Year 17 • Tuesday 29 January 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Employ us! Protesters gathered outside Strand business In2Food on Wednesday to express their displeasure at the company’s employment policy. Read more on page 3.
Gesinsgeweld rede tot kommer
Ná ’n jong vrou van Temperance Town ’n saak van verkragting by die polisie aangemeld het, vind sy haarself as net een van die hoë aantal gesinsgeweldsake wat in Temperance Town aangemeld is. Die jong vrou, Jane, vir wie ’n skuilnaam gebruik word om haar identiteit te beskerm, sê sy het die dag van die voorval saam met familielede gekuier en gedrink. Ná sy tuisgekom het, het ’n vriend haar geroep omdat haar tannie haar kwansuis gesoek het. By haar tante se donker huis aangekom, het haar oom haar egter aangeraai om in sy motor te wag. Jane beweer sy is verkrag. Sy was só geskok dat sy nie kan onthou hoe sy tuis gekom het nie. Sy sê sy het eers ’n paar dae later werklik besef wat met haar gebeur
het en die voorval op Sondag 11 November by die Gordonsbaai-polisie aangemeld. Maar in ’n gemeenskap wat gebuk gaan onder ’n verbysterende aantal voorvalle van gesinsgeweld elke jaar, voel Jane die polisie het min gedoen om haar te help. Meer as 30 sake in Temperance Town – wat maar sowat 150 huishoudings het – word jaarliks by die plaaslike polisie aangemeld. Jane sê die polisie het haar weggestuur en gesê sy moet die volgende dag terugkom. Met haar terugkeer is die saak aan ’n beampte oorhandig wat gereël het om haar hospitaal toe te neem, maar blykbaar nooit opgedaag het nie. Toe sy weer die beampte sien wat haar saak behartig, is sy glo meegedeel daar was geen nut daarin om ’n saak te open nie, weens die gebrek aan getuienis wat slegs binne 72 ure ná verkragting ingesamel kan word.
Kapt. Anneke van der Vyver, woordvoerder van die Eenheid vir Gesinsgeweld, Kindermishandeling en Seksuele Misdrywe (SKS), waarheen verkragtingsake verwys moet word, sê geen saak is aanhangig gemaak nie. Volgens haar is dit omdat die ondersoekbeampte op rekord het dat die slagoffer en haar pa versoek het dat daar nie ’n saak geopen word nie, want “hulle wou dit binne familieverband hanteer”. Jane se weergawe verskil egter. “Dit was ek en my ma wat by die polisiestasie was, en die polisiebeampte het vir ons gesê hy wil nie ’n saak oopmaak nie, want dis ’n familiesaak en dalk gaan ek besluit ek wil nie hê die saak moet voortgaan nie. Ons het nooit so gesê nie. Ek wil hê die saak moet voortgaan.” Van der Vyver sê ’n saak sal onmiddellik geopen word as Jane dit so wil hê. Reinette Evans, hoof van Rape Crisis Helderberg, sê dit is baie selde dat die polisie nie ’n
saak open nie, tensy die slagoffer anders versoek. Maar, voeg sy by, vroue wat verkrag is, is dikwels onder druk van hul families om die klagte terug te trek, of om nie ’n saak te maak nie. Intussen het ’n projek wat die Stad Kaapstad in Oktober aangekondig het om die hoë voorkoms van gesinsgeweld in dié gebied aan te spreek, nog nie gerealiseer nie. Richard Bosman, uitvoerende direkteur vir veiligheid en sekuriteit by die Stad Kaapstad, sê: “Geen werk is tot dusver gedoen nie. Die Stad Kaapstad se Veiligheid en Sekuriteit was besig oor die feestyd, met die verskaffing van veiligheid en sekuriteit aan die besoekers en inwoners oor die stad. “Die Stad word deur die wet vereis om verkrygingsbestuur-prosedures te volg in die aanstelling van ’n diensverskaffer en die verkrygingsproses is ’n lang een.”
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 29 January 2013
Kindersorg nou meer sentraal in nuwe tuiste NICOLE MCCAIN Kindersorg in Macassar het pas hul nuwe tuiste betrek – ’n kantoor langs die biblioteek en First Fitness Gym in Ringweg. “Ons is baie gelukkig,” sê senior maatskaplike werker, Olivia Adams. “Hierdie kantoor is baie beter. Ons is meer sentraal vir die gemeenskap geleë. Die kantoor is voorheen gebruik deur ’n klank-ingenieursmaatskappy, dus is al die kantore klankdig. In die vorige kantoor was geen privaatheid of vertroulikheid moontlik nie.” Kindersorg Macassar is in April verlede jaar gedwing om uit hul plek in Monaco Crescent te trek ná inwoners ongelukkig was omdat die kantoor in ’n residensiële gebied is. In 2010 het die organisasie by die Stad Kaapstad aansoek gedoen om die enkel-residensiële gebou na ’n
kantoor te hersoneer. Ná die aansoek geadverteer is, het verskeie inwoners egter beswaar aangeteken en is die organisasie se aansoek geweier, volgens Cheryl Walters, direkteur van die Stad se beplanning en bou-ontwikkelingsbestuursdepartment. Hulle het toe na ’n tydelike kantoor in Rubenweg verhuis. “Ons het nou aan die begin van die maand amptelik getrek,” sê Shareen van Staden, hoof van Kindersorg Helderberg. “Al die maatskaplike werkers is hier, en ons lewer dieselfde dienste. Ons is nou terug by die gemeenskap, en mense hoef nie so ver te loop nie.” En hul nuwe kantore het reeds talle besoeke van die gemeenskap ontvang, sê Adams. “Mense is nuuskierig. Hulle wil weet wat gaan hier aan. Al wat ons nou nodig het, is ’n yskas en ’n naambord.”
