Helderberg Gazette 23 April 2013

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Year 17 • Tuesday 23 April 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Anger in Lwandle boils over

NICOLE MCCAIN Angry Lwandle residents left destruction in their wake after a protest during the early hours of Tuesday. Rubble and burnt-out containers were strewn across Onverwacht Road, preventing vehicles from travelling on it for approximately three hours before City employees could clean up the debris. Earlier in the year, Lwandle residents embarked on several protests to dispute a lack of employment in the area, and in March Macassar Village residents took to the streets over the need for a school in their suburb. According to community members, the

protest centred around unhappiness because of a lack of housing in the area. “People have been living in informal homes for over ten years,” says community member Xolani Diniso. Residents were also unhappy because Human Settlements MEC Bonginkosi Madikizela had not visited. Madikizela visited Nomzamo last year, but left without addressing the community after residents began to protest at the meeting. Bruce Oom, spokesperson for Madikizela, says, “There is no visit by the MEC planned any time soon. There is, however, a closed meeting planned for 25 April between the leaders of the informal area, and other stakeholders, including the City of Cape Town and other civic groups, to discuss issues related

to housing and services”. At the time of print, the City had not confirmed the meeting. Residents were also upset about a new prepaid water meter, said to be installed by the City. The new meter allows only a certain amount of water to be accessed every day, and community members say it is not enough for the needs of a large family. According to the City of Cape Town’s media manager, Kylie Hatton, “The City of Cape Town has taken the complaints of the residents into account and must fully investigate the situation before it can provide comment”. According to Lwandle police spokesperson Constable Mthokozisi Gama, no injuries were sustained during the protest, and no arrests have been made.

Rubble and burnt-out containers litter Onverwacht Road after the protest.


Helderberg Gazette

General - Algemeen

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Persevering 23 years NICOLE MCCAIN The Fazeka Educare Centre in Nomzamo celebrated its 23rd birthday on Saturday with a party for parents and pupils. The crèche was started in 1991 in the Waterkloof informal settlement by principal Violet Nkayi. “The people didn’t understand what I was doing,” says Violet of the community’s reaction when she started the crèche. She opened her doors to her first 30 children regardless. “I was suffering. I had nothing except that wendyhouse,” laughs Violet. “The first children I taught are now working adults. Some are even teachers. And none of them failed during their schooling,” says Violet with pride. The crèche moved to its current site in Simon Street, Nomzamo in 1994. However, the 23-year journey has not been an easy one. Violet’s school had grown to over 50 children and she had just started a Grade R class, when a fire destroyed the school building and all the equipment in it in 2011.

PRETTIGE SPORTDAG: Die kleuterskool Care and Share in die Strand het hul sportdag op 9 Maart gehou. Die ouers was ook daar om hul kinders in die items aan te moedig en te ondersteun.

Violet Nkayi with her Grade R pupils.

“This school was the biggest in the area. We lost everything and had to start again,” says Violet. She struggled to gather the finances, but was eventually sponsored by a German non-profit organisation and able to rebuild the classrooms. “I’m still trying to replace all the equipment we lost.” Through the ashes, though, Fazeka rose up and now has 75 children, with a class for 20 Grade R pupils which she is currently registering. Violet says the support of the parents and her love for the children are what kept her going through the tough times. “I love the children and can’t just leave it. I will never give up.” Her love for teaching motivates Violet to make sure she still spends time in the classroom, and when she has time away from her responsibilities as principal, she gives lessons to her Grade R class. “I’m just so happy when I’m with the children.” For information contact Fazeka Educare Centre’s admin clerk, Simphiwe Khonono, at simphiwe.khonono@yahoo.com/074 912 0515.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette


