Helderberg gazette 4 junie 2013

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Year 17 • Tuesday 4 June 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

www.bolandgazette.co.za bolandgazette.mobi

Informal areas flooded

After the heavy rainfall this past weekend, more than 1 120 homes in informal areas of the Helderberg were affected by flooding, according to a report issued by the City’s Disaster Risk Management.

Patricia Magcuntshu from the Ethembeni informal settlement in Nomzamo throws out a bucket of rainwater that flooded her home over the weekend. PHO­

About 4 380 residents of informal settlements in the Helderberg were left with flooded homes after heavy rains hit Cape Town on Saturday (1


June) and Sunday (2 June). The six areas include Solly’s Town, New Village, Masakhane, Simunye, Pholile Park and Ethembeni in Nomzamo. According to Wilfred Solomons Johannes, spokesperson for Disaster Risk Management, Pholile Park and Masakhane were the areas most affected by the floods. Altogether 600 homes in Pholile Park were flooded, affecting about 2 400 residents and the 160 flooded

homes in Masakhane have affected about 600 residents. Stuart Pringle, Chairperson for Subcouncil 8 said that Strand has been identified as one of the nine high-risk areas and has been prioritised by the City. The City’s Disaster Risk Management supplied blankets and food on Sunday to those affected.Residents are advised to report flooding to the City’s Customer Contact Centre on 0860 103 089.



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Somerset Value Mart • Tel: 021 851 2824/65 • T/Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8:30 - 6 • Fri: 8:30 - 7 • Sat: 8 - 5 • Sun: 9 - 2 • Valid from: Tuesday 4 - Sunday 9 June 2013 • Available at this store ONLY! Pensioner’s Breakfast Plus Free Coffee for Only R20 Valid Thursdays ONLY! ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY • HAMILTONS ADVERTISING 030613 • NO HAWKERS • NO TRADERS • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • E&OE


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 4 June 2013

This creche is feeding more than just minds ASHRAF BOOLEY

Sixty-three-year-old Nomalizo Pikashe is a local heroine in the Nomzamo community, where she runs the Emfundisweni PrePrimary School.

Drawing on mirrors is aimed at making children aware of their ability to see.


The mascot Ronald McDonald entertained the children and spoke to them about friendship.

Arousing the senses through play ASHRAF BOOLEY Play was the order of the day on Tuesday (28 May), when Cotlands, Somerset West brought World Play Day alive through an exciting mix of play stations at the new Macassar community hall. World Play Day acknowledges every child’s right to play and highlights the importance of play in a child’s development, according to Cindy Lucas, Fund Development Manager at Cotlands, Somerset West. A number of children from the local community were present and eager to alternate between the various play stations around the theme ,“making sense of play”. “Children develop through play and our focus is on developing their senses,” says Monica Buitendag, Regional Manager of Cotlands, Somerset West. Children were made aware of their seven senses such as the ability to see by way of drawing on mirrors. The ability to hear

sound was sparked through music and movement while other stations made them aware of touch and their ability to distinguish odours using different foods. Various businesses such as The Foschini Group and Compuscan, Stellenbosch supported by volunteering as facilitators at some of the play stations. Timothy Theunissen from Strand lent a helping hand by supplying music for the threehour play session. McDonalds, Somerset West and Strand donated the meals. Ronald McDonald, the mascot, was also present and raised awareness around bullying and friendship. Play forms an integral part of a child’s development and it is important that we allow children to engage in play on a regular basis. “Play is especially important in vulnerable communities, where children have limited access to constructive adult interaction and early learning opportunities,” says Lucas.

She has been described by friends as a pillar of strength and a rock in the community. Pikashe has been running Emfundisweni for almost 20 years and has dedicated her life to educating her pupils holistically. This comes after she realised that children in the area had nothing to do because there were no crèches available to them. Pikashe fondly remembers being motivated by her friend, Christine Hartwig, back in 1990, when she first started teaching toddlers from her two-roomed home in the Waterkloof informal settlement. During this time Pikashe was unemployed and made ends meet by selling second-hand clothing. In 1994, Hartwig helped her raise funds that went towards her first training in education. Hartwig’s help did not stop here, Pikashe says. “She also helped me get a plot from the municipality to open Emfundisweni,” she says. Emfundisweni, which means “place of learning”, began in a container which she sponsored. From there it grew into a colourful, warm environment that is now home to 60 children from the local community. In 2005 Emfundisweni was selected for a Grade R pilot project, which was a great honour for her,

Nomalizo Pikashe, founder of and teacher at Emfundisweni Pre-Primary School in Nomzamo. PHOTO: ASHRAF BOOLEY she says. Apart from providing a place of education for these children, with the help of two other teachers, Pikashe says that health also became an issue. “I try to understand the poverty that is affecting them and their health issues,” she says. This motivated her to organise a health committee which influenced the establishment of the Ikwhezi health centre in Nomzamo. Pikashe also started a gardening project at the school which gained them International Eco Flag recognition for their efforts. From the gardening project and

Kinders van die Nceduluntu Educare Centre het die besoek van die ACVV baie geniet.

other staple foods, she also runs a feeding scheme to keep the children healthy. “Often when they are sick I encourage them to come to school because I make them teas with herbs from the garden to make them feel better,” she says. “I have a passion for working with children and everyday I learn a lot from them,” she says. Despite all Pikashe’s hard work, the school still needs support, especially donations of books, foods, stationery and other educational equipment. Those who would like to help with donations can phone Pikashe on 073 288 4659 or 021 845 5186.

Zenobia Booysen (ACVV) het die program aangebied. By haar is studente Deliwe Nosè en Nosakiwo Mabuya.

ACVV se Wolanani­program Ruimte Sentrum stal uit wil kinders leer ‘nee’ sê Die Ruimte Sentrum, Millsstraat 96, hou op 6 en 7 September hul jaarlikse kunsuitstalling waar gesoute asook opkomende kunstenaars die geleentheid kry om hul kunswerke uit te stal en te koop aan te bied. Enige kunsvorm van skilderkuns, fotografie tot ysterwerk is welkom. Dit sal die ses-

de uitstalling van sy soort wees. Die kunsuitstalling is ’n geldinsameling vir die Ruimte Sentrum wat die Pikkewouters Kleuterskool en Ruimte Nasorg (gr.R – gr.7) huisves. Vir besonderhede kontak: (tel) 021 854 8234; (faks) 086 530 9411 of e-pos by fin@ruimtesentrum.co.za

Die ACVV Strand het onlangs die Laerskool ACJ Phakade en die Nceduluntu Educare Centre in Lwandle besoek ter viering van nasionale kinderbeskermingsweek. Hulle het die Wolanani-program tydens hul besoek aan die skole op 22 Mei aangebied.

Die doel van die program is om kinders te bemagtig en bewus te maak van mishandeling en veral ook seksuele mishandeling in die samelewing. Die program is gemik daarop om kinders te bemagtig om hulself teen mishandeling te beskerm en om die

nodige kennis te hê om “nee” te kan sê as hulle in ’n moontlike situasie van mishandeling of molestering beland. Skole (preprimêr, laer- of hoërskole) wat graag wil hê dat die program by hul skole aangebied word, kan die ACVV Strand by 021 854 7215 bel.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette


Leier in Sir Lowry’s Pass se huis brand af


Die huis van ’n gemeenskapsleier van Sir Lowry’s Pass is verlede Maandag (27 Mei) in puin gelê.

BRANDSKADE: Die huis van Lionel Benjamin, Sir Lowry’s Pass-gemeenskapsleier, het verlede Maandag afgebrand. FOTO: ASHRAF BOOLEY

Dr. Louis Heyns

Lyk in vlak graf Die lyk van dr. Louis Heyns is Donderdag in Kusweg, Strand gevind. Heyns (59) is in die vroeë oggendure in ’n vlak graf, tussen bosse, naby die put-put baan gekry. Polisie het Heyns se donkergrys Peugeot 308 by ’n skrootwerf in Malmesbury opgespoor. Drie verdagtes (32, 37 en 43) is in hegtenis geneem. Een van die verdagtes het polisie na die graf gelei. Die verdagtes het gister (Maandag) in die Somerset-Weshof verskyn. Met die ter perse gaan van die Helderberg Gazette was die uitslag van die saak nog onbekend. Heyns, ’n dosent aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, het op 22 Mei omstreeks 20:20 vermis geraak. Hy was op pad na sy huis in Welgelegen na ’n besoek aan sy broer in Somerset-Wes.

