Year 16 • Tuesday 28 August 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Vakmanskap bekyk NICOLE MCCAIN
Verteenwoordigers van Asla Konstruksiemaatskappy het LouDie krake in die huise by Louren- rensia Park verlede Dinsdag besoek sia Park is weens ekspansiekop- om ’n klaer se huis te ondersoek. Asla het klagtes oor klammigheid pelings. aan die binnekant van die huise Dit is volgens ’n onafhanklike toegeskryf aan inwoners wat ventibou-ingenieur wat deur Asla Kon- lasie-openinge toegemaak het. Die struksie aangestel is. Haarlynkra- gebrek aan kruisventilasie het ke ontstaan waar twee verskillende skimmel en klammigheid veroortipes boumateriaal bymekaar kom. saak. Nog Helderberg-inwoners wat Dit is, volgens Asla, standaard boupraktyk. Die ekspansiekoppelings ongelukkig is oor die toestand van wat by die huise te bespeur is is hul laekostehuise het egter ook na slegs aan die binnekant van die hui- vore gekom. Ronnie Petersen, ’n inwoner van Chris Hani Park in Mase sigbaar en lek ook nie. Asla, die kontrakteur vir die lae- cassar, sê die mure van sy huis het kostebehuisingprojek in Lourensia minder as ’n jaar nadat hy ingetrek Park, ondersoek tans inwoners se het, begin kraak en die kraak in een klagtes oor krake wat in hul huise muur is so groot dat hy sy vinger daarin kan steek. ontstaan het. In Macassar Village vertel Katharina Sias haar huismure het reeds krake gehad die dag toe sy in 2006 daar ingetrek het. Lourensia Park-inwoners het ook krake in hul huise bespeur, minder as ses maande ná hulle ingetrek het. Wyksraadslid Benedicta van Minnen sê: “Verskeie inwoners het my in kennis gestel van probleme en krake in hul huise, asook ’n paar individue wat ander probleme ondervind soos toilette wat lek. Ek het verskeie klaers besoek om die probleme eerstehands te beskou en sommige mense blyk werklik onaanvaarbare gebreke in hul huise te hê. Katharina Sias wys na die krake in die mure en sê Hierdie gebreke moet reggestel word.” stukke van die pleisterwerk kom heeltemal los.
Ronnie Petersen se huis se krake is so diep dat hy sy vinger daar kan insteek.
fekte toon nie. Die Stad se Mayco-lid vir menslike nedersettings, raadslid Ernest Sonnenberg, sê daar is ’n vyf-jaar NBBR-waarborg op strukturele elemente, wat ook krake insluit. Dit sal Asla verantwoordelik maak vir die herstel van enige strukturele gebreke wat die gevolg van swak vakmanskap is. Albei Macassar-inwoners het gesê hulle was in verbinding met Asla
Konstruksie oor hul klagtes. Asla sê hulle het die Macassarwonings besoek en sal deur middel van ’n verslag van ’n onafhanklike ingenieur op die klagtes reageer.
