Year 16 • Tuesday 30 October 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Die Temperance Town-gemeenskap voel in die steek gelaat na ’n program van die Stad Kaapstad, gemik daarop om gesinsgeweld aan te spreek, onbepaald uitgestel is.
Hulp teen geweld uitgestel NICOLE MCCAIN
’n Program van die Stad Kaapstad gemik daarop om gesinsgeweld in Temperance Town te verhoed, is eers van die baan. Van die inwoners sê hulle is glad nie verbaas nie en sien dit as net nog ’n voorbeeld van hoe die Stad hulle in die steek gelaat het. Die program wat op 22 Oktober moes afskop, is volgens Richard Bosman, die Stad se uitvoerende hoof van veiligheid en sekuriteit, onbepaald uitgestel. Die Stad kon nie redes verskaf waarom dit uitgestel is nie en wanneer dit geimplementeer sal word nie. Slegs die volgende verklaring is uitgereik: “Die Stad Kaapstad het
hierdie program eers opgeskort om seker te maak al die nodige prosesse en prosedures is in plek.” Carol Misrole, voorsitter van die Temperance Town-burgervereniging, sê die skuif verbaas haar glad nie. “Die Stad belowe en belowe net. Hulle bestee geld op die verkeerde dinge. Hulle gee mense hoop en doen dan niks nie.” Volgens Misrole is huishoudelike geweld ’n ernstige probleem in dié gemeenskap. Gordonsbaai se polisiewoordvoerder, ao. Nico Beukes, sê dié kantoor het reeds 30 klagtes van gesinsgeweld sedert die begin van die jaar ontvang. Hy voeg egter by dat dit moontlik is dat baie meer gevalle nie eers aangemeld is nie. Misrole noem ’n geval van ’n vrou wat haar
genader het omdat haar man glo die hele toelaag wat hulle vir hul twee kinders ontvang, uitgedrink het en toe op kos – waarvoor daar nie geld was nie – aangedring het. Haar man het haar glo met die dood gedreig en met ’n skroewedraaier in die skouer gesteek. In nog ’n geval onthou Misrole hoe sy verby ’n sjebien gestap het en gesien het hoe ’n man ’n vrou se kop teen die muur kap. “Sy is soos ’n stukkie papier teen die muur gegooi.” Beukes sê iets moet gedoen word om dié geweld vas te vat, en glo gesinsgeweld kan verbind word aan ander kwessies soos alkoholmisbruik en werkloosheid. Misrole sê die groot aantal sjebiens en smokkelhuise in die gebied dra by tot dié geweld.
Sy skat dat daar tussen die sowat 150 huise minstens vyf sjebiens en sewe dwelmhuise is. Misrole sê een van die probleme wat lei tot oormatige dwelm- en drankmisbruik, is die gebrek aan fasiliteite in Temperance Town. Daar is behalwe ’n kinderspeelpark, geen ontspannings- of beradingsgeriewe nie. Sover haar kennis strek, is daar net twee kerke in die gebied en geen nie-regerings- of welsynsorganisasies wat die gemeenskap ondersteun nie. Nog voor die program veronderstel was om geïmplementeer te word, was Misrole reeds bekommerd dat dit net ’n korttermynoplossing sonder enige langtermynverandering sou wees. “Ons moet mense hê wat hulle heelhartig aan die program wy,” meen Misrole.
