Helderberg gazette 2 julie 2013

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Year 17 • Tuesday 2 July 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

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Garden Village se kinders ontspan in wintersonnetjie

Kinders van Garden Village in Somerset-Wes geniet verlede week die winterson in die munisipale park in dié buurt. Agter van links is Michaela Adonis (12), Jayden April (11), tweeling Robyn and Ruben Petersen (11) en Surayda Tuissen. Voor: Jayden Davis (7), Lance Petersen (7), Tarryn van Zyl (10) en Amy Lee Stoffels (11). FOTO: ASHRAF BOOLEY

No winter break for matriculants


With just over 110 days to go before the start of the 2013 National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams, many Helderberg matriculants are hard at work preparing for their exams through a winter school programme. Of the ten public high schools in the Helderberg, Khanyolwethu High School in Lwandle was the only school that performed below the average of 60% in the 2012 NSC examination, obtaining 57,3%. This is based on their geography,

life sciences, mathematics and physical sciences results, which fell below 60% last year, says Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for the MEC of Education Donald Grant. Casey says this year’s programmes have improved by first analysing the Grade 11 results of every pupil and subject. Schools also had to submit their performance targets and individual improvement plans for the year on the electronic School Improvement Plan (SIP). These targets and plans, says Casey, are monitored quarterly and where required, the department pro-

vides the necessary support. She says that the department has implemented a number of strategies and interventions to ensure that pupils receive the best possible support. These interventions include tutoring pupils over weekends and holidays, subject specific support for educators to improve curriculum delivery, regular school visits by the department for curriculum support and monitoring and personal mentoring by teachers for pupils at risk of failing. Pupils identified to be at risk of failing, for example, receive support

in the form of counselling, study plans and target setting, says Casey. Khanyolwethu High School this year received seven tutors who are experts in their required fields for their winter school programme, says Casey. Priscilla Mzandisi, head of languages and winter school programme coordinator at Khanyolwethu High School, says that with the improvements to this year’s programme they hope to see the school receive at least 70% on average in their 2013 NSC exams. “There is great enthusiasm among pupils, with up to 90% of them attend-

ing,” she says. This amounts to 158 pupils in total. Mzandisi believes that pupils attending the programme will benefit from the extra help received during the holiday. “The extra help from experienced tutors enables them to understand the work better and they can now ask more questions around concepts they don’t understand,” she says. Through these various programmes, the department aims to decrease the number of underperforming high schools as well as to see an increase in the number of passes and quality passes, says Casey.



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News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Stephen ervaar lewe deur sy kameralens ASHRAF BOOLEY

Stephen Lott (62) vang al vir meer as 40 jaar uitsonderlike oomblikke met sy kamera vas. Hy het ’n oog vir die natuur, mense en sinvolle oomblikke. Dit was eers nadat hy afgetree het, dat hy besef het hy het ook ’n aanleg vir die skilderkuns.

“Op ’n dag het ek besluit om blou en wit verf te koop. Daarmee het ek my eerste skildery gedoen en ná al die jare het ek skielik besef ek kan skilder,” sê Lott. Sonder enige formele opleiding het hy al uitsonderlike foto’s en skilderye geskep. Hy geniet dit om te skilder, maar het nie sy liefde vir fotografie verloor nie en neem steeds dwarsoor die Kaap foto’s by troues en mondigwording-partytjies. Lott gesels graag oor gebeure uit die sewentigerjare toe sy liefde vir fotografie ontstaan het. “Ek onthou een foto wat ek geneem het van ’n hawelose man in die straat ná hy ’n kombers

Van die foto’s in Stephen Lott se portefeulje, wat hy reeds in die vroeë sewentigerjare begin opbou het. FOTO: ASHRAF BOOLEY

Stephen Lott wys een van die foto’s in sy portefeulje.


Lott sê blou en wit was die eerste verf wat hy gekoop het om mee te skilder. Hier rond hy een van sy onlangse skilderye af. FOTO: ASHRAF BOOLEY

van ’n winkel ontvang het,” en hy wys na die foto van ’n man met ’n kombers wat oor sy kop getrek is. “Ek vang die werklikheid vas. Dis meer as net ’n foto, dis kuns.” Hy vertel in die sewentigerjare het sy oordeel en oog vir fotografie meer gefokus geraak. In daardie tyd het hy in ’n donkerkamer gewerk en foto’s vir JMT Studios in Somerset Wes ontwikkel. Hy het ook met verloop van tyd talle foto’s vir die Gazette se susterskoerant, DistriksPos geneem. Die digitale revolusie het fotografie verander ten opsigte van die wyse waarop foto’s met

