Helderberg gazette 18 junie 2013

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Year 17 • Tuesday 18 June 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

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Macassar kry nuwe speelpark

Die Macassar Square-park se opgradering het ’n nuwe aansig en gevoel na Macassar gebring. Kinders van die gemeenskap klouter hier op die klimraam ná skool. FOTO: ASHRAF BOOLEY

Local officer wins against ‘terrorist’ of Nomzamo

SA’s best detective gets his ‘Boetie’ He rode across the length and breadth of South Africa to ensure that a man who terrorised Nomzamo for three years would be put behind bars for life. And on Monday last week, Detective Constable Siphiwo Nteta of the Lwandle Police Station got the judgment he wanted when the Cape High Court sentenced Anathi Siyabulela Ncukana (also known as “Boetie”) to life imprisonment and 56 years behind bars. Ncukana was one of the ten most wanted suspects in the Western Cape. On Monday 10 June he was found guilty on nine out of ten charges and acquitted on one charge. He had committed a double murder, five

attempted murders, two armed robberies and an attempted robbery between 2006 and 2008 in Nomzamo. Nteta (30) was given the case in January 2010. He decided that he would hunt Ncukana down, no matter what. “I love my work. With this case, I wanted to make sure that the man is put behind bars. He terrorised Nomzamo for three years. I said to myself that I will work hard, even if I don’t sleep. I even cancelled my studies. I cancelled everything so that I could focus on this.” Nteta says Ncukana seemed to be “trigger-happy”. “In the first case, in 2006, when Ncukana was 20, he just shot a Gr 9 pupil in front of Jango’s Tavern in Nomzamo. In the case of the double murder, he shot two men

who were drinking in a car in Pholile Park in Nomzamo because they would not give drinks to a friend of his. He shot another man in the back of the neck – the bullet got lodged in his upper jaw and is still there. In Bloemfontein he shot a man in the mouth because he said he was talking too much at a braai. The man survived, but has no teeth. “In all the cases, there was no motive, no robbery. And he was sober – not drunk, not on drugs.” Ncukana was first arrested in 2008 for crimes committed locally. He was released on bail but failed to appear in court, and a warrant of arrest was issued for him. Nteta looked for Ncukana everywhere, tracing him to the Eastern Cape, Durban and Johan-

nesburg. In November 2011 he found him in Gugulethu and arrested him. He then had to refresh the statements of witnesses and gain some new statements. He had to ensure that the testimony of 69 witnesses in total would be ready for the court. So then he rode around the country to gain the statements needed – from Cape Town to Johannesburg to the Eastern Cape and then back to Cape Town. Sometimes he would get to Johannesburg to see a witness, but would be told they are in the Eastern Cape – and he would then get back in his car to journey on. The trial started in the Cape High Court in October 2012 and lasted eight months as the judge evaluated the testimony of 67 witnesses.

The judge could not discern a reason for Ncukana’s crime and killing spree. His mother had been a teacher and he was raised in a stable home environment. The judge too said that he just seemed to be trigger-happy. Ncukana is also a suspect in an armed robbery in Hermanus and a drug-related case in Manenberg, but is yet to be sentenced for these two cases. On 6 August, Ncukana will appear in the Strand Regional Court on three charges of attempted murder. Nteta was recently named SA’s best detective. He was also last year’s Detective of the Year in the Western Cape. He says that the support of his commander, colleagues and family have made it possible to earn the success he has achieved.


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 18 June 2013

From left are some members of Sound Fusion Lubabalo Tshapelo, Rethabile Matshaba, Thembela Terra Theories, Comedy Amkele and Ayanda Mjikelo.

