Helderberg Gazette 2 October 2012

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Year 16 • Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Macassar-inwoners staan tou buite die nuwe gemeenskapsaal waar hul vir staatstoelaes moet herregistreer .


Inwoners raadop met Sassa NICOLE MCCAIN

Macassar-inwoners wat die afgelope maand probeer het om vir hul toelaes te herregistreer is telkemale weggewys. Die herregistrasieproses, wat aan die begin van September afgeskop het, is deel van die South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) se nasionale bekendstelling van die nuwe Sassa smartcard, wat korrupsie in die maatskaplike toelaestelsel moet bekamp. Macassar-inwoners wat vir ure tougestaan het, moes verskeie kere terugkeer om herregistreer te word. Diegene wat in die ry gestaan het, het vertel dat hulle reeds sedert 06:00 of 07:00 daar was en by meer as een geleentheid,

onverrigtersake huistoe gestuur is. ’n Macassar-inwoner wat vir die derde keer probeer het om te registreer, sê sy is huistoe gestuur omdat Sassa se kaarte opgeraak het. Nog ’n inwoner wat vir die vierde keer in die saal was vir toelaes vir haar kinders, vertel sy is huistoe gestuur omdat op daardie dag besluit is dat bejaardes voorkeur sou geniet. ’n Derde inwoner sê hy is teen Donderdagmiddag weggewys omdat die masjiene gebreek het. Hy het in daardie stadium reeds vir vier ure lank in die ry gestaan. Shivani Wahab, senior bestuurder vir kommunikasie en bemarking van Sassa in die WesKaap sê daar was probleme met die netwerk aansluiting, wat veroorsaak het dat die masjiene nie gewerk het nie.

Sy het bygevoeg dat Sassa van diensverskaffers verwissel het in ’n poging om die situasie reg te stel. Daarbenewens is verwysingsnommers gegee aan diegene wat weggestuur is, en hulle is dan voorkeur gegee met hul terugkeer. Die man wat Donderdag teruggestuur is, moes egter, soos die res, weer agter in die ry inval. Daar is ook aan hom gesê hy gaan waarskynlik nie gehelp word nie omdat slegs ’n maksimum van 60 mense gehelp kon word voordat die stasie vir die dag om 13:00 sou sluit. Volgens Wahab het dié probleem ontstaan omdat dubbelbesprekings vir die gemeenskapsaal gedoen is en dit nie vir die res van die dag beskikbaar was nie. Sy het gesê Sassa sou vandeesweek beskikbaar wees om die agterstand weg te werk en om seker te maak almal kon

registreer. Volgens diegene wat gister tougestaan het, is mense egter weer eens weggewys omdat toe die kantoor om 08:00 geopen het, daar slegs ’n toesighouer en geen personeel was nie. Inwoners vertel die toesighouer het ook teen sowat 10:00 geloop, nadat hy aan hulle gesê het dat geen aansoeke in elk geval verwerk kon word nie aangesien niemand beskikbaar was om vingerafdrukke te neem nie. Wahab het bevestig dat inwoners weggewys is, maar sê Sassa-beamptes was wel op die perseel. Hulle kon egter geen biometriese inligting verwerk nie omdat die kontrakteur, Cash Paymaster Services (CPS), weens gebrekkige kommunikasie, nie op die perseel was nie. Volgens Wahab sou registrasies Dinsdag voortgesit word.








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Helderberg Gazette

News - Nuus

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Gideon – the boy with a heart of green gold NICOLE MCCAIN Ten-year-old Gideon Bergh and his mother, Dyani, are in the process of starting a sustainable food programme at Temperance Town Primary School. The project, all Gideon’s idea, will feature a vertical vegetable garden and a compost system. These will supplement the school’s feeding scheme and provide an income for the institution. The idea came to Gideon after his school, Gordon’s Bay Primary, sent home a letter asking parents to send an extra sandwich to school for those children who didn’t have any lunch. Gideon’s response was to ask, “Can’t we grow them food instead?” And with that, he and Dyani set about learning everything they could about gardens from local experts. Their first challenge was that Temperance Town Primary didn’t have enough ground to grow a garden, says Dyani. So instead of planting across, they decided to work their way up – literally – and create a vertical garden. The second problem was how to keep all the plants watered, seeing as the school doesn’t have an irrigation system. This is when they decided to use a drip-feed system. The plants will be planted in upside-down plastic bottles whose ends and lids have been removed. The bottles will be suspended from

