Year 16 • Tuesday 19 June 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Uiteindelik hulle grond NICOLE MCCAIN Die stryd om grond van die inwoners van Deepfreeze in Macassar is uiteindelik verby. Die uitsettingsbevel teen die gemeenskap is in die Wes-Kaap se hooggeregshof teruggetrek na die grond deur die Stad van Kaapstad op Maandag 11 Junie gekoop is.
André Wales en Melvin Jansen is bly dat hul kinders in Deepfreeze sal kan opgroei na die Stad Kaapstad en die eienaar, Annenprop 5, ’n koopkontrak geteken het. Saam met hulle is van links Ezra Saal, Teano Theodore, Sasha Leigh Theodore en Modré Afrika. Foto: Nicole McCain
Die gemeenskap was sedert 2009 in ’n hofgeding met die grondeienaars, Annenprop 5, gewikkel nadat die maatskappy ’n uitsettingsbevel teen die sowat 90 gesinne wat destyds daar woon, bekom het. André Wales, ’n lid van die inwonerskomitee, meen die nuus dat die uitsettingbevel teruggetrek is, is die beste nuus wat hy nog gekry het. Volgens die inwoners het Deepfreezing and Preserving (Edms) Bpk. die grond in 1956 vir hul werkers gekoop. Donald Cooks wat later die fabriek oorgeneem het, het 5 ha van die grond aan die 63 huisgesinne wat destyds daar gewoon het, geskenk. Dié grond, saam met nog 6 ha, is in die tagtigerjare aan die Urban Foundation, waaronder Cape Utility Homes geressorteer het, verkoop. In 1989 is ’n aansoek vir hersonering van nywerheids- na woongebied gedoen, en in 1996 het Cape Utility Homes ’n kontrak met Donald Cooks geteken vir behuisingsontwikkeling. Twee jaar later is die kontrakteur egter insolvent verklaar en Annenprop 5 het daarna die grond deur Nedcor Bank Bpk gekoop, waarna die inwoners met ’n uitsettingsbevel bedien is. Wales vertel dat die gemeenskap reeds sedert 1967 probeer om die grond in hul name geregistreer te kry, en dat die uitset-
tingsbevel daarom ’n groot teleurstelling was. “Ons het hier groot geword. Dit was ’n groot skok om te hoor dat die grond dalk nie meer aan ons sal behoort nie,” sê hy. “Dis ’n verligting dat ons hier kan aanbly,” sê Daniel Rosenkranz (77), een van die oudste inwoners van Deepfreeze, wat reeds langer as 50 jaar daar woon. Hy vertel dat sy huis destyds geen mure en vloere binne gehad het toe hy en sy gesin ingetrek het nie. Hy sê hy moes al die mure en vensters self bou toe hy die huis gekry het. In dié tydperk was hy hoofwerktuigkundige by die fabriek. Volgens Rosenkranz het hy homself van skoonmaker tot hoof-werktuigkundige opgewerk. Hy onthou hoe hy sy kinders, kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders in dié huis grootgemaak het. Die grond sal oorgedra word teen middel Augustus, sê die Stad, maar daar lê nog heelwat uitdagings vir dié gemeenskap voor. “Ons het baie om met die stad te onderhandel,” sê Melvin Jansen, ondervoorsitter van die inwonerskomitee. “Ons paaie moet geteer word. Ons benodig ook ’n beter kerk gebou en gemeenskapsaal, sowel as ’n crèche en sportgronde,” sê hy. Volgens die Stad beteken die aankoop van dié grond meer behuisingsgeleenthede, veral in ’n deel van die stad waar daar ’n behoefte aan grond is.