CINDERELLA VAN DIE KAAP: Fifty cast members from Hottentots-Holland High School in Somerset West will bring to life Cinderella van die Kaap: The Musical. It will be performed from Tuesday until Thursday (16–18 July) at 19:30 in the school hall. The show will bring a truly South African twist to the classic fairytale story of Cinderella. The complex mixing-bowl of characters include Helen Thriller, Cinderella’s evil political stepmom, Brenda the shebeen queen, a retired fairy godmother, a new Nigerian family called the Ajibakas and a group of stray animals who help Cinderella find her place. The action quickly turns into crazy fun with lots of gossip, miscommunication and jealousy set in Tamatiestraat in a row of semi-detached houses in Cape Town’s Bo-Kaap. Cast members will sing, dance and act to their heart’s content. The school appeals to the public to join in on the fun and excitement and support their local musical. Tickets should be bought before the school holiday at a cost of R40 from Dilinie Nel who can be contacted on 021 852 1405.

Vermiste persoon Raymond Richard van der Rheede (58) van Macassar word vermis. Van der Rheede is Saterdag 1 Junie laas by sy huis, Ringlaan 12, gesien. Hy was geklee in blou jeans en ’n groen baadjie met ’n vaal voorkant. Van der Rheede het ’n swart mussie met ’n rooi sonpet bo-op die mus asook blou-vaal tekkies aangehad. Enige persoon wat inligting het oor waar hy hom bevind, kan die Macassar-polisie by 021 857 7112 bel.


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Sound Fusion: fresh, eclectic, young

ASHRAF BOOLEY Hip-hop, R&B, Kwaito and Jazz. These are the music genres produced by the group Sound Fusion. The eclectic and fresh sounds are brought together by ten talented young artists from Lwandle, making beats which you just have to move to. Big Five and DJ Cya throw in some hip hop while two female vocalists, who go by the name of PGs, tone it down with rhythms and blues. Female vocalist Tumi on the other hand, spices up the pot by introducing a trio of jazz, hip-hop and kwaito. Last month they came second in the Hip Hop Kazlam Uthando (uthando meaning love) competition at the Baxter Theatre in Rondebosch. This shows that this emerging young group is worth listening to as the Hip Hop Kazlam Uthando boasts a number of other talented young artists. Almost three years have passed since these youngsters formed Sound Fusion to create a perfect balance of unique sounds. “We came together after realising that there are better things to focus on beyond smoking and drinking. We wanted to do something constructive. “This was the moment when the idea for

a music group hit us. Our feel for different music didn’t stop us and we decided to fuse together different genres which led to Sound Fusion being formed,” says group member Siyathemba Mjikelo also known as DJ Cya. Sound Fusion regularly performs in different townships including Lwandle, Khayelitsha, Grabouw and their most recent performance saw them at the local community hall in the Overberg in Hermanus. The studio where the group makes recordings, Sound Fusion Records, is run from a group member’s house in Lwandle. The group is managed by Terra Mzokozo and their mixed tape, which is currently in progress, is being produced by Lubabalo Tshapelo, who also forms part of the group. The group rehearses three times a week to improve what they do best – fuse different genres together. As a way to raise funds for their group, Sound Fusion took the initiative of selling hot chicken wings in their community. Upcoming performances by Sound Fusion include a perfomance at Khanyolwethu High School on Youth Day, Sunday 16 June and a show at the Lwandle Gymnasium on Saturday 29 June. For bookings phone the manager Terra Mzokozo on 083 560 7828 or Siyathemba Mjikelo on 078 309 7029.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette


Macassar GPF bedank en vereer gemeenskap Die Macassar Gemeenskapspolisieringsforum (GPF) het onlangs ’n sertifikaat-seremonie gehou waartydens verskeie rolspelers vir hul bydrae tot die organisasie en gemeenskapsdiens beloon is.

Macassar-inwoner Sina Brandt (middel) het die gemeenskapspolisiëringstoekenning ontvang. By haar is Juanitta Phillips, GPF-ondervoorsitter (links) en stasiebevelvoerder vir die Macassar-polisie, lt.kol. Errol Mekeur. FOTOS: BERNADETTE ROSSI

Ao. Schalk Coetzee (middel) het ’n toekenning ontvang vir sy bekwaamheid en goeie verhouding met die gemeenskap. By hom is Cassiem Anthony (GPF-voorsitter) en stasiebevelvoerder lt.kol. Errol Mekeur.

