Year 16 • Tuesday 13 November 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Inwoners het saamgespan om die brand te probeer blus en mense se besittings uit die brandende hutte te red.
Gemeentelede van die Christen Eenheid Internasionale-kerk het Sondag begin om ’n hut wat in die brand verwoes is te herbou.
Mense het rondgeskarrel om besittings uit die brandende hutte te red. FOTO’S: DELIAH BRINKHUIS
Brand verwoes talle hutte
’n Sewentigjarige liggaamlik gestremde vrou van Sir Lowry’s Pass is Saterdagaand beseer toe die hut waarin sy woon, afgebrand het.
Maggie Petersen deel die huis in die informele gebied van Riemvasmaak met agt ander familielede, insluitend haar dogter Julia Petersen, kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders. Ten tyde van die brand, omstreeks 20:45, was sy en haar 12-jarige kleinseun alleen tuis. Die brand is vermoedelik deur ’n kers veroorsaak. Die skerp reuk van brandende plastiek en rooiwarm vlamme het gou ander inwoners van
die brand bewus gemaak. Volgens buurtwag-lid Hydrick Arendse het ’n buurman aan die oorkant van die straat vir Petersen uit die brandende hut gered. Binne minute was die hele huis in ligte laaie en het die vlamme na hutte voor en agter die huis versprei. Omstanders het in die donker rondgeskarrel om emmers water van buitekrane aan te dra en die brand te probeer blus. Ander het spoedig gereageer en drie ander naburige hutte afbreek en meubels uit die hutte te verwyder om verdere verwoesting te vermy. Die brandweer het kort hierna opgedaag en
die brand geblus. Petersen, toegedraai in ’n kombers, het verslae in haar rolstoel in ’n naburige hut gesit toe paramedici opdaag. Sy is in die Helderberghospitaal opgeneem en is Sondag ontslaan. Die Helderberg Gazette het in September berig oor inwoners se bekommernisse oor brandregulasies wat nie nagekom is nie en die afstand van 3 m tussen hutte wat nie gehandhaaf is by die oprigting van die informele huise nie. Die Stad Kaapstad se burgerlike bestuurslid vir menslike nedersettings, raadslid Ernest Sonnenberg, het aangevoer dat die regulasies nie toegepas is nie omdat die woon-area beperk
is en ook van ’n tydelike aard is. Die Petersen-familie het al hul besittings in die brand verloor. Hul bure Miriam Demas en Zane Pêrel se slaapkamer is afgebrand voor inwoners daarin kon slaag om die res van die hut af te breek. Nog twee hutte het brandskade opgedoen. Sondagoggend het die Stad se rampbestuur boumateriaal aan die brandslagoffers verskaf. Lede van die Christen Eenheid Internasionale-kerk het kom hand bysit om die huis van die Petersen-familie te herbou. Mense wat die gesinne kan help, kan Hydrick Arendse by 078 105 7044 of Sanco-voorsitter Anwar Louw by 083 663 6209 bel.
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 13 November 2012
KERSPARTYTJIE: Die Tiny Bubbles-kleuterskool in Chris Nissen-park benodig donasies om ’n Kerspartytjie vir die kinders te kan gee. Enige donasies van kos en koeldrank asook boeke, klere of klein geskenkies vir die kinders sal waardeer word. As u kan help bel die skoolhoof Sandra Manuels by 082 682 0546.
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Child Welfare Helderberg will be in Sir Lowry’s Pass Village on 26 November with the NGO, Right to Care. A bus will be available to enable the community to get tested for HIV, TB, sexually transmitted diseases and body mass index, on site. The day will kick off at 08:00, with an information session at the soup kitchen at the old train station. Contact Adelé Zeelie at 021 852 3126.
Norbert Fero will soon be turning the Helderberg into a film set for his new feature film.
