Kleinmond Gazette 24 Juy 2012

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Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooi-Els

Year 2 • Tuesday 24 July 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717

April flowers Mandela’s 94th birthday was celebrated in style all over Kleinmond and the Overstrand. In Proteadorp, Councillor Lisel Krige and Linda Coert, a member of the Proteadorp Community Forum, visited elderly residents at their homes, bearing hugs, long-stemmed roses and assurances that they had not been forgotten. Seen here, 94-year-old Anne April receives a rose from Krige and Coert. Other Mandela celebrations were held at the Mthimkhulu Village Centre in Kleinmond on Wednesday morning, where a gigantic birthday cake was sliced after the ceremony. Read more about – and see more photos of – Madiba’s birthday celebrations on pages 6 and 7.

K’mond se celeb­ouma CILENE BEKKER Kleinmond-inwoner Miems Minnaar is onlangs aangewys as “Ouma van die week” op SABC3 se oggendprogram Expresso. Sy is ’n inwoner by Gerimed-sorgoord. Ná ’n uur in Miems se geselskap weet jy sy is een van die inwoners wat alles verloor het in die onlangse brand, en dat sy baie lief is vir gesels en lekker lag. Sy is 90 maar lyk twintig jaar jonger. Dit is middagete by Gerimed en Miems se tafel is die vrolikste. Sy praat stryk deur met haar tafelgenote – van die lekker koekies wat sy dié oggend gekoop het, tot die reën en die geut wat so in die wind doef-doef daar by die afgebrande vleuel. Vir ’n vriendin wat verbyloop sê sy: “Hoekom bak jy nie vir ons bietjie lekker pannekoek nie? Jy het mos ’n stofie. Four o’clock teatime kom kuier ons.” Een van die versorgers laat vir Miems weet ek is hier vir die onderhoud. “Maar hoekom


met my wil praat?” “Mevrou is mos nou ’n af. Maar jong daar was net vlamme wat aancelebrity.” Miems bars uit van die lag. kom. Ek het onthou my agterdeur was oop Ons stap na haar nuwe kamer en sy vertel en ons is daar uit. Maar die houthekkie was haar kleinseun Gunther het haar ingeskryf toe. Ons sou moes oor die muur. Ek het nog vir dié kompetisie.Hy het hulle gedink al val ek my dood ek vertel sy ouma is anders as angaan oor die muur klouter. der oumas. Sy is nie ’n koekieMaar ek skree toe vir die man bakker en breier nie. Sy het aan die ander kant om die hekhoutsneewerk gedoen en ook kie oop te skop. Dit het gewerk. skoolgehou. En tennis gespeel. Maar alles wat ek besit het ek Tydens die telefoniese onderin die brand verloor. Ek is uit houd met Expresso moes Miems met my pajamas en kamerjas. drie vrae beantwoord: Een was En die sakkie vol papiere. My oor die brand. Miems trek los: slippers het ek iewers langs die “Jong, ek het geslaap. Jy weet, pad verloor. ek luister baie radio. Een proMiems vertel verder van hoe gram was oor wat jy sal vat as Miems Minnaar vertel van ongelooflik die optrede was jou huis afbrand. Het nooit ge- haar 15-minutes of fame as van die personeellede aan dink dit sal rêrig gebeur nie. Ouma van die Week op diens daardie aand, en hoe die Maar so het ek toe al my belang- SABC3 se oggendprogram Ex- dorpsmense minute later opgerikste papiere in ’n sak gesit. presso. FOTO: CILENE BEKKER daag het met tee, koffie en komBeursie met kaarte. ID boekie. berse. “Maar ek praat nou te Begrotingsboekie. Bankstate. Daardie aand veel. Wat wil jy nog weet? Jy wil seker ry.” van die brand toe die suster ons kom wakker Net nog een ding, die Expresso-mense het roep het ek dié sakkie gegryp en ons is gang drie vrae gevra, wat was die derde vraag? Sy

FAMILIE VRIENDELIK !! Posisie.. Perfeksie ..Privaatheid

Established Cleaning Sub - Contractor Needed CALL 087 150 4940 * TE HUUR * TE HUUR * TE HUUR * TE HUUR * TE HUUR * TE HUUR * - R3 300 - Huis - Kleinmond 2 Slaapkamers, 1 Badkamer, Motorhuis, Omhein. Beskikbaar 1 Aug 2012

André du Toit - 082 7861 089 - R2 275 - Woonstel - Betties Baai 1 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer. Water & Ligte ingesluit. Dadelik Beskibaar



R 950 000 - 00

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Spacious Lounge / Dining & Kitchen Area. Separate Laundry & Scullery. Double Garage. Kotie Pieters - 083 277 8334



KLEINMOND R 1 600 000 - 00

3 Slaapkamers, 3 Badkamers Ruim o/p Leef Area, Eetkamer, Moderne Kombuis met elektriese toebehore. Sonnige gesinskamer. Dubbel Motorhuis.

Kotie Pieters - 083 277 8334

Think Real Estate ...

- R4 500 Onderhandelbaar - Huis 3 Slaapkamers, 1 Badkamer, Motorhuis, Omhein. Kleinmond - Dadelik Beskikbaar - R4 750 - Huis - 4 Slaapkamers 3 Badkamers. Betties Baai Dadelik Beskikbaar.

David Roberts - 082 953 4867 - R3 250 - Woonstel - Kleinmond 2 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer. Balkon met braai en berg uitsig. Dadelik Beskibaar

Kotie Pieters - 083 277 8334 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR STORAGE ??? FOR MORE DETAIL ........... CALL Pierre 0824444329

Think ...

Office - 028 271-3945 Office - 087 150 4940

lag. “Het ook nie toé by die derde vraag uitgekom nie. Daar was nie genoeg tyd nie. Die vraag was wat sal ek vir die jeug vertel. “Ek sou vir hulle sê wees positief. Om negatiewe mense te vermy. En dankbaar te wees vir dit wat jy het.” Woorde waarvolgens Miems ook leef. Sy vertel hoe mense nog steeds goed bring. Serpe. Opwasmiddels. Handdoeke. Eetgerei. En elke dag beplan sy iets positiefs. Haar hoogtepunte is die gereelde potjies rummy saam met Wena, Connie en Gunther. Miems vergesel my voordeur toe, in die gang af verby die hoësorgeenhede. Sy stop eers vir ’n vrolike geselsie met die suster, en wuif my vriendelik totsiens. “Hoe gaan jy alles onthou wat ek gepraat het? Lieg sommer goedjies by as jy moet.” Sy skaterlag.


