Helderberg Gazette 18 Sept 2012

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Year 16 • Tuesday 18 September 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211 Left: Community members met outside ACJ Pakade Primary in Nomzamo on Thursday to express their unhappiness over a building project at the school.

Above: Various vehicles were damaged when the protest turned violent, including two police vehicles. Below: The back window of the principal’s car was smashed in the protest. PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN

Protest turns violent


ACJ Pakade Primary School in Nomzamo was left with shattered nerves after a community protest last Thursday morning, which saw the windows of the principal’s car damaged by flying stones. Protesters hurled rocks at the building and cars parked on the premises, as well as two police vehicles. The principal of the school had been roughed up and locked in one of the containers being used as a classroom, says Lwandle police spokesperson Constable Mthokozisi Gama. Gama says the community began protesting outside ACJ Pakade at about 09:00, disrupting classes and interrupting the construction of a new building on the premises. Gama says some people became violent

while the police monitored the situation; the protesters assaulted the principal as they locked him in the container. The dispute, says Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for education MEC Donald Grant, centred around the appointment of a community liaison officer for the construction of the new school building. She says the school was not damaged during the protest, although there was “some disruption of teaching”. According to bystanders, the protest was sparked by unhappiness over the number of employees on the site who had been brought in from outside areas instead of being sourced from the local community. The protesters were met by ANC chief whip Xolani Sotashe, who also says the residents are unhappy about the appointment of the community liaison officer for the project. He says that

although an officer was selected by the parents, another officer – allegedly selected by the South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) – was given the position. Sanco chairperson Ketso Moitsienyana says the officer was appointed after a selection process and discussion with the school governing body. The school is being upgraded to a brick building to alleviate overcrowding. The education department heard earlier this year that children had to sit on the floor during classes. Upon the opening of Christmas Tinto Primary, the new school in Nomzamo, 800 pupils were moved from ACJ Pakade. Casey says the education department met police and community members on Sunday to try and calm the situation and discuss the community liaison officer’s appointment. Gazette could not determine the outcome of the meet-

let's kuier Valid Tuesday 18 - Sunday 23 September 2012





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ing at the time of going to print. Casey referred Gazette to the Department of Public Works, which is responsible for the school upgrade. The department has not yet responded to any enquiries. Gama says a case of public violence and malicious damaged to state property is being investigated. Three suspects were arrested, but later released as they could not be linked to the crime. Police urge anyone who can shed light on the incident to call Captain Andries Geldenhuys, Lwandle’s head of detectives on 021 845 2060.




Somerset Value Mart • Tel: 851 2824/65 • T/Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8:30 - 6 • Fri: 8:30 - 7 • Sat: 8 - 5 • Sun: 9 - 2 • Pensioner’s Breakfast Plus Free Coffee for ONLY R20 - Valid Thursday from 9am till 12pm ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY • HAMILTONS ADVERTISING 170912 • NO HAWKERS • NO TRADERS • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • E&OE

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 18 September 2012

‘Jou lewe kan verander’ NICOLE MCCAIN Sou ’n mens vyf jaar gelede vir Abel Smit gesê het sy hele lewe sal verander, sou hy dit nie glo nie.

GRATEFUL LADIES: The members of Badisa Strand would like to thank the community for their generous donations to the association’s needlework project. Special thanks goes to Jacob’s Transport, which donated cash to allow Badisa to invest in another sewing machine. “We thank each and every one who has made a contribution and donated material towards the needlework project,” says Badisa’s Odette Gordon. “It is greatly appreciated. Our ladies can now continue making household items, which will be going on sale soon.” Seen here (from left) are Sophia Jason, Linda Cooksen and Katie Arendse with the donations of material they received. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN


Maar dis presies wat hy gedoen het, en vandag beywer hy hom om sy verhaal aan ander mense te vertel, om aan hulle hoop te gee. Abel was haweloos en vir 20 jaar ’n dwelmen drankverslaafde. Sy drankprobleme het begin nadat hy die skool verlaat het. Sy eerste huwelik het in 2000 weens sy drankverslawing misluk. Abel se vrou het hul dogter saam met haar geneem en tot op hede het hy nog nie weer sy kind gesien nie. Hy het ook kort hierna werkloos geraak. Dit was sy laagste punt en hy sê hy het moed verloor. “Ek het besluit dat daar niks meer was om voor te leef nie en het myself aan die drank en dwelms oorgegee. Ek het net nie meer geworry nie.” Maar vier jaar gelede het alles verander. Abel het baie siek geraak. Hy vertel dat sy ma mense na hom gebring het om vir hom te bid. “Hulle het gevra: ‘Is jy lief vir Jesus?’ My lewe het verander toe ek ‘ja’ antwoord,” sê hy. Hy is reeds vir die laaste vier jaar nugter. Verlede maand is hy met ’n “lieflike dametjie” getroud en hy werk as ’n handelaar by Pick n Pay. “Aan die haweloses wil ek sê, ‘Kyk hoe jy jou lewe kan verander – daar ís ’n uitweg vir hawelose mense!’” In sy vrye tyd werk Abel met haweloses in Maitland. “Hulle het pyn. Meeste van ons weet nie wat dit is nie, maar hulle het hulp nodig.” Twee keer per week bied Abel ook kerkdien-

ste aan die haweloses, en deel sop uit. “Dit help nie net om kos te gee nie, ’n mens moet ook die Woord met hul deel.” Abel lewer ook motiveringspraatjies by kerke en skole en leer mense oor die simptome van dwelm- of drankmisbruik by kinders. Indien jy Abel Smit wil kontak, bel hom by 079 155 2456. Hawelose mense kan ook by die Oasis Assesseringsentrum by Mansfieldsingel 5 in Gordonsbaai hulp kry; bel Gertruida Hendricks by 071 407 5096.

