Helderberg Gazette 12 Mar 2013

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Year 17 • Tuesday 12 March 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

No shelter for community crèche NICOLE MCCAIN

Macassar Village residents who started a community-run crèche for 85 children in need of education have now had a run-in with local authorities, who ordered the removal of temporary shading. The crèche was started this year on an open site in Magdelina Gila Road. The classes are taught by volunteers from the community, and community members erected a metal structure to provide shade for the children.However, on Tuesday (5March) they had to take down the structure after orders from the City of Cape Town. According to Councillor Tandeka Gqada, Mayoral Committee Member for Human Settlements at the City, the structure was erected without the permission of the City. “There is an obligation to ensure that any structure that is erected within the municipal area complies with the basic health and safety requirements, as dictated by the National Building Regulations. This is done for the safety of the people who use it,” said Gqada. The Anti-Land Invasion Unit informed community leaders of the correct procedure to follow to acquire land and permission to open a crèche. Community leader Tshokolo Makhetha says, “We as a community are willing to do our part. I will defend our children because in that class are doctors and nurses and teachers.” According to fellow community leader, Christiaan Steward, this is why the community started the creche. “The structure was erected through Makhetha and the community, with this one giving a pole and that one giving some metal.” Makhetha says Macassar Village is home to almost 20 000 people, and there is no crèche or community hall in the immediate area. Residents make use of the facilities in Macassar, over a kilometre away. Melany Kühn, spokesperson for the MEC of Social Development, Albert Fritz, says there are only three registered crèches in Macassar. The process for establishing a crèche involves registration with the Department of Social Development, and this can take some time. According to Kühn, the community will have to

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The community scraped together the materials to erect a makeshift shelter for the children, but has now been ordered to remove it by the City of Cape Town. consult an ECD social worker at the nearest Department of Social Development office in order to discuss the need for a partial care facility in the specific area, before following various registration procedures. Leanne Keet of Masikhule Childcare, an organisation that mentors over 10 crèches in the Helderberg, says it takes a crèche three years on average to register, although the length of time can vary. In April last year, Macassar Village community members protested to draw attention to the need for a primary school in the area, as pupils have to commute either to Faure or Macassar for school. Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for the Western Cape MEC for Education, Donald Grant, says the Education Department is currently in dialogue with the community concerning a school in the area. Casey says a meeting was held on 3 March and a follow-up meeting will be held once a date is set. However, Steward says the community is not happy. “The community is unhappy. We as community leaders are trying to encourage them to negotiate, but they are very unhappy.” Classes are continuing on the site, in the sun, while community leaders liaise with the City to erect a new structure.

Teacher Nolubabaho Baliso teaches the 85 children from Macassar Village, attending the creche in Magdelina Gila Road. PHOTO’S: NICOLE MCCAIN



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News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Hare waai vir Kansa Die 10de jaarlikse Kansa Shavathon is op Saterdag 2 Maart deur talle Helderberg-inwoners by Somerset Mall ondersteun. Mense van alle ouderdomme, lengtes en breedtes het dit bygewoon om hul koppe te laat skeer, spuit of tooi met gekleurde haarjel. Die koste was R50 vir volwassenes en R25 vir kinders onder 12 jaar. Vrywilligers was die hele dag lank hard aan die werk. Hulle het van 08:00 tot 17:00 in die gebied oorkant Cape Town Fish Market geskeer en gespuit. Volgens Elnette du Toit, gemeenskapsmobiliseerder vir Kansa, kon die algehele bedrag wat op die dag ingesamel is, nog nie bevestig word nie.

Sam Rudman skeer Lynn Wentzel se kop. Leonie (left) and Michelle practise their defence moves

Women pack a punch NICOLE MCCAIN Helderberg women now have the chance to learn how to defend themselves against abuse. Locals Michelle Mulder and Leonie Venter established an organisation called Pink Army, which focuses on equipping women with self-defence skills.

Sommige van die vrywilligers by die Kansa Shavathon by Somerset Mall verlede Saterdag (van links): Lynn Wentzel, Susan Rowen, Tracey-Leigh April, Elnette du Toit, Leonora le Grange en Sam Rudman. Voor is Timothy Isaacs en Raquel Tetley. FOTO’S: ILLANA FRANTZ

Support for anxiety and depression The next meeting of the South African Anxiety and Depression Support Group (SADAG) will be held on Monday 11 March at the Coronation Avenue Methodist Church in Somerset West. The subject for discussion will be “Caring for the soul” and it will start at 18:00.

“Anyone with concerns about anxiety, panic attacks, depression or any other mental illness is welcome to attend,” said Rudyard Harrison, one of the facilitators. For more information contact the Ruach Counselling Centre on 021 852 8176 or send an e-mail to rudyardh7@gmail.com.