Macassar se gemeenskapstuineprojek brei uit ASHRAF BOOLEY Groener weivelde wink vir Macassar-inwoners met die uitbreiding van die gemeenskapstuineprojek wat vier jaar gelede met behulp van die Stad Kaapstad begin is. Susan Scholtz en Bayra Davids is die plaaslike heldinne wat vier jaar gelede die inisiatief geneem het en die omgewing begin skoonmaak het. Heel eerste het hulle Blok F langs Moddergatsloot gepak, wat in daardie stadium toegegooi was onder die rommel. “Ons het die projek begin want mense het hul vullis oral neergegooi. Dit het die plek vieslik laat lyk. Ons het besluit om groente en blomme ná die opruiming te plant,” vertel Scholtz. Dit was die eerste stap om openbare oop ruimtes in die gebied deur die gemeen-

skapslede self te laat verfraai. Die projek streef daarna om gemeenskappe te bemagtig om mooi tuine aan te plant en hulle die nodige vaardighede daarvoor aan te leer. Met die Stad Kaapstad se aanmoediging kan ’n oorgang van eksotiese tuine na inheemse en waterbesparende tuine verwag word. Betrokkenheid by die tuineprojek is vrywillig en vrywilligers word deur die Stad se parkeafdeling touwys gemaak. “Tuine wat deur die gemeenskap self geskep word, word met baie meer respek behandel en verteenwoordig ’n volhoubare manier om gemeenskappe van openbare gehalteruimtes te voorsien,” sê raadsheer Belinda Walker, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir gemeenskapsdienste en spesiale projekte. Mense wat betrokke wil raak by die Macassar-tuineprojek kan Susan Scholtz by 076 726 1578 bel.

Die terrein voor F-Blok waar die gemeenskapstuine lê.

Hierdie kreatiewe plantpot is van herwonne bande en vellings deur Jeanette Petersen van die F-Blok in Macassar gemaak. FOTO: VERSKAF

Primary school in Nomzamo burgled ASHRAF BOOLEY ACJ Pakade Primary School in Nomzamo was burgled over the weekend of 12 to 14 April, suffering a loss of items to the value of R42 000, according to the Lwandle police. According to Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for the MEC of Education, Donald Grant, the burglars targeted the school’s administration block, in a temporary, premanufactured building, and cut the alarm system. Police believe the burglars entered by forcing one of the doors and safety gates open. Three computers, a television, music system and radio were stolen from the premises. “Measures will be taken to repair the alarm system, as well as an assessment on

whether further security arrangements are needed,” says Casey. “Construction of a new brick and mortar school is currently in progress on the premises and there are security guards on the building site section of the school.” School principal Vuyisile Cenga declined to comment. Spokesperson for the Lwandle police, Constable Mthokozisi Gama, says he is not aware of any previous break-ins at the school. No arrests have been made, and Lwandle police urge anyone with more information about the incident or suspects to contact the investigating officer, Detective Constable Mfundo Soyiyo, on 080 522 1208 or 021 845 2060, or Crime Stop on 08600 10111.


Call for Vendors The City of Cape Town is once again staging the Cape Town Summer Market at the Company’s Garden. Prospective vendors are invited to apply for a stall in the following categories: Home & Décor, Craft & Design, Christmas Goods, Clothing & Accessories, Fresh Produce & Deli, and Food & Beverage. Preference will be given to locally produced goods.

Please Call: 083 899 7312 or email:

vendorsct@adelelucas.co.za for an application form

Event dates: 14 to 30 December 2013 (Excluding 25 & 26 December) Venue: The Company’s Garden, Cape Town City Centre Closing date for completed applications:

17th May 2013


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Share some winter warmth

What’s in your beef, really? Even the most attentive readers of food labels cannot be too certain about what they consume these days, in light of the recent meat labelling scandal. Recent news stories reported that some of the country’s top retailers have been implicated in the scandal in which meat products have been labelled incorrectly. The study, conducted by Stellenbosch University, revealed that traces of unidentified meat were found in meat labelled as beef, for example. The Department of Trade and Industry has proposed a strengthening to the labelling regulations of meat products to ensure precision. The Gazette asked a few readers whether they read the ingredients on their meat products, and if not, why not?

“I do check food labels because I want to know what’s in the meat I buy,” says Elizabeth London from Strand. “I would be very disappointed if shops or producers didn’t list all the ingredients of the meat, especially for the different types of sausage, because I can taste if it’s something else.”

