Year 17 • Tuesday 14 May 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Healthy appetite for service Members of the Helderberg Sunrise Rotary Club and health care volunteers donated some of their time this weekend to bring free family health care to patients in the area. Services such as free cholesterol tests, the administering of Vitamin A and deworming tablets and cervical screening tests, among others, were provided on the Rotary Family Health Days from Thursday 9 May to Saturday 11 May. More information and photos on page 8.
Schools ‘cannot cope’ ASHRAF BOOLEY
The forced advancement of pupils to grades for which they aren’t ready yet, is of great concern to local principals, with up to a third of pupils arriving in at least one Helderberg high school not being able to read or write properly. “Between 30 and 40% of pupils that come to our school can’t read and write,” says Yusuf Abrahams, principal of Macassar High School. “Our teachers are not coping, because they have to work with pupils who can’t read and write. The additional support is only on Tuesdays and Thursdays and this is mostly for Grade 8 and 9 pupils.” Abrahams is one of many who are concerned about the national Department of Basic Education’s policy regarding grade retention, which states that a pupil can only repeat a grade once in each phase. This means that if a child is in
the foundation phase, between Grade 1 and Grade 3, for example, they can only be failed once during those three years, regardless of their performance. Many pupils in the country have thus been “pushed through the system” despite not having met the set minimum requirements to progress to the next grade. According to Godfrey Julius, principal of Rusthof Primary School, “if a pupil doesn’t meet requirements in Grade 3, for example, and that pupil is pushed through to Grade 4, the intermediate phase, in a few years that same pupil will have to write a systemic test in Grade 6 without a solid foundation of numeracy and literacy. How can we expect that pupil to cope?” Julius adds that “it has a negative impact on the school and it affects their (pupils’) pass rate at a later stage”. Commenting on poor literacy rates with which local schools have to cope, Julius added that “it’s also because many parents don’t take
their children to the library and many of them aren’t even members of the library.” According to Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for the Western Cape MEC of Education, Donald Grant, the promotion regulation is national policy by which they have to abide, and about 480 pupils were progressed from Grade 10 to Grade 11 at the beginning of this year. There have been many concerns around how these pupils would cope in the following grades, and scepticism around them passing their Grade 12 final exams. Casey says that these pupils will be dealt with individually by teachers to ensure that they catch up with the curriculum. “Our priority is to try and ensure that as many learners as possible go through the whole system and are able to write and pass their NSC.” Many local schools in the Helderberg say their schools are unable to cope with this issue because of a lack of resources. According to Roland MacDonald, principal
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of Sir Lowry’s Pass Primary, about 10% of pupils at the school who didn’t meet requirements, progressed as a result of their ages and having repeated a certain grade. “We have extra support such as the Tina Cowley Reading Centre and others. Some of the 10% pupils cope, while others don’t. Each year we refer about five pupils to the school of skills (with a more technical than academic approach) and about five to a special school.” Dr Elsabe Pepler, a tertiary lecturer who does educational coaching, says pupils cannot be pushed through the education system for the sake of the word “passing”. “We have to ensure that they have mastered the necessary skills and knowledge content before they can go on.” She says she sees the standard of education on tertiary level sinking lower and lower every year, “and I am convinced that it happens as a result of increased leniency to students who cannot master their grades and years”. Read more on page 11.
Helderberg Gazette
News - Nuus
Dancing away to fight social ills ASHRAF BOOLEY Nine young dancers from Rusthof, Strand make up New World Order (NWO), a talented dance group with high hopes for the future. On Friday 12 April NWO was placed second in the Cassablanca Dance Competition held at the Cassablanca Hall in Strand, taking home a silver medal. According to Genene Steenkamp, manager of NWO, the group started off practicing in the streets every day in November last year. “They told me that they didn’t want to get involved in
crime and drugs and asked me to be their manager,” says Steenkamp. Katy Arendse, who also lends a hand in managing the dance group, says that she uses some of the money that she makes from recycling to help support the group. Fifteen-year-old Gillian Afrika and 15-yearold Brandon Titus are two of the members who choreograph the group’s dance moves. NWO currently needs sponsors for their dancing costumes and shoes. Anyone willing to sponsor, can phone Steenkamp on 084 582 0102 or Arendse on 074 327 6323.
Tuesday 14 May 2013
Library now open The Macassar Library reopened its doors on Monday 6 May, after its upgrade, revealing a brand-new look. The children’s section of the library was moved and renewed, the entire library is newly painted and old flooring has been
replaced with new carpets and tiles. The staff area was also revamped. These are just some of the many changes that were implemented. The Smartcape section, which offers users to opportunity to use digital resources and which was also moved, is still in process of being set up.
Share some winter warmth The Gazette recently launched a ‘Gazette Cares’ winter warmth project to keep children warm and in school this winter. Some pupils do not have jerseys and do not attend school on cold days, or attend wearing only a shirt. Solomon Qatyana Primary in Nomzamo needs 300 grey jerseys, just for Grades 1 to 3 and Temperance Town Primary in Gordon’s Bay needs the same number of navy blue jerseys for those grades. Macassar Primary needs 170 navy blue jerseys in Grades 1 to 3 and Rusthof
Primary in Strand needs 120 navy blue jerseys for their pupils in Grades 1 to 3 to stay warm. Shivering in their seats impacts directly on the pupils’ ability to learn. Please help us to spread some warmth this winter, and show that you, along with the Gazette, care. Any donations of new or second-hand navy blue or grey jerseys can be dropped off at the Boland Media offices at 37 Mynhardt Street in Strand. Monetary donations are also welcome.
These little guys enjoy reading in the new children’s section of the library.
Library patrons enjoy the new seating, which was added during the upgrade of the library.
The entrance of the library is newly painted.
Tuesday 14 May 2013
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Lwandle yields SA’s best detective ASHRAF BOOLEY
Detective Constable Siphiwo Nteta (left) receives his award for best detective in the province from Major General Sharon Jephta, Deputy Provincial Commissioner, at the Western Cape police headquarters.
Abalone Polisie begin skoolprojek om bust in euwels in gemeenskap te takel Strand Strand police found two men packing abalone at a shack behind a house in 12th Street, Strand on Thursday 9 May. The 2 581 units of abalone, with an estimated value of R1 million, were confiscated, as well as a scale, suspected to have been used to weigh the abalone. Both men were arrested for possession of abalone and appeared in the Strand Magistrate’s Court on Friday (10 May).