Leonie says the self-defence course takes a holistic look at safety which doesn’t only look at defence but how to become aware of your surroundings and avoid potentially dangerous situations. The focus is not on hurting someone but rather to free yourself and escape. Michelle says the organisation is driven by passion as both she and Leonie have a drive to help others. “There is such a big need. I don’t want to be in an abusive situation and I don’t want anyone else to be in that situation. It’s satisfying to empower women.” This passion has spilled over into a charity side of the organisation, with Pink Army willing to provide free classes to schools or organisations in underprivileged areas. For more information, contact Leonie Venter on 076 835 6430, or email pinkarmysd@gmail.com

The self-defence classes don’t only focus on safety, but also on teaching women to trust themselves. “It’s not only self defence for women, but teaching them to empower themselves,” says Michelle. “Women don’t think they have the ability to do what they can. The classes awaken the fire in them.” The classes are open to all ages, from high school to adults. “We start with high school pupils, but the oldest participant we’ve had has been 74 years old.” Housewife and mother of four, Michelle, came up with the idea of forming an organisation to empower women after she had experienced several abusive situations. Having always had an interest in self defence, when she met a security specialist at her local gym she took the opportunity to pitch the idea to him. Leonie, a personal trainer, came on board, and together they spent almost a year training and developing a programme to teach women, focusing on movements that are both logical and easy. Michelle was startled to find that there are no organisations that provide grading for self-defence classes, and so there is no standard against which to measure them. Leonie says this will be their next step Locals Leonie Venter and Michelle Mulder are a force to be reckoned to establish a grading system for with, and are teaching other women how to stay safe. other organisations. PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN

Tuesday 12 March 2013

News - Nuus

Another Helderberg baby found dumped The body of a four-month-old baby was found in Lwandle last week, wrapped in a plastic bag and discarded on the side of Onverwacht Road. AccordingtoLwandlepolicespokesperson Constable Mthokozisi Gama, based on the state of the body which was found on Monday 4 March, it had been left there sometime during the weekend. He says police suspect the child was already dead when the body was placed there. Although there were no signs of abuse, Gama says police suspect the child’s mother may have dumped the body. No babies have been reported missing in the area. This comes only months after a four-dayold baby was found abandoned in Macassar. The child, found by police in December last year, was fortunately still alive but authorities have not yet found the parents. According to the Department of Social Development, 36 children were abandoned in the Metro East district last year, of which one came from the Helderberg. Whileparentsmayfeeltheyhavenochoice in abandoning a child, Danielle Thomson, assistant director of Baby Safe, says there are Constable Mthokozisi Gama at the site where the abandoned body was found. ways to preserve the life of a child. “ It breaks our hearts each time we hear of a child’s life where the mother feels she can’t provide for her Thomson. “Many women seeking options are inneedlessly lost, especially when there are op- child, an abusive or absent relationship where terested in adoption as an alternative, but are tions and resources available to help pregnant the mother has no support or is in fear of her afraid of their family’s reaction.” Thomson urges mothers to consider alternawomen in need.” Thomson says there are many partner, illness through HIV/AIDS and TB, and tives such as foster care or adoption if they are factors that contribute “to the desperation that a lack of awareness of options. Often there is a lack of family support, says unable to care for their children. leads to baby dumping”. These include poverty,

Smash-and-grabbers arrested Two men were arrested in connection with a smash-and-grab incident in the Strand on the weekend. The 18- and 21-year-old suspects were charged with possession of stolen property, in connection with a case of theft out of motor vehicle on the corner of Gordon’s Bay Road and Onverwacht Road on Friday (8 March). The theft took place at about 23:30 on Friday, when a woman stopped at the intersection. She noticed two men approaching the vehicle before they broke the windows of the vehicle and grabbed her hand bag.

The suspects made off with her cellphone and an undisclosed amount of cash. The station commander Colonel Shawn van Wyk expressed appreciation for the community for giving information that led to the arrests. The two suspects appeared on Monday in the Strand Magistrate’s Court. The outcome was not available at the time of going to print. Any information concerning the case can be directed to the investigation officer, Detective Sergeant Denville Davids of SAPS Strand, at 021 854 9100.

Dagga grower appears in court Train kills Zimbabwean A Zimbabwean national was killed by a train on Wednesday (27 February) near the Firgrove station. Const. Suzan Jantjies of Somerset West police says strong winds caused by the train’s speed could have pulled him under the train as he was walking along the tracks. He died of his injuries. Witnesses are urged to call WO James Robertson at 021 850 1370.

A Strand man was arrested on Thursday (7 March) for cultivating dagga, after the Strand police conducted intelligencedriven operations. Search warrants were obtained and a residence in Elim Street, Strand was searched. During the search police found that a number of dagga plants were growing on the premises. Police then arrested a 23year-old male on charges of cultivating dagga. He ap-

peared in the Strand magistrate’s court on Friday. At the time of print the outcome was not available. The station commander, Col. Shawn van Wyk, commended the members for their outstanding work. He further expressedappreciationforthe community for giving information that led to the arrests. Anyone with information can contact Detective WO CasparusBresler, 0218549100.

Attend imbizo in Lwandle Residents of Lwandle are encouraged to attend sector meetings with the Lwandle Community Police Forum (CPF) and the station commander of Lwandle SAPS to forge a stronger link between the community and police. The next imbizo will focus on the following neighbourhoods of Lwandle: Greenfield, Pholile Park, Vlakteplaas, Ezinkomeni, Enkanini and Silahliwe. The schools, crèches and non-governmental organisations in those areas are also invited to the imbizo. Amongst other things, the CPF and station commander intend to re-establish the link between the community and the police in order to create a safer environment. The meeting will take place on Wednesday 13 March at 18:00 at the Lwandle Community Hall. For more information, contact sector commander Constable Sivuyile Mtshotana on 082 522 1200 or 021 845 2060.