Abel Smit, wys twee foto’s van homself - een van hom toe hy haweloos was, en ’n ander met sy vrou op sy troudag ’n maand gelede. FOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN


BRANDBEWUSMAKINGSKURSUS: Voorskoolse onderwysers in Macassar het op 1 September sertifikate van die Stad Kaapstad se Rampbestuur asook Brand-en Reddingsdienste ontvang. Die sertifikate is aan die 27 onderwysers toegeken vir ’n brandbewusmakingskursus wat hulle voltooi het, asook vir hul geslaagde gebruik van ’n brandblusser. Die geleentheid is deur die stad se burgermeesterskomitee vir veiligheid en sekuriteit, raadsheer J.P. Smith, wyk 109 raadslid John Heuvel en die hoof van die rampbestuursentrum, Elazabeth Adonis, bygewoon. FOTO: VERSKAF


25 & 26 SEPTEMBER 2012


09:00 - 15:00





Do you have an everyday hero in your community, one you would like to see featured in Gazette? SMS your local stars to 32513; alternatively, send an email to nicole.mccain@helderberg.com.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette


The battle with bunking NICOLE MCCAIN As local schools resort to stiff measures to discourage bunkers and latecomers, the education department has pointed out that parents could land up in trouble if they don’t see to it that their children get their learning in. “It is the constitutional obligation of the parents to send their child to school,” says Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for the Western Cape education MEC Donald Grant. “The South African Schools Act clearly states that ‘every parent and caregiver must cause every learner for whom he or she is responsible to attend a school, from the year in which such learner reaches the age of seven years until the last day of the year in which such a learner reaches the age of 15 years or the ninth grade, whichever occurs first.’” Casey says if parents do not ensure their children attend school, they can be charged according to this legislation. According to some principals in the Helderberg, pupils who bunk or arrive late at school are a huge challenge. Yusuf Abrahams, principal at Macassar High School, says the school deals with around 30 late pupils every day, or around 5% of the school’s total number of pupils. “The intervention programmes don’t seem to work,” says Abrahams, who adds that staff often resort to sending the pupils home, allowing them back only once their parents

have seen the principal. A similar number of pupils bunk or arrive late at Strand Secondary. Gavin Phillips, principal of Strand Secondary, says that although the bunking is decreasing, the school has also started suspending “chronic bunkers”. Eric Titipane, principal at Khanyolwethu, says the suspension used by his school for repeat bunkers is only ever for two days at a time, also to force the parents to visit the school. All the principals agree that the measure is taken as a way to get parents involved in their children’s behavioural problems. “It’s a matter of regular communication,” says Phillips. “Some parents leave home early, and aren’t aware that their children don’t attend school.” However, Casey says the correct procedure is not to send pupils home during school hours to “fetch” their parents. She says the first move is to contact the parents and make an appointment. The Western Cape Education Department has 23 safety field workers who help schools deal with truancy, she adds. “If truancy persists or an appointment cannot be arranged, an appointment is set for a home visit by a safety worker. “At this visit the parents are made aware of their responsibility to ensure that the learner returns to school.” Casey says that if the child does not return to school after this visit, the safety worker will either contact social services – if parents are not supporting the pupil – or a psychologist, if the problem lies with the child.

Three nabbed for drugs Strand police made three drug-related arrests this past weekend. A man (29) and woman (20) were arrested at the Green Acre Terraces complex in Strand on Friday when tik to the value of R2 000 was found by police. Another man (28) was arrested at the same complex on

Sunday after police seized R8 000 worth of tik. An undisclosed amount of cash was confiscated in both cases. The accused appeared in the Strand Magistrate’s Court yesterday (Monday). Gazette could not determine the case outcomes at the time of going to print.

GEKANT TEEN CASINO: Inwoners van Strand is sterk gekant teen die oprigting van ’n casino op die hoek van Gordonsbaaiweg en Hammondstraat. Petisies wat die inwoners se misnoeë daaroor uitspreek, stroom in. Meer as 500 briewe is reeds ontvang en sal deur Ebrahim Adams (links) aan die betrokke departement oorhandig word. Inwoners het tot 21 September om hul stem te laat hoor. Vir meer inligting, kontak Adams by 082 202 0579 of adamse@telkomsa.net. By Adams is (van links) Sedick Crombie en raadslid Johan Middleton tydens ’n onlangse vergadering om die kwessie te bespreek. FOTO: MUNADIA KARAAN

Verdrinkings dié naweek ’n Vyftienjarige seun van Sir Lowry’s Pass het Sondag (16 September) omstreeks 16:00 in ’n dam naby die Blue Rock kabelski-oord verdrink. Volgens Somerset-Wes se polisiewoordvoerder konstabel Suzan Jantjies, was hy deel van ’n groep seuns. Jantjies sê die seun se vriende het hom probeer help toe hul sien hy beland in die moeilikheid, maar hul reddingspoging was onsuksesvol. Polisieduikers het sy lyk omstreeks 18:00 uit die dam verwyder.

