Year 17 • Tuesday 16 April 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Waste picking ‘a way to survive’ NICOLE MCCAIN
Despite their “work” being illegal, waste pickers are said to contribute significantly to local recycling and job creation efforts, and the City of Cape Town is “doing all that it can to address this complicated issue”. From as early as 06:00 most weekday mornings, Helderberg residents will see waste pickers collecting recyclable materials from dustbins put out for collection. For many of them, the few rands they make from a day of collecting pay for their food, says Reagan Fortuin, a waste picker himself. Some even live off the scraps of useable food they find. According to Fortuin, it is a job that gives very little return. Most waste pickers collect glass, from which they can earn as little as 40c per kilogramme. A trolley overflowing with bottles will often fetch the waste picker only R30 for a day’s hard work. Fortuin says often people throw out expensive items such as cellphones, which only need small repairs. These items are a gold mine for waste pickers. But the most valuable material is metal. The cost will vary depending on the type of metal, but a black bag of metal tins will fetch as much as an entire trolley, says waste picker Lesley Elrink. He doesn’t have a trolley, and carries the material he collects in a refuse bag. According to Nompumelelo Njana of Siyacoca Waste Pickers and Recycle, an organisation that mobilises and organises waste pickers in Khayelitsha and the Cape Flats, collecting recyclables leads to job creation. However, Njana says there is a health concern. “We try to educate waste pickers to wear gloves and masks, but many do not have any. We also find that many waste pickers store the refuse at their home for a day or two.” Added to this is the reaction of the owners of the dustbins. “Some people chase you away. People shout at you; their dogs bark at you,” says Fortuin.
Helderberg Crime Watch’s Samantha Paris says, “While not all bin scratchers are criminals, criminals do pose as bin scratchers and action can only be taken if there is a crime committed.” Njana says it is difficult to establish the number of waste pickers in an area, but Fortuin says the Helderberg has many more waste pickers than the Cape Flats, in his experience. Councillor Ernest Sonnenberg, Mayoral Committee Member for Utility Services at the City of Cape Town, says the City is looking for a sustainable solution to working with waste pickers. Sonnenberg says waste pickers who litter around bins can be held liable to a penalty. In addition, once a dustbin is placed on the sidewalk, it becomes City property according
to the City’s Integrated Waste Management bylaw.“Removing the contents of the bin, at that point, therefore becomes illegal. A specialised unit within the City’s Solid Waste Management Department is responsible for enforcement of this bylaw. However, because the department is under-resourced in terms of matching the scale of the problem, the law is not enforceable on a regular, city-wide basis. In addition, the City’s Displaced Peoples Unit also provides support with regard to street people. “The City is doing all that it can to address this complicated issue, taking into account a range of complex factors,” adds Sonnenberg. “This is not a clear-cut issue: in some areas ‘waste pickers’ are seen as playing an important role in the greater efforts towards recycling and waste minimisation, while in other areas their presence has led to challenges.” Njana says that in addition to job creation, waste pickers provide an invaluable service by recycling.
King Shawani will most likely make only R30 from his heavily loaded trolley of bottles.
“I have no work. This is the only way I can buy myself food,” says King Shawani, who lives on the street. Enoch Basson, another street person, says he chooses to be a waste picker instead of turning to crime. “I’d rather do this than steal or beg.” But for many waste pickers, it is not what they would consider a pleasant job. “It doesn’t feel nice to go through people’s refuse, but you have no other choice. You have to do it to survive,” says Basson. Fortuin agrees. “It doesn’t feel nice. I don’t like what I’m doing and I always hope I will find another job. But it’s better than committing crime.”
Lesley Elrink looks for metal tins, which pay for his food.
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News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 16 April 2013
’n Simfonie van klei-instrumente
Die lug in Proudly Macassar Pottery is gevul met die reuk van nat klei en die klanke van kort, skerp fluitgeluide, terwyl bestuurder Johan de Meyer rondloop en die nuutste baksel fluite wat deur die plaaslike pottebakkery-besigheid gemaak is, toets.
Jacobs show their support at the 2013 Book Project launch at the Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees in Oudtshoorn.