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Helderberg Gazette
News - Nuus
Tuesday 19 June 2012
Quintile system leaves schools with little hope NICOLE MCCAIN An article in the Gazette last week explained how the education department had grouped Macassar schools with far more affluent schools. Under this system, known as the “quintile system”, Macassar schools receive very low education subsidies – despite roughly 50% of these schools’ parents being unemployed. Schools are assigned their quintile rank by the Department of Basic Education according to statistics compiled by StatsSA. Quintile-one schools are considered the poorest, and receive the most funding; quintile-five schools are considered to be the richest, and receive the least funding. Schools in quintiles one, two and three – “no-fee” schools – are attended by 40% of the pupils in the province. Schools in quintiles four and five may charge school fees. Basic Education spokesperson Panyaza Lesufi says provincial departments are re-
sponsible for “ranking schools, and therefore follow their own procedures”. But it’s not that simple, says Bronach Casey, spokesperson for Western Cape education MEC Donald Grant. Casey explains that the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is bound by strict guidelines set at national level. And having the quintile reassessed is easier said than done. After researching the income of the parents at the school, Macassar Secondary submitted a request in 2009 to have their quintile changed – only to be told, says principal Yusuf Abrahams, that the school was not allowed to submit its own data. Casey explains that a school may dispute its quintile via a submission to the head of the provincial education department. How-
ever, the school will have to prove that the findings of the survey used to classify it are incorrect. The data must be obtained from an independent study, which means schools can’t use their own findings. The data currently used to categorise schools is taken from the national census done by StatsSA. “If the school doesn’t conduct [the study], who will?” asks Abrahams. “We are struggling financially – there is no funding to pay for a study to be done.” Casey says no requests to change a quintile rank have been received from any of the other Macassar schools. Ronald Rass, deputy principal at Macassar Primary School, says another categori-
‘The census is not a legitimate instrument. They need to come to the school.’
sation system is needed. “They can’t use the census data. We’ve done surveys and found that only 8% of our parents have passed matric,” he says. He adds that 70% of Macassar Primary parents have requested exemption from fees. “If a school is built with face-brick, it’s considered wealthy. The census is not a legitimate instrument. They need to come to the school.” But schools themselves are unable to fight the system, he says. “It’s difficult for us to find another method to determine the poverty in the area.” The department has to allocate a certain percentage of schools in each quintile, with 40% of the pupils in quintiles one to three. Of the rest, 38% must be in quintile five. Casey says that a school can “only be moved into a lower quintile if another school drops out of that quintile, to stay within national quotas, based on the percentage of pupils who must be allocated to each quintile”. Casey says that of the schools that have applied to be moved to a new quintile, none have been successful.
ABCs of giving Local charity InspiretoRead is calling on all businesses in the Helderberg to become involved in the fight against illiteracy. Through a campaign called Alphabet of Inspiration, InspiretoRead is encouraging local businesses to sponsor a letter of the alphabet; in return a business will get its name printed next to the letter in question. Letters will be sold for R500, and InspiretoRead hopes the campaign will draw companies that care about their community. All the funds will go towards helping InspiretoRead in its work. “It’s so nice to see how kids build confidence when they learn to read,” says Adele Botha, trustee of InspiretoRead. However, she says the organisation’s work is hampered by a lack of funds. “We need books and stationery. We have to take the books with us to each group because we don’t have enough. They’re travelling books.” It poses a great problem, she says: “How can you teach children to love reading if you aren’t exposing them to books?” The organisation teaches children in Chris Nissen Park, Lwandle, and Firgrove to read and write, and also trains teachers and parents to improve the literacy of their children. Part of this work involves making reading material available to children, and developing literacy rooms. A second component of the project is to link children up with mentors who can help them attain their full potential. To become involved contact Debbie Bone at 2 debbie.inpiretoread@gmail.com.
Patro Ralarala reads to her Grade R class at Umnqophiso Pre-primary, Lwandle. The school is one of the many supported by InspiretoRead.
Tsidiso Borman practises his alphabet with InspiretoRead’s magnetic letters. Photos: SUPPLIED
Tuesday 19 June 2012
News - Nuus
The trials of youth NICOLE MCCAIN
Justin Stein from Somerset West says unemployment and drugs have a serious impact on the youth. “Drugs are everywhere in the Western Cape. There are also no jobs out there. People turn to drugs to cope. I think teens and pre-teens are even more vulnerable, and we need to have more drug awareness and job creation.”
