Helderberg Gazette 9 Oct 2012

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Year 16 • Tuesday 9 October 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

One of the homes was seriously damaged by a storm earlier this year. The family living there went without a roof all winter.

Keeshe Carelse (6) and her family may soon have to leave their Pinetown home.

Booi Blonkers shows the state of a toilet outside his home.


Standoff in farm eviction case NICOLE MCCAIN

Forty-year-old Elzane Carelse has lived in Pinetown, Sir Lowry’s Pass, for her entire life. She and five other families were served with eviction notices at the beginning of the year. The small community staying in homes belonging to Alwyn van Pittius took the matter to court in February. But after agreeing to enter into negotiations a month ago, they still haven’t resolved the issue. Carelse’s home on erf 849, which she says she lovingly repaired, may now be taken from her. “I lie awake worrying: ‘Am I going to have a home tomorrow? And if we have to leave, where will I take my children?’” The parties agreed to enter into a mediation process during their last court appearance on 8 September, and say they were told they would be given a new place to stay. According to Van

Pittius’s lawyer Barry Nortje, none of the current residents is employed by Van Pittius, who “merely seeks to obtain housing for [his] own employees, some of whom are currently residing in informal housing”. However, the residents don’t want to leave. “I don’t want to live anywhere else,” says Carelse. “I was born here, my children too. I don’t know anywhere else.” Her mother worked on the farm adjacent to her home for almost 30 years, with Carelse often helping her. “We had it tough. We used to come home from school and went to help on the farm. We knew every nook on that farm. But today, we can’t even set foot on it.” In 1997, the Van Pittius family bought the land, and Carelse and her family were evicted from their home. They moved to the informal settlement in Pinetown, but 10 years ago she approached the Van Pittius family and asked if she could live in one of the vacant buildings used to house seasonal workers.

She says she and her husband Dominic repaired the building, cleaned the soot from the walls, and turned it into a worthy home for themselves and their two children. Then, in June last year, the residents were told they would have to pay R500 a month as rent, says Carelse, even though they had not previously paid any rent. She says they refused to pay any rent, because the houses were in such a poor condition. The houses have no running water or toilets inside, and the water from the taps outside the homes is a health concern, say residents. “The water is brown. We have to boil the water before we can drink it,” says Dominic. “Alternatively, we have to fetch water from 300 m away.” The outside toilets are also unusable, with the toilet bowls damaged and the stalls covered in dirt and overgrown plants. Residents either have to walk to the toilets in the neighbouring informal settlement in Pinetown, or install their own at a hefty price. “I installed my own

toilet. It cost me R15 000,” says another resident, Booi Blonkers. According to residents, one of the homes was seriously damaged by a storm earlier this year. The roof, which was completely blown off, has still not been replaced. Carelse says she would like an outcome to the case. According to Nortje, all applications were postponed indefinitely for the parties to enter into negotiations. “My client hopes that the disputes can indeed be resolved by negotiations, hopefully during October.” He declined to comment further.


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Dwelmeuwel raak ons almal NICOLE MCCAIN ’n Ma van Garden Village het hande gevat met ’n plaaslike pastoor om dwelmmisbruik in die Helderberg ’n nekslag toe te dien.

TEAM DUBANETIX SUPPORTS SCHOOL: Helderberg car club, Team Dubanetix, gave back to the community of Sir Lowry’s Pass, by raising funds to assist children in the community. The club held a “park-off”, with all the members making a contribution towards the day and its activities. Pictured above are members of Team Dubanetix, handing over a cheque of the funds raised to a representative of Kids for Christ. For more information, contact Team Dubanetix chairperson Duncan Rulse on 0 083 809 2735.PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Jesmine Klink staan aan die hoof van ’n gemeenskapsprojek onder die beskerming van Divine Embrace Church en korrektiewe dienste. In samewerking met past. Tanswill Davids hou sy weeklikse beradingsessies wat op die jeug en dwelmmisbruik gemik is. Jesmine sê hulle verleen ook bystand aan jong mense wat wil ophou dwelms gebruik. Dwelmverslaafdes word na ’n plaas in Vredendal gestuur as deel van Divine Embrace se projekte. Jesmine het verskeie suksesverhale, onder andere ’n jong onderwyser wat volkome genees is en nou as ’n motiveringspreker werk. Jesmine gee ook berading aan families van dwelmverslaafdes. Sy vertel dat sy uit ondervinding praat, ná sy die impak van dwelmmisbruik in haar eie familie ervaar het. Een van haar seuns (26) is vier jaar gevangenisstraf opgelê ná ’n