Improve literacy, donate books
In support of the Radio Sonder Grense/Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees (RSG/KKNK) Book Collection Campaign, Shoprite and Checkers are providing bookcollection points countrywide for unused and unwanted books until 30 April 2013. Helderberg residents are particularly encouraged to assist as Heldeberg school literacy rates fell below 40%. Throughout its 15 years, the campaign has managed to collect and distribute more than a million books. The public is urged to support this initiative to help alleviate the book-shortage crisis faced by many of our schools and libraries.
The collected books will be sorted and distributed to the most needy schools, libraries and community organisations. The public is invited to contribute to the campaign by donating all types of books – fiction, nonfiction, textbooks, children’s literature, encyclopaedias and reference books, old and new – until 30 April. The books can be deposited into branded golden trolleys located at the entrance to the stores. All books collected during this time will be sorted and distributed to needy schools, libraries and community organisations by the Vryburgers Diensorganisasie.
Helderberg-inwoners sal nou die geleentheid hê om Proudly Macassar Pottery se instrumente in aksie te sien tydens ’n musiekaanbieding getiteld The sound of the ground. Die geleentheid vind plaas by die Bo-Kaap Museum in Kaapstad op 28 April. Met die aanvang van die projek het die fasiliteerder en etniese musikoloog, Trevor Sampson, gespesifiseer dat die organisasie ’n musikale komponent moet behou. Dit is waarom die fokus bly op die produksie van fluite gebaseer op tradisionele Afrika okarina-fluite, en dromme wat geskoei is op die tradisionele Udu-dromme. “Die idee is nie om ’n tradisionele instrument te herskep nie, maar om iets modern toe te voeg,” sê Johan. Dit word gedoen deur eerder een groot gat in plaas van ’n paar vingergaatjies te maak, wat tradisioneel op ’n okarinafluit gevind sou word. Die dromme is ook hervorm met ’n lang nek en ’n platter basis, en elkeen het sy eie toonhoogte afhangend van die vorm en dikte van die klei. Proudly Macassar Pottery aanvaar egter steeds opdragte om ander pottebakkery-ware te vervaardig, soos bekers, krale en naamborde. Die werkswinkel is ook oop vir toergroepe, funksies en spanbou-geleenthede. “Ons voordeel is dat ons ’n unieke produk het, én ons nádeel is dat ons
Die span by Proudly Macassar Pottery, is van links (agter) Johan de Meyer, Gershwin Peterse and Daniel van Wyk; (voor) John-Ross Lendor en Reduwaan Gouws, ’n unieke produk het,” lag Johan. “Dit goed nie, maar nou is hulle baie beter. Ek is baie trots. Dis mý is ’n uitdaging om menhandewerk.” Gershwin se te laat verstaan is al op verskeie kursuswaaroor dit gaan.” se gestuur deur Proudly Waaroor Proudly Macassar Pottery, wat Macassar Pottery rêrig hom in staat gestel het gaan is die ontwikkeom sy eie besigheid as ’n ling van vaardighede. byverdienste te bedryf. Die vier personeellede, Nog een wat voordeel Reduwaan Gouws, trek uit die besigheid is John-Ross Lendor, John-Ross Lendor. “Ek Gershwin Peterse en het nie geweet Proudly Daniel van Wyk, word Macassar Pottery sou so by elke aspek van die ’n groot impak op my lebesigheid betrek, van we hê nie. Jy sien jy’s iedie skepping van die inmand en jy kan iets strumente tot om oor doen. Jy bewys jouself. bemarkingsbesluite te stem. “Dis interessant Daniel van Wyk bewerk ’n fluit. Die grootste dankie is om met die klei te werk. FOTO’S: NICOLE MCCAIN wanneer mense jou produkte koop.” Bel Johan Dis rustig en sag,” sê Gershwin wat spesialiseer in die de Meyer by 082 747 7104 of e-pos Mamaak van fluite met gesigte daarop. cassar.pottery@gmail.com vir meer “Die eerste gesiggie was nou nie so inligting.
Help the GB police spread winter warmth Help those less fortunate stay warm this winter with a winter-warmth project run through the Gordon’s Bay police. The Gordon’s Bay police women’s network will be running the project this winter and are calling for dona-
tions of blankets and clothes which will be distributed to those less fortunate. Spokesperson for the Gordon’s Bay police, WO Nico Beukes, says they noticed a need for blankets last year, especially in the rural areas
and among street people. Donations can be dropped off at a box that will be made available 24/7 at the Gordon’s Bay police station in Beach Road. For more information, contact Beukes on 079 498 9961.