Volgens Jantjies word geen gemene spel vermoed nie en is ’n geregtelike nadoodse ondersoek hangend. Mense met inligting wat die ondersoek kan help kan speur-adjudantoffisier James Robertson by 021 850 1370 bel. In ’n tweede voorval het ’n 29-jarige man van Macassar, ook Sondag, by Macassarstrand verdrink. Polisiewoordvoerder, konstabel Chrisy Young sê die man was saam met vriende toe hy omstreeks 16:15 verdrink het.


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Celebrating Heritage Day With Heritage Day happening next Monday, Gazette spoke to pupils of Christmas Tinto Primary School in Nomzamo about why they’re going back to their roots.

HERITAGE HIGHLIGHT: On Heritage Day, marked on Monday 24 September, Helderberg College will celebrate South Africa in traditional style, starting with a flag parade at 10:00. Students will dress up in cultural attire, and stalls selling an array of traditional food will be set up in the Anderson Hall. The college choir (seen here) will also perform. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Lifa Magwaza, grade 7, says his family goes all out when celebrating the day. “We dance and sing to celebrate our heritage,” Lifa says. “I think everyone dances, but each tribe dances differently.”

Welcome Heritage Day with a bang Join the Helderberg Renaissance Foundation for the firing of the signal cannon on Heritage Day (Monday 24 September). The event will take place at the historical Gantouw Pass and the ceremony will kick off at 11:00, with the cannon firing to follow at 12:00. The various activities during the event will include flag-raising, a trumpet solo, a historic overview, and a scripture reading. Directions to the venue are as follows: after Sir Lowry’s Pass take the North Pineview off-ramp from

the N2 towards Grabouw. After driving for a kilometre, turn left on the old Cape Road. From there follow the directions erected along the route. Parking will be available within a 15 minute walk of the cannon firing site. Pack a picnic for the day and make sure to view the wagon tracks cut into the rocks. A donation of R10 per adult (children free) will be collected to cover expenses. For more information phone Chris Thompson on 021 855 1929.

Tshepsiso Thelegane, grade 6, is planning to celebrate Heritage Day with his family by embracing their traditions. “On Heritage Day, we wear our traditional clothes. We even put on blankets.” PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN

Heritage day is important to preserve cultures, says Okuhle Xozumgi, grade 7. “Heritage Day is when we show what we believe in, and our culture. We need to celebrate our culture for the next generation.” Luntu Mniki, grade 6, says it’s important to share cultural practices on Heritage Day. “The day is for us to show people how we do things in our culture. It’s for us to respect our culture, as well as learn about other cultures.”

For Atang Motete, grade 7, Heritage Day is a time for family. “We’re going to dance and spend the day with family. I’m looking forward to wearing traditional clothes and drinking traditional beer to invite the ancestors to be with us.”

Sibulele Bhayibhayi, grade 7, says there are various reasons to celebrate Heritage Day. “We must learn about other cultures. Some people celebrate just to praise their ancestors, but we must also remember who we are and where we come from.”

Nokuthula Khumphiso, grade 6, says she enjoys learning about Xhosa culture. “Xhosa people sing and make their own rhythm. Their songs relate to issues that were happening. For example, the songs might be about a king or a war that took place. And if people have argued, they can even send a message to each other in a song.” Zolani Dikopu, grade 6, says he thoroughly enjoys learning about different cultures. “We learn about different cultures for Heritage Day. I enjoyed learning about the Sotho culture, because they dance differently,” he says.

SEWENDE AANVULLENDE WAARDASIELYS TOT DIE 2009ALGEMENE WAARDASIELYS (SV07), VIR DIE 2012/2013-BOEKJAAR Ingevolge artikel 49(1)(a)(i) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Eiendomsbelasting (Wet 6 of 2004), hierna die “Wet” genoem, word daar hiermee kennis gegee dat die sewende aanvullende waardasielys van die 2009- algemene waardasielys (SV07) vir die 2012/2013-boekjaar vir die publiek by die lokale hieronder ter insae lê vanaf 21 September 2012 tot 31 Oktober 2012. Die vorms vir die indiening van besware is by hierdie lokale beskikbaar. Die waardasielys is ook vanaf 21 September 2012 op die Raad se webwerf beskikbaar (adres hieronder). Eiendomme word ingevolge artikel 78(1) van die Wet op die sewende aanvullende waardasielys van die 2009- algemene waardasielys (SV07) geplaas indien dit: a) foutiewelik uit die waardasielys gelaat is; b) na die laaste algemene waardasie by die munisipaliteit ingesluit is; c) na die laaste algemene waardasie onderverdeel of gekonsolideer is; d) ‘n wesenlike toename of vermindering in markwaarde ondergaan het sedert die laaste algemene waardasie; e) in die laaste algemene waardasie aansienlik verkeerd gewaardeer is; f) om enige ander buitengewone rede herwaardeer moet word; g) waarvan die kategorie verander het. Ingevolge artikel 49(1)(a)(ii) van die Wet kan enige eiendomsbesitter of ander persoon wat wil, binne die gemelde tydperk ’n beswaar by die munisipale bestuurder indien oor enige saak wat op die waardasielys verskyn of daaruit weggelaat is. Besware kan slegs ten opsigte van eiendomme wat op die SV07-lys gewaardeer is, ingedien word. Die eienaars van hierdie eiendomme sal skriftelik van hul SV07-waardasies in kennis gestel word via die posadres wat tans op die Stad se databasis is. Aandag word spesifiek gevestig op die feit dat ‘n beswaar ingevolge artikel 50(2) van die Wet met ‘n spesifieke, individuele eiendom verband moet hou en nie teen die aanvullende waardasielys as ’n geheel ingedien kan word nie. Die vorms vir die indiening van besware is by die lokale hieronder genoem beskikbaar en kan van die webwerf afgelaai word. ‘n Afsonderlike beswaarvorm moet vir elke eiendom ingevul word.

