Helderberg Gazette 21 Mei 2013

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Year 17 • Tuesday 21 May 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Flood awareness raised

Photo above (from left): Ntombi Mkhasibe, Unathi Speelman (both from the Jungle Theatre Company), Granville Petersen (City’s Disaster Management), Mfundo Hashe (Jungle Theatre Company), Johan van der Westhuizen, Rashied Isaacs, Mandy Thomas (all from Disaster Risk Management), Vincent Meyburgh (Jungle Theatre Company) and Charlotte Powell (City’s Disaster Risk Management). (Below) Pupils enjoying The Spirit of Water and listening attentatively.

The City of Cape Town’s Disaster Risk Management, in conjunction with the Jungle Theatre Company, visited Sir Lowry’s Pass Primary yesterday where they informed pupils on flooding with an educational play, The Spirit of Water. The play is set in an informal settlement, informing pupils on what to do in the event of a flood. PHOTOS: ASHRAF BOOLEY

New act protects victims of harassment People who believe they are being harassed in any way, whether through SMS, social media, stalking or emails, now have the right to approach a court for a protection order.

Prior to this, only people in domestic relationships could obtain a protection order if they were victims of domestic violence, which excluded harassment from strangers. This means that, prior to the new act, victims of harassment could only get a protection order against someone they were married or en-

gaged to, in an intimate, sexual or romantic relationship with or someone they were living with. “This act is very much necessary, but I do think there will be cases where people will misuse it. For this reason, people must be educated about it so that they know what it’s for,” says Hilda Lourens, director of Ukukhanya, an organisation in Somerset West that supports victims of domestic abuse. The new Protection from Harassment Act came into effect on Freedom Day, Saturday (27 April). With the new act in place, service

providers are compelled to provide courts with the address and ID numbers of offenders, especially those who send anonymous offensive SMSes. Interim protection orders come into effect immediately once granted. A child under the age of 18, or a person on behalf of a child, may apply for a protection order. This can be done without the assistance of the child’s parents. The process of applying for a protection order includes filling in an application form in which the complainant has to justify the protection from harassment order and list

details of all harassment incidents. This should include specific acts committed by the person causing the harassment and requesting, from the court, any necessary additional conditions to protect the complainant. Those who feel they are being harassed, can approach their local Magistrate’s Court without any legal representative. After a case is assessed,

the court can decide to grant an interim protection order and issue warrants of arrest. If a protection order is not followed, the perpetrator can be fined or jailed for a maximum of five years.


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Silwerdoek vertonings by Sir Lowry’s Pass Inn Films word Saterdae by die Sir Lowry’s Pass Inn vertoon. Inwoners kan meegevoer word deur die mees onlangse produksies, met vertonings vir die jongspan van 14:00–18:00, en volwassenes van 19:00–21:00. Die filmvertonings kos R5 (kinders) en R15 (volwassenes).

Die projek is onlangs deur gemeenskapsleier, Anwar Louw, en inwoner Dan Wildeman van stapel gestuur. Wildeman, wat ’n lisensie het om films aan die publiek te vertoon, sê die hoofdoel van die filmvertonings is om meer waarde aan die gemeenskap, waar daar geen vermaak is nie, te bied. Dié

mans hoop ook dat dit die jongspan weg sal hou van negatiewe invloede soos dwelms en alkoholmisbruik wat tot misdaad mag lei. Hulle wil graag die fondse wat ingesamel word vir bemagtingsprojekte in die gemeenskap aanwend. Bel Dan Wildeman by 083 243 3856 of Anwar Louw by 071 791 2335.

Lynette van Dellen van die Kinderklub help die peuters.

Voorskoolse projek in Strand het hulp nodig Vir die afgelope 20 jaar bestuur ’n klein groepie vroue van die NG Gordonsbaai-gemeente ’n kinderklub in Cassablanca en Sercor Park in Strand. Jong kinders van die gemeenskap word hier blootgestel aan ontwikkelingsgeleenthede en nuwe ervarings.

