Year 17 • Tuesday 30 April 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211
World Book Day
Schools to now serve breakfast ASHRAF BOOLEY
Primary school pupils whose parents cannot afford to feed them nutritious meals will now receive not only lunch at school, but also breakfast.
World Book and Copyright Day, an international day established by UNESCO, took place on 23 April. The date has also been associated with William Shakespeare, 23 April 1616 being the date of his death, and some scholars stating that it was also the date of his birth, 52 years earlier. Pictured is Chloe van Deling of Sir Lowry’s Pass at this neighbourhood’s library. Read more on page 8. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN
Apart from providing pupils with fresh fruit and vegetables, lentils and tinned fish since 2011, the Western Cape Education Department now uses breakfast as a means to try and improve attendance and performance among primary school children. “This year we are expanding the scheme even further to include an additional breakfast meal,” says Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for Education MEC Donald Grant. As a means to enhance nutrition and encourage pupils to arrive early for school, breakfast meals are served five days a week at the start of each school day. Over 80 000 primary school pupils receive meals at the 100 schools in Metro East, in which the Helderberg falls, that benefit from the National School Nutrition Programme. Marvin Park Primary, Sir Lowry’s Pass Primary and Nomzamo Primary are some of the schools that are part of the programme in the district. According to Roland MacDonald, principal of Sir Lowry’s Pass Primary – where 600 pupils are part of the programme – many of the pupils at his school don’t get meals at home. “We offer them breakfast that alternates between mealie meal and Jungle Oats and as a result their concentration has improved.” This is echoed by the Association for Dietetics saying that according to news reports, poorly nourished children will struggle to reach
their academic potential. John Jacobs, principal of Marvin Park Primary School in Macassar, where 450 pupils are part of the programme, says, “The programme has a positive impact on all areas of our pupils’ development and especially improves their concentration.” The breakfast meals, as encouragement for pupils to arrive early, certainly work at Marvin Park Primary. “Because of the feeding scheme, we have very few latecomers. Pupils arrive early so that they can eat something,” says Jacobs. One of the pupils at Marvin Park Primary says, “I work better once I’ve had something to eat at school”. Another pupil says that he looks forward to the delicious meals and reiterates that a full stomach improves concentration. Patricia de Kock and Annie Williams are the women who prepare the meals for pupils at Marvin Park Primary. “We enjoy preparing the meals for them because they enjoy it and many of them don’t have food at home,” says Williams. A total of 1 022 schools across the province are currently part of the feeding scheme. According to Casey, the department spends R2,56 per pupil per day on meals, including breakfast and lunch.
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 30 April 2013
Help Spectacular om vir Suid-Afrika te dans NICOLE MCCAIN Kyk jy na die bolmakiesies, spronge en bewegings van die plaaslike hip hop-groep Spectacular, is dit maklik om die talent raak te sien wat aanleiding gegee het tot hul deelname aan ’n internasionale kompetisie. Die vyf Strand-seuns, tussen die ouderdomme van 11 en 15 jaar, het onlangs deelgeneem aan die nasionale hip hop-danskompetisie, Dans na Las Vegas 2013, in Bellville, en is gekies om deel te neem aan die kompetisie in Las Vegas. Meer as 2 000 dansers van 40 lande sal daar deelneem aan die kompetisie wat in Augustus plaasvind. Hoewel die plaaslike groep talentvol genoeg is om deel te neem, is hulle afkomstig uit ’n gemeenskap met ’n hoë werkloosheidsyfer en groot armoede, en benodig elkeen R16 000 vir hul vliegkaartjies. Ten spyte van hierdie struikelblok weier die seuns om hul droom prys te gee. “Toe ons gekies is om na Amerika te gaan was dit net
wow!” sê die 15-jarige Keenan du Preez. “Dis opwindend. Ek kan nie wag om lughawe toe te gaan nie. Ek sien uit daarna.” Die bestuurder van die groep, Racheline Thomas, sê: “Dit beteken groot dinge vir hulle. Hulle gaan Suid-Afrika verteenwoordig.” Racheline het die groep sewe jaar gelede begin, toe haar seun Nicreach wou begin dans. Sy het gesien daar is belangstelling in hiphop, en het saam met die groep van vyf begin werk. “Ek het die groep begin om die kinders weg te hou van die straat, drank en dwelms,” sê Racheline. Regenald Esua (15), sê die groep hou hom weg van slegte invloede. “Daar is niks om te doen gedurende die naweke nie, maar nou behoort ek aan ’n groep wat dinge doen.” Die seuns het hul eie choreograaf, en oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag. Diegene wat belangstel om die Spectacular-dansgroep finansieel te ondersteun of meer inligting verlang, kan Racheline Thomas by 074 774 8730 bel.
Die Spectacular-dansgroep, van links (voor) is Devon Dumpies en Nicreach Thomas; (agter) Keenan du Preez, Regenald Esua en Senario November.