Die personeel van Kindersorg se Macassar-kantoor is (agter van links) maatskaplike werker Liesl Holtshousen, sekretaresse May Erasmus, gemeenskaplike ontwikkelaar Chrizelle Leonard, senior maatskaplike werker Olivia Adams; (voor) student Mirriam Sula, maatskaplike werker Mariska Williams en student Angelique Cupido.
Die nuwe kantoor het klankdigte kamers en sy ligging is geriefliker vir die gemeenskap as hul vorige tuiste. Hier (van links) is Olivia Adams, Mariska Williams en Chrizelle Leonard in hul nuwe kantoor.
Welfare needs food The Animal Welfare Society Helderberg in Gordon’s Bay is in desperate need of dog and cat food. Their food supplies are very low, and the only food they have left are “no name brands” which gives the animals digestion problems and leaves them feeling hungry. Any donations, no matter how
RECYCLABLE WASTE CAN PROVIDE FUNDS FOR SOUP KITCHEN: Pastor Prosper Kakese (left, at the back), senior pastor of the Mission of God Gospel, paid a visit to Katy Arendse (right, at the back), from Erijahville, Strand last month. Together they distributed Christmas party packets to some local children. Arendse requests the public to bring their recyclable waste materials to her. “Wasteplan collects the goods from me and in return they provide funds for my soup kitchen,” she said. Phone her on 074 327 6323. Here with Pastor Kakese and Arendse are some of the children with their Christmas gift packs: Theodore Stellenberg, Davian Afrika, Tyrique Gertse, Joshua Booysen, Fhamelle van Rooyen and Liano Dames. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
small, will be greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at the kennels in Mansfield Crescent, opposite the driving testing centre. Alternatively, visit the Animal Welfare Office at 42 Reitz Street in Somerset West. For more information please call Clare on 083 697 4759.
TWEE JAAR VERMIS: Die afgelope 2 jaar is daar ’n ondersoek van ’n vermiste persoon, Denise Coetzee, wat op 22 Augustus 2010 as vermis aangemeld was. Tot op datum het daar geen nuwe inligting na vore gekom met betrekking op die vermiste persoon se doen en late nie. Enige persoon met nuwe inligting kan kontak maak met speurder adjudant-offisier Hennie Swart te Macassar SAPS-speurtak by 021 857 7107.
Women can join prayer group Macassar resident Beatrice Booysen is looking to establish Women Arise, a prayer group for women only. “The aim is to bring women together,” she says. “I’m calling on all women to join hands against abuse, drugs, alcohol and depression.” The non-denominational prayer meetings will be open to all Helderberg residents. For more information, contact Booysen on 076 517 2051.
Tuesday 29 January 2013
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Tien-jarige verdrink by Melkbaai Die begrafnis vir tienjarige Ashley Adonis van Strand is op Woensdag 23 Januarie in die VG Kerk Strand gehou, ná hy by Melkbaaistrand verdrink het. Op 17 Januarie het Ashley en sy neef, Marchel Adonis (13), sonder toesig in die see by die Melkbaai gaan swem toe hy verdrink het. Volgens Marchel het hulle reguit ná skool huis toe gegaan, hul skoolklere uitgetrek en met hul branderplank strand toe gegaan. “Ons het pas met ons branderplank die water ingegaan, toe Ashley daarvan afgeval het. Ek het kort daarna ook in die water geval,” vertel Marchel. In ’n poging om Ashley te red, het Marchel hom van onder die water uitgelig.“Hy het my om die nek vasgehou terwyl ek probeer het om kus toe te swem, maar hy was net te swaar en ek kon nie wegkom nie.” Hy het voorts vertel hoe hulle albei toe op hul eie probeer uitswem het. Ashley het vir ’n wyle vinnig agterna gekom, maar toe Marchel weer kyk, het hy net onder die water verdwyn. “Ek het vir mense op die strand om hulp gevra, en ’n man het die polisie ontbied,” het Marchel vertel. Luidens ’n verklaring uitgereik deur die Na-
sionale Seereddingsinstituut (NSRI), is ’n soektog in die Melkbaaistrand-gebied voortgesit nadat Ashley deur sy neef as vermis aangemeld is. Ashley se lyk is omstreeks 21:00 die aand onder die water gevind en aan die forensiese patologie-dienste oorhandig, het Johann Lensink van die NSRI Gor- Leerling van Dr GJ Joubert Primêr dra Ashley se kis agter Ds. Jetro Cloete van die donsbaai gesê. VG Kerk Strand. ’n Ondersoekdat jy iemand inlig waar presies jy gaan wees. dossier is deur die Strand-polisie geopen. ) Plaaslike inwoners is gewoonlik baie Volgens die Nasionale Seereddingsinstituut behoort strandgangers altyd die volgende vei- hulpvaardig en besoekers kan altyd by hulle uitvind waar dit veilig is om te swem. ligheidswenke te volg: ) Sorg dat jou kinders altyd binne jou ge) Strandgangers moet te alle tye die lewensredders gehoorsaam en net by afgebakende ge- sigsveld is wanneer hulle speel of in die see swem. Kinders moet ook nooit alleen swem biede swem. ) Wanneer jy strand toe gaan, maak seker nie.