Help GB police The Gordon’s Bay Police need the community’s assistance to aid in an investigation. Anyone who knows the whereabouts of Keano Davids (39) and Bearthur Davids (35), who still lived in Gordon’s Bay in December, can phone Constable Ncedile Advocate Solwandle on 021 856 2677. Police say all information will be treated as confidential.

Lionel Benjamin en sy seun, Jodeci (8), het omstreeks 19:00 televisie in sy slaapkamer in die voorste deel van die huis gekyk. Hy het van die brand bewus geword toe kinders wat buite gespeel het hulle kom waarsku het dat die huis aan die brand is. Volgens hom het die brand eers nie so ernstig voorgekom nie. “Ek het gedink ek het dalk die stoof aangelos, maar het toe gesien dit is afgeskakel. Toe ek die deur na die sitkamer oopmaak, het ek gesien dat daar oral rook was.” Lionel, wat gestremd is, sê hy het probeer

STOLEN GOODS FOUND: The Macassar Police recently found stolen car parts in Kabeljou Street, Macassar – a radiator, number plates, a speed meter and rear lights. A stripped car was also found at the back of a house in Soekmekaar Street, Macassar. Motorbike parts were found and an engine and gear box were discovered inside the house. One suspect was arrested and will soon appear in the Somerset West court.

om die brand met sy tuinslang te blus. “Bure moes my later uit die huis uit trek,” vertel hy. Die enigste item wat hy oorhet, is sy selfoon wat hy by hom gehad het. Bekende sakeman en Sir Lowry’s Pass-inwoner Alwyn van Pittius het intussen ’n houthuis (Wendy house) aan Lionel geskenk, wat met die hulp van die gemeenskap opgerig is. Reiner Krauss, voorsitter van die Wedderville-huiseienaarsvereniging, asook die gemeenskapspolisieforum het kos vir Lionel en Jodeci geskenk. Lionel is egter bekommerd oor sy gebrek aan toiletgeriewe in sy huidige blyplek. Hy het ook sy rekenaar verloor wat hy vir gemeenskapswerk gebruik. Enigeen wat Lionel met skenkings kan help, kan hom bel by 083 868 9969.

DAGGA HAUL: On 29 May Strand SAPS arrested a 34-year-old man for possession of dagga during a raid at Bosduif Street. Eleven big dagga parcels and one small dagga parcel wrapped in plastic were confiscated during the raid. He is said to have appeared at Strand Magistrate’s Court on Friday (31 May). Here from left are Constable Marius Ficks and Sergeant Oswald Adams with the bags of dagga that were found.


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Hookah smoking is no less harmful ASHRAF BOOLEY

What is even more concerning is the emerging trend amongst teenagers and children to mix tobacco with cannabis (dagga), which is then smoked through hookah pipes. “There is a major concern that hookah pipes, after a while, may serve as a gateway to the use of other harmful drugs,” says Professor Angela Mathee, Director, Environmental and Health Research Unit, Medical Research Council. In some areas in the Helderberg, this already appears to be an issue as the Community Police Forum comes across this almost every day. A hookah pipe is an instrument through which different flavoured tobacco is smoked. It consists of a vase which holds water, a pipe through which smoke is inhaled and a stem through which smoke rises. A bowl, which holds the different flavoured tobacco, is placed on top of the stem. This is covered with a piece of pierced foil on top of which a lit coal is placed. Once the coal is hot enough, a hookah smoker inhales smoke from the pipe. Smoke is drawn through the stem and vase. The smoke rises up above the water and into the hose port opening, which is then inhaled by the smoker through the pipe. There is a popular belief that because the smoke passes through an apparatus filled with water, the smoking of a hookah pipe is harmless.

“Last week we caught a 9-year-old smoking dagga out of a hookah pipe. This is a big problem because some parents allow it. We come across teenagers and young children smoking dagga out of hookah pipes almost every day in areas like Cassablanca, Broadlands and Rusthof,” says Jannie Frieslaar, chairperson of the Strand Community Police Forum. With World No Tobacco Day having been commemorated on Friday (31 May), it is concerning that there is a culture of hookah pipe smoking amongst teenagers and even children.

Hookah smokers are frequently unaware that hookah smoking is potentially more harmful than smoking cigarettes. PHOTOS: ASHRAF BOOLEY This is not the case, according to the Cancer Association of South Africa, who warns that smoke from a waterpipe contains several toxins that is known to cause lung cancer, heart disease and other diseases. “Tobacco in hookah pipes is no different to cigarettes and can cause a range of diseases such as emphysema,” says Mathee. “I don’t smoke cigarettes but I’ve tried it before and the smoke from cigarettes is much more potent than smoke from a hookah pipe. Hookah is better because the tobacco used comes in a variety of flavours that are much more pleasant than tobacco in cigarettes,” says a hookah smoker. When smoking a hookah pipe for up to onehour, the smoker inhales 100 to 200 times the

volume of smoke inhaled from a single cigarette, according to preliminary research from the Cancer Association of South Africa. According to Mathee, a hookah pipe is usually smoked for longer than a cigarette would be smoked. During this period, smokers may inhale much higher levels of carbon monoxide, for instance. “Because of this, hookah smokers frequently end up in hospital with carbon monoxide poisoning,” said Mathee. Sharing a hookah pipe can also make individuals more susceptible to contracting certain diseases. “As it is usually used in groups, hookah pipes can cause the spread of diseases such as tuberculosis, oral herpes and influenza,” said Mathee.


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Dwelmhuise kry nekslag








Agter (van links) is: Pierre Pietersen (sekretaris van BVCW), Sedrick Engel, Conan Morris, Jean Demas, Randal Scholtz, Peter Grootetjie, Gerard von Willing (Graffiti) en Johannes Pick (voorsitter BVCW, voorsitter BVHOA); (voor) Desire Pick, Shannon Swail, Andreas Fransman, Harcourt Jooste, Goolam Allie en Maria Lottering. Hulle het almal sertifikate ontvang vir hul uitstekende diens in Broadlands Village.

per roll


















per m





per m







per m


CNR BREWERY & LOWER GORDON’S BAY ROAD, STRAND TEL: 021 853 7845 FAX: 086 588 3660 Specials available for a limited period only, while stocks last. no dealers please, all prices include vat but excludes delivery. we reserve the right to limit quantities, cash only. e&eo


Die City of Light-projek het onlangs sy teendwelmveldtog in Broadlands Village met ’n Imbizo afgesluit. Met volgehoue druk vanuit die gemeenskap en die buurtwag is 33 van die 37 dwelmhuise uitgedryf nadat dit onder die aandag van die Lwandle-polisie se stasiebevelvoerder, lt.kol. Siviwe Somtsewu, gebring is. Die stasiebevelvoerder en kapt. J.P. Du Toit het groot lof vir die gemeenskapswag. Die lede is tydens ’n sertifikaatseremonie vir hul volgehoue opoffering en ondersteuning bedank. Inwoners wat nog nie by die Community Watch betrokke is nie, word aangemoedig om hul gemeenskap te ondersteun en by die buurtwag aan te sluit. Johannes Pick, voorsitter van die Broadlands Village Community Watch, het gesê hulle is baie dankbaar teenoor Andrew en Vida Arnolds van die City of Light-projek vir hul volharding en ondersteuning van die gemeenskap.

Kapt. J.P. du Toit (regs) oorhandig Henry Daniel (links) se sertifikaat vir goeie dienslewering.

Andrew (links) en Vida Arnolds (regs).

