Helderberg gazette 9 julie 2013

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Year 17 • Tuesday 9 July 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

www.bolandgazette.co.za bolandgazette.mobi

Holiday treat for children in Smartie Town The Halli Trust recently visited the children of Smartie Town for an educational talk on personal hygiene and sexual abuse, as well as a slice of pizza and frozen yoghurt. The Halli Trust representatives and sponsors are (back from left): Sussana Cloete, Gustav Roux, Halli the Mascot, Peter Slabbert, Chantalese Watson, Lescha Roux, Gisela Roux and Swain Westvig; (middle) Elizabeth Baartman, Elsie Jade, Jeniel Naude, Marinus Roux and Heidi Naude; (front) Arno Ferreira and Calvin Coetzee with the children of Smartie Town. PHOTO: CASSY VAN EEDEN

Men also victims of domestic violence


As many as eight incidents of domestic violence occur in Macassar each day. Men and women are the victims, and in most cases they are the victims of physical abuse. This is according to Anita Jooste, victim support and social crime coordinator of the Macassar police. She bases the numbers, which could roughly amount to over 200 incidents per month, on the actual incidents of domestic violence in Macassar for which victims seek advice. However, they do not necessarily lay charges. Domestic violence in Macassar can be attributed mainly to unem-

ployment, alcohol and drug abuse. And it is becoming less unusual for men to present themselves as victims of domestic violence when their wives physically and verbally abuse them, explains Jooste. “Just this morning we had an incident where a man sought advice because of his wife beating him. This is not uncommon. The stigma attached to male abuse makes it difficult for them to come forward, but men should also speak out if they are experiencing domestic violence.” Hilda Lourens of Ukukhanya, an organisation that deals with domestic violence, says that the changing roles of men and women in society play a role in terms of who the victim

and who the perpetrator is. “More and more women are becoming the breadwinners in their homes and that definitely plays a big part. The more society becomes aware of abuse and its effects, the more men will come forward.” It is not that more men are becoming victims of domestic violence, but that more men are realising what abuse entails, she explains. In Lwandle 50 incidents of domes-

tic violence are reported each month, of which ten, at most, are reported by men, says Lt-Col. Siviwe Somtsewu. “These include criminal cases and other domestic violence-related issues,” he says. As in Macassar, Somtsewu says it is also mainly because of high alcohol and drug consumption. An average of 25 incidents of domestic violence are reported in Gordon’s Bay per month, says Warrant Officer Nico Beukes. “Of the 25 reported cases, only about one or two of them are reported by men,” he says. This could also be due to the fact that men don’t easily come forward against domestic violence, he adds. Strand, says Constable Mbulelo

Mafuna, also experiences a high number of incidents of domestic violence, but he cannot divulge the exact number of incidents. He says that it is becoming increasingly common for men to report domestic violence. “More members of the Strand community are becoming familiar with the procedure to follow when applying for a protection order in these situations,” he adds. He also attributes this to alcohol and drug abuse. ) To report domestic violence, dial 10111 or visit your local police station. Call Ukukhanya on 082 875 3046. Those who would like to volunteer at the victim support unit in Macassar can phone 021 857 7100. Also read the article on page 3.


Helderberg Gazette

Entertainment - Vermaak

Local dancer needs your help Kirvan Fortuin (21) from Macassar danced his way to the Netherlands. CASSY VAN EEDEN Kirvan Fortuin (21), Macassar’s very own success story, is about to make the community very proud once again. The classically trained ballet dancer has been offered a place in the Bachelor of Dance programme at Codarts University for the Arts in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Fortuin began his formal dance training in 2010 when he enrolled at the University of Cape Town (UCT). He trained in classical ballet, contemporary dance, African dance and various other dance techniques. Last year he graduated from UCT with his Dance Teacher’s Diploma and is currently working as a freelance dancer and dance teacher. Born and raised in Macassar, his passion for dance began when he joined the Cape Whalers Field Band in 2002. He remained with the band for 12 years and maintains a close relationship with its members. “I’ve watched Kirvan develop from an insecure boy into a responsible, confident young adult, seizing every opportunity for development,” says Belinda Jackson, project officer for the Field Band Foundation. Fortuin still works alongside the Field Band Foundation to tutor Cape Whalers members

and choreograph their shows. After having attended the International Theatre School Festival in Amsterdam last year, Fortuin has secured himself a place at Codarts where he will begin studying at a second year level. He will be trained in ballet, modern dance and jazz and will learn valuable technical dance skills and theoretical schooling. Fortuin has performed in a number of professional productions, including Qaphela Caesar! with Jazzart Dance Theatre and Coppelia with Cape Town City Ballet. The ballet star is overjoyed about this new opportunity and hopes to dance for the Netherlands Dance Theatre some day. He is set to leave for the Netherlands in August. So far the young dancer has successfully raised funding to cover his tuition for the course. However, he is still in desperate need of financial assistance for his living expenses while he studies in the Netherlands. He still needs to pay for his flights, visa, rent, student insurance and his medical screening tests. Fortuin has approached a number of businesses and private bodies for donations and is awaiting confirmation from them. Any individual or business who is in any way able to assist Fortuin financially, can contact him on 072 755 0076.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