Film on your doorstep NICOLE MCCAIN The Helderberg will soon become the set of a feature film, created by local resident Norbert Fero. The film, titled 10%, will explore the story of a family split by spiritual beliefs. Norbert says it will also have a look at how African culture and Western, Christian values coexist. Norbert says he is passionate about making films on issues which affect people on a daily basis. “I like to have a subtle message in my films on how we should be living together and the way people need to be treated.” And to the 42-year-old film maker, inspiration is all around him. “I’m inspired by stories I come across while I’m travelling on the train or taxi, or things I read in the newspaper. I look for anything that shows the human element, the struggle to survive.” This will be Norbert’s third feature film. The first one he made, Matters of the Spirit, which looked at issues around mental health, was bought by the World Health Organisation and distributed to 46 countries in Africa. His second feature film was commissioned by the Zimbabwean government, and was a war film called The Battle of Sihoia. “I worked with helicopters and live ammunition,” says Norbert of what was his largest film to date. Norbert, who studied in Zimbabwe and then in Germany, has worked on projects in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Britain, Scotland and Germany, as well as South Africa. In Zambia, Norbert made the equivalent of Donald
Trump’s The Apprentice for local audiences, and conceptualised and created Positive Stories for SABC. Norbert says his script for 10% is ready, and they intend to start casting within the next few weeks. With the filming taking place locally in Somerset West, Asanda Village and Khayelitsha, Norbert is looking to cast all the extras from the surrounding areas. For more information, or to become an extra, contact production manager Victoria Mangazi on 078 331 3600 or email chameleonfilms@yahoo.co.uk
Tuesday 13 November 2012
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Warning for criminal teens A 15-year-old teenager from Sir Lowry’s Pass who went on a crime spree was arrested last month. The minor appeared in the Somerset West magistrate court on 31 October on 12 charges including burglary, armed robbery, the possession of dangerous weapons, aiming of a firearm and assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. Spokesperson for the Somerset West police Constable Suzan Jantjies said these crimes were committed in September and October. Somerset West station commander Colonel Mary-Ann Williams congratulated the members who followed up various leads to track down the minor and arrested him. Colonel Williams sends out a stern warning for parents and minors that commit crimes, saying they will be arrested. Williams encourages youngsters to focus on developing themselves positively instead of choosing a life of crime. The minor will remain in custody until his court appearance on Thursday 15 November.
FAMILIE GESOEK: Die Macassar-polisie is op soek na die familie of naasbestaandes van ’n vrou (links bo) wat Dinsdag deur inwoners van Ringlaan na die stasie gebring is. ’n Plaaslike welsynsvoog Juanita Phillips (regs) het die vrou versorg waarna sy by die Oasis-sentrum in Gordonsbaai ingeneem is. Enigiemand wat kan help, kan Juanita by 076 600 1921 of Getruida Hendricks by 071 407 5096 bel. Somerset West station commander Colonel Mary-Ann Williams (in front) with from left, Detective Warrant Officer Hannes Niemand, Constable Clive Carelse, Detective Warrant Officer Alfonso van der Merwe, Constable Marlin Wessels, Constable Egen Charles and Detective Constable Claudette Oliphant. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
IMBIZO: ’n Onlangse polisie-imbizo in die Deepfreeze-gemeenskap is opgevolg deur ’n misdaadbewusmakings-veldtog. Agter van links, konst. Chrisy Young, Minnie Hugo, Corneal Williams, Candice Paulse, Cecilia van Rooyen, Enver Daniels, ao. Theresa Nel en Anita Jooste. Voor: Jurika van Niekerk en Phumiza Sodinga.
Sosiale misdaad koördineerder Anita Jooste, oorhandig hier van die teen-misdaad pamflette aan inwoner Lena Qwili. FOTO’S: BERNADETTE ROSSI
Lwandle police arrested three suspects for possession of dagga early yesterday morning, after receiving a tipoff about three houses in Nomzamo where drug dealing was taking place. Police carried out searches, confiscating 75 dagga fingers from one of the houses and loose dagga from the others. The suspects, aged between 18 and 27, will appear in the Strand Magistrate’s Court this morning. Pictured are the arresting officers, from left Contable Vuyiswa Mbanjwa, Constable Nkosinathi Dana, Constable Thobelani Kwaaiman and Constable Khanyile Mavityo. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 13 November 2012
Difficult to evict dealers NICOLE MCCAIN The Strand community and police came together in the fight against crime when they participated in an anti-drug march last Saturday.
Residents of Broadlands Park protested over drugs in their community recently.