MACASSAR-FAMILIE VIER 80STE VERJAARSDAG: Ronald Baatjies het sy 80ste verjaarsdag saam met familie in Macassar gevier. Hier (van links) is Colin Baatjies, Shaun Baatjies, Desmond Baatjies, Ronald Baatjies, Lizette Hendricks, Rochelle Baatjies en Cheryl Petterson.
MENSEREGTE GEVIER: Badisa Strand het ’n bewustheidsoptog op 20 Maart gehou ter herdenking van Menseregtedag. Dr GJ Joubert Laerskool, Rusthof Primêr en Strand Moslem Laerskool het deelgeneem aan hierdie optog om mense oor hul regte in te lig. Badisa Strand sê dankie aan al die skoolhoofde van die betrokke skole wat deelgeneem het, en ook aan Harry Links van die departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling in Somerset-Wes, wat die leerlinge toegespreek het oor menseregte en hoe die handves van menseregte ontstaan het. Badisa bedank ook die ander rolspelers wat die optog bygewoon het, en die skenking van In2Foods van koeldrank vir die kinders ná die optog.
Tuesday 30 April 2013
News - Nuus
Grannies to keep foster grants NICOLE MCCAIN
Grandmothers taking care of their grandchildren as foster parents can breathe a sigh of relief, after a ruling earlier in the month that ensures they will receive foster grants. The Gazette reported in October last year on a South Gauteng High Court ruling that orphaned children in the custody of family members who have a “legal obligation” to care for them, such as grandparents and siblings, would not be eligible for foster care grants, as they are duty-bound to support the child. This would have meant that while grandparents would be able to access child support grants, they may no longer receive foster care grants. However, after an outcry from non-profit organisations and the intervention of the national Minister of Social Development, Bathabile Dlamini, the South Gauteng High Court ruled on 12 April that the initial ruling was not in line with the Children’s Act. Dlamini welcomed the ruling, saying the Children’s Act does not provide for an investigation of the earnings of foster parents, but
only that a court determines whether a child is in need of care and protection. She added that “the Social Assistance Act categorically states that a foster parent qualifies for a foster care grant regardless of his or her income”. The High Court ruled that the initial order by the Children’s Commissioner “would exclude children in the care of their grandparents who are found to be abandoned from accessing government source of support”. “It’s a relief,” says a 55-year-old Macassar woman who fosters her two teenage grandchildren, who must remain nameless to protect the identity of the children. “It would have been a strain on us. Already, I have to buy the children’s clothes, school books and stationery, and feed them. And what must I live off? I don’t get a pension.” Another 56-year-old foster parent of two children, also from Macassar, says, “It’s good for us. Their grandfather used to work, but now that he’s passed away the grant is the only money we get.” Shivani Wahab, senior manager for communications and marketing at the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) in the Western Cape, says caregivers only qualify for foster
care grants if a court order gives the child foster status. This is granted when the child has been orphaned or abandoned and has no obvious means of support. Caregivers can receive a child support grant or a foster care grant, but not both, and Wahab says 20 000 foster care grants and 82 000 child support grants have been given out in the province. A child support grant amounts to R280 per month, while a foster child grant totals R770. Samantha Fourie, spokesperson for the Western Cape Department of Social Development, says, “According to our Helderberg database, 95% of the children in foster care are placed in the care of their grandparents.” She estimates that there are 1 300 children in foster care in the Helderberg, and the department deals with around 30 cases a month.
Lwandle residents protest over housing ASHRAF BOOLEY AND NICOLE MCCAIN Lwandle residents continued to protest over a shortage of formal housing on Thursday and Friday, blocking off Onverwacht Road and a section of the N2. According to Andile Gxashe, a member of the task team established to represent all the informal areas within Lwandle, residents are unhappy because the MEC for Human Settlements, Bonginkosi Madikizela, did not attend a meeting on 25 April between the City of Cape Town, the task team and the Department of Human Settlements. Bruce Oom, spokesperson for Madikizela, says, “The City of Cape Town is leading the way with Lwandle. The Western Cape Department of Human Settlements received an invitation from the office of Councillor Gcada for the MEC to attend the meeting, and he subsequently requested one of his officials to attend the meeting to represent the Department. Lwandle residents continued to protest on Thursday and Friday, blocking off Overwacht Road and the N2. “Most of the issues relate to the PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN City of Cape Town, for they are pri“The last time he was here, we protested be- immediate plans to visit the area, as he has marily responsible for the provision of services and the development of new housing plans cause he did not bring us any news; it was the already visited the area, and is aware of the same old thing,” says Swartboy Silulami, a situation.” for the area.” The residents are now looking to the City At the time of going to print, the City had member of the task team, referring to the to intervene. “We will force the City to internot confirmed their attendance at the meeting MEC’s visit last year. The MEC’s visit had been cut short when vene by closing the N2,” threatened a commuor the outcome. However, residents remain unhappy with residents protested during his speech, forcing nity member. At the time of going to print, the City had what they view as the failure of Madikizela him to leave before completing his address. Oom says, “At this stage the MEC has no not responded to this threat. to engage with them.