A generous gardener with multiple creative talents ASHRAF BOOLEY Back in 2006 a pianist was meant to perform at a graduation party in the Eastern Cape, but he never showed up. The graduation party was for one of Isaac Madola’s close friends, and this disappointment turned out to be an epiphany for Isaac; an epiphany which led him to teach himself to play the piano. “It was a disappointing moment for all of us. In that moment I told myself that I will start teaching myself piano in case something like this ever happens again,” he says. Seven years later, cardboard and wood make up the humble shack in Pholile Park in Nomzamo where he teaches children from the community piano, traditional and gumboot dance and gospel music. This includes teaching his daughter, seven-year-old Intle Beauty, whom he raises as a single parent. She currently plays on her own small keyboard but Madola wishes to give his daughter his keyboard once he gets a new one. Though it is an unlikely profession for a man of so many creative talents, Madola works as a gardener by day to support himself and his daughter. He runs Shooting Stars Development Group, which he says he named after Shooting Stars by South African singer Zahara. The lyrics have inspired him profoundly. The group practise at his house from 17:00 until 18:30 every day, starting with gumboot dance and ending off with gospel music and prayer. After losing both parents at a young age, Madola was forced to work hard and fend for himself with no help from family. He learned gospel music in the Lukhan-

yo Gospel Group back in Umtata, in the former Transkei, when he was younger. He has been singing ever since. He also learned traditional and gumboot dance in Umtata where he regularly practised in the streets with his friends. Though he now shares his talents with members of his community, he hasn’t given up on his dream of becoming a performing artist, he reveals as he brushes his fingers over the keyboard with gleaming eyes. “People think that when you are doing performing arts you won’t be very successful. They also think you must go to places like Johannesburg to make it big. “To me it’s not about that. What I’m hoping to do now is to leave a legacy behind and teach these young children what I have learnt. With this I hope they can make it big and become a success,” says Madola. Shooting Stars Development Group currently has only 12 members, but is growing as it only started last month. With this group Madola aims to develop young talent and encourage people to be involved in performing arts and to fight against crime and drugs. Madola’s previous organisation, Phaphamani Performing Arts and Gospel Group, fell through after most of his members moved to Mfuleni. Despite this, Madola is proud of how the organisation has changed some people’s lives. He particularly remembers seeing music potential in a ruthless alcoholic in the community. “I noticed that he could sing well and approached him. As his singing improved and he found another outlet to focus on, the drinking stopped. “This is one of the reasons I continue doing what I’m doing today.”

Isaac Madola eagerly teaches 16-year-old Asive Bohlo from Nomzamo.


Support group meets

Skouspel op pad

The Helderberg Cardiac Support Group will hold a meeting on Wednesday 17 July at 17:30 at Mediclinic Vergelegen’s restaurant. Dr Mark Abelson (cardiologist) will be the speaker. The provisional topic is atrial fibrillation, pacemakers and ICDs. Admission is R5 per person; refreshments will be served. Book by 15 July at www.helderbergcardiac.co.za or email cardiac@absamail.co.za or call or SMS Hermann on 079 508 3519.

Huisgenoot Skouspel beloof om Saterdag 13 Julie die dak van die Grand West Arena in Kaapstad te laat lig. Dié musiekfees sal Afrikaanse musiekliefhebbers vasgenael hê met top-kunstenaars soos Emo Adams, Elvis Blue, Heinz Winckler, Kurt Darren, Nianell en Andriëtte op die verhoog. Die eerste vertoning begin om 12:00 en die aandvertoning om 19:00. Kaartjies kan nog by Computicket bespreek word teen tussen R150 en R250.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

CONSTRUCTIVE HOLIDAY FUN: Macassar residents Elsabe Williams, her husband Samuel and their daughter Samantha recently held a holiday programme in Charlie Brown Street, Macassar for 320 children. Children received soup and bread as well as fruit parcels. Representatives of the Halli Trust were present to conduct the Patch preventive talk that makes children aware of their private parts and educates them around what to do when someone touches them inappropriately. Anita Jooste, victim support and social crime coordinator of the Macassar police, was also present, making children aware that they can also approach the police in such instances. The day ended with fun games and Halli the Mascot dancing with the children. In the photo (back from the left) are: Anri Oosthuizen, Ronette Watkins, Pieter Slabbert, Chantelise Watkins, Androni Naude, Arno Ferreira and Jeniel Naude (Halli Trust); (front) Elsabe Williams, Heidi Naude (Halli Trust), Samantha Chandler and (sitting) Samuel Chandler.