Zanele Sohuna, grade 7, is looking forward to Heritage Day, so that she can sample traditional dishes prepared by her family. “We’re going to cook a traditional meal made of stampmielies (samp) and sheep tripe, as well as make traditional beer,”

DATUM: 21 September 2012 – 31 Oktober 2012 NR. NAAM VAN LOKAAL






08:30 – 15:45




08:30 – 15:45




08:30 – 15:45




08:30 – 15:45





08:30 – 15:45


Ingevulde beswaarvorms kan soos volg ingedien word: • • • •

E-pos – valuationsobjection@capetown.gov.za Faks – 086 588 6042 Pos (verkieslik per geregistreerde pos) aan – Die Stad Kaapstad, vir aandag: Die Beswaarkoördineerder, Posbus 4522, Kaapstad 8000 Per hand – By een van ons openbare inspeksielokale

Vir meer inligting: Deeloproep: 086 010 3089 Web: www.capetown.gov.za ACHMAT EBRAHIM STADSBESTUURDER

“People celebrate Heritage Day because they want to know where they come from and where they’re going,” says grade 7 Zimkhitha Siyo. “We also celebrate so that the coming generation can see how people used to live, and learn about other cultures. This will teach them tolerance, so that we can all help each other.”

Tuesday 18 September 2012

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let's kuier

Helderberg Gazette


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Letters - Briewe

Helderberg Gazette

Kontak ons Nuusredakteur

Deliah Brinkhuis dbrinkhu@helderberg.com 021-841-4292


Nicole McCain nicole.mccain@helderberg.com 021-841-4265

Advertensie konsultant Muhammad Brinkhuis muhammad@helderberg.com 021-841-4275

UPLIFTING HIS COMMUNITY Well done Iman Safodien for encouraging and educating the young about the importance of caring for their environment. Nicky M

GRATIS ELEKTRISITEIT Dis lekker vir die inwoners van Sir Lowry’s Pass om aan te dring op krag terwyl die res van ons deur ons nekke vir krag betaal. Elektrisiteit word van pale geroof en die N2 is nog ’n voorbeeld. Saans op TV word gewys dat mense krag moet spaar terwyl krag vir die vale geroof word. Hieroor bly die ANC-regering en die liberale DA doodstil, maar so kom SA nie uit sy kragkrisis nie. Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes As Sir Lowry’s op gratis krag kan aandring, kan ons meer gevestigde gemeenskappe ook gratis krag kry, want ons word tans deurboor met duurder koopkrag en erfbelasting? Zille, hoekom bly u so doodstil oor die kragkwessie, kwalifiseer Afrikaanssprekendes nie ook vir gratis krag nie, ons kry ook swaar? Krag word vir die vale van pale gesteel. Zille, gaan kyk ’n bietjie op die N2! Piet Steyn, Strand


Ranting over renting NICOLE MCCAIN

Rosh Hashanah for Israelis is Happy New Year. Jewish enjoy New year on 17 September.

Lourensia Park residents met in protest last Tuesday evening when they discovered a woman had rented out her home in the low-income housing area – but the law is on the landlady’s side.

Kennis geskied hiermee dat die 24 subrade van die Stad Kaapstad soos volg op die volgende plekke en tye sal vergader: Subraad Lokaal

Datum Tyd


Raadsaal, Royal Ascot, Milnerton








Raadsaal, Voortrekkerweg, Goodwood




Parow-raadsaal,Tallentstraat, Parow




Raadsaal, h.v. Jakkalsvleilaan en Kiaatweg, Bonteheuwel




Bellville-raadsaal, Bellville-burgersentrum




Bloekombos-gemeenskapsaal, Kraaifontein 17



Strand-raadsaal, Strand




Solomon Tshuku-saal, Site C, Khayelitsha




Lookout Hill-toerismefasiliteit




Athlone Klein Saal




Portland-gemeenskapsentrum, Mitchells Plain



Brown’s Farm-gemeenskapsaal




Fezeka-raadsaal, Gugulethu




Raven-kamer, Pinelands-opleidingsentrum, Pinelands




Raadsaal, Waalstraat 44, Kaapstad




Athlone Klein Saal




Rondevlei-subraadsaal, Lotusrivier




Raadsaal, Vishoek




Raadsaal, Alphensentrum, Constantia




Oostenberg-raadsaal, Kuilsrivier




Strand-raadsaal, Strand











Bestuurder Peter Deacon 021 550 1001 Fred Monk 021 980 6053 Johannes Brand 021 590 1676 Ardela van Niekerk 021 938 8050 Martin Julie 021 695 8161 Pat Jansen 021 918 2024 Carin Viljoen 021 970 3002 Izak du Toit 021 850 4149 Thando Siwisa 021 360 1351 Thando Siwisa 021 360 1351 Kayise Nombakuse 021 630 1600 Kenneth Snippers 021 371 4550 Lunga Bobo 021 630 1600 Christopher Jako 021 630 1600 Mariette Griessel 021 531 3437 Marius Coetsee 021 487 2055 Edgar Carolissen 021 637 9757 Okkie Manuels 021 700 4020 Desiree Mentor 021 784 2011 Brian Ford 021 794 2493 Pieter Grobler 021 900 1502 Richard Moi 021 900 1508 Raphael Martin 021 371 4551 Anthony Mathe 021 956 8000

Om 72 uur voor die vergadering toegang tot die hele agenda en al die stawende dokumente te verkry besoek www.capetown.gov.za/subcouncils. Verlig die datum van die subraadvergadering, kies die betrokke subraad en laai die agenda af. Meld gerus enige probleme by die betrokke subraadbestuurder aan.