Winkel Perseel 1: 70m² @ R2750 per mnd Kleinmond, Dadelik Beskikbaar

- Winkel Perseel 2: 70m² @ R2500 per mnd Kleinmond, Dadelik Beskikbaar - Kantoor Spasie 120m² @ R6000 per mnd Kleinmond, Dadelik Beskikbaar - Winkel Perseel 3: 230m² @ R5000 per mnd Kleinmond, Dadelik Beskikbaar

David Roberts - 082 953 4867 TE KOOP / FOR SALE PLASE EN KLEINHOEWES Grond Eienaars skakel Pierre vir n vertroulike onderhoud, aangesien die eindomsmark lewendig is in die aanvraag na Plotte/ Plase en Kleinhoewes. Dit sluit nie net Vrugte Plase in nie, maar Saai Plase veral !!! Bel nou !!! Moenie wag nie, my Potensiële Koper wag dalk net vir jou eiendom.

082 4444 329 FARMS & SMALL HOLDINGS Potential Sellers call Pierre for a confidential interview as there are such a demand for Plots/ Small Holdings and Farms in the Real Estate Market. That includes Fruit Farms & Sowing Farms. Please call now, do not wait, the Potential Buyer I have might be for your property.

082 4444 329


HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE WITH ACTIVITIES FOR EVERYONE CALL Pierre 0824444329 or CARLENE 087 150 4940 FOR A BOOKING. This can include: Horse Riding trips in the veld or ON THE BEACH (Now it is time for all your lady’s who dreamt about a photo session on horseback at sun set on the beach and this does not exclude the men attacking the dunes or a mountain route), EVERYONE IS WELCOME; “Paintball” make it a life time experience;

What about a “Four Wheeler”, Let’s brake away, make it a family - thing and come and view our beautiful environment. THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO CHOOSE FROM, JUST CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION !!! Why sitting at home ??? How Boring !!! EVERYTHING IS HERE AT KLEINMOND AND THE SURROUNDING AREAS. DON’T LET TRANSPORT BE THE PROBLEM FOR NOT CALLING US, WE ORGANISE EVERYTHING FOR YOU !!! YES, CALL 082 4444 329 OR CARLENE 087 150 4940 NOW.

David Roberts - 082 9534 867 André du Toit - 082 7861 089 Kotie Pieterse - 083 277 8334


General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette

Church service times Seventh Day Adventist Church: Corner of 13th Avenue and Sixth Street, Kleinmond. Saturday service at 09:30. 0 028 271 4173. Pringle Bay United Church: Corner of Crescent and Park Streets. Sunday service at 09:00. 0 028 273 8172. Kleinmond Aanbiddingsentrum : Corner of Seventh Avenue and Seventh Street. Sunday service at 09:45. 0 028 271 5694 or Pastor Gerrit Smit: 083 6336 172. Lakeside Chapel: Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay. Sunday service at 09:30. 0 028 272 9214. St Nicholas Anglican Church: Heide Street, Proteadorp. Morning prayer on first and third Sunday morning of every month at 10:00. Communion on second and fourth Sunday of every month. 0 028 271 3546. Kleinmond Fellowship Church: 72 Sixth Street, Kleinmond. Sunday service at 09:30; Sunday school for children in Grades R to 3. Catholic Church: Twist Street, Betty’s Bay. Saturday mass at 17:30. 0 021 859 5397. St Francis Anglican Church: Services in the Roman Catholic Church, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay. Sunday Eucharist at 09:00.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Igniting the blues The Spontaneous Combustion Blues Band are on their way to Pringle Bay to spice up the Overstrand with their unique blues concept. One of the greatest joys in life for a musician is to get together with other musicians and simply create music on the spot. In the blues and jazz capitals of the world, certain areas – some street corners, even – became unofficial gathering places where musicians from all over the world would meet and just jam. Jurgen Human, owner of Die Boer theatre restaurant in Durbanville, hit on the idea of getting top-notch musicians to do their jamming on a fully equipped stage, in front of an audience. The result, the Spontaneous Combustion Blues Band, is the collective name for a fastgrowing number of top SA musicians, and the rules are simple. The band comprises a number of front men who take up guitars (acoustic or electric), keyboards, bass or drums. Each front man must take six songs to the gig. And the only rehearsals allowed happen are done over the Internet. On stage each front man has one minute to explain the essence of the song to the rest of the band, and to four judges in the audience. After that, he must start his song and, hopefully, a great jam develops. The judges then give a verdict on how successfully the song was delivered. Having attracted a full house at Die Boer theatre restaurant, the show can now be experienced on our doorstep – at the PeriScope restaurant and theatre in Pringle Bay on the evening of Saturday 28 July. Entry is free. The line-up for the PeriScope Simon Orange: keyboards and vocal This gifted musician is a founding member of the legendary Blues Broers and one of the

premier keyboardists in this country. He has graced South African stages for more than two decades, and plays in highprofile groups such as the Pink Floyd Tribute Band with Mel Botes, the Valiant Swart band, and many more. As a busy professional musician, Simon loves the unrehearsed, “blowing off steam” opportunity the Spontaneous Combustion format allows. Sven Blumer: guitar and vocals Sven is a professional music teacher, session guitarist and the preferred hired sixshooter of many of the top artists in this country. A superb guitarist, he currently plays with idols star Andriette Norman, the CCR tribute band, and his own group. Jurgen Human: MC, guitar and vocals Owner of Die Boer, Jurgen is the founder of the Spontaneous Combustion concept. His job as MC is to keep some kind of control over what happens on these impromptu nights – and, as a closet guitarist and blues singer, to occasionally throw in a tune himself. Schalk van der Merwe: bass Also known as “ThunderMerwe”, this man is one of the very best bass-men around. Currently working with Karen Zoid and Bed on Bricks, he has also played with top artists such as Valiant Swart, Albert Frost, Vusi Mahlasela and many more. Pieter Heyns: drums The heaviest load on a Spontaneous Combustion gig is obviously on the rhythm section, and on the drummer in particular, who has to adapt to all the different styles and whims of the other front men. But Pieter – who plays for a number of groups, including the Kevin Floyd Project and the Charlie King Band, and joins as house drummer for the Mercury Blues Sessions – is more than up to the task, being a serious rocker who keeps the train rolling.