Teacher training to improve results ASHRAF BOOLEY A total of 280 foundation phase (Grade 1 to 3) teachers in the Helderberg attended mathematics and language training during the school holiday. This is in an effort to improve the language and mathematics proficiency levels of pupils, says Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for Education MEC Donald Grant. Grade 3 and 6 pupils’ average performance is still below the 50% mark for both maths and language. “Given these results, it is evident that there is still considerable work that needs to be done to ensure that improvements continue. “If we achieve this objective, we will improve the quality of the whole system, enhancing pupils’ performance and improving retention in all grades, ultimately producing better outcomes in the National Senior Certificate,” she says. Teachers from eight schools in the Helderberg were sent on maths training while teachers

from two other schools in the region were sent on language training. These include Firgrove Primary and Academia Primary, amongst others. Grade 3 pupils at Firgrove Primary school obtained 37,6% for numeracy last year and 26,7% for literacy. Grade 6 pupils at the school obtained 33,7% for numeracy and 30,3% for literacy last year. At Academia Primary School, Grade 3 pupils received 39,2% for numeracy last year and 24,1% for literacy. Numeracy results for Grade 6 pupils at the school were lower, at 20,6% and 17,5% for literacy. Casey says that while the government has made some progress in improving the language and maths skills of pupils, they still have some tough challenges ahead. “Training is important if we want to improve results. It is our aim to improve their skills in critical areas where pupils are not performing. “It is our hope that they will share these skills with their peers at their schools,” she says.

Tik and dagga found Five suspects were arrested at a house in Lwandle over the weekend for possession of 200g tik at a street value of R72 000. The suspects, between the ages of 29 and 46, were arrested immediately and charged for possession and dealing in drugs. Another six suspects were arrested for possession of dagga during various stop and search operations in Lwandle over the weekend. The suspects, between the ages of 26 and 36, were arrested and charged for possession of dagga. All these suspects appeared in the Strand Magistrate’s Court yesterday for dealing and possession of drugs. This was a successful joint operation between Lwandle and Metro police from last week Friday until this past Sunday.



Breaking away from domestic violence The Gazette previously reported that both women and men can implement measures to protect themselves from potentially violent relationships. Signs that your partner may be violent usually surface early on in any relationship. This could come in the form of small things, such as preventing you from seeing family and friends, said Michelle Muller, a selfdefence trainer for the organisation Pink Army. She added that it’s important not

to let that potentially violent or abusive situation escalate. Hilda Lourens of Ukukhanya, an organisation that deals with domestic violence, said that one should remove oneself from a relationship when the so-called red stage hits. That is the stage when the abuse takes place. “Each time the cycle repeats itself, it becomes more intense and more difficult to get out of it. Breaking ties with the abuser is key to breaking the cycle of abuse.”

Muller suggests a plan of action when planning to leave an abusive relationship. “If you are prepared, you won’t go into a flat spin when things go wrong, because you will know exactly what to do. Hide spare car keys in a safe place if he takes your keys. Have a code word for your children to get out in a violent situation when you need to get away.” For more information, phone Ukukhanya on 082 875 3046 or e-mail info@ukukhanya.co.za.


General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Moenie tata nie, Madiba, sê lesers Die nuus is deurspek met berigte oor voormalige president Nelson Mandela se kritieke toestand weens ’n herhalende long-infeksie. Beterskapswense stroom in van regoor die wêreld vir ’n man wat die nasie verander en mense oor die wêreld heen geïnspireer het. Die Gazette het ’n paar lesers in die Helderberg gevra watter boodskap hulle vir hom wil gee, waarom hulle dankbaar is vir hom of wat hy vir hulle en die land beteken het.

Sinethemba Meleni says, “Tata, you have done a lot for us, especially our youth, and we are thankful for that.” Meleni says Madiba is his hero.

“Ek kan nie in genoeg woorde sit wat Madiba vir my beteken nie. Hy het vrede na ons land gebring, dinge beter gemaak vir ons jeug en geleenthede oopgemaak vir meer mense,” vertel Samuel Avontuur. Hy sê dat Madiba se geduld terwyl hy op Robbeneiland was, hom baie geïnspireer het.

Henry Koeries is 66 jaar oud en sê hy het Suid-Afrika ervaar deur die apartheidsjare. “Dit was nie ’n goeie tyd vir ons land nie en ek wil net vir Madiba bedank dat hy sterk was vir ons land sodat dinge beter kon word vir ons almal.”