Tuesday 16 April 2013
News - Nuus
Rhiona verloor dapper kankerstryd DELIAH BRINKHUIS Die vyfjarige Rhiona van Rooyen van Macassar het haar stryd teen kanker verlede week verloor. Volgens haar ma, Vivienne, het dokters vroeër vanjaar gesê Rhiona het slegs drie maande om te leef. Rhiona is sowat twee jaar gelede met neuroblastoom-kanker, fase vier, gediagnoseer. Sy het in die voorafgaande weke ’n paar keer diarree gehad en die aand van haar kleuterskool se debutantebal ’n hoë koors ontwikkel. Mediese toetse het bevestig dat Rhiona hierdie hoërisiko-kanker in ’n gevorderde stadium het. Sy is in die Tygerberg-hospitaal opgeneem vir intensiewe chemoterapie. Die gewas van 9 x 7 cm het egter nie op die behandeling gereageer of verklein nie. Ná verskeie chemoterapiebehandelings wat deur oorsese spesialiste aanbeveel is, het die gewas weerstand daarteen begin opbou. Daar was steeds geen verandering in Rhiona se toestand nie. Die kanker het toe ook na haar beenmurg versprei. Volgens Vivienne was Rhiona se behandeling ’n traumatiese ervaring vir hulle albei. In hierdie stadium het dokters aan Vivienne erken dat Rhiona se kans op verbetering en oorlewing skraal is. Sy het besluit om die behandeling te laat staak. “Ek sou duisende rande betaal het om my
dogter se pyn te verlig, maar ek kon haar nie deur die pynlike chemoterapie laat gaan met geen waarborg dat sy genees sal word nie,” sê Vivienne. “Rhiona kon glad nie soos ’n kind van haar ouderdom speel nie.” Rhiona, wat ’n kamer met haar ma gedeel het, se groot wens was haar eie kamer, versier volgens een van haar gunsteling-animasiekarakters, Dorah the Explorer of Hello Kitty. Nadat die Helderberg Gazette se susterkoerant, DistriksPos, in Julie verlede jaar oor haar wens berig het, het sy – met haar merkwaardige veggees – in die Helderberg-gemeenskap se hart gekruip. Privaat skenkers, ondernemings en selfs ’n plaaslike nagklub het hul harte en beursies oopgemaak en haar wens vervul. Danksy hul skenkings is haar eie kamer volgens die Hello Kitty-tema versier. Rhiona is teen die einde van Februarie vanjaar in Cotlands, So- Vivienne en Rhiona van Rooyen merset-Wes, opgeneem waar sy deurgaans morfienbehandeling gekry het. Sy AGS-kerk in Ringlaan, oorkant Macassar Seis Woensdag 10 April in haar ouerhuis oorlede. kondêre Skool. ’n Gedenkdiens word WoensRhiona word Saterdag 20 April begrawe. Die dag om 19:30 by die AGS-kerk gehou. Bel Vivienne van Rooyen by 078 366 0722 vir diens aan huis by Comely Close 4 begin om 08:00, gevolg deur ’n kerkdiens om 09:00 by die inligting.
Seen here is one of the locations on the N2 highway near Sir Lowry’s Pass where one of the toll plazas may be constructed.
City will oppose N1/N2 toll roads in court Following the ongoing dispute regarding the South African Roads Agency Limited’s (Sanral) proposed N1/N2 Winelands Toll Highway project, the City of Cape Town has now filed an urgent application for an interdict. Sanral in recent years proposed the construction of six toll plazas on two of the City’s main highways, the N1 and N2, saying an urgent upgrade was needed to maintain the roads and address safety concerns. The project will include two toll plazas on the N2 positioned just after the R300 (Bellville) turnoff and Sir Lowry’s Pass, and a third at Bot River. According to the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Transport, Roads and Stormwater, Brett Herron, the interdict application
will be heard in the Western Cape High Court on 16 May, when the City will seek an order to prohibit Sanral from taking any steps to implement their proposed toll-road project. This comes after Sanral informed the City last month that they intend proceeding with the toll project. Sanral’s general manager of communications, Vusi Mona, said recently that it had held about 96 meetings with both the City and the provincial government on this project. “We have also done extensive consultations with farmers and the communities that will be affected. The project can only proceed once a concessionaire has been appointed and a contract finalised. Until then, it is misleading to say that ‘work will go ahead’.”