huisbraak. Hulle wou die buit verkoop vir dwelmgeld. Sy verslaafdheid het sy verhouding met sy gesinslede nadelig beïnvloed. “Sy broers en susters sou teleurgesteld na hom kyk. Jy kon nie jou foon of geld laat rond lê nie dan verdwyn dit – gesteel om dwelms te koop.” Jesmine glo in die krag van gedeelde ervarings. “Ek het vertroue om met ander ma’s te praat. Ons moet ons harte oopmaak en ons stemme laat hoor.” Sy doen haar gemeenskapswerk in haar vrye tyd, terwyl sy voltyds vir die departement sport en ontspanning werk en kry geen finansiering nie, behalwe deur die kerk. Jesmine meen dwelmmisbruik is wydverspreid in die Helderberg. Haar projek bereik Somerset-Wes, Chris Nissen Park, Nomzamo, Lwandle, Strand en Sir Lowry’s Pass. “Dwelms is in ál ons gemeenskappe. Families word opgebreek en kinders word die slagoffers.” “My versoek is dat ons mekaar se kinders aanneem. Ons moet vir mekaar omgee.”

Jesmine Klink

Patch AGM Patch, a non-profit organisation working with children who have experienced sexual abuse in the Helderberg, holds its AGM on Thursday. The meeting will be held in the Somerset West Library hall at 18:00. Phone Alida Willemse on 021 845 7548.

FATHER AND SON CAMP: The Hearts of Men organisation hosted a Father and Son Camp at the Silky Oaks Eco Resort outside Greyton from 7 - 9 September. Course leader Nico Beukes says the purpose of the camp was to promote positive fathering, to strengthen father and son relationships and motivate positive role modelling. The weekend’s activities included canoeing on the Riviersonderend river, playing games and giving fathers the opportunity to spend quality time with their sons. “We want fathers to become more involved in their children’s upbringing in order for them to overcome the challenges and problems of social isolation, drugs, violence and gangsterism in our communities,” says Beukes.

SBV byeen Die Strand Belastingbetalersvereniging (SBV) hou môre (Woensdag) hul algemene jaarvergadering. Die vergadering begin om 19:00 in die saal van die NG-gemeente Strand-Noord. Gene Lohrentz sal as gasspreker optree en die moontlikheid van Strand as ’n sentrale opgraderingsgebied (CID) sal bespreek word asook die toename in misdaad; gebrekkige instandhouding van openbare fasiliteite en algemene gebrek aan dienslewering. Vir navrae bel Dorette Bassil by 072 230 6820.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

News - Nuus

Truck driver assaulted A truck driver and his passenger narrowly escaped harm after their truck was set alight in Nomzamo yesterday (Monday). Lwandle police spokesperson Constable Mthokozisi Gama says the incident may have formed part of the truck driver strike that has gripped SA for three weeks. Gama says the truck was delivering goods to the Shoprite U-Save store in Solomon Street at 09:00 when a group of about 20 people approached it and forced the driver (30) and his 27-year-old passenger out. The vehicle’s key was taken and the two men were forced to accompany the group to another place. The men managed to escape and return to the store, where they found the burnt-out shell of the truck. Police are investigating a case of arson. Anyone with information relating to the incident is urged to phone Warrant Officer Randall Van Schalkwyk on 082 522 3361. In another incident, this one last Tuesday,