Volgens Van Minnen het sy die betrokke partye by die Stad Kaapstad in kennis gestel en versoek dat dié kwessies aandag geniet. Asla het bygevoeg dat in elke huis verskeie dokumente onderteken is deur die maatskappy se bou-ingenieur, die Stad, die begunstigde en die Nasionale Bouregulasieraad (NBRR) om te sertifiseer dat die huis volgens die vereiste spesifikasies gebou is en geen strukturele de-
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News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 28 August 2012
Naaldwerk-projek bring hoop vir Strand-vroue ’n Nuwe projek van Badisa in Strand het ten doel om werklose vroue op te lei om ’n inkomste uit hul handwerk te maak. Die projek leer tans vyf vroue vaardighede wat hulle in staat sal stel om ’n inkomste te verdien, sê Badisa se Odette Gordon, koördineerder van die naaldwerkprojek. “Die naaldwerk projek is in Junie vanjaar begin met die doel om vroue uit minderbevoorregte gemeenskappe vaardighede te leer om hul eie klere en huishoudelike items te maak, sowel as om hulle te leer om entrepreneurs te word,” sê Gordon. Die vroue leer hoe om duvets, sakke en kussingslope te maak, en hulle wil ook graag leer klere maak. Katie Arendse, een van die vroue wat aan die projek deelneem, sê die vroue wil hul vaardighede ontwikkel. “Ons doen dit want ’n mens wil
jouself uplift.” Die nuwe vaardighede bied hul ook die geleentheid om ’n inkomste te verdien. “Werk is so skaars. Daar is baie vroue wat sit en niks doen nie. Die projek gee ons kans om ’n geldjie te verdien,” sê Sophia Jason, die klasfasiliteerder. En hulle sê die klasse is ’n uitdaging. “Jy werk ook met jou hande, en nie altyd met die masjien nie. Dis baie interessant om die eindresultaat van jou ontwerpe te sien,” sê Linda Cooksen, een van die vroue wat ook aan die projek deelneem. Gordon sê die projek was oorspronklik beplan om naaldwerk vaardighede aan jong vroue te leer, maar die belangstelling in die projek het egter van die ouer vroue in die gemeenskap gekom. “Die groep wil uitbrei sodat hulle ander vroue naaldwerk kan leer,” sê
Hier is (van links) Linda Cooksen,Odette Gordon, Sophia Jason, Katie Arendse en Cleoné Orlam met pragtige naaldwerk wat hulle self gedoen het. Gordon. “Hulle wil meer items maak, maar as gevolg van geldelike gebrek asook ’n gebrek aan materiaal, kan hulle nie.” Gordon sê enige sken-
kings om die inisiatief suksesvol te maak is welkom. Vir enige navrae bel Odette Gordon by 021 853 1888.
Sophia Jason en Linda Cooksen is positief oor die projek. FOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN
It’s all in the presentation NICOLE MCCAIN With so much pomp and ceremony, the handover of 500 blankets in Nomzamo on Thursday could have been the signing of an international treaty – all while some of the community’s poorest residents patiently waited to receive their one blanket and warm meal. Thinking they were going to receive just a bit of winter warmth, donated by the Chinese community living in Cape Town, none of the Nomzamo residents was expecting an entire delegation of the expatriates, bearing
banners and flags. The residents, who were carefully selected by NGO Mustadafin Foundation as those worst affected by heavy flooding in the area, gathered at the community hall in Nomzamo to await the guest of honour: Liang Shugen, consul general of China. Shugen was running about half an hour late, but made up for it with grand entrance and an entourage of around 50 members of the Chinese community, who soon circulated little Chinese flags for the Nomzamo residents to wave in anticipation of the gifts to come. Fortunately, the residents had the flags to keep them busy while they waited again, this time for the Chinese community members to form a symbolic chain to pass the blankets inside. This was followed by a breakdown of the speaker system, which meant that at 15:00 the five speeches and opening prayer had to proceed without amplification. The consul general spoke of how much the Chinese community cared for South African residents, such as those gathered in the hall, before the City of Cape Town’s mayoral committee member for safety and security, JP Smith, taught the hall, filed with a majority
Coucillor Mbuyiselo Matha, consul general Liang Shugen and Alderman JP Smith hand over a blanket to Noluzuyo Kabase. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN of Xhosa speakers, to say “thank you” in Mandarin. After an hour and a half of waiting, it was finally time for the residents to each receive their blanket, no small feat when 500 names had to be ticked off the list. The delegates beat a hasty retreat to Sir Lowry’s Pass for the next round of donations, leaving Ward 85’s Councillor Mbuyiselo Matha and a handful of Law Enforcement officers to deal with a mountain of blankets towering over them.
