Helderberg Gazette 4 September 2012

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Year 16 • Tuesday 4 September 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Fuses short after bomb threat hoax Employees at the Strand municipal offices were among the 200 people evacuated yesterday after police received a call saying there was a bomb at one of the three municipal premises in Strand. Local police spokesperson Constable Mabulelo Mafuna says they received the call just after 08:00. Police officers and the dog unit were dispatched to the municipal offices, as well as the premises of Parks and Recreation and Waterworks, but found no explosives. Mafuna warns the public against calling in prank bomb threats, as the caller could face criminal charges. PHOTO:NICOLEMCCAIN

Local abortion stats up NICOLE MCCAIN

The number of abortions performed in the country has risen by 31%, with more than 75 000 being performed over the last year. This is according to statistics released by the national Department of Health last month. The Helderberg also saw an increase in the procedure, with a rise from 337 abortions performed between March 2010 and April 2011 to 381 over the next year, says Sithembiso Magubane, spokesperson for district health services and programmes at the Western Cape Department of Health. This shows an increase of around 13%.

There were almost 13 000 abortions performed in the Western Cape in 2011, says Magubane, and the numbers only account for legal abortions performed at registered clinics. Local crisis pregnancy counselling centre Choices, meanwhile, saw a decrease in the number of cases ending in abortion. In 2010, just over 40% of all the cases dealt with by Choices ended in abortion; the proportion decreased to 34% in 2011. Heather Boyce of Choices says the overall number of cases dealt with at the centre also decreased over the same time. And while she can only speculate at the reason for the overall increase in abortion nationwide, she says one of the greatest challenges

the centre faces is a lack of education among women. Women are often unaware of their options to prevent pregnancy, as well as other options, such as adoption, Boyce says. Another factor that could contribute to the increase in the number of abortions, Boyce adds, is the accessibility of the procedure, which is now offered by state hospitals. Magubane says that the procedure is free at all state hospitals. According to the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, abortions may be performed up to the 12th week of pregnancy at the request of a woman, and thereafter only if prescribed by a medical doctor.

The procedure may only take place at hospitals and facilities that have the approval of the Health Department. All other abortions are deemed to be illegal. The only facilities in the Helderberg that perform abortions are Helderberg Hospital and Mediclinic Vergelegen, says Magubane.




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News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 4 September 2012

They want to make you beautiful NICOLE MCCAIN Women around the Helderberg are being encouraged to embrace their natural beauty by the community development organisation, Little Miss Sunshine. The organisation was started by Lizelle Joseph, a 35-year-old from Eersteriver, to generate an income in 2010, but she changed her mind once the project got off the ground, deciding instead to focus on empowering women from 13 years old and up. “Little Miss Sunshine was born out of a need to contribute something positive,” says Lizelle. “Our projects aim to bring out the brilliance in our ladies.” They run events and work-

shops that focus on teaching women how to take care of themselves and their appearance. “We don’t always look after ourselves, and beauty is empowering,” says Lizelle. “If you feel good about yourself, you feel you can take on the world. It’s important for us to explore who we are, through our beauty.” Lizelle was joined by Natasha Abels (31), a Macassar resident and former Gordon’s Bay salon owner. Natasha offers a focus on beauty care and healthy eating. They are also hoping to encompass wardrobe styling, with Jill Hector (27) coming on board. “I’m trying to make styling accessible. It’s not just for people on TV or people who earn over a certain income,” says Jill. All the women have a back-

ground in the fashion and beauty industry, with Lizelle currently working at Colour Me Beautiful, an image consultancy. She started her career in media, but has always had an interest in beauty and how it can empower women, she says. “So many of us don’t acknowledge our beauty. It’s amazing what you can do if you have the knowledge, and I want to bring that knowledge to others. It’s true – if you look good, you feel good.” Little Miss Sunshine will be hosting their next event on 8 September. The Beauty Extravaganza is in celebration of women’s month and is a pampering session for ladies. “We want to provide women with the tools, be it by pampering

The women behind Little Miss Sunshine are (from the left) Natasha Ables, Lizelle Josephs and Jill Hector. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

them, to help them to discover their authentic selves and to add value to their lives by coaxing them to live up to their full potential,” says Lizelle. All proceeds will go to Patch, a non-profit organisation that provides support for child victims of sexual abuse. The pamper session will include wine tasting, a fashion show, giveaways and a jazz performance by Lionel Konstabel, as well as a mini manicure and a mini facial. Taking place from 10:30, the event will be held at Leonie’s Coffee Shop in Gordon’s Bay. Tickets for the Beauty Extravaganza are R190 per person, and are available by contacting Lizelle Joseph at 072 426 4082 or lizellejoseph@yahoo.co.uk.

