Year 17 • Tuesday 15 January 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Pass rate improves in Macassar NICOLE MCCAIN
The Macassar matriculants of 2012 have done their schools proud, with the Zandvliet High and Macassar Secondary schools raking in some of the top marks in the Helderberg.
Zandvliet High School principal Richard Basson with the school’s results. The school achieved a 88,5% matric pass rate. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN
Zandvliet High had a pass rate of 88,5%, an 8% improvement on its pass rate of the previous year. “It’s quite satisfactory,” said Zandvliet principal Richard Basson. Macassar High principal Yusuf Abrahams was also pleased with his school’s results. “You’re always a bit nervous on the day. But I knew we would have over 75%.” However, he did not expect the pass rate to be 87,5% for his matrics. Both schools achieved a higher pass rate than the provincial average of 82,8%. This is despite Macassar schools having struggled financially since being grouped together with more affluent schools by the education department, on which the Gazette reported in June last year. Under this system, known as the quintile system, Macassar schools receive very low education subsidies, despite roughly 50% of parents being unemployed. Other top schools in the Helderberg include Parel Vallei High School and Hoërskool Valsbaai, which both achieved a 100% pass rate, Strand High with 98,5% and Hottentots Holland High with 93,3%.
Rusthof Secondary obtained a 79,5% pass rate, and Gordon High 74,8%. The Macassar principals say they hosted a series of extra classes to help their pupils do well in the exams. “We had winter and spring school, and tutors on Saturday from the Department of Education,” says Abrahams. However, says Abrahams, the extra classes only help pupils who are motivated. “The motivation must come from the learners. Some of them don’t attend extra classes.” Basson attributes the success of his pupils to a combined effort, commending the hard work of both teachers and pupils. And he says there is no secret ingredient. “It’s just hard work, right from the start of the year.” But Basson does believe supporting the pupils plays an important role. “You need to give the pupils constant motivation.” Not all schools in the Helderberg performed well. Strand Secondary and Simanyene High both achieved a pass rate of just over 64%, with Khanyolwethu High School slipping to 57%, placing it in the education department’s category of underperforming schools. Western Cape MEC of Education, Donald Grant, said, “In 2012 we saw the number of schools achieving less than 60% decrease from 30 schools to 26 schools with a number of these 26 schools only narrowly missing the mark.” Principal Eric Titipane of Khanyolwethu High was not available for comment at the time of going to print.
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 15 January 2013
Festive flowers: Floral Trends will present a demonstration called ‘Christmas Leftovers’ in the Somerset West Library Hall on Saturday 19 January at 14:30. Tickets are R40 and can be purchased from Ilse Holroyd on 021 851 6123.
Colleen Pienaar works with between 10 and 30 animals a day, checking for ticks and cleaning their ears. PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN
Colleen, seen here with one of the kittens she is taking care of, is desperate for funding to care for the many injured animals she sees, as well as to help owners put up fences to keep their pets safe.