Enver Steenkamp van die Strand sê hy kyk nie na die etikette op die verpakking van die vleis nie. “Ek soek ’n sekere geur, veral wanneer dit by rooivleis kom. Ek weet glad nie wie die kleinhandelaars is wat vleis verkoop wat ander dinge bevat nie.”

Morris Visagie from Strand says that most people check the label for prices and not ingredients. “I’m not in the habit of checking labels to see what the meat contains.”

Vir Ivan Liebenberg gaan dit oor koop wat die goedkoopste is. “Ek kyk net na die prys en steur my glad nie aan die bestanddele nie. As dit sê dit is wors, glo ek dit is wors.”

“Ek koop by enige slaghuis,” vertel Isaac Motwa van die Strand. “Ek koop vleis en glo dit is wat dít op die verpakking sê dit is. Ek kyk nie nog na die etikette nie.”

The Helderberg Gazette is launching a ‘Gazette Cares’ winter warmth project to keep Helderberg children warm and in school this winter.

Killers still at large Police are still searching for the suspects in the murder case of the owner of Mthombo Liquor Store in Broadlands Road, who was shot and killed during an armed robbery on Sunday 7 April at approximately 13:00. Police were called out to the scene where they found the 43-year-old shop owner who had died on the scene due to his wounds. Police believe the owner was reversing his vehicle from the premises after locking up when three unknown men approached him with firearms and started shooting at him. The suspects made off with an undisclosed amount of money. Spokesperson for the Lwandle police, Constable Mthokozisi Gama, says at this stage it is unknown what the suspects used to escape the scene. Police have opened a case of murder as well as armed robbery. Anyone with information regarding the crime is requested to contact Constable Alfred Giyama on 071 5004 338 or 021 845 2060. Police will offer a reward for any individual who can provide positive information.

At several schools in the Helderberg, many of the pupils’ parents are unemployed and funds are scarce. As a result, some pupils do not have jerseys and do not attend school on cold days, or attend wearing only a shirt. Xolani Gontashi, deputy principal of Solomon Qatyana Primary in Nomzamo, says, “Many children come to school in only a shirt and it’s freezing. We often have to borrow jerseys from the other pupils, and teachers put newspaper under the pupils’ shirts to try keep them warm.” His school needs 300 grey jerseys, just for Grades 1 to 3. Gwen Opperman, principal at Temperance Town Primary in Gordon’s Bay, says her school needs the same number of navy blue jerseys for those grades. “The children often come to school wet in winter. It’s a strug-

gle to keep them warm.” Macassar Primary’s deputy principal, Ronald Rass, says half of their parents are unemployed and their children need assistance. Macassar Primary needs 170 navy blue jerseys in Grades 1 to 3. Even Rusthof Primary in Strand, which according to principal Godfrey Julies does receive donations of jerseys from kindhearted community members, needs 120 navy blue jerseys for their pupils in Grades 1 to 3 to stay warm. Shivering in their seats impacts directly on the pupils’ ability to learn, which is crucial as these schools perform below the provincial average in numeracy and literacy. Please help us to spread some warmth this winter, and show that you, along with the Gazette, care. Any donations of new or second-hand navy blue or grey jerseys can be dropped off at the Boland Media offices at 37 Mynhardt Street in Strand. Monetary donations are also welcome.

Wees die Macassar-polisie se oë en ore Ná ’n toename in huisbrake die afgelope paar maande vra die Macassar-polisie die gemeenskap se hulp in die onmiddellike aanmelding van kriminele aktiwiteite. Macassar-polisiestasie: 021 857 7100 of 021 857 1088. Bel die polisie in die verskillende sektore by die volgende nommers: ) Sektor 1-voertuig: 082 5222 668 en die bestuurder, konst. Sibusiso Mdlalose, by 079 894 1641.

) Sektor 2-voertuig: 082 522 1734 en die bestuurder, sers. Deon Dalziel, by 079 894 1483. ) Sektor 3-voertuig: 082 444 2420 en die bestuurder, konst. Charlton Cloete, by 082 444 2428. Inwoners word versoek om die radiobeheernommer by 10111 te bel. Dié nommer kan ook gebruik word om klagtes te lê. Verskaffers van inligting sal anoniem bly.

