Kleinmond Gazette 4 September 2012

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Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooiels

Year 2 • Tuesday 4 September 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717

Spring in their step

Chloe Sleenhof, Josephine Carr and Lucy Pringle were overjoyed when the sun came out on spring day. They went for a gallop through the vineyards at Rivendell Estate, which was dolled up in pink flowers for the Botriviera Spring Weekend. See more photos on page 5. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER

Local attractions shine Local tourist attractions enjoyed the spotlight when members of the Overstrand Tourism Advisory Committee (OTAC) undertook an educational tour of the Whale Coast last week.

The OTAC was recently established with the aim of marketing the region. The committee consists of tourism and marketing manager Suné Greeff, five elected members out of the Overstrand area, the chairpersons of the five



bureaux, the councillor responsible for tourism, the local economic development director and the Overstrand municipal manager. The mayor of the Overstrand, Nicolette BothaGuthrie, is also on the committee. The first leg of the tour on 28 August included Hangklip–Kleinmond and Hermanus. Gansbaai and Stanford were visited a month before, on 24 July. The tourism bureau managers were responsible for setting out the itinerary of the tour, with the idea being to give the OTAC’s

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members an overview of the area’s attractions. Some of the points of interest visited in the greater Hangklip–Kleinmond area were the boardwalk and bird hide at Rooisand Nature Reserve; the Kleinmond Blue Flag beach, where the group enjoyed coffee paired with Betty’s Bay’s Gaboli chocolates at Sandown Blues Restaurant; the African Penguin Colony at Stony Point; and the Harold Porter National Botanical Garden (both also in Betty’s Bay). They also visited the new eco-friendly cabins



at Oudebosch in the Kogelberg Nature Reserve, followed by a seafood lunch at The Shellfish Bar paired with wines from Rivendell Estate. A visit to the Hangklip–Kleinmond Tourism Bureau in Kleinmond’s Harbour Road for a liqueur tasting by Fynbos Enterprises concluded the tour. Beautiful fynbos posies, sponsored by Cup a Café and Colourful Events, in a recycled paper bag by Pampiri Indaba, made for a fitting memento of a successful day. See the photos on page 2.

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Kleinmond Gazette

General - Algemeen

Waterbeperkings eers iets van die verlede

Die waterbesparingsmaatreëls wat sedert Desember 2010 in die gebied van Groter Hermanus van toepassing was, is met onmiddellike effek opgehef.

Dié aankondiging is op 29 Augustus 2012 deur die burgemeester Nicolette Botha-Guthrie tydens die maandelikse raadsvergadering van die Overstrand-munisipaliteit gedoen. Sy het gesê die besluit is deur die munisipale bestuurder, Coenie Groenewald, ingevolge sy bevoegdhede kragtens die Verordening op Watervoorsienings- en Sanitasiedienste, op aanbeveling van die waterbesparings-taakgroep geneem. Met die De Bos-dam tans 75% vol, die Gateway-boorgatveld in volle produksie en die boorgatvelde in die Hemel-en-Aardevallei wat binnekort by die gebied se watervoorsieningstelsel aangesluit word, was dit duidelik dat die afgelope maande se waterkrisis iets van die verlede is. Vandeesmaand se reënval staan reeds op 107 mm teenoor die 60 mm wat verlede jaar in Augustus gemeet is en die gemiddelde reënval van 77 mm vir Augustus. Projeksies wat ingevolge ’n scenario-beplanningsprogram gedoen is, toon dat indien daar geen verdere reën val nie en waterbesparings opgehef word, daar voldoende water in die stelsel is om aan die gebied se behoeftes te voorsien tot Desember 2013. Botha-Guthrie het gesê sy is verheug oor die nuutste ontwikkeling en het namens die munisipaliteit haar dank betuig aan die inwoners vir hul geduld en samewerking oor die afgelope twee jaar om die krisis die hoof

te bied. ’n Aanduiding van hoeveel daar bespaar is, blyk uit die verskil tussen die waterverbruik in Julie 2009 – toe dit op 294 megaliter gestaan het – en Julie vanjaar toe de verbruik 197 megaliter beloop het. Die burgemeester het egter ’n beroep gedoen op inwoners om voort te gaan met hul praktyke om water te spaar. Tuinmakers moet daarop let dat besproeiing van tuine ingevolge die munisipale verordening op waterdienste nie tussen 09:00 en 17:00 toelaatbaar is nie. Sy het ook lof gehad vir die aktiewe bestuur wat deur amptenare op hul onderskeie terreine toegepas is en die wyse waarop hulle saamgewerk het om sukses te verseker. Die munisipaliteit sit intussen steeds sy program voort om lekkasies op sy watervoorsieningstelsels op te spoor en reg te stel. Die vervanging van verouderde watermeters vorder ook goed en tot op datum is 1 761 reeds vervang. Die projek om vloeibeperkermeters by laekostehuise aan te bring, word ook voortgesit maar dit word in oorleg met die betrokke wykskomitees gedoen. Daar is ook kennis geneem dat tydens die waterbeperkings verskeie optredes deur wetstoepassers teen oortreders uitgevoer is. In Julie het die ondersoeke tot 31 boetes gelei en verskeie skulderkenningsboetes is reeds betaal. Op die oomblik is daar 87 sake wat deur die landdros aangehoor moet word.

