erbo bitterbos, kanf drink 3 maal per dag

’n Lid van die publiek wat ’n vraag reg kan beantwoord, kry die geleentheid om die kanon af te vuur en ontvang ook ’n sertifikaat. Die praatjie word in Engels en Afrikaans aangebied. Die kanon sal die laaste Saterdag van elke maand afgevuur word. Die Taalmonument se toegangsfooi is R20 vir volwassenes, R10 vir Suid-Afrikaanse studente en R5 vir kinders (gratis onder ses jaar). Vir navrae, kontak Amira Clayton by 021 863 4809/0543 of by kommunikasie@taalmuseum.co.za.

Talentsoektog en koorwerksessies

Lindie Strydom, who played in the soapie Egoli, Place of Gold will host a session in family values at Courtrai Primary School on 5 February at 19:00. Tickets cost R30 per couple. Dress code is smart casual. For information, contact Courtrai Primary at 021 863 3220.

Saamgestel deur: Danie Smuts se Boererate

’n Groot talentsoektog en ’n aantal koorwerksessies wat deelnemers gaan voorberei vir deelname aan die Suidoosterfees in Kaapstad, word binnekort deur die Breytenbach-sentrum op Wellington aangebied. Volgens ’n woordvoerder van die Breytenbach-sentrum word die Wellington-uitdunne van die talentsoektog en ook die koorwerksessies aangebied aan jongmense tussen 15 en 30 jaar. Die soektog sal toegespits wordopjongmensemethopetalent in kategorieë soos sang, instrumentaal, dans, toneelspel, towerkuns en vele meer. Groot pryse kan gewen word en die kompetisie vind op 21 Februarie by die Breytenbachsentrum plaas. Niël Rademan koördineer die soektog.

Op dieselfde dag vind die kore-werksessies in samewerkingmetdieATKV-enRapportkore onder leiding van René Arendse plaas. Die Suidoosterfees se talentsoektog-finaal vind op 2 en 3 Mei by die Suidoosterfees in Kaapstad plaas. Beoordelaars by die talentsoektog op Wellington sluit in die bekende komediant Stuart Taylor en die sangeres Jawaahier Petersen van Jaloersbokkie-faam. Clint Lesch sal by die geleentheid as gaskunstenaar optree. Inskrywingsvorms vir deelname aan die Wellingtonuitdunne is beskikbaar by Olivia Ockhuys van die Breytenbach-sentrum by Olivia@breytenbachsentrum.co.za of 021 873 2786.


Tickle your tastebuds


PERFECT PIZZA DOUGH Ingredients: • 300 g flour, sifted • 1/2 packet of instant dry yeast

• 1 pinch salt • 1/4 cup oil mixed with 1/4 cup of hot water • 1 tsp melted butter

Method: Mix the flour, yeast and salt. Pour the water, oil and butter into flour and mix with your hands until incorporated. (the water should not be too hot.) Mix well and thoroughly until an easily manageable dough is formed. If the dough is still ‘wet’ add another tablespoon of flour. (If the dough sticks to your fingers, add more flour). If you feel your dough is too ‘dry’, just add a little more hot water. Start kneading with both hands for a few minutes. Cover in cling wrap and leave to rise for 20 minutes. HINT: If you preheated your oven for your pizzas, put the mixing bowl on top of the oven for extra heat. This will make the yeast react quicker. After 20 minutes, give the dough another bash, and leave for another 20 minutes. Now your dough is ready to be used; knead one more time, and roll or push onto your oven pan or oven-safe pizza pan. Add the desired topping. X1PLUYGW-GZ300115


MONDAY 02/02





36°C 15°C





25°C 16°C


30°C 11°C





27°C 14°C

FRIDAY 30/01


SUNDAY 01/02





33°C 15°C

MONDAY 02/02


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Friday 30 January 2015

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Drakenstein Gazette




Gas Geyser 9L



Cedar Hi-Hiding 20 L White



Medal Gloss 5 L White


Aluminium Sliding Door

Woodoc 25 5 L Satin

Duram Wall & Ceiling 20 L White

Dulux Trade Plaster Primer 20 L

Rockgrip Plaster Primer 20L


Mixed Timber Panel Door 8 Panel


Half Security Door


Hardwood Door Frame 90x45 (No Sill)




Battons 38x38 per l/m


Wall Plates 38x114 per l/m


Purlines 50x76 per l/m


Rafters 50x152 per l/m



FLOORING Laminated Flooring 8 mm selected colour


Dulux Weather Guard 20L (selected colours)


R599 Deep Mould White Door

Cedar Universal Undercoat 5 L


Pool Filter 2 Bag Superflow

Pool Salt 25 kg

R79,95 / m²


R2199 Wall Tiles






Shutterply Board 1.2x2.4mx18mm

(10 & more) (Cash & Carry only)