Tuesday 28 August 2012
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Meer taalopsies by OTM’s? NICOLE MCCAIN Die Wes-Kaapse minister van kultuursake en sport, dr. Ivan Meyer, het onlangs sy teleurstelling uitgespreek omdat isiXhosa nie ’n taalopsie by alle outomatiese tellermasjiene (OTM’s) in die Wes-Kaap is nie. Volgens die Grondwet van die Wes-Kaap is Engels, Afrikaans en isiXhosa die amptelike tale van die provinsie. Die Gazette het Helderberg-inwoners se menings oor die opsie vir ’n huistaalkeuse by OTM’s gevra.
Louis McIvis van Sir Lowry’s Pass sê dis ’n baie goeie idee om ’n wyer taalkeuse by OTM’s te hê. “Almal kan dan daarvan gebruik maak. As ek nie Engels of Afrikaans verstaan nie, sal ek steeds die OTM kan gebruik.”
Cynthia Mki from Macassar Village doesn’t think the additional language options are necessary. “It’s right with just English. isiXhosa is a very difficult language, and it would be difficult to use in an ATM system.”
Sharon Innes of Gordon’s Bay thinks isiXhosa should be included as a language option. “Everyone should be able to use it in their own language. It might be expensive to develop the software, but it should be done. I would hate to have to use an ATM in a different language.”
Gary Ndeleni from Nomzamo says it’s good to have different language options. “People speak different languages in different areas, and banks must choose the language options according to what is most commonly spoken. But they should still all have an English option.”
Bonita May van Macassar sê: “Die meeste mense kan Engels of Afrikaans gebruik, so dis nie nodig om meer taalkeuses te hê nie.” FOTO’S: NICOLE MCCAIN
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Helderberg Gazette
News - Nuus
Tuesday 28 August 2012
Lourensia Park occupied NICOLE MCCAIN The last unoccupied home in Lourensia Park is no longer empty, says the chairperson of the beneficiaries committee. Joyce Mzamo says a search was launched for the owner of the home after the house was allegedly broken into and used as a drug den. After Gazette reported that some of the homes in the low-cost housing project in Somerset West had been standing empty, representatives of
the City of Cape Town met the homeowners to urge them to take up residence. According to Councillor Ernest Sonnenberg, mayoral committee member for human settlements for the City of Cape Town, the human settlements directorate said the homeowners are employed on nearby farms and had not yet taken occupation of their houses for work-related reasons. Other residents are in the process of renovating or furnishing their homes, and will occupy the houses
once this is done. Sonnenberg says there is no law that forces an owner to occupy the property they have acquired. The responsibility for the property rests with individual owners after they have been handed the keys to their properties. This means there is nothing to stop an owner from renting out their home, or leaving it unoccupied. Sonnenberg also warns that the City cannot provide assistance if the houses are illegally occupied in the home-owner’s absence.
Vacant houses in Lourensia Park have all been occupied.
In Memorium
Bradley, the youngest son of Brigitte and the late Peter Pillay from Gordon’s Bay passed away last Thursday (23 August) at the age of 28 years old. A memorial service will be held tomorrow (Wednesday) at 19:30 at the family’s home at 7 Sir Lowry’s Pass Road, Gordon’s Bay. Bradley’s funeral will be held this Saturday at 08:30 at the aforementioned address followed by the church service at the St Peters Church on the corner of Van der Merwe and Gordon’s Bay Road in Strand at 09:45.Phone the family on 021 856 1624.