digitale kameras geneem word, meen Lott. Hy is nog gefokus op die neem van foto’s wanneer hy skilder, maar skilder is nou vir hom sy nuwe uitdaging. “Baie mense wat ’n sekere ouderdom bereik en pensioen ontvang, versaak hul liefde vir sekere dinge. Ek is 62 en ek doen steeds dit waarvan ek hou.” Theo Naudé, Lott se mentor by JMT Studios, is sy gunsteling fotograaf en Piet van Heerden van Strand, is sy gunsteling kunstenaar. “Die natuur inspireer my werk. Ek is lief vir die natuur, en as jy iets liefhet, inspireer dit jou.”

Bible donations needed CASSY VAN EEDEN

Jenny Feldman lees All the Colours of the Earth vir Sir Lowry’s Pass Primêr-leerlinge voor. FOTO’S: ASHRAF BOOLEY

Welna Jonker is ’n plaaslike inwoner en US-oudstudent, en het die kinders met haar voorlesing meegevoer.

US oudstudente dra tot geletterdheid by ASHRAF BOOLEY Met groot belangstelling leun die leerlinge nader aan Jenny Feldman terwyl sy All the Colours of the Earth deur Sheila Hamanaka lees. Feldman se storievertelling was deel van ’n besoek aan Sir Lowry’s Pass Primêr deur twaalf oudstudente van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US). Die storie met kleurvolle il-

lustrasies dra die boodskap van diversiteit in ons wêreld oor. Lede van die groep het nog verskeie Afrikaanse en Engelse verhale vir leerlinge van graad 1 tot 3 voorgelees. Die besoek van die oudstudente is deur Wilna Jonker van die Sir Lowry’s Pass Empowerment-projek as ’n Jeugdag-uitreiking geïnisieer. Tans is meer as 400 leerlinge van die skool deel van ’n leesprogram wat deur die

Tina Cowley-leessentrum in Somerset-Wes aangebied word. Met die program, wat in 2010 van stapel gestuur is, het die skool se geletterdheid met bykans 400% verbeter. Die Sir Lowry’s Pass Empowerment-projek beoog ook om ’n syfervaardigheidsprogram en ’n bykomende voorskoolse ontwikkelingsprogram vir kinders tussen drie en ses jaar by die skool te begin.

The Heaven Ministry Church in Macassar are in need of Bibles for their youth group. Reagan Scholtz, a youth leader in the church, says they need approximately 18 Bibles and would appreciate any donations from the public. The church’s youth group is currently made up of 12 members, with new children joining each week. They need Afrikaans Bibles, new or used. They do not need to be any specific version but the Bibles should preferably include both the old and new testaments. The church has received a few donations from friends and members of the community, but in order to keep their ever-growing youth group going, the church has asked for donations. If you are able to donate a Bible, please phone Reagan on 071 207 3905.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

News - Nuus

Lwandle police officer found dead Last week Wednesday, 30-yearold Constable Thabo Mdzwana, based at the Somerset West Police Station, was found dead at around 00:30 in Lwandle. He had died from a bulletwound while on stand-by duty in an open field in Hlati Street, Asanda Village. This is according to a report issued by Col Andre Traut of the Western Cape SAPS. Two male suspects from Lwandle, aged 30 and 36, were arrested

in connection with the case but released on Friday 28 June. The police are following up all possibilities related to the death of Constable Mdzwana. According to Const Mthokozisi Gama, Constable Mdzwana had sustained one bullet wound. He was using his official transport while stationed at the Local Criminal Record Centre in Somerset West, says Traut. His firearm is being sought and may have been stolen.

An attempted armed robbery in Broadlands Industria was foiled when Lwandle Police arrested three men (21–31 years) on Friday 14 June. Police received information from a resident and waited along the route for a vehicle that fitted the given description. Upon searching the vehicle with its three occupants, the police dis-

covered an illegal firearm and arrested the men. The men, all from Khayelitsha, were found to have been involved in other crimes such as armed robbery, attempted armed robbery and murder. They appeared in the Strand Magistrate’s Court on 18 June and were not granted bail. The men remain in police custody until their next court appearance on 28 August.