Two men arrested for Strand murder Two men were arrested on charges of murder after a 37-year-old Somali national was shot in Petunia Street in Strand on Thursday 11 April. When police arrived on the scene at about 21:00 they found the victim with a gunshot wound inside the shop. He was declared dead on the scene by medical personnel.

Police suspect the shooting was part of an attempt to rob the shop, and arrested two men (25 and 30 years old) in connection with the murder shortly after the incident. The suspects appeared in the Strand Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday. Anyone with information may contact Lt Col Plaatjies on 082 469 3359.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

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Helderberg Gazette










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General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Lesers sê Tolprojek ) Die N1-N2 Tolprojek moet met mening teengestaan word. Dit gaan mense nog meer verarm! Nie net in SA nie, maar wêreldwyd neem tolhekke toe. Dit is deur die Nuwe Wêreldorde geskep en afgedwing op politici, wat dit weer afdwing op mense. Selfverryking deur Nuwe Wêreldorde en politici! – Smit, Strand Waste pickers ) I am one of those people who do ask them to leave my dustbin alone. Whatever I put in the dustbin is not for human consumption. I put my recycle bags – free to take – next to the dustbin. When I have old clothes I put that in a bag on top of the dustbin, as well as any food that is still in a good condition. Why do they still feel the need to open the dustbin? After all that effort, why would I throw something that is still in a good condition in the dustbin? – Amanda, Strand ) Waste picking “a way to survive”: This is only the beginning, it’s going to get worse. ) I really don’t have a problem with people waste-picking. What makes me mad is when they just walk away and leave their mess if any waste falls out. – Wesley ) I don’t see waste pickers collecting litter lying around. Some add to litter by tearing open recycle bags. They are causing the recycle contractor to run at a loss by removing items of value. Down with waste-picking! – Deon ) NO to illegal waste pickers in Helderberg! They are messy, bothersome and in cases dangerous. The City cannot manage them and they are not aiding recycling in any way. We do not

need or want them scrounging in our area. ) Donderdae word vullis verwyder in Somerset-Wes. Dit word ook inkopiedag genoem, want mense kom met hul trollies en krap in vullisdromme. Hulle soek nie net na items om te verkoop nie, maar ook kos. Hulle is honger en die ANC skep nie werk nie. As ek kan, sit ek brood en broodrolletjies uit vir hierdie honger mense. Die Stad Kaapstad gaan nie die probleem hokslaan nie, want hy handhaaf die ANC se transformasiebeleid! SA het nie ’n doeltreffende ekonomiese regrukplan nie. Groot probleme lê voor. – Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes ) As a rich Somerset West resident, I cannot see why people have a problem with waste-picking. Waste gets recycled – no stealing involved, no valuables. So come on, give them a breathing space. Stop paranoia! Tokkelossie-sout ) Tokkelossie-sout hou die gevreesde tokkelos weg? Met die Here aan jou sy het jy nie gekleurde sout nodig om ’n bose gees soos die tokkelos weg te hou nie. Mense, kom net by, anders gaan daai vet tokkelos op jou kom sit en jou met mening wurg! – Morkel, Gordonsbaai Sir Lowry’s Pass IDA ) I want to know why the DA government built the IDA development, rather than proper houses, in Sir Lowry’s Pass. They undermine us, they don’t care about poor communities. I think if their minds worked properly they wouldn’t move people from one shack to another shack or hokkie. They must sit down and really think about this.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Gazette nou op Facebook Die Helderberg Gazette is nou ook op Facebook te sien. Lesers kan kommentaar lewer, van ons stories hou (dit “like”) en ons webblad besoek. Kom op die hoogte van al die jongste Helderberg-gebeurtenisse, gesels saam en “like” ons Facebook-blad by www.facebook.com/Helderberg Gazette.

Children learn to reduce, reuse and recycle A community cleanup and litter awareness programme was held for the Casablanca community in Strand on Saturday 5 April.

Above and below: Community members clean up the streets.