KENNISGEWING VAN SUBRAADSVERGADERINGS NOVEMBER 2012 Kennis geskied hiermee dat die 24 (vier-en-twintig) subrade van die Stad Kaapstad soos volg op die volgende plekke en tye sal vergader: Subraad Plek
Datum Tyd
Raadsaal, Royal Ascot, Milnerton
Raadsaal, Voortrekkerweg, Goodwood
Parow-raadsaal, Tallentweg, Parow
The Hague-gemeenskapsaal, h.v. Delft-Hoof21 en Silversandsweg, The Hague
Bellville-raadsaal, Bellville-burgersentrum
Strand-raadsaal, Strand
Solomon Tshuku-saal, Site C, Khayelitsha
Lookout Hill-toerismefasiliteit, Khayelitsha
Brown’s Farm-gemeenskapsaal
Fezeka-raadsaal, Gugulethu
Raven-kamer Pinelands-opleidingsentrum, Pinelands
Raadsaal, Waalstraat 44, Kaapstad
Rondevlei-subraadsaal, Lotusrivier
Raadsaal, Vishoek
Raadsaal, Alphensentrum, Constantia
Oostenberg-raadsaal, Kuilsrivier
Bestuurder Peter Deacon 021 550 1001 Fred Monk 021 980 6053 Johannes Brand 021 590 1676 Ardela van Niekerk 021 444 0196 Martin Julie 021 695 8161 Pat Jansen 021 918 2024 Carin Viljoen 021 444 0689 Izak du Toit 021 850 4149 Vathiswa Njaba 021 360 1351 021 360 1267 Lunga Bobo Kayise Nombakuse 021 630 1737 Alesia Bosman 021 371 4550 Lunga Bobo 021 630 1619 Christopher Jako 021 630 1678 Mariette Griessel 021 531 3437 Marius Coetsee 021 487 2055 Edgar Carolissen 021 637 9757 Okkie Manuels 021 700 4020 Desiree Mentor 021 784 2011 Brian Ford 021 794 2493 Pieter Grobler 021 900 1502 Richard Moi 021 900 1508 Raphael Martin 021 371 4551 Anthony Mathe 021 956 8000
Om toegang tot die volle agenda en alle ondersteunende dokumentasie 72 uur voor die vergadering, besoek www.capetown.gov.za/subcouncils. Verlig die datum van die subraadsvergadering, kies die subraad wat jy benodig en laai die agenda af. Rapporteer asseblief enige probleme by die betrokke subraadsbestuurder.
Andrew Arnolds, project leader of the community organisation City of Light, estimates that out of the more than 500 houses in the Broadlands Park, 30 are dealing in drugs. Arnolds attributes this to the lack of involvement of the property developer Multi Projects. “It doesn’t look as if they’re doing anything. They aren’t involved at all. Their security is not up to scratch.” However, Doreen Mynhardt, managing director of Multi Projects Property Management, says the company is doing its best. Mynhardt says Broadlands Village is part of a Home Owners Association (HOA), and all owners are expected to pay levies towards the association, which are used to mow the lawns of units, maintain common property and hire security guards. There are currently three guards patrolling 24 hours a day. However, they have had to cut down from the six last year due to owners not paying their levies. “If owners do not pay their levies, the HOA cannot afford to pay for additional security
guards, who are urgently needed.” According to Mynhardt, the security at Broadlands Village issues an official report on a monthly basis, which is submitted to Multi Projects and the local police. According to Constable Mthokozisi Gama, spokesperson for the Lwandle police, since September 16 raids have been carried out in the neighbourhood. Gama says seven arrests were made during these raids, and the drugs confiscated were mostly tik. According to Mynhardt, the monthly report sent in October listed eight houses that security had experienced problems with. The report also stated: “Our biggest problem concerning the drug houses is that as soon as we, the security, assist the owner to get them out of a house, they move into another house.” Mynhardt says that in the case of these units, they have sent a letter to each homeowners stating what exactly is the situation in their units. “Unfortunately most of the times the owners are not willing to evict their tenants. Owners are receiving their rent and do not want to assist with the eviction of these tenants. Many of them do not have the necessary funds to evict them either.” However, Arnolds says a stronger approach is needed than issuing letters and fines, and that the drug dealing will not stop until the perpetrators have been evicted.