Help Colleen to help the animals NICOLE MCCAIN
Walking through the village of Sir Lowry’s Pass with Colleen Pienaar, is being taken on a sightseeing tour of all the animals in the area. She stops at each home en route to her destination, sticking her head around doors to ask about the kittens, the puppies, the injured dogs and the cats that need to be spayed. It’s little wonder the locals refer to her as “the Auntie with the dogs” when she is their first stop whenever their pets are injured, sick or lost. Seventeen years ago, Colleen (41) started a soup kitchen. Little did she know that her love for animals would blossom at the same time. “The oupas used to bring the children, and the dogs used to trail behind. That’s how it all started – the dogs would come for some soup too.” Colleen has since started caring for the ani-
mals with which she comes into contact, and has become the only place where Sir Lowry’s Pass residents can take their dogs. Not a qualified vet, Colleen has taught herself everything she knows with the help of local vets and animal welfare services. However, whatever Colleen can do, is very limited. She attends to between 10 and 30 animals a day, checking them for ticks, cleaning their ears and dipping them. She puts up the funds for the dip herself, and does all the labour herself. She also puts up funds for many animals to be treated by Teva veterinary clinic in Somerset West, as well as for the animals to be put down. “If a dog has a broken leg, we have to put it down. There are just no funds to fix it.” But it’s not just funding that is needed. According to Colleen many residents also need help to erect a fence to keep their pets safe. Colleen is also able to have ten animals spayed a month, free of charge, at the Animal Rescue organisation, but at a few hundred
rand per procedure, Colleen can not afford to get the estimated 700 animals spayed in the village. It’s a gruelling job, with Colleen having to see animals that have been abused, neglected and badly injured by passing trains. Colleen’s whole family helps her take care of animals, with her 22-year-old daughter Tara taking in the kittens and her 20-year-old daughter Kristy looking after puppies that need to be bottle-fed. Colleen even sends some to her mother and sister on occasion. Despite all the hard work, Colleen would never dream of not helping, knowing how much the animals mean to their owners. “People often say they shouldn’t have pets if they can’t afford them. But for some people, these animals are the only reason they get out of bed in the morning.” For more information phone Colleen on 084 558 1150, or call Teva veterinary clinic on 021 851 3511 to make a donation towards Colleen’s selfless efforts.
Tuesday 15 January 2013
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Macassar-brand ná vier dae geblus JAMEY THOMAS Helderberg-inwoners moes vir dae lank rookwalms verduur nadat ’n brand verlede Dinsdag (8 Januarie) by die watersuiweringsaanleg in Macassar ontstaan het. Volgens Theo Layne, woordvoerder vir die Stad Kaapstad se Brandbeheer- en Reddingsdiens, het 22 brandslaners Dinsdag om 13:00 die brand begin blus. “Die brand het vermoedelik ontstaan weens die spontane selfontbranding van groot hope gedroogde rioolmateriaal in een
van die riooldroogpanne, wat toe na omliggende plantegroei versprei het.” Rioolhope word in ’n droogpan uitgelê en gee, wanneer dit droog is, ’n hoeveelheid metaangas af. Die hope het van onder af verhit en spontaan aan die brand geslaan. Pogings om die brand te blus is bemoeilik weens die digtheid van die groter hope, wat verhoed het dat water die onderste laag bereik. “Laai- en skopgrawe moes gebruik word om die rioolhope op te breek sodat die brandende materiaal klam gemaak kon word terwyl dit verwyder word.” Layne meen dié arbeidsintensiewe en tydrowende proses was die oorsaak van die
rookwolk wat konstant in die lug gehang het. Die laaste brandweerwa het omstreeks 20:30 Vrydag (11 Januarie) die aanleg verlaat ná die vuur uiteindelik geblus is. Personeel van die rioolaanleg het die perseel met sand bedek as bykomende voorsorgmaatreël. Kylie Hatton, van die Stad se mediakantoor, het gesê die brand het nie die riool- of watersuiweringsaanleg geraak nie, maar eerder die plantegroei in die omgewing. Dit hou dus geen gesondheidsgevaar in nie. “Enigeen wat aan neweeffekte van rookinaseming ly, moet hul naaste kliniek of hul plaaslike geneesheer raadpleeg.”
Brandslaners het vir vier dae lank gesukkel om ’n vuur te blus wat Dinsdag by die watersuiweringsaanleg in Macassar ontstaan het.
Matriculants can try again
Bespaar meer water in die somer!