Natasha Abels with Kay-linn Abrahams and Raymarie Julies who will be showing off evening gowns at the function. PHOTO: BERNADETTE ROSSI

Vrywilligers om musiek te gee NICOLE MCCAIN Kindersorg Helderberg is op soek na ’n vrywillige om met musiekklasse in Sir Lowry’s Pass te help. Die klasse het in April vanjaar begin, met meer as 50 kinders wat die klasse bygewoon het. Ná ’n paar maande het dit egter tot ’n einde gekom omdat die vrywillige musiekonderwyser nie meer die klasse kon aanbied nie, sê Adéle Zeelie, die gemeenskaps-ontwikkelingswerker vir Helderberg Kindersorg. ’n Hoogtepunt vir baie van die Sir Lowry’s Pass-leerlinge was om te leer kitaar speel op die ses kitare wat Kindersorg aan hulle geskenk het. “My gunsteling deel van die klasse was om kitaar te speel,” sê gr. 6-leerling Bradley Robertson. “Maar ek is nog nie baie goed nie, en ek moet nog steeds ’n bietjie leer.” Erin Carolus, ’n gr. 7-leerling sê hulle mis die klasse. “Ons het baie daarvan gehou. Ek was in die koor en het ook van die kitaarlesse gehou.” Die belangstelling onder die kinders is groot, maar hulle het nie die geleentheid om hul talente uit te leef nie, sê Adéle. “Die musiek-klasse het, en sal steeds, ’n verskil maak aangesien die kinders niks het om hulle ná skool besig te hou nie.” Daar is egter vrywillige musiek-onderwysers nodig, asook meer musiekinstrumente. “Ons sal daarvan hou om meer instrumente te kan speel,” sê Bradley. “Dalk die keyboard, of dromme.” Adele voeg by: “Die kinders het tans geen ander alternatiewe program wat hul musiektalent ontwikkel nie.” As jy kan help, bel Adéle Zeelie by Kindersorg Helderberg op 021 852 3126.

Erin Carolus met een van die kitare wat sy leer speel het. FOTO: VERSKAF

Got a grant? This month the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) will be at the Iqra Learning Centre in Hammond Street, Strand, to reregister all recipients of social grants. The re-registration process will take place from 08:00 to 17:00 on weekdays, excluding public holidays, and will run alongside the existing Sassa satellite operations taking place every Monday at the Iqra. The process was introduced to ensure that only valid social grant recipients benefit from the state, and to eliminate fraud. Sassa has urged social grant recipients to re-register urgently after more than half of these people failed to do so in the first round of the re-registration process. Failing to reregister may result in a grant’s cancellation. Anyone looking to re-register should take their identity documents, as well as their children’s birth certificates if the children receive child support or foster grants. For more information phone Sassa’s regional offices on 021 469 0200.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Missing a fish? The police are calling on the owners of any missing koi fish in the Somerset West, Strand, Sir Lowry’s Pass and Gordon’s Bay areas to get in touch with the station. If you’d like to report a case to the officers of Gordon’s Bay Police Station, you can do so by dialing 021 856 2677.

Ebbie Sedgewick, a Helderzicht resident, is concerned that the refuse may cause the river to burst its banks and flood nearby houses. PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN

River chokes on refuse NICOLE MCCAIN Helderzicht residents were left with an eyesore and potential flood hazard after workers dumped branches and sections of tree trunk into the Melcksloot River. Labourers recently worked to cut down trees and trim back branches on the land, which is owned by Heartland Property. But instead of removing the refuse, the workers simply pushed the branches and whole sections of tree trunk into the river, which runs

along Victoria Road in this section. Helderzicht resident Ebbie Sedgewick says he is concerned that the obstructions will cause the river to flood during heavy rains, putting nearby homes at risk. Chantelle Mathomes of Heartland Property says the company did indeed carry out work along the river recently. However, she says all the work was supervised, and the area cleaned. She blames the City of Cape Town, which also recently carried out work in the area, for the troublesome waste.