Helderberg Gazette


Baby-care options According to Danielle Thomson, assistant director of Baby Safe, the following options are open to mothers who are unable to take care of their children: )Foster care: This allows parents to place their children through social services with a screened and registered family to take on the role of caregivers. Foster care is promoted as a short-term option for parents who desire to parent their children but are currently unable and need time for their situation to stabilise.” )Adoption: This is a legal process, allowing parents to place their child with a family for life, surrendering all rights and responsibilities, either through a private or government social worker. Adoption is the best option where a situation is uncertain and may or may not stabilise, providing a secure and permanent option for the child. )Baby Safes: Baby Safe and other organisations make baby safes available to prevent baby dumping. These are secure “drop boxes” where a woman can anonymously and legally abandon her child, without risk of death to the child and keeping the parents’ identity secret. The abandonment is processed by a social worker and the child is then placed for adoption. There is a Baby Safe at Immanuel’s Haven in 1st Ave, Gordon’s Bay.


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Biometric check-ins for teachers

After a report found that the average South African teacher is absent for 19 days every year, national Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, announced plans to implement a biometric system to monitor teacher attendance at schools. The proposed system would scan finger prints to record

when teachers signed in and out. Motshekga said the system was modelled on a similar one, currently in use in the Western Cape. However, Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for the Western Cape MEC of Education, Donald Grant, says, “We are not aware of any pilot in the Western Cape and have re-

quested the National Department to clarify these comments.” Motshekga reportedly said the process of rolling out the system had not yet started, and the cost and length of time involved had not been established. The Gazette asked readers what they thought of the proposed biometric system.

“It’s good to have a system like that in place,” says Sam Mhirisawo of Strand. “Absenteeism affects teaching time, so something must be done to increase attendance.”

Brian Gates of Strand says the system may be pricey, but is worth the cost. “It’s definitely worth it to get attendance up. I’m sure the department can carry the cost.”

“I think the biometric system will work,” says Gordon Bay’s Princess Xhashimbe. “It will allow the government to see which teachers are at school, and prevent children from going to school and spending the whole day doing nothing.”

Nomzamo’s Mlungisi Thungwana says, “It’s good to that the department will be able to measure attendance more effectively, and I don’t think the cost will be too high. Once it is installed, you only pay for the electricity.”

Strand se Anna Skelton sê die sisteem sal help, omdat die departement onmiddellik inligting kan kry oor wie afwesig is of nie. “Hulle sal onmiddellik presies weet wie by die skool is.”

Patience Bemi of Strand says the biometric system will cut down on any fraud. “The biometric system is good, because it means you can measure accurately. With a paper system, it’s easy to have someone else mark you as present. But you can’t cheat with fingerprints.” PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR FUNDING OF ARTS AND CULTURE ORGANISATIONS OR CULTURAL FESTIVALS IN THE WESTERN CAPE Arts and culture organisations (NGOs, NPOs, CBOs, excluding close corporations) that are involved in the visual arts, the performing arts (e.g. music, dance, drama) and/or literary arts, crafts, the humanities and youth development can now apply for funding for their arts and culture projects, programmes and productions at festivals which will be presented until 31 March 2014. We provide funding for arts and culture in the Western Cape. Together let us support our artistic and creative communities better. Funds will be allocated according to clear and consistent criteria. Funding will be provided to applicants who strive to develop the performing and creative arts with: • feasible and consistent outcomes-based programmes • skills development, mentoring and the pairing of new entrants • the creation or conceptualisation of innovative new projects and new work • works with showcasing potential at cultural festivals, and that place emphasis on women, the youth and people with disabilities • artistic and creative projects of quality • the development of indigenous works • productions and performances of excellence • projects should include artistic and out-reach programmes Applications must be submitted on the prescribed application form, accompanied by the required supporting documentation. For application forms and any enquiries, please contact: Cape Town Head office: Ms Nuraan Vallie-Kriel, tel.: 021 483 5960, e-mail: Nuraan.Kriel@westerncape.gov.za or Mr. Adrian Kearns, tel.: 021 483 5958, e-mail: Adrian.Kearns@westerncape.gov.za Vredendal Regional office: Mr Benjamin Bock, tel.: 027 213 3018, e-mail: benjaminbock10@gmail.com Oudtshoorn Regional office: Mr April Meiring, tel.: 044 279 1766, e-mail: April.Meiring@westerncape.gov.za Postal address: Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Private Bag X9067, Cape Town 8000. Physical address: Arts and Culture Component, 3rd floor, Protea Assurance Building, Greenmarket Square, Cape Town 8001. Closing date: Wednesday, 3 April 2013 at 15:00 Late applications will not be considered • Only applications received by post, courier or hand-delivered applications will be accepted • Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted. No applicant is automatically entitled to funding; all funding is at the discretion of the department.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Absenteeism not high NICOLE MCCAIN School teachers around the country may be absent from class for an average of 19 days a year, but according to school principals, Helderberg teachers are putting in more classroom time. A report issued in February showed that nationally, the average teacher was absent for 19 days a year. But local principals say their staff are spending more time in the class. Monwabisi Matshoba, principal at Simanyene High School in Nomzamo, says his staff clocks an average of eight days of absenteeism. Bernard Simons, principal at Gordon High in Somerset West, says his staff take fewer than ten days’ leave each year. Zandvliet Secondary’s Richard Basson says he is unable to provide exact figures, but estimates his teachers are away from between ten to 15 days a year. Helderberg schools appear to be above the provincial average. According to Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for the department’s MEC, Donald Grant, the average number of days absent for each teacher was five, for both 2010 and 2011. She added that the total number of days absent for all the educators had in fact decreased, from 172 155 in 2010, to 169 018 in 2011. The results for 2012 are not yet available, and Casey says the department is only able to provide statis-