5 piece Toilet Suite (includes pan, cistern, mechanism, basin and pedestal)

Sink Double Bowl 1.2m




POWERTOOLS Xtreme Circular Saw 185 mm x 1400 Watt

ELECTRICAL Flood Light 10 Watt LED

Xtreme Grinder 230 mm x 2200 Watt



R14,95 each

R499 Fragram Mitre Saw 1800 Watt

R49,95/m Energy Saver Bulb - 15 Watt


DECORATIVE Ceiling Tiles From



Desk Fan 30 cm

Geyser 100 L x 400 KPA









Ceiling Fan 30 Inch 6 Blade White



R59,95 / m² R69,95 / m²

Underground Pipe 110 mm x 6 m

3 kg Cadac Gas Cylinder

Gas Cooker Top


(excludes toilet seat and basin tap)

Tile cement 20kg Per bag


Floor Tiles



Alpine Cement 50 kg 42,5N



Roof Sheets Corr. 0.3mm (3.9m only)





Pool pump 0.75 KW Sunflo

Extension Lead Reel 15m


Polystyrene Cornice From


Assorted Wallpaper 530 mm x 10 m From







Drakenstein Gazette



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Friday 30 January 2015



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Mayco member Lulama Ntlemeza, Mayco member Noel Adams, Executive Mayor Gesie van Deventer, Mayco member Dr Thys Smith, Mayco member Wendy Philander, executive manager Deon Louw, Deputy Mayor Conrad Poole and municipal manager Johann Mettler with the group of students who received bursaries from the Drakenstein Municipality.






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Municipality helps local youth access education In an effort to continuously create opportunities for youth in the Drakenstein municipal area, as well as addressing the ever growing skills shortage in South Africa, the Mayor of Drakenstein Municipality, Gesie van Deventer, has once again awarded bursaries to students in need. Van Deventer recently held a formal event to hand over bursaries to successful applicants, the majority of whom are starting their first year of studies, as well as second and third year students who are receiving continuous support from the municipality. The municipality has identified critical skills which are important to the municipality and for a sustainable future. These skills include those in the finance, engineering, town planning, technology, environmental, social work and community development, and artisanal fields. Van Deventer emphasised that a tertiary education does not only mean studying at a university but includes technical institutions and colleges. The municipality has almost doubled the amount of bursary money available for 2014/15 to R275 000 in an effort to assist more students. Van Deventer promised that as long as every

student who receives a bursary applied themselves and passed all their subjects, the municipality is committed to assist them with continuing their education. Once these students successfully complete their education, they must contact the municipality to enquire if there are any vacancies available at the municipality in the areas that they studied. Since 2011, the Drakenstein Municipality has been able to assist 53 students with their studies. For this academic year, bursaries were awarded to 26 new students as well as nine students from previous years who are successfully continuing and completing their studies. Four bursaries for engineering, 13 for finance, three for planning, two for artisans and four for development and technology students were awarded. Van Deventer said the municipality is seriously considering providing assistance for older people who want to continue their education as well. She emphasised to the students present that the key to success is now in their hands. They have been given the opportunity to develop life skills and they must now work hard to reap the benefits. It is now up to them to work towards a place of excellence.



bring op Saterdae vir jou 'n uur se tradisionele boeremusiek! Skakel in elke Saterdag van 14h00 - 15h00 met Johan Wentzel.

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Paarl Voortrekkers het die jaar met ’n heerlike vrugtefees by die Voortrekker-kamp in die Paarl begin. Hier smul Heila Hugo en Sanet Delport heerlik aan waterlemoen. Belangstellendes wat wil aansluit by die Voortrekkers kan Ronel Loubser bel by 083 357 3884.

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Friday 30 January 2015

People - Mense

Drakenstein Gazette


Ebenezer vier 60 jaar Die Ebenezer Primêre Skool wat vanjaar hul 60ste bestaansjaar vier, hou op Sondag 1 Februarie ’n dankseggingsdiens by Bethel Congregational Kerk. Alle oud-onderwysers en leerders word uitgenooi om die diens by te woon om 10:00. Vir verdere navrae, bel 021 862 0710 of 073 855 6995 of stuur ’n e-pos aan cameron.davey32@gmail.com.

Graad 8-leerders van Hoërskool Labori het verlede Dinsdag aan die tradisionele boeresport deelgeneem as deel van hulle verwelkomingsweek.