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Advertisement - Advertensie

Helderberg Gazette

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ONE Large Paw Paw, ONE Large Pineapple, ONE 1kg Orange Thriftpack, ONE Banana Thriftpack & FOUR Kiwi Fruit

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Helderberg Gazette

THE CITY OF CAPE TOWN’S APPROVED 2013/14 INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN (IDP) AND BUDGET Notice is hereby given in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act No. 32 of 2000, the Municipal Finance Management Act No. 56 of 2003 and the Municipal Property Rates Act No.6 of 2004, that the City’s Approved Integrated Development Plan document and Approved Budget for 2013/14 will be available for information at all municipal administrative buildings, subcouncil offices (listed below) and all municipal libraries from 31 May 2013 up to and including 5 July 2013. The documents can also be accessed through our website from 31 May 2013 at the following link: www.capetown.gov.za/en/Budget/Pages/default.aspx The following table contains a list of venues where the IDP and Budget document will be available for perusal: SUBCOUNCIL MANAGER Municipal Offices, Royal Ascot, Bridle Way, Peter Deacon Milnerton Tel: 021 550 1001 Municipal Offices, Brighton Way, Fred Monk Kraaifontein Tel: 021 980 6053 Municipal Offices, Voortrekker Road, Johannes Brand Goodwood Tel: 021 590 1676 Municipal Offices, cnr Voortrekker and Ardela van Niekerk Tallent Roads, Parow Tel: 021 444 0196 Municipal Offices, cnr Jakkelsvlei Avenue Martin Julie and Kiaat Road, Bonteheuwel Tel: 021 695 8161 Municipal Offices, Voortrekker Road, Pat Jansen Bellville Tel: 021 918 2024 Municipal Offices, Oxford Street, Carin Viljoen Durbanville Tel: 021 444 0689 Izak du Toit Municipal Offices, cnr Fagan Street and Tel: 021 850 4149 Main Road, Strand / 50 Site B, Khayelitsha Shopping Centre, Johnson Fetu Khayelitsha Tel: 021 360 1351 Stocks & Stocks Complex, A Block Goodman Rorwana Ntlakohlaza and Ntlazane Roads, Tel: 021 360 1267 Khayelitsha Fezeka Building, cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Kayise Nombakuse Road, Gugulethu Tel: 021 630 1615 Alesia Bosman Parks & Bathing Building, Merrydale Tel: 021 371 8199 Avenue, Lentegeur / 5021 Fezeka Building, cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Lunga Bobo Road, Gugulethu Tel: 021 630 1619 Fezeka Building, cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Christopher Jako Road, Gugulethu Tel: 021 630 1643 Pinelands Training Centre, St Stephens Mariette Griessel Road, Central Square, Pinelands Tel: 021 531 3437 Marius Coetsee 11th Floor, 44 Wale Street, Cape Town Tel: 021 487 2055 Athlone Civic Centre, cnr Protea and Edgar Carolissen Klipfontein Roads, Athlone Tel: 021 637 9757 Cnr Buck Road and 6th Avenue, Okkie Manuels Lotus River Tel: 021 700 4025 Municipal Offices, Central Circle, Off Desiree Mentor Recreation Road, Fish Hoek Tel: 021 784 2011 Alphen Centre, Constantia Main Road, Brian Ford Constantia Tel: 021 794 2493 Municipal Offices, cnr Van Riebeeck and Pieter Grobler Carinus Streets, Kuilsriver Tel: 021 900 1503 Municipal Offices, cnr Van Riebeeck and Richard Moi Carinus Streets, Kuilsriver Tel: 021 900 1578 Parks & Bathing Building, Merrydale Raphael Martin Avenue, Lentegeur Tel: 021 371 4550 Anthony Mathe Cnr Delft and Fort Worth Roads, Delft Tel: 021 956 8000 Click on http://www.capetown.gov.za/en/Library/Pages/ ListofLibraries.aspx for a list of all libraries Concourse, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town

8001 8501 9001 9501 10001

Subcouncil 2 Subcouncil 3 Subcouncil 4 Subcouncil 5 Subcouncil 6 Subcouncil 7 Subcouncil 8 Subcouncil 9 Subcouncil 10 Subcouncil 11 Subcouncil 12 Subcouncil 13 Subcouncil 14 Subcouncil 15 Subcouncil 16 Subcouncil 17 Subcouncil 18 Subcouncil 19 Subcouncil 20 Subcouncil 21 Subcouncil 22 Subcouncil 23 Subcouncil 24 All Libraries Cape Town South Peninsula

Municipal Offices, cnr Main and Victoria Roads, Plumstead

NB: Information provided is an extract from the draft Tariff Book. For the full version consult Annexure 6 of the 2013/14 Budget Document.

1. PROPERTY RATE (reflected as Rand-in-the-rand): Property Rates are zero-rated for VAT 1.1 Residential Properties - R0.005900 (The City will not levy a rate on the first value up to R200 000 of the market value as per the Valuation Roll). 1.2 Industrial / Commercial Properties – including all Undeveloped Land R0.011800. 1.3 Agricultural properties (including farms and small holdings) fall into three categories; (a) those used for residential purposes – R0.005900; (b) those used for bona fide farming purposes – R0.001180; (c) those used for other purposes such as industrial or commercial – R0.011800 1.4 Public Service Infrastructure - R0.002107. 1.5 Any property that meets the public benefit organisation criteria included in the Amended Municipal Property Rates Regulations, yet does not qualify for the 100% rebate in terms of Council’s Rates Policy, shall be rated at 25% of the residential rate - R0.001475. 1.6 The special rebates for Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons for the 2013/14 financial year are reflected in the table below: The proposed gross monthly household incomes and rebates for the 2013/14 financial year are as follows: GROSS MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD INCOME R 2012/13 0 3000 3001 4500 4501 5500 5501 6500 6501 7500 7501 8000

% REBATE 2012/13 100% 95% 90% 80% 70% 60%

GROSS MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD INCOME R 2013/14 0 3500 3501 5000 5001 6000 6001 7000 7001 8000 8001 8500

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

8501 9001 9501 10001 11001

9000 9500 10000 11000 12000

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

1.7 Special rebates will be considered for certain categories of property upon application before 31 August 2013 as described in Annexure 5 of the Budget Document. Highlights • • • • • • •


8500 9000 9500 10000 10500

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Guest Houses and Bed & Breakfasts are now defined. Senior Citizen criteria for Trusts softened. Liability for the payment of Rates when municipal properties are purchased, rests with the purchaser. Gross monthly household income qualifying criteria for indigent relief was increased from R3 000 to R3 500. Rates Rebates for gross monthly household income are as follows: Income R3 501 to R4 000 = 75%; Income R4 001 to R4 500 = 50% and Income R4 501 to R5 000 = 25% Whilst an indigent status is valid on the City’s billing system no application for a Senior Citizen rebate will be considered. Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons gross monthly household income threshold increased from R10 500 to R12 000.

2. CONSUMPTIVE TARIFFS AND CHARGES Water, Sanitation, Electricity and Solid Waste Management attracts VAT at 14%. 2.1 WATER Three sets of Water tariffs are proposed (10% Reduction tariff, 20% Reduction tariff and 30% Reduction tariff). Each tariff is linked to the level of water reduction imposed. Due to the 10% Reduction tariff being incorporated into the Water Bylaw as the norm it will be the applicable tariff, but may be revisited at a later stage should further restrictions become necessary. 2.1.1 Domestic Full - Water which is used predominantly for domestic purposes and supplied to single residential properties. 2013/14 EXCL. VAT 2013/14 INCL. VAT 0<6 Per kℓ R0.00 R0.00 >6 < 10.5 Per kℓ R7.60 R8.66 >10.5 < 20 Per kℓ R11.61 R13.24 >20 < 35 Per kℓ R17.20 R19.61 >35 < 50 Per kℓ R21.24 R24.22 >50 Per kℓ R28.02 R31.95 2.1.2 Consumptive Tariffs for Backyard Users, including council property. 0<6 >6 < 10.5