tics across the province and not in the Helderberg. According to Basson, teachers often take time off to cope with the large workload they face, and because of the stress of teaching large classes. Simons says teacher absenteeism remains a challenge, and he has implemented a few measures to curb unnecessary leave. He has issued a booklet to staff to educate them on leave management, and also highlights the impact of absenteeism. “When a teacher is absent, other teachers have to supervise their classes, which impacts on their time. The children also become unruly and miss out on work.” According to Matshoba, his staff are seldom absent because of their strong work ethic. “It’s all about dedication and having passion, which our staff still have. The onus is also on the principal. The attitude of the staff depends on his style of management, and whether he motivates the staff.” Casey says it remains a priority to get as much teaching time in as possible. “Schools are encouraged to ensure that every minute of every school day is optimally used for teaching and learning. We believe there has been a positive shift in attitude by our educators and principals in prescribing to this principle and we will continue to emphasise the ‘protection of teaching and learning time’ throughout the 2013 school year.”

Tuesday 12 March 2013

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Helderberg Gazette



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Helderberg Gazette

In Memoriam Wilhelm Antonio Smit

26/02/1961- 15/08/2012 Dis Deddie se 1ste verjaarsdag daar bo by Jesus en Mammie. Wens jy was nog met ons. Deddie is veilig by Jesus. Niks is meer dieselfde sonder Deddie nie. Diepe verlange en liefde, Eteresa en Suzelle Smit

Tuesday 12 March 2013

ao. Christopher le Roux,

19/02/1968 - 18/07/2012

Ek wens jou geluk met jou verjaardag, die eerste by koning Jesus. Duisende dankies my man, vir so baie liefde vir my en ons kinders, vir jou humorsin en jou lawwigheid, en dat jy vir ons so hard gewerk het. Die dankies wat my hart vir jou wil sê, kan nie in woorde beskryf word nie, maar ek ken jou en ek weet dat jy vir my en jou kinders en almal wat jy ao. Christopher le Roux lief het, voor Jesus se voete neerlê. Sing vandag vir my We’ll talk over it en speel op die hemelse kitaar, vir ewig lief vir jou. Van jou vrou Katy en Melody, Angelica, Christian en Christopher

KENNISGEWING VAN SUBRAADVERGADERINGS: MAART 2013 Kennis geskied hiermee dat die vergaderings van die 24 (vier-en-twintig) subrade van die Stad Kaapstad op die volgende tye en plekke gehou sal word: Subraad Plek




Raadsaal, Royal Ascot, Milnerton








Raadsaal, Voortrekkerweg, Goodwood




Parow-raadsaal, Tallentweg, Parow




The Hague-gemeenskapsaal, h.v. Delfthoofweg en Silversandsweg, The Hague




Bellville-raadsaal, Bellville-burgersentrum 18











Solomon Tshuku-saal, Site C, Khayelitsha 20



Lookout Hill-toerismefasiliteit, Khayelitsha









Ruth First-gemeenskapsaal








Raven-kamer, Pinelandsopleidingsentrum, Pinelands




Raadsaal, Waalstraat 44, Kaapstad




Athlone- klein saal




Rondevlei-subraad-raadsaal, Lotusrivier




Raadsaal, Vishoek







12 13

20 21


Raadsaal, Alphen-sentrum Constantia Oostenberg-raadsaal, Kuilsrivier













Bestuurder Peter Deacon 021 550 1001 Fred Monk 021 980 6053 Johannes Brand 021 590 1676 Ardela van Niekerk 021 444 0196 Martin Julie 021 695 8161 Pat Jansen 021 918 2024 Carin Viljoen 021 444 0689 Izak du Toit 021 850 4149 Johnson Fetu 021 360 1351 Goodman Rorwana 021 360 1267 Kayise Nombakuse 021 630 1737 Alesia Bosman 021 371 8199 Lunga Bobo 021 630 1619 Christopher Jako 021 630 1678 Mariette Griessel 021 531 3437 Marius Coetsee 021 487 2055 Edgar Carolissen 021 637 9757 Okkie Manuels 021 700 4020 Desiree Mentor 021 784 2011 Brian Ford 021 794 2493 Pieter Grobler 021 900 1502 Richard Moi 021 900 1508 Raphael Martin 021 371 4551 Anthony Mathe 021 956 8000