Leë erf te koop vir besigheid ASHRAF BOOLEY
Thirty-year-old Detective Constable Siphiwo Nteta from the Lwandle police station was recently named the best detective in the country by the South African Police Service, as well as best detective in the Western Cape by Western Cape police management. Nteta was involved in arresting some of the city’s worst criminals. In November 2011, he caught one of the province’s top 10 most wanted criminals for three murder charges and six charges of attempted murder, as reported in a recent news story. Through the years, he has also achieved an outstanding number of arrests at his station. “I feel great about this achievement but I honestly didn’t expect it,” says Nteta. “Despite all the bad things being said about the police, there are several good policemen and women out there.” Nteta joined the South African Police Service back in 2005 at the Bisho Police Training Academy where he underwent intensive detective training. Nteta received the award for “catcher of the year” twice, and in 2009 scooped up an award for best detective the South African Police Service has had in recent years. Nteta also previously received an award for best performer on serious crimes by his station commander. In competition with colleagues from all provinces, Nteta was named the most enthusiastic and passionate detective for the period 2010 to 2011. According to Col. Tembinkosi Kinana, Provincial Commander: Media Communications, many have described Nteta as “a passionate and well-prepared man who gives authoritative deliverance of testimony in court.”
Die Macassar-polisie het ’n nuwe projek van stapel gestuur waarin inligtingsessies om die euwels in die gemeenskap, soos gesinsgeweld en dwelmmisbruik, aan te spreek by skole aangebied word. Die Macassar-polisie se woordvoerder, konst. Chrisy Young, en sosiale misdaadvoorkomingskoördineerder Anita Jooste, het Marvin Park en Firgrove primêre skole besoek en met die leerlinge oor die twee aspekte te gesels. “Ons het ook die leerlinge van bendegeweld bewus gemaak en die negatiewe effek wat dit inhou, want ons vind dat dié tipe geweld
ook sy kop by die skole uitsteek,” het Young gesê. Verlede week het die twee vroue, tesame met verteenwoordigers van Helderberg Hospice, Adopt a Parent, loveLife en studente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch ook Macassar Primêr besoek. Hier het hulle ’n praatjie oor besluitneming gehou. “Ons vind dat jongmense baie oningelig is oor die korrekte keuses wat hulle in hul lewe moet maak. Groepsdruk speel ’n groot rol in die maak van verkeerde keuses.”
Young het bygevoeg dat ’n tekort aan rolmodelle in die gemeenskap ook bydra tot verkeerde besluitneming. Hier verwys sy na bendelede wat in weelde lewe en dan só kinders lok. Sy is van mening dat kinders dié leefstyl as ’n ontvlugting sien van hul huidige lewensomstandighede.
Die Stad Kaapstad het onlangs aangekondig dat hy van die eiendomme wat aan hom behoort op die mark gaan vrystel om verkoop te word. Een van dié eiendomme is ’n stuk grond in Macassar. Die oop erf van 5 169 m² is geleë by Hannah Magerman-weg 2 in Macassar en is gesoneer vir besigheidsontwikkeling. Volgens raadslid Brett Herron, waarnemende burgemeesterskomiteelid vir finansies, sal die koper van die betrokke stuk grond in Macassar verplig wees om ’n sake- of nywerheidseiendom daar op te rig. Dit sal werkgeleenthede skep tydens die konstruksiefase en sal verdere werksgeleenthede skep wanneer die besighede of nywerhede eers gevestig is. “Die erf kan beter benut word deur dit aan die mark beskikbaar te stel vir ontwikkeling om sodoende werksgeleenthede te skep en ekonomiese groei te stimuleer,” sê Herron. Raadsheer Ian Neilson, uitvoerende onderburgemeester, sê: “Sekere gebiede word, ooreenkomstig die Stad se geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplandoelwitte, spesifiek geteiken om onderbenutte munisipale eiendom – waar dit beskikbaar is – te gebruik om groei en volhoubare ontwikkeling in armer gemeenskappe aan te moedig.” Die verkoop van die erf was teen druktyd nog nie bevestig nie.
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Vyf vas ná twee huis-aanvalle
Readers say ‘I love you Mom’ There’s no question that motherhood deserves to be celebrated, and Mother’s Day came alive on Sunday (12 May) for all mothers, mothers-to-be and other maternal figures. Because there are a number of ways in which Mother’s Day can be celebrated, and countless ways in which to warm that special woman in your life’s heart, the Gazette asked some readers to tell us their interesting stories. Whether it is serving her breakfast in bed or buying, or better yet, making her a memorable gift, or simply relieving her of her countless motherly duties for the day . . . the saying goes “different strokes for different folks”.
Tuesday 14 May 2013
Drie verdagtes het onlangs in die Strand-landdroshof verskyn in verband met die moord op ’n inwoner van Gordonsbaai. Een van die verdagtes was die slagoffer se huishulp.
“I didn’t have much to spoil her with on Mother’s Day, so I decided to spent quality time with her, catching up and talking about typical mother-daughter things,” says Jocelyn Diedericks.
“I made my mom breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day. The smile on my mother’s face showed how much she appreciated it. The rest of the day we spent with family,” says Roxanne Fortune.
Marvin Botha went all out and purchased a beauty spa gift card for his mom. “I bought her this gift card so that she can take a day to relax, because she really deserves it.”
Dalthea Andrews spent the day with her daughter and says she wouldn’t trade it for the world. “Although she isn’t old enough to spoil me, the little cute things she does and says always cheers me up.”
Craig Abrahams said on Friday that his mother means the world to him. “I’m going to make sure she has the best day ever. I’m buying her flowers and chocolate and will help prepare Sunday lunch.”