Per kℓ Per kℓ

2013\14 EXCL. VAT 2013/14 INCL. VAT R0.00 R0.00 R7.60 R8.66

2.1.3 Commercial - Water supplied to premises predominantly of a commercial nature: R12.51 (R14.27 incl. VAT) per kℓ 2.1.4 Industrial - Water which is used in manufacturing, generating electricity, land-based transport, construction or any related purpose: R12.51 (R14.27 incl. VAT) per kℓ 2.1.5 Schools / Sport bodies / Churches / Charities - Any educational activity and/ or sporting body: R11.06 (R12.61 incl. VAT) per kℓ 2.1.6 Domestic Cluster - Bulk metered flats, cluster developments including single title and sectional title units, including council property. An allowance of 6kℓ per unit per month at zero cost upon submission of affidavits stating the number of units - refer Annexure 7 of budget document. 0<6 >6 < 10.5 >10.5 < 20 >20 < 35 >35 < 50 >50

Per kℓ Per kℓ Per kℓ Per kℓ Per kℓ Per kℓ

2013/14 EXCL. VAT 2013/14 INCL. VAT R0.00 0.00 R9.93 R11.32 R11.61 R13.24 R17.20 R19.61 R21.24 R24.22 R28.02 R31.95

2.1.7 Government - National and Provincial Departments: R11.88 (R13.55 incl. VAT) per kℓ 2.1.8 Municipal / Departmental use: R11.06 (R12.61 incl. VAT) per kℓ 2.1.9 Miscellaneous - All consumers who do not fall within the above categories: R11.88 (R13.55 incl. VAT) per kℓ 2.1.10 Miscellaneous External - All consumers supplied outside the City of Cape Town: R14.19 (R16.18 incl. VAT) per kℓ 2.1.11 Bulk Tariff - Exclusive of the Water Research Commission Levy. Only for Bulk Supply to other Municipalities and for cost recovery from Water Services Reticulation of the City of Cape Town: R3.42 (R3.90 incl. VAT) per kℓ 2.1.12 In line with the adoption of the Urban Agriculture Policy a free allocation of 10kℓ per month is in place, exclusively for subsistence farming by defined Vulnerable Groups. 2.1.13 Households residing in Residential units on mixed use property may apply for a free allocation of 6kℓ per unit per month. An affidavit will be required and the application will be inspected and considered on the proportion of predominant use. 2.1.14 Existing Homeless people shelters – Accredited shelters registered with the City of Cape Town. Updated to incorporate the Consumptive Tariffs for Old Aged Homes (other than those classified as Domestic Cluster) as well as Homes catering for the health of the physically or mentally challenged. 0 < 0.75 >0.75

Per kℓ per person Per kℓ per person

2013/14 EXCL. VAT 2013/14 INCL. VAT R0.00 R0.00 R11.06 R12.61

Highlights • • • •


2013/14 100% 95% 90% 80% 70% 60%

Indigent grant increased from R53.27 to R67.42 (i.e. R40.36 Water + R27.06 Sanitation). 10.5kℓ per month free water for properties valued up to R300 000. 6kℓ per month free water to all residents. The percentage increases on Step 2 of the Domestic Full category exceeds the standard increase due to the reduction in the subsidy level on this step necessitated by the usage patterns and water demand strategy. The next phase to increase the number of steps of the Domestic Cluster category has been taken to further align it with the Domestic Full category as requested by customers during the 2012/13 consultation process. Changes to Miscellaneous tariffs and procedures, including the increases to treated effluent (specifically golf courses), industrial effluent and hydrant standpipes are specified in Annexure 4 of the documentation.


Three sets of Sanitation tariffs are proposed (10% Reduction tariff, 20% Reductio tariff and 30% Reduction tariff). Each tariff is linked to the level of water reductio imposed. Due to the 10% Reduction tariff being incorporated into the Water Bylaw as the norm it will be the applicable tariff but may be revisited at a later stag should further restrictions become necessary. 2.2.1 Domestic Full (Standard) – Single residential properties: 70% of water consumption to a maximum of 35kℓ of sewerage per month (70% of 50kℓ water equals 35kℓ of sewerage) 2013/14 EXCL. VAT 2013/14 INCL. VAT 0 < 4.2 Per kℓ R0.00 R0.00 >4.2 < 7.35 Per kℓ R7.20 R8.21 >7.35 < 14 Per kℓ R13.56 R15.46 >14 < 24.5 Per kℓ R14.82 R16.90 >24.5 < 35 Per kℓ R15.56 R17.74

2.2.2 Domestic Full (CoCT Oxidation Dams) – Single residential properties: 70% o water consumption to a maximum of 35kℓ of sewerage per month (70% of 50kℓ of water equals 35kℓ of sewerage) 2013/14 EXCL. VAT 2013/14 INCL. VAT 0 < 4.2 Per kℓ R0.00 R0.00 >4.2 < 7.35 Per kℓ R6.70 R7.64 >7.35 < 14 Per kℓ R11.90 R13.57 >14 < 24.5 Per kℓ R13.01 R14.83 >24.5 < 35 Per kℓ R14.80 R16.87

2.2.3 Domestic Cluster – Bulk metered flats, cluster developments including sectional and single title units, Including council property - 90% of Water Consumption (* see note) up to a maximum of 35kℓ per household. An allowance of 4.2kℓ per unit per month will be made available at zero cost upon acceptance of a sworn affidavit stating the number of units supplied from that metered connection. Consumption above the free allocation will b charged as follows: 2013/14 EXCL. VAT 2013/14 INCL. VAT 0 < 4.2 Per kℓ R0.00 0.00 >4.2 < 7.35 Per kℓ R9.05 R10.32 >7.35 < 14 Per kℓ R13.56 R15.46 >14 < 24.5 Per kℓ R14.82 R16.90 >24.5 < 35 Per kℓ R15.56 R17.74 2.2.4 Consumptive Tariffs for Backyard Users, including council property. 2013/14 EXCL. VAT 2013/14 INCL. VAT 0 < 4.2 Per kℓ R0.00 R0.00 >4.2 < 7.35 Per kℓ R7.20 R8.21

2.2.5 Industrial and Commercial (Standard), Schools, Sport bodies, Churches, Charities, Government: National / Provincial, Hospitals and other - 95% o water consumption (* see note): R9.62 (R10.96 incl. VAT) per kℓ 2.2.6 Industrial and Commercial (CoCT Oxidation Dams) - 95% of water consumption (* see note): R9.04 (R10.31 incl. VAT) per kℓ 2.2.7 Departmental - 95% of water consumption (*see note) excluding facilitie not connected to the sewer system: R8.85 (R10.09 incl. VAT) per kℓ 2.2.8 Miscellaneous (Standard) - All consumers who do not fall within the abov categories – 95% of water consumption (* see note): R9.62 (R10.96 incl VAT) per kℓ 2.2.9 Miscellaneous (CoCT Oxidation Dams) - All consumers who do not fall within the above categories – 95% of water consumption (*see note): R9.04 (R10.31 incl. VAT) per kℓ 2.2.10 Households residing in Residential units on mixed use property may apply for a free allocation of 4.2kℓ per unit per month. An affidavit will be required and the application will be inspected and considered on the proportion of predominant use. 2.2.11 Existing Homeless people shelters – HOMAC Accredited shelters registere with the City of Cape Town. Updated to incorporate the Consumptive Tariffs for Old Aged Homes (other than those classified as Domestic Clust as well as Homes catering for the health of the physically or mentally challenged. *

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Director of Water and Sanitation Services may adjust the percentages of water consumption (see above) as appropriate to the consumer. This is not applicable to the domestic full category.

0 < 0.525 >0.525

Per kℓ per person Per kℓ per person

2013/14 EXCL. VAT 2013/14 INCL. VAT R0.00 R0.00 R8.85 R10.09

Highlights • • • • • •

The percentage increases on Step 2 of the Domestic Full category exceeds the standard increase due to the reduction in the subsidy level on this step necessitated by the usage patterns and water demand strategy. The next phase to increase the number of steps of the Domestic Cluster category has been taken to further align it with the Domestic Full category requested by customers during the 2012/13 consultation process. Changes to Miscellaneous tariffs, including the increases to treated effluent (specifically golf courses), industrial effluent and hydrant standpipes are specified in Annexure 4 of the budget document. Indigent grant increased from R53.27 to R67.42 (i.e. R40.36 Water + R27.0 Sanitation). 7.35kℓ per month free sanitation for properties valued up to R300 000. 4.2kℓ per month free sanitation to all residents.