Mona said the major advantages of the N1– N2 toll highway improvements are road improvements which will entail the construction of 13 km of a new N2 in Somerset West /Strand, the provision of additional traffic lanes between Durban Road and the Koelenhof interchange; and between Borchards Quarry Road and De Beers Avenue in Somerset West, Sir Lowry’s Pass to Houwhoek and Florence and Worcester. The proposed upgrade to the highway, along the N2 or Trunk Road 2 (T2), will cut through residential areas in Somerset West, and is being challenged in the High Court by the local N2–T2 committee. Hennie Patience, chairperson of the committee, says the committee is fully behind the City’s decision.
Helderberg Gazette
Easter road deaths down by 30% Easter weekend road deaths in the Western Cape have decreased by 30% compared to last year, according to the Department of Transport and Public Works. Fourteen people were killed in the province this year, in comparison to 20 last year. MEC for Transport and Public Works, Robin Carlise, says this Easter was characterised by wet conditions and high traffic volumes, with over 2 400 vehicles travelling on the N2. “As we await figures for the entire month of March 2013, which was not a good month on our roads, the Easter period has shown that buckling-up and pedestrian safety remain a serious concern. “As we continue to see motorist behaviour change, so too must passengers, particularly back-seat passengers and pedestrians. These classes of fatalities must realise how vulnerable they are and the dangers that they often place themselves in by not complying with road rules,” says Carlisle. Enforcement statistics reveal that 22 411 vehicles were stopped and checked, and a total of 3 370 people were screened for alcohol. There were 56 arrests made for driving under the influence of alcohol.
Helderberg Gazette
News - Nuus
Tuesday 16 April 2013
Tokoloshe repellent worth its salt? Those with a fear of the tokoloshe may have a new weapon at hand – if tokoloshe salt really works, that is. Tokoloshe salt has made its comeback from the 1950s, according to a recent news story, having re-emerged in Mpumalanga. The salt, available in various colours, is believed to keep the tokoloshe away. Due to firm traditional beliefs, there is a high demand for the product in certain areas, which has resulted in the product being sold in some supermarkets in the province. The Gazette asked readers what they think of tokoloshe salt and its possible powers.
Alicia Petinger sê sy glo nie in die tokkelos nie, so sy dink die sout is net daar om geld te maak.
Bodelo Ilunga says he doesn’t believe there’s salt that works to keep the tokoloshe away. “I’ve never experienced tokoloshe.”
Gamza Armien glo daar’s ’n soort growwe sout wat jy voor jou deur sit. “Die growwe sout hou die tokkelos weg.”
As ’n Christenvrou voel Norma Barry dat dit oor geldmaak gaan. “Almal probeer bykom en doen verskillende dinge om ekstra geld te verdien. Die Tokkelos-sout is net ’n ander manier daarvan.”
Christopher Cassiem says that it’s a moneymaking scheme. “Never seen or experienced tokoloshe. Only ever hear about it, so I don’t believe there’s salt to keep it away.”
Sasa Fini says that she has never seen or heard of anyone using the tokoloshe salt. “First time I hear about it.”
Eric Mhlonyani says that he doesn’t believe the tokoloshe salt works. “I’ve heard about it but never came across it.”
NOTICE OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAPE TOWN A meeting of the Council of the City of Cape Town will be held on Wednesday 24 April 2013 at 10:00 in the Council Chamber, 6th floor, Podium Block, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. Please note that limited seating is available in the public gallery of the Council Chamber and, therefore, seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Should you wish to attend the meeting, you are requested to contact Michelle Alberts on 021 400 3708 between 09:00-16:00. All requests for attendance must be received by no later than a day before the meeting. You will be required to provide your surname, initials and contact telephone number. Visitors are kindly requested to be seated by 09:30.