NICOLE MCCAIN Failing matric may come as a blow to hundreds of pupils in the Helderberg, but there are many options to allow pupils to complete their schooling and to study further. Matrics can apply for their papers to be remarked, and those who failed two subjects or fewer can apply for a supplementary exam. In the case of a re-mark, pupils must provide a motivation with their application. It costs R73 per subject. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) will refund re-marking if the candidate passes the subject in which they initially failed. The closing date for applications is 21 January. Applications for supplementary exams close on the same day, with the exams written in February and March. Western Cape MEC of Education, Donald Grant, says, “A second chance to complete the National Senior Certificate requirements successfully should not be ignored.” Pupils can also redo matric. Those who do not see this as an option, have various ways to study further. Further Education and Training (FET) colleges accept pupils older than 16 with a Grade 9 certificate, and provides them with vocational training. Some colleges provide up to 300 different courses. Some other colleges also offer courses to students who have not completed matric. Sonia Magni, quality assurance manager of College SA, says it offers various such courses, and that many only require a Grade 10 certificate. This allows the student to begin studying at the National Qualification Framework (NQF) level 3 and then an NQF 4. “Once a student has completed the NQF level 4 qualification, he or she will have a qualification on the same level as somebody who has completed the traditional school matric.” For more information on re-marking or supplementary exams, contact the WCED exam helpline on 021 467 2300. Re-marking application forms can be requested from Nompumelelo.Kanase@westerncape.gov.za, Steve.Valentyne@westerncape.gov.za or Mercia.Buys@western cape.gov.za. For more information on FET colleges, phone 021 467 2614 or visit www.fetcolleges.co.za.
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News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Lourensford-stakers in hof NICOLE MCCAIN Een-en-twintig mense is verlede Woensdag (9 Januarie) tydens plaaswerkerstakings in Somerset-Wes in hegtenis geneem. Konst. Suzan Jantjies, polisiewoordvoerder, sê sowat 200 betogers het dié dag omstreeks 08:30 op die Lourensford-landgoed saamgetrek, ten spyte van ’n ooreenkoms oor loonverhogings wat verlede jaar tussen die bestuur en werknemers bereik is. Betogers het klippe na die polisie op die toneel begin gooi, waarop die inhegtenisnemings gevolg het. Jantjies sê die aanklagte was onregmatige betreding, asook die oortreding van ’n hofinterdik. Dié interdik bepaal plaaswerkers mag nie deelneem aan enige onwettige byeenkomste op die Lourensford-landgoed of Lourensford-eiendom beskadig nie. Die oortreders het Vrydag in die SomersetWes-landdroshof verskyn. Hulle is vrygelaat met ’n waarskuwing om op 26 Maart weer in die hof te wees. Die Gazette het op 15 Desember verlede jaar berig dat ’n ooreenkoms op Lourensford bereik is. Paul Mokwana, wat namens die plaaswer-
kers gepraat het, het gesê dié ooreenkoms het ’n verhoging van R10 per dag behels van R72,50 af op. Phillip du Plessis, uitvoerende hoof van die Lourensford-landgoed, het gesê ’n bedrag kan nie genoem word nie, omdat werkers op ’n glyskaal betaal word. Hy het wel vroeër gesê werkers wat R70 verdien, is aan die onderpunt van die skaal met ’n hoë persentasie werkers wat meer as dit verdien. Betogings het op 9 Januarie vanjaar daar voortgegaan toe werkers elders in die provinsie ook weer begin staak het. Hulle eis ’n minimumloonvasstelling van R150 per dag. Du Plessis kon nie teen druktyd vir kommentaar bereik word nie oor die nuwe ronde betogings wat, ten spyte van skynbaar suksesvolle loononderhandelings, by die landgoed plaasvind. Die departement van arbeid en ander rolspelers is tans besig met ’n sektorale vasstellingsproses wat ’n nuwe minimumloon vir die landboubedryf sal vasstel. Enige nuwe loon sal op 1 April in werking kan tree. Maar terwyl werkers eis dat ’n hoër minimumloon dadelik van krag moet wees, duur stakings onbepaald voort.
Tuesday 15 January 2013
Meeste drank in H’berg Die grootste hoeveelheid alkohol in die Stad Kaapstad se jurisdiksiegebied is verlede jaar in die Helderberg-distrik gekonfiskeer, aldus raadslid JP Smith, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir veiligheid en sekuriteit. Van die 5 120 F alkohol wat in die hele munisipale gebied gekonfiskeer is, kom 38% uit die oostelike distrik waarbinne die Helderberg se strande val. Terwyl ’n totaal van 2 372 eenhede alkohol verlede jaar in die Helderberg gekonfiskeer is, is dit minder as die sowat 3 000 eenhede wat in 2011 gekonfiskeer is. Alkohol word by strande en openbare swembaddens deur die wet verbied.