a 34-year-old Lwandle resident was badly burned after his truck was petrol-bombed in Strand. The incident happened just after 20:00 on the corner of Broadlands and Vulindle Roads. Gama says officers found the driver sitting next to the burning truck with burns to his face and shoulder. The man had stopped at a red traffic light when two men, wearing balaclavas, threw a petrol bomb at the truck. They fled in the direction of Lwandle and are still at large. Dr Elizabeth Erasmus, superintendent of Helderberg Hospital, says the truck driver was admitted to the hospital with deep burns to the side of his face and on his chest. He was discharged on Thursday. Police are investigating a case of malicious damage to property, and one of assault. Anyone with information about the incident can phone Detective Constable Bongekile Ntsontso on 082 522 1208 or 021 845 2060.

Helderberg Gazette

KENNISGEWING VAN SUBRAADSVERGADERINGS OKTOBER 2012 Kennis geskied hiermee dat die 24 (vier-en-twintig) subrade van die Stad Kaapstad soos volg op die volgende plekke en tye sal vergader: Subraad Plek

Datum Tyd

Bestuurder Peter Deacon 021 550 1001 Fred Monk 021 980 6053 Johannes Brand 021 590 1676 Ardela van Niekerk 021 938 8050 Martin Julie 021 695 8161 Pat Jansen 021 918 2024 Carin Viljoen 021 970 3002 Izak du Toit 021 850 4149 Vathiswa Njaba 021 360 1351 Lunga Bobo 021 630 1600 Kayise Nombakuse 021 630 1600 Kennith Snippers 021 371 4550 Lunga Bobo 021 630 1600 Christopher Jako 021 630 1600 Mariette Griessel 021 531 3437 Marius Coetsee 021 487 2055 Edgar Carolissen 021 637 9757 Okkie Manuels 021 700 4020 Desiree Mentor 021 784 2011 Brian Ford 021 794 2493 Pieter Grobler 021 900 1502 Richard Moi 021 900 1508 Raphael Martin 021 371 4551 Anthony Mathe 021 956 8000


Raadsaal, Royal Ascot, Milnerton








Raadsaal, Voortrekkerweg, Goodwood




Parow-raadsaal, Tallentweg, Parow




Raadsaal, h.v. Jakkalsvleilaan en Kiaatweg, Bonteheuwel




Bellville-raadsaal, Bellville-burgersentrum








Strand-raadsaal, Strand




Solomon Tshuku-saal, Site C, Khayelitsha




Lookout Hill-toerismefasiliteit, Khayelitsha




Vanguard-gemeenskapsaal, Vanguard Estate 17



Portland-gemeenskapsentrum, Mitchells Plain 18


Ruth First-gemeenskapsaal




Fezeka-raadsaal, Gugulethu




Raven-kamer, Pinelands-opleidingsentrum, Pinelands




Raadsaal, Waalstraat 44, Kaapstad








Rondevlei-subraadsaal, Lotusrivier




Raadsaal, Vishoek




Raadsaal, Alphensentrum, Constantia




Oostenberg-raadsaal, Kuilsrivier



Grant hassles eased













Despite a slow start on Tuesday, the reregistration for grants in Macassar seems to have been running smoothly for the last week.

Om toegang tot die volle agenda en alle ondersteunende dokumentasie 72 uur voor die vergadering, besoek www.capetown.gov.za/subcouncils.


This delivery truck was set alight in Nomzamo yesterday.