Inbrekers teiken Helderzicht-kleuterskool


Die Playway Pre-primêre skool in Helderzicht word erg deur inbrekers geteister, en die sesde inbraak in maande het die afgelope naweek plaasgevind. Die Helderberg Gazette se susterskoerant, die DistriksPos, het verlede

Police foil attempted armed robbery CASSY VAN EEDEN

Helderberg Gazette

Inbrekers het toegang tot die kleuterskool verkry deur die handvatsel van die stoorkamer se venster af te breek. FOTO: CASSY VAN EEDEN

Rosslyn Arendse, bestuurder van Playway Pre-primere skool wys waar diewe die wasbak afgehaal het. FOTO: ASHRAF BOOLEY

week berig oor die vyfde inbraak. ’n Wasbak is toe uit ’n gebou op die perseel verwyder om by die koper waterpype te kom. Volgens Arendse is hierdie die sesde inbraak in twee maande by die skool. “Die inbrekers kom keer op keer terug om ons skool te teiken. ’n Mens is reeds so moedeloos, en weet nie meer wat om te verwag nie,” sê Rosslyn Arendse, bestuurder van die kleuterskool. Volgens Arendse het

die booswigte in die onlangse inbraak toegang tot die gebou verkry deur die handvatsel van ’n venster te breek. Die diewe hrt ’n wasbak, koper waterpype, die deksel van ’n toiletbak en krane gesteel. Dié wasbak, sê Arendse, is ’n paar weke gelede na ’n vorige inbraak vervang. Die onkoste van die herstelwerk was R1 200. Arendse het ’n beroep op die gemeenskap gedoen om hulle te ondersteun om die skool te beveilig en nog inbrake te verhoed.


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Are our schools equipped for the work they must do? Last year Education NGO Equal Education proposed that Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga develop and implement minimum norms and standards for school infrastructure, according to recent news reports. These regulations are aimed to ensure that all South African schools meet a minimum but acceptable level of infrastructure that is conducive to learning and teaching. This will include availability of classrooms, electricity, water, sanitation, science labs, technology, mathematics and life sciences, sports and recreational facilities, electronic

connections and perimeter security. The norms and standards document was finally published on 8 May this year. But Equal Education was not happy with the document and raised concerns around overcrowding and lack of electricity and drinking water in schools, which was not addressed in the document. The Gazette asked some of its readers what they think the minimum norms and standards for school infrastructure should be, what they think it should address and if Helderberg schools have adequate infrastructure.

Agter van links is Matilda Oppels, Ivan Heyman (Lourensia Park Buurtwag-voorsitter), Denielle Watting, Daryne Jack, Lily Watting, Marie Hendricks, Sandra Goliath en Elizabeth Jacobs; (voor) Sarah Fortuin, Jeremy Johannes (projekkoördineerder), Ernst Johannes (huiseienaarsvereniging-voorsitter) en pastoor Martin Thomas (huiseienaarsvereniging-ondervoorsitter).

Samewerking bou veiligheid en welvaart Inwoners van die laekostebehuisingsontwikkeling, Lourensia Park, het onlangs ’n huiseienaarsvereniging gestig.

Die organisasie is op 23 Mei by die Stad Kaapstad geregistreer en is omtrent drie maande in werking. Van die projekte wat reeds van stapel gestuur is, sluit in gemeenskapswerk om armoedever-

ligting mee te bring, die beveiliging van die woonbuurt en werkskepping. Die hoofdoel van die vereniging is om misdaad in die woongebied te bekamp en hulle wil ’n noue band met die polisie, GPF asook buurtwag ontwikkel. Rekenaarklasse om die jeug te bemagtig word ook beplan. Die vereniging hoop ook dat gemeenskappe van Helderzicht, Paardevlei en Victoria Park by hulle sal aansluit.

Dylan Rossouw (17), Grade 11 pupil at Zandvliet Secondary says that his school has “good enough” infrastructure but that there are usually over 40 pupils in a classroom. Because he was part of the first English classes at the school, at times there were not enough English textbooks, he says. “An improvement to school infrastructure would be great though.” PHOTOS: ASHRAF BOOLEY

Eighteen-year-old Chanthill Lawens, also a Grade 12 pupil at Gordon High says that their school has neat uniforms and good equipment. “My school has all the basics, but this should be the same for all other schools that don’t even have basics like running water and enough seats,”she says.

Eighteen-year-old Ronsley Rossouw is a student at Boland College in Strand who matriculated from Zandvliet Secondary last year. His view echoes that of his brother Dylan Rossouw, regarding a lack of English textbooks at the school. He says that although they don’t really discuss such issues, all schools should have decent infrastructure.