Die Stad se burgemeesterskomiteelid vir gemeenskapsdienste, Tandeka Gqada, sê hulle gaan veral in die somerseisoen die wet streng toepas aangesien alkoholgebruik op strande dikwels tot verdrinkings lei. Smith het gesê hulle sal aanhou om ’n zeroverdraagsaamheidbeleid toe te pas teen dié wat onwettig drink en sodoende hulleself en medeinwoners in gevaar stel. “Drinkery op strande en voor jy bestuur is onaanvaarbaar en ons wil die mense wat hulle skuldig maak aan dié onwettige en onverantwoordelike aktiwiteite waarsku dat dit vir ons ’n prioriteit bly.” Nadat alkohol gekonfiskeer is, word dit vir drie maande gehou om die eienaar kans te gee om dit opte eis. Daarna word dit vernietig.
Helderberg-strande veilig Geen verdrinkings het vanjaar op die Helderberg se strande plaasgevind nie, sê die Nasionale Seereddingsinstituut (NSRI). Volgens Nigel Pepperell, stasiebevelvoerder van die Gordonsbaaise NSRI-stasie, is dit danksy ’n kombinasie van goeie weer en ’n beter ingeligte publiek. Hy sê verhoogde ondersteuning deur lewensredders op strande, asook wetstoepassing, het ook ’n groot rol ge-
speel. “Beter afdwinging deur die lewensredders en wetstoepassing op die strande het gelei tot die laagste aantal voorvalle wat die NSRI in baie jare gesien het,” sê Pepperell. Daar was die vorige somerseisoen vyf verdrinkings in die Helderberg, aldus raadslid Tandeka Gqada, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir gemeenskapsdienste by die Stad Kaapstad.
Hiermee word kennis gegee van die 24 (vier-en-twintig) subrade van die Stad Kaapstad se vergaderinge wat op die tye en plekke wat in die tabel hieronder aangedui word, sal plaasvind. Subraad Plek
Datum Tyd
Raadsaal, Royal Ascot, Milnerton
Raadsaal, Voortrekkerweg, Goodwood
Parow-raadsaal, Tallentweg, Parow
Den Haag-raadsaal, Hoek van Delfthoofweg en Silversandsweg, Den Haag
Bellville-raadsaal, Bellville-burgersentrum
Strand-raadsaal, Strand
Solomon Tshuku-saal, Terrein C, Khayelitsha 23
Look Out Hill-toerismefasiliteit, Khayelitsha
Geen vergadering
Fezeka-saal, Gugulethu
Raven-kamer, Pinelands-opleidingsentrum, Pinelands
Raadsaal, 44 Waalstraat 44, Kaapstad
Rondevlei-subraadsaal, Lotusrivier
Raadsaal, Vishoek
Raadsaal, Alphen-sentrum, Constantia
Oostenberg-raadsaal, Kuilsrivier
Peter Deacon 021 550 1001 Fred Monk 021 980 6053 Johannes Brand 021 590 1676 Ardela van Niekerk 021 444 0196 Martin Julie 021 695 8161 Pat Jansen 021 918 2024 Carin Viljoen 021 444 0689 Izak du Toit 021 850 4149 Vathiswa Njaba 021 360 1351 Lunga Bobo 021 360 1267 Kayise Nombakuse 021 630 1737 Alesia Bosman 021 371 4550 Lunga Bobo 021 630 1619 Christopher Jako 021 630 1678 Mariette Griessel 021 531 3437 Marius Coetsee 021 487 2055 Edgar Carolissen 021 637 9757 Okkie Manuels 021 700 4020 Desiree Mentor 021 784 2011 Brian Ford 021 794 2493 Pieter Grobler 021 900 1502 Richard Moi 021 900 1508 Raphael Martin 021 371 4551 Anthony Mathe 021 956 8000
Die volledige agenda en al die ondersteunende dokumente is 72 uur voor die vergadering beskikbaar by www.capetown.gov.za/subcouncils. Verlig die datum van die subraadsvergadering, kies die subraad in wie jy belangstel en laai die agenda af. As enige probleme ondervind word, meld dit asseblief by die betrokke subraadsbestuurder aan. ACHMAT EBRAHIM STADSBESTUURDER