With Youth Day celebrated on Saturday 16 June, Gazette spent some time speaking to locals about the challenges the youth of today are facing.
Misdaad is wat die jeug die meeste affekteer, sê Peter Afrika van Macassar. “Ek ken baie jeug wat voel hulle moet met messe rondstap om hulleself te verdedig. Al is dit 50 meter van die polisiestasie af.” Volgens sy mening het Jeugdag geen goeie punte. “Daar is niks om te vier nie.”
Odwa Mkapuzi, from Lwandle says unemployment is the biggest problem facing the youth. “It’s just too high. There is a lack of skills training after school. If you develop the youth’s skills, it will be better. The youth need to be empowered to start their own businesses.”
Isabel Basson, a Somerset West resident, says the biggest problems facing the youth are skills training and education. “You hear a lot of negative comments about the education system, and you end up asking: ‘What does it matter if I have matric or other qualifications? Is it worth anything?’ It’s not so much the standard of education as job security. Will your qualification give you a job? It’s hard to convince people to stay in school if there’s no hope for them to get jobs.”
Jacqueline Katz van Macassar is bekommerd oor misdaad. Sy sê die jeug het meer aktiwiteite nodig om hulle weg van misdaad te hou. “Jong mense wil in pas. Meer positiewe aktiwiteite sal meer positiewe mense maak.”
“I look for work every day,” saysAndrewMurthi of Somerset West, who feels unemployment is the main issue affecting the youth. “It’s not that people aren’t qualified, there just aren’t opportunities. The government needs to redress the inequality between classes so everyone can have equal opportunities.” Nadine Oosthuizen from Strand says, “Figuring out what I want to do with my life and how to make it in the ‘real world is a challenge’. The stress of making it through every month, and realising that at some point I can’t just borrow from mom any more. The less-thanrosy political situation in our country also makes it difficult to plan. Being a young adult in SA is definitely a challenge – but then being a young adult is challenging anywhere.
Helderberg Gazette
Youths take the lead NICOLE MCCAIN Lwandle residents celebrated Youth Day and the lead-up to it by working to improve lives in their communities. Tuesday 12 June saw youths come together to clean up their area as part of a project run by the National Youth Development Agency’s Proud to Serve campaign. “The main aim is to tell the youth of Lwandle that they must not wait for the municipality or government to do things if they can do it themselves. We can help them in terms of service delivery,” says Jacob Jo-
Unemployment is a big challenge for the youth, says Somerset West’s Ellen Dietrich. “The school system is falling apart. If the focus was on education, more youths would be employed. There is a need for internships suitable for South African pupils who may not even have a matric pass. There also needs to be more awareness of organisations such as the National Youth Development Agency.”
siah, one of the event coordinators. The day saw 300 of the community’s unemployed youths sweeping and picking up garbage in Asanda Village, Nomzamo, Lwandle and Pholile Park. This was followed by a charity event on Saturday, during which the Lwandle police and the Gift of the Givers organisation donated over 1 000 meals to poverty-stricken families in Pholile Park, Wag ’n Bietjie and Etembeni. The food was cooked at Khanyolwethu High School, with the help of the parents who run the school’s feeding scheme.