Luidens ’n polisieverklaring is die slagoffer, ’n 64-jarige vrou, en haar huishulp op 1 Februarie vanjaar in haar huis beroof. Verskeie items, onder meer ’n vuurwapen, is uit die huis gesteel en die twee vroue is in die huis vasgemaak. Die huiseienaar is met ’n skerp voorwerp gesteek en in die hospitaal opgeneem. Sy het ’n week later aan haar beserings beswyk. Op Donderdag 18 April het polisiebeamptes van Lwandle inligting oor ’n onwettige vuurwapen opgevolg. “Verdere ondersoek het bepaal dat die vuurwapen positief met dié rooftog in Gordonsbaai in Februarie verbind kan word. Die vuurwapen is ook glo in ’n ander rooftog gebruik,” het ao. Nico Beukes, woordvoerder van die Gordonsbaai-polisie, gesê. Twee mans (29 en 22 onderskeidelik), wat na bewering bure van die vermoorde se huishulp is, is in hegtenis geneem. Die huishulp is ook op 22 April in hegtenis geneem nadat een van die mans skuld beken het. Die beskuldigdes staan tereg op aanklagte van huisroof en moord. In ’n onverwante voorval verlede maand in die Strand, is nóg ’n saak van huisroof geopen. Twee mans is
in hegtenis geneem in verband met dié roof. Die rooftog het Saterdag 13 April omstreeks 07:20 plaasgevind. Die Strand-polisie is ontbied na ’n toneel in Kerkstraat, waar ’n 55-jarige inwoner sy sitkamerdeur oopgemaak en ’n inbreker gewaar het, die inbreker met ’n mes op hom afgestorm het en die huiseienaar gesteek is. Die verdagte het daarna met die inwoners se silwerkleurige Toyota Prado op die vlug geslaan. Die polisie het intussen twee verdagtes (24 en 45 onderskeidelik) in hegtenis geneem. Hulle het reeds in die Strand-landdroshof verskyn. Hulle is nie borgtog toegestaan nie en die saak sal in die streekhof aangehoor word. Die bevelvoerder van die Strandpolisie, kol. Shawn van Wyk, het die ondersoekbeampte geprys vir sy goeie naspeurwerk, die inhegtenisneming van die verdagtes en die terugvind van die voertuig. Die polisiewoordvoerder, konst. Mbulelo Mafuna, sê: “Die gemeenskap word weer eens gewaarsku dat wanneer hulle iemand in diens neem, hulle hul identiteitsdokument moet vra en ’n kopie daarvan op ’n veilige plek moet hou. Gaan ook hul vorige diensreferente na.”
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Tuesday 14 May 2013
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Helderberg Gazette
Letters - Briewe
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 14 May 2013
Lesers SMS oor ontbyt, voorbehoeding Ontbyt by skole ) Donald Grant en die DA skep groot probleme vir die onderwys en mense. Deur kinders ontbyt by skole te gee, is juis ouers se verantwoordelikheid! Dit beteken Jan Publiek gaan meer moet opdok vir liefdadigheid terwyl die DA-regering in die Wes-Kaap en veral die ANC-regering werk moet skep en misdaad moet uitroei! Ouers verval lekker in ’n gemaksone nou deur nie hul kinders te voed nie, want skole gaan dit doen. DA, jy skep ’n groot tydbom! Morkel, Gordonsbaai ) Ai, ai Zille en Donald Grant, julle het die pad lelik byster geraak! Dit is ouers se verant-
NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE SUBCOUNCILS: MAY 2013 Notice is hereby given that the meeting of the 24 (twenty four) Subcouncils for the City of Cape Town will take place at the time and venue indicated in the schedule below: Subcouncil Venue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Council Chambers, Royal Ascot, Milnerton Kraaifontein Council Chambers, Brighton Road, Kraaifontein Council Chambers, Voortrekker Road, Goodwood Parow Council Chambers, Tallent Street, Parow The Hague Community Hall, Cnr Delft Main & Silversands Road, The Hague Bellville Council Chambers, Bellville Civic Centre, Voortrekker Road, Bellville Durbanville Council Chamber, Cnr Queen and Oxford Streets, Durbanville Strand Council Chambers, Cnr Fagan Street and Main Road, Strand Solomon Tshuku Hall, Solomon Tshuku Avenue, Site C, Khayelitsha Lookout Hill Tourism Facility, Cnr Spine Road and Mew Way, Ilitha Park, Khayelitsha Vanguard Community Hall, Maangan Street, Vanguard Estate Lentegeur Civic Centre, Cnr Melkbos and Merrydale Road, Mitchells Plain Fezeka Council Chambers, Cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu Fezeka Council Chambers, Cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu Raven Room, Pinelands Training Centre, Pinelands Council Chambers, 44 Wale Street, Cape Town Athlone Minor Hall, Cnr Klipfontein and Protea Street, Athlone Subcouncil Chambers, Buck Road, Lotus River Council Chambers, Central Circle, Fish Hoek Council Chambers, Alphen Centre, Main Road, Constantia Council Chambers, Van Riebeeck Road, Kuils River Strand Council Chambers, Cnr Fagan Street and Main Road, Strand Colorado Community Centre, Highland Drive, Mitchells Plain Khayelitsha Training Centre, Cnr Lwandle Road and Bonga Drive, Khayelitsha
Date Time 23
woordelikheid om kinders kos te gee. Zille, u en die DA is net soos die ANC besig om ’n onvolwasse en ’n afhanklike kultuur te skep by jonges, sonder om verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar vir enige iets! Zille, u kan gerus Duitsland toe vertrek! Nel, Strand ) We make extra sandwiches for the needy every Monday to send with our kids. I often forget. Can’t we send a bag of mealie meal or box of oats instead to be collected at school? Will go much further...
Die VN en wêreldleiers moet wegbreek van die nuwe wêreldorde wat net groter probleme skep vir almal! Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes ) Ja ek stem, die pil is ook nie so akkuraat soos wat dit sê nie. Ek sal ook nogsteeds versigtig wees met die condoms, want ’n mens kan nie sien of daar ’n gat in is nie. Dis ook hoe baie mense siektes en HIV optel, ensovoorts. So ek beveel aan, trou voor jy enige iets doen en maak seker dis die maat vir die res van jou lewe.
Voorbehoedmiddels ) Die Verenigde Nasies se polities korrekte beleid om agter die pil- en kondoom-konsepte te skuil gaan plaaslik en wêreldwyd net groter probleme skep. Saamslapery lei tot oordraagbare siektes, swangerskappe en oorbevolking. Oorbevolking lei daartoe dat gesondheidsdienste plaaslik en wêreldwyd groot krisisse gaan ervaar. Die VN en wêreldleiers weier om te fokus op waardes, geloof en kennis, die sleutel tot sukses! As mens het jy ’n siel waarvoor jy verantwoording gaan doen.
