Helderberg Gazette 22 Jan 2013

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Year 17 • Tuesday 22 January 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Schooldays are here!

Wednesday saw Grade 1 pupils across the Helderberg attending their first day of school. At Rusthof Primary in Strand, Grade 1s (from left) Keetam Happie, Devan Booysen, Ronique Gahl and Jerry Lee Steyn enjoyed their lunch together. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

From Tonko to Raithby NICOLE MCCAIN After the first few days of school, pupils, teachers and officials seem to feel that relocating Tonko Bosman Primary School’s personnel and pupils to their new school, was a win-win move. The 28 former Tonko Bosman pupils and two teachers began the year at Raithby Primary last Wednesday. Tonko Bosman was closed by the education department at the end of last year because of the low number of enrolments and a lack of infrastructure, said Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for Western Cape MEC of Education, Donald Grant. The move seems to have gone

smoothly. “It’s a challenge to get the children to settle in. That’s going to take a week or two. But there have been no hiccups with the integration,” said Raithby principal Attie Olivier. “They have just slotted in with our other classes.” Oliver said the two additional teachers have come as a big help to the school, which has been able to move away from multigrade classes now. And even the children seem pleased with their new surroundings. “I like how much space there is to play,” said Grade 4 pupil Nikita Hendricks, who moved from Tonko Bosman. Tonko Bosman also had no sports field, and was falling into disrepair. Casey said

the new school will have greater access to extracurricular activities, and has better infrastructure than Tonko Bosman. The education department has also provided transport for the learners to attend their new school, approximately 3,5 km away from Tonko Bosman. Former principal of Tonko Bosman, Eugene van Graan, is now teaching Grade 6 at Raithby. He said the move has gone well. “The bus was on time, and the children arrived neatly dressed and ready for school. We were warmly welcomed at Raithby.” Van Graan is not worried about the children adjusting. “Children adapt quickly. They might be shy today, but in a day or two they’ll feel part of the school.”

Former Tonko Bosman Primary School pupils attended their first day at Raithby Primary on Wednesday. Pictured are Grade 4 pupils from left (back) Enver Christiaans, Leehogan Isaacs; (middle) Charlton Groenewald; (front) Jocelyn Booysen and Nikita Hendricks.


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Eben se kreatiwiteit kry vlerke in skilderkuns NICOLE MCCAIN Die Strand het ’n unieke kunstenaar – een wat nie met sy hande verf nie, maar met sy mond. Eben Heuvel mag in ’n rolstoel wees, maar niks kan sy kreatiwiteit onderdruk nie. In 1999 het die 36-jarige Eben deelgeneem aan ’n skilderkursus vir gestremde mense. Hy was die enigste een wat nie sy hande kon gebruik nie en het toe geleer om met sy mond te verf. Eben sê in die begin was dit moeilik, veral toe hy moes leer om die regte kleure te meng. “Ek moet met die kleure speel. En soms lyk dit nie soos ek wil hê nie, maar mense het my aangemoedig.” Eben was nog altyd talentvol, en was baie lief vir teken toe hy jonger was. Maar deesdae skilder hy helder landskap-prente. “Ek hou van landskappe, en van kleurvolle prente wat mense se aandag trek.” En Eben se prente het al baie aandag getrek. Hy het al uitgestal en ’n paar

van sy skilderye verkoop. Dit neem Eben twee weke om ’n skildery klaar te maak. Hy skets eers die prent met ’n potlood wat hy in sy mond hou, en dan meng hy die verf met ’n kwas om die regte kleure te kry. Daarna begin hy verf, ook met die kwas in sy mond. En dit is nie sy enigste uitdaging nie. Eben het nie ’n esel nie, en moet op sy skoot skilder. Hy sukkel ook om materiaal te koop, en kan nie bekostig om te betaal vir rame vir sy skilderye nie. Maar hy droom daarvan dat sy talent sy lewe sal verander, en toelaat dat hy vir sy vrou en 12-jarige kind sorg. “Ek wil onafhanklik wees. In die toekoms wil ek in my eie plekkie wees, met ’n kamer om in te skilder. Nou is ek altyd in my vrou se pad,” lag hy. Eben kyk na alles in sy lewe met ’n kunstenaar se oë. “As ek na ’n plant kyk, sien ek nie net ’n plant nie. Ek sien die lewe en die kleur in die plant. “My skilderye is ’n werk van talent. Die Here het my geseën met hierdie talent. Ek wil die nie begrawe nie.”