Tuesday 13 November 2012
Advertisement - Advertensie
Helderberg Gazette
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Helderberg Gazette
General - Algemeen
Tuesday 13 November 2012
Groot gemors na Guy Fawkes-feesviering NICOLE MCCAIN Macassar-strand was besaai met die oorblyfsels van vuurwerke ná Guy Fawkesvierings op 5 November. ’n Vullishouer op die strand was oorlaai met plastieksakke en daar was nog twee hope sakke wat nie in die houer kon pas nie. Shehaam Sims, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir nutsdienste van die Stad Kaapstad, sê dis onmoontlik om die presiese hoeveelheid rommel – wat saam met vuurwerk-verwante oorblyfsels opgeruim is – te kwantifiseer nie, want die gemors op die strand word saam met al die ander afval verwyder. Sy sê die rommel was aansienlik minder as vorige jare. ’n Werker
van die opruimspan sê afval was regoor die strand gesaai en nie slegs in die parkeerterrein nie. Volgens Julia Evans van die Helderberg Dieresorgvereniging (DBV) was die vieringe egter nie beperk tot die strandgebied nie, maar is klagtes ook vanuit woonareas ontvang, met die meeste klagtes uit Macassar self. Geraldine Adams, DBV-vrywillige in Macassar, bevestig dat vuurwerke ook in die woongebied geskiet is. “Honde het die heelnag rondgehardloop. Die laaste klapper het om middernag ontplof- dit was chaos.” Adams sê tien honde is as vermis aangemeld. Theo Layne, woordvoerder van brand- en reddingsdienste, skat sowat 1 500 mense het die viering bygewoon. Geen beserings is aangemeld nie.
Stadsamptenare moes meer as 50 m van die strand opruim, wat hoofsaaklik rommel van die Guy Fawkesviering ingesluit het.
Nóg hope sakke kon nie in die oorvol vullishouer pas nie. FOTO’S: NICOLE MCCAIN
Diwali fest Those celebrating Diwali in the Helderberg will be able to enjoy fireworks at Macassar Beach parking area tonight, 13 November. This is the only site designated by the City of Cape Town in the Helderberg area. It is illegal to discharge fireworks other than at designated sites. The City’s Fire Safety Inspectors and Law Enforcement officials, together with the Explosives Unit of the South African Police Services (SAPS), will conduct inspections at fireworks display sites to ensure that all safety requirements are met. The Hindu celebration of Diwali or Deepavali, which means a row of lights, is a significant religious ritual that goes back in time to the ancient religion, culture and folklore of India. Discharging fireworks is a tradition symbolising the victory of light over darkness and good over evil and follows a month-long fast and abstinence from meat and alcohol by Hindus. Residents are encouraged to keep their pets safe on Tuesday 13 November. Before leaving your home to celebrate Diwali, please ensure that your pets are safely secured on your property, in familiar surroundings and out of harm’s way. Members of the public with information relating to the illegal sale or use of fireworks can report the information to the Metro Police Call Centre on 0860-POLICE (765423) or to the SAPS on 10111. To obtain more information about the location of the designated sites, please contact the City’s Disaster Operations Centre on 080-911-HELP (4357).
Give and have fun The Helderberg Crime Watch is hosting a community fun day with something for the whole family on Saturday 17 November. Those attending can look forward to an exciting and adventurous day, being entertained by demonstrations by various NGO’s. There are also great prizes up for grabs. The day’s activities include medical demonstrations by Emergency Medical Operations, dog shows by Vetus Schola and a Madt Magic show by SA’s top female magician. It takes place at the Pirates Baseball Club at Radloff Park, Somerset West from 11:00–15:00. Entrance fee is a donation of food, blankets, old clothing, toys, dog or cat food.
Tuesday 13 November 2012
Letters - Briewe
Kontak ons Nuusredakteur
Deliah Brinkhuis | dbrinkhu@helderberg.com | 021-841-4292
Nicole McCain | nicole.mccain@helderberg.com | 021-841-4265
Advertensie konsultant
Muhammad Brinkhuis | muhammad@helderberg.com | 021-841-4275
Ons lesers praat saam JOYCE SE SOPKOMBUIS Die sopkombuis van Joyce maak nie toe nie. Ian Greer van die Helderberg hawelose-sentrum het onder valse voorwendsels kom help! Ian Greer responds: This is absurd and hardly worth responding to. The churches established the daycare centre at the railway station at Sir Lowry’s Pass, which comprised a soup kitchen. We spent R1 million renovating the premises, equipping it with a stove, refrigeration and oven facilities. We spent R500 000 per year running the centre, including paying the salaries of Joyce Flandorp and others, petrol and gas costs, electricity, etc. The reason that the churches took a decision to stop operating the soup kitchen was because donated food, which had been given to feed the poor, was in fact being sold.
