Helderberg gazette 4 nov 2014

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Year 18 • Tuesday 4 November 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211


Pret by Puddleduck

Brandweerman Daniel Petersen, van die Somerest-Wesbrandweer het ’n praatjie oor brandveiligheid aangebied.

Magical Regardt se towerkuns het vir groot pret onder oud en jonk gesorg. Jolene de Wet (regs) is skrikkerig vir die ballon-slang wat Regardt vir haar gemaak het.

Mia Oelofse spuit Saterdag tydens die Puddleduck Pre-primêr se opedag met die brandweer se waterslang Saterdag tydens die Puddleduck Pre-primêr se opedag. Brandweerman Kino October sit handjie by en brandweerman Phila Rausana hou ’n ogie terwyl Pieter du Plessis (links agter) geduldig sy beurt afwag. Besoekers het ook ’n vertoning met reptiele en ’n vertoning deur Magical Regardt geniet. FOTO’S: DELIAH BRINKHUIS


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Vrugtekoek resep Maak dié maklike vrugtekoek nog betyds vir Kersfees. 1,25 kg vrugtekoekmengsel 500 g dadels, fyn gesnipper 500 g verglansde vrugte 125 g rooi glanskersies 500 ml brandewyn 500 ml suiker 500 g botter 4 eiers 820 ml koekmeel 5 ml koeksoda 3 ml fyn kaneel 3 ml fyn gemmer 3 ml foelie (nutmeg oil/ muskaatolie) Metode: Dag 1: Meng die vrugtekoekmengsel, dadels, verglansde vrugte, kersies en brandewyn saam, bedek en laat staan vir 24 uur. Dag 2: Voorverhit die oond tot 150°C en voer ’n diep pan van

26 cm met drie lae bakpapier uit. Draai ’n kraag van bruinpapier buite-om. Verroom die suiker en botter saam tot lig en romerig. Voeg die eiers een vir een by en klits goed ná elke byvoeging. Voeg die vrugte-en-brandewynmengsel by en roer goed. Voeg die meel, koeksoda, kaneel, gemmer en foelie by en meng goed. Skep in die voorbereide pan, smeer gelyk en bak vir ongeveer drie ure of tot deurgaar. Laat in die pan afkoel. Lewer een groot koek. Nota: Geen brandewyn hoef ná die tyd oor die koek gegooi te word nie. Sodra dit afgekoel is, is dit reg om te eet en proe dit asof dit vir maande rypgemaak is. Die koek hou vir minstens 1 jaar in die ys- of vrieskas (mits lugdig verpak).

Macassar’s beauty queen to compete nationally DALEEN FOUCHÉ The usually shy Amy Williams from Macassar lights up when she speaks about her ambition of becoming Miss South Africa when she is older. Amy (10) is already well on her way to make this dream come true, after she was crowned Ms Junior South Africa in the Western Cape regional competition. The glamorous event took place on 11 October at the Dutch Reformed Church Hall in Belville. Amy has now qualified to take part in the national Ms Junior competition in Pretoria from 28 April to 3 May 2015. “I am very happy and excited about the event,” says Amy. The little diva first become involved in beauty pageants when she entered Ms Butterfly in the Helderberg last year. She won this competition and Bernadette Rossi, organiser of the event, recognised her talent immediately. Rossi says she helped to train Amy in the finer details of competing in a beauty pageant like how to walk on the catwalk, how to turn and how to address the crowd with confidence. Amy says she loves competing in beauty pageants,

Amy Williams strikes a pose for the camera.

Ukukhanya to host ADHD workshop The Ukukhanya Centre in Somerset West will host an ADHD workshop on Thursday 4 December. The workshop is aimed at parents, teachers and social workers. Various speakers including psychiatrist Dr Gawie Malherbe, psychologist Mareli Fischer, dietician Liezl Compon and occupational therapist Mare Smit will be participating in the programme.

The cost of the workshop, which will be held at the Agricultural Society, Stellenbosch is R400 per person. Discounted rates are available. Ukukhanya is support organisation for victims of domestic abuse. For more information contact the Ukukhanya Centre on 021 850 0061 or Ukukhanya.office@gmail.com

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Amy Williams is here with her mom, Niessa.

especially the part where she gets to wear pretty dresses. Amy’s mom, Niessa Williams says she is very proud of her daughter, especially because she is usually very shy. She says Amy did very well when she had to give a 30 second introduction to the audience. “The pageants have taught Amy how to be confident.” Amy says besides her dream to become Ms South Africa, she would also like to open up her own modelling agency when she grows up, so that she can teach girls to feel good about themselves. Rossi says she and Amy’s mom will travel with her when she goes to Pretoria to compete nationally. She says, however, that they need sponsors for aeroplane tickets, accommodation and the entry fee of R1 500. If you would like to help sponsor Amy, phone Williams on 082 950 8818 or Rossi on 071 036 8651.