Schalk van der Merwe. PHOTOS: Louis Vorster Photography

Sven Blumer.

AGS Kerk Kleinmond: Sunday service at 18:00; Prayer service Tuesday 19:00. VCSV building, 11th Avenue. 0 Pastor Tewis de Jager: 082 771 9365 or 028 713 3988 Email your church service times to Janine van der Riet at janine@hermanustimes.co.za

More prizes to be won Although our readers still have about a week to enter our online competition for accommodation in Hermanus, we’re also offering you the chance to win some other prizes this week. Gabbiano, a popular coffee shop and restaurant in Caledon, is offering lunch for two, worth R120, which can be enjoyed until the end of August. The menu includes everything from designer coffees to delectable light lunches. Phone 028 212 3671 for more information. Also from Caledon this week is the chance to win a 60-minute Swedish massage spa treatment, worth R450, at the Caledon Spa. The voucher is valid until 18 September. Caledon Spa, a part of the well-known Cale-

don Casino Hotel & Spa, offers guests worldclass health and beauty care that looks after the physical, mental and spiritual alike. Its outdoor area is equipped with comfortable seating that allows guests to enjoy the surrounding gardens and breathtaking views. Visit www.thecaledoncasino.co.za for more information on packages and specials throughout the year. Alternatively, phone 028 214 5100. To enter our online competitions, visit www.bolandgazette.co.za.

5 August ) The Harbour Market happens from 10:00 to 14:00. You’ll get to enjoy handmade and home-made products from the region, as well as live music. If you have great products to exhibit, contact Dieter on 0 082 659 2318 or email 2 dieter@whalemail.co.za.

HOSPICE DRAW: The July Overstrand Hospice 600 Club draw took place at Originals Art Gallery and Framing, co-owned by Roelof Coetzee (left) and fine artist Terry Kobus (second from right) on Tuesday morning. Terry drew the winning numbers while Heyla Schroeter (second from left) from Don Adams Auditors and Sharon Small-Smillie (right) from Overstrand Hospice kept an eye on proceedings. Sharon thanked Terry for his ongoing support of the hospice. The winners: 1st prize: GDR Dods; 2nd prize: Linda Zaaiman; 3rd prize: P Turner. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Energy expo is powerful stuff Whale Coast Conservation’s Sustainable Energy Expo, funded by a grant from the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund, is coming to Kleinmond. First it powered up Gansbaai, then electrified Stanford, energised Mt Pleasant and jolted Hermanus. Now, it’s getting set to charge Kleinmond on Thursday 2 August. There is something for all ages. Ten great hands-on exhibition stations illustrate the concept of energy, the different kinds of energy, how we can harness – and save – energy, and how we can be responsible with it. Sound boring? Far from it. The exhibits include a bungee-jumping bear; toy cars that run on elastic power, a mouse trap and compressed air; making electricity from the waves in Walker Bay; an electric bicycle; a merry-energy-goround running on child-power; solar-powered toys; wind-propelled toys; solar power demonstrations (involving both water heating and affordable cooking methods); and

energy-saving technology. For pupils, there is also serious scientific content that brings the school syllabus to life. “In Gansbaai a 10-year-old was overheard explaining to granny that Bungee Bear illustrated the difference between potential and kinetic energy,” a spokesperson recalls. “Who can claim to be able to do that? Well, after visiting the expo, anyone could.” For the children, there is much fun and excitement to be had. For their parents, there are practical illustrations of energysaving in the home. Experts will be on hand to talk about photoelectric and wind turbine installations that need not cost a small ransom. The day will end with a seminar on how to gradually convert to affordable renewable energy. Whale Coast Conservation’s Sustainable Energy Expo takes place on Thursday 2 August from 14:00 to 18:00 in the Protea Community Hall, which can be found on the corner of Protea Road and Nemesia Avenue. Everyone is welcome to join in the energetic fun – it is free, after all.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

News - Nuus

Kleinmond Gazette


Klipgooiery op R43 ’n Plaaslike skoolhoof het motoriste gewaarsku om hul oë oop te hou wanneer hulle van die N2 na Kleinmond/Hermanus afdraai ná die minibus waarin hy en sy personeel gereis het, met ’n klip gegooi is. Die voorval het Donderdag 12 Julie om 21:45 plaasgevind op die deel van die pad wat motoriste van die N2 na die R43 neem. Hennie Mentz, skoolhoof van Curro Hermanus, en sewe van sy personeellede het tydens die vakansie ’n kurrikulum-konferensie in Gauteng bygewoon en was in die skool se Toyota Quantum-minibus van Kaapstad-lughawe na Hermanus onderweg toe die voertuig deur die klip getref is. “Die pad is baie donker daar, en dit was reënerig,” het Mentz gesê. “Almal se eerste reaksie ná die klip die voertuig getref het, was dat ons net nie moet stop nie.” Mentz kon gelukkig verder ry en het by ’n verkeersmotor wat naby Salandra gestaan het, gestop om die voorval aan te meld. Hy vermoed die motief vir die voorval was heel moontlik ’n roof of kaping, en is baie dankbaar dat die skade van so aard was dat hulle nie tot stilstand gedwing is nie. Hy het die voorval telefonies by die polisie aangemeld. Die Hermanus Times het onlangs berig oor twee voorvalle naby Hawston waar motors met klippe gegooi is.

Charity spectacular JANINE VAN DER RIET

Agt personeellede van Curro Hermanus het ’n noue ontkoming gehad toe die Quantum-bussie waarin hulle gereis het deur ’n klip getref is net ná hulle van die N2 op die R43 gedraai het. Die voorval het Donderdag 12 Julie om 21:45 plaasgevind toe die personeel op pad terug was ná hulle ’n konferensie in Gauteng bygewoon het. Hulle kon darem aanry tot by ’n verkeersbeampte wat naby Salandra gestasioneer was. FOTO: HENNIE MENTZ