Die rampbestuurspan is ook vir hul harde werk en toewyding in hul gemeenskap vereer. Van links is lt.kol. Errol Mekeur met die spanlede, Shafdine Gaboné, Zakaria Samuels, Jason Adonis, Francois Samuels, André Grove en Jerome Maart, asook Juanitta Phillips (GPF-ondervoorsitter) en Cassiem Anthony (GPF-voorsitter).

What issues do our youth tackle today? Is there a significant change in the youth of today compared to the youth who have had to fight for better education in the past? With better education opportunities for our youth these days and better access to various other resources, one would think that things are not as complicated. Or are they? Youth Day marks the day of the Soweto uprising (16 June 1976) which saw over 20 000 pupils run a protest march against the use of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction in black secondary schools. It was a protest march for equal education for all despite race. Black youth who were part of the Apartheid struggle were active in fighting against inequalities and eager to receive a higher and equal level of education to white pupils. Are today’s youth as active in tackling issues that they face? Do they share the same cameraderie? The Gazette asked some of its younger readers what challenges they face as youth today, how it differs from those faced by youth in the past, and what Youth Day means to them.

“Youth Day must be celebrated in a positive way where we as youngsters can enjoy ourselves in a constructive way,” said Siyathemba Mjikelo from Lwandle. “We must do the right thing at the right time. We can even wear our school uniform to commemorate those people who fought for our education during Apartheid.” PHOTOS: ASHRAF BOOLEY

“One big thing our youth faces is unemployment. I don’t think the youth of today is more empowered, for example running own businesses. We are faced with a lack of skills and knowledge,” said Yanga Ncaphayi from Strand. He will celebrate Youth Day by playing soccer.

Given Madiwe from Strand said: “Most of the work has been done for us, the foundation has been laid and we now have access to education and other resources, especially sports such as soccer.”

“I struggle with access to sport as well as having a school uniform because of my situation at home. It is difficult to realise my potensial,” said Siyavuma Ndela, Strand.

“From what I’ve heard, struggles faced by youth in the past were way more serious. I think we have it a bit easier today. Some of us can still depend on our parents and we are given an opportunity to get an education,” said Gary Petersen.


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Laat waai met truie teen die koue in Helderberg! Die Helderberg Gazette se Winterwarmte-projek, die Gazette Gee Om, is goed op dreef.

Daar is tot dusver reeds 127 grys en vlootblou skooltruie danksy hierdie projek ingesamel. Die Gazette Gee Om wil graag 890 truie insamel en help om Helderbergkinders die winter warm en op die skoolbanke te hou. By heelwat skole in die Helderberg is baie leerlinge se ouers werkloos en geld skaars. Daarom het sommige

leerlinge nie truie nie en bly hulle op koue dae tuis of kom sonder ’n trui skool toe. Die koue beïnvloed ook leerlinge se leervermoë. Dit is kommerwekkend aangesien dié skole onder die provinsiale gemiddelde presteer wat geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid betref. Solomon Qatyana Primêr in Nomzamo het 300 grys truie nodig net vir hul graad 1- tot 3-leerlinge. Temperance Town Primêr in Gordonsbaai het dieselfde aantal vloot-

blou truie vir daardie grade nodig. Macassar Primêr het 170 vlootblou truie vir graad 1 tot 3 nodig en Rusthof Primêr in die Strand het 120 vlootblou truie vir hul leerlinge in graad 1 en 3 nodig om warm te bly. Help ons om ’n bietjie warmte te versprei en wys dat jy, saam met die Helderberg Gazette, omgee. Lewer asseblief donasies van nuwe of tweedehandse vlootblou of grys truie by Boland Media, Mynhardtstraat 37, in die Gants-sentrum, Strand, af.

Rushen Lucas (DistriksPos-intern) en Helderberg Gazette-verslaggewer, Ashraf Booley, sorteer die skooltruie wat tot dusver geskenk is.

Rape Crisis need support Rape Crisis Helderberg is appealing to the Helderberg community to donate non-perishable foods, refreshments and other foods. The donations may include coffee, tea, sugar, long-life milk, peanut butter and jam which will be used in the centre for their clients. The items can be dropped off at Rape Crisis Helderberg, on the corner of Hospital and Batavia Streets in Somerset West. For more information phone Colleen or Reinette on 021 852 5620.