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Tuesday 16 April 2013
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Helderberg Gazette
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Lesers sê hul sê BEVERLY HILLS-VUUR ) Brande in plakkerskampe neem al hoe meer toe; dit eis ook tot menselewens. Toe die ANC die Wes-Kaap regeer het, het hy niks gedoen om deurgangroetes na plakkerskampe te bewerkstellig nie. Dieselfde geld ook vir die DA! Daar word te veel geld gesteel en gemors asook agter flou verskonings geskuil, terwyl die brandweer nie betyds kan kom by brandende wonings nie. Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes
Tuesday 16 April 2013
Helderberg Outreach donates to school ASHRAF BOOLEY Almost 300 children from Sir Lowry’s Pass Primary will be kept warm this winter, after the school received a donation of jerseys. The pupils, who range from Grade R to Grade 3, are protected against the winter cold thanks to non-profit organisation Helderberg Outreach. “Pupils often stay absent during winter because of the cold. The donation of the jer-
seys will help reduce absenteeism,” says principal Roland MacDonald. Helderberg Outreach also runs a nutrition programme on weekday mornings, to feed over 600 pupils. MacDonald says that for many of these children this is the only meal they receive for the day. “There has certainly been an improvement in their development since the provision of these meals,” he says.
From left (back) are Helderberg Outreach’s Hennie Groenewald, assistant Grade R teacher Jaydeen Dyk, Grade R teacher Adeline Wildemans, Helderberg Outreach’s Alet Vermeulen and principal Roland MacDonald with the Grade R pupils.
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Tuesday 16 April 2013
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Helderberg Gazette
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General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 16 April 2013
New deal for drunk drivers NICOLE MCCAIN The National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Reintegration of Offenders (Nicro) has plans to expand its road-offender pilot project after receiving sponsorship from South African Breweries (SAB).
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH FOR BROADLANDS VILLAGE: Broadlands Village Community Watch was launched and recently trained by Charl Viljoen of the City of Cape Town. The initiative was started in reaction to numerous complaints of drug houses, housebreakings, stabbings and reports of a high crime rate in the community. The newly-elected chairperson, Johan Pick, says that real change has taken place since they started walking the streets. Pick says they aim not only to make the area safer and friendlier, but also to improve the wellbeing of the entire community. For more information, contact Johan Pick on 084 582 7763.
This could see drivers across the province, convicted of driving under the influence (DUI), able to do community service instead of jail time. Jacques Sibomana, spokesperson for Nicro, says the project started in Cape Town in 2010 without funding, out of a need to assist the high referrals of DUI cases and the need to educate drivers around driving under the influence. “SAB is the first corporate to come on-board to support this initiative in late 2012. We hope that the current pilot programme will give us guidelines to roll it out into other cities and provinces. We are looking for funding to be able to increase the capacity of the programme to courts around the province and also hopefully national.” Sibomana says the project currently runs in Cape Town, Athlone, Wynberg and Bellville courts, as well as Simon’ s Town and Somerset West on occasion. According to Heathcliff Thomas, acting executive director for Safety and Security at City of Cape Town, the City’s Traffic Services arrested 2 912 motorists for DUI from 1 April 2012 to 28 February 2013. In addition, the City’s Metro Police officers
arrested 2 424 motorists for DUI from 1 March 2012 to 1 March 2013. In the Helderberg, between April 2011 and March 2012, almost 950 arrests were made by the police for driving under the influence. Provincially, over 17 500 arrests were made for the same time period. The Gazette was unable to establish how many cases of driving under the influence received court convictions. According to Sibomana, the project also covers elements of reckless and negligent driving and culpable homicide, and all candidates are assessed before their enrolment into the project to determine the risk and need. “The project aims to educate, empower and increase awareness of drivers as to the effects of irresponsible driving and in this create more responsible drivers on our roads. A fine alone is ineffective as it does not address the root of the problem of irresponsible behaviour on the roads.” However, doubts remain about the project’s effectiveness. Siphesihle Dube, spokesperson for the Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works, says, “We support initiatives from the private sector that aim at tackling serious issues such as drunk driving as part of road safety. We will be monitoring the project and see
where lessons may influence policy. We support initiatives that aim at targeting the very serious problem of drunk driving and are sure that this initiative will go a long way in tackling the problem. Only time will tell as to its effectiveness and possible expansion.” Thomas says, “There will still be a monetary fine in addition to the community service. Depending upon the amount of the fine and the type of community service to be done, it will need to be ascertained whether this would act as a sufficient deterrent to ensure the motorist does not commit the same offence again.” Charlotte Sullivan, director of South Africans against Drunk Driving (SADD), says, “It may well deter some people but ultimately we remain concerned about the large number of people who are alcoholics or who have an addiction problem and they will not be deterred.” Sullivan says ideally the project should stipulate that if you drink, drive and then kill then you must receive a jail sentence and the community service would not be an option. “We have numerous cases pending at the moment where drunk drivers have killed people and they are trying to get community service instead of going to jail – this is unacceptable. “We would also like to see it incorporated with periodic imprisonment – in other words they can work during the week (and support their family) and go to jail over the weekend.”