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 30 October 2012
‘They are an example to all people’ NICOLE MCCAIN It’s not often Gazette publishes an article under a heavy veil of secrecy. But when 25-year-old Silvinia Cameron came forward, asking to publicly thank the family who took her in, one could hardly say no. Silvinia has been living with the Goosens since the beginning of the year, while she trains to be a hip hop dance teacher. She says they opened their home to her, and have never asked for anything in return – not even rent. Linda (47) and Willem (48) Goosen moved to Somerset West from Gauteng two years ago. Despite having three daughters, they open their home to family friends who need help. “It’s part of their hearts,” says 23-year-old Chanelle Goosen of her parents. “They take people in and look after them.” Chanelle and Silvinia say the Goosens are far too humble to be interested in having an article written about them, which is why the two secretly arranged a way to say thank you publicly. Silvinia adds, “They try and fill a need where and when there is one. That’s the kind of people they are – always willing to serve and lend a hand where possible. “They took me in. I was a stranger to them. We’d never spoken – I had just befriended their daughter, and they were so inviting and wel-
coming it was unreal. They trusted me, a total stranger, with their home and family.” The family even bought her a small scooter to help her get around. And she’s not the only recipient of the Goosens’ kindness. They often help out Chanelle’s friends, be it by providing accommodation or helping with transport. Chanelle says one of her friends was interested in buying her father’s car. “But God laid it on his heart, and he decided to give it to them instead.” In another case, her parents repaired a friend’s scooter, after her dad pushed it 20 km in the blazing sun. “And they didn’t ask for anything in return.” This is one of their most noteworthy characteristics, says Silvinia – the Goosens give without condition. “There are no strings attached. Often people put conditions on generosity.” Chanelle says the culture of giving has always been in their home. “It’s nice to know they care. It’s how I grew up. For me, it’s not a huge thing.” But for the people they help, the kind deeds are enormous. “They’ve fed the hungry, clothed the naked, and housed the homeless,” Silvinia says. “They are an example to all people to genuinely care and show affection and not just say it. They’ve impacted on my life in more ways than they will ever know, and I’m highly grateful for their contribution to my life.”
Silvinia Cameron and Chanelle Goosen
Linda and Willem Goosen
Watch as Elgin bursts into bloom The annual Elgin Open Gardens is now in its 12th year, and 25 gardens will be open in the Elgin, Vyeboom and Bot River districts over the weekends of 3 – 4 and 10 – 11 November. Gardens ranging from large established country gardens to small township gardens will be open from 10:00 to 17:00 on these dates. Entrance to most will be free, but some may charge R5 to R20. Many gardens will sell plants, and some will
also offer teas and light meals. Other events in the district include art exhibitions, greenhouse tours and winetastings, some in the gardens themselves. A new Elgin Wine Route will also be launched during the open weekends. Full details and a map are in a free leaflet at all major Western Cape nurseries, and at www.elginopengardens.co.za. This event has grown in its 12-
year existence, inspiring many with a range of plants that can be grown in the cooler and wetter climate of Elgin, an area renowned for its fynbos, its apples and wines, and its nurseries. If you’d like to find out more about the upcoming event, phone 021 844 0154, 078 021 2101 or 083 458 3790; alternatively, you can send an email to info@elginopengardens.co.za or pay a visit to www.elginopengardens.co.za.
EID GENEROSITY: The Ansar al-Masakin organisation made 18 pots of food for the less fortunate in celebration of Eid last Friday. The food was distributed in Strand, Macassar, Asanda Village, Delft and Stellenbosch. The organisation has been running a feeding scheme since October last year and feeds over 30 000 people a year, said chairperson Faiek Jenkins, who thanked the sponsors and volunteers that made the project possible. From left are Abdullah Karan, Moegammad Brinkhuis, and Ansar al-Masakin members Mohammad Chotia and Nazeem Railoun. PHOTO: MOHAMMAD BRINKHUIS
Tuesday 30 October 2012
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Broadlands-inwoners sloop misdaad-huis
Broadlands Park-inwoners het op Saterdag 20 Oktober saamgespan om ’n huis af te breek wat volgens hulle ’n sekuriteitsrisiko vir die gemeenskap ingehou het.
Rape Crisis AGM
Volgens Denzel Vercuil, assistent-koördineerder vir die Strand-buurtwagte is die huis in Petuniastraat deur die gemeenskap en die buurtwag afgebreek. Hy sê die eienaar van die erf het die plaaslike buurtwag genader en gevra dat die huis gesloop word omdat misdadigers ’n winkel daar opgesit het. “Die eienaar van die huis het besluit genoeg is genoeg,” sê Vercuil. Francis Lukas, sekretaris van die Strand gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum, het bevestig die gemeenskap en die buurtwag het die huis ge-
sloop en dat kriminele aktiwiteite daar plaasgevind het. “Die huis het baie probleme geskep en die polisie was gedurig daar. Daar is met onwettige vuurwapens en dwelms handel gedryf.” Lukas en Vercuil vertel albei van ’n geveg wat ’n paar weke gelede in die huis plaasgevind het, waarna ’n 53-jarige man gesterf het. Volgens polisiewoordvoerder konst. Mbulelo Mafuna, het die geveg, wat na bewering oor eienaarskap van die huis gegaan het, vroeg op 2 Oktober uitgebreek. Die slagoffer is skynbaar met ’n klip gegooi en hy het later aan sy beserings beswyk. Die Strand-polisie het ’n 31-jarige man vir die moord in hegtenis geneem. Hy het op 26 Oktober in die Strand-landroshof verskyn. Die Gazette kon nie bevestig tot wanneer die saak uitgestel is nie.