Mida Isaacs van Macassar wil Madiba bedank dat hy dinge in die land reggemaak het. “Ek is nogal baie hartseer dat hy so siek is en ek wens hom net die beste toe,”

“Ek het baie liefde vir Madiba,” vertel Florina Manuel. Sy sê dat hy baie geleenthede ontsluit het vir Suid-Afrika se inwoners, en danksy hom het hulle meer regte.

“Hy was baie goed vir ons land. Hy het opgestaan vir swart mense en kleurlinge deur apartheid,” vertel Sergio Lewis. “Hy het als verander vir ons land en ek kyk op na hom en hoop dat hy beter sal word.”

Cayden Lewis sê dat Madiba baie goed is vir ons land. “Nadat hy vrygelaat is van Robbeneiland het hy geveg vir ons regte en geleenthede vir ons oopgemaak.”

Maud Nel van Macassar wil Madiba graag bedank vir al die goeie dade wat hy deur die jare vir Suid-Afrika gedoen het. “Ek het groot respek vir hom en ek dink ons land sal definitief nie dieselfde wees sonder hom nie.”

“Mandela beteken baie vir my,” sê Amber Lewis. “Hy het geveg vir ons mense en ons lewens basies gered en ek is baie dankbaar daarvoor.” FOTO’S: CASSY VAN EEDEN

Strand High School burgled Three LCD televisions were stolen from Strand High School during a burglary that took place between Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 June. A docket was opened for housebreaking and theft after the black, 42" Proline televisions were stolen from the school in Sarel Cilliers Street, Strand. No arrests have been made yet and the property has not yet been recovered. The police appeal to mem-

bers of the public to help trace the property and culprits. Constable Morne Albanie is the investigating officer. Anyone with information that could assist in the investigation, can phone Lt-Col. Franklin Plaatjies on 082 469 3359.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

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Helderberg Gazette



Helderberg Gazette

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Tuesday 9 July 2013

Tuesday 9 July 2013

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Helderberg Gazette



General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

No sanitation for disabled man who lost house in fire I would like to express my utter disappointment at the poor service delivery with regards to the provision of sanitation facilities to me as a disabled person and how it inconveniences me. The Helderberg Gazette featured a story over a month ago after my house burnt down in Sir Lowry’s Pass. All my personal belongings were destroyed in the fire and it left me without a roof over my head. As a result of the article, people opened their hearts and generously donated various things. I have since been residing in a wendy house which was erected in my yard. Ward councillor Johan Middleton and the contractor responsible for distributing toilets to informal homes promised me over a month ago that they will provide me with a portable flush toilet. After several calls requesting a toilet, nothing materialised.

Until today I am forced to use a plastic bucket to relieve myself and have to clean it and dispose of it myself. It seems that while there is a lot of unrest regarding portable flush toilets, the City fails to supply the service to those in need, like myself and my eight-yearold son.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 53 (3) (a) of Act No. 56 of 2003: Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) that the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan for the 2013/2014 financial year will be available at all Subcouncil offices (as listed below), libraries and the City of Cape Town’s website www.capetown.gov.za/idp from Tuesday 9 July 2013 on weekdays between 08:30 and 16:30 up to and including Monday 12 August 2013. AREA


Cape Town

Reception Desk, Concourse, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town

All Libraries

Click on http://www.capetown.gov.za/en/Library/pages/listofallLibraries.aspx for list of all libraries.

Subcouncil Municipal Offices, Royal Ascot, Bridle Way, Milnerton


Municipal Offices, Brighton Way, Kraaifontein


Municipal Building, Voortrekker Road, Goodwood


Municipal Offices, 1st Floor, cnr Voortrekker and Tallent Roads, Parow


Municipal Offices, cnr Jakkelsvlei Avenue and Kiaat Road, Bonteheuwel


Municipal Building, Voortrekker Road, Bellville


Municipal Offices, Oxford Street, Durbanville


Municipal Offices, cnr Fagan Street and Main Road, Strand


A Block Stocks & Stocks Complex, Ntlakohlaza Street, Town 2, Village 1, Khayelitsha


Site B, Khayelitsha Shopping Centre, Khayelitsha


Fezeka Building, cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu


Parks & Bathing Building, Merrydale Avenue, Lentegeur


Fezeka Building, cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu


Fezeka Building, cnr NY1 and Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu


Pinelands Training Centre, St Stephens Road, Central Square, Pinelands


11th Floor, 44 Wale Street, Cape Town


Athlone Civic Centre, cnr Protea and Klipfontein Roads, Athlone


Cnr Buck Road and 6th Avenue, Lotus River


Fish Hoek Civic Centre, Central Circle, Recreation Road, Fish Hoek


Alphen Centre, Constantia Main Road, Constantia


Oostenberg Administration, cnr Van Riebeeck and Carinus Streets, Kuilsriver


Oostenberg Administration, cnr Van Riebeeck and Carinus Streets, Kuilsriver


Parks & Bathing Building, Merrydale Avenue, Lentegeur


Cnr Delft and Fort Worth Roads, Delft


Reader sends SMS comment ) Die minister van onderwys, Angie Motshekga, moes lankal die trekpas gekry het! Skole landwyd is nie goed met groot klaskamers toegerus nie! ’n Onderwyser kan nie aan tussen 50 en 120 kinders in ’n klaskamer aan-

dag gee nie; dit benadeel die kind se skoolopleiding!Verder het nie alle skole handboeke nie, terwyl die minister soos die graf swyg! Skole het ook nie voldoende sportgeriewe nie. – Morkel, Gordonsbaai


Ward 100 councillor Johan Middleton’s response: Lionel Benjamin resides on land that is not owned by the City. Due to this we are not obligated to give him a portable flush toilet. Councillor Ernest Sonnenberg, Mayco member for Utility Services, City of Cape Town, says: The City’s Utility Services Directorate will investigate to see if it will be legally allowed to provide a portable flush toilet to Lionel Benjamin. Provision of such services to private properties can and usually is prohibited by the Municipal Finance Management Act.



Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013

DRESS CODE AT CLINIC: Those who wish to be helped at the Macassar Community Health Care Centre are kindly asked to arrive looking decent, and to provide proof of identity, says Clarina Alexander, facility manager at the centre. “No rollers, no swirlkous, no pyjamas,” encourages Alexander. She says this is simply a way to encourage people to look neat and decent when they come to the clinic.

Ramadaan is here

Tomorrow the holy month of Ramadaan will commence for Muslims across South Africa. It will last a full lunar month.

The first sighting of the full moon will mark the beginning of Ramadaan, lasting between 29 and 30 days based on the Islamic lunar calendar. During this time Muslims will abstain from food and drink, sexual intercourse and smoking, amongst other things, from sunrise to sunset each day. Ramadaan is considered to be a period in which Muslims become more disciplined in their ways. It enables them to establish a closer relationship with their Creator by reflecting on God’s creations, and also draws them closer to humanity. Fasting forms part of the five pillars of Islam. This is according to Munadia Karaan, principal presenter at Voice of the Cape and secretary of the Iqra learning centre in Strand. Fasting is encouraged from a young age. Children usually start fasting half a day, which prepares them to fast a full day by the time they reach puberty, she says. During Ramadaan, says Karaan, children are usually involved in traditional ways such as taking what is known as a “boeka plate” to neighbours before sunset. This is a plate of delicacies made for Iftar – the dinner table, she explains. During the evening, after the fast is “broken”, men and women usually attend

Taraweeg – an evening prayer performed at Mosque every night during Ramadaan, usually lasting about two hours. The Quran was also revealed in this month and is encouraged to be recited from cover to cover during this month. The 15th day of Ramadaan marks half of the completion of the month, with “boeber”, a traditional hot milk drink, usually served on the night. The 27th night marks Lailatul Qadr, regarded as the holiest night of the month. For many Muslims, Ramadaan means a month in which spiritual, social and health values are heightened. Karaan says that on a social level it allows Muslims to “physically feel the plight of those less fortunate”. But she says that it’s more than just experiencing it and reflecting on it. Alms-giving becomes an important part of the month where Muslims usually generously donate to those in need in various ways. Fasting is meant to cleanse the body – “giving the body a chance to rejuvenate physically and spiritually,” she says. Breakfast is traditionally eaten before sunrise. Eid ul Fitr is the celebratory day which marks the end of Ramadaan. "We wish our community well over the month of Ramadaan and pray that our sincere efforts towards pleasing our Most Merciful Creator, Allah (peace be upon him) during this month will be accepted," says Nabeweya Malick of the Muslim Judicial Council.

Gazette now on Facebook The Helderberg Gazette now has a Facebook page, where readers can comment, like and link to stories on our web page. To keep up-to-date with the latest Helderberg Gazette news, like our page at www.facebook.com/ Helderberg Gazette.

Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013

Lifestyle - Leefstyl

Helderberg Gazette

Chilli bites with a twist: Design a Post Office stamp broccoli and cauliflower “Stamps are more than just a form of prepaid postage, they are miniature ambassadors that vibrantly narrate our lives,” said Johan van Wyk, senior manager of philatelic services for the SA Post Office. The World Design Capital Cape Town 2014 (WDC 2014) stamp will need to do just that, illustrate and capture Cape Town’s rich design culture. Van Wyk was speaking ahead of the launch of the WDC 2014 Stamp Design Competition. The winning designer will win a R22 000 cash prize, while the runners-up will receive R15 000 and R10 000 respectively. Entrants are allowed to conceptualise the theme in their own discipline and use any medium from digital to oil and even water colour to create the design. The

These delicious deepfried, bite-sized snacks are perfect as a starter in winter, or for Iftar during Ramadaan. You will need: ) 250 ml chilli bite mix ) 30 ml cake flour ) 10 ml baking powder ) 10 ml crushed chillies ) 5 ml jeera ) 5 ml koljana ) 5 ml turmeric ) 5 ml salt ) 5 ml pepper ) Broccoli cut into florets ) Cauliflower cut into florets ) Water ) Oil for frying

These savoury bites are slightly spicy and tender on the inside, with a deliciously crispy crust. PHOTO: ASHRAF BOOLEY

Method: Mix all dry ingredients together thoroughly. Add enough water to form a firm

mixture. Dip broccoli and cauliflower florets in the mixture and deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown on either side.

different choices of images for stamps are nearly unlimited and designers have artistic freedom as long as they stay within the preset themes. Five stamps need to be designed per entry and each one should reflect a WDC 2014 theme: • Live Design. Transform Life • African Innovation. Global Conversation • Bridging the Divide • Today for Tomorrow • Beautiful Spaces. Beautiful Things “We have a proud history of supporting local designers and enabling them to develop their skills. We are hoping this competition will leverage the stamp design industry and create new interest for the discipline,” says van Wyk. Alayne Reesberg, CEO of Cape Town Design NPC (the implementation agency for WDC 2014), lauded the initiative taken by the SA Post Office to launch a stamp design competition based on the themes of WDC 2014. “We look forward to the stamp designs and believe it will form an important part of the legacies we are creating for 2014 and beyond. This will definitely be a collectors’ item,” said Reesberg. The winning stamps will be launched in early 2014. Entries close on 30 September and entry forms with submission guidelines can be found at http://www.postoffice.co.za/group/companynews/capetowndesigncompetition.html and more information on the themes can be found at www.wdccapetown2014.com.

Daar is hulp vir kinders wat in dwelm-kolk vasgevang is Die Wes-Kaapse regering is druk besig met pogings vir ’n dwelmvrye provinsie. Daar is vroeër vanjaar ’n studie oor dwelmmisbruik en misdaad onder leerlinge van graad 10 tot 12 voltooi. Verder sal die Wet op Voorkoming en Behandeling van Middelmisbruik doeltreffende ingryping op nasionale vlak na verwagting aansienlik versterk. Badisa, ’n maatskaplike dienste-organisasie van die VGK en NGK ondersteun pogings soos hierdie met geesdrif. Badisa staan gemeenskappe in die Wes-, Oos- en Noord-Kaap met die voorkoming en behandeling van dwelmmisbruik by. Altesame 240 skole is by die WesKaapse navorsing betrek. Dit het getoon dat tabak, alkohol en dagga steeds die vernaamste verslawende middels is. Twee derdes van die leerlinge het reeds met alkohol kennis gemaak. Die helfte van hulle gebruik dit gereeld.

Meer as ’n derde het voor die ouderdom van 13 met sigarette geëksperimenteer en 13% van hulle rook meer as tien per dag. Byna ’n kwart het al dagga probeer (baie van hulle voor 13) en 13% is gereelde gebruikers. Leerlinge wat al ’n graad gedruip het, was meer hiertoe geneig. Die gebruik van harde middels is nie so hoog as wat aanvanklik vermoed is nie. Na berekening loop 15% van die leerlinge in alle grade en distrikte ’n hoë risiko op geestelike versteuring as gevolg van middelmisbruik. Badisa wys op die hooffaktore wat tot middelmisbruik lei: chaotiese huislike omstandighede, ondoeltreffende ouerskap, ontoepaslik skaam of aggressiewe gedrag op skool, swak prestasie en bande met vriende met afwykende gedrag. Met goed opgeleide personeel lewer

Badisa ’n professionele diens gegrond op wetenskaplike navorsing. Die organisasie lewer voorkomings-, en nasorgdienste aan individue en hul gesinne. Badisa het ook twee sentrums, Ramot en Toevlug. Dié diens is vir almal toeganklik en bekostigbaar en geloof vorm ’n belangrike hoeksteen in die herstelproses. Wat kan mense doen om te help? “Bemagtig jouself met kennis oor alkohol en dwelms. Bid dat ons jongmense nie vasgevang word nie. Stel ’n goeie voorbeeld. Versterk gesinsverhoudinge, skenk geld aan organisasies wat middel-afhanklikheid teenstaan en behandel, en ondersteun slagoffers sonder om hulle te verwyt,” sê Theresa Rossouw, bestuurder van een van Badisa se behandelingsentrums. Die volgende telefoonnommers kan ook byderhand gehou word: 023 342 1162 of 021 939 2033.