Lourenisa Park residents met in protest last Tuesday evening outside the home being rented out.




Tuesday 18 September 2012

Lourensia beneficiary committee chairperson Joyce Mzamo says the owner has not moved into the house in Jacobus Lucas Street, and is instead living with her son in Kraaifontein. Mzamo says the owner’s son has rented the house out, and that his mother is not likely to take up occupation as she is elderly and very ill. The community, on hearing that the house was being rented out, grew angry, feeling it should be given to someone in need. “If someone doesn’t need the house, they should have come to us so that we could put someone else from the waiting list in that

house,” says Mzamo. The building has been the cause of several headaches, as it had been left unoccupied for over six months. Mzama claims it was also broken into and used as a drug den at one point. Ward councillor Benedicta van Minnen says she understands the community’s frustration, but adds that the house cannot simply be taken away from the homeowner; neither can the tenant be evicted. According to national law, Van Minnen says, Lourensia Park homeowners may rent out their homes as they see fit. Councillor Ernest Sonnenberg, mayoral committee member for human settlements in the City of Cape Town, says while there is a law that prohibits any of the beneficiaries from selling their homes within the first eight years, they are legally allowed to rent out their property, let family members live there, or leave it unoccupied.

Locals feet the home should have been reallocated to someone in need.

SÊ JOU SÊ! VOORGESTELDE PLAN VIR INFORMELE HANDEL IN SOMERSETWES-SAKEKERN EN OMLIGGENDE GEBIED (WYK 84) Subraad 8 Helderberg het versoek dat ’n informele handelsplan opgestel word vir wyk 84, wat die Somerset-Wes-sakekern en onmiddellike omgewing behels. ’n Konsephandelsplan is opgestel en belanghebbende en belangstellende partye word gevra om insette te lewer. Belanghebbende en belangstellende partye word genooi na ’n opedagsessie waar hierdie konsephandelsplan ter insae beskikbaar sal wees. Datum: Tyd: Plek:

Woensdag 3 Oktober 2012 10:00 – 15:00 Somerset-Wes-biblioteeksaal

Stuur kommentaar oor hierdie plan teen nie later nie as Vrydag 2 November 2012 asook enige navrae aan Shirley Alexander by tel: 021 918 7483; sel: 073 640 8455 of e-pos: Shirley.Alexander@capetown.gov.za. ACHMAT EBRAHIM STADSBESTUURDER 154/2012

Tuesday 18 September 2012

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General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 18 September 2012

‘People can’t access the libraries’ NICOLE MCCAIN

Some Helderberg residents have to jump through hoops to enjoy the services of their local libraries, due to strict requirements and all the documentation needed to complete an application. Upon asking to join the library, this journalist was presented with an A4 application form, printed on both sides, and required to produce an ID, proof of residence, and the addresses and contact numbers of two references. In the case of children, a birth certificate is required. According to a source known to Gazette, who spoke on condition of anonymity, some people are intimidated by the kind of information required to gain a library card. Councillor Tandeka Gqada, mayoral committee member for community services in the City of Cape Town, says the library requires a proof of residence and references as a way to ensure materials are not lost. “Library materials, like any other commodity, come with a cost attached to them, and unfortunately it is the case that library materials are not always returned to the library. This leads to losses for the library, both in the actual loss of material and the replacement cost of certain materials.” Should the library need to contact a member who has not returned a book, the address and references provide a means to do so. Adéle Botha, coordinator of literacy programme Inspire to Read, says finding all the necessary documentation is often a problem for disadvantaged communities. And she is con-

cerned that people, and especially children, are losing out on the chance to read because they are unable to produce the necessary documentation. “We want to encourage people to read for relaxation, but they can’t access the libraries.” In some cases would-be applicants at the library do not have an identity document, or in the case of the children, a birth certificate, as it has been lost or damaged. The source estimates that around 50% of a local school’s pupils can’t join the library because they don’t have the correct documentation. Gqada says any account that shows the resident’s current address is acceptable. This includes store accounts and municipal accounts, and local libraries often accept the electricity slip used to buy prepaid electricity. Residents who do not own their own property or have accounts can provide a letter from their landlord verifying their address, says Gqada. “As far as possible, the City will try to accommodate a lack of documentation, and may require an additional contact person, for example a reference from a religious figure in the community.” The City will also sometimes send a postcard to the person’s address, after which they can take it back to the library as proof of residence. Alternatively, community members can approach their ward councillor for a signed proof of residence. According to Gqada, members of the public can make uses of the library’s facilities with only an identity document, though this will not allow them to borrow books from the library.