Residents demand to be hired by Strand business Hundreds of Lwandle residents protested outside Strand business, In2Food, on Wednesday. The community claims the company is not doing enough to hire local workers. “The community is aggrieved by this company. They don’t give locals first preference when hiring staff,” says spokesperson for the protesters, Ntsika Bavuyise. The protesters claim the company gives preference to foreign nationals and residents of areas further afield, such as Macassar. “The community of Strand is very angry. At least 50% of the employees should come from the area.” Charly Nolte of In2Food says that equity plans regulate for a specific spread of designated groups of employees, and that residential criteria do not enter the equity requirement. “That being said, in excess of 95% of our employees reside in the Helderberg basin,” says Nolte. She adds that the protest came as a reaction to high rates of unemployment in area. However, she says In2Food cannot change the situation alone. “Regrettably, it is outside the scope of any single employer to fulfil such an enormous burden of expectation.” Bavuyise claims they have attempted to meet with In2Food to negotiate and review the company’s policy, but have not been able to come to a solution. “We want to submit a list of the unemployed to In2food for their human resources department to capture, so that future employees can come from there.” Nolte says the company has since met with representatives of the community to attempt to reach an understanding. “In discussion with spokespeople from this group on Friday, facili-
Lwandle residents gathered outside the Strand company, In2Food, to protest. tated by Lwandle police, the company has been able to clarify mistaken assumptions and presumptions, related to both our equitable status as well as current practice around employment.” Nolte added, “Although no loss resulted from this incident, In2Food has cautioned the spokespeople to carefully contain unrealistic expectations which may have been generated with no regard to the reality of facts around the spread of our employee base. “The company will continue to extend the support to all of its local communities, as it has done in the past.”
Last year, Strand residents protested outside the Redline factory in Gants Centre, Strand. They claimed the manufacturer of disposable alcohol breathalysers had failed to respond to CVs handed in months before, and was filling positions based on race. Directors Nicolaas van den Bergh and Robert Schlusche said the dispute had arisen after they had begun hiring people with specific skills, instead of those with no formal skills. Redline production manager Stephen Latsky said at the time that the company had approached the Department of Labour for assistance in compiling an equity plan.
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Young man (26) killed at dangerous intersection A 26-year-old man was killed in a traffic accident on the N2 outside Lwandle on Friday 11 January. A blue Toyota Yaris and Toyota Quantum minibus collided at around 22:00 after the car, travelling on the N2, failed to stop at a red traffic light. The car collided with the taxi, which had 11 passengers in it, as well as an SUV, travelling from Hlathi Drive in Assanda Village. The driver of the car was killed and the jaws of life had to be used to remove his All that remains of the vehicle in which one person died during an body from the wreck. Two of the taxi’s passen- accident in Lwandle. gers sustained serious injuries and all were taken to a Helderberg hospi- and they are currently investigating a case of culpable homicide. tal for treatment. Gama added that this is the fourth accident Lwandle police spokesperson Constable Mthokozisi Gama says police are still uncer- to take place at the intersection in the last tain if the driver was under the influence, six months, and urged drivers to be careful.
In court for perjury after ‘theft’ A 29-year-old man was arrested by the Lwandle police on Wednesday on charges of perjury. According to Constable Mthokozisi Gama, spokesperson for the Lwandle police, a Broadlands man reported a case of robbery at the Lwandle police station on 16 January. Gama says the man was interviewed by a detective and confirmed that a robbery took place, saying that he was held at knife-point by three
men who robbed him of his cellphone. A case was opened. Upon investigation, police discovered the man used a false name so that he could claim from his insurance company. A case of perjury was opened. He appeared in the Strand Magistrates Court on Monday, and will remain in custody pending a bail application. The community is warned that it is a crime to lie when opening a case.
Tuesday 29 January 2013
ATM fraud in Lwandle Lwandle residents have been plagued by an increase in ATM crime, say the local police. “There have been an increased number of fraud cases reported to the Lwandle police,” says spokesperson Constable Mthokozisi Gama. Six arrests were made in December. Gama says that often after visiting the ATMs in Lwandle and Broadlands Vil- Lwandle ATMs are the latest targets for criminals. lage, residents will ) Always keep your cards in a safe place and receive a notification that money has been withdrawn from their accounts. Police believe never with a record of your PIN. ) Be aware of other people around you the machines have been tampered with to clone cards, as the victims often still have their when you are using an ATM, and report any suspicious behaviour to police or your bank. bank cards with them. ) Keep an eye out for attachments or devicNo other police stations in the Helderberg area have reported an increase in ATM fraud, es on card slots or keypads. If something but the City of Cape Town’s metro police have doesn’t look or feel quite right, please report also reported an increase in ATM fraud it to your bank immediately. ) Be sure to remember to take your card, throughout the rest of the City. Gama urges residents to be cautious. “Com- cash and transaction receipt when you leave. ) Be discreet. Avoid standing at the ATM munity members are urged to be more vigilant when withdrawing money from the ATM. to count or organise your money. Rather put Community members should also use safer it into your wallet, purse or handbag straight ATMs, which have security guards or are situ- away. ) Check your transactions against your ated in a mall, and if they are withdrawing a large amount they should do it in the bank,” bank statements. ) Ensure that you provide your bank with says Gama. The following safety tips should be followed up-to-date contact details so you can be notified quickly should suspicious transactions be when using an ATM: ) Position yourself so that others cannot detected. Any suspicious behaviour can be reported see you entering your PIN, and always use your other hand, wallet or purse to shield your to the Lwandle police on 021 845 2060 or to the City’s Metro Police Call Centre on 021 596 1999. PIN entry.