Helderberg Gazette
15 years in jail for child rapist A 41-year-old Lwandle man was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment after he pleaded guilty to rape in the Strand Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday 10 April. The man was convicted of raping two Nomzamo children, both aged 10, in September last year. The case, which was opened at the Lwandle police, was investigated over a period of seven months by the Khayelitsha Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit (FCS). The suspect was arrested immediately after the rape case was opened. His bail was opposed by the State, and the man spent the duration of the trial in Pollsmoor prison.
Macassar roadblock fines total R5 000 The Macassar police issued fines to the value of R5 000 in a joint operation with the traffic department on Friday 19 April. Roadblocks were set up on Macassar Road, Kramat Road and Sandmines. On the same day the sector commanders of Macassar, in conjunction with Metro Police, executed several search warrants after information was received from the public regarding drug dens. The traffic department also arrested nine people for drunken driving.
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 30 April 2013
Contraception: whose responsibility is it? In a recent report by the United Nations Population Fund, it called for contraception to be made a basic human right. The topic of contraception may cause mixed reactions, and questions as to whose responsibility it is to implement the use of contraceptives. Research suggests that the most popular forms of birth control are condoms and birth control pills. While some may prefer to have sex without any form of contraception, it carries a risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. The Gazette asked readers for their opinions.
Pupils examine and discuss some of the paintings.
Jolene Steenkamp says it takes two to tango. “You must compromise because it goes both ways and there should be equal responsibility.”
“As a guy, I wouldn’t trust birth control pills. One can never be too sure how effective it is at preventing pregnancy. Condoms are best.” says Casey Clarke.
Mario Maggott says that a man must use a condom. “This way you know unwanted pregnancy won’t occur. Children don’t ask to come into this world so you must make sure you use protection if you don’t plan to have children.”
According to Rachelle Reddy, condoms are better because they also prevent illness and you can’t always trust your partner. “The pill doesn’t cure sicknesses and it has side-effects.”
“Women must use the birth control pills but we must also use condoms. But it’s best to use a condom to protect yourself and to prevent the woman from getting pregnant,” says Chris Gislain.
Tientcheu Francis says that he must protect himself by using a condom. “You can’t trust anyone.”
Solomon Qatyana Primary a maths hub ASHRAF BOOLEY The walls of Solomon Qatyana Primary School in Nomzamo are being painted in an array of colourful mathematical problems for learners to solve. This is after the school was selected as a maths hub this year. In a maths hub, the school is given the necessary expertise on teaching maths as well as technology and maths resources and assessment support from the education department. “The aim is to enhance teaching and learning in mathematics to im- The paintings depict exciting ways of multiplying and dividing for prove mathematics outcomes,” pupils in the intermediate phase. says Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for the Western Cape MEC of Education, Don- only forces pupils to solve the problems themselves, but is also fun and visual. “We provide ald Grant. Schools are selected as maths hubs based the body of the question without instructions. on data from their Grade 3 and Grade 6 mathe- In this way, we encourage pupils to figure out matics results, measured in a provincial test the answers themselves. We want to bring every year. According to Casey, Grade 3 pupils maths closer to the pupils.” Fractions, number operations, measureat Solomon Qatyana achieved 32,8% in the national mathematics tests in 2012, while the ments and data handling are only some of the provincial average was 47,6% that year. Grade maths paintings seen on the walls of the 6 pupils achieved 2,9%, according to Casey, school. These reflect different levels of difficulty for pupils in various grades. while the provincial average was 23,4%. Silindile Sihlangu, an artist from Nomza“While these results have improved since 2011, there is still much to be done,” says Ca- mo, has been working on the paintings since sey. “The maths hub school is intended to cre- 1 April and hopes to complete them by 17 May, ate a school environment that promotes and the day of the official launch of the maths hub. The launch will bring together stakeholders encourages mathematics in order to further such as the Western Cape Education Departimprove results.” The school has taken the initiative to ment and maths curriculum advisors who will present maths in a more visual and creative give feedback and evaluate resources the way through paintings, which now adorn the school needs to operate effectively as a maths building. According to deputy principal hub. The school not only hopes to improve the Xolani Gontshi, the idea behind these paint- pupils’ numeracy but also their literacy ings is to present learning in a way that not through interventions such as extra classes.