The Cape Whale Coast Variety Show and Charity Ball, hosted by Overstrand mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, will take place on 17 August at the Arabella Hotel & Spa. The purpose of the event is to create a Mayor’s Charity Fund for local charities and people in need within the Overstrand region. The fund will be administered by the Overstrand municipality. This black-tie ball, comprising a variety show, dinner–dance and a limited auction, will showcase the local talent in the Overstrand area. Sponsors include Arabella, Hermanus Times (Boland Media), Good Hope FM, Creation Wines, Wildekrans Estate, Okasie and Whale Talk. The event will include performances by Tribal Echo, Devon Scott, Zwelihle Marimba Band, a choir (to be announced), Goodness Gracious – Piano Ben & Miso, Gerry Fourie, Gansbaai Klopse, the Overstrand Protection Services (whose personnel will run through a drill manoeuvre to music), and a ballroom dance couple from the Hermanus Social Ballroom & Latin Dance School. A new video showcasing the best tourist attractions along the coast will be shown by Overstrand Tourism. The finale will be a song about the Cape Whale Coast, performed by all the artists. The Sewejaartjie Award will be introduced as an acknowledgement of contributions to the advancement of art in the Overstrand. There will also be an art expo and winetasting in the foyer. A competition will be launched ahead of

Piano Ben and Miso Markovina will entertain guests at the event of the year. PHOTOS: BRIN HOFFMAN the show, with one lucky couple standing the chance of winning tickets to the event, a night’s stay in the presidential suite at the Arabella, and a full spa and golf package. Watch the press for details. Dieter Odendaal, organiser of the event, says he was asked by the mayor to organise a fun-filled event while raising money for her charity fund. “Our biggest quest is now to get the people to buy tickets and be part of history. A number were already sold before we even started our marketing campaign.” Tickets cost R500 per individual, or R10 000 per table of 10 for businesses. Tickets are available at all four Overstrand tourism offices; alternatively, get yours through Dieter Odendaal on 082 659 2318, or Elize or René at the mayor’s office at the Overstrand Municipality offices. You can also call Esmé Bronkhorst on 072 472 4552.

Members of Die Snater Teater will also make an appearance at the charity ball.

COMMUNITY CARE: Five pupils from Hermanus High School raised over R1 000 for the Overstrand Care Centre in Hawston as part of their life orientation community project. At the handover on Monday 16 July were, from left: Gabby Fisher, Ingrid Visagie (Care Centre administrator), Fürnandy Henn and Elizabeth Jacobs. Also part of the project, but not present for the handover, were Michelle Gillion and Jayrene Dees. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Market Day Sat: 4 Aug | 10 – 2pm

028 214 5100 | www.thecaledon.co.za


Leader - Hoofartikel

Kleinmond Gazette

Tuesday 24 July 2012


Don’t lose sight of people Keep on giving Nelson Mandela, an icon to many, celebrated his 94th birthday on Wednesday. Around the country, including throughout the Overstrand, one could feel the goodwill and love as countless people decided to spend 67 minutes helping others in need, to honour Tata on his birthday. The beneficiaries were also very happy and grateful after they received donations and help to fix up a wall or paint a building. We should try to think of others not only on Madiba Day, but every day. Doing so provides a feel-good, happy feeling – and paves the way forward for us all.

I had an interesting experience last week while visiting a local Overstrand potter. I normally frequent this particular potter, and have spent lots of money purchasing his wares. I have also taken visitors to the region to his studio to view his work. After purchasing a specific item, I noticed a little damaged vase lying in the outside garden, exposed to the elements. My enquiries immediately elicited a quarterprice reply. I know that we are living in tough economic climes, but customer goodwill is essential in maintaining a steady customer base. The work had lost its aesthetic value and had become soulless due to monetary gain at all costs. My ceramist friend Lorette Espi, who has written a book on South African ceramists, would rather the work travel and be displayed than try to sell work that is broken or damaged. To a large extent, the area relies on the tourist trade, and we need to create an environment that is not only caring but also makes good business sense. Ethical trading is a learned undertaking. You gain an understanding of how to conduct a business that is fair and makes a bit of money at the same time. Another example was the huge discrep-

ancy in prices that confronted me when I went to purchase a pile of wood. One shop charged almost 50% more than a shop five metres away. Sure, the overheads are probably a bit higher, but how does one evaluate the cost of losing credibility and potential clients? If we are to compete with the larger towns, we need to adjust our attitudes and commercial acumen accordingly. We need to win the hearts and minds of the local populace with better pricing and greater service. A reader suggested that locals be rewarded for faithful patronage. Certain establishments have loyalty cards, but let’s take the idea a bit further. Why not have residential cards whereby locals can get discounts at participating businesses? Let the tourism bureau set up a card system for the residents. It would be a win–win situation for both residents and the private sector. It’s a simple matter of supply and demand. The more you buy, the more people you employ. Purchase a lounge suite and you are using designers, carpenters, upholsterers and sales people in that undertaking. It’s how free enterprise functions, and as we live in a system that operates on the open market, we need to inculcate humanistic notions in our business dealings.

The majority of the Overstrand community is elderly. Our senior citizens receive inadequate pensions and yet have to pay for necessities that inevitably extend their household budgets. The marginalised in the townships suffer even more in making ends meet. It reminds me of a trade boycott during the ’70s, when people were encouraged to “buy black”. Black businesses enjoyed tremendous support, but sadly raised their prices during that period. We are faced with a similar scenario in the Overstrand as we are a captive audience to the market forces. The old excuse that “we are not the big chain stores” does not hold water any more. A profit-before-people attitude is prevalent in the smaller towns and needs to be reviewed in the context of the downswing of the economy. The advantage we have here is the fact that we know each other and that we are all in the same boat. We need to accommodate the differences and build on the existing potential.

Local is lekker Although I like reading the fishing article, I would prefer something more local. I would like to know what goes on at Dawidskraal or the Preekstoel, or Hermanus and Onrus.

A GAZETTE READER Editor’s note: We would love to localise the fishing column. If there is a fisherman in the Kleinmond-to-Hermanus area willing to write a weekly column, we would be very happy to hear from you. Contact us at janine@hermanustimes.co.za.

Madibadag: Wat dink jy?

KNITTED CAPS TO KEEP THEM WARM: Four workers in Pringle Bay were delighted when they also received knitted caps from people in the community and would like to thank all the hard-working knitters. PHOTO: DANKRIS NOTHNAGEL

Gazette-lesers kon die afgelope week op ons webwerf stem oor die 67 minute diens op Madibadag. • 50% het gesê dit is fantasties, want dit inspireer ons om iéts te doen. • 50% het gesê dit is sinloos, want wat doen ons elke ander dag? • Niemand het gesê dit is ’n klug omdat mense wat iets doen net wil goed voel nie.