EVICTION, PINETOWN Well done to Richard Unger for his eloquently written letter. It is always a pleasure to read the commentary of a perceptive, penetrating mind.
SENSUS-UITSLAE Die 2011-sensusuitslae is ’n klug. Hoe kan daar ongeveer 52 miljoen mense wees as grensbeheer nie meer toegepas word nie? Het die werkers elke onwettige immigrant in SA getel? Jammer, daar is baie meer as 52 miljoen mense in SA. Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes Ongeveer 52 miljoen mense in SA? Dit is misleidend, want in 2008 het die ekonoom Mike Schussler gesê hier is 11 miljoen on-
wettige immigrante, so hoe kan die bevolking met 7 miljoen gegroei het? Waarom doen die regering nog ’n sensusopname as daar geweier word om geboortebeperking aan te spreek? Dinge gaan lelik uit sy nate begin bars met oorbevolking waarmee die regering nie rekening hou nie. Rickus van Graan, Strand
ANTI-DRUG MARCH IN BROADLANDS VILLAGE No drugs please! Please tell all the drug dealers that they must leave Broadlands Village. Evil and destruction takes over when communities do nothing. Stand up and get involved. Fight against drugs on behalf of our children! Evict drug sellers in Broadlands Village. Erijaville is a small residential area and has 12 drug houses. The residents know everything, but cover-up for the dealers. Support against drugs. I support the anti-drug campaign. Drugs moet uitgeroei word. Dit maak ons kinders dood en ons as ouers moet nou standpunt inneem. Drugs kill our children, please help our community. Ek dink die tyd het aangebreek dat iets drasties in Broadlands Village gedoen moet word om drugs te bekamp. Vandag se kinders is môre se leiers, en hierdie handelaars moet UIT! Hulle hou ’n gevaar in vir almal in die omgewing. Multiprojects het ook ’n verantwoordelikheid teenoor die gemeenskap. Julle ondersteuning in die geval sal opreg waardeer word want ons gaan nie opgee nie. Betsie against drugs
Helderberg Gazette
Sportdag op Lourensford eerste van baie Die werknemers, werkers en bestuur van Lourensford en die Karsten-plase wil graag almal bedank wat bygedra het tot die sukses van die sportdag by Lourensford-landgoed op Vrydag 2 November. Die sokkerveld van die landgoed is met ’n feestelike sportdag geopen waar twaalf sokker- en netbalspanne teen mekaar kompeteer het. Die dag is moontlik gemaak deur die borgskap van Nexus en Bayer. Hierdie was ’n spanbougeleentheid vir die werkers en bestuur op die Karsten-plase en pakskure wat onder meer in Ceres, Gouda, Hexrivier-vallei en Piketberg is. Karsten Boerdery is ook betrokke by die boerdery aangeleenthede van Lourensford plaas. Die eienaar van die Lourensfordlandgoed, dr. Christo Wiese, het spesiaal grond afgestaan waar die sokkerveld gebou
is. Philip du Plessis, CEO van Karsten WesKaap en Lourensford het gesê dat ’n verdere doel van hierdie sportdag was ook om die werkers te laat saam ontspan en deur middel van sport selfwaarde, dissiplines en lojaliteit te kweek. Karsten Boerdery het altesaam 4 500 permanente en tydelike werknemers landwyd in diens en beplan binne die volgende vier jaar nuwe aanplantings wat 2 000 nuwe werksgeleenthede sal skep. Piet Karsten, die groephoof, het bevestig dat hul vertroue het in die land en bereid is om klomp geld te belê en steek baie tyd, moeite en geld daarin om landbouwerkers op te hef, hul lewensomstandighede te verbeter, onderriggeleenthede te bied. Ons glo dat daar in die toekoms meer sulke sportdae en inisiatiewe gehou sal word.