Gee om, deel ’n bietjie winterwarmte
Die Helderberg Gazette het verlede week ’n winterwarmte-projek, Gazette Gee Om, begin om Helderberg-kinders dié winter warm en in die skoolbanke te hou. By verskeie skole in die Helderberg is baie leerlinge se ouers werkloos en geld skaars. Daarom het sommige leerlinge nie truie nie en bly op koue dae by die huis of kom skool toe met net ’n hemp by hul ander klere aan. Xolani Gontashi, onderhoof van Solomon Qatyana Primêr in Nomzamo, sê: “Baie kinders kom in die bitter koue skool toe met net ’n hemp by hul ander skoolklere aan. Ons moet dikwels truie van ander leerlinge leen, en onderwysers sit koerantpapier onder die leerlinge se hemde om hulle warm te probeer hou.” Sy skool het 300 grys truie nodig net vir die graad 1- tot 3-leerlinge. Gwen Opperman, skoolhoof by Temperance Town Primêr in Gordonsbaai, sê haar skool het dieselfde hoeveelheid vlootblou truie vir
daardie grade nodig. “Die kinders kom dikwels nat skool toe. Dis ’n stryd om hulle warm te hou.” Macassar Primêr se onderhoof, Ronald Rass, sê die helfte van die ouers is werkloos en hul kinders het hulp nodig. Macassar Primêr het 170 vlootblou truie vir graad 1 tot 3 nodig. Selfs Rusthof Primêr in die Strand, wat volgens die skoolhoof, Godfrey Julies, skenkings van truie van goedhartige gemeenskapslede ontvang, het 120 vlootblou truie vir hul leerlinge in graad 1 en 3 nodig om warm te bly. Om so te sit en bewe van koue het ’n direkte uitwerking op leerlinge se leervermoë. Dit is kommerwekkend aangesien hierdie skole onder die provinsiale gemiddeld presteer wat geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid betref. Help ons om ’n bietjie warmte te versprei en wys dat jy, saam met die Gazette, omgee. Lewer donasies van nuwe of tweedehandse vlootblou of grys truie by Boland Media se kantoor, Mynhardtstraat 37, in die Strand af.
Tuesday 30 April 2013
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Helderberg Gazette
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 30 April 2013
Readers’ comments / Lesers se menings SIR LOWRY’S PASS YOUTH DEVELOPMENT ) Thank you for helping our youth of Sir Lowry’s Pass. It’s a great effort. I wish more businesses or owners will sponsor towards this development. May almighty God bless you all. I thank you. Anton Blom LWANDLE PROTESTS ) Nomzamo and Lwandle residents, you once again pulled another trick to demand freebies! Well done! Keep it up. Don’t clean your streets, don’t get education, don’t do anything, wait for government to bring it to you with our tax money that we work for every day! ) Lwandle! These people are only living there five years. What about other communities who have been here all their lives?
Bylaw on ‘contents of bins’ In the Helderberg Gazette dated 16 April you quote Councillor Ernest Sonnenberg as saying, inter alia, “...once a dustbin is placed on the sidewalk, it becomes City property according to the City’s Integrated Waste Management bylaw. Removing the contents of the bin, at that point, therefore becomes illegal.” I have examined the bylaw, as posted on the City’s website, and cannot find any mention of this. As part of our local neighbourhood watch we monitor what these “pickers” are doing, so it is quite important that we know where this provision is embodied in the law. I shall be pleased if you would clarify this for me.
Councillor Ernest Sonnenberg, Mayco member for Utility Services at the City of Cape Town, responds: Sections 17 (1) and (2) of the bylaw state that once bins are placed on the sidewalk, no one may remove or collect waste from bins except for the City of Cape Town and its contracted
service providers. That is to say, once the bin is placed on the sidewalk, the City of Cape Town or its contracted service provider have exclusive authority to collect and to remove the waste from residential areas/households. 17. (1) All persons collecting or removing waste must have a contract for the collection and removal of waste with the City or an accredited service provider. (2) Residents must apply and register for waste collection and removal services that will be provided exclusively by the City or its contracted accredited service provider, unless the Council authorises otherwise. It must be noted, however, that a resident does not have the authority to enforce this in their own capacity. They should make contact with the City’s Metro Police/Law Enforcement on 021 596 1999 or the Solid Waste Management Bylaw Enforcement Unit on 021 400 6157 during office hours or via email to solidwaste.bylaw@capetown.gov.za.