Eben Heuvel, met twee van die skilderye waarmee hy besig is.


The ‘Noor cut’ gone forever Local barber Noor Salie, who passed away on 9 January, will not only be missed by his family, but by the customers he had built up during his 34 years of trade. “He was a very good man. He always did things for other people. He always put other people first,” says Noor’s daughter Shameez. Noor was born in Strand, and grew up in 6th Street, to where his family was moved during the previous dispensation. He moved to his house in Gustrow after marrying his late wife, Shamila, in 1983. Noor and Shamila had three daughters, Nazeema, Shameez and Farghana. Noor also had two children, Kevin and Chantelle, from a previous relationship. Shamila passed away in 2011, which came as a blow to Noor. Noor’s family and friends remember him as being a devoted family man, despite working long hours at his barber shop which he owned with his brother, Kosain. “Working together was great,” says Kosain. “We used to do everything together. He was a fine person to work with.” The best part of Noor’s business was interacting with his customers, says Shameez. “He enjoyed the customers the most. He was always talking to them. Sometimes I would sit there after school, and I would just listen to him having so much fun. He used to say the customers made the barber shop. They made him the most happy, except for us, his family.” This love for his clients went as far as wor-

Correction! In the article titled Help Colleen to help the animals, published on 15 January, the Gazette misspelt the name of Colleen Pienaar’s daughter, who is called Kirsty and not Kristy. The Gazette apologises for the error. Colleen Pienaar can be called on 084 552 1150 for more information on her work with the animals of Sir Lowry’s Pass.

Noor Salie


king late hours, or fitting in a special appointment for a regular customer. And Noor’s customers stayed regulars, with two or three generations visiting his barber shop to have their hair cut. “The community has been so supportive,” says Shameez. “It shows me how much the community loved him. People have come to our house crying and asking where are they going to get a Noor cut now.” But to many in the Helderberg, Noor was not simply a barber, he was also a friend.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

News - Nuus

Overcrowding in schools addressed NICOLE MCCAIN ACJ Pakade Primary in Nomzamo struggled with overcrowding last year after accepting 200 extra pupils, leaving the children without desks and chairs. But this year, there will be no children left sitting on the floor, vowed the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). ACJ Pakade principal Vuyisile Cenga said the overcrowding came after an influx of families to the area in 2011, and there being no other school to accept the pupils. To address overcrowding, the WCED built Christmas Tinto Primary at a nearby site, to accommodate 800 of the 2 050 pupils who were at ACJ Pakade. Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for the WCED’s MEC, Donald Grant, said it is difficult to determine how many new learners will enter the province each year and where they will locate. “Last year, we saw a significant increase in demand for schooling at Nomzamo in Strand. Many of the learners had enrolled late and were from other provinces. We are doing all we can to prepare for a similar eventuality.” Casey added that moving the pupils to Christmas Tinto Primary has allowed the WCED to

begin building a new brick and mortar school, which will have more classroom space than the current school. Cenga said the opening of Christmas Tinto has decreased the burden on his school. “Now I’m able to tell parents that the school is full and send them away. It’s not easy, but we have decided on a fixed number of children per class and we’re not accepting more than that.” Casey says School Governing Bodies determinee the admission policy of schools, based on their teaching space and facilities. This includes the capacity of the school in terms of learner numbers. Once they have reached their capacity in terms of Grade 1s at ACJ Pakade wait for teacher Thembisa Mjikelo to begin class. that admission policy, they can be an unexpected growth in certain areas, such stop accepting admissions. Casey said the WCED has also conducted re- as additional mobile units if required”. She added, “Every year we do experience late search to show which areas surrounding Cape Town are growing, in order to better provide enrolment and this year we expect it will be schools where they are needed. In addition, the no exception. We believe we have come as close department has “implemented measures for to ready as can be and will deal with each case additional stock and resources, should there as it comes, as efficiently as possible.”