Grade 12 Gordon High pupil Exavian Arendse (17) says that at his school the equipment is reasonably sufficient. Teachers also go the extra mile and their school environment is equipped so that they learn well.

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Tuesday 2 July 2013

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Helderberg Gazette



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News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Park bring nuwe blik op Macassar ASHRAF BOOLEY

Macassar-inwoners geniet die opgradering van die nuwe Macassar Square Park. Ná skool skarrel kinders na die speelpark om toertjies op die klimraam te doen, op die swaaie deur die lug te vlieg of by die glybaan af te gly. Die park se opgradering het ’n nuwe aansig en gevoel na Macassar gebring en gesinne en vriende geniet saam middagete op die nuwe banktafels. “Dit lyk pragtig, ek en my kollega werk by die kliniek hier naby en het al klaar begin om ons middagete hier te geniet,” sê Marshalene Cornelius, ’n inwoner van Macassar. “As dit nou al so mooi lyk, kan ek nie wag om te sien hoe dit gaan lyk as dit heeltemal klaar is nie,” meen Magdalena Flaendorp, nog ’n Macassar-inwoner wat opgewonde oor die opgradering is. Die park is sentraal geleë en omring deur die plaaslike gemeenskapsaal en die kliniek, brandweer en munisipale kantore. Park-meubels, hout speeltoerusting, sagte landskapsargitektuur, inheemse bome, die oprig van pergolas en die verbreding van bestaande sypaadjies is alles deel van die

opgradering, aldus raadsheer Belinda Walker, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir gemeenskapdienste en spesiale projekte. Die opgradering beloop R935 000, wat deur die burgemeestersfonds finansier word en deur die wyk-allokasiebegroting van die plaaslike wyksraadslid John Heuvel, sê Walker. “Die doel van die opgradering van die Macassar Square Park is om gehalte ontspanningsgeriewe vir die gemeenskap van Macassar te voorsien en om ’n vriendelike omgewing te skep waar inwoners en hul families kan gaan ontspan en kwaliteittyd saam kan deurbring,” sê sy. Volgens Walker was die spertyd vir voltooiing van die projek die einde van Junie.

’n Verskeidenheid plante, insluitend inheemse bome, laat die park netjies lyk. Hier (van links) geniet Janine-leigh van Wyk, Magdalena Flaendorp (agter regs) en Marshalene Cornelius hul middagete op die nuwe bank-tafels.

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Tuesday 2 July 2013

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette


Former rugby star at Play and Learn CASSY VAN EEDEN Eddie Andrews, a retired Springbok rugby player was the guest speaker during a holiday programme at the new Macassar Civic last Wednesday. Andrews’ talk was made possible by the Somerset West Department of Correctional Services as part of their ‘adopt a school’ initiative. He spoke to St. Paul’s Primary School pupils – along with other youth from Macassar – about “dis-

cipline, specifically through Godly values,” says Sheryl Esau, assistant director of Correctional Services in Somerset West. The talk formed part of the Macassar Play and Learn holiday programme. Andrews is the director and life skills coach of the Joshua Foundation, which aims to engage with the youth about the value of discipline “as expressed in the book of Joshua in the Bible. “We need to teach our children discipline and life skills. Eddie encouraged the children to have discipline and to choose positive role

VOLUNTEERS AT THE NEW CIVIC CENTRE: As a part of their ‘adopt-a-school’ programme, the Somerset West Department of Correctional Services invited Eddie Andrews to speak to the youth. With the children are Sheryl Esau (right) and Recardo Machelm (left) from Correctional Services.

PLAY AND LEARN: Eddie Andrews, a retired Springbok, Western Province and Stormers rugby player paid a visit to the New Macassar Civic Centre last Wednesday. He spoke to the children about discipline and sporting as a possible career. Andrews is also the director of the Joshua Foundation. With him is Elijah Lottering (12). models, rather than those who represent violence and crime,” says Esau. Andrews will also be conducting a workshop on sports coaching and life skills with volunteers and teachers in the area. The now-retired rugby hero who has played for the Western Province, the Stormers and the Springboks, is the founder of the Joshua Foundation. The Foundation acts as a platform for Andrews and former rugby player Tonderai Chavhanga to engage with underprivileged youth as positive role models.

Nataly Davids of Arise Billionaires hands out clothes in Kay’s Caravan Park in Strand.