Openbare vakansiedae ) SA se groot probleem is dat hy die hele wêreld akkommodeer met vakansiedae, terwyl Christene benadeel word met ANC-vakansiedae! Moslems en Jode het hopeloos te veel seggenskap. Daar is nie eens op TV en radio Christelike programme nie! Op die Afrikaanse radiostasie RSG word Donderdagaande om 23:00 ’n program van Islam uitgesaai, maar daar mag nie ’n godsdienstige program vir Christene wees nie! Dit gaan juis sleg met SA omdat daar nie behoorlike erkenning gegee word aan die Here nie. Christene, maak julle stem ’n slag dik vir die Here met meer vakansiedae en programme wat erkenning gee aan die Almagtige! Dan sal dit ook baie beter gaan met SA en sy mense! R.V.R., Somerset-Wes
Manager Peter Deacon 021 550 1001 Fred Monk 021 980 6053 Johannes Brand 021 590 1676 Ardela van Niekerk 021 444 0196 Martin Julie 021 695 8161 Pat Jansen 021 918 2024 Carin Viljoen 021 444 0689 Izak du Toit 021 850 4149 Johnson Fetu 021 360 1351
Protests ) Ja! Lwandle en die hele ander areas rig hokke op soos hulle wil en wil na ’n rukkie die wêreld omkeer. Wat van ons gemeenskap wat al jare wag op ’n huis? Ria, Strand Gemeenskapswerk ) Baie hartlike dank aan Andrew en Vida vir julle onbaatsugtigheid. Deesdae kla mense net, en vegeet om dankie te sê. Ons as Broadlands Community Watch bedank julle vir dit wat julle vir ons kom doen het. Weet dat niks by God ongesiens verby gaan nie. Mag God die hemelse vensters oor julle oopmaak en julle ryklik seën.
Goodman Rorwana 021 360 1267 Kayise Nombakuse 021 630 1737 Alesia Bosman 021 371 8199 Lunga Bobo 021 630 1619 Christopher Jako 021 630 1678 Mariette Griessel 021 531 3437 Marius Coetsee 021 487 2055 Edgar Carolissen 021 637 9757 Okkie Manuels 021 700 4020 Desiree Mentor 021 784 2011 Brian Ford 021 794 2493 Pieter Grobler 021 900 1502 Richard Moi 021 900 1508 Raphael Martin 021 371 4551
The City of Cape Town’s Subcouncil 22, which includes Ward 15 [Somerset Ridge - Nutwood - Pearl Marina - Pearl Rise - Montchere - Monte Sereno - Lynn’s View - Schonenberg Stellenbosch Farms - The Links - Parel Vallei - Spanish Farm - Somerset West - Westridge - Lonkers Hoogte - Fraaigelegen - Braeview - Goede Hoop - Highveld - Helderberg Estate - Helderzicht - Helena Heights - Briza Township - Heldervue - Griselda - La Sandra - Dorhill (southwest of Roux Street, northwest of Drummer Street, northeast of Main Road and southeast of Woodlands Road and Smuts Avenue) - Firgrove Rural - Illaire - Die Wingerd - Bell Aire - Somchem Site – Interchange], Ward 16 [Electric City - Faure - Mfuleni - Forest Village - Eersteriver South - Eersterivier (southeast of Forest Drive, southwest of Francoline, Egret, Bernadine, Arlene, Norman, Beverley and Van Riebeeck Streets, northwest of Stratford Avenue) - Driftsands (south of Old Faure Road and Mfuleni build-up, southwest of Eersterivier Way/Spine Road, Faure and Dreamworld build-up, northeast of N2 Freeway) - Dreamworld] and Ward 109 [Sandvlei - Kramat - Macassar Beach - Macassar - Faure/Croydon/Kelderhof - Makhasa/Umrhabulo Triangle] invites all community-based and non-governmental organisations and institutions to apply for a grant-in-aid to be used for the purpose of providing financial support to a project of their choice. The projects will assist the City to build an opportunity-filled, safe, caring, inclusive and well-run city.
Goodman Rorwana 021 444 7532
Application must be made on the prescribed application form and be accompanied by the following documentation:
To access the full agenda and all supporting documentation 72 hours before the meeting go to www.capetown.gov.za/subcouncils. Highlight the date of the subcouncil meeting, choose the subcouncil you require and download the agenda. Please report any difficulties to the relevant subcouncil manager.
• • • •
Constitution Detailed Business Plan with name and purpose of project, as well as a breakdown of costs Signed undertaking to provide the City with progress and financial reports NPO Certificate
The following policies and plans are open for public consultation during May 2013. They are available for scrutiny at subcouncil offices and interested parties may comment:
Application forms can be collected and returned to the Kuilsrivier Municipal Offices Subcouncil 22, cnr Van Riebeeck and Carinus Streets, Kuilsrivier 7580. The closing date for applications is Thursday 13 June 2013.
• •
Applications must meet the criteria in terms of the Municipal Finance Management Act and Section 67 Grants Policy.
Draft Urban Design Policy Utility Services Plans, Water Services Development Plan, Solid Waste Management Plan and Electricity Services Plan Events Policy
Enquiries can be directed to Zimkita Ninzi or Richard Vuyisile Moi at 021 900 1584/1508. ACHMAT EBRAHIM CITY MANAGER 35/2013
Tuesday 14 May 2013
People - Mense
Helderberg Gazette
First students graduate at new Oasis centre a way that will make them proud of who they are, as many of them are from poor economic backgrounds,” says August. “I want to see them be confident, assertive and responsible members of their communities.” The centre aims to capacitate and empower The centre opened its doors as a 100% blackowned business on Friday 1 February, which learners with relevant knowledge and skills saw the dream of Tessia August, training man- that will increase their chances of employment. ager of the centre, become a reality. An average of 15 students are enrolled at the Oasis offers courses ranging from Community-based Health Care (such as HIV testing and centre on a monthly basis. One of the nine graduates, Naadirah Patel, counselling) to home-based care. “Through the training centre, I hope to influence students in who received a special award for Most Dedicated Carer, says, the graduation was a proud moment for her, especially when she unexpectedly received a special award. “I feel honoured to have been part of the healthcare programme. It’s not just your average training college, they really make you feel at home. I would recommend it to anyone,” says Patel. Margie van Zyl, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Geratec, a company specialising in elderly care, was the keynote speaker at the graduation ceremony. She spoke to students about the Eden Alternative, an approach utilised by the centre. This philosophy seeks to change today’s old-age homes from a sterile enviTessia August (Oasis training manager), Natasha Simons (Ancillary Health ronment to human habiCare student who received a certificate for best overall performance) and tats in which residents Anna van Niekerk (Managing Director of Senecio, a support organisation for really want to live and carers enjoy their work. people with disabilities). Nine deserving students from the Oasis Training Centre in Strand walked away with a qualification in Ancillary Health Care (NQF Level 2) on Friday 3 May at the centre’s first graduation ceremony.