CITY OF CAPE TOWN The City promotes and applies the principles of employment equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply


PROCESS CONTROLLER Basic Salary: R91 192 p.a. • Ref. No. ES 51/13 • Somerset West and all other areas Requirements: • A Grade 11 • 1 year relevant plant operations experience • A Code C1 driver’s licence with PrDP and Crane Operator licence would be preferable • Knowledge of LV cable jointing and electricity distribution industry • The ability to operate a crane • Safety orientation • Communication skills • Attention to detail • Problem-solving skills Key Performance Areas: • Supervise, coordinate and perform construction, maintenance and repair work on low and medium-voltage electrical equipment and networks in the districts through the application of laid-down technical and safety procedures • Install LV switchgear, street furniture, LV jointing and terminations of LV cables • Assist in the installation of 11kV substation switchgear and cables • Ensure that all working procedures and conditions comply with the OHS Act • Deal with repairs and breakdown maintenance on electrical equipment and networks as and when required • Supervise general housekeeping activities • Clean the site after construction and repair activities Please forward your application to Electricity.Services@capetown.gov.za Closing Date: 28 June 2013 Please quote the reference number of the vacancy in all communications. Certified copies of qualifications must be available on request. Visit our website at www.capetown.gov.za/careers No late applications will be considered. If no notification of appointment is received within three months of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Human Communications (Cape) C99749

We invite you to come grab a bite to eat and show your support

Tuesday 18 June 2013

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Helderberg Gazette



General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Werksessie om Kinderwet te verduidelik Om Nasionale Kinderbeskermingsweek te herdenk, het Kindersorg SA Helderberg onlangs in Sir Lowry’s Pass ’n werksessie oor die Kinderwet aangebied. Paula Rossouw, waarnemende bestuurder in die Helderberg, het die werksessie oor hoe hierdie wet geïmplementeer word, veral ten opsigte van voorvalle wat aan Kindersorg SA rapporteer word, gefasiliteer. Die werksessie het ook ’n uiteensetting gegee van wat maatskaplike werk presies behels en ook van die verskeie prosedures wat deur die maatskaplike werkers in hul werk gevolg word.

Paula Rossouw (regs), die waarnemende bestuurder van Kinderwelsyn SA Helderberg, spreek die verskeie rolspelers toe by die werksessie. 172

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AMPTELIKE KENNISGEWING ONTVANGS VAN ’N AANSOEK OM ’N BOEKMAKERSPERSEELLISENSIE Kragtens die bepalings van Artikel 32(2) van die Wes-Kaapse Wet op Dobbelary en Wedrenne, 1996 (Wet 4 van 1996) (“die Wet”), soos gewysig, gee die Wes-Kaapse Raad op Dobbelary en Wedrenne hiermee kennis dat die volgende aansoek om ’n boekmakersperseellisensie, soos beoog in Artikels 27(kA) en 55(A) van die Wet, ontvang is. Hollywood Sportsbook Western Cape (Edms) Bpk 2008/011557/07 Ableggenstraat 22, Strand 7140




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Alle persone kry die geleentheid om beswaar teen of kommentaar ten opsigte van bogemelde aansoek aan te teken. In die geval van besware, moet die gronde waarop sodanige besware gebaseer is, verskaf word.Waar kommentaar verstrek word, moet die volle besonderhede en feite om sodanige kommentaar te staaf, voorsien word. Die naam, adres en telefoonnommer van die persoon wat beswaar wil maak of kommentaar wil lewer, moet ook voorsien word. Kommentaar of besware moet die Raad nie later as 16:00 op 12 Julie 2013 by ondergemelde adres bereik nie. Die aansoek is voor 16:00 op 12 Julie 2013 gedurende normale kantoorure, oop vir inspeksie deur persone wat ’n belang het, by die kantoor van die Dobbelraad by die adres hieronder aangedui. Besware of kommentaar moet gestuur word aan die Hoof- Uitvoerende Beampte,Wes-Kaapse Raad op Dobbelary en Wedrenne, Posbus 8175, Roggebaai 8012, of ingehandig word by die HoofUitvoerende Beampte,Wes-Kaapse Raad op Dobbelary en Wedrenne, Seafare Huis, Oranjestraat 68,Tuine, Kaapstad 8001 of aan die HoofUitvoerende Beampte gefaks word na 021 422 2602 of per e-pos na objections.racingandbetting@wcgrb.co.za gestuur word.