The re-registration process, which has been running since the beginning of September, is part of the South African Social Security Agency’s (Sassa’s) national rollout of new smartcards intended to cut down on corruption in the social grant system. When the drive kicked off, Macassar residents looking to re-register found themselves queuing for several hours, only to be turned away. Several reasons were given to them for this, including that the machines were not working, there were not


enough cards, and that only a limited number of people could be helped. Shivani Wahab, Sassa Western Cape’s senior manager for communications and marketing, says the issues had arisen due to a problem with connectivity, and because the hall had been double-booked. It was for this reason that the reregistrations were extended to the first week of October. However, a miscommunication, according to Wahab, meant that no fingerprints could be taken – so the registrations only resumed late on Tuesday last week. Wahab says no further problems have cropped up since Wednesday. If you’d like to find out more, contact the Sassa office in Eerste River on 021 904 1021, or pay a visit to the office at 42 Main Road, Eerste River.

Verlig die datum van die subraadsvergadering, kies die subraad wat jy benodig en laai die agenda af. Rapporteer asseblief enige probleme by die betrokke subraadsbestuurder.



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News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Helderzicht-biblioteek lot nog nie beslis nie


Helderzicht inwoners is bekommerd dat die Helderzicht-biblioteek permanent mag sluit nadat die Stad en provinsiale amptenare verlede Dinsdag begin boeke oppak het. Die skuif het egter tot stilstand gekom ná “protesaksie” deur drie gemeenskapslede wat buite die biblioteek betoog het, sê rdl. Tandeka Gqada, burgemeesterskomiteelid van gemeenskapsdienste by die Stad Kaapstad. Volgens Gqada was provinsiale biblioteekdienste-personeel besig om boeke op te pak toe hulle bewus word van wat hulle “protesaksie” deur die gemeenskap noem. Toe hulle hul toesighouer hiervan in kennis stel, is hulle teruggeroep na die provin-

Die “protesaksie” van drie gemeenskapslede het Dinsdag die oppak van boeke by die Helderzichtbiblioteek tot stilstand gedwing het.

siale kantoor “om hul veiligheid te verseker”. Die “protes-aksie” waarna Gqada verwys is die teenwoordigheid van drie Helderzicht-inwoners wat buite die biblioteek vergader het om die oppak van boeke te aanskou. Gqada sê die Stad se departement van biblioteek- en inligtingsdienste in oorleg met die provinsiale biblioteekdienste het in Mei besluit om die boeke na ander biblioteke te skuif, afhangend van die finale besluit oor die biblioteek se toekoms. Raadslid Benedicta van Minnen sê die gebou is vervalle en van die boeke is beskadig. “Dis ’n skok vir die gemeenskap om die agteruitgang te sien,” sê Ebbie Sedgewick, een van die mans wat “betoog” het. Nog ’n inwoner, Hennie Patience, voel die gemeenskap is nie geken in die saak nie. Gqada het bevestig dat die gemeenskap nie geraadpleeg is voordat die boeke verwyder is nie. Van Minnen sê egter die gemeenskap is bewus dat die biblioteek mag sluit. Sy sê die kwessie is by die subraad-, wyksraaden buurtwagvergaderings bespreek en die raad skakel tans met die belastingbetalersvereniging. ’n Versoek vir permanente sluiting is in April aan die subraad voorgelê, wat sê die houtgebou het werk aan sy dak nodig. Die biblioteek wat die Helderzicht, Paardevlei-en Garden Village gebiede bedien, is reeds vir twee-en-’n-half jaar gesluit. Van Minnen sê die subraad is gekant teen die biblioteek se sluiting, alhoewel Gqada sê geen finale besluit nog geneem is nie. Sy sê die Stad het met hul hoof gekommunikeer om praktiese reëlings vir die tydelike uitplasing van boeke te bespreek, maar ’n nuwe datum is nog nie vasgestel nie.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Petrol price affects taxi fare NICOLE MCCAIN

Logic Galu from Zola says the increase will have a big impact on him. “It will really affect me. The money we get is not enough. I will have to start walking more, but I’m scared I’ll get robbed.”

The Gazette spoke to commuters about how the R1 taxi fare increase on each trip, from 1 November, will affect them.