The day commenced with a presentation on pollution and littering for more than 100 kids of the community at 09:00. “The presentation focused on the threats pollution and littering hold for our communities and our natural environment, and how we as individuals in our communities can overcome these threats,” said site coordinator Reginal Booysen. The presentation also covered the importance of the three R’s: reduce, reuse and recycle. Children were taught how to reduce waste

intake, how to reuse materials and also how to recycle them in an attempt to conserve our natural resources for future generations. “After the presentation we divided the kids into smaller groups with two adult team leaders for each group. We then systematically did

a cleanup throughout Casablanca, collecting paper, tin and plastic.” After the cleanup, which lasted about one hour and 30 minutes, everyone gathered at the reserve, where the programme was concluded with refreshments for the children.

Site coordinator Reginal Booysen gives an informative talk to members of the community.

Yes, one can avoid becoming a victim of domestic abuse NICOLE MCCAIN A study recently released by the Medical Research Council of SA found that while the murder of women on the whole has decreased between 1999 and 2009, women are still being murdered by their intimate partners. Murder by a current or ex-husband or boyfriend, a same-sex partner or a rejected lover did not decline at the same rate over the same period of time. However, experts say there are ways for both women and men to protect themselves from potentially violent relationships. In any relationship, signs that your partner may be violent will show up early on. Michelle Mulder, a self-defence trainer for organisation Pink Army, says a warning signal should go off if you find your partner trying to control you. Mulder says this can mani-

fest in a partner who criticises what you wear, or who prevents you from seeing friends and family. Hilda Lourens of Ukhukanya, a non-profit organisation working with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence, says control can often be as small as insisting your partner doesn’t leave the wet towel on the floor or squeezes the toothpaste from the end of the tube. Lourens says that abuse can take many forms. While men tend to be more physical, women tend to abuse emotionally. This includes nagging and name-calling, which often impacts on the other partner’s self-confidence, and can push them to react violently. Lourens adds that abuse is not only towards women, but very often also comes from women towards their male partners. Mulder says it is important not to escalate

a potentially abusive or violent situation. “Let’s face it, women talk too much! We always need to have the last say. This is a huge trigger. You have to control your emotions.” Abuse occurs in a cycle, says Lourens. During what she calls the red stage, the abuse takes place. Following this is a green or honeymoon period, where the abuser is especially attentive to the victim in an attempt to make up. This is followed by an orange period, where the abuser will begin nitpicking or arguing and the victim will feel as if they are walking on eggshells as the situation escalates to abuse again. Lourens says it’s essential to remove yourself from the relationship as soon as the red stage occurs. “Each time the cycle repeats, it becomes more intense and more difficult to get out of.” Breaking ties with the abuser is key to

breaking the cycle of abuse, says Lourens. “Break ties with the abuser, or get professional help from a counsellor. You have to walk away if it is a bad relationship, and always prioritise your children.” In order to leave an abusive relationship, Mulder recommends putting together a plan of action. “Have a plan of action. If you are prepared you won’t go into a flat spin when things go wrong because you know exactly what to do. What happens when he takes your car keys? Hide your spare keys in a safe place. Where are your children? Have a code word that means they need to get out and get into the car.” Lourens adds that there are also legal avenues at hand, such as protection orders against abusers. For more information, contact Ukhukanya on 082 875 3046 or send email to info@ukukhanya.co.za.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

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Helderberg Gazette



General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 23 April 2013

A holistic approach to youth development in Sir Lowry’s Pass


Inspired by the delightful sound of music from the church nearby, Rollo Gabb, owner of Journey’s End farm, approached Pastor John Klink and Pastor Lester Allies about improving the lives of the community members in Sir Lowry’s Pass. Their meeting has led to the establishment of the Sir Lowry’s Pass youth development programme. Church Assemblies, along with Gabb, ran a pilot youth development programme with an average of 100 children over a period of three days in Sir Lowry’s Pass during the last school holidays. The programme will run consecutively during all the school holidays for the children and youth involved, who range between the ages of six and 18 years. “Our overall goal is to holistically improve the lives of individuals and the community at

large in terms of social, spiritual and academic development,” says Lester Allies, who hails from Sir Lowry’s Pass and is the principal of Stellenzicht Secondary School in Stellenbosch and coordinator of the programme. Netball and touch rugby form part of the social component whereas Bible lessons are an integral part of spiritual upliftment. Another important component of the programme is music, which comes alive with the beat of the drums and the strings of the bass guitar, coordinated by Ronaldo Daniels, 22-year-old music student at Stellenbosch University. “We would like to align our academic component with the school’s academic curriculum, particularly for subjects which pupils struggle with,” says Allies. “We will monitor their progress by looking at reports over a period of time.” The youth and children are provided with nutritious meals which are also distributed during the Christmas season, with the annual Christmas lunch sponsored by Gabb.