Pam Alexander en Rhoda Abrahams (staande) help studente (van links) Shanaaz Wantza, Veronique Pietersen en Giovan Pietersen met hul take. FOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

Siyaya ontwikkel die vaardighede van werklose jong mense in Macassar Inwoners van Deepfreeze, Macassar, is die geleentheid gegun om hul vaardighede te ontwikkel danksy ’n opleidingsprogram wat deur ’n plaaslike vervaardigingsmaatskappy geborg is. Die 21 plaaslike inwoners het hul kursus voorverlede Woensdag afgeskop. Dit is deur MacNeil Plastics geborg, wie se fabriek onlangs van Firgrove af verhuis het. Die studente is deur die Siyaya-vaardigheidsinstituut opgelei in higiëne en skoonmaak-vaardighede. Siyaya is ’n opleidingsmaatskappy wat studente werf vir vakleerlingskappe of opleiding wat deur maatskappye moontlik gemaak word. Pam Alexander van Siyaya sê sy was opgewonde om met die gemeenskap so naby aan

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Die dag waarop jy jou Gazette op jou selfoon kan lees, het aangebreek! Gaan na bolandgazette.mobi en sien die week se nuutste nuus uit ses streke in die Boland. Ons splinternuwe Mobi-werf vir selfoongebruikers sal nie net berigte uit die Swartland, Breederivier/Langeberg, Theewaterskloof, Helderberg, Stellenbosch en Drakenstein bevat nie, maar gee jou ook toegang tot video’s, fotogalerye, speletjies, musiek, die weervoorspelling en natuurlik kompetisies. Om ons afskop te vier, gee ons ’n dubbelkaartjie weg vir die grootste Afrikaanse musiekkonsert in die land, Huisgenoot Skouspel, wat in Julie by die Grand West Casino in die Kaap plaasvind. Twee vertonings, een in die middag om 12:00 en ’n aandkonsert om 19:00, vind plaas. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Computicket vir tussen R150 en R250. As jy die kans wil waag om ons dubbelkaartjie te wen, gaan na bolandgazette.mobi

Benewens die sake wat op spesifieke subrade betrekking het, gaan die volgende item op die agendas van al die subrade in Maart verskyn: Kaapstad-soneringskema (CTZS) – inleiding en deel van inligting Ruimteontwikkelingsraamwerk vir Kaapstad – tegniese wysigings vir kommentaar Afskrifte is ter insae beskikbaar by subrade, munisipale biblioteke en by www.capetown.gov.za. Organisasies word versoek om kommentaar aan die subrade voor te lê. Volgens die ordereëls vir subrade kan enige lid van die publiek die subraad oor enige saak toespreek deur vooraf met die betrokke subraadsbestuurder reëlings daarvoor te tref. ACHMAT EBRAHIM STADSBESTUURDER

die fabriek te werk, omdat dit hopelik die druk van werkloosheid sal help verlig. Die studente is gewerf met die hulp van Chris Janneke, ’n plaaslike sakeman wat Virgo Personnel besit. “Daar is baie jong mense in die area met intelligensie en ambisie wat werkloos is. Die opleiding is ’n goeie geleentheid vir hulle.” Marson Cooper, menslike hulpbronne-bestuurder vir MacNiel Plastics, sê die opleiding was nie net deel van die nasionale groep se toewyding aan vaardigheidsontwikkeling en ’n beleid om in hul gemeenskappe terug te ploeg nie, maar ook ’n manier vir die maatskappy om die gemeenskap van nader te leer ken waaruit hulle in die toekoms werkers sal werf.

) Dit is uiters lagwekkend dat Carl Punt van die DA die ANC beskuldig van rassisme en dat hy gefaal het om werk te skep vir almal. Ek wil die DA daaraan herinner dat hy nog nooit regstellende aksie van die ANC veroordeel het wat teen Afrikaanssprekendes gemik is nie. Dit is juis die DA wat die transformasie van die ANC handhaaf in die Wes-Kaap. Die DA staan ook nie op vir Afrikaanse skole wat verengels nie. Is die ANC alleen skuldig? Dirk du Toit, Somerset-Wes Behuising ) Zille en die DA gaan nie die behuisingsprobleme baasraak nie, want oorbevolking bars uit sy nate! Onbewaking van grense laat onwettige immigrante stroom na oorbevolkte plakkerskampe terwyl pres. Zuma die hele wêreld verwelkom in SA! SA is nie meer die land van melk en heuning nie, maar wel die land van probleme terwyl politici tjoepstil bly oor alles. Morkel, Gordonsbaai ) ’n Groot dankie aan Lourensia Park se behuisingskomitee. Ons hou vir julle in gebed en mag julle nie toelaat dat negatiewe elemente julle van stryk bring nie. Ons waardeer julle! Lourensia Parker Straf vir omkoop ) Drie jaar vir honderd rand is belaglik maar vier moordsake in twee weke uitgegooi in Strand-hof is ’n skande. As jy steel en baklei moet jy tronk toe reg genoeg jy moet maar moord pleeg en jy stap skotvry uit hof. Snaaks nê? Die reg is een groot grap. DG, Strand All pay-ontvangers ) Op reaksie van stapper oor vuil strate en tuine, hoekom laat die regering nie die massa wat All-Pay kry in alfabetiese volgorde die strate en dorp skoonmaak nie; dan word hulle ook op daai dag gepay. Dit sal hulle selfrespek vir hulle teruggee. Ons land sal die skoonste wees.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

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General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Zandvliet hou karnaval

Zandvliet Sekondêre Skool in Macassar se jaarlikse karnaval het op 2 en 3 Maart plaasgevind. Die karnaval het meer as 5 000 besoekers gelok, met ritte en stalletjies wat vermaak aan die hele gesin ver-

skaf het. ’n Pretstap is ook op Saterdag gehou om die skool se 25ste verjaardag te vier. Die pretstap het 130 deelnemers gehad, wat elk ’n medalje vir hul deelname ontvang het.