But Councillor Brett Herron, the City of Cape Town’s mayoral committee member for transport, roads and stormwater, says the City did not dump any debris in this area. “Heartland is solely responsible for all maintenance of the canal and associated infrastructure,” he says. Heartland remains adamant the fault does not lie with it. At the time of going to print, Heartland was investigating the costs involved in clearing the debris, as well as who had dumped the refuse.

The Melcksloot River, running along Victoria Road, has been choked with branches and pieces of tree trunk.

Vermiste baba van Macassar se ma kry drie jaar NICOLE MCCAIN Shamiela Stanley, ma van die vermiste baba Dewandry Stanley, is Dinsdag 28 Augustus in die Somerset-Wesstreekhof skuldig bevind aan kinderverlating. Dewandry het 15 Februarie verlede jaar in Macassar vermis geraak. Stanley is ’n drie-jaar opgeskorte vonnis opgelê met voorgeskrewe gemeenskapsdiens. Landdros M. Cannon het gesê die vonnisoplegging was ’n moeilike taak aangesien dit onbekend is waar die kind hom tans bevind, en omdat Stanley verskillende verduidelikings vir sy verdwyning gegee het. Toe hy as vermis aangegee is, het Stanley gesê sy het die baba by ’n kind in die familie gelos terwyl sy na ’n naby geleë huiswinkel is. Toe sy terugkeer was die baba weg. Die polisie het egter later ’n kombersie van die baba langs

’n rivier in Macassar gevind. Stanley se verduideliking hiervoor was dat ’n man met die naam Jakkals, na haar huis gekom het. Ná hy vrae oor haar kind gevra het – wat haar agterdog gewek het – het sy die baba in ’n kombers toegedraai, in ’n babadrasak gesit en hom langs die rivier gaan wegsteek. Ná haar inhegtenisneming het sy ’n brief aan haar suster uit die tronk geskryf waarin sy sê ’n vrou met die naam Anthea, het haar kind ontvoer. Ondersoekbeampte Sergeant Franks kon egter nie die bestaan van ene Anthea bevestig nie. Stanely is in die Valkenberg-hospitaal opgeneem vir psigiatriese waarneming en is geskik bevind om tereg te staan. Met behulp van psigiatriese waarneming is egter vasgestel dat sy waanvoorstellings en depressie ervaar het. Albei toestande kon toegeskryf word aan haar swan-

gerskap en die hof moes dit in aanmerking neem. Cannon het oor die aanklag van kinderverwaarlosing teen Stanley gesê daar was geen bewys van mishandeling voor die baba weggeraak het nie. Dewandry, wat sewe maande oud was toe hy verdwyn het, is nog steeds nie gevind nie.

Dewandry Stanley FOTO: VERSKAF


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Schools - Skole

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Sun-kissed gift for Macassar families Fifty Macassar High School pupils recently received the gift of hot water. Thanks to a pilot project run by the Interchange Foundation and sponsored by Peninsula Beverages, each of their households got its own Sunlust solar water-heating unit. Earlier this year, geography and life sciences pupils from the school were asked to volunteer to participate in the project. The units were then handed over to the environmentally conscious pupils during a ceremony on 21 August. The Sunlust units are designed to heat water effectively and at a very low cost, and have been tested by the faculty of engineering at Stellenbosch University. Each can hold 10 litres and, depending on the season and the strength of the sun, can heat water to temperatures of up to 60 or 70 °C. Each unit should last five years or so.

Thanks to these solar water-heaters, the pupils and their families will now get to enjoy warm water using the heat of the sun – and at the same time lower their carbon footprint and save on electricity costs. PHOTO: CRAIG WILSON

At your service

Vlieër-fees vir geestesgesondheid

An information session will be held at the Uniting Reformed Church in Lower Church Street from 9:00 to 14:00 tomorrow (Wednesday) to inform residents of Garden Village about the social services available to them. Representatives of the Social Security Agency, Department of Social Development, Home Affairs, police and Health Department will be there. Call Betty Janse van Noordwyk on 021 851 2414.