Children watch TV in their new TV-room at the Siphosenkosi Crèche in Macassar.


prosperity. West says that in these communities, “children don’t ever hear positive affirmation.” He feels the children do not believe that they, too can become extremely successful. He says the result of empowering children is that they can rise up and also become successful business owners, and even billionaires. Arise Billionaires works closely with underprivileged communities in Stellenbosch, Somerset West, Sir Lowry’s Pass, Paarl and Strand. The company sources donations from those companies they have helped to become successful. One of their local projects included helping the Siphosenkosi Crèche in Macassar. Arise Billionaires tiled the crèche, installed a TV room and donated food, so that the parents could afford to pay the teachers’ salaries.

Billionaires in the making Arise Billionaires began in 2006 with the sole vision of instilling dignity and pride in those who have lost everything. The business, based in Somerset West, helps those who have fallen prey to bankruptcy and insolvency to rise again. Arise Billionaires “takes people off the streets and aids them in rebuilding their lives and starting their own small businesses,” says business owner Donavan West. The company makes reaching out to underprivileged communities a major priority and primarily supports crèches, churches and fire victims. They organise clothing donations and feeding schemes, and facilitate training programmes to assist people in reaching and maintaining


Letters - Briewe

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Gazette Gee Om bring warmte dié winter Die Helderberg Gazette se winterwarmte-projek, die Gazette Gee Om, is op dreef en word goed deur lesers ondersteun. Helderberg-inwoners, individue, organisasies en kerke dra deurlopend by tot die projek. Tans het die Gazette Gee Om reeds 148 grys en vlootblou truie ingesamel waarvan 67 grys truie verlede week aan graad 1–3-leerlinge by die Solomon Qatyana Primêre skool in Asanda Village, Lwandle geskenk is. Die skool het egter in totaal 300 grys truie nodig net vir hierdie grade. Die Gazette Gee Om wil graag 890 truie insamel en help om Helderbergkinders dié winter warm en op die skoolbanke te hou. By heelwat skole in die Helderberg is baie leerlinge se ouers werkloos en is geld skaars. Daarom het sommige leerlinge nie truie nie en bly hulle op koue dae tuis of kom hulle sonder ’n trui skool toe. Die koue beïnvloed ook leerlinge se leervermoë. Dit is kommerwekkend

aangesien dié skole onder die provinsiale gemiddelde presteer wat geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid betref. Temperance Town Primêr in Gordonsbaai het aanvanklik ook 300 vlootblou truie vir graad 1–3 benodig, maar ná ’n welkome donasie van 120

truie van inwoners, benodig hul slegs 180 truie. Macassar Primêr het 170 vlootblou truie vir graad 1 tot 3 nodig en Rusthof Primêr in die Strand benodig 120 vlootblou truie vir hul leerlinge in graad 1 en 3 om warm te bly. Helderberg-inwoners, individue en kerke dra deurlopend tot die projek by. Strand-inwoner Anna-Maré du Toit is die Gazette Gee Om se grootste on-

dersteuner en het sover meer as 60 truie vir die projek geskenk. Van die truie is by familie en vriende, haar kliente by die Virgin Active-gym, Gantssentrum se Fun ’n Fit-klas, die NewGen-kerk in Somerset-Wes en ’n NGgemeente gekollekteer. Die Helderberg Opleidingsentrum in Somerset-Wes het ook 10 truie geskenk, die Helderberg Gazette se susterskoerant, die DistriksPos het ook 13 truie bygedra en die res van die truie is deur lesers wat anoniem wil bly, geskenk. Tans hoop die projek om nog truie in te samel om leerlinge by die bogenoemde skole warm te kan hou gedurende die koue wintermaande. Help ons om ’n bietjie warmte te versprei en wys dat jy, saam met die Helderberg Gazette, omgee. Lewer asseblief donasies van nuwe of tweedehandse vlootblou of grys truie by Boland Media by Mynhardtstraat 37, in die Gants-sentrum, Strand af.

Die studente en personeel van die Helderberg Opleidingssentrum in Somerset-Wes het ook truie aan die Gazette Gee Om-projek geskenk. Studentesake-assistent, Gilbert Webers (foto bo) is hier afgeneem by sommige van die truie.