Stellenbosch music student Ronaldo Daniels (left) shows Latham Bedeker (right) the ropes on the guitar while Nathan Leibrandt (back) practices a tune on his guitar.

Cricket Club guests to dance to Elginairs tunes

Children from Sir Lowry’s Pass enjoying a game during a recent three-day camp.


The Macassar Cricket Club will have a presentation dance on Friday (26 April). The dance, with the well-known Elginairs band, will be held at the old Macassar Civic, starting at 20:00 and ending at 01:00. Tickets are R60 per person and there will be a cash bar. Guests are welcome to bring their own platters.

Holiday treat for Smartie Town kids

Use for old specs

Halli Trust, a social development and educational organisation, visited the children of Smartie Town, Macassar on Saturday 6 April. The day was filled with dancing with Halli the mascot as well as games and treats. Former gang members Chris Valentine and Riaan Stoffel also gave their testimonies. Halli Trust would like to thank Elna Naude, Samuel and Elsabe Williams, and Charmaine McCleod for their donations.

The Strand Lions Club appeals to Helderberg residents not to throw away their old spectacles, but to rather donate them to the less fortunate. Operation Bright Sight aims at distributing your unwanted glasses to young and

old in the community who cannot afford spectacles. You can drop them off at Mellins i-style Optometrists in the Dorpsmeent Centre, Strand or at Strand Library. For info, phone 083 998 9166 (after hours only) or e-mail artemisc8@yahoo.com.

Deceased estates need to be reported Dancing and games were the order of the day during Halli’s visit.

Mascot Halli and Heidi Naude dance with the Smartie Town children.

Riaan Stoffel and Chris Valentine with the Halli mascot.

Many people are unaware that just as all deaths must be reported to the Department of Home Affairs it is as important to report the estate of the deceased. Legal Aid South Africa provides some valuable advice on this. A number of people still believe that if there is no will, there is no need to report the estate. Failure to do so constitutes an offence. The estate of any person who dies in South Africa, leaving behind any document appearing to be a will must be reported. The responsibility to report the estate of the deceased lies with the surviving spouse or nearest relative or person in control of the premises where death occurred.

Some of the documents that must be submitted when reporting the estate of the deceased include a death certificate with death notice, Acceptance of Trust, Inventory, Nomination of Executor and an affidavit of next of kin, if applicable. The Law Society of South Africa provides the public with the free services of an attorney to assist with drafting a basic will during the National Wills Week held in September. The Master’ Office is situated at the High Court, Parade Street, Cape Town and can be contacted on 021 410 8300. Assistant Masters are also appointed at every Magistrate Court.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Decadent custard slice

Delicious and decadent custard slice

Rachel’s Angels hou markdag in S’bosch Suid-Afrika geniet ’n vrye ekonomie en is met die vaardighede van jong mense met volop talent geseën. Dit maak sin om hul medelandgenote op Vryheidsdag te nooi om hierna te kom kyk en luister. Met dié woorde word belangstellendes genooi na die Rachel’s Angels Markdag wat op Saterdag 27 April op Stellenbosch aangebied word, met Stellenzicht Sekondêr in Jamestown as die gasheer. Die Rachel’s Angels Bemagtigingstrust word deur Media24, in samewerking met die Universiteit Stellenbosch, gerugsteun en behels ’n slypskool waar leerlinge van graad 11 en 12 met universiteitstudente as mentors in aanraking gebring word. Tydens gereelde kontaksessies, besoeke aan die kampus en werksessies word sakeplanne beraam en die vrug hiervan word op die Rachel’s Angels Markdag met trots aan die publiek vertoon. Twintig Kaapse skole neem aan die projek deel en smee kulture met sukses saam om produkte van uitnemendheid te skep en te wys dat eenheid uit diversiteit ’n krag is waarmee rekening gehou moet word. ’n Span van elk van die deelne-