Sit die huppel terug in jou beste vriend se stap Het jy opgelet dat jou troeteldier styf of minder gemaklik is as die wintermaande aanbreek? Gewrigsprobleme kom by twee derdes van ouer katte voor en is die algemeenste oorsaak van chroniese pyn by honde. Die simptome is dikwels meer opvallend in die winter. “Artritis is dikwels die gevolg van normale slytasie van die gewrig met verloop van tyd,” sê dr. Guy Fyvie, veterinêre adviseur vir Hill’s Pet Nutrition. “Dit is nie net ouer diere wat geaffekteer word nie – heup- en elmboogprobleme kan van vroeg af voorkom en enige trauma, soos motorongelukke, kan dit veroorsaak.” Hy sê simptome kan insluit styfheid, mankheid of probleme om op te staan wanneer die dier gelê het. Eenvoudige leefstylveranderinge kan verseker dat jou troeteldier springlewendig is. “Hoewel pynverligting- en anti-inflammatoriese middels ’n baie belangrike deel van artritisbestuur is, word ’n gekombineerde, geïntegreerde benadering nou as die beste manier gesien om gewrigsprobleme te bestuur,” sê Fyvie. Die eerste stap is ’n behoorlike diagnose deur ’n veearts en ’n behandelingsplan. Gewig is uiters belangrik. “As ’n dier oorgewig is, plaas dit ekstra spanning op die gewrigte, verhoog inflammasie en verminder die effek van medikasie – dus is die tweede stap die verloor van die oortollige kilogramme,” sê hy. Die veearts kan jou ook raad gee oor jou dier se optimale gewig. Oefening en terapie sal ook help. Geoefende

spiere bied beter ondersteuning aan gewrigte en beweging verbeter die soepelheid van die gewrigte en die gesondheid van die kraakbeen. Probeer kort stappies en swem, fisioterapie of hidroterapie. Die korrekte voeding kan baie help. “By die huis maak ’n sagte bed, ’n warm plek om te slaap en die neersit van kos- en sandbakke op plekke waar dit maklik bereik kan word die lewe baie makliker,” sê Fyvie. Vir meer inligting, praat met jou veearts of besoek www.hopskipjump.co.za.




Helderberg Gazette





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Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013



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Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013

People - Mense

Helderberg Gazette


The children of Smartie Town gather to listen to a talk by Heidi Naude and Halli the Mascot about personal hygiene and sexual abuse.

Smartie Town children visited by Halli Trust CASSY VAN EEDEN

and Halli sang and danced with the children to songs like Baby Chocolates and The Halli Trust and Numa Numa to encourage their special mascot, self-confidence. Halli, recently paid a Roman’s Pizza in Somervisit to the children of set West sponsored the Smartie Town in Macasevent with 46 large cheesy sar. pizzas, a total of 350 slices for the children to enjoy. Dozens of children gathSwain Westvig from Roered to receive their deliman’s Pizza says that as a cious slice of pizza, frozen business they wanted to yoghurt and a snack pack give something back to the to take home with them. community by getting inNaude spoke to the large volved in a children’s group of excited children project. about personal hygiene Old Mutual has donated and taking pride in one’s R20 000 to the Halli Trust so appearance. She also gave the chil- Calvin Visagie enjoys his frozen yoghurt that they can continue with their outreach projects. dren an important mes- sponsored by Marcel’s. Gustav Roux, a represage about sexual abuse and spoke about what children should do if sentative of Old Mutual who attended the event, said that they are constantly involved they are sexually violated. This talk was given with the help of the or- in the community and they wanted to be a part ganisation’s mascot, Halli, who demonstrated of the Halli Trust projects. Marcel’s also sponsored the event by proto the children which areas of their bodies are viding each child with a tasty cup of frozen private. Along with a group of volunteers, Naude yoghurt.

RIGHT: Swain Westvig of Roman’s Pizza Somerset West not only sponsored the pizzas on the day but also decided to get involved by helping to hand out a slice of pizza to each of the children present on the day. In the photo Cheryl Roode is receiving her slice of delicious pizza.