Oasis staff (from left) Mathilda Januarie (training facilitator), Mzingisi Ralushe (administrative clerk), Leslie August (executive director), Tessia August (training manager), Hester Geldeblom (clinical facilitator) and AbdulHakeem Waggie (assistant clinical facilitator).
Graduates recite the Carer’s Pledge.
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Gesondheid - Health
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 14 May 2013
Hundreds flock to Rotary family health days The Rotary Club, in conjunction with the Department of Health, held family health days from Thursday (9 May) to Saturday (11 May) in areas that include Nomzamo and Macassar. The Helderberg Sunrise Rotary Club was responsible for the Macassar site, which was held at the Calvyn Protestant Church, and saw 284 residents of Macassar come for various tests over the three days. Diabetes and blood pressure screening, cholesterol screening, BMI screening, polio and measles vaccination and eye testing were some of the services that were made freely available to residents.
The Macincedane Wellness Centre assisted by providing free HIV testing and counselling (HTC) and TB symptomatic screening tests. “The first two days went well with regards to HTC and TB symptomatic screening,” says Izak Mofokeng, coordinator of the Macincedane Wellness Centre in Somerset West. According to Clive Reede of the Helderberg Sunrise Rotary Club, “There were 180 sites for family health days across the country, of which 32 sites were in the Western Cape.” He says that in future they hope to have a special day dedicated to eye testing because many children appear to have eye problems.
Linda van Nes of the Helderberg Sunrise Rotary Club conducts a pre-testing assessment with one of the Macassar residents.
How to help a burn victim AS fires usually increase during winter, advice on treating burns can be of much help. If you are present in an emergency and know what to do, you could save a life. A first degree burn is the least serious. Only the outer layer of the skin is burnt. The skin is usually red, sometimes with swelling and pain. Second degree burns occur when the first and second layers of skin have been burnt through. Blisters develop and the skin takes on an intensely reddened, splotchy appearance. These burns produce severe pain and swelling. Third degree burns occur when all the layers of the skin have been burnt through and causes permanent tissue damage. There could be difficulty inhaling and exhaling, as well as carbon monoxide poisoning if smoke was inhaled. Minor burns Minor burns include first and second degree burns which are limited to an area no larger than 7,5 centimetres. )Cool the burn by holding it under gently flowing cold water for at least five minutes. Or immerse the burn in a tub of cold water. Do not put ice directly onto the burn. )Cover the burn with a moist gauze bandage. Don’t use fluffy cotton, as this may irritate the skin. Wrap the gauze loosely to avoid putting pressure on burned skin. Bandaging keeps air off the burnt skin, reduces pain and protects blistered skin. Use a Burnshield dressing, which you can buy at any pharmacy. • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, but no aspirin for children or teenagers.
Minor burns usually heal without further treatment, although the healed area may have a different colour. However, watch for signs of infection, such as increased pain, redness, fever, swelling or oozing. If infection develops, seek medical help. Avoid reinjuring or tanning if the burns are less than a year old. Major burns For major burns, seek emergency medical assistance. Until an emergency unit arrives: )Check for signs of circulation (breathing, coughing or movement). If there is no breathing or other signs of circulation, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately. )Don’t remove burnt clothing, but make sure the victim is no longer in contact with smouldering materials or exposed to smoke or heat. )Dont immerse large severe burns in cold water. Doing so could cause shock. )Elevate the burned body part or parts. Raise above heart level if possible. )Cover the area of the burn. Use a Burnshield dressing or a cool, moist, sterile bandage, or cover with a polythene bag. What absolutely not to do: )Don’t use ice. Putting ice directly onto a burn can cause frostbite, further damaging your skin. )Don’t apply butter, toothpaste or ointments to the burn. This could prevent proper healing. )Don’t break blisters. Broken blisters are vulnerable to infection. Information source: Netcare Milpark Burns Centre
Home-based carers provided free services for elderly patients.
As jou immuunstelsel ’n hupstoot nodig het Gee jou immuunstelsel ’n hupstoot! Daar is ’n paar basiese dinge, volgens verpleegpraktisyn Amanda le Roux, wat jy kan doen om jou liggaam se immuniteit op te bou en sodoende verkoue en griep makliker af te weer. Suurlemoene Suurlemoene is die natuur se manier om die suur-basis-balans (pH) in jou liggaam te herstel. Drink vars suurlemoensap in water, voeg dit by jou tee, slaaisouse (in plaas van asyn) en Genoeg oefening en vars bak of kook daarmee. Plant-ekstrakte Spirulina besit al die ensieme, vitamiene en minerale wat die liggaam voed en versterk. “Barley grass” is gemaak van die gedroogde sap van jong garsplantjies. Dit bevat groot hoeveelhede aminosure, ensieme, antioksidante, vitamiene en minerale wat die liggaam suiwer en balanseer. Echinacea stimuleer witbloedselle om vreemde organismes te identifiseer, daaraan te heg en dit te vernietig. Ginseng bevorder fisiese vermoë en breinfunksies in geval van swakheid en uitputting. Ander siektebevegters Betakaroteen (in geel, oranje en rooi vrugte en groente) dien as antioksidant wat indringers vernietig. Vitamien B6 (in neute, spinasie en aartappels) bevorder die produksie van witbloedselle. Vitamien C (in vrugte en groente) is ’n kragtige antioksidant en dit verhoog die vlakke van immunoglobulien (’n teenliggaam teen virusse en bakterieë). Vitamien E (in koringkiem, heelgrane en groente-olies) stimuleer immuunrespons. Selenium (in tuna, eiers en volgraanbrood) is nog ’n antioksidant wat infiltrerende bakterieë aanval. Sink (in seekos en eiers) bevorder genesing en is ’n beskerming teen gewone verkoue. Knoffel is ’n natuurlike antibiotikum en antioksidant. Slaap genoeg Elkeen se slaapbehoeftes verskil. Pas by jou liggaam se behoeftes aan. Slaap word verbind aan gebalanseerde hormoonvlakke (insluitend die groeihormoon, kortisol). Dit het ook ’n effek op helder denke en redenasievermoë, verbeterde gemoedstoestand en ’n gesonde vel. Hou op rook! Rook beïnvloed die immuunstelsel deurdat dit die selle wat die liggaam teen kanker moet verdedig, verminder. Rokers se kanse om griep te kry, is ook drie maal meer as dié van nie-rokers omdat die immuniteit deur rook verswak word.