wires, one above another, so that only the top bottles have to be watered; the water will drip down from the top bottles to the ones below. In addition, they’re putting up tubes made of tyres, in which potatoes can be grown. The vegetables will be used in the school’s feeding scheme, or distributed in the community. But, in the words of Gideon, “They can’t just eat potatoes and vegetables.” So the project had to include a way to generate funds to supplement the children’s diet and cover any running costs of the garden. This is where the idea to make compost came in. The school will use any plant waste from the garden to feed an earthworm farm. What they produce will then be put into a pond, in which the school will be able to breed fish for sale, after which it will be left in a tank to “stew”. The water drained from the tank will be used in the vertical garden, and the compost sediment will be sold. Dyani says the project will sustain itself, and merely requires start-up funds. Once this pilot project shows itself to be successful, they will be able to get funding from the departments of education and social development. In the meantime, they are still raising funds to get the initiative running by early next term. For more information, or to become involved, call Dyani on 072 634 2305 or send an email to tootfor@gmail.com. Call Temperance Town Primary on 021 856 1548.

Gideon Bergh and his mother, Dyani, are rolling up their sleeves to help Temperance Town Primary start a feeding project. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

KINDHEARTED: Die Son’s 2011 model of the year, Taryn-Lee Olifant, sponsored a dream matric farewell for Alvina. PHOTO: ILLANA FRANTZ

ACT OF GRACE: Alvina Hendricks was transformed into a princess for her matric dance, but only after many tears were shed. Alvina, who lives in foster care, was approached by a Helderberg resident who offered to sponsor her dress, hair and make-up so that she could have a magical evening at the Hottentots Holland High School matric farewell on Thursday. But at the last minute, her sponsor pulled out, leaving her without a dress or any way to afford one. Fortunately for Alvina, her fairy godmother, in the form of Die Son 2011 model of the year Taryn-lee Olifant, appeared to transform her. Taryn-lee sponsored Alvina’s hair, make-up and dress, helping to create a fairytale evening for the matric girl. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

Tuesday 2 October 2012

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette


Rowers uit J-blok gesnuffel NICOLE MCCAIN Die inhegtenisneming van twee verdagtes verlede Woensdag by die J-woonstelle in Macassar het soos ’n toneel uit ’n aksie-fliek afgespeel. Inwoners van die woonstelblok sê polisielede het op die woonstel toegesak terwyl die vermeende rowers daar weggekruip het. Volgens Macassar se polisiewoordvoerder, konst. Chrisy Young, is die mans betrap ná ’n informant hulle ingelig het oor verdagtes wat daar wegkruip. Hulle was glo vroeër die oggend by ’n gewapende roof by die manskle-

rewinkel Markham in Somerset-Wes betrokke. ’n Inwoner Raymond August sê hy het onraad vermoed toe hy die twee mans by ’n woonstel sien inhardloop het. “Dit het soos ’n robbery gelyk.” Volgens Somerset-Wes se polisie woordvoerder, konstabel Susan Jantjies, het vyf gewapende mans omstreeks 09:45 die klerewinkel in Somerset-Wes, Hoofweg, beroof. Die winkel was ook op 29 Junie vanjaar deur gewapende rowers geteiken. Tydens verlede week se roof is personeel na ’n kamer agter in die winkel forseer. Jantjies sê die mans het tien selfone en ongeveer R10 000 in kontant

Twee vermeende rowers is verlede Woensdag by die J-woonstelblok in Macassar in hegtenis geneem. FOTO: NICOLE MCCAN

gebuit waarna hul in ’n wit Toyota Tazz gevlug het. Een van die verdagtes is by ’n verkeerslig naby die Shell Garage in Firgrove in hegtenis geneem, terwyl die in die rigting van Macassar gehardloop het. Twee van die verdagtes is omstreeks 12:30 by die J-woonstelle vasgetrek waar hulle in die woonstel van Heilene Jackson weggekruip het. Volgens Jackson het sy wakker geskrik waar sy langs haar ses maande oue baba geslaap het toe die mans haar slaapkamer ingestorm het. “Ek weet nie hoe hulle ingekom het nie, maar ek het net my baba gegryp en uitgehardloop.” Volgens Young is die mans in die woonstel gevang waar hulle langs ’n klerekas in die slaapkamer weggekruip het. Die polisie het op ’n Smith en Wesson 38-rewolwer, ses patrone, twee swart leer beursies en vyf selfone beslag gelê. Die drie verdagtes sal Vrydag 5 Oktober in die Somerset-Wes-landdroshof op klagtes van besigheidsroof, die besit van gesteelde goedere en die besit van ’n onwettige vuurwapen verskyn. Die twee ander vermeende rowers is steeds op vrye voet. Volgens August is dit die tweede keer vanjaar dat die woonstelblok deur misdaad geteiken is. In Augustus is ’n verdagte daar deur die polisie geskiet. “Dit laat ’n mens onveilig voel,” meen hy.