In terms of paragraph 6.2(a) and 6.3 of the Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy, implementation reports must be submitted to the Municipal Council and Executive Mayor respectively. These reports, annual (year ended 30 June 2012) and quarterly (quarter ended 30 June 2012), were submitted to and discussed by the Council at their meeting held on Thursday, 23 August 2012, and resolved to note the progress made with the implementation of the Supply Chain Management Policy, as adopted by the Council on 23 January 2006, with amendments, and that the reports be made public in terms of Section 21A of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000). As required in terms of Section 21A of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000), Cape Winelands District Municipality hereby invites the local community or interested parties to submit written comments or representations with regard to the annual and forth quarterly implementation reports. Any person who cannot write may come during office hours to the Supply Chain Management Offices, at the address mentioned below, where that person will be assisted by Mr G Falck to transcribe that person’s comments or representations. Written comments or representations clearly marked on the outside “Implementation of Supply Chain Management Policy”, may be handed in at any of the offices or mailed to the address mentioned below no later than Monday, 8 October 2012. The reports are available from the office of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Mr G Falck, 29 Du Toit Street, Stellenbosch; or can be requested in writing from The Municipal Manager, Attention: Supply Chain Management Unit, PO Box 100, Stellenbosch 7599; or can be requested by email from scm@capewinelands.gov.za or requested telephonically at 021 888-5144; or downloaded from the website: www.capewinelands.gov.za Enquiries relating to the above may be addressed to: Mr G Falck: 021 888-5144, fax: 021 883-8871. M MGAJO MUNICIPAL MANAGER Cape Winelands District Municipality PO Box 100 Stellenbosch 7599

Human Communications C95367E

GORDON SE SKONES: Malvene Jemanie is op 27 Julie as Mej. Gordon 2012 in die skoolsaal gekroon. Devon Thomas dra die titel van Mnr. Gordon.

Die jaarlikse Kaapstadse Internasionale vlieer-fees sal 3 November in Muizenberg plaasvind. Skole word uitgenooi om in te skryf vir dié kompetisie wat vir die 18de jaar gehou word en aangebied word deur Cape Mental Health in samewerking met Heart 104.9FM. Daar is slegs plek vir 40 skole. Alle WesKaapse laerskole en skole vir leerlinge met spesiale opvoedingsbehoeftes kan gratis vir die kompetisie inskryf. Elke skool ontvang ’n stel blanko vlieërs om hul eie vlieër te ontwerp en te versier volgens die tema All about ability. Skole sal hul voltooide vlieërs by die fees vertoon en deelneem aan ’n massa-vlieg. Die wenskole sal kontantpryse ter waarde van R12 000 ontvang (eerste prys R3 000, tweede R2 000 en derde R1 000, in albei kategorieë). Kontak Hazel Cox by Cape Mental Health 0 021 447 9040 of 2 info@cmhs.co.za of besoek www.capementalhealth.co.za vir besonderhede.

Kaapse Wynland


IMPLEMENTERING VAN VOORSIENINGSKANAALBESTUURSBELEID Ingevolge paragraaf 6.2(a) en 6.3 van die Munisipale Voorsieningskanaalbestuursbeleid, moet implementeringsverslae aan die Munisipale Raad en Uitvoerende Burgemeester onderskeidelik voorgelê word. Hierdie verslae, jaarliks (jaareinde 30 Junie 2012) en kwartaalliks (kwartaal geëindig 30 Junie 2012) is voorgelê aan en bespreek deur die Raad by hulle vergadering gehou op Donderdag, 23 Augustus 2012, en daar is besluit dat kennis geneem word van die vordering wat gemaak word met die implementering van die Voorsieningskanaalbestuursbeleid, soos op 23 Januarie 2006 deur die Raad aanvaar, met wysigings, en dat die verslae openbaar gemaak word ingevolge artikel 21A van die Wet op Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000). Soos vereis kragtens artikel 21A van die Wet op Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000), nooi die Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit hiermee die plaaslike gemeenskap of belangstellende partye uit om skriftelike kommentaar of vertoë te rig ten opsigte van die jaarlikse en vierde kwartaal se implementeringsverslag. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie, kan gedurende kantoorure na die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurkantore by ondervermelde adres kom, waar daardie persoon deur mnr. G Falck bygestaan sal word om daardie persoon se kommentaar of vertoë af te skryf. Skriftelike kommentaar of vertoë, wat duidelik aan die buitekant “Implementering van Voorsieningskanaalbestuursbeleid” gemerk is, kan by enige van die kantore ingehandig word of aan onderstaande adres gepos word teen nie later nie as Maandag, 8 Oktober 2012. Die verslae is beskikbaar by die kantoor van die Voorsieningskanaalbestuur-eenheid, mnr G Falck, Du Toitstraat 29, Stellenbosch; of kan skriftelik aangevra word vanaf Die Munisipale Bestuurder, Aandag: Voorsieningskanaalbestuureenheid, Posbus 100, Stellenbosch 7599; of kan per e-pos versoek word van scm@capewinelands.gov.za of telefonies by 021 888-5144; of afgelaai word vanaf die webwerf: www.capewinelands.gov.za Navrae ten opsigte van bovermelde kan gerig word aan: Mnr G Falck: 021 888-5144, faks: 021 883-8871. M MGAJO MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit Posbus 100 Stellenbosch 7599