Residents of Pholile Park, Etembeni and Wag ’n Bietjie in Lwandle were given warm meals on Youth Day during a charity drive by the Lwandle police and Gift of the Givers. Photo: KNOWLEDGE MDENGEZI LEFT: Nwabisa Npotulo and Nomthandazo Yelelo took pride in their community as they and almost 300 other young people cleaned up litter in Asanda Village, Nomzamo, Lwandle and Pholile Park. Photo: NICOLE MCCAIN
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Letters - Briewe
Helderberg Gazette
Lesers lug hul mening Skole sukkel finansieël ) Skole sukkel om ’n bestaan te voer, maar die onderwysdepartement is streng op sy begroting. Hoe verduidelik die DA-regering die onlangse verslag op Fokus dat daar in 2012 aan die lig gekom het dat die Wes-Kaapse regering nie sy begroting ten volle gebruik nie? Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes ) Weskaapse skole kan vorder as daar reg beplan word en die begroting ten volle spandeer word. Die Kaapstadse burgemeester Patricia de Lille en die onderburge-
meester Ian Neilson verdien reusagtige salarisse. As hulle salarisse verminder word, kan die skole hoë hoogtes bereik. Smit, Somerset-Wes ) If the present government was not so corrupt and not so much of the taxpayers’ money gets stolen by these thieves there would be plenty of money to run schools, but each department in this system is rotten. There are enough funds for everything but so much money is wasted. I despair and don’t care any more. Deal with the top and challenge them. ) Two of my children attended
Firgrove Primary for a few years. The elder is already in high school, while the younger one will finish primary school this year. Like other parents, I found the fees are sometimes very tough to cope with. Apart from bonds and other expenses, school fees are one of the obstacles parents have to face. I think it would be a good idea if this issue could also be discussed with the parents of the different schools. There might be an answer coming from the “floor”. If funds were put aside for these particular schools, where did they go and how were they managed? Parents talk to each other, however, not in meetings.
Tuesday 19 June 2012 Give them a chance to decide as well. G. Meyer
Taxi’s ) The government should do something about taxi businesses and supply us with transport like in other countries. Taxis drive on the N2 as if they’re chasing death itself. Can’t the traffic department reduce the speed limit on the N2? I agree with the person saying all taxis should be removed from roads. Stop these animals from operating and causing destruction on our roads. They are nothing but murderers. ) Of daar passasiers in taxi’s is
of nie, hulle jaag deur rooi ligte sonder om links of regs te kyk. Ek’s ’n senuweewrak en bid heel pad tot by my huis, want in die nuwe SuidAfrika is my Herder al waarop ek kan vertrou. Die regering sorg net vir misdadigers en korrupte werkers wat hul sakke, en dié van hul familie, vol stop.
Mallsekuriteit ) Naweke wil die Somerset Mall sekuriteit hul bekommer oor waar motors parkeer en raak opstandig met bestuurders wat vir hul families wag. Hoekom bepaal hulle hul nie by dit wat binne die Mall gebeur nie? Ontsteld, Strand
Politieke wil ontbreek Ek lees gereeld die “Wat sê ons lesers”-afdeling en hierdie week, 12 Junie, se kommentaar slaan die spyker op sy kop! Ek stem saam dat misdaad by die jeug begin wat nie verantwoordelik opgevoed word nie en opgroei tot niks-eerbiedigende volwassenes wat voortgesit word deur ’n regsisteem wat mank loop. Daar is net een manier om dit te stop: onverantwoordelike ouers moet gestraf word, nie die kinders nie. Wanneer kinders enige misdaad pleeg moet die ouers tronk toe gestuur word, want hulle is die regstreekse oorsaak van die misdaad. Ons departement van justisie (beter genoem “die departement van die onreg”) het gedurig sy verantwoordelikheid omseil deur vonnisse te minimaliseer en op die verkeerde persone gemaklikheidshalwe toe te pas... dit sou dus die veronderstelling kon bring dat dit die departement van justisie is wat die hoof-verantwoordelike is – deur sy laksheid- (saam met die prokureurs wat enige misdaad wil vryspreek) vir die misdaad in die land. Die dag wanneer daar ernstig verantwoordelikheid aangewys en aanvaar word sal ons die misdaad kan keer, nie eerder nie! Die politieke wil ontbreek egter.
Hans en Claudette Poot, Gordonsbaai
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Tuesday 19 June 2012
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Helderberg Gazette
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 19 June 2012
WINTERWARMTE: Kinders in Erijahville, Strand gaan warmer slaap ná ’n skenking van komberse deur Wasteplan en die Suiderstrand NG kerk verlede Woensdag. Die 40 kinders wat die sopkombuis van Katie Arendse bywoon, was opgewonde oor hul nuwe snoesige komberse. Hulle is ook bederf met ’n koppie warm tuisgemaakte sop. FOTO’S: NICOLE MCCAIN
Jayden Hendricks hou sy nuwe kombers styf vas.