Bome mis haar huis net-net “Dit het gevoel asof my huis gaan inval.” Dis wat Zelna Cupido van Sir Lowry’s Pass gedink het toe sterk wind Donderdagoggend twee bome omgewaai het. Die bloekombome het byna op haar huis geval en die dak met sentimeters gemis het. Cupido vertel dat telefoon- en elektriese kabels in die slag gebly het, met lewendige drade wat op die grond bly lê het. Volgens Cupido is dit die derde keer dat ’n boom op haar huis val. Die laaste keer was in 2007 en ’n kollega het haar gehelp om die boom te verwyder.
Twee bome het byna op Zelna Cupido se huis geval.
AMENDMENTS TO THE 2012/13 INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN The City of Cape Town hereby invites comments from communities on changes to the 2012/13 Integrated Development Plan (IDP). These changes resulted from adjustments to the 2012/13 City’s Budget as reflected in the Integrated Development Plan (pages 121 and 123) as highlighted in tables C3 and C5 listed below. (d) Capital expenditure The total capital budget included for the three-year MTREF period is as follows: Table C3: City of Cape Town total capital adjusted budget – 2012/13–2014/15 Capital funding
2012/13 Adjusted budget
2013/14 Adjusted budget
Draft 2014/15 Adjusted budget
R million
R million
R million
Capital grants and donations
Capital Replacement Reserve
External financing fund
Grants from Province and National Government remain a significant funding source for the 2012/13 to 2014/15 capital budget, with 2014/15 reflecting a lower-than-borrowings amount. The external financing fund targets for the three-year MTREF were set at R1.82bn, R1.87bn and R1.84bn for 2012/13 to 2014/15. Table C5: Major operating budget parameters 2012/13
OTHER Capital expenditure (external financing fund component) R1.882bn R1.869bn R1.837bn The approved IDP is available for viewing on the City website www.capetown.gov.za/en/IDP. Comments must be sent to the IDP Office via fax 021 400 4909 or e-mail idp@capetown.gov.za. The closing date for comments is Friday 14 December 2012. Further information on this process is available on tel 021 400 9808, fax 021 400 4909 or e-mail idp@capetown.gov.za.
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 13 November 2012
Having a bite with the Helderberg’s homeless NICOLE MCCAIN In celebration of their newly launched website, the Helderberg Street People Centre held an open day on Friday. The launch invited supporters of the centre, as well as local business people, to partake in the lunch served to homeless people every day. Guests fell in line with regulars of the soup kitchen, receiving the same soup and bread. A special treat awaited all the diners who each received a slice of cake at the end of their lunch. The website, part of a donation by Lilja Martein and Richard Truter of Rich–Tea
Media, was created to help the centre target potential donors, as well as increase awareness of the centre’s projects. “We wanted to create a brand and website that shows hope,” says Truter. “ We want to get people to engage.” The theme behind the new image, which sees the centre take on the acronym HSPC, is ‘love, food and homes’. Ian Greer, chairperson of the centre, says he also wanted to use the opportunity to invite the public to see the work they do. “Let’s open the place up. Let people come see who we feed and what we do.” The HSPC’s website can be viewed at www.helderbergstreetpeople.co.za
Letticia Mqxabi and Naomi Pepler enjoying their lunch.
Annelize Silver, a visitor to the Helderberg Street People Centre, gladly accepts her tub of soup. PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN
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AJV vir biblioteek Die Vriende van die Strand Biblioteek hou hul algemene jaarvergadering op 20 November vir die verkiesing van ’n komitee vir 2012/13. Nominasies moet voor die vergadering by die bibliotekaresse ingehandig word; dit mag ook tydens die vergadering geskied, mits die genomineerde instem. Die vergadering begin om 10:00 in die biblioteeksaal in Millstraat. Bel Elfie du Toit by 021 850 8080.
Skenk speelgoed Skenk speelgoed aan die jaarlikse Shoprite en Checkers Toy 4 Toy-veldtog en help om Kersvreugde aan talle minderbevoorregte kinders regoor Suid-Afrika te bring. Shoprite en Checkers bied daarom, in samewerking met die Nataniël Progress Project en BADISA, weer die Toy 4 Toy-veldtog aan wat verbruikers aanmoedig om nuwe of gebruikte speelgoed aan minderbevoorregte kinders te skenk. Vanaf 12 November tot 7 Desember kan bydraes gemaak word deur speelgoed te koop of te bring en dit in die Toy 4 Toy-waentjies voor in alle Shoprite, Checkers en Checkers Hyper winkels landwyd te plaas. Vir elke speelding wat deur die publiek geskenk word, sal Shoprite en Checkers ook iets bydra. Klante wat ’n nuwe speelding in Checkers of Shoprite koop om te skenk, staan ook die kans om een van tien Shoprite of Checkers geskenkbewyse ter waarde van R5 000 te wen.