Die pretstap het 130 deelnemers gehad.

Die meer as 5 000 besoekers het die ritte en stalletjies geniet.

Ook by die feesvieringe was (van links) Nicolene Davis, Danelle Jacobs, Kaye-Lynn Abrahams, Kelly Moses, Kezia van der Merwe en Nadia Love.

Sowel eerlinge as ouers het die karnaval geniet. Hier (van links) is Abby Bruintjies, Juanita Engel en haar dogter Julia, en Ally Bruintjies.

Toer na PE ’n Helderberg toergroep beplan ’n toer na Port Elizabeth in September ná hul suksesvolle toer na George verlede jaar. Die toer duur van 20 September tot 24 September. Enigeen wat belangstel kan Micheal by 073 165 2005 bel of Ingrid by 073 185 2341.


Macassar Housing Project

The City of Cape Town’s Human Settlements Directorate has commenced with the Environmental and Land Use Planning process for the Macassar Housing Project on erven 2633 and 3968. A Project Steering Committee (PSC) must be elected during a public meeting in accordance with the City’s policies. This meeting will be initiated by the Human Settlements and the Public Engagement departments. The members of the committee will be selected from possible beneficiaries in the Macassar area.

Tweeling Shunell Dampies en Shimone Adriaanse het ook die karnaval bygewoon.

Rules when watering your garden In order to prevent further water wastage, residents are once again being encouraged to stick to the specified garden watering times – especially important during summer seasons when dam levels traditionally tend to drop. The City of Cape Town’s Water and Sanitation Department has confirmed that although there is no cause for concern, the City appeals to residents to remain water wise. The following rules apply when watering: • Only water gardens before 10:00 or after 16:00. • All hosepipes used for washing vehicles must be equipped with an automatic self-

closing nozzle. • Residents who use borehole or wellpoint water must register or re-register their boreholes and wellpoints with the City. A new sign and certificate of appreciation will be provided to those who register new and re-register existing boreholes and wellpoints, which must be displayed prominently. Although they are exempt from the watering time stipulations, these water users are encouraged to only water their gardens during the stipulated watering times according to the City’s by-laws. Further details can be found at www.capetown.gov.za/.

A public meeting has been arranged to establish a Project Steering Committee (PSC): VENUE: Old Civic Hall behind Municipal Offices, Hospital Avenue, Macassar DATE: 18 March 2013 TIME: 19:00 For further enquiries please contact Cecelia Lategan on tel 021 850 4337.


Marvin Park Primary School in Macassar recently appointed their prefects for 2013. The pupils are seen here with principal John Jacobs (left) and Niell Carlse.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette


Buurtwag kry opleiding Lede van Macassar buurtwag vereniging het onlangs opleiding ondergaan wat aangebied is deur Charl Viljoen van die Stad Kaapstad. Hierdie opleiding het veral gefokus op die sogenaamde stukkende venster-konsep. Buurtwagte word aangemoedig om alles in die omgewing te monitor tydens hul patrollies en sodoende aktief

betrokke te wees, byvoorbeeld om ’n stukkende venster te herstel of vervang en gate in paaie, ligte wat nie brand nie of bouvallige geboue te rapporteer. Lede van die publiek wat lid van die buurtwag in hul omgewing wil wees word aangemoedig om die Macassar-polisie by 021 857 1024 te bel.

Islam Expo in April in Hermanus The Discover Islam Centre is calling for participants in an Islam Expo to be held in April. The expo will showcase Islam and Muslims in a professional and creative way, and will take place at the Hermanus City Hall from 5 to 7 April. A major component of the expo will be a walk-through created with banners, exhibits and stalls, focusing on Islamic wear, crafts and literature. The Hermanus mosque will also form part of the tour package, with a shuttle bus chartering guests of the expo to and from the mosque at regular intervals throughout the day. The expo will cover several themes, including belief (Arkaanul Iman), practice (Arkaanul Islam), history of Islamic civilisation, Islamic art, family tree of the Ambiyaah, and contemporary Islamic society. The Discover Islam Centre, which aims to share the message of Islam, provide multi-faceted support for new Muslims and help build a vibrant community, is appealing for assistance from volunteers inn hosting the different projects and events. For more information, contact Rughsaun Adams on 021 696 8375 or office@discoverislam.co.za.