Cassablanca en Sercor Park, wat aanmekaar grens, gaan gebuk onder werkloosheid, armoede, tienerswangerskappe, alkoholen dwelmmisbruik. Dié faktore stel die kinders bloot aan swak behuising, swak gesondheid en higiëne, asook swak voeding. Weens die toenemende behoeftes van die kinders en die swak fasiliteite is die “Kinders vir die Koning”-projek begin. Die kinderklub word tans uit die bouvallige gemeen-

skapsaal in die gebied bedryf. Dit is ook net twee dae ’n week vir twee ure beskikbaar aangesien dit ook vir ander aktiwiteite gebruik word. Estie du Plessis, finansiële koördineerder van Kinders vir die Koning, sê dit is nie genoeg tyd om die kinders se behoeftes behoorlik aan te spreek nie. Gevolglik is ’n beter toegeruste sentrum vir die projek voorgestel en alhoewel die perseel en die bouplanne goedgekeur is, is die konstruksiekoste en die onderhoud baie hoog. Intussen hoop die sentrum om hul werksaamhede uit vraghouers te bedryf tot tyd en wyl die nodige geld ingesamel is om die oorspronklik beplande gebou op te rig. Dit sal soveel as R500 000 kos vir ses vraghouers wat sowat 100 kinders kan akkommodeer. Du Plessis meen een vraghou-

er kan 25 kinders akkommodeer, met nog een vir ablusiegeriewe en ander een vir ’n kombuis. “Die behoeftes van die kinders neem daagliks toe en hoe langer ons wag, hoe meer kinders mis uit op ontwikkelingsgeleenthede. As ons die kern van die gemeenskap wil verander, moet ons met grondslagfase kinderontwikkeling begin,” sê die maatskaplike werker, Wilma Piek. Wanneer die oorspronklikbeplande sentrum eers aan die gang is, beoog hulle om daagliks sowat 300 voorskoolse kinders te akkommodeer en dan dié kinders te onderrig en te ontwikkel ooreenkomstig hul spesifieke behoeftes en ontwikkelingsfases. Enigiemand wat op enige manier tot die projek wil bydra kan Du Plessis op 083 325 9021 bel.

St Paul’s Catholic Church 45 Andries Pretorius Street, Somerset West

The Helderberg Gazette is a community newspaper and caters for the broader Helderberg area (Macassar, Strand, Somerset West, Sir Lowry’s Pass and Gordon’s Bay) with 31 500 copies and 49 841 loyal readers every week. With a vibrant mix of editorial and readers’comments, the newspaper is making a difference in its community - and giving voice to an energetic readership. Our publication is FREE on every Tuesday of the month and our booking deadline is on a Thursday. Payment deadline is on Friday by 12:00. Contact Taseem Khan Tel. 021 853 0211/021 841 4275 Cell. 078 793 9312 Email: taseem.khan@media24.com

International Food Fair SATURDAY, 25 MAY 2013 03:30 PM

Come and sample foods from around the world. Raffle: 1st Prize R5 000 cash and many more!! Entertainment for both Kids and Adults For more information contact: Church Office 021 852 1410 (8:30 am to 12:30 pm

Tuesday 21 May 2013

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Bus service restored

For Helderberg commuters who rely on the Golden Arrow Bus service to get around, alternative transport arrangements are now a thing of the past.

The national Golden Arrow bus strike is over.

Two raped daily In the Helderberg, two children are raped daily. This is according to Patch, the Helderberg’s centre for child sexual abuse’s unit manager, Ada Buys. In support of Child Protection Week (27 May to 2 June), the centre will host a Patch Day on Friday 31 May. The theme for this year is “Working Together to Protect Children” and calls on each one of us to create a safe and secure environment for children. Schools and businesses can support Patch Day by initiating the campaign and donating R5 to the organisation on the day. Each R5 donated will be used towards Patch’s “Sponsor a child” project which enables a child to receive the treatment needed after having been raped or sexually abused. Donations can be dropped off at the Patch head office in Somerset West on the corner of Dummer Street and Dorhill Close. For enquiries please phone 021 852 6110 or e-mail mandy@preciouspatch.co.za.

This comes after the three week long nationwide bus drivers’ wage strike has finally come to an end. Bus drivers affiliated to the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (Satawu) and the Transport and Omnibus Workers Union (Towu) undertook strike action on Friday 19 April. Initially employers offered a 6,5% wage increase, while unions demanded an 18% wage increase.