Story on p.1

TOUR OF SIGHTS: OTAC members enjoyed lunch at the Shellfish Bar in Kleinmond during their recent visit to the tourist attractions of the region.


Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie with the rest of the members of the recently established advisory committee on tourism.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Family Day in Pringle Bay There will be lots to do, see and eat at the Pringle Bay Conservation and Family Day and the Tru Cape Kogelberg Mountain Challenge on Saturday 8 September. ) Pringle Cove Centre and Centrepoint Corner: Registration for athletes starts at 05:30 inside the Pringle Cove centre. The starting point for the races is at the crossing of Peak and Pass Roads. Steaming cups of coffee will be available from The Anchor restaurant from 05:30. A Coca-Cola truck with music will be stationed opposite the Lemon and Lime deli in Peak Road. Gary and Anke will provide live entertainment at Centrepoint Corner from 13:00. The beer garden opens at 10:00 and boerie rolls will be available from 08:30. The Dorpskombuis stall, next to Centrepoint Corner, will offer fresh apple bakes and more. ) Pringle House Eco School: From 06:30 to 10:00 runners and families will be able to get breakfast; both hot (bacon and egg rolls) and healthy (muesli, yoghurt and dried fruit) options will be available. Tickets will be sold at a central point, and can be redeemed at the various stalls for food and drinks. Other activities throughout the day are: 08:30: an apple game 08:45: registration for recycling competition 09:00 to 09:45: recycling competition 09:45 to 10:00: judging and prize-giving for recycling competition 10:00: apple game 10:15 to 10:45: snake and reptile interactive demonstration 11:00 to 11:45: puppet-making workshop (with the puppets made by the youngsters to be used in a puppet show later) 11:45: apple game 12:00 to 14:00: potjiekos and hot dogs 13:30: puppet show

14:00: apple game and prizes ) All the local shops and eateries in the CBD will be open for business. You can also pay a visit to Fynbos Enterprises (open from 09:00) at the Country Shop, where Sunra will have her local raw, natural honey and honey products and amazing soya moisturising candles on display. Swing past Ticklemouse on your way to Sunra and stock up on a range of locally made biscuits and rusks. Open from 09:00 to 12:00. ) Trix Pienaar and Louis van Heerden will be among the apple bake-off judges. Judging will take place at Centerpoint Corner between 11:00 and 12:00, with three prize hampers to be won containing: a branded Le Creuset apron; Tru Cape’s cookery book Too Good to be True; a Tru Cape apple peeler; and a Tru Cape apple cutter. For entries, get in touch with Morne on 082 894 3019. Tru Cape recipe books, apple peelers and corers will be available to buy at the Hanging Rock Kitchen restaurant (which can be found at Hamptons Centre above the corner of Central and Hangklip Roads), as well as at Pringle House Eco Primary School. ) Therese Dorose serve plunger coffee and fresh home-baked French cakes and tarts from The French Coffee Club at The Hanging Rock Kitchen restaurant. The restaurant will be open for light lunches from 12:30. ) The local Pringle Bay art and craft route will be open on 8 and 9 September from 10:00 to 17:00. Maps for the art and craft route are available from The Anchor restaurant at Pringle Cove Centre and other selected shops. ) The Village Market, set to get going early on the corner of Central and Hangklip Roads, will feature a range of stalls and fine things to eat, including a mutton spit-braai.

3 children killed daily in SA THIS week’s publication of the Medical Research Council’s research on child deaths shows that three children are murdered in South Africa every day. Our country has an overall child homicide rate of 5,5 to 100 000. “This is shocking and totally unacceptable. We have lost our way as a caring society that protects vulnerable citizens, especially children,” says Social Development MEC Albert Fritz. “The research further reveals clear gender patterns, with more, younger girls being murdered, while the murder rate increases for adolescent boys. In fact, the teenage male homicide rate is 21,7/100 000. “Most disturbing of all is that nearly half (44.5%) of all child homicides were as a result of abuse or neglect, and 16% of all child homicides were due to abandonment within the first week of life. “Most children are killed by an unrelated yet known person. “The second most frequent perpetrator group is mothers, with nearly half of all girl homicides being at the hands of their mothers. “If parents are not protecting their children, who is? As a caring government, we put infrastructure in place to promote social inclusion, support family structures, develop communities and empower people

to lead lives they can value. “A government is there to do those things for people that they cannot reasonably be expected to do for themselves. As a parent, you are reasonably expected to care for and protect your child. If you are unable to do so, there are channels at your disposal to seek assistance. “Simply abandoning your child and leaving them to fall prey to the perpetrators of these heinous crimes against children is as bad as committing those crimes yourself.” The Department of Social Development invested R406 million in childcare and protection services, funding over 1 000 organisations for this purpose (including early childhood development centres, afterschool care, and homes and temporary shelters for children). In the coming financial year, this will increase to nearly R480 million. An additional R8 million will also be invested in the Isibindi Child and Youth Care programme. “Apart from that, we have regional and local offices all over the province, where support services and assistance are available. We also have a toll-free line (0800 220 250) through which help can be accessed when families are in distress. “I want to encourage especially distraught mothers in our communities to seek assistance as early as possible.”