Van links is (agter) kapt. Donavan Le Roux, Piet Nomdoe (buurtwag-koördineerder), Henry Ponter, Saul Claasen, Jim Jacobs en Willem Hugo; (middel) konst. Chrisy Young, Desmond Dreyer, Marco Williams, Pieter Mauries, Klaas Mereki, Andries Daniels, Juanita Jooste en Elisme Williams; (voor) Kassiem Anthony, Bettie Toerine, wyk 109 raadslid John Heuvel, Sandra Daniels en George Liddle. FOTO: BERNADETTE ROSSI

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General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

They are off to Getaway!

Five lucky readers have won double tickets to the Cape Getaway Show, taking place at Lourensford Estate in Somerset West. The winners are: Marlene Wilmont, Hillary Jean Lincoln, Yolande Aprils, Josephine Hartman and Caryn Straker. The Cape Getaway Show which runs from 15 to 17 March, boasts 250 outdoor, travel and adventure exhibits. Gates will be open as follows: Friday 15 March: 10:00 – 18:00; Saturday: 16 March: 09:00 – 19:00 and Sunday 17 March: 09:00 – 17:00. Entrance is R60 for adults and R30 for kids and pensioners. Entrance for u.12’s is free, as is parking. Tickets available at the gates or online at www.getawayshow.co.za. Full show details can be found at www.getawayshow.co.za.


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A family favourite: sweet banana bread Everyone loves a soft, delicious banana bread, and this family favourite will have your loved ones coming back for second and thirds. Ingredients: ½ cup unsalted butter, room temperature 1 cup sugar 2 cups mashed banana (approximately 4 large bananas) 2 large eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking power ¾ teaspoon fine sea salt ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon ¼teaspoon ground cardamom ½ cup buttermilk Method: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cream the butter and

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sugar together. Add the mashed bananas and mix; then add the eggs, one at a time, and mix. Finally, add the vanilla and give the mixer a turn one more time. In a separate bowl mix the flour, baking powder, sea salt, cinnamon and cardamom with a whisk. Add the dry ingredients to the banana mixture and mix. Then, pour in the buttermilk and mix until just blended. Pour evenly into loaf pan, and place in oven. When a knife inserted comes out clean, the bread is done. Cool the loaves in their pans for 10 minutes on a wire rack. Then release the loaf from the pan and allow the banana bread to cool completely. Adapted from: www.cafezupas.com

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This soft, delicious banana bread will be a firm family favourite. PHOTO: WWW.CAFEZUPAS.COM


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Tuesday 12 March 2013

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Dinsdag 12 Maart 2013

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette


Protect your home from the top before the rainy season Winter in the Western Cape brings rain, and sometimes with it, those dreaded roof leaks. What do when a good, long winter shower finds its way into your living room? The longer you wait, the bigger the damage will be, resulting in unnecessary high costs, says the team at a Boland paint supplier. First, control interior damage as quickly as possible. Move away any items that have not yet become soaked and protect items that cannot be moved by covering them with plastic sheets. Collect dripping water in a leak-proof container and make sure the container is on a solid surface. Then remove the water. Dry up water that has soaked into carpets and furniture. You may need to pull the carpet away from the padding, expose the backing to air and allow it to dry. This will also give the padding underneath a chance to dry and reduce the chance that mould will grow. Circulate as much fresh air as possible. If your living space has sustained a considerable amount of damage, call your insurance agent. Your policy may or may not cover damage to the interior from a roof leak. Don’t wait to call the agent who can usually inspect the damage within hours of your call and help you get started on cleaning up or replacing your damaged contents. Check the roof for obvious sources of standing or pooling water. Ensure the valleys, gutters and downspouts are clear of debris and allow the water to move freely off the roof and away from the house. Inspect the roofing materials. Make sure all parts of the underlying roof are covered with shingles and that the water barrier is not exposed in any way. Note that the water’s point of entry into the living space may not be directly below the roof leak. Roof leaks can “travel”, so inspect the entire region of the leak carefully. Clear the gutters and downspouts if they are clogged. You can often do this with a garden hose. If they cannot be cleared with a

hose, you may have to remove the downspout from the gutter and clear it by inverting the downspout or using a broom handle to push the debris out of the pipe. Inspect the flashing. Some roof leaks are not the result of clogged gutters or downspouts. Instead, leaks occur where the roofing material is worn or damaged. In other cases the flashing around chimneys, vents, or roof projections is damaged and allows water into the structure below. If the flashing is in poor condition, it may need to be replaced. If the sealing around the flashing is damaged a generous application of roof tar may plug the leak. Look for hidden damage. Roof leaks often develop over time, so water may collect and go unnoticed before it enters the living space. When you inspect the attic, check for any hidden damage that the leak may have caused. Look for wet spots on the roof planks or panels, discoloured wood, damaged panels, strange odours and dirt on the insulation. Check the interior for bulges in the ceilings and walls, peeling paint, and badly cracked plaster or wallboard. All of these are signs that something may not be right in your attic or walls. Check for pests. Ants and other water-loving pests will find wet wood a very attractive place to build a nest. If you experience a sudden invasion of water-loving pests, immediately look for wet wood. An exterminator can rid your house of these pests, but the only way to make sure they stay away is to remove the wet wood and remediate the problem. Call a roofing contractor. If your inspection reveals a lot of water damage, or an old roof that simply needs replacement, and if you aren’t up to replacing it yourself, call a professional carpenter to repair or replace your roof. Re-roofing can be expensive, therefore it’s essential that you get several estimates from different contractors before selecting someone to do the work.