2.3 ELECTRICITY The tariffs below are based on an average 7.86% increase. RESIDENTIAL TARIFFS

LifeLine (for qualifying customers receiving 450kWh per month on average or less) Domestic

2012/13 2013/14 2013/14 Excl VAT Excl VAT Incl VAT


Block 1





90.86 22.75%

Block 2

>150<350kWh c/kWh



90.86 -11.40%

Block 3

>350<600kWh c/kWh



210.90 56.63%

Block 4





210.90 31.97%

Service Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4

0<150kWh >150<350kWh >350<600kWh >600kWh

R/day c/kWh c/kWh c/kWh c/kWh

0.00 113.20 118.11 118.11 140.18

0.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 152.00

0.00 142.50 142.50 142.50 173.28

n/a 10.42% 5.83% 5.83% 8.43%

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Demand Service

me of Use


101.25 -3.13%




52.49 -49.79%

R/Day c/kWh

19.16 103.40

20.67 111.52

23.56 7.88% 127.13 7.85%




198.79 7.86%






R/day 62.55 70.59 80.47 12.85% c/kWh 57.09 64.43 73.45 12.86% R/Day 31.91 34.42 39.24 7.87% c/kWh 54.21 58.47 66.66 7.86% R/kVA 161.31 173.99 198.35 7.86% R/Day 31.91 34.42 39.24 7.87% c/kWh 50.39 54.35 61.96 7.86% R/kVA 150.03 161.82 184.47 7.86% R/day 5210.00 5619.71 6406.47 7.86% High-Peak c/kWh 255.46 255.46 291.22 0.00% High-Standard c/kWh 67.55 72.86 83.06 7.86% High-Off Peak c/kWh 36.77 39.66 45.21 7.86% Low-Peak c/kWh 72.53 78.23 89.18 7.86% Low-Standard c/kWh 45.00 51.59 58.81 14.64% Low-Off Peak c/kWh 31.91 34.71 39.57 8.77% R/kVA 81.03 87.39 99.62 7.85% R/day 5210.00 5210.00 5939.40 0.00% High-Peak c/kWh 255.46 255.46 291.22 0.00% High-Standard c/kWh 67.55 67.55 77.01 0.00% High-Off Peak c/kWh 36.77 36.77 41.92 0.00% Low-Peak c/kWh 72.53 72.53 82.68 0.00% Low-Standard c/kWh 45.00 45.00 51.30 0.00% Low-Off Peak c/kWh 31.91 31.91 36.38 0.00% R/kVA 81.03 81.03 92.37 0.00% R/day 5210.00 5619.71 6406.47 7.86% High-Peak c/kWh 247.80 247.80 282.49 0.00% High-Standard c/kWh 65.52 70.67 80.56 7.86% High-Off Peak c/kWh 35.67 38.47 43.86 7.85% Low-Peak c/kWh 70.35 75.88 86.50 7.86% Low-Standard c/kWh 43.65 50.04 57.05 14.64% Low-Off Peak c/kWh 30.95 33.67 38.38 8.79% R/kVA 81.03 87.40 99.64 7.86%

Demand HER TARIFFS Firm heeling Energy iff Surcharge Non-Firm GHTING TARIFFS eet hting & R/100W/burning hour ffic Signals vate Lights R/100W/burning hour

c/kWh c/kWh

14.07 8.64

15.18 9.32

17.31 7.89% 10.62 7.87%



0.1394 7.85%



0.1522 7.84%

ghlights RESIDENTIAL TARIFFS: Completely restructured. Overall revenue increase from the group is 7.86%, but individual customers will likely see different values based on actual consumption. FREE BASIC ELECTRICITY: Lifeline tariff customers receiving less than 250kWh per month will receive an increase in the free basic supply to 60kWh, with those receiving between 250kWh and 450kWh per month receiving a free basic supply of 25kWh per month. NET METERING TARIFF: The energy component is now split into consumption and generation components and renamed RESIDENTIAL SMALL SCALE EMBEDDED GENERATION. COMMERCIAL SMALL SCALE EMBEDDED GENERATION TARIFF: New tariff introduced to facilitate embedded renewable energy generation for nonresidential applications (not available to Small Power 2 consumers). New TIME OF USE TARIFF: A new Medium Voltage Time of Use tariff is introduced for the Atlantis area only. SMALL POWER USER 1 with Off Peak combination is restricted to existing customers from 1 July 2012. The Off Peak components also increase by an above average amount as a step in the phasing out of this tariff.

OTE: Monthly Service Charges calculated as Daily Service Charge multiplied by mber of days in the billing period.



2012/13 2013/14 2013/14

(excl. VAT) (excl. VAT) (incl. VAT)


SIDENTIAL COLLECTIONS RMAL 0l Container luding Lockable Rand per month R 85.21 R 90.61 R 103.30 6.32% ntainer DIGENT REBATE - 240L CONTAINER INCLUDING LOCKABLE CONTAINER ock 1 (100% bate) – property Rebate Rand per -R 85.21 -R 90.61 -R 103.30 6.32% ue up to month 00 000 ock 2 (75% bate) – property Rebate Rand per ue from -R 63.91 -R 67.98 -R 77.50 6.32% month 00 001 to 50 000 ock 3 (50% bate) – property Rebate Rand per -R 42.61 -R 45.26 -R 51.60 6.32% ue from month 50 001 to 50 000 ock 4 (25% bate) – property Rebate Rand per ue from -R 21.30 -R 22.63 -R 25.80 6.32% month 50 001 to 00 000 As determined by 0% Indigent the Credit Control -R 85.21 -R 90.61 -R 103.30 6.32% lief & Debt Collection Policy

ENHANCED SERVICE LEVEL INCLUDING LOCKABLE CONTAINER 240l - Additional Rand per container R 85.21 R 90.61 R 103.30 6.32% Container per month 240l - 3x per week Rand per container R 255.60 R 271.75 R 309.80 6.32% for cluster per month INFORMAL Basic Bagged Rand per month Free Free Free service NON-RESIDENTIAL COLLECTIONS 240 LITRE CONTAINER INCLUDING LOCKABLE CONTAINER 1 removal per Rand per container R 101.83 R 108.25 R 123.40 6.32% week per month 3 removals per Rand per container R 297.91 R 316.75 R 361.10 6.32% week per month 5 removals per Rand per container R 483.78 R 514.39 R 586.40 6.32% week per month REFUSE AVAILABILITY All vacant Erven Rand per month R 50.46 R 53.68 R 61.20 6.32% DISPOSAL SERVICES General Waste Rand per ton R 272.98 R 292.28 R 333.20 7.06% Rand per ton or Special Waste R 361.93 R 387.46 R 441.70 7.06% part thereof Clean Builders Rand per ton R 50.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 -100% Rubble Highlights • • • •

100% rebate on refuse removal for properties valued up to and including R100 000. Rebate reduces as valuation increases (stepped) and falls away when valuation exceeds R400 000. The Tariff Policy has been rewritten in order to streamline the content, delete the duplications and ensure consistency throughout. In an attempt to curb Illegal Dumping the following changes were made to the Tariff Policy & Tariff Book: - The Builders Rubble Tariff has been reduced from R50 to R0; - The capacity of vehicles disposing of Builders Rubble at Drop-off facilities has been increased from 1,3tons to 1,5tons; - Both Residential and Commercial clients disposing of Builders Rubble may use the Drop-off facilities free of charge; - Customers disposing of Builders Rubble at Drop-off facilities may only take 1 load per day, as these facilities cannot deal with large amounts of waste.

3. MISCELLANEOUS TARIFFS AND CHARGES 3.1 A complete copy of all Miscellaneous Tariffs and Charges are available for inspection at the abovementioned Municipal Offices (see Annexure 6 of Budget Document). 3.2 All Miscellaneous tariffs include VAT. 3.3 Fines, Penalties, Refundable Deposits and Housing are exempt from VAT. 3.4 VAT is calculated at 14% in terms of the Value Added Tax Act No. 89 of 1991.