Tuesday 28 August 2012
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Helderberg Gazette
Helderberg Gazette
Kontak ons Nuusredakteur Deliah Brinkhuis dbrinkhu@helderberg.com 021-841-4292 Joernalis Nicole McCain nicole.mccain@helderberg.com 021-841-4265 Advertensie konsultant Muhammad Brinkhuis muhammad@helderberg.com 021-841-4275
Letters - Briewe
Tuesday 28 August 2012
Well done on a ‘mess well orchestrated’ I wish to express my utter disgust at the way the Sir Lowry’s Pass community is being treated with regards to the recent moving of the families. The City of Cape Town and its officials, and Ward 100 councillor Johan Middleton, need to be acknowledged for a mess well orchestrated. Drastic steps are needed against those responsible. The powers that be changed this community’s relocation status to “humanitarian”, and roleplayers who were against relocation accepted they were in dire straits: all but the councillor and officials. The latter had lots of time to properly prepare the land, and: remove the municipal litter, which had been an eyesore for the past decade; elevate the land; provide a basic plan to assist and simplify construction of a house; lay down concrete or wooden floor (this is a humanitarian matter); take the funds spent on traffic circles and unused playgrounds in established affluent suburbs to ensure citizens are treated as human beings. The humanitarian status of the project considered the time of year – of flooding – as well as of their inability to supply their own needs. The land wasn’t elevated and so, come the past month’s torrential rain, homes were flooded; municipal litter was shoved aside, leaving the area worse than before. The opportunity to show that it wasn’t idle talk, but that there is willingness and ability
to uplift the poor, is now lost. In its place is a monument (supposedly temporary) on a humanitarian stand that is a disgrace to humanity. This needs to be taken up with the relevant authorities, including the Human Rights Commission. While the mayor and premier always are in the firing line, taking the brunt of discontent, people don’t always realise the influence officials wield. Daily reports in the news give an idea of battles raging in the mayoral hierarchy. Elements in the administration refuse to work to uplift disadvantaged communities. Therefore established suburbs sparkle against ours, which shout of neglect – for which we have only ourselves to blame. Dear Voter, start calculating the value of your vote. Come the next election, do the wise thing: sit back and hold onto your precious vote – then you’ll see. There is no way the mayor or the premier can pass the buck (now the officials smile) because they command the powers; they made the promises, and owe it to their constituency. It’s time for officialdom to stop treating some South Africans as bad accidents, disasters and dirt – they would not have their pets live under such conditions. It’s time all are treated with dignity – as equal citizens!
Your SMSes Flooding ) I stay in Enkanini next to Khanyolwethu. This place is flooded and our children get infections and die. David Vukubi
Padveiligheid ) Liewe lesers en padgebruikers, dis eintlik die klaer wat getoets moet word.
Speelparke ) Waarom kan Lourensia Park nie ook ’n park kry nie? Dan sal die kinders nie by die sloot speel nie.
) Vlae moet halfmas hang vir die gewelddadige stakers wat twee polisiemanne doodgekap het en die polisie aangeval het. Hoekom het die vlae nog nooit halfmas gehang vir die duisende vermoorde boere en slagoffers van misdaad nie?Die polisie moet elkeen ’n goue medalje kry en nie belaglike kritiek nie. SA raak al hoe gevaarliker en die polisie se magte gaan ingekort word deur blinde politici. R. Smit, Somerset-Wes
Behuising The writer (letter above) says families of the recently established informal settlement in Sir Lowry’s Pass that was approved by the City of Cape Town had to build their homes on unserviced land, and are living amongst municipal waste, in a flooded area. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN
) Daphné, eerstens kry die mense die laekoste huise verniet terwyl ons moet betaal. Sommige wil nou met wyn smokkel en huiswinkels begin. Staan op soos andermenseengaansoekwerk! Scholtz
Tuesday 28 August 2012
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Helderberg Gazette
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Towers of Hope for Patch Patch’s annual 5c Towers of Hope fundraiser will take place on Saturday 1 September at Waterstone Village in Somerset West. This is the last year the event will take place, and organisers
are making sure to go out with a bang. Running from 8:00 to 14:00, the event will take place in the former premises of Benbel. This year will treat visitors to stalls selling various good-