Taxi­tariewe op na petrolprys styg Taxi-pendelaars sal van 1 November R1 ekstra vir ritte moet opdok. Dié tariefverhoging volg ná verlede maand se 93c-petrolprys verhoging. Volgens Helderberg Taxi-forum voorsitter Alfred Carelse is die nuutste verhoging geldig vir die hoofroetes:

Strand/Somerset-Wes, Sir Lowry’s Pass/SomersetWes, Macassar/Somerset-Wes en Lwandle/SomersetWes. Carelse sê môre (Woensdag) se beoogde 21c petrolverhoging is reeds in aanmerking geneem vir die taxitariefverhoging.

Drug den gets busted – twice A recent crackdown on drugs in Strand saw eight people arrested by the local police in a week. A man and woman were arrested after police raided their Sercor Drive home on 20 September. Police seized over a kilogram of dagga, as well as tik worth R50 000 on the street. The two appeared in the Strand Magistrate’s Court the following day, and the case was postponed to 20 October. On Wednesday, the Strand police raided the same house again, and arrested another man – this time for possession of Mandrax and dagga. They also arrested two men and three women for possession of dagga, tik and Mandrax at a house in Fink Street. The two men had been out on bail on other drug-related charges. The suspects all appeared in court on Friday. The outcomes of their cases were not available at the time of going to print.

Constable Saswane Darries, Sergeant Oswald Adams and Constable Sthembiso Mchithakali with the confiscated drugs.

SPRING FLOOD: Residential areas all over the Helderberg were flooded by heavy rains on Thursday. Meagan Booysen, a resident of Petunia Avenue in Broadlands Park, took the above photograph on Friday morning on her way to work. Booysen said excited children enjoyed playing in the water.

Macassar­GPF soek data Macassar-gemeenskapsorganisasies kan nou by die gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum (GPF) aansoek doen vir die bywerking van hul organisasies se besonderhede. Die doel van die bywerking is om nouer samewerking tussen die po-

lisie en die organisasies te bewerkstellig. Vorms in dié verband is by die Macassar-polisie se traumakamer beskikbaar. Bel Jonathan Maart 073 210 2253 vir meer inligting.


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Crime remains a problem

Decline in crime NICOLE MCCAIN According to the recent crime statistics most crimes in the Helderberg have decreased over the last year. However, the statistics indicate that drugrelated crimes are on the increase. Police say the increase in the number of cases reported is due to more active policing. Constable Mbulelo Mafuna, spokesperson for the Strand SAPS, says the increase in arrests made in the area is due to police interventions. Last week alone, he says they conducted three drug raids in Sercor Park. Lieutenant Colonel Errol Merkeur, station commander for the Macassar SAPS, says more arrests have been made because police are initiating more operations to close down drug dens. He says that the increase is positive, because the amount of crime is not on the increase, but the number of arrests are.’n Merkeur added that his station conducts operations on a continuous basis, and may have several raids a month.

Tuesday 2 October 2012


Strand police experienced an increase in the number of drug-related crimes from 526 cases last year, to 640. In the same period, Lwandle saw an increase from 325 to 467, and Macassar from 374 to 452. However, Constable Gama, spokesperson for the Lwandle police, says that there is an increase in other crimes such as housebreaking because of drug abuse. According to Gama their policing sector has experienced an increase in housebreaking, because the perpetrators are stealing to fund their drug addiction. In Lwandle, the number of break-ins increased from 193 to 213. Other crimes that have been linked to drug use include theft out of cars, says Mafuna. The Strand also experienced an increase in housebreaking from 709 to 743 in the last year, and theft out of a motor vehicles increased from 671 to 767 cases. Merkeur says that both housebreaking and theft out of cars are problems in Macassar. However, the number of break-ins in Macassar decreased from 301 cases last year to 287 this year, and theft out of motor vehicles only increased by one incident.

After the release of the recent crime statistics, Gazette asked readers what they thought about the state of safety.

“Crime is not going down,” says Somerset West’s Innocent Mazvariria. He feels the police need to be more active by having more undercover operations. “The police must wear civvies. The uniforms make police more visible, so the criminals can see them coming.” PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN

Lizelle Hyde van Strand sê sy sien geen verandering in die voorkoms van misdaad nie. “Dis dieselfde. Die syfers het nie gedaal nie, want werkloosheid is ’n groot oorsaak van misdaad.”