Murder in Firgrove shocks NICOLE MCCAIN Firgrove residents are still in the dark after one of their neighbours was shot on 19 January. From what neighbours can make out, the 35-year-old man heard a knock on the door of his Bloekom Street home at around 21:40. He answered the door, and spoke to the man who had knocked, say neighbours. And then, he was shot in the face. “We heard a shot and then a man jumped over the wall, before driving away in a car,” says a neighbour, who asked to remain anonymous to protect her safety. Rumours around the murder have abounded, with neighbours speculating on the reason behind the shooting. The victim worked in the human resources division of a company in Macassar, and one resident even speculates that the attack may
have been linked to his job. The victim lived in his Firgrove home with his girlfriend and small child. They declined to comment. “It’s hard for me,” said a neighbour and friend who also asked to remain anonymous. “He was a good man. He always helped people.” And in the meantime, the street lives in the shadow of the attack. “We don’t feel safe. We don’t know if anyone has been arrested.” Macassar police spokesperson, Constable Chrisy Young, confirmed the murder but declined to give out any more information, as the investigation was at “a sensitive stage”. The police also declined to give out the name of the deceased. She confirmed that an arrest has been made, and that another suspect was still at large.
Tuesday 29 January 2013
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Helderberg Gazette
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 29 January 2013
Community cleans Melcksloot area The Paardevlei community came together on Saturday 19 January to clean up the area along the Melcksloot. The clean-up included tackling a wall in Strandloper Street that is often targeted by graffiti artists.
The wall was cleaned and painted, and refuse was collect from the area around the river. The paint was sponsored by the City of Cape Town, and the local neighbourhood watch rolled
up their sleeves to help. They were joined by the organisation Guardian Angels, which aims to reduce bullying, gangs and violence through empowering the youth. Ward 15 councillor Benedicta van Minnen said, “I have no doubt this wall will prove irresistible for the local graffiti artists and this will be an ongoing project. Itisacommunityproject,basedinthe community, but we will be inviting other neighbourhood watches to assist in the next clean-up day.”
The Paardevlei community rolled up their sleeves to rid a wall in Strandloper Street of graffiti. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
Charl Viljoen of Guardian Angels joined the community for the clean-up.
Books for the Helderzicht library are currently being moved to other libraries while locals await a decision as to the library’s fate.
Library’s fate hanging The Helderzicht library’s books are in the process of being moved, despite objections from the community. Community members witnessed the packing last Tuesday and Wednesday. The City of Cape Town, along with the Provincial Government’s Library Service, took the decision to move the books in October last year. Councillor Tandeka Gqada, Mayco member for Community Services at the City of Cape Town, said previously that the community was not consulted before the decision was taken to move the books. “The community is not affected. The library is currently closed and they do not have access to the books inside it. Putting the books elsewhere while the final decision is awaited does not change anything for the community.” Gqada said the situation at the Helderzicht library remains the same, and the books are therefore being utilised by libraries in the surrounding areas until a decision has been made regarding the future of
the library. “The books that residents saw being moved then were just another batch destined for use at other libraries, so that they would not lie idle at the Helderzicht library. This practice will continue until a decision has been reached,” explained Gqada. Ward 15 councillor Benedicta van Minnen said the building is in a state of disrepair, which is why the books need to be moved so that they are not damaged. She hopes the issue will appear before the subcouncil next month, so that a solution can be found. The library has been closed for almost three years, with a request for permanent closure appearing before the subcouncil last April, after funding for a part-time librarian was withdrawn. The building, which is a small wooden structure, also requires work on the roof and would need to be fitted with a computer system. The library caters to school children at Ackerman Primary, Gordon High and the Playway Crèche.
OPERATION CLEAN-UP: A beach clean-up family day, the very first beach clean-up in a series of many to come in Strand, will take place on Saturday 2 February. It will start at 10:00 at the Hottentots Holland Beach Sailing Club, at the Strand Kiteboarders Club next to the Life Saving Club. According to Gregory Player, who runs the clean-up organisation, it will last 90 minutes. Bags, gloves and sunscreen will be provided. “All you need to bring is a hat, a smile, a bottle of water and a friend,” said Gregory. For more information, send an email to gregory_player@hotmail.com.
Free health services available in Lwandle The Masincedane Sizophila Wellness Centre in Lwandle offers free services between 08:00 and 16:00 on weekdays. Services include TB testing and counselling, HIV testing and counselling, youth support sessions, blood glucose monitoring, blood pressure monitoring, cholesterol tests and weighing, pregnancy tests and family planning. The clinic is at the Methodist Church building at 1 Khaya Street, and can be contacted on 021 845 8444. A wellness centre also operates in the Twin Oaks centre on Main Road in Somerset West, and can be contacted on 021 852 6935.
Arts and Culture
The City of Cape Town’s Tourism, Events and Marketing Directorate is inviting applications for funding from arts organisations/institutions within the municipal boundaries of the City in one of the following areas: 1. 2.
Productions for a Performing Arts Festival in July 2014. Performing arts companies and groups (in drama, dance, music, opera, and spoken word) are invited to submit proposals for original productions. Events with a national and/or international impact (July 2013 – June 2014). Only applications for existing events taking place in Cape Town that include a developmental component will be viewed favourably.