Gazette readers have their say Street drugs spike You won’t stop the drugs until you get rid of the drug merchants. They get arrested, get the best lawyers and get out on bail. Then they start selling again. Don’t give drug dealers bail! People, you know where the drug houses are, speak up about it! Do as in arab countries send them to jail and forget about them. They are killing our children and the crime won’t stop until you get rid of these devils. I am very worried about those 9-year-olds using drugs. To solve this problem I think we have to work together with the community and the drug dealers. Die feit dat dwelmmisbruik die afgelope 4–5 jaar in die Helderberg toegeneem het, wys dat doeltreffende grensbeheer lank reeds nie meer bestaan nie. Dwelms van Nigerië en ander Afrika-lande kom maklik die land in! Suid-Amerikaanse

dwelmbase teiken ook SA wat ’n belangrike mark geword het vir dwelmbase! Skole is vrot van dwelms en kinders word selfs as koeriers gebruik! Nie net is doeltreffende grensbeheer nodig nie, maar ook ’n vorm van doodstraf vir dwelmsmokkelaars. ’n Dwelmsmokkelaar is ’n massamoordenaar wat mense, en veral jongmense, se toekoms en lewens met hul dwelms vernietig! Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes I am proud to say my son is one of the 80% that is still drugfree thanks to Shameel and WCTCC. Sue Puik diens, USave Baie dankie aan die personeel by Shoprite, Usave in Sir Lowry’s Pass vir jul vriendelike en goeie kliëntediens. Jul diens het baie verbeter sedert jul ’n paar maande tevore oopgemaak het. Dit is duidelik dat jul die ekstra bietjie insit om jul gemeenskap asook jul kliënte tevrede te stel en gelukkig te hou.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

General - Algemeen

HELP NEEDED: No More Tears, a non-profit organisation based in Strand is currently preparing donations for the needy during the winter months. They need the public’s assistance with donations of various ingredients to prepare soups as well as clothing and blankets. Shamsoenissa Langeveldt, manager of the organisation, expresses her thanks to previous sponsors. Here Shamsoenissa Langeveldt is handing out gifts to children in Khayelitsha at a surprise Christmas party last year. Shamsoenissa Langeveldt can be phoned on 021 854 6687.

Helderberg Gazette

Prevent fires this winter The City’s Fire and Rescue Service responded to a total of 28 incidents involving fires in informal homes in the Helderberg this year. This is according to Theo Layne, Station Commander of the City’s Fire and Rescue Service. These fires are usually caused by improper use or preventable accidents, he says. Open burning in residential areas is permitted only for fires for food preparation or similar domestic purposes, and if a burning permit has been applied for and issued. Here are some safety tips from the City: ) When going to bed, switch off electrical devices and extinguish gas burners, candles,


Recently members of No More Tears handed out soup and bread to residents of Morkel’s Cottage.

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lamps and paraffin stoves. ) Ensure that paraffin appliances are on a flat and firm surface. ) Cut long candles in half to prevent them falling over, and use a candle holder. ) Keep a bucket of sand or a fire extinguisher nearby when using a paraffin appliance. Water will not extinguish a paraffin fire and can spread the flame. ) Teach your children about the dangers of fire and what to do in an emergency. ) You have no more than five minutes to get out of the house when a fire starts. Please report emergencies to the 107 emergency number from a Telkom line. Cell phone users need to dial 021 480 7700.



General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Useful tips to keep warm DANIQUE FULLARD

The 3 Tons of Fun divas will be performing at the Caledon Casino Hotel, Spa & Entertainment on 27 July.

3 Tons of Fun at Casino This will be the outrageously entertaining trio’s third show at the re-

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sort. 3 Tons of Fun has emerged over the last eight years as one of Cape Town’s and South Africa’s most loved all-female groups. Their high-energy, funfilled and dazzling cabaret show attracts full houses wherever it goes. They have performed in countries including Thailand, Switzerland, Swaziland, Togo, Zambia, Ghana,


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Namibia, Botswana and Nigeria. Tickets to the show cost R80 each. The event takes place in The Caledon Hotel’s Swartberg Venue. Places are limited so pre-booking is essential. Tickets are available at the hotel’s reception desk. There will be a cash bar and a light menu available for those who would like to “make a meal” of the evening.

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The unmistakable, must-see 3 Tons of Fun divas are coming back to the Overberg for what promises to be another dazzling, sell-out show at The Caledon Casino, Hotel, Spa & Entertainment on 27 July.