BELOW: Smartie Town children enjoying their pizza, sponsored by Roman’s Pizza. Here (from right) are Simone Orion, Denver Orion and Elroy le Roux. PHOTOS: CASSY VAN EEDEN

At the back (from the left) are: John Januarie (chairman of the South-End Neighbourhood Watch), Aiden Daniels, Kaiden Gibbens, Alviko and Jake Jooste, Lezane van Niekerk and Jamiah Scholtz (secretary of the South-End Neighbourhood Watch); (front) Kezandre Titus, Winston and Keith Murray and Nazlie van Niekerk (volunteer).

Neighbourhood watch serves soup in South-End ASHRAF BOOLEY The South-End Neighbourhood Watch fed almost 200 residents in South-End, Strand at a soup kitchen last Thursday. Members of the neighbourhood watch stood at 62 Mydreicht Street where they served soup and bread to the community on a cold Thursday morning. Jamiah Scholtz, secretary of the SouthEnd Neighbourhood Watch, says that after receiving enough donations last week, they decided to make soup for residents of Beverley Hills and the surrounding areas. This coming Thursday at 11:00, they will serve warm food such as curry and rice at the same spot at 62 Mydreicht Street, SouthEnd, Strand.

Here (from left) are Nazlie van Niekerk (volunteer), Jamiah Scholtz (secretary of South-End Neighbourhood Watch), Meda Rhoode (member of South-End Neighbourhood Watch) and Anita Groenewald, one of the residents who received soup and bread.

ENCOURAGING SHARING: Grade 4 to 7 pupils from Vergesicht Private School in Somerset West collected 355 sandwiches to be distributed by the Halli Trust to residents of Smartie Town. It was done as a way to encourage sharing and to help alleviate hunger. Here (from left) are Erna Malherbe, Sanette Gibson, Zelda Goodenham and Jeniel Naudé.

Jeniel Naudé, a pupil at Vergezicht Private School, helped to hand out sandwiches to residents of Smartie Town. With him are Licinda Kortje and her son Andries Fransman.

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Year 17 • Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Grading for local karate club Blue Rock Karate Club in Sir Lowry’s Pass recently held its bi-annual grading in Gordon’s Bay. Six disciplined students progressed to higher levels, with Anaish Carelse having gone up a notch from white belt (level 1) to yellow belt (level 2). The other five also went up a notch from orange belt (level 3) to green belt (level 4). The club is part of Funakoshi Karate International South Africa and has over 25 members between the ages of 6 and 35. Last month two students participated in the Funakoshi Karate International South Africa competition held at Molteno Dojo in Grabouw. Azola Malgas walked away with a gold medal for kumite (girls) while Anaish Carelse shared a joint third place for kata. Anyone with spare or unused gi (karate clothing) is welcome to donate it to the club as many students cannot afford clothing. Those interested in joining the club can email Gerhard Roos on gerhardroos@gmail.com.

George Mdluli (left) from KZN, rated number nine in his category in South Africa, won on points against Johannes Sallie, rated number four in his category in South Africa. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

The students who passed their grading exams are (front from left): Sibusiso Xotongo, Anaish Carelse, Cherenique Bouw, Renate Bouw, Azola Malgas and Anke Smith; (back) Chantel van Zyl, Ingrid Mourik, Deidre Roos, Gerhard Roos, Birgitt Smit, Wickus Smit and Noeleen Billingham. PHOTO SUPPLIED

Boxing bonanza in Strand Amandla Boxing Promotions held a Development Boxing Tournament at the Khanyolwethu High School in Lwandle on Sunday 7 July. The event, which was sponsored by EMSS Antennas, is billed as the battle of future champs. In the main bout, which was the Junior Middleweight fight over six rounds, George Mdluli from KZN, rated number nine in his category in South Africa, won on points against Johannes Sallie from Paarl, rated number four in his category in South Africa. In one of the Junior Fly Weight fights (over six rounds), Sibusiso Twani from Strand, rated number two in his category in South Africa, won on points against Asand-

iso Mancapha. In another Junior Fly Weight fight (also over six rounds), Lazola Mjonono from Strand, rated number seven in his category in South Africa, won by KO against Khwezi Anton. In the Junior Light Weight (four rounds), Aphiwe Myoyo won by KO against Asanda Butsheke. Myolisi Xayo won by KO in the Junior Middle weight (six rounds) against Innocent Mathetha. The Mini Fly Weight (six rounds) saw Olwethu Ngamlana win on points against Siyabonga Blouw. The Welter Weight (four rounds), ended in a draw between Tsobotsi Mthembu and Ntombokqala Tolashe.

Patrick Fanti (trainer), Charles Mjikelo (promoter), Lazola Mjonono, Sibusiso Twani and Vuyani Nkinqa (assistant trainer).

VICTORY IN LEGACY CLUB: Zandvliet High pupils, who participated in the Raithby Legacy Cup that featured in the Gazette last week, walked away with the annual Legacy Cup award. PHOTO SUPPLIED

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