Instandhouding van paaie raak agter weens swak weer Die goeie reën wat in die afgelope paar weke ondervind is, het ook ongelukkig sy tol geeis wat die instandhouding van strate en paaie in die munisipale gebied van Overstrand betref. ’n Agterstand in instandhouding het ontstaan weens die feit dat slaggate op teerpaaie nie in nat weersomstandighede herstel kan word nie.

Die munisipaliteit sê dit kry egter aandag wanneer weersomstandighede dit toelaat en die dienste van ’n private kontrakteur word ook ingespan om munisipale werkspanne te help om die agterstande uit te wis. Onderhoudswerk aan gruispaaie oor die hele gebied is ook afhanklik van gunstige weersomstandighede en sal binnekort die nodige aandag kry, sê die munisipaliteit.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

News - Nuus

Treat your garden – plant a tree Spring is in the air, and it’s become a firm South African tradition to welcome the new season by planting trees. During national Arbour Week from 1 to 7September, accredited garden centres around the country stock a wide selection of healthy, indigenous and environment-friendly specimens. There’s usually space in the garden for another tree, whether it’s one that will grow to be a forest giant, or something much smaller to attract birds. Trees don’t live forever, so now is also a good time to look carefully at older specimens and any lingering alien invaders and consider making a replacement. Syzygium cordatum is 2012’s tree of the year. This beautiful plant bears fragrant flowers followed by red–purple fruits enjoyed by birds and humans alike, and is great for gardens in need of a natural screening or a tall hedge. Trees are for everyone, even for those who don’t have a patch of garden. Many species are happy living in a container on a balcony, and the ancient art of bonsai makes it possible to accommodate a tree in even the tiniest of apartments. Don’t forget that you can find a calendar of events on the websites of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries via www.nda.agric.za/index2012arborweek.html and forestry.daff.gov.za/webapp/eventsarborweek.aspx. For more information on bringing life to your garden, visit www.lifeisagarden.co.za or see www.facebook.com/lifeisagardensa.

Kleinmond Gazette


Have a Winederous time The Winederous Wine Club of Hermanus Times will offer a tasting of fine Iona wines at its next meeting, happening this Thursday (6 September). “For those who are fans of Sauvignon blanc, this is a tasting that must not be missed,” says Frieda Lloyd, the organiser of the wine club. The tasting will be hosted at the Lamloch estate of Charles and Hansa Winshaw, situated between Arabella and Kleinmond. The tasting will include a delicious three-course meal. Here is a sneak preview of the

menu to whet those appetites: Starter: trio of bruschetta topped with fresh tomato, garlic and olive oil; mushrooms; cream cheese and salmon. Main: italian-style roasted chicken with a tomato sauce served on pasta with Parmesan cheese. Dessert: pavlova with ganache and strawberries. Coffee will follow the meal. Non-members of the club are also welcome to enjoy the evening as guests. Contact Frieda on 083 305 7319 or email friedalloyd@gmail.com.

Getuienisfees in Kleinmond

Welcome spring by planting a tree.

DIS LENTE! Uitbundige en dankbare kleuters van Krappies en Krefies in Kleinmond, met hul pragtige T-hempies wat deur Kleinmond Bouhandel geborg is. Marguerite van Eeden van Bouhandel (regs) is hier by die kleuters en onderwysers.

Die Getuienisfees by die NG-gemeente Kleinmond is vanjaar bevoorreg om weer vir Mike Burnard van Incontext Ministeries as spreker te hê. Die fees vind plaas van 8 tot 11 September, en skop Saterdag af met ’n ontbyt om 09:00 in die kerksaal. Kom luister na Johnny-Li se getuienis oor hoe hy op 16-jarige ouderdom tot bekering gekom en sy Bybel-verspreidingsreis begin het. Hy het vir 20 jaar by Geopende Deure Asië en Internasionaal gewerk, waar hy ’n verspreidingsnetwerk na China gevestig het en het ook die die eerste Chinese Kinderbybel ontwikkel. Sy aktiwiteite het egter sy regering se aandag getrek en Johnny-Li moes na Amerika vlug. In 2008 was hy een van die stigters-

lede van Nexus Missions, wat noú saamwerk met Chinese organisasies om die evangelie langs die Silk Road terug te neem na Jerusalem. Mike Burnard sal Sondag die eredienste waarneem, Johnny-Li sal die kinders besoek en Veritas College se verteenwoordiger die Bettysbaai Gemeentesentrum. Die res van die program is soos volg: Sondagaand 18:30, kerksaal: ’n Bybelse Wêreldperspektief, saak van lewe en dood. Maandagaand 18:30, Kerksaal: “ Islam – ’n Globale oorsig en Islam deur die oë van die Arabiese lente”. Dinsdagaand 18:30, Kerksaal: “Fruitful Practices”, aangebied deur Mike, met insette van JohnnyLi. Ontbytkaartjies (R30) is by die kerkkantoor te koop. Navrae: Kerkkantoor: 0 028 271 3470.