Human Communications C95367A


BENOEMING VAN RAADSLEDE: LWANDLE TREKARBEIDERSMUSEUM Belangstellende organisasies en individue wat graag aktief betrokke wil wees by die bestuur en werksaamhede van die Lwandle Trekarbeidersmuseum, word hiermee uitgenooi om verteenwoordigers van die Premier te benoem vir die Raad van Trustees van hierdie provinsiaalondersteunde museum, ingevolge Artikel 13 van die Museumordonnansie (Nr. 8 van 1975). Inligting oor die funksies en verantwoordelikhede van, en benoemingsvorms vir sodanige raadslede kan by die Museumbestuurder verkry word by tel: 021 845-6119. Die benoemingsvorms moet op of vóór 14 September 2012 by die Lwandle Trekarbeidersmuseum ingedien word. Verdere inligting kan van die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Museumdienste verkry word by tel: 021 483-9678.

NOMINATION OF BOARD MEMBERS: LWANDLE MIGRANT LABOUR MUSEUM Interested organisations and individuals who wish to be actively involved in the management and operations of the Lwandle Migrant Labour Museum, are hereby invited to nominate the Premier’s representatives on the Board of Trustees of this province-aided museum, in terms of Section 13 of the Museum Ordinance (No. 8 of 1975). Information regarding the functions, responsibilities and nomination forms for such board members can be obtained from the Museum Manager at tel: 021 845-6119. The nomination forms must be submitted on or before 14 September 2012 at the Lwandle Migrant Labour Museum. Further information can be obtained from the Western Cape Provincial Museum Service at tel: 021 483-9678.

UNYULO LWAMALUNGU EBHODI: IZIKO LOLONDOLOZO LWEMBALI YABASEBENZI ABAFUDUKAYO LASELWANDLE Imibutho nabantu abanomdla wokuba nendima kulawulo nakwimisebenzi yeZiko loLondolozo lweMbali yaBasebenzi abaFudukayo laseLwandle bayamenywa ukuba bonyule umntu oza kumela inkulumbuso kwiBhodi yabaThenjwa yeli ziko lolondolozo lwembali lixhaswa liphondo ngokwecandelo 13 le Museum Ordinance (No. 8 ka-1975). Iinkcukacha eziphathelele kwimisebenzi noxanduva lala malungu ebhodi ziyafumaneka kuMphathi weZiko loLondolozo lweMbali kule nombolo yomnxeba: 021 845-6119. Iifom zonyulo mazifakwe ungadlulanga umhla we-14 Eyo Msintsi 2012 kwiZiko loLondolozo lweMbali yaBasebenzi abaFudukayo laseLwandle. Ngeenkcukacha ezithe vetshe qhakamshelana nabeNkonzo zoLondolo lweMbali bePhondo kule nombolo yomnxeba: 021 483-9678. Human Communications C95207

Tuesday 4 September 2012

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette



Letters - Briewe

Helderberg Gazette

Kontak ons Nuusredakteur Deliah Brinkhuis dbrinkhu@helderberg.com 021-841-4292

Joernalis Nicole McCain



Advertensie konsultant Muhammad Brinkhuis

muhammad@helderberg.com 021-841-4275

Lesers praat saam VAKMANSKAP IN BOUBEDRYF Die hele boubedryf moet ondersoek word, want daar is baie kansvatters wat wegkom met konkelwerk, dan sit jy met die skade. Die wette moet strenger raak, want die bouers weet hulle kan wegkom met hul gemorsery. Nel, Strand

BEHUISING Lourensia Park-inwoners moet aan ander dink wat nog nie huise het nie.

OTM-TAALOPSIES Meer taalopsies by OTM’s is onnodig. Dit moet slegs Afrikaans en Engels wees. Meeste mense staan lank by die OTM’S en verstaan steeds nie die taal waarin die OTM is nie. Rynhardt, S-Wes

INFORMELE HANDEL IN WOONBUURTE Oral is daar huiswinkels; Lourensia Park het

geen winkels nie. Moet ’n mens dan ver loop net vir ’n brood? Ek is baie jammer, ek gaan nie R10 of R11 vir brood of melk betaal nie. Jy dink nie aan die ouerige mense nie, have a heart!