Ryno Robynties van Macassar dink misdaad verminder. “Dit raak beter. Ek voel veiliger en kan nou rondloop. Misdaadbekamping sal verbeter as gemeenskappe saamstaan.”

Annie Booysen, van Macassar, sê sy dink misdaad is nog steeds ’n groot probleem in haar gemeenskap. “Elke naweek is daar inbrake. Die misdaad is as gevolg van dwelmmisbruik, of werkloosheid.”

“Crime has gone down from last year,” says Eric Mguzulwa from Khayaleitsha. “The police have been working hard to catch criminals. The only problem is that the court process takes a long time,” he adds.

Strand CPF to hold AGM The Strand Community Police Forum (CPF) is getting ready to hold its annual general meeting. The meeting is set to take place in the Cassablanca community hall at 19:00 on Thursday 25 October. All organisations are requested to register

with the CPF ahead of the upcoming annual meeting. Registration forms are available at the police station’s social crime prevention office. For more information contact CPF secretary Francis Lucas on 076 932 8858 or Constable Mbelelo Mafuna on 082 302 6992.

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“Misdaad raak erger,” sê Denice Systen van Chris Nissen Park. “’n Mens sien elke dag hoe mense sterf, en die oortreders niks oorkom nie.”

Jeering crowds chase off MEC NICOLE MCCAIN Heckling protesters drove the MEC of human settlements from a meeting in Nomzamo recently. Bruce Oom, spokesperson for Bonginkosi Madikizela, says the MEC was unable to address the community on 22 September due to the noise created by the protesters. Madikizela then left. According to Sitmebiso Weduwedu, chairperson of the Nomzamo residents’ committee, the meeting was broken up because members of the ANC Youth League grew rowdy and pre-

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vented the MEC from speaking. Oom says he had heard that the protest was staged by the ANC Youth League. Sipho Marba, secretary for the ANC Youth League in Nomzamo, denies any involvement on the part of the Youth League in the disruption. According to protester Monwabisi Rasmeni, people grew unruly because they were unhappy at being addressed by a DA official. Oom says the meeting was a scheduled information session intended to address service delivery and upcoming plans for the area. Residents were to have been given the chance to raise their concerns and ask questions.


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A crowd protesting outside the Nomzamo community hall prevented human settlements MEC Bonginkosi Madikizela from addressing the community. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCCAIN

Tuesday 2 October 2012

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Helderberg Gazette



General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Wat sê lesers

B’park­werksessies Gedurende die afgelope jaar het Broadlands Park deel uitgemaak van ’n reeks gemeenskapsgebaseerdewerkssessies aangebied deur die Mediese Navorsingsraad en Unisa se navorsingseenheid vir die bevordering van veiligheid en vrede (Sappru). Die gemeenskap het opleiding en inligting ontvang rakende kinderontwikkeling, die voorkoming en behandeling van vergiftiging en kindermishandeling asook gesonde voeding en inenting. “Broadlands Park het oorvloedige potensiaal, en met volgehoue toewyding en motivering beplan die Sappru om dit te identifiseer en te verbeter,” sê Najuwa Arendse van die Mediese Navorsingsraad. Om terugvoering van die vorige werksessies te kry, asook om vir toekomstige werksessies te beplan, word ’n vergadering Maandag 8 Oktober om 12:00 in die Broadlands Park gemeenskapsaal gehou. Verversings sal bedien word.

BRAAI VAN DIE EEU Lekker skaaptjops, varktjops, boerewors, braaibroodjies en slaai maak ’n braai spesiaal. Daar moet ook pap met tamatie, uie en bistosous wees. Dan het jy die ideale braai van die eeu. Smit, Somerset-Wes


WONDROUS WOMEN: Around 200 women attended a special event held by the Strand Community Police Forum earlier this month; they were treated to motivational speakers, entertainment and light snacks. Seen here (from left) are social worker and motivational speaker Roset Newman, motivational speaker Katie Arendse, social crime officer Constable Bongani Nksa and singer Brigette de Waal. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


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Daar word gesê dat R13 miljoen op infrastruktuur spandeer is. Dit is baie verdag dat die Stad Kaapstad nie kon sê waarop nie. Weet Zille wat in haar eie regering aangaan? Ondersoek moet ingestel word na daai R13 miljoen. Dit is duidelik dat die DA nie hul werk doen nie. Naamborde wat hul verander is belangriker! Piet Steyn, Strand Die Stad Kaapstad moenie huil oor die R500 000 wat op infrastruktuur spandeer is nie. Die DA stel nie bekwame mense aan wat dienste kan verskaf en skole bou nie. Die begroting word nie ten volle spandeer nie. As dit nie verander nie, moet die arrogante DA maar die gevolge dra! Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes

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Tuesday 2 October 2012

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette


Macassar hou basaar Ouers en leerlinge van die Macassar Primêre skool het op 1 September die skool se jaarlikse basaar geniet.