After almost two weeks of strike action and a number of deadlocked negotiations, unions lowered their demand to a 13%, while employers improved their offer to 8%. But, still no one would settle. Further negotiations finally resulted in an agreement being reached. A wage increase of 9,5% was settled upon last Monday. According to Bronwen Dyke, spokesperson for Golden Arrow Bus Service, the Tuesday already saw 80 percent of their staff back at work. By midweek, 99% of their staff were back on the job with the bus service running smoothly.

Metrorail increases its fares Metrorail commuters will have to dig even deeper into their pockets as of Saturday (1 June) after Metrorail announced an increase in their fares. According to a recent news article, Metrorail claims that the subsidy which the government pays the service only covers half of their operating costs. The price hike also results from increases in the cost of personnel, maintenance, safety and statutory compliance. Metrorail announced an increase in single tickets of 50c and R1 for single return tickets. Weeklies, on the other hand, will increase by between R3 and R5 and monthlies by between R7 and R22. This increase may seem affordable to some but many low-paid employees may not be able to afford this. The Gazette asked readers who are regular train commut-

Matthew Ndaba from Strand fetches his wife from the station every evening. “I pay for her train ticket and I think this increase is ridiculous.”

ers what they think of Metrorail’s price hike and how it will affect them.

Victoria Henge van Strand sê dit gaan haar finansiële beplanning beïnvloed. “My uitgawes gaan nou meer wees en ek moet nou gewoond raak om die nuwe tarief betaal,” vertel Henge.

Any Dube from Gordon’s Bay says her budget will of course change now that the train fares have increased. “I don’t think it’s that bad, though. Some of us are getting better wages and increases,” says Dube.

Gloria Nicholas van Eersterivier klim elke dag by Melton Rose-stasie op. “Ek is baie ontsteld. Dit is ’n baie groot verhoging en die diens bly nog steeds so swak. Die treintariewe het gestyg, maar ek kom nog steeds laat by die werk omdat die treine nooit betyds is nie,” vertel Nicholas.

Marcelino Bailey van Strand sê hy vat die trein na die Universiteit van die Wes-Kaap elke weeksdag. “As ’n student het die verhoging in die treintarief ’n groot finansiële impak op my,” vertel Bailey. “Dit is ’n groot prysstyging.”


Case postponed of Court’s drug pedlar Abraham Petersen (35), the man who was arrested for attempting to smuggle drugs into the Strand Magistrate’s Court on Friday 3 May, made his second court appearance on Monday 13 May. Security officials at the court found two parcels of dagga on the accused. He was then taken to the Strand police station where he was subjected to a second search. Ten mandrax tablets and one small bag of tik were then discovered in his possession. The value of the drugs is estimated at R1 000. Magistrate Karen Scheepers granted the accused R3 000 bail and the case was postponed to 14 August, awaiting the results of a laboratory report.

Sigarette ter waarde van R3 000 gesteel Reginald Sylvester (29), Craig Fortuin (25) en Manvill Follmer staan tereg op ’n aanklag van diefstal. Luidens die klagstaat het hulle op 10 Mei sigarette ter waarde van R3 000 by ’n huis in Nautilusstraat, Strand gesteel. Clement Abrahams vir die staat het borgtog teengestaan. Die saak is tot 20 Mei vir ’n aansoek om borgtog uitgestel.


Helderberg Gazette

General - Algemeen

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Spotlight on child bullying Altogether fifty-seven percent of school children in South Africa claim to have been bullied at school, according to a recent survey conducted by Pondering Panda of 3 079 teenagers and family members between the ages of 13 and 21. This high number is a concern, especially in the light of Child Protection Week which will be held between Monday 27 May and Sunday 2 June. If a child claims to have been bullied at school, it should be taken seriously. It can make a child depressed and fearful. Bullying is one-sided and aimed at hurting or belittling someone. Pondering Panda conducted the survey over a three-day period in January this year through the social network, Mxit. The survey reveals that 57% felt they had been bullied at school. Fiftytwo percent of the abuse was verbal, 26% physical abuse and 16% cyber abuse. “These statistics reveal a culture of bullying that permeates South African schools. Two out of three learners are worried about being bullied at school,” says Shirley Wakefield of Pondering Panda.