lug help om die immuunstelsel te versterk. Eet genoet proteïene Dit is die boustene van ’n gesonde liggaam, verstand en immuunstelsel. Laeproteïen-diëte neig om hoog in koolhidrate te wees en dit kan maklik omgesit word in glukose wat dan die bloedglukosevlakke vinnig laat styg en stremming plaas op die pankreas en immuunstelsel. Drink baie water Die meeste hoofpyne kom voor omdat mense nie ten minste ses tot agt glase water per dag drink nie. Hoofpyn en dors is beide tekens van dehidrasie. Beperk koffie-inname Kaffeïen beroof die liggaam van vitamiene en minerale en dit dehidreer jou. Indien jy koffie drink, verhoog jou waterinname met twee glase vir elke koppie koffie! Skakel suiker uit Staak inname van verfynde suiker en jy sal ’n verskil merk in jou energievlakke, massaverspreiding, immuniteit en vermoë om helder te dink. Eet meer rou groente en vrugte Dit bevat meer antioksidante, vitamiene, minerale, vesel en ensieme. Die perfekte bron van minerale is seewier en is in droë vorm by gesondheidswinkels te kry. Kry genoeg oefening en vars lug Vermy toe, benoude areas vol mense so ver moontlik. Kieme versprei makliker in sulke omstandighede. Oefening verbeter weer jou gesondheid en selfs geluk, aangesien endorfiene afgeskei word tydens oefening en dit jou goed laat voel. Spandeeer tyd in die koue – dit stimuleer die skildklier, wat dan op sy beurt onder meer die metabolisme beheer. Onthou om elektroliete te vervang waanneer jy oefen en ’n goeie multivitamien te neem. Versorg jouself Maak tyd vir jouself, spandeer tyd saam met vriende en bederf jouself met ’n massering, ’n warm bad of ’n energiewerksessie. Ons liggame reageer op ons emosies – as jy bedreig en angstig voel, kan dit manifesteer in ’n seer keel of verkoue. Gee egter aandag aan die waarskuwingstekens van ’n seer keel of uitputting en soek hulp om te voorkom dat dit vererger.
Tuesday 14 May 2013
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Quick response to a customer’s complaint ASHRAF BOOLEY Customer complaints are a daily occurance in the business world, but a local resident is giving a thumbs-up to the management team of a shopping centre in his neighbourhood. After realising the risk of being injured by the incomplete stainless steel bollards at the Shoprite complex in Macassar could hurt someone, John Wehr, a senior foreman at the City of Cape Town’s Roads and Stormwater department, approached the centre management. “Two weeks after I had logged the complaint, the bollards were fixed.” He had explained to Danny de Villiers, a member of centre management, that the incomplete bollards were a safety hazard, De Villiers agreed, was thankful that he reported it. “I did not expect them to fix it so soon. I really appreciate the quick response and what they did for the community.” The bollards were fixed by binding them with stable wooden structures.
Brendyn Alloys (middel agter) en Nicholas Kordom (links agter) saam met jongmense van Erjaville ná ’n swemsessie by die Strand se binneshuise swembad op Saterdag 4 Mei.
Beveg armoede, wen die jeug ASHRAF BOOLEY
John Wehr is satisfied with the completed bollards, which will reduce the safety hazard it once posed.
The completed bollards at the Shoprite complex in Macassar.
415 pairs of shoes donated Because many children in South Africa do not even have a pair of shoes, and with the winter months creeping in, the Helderberg Sunset Rotary handed over 415 pairs of shoes to the Yellow Door earlier this year. Yellow Door is the Red Cross’s soup kitchen
in Temperance Town, Gordon’s Bay. The 415 pairs of shoes were donated by the American organisation Toms, as part of their “one for one” campaign, in which a pair of shoes is donated for every pair of Toms shoes sold.
Modelling the shoes are (from left) Courtney Daniels, Lorian Smith, Deidre Absolom and Kaede Hendricks.
“Ek glo armoede is ’n afwesigheid van toegang tot hulpbronne en inligting,” sê die 28-jarige Brendyn Alloys, stigter van die opkomende jeugorganisasie Reclaiming Youth. Die organisasie is daarop gemik om uitvalsyfers op skool te laat afneem, en om jongmense te verhoed om met dwelms en misdaad deurmekaar te raak. Dít wil Alloys doen deur ’n skool-aansporingsen lewensvaardigheidsprogram, asook sport. “Ons wil geleenthede na kinders en jongmense toe bring, wat hulle hoop vir die toekoms sal gee, deur vandag te begin,” sê Alloys. Die organisasie het tans 25 jongmense tussen die ouderdomme van 10 en 13 jaar onder sy vlerk. Op Saterdae loop die organiseerders met tot so veel as 30 jongmense van Rusthof na die Strand se binneshuise swembad en terug om hulle te leer swem – al neem dit hulle meer as ’n uur om by die swembad uit te kom. “Swem is ’n noodsaaklike lewensvaardigheid, so ons wil hulle leer om te swem terwyl hulle terselfdertyd pret het,” sê Alloys. Die Strand Sekondêre Skool is tans deel van die organisasie se skool-aansporingsprogram, waarin alle leerlinge wat ’n 100%-bywoningsre-
kord vir die jaar het, se name aan die einde van die jaar in ’n gelukstrekking vir ’n bergfiets in aanmerking sal kom. Een so ’n fiets is reeds as aansporing vir die leerlinge van Strand Sekondêr geskenk. Planne om meer skole te betrek, is tans onderweg, wat beteken dat meer fietse vir meer skole nodig is. Vir hul lewensvaardigheidsprogram, beplan die organisasie om op maatskaplike probleme te fokus deur ontwikkelings- en leierskapkampe vir jongmense. “Ons wil ook opvoedkundige uitstappies en jeug-dialoog hê wat hulle in staat sal stel om aan hul eie ontwikkeling deel te neem,” sê Alloys verder. Nicholas Kordom staan aan die stuur van die rugbyspan, Erjaville United, wat deel vorm van die sportkomponent. Die span van 25 rugby-entoesiaste oefen elke dag vir tot twee ure na skool. “Ons wil verhoed dat hulle die skool verlaat en hulle weghou van misdaad,” sê Kordom. Die organisasie is tans besig om by die departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling te registreer en het nie geld nie. Skenkings van etes, vervoer, fietse en sporttoerusting is veral nodig. Enigiemand wat belangstel om benodigdhede te borg, kan Brendyn Alloys by 079 362 5777 bel of e-pos stuur na prodicals811@gmail.com.