Keeping warm this winter does not have to cost you the earth. Indeed, expensive down duvets are really effective, as are oil and gas heaters and electric blankets. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we have a responsibility to be energy conscious and if we are not, the result will be a dark winter, literally. Other than switching our geysers and other unnecessary electrical appliances off between 17:00 and 21:00 on the request of Eskom, there are many more ways to keep our lights on this winter and also keep warm at the same time. Use hot water bottles to keep warm and snuggle on the couch with throws and warm layers of clothing rather than heaters. Drawing your curtains in the afternoon also helps to keep in the heat in and keep your doors closed to hinder icy draughts chilling your home. You can also embrace the cold weather with some interesting hot drinks. Other than warming the body, these easy recipes also keep unwanted colds and flu at bay. Homemade Chai tea (serves 4)

)8 cardamom seeds ) 8 cloves ) 4 black peppercorns )2 cinnamon sticks ) 1 1-inch piece fresh ginger, sliced ) 2 cups whole milk ) 4 bags black tea (such as Darjeeling) ) 8 teaspoons sugar or more, to taste Place the cardamom, cloves, and peppercorns in a re-sealable plastic bag and crush with a heavy skillet. Then place the crushed spices in a medium saucepan, along with the cinnamon sticks, ginger, milk, and 2 cups water. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add the tea bags, cover, and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain into cups. To each cup, add two teaspoons sugar or more, to taste. Warm hazelnut toddy (serves 1) ) 1 1/2 ounces Frangelico ) 1/2 cup hot water )2 tablespoons lightly whipped heavy cream In a mug, stir together the Frangelico and hot water. Spoon the whipped cream over the top before serving.

Dinsdag 2 Julie 2013

General - Algemeen

Inwoners van Macassar is onlangs met goeie musiek vermaak tydens die Jazz on the Block-musiekgeleentheid.

The Collectives tydens hul optrede by die Jazz on the Block.

DJ Nate van Goodhope FM (links) met Josh the Entertainer.

Josh the Entertainer leer die kinders van sy danspassies.

HAVE YOUR SAY! NAMING OF CIRCLE: COEN STEYTLER CIRCLE The City of Cape Town is finalising a naming proposal in respect of an unnamed circle on the Foreshore, Cape Town. The naming proposal entails naming the circle where Heerengracht, Walter Sisulu Avenue, Bartholomeu Dias Boulevard and Vasco da Gama Boulevard meet in front of the Cape Town International Conference Centre, to Coen Steytler Circle. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 17 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) that the public and interested parties or groups are given the opportunity to indicate support of or objections to the naming proposal for a period of 30 days, from 1 July 2013 up to 31 July 2013. Comments, input and recommendations in respect of this naming proposal may be submitted in any of the following ways: • • •

By fax to 021 400 1465 By e-mail to naming@capetown.gov.za By written submission posted to PO Box 298, Cape Town 8000: For attention: Acting Manager - Public Participation Unit

Special assistance will be given to people who cannot read or write, people living with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups who are unable to submit written comments, to have their inputs or comments recorded and submitted to the municipality. Such persons should contact the City of Cape Town’s Public Participation Unit: For general public participation: Ruché Daniels at 021 400 1766 or e-mail to ruche.daniels@capetown.gov.za or For assistance to disadvantaged persons: Anele Viti at 021 400 1652 or e-mail to anele.viti@capetown.gov.za Comment forms for the Coen Steytler Circle naming process will be available on the City of Cape Town’s website: www.capetown.gov.za/haveyoursay, at subcouncil offices and at public libraries. Follow us on




at www.capetown.gov.za


International divas live in SA

Jazz by die woonstelle Plaaslike orkeste Chosen Family en Brotherhood to the Collectives asook Josh, the Entertainer het opgetree. DJ Nate van Goodhope FM het ook ’n spesiale optrede aangebied. Jonathan Samuels, ook bekend as DJ Hammer, het die funksie wat oud en jonk na die L-woonstelblok, geïnisieër. Kinders het op die springkasteel baljaar en het ook lekkergoedpakkies gekry. Volgens Samuels wou hy met dié geleentheid sy gemeenskap bedank vir hul ondersteuning.