Their anger must be against Zuma who is spending billions on himself. It is the government who allocates money for housing so their protest of burning rubble and destroying property, roads do not solve the problem. Elect people who are not corrupt and filling their own pockets. ) Die Gazette se voorblad van Lwandle lyk soos ’n oorlogsone. Ek wil graag van Helen Zille weet: hoe gaan jy hierdie chaos wat al erger raak, stop in die Wes-Kaap? Nie eens die ANC kan dit regoor die land stopsit nie. Jammer, maar politici is vas aan die slaap met pres. Zuma heel voor in die koor, gevolg deur Zille! P. Steyn, Strand ) Lwandle en talle plakkerskampe se probleme raak groter terwyl die ANC-regering en liberale DA dit ignoreer! Die vraag bly egter, hoe gaan ’n onbekwame polisiemag wat deur die ANC getransformeer is, die werklike chaos bekamp wanneer dit uitbreek? Die polisie kan talle moleste nie eens onder beheer kry nie! Morkel, Gordonsbaai
VLEISSKANDAAL ) Die hele vleisbedryf in Suid-Afrika word nie goed gereguleer en gemonitor nie. Daar word nie alles vertel vir Jan Publiek wat hy eet nie. Etikette word doelbewus mee gepeuter terwyl die geldwolwe lekker lag! ’n Mens moet altyd kyk na die vleisgehalte. As vleis se kleur nie reg lyk nie, vermy dit met mening. Wat baie mense nie besef nie, is die gemors wat in vleise geprop word kan jou liggaam aantas en jy kan dodelik siek word. Ek het lankal my eetgewoontes verander, nog voordat die vleisskandaal op die lappe gekom het. Wees waaksaam! Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes
Thank you for mountain hike We, Ansar al Masakin Foundation, would hereby like to thank the sponsors and the members of the organisation who took part in our team-building project on 13 April at Jonkershoek Nature Reserve in the form of a mountain hike. Ansar al Masakin Foundation also would like to thank the
staff of Rusthof Senior Secondary School for their financial support towards the organisation’s feeding scheme project which consists of feeding the underprivileged in Strand and its surrounds on a weekly basis.
Mixed reaction to cash incentives to raise literacy
The Western Cape Education Department has allocated R30 million to fund a cash incentive scheme as reward for schools that improve their literacy rates. However, the announcement has received a mixed response from schools. According to Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for the MEC of Education, Donald Grant, “the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) aims to improve language and mathematics outcomes in all schools in the province. “To further this aim, the WCED will be allocating R30 million to the incentive programme during the course of the next financial year to schools that improve their literacy and numeracy performance.” The incentives are to show appreciation for schools and teachers who have performed well. “We also want to incentivise other schools to improve their results in order to receive the cash rewards.” The funds received through the reward programme must be distributed back into the schools and are earmarked for extra reading material, equipment in classrooms or new technology. “We’re pleased to hear about the programme,” says deputy principal Ronald Rass at Macassar Primary. “We have received incentives in the past, and it helps the school to improve. “It allows us to buy extra resources. It’s not much, but it helps.” Macassar Primary received 29% in their Grade 3 literacy test last year. But some local principals, such as Gwen Opperman at Temperance Town Primary, say they doubt their schools will see any money. “I find the money doesn’t always go to the schools. It’s a good suggestion, but will the money materialise?” Opperman says her school, which achieved 22,9% in Grade 3 in the 2012 literacy tests, is currently enrolled in a programme with the Stellenbosch
Improvement in literacy and numeracy rates is incentivised in a new WCED programme. University to improve their literacy and numeracy rates and is a perfect candidate for the incentive programme. “We have resources and are trying to improve. At our school things are really happening. We are a success story.” And yet other principals, such as Godfrey Julies at Rusthof Primary, which has a 27% literacy rate in Grade 3, says they find it difficult to approve of the principle behind the incentive programme. “It’s a sad day if you improve literacy just for the money. “The will to improve should come naturally from the learners and parents. “But if the money helps, then yes, it’s a good plan.” According to Casey, the criteria for the 2013 rewards have yet to be set, but will be based on the 2013 WCED language and maths testing for Grade 3, 6 and 9. This has also raised some concerns for local principals. Rass says he is concerned the money
may go to schools that have the resources to improve their literacy, and not to those which are under-resourced. Julies agrees with the sentiment. “The incentives may lead to some improvements in some schools, but it may also be soaked up by the better resources schools, where children have access to libraries and books at home.” However, Casey says the criteria will be set in such a way to ensure that schools that improve on their results are also rewarded. “It will not be just for schools with the best results. Therefore, schools that have not achieved good results in the past have greater opportunities for improvement than a school that has been excelling at a high level already.”
Tuesday 30 April 2013
Entertainment - Vermaak
Helderberg Gazette
Parkjam a massive hit
Hemel Besem tree op vir inwoners by die Caltex-vulstasie in die Strand.
Afrikaans Ruk! het die gemeenskap vermaak.
Hip-hoppers in Strand Op Saterdag 20 April is Strand-inwoners vermaak met ’n hip-hop-fees by die Caltexvulstasie in die Strand. Dit was die idee van die eienaar van Caltex Strand, Riaz Jaffer, wat die vulstasie twee jaar gelede hier heropen het. Omdat die stasie al soveel keer vantevore geopen en weer toegemaak is, wou Jaffer die boodskap by die Helderberg-gemeenskap tuisbring dat die stasie oop is en hier is om te bly. Baie verbeterings is aangebring op die terrein, wat ’n splinternuwe winkel insluit.