Tuesday 4 November 2014

News - Nuus

Regering sê gratis behuising is nie meer bekostigbaar nie Die minister van menslike nedersettings in die Wes-Kaap, Bonginkosi Madikizela het verlede week gesê die regering kan nie meer gratis behuising bekostig nie. Hy noem ook dat gratis behuising nie heeltemal gesny gaan

Getruida Hobosch: As jy 20-jaar-oud is met drie of vier kinders is jy klaar groot en het jy jou eie huis nodig. Hulle moet woonstelle bou sodat daar meer slaapkamers kan wees. Hulle kan nie nee se vir die mense nie. Dis onsin wat hy praat en ek stem nie saam nie.

word nie maar dat daar gekyk moet word na ouderdomsgroepe van diegene wat huise ontvang, asook hoe lank mense op die waglys was. Die Helderberg Gazette het gaan uitvind hoe die publiek hieroor voel.

Luke Hobosch: Ek dink as mense belasting betaal moet hulle huise kry. Dit maak nie saak hoe oud jy is nie.

Bazuka Soji: In my opinie, dink ek dis minderbevoorregte mense word net meer afgedruk. Mense het geen inkomste nie so ek dink dit is die regering se verantwoordelikheid om huise te verskaf aan die wat dit nodig het. FOTO’S: TAMSYN JANTJIES

Sipho Ntantiso: Ek voel hulle moet hierdie hele behuising ding herevalueer. Behuising was aan die begin bedoel vir mense wat tydens die apartheidsera swaar gekry het, maar ek dink nie daar was bespreek waar om die lyn te trek nie. Mense verkoop hulle huise en dan speel hulle arm, dis nie reg nie.

Thando Mafuna: Ek stem glad nie saam nie. Ek dink ons kan meer leiers van ons jeug verwag, wat beteken meer verantwoordelike jong mense. Ons moet mekaar ondersteun en motiveer as jeugdiges. Die feit dat soveel mense nog sonder huise is, het direk te doen met die moord en diefstal statistiek.

Bongeka Nogoduka: Ek stem nie saam met wat hy sê nie. Waar gaan ek met my kinders heen?


Helderberg Gazette

Save these police contact numbers Having the police’s sector numbers at hand could prove very useful in case of an emergency. Here is the list for the Helderberg’s police stations: Lwandle: Sector 1 – Lwandle, Broadlands Industrial area, Broadlands Village, Pholile Park, Vlakteplaas, Ezinkomeni and Silahliwe; Rusthof Secondary, Khanyolwethu High and Umnqophiso Primary. Constable Sivuyile Mtshotana is the sector commander and can be phoned on 082 522 1200. Sector 2: Nomzamo, Wag ’n Bietjie, Solly’s Town, Ethembeni, Masakhane, Happy Rest, New Valley, Broadway Square Centre, Ikhwezi Clinic and Nomzamo Business Centre; A.C.J. Phakade Primary, Nomzamo Primary and Nomzamo High. Phone sector commander Constable Sakhiwo Kobe on 082 522 1202, Sector 3: Asanda Village (Zola); Simanye High, Solomon Qatyana Primary, Christmas Tinto Primary and Silukhanyo Primary. Phone sector commander Constable Mkhululi Mawela on 082 522 1205. The sector patrol vehicle can be contacted on 082 522 1197 or 082 522 1179, Lwandle Police: 021 845 2060 or Lwandle station commander, Lt-Col Siviwe Somtsewu 082 411 1983, visible policing head: Captain JP du Toit: 082 522 2696 and detective head: Captain Andries Geldenhuys: 082 469 7719. Macassar residents van contact their sector commander Charlton Cloete at 082 444 2428 to report any crimes. The station commander, Lt-Col Sindile