The baboon hullaballoo: hysterical primates, petty thieves and begged questions Dear madams, sirs and fellow baboon lovers with your knickers in a twist: It is with some amusement that I follow the new cycle of attention in our simian neighbours, the demands of American pop TV, and the embarrassing utterances by local Homo sapiens. With only a marketing fraction of it available online, nobody can judge the full merit of “science for TV” as attempted by NatGeo and the Big Baboon House experiment without having seen it all. However, if vocal locals want their arguments to stick they should not undermine their own positions by passing hysteria as science or fact. Please pay attention to the principles of cause and effect, hypothesis, experiment, observation, proof, and most importantly, peer review. Not wanting to be associated with the public circus of the past few weeks, many peers with valid contributions are not coming forward. I’ll try to pass some of those I encountered in this letter. I am no zoologist, so please correct me where I am wrong. I stand to be corrected about NatGeo TV too, but I understand that Rupert Murdoch’s News

Corporation now owns a controlling share, which makes it just another part of the conservative cabal manipulating public opinion in the West, and we all know where that led the stumbling US of A and their creditcrunching banking friends. The corny voiceovers of the clips indicate that the broadcast might be intended for their uninformed, slapstick-loving audiences. Bigger issues have to be resolved by the locals than freaking out the local Cape chacma population – on the very same day they put on their Sunday best for the SABC TV crew, three potentially life-threatening burglaries by members of our own species occurred in Pringle Bay. Instead, a local security company deals with “three to five baboon break-ins a day”, if to be believed an astonishing 90 to 150 a month. Balderdash. Somebody must be raided regularly and is not learning how to baboon-proof their dwellings. I was only hit twice in 12 years – every time through my own negligence. Most importantly, the Hangklip baboon troop featuring on NatGeo is a different one

to the gangster lots in Pringle and Betty’s Bay. This can easily be confirmed by comparing the mug shots of the individuals on the NatGeo website. I don’t doubt these dudes communicate, but I can hardly see them passing lock-picking instructions between troops. Maybe some Hangklippers fell for sexy townies in Pringle and conveyed these skills... One thing the Pringle troop did not learn from them is how to enter by breaking down sliding doors. The Hangklip house has metalframe swing doors, confirmed by somebody who lived there for two years. Baboons have been breaking open sliding doors all over the Cape Peninsula for years. Many observers noted a hardening of baboon attitude at the beginning of the year, months after the NatGeo experiment was completed. Some put it down to young males that had been befriended by local homeowners as youngsters, taking over the leadership of the troop and leading them astray. It’ll be great if this can be confirmed. Other questions remain: will the people who had their pets killed please come public? It is not a shame. People feeding baboons are.

These rumours, I suppose will never be confirmed. Inadvertent feeding by people leaving nutrient-rich throw-outs street-side and at the refuse collection points we all know to be a big contribution to current Cape chacma behaviour. Who is the Pringle Bay Conservancy? Are they masquerading as a representative organisation, or real? Judging from their logo design being shared by two private businesses in Pringle Bay, I suspect not. As “Anti-Baboon Resident” rightfully pointed out in a letter to Gazette last week, the whole story could be an elaborate case of ambush marketing for local tourism. If my information is correct, the baboon portfolio on the local ratepayers’ association was handled by the same people at the time of the filming now shouting blue baboon murder. Please, can’t we just get along with Papio ursinus for the kids and the old people? For a good starting point, please consult Eugene Marais’ seminal Soul of the Ape and My Friends the Baboons. Heading back to my cave,


Tuesday 24 July 2012

News - Nuus

Kleinmond Gazette



You’re ‘obviously uninformed’

Munisipaliteit moet gordel intrek

Dear Anti-Baboon Resident, Kleinmond [letter, “Nat Geo baboons: Pringle Bay to blame”, Gazette, 17 July]: The Pringle Bay Conservancy finds your obviously uninformed opinion of Pringle Bay, regarding the NatGeo Wild documentary, just as disgraceful as the programme itself. Here are the facts regarding this issue. 1. National Geographic purposely chose the venue due its location on the outskirts of Pringle Bay. In fact, they wanted to do their “study” in a village close to our town but were denied this opportunity. Their activities were intentionally kept a secret and none of the relevant local organisations was informed of their intentions or the purpose of this documentary. The filming at the local school and other activities in the Pringle Bay central business area were only a smoke screen for the irresponsible and disgraceful happenings at the mentioned venue. The local ratepayers’ association did inquire regarding the activities in town, but was informed that all necessary procedures had been followed and relevant permits issued. This message was relayed to the Pringle Bay community. The few who were aware of the hotel activities were told by the filming crew, and its “scientists”, exactly the same. It is also important to mention that National Geographic used an American and Free State University scientist, since the top local expert, UCT Baboon Unit professor Justin O’Riain, told them that both the unit and he would not be part since they found the proposed activities wrong. Who are we to disagree with the top expert, Baboon Matters, CapeNature and the Overstrand Municipality! Even the owner of the filming location, I believe, was misguided about the activities to take place. I must also add that at the time the human–baboon conflict in Pringle Bay was on par with the problems in the towns surrounding us. It’s also worth mentioning that the Pringle Bay business community supports the conservation-minded ethic expected in a biosphere reserve. 2. Regarding your statements on the “councillor and the various important persons now breathing hellfire about this issue”, councillor Lizel Krige was only elected towards the end of last year and therefore was not in office at this time. The other “important persons” like myself were not aware of this issue, and the human–baboon conflict portfolio at the time of the filming did not form part of the Pringle Bay Conservancy’s mandate. 3. Regarding the “free tourism opportunity for their town”, Pringle Bay will never lower its conservation standards and fall to the level you mentioned. Pringle Bay, Betty’s Bay and Rooi Els are proud to be the “gems” of the Overstrand area. We are proud to have been one of the first conservancy villages in the country, and this includes the other villages in our area. tourists. We do not require the construction of big new developments or bright Christmas