Applicants need to indicate: (a) numbers attending the event in the last 2 – 3 years, (b) media value attained, and (c) economic impact (if possible). All applicants must have a proven track record of no less than 2-3 years. A portfolio including press releases is required. The City of Cape Town expects all applicants to have multiple sources of income and will not provide bulk funding or fund entire proposals. Proof of funds raised or successful past experience at raising funds needs to be shown. Supporting documents must include proof of bank details, NPO certificate, valid tax clearance certificate, latest municipal rates account and most recent audited financial statements. All documents must be certified. Applicants must complete the prescribed application form, which is available at our office on the 14th Floor, Telkom Tower, Standard Bank Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town, or can be downloaded from www.capetown.gov.za, or by contacting Natalie Harper on tel 021 417 4101. The original form must be submitted – no photocopies, faxes or e-mails will be considered. Late submissions will not be considered. The completed application forms must be hand-delivered to our abovementioned offices by no later than 16:00 on Thursday 28 February 2013. ACHMAT EBRAHIM CITY MANAGER 08/2013
Keep children safe at pools With several hot summer days still to come, the City of Cape Town says that children under seven are not allowed at any of the city’s swimming pools without adult supervision. Parents are urged to supervise their children at public swimming pools at all times and not to leave the young children on their own by leaving the facilities. “The City would like to maintain its proud record of preventing serious incidents at its public swimming pools. “It is our objective to ensure no drowning incidents at any of our pools this summer, and we rely on the co-operation of those using our pools to ensure this,” said Councillor Tandeka Gqada, Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services. The Strand swimming pool’s personnel can be contacted for enquiries on 021 850 4170.
Tuesday 29 January 2013
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Helderberg Gazette
BEPAAL DIE DATUM WAAROP U BY VASTE HERREGISTRASIEPUNTE MOET HERREGISTREER DEUR DIE VOLGENDE SKEDULE TE GEBRUIK ST AP 3 S T AP 2 S T AP 1 K ies d ie Dit is d ie m aan d Kies d ie d ag van d ie m aan d w aaro p u m o et h er reg istre er d eu r h iero n d e r laa ste syfer waar in u m o e t d i e m aan d te kies w aarin u verjaar S ep tem b er Ju lie Me i M aart Jan u arie N o vem van u ID in u h err eg istree r of of of of of o ID b o ekie
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A. WIE MOET HERREGISTREER? Begunstigdes van maatskaplike toelaes wat hul toelaes in hul bankrekening ontvang moet herrregistreer. Begunstigdes wat oor 'n SASSA kaart of SEKULULA kaart beskik of hul toelae by die Poskantoor ontvang moet ook herregistreer as hulle nie gedurende 2012 herregistreer het nie. Kinders wat 'n Kinderondersteuningtoelaag, Pleegkindtoelaag en Sorgafhanklikheidstoelaag ontvang moet saam met hul ouers of versorgers geregistreer word. B. WAT GAAN TYDENS DIE HERREGISTRASIE GEBEUR? • U besonderhede gaan opdateer word • U vingerafdrukke gaan geneem word • U sal 'n nuwe SASSA betaalkaart ontvang C. WAT MOET BEGUNSTIGDES VIR HERREGISTRASIE SAAMBRING? • Identiteitsdokument • SASSA kaart • U kontak telefoonnommer/s • Naam en kontak telefoonnommer van 'n familielid • Bevestiging van u woonadres KINDERONDERSTEUNINGSTOELAAG • Geboortesertifikaat van kinders jonger as 16 jaar oud • Geboortesertifikaat EN identiteitsdokument van kinders 16 jaar en ouer PLEEGKINDTOELAAG • Geboortesertifikaat/e van kinders jonger as 16 jaar oud • Geboortesertifikaat/e EN identiteitsdokumente van kinders 16 jaar en ouer • Hofbevel HERREGISTRASIE KAN NIE VOLTOOI WORD SONDER BOVERMELDE DOKUMENTE NIE Skoolgaande kinders sal slegs na 14h30 by herregistrasiesale met hul ouers / versorgers gehelp word. Begunstigdes, insluitend sorgafhanklike kinders, wat weens 'n siektetoestand nie kan herregistreer nie MOET reëlings vir n tuisbesoek tref (wat later gedoen sal word)
Vo o r b eeld (vo lg in d ie s ked u le h ierb o ): * D ie laaste sy fe r v an my I D is 1 (v oo rbeeld: 31 0132 5607 08 1). Ek moet herr egistreer in Jan u arie 2013. * M y maand v a n geboorte is N o vem b er. M y da g v ir herr egistrasie in die maan d is 26. * Ek sal dus op 26 Jan u ar ie 2013 m o et herreg istreer.