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Tuesday 18 June 2013

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Lesers is van mening... ROMMELSTORTING Dit is nie net in Macassar waar rommel gestort word nie, maar ook in ander dele van die Wes-Kaap! Die DA met Zille aan die stuur doen geen voldoende beplanning vir die verwydering van rommel wat die onderskeie omgewings besoedel nie. Dit wys weer dat die DA nie sy begroting ten volle spandeer nie. Baie groot probleme wat nie gaan verdwyn nie lê voor vir Zille. De Koker, Strand What can I say? Vermin beget vermin. Helderberg-inwoners, let asseblief noukeurig op waar die jarelange gereelde en onwettige stortings plaasvind. Dit is waar die minste patrollies deur die uniform-geklede beamptes gedoen word. Sou dit by Somerset Mall gestort word, sal ’n horde beamptes onmiddellik op die skuldiges toesak. Hoewel dit onaanvaarbaar is, moet nie gevra word hoekom mense die strate invaar om te protesteer nie. Willie Since the people that really know how to resolve problems, and care enough to do something about the problems we’re facing, no longer get employed by the government, everything is going backwards in South Africa. The dumping area along New and Bermuda Roads in Macassar is only one of the numerous symptoms of things going very bad in our lovely country. The balance is currently just as off as in the time of apartheid. Why can’t we run the country together? Why should it be the one or the other? Wake up ANC, you have proven that you cannot do it alone! Look at the condition our country is in now. Madeleen Theron Graag wil ek dankie sê aan raadslid Johan Middleton vir die manier waarop hy uit sy pad uit gaan om mense te help. Ek woon in Somerset-Wes en hy vra nie waar jy woon nie, maar hy help sover as wat hy

kan. Dankie weereens raadslid Middleton, dit word waardeer! Me Williams, Garden Village Die bins is weggevat en dis hoekom mense oral rommel gooi. Voorsien groot bins. ADDISIONELE TAAL OP SKOOL Ek is teen ’n Afrikataal wat die ANC-regering nou aan kinders by skole wil afdwing! Ek het van 1981–86 op laer-en hoërskool Xhosa as vak gehad. In die begin het ek tussen 60–70% gemiddeld behaal vir die vak behaal, maar wanneer jy hoërskool betree, raak dit moeilik.Wanneer jy dinge in Xhosa in die verlede tyd sê, raak dit verskriklik moeilik! Aan die einde van standerd 7 het ek Xhosa gelos, want dit het my punte afgebring. Toe was die vakkeuse ook beter vir my. Ouers weet nie waarvoor hulle hul inlaat nie. Jou kind moet in sy moedertaal onderrig word, anders gaan sy probleme gedy! Afrikaans bly maar die beste! Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes Die ANC het die onderwys in chaos gedompel, nou wil hy dit verder omskep in chaos deur ’n Afrikataal aan skoliere af te dwing! Dit is absolute malligheid! Mense moet daarteen baklei want dit gaan ons kinders benadeel! Daai Zille en die DA sal die beleid goedkeur net soos wat hulle doen deur die ANC se transformasiebeleid te handhaaf in die Wes-Kaap! Skop vas met mening! Morkel, Gordonsbaai HUISE VERSPOEL Elke jaar verspoel mense se wonings in die Wes-Kaap asook in ander dele van die land. Zille en die DA asook die ANC-regering kon nou vir jare al met beter beplanning navore gekom het om die oorstroming van huise te bekamp. Al die miljarde wat vir jare gesteel word, kon vir beter beplanning gebruik word! Probleme gedy, terwyl politici se salarisse uitsit! F.De Koker, Strand