The Gordon’s Bay community is invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Gordon’s Bay Community Police Forum on Tuesday 13 November. The meeting, starting at 18:00, will be held in the old municipal building in School Street. Phone Ian Sutherland on 083 442 8424 for more information.
The family of 6-year-old Ashley Davids of Lwandle is looking for him. A missing person’s report was filed when Ashley’s aunt approached the Lwandle Police on 4 October. Ashley was last seen in Asanda Village on 15 September. The case is being investigated by the SAPS’s Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit. Anyone with information on his whereabouts can phone Constable Jerome Mosia, on 021 360 4805 or 082 522 1058.
Rape Crisis Helderberg will have its AGM on Thursday 29 November at 19:00. The meeting will be held at the centre on the corner of Hospital and Batavia Roads in Somerset West. Phone the director Reinette Evans or Colleen Louw on 083 484 9409 or 021 852 5620.
Rowers teiken treinstasie Gewapende rowers het verlede Maandag (22 Oktober) die Firgrove-spoorwegstasie geteiken. Volgens Somerset-Wes polisiewoordvoerder konst. Suzan Jantjies het drie onbekende mans, waarvan een gewapen was, omstreeks 04:30 die kaartjiekantoor binnegegaan en die klerk beveel om op die vloer te lê, waarna hul geld uit die kluis gehaal het. Volgens Metrorail se area-bestuurder
Mthuthuzeli Swartz het die vermeende rowers toegang tot die kantoor verkry deur twee sekuriteitswagte te oorval en hul uniforms en voorskote aan te trek. Swartz sê die vermeende rowers het die klerk met ’n vuurwapen gedreig en beveel om ’n onbekende bedrag geld in die kleingeld-kissie aan hulle te oorhandig, waarna hulle op vlug geslaan het. Mense met inligting kan die Somerset-Wespolisie by 021 850 1325 of 021 850 1344 bel.
’n Gewapende roof het verlede Maandag by die Firgrove-spoorwegstasie plaasgevind. PROPERTY SEIZED: The sheriff of the court seized equipment and other property from the Sir Lowry’s Pass Daycare on Monday last week. The attachment was done on behalf of the Helderberg Street People’s Centre, under whose auspices the daycare fell. The removal of equipment comes amid allegations of mismanagement at the daycare, which operated a soup kitchen, among others. According to Ian Greer, chairperson of the Helderberg Street People’s Centre, some of the property will be auctioned off, and the rest donated to the community. By court order, even the two Wendy houses at the daycare, where support groups came together for meetings, were broken down.
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News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Canal’s ills reported JAMEY THOMAS AND NICOLE MCCAIN Residents of Rusthof in Strand have a nasty smell under their noses – and they’re now looking to the public protector to make it go away. The smell comes from the Soetrivier canal, where sewage is leaking into the water. Brett Heron, the City of Cape Town’s mayoral committee member for roads, transport and stormwater, said recently that prolonged overflow of sewage and byproducts of vinegar manufacture were at the root of the problem. The City started cleaning the canal on 17 September, but residents say the stench has still not gone away, and have now approached the public protector to take the City to task. Morkel Cottage resident Jan Vass, says the problems started in 2006. He says the community has approached local government several times since then, asking that the canal be either lined with concrete, or that pipes be laid down to carry the water. However, he says the City has not heeded their request, and this is why he took the case to the public protector on 17 October. Vass, who received a receipt from the public protector, says he expects members of the protector’s department to visit the site within the next week or two. “If they [the City] had just answered us, I wouldn’t have had to go to the public protector.” At the time of print, the City had not commented on the community’s decision to approach the public protector. Vass added: “They didn’t want to listen. They
spent R9,8 million on the canal initially. Now how much are they spending to clean the canal every year? They want us to live with this forever, and I say, no, we’re not going to accept it.” According Stuart Pringle, councillor for Ward 84, it would be too expensive to close the canal, and because it was formerly a secondary channel of the Lourens River, it may still flood. Pringle added the stench can be attributed to the spill of raw sewage at the top of the canal, in Rusthof and Nomzamo. But Vass says the canal still remains a health concern. “Children play in the water, especially in summer. People are getting sick.” Schools in the area have also claimed their staff and pupils have been getting sick from the canal.