If parents suspect their child is being bullied, they should speak to their child about the situation. Parents can enquire about anti-bullying policies at their children’s schools. Childline South Africa recommends that parents do the following: ) Encourage your child to tell someone. ) Ask the bully to stop. They may not be aware that their behaviour is hurting your child. ) If the bullying doesn’t come to an

end, the victim should avoid being alone with the bully by being in a group or around other people. Bullies often have been bullied or abused themselves and try to deal with their own situation to regain their power by taking it out on someone else. Childline South Africa advises that bullies need to understand the consequences of their actions and practice self-discipline and empathy for others.

Talk on therapy for arthritis Erika Schwabe will be the guest speaker at the Arthritis Foundation meeting on Monday 27 May. Schwabe is from the Therapy in Action group, a physio and occupational therapy group in Stellenbosch, and will speak on occupational therapy and arthritis. The meeting will take place at Mediclinic Vergelegen in Somerset West at 19:00. Everyone is welcome. For more information on arthritis, phone Aletta van der Watt on 083 270 4842.

Macassar Informal traders to meet The Macassar Informal Traders Association’s annual general meeting will take place at the New Macassar Civic today (21 May) at 18:30. Anyone who is interested in attending can phone Brian Louw, chairman of the Macassar Informal Traders Association on 073 486 3400.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Advertisement - Advertensie

Helderberg Gazette



General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 21 May 2013

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Persoonlike Dienste Personal Services

CLAIRVOYANT Psychic Tarot Card Reader Spiritulist R350 If I cannot read-no charge for the reading. Contact Mark 0835117678

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RUIM, netjiese 1 Slpk w/stel en toesluit m/huis in Strand. R3 100. Beskik 1 Julie. Kontrak minstens 6 maande. Dep R3 600, streng vooruitbetaalbaar. Stap afstand van see. Kontak Juriana 072 4343 043 of 013-656 3184.


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STRAND Broadlands 2 Bed R299 000. 3 Bed R329 000. 3 Bed + 2 bath R365 000. All as new. A WELDER NEEDED Gordon's Bay - 2 bed + for Light Steel work. garage + golf R599 000. Cell: 0825151618 Rustdal - Blackheath EARN EXTRA SELL 2 bed, garage R480 000. JUSTINE 082 376 1461/0218552369 Contact Angie 072 092 6580 171 MARKET INSTANT Woonstelle te Huur MAGEU, full time, part time, big earning potential. Flats to Let Call Alex 084 605 7144. WOONPLEK TE HUUR Marvin Park: Komb, Bad, Slaapkamer. Verkies middeljarige persoon of paar. Netjies en pragtig. Beskikbaar vanaf 10Junie 021 8572768.

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Algemene Dienste General Services

STORMWATER INGRESS PROJECT IN THE HELDERBERG AREA The City of Cape Town’s Water and Sanitation Department will begin with a survey of the stormwater and sewer system in the Helderberg area on Monday 3 June 2013. The survey is the second phase of the stormwater ingress project and involves the physical inspection and assessment of the City’s sewer and stormwater infrastructure in the area. The survey is expected to be completed within a six-month period.


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The survey will determine the level of unsanctioned stormwater discharges into the sewer system. This has a significant impact on the operations of the sewer systems, the wastewater treatment processes and the surrounding environment. The suburbs of Gordon’s Bay, Strand, Somerset West, Nomzamo, Lwandle and Macassar will form part of this project. As part of the survey, the Water Pollution Control Inspectors, clearly identifiable by their staff identity cards, will meet with residents to assess the stormwater systems on their premises.


Kamers te Huur Rooms to Let Buite Kamer Te Huur Macassar - Marvin Park Groot Buitekamer + kombuis met bad, wasbak en toilet. Privaat ingang. Beskikbaar 31 Mei 2013. W+E ingesluit. Verkieslik getroude paartjie. Tel. 021 8571688 / 0733734696.