VASTE HERREGISTRASIE PUNTE Alle Vaste Herregistrasiepunte vir Kaapstad, Eersterivier, Gugulethu en Mitchells Plain areas word hieronder gelys en sal oop wees vanaf 14 JANUARIE 2013 tot 28 MAART 2013. Area
Kaapstad Area
St Phillips Anglikaanse Kerk 128 Chapelstraat, Woodstock
Scouts Saal Bonaventuralaan 54,Atlantis
Eersterivier Area
IQRA Saal Hammondstraat, Strand
Future World Kerk Eersterivier
Gugulethu Area
Zolani Sentrum, Elliott Sithadatulaan Nyanga-Oos
Browns Farm Ikwezi Gemeenskapssaal Gemeenskapssaal Bristolweg NY2 Browns Farm Gugulethu
Mitchells Plain Area
Sports & Rekreasie Sentrum H/v Merrydale en Hazeldenestraat Portlands
Rocklands Civic Mitchells Plain
NAVRAE: (021) 469 0206/07 of Tolvrye nommers: SASSA - 0800 60 10 11 / CPS - 0800 60 01 60
MOBIELE HERREGISTRASIEPUNTE (Besoek volgens die laaste syfer van u ID)
Herregistrasiepunt Durbanville Stadssaal Delft Gemeenskapssentrum Belhar Civic Hangberg Sentrum, Houtbaai Protea Sports Klub, Tokai Sports & Rekreasiesentrum, Oceanview Masipumelele Gemeenskapssaal Fish Hoek Gemeenskapssaal Claremont Civic Sports & Rekreasiesentrum, Lotus River Muizenberg Civic
Laaste syfer van id 0 –4 0 –4 0 –4 0 –9 0 –9
Herre gistrasie datum 14 - 23 Januarie 2013 4 - 16 Februarie 2013 4 – 16 Maart 2013 14 – 26 Januarie 2013 28 Januarie – 2 Februarie 2013
0 –9
4 – 9 Februarie 2013
0 –9 0 –9 0 –9
11 – 16 Februarie 2013 18 Februarie – 2 Maart 2013 4 – 9 Maart 2013
0 –9
11 – 16 Maart 2013
0 –9
18 – 28 Maart 2013
Laaste syfer van id 5– 9 5– 9 5– 9
Herregistrasie datum 24 Januarie – 2 Februarie 2013 18 Februarie – 2 Maart 2013 18 – 28 Maart 2013
Scottsdene Saal Eoanlaan, Kraaifontein
Lentegeur Civic Merrydaleweg Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain
Helderberg Gazette
General - Algemeen
Tuesday 29 January 2013
Vuyani Frail Care Centre ready to cheer up the elderly Vuyani Frail Care Centre in Sir Lowry’s Pass, an organisation concerned with the well-being of elderly people, reopened for 2013 on Friday 18 January. Most of the members attended and are looking forward to this year. “We would like to take this opportunity to thank our supporters for their financial support and donations,” said coordinator Veronica Williams. “A special word of thanks to, among others, Ian Greer from the Helderberg Street People Organisation, Kathleen Booysen from Rusthof, Strand, Anet Olivier and Susan van Dalen and the Better Life Organisation.” Standing (from left) are Irene Moses, La More Plaatjies, William The centre runs different pro- Willemse, Patrick Rank, Maria Hopley, Veronica Williams, Margagrammes every day from Monday to ret Januarie, Lena Karels and Elizabeth Demas. Seated (from Friday to cheer up the elderly and left) are Joey Karelse, Anthea Jacobs, Dawid Kammies, Lukas provide care services. Manner and John Dourries. PHOTO: SUPPLIED Membership is open to any pensioner or person with special physical needs. general tidiness, blood pressure and sugar levMembers contribute R20 per month and are el testing, and physical exercise. For more information, phone Williams on treated to breakfast and lunch. Other needs are also taken care of, such as 021 858 1617 or 079 818 6393.
These children from Lwandle were treated to a day filled with fun, as well as plenty of sweets and treats.
Day of fun and fare The Pebble Project, a non-profit organisation working with creches and afterschools on farms in the Winelands, held its annual Christmas party in December last year. The 550 children in attendance at Southey’s Vines were treated to jumping castles, water slides, face painting, horseback and motorcycle rides, as well as a visit from Santa.
Yonelisa Lethetha (5) of Lwandle was very excited to ride on one of the ponies at the party.
Dave Garrat of Cape Sidecar Adventures took children for a ride on his motorcycle.
Tuesday 29 January 2013
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Helderberg Gazette
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 29 January 2013
Lesers gee hul mening MATRIEKUITSLAE ) Dit is goed en wel dat Macassar se matrikulante ’n slaagsyfer van 88,5% het, maar meer moet vermag word vir die onderwys wat in ’n haglike toestand is. Skole het meer finansiering en opgeleide onderwysers nodig, iets wat tans nie onder die Zuma-regering gebeur nie. Die minister van onderwys is ’n groot kopseer en moes lankal vervang geword het. Solank bogenoemde probleme voortduur gaan skole en veral kinders verder lelik benadeel word. Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes ) Macassar, ek het in algemeen gevolg, julle kan trots wees oor jul prestasie. Matrikulante, sokker, rugby, krieket, ens. Julle het gewys waartoe julle in staat is. Ek hoop net meer mense belê in die opbou van Macassar. Williams, Strand ) As ouers tien kinders het, en nog afhanklik van staatstoelae is,
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hoe kan Suid-Afrika nog doeltreffend funksioneer? Meeste van daardie kinders gaan nie voldoende onderrig ontvang nie. Dit beteken hy word groot op straat en sluit aan by bendes. Oorbevolking, volharding met onbekwame onderwysers, onvoldoende beplanning en korrupsie wys hoe die ANC mors met jongmense se toekoms. Piet Steyn, Strand STRAATLIGTE EN -NAME ) Net vra of betrokke straatnaam verander het? Oosterlig word nou Oorstelig gespel op randsteen Raadslid Brett Herron, burgermeesterskomitteelid vir vervoer, paaie en stormwater, sê daar is ’n magdom straatnaamborde in die stad en spelfoute kom soms voor, en die paaie en stormwater department het al die straatnaamborde reggestel om ‘Oosterlig’ te lees.