Helderberg Gazette


America’s Soul Divas CeCe Peniston, Sybil and Robin S plan to get audiences dancing in the aisles when they perform at the GrandWest Grand Arena on Saturday 6 July. Afro-American R&B Singer CeCe Peniston is one of the most successful dance club artists in the history of the Billboard Hot Dance Music charts. CeCe Peniston Her signature tune Finally became one of the biggest dance singles ever, selling three million copies worldwide. New York singer and songwriter Robin S enjoyed chart successes with

BOEK-KOMPETISIE WENNERS: Die gelukkige Gazette-lesers wat boeke in verlede week se kompetisie gewen het, is Claire Skippers (Hospitaaltyd), Willem Malherbe (The Godfather of Kathmandu), Naomi de Wet (Dogtective William travels the world) Noreen Wewers (My ABC boek), Piet Snyman (Grilbrigade) en Heidi Lombard (Dirk slaap oor).

her hit singles Show me the love and Luv 4 Luv. American R&B-pop singer Sybil is best known for her covers of Dionne Warwick’s hits such as Don’t make me over and Walk on by. The Soul Divas will be supported by the all-female New York City Orchestra, which makes the evening a celebration of soul and

female talent. Tickets cost between R325 and R495 and are available at Computicket. Doors open at 19:00. Show starts at 20:00.



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Year 17 • Dinsdag 2 Julie 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Suksesvolle Legacy Cup vir Raithby Juniors Die Raithby Juniors het op Jeugdag, 16 Junie ’n geslaagde sportdag as deel van hul Legacy Cup-toernooi op die McLaren sportsveld in Raithby gehou. In die hoofwedstryd het die Raithby Juniors-rugbyspan die span van Macassar Sekondêr

23–10 gewen. Zandvliet Sekondêr het weggeloop met die jaarlikse Legacy Cuptoekenning. Twee wedstryde, waaraan ses spanne deelgeneem het, is gespeel. West London en Melvin’s Transport het ook nuwe rugbytruie aan die spanne geborg.

Hier (agter van links) is Daniel Adams (afrigter), Riwuan Afrika, Lwellen Ruiters, Aden Baartman, Reagan Arendse, Marshall Arnolds, Tyrone November, Ruan Hendricks, Dillin Andries, Ceanen van Neel, Estevaan Baardman, Carlo Vermeulen en Thomas Adams (voorsitter); (middel) Keanen de Bruin, Mark Adams, Marlon Afrika, Yowe Hoi, Hagan Tromp, Lorenzo September en Nicolas Gordon; (voor) Sherwin Prins, Stefan Herbert, Jon Adams, Tofiek Jaftha, Keenan Baartman en Michael Samuels.





155 x 13


00 elk

175 x 70 x 13

399 459 00

00 elk

185 x 60 x 14


165 x 13

185 x 65 x 14

389 479 00 409 509 00 499 00 699 00 00



175 x 65 x 14


195 x 50 x 15



175 x 70 x 14

195 x 14 comm



215 x 15

255 x 70 x 15

Riwuan Afrika (met die bal) is as speler van die toernooi aangewys.

205 x 40 x 17

629 00 659 00 899 00 999 00 elk 205 x 55 x 16 elk 225 x 45 x 17 elk

225 x 40 x 18


245 x 70 x 16

4 x 4 999 00 1199 00 1299 00 4x4 1999 00 2199 00 2499 00 elk


31 x 10.5 x 15 mt


245 x 75 x 16 mt




165 x 70 x 13

3I9 00 369 00 469 00 elk

175 x 65 x 14


195 x 50 x 15 elk


265 x 75 x 16 mt elk

175 x 70 x 13

379 00 429 00 549 00

Raithby Juniors se Jon Adams wen die lynstaanbal.


185 x 60 x 14


205 x 40 x 17


* BF&W * Pryse geldig vanaf 2 Julie tot en met 8 Julie 2013 * Pryse slegs kontant * Geen tjeks aanvaarbaar nie * Pryse van van toepassing wanneer bande op ons perseel aangesit word en solank voorraad hou * Pryse sluit ou bande vanaf voertuig in * Pryse sluit BTW in * Pryse geldig by hierdie tak alleenlik * Bring hierdie advertensie in om te kwalifiseer * Alle groot kredietkaarte aanvaar, insluitend Mastercard en Visa op 3% hanteringsfooi * Nominale tarief vir monitering en balansering

H.V. HAMMONDSTR & GORDONSBAAIWEG 2, STRAND - Tel: 021 853 5407 / 021 853 5408

Goodhope Tyres 20x5 2713


M - 36


Strand Athletic Club Results Time Trial Results for 25 June: 4 km men: Ruan Oostenbank 16:45; Slizred Baka 18:51; Marcel Schooneman 19:11; Manus Strauss 19:55; Johan Oostenruyk 19:55. 8 km men: Abre Jordaan 32:00.

4 km women: Wilna Eybers 15:55; Lauren Buchan 19:05; Gerda Heyns 20:21; Paulina Zono 21:04; Julani Boshoff 23:11. For more information on the club visit their website at www.strandac.co.za.

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