KENNISGEWING VAN ‘N VERGADERING VAN DIE RAAD VAN DIE STAD KAAPSTAD ‘n Vergadering van die Raad van die Stad Kaapstad word op Donderdag 27 September 2012 om 10:00 in die Raadsaal, 6de Verdieping, Podiumblok, Burgersentrum, Hertzogboulevard 12, Kaapstad gehou. Let asseblief daarop dat daar ‘n beperkte aantal sitplekke in die openbare galery in die Raadsaal beskikbaar is en dat dit dus op ‘n eerste-daar-eerste-gehelp-grondslag toegeken sal word. As u die vergadering wil bywoon, moet u asseblief tussen 09:00-16:00 vir Michelle Alberts, tel 021 400 3708 skakel en ons u van, voorletters en kontaktelefoonnommer voorsien. Alle versoeke om bywoning moet teen nie later nie as een dag voor die vergadering ontvang word. Besoekers word versoek om asseblief hulle sitplekke teen 09:30 in te neem.



Poor communities often have trouble applying for a library card.

Met plakkaat kry jy werk NICOLE MCCAIN ’n Werkskeppingsprojek in Gordonsbaai vir diegene wat langs die pad wag op werk, is besig om positiewe resultate op te lewer. Drie jaar gelede het Cammy Fernandez, die eienaar van die Gordonsbaai Spar, die inisiatief geneem om plaaslike inwoners wat langs die pad staan om werk te kry, van plakkate te voorsien. Dié plakkate adverteer die werkers se ambagte soos dié van bouer of tuinwerker, sê Fernandez. Hy vertel dat hy besef het dat die persone werklik ’n poging aanwend om werk te kry omdat hul reeds voor sonsopkoms daar staan. Hy is egter van mening dat mense wat wou stop om een werker op te laai, geïntimideer gevoel het wanneer almal op die motor toegesak het. Plakkate met die werkers se inligting asook vorige verwysings is toe aan die werksoekers verskaf.

Volgens Ruben Josephs, die buurt se veiligheidsbeampte vir die metropolisie werk hierdie projek goed. Een van die suksesverhale is dié van die 55-jarige Llewellyn Welgemoed, ’n werklose van Temperance Town. “Die plakkate help baie,” sê Welgemoed, wat met behulp van sy plakkaat werk as ’n verwer in Gordonsbaai gekry het. Die inkomste, sê hy, help hom om sy drie kinders te versorg. Fernandez glo dat dít die pad vorentoe is om werk te skep. “Dit is volhoubaar en het nie iemand nodig om dit te bestuur nie,” sê hy. Hy daag ander besighede uit om ook betrokke te raak. Vir Fernandez is dit sy langtermynplan om te sorg dat elke besigheid by werkskeppingsprojekte in hul eie gemeenskappe betrokke moet raak. Vir meer inligting oor die besondere projek, bel Cammy Fernadez by 021 856 2348 of Ruben Josephs by 072 772 1915.

Subraad 8 Helderberg het versoek dat ’n informele handelsplan opgestel word vir wyk 84, wat die Somerset-Wes-sakekern en onmiddellike omgewing behels. ’n Konsephandelsplan is opgestel en belanghebbende en belangstellende partye word gevra om insette te lewer. Belanghebbende en belangstellende partye word genooi na ’n opedagsessie waar hierdie konsephandelsplan ter insae beskikbaar sal wees. Datum: Woensdag 3 Oktober 2012 Tyd: 10:00 – 15:00 Plek: Somerset-Wes-biblioteeksaal Stuur kommentaar oor hierdie plan teen nie later nie as Vrydag 2 November 2012 asook enige navrae aan Shirley Alexander by tel: 021 918 7483; sel: 073 640 8455 of e-pos: Shirley.Alexander@capetown.gov.za. ACHMAT EBRAHIM STADSBESTUURDER 154/2012

Llewellyn Welgemoed met sy kaart en gereedskap.


Tuesday 18 September 2012

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette


Drama changes lives games, and then Jennifer does speech exercises. “We want to build creativity, confidence, and communication skills. The communication skills are very important. They learn to project and articulate, which helps them with school orals. And Jennifer started the free classes after she later on in life, they’ll be able to have businoticed that disadvantaged pupils are often ness meetings or give presentations with unable to afford the fees or transport need- confidence.” The speech exercises are followed by imed to take drama classes after school. She started the classes at the beginning provisation exercises, either as one large of this term, with only ten girls in her class. group, or in smaller groups. Jennifer will The all group class has grown to 14, and Jen- usually give the girls guideline sentences nifer says she can already see an improve- which set out the story, and then they add ment, despite the group only meeting every in the dialogue to build the characters in the story. second week. And the girls have taken to the classes “I can see they’ve already picked up some techniques, like not turning their back to enthusiastically, say Jennifer. “The other day it was raining, and I was worried they the audience.” Jennifer has taken up teaching at Voices wouldn’t come because they have to walk in Action Drama Academy in Somerset to the library. But they all came for the West, after studying drama at Stellenbosch class.” And on top of that, they’re all looking University. The classes start off with introductory forward to starring in 7de Laan, says Jennifer. The classes are also having a positive effect, she says. She adds that the girls were initially very shy, but are already displaying much more confidence and they are coming out of their shells. Seeing her pupils grow is what keeps Jennifer going. “I saw the difference it makes in children who were painfully shy, and who came out of their shells due to drama. I wanted to bring that to children that can’t afford the classes.” Jennifer is willing to present more free drama workshops in the local comThe Sir Lowry’s Pass girls attending the drama classes are (from munity and even schools. left) Zimkita Tyika, Michaela Jooste, Annelishia Warries, Rowena Contact her at voice.in.acFortuin, Jonnalise Ontong, (front) Monnique Rank, Carren Hen- tion.drama@gmail.com or dricks, and Zenobia Abrahams. PHOTO: SUPPLIED 072 298 1013. The next great movie star might come from a group of young girls in Sir Lowry’s Pass, who have taken up drama classes given by Somerset West’s Jennifer Pietersen.