HAVE YOUR SAY! AMENDMENT TO THE LIQUOR TRADING DAYS AND HOURS BY-LAW, 2010 The City of Cape Town is reviewing certain aspects of the Liquor Trading Days and Hours By-law, relating specifically to the implementation of trading hours as well as a Sunday prohibition for the sale of liquor from licensed premises for consumption off-site (e.g. shops and bottle stores) in respect of location categories 3 to 7 only. All interested stakeholders who would like to make submissions in this regard are encouraged to please do so. It is important to note that there is NO intention to consider revising or extending trading hours and trading days for consumption off-site in respect of location categories 1 and 2. The public comment period comprises two rounds. The first round commences on 19 April 2013 and all comments must be submitted by 16:00 on 20 May 2013. From 19 April 2013, the Liquor Trading Days and Hours By-law, 2010 (as amended in 2012) will be available for viewing at all City libraries and Subcouncil offices. Alternatively, it is available online at www.capetown.gov.za/draftbylaws. Interested parties are requested to use the template provided at the libraries and Subcouncil offices and then submit their comments in writing via one of the following channels: • • • • •
Via e-mail to Liquor.bylaw@capetown.gov.za By fax to 021 400 4483 By post to City of Cape Town, P.O. Box 298, Cape Town 8000 Hand delivery to the Manager: Support and Services Coordination (attention: Gavin van Schalkwyk), 13th Floor, Strategic Support, Tower Block, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town Electronically to www.capetown.gov.za/haveyoursay/inputs
The comments from the first round of public participation will inform a draft amendment which will be subjected to a second comment period to allow for input. Once the second round of public participation has concluded, the City’s Economic, Environmental and Spatial Planning Portfolio Committee will consider the input received and make recommendations to Council regarding amendments to the relevant sections of the by-law. Any queries may be directed to Councillor Gareth Bloor 021 400 1375 or Gavin van Schalkwyk on 021 400 1993.
Skool hou dans Kom span die seile met Gloria Botha Skool tydens hul jaarlikse dans en dinee. Alle geld wat ingesamel word, is ten bate van dié skool vir kinders met leerprobleem-uitdagings. Dit vind plaas Saterdag 11 Mei om 19:00 in die Strand Stadsaal. Kaartjies kos R125 per persoon. ’n Kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees. Vir kaartjies of meer inligting, bel die skool by 021 801 2184.
Boeke verkoop ACVV Bright Lights, ’n geregistreerde welsynsorganisasie wat hulle bewyer vir die regte van straatkinders in die Helderberg, is opsoek na goeie kwaliteit tweedehandse boeke. Die boeke sal by die Somerset Mall liefdadigheid-boekverkoping verkoop word. Die verkoping vind plaas van 4 – 7 Julie, maar boeke kan reeds geskenk word. Boeke kan by Edgarstraat 15, SomersetWes afgelewer word. Die boeke kan by jou huis afgehaal word. Bel André by 021 851 2414 of stuur ’n e-pos na acvvbright@telkomsa.net.
Tuesday 16 April 2013
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Helderberg Gazette
RE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 30 APRIL 2013 South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) would like to extend its gratitude to all those beneficiaries who have re-registered and received their SASSA Payment Cards.