CITY OF CAPE TOWN’S ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INCLUDING THE 2013/14 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND TARGETS The City of Cape Town invites comment on its Organisational Performance Management (OPM) System, including the 2013/14 performance indicators and targets as found in the Five-year Plan for Cape Town 2012 – 2017, which are available for perusal at the Cape Town Civic Centre, all subcouncil offices listed below, all municipal libraries and on the City of Cape Town’s website www.capetown.gov.za/en/IDP from 15 January 2013. Submit written comments on the above by 14 February 2013: By post: Director: IDP & OPM, City of Cape Town, Private Bag X9181, Cape Town 8000 By fax: 021 400 4909 By e-mail: IDP@capetown.gov.za Members of the public who are unable to write, may come to the subcouncil offices below during office hours where a member of staff will assist them to transcribe their comments. The following table contains a list of venues where approved 2013/14 corporate scorecards according to the abovementioned Five-year Plan will be available for perusal: AREA ADDRESS Cape Town Reception Desk, Concourse, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town Libraries All municipal libraries SUBCOUNCIL 1 Municipal Offices, Royal Ascot, Bridle Way, Milnerton 2 Municipal Offices, Brighton Way, Kraaifontein 3 Municipal Offices, Voortrekker Road, Goodwood 4 Municipal Offices, cnr Voortrekker Road and Tallent Street, Parow 5 Municipal Offices, cnr Jakkalsvlei Avenue and Kiaat Road Bonteheuwel 6 Municipal Offices, Voortrekker Road, Bellville 7 Municipal Offices, Oxford Street, Durbanville 8 Municipal Offices, cnr Fagan Street and Main Road, Strand 9 Site B Khayelitsha Shopping Centre, Khayelitsha 10 Stocks & Stocks Complex, A Block, Ntlakohlaza Street Khayelitsha 11 Fezeka Building, cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu 12 Parks & Bathing Building, Merrydale Avenue, Lentegeur 13 Fezeka Building, cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu 14 Fezeka Building, cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu 15 Pinelands Training Centre, St Stephens Road, Central Square Pinelands 16 11th Floor, 44 Wale Street, Cape Town 17 Athlone Civic Centre, cnr Protea and Klipfontein Roads, Athlone 18 Cnr Buck Road and Sixth Avenue, Lotus River 19 Fish Hoek Civic Centre, Central Circle, Recreation Road, Fish Hoek 20 Municipal Offices, Alphen Centre, Constantia Main Road, Constantia 21 Municipal Offices, cnr Van Riebeeck and Carinus Streets, Kuils River 22 Municipal Offices, cnr Van Riebeeck and Carinus Streets, Kuils River 23 Parks & Bathing Building, Merrydale Avenue, Lentegeur 24 Cnr Delft and Fort Worth Roads, Delft
Tuesday 15 January 2013
Advertisement - Advertensie
Helderberg Gazette
Large Golden Bananas
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Tommy Atkins Mangoes
BIG DEAL Class 1 Medium Potatoes
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Somerset Value Mart • Tel: 851 2824/65 • T/Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8:30 - 6 • Fri: 8:30 - 7 • Sat: 8 - 5 • Sun: 9 - 2 • Valid Dates: Tue 15 Jan - Sun 20 Jan 2013 ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY. HAMILTONS ADVERTISING 140113 • NO HAWKERS • NO TRADERS • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • E&OE • WHILE STOCKS LAST
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Lesers stuur hul SMS’e VERBIED DRANK OP STRANDE ) Dit is baie goed dat borde aangebring word op strande, wat drank gaan verbied. Die drank lei net tot moleste en messtekery. Verder word die strande bemors met glassukke en rommel. Vat vas die molesmakers! Smit, Strand NUUSWAARDIGE GEBEURTENIS ) Vir my is die nuuswaardige gebeurtenis van 2012 dat Zuma by Mangaung weer as leier herkies is nadat hy reeds in sy eerste termyn lelik gefaal het as leier op ekonomiese en misdaadgebied. Die feit dat Zuma die ekonomie heeltemal wil transformeer wys hy weet nie wat hy doen nie. Ons moenie verbaas wees as selfver-
HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS Fridges, stoves & w/machines We also buy & sell secondhand appliances ( Deon 021-8508532 073-575-4400
( 021-903 8062 or info@onlinebusiness.co. za
) Hoe kan munisipaliteite voortbestaan as hulle nie eens straatname reg kan spel nie? Dorpe en stede word ’n sirkus! DA, dit is jou skuld deurdat jy nes die ANC volhard met onbekwame mense! Zille het lelik visie verloor met leierskap. DA-leier, u dans te veel terwyl die Wes-Kaap in ’n sirkus ontaard as gevolg van u swak leierskap! Piet Steyn, Strand
Loodgieters Plumbers
SHOE REPAIRER needed in Somerset West. Must have experience in shoe & bag repairs . No chancers. Phone 082920 2857 .
0 ATTENTION 0 Removal of garden refuse, building rubble, household refuse. Treefelling and any small loads. Handyman services ( Danie 082-337-9532 / 021-852 6122
FOR MOUTH-WATERING MEAT: Majeed Butchery, under new management, opened on 6 April last year. It was previously known as Southfork Butchery. Owner Majeed Ismail says he and his team strive to add value and quality to their products with the superior spices used in their recipes. Customers can try their in-house marinated meats, ready for the braai, or their speciality braaiwors from Johannesburg, sold at R29,99 per kilogram. Here (from left) are the friendly and efficient staff members of Majeed Butchery: owner Majeed Ismail, Rehmaan Inglish and Naqeeb Kays Ismail.
Algemene Dienste General Services
Annual Returns, CC's Companies & Websites
INGEBOUDE KASTE Slaapkamers, kombuise, muureenhede, hang van deure en skirtings. Gratis kwotasies en beste diens! Kontak 083-704-0115
ryking en korrupsie toeneem nie. Die 2012-era het die fondament gelê vir ’n rigtinglose weg en chaos! Rynhardt, SomersetWes
Tuesday 15 January 2013
TELEMARKETING ADVISORS REQUIRED Our call centre has 10 positions available for money hungry individuals to market telephonically. We are looking for selfmotivated candidates with a persuasive attitude!!!
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APPLIANCE AT ALL Repairs at your home Fridges & Freezers, Stoves, Washing machines & Microwaves. Call 071-755-3390
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MARKETING CONSULTANT POSITIONS Global company expanding limited positions available. . 5 full time positions, basic plus com . Part time positions available for after hours between 6 and 8 pm . Must be self motivated and willing to work hard . Management positions will be come available . No selling over the phone . No age limit . No experience needed . Training provided . Daily and weekly cash incentives Availability immediately. Huge earning potential. Call us on 021-853 6417 or e-mail strand-marketing@ ltisa.com
DUE TO EXPANSION, a National Company have Our call centre offers: the following positions . R 1 5 0 0 b a s i c + commission available: . Daily bonuses . Free call centre training 10 Call Center Agents & place you 5 Sales Positions 5 Executive Sales If you looking to earn up to Positions 10k call us now. Requirements: 071 255 9348 or 021-838 1. Well groomed 2. Fluent in Afrikaans and 2050. English. A third language will be a bonus 3. Amibitious 4. Presentable 5. Must be able to travel We Offer: 1. Very competitive remuneration structure 2. Great promotional opportunities 3. Full Training provided 4. Bonus and incentives
Huise te Koop Houses for Sale
To arrange an interview please call Gavin on 021911 5243.