Leader - Hoofartikel

Kleinmond Gazette

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Film is a window into mankind

Beautiful gestures Spring is synonymous with new beginnings and quite fittingly it is also Arbor Week from 1 to 7 September. During this time, trees are planted to bring nature into our communities and make a stand for the healthier side of life. Arbor Day orginated in 1872 in the United States territory of Nebraska and was first celebrated in South Africa in 1983. Local government does make an effort to take trees into disadvantaged areas, but how wonderful it would be if residents joined them in this effort and collectively planted a mass of trees in the dry and dusty streets of poorer communities. The gesture would be greatly appreciated and the impact would undoubtedly be positive in its encouragement of beauty and pride, even amidst poverty.

I recently watched Cinema Paradiso, after a hiatus of three years. It is one of my all-time favourite films; besides the beautiful narrative and cinematography, the stunning musical score by Ennio Morricone continues to evoke the most uplifting emotions. Going to the cinema and sitting in the dark, surrounded by strangers, is an experience that should be relished. It is a social occasion, and it’s a pity that so many children are denied the magic of the big screen in the Overstrand. Maybe someone could get a cinema going in Kleinmond by bringing those stories to people who have never set foot in a movie house? In South Africa many of our stories still have to be told. Nigeria, which has one of the largest film industries, has its own stable of stars and household names. Notwithstanding the fact that the process entails a straight-to-video structure, often using handheld cameras and resulting in three-hour films, it is a bold attempt to tell their own stories. When you cultivate a superpower status, your history becomes insular and stops at your borders. There is no need to understand the culture of supposedly less developed nations. There is also the attempt to tell the stories of others and to perpetuate stereotypes. Voyages of discovery conveniently ignore the

fact that people were already living there, or that an advanced civilisation existed in places deemed to be savage. Fortunately, technology, tourism and even the world cup dispelled some of those rumours of lions in the streets. Movies have attracted tremendous attention for reasons ranging from information to entertainment. The Last Temptation of Christ, a film depicting Jesus yielding to temptation, elicited strong opposition and picket lines from Christians at its opening. The power of the moving image served as an educational tool for those involved in political struggles, bringing forth movies such as Battle for Algiers, Oh Lucky Man, Xhala, Z and a host of others . These were standard fare for activists during colonial and post-colonial struggles. Besides feature films, documentaries have also made pertinent comments. Issues of gender, ecology, sociology, arts, animals, the planet and every aspect of life are documented, indicating that a living reality is one worth sharing. People find humour during the most repressive times. South Africans have the ability to laugh at themselves – it’s no coincidence that the movies of Leon Schuster are the most watched films in South Africa. It is a feel-good phenomenon that most people yearn for, allowing us to forget the troubles of the outside world.

Horror films defy description. The haunting music, climbing body count and gore cater for the hedonist in us. Personally, I would rather watch a poignant love scene. Film is also a medium that governments fear, and when one speaks truth to power, all measures are put into place to dilute the message. If the content is too revealing, draconian steps are taken – even banning of material or severe censorship of the filmmaker. The Overstrand serves as a location in the industry. We should develop the movie business by training filmmakers and setting up production companies in the region.

For the record I refer to your article “Bot River given a gap” in the above issue of Gazette, and would like to point out that the decision to open the Bot mouth had absolutely nothing to do with the Whale Coast Conservation’s breaching subcommittee. They played no part whatsoever in the decision. The decision to artificially breach was made by a sub-committee established in terms of the Mouth Management Plan, comprising four persons – the Bot River Estuary Forum chairman, the Overstrand Estuary Management coordinator, the Overstrand Municipality’s environmental manager and the CapeNature Boland area manager. The criteria taken into consideration as set out in the Mouth Management Plan for the Bot– Kleinmond Estuary System formed the basis of the decision to breach.

ROBIN PERRINS Acting chairperson of the Bot River Estuary Forum

THE ABUNDANCE OF SPRING: Spring has made an emphatic entrance through the landscape, but a little more hesitantly through the weather. But the beautiful scenery around us can certainly be enjoyed on its own terms while we wait for the weather to play catch-up. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