Ons as inwoners van Kleinmond, en sekerlik ook al ons bure van die ander dorpe binne die Overstrand-munisipaliteit, is met reg trots op ons munisipaliteit en sy personeel. Ons woon in ’n skoon, ordelike en aangename omgewing wat die munisipaliteit binne vele beperkinge effektief bestuur. Een van hierdie beperkinge is die beskikbaarheid van fondse wat grotendeels uit die sak van die belastingbetaler kom. Enkele realiteite: 1. Die dorpe het min of geen industrieë. 2. In elke straat is ’n aantal huise te koop 3. Die oorgrote meerderheid van inwoners is pensioenarisse. 4. Die koste van elektrisiteit het baie skerp gestyg en gaan nog aansienlik styg. 5. Munisipale amptenare, veral senior bestuurders en raadslede, se salarisse neem verbysterende syfers aan. 6. Ruim salarisverhogings word elke jaar deur Samwu afgedwing. ’n Ontleding van die tariefstygings wys op die volgende: 1. Eiendomsbelasting styg met 6,1%. Die amptenary kon nie vir ons enige aanduiding gee van wat die effek van die nuwe eiendomdwaardasies gaan wees nie. 2. Die totale riool- en waterkoste (verbruik, en basiese en infrastruktuur heffings) styg as volg: 9 kl = 1,8% riool en 0,6% water 15 kl = 3,1% riool en 2,0% water 25 kl = 4,4% riool en 12,6% water 45 kl = 5,6% riool en 22,6% water 70 kl = 5,8% riool en 22,8% water. 3. Die totale elektrisiteitskoste (verbruik, en basiese en infrastruktuur heffings) styg as volg: 200 kWh = 10,7% voorafbetaald of 15,1% op rekening 300 kWh = 10,7% voorafbetaald of 15,9% op rekening 450 kWh = 10,3% voorafbetaald of 16,1% op rekening 600 kWh = 10,0% voorafbetaald of 16,0% op rekening 900 kWh = 10,7% voorafbetaald of 16,2% op rekening. 4. Vullisverwydering styg van R95 per maand na R129,00, of te wel 35,8%. Wat die eerste drie items betref, moet ons die munisipaliteit bedank dat die tariewe vir die mense wat spaarsamig met water en elektrisiteit omgaan, so laag gehou is. Dié huishoudings wat rojaler verbruik, word dienooreenkomstig swaarder belas. Mense word aangemoedig om na voorafbetaalde krag oor te skakel. Wat vullisverwydering betref, het ons rede om ongelukkig te wees. Die munisipaliteit sien ook nie kans om die las te verlig nie, of om ’n glyskaal te oorweeg sodat die armer gedeelte van die verbruikers

lights to attract visitors.In fact, as conservation-minded individuals, we do exactly the opposite. We do our utmost to stop irresponsible developments in our town and take a dim view on ambient lighting. Please be aware that this statement regarding developments is relevant to Pringle Bay and not intended to be negative towards other towns in the Overstrand. 4. The most disturbing part of your letter is your knowledge of the National Geographic activities. I sincerely hope you obtained this knowledge recently; if not, why did you not report it? On the other hand, should you have acquired this information recently, why did you choose to only include the information to support your attack on Pringle Bay? Your town Kleinmond and my town Pringle Bay form part of the wider Overstrand community. It is very important for communities to work together and support each other. Your uninformed and simply disgraceful attack on the Pringle Bay community does not comply with an “ethic of good relations” supposed to be standard for any municipal area. The Overstrand will never as a whole be a successful entity should individuals or organisations attack each other in the way you did! Pringle Bay, Betty’s Bay and Rooi Els have for years worked extremely hard to educate residents, businesses and visitors on “living with baboons”. The relevant conservancies and ratepayers’ organisations have on all platforms, including ward level, for several years raised this issue as a matter of urgency. Our efforts to address the human–baboon conflict in Pringle Bay did not suddenly start with the National Geographic story a few weeks back. We had a plan of action before this event, including an awareness campaign and a voluntary monitor project. This should be an example of a community realising its wrongs but also accepting its responsibilities to fix them. You must also know that, when confronted with rising criminal activity in Pringle Bay 12 months ago, the community acted decisively and raised approximately R300 000 to install a number plate recognition system at the entrance of our town. Also, the local firefighters, under Clayton Francis, have raised R170 000 so that the community can buy its own fire truck. Other communities tend just to complain all the time and expect local authorities and government to solve their problems. Should a community like ours, with the abovementioned exemplary and frankly unequalled resolve, be attacked this way? Anti-Baboon Resident of Kleinmond, I live in a small house surrounded by natural fynbos close to the central business area in our town. I do not have walls or fences, certainly not invasive exotic kikuyu lawns or paving. I am a proud Kogelberg Biosphere, Overstrand and Pringle Bay resident.


(wat in elk geval minder vullis stort) tegemoet gekom word nie. Die munisipaliteit word versoek om dringend na ingrypende kostebesparings te kyk. Die gevolg van die skerp styging in die vullistarief is dat die totale verhoging (elektrisiteit uitgesluit) met 8,4% styg vir die onderent van die spektrum, en progressief vermeerder tot meer as 16% vir die groot huishoudings. Dit is teleurstellend dat die minimum meer as 8% is, ver bo die inflasiekoers, en ver bo die koers wat die armer pensioentrekkende deel van die streek se inwoners kan bekostig. Hierdie stygings is vir die KBBV onaanvaarbaar. Die totale vergoedingspakket vir die vyf “politieke aanstellings”, uitgesluit nege ander raadslede, beloop R3,7 m vir die finansiële jaar. Voeg dan nog hierby ’n bedrag van R3,7 m vir die ander nege raadslede, en R7,7 m vir die sewe lede van die senior bestuurspan, en die pakketkoste vir die belastingbetaler beloop meer as R14,1 m. Die res van die personeel verdien R217,4 m, wat die totale salarisrekening op R232,5 m te staan bring, 29% van die totale uitgawerekening. Die amptenare kon nie vir ons ’n aanvaarbare rede gee vir die groot styging in die salarisrekening teenoor verlede jaar nie. Die KBBV is van mening dat ons nou die punt bereik het waar ons nie meer sulke salarisse kan bekostig nie Hierdie uiters slegte situasie ontstaan omdat vakbonde, vergoedingsanaliste en (politieke) rade ver van die Overstrand salarisse bepaal en nie die werkgewer, naamlik die munisipale raad nie. Nog ’n faktor wat in berekening gebring moet word, is die sterk moontlikheid dat die Overstrand-munisipaliteit van ’n kategorie 4 na ’n moontlike kategorie 6 munisipaliteit “verhoog” mag word. Dit beteken ook dat salarisse van die senior bestuurslede met ’n verdere 4% kan toeneem. Dus amper R1 miljoen sonder dat ons meer kundigheid of beter prestasie gaan kry en sonder dat die verantwoordelikhede en aanspreeklikheid gaan toeneem. Die KBBV is verder ook bekommerd oor die tendens dat openbare eiendom vervreem word om kapitaalwerke te finansier. Die doel mag in baie gevalle suiwer wees, maar dan net as bates soos grond nie in die toekoms weer aangekoop moet word nie. Die bedrag geld wat geleen word, styg elke jaar skerp. Daar is ’n groot agterstand in infrastruktuur. Die surplus fondse om kapitaal te finansier neem jaarliks af. Groot, groot besparings is absoluut noodsaaklik.