mende skole gaan wys waarop hul nuut-aangeleerde entrepreneursvaardighede uitgeloop het. Besoekers kan dus begin uitsien na stalletjies met handgemaakte artikels, juweliersware, liggaamsversiering, klere en notaboeke, resepteboeke, telefoonsakkies en noem maar op; iets vir elke smaak en gier sal daar te vinde wees. Skoolhoof Lester Allies sê hulle sien uit na die dag en die positiewe impak daarvan op die skool, leerlinge en gemeenskap. “Dit skep sommer ook die geleentheid vir ouers – van wie sowat 90% plaaswerkers is – om ’n pretdag te kan beleef waarvoor hulle andersins nie die geld sou gehad het nie. Jamestown gaan die kollig geniet en baie daarby baat.” Almal wat die dag saam met Rachel’s Angels kom meemaak, ondersteun Wes-Kaapse skole wat dit nie breed het nie, sowel as ’n plaaslike nieregeringsorganisasie. Hekgeld bedra R10 per volwassene en R5 per leerling. Kinders onder ses kry gratis toegang. Besonderhede is te kry by Sheyaam Hill by 021 914 2821 of per e-pos by sheyaam@strategicpr.co.za.

Lisa Myburg van Kylemore, Charlynn Philander van Malibu en Liesel Fortuin van Ravensmead was wenners in ’n vorige Rachel’s Angels-skoonheidskompetisie, wat vanjaar weer by die Markdag gehou sal word.


Treat yourself to this easy-tomake but delicious and decadent custard slice. Ingredients: 2 sheets puff pastry (25 x 25 cm) 2 cups milk 2 cups thick cream 1 cup sugar 3/4 cup custard powder 1/2 cup corn flour 60 g butter 3 egg yolks 1 tsp vanilla essence icing sugar for dusting Method: Place puff pastry on baking dish, covered with baking paper. Pierce with fork in a few places. Cover with another sheet baking paper and flat baking sheet and bake 10 min on 170 °C. Once baked, take out and trim to the size of your square

tin (usually 22 – 23 cm), which is lined with paper allowing a 2 cm overhang on all four sides. Place one baked puff pastry onto bottom of square pan. Place 1 cup of milk, butter, thickened cream, sugar and vanilla in a saucepan to heat. Mix custard powder, egg yolks and corn flour with the remaining cup of milk. Pour into heated milk mixture and bring to the boil, stirring all the time. Cook until thick, approximately 3 – 4 min. Pour over prepared pastry and place another sheet of pastry on top, pressing slightly. Let it cool, then refrigerate for 3 – 4 hours, before dusting with icing sugar and slicing. Source: jasnaskitchencreations.blogspot.com.




Helderberg Gazette


Tuesday 23 April 2013

Rovers ready to go

The cumulative effect of thousands of individual development actions may have an impact on the public domain and change the way the city is structured over time. The City of Cape Town has formulated a draft Urban Design Policy to help guide how development is conceived. The aim of the draft policy is to ensure that we continue to build a city that is economically prosperous, environmentally sustainable and a place where people choose to live, work and invest. The City of Cape Town invites you to comment on the draft Urban Design Policy. The policy will be available from 1 to 31 May 2013 at www.planning.capetown.gov.za (click on the “have your say” tab) and at all subcouncil offices, libraries and district planning offices. Written comments (for the attention of Cedric Daniels) can be submitted in the following ways: • • •

By post: City of Cape Town, PO Box 4511, Cape Town 8000 By fax: 021 421 6209 By e-mail: Future.capetown@capetown.gov.za

The closing date for public comment is Friday 31 May 2013.