Misdaad bederf feestyd NICOLE MCCAIN Met die toestroming van vakansiegangers na die Helderberg, sowel as huise wat onbewaak gelaat word wanneer inwoners weggaan met vakansie, moes die polisie weer die afgelope feesseisoen na ’n hoër rat oorskakel. Die Lwandle-polisie se inhegtenisnames vir die besit van dwelms, en dronkbestuur, was byna vier keer meer as die normale aantal. Die polisiewoordvoerder, konst. Mthokozisi Gama, het gesê die toename is veral toe te skryf aan verskeie padblokkades wat gedurende Desember gehou is, asook verskerpte patrollering. Volgens hom was daar ook meer voorvalle van aanranding en huisbraak. Gordonsbaai het ook ’n toename aan voorvalle van aanranding gehad, aldus woordvoerder ao. Nico Beukes. “Die oorgrote meerderheid van dié gevalle hou verband met gesinsgeweld.” In Gordonsbaai was daar egter ’n afname in eiendomsmisdaad weens die teenwoordigheid van buurtwagte en wetstoepassers van die Stad Kaapstad, sê Beukes. Konst. Suzan Jantjies, die Somerset-Wes-polisie se woordvoerder, het gesê hulle het ’n geringe toename in diefstal, kwaadwillige beskadiging van eiendom en be-

drogsake ervaar. Jantjies spekuleer dat dit weens die agtelosigheid van vakansiegangers is wat nie bedag is daarop dat kriminele geleenthede soek om hulle te beroof nie. Somerset-Wes het egter minder voorvalle van diefstal en aanranding in Desember aangemeld. “Die rede vir die afname in geweldsmisdaad kan toegeskryf word aan verskerpte en sigbare patrollering.” Volgens die Macassar-polisie se woordvoerder, konst. Chrisy Young, het patrollering in dié gebied ook vrugte afgewerp. “Daar was ’n algemene afname in geweld in vergelyking met verlede jaar. Die imbizo’s en bewusmakingsveldtogte wat verlede jaar gehou is, kon waarskynlik hiertoe bygedra het. Die publiek het ook baie gehelp deur misdaad te rapporteer.” Strand-polisiewoordvoerder kol. Eugene Zama, sê hulle het meer diefstal uit motors in die eerste week van Desember ervaar, maar sigbare polisiëring het dit stopgesit. “Ons het ’n 9%-afname van diefstal uit motorvoertuie gehad.” Jantjies sê egter ’n volledige weerspieëling van misdaad in die feesseisoen sal eers einde Januarie beskikbaar wees aangesien baie mense nog nie verlede week terug was van vakansie nie.

Helderberg Gazette



General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 22 January 2013

New Year’s resolutions or not? The start of a new year gives one a chance to reflect on the things one wants to change, and with it comes the flurry of resolutions, either to be kept or broken. The Gazette asked readers what their New Year’s resolutions are.

There are no New Year’s resolutions for Lyndré van Niekerk of Strand. “You always break them, so I don’t bother. I just take one day at a time.”

Family is central to Diwhaan Matthews’s New Year’s resolution. “I want to take better care of my family,” says this Strand resident. “This year, I’m really going to be a good father and a good husband.”

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Macassar se Johannes Piek sê hy gaan hierdie jaar ophou rook. “Ek word nou 62, en moet na my gesondheid kyk. Ek gaan elke dag minder rook en uiteindelik ophou.” Randall Brown van die Strand sê hy gaan vanjaar geld spaar. “Ek wil meer geld spaar om my dogter, Elize, verder te help studeer. Ek beplan om ’n spaarrekening vir haar oop te maak.”

Kim Slabb of Blackheath doesn’t have any New Year’s resolutions. “You have to make changes constantly, not just at New Year. That’s the only way to improve yourself.”

Some residents have resolved to learn new skills, like Nomzamo’s Lucky Siziba. “I’m hoping to get my driver’s licence,” says Siziba. “I also want to build onto my house, but money is a problem.”

Strand resident Leemo Smith says she wants to further her studies. “I’m going to study accounting. I want to grow beyond my current job.”

Tarrone Monsinger of Strand says she is going to focus on herself this year. “I’m cutting out people who make me feel negative about myself, and who are a bad influence on me. I want to start with me and take it from there.”