Relay For Life vergadering Hoërskool Wellington, met ’n 83,8% matriekslaagsyfer, het onlangs hul top-10 matriekpresteerders vir 2014 aangewys. Van links is Thalita Bali, Leevack Rozano, Joshua Matthee, Sydney-Lee Thomas, Veronique Arendse (Gwendoline Arendse, met A-gemiddelde, se ma), Leatitia Minnaar, Brendon Nhachi, Rushé Wellman, Robin de Villiers en Ronel Meel.

Many schools found it difficult to get started with teaching in the 2015 school year for various reasons beyond their control, but for LK Zeeman Primary School, it was all systems go from day one already. Seen here is the Gr 1 class with their teacher, Elize Eksteen (left) and acting principal Marian Williams. PHOTO: ACHMAT PATEL

Die volgende spankapteinsvergadering van die Cansa Relay For Life vind Woensdag 5 Februarie om 19:00 by Holy Trinitykerksaal plaas. Die publiek word ook gevra om bome in die dorp te versier met pers lap as deel van kanker-bewusmaking. Vir meer inligting, skakel Louise by 021 872 5544.

Twee Belgiese boeties, Ian en Liam Pintens, het hul eerste skooldag in Suid-Afrika by Laerskool Drakenstein begin. Hul mamma, wat Suid-Afrikaans is, en hul pappa wat Belgies is, het besluit om terug na Suid-Afrika te verhuis.

Oudstudente hou Valentynsdans Die Paulus Joubert Primêre Skool se oudstudente bied Vrydag 13 Februarie hul jaarlikse Valentyn-piekniekdans saam met DJ Gaiwin in die skoolforum om 19:30 aan. Kaartjies beloop R60 per persoon. Bring jou eie piekniekmandjie en drankies. Vir navrae, bel die skool by 021 862 3690.

For the Gr 8 learners of NoorderPaarl High School, the second day of their 2015 school year was not spent sitting behind cold, hard desks, but rather on the soccer field, under the magnificent wild fig trees, in the swimming pool – or even climbing a two-storey wall at the Manyano Centre. The LIVElife team from Manyano Centre happily facilitated an orientation day for the almost 200 learners. The day included fun activities and team-building exercises to stretch both mind and body, from the daunting climbing wall, through “crossing a raging (imaginary) river using only a pole and some ropes”, to passing team mates through a “spider’s web” and solving puzzles. A dip in the pool was very welcome on a toasty Paarl day.


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) Villagers Newton se voorseisoensoefeninge is al elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 19:00 aan die gang. Die klub vier ook hierdie jaar hul 50ste be­ staansjaar, en nooi alle oudspelers en ­lede om kontak te maak met die bestuur rakende die aktiwiteite vir die jaar. ) Alle spelers en belangstellendes word ge­ nooi na Riverstones se oefeninge op Dinsdae, Woensdae en Donderdae om 18:00 te New Orleans­rugbyvelde Nuwe bestuur sal op 3 Februarie gekies word, almal word versoek om vergadering by te woon ) Blues oefen op Maandae en Woensdae van­ af 18:00 op die New Orleans­sportvelde. Blues speel Saterdag 31 Januarie in die Wes­ bank sewe­aan­’n­kant­toernooi op Malmes­ bury. Wedstryde begin om 09:00. Blues speel om 10:00 in hul eerste wedstryd teen Maties. Blues neem ook deel aan die Evergreen sewe­ aa­’n­kant­toernooi op 7 Februarie wat op Ag­ ter Paarl gaan plaasvind. ) Albions­rugbyklub se oefeninge is elke Maandag en Woensdag op Dal Josafat. Die oefeninge sal gelei word deur afrigters Roderick Allies, Rodney November, Morne Goetham, en hulle sal bygestaan word deur Gareth Watts. Vir meer besonderhede kontak Allies by 078 427 8571. ) Young Peoples se voorseisoensoefeninge vind plaas op Maandae en Woensdae op Dal Josafat om 18:30. Alle spelers en voornemen­ de spelers is welkom om te kom voorberei. ) Young Standards vier hul 125ste bestaans­ jaar in 2016 en ‘n feeskomitee sal aangewys word. Young Standards het reeds met hul voorsei­ soensoefening by Ebenaezer begin en almal word versoek om hierdie oefening by te woon. Young Standards se eerste vriendskaplike wed­ stryd is 7 Maart en word afgesluit met ’n jaarlik­ se derby­kragmeting teen Retreat op 28 Maart in Retreat. Vir verdere besonderhede, skakel die sekretaris by 082 731 4879 ) Allandale­rugbyklub se voorseisoensoefe­ ninge is voorlopig op Maandae en Woensdae om 18:30 by Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste. Die klub se eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd is op 21 Februarie teen Dennegeur­rugbyklub

by Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste. Alle nuwe sowel as oudlede is welkom. Vir enige navrae bel die klub­sekretaris by 082 737 8952. ) Edward Sabbat is onlangs aangewys as Paarl Rangers se nuwe hoofafrigter. Ons wens hom voorspoed toe met sy taak. Die klub hou Maandag 2 Februarie om 19:00 sy eerste alge­ mene vergadering in die Thusong­sentrum. Alle lede en voornemende lede is welkom. ) Evergreens RVK is al aan die oefen elke Dins­ dag en Donderdag om 19:00 op Evergreens Park. Vir verdere inligting, bel Japie van Rooyen by 078 870 9787. ) Franschhoek­rugbyklub wil graag alle lede, spelers en toeskouers voorspoed toewens in die nuwe jaar. Hulle hoop om almal terug te sien in die nuwe seisoen. Die klub het sy voorseisoen­voorbereiding Maandag 5 Januarie om 18:30 hervat. Alle oud­ en nuwe spelers is welkom. Vir meer inlig­ ting bel Julian Williams 084 843 9326. ) Paarl Rangers benodig die vrywillige dienste van ‘n hoofafrigter vir die 2015/2016 seisoen. Persone wat belangstel kan hul CV by die sekretaris indien of per e­pos stuur na paarlrangers@gmail.com. Voornemende aansoekers moet ‘n lid (oud­ lid) van die klub wees en ten minste oor ’n Vlak 1­afrigtingsertifikaat beskik. Amptelike oefeninge het reeds begin te Dal Josafat­stadion.


) Westelike Provinsie Rugbyvoetbalunie, in samewerking met die Paarl­rugbystreek, bied ‘n vlak­1 afrigtingskursus more (31 Januarie) aan. ’n Beperkte aantal plekke is nog beskik­ baar en koste beloop R250. Die kursus is vanaf 08:00 – 16:00. Bring jou sweetpak en eie skryfbehoeftes saam. Verversings sal ook te koop aangebied word. Boksmart­kursus volg in Februarie ná die suk­ sesvolle voltooiing van die vlak­1 afrigtingskur­ sus. Almal is welkom. Vir verdere besonderhede, bel Kevin Benjamin by 082 731 4879.


) Wellington darts­unie het onlangs begin met sy flenters­kompetisie. Alle klubs wat betrokke is moet kennis dra: Alle nuwe klubs wat belang­ stel om te speel is welkom. Vir enige navrae kan Sam Classen: 082 683 3728 of Ernest van Wyk: 083 354 9499 gebel word.


) Die Paarl­netbalklub se oefening het Dins­ dag 27 Januarie om 18:30 by die Boland­ba­ ne, Paarl begin. Bel Bennie Saayman vir verde­ re inligting by 083 462 6311.


) Die Paarl­Oos Krieketklub bied braaiverko­ pe aan op Saterdag 31 Januarie. Koste is R50 per bord en kan by die klubhuis betaal word.

Victoria United (blou) het Sondagmiddag vir ST United ’n behoorlike sokkerles gegee op die Monte Christo-velde. ST United het geen antwoord gehad vir Victoria se aanvallende spel nie. Victoria wen die wedstryd met ’n yslike 16-1. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

Young Peoples behaal gemengde sukses

Young Peoples se tweede en derde spanne het verlede Saterdag gemengde sukses gehad. Op Dal Josafat het die derdes sy T20-wedstryd teen Easterns 3 in die laaste beurt verloor.

Peoples het eerste gekolf en danksy ’n geduldige 48 lopies van Dean Hendricks het hulle 120 lopies in 20 beurte aangeteken. Die jong Tiere het die telling goed verdedig, maar Easterns kon die knoop deurhaak



met net drie balle oor Die tweede span was in ’n riller gewikkel met Bergrivier 2 op Weltevrede. Peoples het eerste gekolf en teken ’n goeie 250 lopies in sy toegelate 50 beurte aan. Dean Klutte het met goeie kolfwerk 83 sprankel-lopies aangeteken, en is goed deur Marvin Nicholas (42) en Jarrier Alexander (36) ondersteun. Bergrivier is in die 48ste beurt vir 239 uitgeboul vir ’n 11 lopie oorwinning vir die Tiere. Alexander (2/29)

en Ashwill Williams (2/33) was Peoples se beste boulers. Saterdag speel die eerste span weg teen Stellenbosch en Distrikte, tweedes weg teen Spes Bona en die derdes tuis teen Brackenfell * Die klub se ledevergadering het Donderdag (29 Januarie) in die klubhuis plaasgevind. Die maandfunksie vind plaas op Saterdag, 31 Januarie in die klubhuis vanaf 15:00 in die vorm van ’n worsrolletjie en skyfies teen R25.


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