Spasina Wessou van Asanda Village sê die petrolprys het die verhoging veroorsaak. “Dit kan maar opgaan. Dis nie te veel nie. En die petrolprys raak al meer.”

Ricardo Schoeman from Macassar Village says the increase is necessary, and it is not too steep. “I think most people can afford it. But it will be difficult for people who don’t work.” PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN

Jacqueline Daniels van Chris Nissen Park sê sy sal sukkel om die ektra geld te kry. “Ek kan dit nie bekostig nie. Ek het reeds nie genoeg geld nie.” Evelyn Satira van Macassar is bekommerd oor die verhoging. “Ek kan dit nie bekostig nie. Ek werk net een dag in die week. Ek sal by die huis moet bly, want ek word nie meer betaal nie.”

Taswill Badenhorst reis van Mitchell’s Plain af en sê: “Die verhoging is regverdig. Petrol word duurder, en die taxi’s kan nie werk sonder die prysstyging nie.”

Lesers praat saam mening CHAOS BY SASSA HERREGISTRASIE ) Ek is geskok oor ouer mense wat tot vier keer in die reën moet loop vir hul toelaes en steeds nie gehelp word nie. Wat van die kleintjies wat ook daar moet wee? Sê wie en hoeveel mense aansoek moet doen. So mors niemand mekaar se tyd nie. E.Kordom, Strand ) Sassa is juis gestig om korrupsie in die maatskaplike toelaestelsel te bekamp, maar mense word weggewys. Sassa se flou verskonings duur voort. Is daar van die korruptes ontslae geraak? Suid-Afrika staan nie verniet bekend as die korrupte hoofstad van die wêreld nie. Piet Steyn, Strand ) Ek dink die personeel is nie opgelei vir die herregistrasie-proses nie so hulle het die mense weggewys. Verlaat jou stoel en gee dit vir die wat werk soek. Waarvoor word die fondse gebruik?

HOUSING MEETING HALTED ) The MEC isn’t worth listening to cause he and the DA plan ahead in other areas of the Helderberg while we have to fight for land.

MISDAAD-SYFERS ) Misdaad sal bly gedy, want dit word nie aangespreek nie. Zuma se huis-opknapping van miljoene rande is belangriker as misdaadbekamping Hoe kan Suid-Afrika vorentoe beweeg? R.Nel,Strand ) Die polisie kan sê wat hulle wil; misdaad is buite beheer. Mense meld nie meer misdaad aan nie, daarom lyk die polisie goed! Hulle wou nie eens die statistieke van plaasmoorde aan-

meld nie. Grensbeheer is ook ’n probleem. Is ons nog veilig in SA? Smit, Somerset-Wes ) Kan die man van Gordonsbaai wat so ywerig dwelmvoorkoming- en rehabilitasie DVDs aan ons smous asseblief sê wat hy met die R55 per DVD doen?

SCHOOL TRUANCY ) Please enquire why so many pupils sit outside Gordon High school daily – do their parents know? Skoolhoof Bernard Simons reageer as volg: Dié probleem is met die ouers opgeneem en leerlinge is ook van die skool weggewys. Ouers is per brief versoek om hul kinders terug na die skool te vergesel. Die polisie het ook van die leerlinge na hul huise geneem, maar die ouers het my nie kom sien nie. Sommige leerlinge is uit die klas gesit , maar is te lafhartig om hul ouers daarvan te vertel. Hoë onderwyser-afwesigheid speel ook ’n groot rol; daar is te min mannekrag om toesig te hou. Ouers wil ook nie altyd toesig hou nie. Daar is al baie aan leerlinge genoem dat die hele wêreld by ons skool verbyry en dat dit nie ’n goeie beeld skep as hulle in klastyd buite in die son sit nie. Ek het hulle gewaarsku dat sou hulle gevang word dat hulle stokkiesdraai, ek hulle huistoe kan stuur omdat hulle nie klasse bywoon en op skool wil wees nie. Soms is ek onbewus dat hulle buite rondsit. Daar is egter dae wat ek feitlik heeldag buite is om leerlinge terug klas toe te jaag. Ek sal dit weer in die nuwe kwartaal in ’n nuusbrief onder die ouers se aandag bring. Ons leerlinge is nie verantwoordelik genoeg om te besef dat hulle in ’n klas móét wees nie. Dit is ’n eindelose stryd.