ies, a Mr and Mrs Patch photo competition, as well as loads of entertainment of the children. For more information, contact Patch’s Amanda-Lea Jones on 021 852 6110 or mandy@preciouspatch.co.za
UITSKAKELING VAN STORMWATERBINNEDRINGING IN DIE RIOOLSTELSEL Die Stad Kaapstad het begin met ‘n projek van drie jaar om die probleem van stormwaterbinnedringing in die rioolstelsel in Gordonsbaai, Strand, Somerset-Wes en Macassar aan te spreek. Ander buurte kan ook geïdentifiseer word waar die probleem van stormwaterbinnedringing in die rioolstelsel aangespreek moet word, indien nodig. Die publiek word uitgenooi na werksessies vir ‘n kort aanbieding oor die projek, insluitende aspekte oor die implikasies van binnedringing vir die Stad, die regsimplikasies daarvan op die publiek en privaatsektor, en die proses wat die Stad beoog om te onderneem om die probleem reg te stel. Werksessies van die plekke, datums en tye: Huiseienaars van Plek hierdie gebiede Hoërskool Macassar, Macassar Bindlaan, Macassar Strand-burgersentrum, hoek Gordonsbaai van Hoof- en Faganweg, Strand Strand-burgersentrum, hoek Strand van Hoof- en Faganweg, Strand
18:30 – Donderdag 13 September 2012 20:00 18:30 – Maandag 22 Oktober 2012 20:00 18:30 – Dinsdag 23 Oktober 2012 20:00
Kontak Farouk Robertson, kommunikasiebeampte: departement water en sanitasie, Stad Kaapstad om nadere inligting by 021 487 2318 of 084 307 2001. ACHMAT EBRAHIM STADSBESTUURDER 115-2/2012
Tuesday 28 August 2012
Crèches in red tape tangle NICOLE MCCAIN Crèches in Lwandle and other disadvantaged areas are struggling to register themselves as early childhood development (ECD) centres, thanks to a lengthy and complicated process.
And there is a desperate need for safe centres, especially in areas rife with neglect, say principals. Léanne Keet of Masikhule Childcare, an organisation that offers support to ECD centres, says there are not enough daycare facilities in Lwandle for the number of children who need looking after, especially those of parents who work. “The need exceeds the facility numbers,” says Keet, adding that this is a general problem that can also be seen in Sir Lowry’s Pass and Macassar. Constable Mthokozisi Gama, Lwandle police spokesperson, reckons the station deals with three cases of child abandonment a week. “There is a need for crèches,” says Mandisa December, head of the Our Helder ECD Forum and principal at Bright Star Crèche in Lwandle. “There are children on the street.” An ECD centre needs to apply through a social worker at the district office of the Department of Social Development. Along with the application, the centre requires several documents, including a rental agreement, zoning certificate, business plan and job descriptions for staff, along with their police clearance certificates. The early development centre needs to be registered as a non-profit organisation, which requires a constitution and other documentation. “Putting together a business plan is already difficult,” says Keet. She says many of the principals also don’t have access to computers and printers to type and print all the documents. “It’s a very frustrating process.” Masikhule works with 13 crèches in the area, and the average time it takes for a crèche to receive registration is three years, according to Keet. She says one crèche has been waiting for seven years. Some crèches say they’ve had no problems registering. Shirley Ambrose, chairperson of
Mandisa December, seen with her pupils at Bright Star Crèche, says registering an early childhood development centre is a frustrating process that often takes years to complete. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN the board at one of the oldest crèches in Macassar, Sonskyn Pre-primary, says they followed the guidelines set out by the Department of Social Development and encountered no obstacles. The documents were compiled by the school management, and funds were raised to pay for the cost and salaries of the teachers. However, it is not so easy for others, says December. “We are struggling. You have to pay R5 000 to have plans drawn up, and then they have to be approved. I waited two months for the approval. Then you have to pay for the brick structures through fundraising, or out of your own pocket. As it is, we principals often go without pay.” Many of the school principals only speak Xhosa, says December, and this makes it difficult for them to compile the policy documents, which must be in English. Madisa says the system needs to take each centre into consideration. “I know they aren’t all safe, but they need to look at each crèche. The solution would just be: help, help, help.” The Department of Social Development did not comment on the length of the registration process or the costs involved, but referred Gazette to its booklet on the matter, titled Registration of Partial Care Facilities. The booklet makes no mention of either issue.