Kuier saam met die Kalfiefees se groot name Die Hermanus Times Kalfiefees se openingsaand Woensdag 8 Augustus om 19:00 is ’n hoogtepunt van die fees. Kom geniet die plesierige gala-geleentheid saam met die Overstrand se politieke en sakeleiers en die Kalfiefees se aanhangers. ’n Driegangmaal word deur die rolbalklub voorgesit met wyn deur ons borge op die tafel. Die gaskunstenaar is Sarah Theron, bekend vir haar stem-kragtoertjies. Kollegas in die bedryf maak in besonder melding van haar onuitputlike liefde vir musiek en haar gehoor. Kom geniet die aand saam met ons vir net R150. Die alombekende Elsabé Aldrich is, net soos Sarah Theron, ’n force of nature, maar wel op die gebied van spitsvondigheid en inspirasie-geselsies. Sy is die spesiale gaskunstenaar by die Vrouedagtee, waar Sarah ook optree. Met twee sulke formidabele vroue sáám by een geleentheid, plus gelukkige trekkings, ’n modeskou deur Finesse-klerewinkel, geskenkpakkies, en verversings deur Warwick’s Chef School, kan dié oggend net pret wees. Kom geniet vrouwees by The Class Room Restaurant, Donderdag 9 Augustus om 10:00. Dit kos R130.

Nog ’n groot naam by die fees (daar is so baie) is Jannie du Toit, wat beskou word as een van die grondleggers van moderne ligte Afrikaanse musiek. Hy is een van Afrikaanse musiek se mees ervare verhoogkunstenaars en ’n meester van die “kleinkuns” of kabaret. In sy vertoning Onderweg (aangebied in samewerking met APD – Association for Persons with Disabilities) neem Jannie sy gehoor op ’n boeiende reis van teks en musiek van meesal Afrikaanse, maar ook Nederlandse liedjies en ’n skeutjie Frans en Engels daarby. Hy word bygestaan deur die pianis Clinton Zerf en die tjellis Susan Mouton. Onderweg word aangebied by die Burgersentrum, Vrydag 10 Augustus om 15:00 en 20:30. R80. Besoek www.kalfiefees.co.za, of tel ’n program op by die Hermanus Times-kantoor, of by die Kalfiefees-kantoor by die De Wet-saal in Onrus (in ’n mandjie by die sekuriteitshek). Besprekings slegs deur Computicket (binne-in Checkers). Sien www.computicket.com, of bel 0861 915 8000. ) Dankie aan borge Rola Volkswagen Hermanus wat die Hermanus Times Kalfiefees bystaan met alle vervoer en vervoerreëlings van gaste en kunstenaars.

Sarah Theron

Elsabé Aldrich

Clinton Zerf, Jannie du Toit en Susan Mouton


General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette

Tuesday 24 July 2012

HOLDING HANDS FOR MANDELA: It was a touching moment when all the people who attended the Mandela Day proceedings at Mthimkhulu Village Centre in Kleinmond on 18 July were asked to join hands. PHOTOS: HEDDA MITTNER

Pupils from Kleinmond Primêr helped Debbie Hull and her baking team to decorate the cake.

Above and below: Many children made their own birthday cards for Mandela.

The children could hardly wait for the gigantic birthday cake to be cut into squares. The cake was made by Debbie Hull from Mthimkhulu Village Centre, with the ingredients generously donated by Ina Paarman, Kleinmond Spar and members of the community.

The kids from Kleinmond Primêr, Heideland Pre Primary, and Siyabulela and Bambanani créches enjoyed the yummy cake.

KIRBY KUILSRIVIER. Enigste geregistreerde dienssentrum! Vir enige diens, verkope en na verkope diens. Skakel gerus 021-906 1138! STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.

Loans up to R100 000 to all government and municipal workers. Blacklisted welcome. Consolidations also available. Please call Shireen on 084 855 2767.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette


Keeping little ones toasty The Ladies’ Fellowship group of the Kleinmond Fellowship Church presented Heideland Crèche with 94 head-warming beanies last Tuesday, in honour of Nelson Mandela’s 94th birthday. The children wore the beanies to a celebration of Madiba’s birthday at Mthimkhulu Village on 18 July. The women also donated R1 000 toward redoing the tiling of the crèche’s bathroom. According to Daphne Buckerfield, treasurer of the group, the project was made possible when a substantial amount of wool was donated by local business Kleinmond Allerlei. Boosted by a number of cash donations, the women got to knitting the trove of beanies. “We endeavour to support local institutions by fulfilling as many of their needs as possible, and the above is just one way in which we feel we are contributing towards our community,” Buckerfield says. “The local institutions we currently sup-

port are Heideland Crèche, Siyabulela Crèche and the Kleinmond Youth Centre.” The Ladies’ Fellowship was formed soon after the inception of the Kleinmond Fellowship Church in 1979, and it’s remained active ever since. Members don’t focus only on knitting, but have become involved in many projects to uplift the community. The ladies provide monetary assistance toward improving facilities at local crèches and other such groups; members also make quilts for newborns at Kleinmond Clinic, and blankets, vests and other clothing for those who need it in the community. The ladies were also involved in the knitting of over 1 000 dolls for the Valuable to Jesus project; the dolls were given to youths to remind them to protect themselves against abuse. Around 50 women attend the Ladies’ Fellowship meetings, which take place on Monday mornings. If you’d like to find out more, you can give the church a call on 0 028 271 3324.