Tuesday 22 January 2013

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Helderberg Gazette



General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Conferment of Civic Honours Members of the public are requested to nominate individuals, organisations or military units for Civic Honours in accordance with the Council’s Policy for the Conferment of Civic Honours as adopted on 3 December 2008. Civic Honours may be conferred on citizens of Cape Town in the following categories: • • • •

Freedom of the City (person of distinction or military unit) Signing of the Civic Honours Book Freedom of Entry into the City (military units only) The Mayor’s Medal for one of the following: Community Affairs, Social Affairs and Services, Cultural Affairs, Youth Affairs, Recreation and Sport, Conservation, Economic Affairs and Extraordinary Bravery

A Civic Honour may be conferred upon a living person or in memory of a deceased person and all nominations must be in writing, must indicate the honour to be bestowed and include adequate motivation. Please submit your nomination to the Office of the Executive Mayor, Private Bag X9181, Cape Town 8000 or e-mail: Levona.Africa@ capetown.gov.za on or before Friday, 22 February 2013. A copy of the Policy is available on the City’s website at www.capetown.gov.za/policies or may be obtained by phoning 021 400 5841.

OUE MAAK PLEK VIR NUWE: Die Op die Plaas-crèche het Woensdag 16 Januarie sy deure oopgemaak op die perseel van die voormalige Tonko Bosman Primêre Skool. Die eerste skooldag het ’n bywoning van ses leerlinge, tussen die ouderdomme van 3 en 5, gehad. Een van die vorige Tonko Bosman-skoolhoofs, Freda Adams, was ook daar as ’n vrywilliger. Dié skool is einde verlede jaar as gevolg van lae bywoning en swak infrastruktuur gesluit. Ilse Pretorius, direkteur van die Life Foundation, wat die kleuterskool oorgeneem het, sê opknappings is nog aan die gang en die speelterrein sal binnekort ingerig word. Bel Ilse Pretorius by 021 855 0984 of e-pos ilse@lifechurch.co.za vir meer inligting. Op die foto is (agter) Victoria Kruger (assistent), Christelle Venter (onderwyser), Kelly Phillips, Ilse Pretorius en Freda Adams. Voor is Bruce Phillips, Leshano Mathyse, McNiel de Bruin, Abigail Prins en Lesnique Phillips. FOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN




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Dinsdag 22 Januarie 2013

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette


Zandvliet’s A-man that helped him prepare for his exams. “I listened to music like Josh Groban, Kenny G and Beethoven very softly, to stimulate my mind while studying.” But he stayed away from hip hop muVernleigh Moodien, sic, as it is too distractwho achieved four dising, and made sure he tinctions, says the secret had no airtime on his to good results lies in phone so that he continuous hard work. couldn’t be distracted “Preparing for your exby Facebook. He also beams is quite simple. At longed to a study group the end of the year, you that met for three hours can’t go to bed at 23:00 or a week and worked midnight. I pushed mythrough old exam paself throughout the year, pers together. and was in bed at 21:00 And of course, the every night during the fisupport of his parents nal exams.” played a big role in But despite his prepaVernleigh’s prepararation, Vernleigh says tion. “I got lots of motihis results came as a survation from my parents. prise. “Two weeks before And even though we I got my results, I was live in quite a small convinced I was going to house, they gave me my do badly.” privacy.” And when his teacher Vernleigh is now gotold him his results, it took him a few moments Zandvliet’s Vernleigh Moodien achie- ing to study accounting to get over the shock. ved four distinctions in his matric at Stellenbosch University, and while he has “My family and friends exams. mixed emotions about were happier than I was. I just started crying when I heard I got my leaving his Helderberg home to live in a hostel, he is excited to have this opportuniA aggregate. It was a nice surprise.” Vernleigh says he had a few other tricks ty ahead of him. Zandvliet High’s top matric achiever has some advice for this year’s pupils: Start studying today.

MOVING ON: Bright Stars creche in Lwandle held its graduation ceremony on 8 December last year. Pictured here are Alizwa Krele and Mihlali Mgemezulu, two of the children to finish their last year at the creche.