Mbese, can be contacted on 082 411 3295. The head of the Khayelitsha Policing Cluster, Major-General Johan Brand can also be contacted on 082 576 2813. The Strand Police can be contacted anytime on 021 854 9100. The community can also contact their sector commanders: . Sector 1: 082 411 2021 – covers Broadlands Park, Cassablanca, Gustrouw, Rusthof, South Fork and Helderberg Park. Sector commander: Sergeant Oswald Adams 082 444 0369. . Sector 2: 082 522 2750 – includes the area between Onverwacht Road and Altena Road and Die Bos. Sector commander: Sergeant Roger Thomas 082 302 3665. . Sector 3: 082 522 3236 -covers the area from Beach Road to Van Der Stel train station. Sector manager: Sergeant Riaan Prinsloo 082 469 0608. . Visible policing head: Captain Mzwandile Mtyobile 082 469 0917. . Station commander: Colonel Shawn KP van Wyk 082 778 7012. . Cluster commander: Major-General Johan J Brand 082 576 2813. The community is asked to first contact the sector number. If they are not satisfied, or cannot get through, then contact the sector manager. If there are still challenges with contacting the sector manager then they must contact the station commander. You may also call Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or 10111.





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Helderberg Gazette

News - Nuus

How to keep those pesky pests at bay It’s summer again and that means braais and lazy days. But it is also time when all those unwanted pests like flies and mosquitoes make their appearance. Here are a few tips that could help keep these flying fiends at a bay. ) Citronella – This works on both flies and mosquitoes. You can either burn a citronella candle or you can dab some of the oil on your exposed skin. ) Cloves – Flies do not like the smell of cloves. You can keep 10 – 15 cloves in a saucer near to where you are serving food. Alternatively, use clove oil to keep them at bay. ) Herbs – Flies instinctively stay away from certain herbs in Make your own fly your garden. These include elder, basil and mint. It is also a good idea to plant theses in little pots and place them around the house. ) Lavender oil – this is also has a dual use for both flies and mosquitoes. Dab some on your skin or on your bedding and

tablecloths. ) Vodka – Yes that’s right. For some unknown reason flies do not like the smell of vodka. You can make Vodka bags and hang them around your entertainment area or alternatively rub some on your exposed skin, if you are comfortable doing that. ) Vinegar: Though this doesn’t smell very nice, it works. Pour a little into a saucer and place it next to your bed and it will ward off all those greedy mosquitoes. How to make your own fly trap: You will need a wide-mouthed glass jar, paper cone and sugar water. Pour the sugar trap for your home. water into the jar. Cut 1 cm off the top of the paper cone and place it in the glass jar but don’t let it touch the water. The flies will be attracted to the sweet scent and fly into the hole but they will not be able to fly out again.


Tuesday 4 November 2014

Washing hands can prevent diarrhoea

Washing your hands regularly can reduce the chances of contracting diarrhoeal disease as 80% of germs are spread from our hands. Western Cape health care data indicates that there has been a rise in diarrhoea cases, particularly in children under five years. The Western Cape Health Department has appealed to parents and caregivers to take special care of their children, who are prone to this diseaseduringthecurrentdiarrhoeadiseaseseason (DD season). The DD season is between November and May, when there is an increase in acute diarrhoea cases due to the warm summer months. Diarrhoeal disease is defined as loose or watery stools at least three times a day or more frequently than normal. Although most episodes of childhood diarrhoea are mild, acute cases can lead to significant fluid loss and dehydration. This may result in death or it may have other severe consequences if the body’s fluids are not replaced. Since the introduction of the hand washing campaign in the Western Cape, the department has recorded a remarkable decrease in diarrhoeal disease-related hospital deaths in children under five years. Hand washing as a regular hygiene routine can play a significant role in the prevention of disease. Since 80% of germs are spread from our hands, it is vital to wash your hands between activities where you may deal with germs.

Wenk van die week: steek- en bytplekke As jy deur ’n by of perdeby gesteek word, verwyder die angel en smeer koeksoda aan die steekplek. Jy kan ook heuning gebruik. Koeksoda werk ook vir muskietbyte. ’n Weeklikse wenk deur Veronica Fick. Stuur jou wenke na daleen.fouche@helderberg.com.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

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Helderberg Gazette



Letters - Briewe

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Gazette-lesers is van mening Moontlike belasting-verhoging Die hoër belastings wat die minister van finansies aangekondig het, gaan net daaroor dat die vet katte in die ANC nog lekkerder kan leef, terwyl Jan Publiek besig is om te disintegreer! Dan praat ons nog nie eens van die hoë voedsel-en kragpryse nie! In 2015 wag reeds ’n helse kragverhoging van 13%! Pensionarisse kan dit ook nie bekostig nie! Die minister van energie, Tina Joemat-Pettersson se leuse is juis: “Niemand verstaan my nie, want ek verstaan myself nie.” SA word lelik verkeerd bestuur deur hansworse! Morkel, Gordonsbaai ’n Mens kan duidelik sien dat SA