Tuesday 30 October 2012
Diewe slaan toe by kerk Die Macassar Metodiste-kerk het onlangs weer eens onder koperdiewe deurgeloop toe hul watertoevoerpype sowat twee weke gelede gesteel is. Volgens Nigel Damon, opsigter by die kerk, is dit die tweede keer dat die diewe die pype steel. Damon sê die diefstal het na bewering op Vrydag 19 Oktober plaasgevind en die gemeente is erg verontrief. Volgens Damon het hy die Sondag water van bure oorkant die straat gekry om die toilette te spoel. As veiligheidsmaatreël is die koperpype verlede Woensdag met plastiekpype vervang. Damon vertel dat die metaal heiningpale ook reeds twee keer gesteel is. Hy sê dit is wel ’n vorige keer by ’n plaaslike skrootwerf teruggekry. Damon sê rowers het tydens die tweede diefstal meer pale gesteel toe hul dié aan die voorkant van die kerk sowel as aan die sykant gesteel het.
Nigel Damons wys die plastiek watertoevoerpype wat geïnstalleer is om diefstal te bekamp.
COMMUNITY ARTS AND CULTURE FORUM The City of Cape Town’s Arts and Culture Department invites all community-based arts and culture organisations to attend a stakeholder engagement session with a view to the establishment of a community arts and culture forum. Amateur groups in all genres of arts and culture as well as institutions that provide a service to the community-based art sector, such as educational, theatre, carnival, historical societies, community museums, youth in arts, diversity training as well as other forms of training and development, supporting such bodies including funders, universities, non-profit organisations, etc. are invited. Date: Saturday 17 November 2012 Time: 10:00 to 15:00 Venue: Media Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, Darling Street, Cape Town Format • Speaker on a topical arts issue • Presentation on the arts and culture strategy • Workshop session on: - Exploring the nature of the proposed forum and developing a draft plan of action - The future development of community-based arts • Artistic performance We are planning for approximately 150 attendees and therefore only one mandated delegate will be allowed so that we can include as many organisations as possible. Please confirm your attendance by Monday 12 November 2012 to Aasimah Parker at tel 021 417 4096, fax 086 576 2587 or e-mail Aasimah.Parker@capetown.gov.za.
Die kerkheining se metaalpale is ook twee keer reeds gesteel.
Fireworks limited to one beach If you’re planning to celebrate Guy Fawkes this year, the only designated site that has been approved for the public display of fireworks in the Helderberg will be Macassar Beach. Theo Layne, spokesperson for fire services at the City of Cape Town, reminds residents that it is illegal to discharge fireworks other than at designated sites. The City’s fire safety inspectors and law enforcement officials, together with the Explosives Unit of the police, will conduct inspections at fireworks display sites to ensure that all safety requirements are met. The City’s law enforcement department will also be on duty in residential areas, and Layne says this year law enforcement authorities will have a zero-tolerance approach to those who discharge fireworks illegally. The City of Cape Town’s Law Enforcement Department will be on duty and will act swiftly on complaints received. However, residents in the Macassar Beach area have requested that revellers be considerate.
Qohnietah Salasa says that the fireworks are a nuisance. “They carry on the whole day. And you should see how it looks.” Salasa says there is refuse left the next day, and alcohol bottles are often left in the street because alcohol is not allowed on the beach. And having the fireworks so close to their home also upsets her animals. “We have a horse, which we had to tranquilise last year. It also upsets the dogs.” Layne urges residents to keep their pets safely indoors where possible. “Animals are easily frightened by fireworks and can become distressed or try to escape from their properties. Before you leave your home on Guy Fawkes, please ensure that your pets are safely secured on your property, in familiar surroundings and out of harm’s way.” Salasa says her neighbours also experience similar problems. “We hope it will be more controlled this year. I have nothing against people having fun.”