DEBUTANTEBAL: Anchanique de Villiers is as Miss Discovery 2012 aangewys tydens Discovery Kids Crèche se jaarlikse debutantebal. Die eerste prinses is Lucrezia Smith, en die tweede prinses Jaylin Eyman. Hier is Anchanique saam met haar ma, Andred de Villiers. FOTO: VERSKAF

CINNAMON SQUARE SPAR SUPPORTS SCHOOLS: Staff of the new Cinnamon Square Spar in Strand visited the surrounding schools on 15 January to launch their My School Campaign. Spar’s Rowan Ferreira explained that each parent or teacher can write the name of their school on the back of their till slip after shopping at Cinnamon Square Spar and Tops, and place it in the marked boxes in the store. The schools will then receive 1% of the total sales back in cash each month. According to Ferreira, the campaign is a means of giving back to the community. “We’re very community-orientated.” Schools selected to take part in the campaign are Dr DG Joubert Primary, Gordon’s Bay Primary, Rusthof High, Rusthof Primary, Strand Moslem Primary and Strand Secondary. For more information or to nominate your school for the campaign, contact Cinnamon Square Spar at 021 850 8892. Seen here at Dr DG Joubert Primary School are (from left) principal Martin Leukes, Rowan Ferreira, Bennie Gordon and acting deputy principal Sumaya Gabier.


Year 17 • Dinsdag 22 Januarie 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Coaching for young athletes A community-based athletics coaching clinic will be offered by the Helderberg Sports Academy in Macassar on 23 and 30 January for any school pupil preparing for the athletics season. The clinics will take place at Macassar High School from 09:00 to 12:00. The clinic will include training on how to warm up before an event, start and finish a race, pace yourself during an event and mentally prepare for an event. The cost is R100 per athlete, and each athlete will receive an attendance certificate. For more information, contact Lewellyn De Wee on 081 496 2854.

Ajax Cape Town joined the Helderberg Local Football Association squad for training and a quick match.

Ajax motivates local team

NICOLE MCCAIN Lwandle residents were treated to some premier league soccer when Ajax Cape Town paid them a visit for a training session and match against the Helderberg Local Football Association squad. Shooz Mekuto, public relations officer for Ajax Cape Town, says the team was paying Lwandle a visit to offer encouragement to local players. “We’re here to offer motivation and challenge the youth. We want to show them they can play the game and be as good as the next club.” Although the home team lost 5-0, the locals welcomed the visit, with spectators young and old packing the stands. For 13-year-old Esethu Bobi, the day was a dream come true. “I’m excited. I’m seeing players I haven’t seen before. But I really look forward to seeing Khama Billiat. He has skills.” Young soccer player Andile Sisusa (14) said he had come to watch the team he aspires to join one day. “I watch them on TV. This is the first time I’m going to see them in person. And one day, I want

to play for them.” Even the home team was caught up in the excitement. Captain of the Helderberg Local Football Association squad, Shane Thobela, said: “I am very honoured to play against them. I used to watch them on the field, and today I’m playing against them.” Mekuto said the visit allowed Helderberg players to interact with the team, and learn from them. “It’s a short route Ajax Cape Town’s Shooz Mekuto plays with Lwandle’s Sivuyile Guzana (7) and to success if you have Sikha Xelelo (1) before the game. people to interact with. That’s why we come out – to show the gap is not area had been chosen for the visit. “We associate with areas that are associated so big, and you can bridge it with communicawith development. In the Helderberg, they do a tion.” Mekuto added that the Helderberg Local Foot- lot for youngsters, to get them off the streets. The ball Association had done a lot to encourage de- facilities are not vandalised – they’re doing their velopment, which was another reason why the part.”

Athletics season starts Paarl Athletic Club will be hosting the first league meeting of Boland Athletics for the track and field season on 23 January. The league meeting forms part of Boland Athletics preparations for the 2013 Junior and Senior SA Championships and it will be used as criteria for selection to the national championships. The meeting will start at 17:00 and the last event will take place at 20:00. Entry for adults is R10 and R5 for primary school pupils. Licence numbers are a prerequisite, and temporary numbers will be available at the track for R10. Entries for track events close 30 minutes before the start of the event. Entries for field events take place on the track and close 15 minutes before the start of the event.

Is there an up-and-coming sports team in your area? Do you know an outstanding athlete? Send their details to 32513 or


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