Load shedding to hit Cape Town this week

volgens die Vryheidsmanifes van die ANC regeer word, want Nonhla Nene se begroting wys dit! Ekonomiese groei was eers geskat op 2,7% groei en die nuutste teiken is 1,4%! Die regering het die ekonomie doodgemaak! Alles daal nes die leierskap! Om die publiek te straf met hoër belastings gaan die probleme net vererger! SAL wat al twee keer bankrot gespeel het, het R50 miljard nodig en Eskom het R225 miljard nodig om te oorleef! Selfs die openbare beskermer het R64 miljoen nodig om te oorleef! SA het by ’n kruispad gekom met Zuma en sy trawante! Tans bestaan geen ekonomiese raamwerk vir die land nie. Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes

Eskom has published a notice on its website, stating that load shedding is planned nationally this week. Eskom spokesperson Andrew Etzinger said in a TV news interview on Sunday, that the country will see a “serious situation for the next few days”. The cause is apparently a cracked silo which collapsed and affects coal supplies to all six units of the Majuba power station, one of Eskom’s largest coalfired stations. Planned downtime for individual municipalities can be found at www.eskom.co.za by clicking on the load-shedding link at the top of the website. Stage 1 load shedding allows for up to 1 000 MW of the national load to be shed. Stage 2 allows for up to 2 000 MW of the national load to be shed. Stage 3 allows for up to 4 000 MW of the national load to be shed. Load shedding will be implemented in most instances in two-

Helper in need I am a 70-year-old who works as a spiritual community worker. I need to buy an automatic 323, 1985-model radiator, as mine is faulty, or a secondhand small vehicle, which is in good condition. I travel long distances to help abused women. Please phone me on 076 517 2051 if you can help.















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hour blocks (with an additional 30 minutes for switching between blocks). Those affected may therefore be without electricity for 2,5 hours at a time. ) The Eskom alert, released over the weekend, reads: “The power system is projected to be severely constrained this week due to the loss of 1 800 MW at the Majuba power station, a situation caused by damage to the central coal storage silo. A silo, which houses over 10 000 tons of coal, cracked on Saturday and collapsed on Sunday, impacting coal supplies to all six units at the power station and resulting in the power station operating at reduced capacity of 1 300 MW. No injuries were reported. Teams are on site and are in the process of dispatching mobile coal feeders to site. In the unlikely event that this contingency is unsuccessful, it may impact the full supply from the power station.”

Dinsdag 4 November 2014

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Helderberg Gazette




Year 18 • Dinsdag 4 November 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Local lifters shine at SAs Hottentots Holland Weightlifting Club (HHWC) members won several medals at the recent South African Weightlifting Championships held at Bellville Technical High School. Representing Western Province Lamees Daniels of HHWC broke all the youth records in the u.14 and youth +63 kg category while Dinesh Pandoo also from HHWC won the best male u. 14 with a total of 121 kg and achieved the required total to represent WP at the national championships. Judges at the championships said the HHWC lifters impressed with their technical understanding which resulted in their outstanding performances. Other HHWC who turned in good performances were: Zayanda Mjezu (silver medal in the 58 kg category) and Chelsea Koopman (silver medal in the u.14 +69 kg category). The HHWC boys who excelled were: Joshua Schwartz (bronze medal u.14 in the 45 kg category),

Hendriquo Roux (silver medal u.14 in the 69 kg category), Dinesh Pandoo (gold u.14 and silver in the Youth 56 kg category) and Reinhardt Bernardo (gold in Juniors and fifth in Seniors 77 kg category). These championships saw a record number of entries with lifters from Gauteng, North West Province, Eastern Province, Free State and hosts Western Province competing. The competition was held over two days and according to national weightlifting coach, Aveenash Pandoo, the standard of lifting was excellent. Pandoo, who is based at the HHWC in the Strand, said “the national championships was a good competition to judge the work done at the HHWC club in terms of the long-term plan and added they were definitely heading in the right direction. For more information about the Hottentots Holland Weightlifting Club and weightlifting in South Africa contact Aveenash Pandoo at apandoo@weightliftingsa.com or at (021) 853 0654 office.


Lamees Daniels of the HHWC represented Western Province at the recent South African Weightlifting Championships where she smashed records in the u.14 and Youth +63 kg category.

Dinesh Pandoo also of the HHWC not only won the u.14 best male lifter at the championships with a total of 121 kg, he also achieved the required total to represent WP at the national championships.

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