Paralympian Roxy Burns will compete in the national championships.


Track Cycling Champs: entries now open Entries are now open for the 2013 SA Track and Paracycling Championships, which will be held at the Bellville Velodrome from Wednesday 27 to Sunday 31 March. The track cycling commission is proud to announce that Olympian sprinter Bernard Esterhuizen and 2012 world championship silver medallist Nolan Hoffman will be competing on home soil. Esterhuizen’s recent national record in the 200 m sprint will be on the minds of his challengers, even though competitors will be competing on a concrete track surface at sea level. Hoffman will be looking to make amends after he felt his disappointment at the recent world champs in Minsk, Belarus. Paralympians Roxy Burns and Jaco Nel will also be competing at the national champs.

Burns will be aiming to post a world championship qualifying time in her speciality event, the 500 m time trial, while Nel will also be challenging to do well in his main event, the 1 000 m time trial. The national championships are important for both riders in order to keep themselves competitive in the absence of a UCI paracycling world championships for 2013. A host of local competitors will also be fiercely contesting the championships in order to wear the prestigious national jersey and claim a national medal. Entries for the 2013 SA Track and Paracycling Championships close on 17 March 2013, and entry forms are available at www.cyclingsa.com. For more information, contact Cycling South Africa at 021 917 1736.

Missing Melford and Maggie Swartland are looking for information regarding the whereabouts of their children, Ntobomzuko (18) and Siyanonga (25). The pair were last seen by their parents in Somerset West, on 11 January, and were last reported to have been in Stellenbosch. Anyone with information is urged to contact Dina Adams at 021 852 9224.

“Have your say” Would you like to partner the City of Cape Town in fighting poverty and creating jobs in the city? The Executive Mayor of Cape Town, Alderman Patricia de Lille, invites you to discuss the City’s draft Social Development Strategy and its Economic Growth Strategy. Date: 19 March 2013 Time: 19:00 – 21:00 Venue: Lwandle Community Hall, Vulindlela Road, Lwandle, Strand Bus pick up points 17:20 Simanyeni High School 17:40 Kwezi Clinic 18:00 Phakade Primary School 18:20 Umnqophiso Primary School

Ntobomzuko Swartland

17:00 17:20 17:40 18:00 18:20 18:40

Cnr Link Avenue and Kramat Road Cnr Link Avenue and Barracuda Street Cnr Link Avenue and Albatros Way Macassar Primary School Oklahoma Street Primary School Marvin Park Primary School

17:40 18:00

Garden Village Community Hall Chris Nissen Community Hall

18:20 18:40

Sir Lowry’s Pass Centre Sir Lowry’s Pass Primary

For further information please visit www.capetown.gov.za/haveyoursay and for enquiries in the language of your choice, please contact: Ruche Daniels (English) Tel: 021 400 1766 Fax: 021 400 1465 ruche.daniels@capetown.gov.za Frederick Venter (Afrikaans) Tel: 021 400 1768 Fax: 021 400 1465 frederick.venter@capetown.gov.za Anele Viti (isiXhosa) Tel: 021 400 1652 Fax: 021 400 1465 anele.viti@capetown.gov.za


Siyanonga Swartland


Year 17 • Dinsdag 12 Maart 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Lwandle pupils real pool boffins NICOLE MCCAIN Seven-year-old Owadwa Bulana is barely tall enough to see over the edge of the pool table, with the pool cue easily half a metre longer than his height. But as his face closes with intense concentration, everything his coach, Elias Nomakhakhaya, has taught him comes into play and he doesn’t miss his shot.

Elias Nomakhakhaya (back left) with his squad in front of the centre he constructed from his own funds.


Owadwa is just one of the young boys from Lwandle who Elias, commonly called Mntwana by locals, is teaching to play pool at his Youth Pool Development centre. While Owadwa is too young to compete, Elias has a squad of around 25 u.18 and u.23 players which have achieved their provincial colours and have played

in South African championships. The boys come to Elias after school, to practise in a building close to his Lwandle home. And while the sport is a way to keep the youth from turning to crime and drugs, Elias says he struggles to support the club financially. Elias had the building constructed himself, to give them somewhere to practise. He also funded the four pool tables, balls, cues and bibs out of his own pocket. Funding the trips to championships, which can be as far away as Mpumalanga, are becoming increasingly more difficult for him. “We need help with sponsorships. Some of the players are good enough to be selected to play overseas, but can’t afford to go.” Elias coaches the boys on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. For more information, contact Elias Nomakhakhaya on 072 048 79811.

Owadwa Bulana takes a shot while his team mates and coach look on.

A BORN RUNNER: Asly Van Wyk competed in his first race on Saturday (1 March) at Century City, where he also received his first medal for the 10 km race. The young athlete has only been running for a few weeks, after he joined the Strand Athletics Club on 19 February. With no previous training, he completed his first time trial run and came fourth out of almost 20 runners. Asly would like to thank his sponsors and the Strand Athletics Club for their support. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

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