STRAND Broadlands Village 2 bed, very neat , burglar bars R289 000 Gordonsbay 2 bed + garage on Golf course R595 000. Next door plot R240 000. 0828814982
KLEUTERSKOOL Afrikaans/Engels sprekende kleuter onderwyseres benodig in Gordonsbaai om onmiddellik te begin. Skakel asseblief 082 895 7326.
VOLUNTOURISM COMPANY in Helderberg, s e e ks a Vo l u n te e r Coordinator for flexi time position of 45 hrs pr week. Must have strong people, admin, office & writing skills and be able to work independently with own initiative. Needs to be driven, motivated and work well under pressure. Having experience in tourism, humanitarian programmes or the ability to speak German is an advantage. Responsible, motherly type is required. Own transport essential. To start January 2013. E m a i l C V t o hr@worktravelsa.org
Tuesday 15 January 2013
General - Algemeen
Treat for Sunshine kids
Surprise for foster children Foster children in Nomzamo, and their foster parents, were treated to a Christmas party by the Strand branch of the Afrikaans Christian Women’s Association (ACVV) last year. Hetta Allen of the ACVV says each of the 230 children received a gift pack consisting of toys and toiletries, as well as a meal. Talks were also given by Patch (the Helderberg Child Abuse Centre) and the Lwandle police. Allen says the event was organised “to make them aware that we are all here for them”.
The children of Sunshine Kiddies Creche in Sir Lowry’s Pass were treated to a Christmas party on 7 December. Mitek, a company which has adopted the creche, donated decorations and toys to the school. Each child was given a present to unwrap, but the toys will stay at the school so all the children can play with them. Party packs were also given to the children to take home.
Lucy Arendse (3) and Lewis Vermeulen (4) open their presents.
Helderberg Gazette
Principal Jenetta Brinkhuis watches as Jayden Jacobs (front left), Junior Jacobs, Liyahka Gongo and Devon Adams (at the back) unwrap a Chirstmas present. PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN
Sylvia Monqo handed out the gifts to the children. PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN
The foster children and their foster parents were treated to a meal, along with entertainment and gifts.
KENNISGEWING VAN ‘N VERGADERING VAN DIE RAAD ‘n Vergadering van die Raad van die Stad Kaapstad word op Donderdag 31 Januarie 2013 om 10:00 in die Raadsaal, 6de Verdieping, Podiumblok, Burgersentrum, Hertzog-boulevard 12, Kaapstad gehou.
Besoekers word versoek om asseblief hulle sitplekke teen 09:30 in te neem. ACHMAT EBRAHIM STADSBESTUURDER
Liyahka Gongo, Cayden Linnert, LeeOndrew Brinkhuis, Devon Adams and Jayden Jacobs happy with the gifts they received under the Christmas tree.
Let asseblief daarop dat daar ‘n beperkte getal sitplekke in die openbare galery in die Raadsaal beskikbaar is en dat dit dus op ‘n eerste-daar-eerste-gehelp-grondslag toegeken sal word. As u die vergadering wil bywoon, moet u asseblief tussen 09:00 en 16:00 vir Michelle Alberts by 021 400 3708 skakel en aan haar u van, voorletters en kontaktelefoonnommer verstrek. Alle versoeke om bywoning moet teen nie later nie as een dag voor die vergadering ontvang word.