Tuesday 30 October 2012
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Helderberg Gazette
News - Nuus
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 30 October 2012
Hulp raak minder Waar ons na die einde van 2012 beweeg gaan die Helderberg deur groot beproewing met heelwat hulpmiddelle wat dalk nie meer daar sal wees ter ondersteuning van sy gemeenskap nie. Die Temperance Town gemeenskap is teleurgesteld oor die uitstel van ’n beplande projek om huishoudelike geweld aan te spreek. ’n Sentrum wat deur die Stad Kaapstad verlede week op dié dorp sou open is vir eers agteruit geskuif. Die Stad Kaapstad kon egter nie redes vir die onbepaalde uistel vir die sentrum verskaf nie. Volgens die polisie sowel as die inwoners-organisasie is
daar wel ’n groot behoefte vir intervensie aangesien ’n toename in huishoudelike geweld op die klein dorpie te bespeur is. Elders in die Helderberg hang die toekoms van die Helderberg-sentrum vir haweloses in die weegskaal nadat hul huurkontrak in Augustus verval het. Sommige lede van die gemeenskap en besighede is gekant teen die sentrum wat in die Somerset-Wes se middedorp geleë is en voel dat die haweloses misdaad na die gebied bring. Joyce se sopkombuis in Sir Lowry’s Pass se deure mag ook eersdaags sluit nadat toerusting verlede week deur die balju van die hof daar verwyder is.
Kontak ons Nuusredakteur
Deliah Brinkhuis | dbrinkhu@helderberg.com | 021-841-4292
Nicole McCain | nicole.mccain@helderberg.com | 021-841-4265
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Muhammad Brinkhuis | muhammad@helderberg.com | 021-841-4275
Die sopkombuis by die Helderberg se sentrum vir haweloses in Somerset-Wes se middedorp.
Sentrum vir haweloses ’n kwelpunt Die huurkontrak van die Helderberg se sentrum vir haweloses in Somerset-Wes het in Augustus verval en daar is nog nie ’n besluit geneem om dit te hernu nie. Belange partye stem nie saam oor die ligging van die sentrum by Busy Corner nie, maar die voorsitter van die sentrum, Ian Greer, meen dit is die ideale ligging. “Ons moet naby aan die mense wees wat ons bedien. Ons is nie toeganklik as ons buite die dorp geleë is nie.” Wyk 84 se raadslid, Stuart Pringle, sê hy het klagtes van verskeie inwoners, besighede en kerke ontvang oor die huidige ligging. Pringle sê besighede in die gebied voel kriminele elemente skuil tussen diegene wat die sentrum gebruik, en dwelmverwante misdaad in die gebied rondom die sentrum is kommerwekkend. Een van die sake-eienaars in die gebied wat anoniem wil bly, dink die kri-
minele aktiwiteite in die dorp word vererger deur die hawelose mense wat by die sopkombuis bedien word. Die bestuurder sê besighede ervaar ’n verskeidenheid probleme – van onsedelike blootstelling tot openbare urinering en dreigemente teen die eienaars van die besighede. Hy meen ook die dwelmhandel in die gebied is ’n probleem. Hy sê hoewel die hawelose mense wel van die dwelms koop, is die meerderheid klante middelklas-inwoners van die dorp. Ten spyte van enkele insidente, het net een van die ses besighede in die gebied met wie die Gazette gepraat het, gevoel die sopkombuis moet skuif. CJ Opperman by B-Stock Warehouse sê: “Sonder die sopkombuis, sal die dodgy aktiwiteite steeds daar voorkom. Ons is gelukkig met die sopkombuis. Hulle verrig goeie werk.” Greer sê sowat 2 000 mense het ’n petisie onderteken en by die Stad Kaapstad ingedien om te versoek dat die
sentrum bly waar dit is totdat ’n alternatiewe tuiste gevind kan word. Volgens Pringle onderhandel hy tans met die sentrum om ’n oplossing te probeer vind. Een van die langtermynoplossings wat Pringle voorgestel het, is ’n maatskaplike ontwikkelingsarea waar vir ’n verskeidenheid van die behoeftes van die haweloses voorsiening gemaak word. Greer sê die voorgestelde gebied sal ’n sopkombuis insluit, en die Helderberg-hawelosesentrum sal graag betrokke wil wees by die ontwikkeling daarvan, “maar dit sal twee tot drie jaar neem. Laat ons vir tyd en wyl toe om te bly waar ons is.” Die Stad Kaapstad se eiendomontwikkelingsdepartement het ’n voorstel om die sentrum se huurkontrak te verleng, geadverteer en alle kommentaar en besware, tesame met die sentrum se reaksie daarop, sal oorweeg word voordat ’n besluit geneem word.