4. GRANT ALLOCATIONS 4.1 Refer to Annexure 11 in the Budget Document for a list of organisations/ bodies which were recommended to receive grants.

5. SPECIAL RATING AREAS ADDITIONAL RATE SRA Additional Rates are rated at 14% for VAT. Additional Rates below are reflected as a Rand-in-the-rand SPECIAL RATING AREA

Airport 2,031,031 Industria Athlone 583,201 Blackheath 1,300,137 Cape Town 38,876,503 Central City Claremont Residential 401,333 Commercial 5,260,570 Total 5,661,903 Claremont Boulevard Commercial 2,710,999 Epping 5,824,768 Fish Hoek Residential 133,019 Commercial 467,329 Total 600,348 Glosderry N/A Green Point Residential 716,569 Commercial 3,323,908 Total 4,040,477 Groote 4,264,180 Schuur Maitland 1,595,147 Muizenberg Residential 627,261 Commercial 516,230 Total 1,143,491 Observatory Residential 1,948,663 Commercial 1,328,803 Total 3,277,466 Oranjekloof Residential 741,215 Commercial 2,699,018 Total 3,440,233 Paarden 2,700,165 Eiland Parow 2,761,426 Industria Sea Point Residential 1,368,960 Commercial 2,102,946 Total 3,471,906


antis Time Energy Use MV

12.08 7.83%



Demand Service




9.83 91.69


me of Use V

R/day c/kWh


Service Energy Consumed Energy Generated MMERCIAL TARIFFS Service all wer 1 Energy all Energy wer 2 mmercial all Scale bedded Energy neration Generated ot available SPU2 nsumers) Minimum Peak Energy Service ge Power Energy Demand Service ge Power Energy V Demand Service

sidential all Scale bedded neration

Advertisement - Advertensie


2,266,516 0.001787 0.002037

0.002601 0.001123

643,300 0.002361 0.002692 1,359,328 0.000992 0.001131


41,647,300 0.001758 0.002004

0.000456 0.001456

433,435 0.000450 0.000513 5,681,348 0.001335 0.001522 6,114,783

0.000775 0.001497

2,832,994 0.000665 0.000758 6,289,576 0.001354 0.001544

0.000483 0.001585

144,821 0.000550 0.000627 515,563 0.001751 0.001996 660,384 1,048,454 0.001960 0.002234

N/A 0.000425 0.002110

860,206 0.000456 0.000520 3,482,710 0,002217 0,002527 4,342,916


4,499,203 0.001994 0.002273


1,753,969 0.001685 0.001921

0.000760 0.002273

657,831 0.000760 0.000866 586,963 0.002283 0.002603 1,244,794

0.001234 0.001642

1,965,300 0,001059 0,001207 1,587,388 0,001532 0,001746 3,552,688

0.000578 0.001925

626,326 0.000456 0.000520 3,074,338 0.001968 0.002244 3,700,664


2,887,031 0.001160 0.001322


2,937,799 0.001593 0.001816

0.001225 0.002250

1,438,396 0.000990 0.001129 2,260,335 0.001839 0.002096 3,698,731

Helderberg Gazette

Stikland Industrial Triangle Industrial Voortrekker Road Corridor Vredekloof Residential Commercial Total Woodstock Wynberg Residential Commercial Total Zeekoevlei Peninsula Zwaanswyk Association of Property Owners Total



2,447,784 0.001765 0.002012

1,556,386 0.003415

1,651,716 0,003152 0,003593

11,106,701 0.002246

12,303,673 0.002087 0.002379

2,154,216 0.001862 54,119 0.002120 2,208,335 3,442,653 0.001725

2,337,039 0.001831 0.002087 47,436 0.002096 0.002389 2,384,475 3,743,585 0.001444 0.001646

456,842 0.000760 2,384,395 0.003187 2,841,237

516,459 0.000809 0.000922 2,571,170 0.002949 0.003362 3,087,629

361,691 0.001700

361,807 0.001667 0.001900

1,068,268 0.001350

975,515 0.001047 0.001194



6. CONTRACTED ROAD-BASED PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICES INCLUDING MyCiTi INTEGRATED RAPID TRANSIT Integrated Rapid Transit is exempt from VAT. These tariffs are in line with the Fare Policy for Contracted Road-Based Public Transport services. NB: Information provided is an extract from the Tariff Book. For the full version consult Annexure 6 of the 2013/14 Budget Document. SERVICES RENDERED AND RELATED TRANSPORT PRODUCTS


2012/13 2013/14 R R

IRT INTERIM FARE SYSTEM (Continuation of current interim system on flat fares until IRT Full Fare System starts)

MANUAL TICKETS: Premium Airport Service fares (using manual tickets) per person per trip 57.00 62.00 (one way) Premium Airport concession 1: per child per trip 28.10 30.30 Children 4-11 years old (i.e. 4 and (one way) older, but under 12 years) Premium Airport concession 2: per monthly ticket 449.50 484.60 Monthly ticket SMART CARD: Fares during IRT Interim Fare System (using smart card) per person per trip Premium Airport Service 57.00 62.00 (one way) Interim Trunk (Basic) Route (Peak Flat fare. Fare for one 10.60 11.50 Period & Off-Peak Period) way trip per person Interim Feeder Route (Peak period Flat fare. Fare for one 5.30 5.80 & Off-Peak periods) way trip per person myconnect smartcard Issuing Fee per smartcard 23.00 25.00 IRT FULL FARE SYSTEM: DISTANCE-BASED FARES MYCITI TRAVEL PACKAGES MyCiTi 80: Travel package Per product sold 80.00 80.00 MyCiTi 100: Travel package Per product sold 100.00 100.00 MyCiTi 150: Travel package Per product sold 150.00 150.00 MyCiTi 200: Travel package Per product sold 200.00 200.00 MyCiTi 400: Travel package Per product sold 400.00 400.00 MyCiTi 600: Travel package Per product sold 600.00 600.00 MyCiTi 1000: Travel package Per product sold 1 000.00 1 000.00 FARE WITH ANY TRAVEL PACKAGE PEAK TRAVEL (06:30 to 08:30 and 16:00 to 18:00 on any weekday) per person per trip Journeys under 5km 4.80 5.20 (one way) Journeys of 5km or longer, but less per person per trip 5.60 6.10 than 10km (one way) Journeys of 10km or longer, but per person per trip 6.80 7.40 less than 20km (one way) Journeys of 20km or longer, but per person per trip 9.00 9.80 less than 30km (one way) Journeys of 30km or longer, but per person per trip 10.10 10.90 less than 60km (one way) per person per trip Journeys of 60km or more 15.00 16.20 (one way) Premium on Airport service in per person per trip 33.10 35.70 peak period (one way) OFF-PEAK TRAVEL (all periods other than peak) per person per trip Journeys under 5km 4.00 4.40 (one way) Journeys of 5km or longer, but less per person per trip 4.60 5.00 than 10km (one way) Journeys of 10km or longer, but per person per trip 5.60 6.10 less than 20km (one way) Journeys of 20km or longer, but per person per trip 7.40 8.00 less than 30km (one way) Journeys of 30km or longer, but per person per trip 8.30 9.00 less than 60km (one way) per person per trip Journeys of 60km or more 13.00 14.10 (one way) per person per trip Premium on Airport service 33.10 35.70 (one way) ONE-TRIP MANUAL TICKET One-trip ticket for non-Premium per person per trip 22.00 24.00 Airport service: peak and off-peak (one way) One-trip ticket for the Premium Airport service: peak and off-peak per person per trip 75.00 76.00 (This ticket includes any further (one way) trips using closed transfers) SMARTCARD ISSUING FEE myconnect smartcard Issuing Fee per smartcard 23.00 25.00 Premium Airport service





General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 4 June 2013

SAPS members raise safety awareness Local police kicked-off National Child Protection Week on 27 May by visiting 10 crèches in the Helderberg. Their purpose was to raise awareness around safety. Children were taught emergency contact numbers. In turn, the children surprised the SAPSmembers with song items. Members of Macassar, Somerset West, Strand, Gordon’s Bay, Khayelitsha’s Men for Change and Women’s Network were present.