SHARE A SOCCER BALL: The Helderberg Rovers are calling for any donations of equipment or kits. The club, which was established in 2006, has around 50 players. The u.11 and u.13 groups are pictured here. They also have u.20s. Despite competing in league matches and tournaments, the team only has one kit which must be shared and often cannot afford the transport costs involved in travelling to games. They are also in desperate need of soccer balls and cones. Helderberg Rovers train on weekdays between 16:30 and 18:00 in Strand. For more information, contact Leon Zotani on 072 643 9956.



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INGEBOUDE KASTE Slaapkamers, kombuise, muureenhede, hang van deure en skirtings. ELECTRICAL appliances, Gratis kwotasies en repairs to fridges, stoves, beste diens! washing machines, tumble Kontak 083-704-0115 dryers, dishwashers, etc. Established 30 years in the Helderberg. Qualified trade diploma. Paul Clark (021) 856 5132. FRIDGE & FREEZER We repair/buy/sell appliances REGAS R180 076 552 0272

OUTBOUND CALL CENTRE We are looking for highly driven call centre agents


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STRAND Broadlands 2 Bed R299 000. 3 Bed R329 000. 3 Bed + 2 bath R365 000. All as new. Gordon's Bay - 2 bed + garage + golf R599 000. Rustdal - Blackheath 2 bed, garage R480 000. 082 376 1461/0218552369


Woonstelle te Koop Flats for Sale

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Cashier Required: with ± 2yrs experience Strand Paint & Hardware Drop Cv + Copy of Id at shop

REQUIREMENTS . Matric certificate . Must be able to communicate effectively in English and Afrikaans . Call Centre knowledge would be an advantage . The ideal candidate must be strong minded . Willing to work extended hours when required . Must be vibrant, energetic and target driven We offer: . Up to R10 000.00 to successful candidates . Free call centre training and we place you . Daily cash bonuses to achievers If this appeals to you or is align with your career expectations Please call 079 188 3744 or 079 623 9781.

Salesman required with experience in hardware, sales & paint. Strand Paint & Hardware Drop CV + Copy of Id at shop VRAGMOTOR BESTUURDER Kode 14 met PDP 3 Jaar ondervinding Faks CV 021 8455699/021 8548140

Dinsdag 23 April 2013

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Helderberg Gazette





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Product has been styled for photography


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Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Some stores may not stock some of these products. Please check availability: 0800 11 22 88 (toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply). We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors that may occur. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details.



Year 17 • Dinsdag 23 April 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Krieketman groet ná vyf dekades ASHRAF BOOLEY “Ek het net opgehou oor my ouderdom. Ek het gevoel ek moet plek maak vir jonger skeidsregters.” Op die rype ouderdom van 80, het die voormalige Westelike Provinsie-skeidsregter Ronald Baadjies van Macassar, besluit om die tuig ná 50 jaar as krieket-skeidsregter neer te lê. Die WP Krieketvereniging (WPKV) het Baadjies onlangs vereer vir sy 50 jaar diens. Sy liefde vir krieket het begin toe Baadjies maar 17 jaar oud was en hy het tot vandag toe nie sy sprankel verloor nie. “Ek het my jare as krieketskeidsregter geniet. Ek het goeie herinneringe regdeur my loopbaan. Ek mis dit steeds,” sê Uncle Ron, soos die

gemeenskap goediglik na hom verwys. Volgens sy seun Colin Baadjies is hy “’n man van min woorde wat respek deur sy optrede en vaste beginsels afdwing”. Baadjies het begin deur op 17-jarige ouderdom vir die Oaks Cricket Club te speel. Die klub is in daardie jare as een van die sterkste krieketklubs in Somerset-Wes beskou. In sy twintigerjare het Baadjies sy fokus na skeidsregterskap verskuif en uiteindelik die uitsonderlike mylpaal van 50 jaar bereik. “Van die kantlyn af kan mense dalk dink om skeidsregter te wees is maklik, maar as skeidsregter moet jou konsentrasie goed wees. “Spelers toets jou met appèlle,” sê Baadjies.

Die skeidsregter met sy ses kinders (van links), Colin Baadjies, Shaun Baadjies, Desmond Baadjies, Ronald Baadjies, Lizette Hendricks, Rochelle Baadjies en Cheryl Petterson.

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