Got a problem? Patients at Helderberg Hospital can now voice any complaints they may have through a new system being piloted at the hospital. The system allows people to call, SMS or email a complaint and receive a response on the same day. Agents log the complaints electronically, and a reference number is sent out. Call centre agents try to resolve complaints within 20 minutes. Should the complaint require further attention, the details are sent to an official, who contacts the complainant and provides progress reports on a web-based system within two hours. Once the complaint is resolved, the complainant receives another SMS to confirm the outcome, and clients are phoned to confirm whether they are satisfied. The pilot ends in October. SMSs are charged at standard network rates; free minutes don’t apply. SMS “HELP” to 31022, or call the centre on 0860 142 142 between 07:00 and 19:00 on weekdays.
Tuesday 28 August 2012
General - Algemeen VROUENETWERK: Die Macassarpolisie het onlangs hul vrouenetwerk verkies. Dit het gepaard gegaan met ’n bederfgeleentheid vir die vroue in die gemeenskap wat die polisie ondersteun. Volgens die netwerk se woordvoerder, konstabel Chrisy Young, wil dié organisasie ’n beter verhouding tussen die polisie en gemeenskap bewerkstellig. Agter van links is Coneal Williams, Pumeza Sodinga (koördineerder), Candice Paulse (assistent-netwerkkampioen); voor is Cecelia van Rooyen (assistent-koördineerder), stasiebevelvoerder, kolonel Errol Merkeur en Anita Jooste (netwerkkampioen). FOTO: BERNADETTE ROSSI
Helderberg Gazette
Funds for Patch Little Miss Sunshine, an organisation aimed at empowering women, will be holding a beauty extravaganza to raise funds for Patch. Patch provides support for children who are victims of sexual abuse. The pamper session will include wine tasting, a fashion show, giveaways and a jazz performance by Lionel Konstabel, as well as a mini manicure and a mini facial. Taking place on 8 September from 10:30, the event will be held at Leonie’s Coffee Shop in Gordon’s Bay. Tickets are R190 per person, and are available by contacting Lizelle Joseph at 072 426 4082 or lizellejoseph@yahoo.co.uk.
Schools - Skole
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 28 August 2012
Aan boord op Loslitdag
TTP’s pride
Die kinders van Gloria Botha-skool in Somerset-Wes kom vanjaar op 7 September aan boord vir Loslitdag se seevaarttema. Leerlinge van Gloria Botha sal plakkers by Waterstone-sentrum verkoop op 30 en 31 Augustus. Die publiek word versoek om soos matrose of seerowers aan te trek, of om ten minste iets blou te dra. Al die fondse wat op Loslitdag ingesamel word gaan aan organisasies wat met gestremde mense werk, soos Gloria Botha-skool of die Aanhouwen-werksentrum vir verstandelik-gestremde mense. Die plaaslike organisasies ontvang R4 vir elke R10-plakker wat verkoop word. Vir nadere inligting of om plakkers te koop, bel Gloria Botha-skool by 021 801 2184 of 2 www.casualday.co.za. Plakkers kan ook by Aanhouwen gekoop word, 0 021 851 3798. Absa, Edgars, Jet, Boardmans, CNA, Game of DionWired sal ook plakkers verkoop.
Gloria Botha-leerlinge Johan von Willigh (agter), Llene du Toit, Shakeel Meyer en Brandon Rossouw. Voor staan Horatio Cloete en Chloë Serfontein.
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Thirty-six pupils from Temperance Town Primary took part in the eisteddfod, receiving awards ranging from silver to gold plus. The 80 pupils making up the choir also took part, and were awarded a silver plus.