George Liddle, assistant secretary of the Macassar CPF, lights a candle in commemoration of National Child Protection Week with the children. PHOTOS: BERNADETTE ROSSI

Anita Jooste (right), Social Crime Coordinator for the Macassar Police, addresses toddlers during National Child Protection Week.

Community Police Forum meeting The next public meeting of the Somerset West Community Police Forum (CPF) will be held on Tuesday (18 June) at 19:00 in the Somerset West Public Library Hall. Residents of Somerset West and Sir Lowry’s Pass are invited to attend this meeting in which SAPS will report on the current crime in the area and respond to any questions received from residents prior to the meeting. Submit questions to the CPF Chairman, Johnny Brown, on either 021 850 1307 or via email at cpfsaps@gmail.com.

HAVE YOUR SAY! DRAFT CONSTITUTION OF TRANSPORT FOR CAPE TOWN BY-LAW The City of Cape Town is in the process of finalising its Draft Constitution of Transport for Cape Town By-law. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 17 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) that the public and interested parties or groups are given the opportunity to submit comments, recommendations or input to the Municipality for a period of 30 days, from 3 June 2013 up to and including 3 July 2013. Comments, recommendations or input in respect of the Draft Constitution of Transport for Cape Town By-law can be submitted in any of the following ways: • • • • •

By fax to 021 400 1390 By e-mail to Delores.Meyer@capetown.gov.za Post written submission to PO Box 298, Cape Town 8000 or to the Office of Commissioner: Transport for Cape Town, 5th Floor, Podium block, Civic Centre, Cape Town Through Facebook at www.facebook.com/CityofCT Online via www.capetown.gov.za/haveyoursay

Special assistance will be given to people who cannot read or write, to people with disabilities and to other disadvantaged groups who are unable to submit written comments. To have their comments, recommendation or input recorded and submitted to the Municipality, members of the abovementioned groups may contact the following officials of the City of Cape Town’s Public Participation Unit: For assistance to the general public, contact: Ruché Daniels, tel. 021 400 1766 or e-mail Ruche.daniels@capetown.gov.za. For assistance to disadvantaged groups, contact: Anele Viti, tel. 021 400 1652 or e-mail Anele.viti@capetown.gov.za. Enquires relating to the Draft Constitution of Transport for Cape Town By-law can be directed to Delores Meyer, tel. 021 400 1336 or e-mail Delores.Meyer@capetown.gov.za. The Draft Constitution of Transport for Cape Town By-law will be available on the City’s website, www.capetown.gov.za/ haveyoursay, and at subcouncil offices and libraries. ACHMAT EBRAHIM CITY MANAGER


Share some winter warmth with a child The Gazette recently launched the “Gazette Cares” winter warmth project to keep children warm and in school this winter. Some pupils do not have jerseys and do not attend school on cold days, or attend wearing only a shirt. Solomon Qatyana Primary in Nomzamo needs 300 grey jerseys, just for Grades 1 to 3 and Temperance Town Primary in Gordon’s Bay needs the same number of navy blue jerseys for those grades. Macassar Primary needs 170 navy blue jerseys in Grades 1 to 3 and Rusthof Primary in Strand needs 120 navy blue jerseys for their pupils in Grades 1 to 3 to stay warm. Shivering in their seats impacts directly on the pupils’ ability to learn. The Gazette is hoping to collect 890 jerseys to donate to the above-mentioned schools, and has thus far received 116 jer-

seys for the project. Helderberg residents, churches and organisations are eagerly donating towards the project. Anna-Maré du Toit from Strand has been the biggest contributor to the project, donating almost 80 jerseys which she has collected from family and friends, members of her FitnFun class at Virgin Active, Gants Centre, the NewGen Church in Somerset West and the Dutch Reformed StrandNorth Church. Please help us to spread some warmth this winter, and show that you, along with the Gazette, care. Any donations of new or second-hand navy blue or grey jerseys can be dropped off at the Boland Media offices at 37 Mynhardt Street in Strand. Monetary donations are also welcome.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Leerlinge moet ’n Afrikataal leer Die departement van basiese onderrig het onlangs bekend gemaak dat laerskoolleerlinge voortaan ’n Afrikataal moet leer in skole waar dit nie aangebied word nie in ’n poging om meertaligheid aan te moedig. ’n Afrikataal sal geleidelik bekend gestel word as ’n bykomende taal in gr. R en 1. Die gr. R- en 1-leerlinge wat reeds in ’n Afrikataal onderrig word, sal nóg ’n Afrikataal moet aanleer. Gegewe die tekort aan onderwysers en die bestaande roosters, het kenners in die opvoedkunde gewaarsku dat dit teenswoordig nie gedoen kan word nie. Ander opvoedkundiges meen ook dat dit bykans onmoontlik is om nóg ’n taal by die laerskoolleerplan in te voeg. Die Gazette het sommige lesers gevra hoe hulle voel oor die bekendstelling van ’n Afrikataal in skole waar dit nie aangebied word nie, en of die leerlinge nog ’n taal sal kan baasraak.

“Die departement moes dit al lankal in skole geïmplementeer het. Ons kinders is eintlik agter. Baie mense wat tale soos Xhosa ken, kan ook Afrikaans en Engels praat,” vertel Kathleen September.

Volgens Faizel Booysen sal ’n taal soos Xhosa, byvoorbeeld, makliker wees om te leer. “Ek ken self ’n bietjie Xhosa en mens moet die taal van ’n jong ouderdom af leer ken. Hulle kan miskien ’n Xhosasprekendeonderwyser aanstel.”

“Ek het nie ’n kans gehad om ’n derde taal op te tel nie. Dit is reeds swaar vir kinders om te leer in hul huistaal. Hulle moet dit nie moeiliker maak vir ons kinders nie,” sê Astrid Isaacs.

Lesers se kommentaar

Cherileen Arendse sê wanneer ’n mens werk soek en jy kan ’n relevante taal soos Xhosa praat, is dit voordelig. “As dit Xhosa is, dink ek dit is ’n baie goeie idee.” FOTO’S: ASHRAF BOOLEY

Ons kinders is ons toekoms “Die beskerming van ons kinders is die gesamentlike verantwoordelikheid van elke volwassene en elke Suid-Afrikaner,” sê die bestuurder van maatskaplike dienste by Badisa, Renee Pretorius. Toenemende kindermishandeling het verskeie organisasies gedryf om bewustheid van hierdie probleem aan te wakker en misdadigheid in die kiem te smoor. Badisa is een van die organisasies wat hulle tot die sorg van verwaarloosde en mishandelde kinders verbind. Die welsynsorganisasie meen dit is die plig van alle volwassenes om na die kinders van Suid-Afrika te help omsien. Badisa streef daarna om kinders na ’n veilige omgewing te verplaas, waar hulle met liefde en deernis deur pleegouers versorg word. Die afgelope 12 maande is die omstandighede van 32 000 kinders deur Badisa verbeter. Van hulle is deur hul ouers verlaat, ander is mishandel, seksueel misbruik, moes huishoudelike geweld verduur of het drank- of dwelmpro-


bleme ervaar. Pretorius sê dit is Badisa-beleid om binne 24 uur nadat ’n probleem aangemeld is, daarop te reageer. Een van die organisasie se maatskaplike werkers word na die adres gestuur en lê dan ’n verslag voor. Daar word dan op die gewenste soort beskermende optrede besluit en geen steen bly onaangeroer om die kind te beveilig nie. Verbreek die stilte, meld gevalle van kindermishandeling aan en bly betrokke. “Ons land se maatskaplike werkers het te veel hooi op hul vurk; sommige van hulle hanteer tot 200 gevalle op ’n gegewe tyd. Ons smeek almal om hulle met die geweldige taak by te staan, nie bloot omdat die wet vereis dat kindermishandeling aangemeld word nie, maar omdat vandag se jeug môre se toekoms is. As ons hulle vandag in die steek laat, gaan dit ons môre berou,” maan Pretorius. Plaaslike Badisa-takke: Strand-kantoor, Libertystraat 126, tel. 021 853 1888; Macassar, VGkerk, Soekmekaarstraat, tel. 021 857 2629.