With the staff and pupils of Heideland Crèche are (from left) Daphne Buckerfield, Elinor Gibbons and Noel Venter (blue jersey). PHOTOS: PIETA PIETERSE

Margie Samuels, Nicolene Swarts, Margie Williams en Bianca Roux van Pep Stores in Kleinmond het Mandela se verjaarsdag gevier met uitrustings wat die kleure van ons landsvlag uitbeeld. FOTO: HEDDA MITTNER

Study to smother fynbos fire Fire protection associations (FPAs) in the Overberg are to be studied and assessed as part of the Fynbos Fire Project. Experts hope to determine over the course of the next year which FPA models will prove most effective for the region. The project, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), aims to reduce fire risk by building capacity among FPAs. According to Tessa Oliver of the FFA Group, which is implementing the project, fire protection associations will assessed to establish why some are successful and others aren’t. “The Overberg is seen as a key area,” she says. “This project will aim to fill a funding gap and look at the financial sustainability of FPAs, assessing how FPAs can go into the future and remain viable.” It has been proposed that all Overberg-based FPAs join together to become one area-wide FPA. The idea has received mixed reactions so far. Given the opportunity to do a cost-benefit analysis through the Fynbos Fire Project study, the Overberg District Fire Working Group agreed to put the final decision on whether to amalgamate the FPAs on hold for the moment. They will discuss the proposal again at the next meeting in September. Reinard Geldenhuys, head of Fire and Disaster Management at the Overberg District Municipality, encourages landowners and FPA members to participate in the

study. Oliver says FPAs, in conjunction with fire services, are likely to prove to be the most effective vehicle for managing fire. It’s hoped that, through the Fynbos Fire Project, all landowners across the entire fynbos biome will ultimately be represented on an FPA. The project implementers are hoping to raise skill levels within FPAs, and assist them to become financially sustainable. As part of the project, more weather stations will be put up to better predict weather that is conducive to runaway veld fires. New field terminals will provide updated satellite data, which will allow fires to be spotted earlier. Project researchers will also deal directly with insurers to determine with them when fire damage will be covered by insurance. Landowners and other stakeholders involved in fire-fighting and prevention are now invited, through the Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative,) to attend the next Overberg District Fire Working Group meeting – happening on 19 September – to give their input on the best options for FPAs in the Overberg, and to work with the Fynbos Fire Project researchers. For more information on the meeting, or the Fynbos Fire Project as a whole, get in touch with Reinard Geldenhuys on 0 028 425 1690, or email him at 2 rgeldenhuys@odm.org.za.

Who’s tops in the Overstrand?

The colourful beanies knitted by the Ladies’ Fellowship group of the Kleinmond Fellowship Church brought big smiles to the youngsters’ faces.

Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie would like to laud local achievers of excellence during Overstrand Municipality’s annual Night of Excellence on 22 August. All of the municipality’s annual awards will be included in this event, among them the mayoral trophy for environmental conservation and the woman (or women) of the year award. ) The competition for the prestigious mayoral trophy for environmental conservation will be handled by Whale Coast Conservation. The award goes to an individual or organisation that has made an exceptional contribution to environmental conservation within the Overstrand Municipal area. Proposals, to be made on an entry form, must reach the Whale Coast Conservation offices by 08:00 on Monday 13 August; preferably email them to wcc@ocf.org.za. Fail-

ing this, a hard copy can be delivered to Sharon at the Whale Coast Conservation office (above the Super Spar, Gateway Centre, Main Road, Hermanus) or posted to The Secretary: OCF, PO Box 1949, Hermanus, 7200. See www.whalecoastconservation.org.za for an entry form, or request one via email or from Sharon. ) Nominations of Overstrand women who have made a difference in their area and ought to be considered for an award must be forwarded to Elize Verrij at everrij@overstrand.gov.za before Friday 10 August. A brief motivation and contact details of both the nominator and the candidate are required. ) Achievers of excellence in Overstrand communities are identified by councillors and submitted to the mayor for consideration. Members of the public are welcome to contact any councillor with suggestions.

Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooi-Els

Year 2 • Dinsdag 24 Julie 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717

Boatmen strike snoek off Cape Point HOW many readers can remember when last we experienced such unpleasant, cold, rainy weather during the annual midyear school holidays? While speaking to an old fishing friend of mine, we agreed that the last time we experienced conditions like this at this time of the year was about 60 years ago, when there was continuous rain for about three weeks, although the weather was not as cold then as it was these past three weeks. Due to the rain and cold weather during the past weekend, not many boatmen or shore anglers were very active. Last Sunday one of the commercial boats with six men on board left Simon’s Town and braved the choppy water around Cape Point – and boated 160 snoek at the Groendam area near Olifantsbos. Anyone who has ever tasted snoek livers will no doubt agree with me that they are a treat and worth looking for. Many times fish cleaners throw away the livers and only

take the roe, which is of course also excellent eating. The best way to prepare snoek liver is to simply wash it off and then dry it on a paper towel, then fry it in garlic butter and serve on toast. The skipper on the commercial boat that

KAVALIERS SE 67 MINUTE: Die leerlinge van Kleinmond Primêr was oorstelp toe die Boland Kavaliersrugbyspan die skool besoek het om hul rugbyspelers af te rig as deel van hul 67 minute vir Mandela. Hier is Franzel September, omring deur kinders van Kleinmond Primêr. FOTO’S: HEDDA MITTNER

caught all the snoek said the water temperature outside of Cape Point was 15 °C and very clear, and that inside the Point the conditions were the same. A number of boatmen from Simon’s Town braved the southwesterly wind and choppy water to catch chokka in Buffels Bay. The average boat had 20 chokka, most of which were a very good size. The same skipper reported large shoals of bait fish all around them at Cape Point. The price of snoek averaged around R30 each at the quay. The Western Province Inshore League competition was also cancelled due to inclement weather. The next competition could possibly take place at the end of the month, weather permitting. A useful tip for novices who would like to try and catch chokka is to remember that chokka can be located with an echo sounder. Chokka can be brought to the surface when climbing on a piece of bait when bottom-fishing.

Pallo Manuel en Jerry Sefoko wys die manne hoe om te spring in ’n lynstaan.

Jerry Sefoko en Pallo Manuel maak die Kleinmond Primêr rugbyspelers touwys op Mandeladag.

Chokka nests can always be located in hollow, muddy trenches. A light 15 lb to 20 lb line is dropped to the ground with a sinking or weighted jig attached, and a floating jig attached to a short trace placed 30 cm above the weighted jig using a light rod and coffee grinder. The jigs can be cast out at about 10 to 15 meters and slowly retrieved on or near the bottom in the muddy gully. The only rock and surf news received on Monday was that two white steenbras were caught near Dawid’s Kraal in Betty’s Bay. On Monday the boat Stormvogel tried to go out for snoek at Kleinmond harbour, but bad luck struck the boat when it capsized just before leaving the harbour. Fortunately no one was hurt in the incident. Kleinmond harbour is notorious for capsizing boats, so be careful when launching there. For all your reel repairs and services contact Art on 0 021 854 3831. Send your fishing news and photos to 2 bjridgway@telkomsa.net.

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