Helderberg Gazette 16 Okt 2012

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Year 16 • Tuesday 16 October 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Court swings foster grant axe NICOLE MCCAIN

“My grandchildren will end up on the street if I do not get a grant to take care of them.” This is the concern of a 54-year-old Macassar woman who fosters her two teenage grandchildren. She must remain nameless to protect the identity of the children, who were abandoned by their mother, a drug addict who lives on the street. Their grandfather has died, and the family has no income other than the foster grant. The South Gauteng High Court ruled in August that orphaned children in the custody of family members who have a “legal obligation” to care for them, such as grandparents and siblings, may not be eligible for foster care grants, as they are duty-bound to support the child. This means that while grandparents will be able to access child support grants, they may no longer receive foster care grants. While the ruling only binds magistrates’ courts in Gauteng, it could be used as a reference by magistrates in the Western Cape when interpreting the law. Paula Proudlock of the Children’s Institute at UCT says the ruling should only affect the foster parents of orphans, and that foster parents of children who have been removed from their parents due to abuse or neglect will still be eligible for grants. Shivani Wahab, senior manager for communications and marketing at the South African Social Security Agency in the Western Cape, says caregivers only qualify for foster care grants if a court order gives the child foster status. This is granted when the child has been orphaned or abandoned and has no obvious means of support. Caregivers can receive a child support grant or a foster care grant, but not both. Proudlock says any primary caregiver can get a child support grant, but foster parents have to be appointed by the court. Wahab says 20 000 foster care grants and 82 000 child support grants have been given out

in the province. Proudlock says nationally there are 350 000 orphans living with relatives who receive a foster care grant. The majority of these relatives are grandparents, Proudlock adds. Samantha Fourie, spokesperson for the Western Cape Department of Social Development, says: “According to our Helderberg database, 95% of the children in foster care are placed in the care of their grandparents.” She estimates that there are 1 300 children in foster care in the Helderberg, and the department deals with around 30 cases a month. Child Welfare South Africa declined to release statistics on its work in the Helderberg. Trix Marais, acting national executive director, says the matter is under consideration by the national Department of Social Development, and declined to comment further. Proudlock says, “The likely effect of the judgment will be that when grandparents have to have their foster care orders reviewed, they will lose their foster child grants. They will then have to rely on the lower child support grant. It will also mean that hundreds of thousands of orphans being cared for by grandparents and adult siblings hoping to apply, or in the process of applying, for foster child grants will no longer be eligible.” Wahab says a child support grant amounts to R280 per month, while a foster child grant totals R770. “Grandparents who cannot access the foster child grant have the option of applying for the child support grant for their grandchildren,” she says. But the loss of R500 each month would be a hard hit to the Macassar family and countless others. The foster parent says that most of the foster grant money goes to keeping her grandchildren in school, clothed and fed. And with only the child care grant, she would struggle to pay for even basic items like bread, milk and electricity. “There are parents who can’t even make ends meet on the foster care grant. How are we going to take care of our grandchildren?”

Dis heerlike lente, die winter’s verby . . .?

Lente is hier en hoewel sommige dae nog koelerig is, is veldblomme oral op groot oop velde te sien. Bianca de Klerk (11) en Grant Visser (13) van Macassar verwelkom die seisoen in die veld tussen die borriegeel Lupine in Macassar. FOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

A day for the world of words Today (Tuesday 16 October) marks International Dictionary Day, a day set aside to honour Noah Webster, considered the founder of the American dictionary. The aim of the day is to encourage dictionary skills and improve vocabulary; in celebration, Gazette asked a handful of grade 7 pupils from De Hoop Primary School why they never leave home without their dictionary.

Astrid Caussanel says she often uses a dictionary for her school work. “Dictionaries are important because they help me to get better marks at school. I speak French at home, so a dictionary really helps me.”

“If we don’t have dictionaries, we don’t have knowledge,” says Monique Spies. “Words help us to express ourselves and describe what’s around us. They help us to colour in our world.”

While Jemina Kola can’t think of any words she would like to add the dictionary, she can think of a few she would leave out. “Slang and SMS-speak shouldn’t be in the dictionary. They bring down the level of the language.”