Beneficiaries who have not yet re-registered must please do so not later than 30 April 2013. BENEFICIARIES WHO HAVE APPLIED FOR HOME VISITS WILL BE RE-REGISTERED AND SHOULD NOT PANIC. SASSA WILL ENSURE THAT ALL HOME AND INSTITUTIONS VISITS WILL BE FINALISED BEFORE 31 MAY 2013. If you are receiving your social grant at cash points, at selected payment vendors, or if your social grant is paid into your Postbank account, Sekulula bank account or into your private bank account you must re-register on the new biometric payment system to receive your SASSA Payment Card. Sekulula account holders who have re-registered and obtained a temporary SASSA Payment Card must also re-register with full biometrics to obtain a permanent SASSA Payment Card. Children in receipt of either a Foster Child Grant or a Child Support Grant must accompany their Primary Care-Giver as both child and Primary Care-Giver must be re-registered together. Learners will be re-registered with their Primary Care Givers after school hours. SASSA will conduct home visits for beneficiaries over 75 years of age, for the frail, the sick as well as for our care dependency children. Procurators and beneficiaries will be re-registered together at home or at care centers where they reside. Please do not transport the sick, the frail, the 75 years and older as well as the care dependency children to the re-registration sites. REMEMBER ITS ILLEGAL TO GIVE YOUR PIN AND YOUR SASSA PAYMENT CARD TO MONEY LENDERS. Documentation to be presented at re-registration sites: • Original bar-coded RSA Identity Document • Original Birth certificate/identity document of child/ren • Letter of Grant Award (SASSA) for 7777 Id’s • Court Order for Foster Child Grants (optional) Find the details of your nearest re-registration site below or contact or sms your query to the following numbers: SASSA tollfree: 0800 60 10 11 or CPS: 0800 60 01 60 or direct enquiries to 021 469 0206 / 7. Area
Athlone Civic
C/o Jan Smuts & Klipfontein Rd, Athlone
Mitchells Plain Portlands Sports Centre
C/o Merrydale & Hazeldene St, Portlands
Hope for Life Church Delft Community Centre
Goeie Hoop Street, Bellville South Delft
Beaufort West SASSA Beaufort West Office
95 Donkin Street, Beaufort West
William Herbert Sportscentre
Rosmead Avenue, Wynberg
Conville Community Hall
Pienaar Street, Conville, George
Bongulethu Thusong Centre
12th Avenue, Bongulethu, Oudtshoorn
Andile Msizi Hall
C/o Bangiso & Sigwella Road, Site B
Resource Centre
Site B, Khayelitsha
Cape Town
St Phillips Anglican Church
128 Chapel Street, Woodstock
Parish Hall
Holy Trinity Church, Alfred St, Caledon
Scouts Hall
54 Bonaentura Avenue, Atlantis
Ebenheazer Church
Klein Drakenstein Road, Paarl
Future orld Church
Eerste River
Scottsdene Hall
Eoan Avenue, Kraaifontein
SASSA Worcester Office
7 Durban Street, Worcester
Zolani Centre Browns Farm Community Hall Ikwezi Community Hall
Elliott Sithadatu Avenue, Nyanga East Bristol Road, Browns Farm NY2, Gugulethu
Louwville Community Hall
Hendrik Street, Louwville, Vredenburg
SASSA Vredendal Office
BMW Building, Voortrekker Road, Vredendal
Eerste River Gugulethu
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 16 April 2013
Poppe bring liefde Lede van die NG Gemeente Gordonsbaai het kinders by die Op die Plaas-kleuterskool verras met lappoppe. Marinda Pater sê die pop-projek is deel van ’n uitreik en ’n manier om Jesus se liefde met kinders te deel. “Die liefde wat die kinders by die poppe kry kan hulle deel by die huis. Ons probeer om ’n verskil te maak deur die kinders.” Die tien poppe is met die hand gemaak, en Pater sê hulle het lap dringend nodig om meer poppe te maak. Vir meer inligting, kontak Marinda Pater by 082 853 9152.
Van links (agter) is Zene du Toit met haar pop, Louise Kruger, Ivan Westphahl, Lorette Easton, Marinda Pater, Anelle Hendriks en Ronel Pienaar; en (voor) Lesley Chiwankia, Abbighail Prins, Lesnique Phillips, Andrewline Paulus, Kelly Phillips, Mcniel de Bruin, Lushano Mathyse.
Mcniel de Bruin en Lushano Mathyse speel met hul poppe. Marinda Pater gee vir Lesnique Phillips haar pop.
EMERGENCY PLUMBERS AND ELECTRICIANS For all plumbing and electrical problems! BE YOUR PROBLEM BIG OR SMALL, MAKE IT MINE GIVE ME A CALL! 10% Pensioners discount on labour ( 082 823 2196 021-8564727
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OUTBOUND CALL CENTRE We are looking for highly driven call centre agents
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Zene du Toit gee haar pop ’n drukkie.