WKOD gee ontbyt by skole C. van Somerset-Wes, jy huil nou so oor my kommentaar oor al die kinders wat jy nie kan voed nie, maar kom ons kyk na die breë prentjie! Eerstens skep dit ’n gemaksone deur jou DA en regerende ANC vir ouers om in te val, want belastingbetalers kan betaal! Daardie einste ouers wend hulle tot drank en dwelms, want die skool kan nou omsien na hul kinders. C., jy’s reg, my kinders gaan met vol mae skool toe, want ék dek op die harde manier hul koste, nie die staat of belastingbetalers nie! Hoop my kommentaar het meer visie verskaf as joune! Morkel, Gordonsbaai Draagbare toilette vir informele huise Nes jy nie behuising kan verskaf aan almal nie, so sal jy ook nie draagbare toilette aan almal kan verskaf nie. Vir die afgelope 20 jaar het miljoene asielsoekers SA binnegestroom wat die probleem vererger. Ons gaan grootskaalse diefstal met draagbare toilette sien toeneem! Smit, Strand Veiligheid met sosiale netwerke Wanneer jou kind skooltake moet voltooi en hy sosiale netwerke moet raadpleeg, maak seker hy doen dit en besoek nie pornografiewebwerwe nie. As toesig ontbreek, kan jou kind met ’n pedofiel bevriend raak, wat hom later kan weglok om hom te verkrag en te vermoor. Voed jou kind op met waardes en bemagtig hom met kennis, voordat dit te laat is. P. Steyn, Strand Thank you for excellent work Nicole McCain, thank you for your warm personality and excellent reporting. Go well. Welcome to the team, Ashraf. Ebbie Sedgwick

Correction Last week’s article on child protection should have read: “Adelé Zeelie, community worker at Child Welfare SA, Helderberg, says abuse is one of the aspects Child Welfare deals with including foster care and family reunification,” instead of “child abuse often occurs when children are in foster care”.


General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Spyro Gyra at GrandWest

Somerset West Mall Charity Book Fair The Somerset West Nightshelter is collecting books that are in good condition or gently used to sell at the annual Somerset Mall Charity Booksale (4-7 July). The funds raised will be used to buy new mattresses for the shelter. Cook books, art books, children’s books, history books, home maga-

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Massive Events Live presents A Night with Spyro Gyra, a live music show on Friday (14 June) at Grand West, Grand Arena. Doors open at 19:00, show starts at 20:00.

zines, religious books and coffee table picture books are all welcome. Books can be dropped off at the shelter, 71 Church Street or at the Life Church, 1 Lourier Street, Heldervue. Free home collection for donations of over 30 books. For enquiries phone Paddy Judd on 083 701 6504.

This classic five piece band will perform many of their hits such as “Shaker Song”, “Morning Dance”, “It Doesn’t Matter”, “Autumn of Our Love”, “Cafe Amore”, “Summer Strut”, “Cashaca”, “Shakedown”, “Catching The Sun”, “Old San Juan”, “Bob Goes To The Store” as well as new material and many more. The legendary Jay Beckenstein says; “My hope is that our music has the same effect on the audience that it does on me and the band.” Spyro Gyra is an American fusion jazz group who has played over 5 000 shows and have sold over 10 million copies worldwide. There is no doubt that this will be a show to remember. Tickets are available from R200– R400 at GrandWest and also available at Computicket.

Skenk boeke vir Gloria Botha

Die Gloria Botha Skool vir verstandelik gestremde kinders in Somerset-Wes samel boeke in wat vir fondsinsameling aangewend sal word. Boeke moet in ’n goeie toestand wees en sal by die jaar-

likse Somerset Mall-welsynsboekverkoping verkoop word. Die verkoping is van 4–7 Julie. Mense wat boeke aan die skool wil skenk, kan Annette Pienaar by 082 711 8709 bel.


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Dinsdag 4 Junie 2013

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette


Amptenare van die Helderberg-verkeersafdeling, wetstoepassing en Macassar-polisie met kinders van die Siphosenkosi-kleuterskool.

Verkeer reik uit na kleuterskool Die Helderberg-verkeersafdeling het verlede week ’n skenking aan die Siphosenkosi crèche (Geskenk van God) in Macassar gemaak. Volgens Wesley Schuller, hoofinspekteur vir die Helderberg-verkeersafdeling, is dié skenking deel van die departement se jaarlikse gemeenskapuitreikaksie. Tydens die besoek, wat ook deur die plaaslike wetstoepassing en Macassar-polisie ondersteun is, is

tafels en stoele, matrasse en komberse, asook rugsakkies met lekkernye en glimvoorskote aan die sowat 26 kinders geskenk. Die donasie is moontlik gemaak deur ’n Helderberg inwoner en Eerste Nasionale Bank. Jeraam Adendorf, die mede-eienaar van die Siphosenkosi-kleuterskool in Macassar Village, het die skenking verwelkom. Volgens Adendorff het sy vrou Karin sowat ses jaar gelede die kleuter-

skool begin omdat baie van die kinders bedags sonder toesig rondgedwaal het. Adendorff sê die meeste van die kinders se ouers is werkloos en afhanklik van staatstoelae of hulle is plaasarbeiders wat ’n minimale inkomste verdien. Schuller het gesê hulle het van die kleuterskool se groot nood gehoor, en dat die kinders op die vloer slaap. “Die winter is op ons drumpel en ons kon nie dat die kinders langer op die koue vloer slaap nie,” het hy gesê.

Helderberg-verkeersafdeling se hoofinspekteur, Wesley Schuller (middel), en Helderberg-verkeershoof Nico de Kock (regs), by mede-eienaar van Siphosenkosi-kleuterskool, Jeraam Adendorff (links) en van die kleuters.

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These youngsters broke out in a ‘happy dance’ after they received knitted scarves and socks to keep them warm for winter.

Pre­primary pupils warm for winter

In an effort to keep Emfundisweni Pre-Primary School pupils warm this winter, the Halli Trust paid a visit to the school on Wednesday (29 May) where they handed out scarves, beanies and socks. The pupils were excited after 23 girls each received a scarf and a beanie while each of the 32 boys received a scarf and a pair of socks. These winter items were donated by various friends of the Halli Trust. Some of the beanies and socks were sent through from Germany by friends of Somerset West resident, Heike Evans. The other beanies were donated by another friend of Evans from Nelspruit. The scarves are from the Halli Trust, some donations from friends of the Halli Trust and the rest from women in Smartie Town, Macassar.

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Nomalizo Pikashe (at the back) with in the middle, Amahle Mgibantaka, Anelitha Mncendi and Ntombi Fakuni. In front are Lunathi Reve, Simnikiwe Beliwe and Mesuli Moko. PHOTOS: ASHRAF BOOLEY

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Van agter is Nicholas Kordom, bestuurder van Erijaville United, raadslid Jongidumo Maxheke en Katy Arendse met lede van Erijaville United.

Rugbytruie vir Erijaville United

’n Gemeenskapswerker en inwoner van Erijaville, Katy Arendse, het vir die Erijaville United-rugbyklub rugbytruie laat maak.

Die jongspan is gereelde besoekers aan haar sopkombuis. Nicholas Kordom, bestuurder van Erijaville United, het sy dank teenoor Arendse en Waste Plan,

wat die maak van die truie moontlik gemaak het, uitgespreek. Arendse het ook vir Bana West wat die truie gemaak het, bedank. Erijaville United het op Saterdag (25 Mei) 65-5 teen Cassablanca rugbyklub gewen. Enige persone wat by die sopkombuis en projekte van Arendse betrokke wil raak, kan haar by 072 150 5918 of 074 327 6323 bel.

Die Erijaville United-rugbyspan het hul onlangse wedstryd teen Casablanca-rugbyklub 65-5 gewen.

Strand runners in Comrades Thirty-eight runners from Strand Athletic Club participated in this year’s Comrades Marathon. This year’s race was run from Durban to Pietermaritzburg on Sunday 2 June.

Bethuel Laphello brought home a silver medal after completing the 2013 Comrades Marathon in 7:24:19. Not far behind was Ursula Turck, who completed the race in 7:54:21.

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