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The Helderberg Hospice invites you to attend their annual Tree of Lights ceremony. The ceremony is in celebration of Hospice’s month of remembrance- November- and will be held on Wednesday 28 November at Hospice House, 21 Old Stellenbosch Road, Somerset West. Everyone is invited to the event and guests can pack and enjoy a picnic in the Hospice garden from 18:00 before the service starts at 19:00. Lights on the tree, at a cost of R50, can be dedicated in memory of a particular person. Phone Patricia McNaught Davis on 021 852 4608 to book your place in this special opportunity to honour the memory of those you hold dear.
Tuesday 13 November 2012
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
• Bobble Mats - Avaiable in 10 Fashion Colours - Only R69-95 • 2-Tone Reversible Espirit Bobble Mats - Only R95 -95 • 2-Piece Bathroom Set - Only R99-95
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Entertainment - Vermaak
Helderberg Gazette
Double-Cab from R175 466*(Incl. VAT) Single-Cab from R139 880*(Incl. VAT) * Recommended retail price, including VAT, excluding delivery and on road costs. CO2 Emissions Tax Included on Double-Cab
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Tuesday 13 November 2012
Shireen stel CD bekend
Mediclinic Vergelegen will have free blood glucose screening tests on Tuesday 27 November and Wednesday 28 November. The tests will be done in the hospital’s restaurant from 09:00 to 15:00. The campaign is part of Diabetes Awareness month, celebrated in November. Phone the hospital on 021 850 9000 for more information.
Somerset-Wes inwoner Shireen Blatt stel op 16 November haar eerste CD Lucky me bekend. In 2001 het sy Tommy Dell as vokale afrigter aangestel en so kon sy ook skouers skuur met bekende name in die musiek bedryf. Op die album sing sy ook ’n duet saam met Tommy. Lucky me is onder die wakende oog van Tony Ridgway opgeneem wat die CD gemaak en gerangskik het. Vrou alleen en Vergete grafstene is twee liedjies wat Shireen self geskryf het en baie na aan haar hart is. Die CD word by die Bontevlei-plaas om 19:00 bekend gestel. Kaartjies kos R100 en die wins sal aan Adalaih, ’n organisasie wat babas versorg, geskenk word. Bel Jannie du Toit by 072 473 2420 of 021 851 6036 vir meer inligting of om te bespreek.
COOL CONNECTIONS Repairs to fridges & freezers. Cold Rooms Airconditioning Services Repairs done at home Re-gas - R250 Call Neels 079 573 0605
In Memoriam
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DEBONAIRS PIZZA STRAND - DRIVERS REQUIRED: Must be able to work days, evenings and/or weekends. Own transport essential and must be in possession of a valid drivers license. Please hand in your details at the store or contact the Manager on 021-853-0303.
WE ARE RECRUITING y o u n g , v i b ra n t a n d ambitious individuals. Who is self motivated and looking for an opportunity in the call centre industry, if you are looking for an opportunity to make good money then we are looking for YOU to join our dynamic team!!!!
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We offer: . Fun call centre training and place you . Daily bonusses . Great earning potential Candidate must be able to speak English and Afrikaans fluent. Call 021-838 2055 WANT TO EARN extra money? Have a reliable vehicle? Why not earn extra money delivering pizzas for Debonairs Pizza in S/West. Drop your CV at the store or come in and speak to one of the Managers.
108 In Liefdevolle Herinnering aan MARIE JOUBERT (Vroutjie Taylor) 20/7/1935 28/10/2010 2 Jaar van vermisting. Herinnering deur haar man Basil Joubert en families en Taylor families. Ons mis jou, maar laat jou gaan. Miss you, but letting you go. Psalm 23 Die Here is my herder.