Jaffer het die hulp van Hemel Besem, ’n plaaslike Afrikaanse hip-hop-kunstenaar wat pas teruggekeer het van Oudtshoorn, ingeroep. Hemel Besem is tans besig om voor te berei vir ’n reis na Amsterdam aan die einde van die maand. Hemel Besem het ’n klompie hip-hop-kunstenaars gevra om hul tyd op te offer om by die vulstasie ’n konsert vir die gemeenskap aan te bied. Kunstenaars wat saam met hom opgetree het, was onder andere Crack, Midas Touch, Afrikaans Ruk!, Agter Volg, Charlene D asook DJ Swagger.
Somerset West’s first parkjam was held in Garden Village on 6 April. This event, which boasted a variety of artists from surrounding areas, was hosted by Ricklo and DJ Oscar. Artists came from as far as Bishop Lavis and Paarl, to get the feet of residents tapping in this free outdoor concert. Locals were treated to performances by Candle Light Music, Isaac Mutant, Kopskoot, Slagysta, Remy E, DJ Kitty, DJ Terryfunk, BFK and Black Jungle B-boy Crew. According to organiser Terence Agulhas, a parkjam encompasses the main elements of hip-hop, and takes them to the community to entertain them and educated them on the culture, history and skills of hip-hop. He says the idea started in the 80s, and the events are usually held in the community to encourage empowerment instead of turning to violence, crime and drugs. “The response was overwhelming,” says Agulhas. “People were constantly asking when the next parkjam will be happening. The children, as well as adults, enjoyed the event and it ended in a street party afterwards.”
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Helderberg Gazette
People - Mense
Tuesday 30 April 2013
For the love of books Books find new owners Pupils Strand books April) stores.
at St Peter’s Academy in celebrated their love for on World Book Day (23 with Van Schaik Book-
Every year Van Schaik Bookstores celebrates World Book and Copyright Day by inviting pupils from disadvantaged communities around the country to participate in activities to embrace a love for books. This year Van Schaik visited the St Peter’s Academy, an independent school with pupils from communities like Lwandle, Nomzamo, Zola, Asanda Village and Rusthof, to read the pupils stories and give them goodie bags, each filled with a book, magazine and stationery.
St Peter’s Academy pupils unpack their goodie bags.
Erna Watson of Van Schaik has a story-telling session with the pupils.
EENDAG LANK, LANK GELEDE: Leerlinge van Emily’s Playschool in Sir Lowry’s Pass is op Wêreldboekdag (23 April) bederf met ’n storievertelling deur biblioteekassistent Nicholas Stellenberg (regs) by die Sir Lowry’s Pass-biblioteek. FOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN
Erna Watson of Van Schaik with Grade 5 pupils (from left) Toni Davids, Lelethu Volo, Abuyile Sompondo and Dawood Parker.
Suider-Strand library celebrates World Book Day Tuesday (23 April) saw World Book Day come alive at Suider-Strand library. Staff and volunteers committed over two hours of their time to reading a number of stories to the children.
All ears as Suider-Strand librarian Nontembeko Dyantyi reads a story to the children. PHOTOS: ASHRAF BOOLEY
Library employees and volunteers (from left) Nombongo Nkwenkwezi, Wilhelmina Bailey, Nontembeko Dyantyi, Ray Milalen, Luisa Thierfelder, Cassandra Armstrong and Anne Jurk.
Tuesday 30 April 2013
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Helderberg Gazette
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Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Some stores may not stock some of these products. Please check availability: 0800 11 22 88 (toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply). We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors that may occur. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details.
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Walk for breast cancer
CARE, WALK, DONATE: Pink Drive, an organisation to promote awareness of breast cancer, was awarded R10 000 after a fun walk was held by the Boland Islamic Council Women’s League to raise funds. The Boland Islamic Council Women’s League would like to thank all sponsors and participants in the Pink Walk, which took place on 7 April in Stellenbosch.
FAMILIEKENNISGEWINGS 09 Verlore/Vermis Lost/Missing
LOST KEYS - Big bunch with Kia, Hyundai, Nissan, Isuzu plus keys for locks. R1000.00 reward. Please call 083 297 2007.