Wear tekkies for a good cause Friday 31 May will see the first annual Tekkie Tax fundraising campaign kick off, in which participants will wear their tekkies in support of a good cause. During April and May, five different stickers, each representing a beneficiary, will be available to South Africans at a cost of R10 each, which will be donated to the chosen beneficiary. The Tekkie Tax campaign will give readers the option of donating to a welfare sector of their choice – animals, children, education, disability or basic community welfare. It’s as easy as: )getting permission from relevant parties (such as your office or school) to participate in the campaign; )promoting the campaign with free publicity
material such as posters and brochures; )choosing the beneficiary of your choice by purchasing the relevant sticker; )wearing your tekkies and sticker on 31 May. For more information, visit www.tekkietax.co.za or email tekkietax@mweb.co.za.
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 14 May 2013
Trifle with a decadent twist Malva pudding ingredients: Sift together: 2 cups flour 2 cups sugar 2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda pinch of salt 2 beaten eggs 2 cups of milk 2 dessert spoons apricot jam 2 dessert spoons melted butter 2 dessert spoons vinegar Bake at 180 °C for one hour
Trifle is a much-loved Christmas dessert, but can be served all year round. The foodie in the Gazette test kitchen spoiled some family with trifle with a different base. Serves 8 to 10 Ingredients: 10 Queenie cupcakes, or swiss roll, or sponge cake 3 packets of jelly one tin of fruit cocktail one tub of cream Maraschino cherries 1 litre custard All Gold whole green figs, chopped into pieces Van der Hum liqueur almonds to taste, chopped finely
Kindervermaak Children’s Entertainment JUMPING CASTLES en Waterglybaan te huur. Tel: Charmaine by 021 8533999 of 083-513-9493
Algemeen Miscellaneous BRAAI / KAGGELHOUT, Rooikrantz, Blackwattel, Bloekom, Firestarters, Spider gum, Myrtle braaihout. Gratis aflewering (radius 50km), verpakking ekstra. Bestel nou, hout raak skaars Kontak 083 493 6894 / 076 947 0700 / 021 8289693 / 021 854 7052
Sauce: 2 teaspoons butter 2 cups sugar ¾ cup hot water and 1 cup milk, or 1 cup cream and ¾ cup hot water
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Algemene Dienste General Services
Plant in ’n pot
Method (malva pudding): Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix together. Once the pudding is removed from the oven, pour over the sauce. Method (trifle): Put the malva pudding at the base of the dish. Sprinkle some Van der Hum over the malva pudding and add alternate layers of jelly and custard and sprinkle some chopped figs, nuts and fruit cocktail between each layer. I placed a layer of queenies at the top and added another layer of custard, followed by the cream and Maraschino cherries.
EMERGENCY PLUMBERS AND ELECTRICIANS For all plumbing and electrical problems! BE YOUR PROBLEM BIG OR SMALL, MAKE IT MINE GIVE ME A CALL! 10% Pensioners discount on labour ( 082 823 2196 021-8564727 INGEBOUDE KASTE Slaapkamers, kombuise, muureenhede, hang van deure en skirtings. Gratis kwotasies en beste diens! Kontak 083-704-0115
This delicious trifle is easy to make and even more tasty the following day. PHOTO: ANNETTE THERON
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Rommelverwydering Rubble Removal
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Huise te Huur Houses to Let
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0 ATTENTION 0 Elite Removals: Removal of garden refuse, building rubble, household refuse. Treefelling and any small loads. Handyman services ( Danie 082-337-9532 / 021-852 6122
In blyplekke waar ’n groot tuin ontbreek, kan jy gerus ’n paar potplante oorweeg om groenigheid te bring. Hier is ’n paar wenke: )Goeie ventilasie is nodig, so hou dus altyd ’n venster of deur oop in die vertrek waar die plante staan. )As ’n plant langer as ’n uur in ’n drupbak met water staan, is dit nadelig vir die wortels. Binneshuise plante het normaalweg minder warm en meer klam lug nodig en dun blare meer humiditeit as dik blare. Wanneer die humiditeit te laag is, raak blaarpunte bruin, krul dit op en bloeisels verdroog. Spuit missproei op die plant. )Plante met baie blare het skerp lig nodig, nie direkte son nie. Hoe veelkleuriger die blare, hoe meer lig is nodig. Plante wat blomme dra, moet direkte sonlig kry. )Plante moet voedsel kry wanneer hulle groei en blom. Verminder voeding gedurende die plant se rustyd. )Kompos moet klam wees, nie nat nie. Wag tot die boonste grond begin uitdroog voor jy weer water gee. )Voeding en water moet verminder word as plante hul rustyd ingaan. Sodra nuwe groei in die lente uitkom, is die rustyd verby. Indien nodig, plant die plant oor in ’n groter houer en gee geleidelik meer voeding en water. )Sny ou, dooie blare en blomme gereeld uit. Die vinger en duim of ’n skêr moet verkieslik gebruik word. Probeer altyd net bokant die groeiknop snoei.
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Dinsdag 14 Mei 2013
Schools - Skole
Helderberg Gazette
‘Drowning’ education system needs saving The national Department of Basic Education’s grade retention policy is not only causing concern among teachers. Observers and education specialists are equally troubled by the policy, which states that a pupil can only repeat a grade once in each phase, regardless of their performance. Dr Elsabe Pepler, a tertiary lecturer who does educational coaching, says she sees the standard of education on tertiary level sinking lower and lower every year, “and I am convinced that it happens as a result of increased leniency to students who cannot master their grades and years”. She says even more than six years ago, she and fellow university lecturers regularly received instructions to “lower the levels of fails and increase the level of passes so that more students can flow through, without compromising the standards required to master the necessary content and obtain a degree or qualification”. “How do you achieve the impossible?” she asks. According to Pepler, the cycle starts in the very first schooling phase. “If you have foundational learners who are artificially pushed through, they struggle more in the middle phase. If they are lagging behind in the middle phases, even more learners fall behind, with fewer getting through to the higher phase. “In the higher grades, we have the appalling requirements of three 40% and three 30% marks to pass matric. “The student who manages to get into tertiary education on the basis of these results, now struggle from the first day, because the foundation from the lowest to the highest school grades are lacking.