Gospelaand Heavenly Ministries in Macassar bied op Saterdag 29 September ’n gospelaand in die ou gemeenskapsaal aan. Die konsert begin om 19:00 en toegang vir volwassenes is R15 en R10 vir kinders. Verversings sal te koop wees. Bel Chantal by 072 536 5733.

Mooiste vroue Badisa Macassar bied op 28 September ’n Me. Badisa-kompetisie aan. Die modevertoning – slegs vir vroue – word om 18:00 by Hoërskool Macassar gehou. Inskrywingsvorms is R10 vir seniors, 60 jaar en ouer, en is by die Badisakantoor, VGK-kerk in Soekmekaarstraat beskikbaar. Dit moet teen 25 September ingehandig word. Kaartjies (R15) is ook by die kantoor beskikbaar. Rig navrae Denton Pieterse by 021 857 2926 of Pieterse27denton@gmail.com

GIVING BACK: The residents of the Sen-Cit Old Age Home in Strand were treated to a breakfast by the City of Cape Town’s traffic officers and staff on Friday 31 August. In addition, the elderly were also given blankets and a fruit packet, made possible by various donations. PHOTO: ILLANA FRANTZ

Die Macassar-polisie het onlangs by hul vroue-netwerk-bekendstelling ook vroue in die gemeenskap wat hulle ondersteun bederf. Saam met die vroue is (voor) Macassar-polisie se sosiale misdaad koördineerder Anita Jooste (middel) en langs haar (links) is Somerset-Wes polisiewoordvoerder en Wes-Kaapse Polisievrou van die Jaar, konstabel Suzan Jantjies. FOTO: BERNADETTE ROSSI


General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Of storms and sewers


level. This has a detrimental effect on the quality of the water into which it is released. Gordon’s Bay, Strand, Somerset West and Macassar have been identified for the first phase of the storm water ingress project, and workshops are being planned for these communities. Workshops will take place for Gordon’s Bay residents at the Strand civic centre from 18:30 to 20:00 on 22 October. Strand residents are invited to attend a workshop at the same time on 23 October, also at the civic centre. Further details about the City’s policies and bylaws on water matters can be found on the city’s website. Point your web browser at www.capetown.gov.za/en/water/pages/ policyandlegalmatters.aspx.

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The City of Cape Town’s Water and Sanitation Department is hosting an awareness campaign for its three-year project to address the effect of storm water on its sewer networks. This campaign seeks to highlight the serious repercussions that follow from the diversion of storm water into the City’s sewer system, also known as storm water ingress. Storm water negatively impacts on the operation of the waste water treatment works by reducing the efficiency of the treatment processes. The treatment works are designed to handle specific volumes of waste water. Excessive inflows as a result of storm water in the sewer system can lead to effluent being released before it has been treated to the required

SESSION ON SERVICE INFORMATION: An information session was held for the Nomzamo community last Wednesday. The community was informed about the relevant services provided in the Helderberg, with talks by the Gordon’s Bay Traffic Department, Lwandle SAPS, Helderberg Development Centre, Ikwezi Clinic, the Department of Labour, SASSA, Department of Home Affairs and the Department of Social Development. In the photo are (back from left) Marry Anne Hendricks, Cheney Kemp, Ncumisa Masoka, Sergeant Kholeka Jack, senior traffic officer Beverley le Roux, Stellenbosch University (SU) student Jo-Ann Hanslo, senior traffic officer Sipho Xakekile, Zola Lestelebe from Risk Safety Management, SU student Monde Tom and constable Mthokozisi Gama; (front) Otto Applegreen, Raymond Hofmeester, senior traffic officer Msondezi Beyile and Harry Links. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

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Tuesday 18 September 2012

Schools - Skole

Helderberg Gazette


SAPD KOM KUIER: Gr. R’s van Oklahomastraat Primêre Skool het onlangs ’n besoek van die plaaslike polisie gehad. Die kleintjies het grootoog na die polisiewoordvoerder konst. Chrisy Young (regs) geluister toe sy hulle oor die rol van die polisie in gemeenskappe ingelig het. By konst. Young is gr. R-onderwyser Mariana Jansen. FOTO: BERNADETTE ROSSI

Rusthof Secondary pupils with teacher and project coordinator Emmerentia van Wyk (back row, pink T-shirt).

Campaign against teenage pregnancies A campaign to fight teenage pregnancy has been initiated at Rusthof Secondary in Strand. Teacher and coordinator Lynn van Zyl and the pupils representative council started the campaign in August. More than 20 pupils at the school are said to have fallen pregnant in the last two years. They were mostly among grade 9 to grade 12 pupils. The campaign started off with an informative talk on HIV/Aids and teenage pregnancy. Headboy Lindokuhle Mbokodi also wrote a play on the topic, while pupils joined in

making posters with slogans such as “Teens should feel butterflies in their stomachs, not babies kicking” and “Books before babies, be an example”, emphasising the cause. The anti-teenage pregnancy campaign will run throughout the year with a series of weekly talks on the topic lined up. T-shirts carrying an anti-teenage pregnancy message will be worn to school on Fridays. Coordinator Emmerentia van Wyk says the long-term goal is to establish a counselling centre on the school where pupils can access information easily.

HEADING: Joshua Farmer of Parel Vallei High School stacks 5c coins in the annual Tower of Hope fundraiser, held by Patch on 1 September. Patch raised R17 000, with Hottentots Holland High School wining the competition.