Algemeen Miscellaneous
Kindervermaak Children’s Entertainment JUMPING CASTLES en Waterglybaan te huur. Tel: Charmaine by 021 8533999 of 083-513-9493
Algemene Dienste General Services
BRAAI / KAGGELHOUT, Rooikrantz, Blackwattel, Bloekom, Firestarters, Spider gum, Myrtle braaihout. Gratis aflewering (radius 50km), verpakking ekstra. Bestel nou, hout raak skaars Kontak 083 493 6894 / 076 947 0700 / 021 8289693 / 021 854 7052
HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS Fridges, stoves & w/machines We also buy & sell secondhand appliances ( Deon 021-8508532 073-575-4400
0 Alle OPRUIM & VERWYDER van tuin- & bouafval . Saag van bome & tuinwerk . Vervoerwerk . Braaihout te koop!DIRK 082 8484 213
Millionaire’s shortbread If you have a sweet tooth, you’ll love these indulgent little millionaire shortbread squares. For the shortbread: 170 g unsalted butter at room temperature 50 g sugar ½ tsp vanilla essence 210 g flour Pinch of salt For the filling: 1 can sweetened condensed milk For the topping: 170 g dark chocolate, cut into pieces 1 tsp butter Method: Preheat oven to 175 °C and line a 23 cm square pan with wax wrap. In a medium bowl, beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy and then add the vanilla essence. Beat in the flour and salt until the dough just comes together. Press the dough onto the bottom of the pan and bake until a pale golden colour, which should take approximately 20 minutes. Remove the shortbread from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool. Meanwhile, make the filling by pouring the sweetened condensed milk into a large bowl and microwave on medium high for about 4 minutes. Stir and microwave on low while stirring every 2 minutes until a thick, light caramel is formed (around 8 to 12 minutes). Beat
Duikklop/Spuitverf Panelbeating/ Spraypainter 1 DAY SPRAY & PANEL Small dents, rust & scratches. Auto electrical repairs. ( Kobus 074-513-6038
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Tuesday 30 April 2013
Huise te Huur Houses to Let STRAND - Large family home near schools, 3 beds, 2 bath, 3 living + 3rm granny flat + bath. Walk to schools. R10 500, can be partly furn. Tel/sms 082 439 5167.
Huise te Koop Houses for Sale STRAND Broadlands 2 Bed R299 000. 3 Bed R329 000. 3 Bed + 2 bath R365 000. All as new. Gordon's Bay - 2 bed + garage + golf R599 000. Rustdal - Blackheath 2 bed, garage R480 000. 082 376 1461/0218552369
OUTBOUND CALL CENTRE We are looking for highly driven call centre agents REQUIREMENTS . Matric certificate . Must be able to communicate effectively in English and Afrikaans . Call Centre knowledge would be an advantage . The ideal candidate must be strong minded . Willing to work extended hours when required . Must be vibrant, energetic and target driven We offer: . Up to R10 000.00 to successful candidates . Free call centre training and we place you . Daily cash bonuses to achievers If this appeals to you or is align with your career expectations Please call 079 188 3744 or 079 623 9781. THE DATAHUB Get paid R800 per day. With or without a computer, own hours. Sms name & address for a full info brochure or name & email address to 073 052 1515.
Tuck into these shortbread treats.
with an electric mixer until smooth. Pour the caramel over the shortbread and place in the fridge until set. Once the caramel is set, melt the chocolate and butter in a small saucepan over low heat and stir until smooth. Pour over the caramel and place in the fridge until firm. Remove from the fridge and cut into squares. – Source: bakeatron.wordpress.com
Dinsdag 30 April 2013
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Huishuur-betalers wen groot pryse
Station Commander Shawn van Wyk (right) unveils the first edition of On Duty News along with the editorial team (from left) Nireshni Joseph and Warrant Officer Felicia Sylvester. PHOTOS: NIKITA SYLVESTER
From left are Sergeant Rodney Daniels, Constable Celeste Davids, Carmen Basadien and Sergeant Nabeal Basadien
Talented local performers Wayne Lewis (left) along with Elton Brandt (right) kept guests entertained with the trumpet and piano.
Lieutenant Colonel Franklin Plaatjies (left) with Station Commander Colonel Shawn van Wyk
Strand police share news ASHRAF BOOLEY Strand police traded their police uniform for black and white attire for one night at the launch of their quarterly newsletter, On Duty News, on Friday 19 April at Strand Library. “The newsletter will bring about change and better service delivery,” says Col Shawn van Wyk, Station Commander at the Strand police station. “Police tend to be seen in a negative light and this affects our spirit. What about the good things we do? With this newsletter we hope to uplift our spirits and put smiles to our faces so that we can feel good about ourselves, our uniform and the community.”
On Duty News sees content ranging from the police success stories, a gossip column, community involvement to useful human resources information and recipes. According to Warrant Officer Felicia Sylvester, the newsletter is also in place so that the community knows that the police are working. “The aim is to enhance our morale and to show a lighter side of the police.” Sylvester says that there were many requests for a newsletter from colleagues because they wanted to know what others do. A few copies of the first edition will be distributed at some schools and community organisations by the end of April.