HAVE YOUR SAY! DRAFT WASTEWATER AND INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT BY-LAW The City of Cape Town’s Utility Services Directorate invites you to comment on its draft Wastewater and Industrial Effluent By-law that aims to promote the protection of municipal infrastructure and the receiving environment, through enhanced enforcement. Written comments can be made (for attention Nokuzola Mhlungu) in any of the following ways: • • •
By e-mail to nokuzola.lujiza@capetown.gov.za By fax to 086 525 1131 By post to Water Demand Management and Strategy, P O Box 100, Goodwood 7459
The Wastewater and Industrial Effluent By-law will be available for viewing at all subcouncil offices, libraries and on the City’s website www.capetown.gov.za/ haveyoursay from 1 November 2012. The closing date for public comment is 30 November 2012. Please contact Nokuzola Mhlungu on tel 021 590 1669 or e-mail nokuzola.lujiza@capetown.gov.za for further information. ACHMAT EBRAHIM CITY MANAGER
Tuesday 30 October 2012
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Helderberg Gazette
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Grabouw-vroue se bederf Die Hearts of Women-organisasie van Strand het onlangs die vroulike plaaswerkers van die Monteith-plaas op Grabouw met ’n mooimaak-sessie bederf. Vrywilligers van Salon Deidré in Macassar het op 14 Oktober die vroue se hare versorg, hul voete masseer en gesigbehandelings gegee. Die heerlike bederf is deel van ’n weeklikse uitreik om vroulike plaaswerkers te bemagtig en die families te versterk. Die program word moontlik gemaak deur finansiering van die departement landbou asook deur die vennootskap van die Monteith Trust en Hearts of Men. Die vroue ontmoet elke Sondag van 15:00 tot 17:00 op die plaas. Vir meer besonderhede oor die groep, bel Vanecia Briesies by 084 224 4057.
Die vroue wat by die dag se verrigtinge betrokke was: (agter) Sharon Peters, Marica Sedgwick, Denise Tamboer, Chrystal October, Mercia Jacobs, Edith Henn, Serolene Afrika, Deidre Small, Gertuida Stone en Myrtle Adams. Voor is Vanecia Briesies, Stephanie Booysen, Yolande Vernis, Joan Jeremi en Florina Jantjies. Roseline, Emmerencia en Gertruida Gertse is afwesig.
Tuesday 30 October 2012
In pink to fight breast cancer Strand women stood together against breast cancer on Wednesday last week, in celebration of Global Pink Hijab Day. The international day, which aims to raise awareness around breast cancer and fight Islamophobia, was
commemorated locally at the Iqra Learning Centre in Strand. Some 150 people, many of whom are breast cancer survivors, attended the function. Many went for the free breast exams, which were given to over 70 women on the day.
The women passed the time sociably as they awaited their breast examinations.
Regs: Serolene Afrika en Denise Tamboer word gepamperlang.
Haarkapster Deidré Small versorg Stephanie Booysen se hare. FOTO’S: VERSKAF
Links: Marica Sedgwick maseer Emmerencia Gertse se voete.
Pupils from Strand Muslim Primary School formed a pink ribbon to celebrate Global Pink Hijab Day. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
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Tuesday 30 October 2012
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Concert set to rock GrandWest Expect non-stop entertainment and action when six favourite local performers along with Danny K, Loyiso and Melissa Allison from 2012 Idols fame, rock the GrandWest’s Grand Arena. Rocking our City, a variety-styled concert, will be held on 24 November and will feature some of the country’s most talented performers. Singer, songwriter, musician and actor Danny K needs little introduction to SA audiences. The multi-award winning performer and accomplished piano player and bassist, has toured and performed with a number of international artists from Usher to Craig David, Puff Daddy, Eric Benet, Bob Geldof, U2, Queen and Beyoncé. His list of accolades includes being the first South African musician to perform on the Oprah Winfrey show in Chicago – on a day when other guests included Stevie Wonder, Tina Turner, Josh Groban and John Travolta! He was one of only five South African acts selected to perform at the Nelson Mandela 46664 concert which was broadcast to 3-billion people worldwide.