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Dinsdag 16 April 2013
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Helderberg Gazette
Year 17 • Dinsdag 16 April 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Macassar wheels on the go
Aan diens is (van links) onder-spanleier Robin Kuys, spanleier Lesley Kuys, aspirant lewensredder Ryan Daries en Ryan Solomons, afrigter van die jong knapies. Macassar youth will now have the chance to develop their cycling skills through Unathi Community and Youth Development. The non-profit organisation focuses on involving disadvantaged youth in sport to keep them occupied and away from negative influences, says founder Russel Williams. Pictured from left are coordinator Brain Visser, William Keith from William’s Bike Shop’s, Firgrove Primary’s Lwellyn De Wee, Williams, Lt Col Errol Merkeur (Macassar police station commander), Anita Jooste and Avron Phillander from Girls and Boys town with the young cyclists.
Lewensredders van Macassar wys hul staal NICOLE MCCAIN Die Macassar-lewensredder-klublede het as die algehele wenners van die Westelike Provinsie Lewensredders-raakrugbytoernooi in Vishoek bewys hulle is nie net uitstaande swemmers en lewensredders nie, maar ook veelsydige sportmanne.
Die klub het 30 jaar gelede ontstaan, maar het in die laaste paar jaar gebuk gegaan onder kwynende belangstelling. Twee jaar gelede het die klub egter weer ’n opbloei beleef en het geleidelik weer gegroei sodat hulle nou weer drie gekwalifiseerde lewensredders en nog twee aspirant lewensredders het. Daar is ook ’n hele aantal ouers en agt jong leerling-redders wat geaffilieer is. Die klub se hooffokus is op die gemeenskap ten spyte daarvan dat hul getalle maar min is. Die spanleier, 21-jarige Lesley Kuys, sê hulle patrolleer die strand om swemmers se veiligheid te verseker. “Ons het hierdie jaar so ver agt swemmers gered, maar die idee is om te verhoed dat swemmers in die moeilikheid raak.” Lesley sê dié strand het ’n sterk lewensreddingspan nodig omdat tot soveel as 300 swemmers tydens die hoogseisoen op die strand kan wees. Daarby is die toestande by dié strand baie rof en gevaarlik. Die klub hoop om nuwe
lede te werf om hul taak te vergemaklik. Die onder-spanleier, 17-jarige Robin Kuys, sê die klub is ’n uitstekende manier om jongmense van die straat te hou en terselfdertyd hul vaardighede te ontwikkel. “Dit is pret om ’n lewensredder te wees Dit hou jou besig en produktief. Ek hou van swem, maar ek hou ook daarvan om die gemeenskap te help.” Om die tekort aan lede aan te vul, het die klub egter ook die gemeenskap se hulp nodig, sê klub-koördineerder Peter Kuys. Hul klubhuis is vervalle en die klub beplan om die dak te vervang en die binnekant op te knap. ’n Tekort aan geld is egter ’n probleem. Vir ’n klub om formeel deur Westelike Provinsie Lewensredding erken te word, moet dit vier gekwalifiseerde lewensredders hê. Die Macassar-klub het net drie en kan daarom nie finansiering van die provinsiale liggaam kry nie. Die klub het ook toerusting soos knieborde, torpedo-boeie en trauma-borde nodig. Vir meer inligting, bel Peter Kuys by 084 313 7349.
DATABASE OF UNEMPLOYED SOCIAL STREAM GRADUATES FOR EPWP PROJECTS The City of Cape Town’s Social Development and Early Childhood Development Directorate invites unemployed graduates within the social stream to forward their curriculum vitae, copy of ID and driver’s licence (optional) for possible employment in the Expanded Public Works Programme by 17 May 2013 to: E-mail: Fax: Or hand-delivered:
SocialDevelopment@capetown.gov.za 086 576 0170 Social Development and Early Childhood Development Directorate, 7th Floor Telkom Towers, Standard Bank Building, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town
For more information please contact Fatima Davids on 021 417 4086 or Jeremy Lewis on 021 444 0706. ACHMAT EBRAHIM CITY MANAGER 66/2013