Riviermondinge – voedselryke ‘kindertuine’ vir seelewe

HERMAN FOURIE ONS streek se riviermondinge maak ’n belangrike deel uit van die natuurskoon hier rond. Eintlik vorm al die riviere tussen Uilkraal en Rooiels deel van die geheel, maar die mees treffende van hulle is natuurlik Botrivier en Kleinrivier met hulle vleie (oftewel strandmere of “lagoons”). Onlangs ry ek by Botrivier verby – met sy mond wat nou weer oop is, is die watervlak natuurlik heelwat laer en vir die eerste keer in jarre sien ek weer ’n hele trop flaminke in die vlakwater oor die sandbanke wei, saam met ’n paar ander wadersoorte wat ek nie ken nie. Goeie nuus vir die omgewing. Die Kleinriviervlei (oftewel Hermanus-lagune) se mond is natuurlik ook onlangs oopgemaak toe die watervlakke gedreig het om wonings na aan die water te oorstroom, en selfs die Uilkraalmond, waarvoor genoegsame binnelandse watervloei noodsaaklik is om dit oop te hou, het na seker twee jaar se verstopping weens ’n watertekort stroom-op,

weer vanself oopgespoel met al die reën. Vissermanne en hengelaars besef seker ook dat riviermondinge belangrike kindertuine vir klein vissies is, wat daar in die warm, vlak en voedselryke water aansterk totdat hulle groot genoeg is om die oop see aan te durf, waar hulle dan later as volwassenes gehengel word. As so ’n monding verstop raak en deurentyd vol varswater is, gaan baie van die spesies soos veral die modderkrewels en allerhande soorte skaal- en weekdiere, wat ’n belangrike deel uitmaak van die voedselketting, mettertyd dood. Dit verg ook ’n hele paar seisoene en gereelde dosisse seewater voordat die bevolkings weer vanself herstel. ’n Mens vergeet wat ’n enorme voedselbron die kusstrook is: die strand self en die vlakwater wemel van eetbare organismes en plante. In China, waar elke moontlike, selfs ondenkbare ding geëet word, gebruik die mense ’n hark soos ’n groot fynkam om sandvlooie (natuurlik net so min “vlooie” as wat krewe skerpioene is) uit die te sand te oes. Die vlooie

is trouens verwant aan die “krill” wat die baleinwalvisse se hoofdis is, en aan hulle voedingswaarde kan niemand dus twyfel nie. Al die ander, meer sigbare skarrelende, kruipende en swemmende skepsels in die vlakwater is natuurlik effens meer vertroude voedselbronne, alhoewel dit nie sommer in elkeen se smaak val om ’n seekastaiing of ’n chitoon en ’n bordjie seeslaai te geniet nie. Onderkant my fonteintjie is daar ook kreweltjies wat op ’n haar soos sandvlooie lyk, behalwe dat hulle in die vlak bergwater woon. Ek vermoed hulle voorouers het besluit om agter te bly toe die destydse strand, wat toe net agter my huisie was, begin terugwyk het tot waar dit vandag ’n kilometer verder weg en sowat 75 meter laer is as destyds, toe die see heelwat warmer en voller was as nou.

Al wat hierdie goggatjies moes aanleer om te kan oorleef was om suur varswater te verdra en op hulle sye te swem in die dun waterlagies. Daar is geen rede hoekom hulle nie ook gekweek en verwerk kan word tot ’n danig voedsame “kreefpasta” nie. Bon appétit! fouriejh@mweb.co.za

Tuesday 4 September 2012

News - Nuus

Kleinmond Gazette


Lentedag by Rivendell As die nuutste lid van die Botrivier-wynroete het die boetiek-wynplaas Rivendell op die hoek van die R44 en R43 deelgeneem aan die jaarlikse Botrivier Lentenaweekfeesvieringe met ’n kosmark, kunsuitstalling, lewende musiek en ’n spesiale pienk spyskaart. In pas met die fees se pienk tema, het hulle ook oor die naweek hul nuwe Rosé bekendgestel. Talle mense het Saterdag opgedaag

om Lentedag by die bistro deur te bring, en die kinders was verheug om met Wetsi, die draadrenoster, kennis te maak. Wetsi is ’n replika van die renosterwesie, Metsi, wat ’n ambassadeur geword het vir dié bedreigde spesie. Rivendell het by dié geleentheid ook ’n memorandum onderteken om hul ondersteuning aan Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) se Red die Renosterprojek toe te sê. Daarvolgens onderneem hulle om die boodskap uit te dra

dat die renosterspesie bedreig is en die mens se beskerming nodig het, en om ’n finansiële bydrae deur middel van verskeie inisiatiewe te maak. Die kinders het hulle besig gehou met inkleurwerk en speletjies, en het vrolik deur die wingerd baljaar terwyl die ouers rustig die heerlike kos en wyn kon geniet. Rivendell Bistro is elke dag oop vir ontbyt, middagete, koffie en wynproe. Skakel 028 284 9185 of besoek www.rivendell-estate.co.za.

Norah Hudson van Rivendell en Rob Fryer van Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) teken die memorandum waarin Rivendell hul ondersteuning aan die WCC renosterprojek toesê. Langs Rob is Sheraine van Wyk, WCC se Eco-Schools koördineerder, (agter) Brandon Scorgie van Rivendell, Mike Bayer, voorsitter van WCC en Alda du Plooy, ’n vrywilliger van die renoster-projek.

Die kinders het dit geniet om kennis te maak met Wetsi, die draad-renoster. Hier (van links) is Nickolas en Chloe Sleenhof, Kyle Scorgie, Daniel Carr, Lucy Pringle en Josephine Carr. FOTO’S: HEDDA MITTNER

Die Stoepsitters boere-orkes het Saterdag musiek gemaak by die Botrivier-basaar.