BEST MODELS: The Good News crèche in Strand recently held a modelling show. The winners in the 3 to 4 year age group were (from left) Ivoandré Cedras, who was crowned second prince, winner Nolen-Lee Enslin, and first prince Amila Rotho.

The winners of the girl’s section, in the same age group, were (from left) second princess Darnelle Linders, winner Christina Stellenberg, and first princess Tarron Truter. PHOTO’S: SUPPLIED WARM IN WINTER: Die Wes-Kaapse polisie se vrouenetwerk het onlangs meer as 900 serpe aan leerlinge van Macassar Primêre skool geskenk. Die skenking is deel van die netwerk se Warm Winter-veldtog waar polisievroue en lede van die gemeenskap serpe vir minderbevoorregte kinders moes brei. Hier (agter van links) is Macassar se stasiebevelvoerder luitenant-kolonel Errol Merkeur, sosiale misdaadkoördineerder Anita Jooste, skoolhoof Mark Williams, sersant Niklaas Thysen en Somerset-Wes polisiewoordvoerder, konstabel Suzan Jantjies. Voor is leerlinge by die kampioen van die Khayelitsha vrouenetwerk, luitenant-kolonel Pauline Veldsman. FOTO’S: BERNADETTE ROSSI

Die stalletjies by die basaar is goed ondersteun..

Opgewonde Macassar Primêr-leerlinge by skoolhoof Mark Williams en luitenant-kolonel Pauline Veldsman.


Caitlin Davids (Gr R) geniet ’n lekker stroperige toffieappel en koek.

Amy Kuhn (Gr R A1) en haar jonger sussie Michayla uitgevat vir die basaar. FOTO’S: VERSKAF

Van links is Donvito Prince (Gr 3), Mashoet Smith (Gr 2), Jade Williams, Luciano Smith (Gr 5) en Leana Pietersen (Gr 1).

Tea for German residents A spring tea for German residents and visitors will be held on Saturday 6 October. The tea, which will be hosted at the St Pauls Catholic Church in Somerset West

will be held from 10:00-12:00. Entry is free, but monetary donations are welcome. For more information phone Marlies on 021 853 1103.


Year 16 • Dinsdag 2 Oktober 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Blue Rock karateka prove to be a competition hit Nine karateka from Sir Lowry’s Pass put on a fighting fit performance at the recent national karate championship. The local karateka – from the Blue Rock dojo – joined 61 others in battle amid Funakoshi Karate International South Africa’s national championships, held at Gordon’s Bay Primary on 22 September. Seventy karateka from four dojos participated in total. The event started with a march-on by all participants, followed by the formal opening. A demonstration of advanced

karate forms and kata by the instructors kicked off the activities. This was followed by unison and weapons kata, after which the individual kata and kumite (sparring) got going. The karateka from Blue Rock did extremely well at the competition; participating only in the kata events, they claimed two gold and a number of silver and bronze medals. This was the first competition for most of the Blue Rock participants, who made it clear that they would like to participate in the kumite event too at the next championship.

The event was formally opened after the march-on.


The participants from Blue Rock dojo are (back row, from left) Senpai Gerhard Roos, Sibusiso Xotongo with his gold medal, Anaish Carelse with her silver medal, Ayaphila Dimbaza with his bronze medal, Pamela Maarman and Mthombo Dimbaza with his bronze medal; (front) Senpai Deirdre Roos, Sibonile Mvithane, Cherenique Bouw with her gold medal, Azola Malgas with her bronze medal and Vuyokazi Malgas.

Kyla Swart and Ayaphila Dimbaza took the lead in the march-on.

NEW THREADS: Strand Rugby Club’s senior team was recently handed tracksuits and fleece tops by Neale’s Hydraulics and Pneumatics. Seen here (standing, from left) are Ronnie Hendricks, sponsor Neale Williams, club chairperson Paulus Swartland, president Naaim Thomas and vice-chair Edgar Carstens. Kneeling is secretary Wilfred Fortuin. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

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