CITY APPEALS TO RESIDENTS TO REPORT ILLEGAL SALE OF STOLEN COUNCIL REFUSE BAGS In an effort to combat the theft and resale of City-owned refuse bags, the City’s Solid Waste Management Department will be printing the letters CCT SWM followed by a serial number in black text on all its blue bags as of June 2013. This will ensure that all stolen bags can be recognised and their source be traced. The City is appealing to residents to please not purchase blue refuse bags bearing this text being sold on street corners as these are stolen property. The printed bags will be used for all of the Solid Waste Management Department’s Cleansing Branch activities and programmes. Report any individual seen selling the printed bags on the streets, at traffic lights, or anywhere else, by contacting the City’s Solid Waste Management branch for Loss Control on 021 900 1689 or e-mail Riaan.truter@capetown.gov.za. If any unprinted blue bags are placed out on the roadside they will be deemed to be illegal dumping and dealt with accordingly. Your cooperation and assistance in this matter is highly appreciated. This action is in line with maintaining a well-run city.


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Year 17 • Dinsdag 18 Junie 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Macassar-krieket vereer sy spelers

Die Macassar Krieketklub het onlangs hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling gehad waar spelers erkenning gekry het vir hul bydrae tot die klub. Die klub het die afgelope seisoen goed gevaar in hul wedstryde met die eerste span wat 5de in die WP 2A-liga geëindig het. Hulle het hul wedstryd in die Pro20-reeks in die semi-finaal teen Atlantis verloor, maar was die wenners in die een-dag finaal teen Rylands. Die tweede en derde spanne het onderskeidelik 6de en 5de in die liga geëindig.

Van links is Sherman Youdt, Etienne Festus, Neil Swartland (sportman van die jaar), Stan Etson (voorsitter) en Chad Bailey (speler van die jaar). Voor: David van Graan, Tony Wildschut (spanbestuurder), Shane Swartland en Cameron Mitchell.

Die eerste span van die Macassar-krieketklub is agter van links Shaun Jantjies, Ashwin Swartland, Lionel Adams, Peter Abrahams, Steven Levendal, Keith November, Rowayne Sinden en Christian Williams. Middel: Quinton Bowman, Etienne Festus, Neil Swartland. Voor: Chad Bailey, Cameron Mitchell, Tony Wildschut, David Sebastiaan en Etienne Le Roux. FOTO’S: LIONEL BENADIE

Klubvoorsitter Stan Etson (links) oorhandig die Voorsitterstrofee aan Tony Wildschut. Die “Sportman van die jaar”-trofee het aan Neil Swartland (regs) gegaan. Julian de Bruyn (borg) oorhandig dit aan hom.

Chad Bailey is as die speler van die jaar aangewys.

Strand Athletic Club Comrades Results Strand Athletic Club produced good results in the recent Comrades Marathon. Silver medal: Bethuel Lephallo 7:24:19. Bill Rowan medal: Ursula Turck 7:54:21; Abré Jordaan 8:15:26; Tiaan Erwee 8:43:08. Bronze Medal: Dash Dukes 9:23:25; Marietjie de Vries 9:30:08; Kobie Buys 10:02:00; Michele van Lill 10:11:07; Ilana Woeke 10:11:08; Mfundo Mpotulo 10:17:24; Anne Pool 10:30:34; Marcelino Padayachee 10:34:39; Herman de Beer 10:38:55; Karlien Scholtz 10:50:20; Chanelle Hoffman 10:53:19; Jason Smit 10:57:57. Vic Clapham Medal: Rialize Joubert 11:09:58; Abé Patience 11:20:03; Leon Ceustermans 11:24:26; Chlodwik Rossouw 11:31:43; Willem Burger 11:34:11; Artha Strauss 11:38:48; Manus Strauss 11:38:48; Lizanne van Zyl 11:39:51; Warrick Middleton 11:45:59; De Wet Schreiber 11:47:17; Helma Nel 11:47:24; Clifford de Kock 11:47:47; Godfrey Julies 11:58:36.

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