Kontak ons Nuusredakteur Deliah Brinkhuis | dbrinkhu@helderberg.com | 021 841 4292 Joernalis Nicole McCain | nicole.mccain@helderberg.com | 021 841 4265 Advertensiekonsultant

Muhammad Brinkhuis | muhammad@helderberg.com | 021 841 4275

Tuesday 9 October 2012

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Helderberg Gazette



General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Die Hervormde Kerk en Helpende Hand het Vrydag 28 September geskenkpakkies aan elke inwoner van Huis Soeterus in die Strand uitgedeel. Die inwoners is met bemoedigende woorde inspireer, waarna hulle die pakkies met groot dankbaarheid aanvaar het. Daarna is almal ook met koek en tee bederf. (Bo): Sarel Meyer en Pieter Dippenaar van Helpende Hand, ds. Jan Claassen, Susan Swanepoel en Riekie de Villiers van die Hervormde Kerk Strand by die geleentheid. (Links): Sarel Meyer, organiseerder van Helpende Hand en Elsa Rautenbach van Huis Soeterus.


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Tuesday 9 October 2012

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Year 16 • Dinsdag 9 Oktober 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Strand-stoeiers vat vas Die Strand-stoeiklub het onlangs aan die streekskampioenskapsbyeenkoms in Bellville deelgeneem. Die Helderberg-seuns het op 22 September teen stoeiers van Namibië, Westelike-Provinsie, Oostelike-Provinsie en Boland deelgeneem. Eerste in hul ouderdomsgroepe was Tyronne van Aarde (24 – 27 kg), Mauritz Swart

(46 – 50 kg), GW Bruwer (50 – 55 kg) en Johan Eybers (69 – 76 kg). Die stoeiklub se oefensessies is Maandae en Woensdae van 18:00 tot 20:00 in die saal van die Helderberg-rugbyklub asook vakansiedae, onder leiding van hul afrigter, voormalige SA-stoeier, Andrew Davidson. Voorsitter van die klub, Gerrit Bruwer, sê hy wil graag

meer seuns by die sport sien betrokke raak. “Stoei bou liggaamsterkte wat ’n mens ook by ander sportsoorte kan aanwend,” sê Bruwer. Hy sê ook dit bou karakter omdat stoeiers aan hul eie vaardigheid werk en nie ’n volgende stoeier hoef te vrees nie. Vir meer inligting, kontak Gerrit Bruwer by 083 267 2118 of gerrit@culive.biz.

Battling crime with a ball It was all fun and games for a top-notch cause when Sports Against Crime South Africa launched an upcoming netball and soccer tournament last Friday. Sponsored by Shoprite USave, the tournament will draw u.14 teams from various policing precincts in the Helderberg to Strand Secondary School on 20 October.

The event, in its second year, aims to encourage children to become involved in sport instead of crime. Vincent Daniels, president of Sports Against Crime South Africa, says sport helps keep children busy and focused. To find out more contact Vincent Daniels on 082 865 1144 or at sacsa98@yahoo.com.

Vincent Daniels (far left) shows the u.14 soccer team from Rusthof Primary School some tricks in preparation of the upcoming tournament. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

Seen with the tournament trophies are Pieter van Niekerk, finance manager at USave; Colonel Joan Stroebel, commander of Kleinvlei Police Station and Vincent Daniels, president of Sports Against Crime South Africa. Die stoeiers by die streekskampioenskapbyeenkoms wat onlangs in Bellville gehou is.



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