Residents are kindly requested to cooperate with the inspectors in order for them to conduct the survey successfully. For further enquiries please contact 0860 10 30 89 (water option) or SMS 31373 or E-mail: waterTOC@capetown.gov.za. ACHMAT EBRAHIM CITY MANAGER 86/2013

Dinsdag 21 Mei 2013

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette


Gee bietjie warmte aan leerlinge Die Helderberg Gazette se winterwarmte-projek, die Gazette Gee Om, is goed op dreef en donasies stroom uit alle oorde in. Die projek is onlangs begin om Helderberg-kinders hierdie winter warm en op die skoolbanke te hou. Die projek het tot dusver 53 truie ingesamel met donasies van individue, kerke, opleidingsentrums en besighede. By verskeie skole in die Helderberg is baie leerlinge se ouers werkloos en is geld skaars. Daarom het sommige leerlinge nie truie nie en bly hulle op koue dae tuis of kom sonder ’n trui skool toe. Die koue beïnvloed ook leerlinge se leervermoë. Dit is kommerwekkend aangesien dié skole onder die provinsiale gemiddeld presteer wat geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid betref.

Solomon Qatyana Primêr in Nomzamo het 300 grys truie nodig net vir hul graad 1- tot 3-leerlinge, en Temperance Town Primêr in Gordonsbaai het dieselfde aantal vlootblou truie vir daardie grade nodig. Macassar Primêr het 170 vlootblou truie vir graad 1 tot 3 nodig en Rusthof Primêr in die Strand het 120 vlootblou truie vir hul leerlinge in graad 1 en 3 nodig om warm te bly. Met die Gazette Gee Om-projek hoop ons om nog 837 truie in te samel om leerlinge by die bogenoemde skole warm te kan hou gedurende die koue wintermaande. Help ons om ’n bietjie warmte te versprei en wys dat jy, saam met die Gazette, omgee. Lewer donasies van nuwe of tweedehandse vlootblou of grys truie by Boland Media by Mynhardtstraat 37, in die Gants-sentrum, Strand af.

Sir Lowry’s Usave aanwins, maar die personeel? Die nuwe Usave in Sir Lowry’s Pass is ’n groot aanwins vir die gemeenskap wat voorheen swaar op (duurder) huiswinkels en kafees vir inkopies moes leun. Die personeel, ook Sir Lowry’s Pass-inwoners, besef skynbaar nie hoe trots hul gemeenskap op hul “eie winkel” is nie, en ook nie watter spesiale rol hul in hul gemeenskap vervul nie. Ek aanvaar hulle het wel opleiding vir hul werk ondergaan, maar die kere wat ek daar inkopies gedoen het was hulle onvriendelik en onprofessioneel. Dit blyk kassiere aanvaar dat kliënte self hul inkopies moet inpak, want telkens is die sakkie net by my betaalde inkopies geplaas met die verwagting dat ek dit moet pak. Ek wonder nou of die onwilligheid van kassiere om inkopies te pak dalk nie deel van hul pligte is nie, en dat dit is hoe ons as kliënte eintlik bespaar, derhalwe die naam Usave?


Surita van Wyk, woordvoerder vir Shoprite Holdings sê: Usave is ’n supermarkformaat met ’n lae kostestruktuur wat dit in staat stel om vergelykbare produkte teen laer pryse as mededingers te verkoop. Usave bespaar op uitgawes met betrekking tot toerusting soos duur rakke en ook om die minimum personeel (10 per winkel) wat nodig is om essensiële dienste te lewer, in diens te hê. Derhalwe is daar nie pakkers by betaalpunte nie. Kassiere se hoof verpligting is om klante so gou moontlik deur betaalpunte te help. Ons vind dat klante bereid is om self hul inkopies te pak. Indien geen klante in die ry wag om bedien te word nie, sou ’n mens geredelik kon verwag dat ’n kassiere sal aanbied om daarmee te help. Daar is geen verskoning vir onvriendelike personeel of swak diens nie en ons operasionele personeel sal dadelik werk maak daarvan.

Die Helderberg Gazette-span sorteer ywerig truie uit wat aan die Gazette Gee Om-projek geskenk is. Advertensie-verteenwoordiger Taseem Khan (links) en verslaggewer Ashraf Booley is hier te sien. FOTO: NIKITA SYLVESTER