Drie inwoners van Macassar het onlangs pryse gewen, net omdat hulle die huurgeld vir hul huise, wat hulle van die Stad Kaapstad huur, betaal het. Die Stad en die maatskappy TraceOnline het ’n veldtog genaamd Let’s Pay to Stay van stapel gestuur om mense daarvan bewus te maak dat hulle kan wen as hulle wel hul huur vir hul huise betaal. Dit kom nadat die Stad meer aandag aan die invordering van huurgeld vir huur- en verkoopskemawonings begin gee het om toe te laat vir beter instandhouding van die geboue. Die veldtog help eienaars en huurders van stadskema-huise om nie hulle huise te verloor nie deur hulle in te lig hoe om reëlings te tref om agterstallige bedrae af te betaal. Mense word ook ingelig oor die deernistoelae. Alle eienaars van die Stad se koopof huurhuise kom weekliks in aanmerking vir die pryse. Almal wat be-
Gadija Smith wat die eerste prys, ’n yskas, gewen het, saam met TraceOnline se George Plaatjies. taal of wat reëlings tref om te betaal, kry ’n kans om met ’n splinternuwe yskas te spog, soos wat Gadija Smith van Macassar agtergekom het toe sy die groot prys gewen het. Ester Revell ook het ’n mikrogolfoond gewen en Anette de Kock ’n ver-
warmer. Almal wat agterstallig is word versoek om dadelik reëlings te tref voordat hulle ook vir regskoste aanspreeklik gehou kan word. Kry inligting by TraceOnline deur 0861 99 77 77 te skakel.
Measles and polio campaign kicks off The national Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, launched the measles and polio campaign nationally yesterday (29 April). Free measles and polio immunisations will be given to children under five years. Polio immunisations will be provided to children from zero to 59 months and measles immunisa-
tions will be given to children from nine to 59 months. The Western Cape Department of Health urges parents and caregivers to sign the consent forms for their children to be immunised. Consent forms must then be returned to the crèches where teams of health workers will immunise the children. Children not
attending crèches should be taken to their nearest clinic for their immunisation. Parents, caregivers and guardians need to do this to make sure they protect their children against polio and measles and by doing so, assist the Western Cape government in looking after children’s health better together, says the department.
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Soccer enthusiasts
Lede van die UCY fietsklub, van links, is (agter) Russell Williams, Jowayne Solomons, Jamie Haydricks, Grant Zederberg, Phillipus Herder, Rudy Bosman, Davian Davids, Brian Visser, en Jodie-lee Noble; (voor) Lerado Aries, Randy Otto en Xavier Herandien. The Goal Fighters are a group of u.11 and u.13 boys from Lwandle who have been playing soccer since 2010. They practise from Monday to Thursday at 16:00, under the watchful eye of Lester Malageli. The boys have competed in the local league, but with a lack of sponsorship are finding it more and more difficult to pay the registration fee required to allow them to compete. They also do not have a kit or balls to practise with. For more information, contact Lester Malageli at 081 039 3454.
Fietsry hou hul op die pad ASHRAF BOOLEY Met slegs vyf fietse kry die Unathi Community and Youth (UCY) fietsklub dit reg om die wiele te laat aanhou draai en meer as 80 kinders van Macassar te leer fietsry. Gestig in 2008 deur Russell Williams en koördineerder Brian Visser, werf dié klub jong lede deur bloot deur die strate van Macassar te ry. “Kinders en jongmense nader ons en vra vrae, en dit is hoe die ledetal groei,” sê Williams. “Fietsry help hulle om mobiel te wees en in ander gebiede te kom en plekke buite Macassar te sien.” Die klub is begin om kinders van die strate te hou en weg van alkohol en dwelms. Die basis is by die Macassar-gemeenskapsen-
trum. Lede se ouderdomme wissel tussen 8 en 35 jaar. Hulle oefen minstens twee keer per week en ry na plekke soos Gordonsbaai, Kleinmond en Paarl. Om deel van die fietsryklub te wees het ’n ingrypende invloed op die lede se sosiale interaksie wat weerspieël word in hul huise en in die skool. “Ek hou van fietsry. Dit hou my fiks en van die straat af,” sê die 18-jarige Lerado Aries van Macassar. Visser wil graag hê die groep moet einde vanjaar aan die Die Burger Fietstoer deelneem. Met ’n tekort aan fietse en toerusting is dit egter moeilik om almal te akkommodeer en hulle moet dikwels fietse leen. Enigeen wat fietse of toerusting wil skenk of wat UCY Cycling op enige manier kan help kan Russell Williams bel by 076 2022 303 of Brian Visser by 073 703 9006.
Upcoming soccer fixtures This week’s premiership fixtures: On Tuesday, Orlando Pirates take on Chippa United and the Mamelodi Sundowns plays Free State Stars. On Wednesday, Ajax Cape Town will attempt to defeat Kaizer Chiefs, while Uni-
versity of Pretoria will take on Bidvest Wits. Moroka Swallows will clash with Golden Arrows and AmaZulu will play Black Leopards. Platinum Stars play Maritzburg Utd, and Bloem Celtic play SuperSport United.