POLISIE REIK UIT: Die Gordonsbaai-polisie se vrouenetwerk het ter viering van Vrouemaand ’n dwelmbewusmakingsprogram by plaaslike skole aangebied. Netwerklid Salomi Smit deel hier speletjies aan Temperance Town Primêr se graad 7’s Graham Louw, Charl Davids en Valerie Zantsi uit. FOTO: VERSKAF

Klereverkoping Die Aanhouwen-sentrum in SomersetWes se tweedehandse klereverkoping vind elke Maandag en Dinsdag van 08:00 tot 13:00 plaas. Vir meer inligting, bel Linda Niemöller by 021 851 3798.

Farm stall in Somerset West The Olde Oaks Farm Stall at the Somerset West Business Park takes place every Sunday from 10:00 to 15:00. Tasty treats, fresh organic produce, arts and crafts, jewellery, plants, perfumes are some of the products on offer. For more information phone Mandy on 082 374 6648.

or SMS 31373 with full details

POLISIE MAAK TOUWYS: Good News Créche wil dankie sê aan Rodney Daniels, fasiliteerder by Strand-polisie, wat ’n slypskool vir die skoolbeheerliggaam en funksiekomitee aangebied het. Agter is Rodney Daniels, Monique Hendericks, Stella Cedras, Chantel Fortuin en Marie Christihans. In die middel is Nadia Moses, Ishrene Herman, Mathilda Arnolds (skoolhoof), Benita Klilschut en Mesade Daniels. Voor is Lynette Petersen, Prudence Daniels en Maliza Job. FOTO: VERSKAF


Year 16 • Dinsdag 18 September 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Rolstoel keer nie passie

Karatikas wys hul styl


’n Karate-kompetisie word Saterdag 22 September by die Gordonsbaai Primêre skool gehou. Die kompetisie waar die Suid-Afrikaanse Funakoshi karate internasionale-styl beoordeel sal word word deur die Gordonsbaaise karate-dojo onder leiding van sensai Birgitt Smit aangebied. Die opmars begin om 08:30 gevolg deur die kompetisie om 09:00. Die twee plaaslike klubs wat aan die kompetisie sal deelneem is die Gordonsbaaise klub en die Blue Rock-dojo van Sir Lowry’s Pass. Klubs van Grabouw en Kuilsrivier sal ook verteenwoordig word. Bel Gerhard by 083 285 2946 of Birgitt by 084 654 1207 vir meer inligting.

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Die feit dat Jozua Julies rolstoel-gebonde is, kon nie sy passie vir rugby onderdruk nie. Joseph, soos die Broadlands Park-gemeenskap hom ken, was ’n kranige rugbyspeler in sy dae. Sy sportloopbaan is egter kortgeknip toe hy sy rug in 2002 in ’n duikongeluk beseer het. Sy passie vir die spel is egter so sterk, dat hy steeds daarby betrokke moet wees. Hy rig tans die o.16-span van Rusthof Sekondêr af – rolstoel en al. Vir die afgelope vyf jaar doen hy dit reeds uit vrye wil weens sy liefde vir die spel. “Rugby is my lewe en my passie en ek het gevoel dat die rolstoel my nie kan terug hou nie,” sê hy. Hy voeg by dat hy nie net die kinders op die rugbyveld help nie, maar dat hulle hom ook help. “Die kinders het verskillende persoonlikhede en verskillende agtergronde. Net soos ek hulle van rugby en die lewe leer, leer ook ék by hulle. Hulle gee my ’n doel in die lewe.” Om sy kennis in afrigting verder uit te brei, het hy in Junie die BokSmart-kursus voltooi. Die kursus wil die spel na ’n veilige en effektiewe vlak bevorder. Die fokus is om die veilige beginsels van rugby aan die afrigters oor te dra, wat dit dan weer by die rugbyspelers sal inskerp. Om ernstige beserings te voorkom, veral rugbeserings wat tot verlamming kan lei, is een van die hoof doelwitte van die kursus. Joseph sê hy wou nog altyd die kursus doen en toe dit uiteindelik in die Strand aangebied word, het hy die geleentheid aangegryp. Joseph se rugbyloopbaan het van kindsbeen af begin, toe hy vir Teslaarsdal United naby

Jozua Julies, of Joseph soos hy in die gemeenskap bekend staan. Caledon saam met Ashwin Willemse uitgedraf het. Hy het in die tagtigerjare na die Strand verhuis en by die St Georges-rugbyklub aangesluit. Hier was Joseph skitterend in sy posisie as flank en in 1989 was hy as die klub se sportman van die jaar aangewys. “Skolerugby het ’n spesiale plek in my hart

Foto: Illana frantz

en ek voel dat die groter rugbyklubs meer hierin moet belê, veral aangesien hul toekomstige spelers van die skole kom.” Gereelde fondsinsamelings word gehou om rugbytoerusting en ander benodigdhede vir die span aan te koop. As jy wil help, bel Joseph by 078 340 3754.

Anyone for dominos? A domino day will be held in Lourensia Park on Saturday 29 September by the local neighbourhood watch. The event will provide an opportunity for the community to draw closer, with the idea being to have neighbours come together and get to know one another in a fun environment, says organiser

John Samuels. Teams are required to enter before 22 September, at R20 per team. The winning team will take away a R500 cash prize. For more information, or to sponsor the event, contact John Samuels on 073 465 3366 or via email at johnsam@gmail.com.

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