Lesers sê hul sê Ongeletterdheid lei tot agterstand Die feit dat 40% kinders nie kan lees of skryf nie, wys die ANC foeter die onderwys op! Geld wat gemors en gesteel word, kon gebruik word om landwyd kleuterskole op te rig! Kleuterskole moet dien as die fondasie waar kinders kan begin leer lees en skryf. Soos wat kinders vorder, kan bekwame onderwysers die res doen. Politici mors met SA se toekoms. Ongeletterdheid hou SA terug! Nel, Strand. Help for the youth The many (nine) soup kitchens in Sir Lowry’s Pass are all sponsored regularly. However, we do not have places to keep the youth, who are using drugs and alcohol, busy. They also become involved in criminal activity. Everyone complains about this, but does

nothing to help and only support the soup kitchens. I ask everyone to unite and help keep our sisters and brothers out of this bad life. Our community leaders are also running after money and positions and the community development worker does not organise anything for the youth. A.T.M Ontbyt by skole Mense moet ’n slag dink voor hulle praat! My kind geniet elke oggend haar ontbyt voor skool, maar almal is ongelukkig nie so bevoorreg nie. Dankie Donald Grant en Zille. Julle wat so baie praat het julle kinders? Fantastiese idee! Hulp kom dan waar dit die nodigste is- kinders! Ons laerskool gee al jare lank ontbyt en toebroodjies aan ’n groepie kinders. JS Strand

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While Stocks Last


Year 17 • Dinsdag 21 Mei 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

KENNISGEWING VAN ‘N VERGADERING VAN DIE RAAD VAN DIE STAD KAAPSTAD ‘n Spesiale vergadering van die Raad van die Stad Kaapstad sal gehou word op Woensdag 29 Mei 2013 om 10:00 in die Raadsaal, 6de verdieping, Podiumblok, Burgersentrum, Hertzogboulevard 12, Kaapstad waartydens die jaarlikse begroting vir 2013/14 – 2015/16 ingevolge hoofstuk 4, artikel 24(2) van die Wet op Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur oorweeg sal word. ‘n Gewone vergadering van die Raad sal onmiddellik na afloop van die spesiale vergadering plaasvind. Let asseblief daarop dat daar ‘n beperkte aantal sitplekke in die openbare galery in die Raadsaal beskikbaar is en dat dit dus op ‘n eerste-daar-eerste-gehelp-grondslag toegeken sal word. As u die vergadering wil bywoon, moet u asseblief tussen 09:00 en 16:00 vir Michelle Alberts by 021 400 3708 skakel. Alle versoeke om bywoning moet teen nie later nie as een dag voor die vergadering ontvang word. Daar sal van u verwag word om u van, voorletters en kontaktelefoonnommer te verstrek. Besoekers word vriendelik versoek om asseblief hulle sitplekke teen 09:30 in te neem. ACHMAT EBRAHIM STADSBESTUURDER

(Back left) Bryan Niemand, Brian Damonse (back centre) and Lester Malangeni (back right) with the Goalfighters FC in their new soccer gear. PHOTO: ASHRAF BOOLEY.

Soccer kits for Goalfighters FC

The Goalfighters FC in Lwandle are geared for their next match after they received soccer kits last week Wednesday. After the Gazette highlighted the club’s need for soccer kits recently, businesses Bridge Loans from Parow and Eerste River stepped up to the challenge and donated 15 kits to the u.11 and u.13 teams. Company representatives

Bryan Nieman and Brian Damonse handed over the kits at the open field where the players practise. “We don’t just want to hand out soccer kits and walk away. We are hoping to get more involved in communities and also the schools,” says Nieman. Lester Malangeni who coaches the team says he is very happy about the soccer kits for his team and is thankful to the sponsors and the Gazette.

The Goalfighters FC enjoy playing in their brand new soccer gear.

Soccer club scores a sheep In a battle to win a sheep, the Milan soccer club beat Lonja 1-0 in a two-day soccer tournament held from Saturday 18 May to Sunday 19 May in Solly’s Town, Nomzamo. Lonja placed second after beating Classic 1-0, walked away with R500 in prize money. Classic scooped up the third prize of R300. “Our team wasn’t complete, so it was hectic,” says Themba Bawana of the Red Lions soccer team. “The teams paid a R300 registration fee and we raised mon-

ey for a period of time after which we decided it was enough to buy a sheep for a tournament,” says Bawana. Scores for Saturday (18 May): )Milan beat Red Lions 3-0 )Classic beat Abahlali 2-1 )Lonja beat Dynamos 2-1 Scores for Sunday (19 May): )Milan beat Lonja 1-0 )Lonja beat Classic 1-0 The Red Lions Football Club received sponsorship in the past but is still in need of 14 pairs of soccer boots and bibs before they can join the local soccer league.

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