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Tuesday 19 June 2012
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Year 16 • Dinsdag 19 Junie 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Gordon: SuidÂAmerika, hier kom ons! Gordon HoĂŤrskool se eerste rugbyspan is in die sewende hemel oor hul beplande toer na Suid-Amerika later die week. Die groep wat uit 33 lede (20 seuns en 13 volwassenes) bestaan, sal op Sondag 24 Junie vertrek en op 5 Julie terugkeer. Dit sal die skool se derde besoek aan die buiteland wees. Die toergroep gaan onder meer Buenos Aires, Mar Del Plata asook Montevideo in Uruguay besoek. Die rugbyspan sal drie wedstryde speel: in Buenos Aires teen San Andres-klub, in Montevideo teen die Cuervosrugbyklub en in Mar Del Plata teen die Union del Sur-rugbyklub. Rugby is nie deel van die Argentynse skolekurrikulum nie en word hoofsaaklik deur klubs bedryf. Die seuns hoop natuurlik om sukses in al drie hul wedstryde te behaal. Die besoek deur die Gordon HoĂŤr-toergroep word nie net gesien as ’n rugby-ervaring nie, maar ook ’n geleentheid om die land se kultuur eerstehands te ervaar wanneer hul by families in Mar Del Plata gehuisves word. Die groep beplan ook om heelwat besienswaardighede te besoek. Die span is veral opgewonde oor hul voorgenome besoek aan die Suid-Afrikaanse ambassade die dag nĂĄ hul aankoms in ArgentiniĂŤ.
Ritte met die moltreine en ’n besoek aan Palermo, een van die stede met pragtige parke, sal ook onderneem word. Dit is ook dåår waar die land se voorste rugbyspelers bly. Die pienk paleis (La Casa Rosada) in ArgentiniÍ en die Tango-huis is van die aantreklikhede wat hulle sal besoek. Tango is sinoniem met Buenos Aires en ook met La Boca, tuiste van Diego Maradona, diÊ sokkerster van ArgentiniÍ. Mar Del Plata is een van die pragtige kusstede van ArgentiniÍ. Die groep sien veral uit na die vaart oor die Rio Del Plata, die breÍ rivier wat ArgentiniÍ en Uruguay van mekaar skei. Een van die hoogtepunte in Buenos Aires is die besoek aan die Recoleta waar een van ArgentiniÍ se bekendste burgers, Evita Peron, ter ruste gelê is. ’n Bootrit op die Tigre-rivier op die dag van hul vertrek uit ArgentiniÍ, is nog iets waarna die groep uitsien. Die groep wil al hul borge bedank vir hul bydraes tot die toer asook hul ouers, familie en vriende vir hul ondersteuning met al die fondsinsamelingspogings. Die toergroep hou op Woensdag 20 Junie om 19:30 ’n afskeidsfunksie en ’n dankseggingsdiens waartydens hulle hul dank aan hul borge, familie en vriende sal oordra. ’n Bekende rugby persoonlikheid is genooi om as gasspreker op te tree.
HoĂŤrskool Gordon se eerstespan rugbyspelers en onderwysers wat eersdaags op toer na Suid-Amerika vetrek is (agter van links) afrigter Alvino Isaacs, Dullin Lindoor, Bradley Damons, Kiron Mitchell, Keenan Manus, Bradlee Richter, Bronwyn Fortuin, Mazinho Kermis, Eric Laka; (middel) NoĂŤl Hendricks (onderwyser), Mustafa Fredericks, Emilio Williams, Keenan Visser, Jean Sewall, Juarno Augustus, Desiree Titus (onderwyser), skoolhoof Bernard Simons; (voor) Mandy Wessels (onderwyser), Justin Toerien, Reagan Arendse, Brandon Cloete, Bevan Booysen en Keanu Klink.
Drie spanlede van Garden Village het ’n donasie van die All Saints Rugby Klub ontvang. Die voorsitter van die klub, James Vermeulen is hier by Mazinho Kermis, Reagan Arendse and Kiron Mitchell. FOTO’S: NICOLE MCCAIN
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