Successful South African R&B artist Loyiso Bala is known as a multi award-winning R&B artist but less well known is the fact he became the youngest conductor of the National Youth Choir, at the age of only 19, and was once the head of the prestigious Drakensberg Boys Choir. His third solo album Blow your mind was named Best R&B Album and Best Production Album and among his many career highlights are performing at the World Aids Awareness Concert in Washington in 2006, opening for both John Legend and Corinne Bailey Ray in 2007, and Brian Knight and Akon in 2008, followed by his 2009 performance at Radio City Hall in New York. Also appearing on the bill are a host of popular Capetonian performers such as James Bhemgee, Karin Kortje, Zayn Adams, Jeremy Olivier and Mady who will be joined on stage by the second placed 2012 SA Idols contestant Melissa Allison. Offering a running commentary throughout the show will be the irrepressible master of ceremonies Kurt Schoonraad and Soli Philander. The show starts at 20:00 and tickets are available from Computicket between R150 and R220.
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M-HELP, the Macassar-based welfare organisation, will hold its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday November 6. The meeting, to be held at the Calvyn Protestant Church in Fah Street Macassar, will start at 13:00. For more information, contact Chris van der Leij at 073 519 4524.
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Mady is one of the performers at the Rocking our City concert at GrandWest on Saturday 24 November.
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M-HELP to meet
Algemene Dienste General Services
The Strand Methodist Church will hold its annual bazaar on Saturday 3 November from 08:00. There will be an assortment of stalls, including a white elephant and second-hand clothing stall, and a variety of goods will be sold, including toys, jewellery, plants, books, cakes, boerewors rolls and cold drinks. A furniture auction will be held at 09:30; items include an oregon pine coffee table, fridge, desk, TV cabinets, portable air conditioners and standing fans, a filing cabinet, deep freezer and armchairs. For more information contact Clare on 083 697 4759 or at clarebez@gmail.com.
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Methodist bazaar
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General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
Tuesday 30 October 2012
Health Summit at Macassar Day Care Centre About 2 000 people attended a health summit held at the Macassar Community Day Centre recently. Clarina Alexander, head of the team of nurses at the centre, says the motivation behind the summit was to create awareness among the community of the services they offer. These include testing and education around HIV/Aids, TB, diabetes, epilepsy, pre- and antenatal care, asthma, rehabilitation, and mental and dental services. Every day throughout the week of the summit, the focus shifted to a different service. “With the summit, we have shown that with a little effort for the most vulnerable patients in our society, we can achieve something great,” says Alexander. She expresses her sincere thanks to her staff for their hard work, as well as all the sponsors and NGOs that assisted.
An exhibition on the evils of drinking during pregnancy – which can give a child foetal alcohol syndrome (or FAS) – was also held.
Clara Levendal, Bertrus Swartz and Sarah Jantjies work on strengthening their backs.
Pedro Carolissen (left) taking part in a blow dart tournament.
Patients registering for chronic care.
DIE WENNERS IS...Die Gazettelesers wat boeke in ons kompetisie gewen het, is: Daleen Kuntz (Desert Prisoner), Marina Retief (My hart klop muffins), Debbie Rossouw (Baba se slaaptydstorieboek) en Marlene Janneke (Keith Kirsten gee raad). Wenners moet asseblief hul pryse teen Vrydag 2 November by ons kantore by Mynhardtstraat 37, Gantssentrum, kom haal.
OPVOERING VIR BEJAARDES: Graad 4- tot 7-leerlinge van Laerskool Lochnerhof het onlangs die inwoners van die ACVV Huis Jan Swart met ’n opvoering,“Heidi in Jeffreysbaai” bederf. Die opvoering is deur Euné Coetzee, ’n stadsraadslid, en Marieta Oostenbrink moontlik gemaak.
Tuesday 30 October 2012
General - Algemeen
Helderberg Gazette
A night of dancing dreams The Helderberg Youth Performing Arts Trust recently received a donation that allowed 23 of its most deserving performers to attend a ballet at the Playhouse Theatre.
Thanks to the donation, made by EET Investments in Somerset Park, the young dancers enjoyed a riveting performance by the Cape Town City Ballet.
The Sir Lowry’s Pass performers who attended are (back row, from left) Zenobia Abrahams, Juliette Mouwers, Ronesia Lubbe, Monique Rank and (front) Carin Hendricks.