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Keasha Klaasen, in grade 3 at Temperance Town Primary School, achieved cum laude for her recital and prepared reading in the annual Helderberg Eisteddfod, making her the top achiever overall. Seen here with her are her coaches, teachers Biana Bayer, Lou Mattheze and Bronwyn Petersen.
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Tuesday 28 August 2012
General - Algemeen
Butler is back for more Jonathan Butler returns to Cape Town with his brand new show, Evolution, on Wednesday 12 September at the GrandWest Grand Arena. Evolution tells the story of Butler’s life in music, from his early days in Athlone to the international stages he now occupies. The show also encapsulates his experience under apartheid and his relationship with God, which he refers to as life-saving. During his long career Butler has performed with many music greats, including Dionne Warwick, Patti LaBelle, Kenny Loggins and Al Jarreau. The show starts at 20:00 and tickets are available from Computicket between R155 and R285.
Jonathan Butler will be at GrandWest in September.
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Helderberg Gazette
Year 16 • Dinsdag 28 Augustus 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Macassar Youth Rugby wins out Macassar Youth Rugby (MYR) finished their league last Saturdaybywinningallsevenmatches against Surrey Estate’s Rangers. The week before, the MYR u.9, u.11 and u.13 teams played Pniel away and also won all their
games. This was preceded by MYR’s seven wins against Busy Bees (Langa). The club will keep things ticking over with friendly matches until the end of the year. The committee would like to thank everybody who sup-
ported the club this season, including parents, players and affiliate Macassar Rugby Club. MYR will hold a year-end function for players, parents and supporters at the Macassar community centre on 12 November.
ELIMINATION OF STORMWATER INGRESS INTO SEWERS The City of Cape Town has commenced with a three year project to address the problem of stormwater ingress into the sewer system in Gordon’s Bay, Strand, Somerset West and Macassar. Other suburbs may also be identified where the problem of stormwater ingress into sewers needs to be addressed, if needs be. The public is invited to workshops where a short presentation on the project will be done, including aspects on the implications of ingress for the City, the legal implications on the public and private sector, and the process that the City intends on following to rectify the problem. Please refer to the venues, dates and times of the workshops, provided below: Homeowners from Venue these areas Macassar High School, Macassar Bind Avenue, Macassar Gordon’s Bay Strand Civic Centre, Cnr. Main and Fagan Roads, Strand Strand Civic Centre, Cnr. Main Strand and Fagan Roads, Strand For enquiries please contact Farouk Robertson, communication officer: Water and Sanitation Department, City of Cape Town on tel 021 487 2318 or cell 084 307 2001. ACHMAT EBRAHIM CITY MANAGER
18:30 – Thursday 13 September 2012 20:00 18:30 – Monday 22 October 2012 20:00 18:30 – Tuesday 23 October 2012 20:00
Lewellyn de Wee is seen coaching young runners for the Jag Sport and Education Foundation.
Lewellyn jogs for JAG NICOLE MCCAIN Macassar’s own Lewellyn de Wee is preparing to run the New York City Marathon in the USA come November. But for Lwellyn (30), the race is about more than just crossing the finish line – he’s running to support the JAG Sport and Education Foundation, which works to promote the health and wellbeing of children in poorer areas through sports. Lewellyn decided to share his passion for long-distance running when he started coaching primary school children at the age of 19. He joined JAG in 2010 as sports coordinator. “I have seen how JAG has made a huge im-
pact in the lives of thousands of South African children across South Africa with its Mighty Metres and Pronutro running programmes, in school and after school. That’s why I decided to raise funds for the foundation by running the New York Marathon to further the great work it does in the underprivileged communities,” says Lewellyn, who’s hoping to raise R25 000. He has already managed to manage to raise R11 000 through various fundraising events and donations. The New York City Marathon is one of the world’s largest, with over 100 000 runners entering every year. To support Lewellyn de Wee’s cause, visit www.givengain.com/activist/81689 or phone him on 081 496 2854.