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Year 17 • Dinsdag 15 Januarie 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Netbalunie begin verrigtinge vir 2013 Netbalspelers wat in die Metronetbal-unie speel moet kennis neem dat die unie sy verrigtinge vir 2013 amptelik open met ’n bestuursvergadering op 22 Januarie om 19:00. Die algemene vergadering sal plaasvind op 29 Januarie om 19:30 by die Strand se Gustrosportterrein. Netbalklubs wat uitgenooi word om die verrigtinge by te
woon, is Stellenbosch, Strand, Firgrove, Sir Lowry’s Pass, Macassar, Faure, Klapmunts en Franschhoek. Vir nadere besonderhede, bel Caroline Scholz by 073 948 3583, Racheline Thomas by 074 774 8730 of Sanna Booysen by 076 737 0800. Aansoekbriewe met die klub se besonderhede kan gefaks word na 021 959 1419.
Meisiekind vat rugbybal raak Die dag toe Kimico Manuel ’n rugbybal opgetel het, het sy geen idee gehad sy sal eendag haar land in dié sport verteenwoordig nie. Maar dié 16-jarige meisie van Macassar het Vrydag Johannesburg toe gevlieg om haar kleure te ontvang, en daarna na Australië te reis vir ’n internasionale toernooi. Kimico het altyd aan atletiek deelgeneem en haar provinsiale kleure vir die 100 m verwerf. Maar verlede jaar het sy begin rugby speel saam met vriende as deel van haar oefening. En toe hulle aan die provinsiale proewe deelgeneem het, is sy gekies om vir WP se o.15-sewesspan te speel. Dit was egter glad nie die einde nie – na sy in ’n toernooi in Kimberley gespeel het, is sy gekies vir die nasionale span. Nou oefen Kimico elke weeksdag, en soms ook naweke, by die First Fitness-gimnasium in Macassar saam met haar plaaslike spanmaats en afrigter, Frikkie Brandt. “Ek het altyd rugby gekyk saam met my pa en vriende. Maar nou, hoe meer ek begin om te leer en speel, raak ek meer verlief op die sport,” sê Kimico. Kimico se pa, Shaun Manuels, sê hy is baie trots op sy dogter. “Van die ouderdom van vyf of ses af, het sy gesê sy wil Suid-Afrika verteenwoordig.”
Kimico oefen elke dag, en soms naweke, saam met haar afrigter, Frikkie Brandt. En hy sien meer van ’n toekoms vir Kimico in rugby. “Die atletiek was vir haar baie stresvol, maar sy kan verder gaan in rugby.” Kimico stem saam en sê sy hou van die sport omdat sy saam met haar spanmaats moet werk. “Dis ’n spansport. Daar’s minder stres. Die spanmaats help mekaar en moedig mekaar aan.” Maar Kimico sê sommige van haar vriende was verbaas toe sy hulle vertel van haar prestasie. “Hulle was geskok. Hulle dink dis ’n mansport. Maar ek sê vir hulle vroue kan ook speel. Miskien speel die vroue beter as die mans.”
Oefeninge begin by Helderberg-rugbyklub Die Helderberg-rugbyklub het begin om hulle vir die 2013-seisoen voor te berei en oefeninge het reeds afgeskop. Tot verdere kennisgewing is oefen-aande Maandae, Dinsdae, Woensdae en Donderdae vanaf 18:30. Die klub bied weereens sy jaarlikse Helderberg-sewestoernooi op Vrydag 8 Februarie en Saterdag 9 Februarie aan.
Kimico Manuels van Macassar het ’n jaar gelede begin rugby speel, maar het onlangs haar SA-kleure gekry.
Gazette wil van wenners weet
Die eerste vyftienman-vriendskaplike wedstryde is geskeduleer vir Saterdag 2 Maart. Spanfoto’s sal beskikbaar wees om afgehaal te word by die oefensessies. Alle huidige, sowel as voornemende spelers is welkom om die oefeninge by te woon. Vir nadere besonderhede, bel Ricky Petersen by 072 127 5537 of Beau Schoeman by 082 761 3031.
Die Gazette wil by jou weet wat op sportgebied gebeur. Het jou gemeenskap ’n sportster? Presteer jou skool se leerlinge op die sportveld? Laat die Gazette weet! SMS na 32513 of stuur e-pos na nicole.mccain@helderberg.com.
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