FITMENT CENTRE ASSISTANT (Strand/Somerset West) We require a selfmotivated workshop assistant to join our busy fitment centre, a thorough knowledge in the use of hand tools is essential. The successful candidate would be required to have suitable qualifications to eventually be promoted to workshop manager. Fax: 086 733 0534
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Dinsdag 29 Januarie 2013
General - Algemeen
Hoe nou met voornemens? Statisties sal 88% van alle mense wat Nuwejaarsvoornemens maak, onsuksesvol wees in die uitvoer daarvan. Dít is volgens ’n studie wat die sielkundige Richard Wiseman in 2007 op 3 000 mense in Brittanje uitgevoer het. As ’n mens egter kleiner doelwitte stel (soos om 500 g per week af te skud eerder as om net te sê “verloor gewig”), of die veranderinge oor die hele jaar versprei, is die kans op sukses soveel groter. Dit is omdat die korteks in die brein glo beperkte kapasiteit het en wilskrag, soos ’n spier, bietjie vir bietjie geoefen moet word. Mans het ’n groter kans op sukses as hulle hul doelwitte in kleiner mylpale opbreek, of dink aan die belonings as hulle by hul voornemens hou, terwyl vroue glo meer sukses behaal as hulle hul vriende en familie vertel van hul planne. Dié benaderings het 22% meer mans gehelp om te slaag, en 10% meer vroue. Volgens Wiseman kan die volgende punte ’n mens help: • Maak net een voorneme, want die kans op sukses is groter as jy jou energie fokus op een aspek van jou gedrag. • Beplan vooruit. Moenie tot Oujaarsaand wag om ’n voorneme te kies nie. • Vermy vorige voornemens. Kies iets nuuts of benader ’n ou probleem op ’n nuwe manier. • Wees spesifiek. Deurdink presies wat jy gaan doen, waar en wanneer. • Raak persoonlik. Moenie ’n voorneme kies wat gewild is ten koste van iets wat jy waarlik uit die lewe wil hê nie. En wat is die tien gewildste (en mislukte) Nuwejaarsvoornemens? Volgens TIME is dit: verloor gewig en raak fiks; hou op rook;
leer iets nuuts; eet gesonder en gaan op ’n dieet; delg jou skuld en spaar geld; spandeer meer tyd saam met familie; reis na ’n nuwe plek; stres minder; raak ’n vrywilliger; drink minder. Bronne: Blame it on the Brain, Wall Street Journal, deur Jonah Lehrer; New Year’s Resolutions Experiment, www.quirkology.com, deur Richard Wiseman; Top Ten Commonly Broken New Year’s Resolutions, www.time.com.
Rose petal rooibos iced tea Most South Africans consider rooibos tea a hot beverage, but it can also be a healthy summer thirst quencher. This iced tea will wow your special guests, as well as beating the summer heat. Ingredients: 750 ml rooibos tea made with four tea bags and cooled 500 ml of mixed berry, strawberry or cranberry juice For the syrup: Four red roses, with the stems and leaves removed 250 ml of water 180 ml of honey 15 ml of rose water Method: Mix the rooibos tea and berry juice together. Make the syrup by heating the rose buds and water in a large pot. Bring to the boil and then lower the heat and allow the buds to infuse for five minutes. Add the honey, allow to cool, then add the rose water. Place a rose petal per hole in an ice-cube tray, fill with water and freeze. Just before serving, pour the rose syrup into a large jug, add the cooled tea and top up with the juice. Stir and add the ice cubes.
Helderberg Gazette
Hot vehicles can be a deathtrap for young and old Leaving babies, children or elderly people unattended in vehicles can be dangerous and even fatal. Netcare 911’s principal medical consultant, Dr Victoria Roets, says the temperature inside a vehicle parked in the sun can quickly become like a furnace. This is because radiant energy from the sun shines into the vehicle, quickly warming the interior. With very few reflective surfaces inside a vehicle, the energy is absorbed. As there is limited airflow, non-radiant energy also remains inside the vehicle, and this adds to the rapid rise in temperature. An article published in the journal Pediatrics reports that the temperature inside a vehicle reached 37,7 °C within 25 minutes during tests, while the outside temperature was only 22,7 °C. Leaving the windows slightly open does not decrease the temperature by much either. Roets advises that babies, children and elderly people who have been left unattended in hot vehicles undergo medical examinations to ensure they are not suffering from heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Shalen Ramduth, Netcare 911’s head of national road operations, says Netcare 911 responds to a fair number of calls related to dehydrated children and elderly people who have been left in motor vehicles.
Children should never be left alone in parked cars, even for a moment.
Talk on diabetic diet The Somerset West Diabetic Support Group’s first meeting of 2013 will be held on Thursday 31 January in the Mediclinic Vergelegen Restaurant at 18:30. A speaker from the Sanmari MacRoberts Group will speak on the topic The Diabetic
Diet: the myths and truths about it. All interested persons are welcome to attend, no admission fee will be charged. Refreshments will be provided. For more information, phone Peter Kinnaird on 021 851 7499 or 082 747 5116.
Valentine’s show with Martelize Voigt at Casino February is the month for romance and, thanks to the Golden Valley Casino, you can woo your loved one at a Valentine’s Day-themed show on Friday 15 February 2013 featuring Martelize Voigt and her band. Martelize is no stranger to the music industry, having sang together with her sister as The Musical Dolls when she was twelve and they even recorded an album together. Her big break came in 2005 when she entered SA Idols and reached the top 12. This achievement gave her a confidence a huge boost. She entered the Radio Tygerberg Traxtudio Gospel Talent Search in 2008 and walked away as the well-deserved winner. She has released her debut solo album Stil
Rose petal rooibos iced tea
in Waarheid which features contemporary pop rock songs. Martelize married to hunky Pasella TV presenter and former Mr South Africa Dieter Voigt in 2011 and her most recent achievement is as the mother of baby girl, Mijean, who was born last year. For her Valentine’s Day show, Martelize will be singing English and Afrikaans contemporary songs, accompanied by her three-piece band. Get into a romantic mood and come and enjoy the singing talent of Martelize Voigt on Friday 15 December 2013 from 21:00 at Winners Action Bar at the Golden Valley Casino. Tickets are available from the casino cash desk at R60 each.