PIENK EN PLESIERIG: Angeline Marais en Mariska Plaatjies het Saterdag die koue trotseer en met hul warm glimlagte besoekers by Wildekrans verwelkom. FOTO’S: ANNETTE THERON

Alzheimer’s in focus this month Every year since 1994, Alzheimer’s associations across the globe have united on 21 September to recognise World Alzheimer’s Day. This year marks the launch of the first international month-long campaign, World Alzheimer’s Month. The theme for 2012 is Dementia: Living Together. Awareness-raising activities will take place across the world over the 30 days of September, focusing on reducing the stigma associated with dementia.

The World Alzheimer Report shows that there are interventions that are effective in the early stages of the condition, and that there is a strong economic argument in favour of earlier diagnosis and timely intervention. For this reason, Alzheimer’s South Africa is preparing for World Alzheimer’s Month by planning events that raise awareness about dementia. These include the annual seminar in Johannesburg, an infor-

mation day in Port Elizabeth, and a series of talks and a stage performance in the Southern Cape. Details of these events can be found on the news page of www.alzheimers.org.za; phone the national helpline on 0860 102 681. A series of talks will also be held on 13 and 14 September in Somerset West. To attend the talks contact Jimmy on 0 021 851 6886 or at 2 jimmy@livewellsa.co.za.

Norah Hendriks, Wilna Hendriks, Elmien Naudé van Walker Bay Art Gallery en kunstenaar James Robertson het by die Lentedag by Rivendell kom uitspan.


General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Rooiels – from lawless hideaway to tranquil getaway ROOIELS Strandlopers of the Chainoqua tribe, runaway slaves and sailors used to inhabit the caves and small beaches in the Rooiels area. At times they conducted a reign of terror, causing severe problems. The farm Waaygat became the property of Adrian Louw in 1760, and after him that of his son, Jacobus. In 1899 the Walsh brothers bought the land, and in 1930 Hangklip Beach Estates became the owner when Youldon, Porter and Clarence bought the farm for £20 000. Rooiels was laid out on a section of the farm and proclaimed in 1942. More than one coastal town was planned and laid out in distant Johannesburg and promulgated there. This was the case with Pearly Beach and with Rooiels. Beautiful full-colour brochures of the proposed towns, showing where two hotels, a school and even an airport were going to be built, were compiled. In her booklet, simply titled Rooiels, Rita Blake relates how these advertisers showed boathouses on the Palmiet River and a golf course in their plans. True development at Rooiels stood virtually still until after World War II, when the new road, Clarence Drive, from Gordon’s Bay was opened. In 1942 a radar station had been built at Rooiels to monitor naval activities along the coast. Two radar screens were erected at Hangklip and Betty’s Bay. These were shrouded in secrecy. Today, the buildings accompanying the former are part of the Hangklip Hotel, and at Betty’s Bay the erstwhile barracks have become Mooihawens. Since the old road fell short of military requirements, construction of a new road commenced in 1942. Italian pris-




oners of war worked on the project. A permit was required to travel on this road. Previously, the only way to reach Rooiels was via Sir Lowry’s Pass and a low-water bridge over the Palmiet River, so the new road was a real improvement. The first shops were opened in 1970. Eskom electricity was laid on in 1992. Between 1991 and 1998 the people of Rooiels were engaged in a fierce battle with Somchem, a subsidiary of Armscor. The latter had obtained the rights to utilise the area above Rooiels as testing grounds for ammunition. This would have caused untold ecological and other damage. Rooiels won the battle and Somchem withdrew in 1998. In its short existence, Rooiels has accumulated a wealth of stories about fires, shipwrecks and deserters, and even ghosts. It has a very pleasant swimming beach called Waaigatbaai. A number of well-known film actors own property at Rooiels. For instance, the actress Trix Pienaar has made a refurbished train carriage her home.




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ERKENNING VIR HARDE WERK: Hierdie groepie studente van Boland College-Kleinmond Kampus – op die Mthimkhulu- perseel geleë – het Vrydag 17 Augustus hul gradeplegtigheid op Worcester saam met ander studente bygewoon. Hulle is (van links) Candice Louis, Denzil Davids, Lindy Marais en Egan Swarts. Hulle is ook van die eerste groep studente wat opleiding aan Boland College op Kleinmond ontvang het. FOTO: VERSKAF

Wall of Fame honours donors The Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) is renovating its buildings to accommodate its own clinic for treating welfare clients’ animals. As it stands, dogs and cats needing treatment have to be sent to private vets, but when the upgrades are completed participating vets will be able work from the society’s own clinic. This will be especially helpful when animals need to be sterilised. However, the society is in desperate need of funds to complete the clinic, and especially to install fibreglass hospital cages that are easy

to clean and insulate. The society is putting up a wall of fame on its premises, and anyone who donates over R1 000 towards the clinic will have their name added to the wall. ) If you would like to help the society complete its clinic, please consider making an electronic funds transfer to the HAWS. Donated building materials would also be deeply appreciated. For any further information, including bank details, please give get in touch with Ilze Smith by calling 0 082 856 8391.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette


‘Ou snoekgronde’ deliver the goods DEON JOUBERT Kiekieklub – ’n Grootse Poging vir fynbos. Aangesien kaartjies verkoop is vir sop en heerlike tuisgebakte brood voor die vertoning begin het, het die verrigtinge in die Kerksaal plaasgevind. ’n Stewige bedrag is ingesamel ter stywing van die Fynbos Dienssentrum se fondse. Baie dankie aan Averyl Pepper en haar span wat verantwoordelik was vir die voorbereiding van die eetgoed. Hierna het Wicus Leeuwner vir ons sy aanbieding gedoen wat hy “Celebrating Nature” noem. Wat ’n pragtige manier om die Hand van ons Skepper in elke toneel om ons in die natuur te kan bewonder. Sy uitstaande foto’s gekombineer met lieflike musiek neem jou op ’n vlug wat nie maklik vergeet sal word nie. Sy foto’s het ons deur die Overberg geneem en daarna het ons ’n draai gemaak by De Hoop se pragtige sandduine. Toe kon ons die blomme van Namakwaland bewonder met gesigte van plate blomme asook nabyskote waar ons in die hart van die elke blom gekyk het. Die Richtersveld se berge, rotsformasies, kokerbome en vergesigte is el-

ke fotograaf se droom en as ’n meester sy foto’s met jou deel is dit ’n reis wat jou elke keer na jou asem laat snak. Die volgende stop was die wilde perde van die Namib. Wat ’n pragtige gesig as ’n perd op sy agterpote vasgevang word asook ’n merrie met haar vul wat ’n slukkie melk soek. Perde wat aanstap na die watergat met ’n wolk stof wat hulle agtervolg op die uitgestrekte vlaktes bly maar mooi. Die vertoning is afgesluit met ’n versameling foto’s van Sossusvlei en Dooievlei. Die kontraste tussen lig en donker van die duine is ongelooflik. Woorde ontbreek om al die mooi te beskryf wat in hierdie aanbieding van Wicus saamgevoeg is. Ons kan maar net ons hande saamslaan en dankbaar wees vir die voorreg om dit te kon ervaar. Baie dankie Wicus. Ons kompetisie met die tema “Kinders” het soos verwag baie inskrywings gelok en Michael Flemming het ‘n reuse-taak gehad om die wenners aan te wys. Hy het die foto’s bespreek en die volgende wenners aangewys: Eervolle vermelding – Hennie Beukes, Elsa Crous, Deon Joubert, Christo Kok, en Tobi Leonhard. In die derde plek Nico Jacobs, tweede Frans van

Meriete toekenning: Pieta Pieterse

Eervolle vermelding: Tobi Leonhard

der Merwe en in die eerste plek Pieta Pieterse. ’n Foto wat Pieta Pieterse ingegee het vir kommentaar, wat gewoonlik nie in aanmerking kan kom vir pryse nie, is deur Michael uitgesonder en met ’n meriete toekenning vereer. Dit is net die agste foto in die Klub se geskiedenis wat so vereer word. Veels geluk aan die wenners. Die wenfoto’s word by Kleinmond Apteek, Spar Supermark, Kleinmond-biblioteek en in die Kerksaal vertoon. Dankie aan ons borge wat ons help om van die Kiekieklub ’n sukses te maak en by name is dit Kleinmond Superspar, Kleinmond Apteek, ASK Security en Montagu Padstal. Ons volgende byeenkoms sal op 25 September om 19:00 in die Biblioteeksaal plaasvind. Die kompetisie se tema is “Emosies” en moet nie later as 12:00 op 21 September 2012 ingehandig word (in my posbus). Maryna Loubser sal vir ons ’n aanbieding doen van hul onlangse toer na Turkye. Die reëls vir u inskrywings bly dieselfde, met ’n maksimum van twee foto’s per persoon en die foto’s moet asseblief ’n “Jumbo” (15 x 10 mm) grootte wees wat op ’n B4 (die helfte van A4) vel ligte wit karton gemonteer is. Onthou ook om wondergom te gebruik om die foto’s te monteer. Ons program vir die jaar is soos volg: Tema’s: September – Emosies. Oktober – Ope kategorie en November – Selfone. Daar sal ook ’n werkwinkel aangebied word met kamera-tegnieke en naby foto’s in Oktober. Sien julle daar, maar onthou om julle kamera’s te laat werk, werk, werk, werk. Kontak Deon Joubert (028) 271 3069 \ 082 412 5976 of Yvonne Olivier (028) 271 5180 vir enige verdere inligting. Dagboek: 21 September: Foto’s vir die kompetisie met die tema “Emosies” moet nie later as 12:00 ingehandig word nie. 25 September: Die Kiekieklub byeenkoms om 19:00 in die Biblioteeksaal. Die inskrywings vir die kompetisie met die tema “Emosies” sal beoordeel word. Maryna Loubser sal vir ons ‘n aanbieding doen van hul onlangse toer na Turkye.