The Strand performers who benefited are (from left) Lerato Lucas, Chrizelda Kemp and Dominique April. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
TOP NETBALSTPAN: By die prysuitdeling van die Hoërskool Hottentots-Holland, is die Marghreette Klinktrofee vir die Netbalspan van die Jaar, vir die eerste keer toegeken. Dié trofee is toegeken aan die span wat die meeste wedstryde in 2012 gewen het en ook met die minste doele verloor het. Bo is die HHH se o.16B-netbalspan aan wie die trofee toegeken is: (van links) Liezl Bekker (afrigter), Robyn-Lee Mosiane, Stephanie Hendricks, Courtneigh Ess, Lindsay Koopman, Chanel Hendricks, Mishkah Bazier, Lanice Lukas, Caryssa Owen en Danielle Sass (kaptein).
BEST OF THE FIELD: Strand Rugby Club held its annual awards ceremony on 19 October at the Somerset West town hall. From the left are Naaim Thomas (president of the club), Jean Keet (sportsman of the year), Tulo Wakefield (president of Western Province Rugby), Neil Williams (sponsor of the club), Jamian Maree (player of the year) and Paulus Swartland (chairperson of the club). PHOTO: SUPPLIED
POLISIEVROUE BLINK UIT: Twee plaaslike polisielede het uitgeblink by die onlangse SAPD Nasionale Funksionele Fiksheidskompetisie wat in Gauteng van 8 tot 12 Oktober gehou is. Kapteins Zona Van Schoor en Reinette Vermeulen het onderskeidelik ’n goue en silwer medalje in hul ouderdomsgroepe gewen. Die vroue het met 20 hindernisse, wat die klim van ’n 2 m-muur en ’n 5 m-leer oor 800 m ingesluit het, afgereken. Van Schoor en Vermeulen was deel van die Wes-Kaapse span wat agt ander spanne uitgestof het toe hulle die eerste plek behaal het. Kapteins Zona Van Schoor (links) en Reinette Vermeulen is hier met die stasiebevelvoerder van die Strand-polisie, kolonel Shawn Van Wyk afgeneem. FOTO: VERSKAF
Year 16 • Dinsdag 30 Oktober 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211
A parting gift from England NICOLE MCCAIN Young Lwandle soccer players have received an unusual gift – sent all the way from England. After reading a Gazette article about a Lwandle soccer tournament, Barry Wolford from Leicester in the English midlands presented the Helderberg Local Football Association (LFA) with 10 soccer jerseys from professional football club Leicester City. Wolford was entrusted with the jerseys belonging to his late friend Graham Robson, who died in September. Robson, who was an ardent fan of the football club, had collected the replica shirts over the years. “He was well respected at the club,” says Wolford. “And he would be very pleased at the moment, because they’re currently at the top of the log.” The shirts, as Wolford explains, take one on a short history of the club, documenting the journey through all its different sponsors, ranging from chip companies to banks. Robson’s partner, Pat Hale, asked that the shirts be passed on to young players. Sandile Bavuma, spokesperson for the Helderberg LFA, says the jerseys will be given away as awards at a ceremony in November. Specifically, he says, the jerseys will go to junior teams in Lwandle, whose players range in age group from u.11 to u.17.
Barry Wolford hands Sandile Bavuma, Helderberg LFA spokesperson, one of the Leicester City soccer jerseys.
Netbalklubs vergader Helderberg-netbalklubs se bestuurslede, insluitend dié van Strand, Firgrove en Sir Lowry’s Pass asook Faure en Stellenbosch, word uitgenooi na ’n vergadering op Woensdag 31 Oktober in Sir Lowry’s Pass. Die doel van die vergadering is om ’n netbal-unie vir die streek tot stand te bring. Die vergadering begin om 19:30. Belangstellendes kan Sanna Booysen by 076 737 0800, Ursula Roman by 079 260 9356 of Caroline Scholtz by 073 948 3583 bel.
Sir Lowry’s Pass sportdag Sportentoesiaste word genooi na ’n pret sportdag by die Sir Lowry’s Pass-sportgronde dié Saterdag 3 November. Alle netbal- en rugbyspanne sowel as kleuterskole is welkom om in te skryf en in die pret te deel. Toegang is R5 vir volwassenes en halfprys vir kinders onder 12 jaar. Vir meer inligting of indien u wil inskryf bel Caroline Scholtz by 073 948 3583 of Sanna Booysen by 076 737 0800.
Gazette wil van wenners weet Wat gebeur in jou sportgebied? Het jou gemeenskap ’n sportster? Presteer jou skool se leerlinge op die sportsveld? Laat die Gazette weet! SMS op 32513 of epos nicole.mccain@helderberg.com