REGISTRATION OF CRÈCHES Everybody is struggling to have their crèches registered. If crèches can get together and help each other we can be there for the children. Please come forward so we can be a better rainbow nation. Estella Cookson, Khumnandi crèche Crèches that need to be registered can contact the Our Helder ECD Forum by phoning chairperson Madisa December on 073 922 9993. Ed

BELOWENDE NETBALSTER Hier in Macassar is ’n belowende netbalspeler wat gekies is vir die Suid-Afrikaanse ontwikkelingspan én sy’s ’n Boland-speler. Wil julle nie vir haar ’n plekkie in die Gazette afstaan nie? Sy het so hard gewerk om daar te kom. Janet

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Tuesday 4 September 2012

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Candidate must be able to speak English and Afrikaans fluent. Call Amy: 071 255 9348

Tuesday 4 September 2012

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Your chance to win spring concert tickets Tommy Dell, a legend in the music industry, will perform with Manie Jackson and Anton Myburgh at the Dutch Reformed Church hall tomorrow (Wednesday). Tickets to the event, which is in aid of the Helderberg Flower Club, cost R120 each for reserved seats and R100 for unreserved seats. Doors open at 18:30, and the show starts at 19:30. Refreshments will be on sale. Phone Jannie du Toit on 072 473 2420 or Driekie on 021 854 4947 if you’d like to find out more. ) One lucky Gazette reader stands a chance to win two tickets to this show. Simply SMS the words “SPRING CONCERT”, along with your name, to 072 473 2420 by 18:00 today (Tuesday 4 September).

SAIL AWAY ON CASUAL DAY: Support Casual Day which will be held on Friday 7 September. Dress up as captains, sailors or pirates or something blue to support the nautical theme of this year, “Come on board”. All funds raised on the day will be donated to organisations that work with people with disabilities like our local Gloria Botha school and the Aanhouwen Centre for mentally challenged persons in Somerset West. The local organisations will receive R4 for each R10-sticker that is sold. For more information or to buy stickers, phone the Gloria Botha School on 021 801 2184 or the Aanhouwen Centre on 021 851 3798. Stickers can also be bought at Absa, Edgars, Jet, Boardmans, CNA, Game or DionWired. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Tommy Dell

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Boxing braves put up a fight Strand residents packed the Khanyolwethu High School hall in Lwandle on Sunday to witness a World Boxing Federation All-Africa title fight. Going in ranked 10th in the country, Khayelitsha’s Mzuvukile Magwaca beat Langa’s Dalisizwe Matlala Komani, who was ranked 6th in SA on points. Local boxers Lazola “Tshawe Tshawe” Mjonono and Xolani “Little Big Man” Mjikelo, meanwhile, both won their respective matches with knock-outs. Says Charles Mjikelo of tournament organiser Amandla Boxing Promotions, “The tournament was a great success and was very well supported by the community. Thanks to the main sponsor, EMSS Antennas, as well as the Western Cape Boxing Federation.”

Paarl’s Johannes Salie, in blue, drew with Mailibongiwe Nzube from East London.

The heavy-hitting action between Dalisizwe Matlala Komani, in red, and Mzuvukile Magwaca drew a crowd of spectators.

Throngs of youngsters turned up to watch the boxing


RUGBYTOER NA GREYTON: Temperance Town Primêr beplan ’n rugbytoer vir die o.13 span na Greyton in die Maart-skoolvakansie van 2013. Die skool soek egter borge vir sakke en truie. Hulle is baie dankbaar vir die skenking van T-hempies deur die Helderberg inwoner en avonturier Riaan Manser. Om betrokke by die Temperance-toer te raak, bel sportkoördineerder Mark Swart by 021 856 1548. Die span is (agter van links): Ruduwaan Harmse, Elcardo Lekay, Joacobus Linnet, Keanan Adams, Jason Erasmus en Jano Simons; (middel) Cameron Frans, Bevan Charls (kaptain), Isak Conradie, Richard van Wyk, Jessie Nevan en Gilroy Anrahams; (voor) Caydin Michaels, Wyane Hedericks, Ronaldo Daniels, Graham Louw en Brandall Roman (onderkaptein). FOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

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