“Dictionaries are a great way for people with different languages to learn to communicate,” says Ryno Smit. “Bilingual dictionaries help people to find the right words, like when you’re ordering in a restaurant.”


“Without dictionaries, people would speak poorly. It’s important for us to learn the correct way to speak and how languages should sound, to preserve them,” says Hugo Uys.

Strate word toe riviere! voorsorg tref om die vloedwater uit te pomp. Volgens rdl. Brett Herron, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir paaie en stormwater by die Stad Kaapstad, is die stad bewus van die hewige vloede in September. Die Stad sê egter die oorstroming is “verXavier Endley, ’n Broadlands Park-inwo- oorsaak deur ongekende swaar reënval wat ner, vertel hoe die water oor Broadlands- vererger is deur ’n verstopte pyp”. Volgens Herron het ’n kontrakteur op 28 weg gestroom het en dit onmoontlik vir leerlinge gemaak het om by die skool uit September die verstopte pyp skoongemaak. Hy het bygevoeg dat die “hoeveelheid rete kom. “Mense kon nie by die werk of skool uitkom nie. Die dreine kon net nie die hoe- enval tydens die onlangse storms die kapasiteit van die ondergrondse pype oorskry veelheid water absorbeer nie.” Endley sê die Stad moet iets hieromtrent het wat die tydelike gedeeltelike oorstrodoen. Hulle moet óf die sypaadjie opbou óf ming van die strate onvermydelik gemaak het”. Die Stad beplan egter om die stormwaterstelsel in dié gebied op te gradeer met die kontrak vir die konstruksie van die gedeelte van Broadway-boulevard, tussen Broadlands- en Disaweg, waarvoor tenders tans ingewag word. Die tender sluit ook die konstruksie van ’n nuwe stormwaterstelsel langs Broadlandsweg in om sodoende die oorstromings wat tans ervaar word te verlig. Konstruksiewerk word beplan om die einde van Januarie 2013 te begin, en beKinders van Broadlands Park speel in die water ná die onlangse reënstorms hoort 15 weke te wat die Helderberg getref het. FOTO: IAN BAARD neem. Die onlangse storms in die Helderberg het strate in sommige woonbuurte onbegaanbaar gemaak. Inwoners moes deur die oorstroomde strate loop en sommige kon nie by die werk of die skool uitkom nie.

Zomisa Mbovane says dictionaries play a big role in helping people learn. “For example, if someone looked up the definition of netball, they would learn all about the sport. Dictionaries help us to learn new words and concepts.”

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Tuesday 16 October 2012

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Helderberg Gazette



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General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

PLIGHT OF THE HOMELESS: On World Homeless Day on 10 October, councillors, law enforcement officers and field workers gathered to raise awareness for the plight of those living on the streets the homeless, and to give the community an opportunity to help. Gertruida Hendricks, project manager at the Oasis assessment centre for homeless people, estimates there are 180 people living on the streets of Somerset West, a further 40 in Strand, and 50 in Gordon’s Bay. Taking part in the local event were (from left), Siyabulela Mbombo, Khonzaphi Mdodana, Ward 15 councillor Benedicta van Minnen, Susan Petersen, insp. Gailene Scholtz, Chairperson subcouncil 8 Stuart Pringle, Gertruida Hendricks and Clifford Cornelius.

Tuesday 16 October 2012 In Memorium

Bekende bouer sterf Die bekende bouer en loodgieter Michael Gordon het sy jarelange stryd teen kanker verloor en is Saterdag oorlede. Gordon, oorspronklik van Somerset-Wes, word deur sy vrou Mavis, seuns John en Marlon en hul gesinne, asook sy drie susters Philida, Dorothea en Brenda, oorleef. ’n Roudiens word môre (Woensdag) om 19:30 by die Metodistekerk in Kerkstraat, SomersetWes gehou. Die begrafnisdiens is Donderdag om 10:00 vanuit die Coronationlaan Metodistekerk in Somerset-Wes, gevolg deur ’n privaatverassing. Vir navrae bel 071 549 6194 of 021 857 1939.



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