“Then, we have flow-through or through-put rates at university. Although the statistics are somewhat mystical, it seems from collective data that more than 64% of all students drop out in their first years of study. South Africa’s accumulated pass rate of 15% students in the required time for their university studies is one of the lowest in the entire world. This the cumulative result of a lacking lower foundation. “Eventually, it all runs into a solid wall in the workplace or in tertiary education, where masses of students drop out or where thousands of matriculants cannot find employment.” According to Pepler there is already tentative talks of lengthening three-year degree courses to four years. The SA Law Society has announced their intentions of extending threeyear degrees since new employees in the legal fraternity cannot deliver what they should. The University of Cape Town also has plans to extend three-year degrees to four years. “This means yet again that we will, in international terms, be rated by comparison and come out lacking. This disease or epidemic that keeps replicating and impacting on itself, results in South Africa having one of the lowest post-graduate success rates in the world, where only 16% of all master’s students and 9% of all doctoral students eventually graduate. This causes South Africa’s research and academic standing internationally to be severely reflecting the lower standard – which started in the lowest grades.” Pepler says our matric pass rate of 74% and 27% university exemption rate paints too rosy a picture. “With important ratings, such as the World Economic Forum recently placing our
According to Dr Elsabe Pepler, the key to the future of our society lies in ensuring children are really competent in each school grade that they pass on paper. maths and science education as second last in the world and our overall education standard as 140th out of 144 countries, it really seems to me as if the rest of the world is more concerned about our education than we as South Africans are.” She says pupils cannot be pushed through the educational system for the sake of the word “passing”. “We have to ensure that they have mastered the necessary skills and knowledge content before they can go on.”
She feels that if the foundation is solid, everything upwards and onwards would be more solid. “I understand that South Africa has an education system which is broken, and which is drowning and not waving in the water, but somewhere everything will have to stop. “The necessary people will need to keep their wits about them and say: okay, what do we need to improve the products of our educational system and the future standards of our society? Because that is what it is about.”
FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY VALUATION TO THE 2012 GENERAL VALUATION ROLL (SV01) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2013/2014 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 49 (1)(a)(i) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act no. 6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act,” that the First Supplementary Valuation Roll to the 2012 General Valuation Roll (SV01) for the financial year 2013/2014 is open for public inspection at the venues as stated below as from 21 May 2013 until 30 June 2013. The forms for the lodging of objections are obtainable at these venues. In addition the valuation roll is available on the Council website as from 21 May 2013 (the address is provided below).
Clinton Stewart displays his achievements.
Zandvliet pupil takes the lead Clinton Stewart, a Grade 10 pupil at Zandvliet High School in Macassar, is a true example of a young leader in his community. Stewart was recently elected as both district coordinator and deputy secretary for his school of the City of Cape Town’s High Schools Programme. The programme involves liaison between various schools on different issues faced by the youth in the area, says Mario du Plessis, Teacher Licence Officer (TLO) of the High Schools Programme for Zandvliet High. “The Representative Council of Learners has good leadership skills and deals with various issues concerning the youth.” The school has been part of the programme for the past five years and yielded many successful ambassadors through these years. Steward will be attending an alumni workshop as well as a winter school that will be held on Friday 21 June.
Properties were selected to appear on the First Supplementary Valuation Roll to the 2012 General Valuation Roll (SV01) Roll in terms of section 78(1) of Act if the property a) was incorrectly omitted from the Valuation Roll; b) has been included in the municipality after the last general valuation; c) has been subdivided or consolidated after the last general valuation; d) has undergone a substantial increase or decrease in market value since the last general valuation; e) was substantially incorrectly valued in the last general valuation; f) must be revalued for any other exceptional reason; g) of which the category has changed. In terms of Section 49(1)(a)(ii) of the Act, any property owner or person who so desires may lodge an objection with the municipal manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from the valuation roll, within the abovementioned period. Objections may only be lodged in respect of properties valued on the SV01 Roll. The owners of these properties will be notified of their SV01 valuations in writing at the postal address currently held on the City’s database. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the supplementary valuation roll as a whole. The forms for lodging an objection can be obtained from one of the venues listed below, and can be downloaded from the website. A separate objection form must be completed per property. DATE: 21 May 2013 – 30 June 2013
08:30 – 15:45
08:30 – 15:45
08:30 – 15:45
08:30 – 15:45 08:30 – 15:45 08:30 – 15:45
Completed objection forms can be submitted as follows:
DANCING IN THE RAIN: Grade 3 pupil at Solomon Qatyana Primary in Nomzamo, Sihle Bentele, plays in the puddles left by heavy rains recently in the Helderberg. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN
• • • •
E-mail – valuationsobjection@capetown.gov.za Fax – 086 201 2304 / 086 588 6042 Post to (preferably via registered mail) – The City of Cape Town, for attention: The Objection Coordinator, PO Box 4522, Cape Town 8000 By hand - at one of our public inspection venues
For more information: Sharecall: 086 010 3089
Web: www.capetown.gov.za
Year 17 • Dinsdag 14 Mei 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Marvin Park Primary wins all games
The Premier Soccer League (PSL) fixtures for this week are as follows:
The pupils of Marvin Park Primary School held up their reputation by winning all the soccer, cross country, rugby and netball events at their annual sports day on Saturday 4 May in Genadendal. “I am proud of all of them. They worked hard and performed well. “The hard work on the practice field certainly paid off at the sports day in Genadendal,” says Thurlo Abrahams, sports coach at the Macassar school. According to John Jacobs, principal of the school, the Department of Arts and Culture has identified soccer as a strength at the school and subsequently selected them as a soccer focus school. “All eight schools, of which seven are from the Overberg region, displayed skills and techniques of a high standard on the day,” said Jacobs. According to Jacobs, all teachers and parents who attended the event agreed that the day was a success and that great new friendships were formed. Scores for the u.13 rugby games were: )Marvin Park 30 (6 tries) – L.R. Schmidt Primary 0. )Marvin Park 17 (3 tries, 1 conversion) – Greyton Primary 11 (2 tries, 1 conversion). The scores for the u.11 rugby game was: )Marvin Park 15 (3 tries) – L.R. Schmidt 10 (2 tries). The score for the u.9 rugby game was: )Marvin Park 5 (1 try) – L.R. Schmidt 5 (1 try).
Fixtures Wednesday 15 May 19:30 ) Kaizer Chiefs v SuperSport United ) Orlando Pirates v Black Leopards Saturday 18 May 15:00 ) University of Pretoria v Kaizer Chiefs ) Orlando Pirates v Maritzburg United ) Mamelodi Sundowns v Bidvest Wits ) Moroka Swallows v Bloem Celtic ) Ajax Cape Town v Golden Arrows ) Free State Stars v Black Leopards ) AmaZulu v Chippa United ) Platinum Stars v SuperSport United
Marvin Park Primary School’s u.11 rugby team at the sports day in Genadendal.