Free tests
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STRAND B r o a d l a n d s Village 2Bed house in good condition. Burglar bars, 0 ATTENTION CLIENTS garden, R289 000. Private E l i t e H o u s e O f f i c e sale. No deposit 021 Cleaning provides service 8552369 / 082 376 1461. daily/weekly for Spring Cleans, Windows & Ironing. From R80 per shift. ( Dalien 082335-5027 / 021-852 6122
Tuesday 13 November 2012
Helderberg Gazette
Time out from crime Strand police came out tops at a sports day held between the stations making up the Khayelitsha cluster last Wednesday. Eight stations in total competed in chess, cricket, darts, lawn bowls, netball, sevens rugby, volleyball, soccer, pool, golf, tennis, table tennis, squash and a fitness course. Police spokesperson, Anneke Van der Vyver, said the aim of the day was to encourage police officers to keep fit and healthy. “This allows them to get away from the stress,� she said. Staff from the Sizophila Wellness Centre in Lwandle were also on hand to perform TB and HIV tests and counselling, blood glucose monitoring, blood pressure and cholesterol tests, weighing and, as a special treat, foot massages. The winners of the different sports codes will go through to the quarterly provincial games. Strand police station took first place, Khayelitsha came second, followed by a tied third place between Somerset West and Lingelethu-West.
Table tennis was one of the sports played on the day. The team from the Strand police station were the overall winners, during the tug-of-war competition.
The police officers were pampered with foot massages by staff from the Sizophila Wellness Centre in Lwandle.
Year 16 • Dinsdag 13 November 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Swimming creates opportunity NICOLE MCCAIN Children from disadvantaged communities now have a chance to get more than just their feet wet, through a Strand swimming club that focuses on teaching underprivileged children how to swim. Mark Dixon runs the Beat swimming club, which teaches children to swim and trains them to compete in the sport. Young children learn to swim with Mark’s son, Lee, who is also a qualified instructor. Once they have mastered the skills, they can move over to Mark’s squad and train for competitions. Mark’s squad currently consists of between 15 and 20 swimmers, many of which came to him through a schools programme he runs at St Peter’s Primary, Rusthof Secondary and Hottentots Holland High schools. The swimmers compete in regular galas, both in the club series and at Stellenbosch University. “They haven’t let me down,” says Mark of his swimmers. “Our kids can swim.” Mark’s swimmers have ambitions of their own. “One day, I want to compete in the Olympics,” says 11-year-old Robin Voskuil. Mark, who was initially involved in lifesaving in Kwazulu Natal, says he has always had an affinity for coaching. He started with a programme that taught underprivileged children “ocean skills”. Mark says, “often children go to the beach, and then just stand in the water because they don’t know what to do. We taught them about swimming under waves and boogie boarding. It was about instilling a love of the ocean in the children.” In 2010, Mark started his club, with one adult
Mark Dixon coaches Robin Voskuil (11) on her diving technique, while Brandon Huni (14) observes.
Mark Dixon, with members of his squad, from left (back) Tia Dixon and Brandon Huni; (middle) Lana Dixon, Robin Voskuil and Toni Davids; (front) Jared Jales, Laura Jales and Chanté Speelman. PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN
who travelled to Strand from Pringle Bay. It has now grown to a small squad, which trains three times a week at the Strand swimming pool. He still runs lessons for adults too. However, Mark says special attention needs
to be paid to developing the sport in disadvantaged communities. “When you look at aquatic sports, there are often few children of colour. And there are so many job opportunities that open up from swimming – they can become life-
guards, or work at a water park.” While Mark charges a fee for his training, he says he tries to keep the fees low and will tailor them to the family’s needs. For more information, phone Mark Dixon at 078 458 2064.
BEATING CRIME: The Rusthof u.13 netball team won the USave Sports Against Crime tournament, held on 20 October. The team is, from left (back) Isherene Herman (coach), Caylin Cyster, Amy Stuurman, Mercy Centry, Cindy-Lee Diergal, Shene Bekkers and Magda Esau (deputy principal); (front) Christel Hammers, Andrea Liebenberg (captain) and Nicole Plaatjies. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN
Gazette wil van wenners weet Wat gebeur in jou sportgebied? Het jou gemeenskap ’n sportster? Presteer jou skool se leerlinge op die sportsveld? Laat die Gazette weet! SMS op 32513 of epos nicole.mccain@helderberg.com