Real mail for your Valentine The SA Post Office is encouraging romantic South Africans to use the postal service for Valentine’s Day. “A card or letter for Valentine’s Day is the best possible gift for a loved one some distance away,” said Janras Kotsi, head of Mail Business at the SA Post Office. “A letter or card sent by a loved one must be one of the best surprises anyone can get.” Did you know that a letter bearing a stamp has a 50% bigger chance of being opened first (or at all) than one without a stamp? Why? Because it is perceived that a person actually took time and effort to sit down and write it. Kotsi said a card or letter is easy to keep and will not be deleted or lost when a phone is upgraded or a hard disk crashes. “It will outlast flowers, it takes up very little storage space and when you reread it years lat-
er, it will evoke more memories than any other keepsake.” He added that mail is more romantic than social media because you can neither spray it with aftershave or perfume nor kiss it with lipstick. Kotsi also pointed out that a letter makes a particularly affordable gift for Valentine’s Day: “A standard letter costs only R2,65 in postage, but it remains appropriate for Valentine’s day which focuses on emotion and feeling, not financial value. Customers should make sure that they use the right address and postcode, which can be looked up on line at www.postoffice.co.za .“ “Remember we can create personal memories, strengthen existing relations and even create new relationships by sending someone a personalised card or message for Valentine,” Kotsi concluded.
NUWE DOKTER: Macassar se Rozan Coetzee het verlede jaar as ’n mediese dokter gekwalifiseer en is besig om haar gemeenskapsdiens-jaar in Kimberley te voltooi. Rozan was die toppresteerder toe sy in 2005 aan Hoërskool Zandvliet gematrikuleer het en is die eerste vroulike student van die skool om ’n dokter te word. Rozan het haar MBChB in 2012 aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch verwerf. FOTO: VERSKAF
Year 17 • Dinsdag 29 Januarie 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Cavaliers vs Stormers The Regent Boland Cavaliers will take on the DHL Stormers in the traditional pre-season match. The match, which comes as preparation for the 2013 Vodacom Cup and Super Rugby competitions, will take place at the Cape Town Stadium on Saturday 9 February.
“This game has become a popular event on the South African rugby calendar over the years. Supporters get a sneak peek of what to expect of their teams in the up-and-coming rugbyseason,”saidCouncillorGrantPascoe,Mayoral Committee Member for Tourism, Events and Marketing at the City of Cape Town.
Is there an up-and-coming sports team in your area? Do you know an outstanding athlete? Send their details to 32513 or nicole.mccain@helderberg.com.
Pylgooi sonder perke NICOLE MCCAIN Pylgooi mag dalk die terrein van rokerige kroeë en middeljarige mans gewees het, maar ’n klub in die Strand is besig om die sport hulle eie te maak. ’n Groep van gestremdes het ses maande gelede bymekaargekom om blaas-pylgooi te speel, waar in plaas van om die pyltjie met hul hande te gooi, blaas hulle dit uit ’n klein pyp uit. Die reëls bly die dieselfde as gewone pylgooi, maar dit laat spelers in ’n rolstoel toe om deel te neem. “Dis vir ons ’n plesier om met ander spanne te speel. Ons speel met die selfde reëls, teen mense wat kan loop,” sê Eben Heuvel, voorsitter van die Strand se blaas-pylgooi-klub. Die klub het byna 20 lede, en het twee spanne wat aan kompetisies deelneem. Die klub neem die sport ernstig op, met die oefening wat elke dag plaasvind. Maar dit is ook ’n vorm vir die spelers om te sosialiseer en mekaar te Lede van Strand se blaas-pylgooi-klub (van links) Christopher ondersteun. Hendericks, Eben Heuvel en Raymond Daniels (agter) wys hoe “Dit bring ons by mekaar. Jy weet om ’n pyltjie deur die pyp te blaas. jy is nie alleen nie. Ons bemoedig me“Die lekkerste deel is as jy weet jou aim is goed. kaar aan in die spel.” Heuvel sê die sport help ook met die verligting Jy moet die game lief kry. Jy gaan speel omdat van stres. “Dit vat die stres weg, en neem jou jy voel om hier te wees.” Heuvel sê die klub is oop vir enigeen wat wil gedagtes weg van ander dinge af.” En volgens Heuvel, sodra jy begin om te speel speel en is nie uitsluitlik vir gestremdes. Vir meer inligting, bel Eben Heuvel op 074 460 1659. is dit moeilik om te stop.
Chrysalis club gets together The Chrysalis netball club is holding its first meeting and is calling on all Macassar netball players to join. “We began the club in 2009 when we realised that there were many players with potential in the community,” says Audrey Jacobs, one of the founders. The club, which started with seven players, has now grown to 21 young ladies. The team meets three times a week for training and has produced players for the
provincial and Boland netball teams. But the focus remains on development, with the club training its players in refereeing, scoring and time keeping, coaching and first aid. “We want to provide a service for our community, schools and other clubs,” explains Jacobs. The meeting will take place on 4 February, at the Macassar sports grounds. The club is open to all women over the age of 18, and only requires R100 as a registration fee.