THE weather last weekend was not conducive to shore angling, although anglers who found protected spots in the Gordon’s Bay area reported some good catches. Both the Gordon’s Bay harbours (Harbour Island and old harbour) offer some good spots to fish from, both inside and outside the harbour walls. Just after dark and very early in the morning, both venues delivered white steenbras, kob and other bank fish, although the water is pretty cold. The inside and outside of the Gordon’s Bay harbour are sandy, and saturated with prawns and a few species of worm. When fishing in the dark, green glow beads are always a good bet. White steenbras seem to be attracted to them. This time of the year is also ideal for galjoen and steenbras fishing off Mosselbank in front of Harmony Park. These open sandy stretches between the reefs also have an abundance of worm and prawn, and behind Mosselbank the tidal swimming pool is an excellent place to pump prawn and worm. Hardy anglers who are able to wade out to the Torinkie reef, which is on the right-hand side of Mosselbank, often manage to bag white stump, white steenbras, dassie and galjoen on prawn or very fresh mussel. A few years ago the Steenbrasgat area, which is situated on the left side of the swimming pool, was more accessible when the area was not fenced off and the road leading to the spot was not closed. Steenbrasgat is easily seen as the reef is steeply peaked, and even during high tide it can be easily reached and safely mounted. Boat angling last Thursday and Friday was very fruitful, with snoek caught in many places along False Bay, but last Saturday the wind and swell prevented most craft from entering the water. Even the WP Inshore West league boating competition was cancelled due to the inclement weather. The weather last Sunday only allowed a few larger boats to catch a few snoek well inside of Cape Point.

Last Monday quite a number of snoek were caught from the Cape Point area. Professionals who went out from Gordon’s Bay harbour to the “ou snoekgronde” had up to 100 large snoek per man. A few craft that went out at Hangklip Bay also had reasonable catches. Steven Grobbelaar, who ventured out in a “kreef bakkie”, caught 100 snoek alone. The snoek price varied from R35 to R50 on the slipway. The newly built fish-cleaning building has become a very controversial issue of late due to the fact that the facility has been locked during this recent unprecedented snoek run. The official in charge of the keys and building, Johannes Hendricks, explained that the cleaning of fish has become a major health hazard due to the fact that the tender to clean and remove the bins from the fish -cleaning building has not been issued, and therefore the building has been locked. He said to fill the bins and leave them inside or outside the building would cause another major health problem. Many ratepayers, fishermen and fishmongers wish this debacle to be cleared up immediately by the health department and town councillors. The passing away of wellknown fishing personality Clive “Stumbo” Mason, and the more recent death of Dirk Koch, also a professional fisherman, came as sad news for family, friends and our fishing fraternity. ) For all your reel repairs and services contact Art on 0 021 854 3831 Send your fishing news and photos to 2 bjridgway@telkomsa.net

Eervolle vermelding: Deon Joubert.

Eervolle vermelding: Hennie Beukes

Derde plek: Nico Jacobs

Tweede plek: Frans van der Merwe

Eervolle vermelding: Christo Kok

Eervolle vermelding: Elsa Crous

Strand shore angler Robert Walker holds up the fine six-kilogram white steenbras he caught from Strand beach on Saturday 25 August.

Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooiels

Year 2 • Dinsdag 4 September 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717

’n Heerlike voorsmakie vir Botrivier-uitdaag MARIA HERBERT Met die koue wat wyk en lente wat wink, is dit haas tyd om voor te berei vir die opwindende agste Botrivier Van der Stel Pas Uitdaag. Botrivier kom Saterdag 27 Oktober tot ’n stilstand vir die honderde bergfiets geesdriftiges, stappers en drawwers asook deelnemers aan die gewilde historiese stap. Dit begin en eindig op die Botrivier-stasie. Die aanbieder is, soos gewoonlik, die Botrivier Education Foundation (BEF). Fondse wat ingesamel word, word gebruik om tersiêre studie onder studente te bevorder. BEF spog met 11 studente wat by verskeie universiteite en technikons studeer. Dit is juis die ouers van die BEF-studente wat grootliks verantwoordelik is vir die reëlings vir die Uitdaag. BEF is nie meer beperk tot Botrivier nie. Daar is studente van Caledon, Kleinmond asook Grabouw in die mentorprogram. Die afgelope sewe jaar was die uitdaag ondersteun deur uithaler atlete van tot so ver as Rusland, Australië en China het al deelgeneem. Vanjaar word 2 000 atlete verwag. Op 15 September om 09:00 uur is daar ’n opwarmingstap van 10 km asook ’n twee uur lange bergfietsrit op deel van die roete wat by Botrivier-biblioteek wegspring. Kom neem deel aan hierdie litte-losmaak plesier. Bel Coleen Hansen by 079 856 1995. Die 2012 T-hemp en kappie sal reeds te koop wees op 15 September by die opwarmingstap. Inskrywingsvorms vir die wedloop op 27 Oktober is verkrygbaar by Coleen Hansen 0 079 856 1995, Botrivier Advies- en Ontwikkelingsentrum by. Aanlyn-inskrywing kan gedoen word by die BEF webadres, www.bef.org.za waar vorige wedloop foto’s en vanjaar se Themp en kappie ook te siene is. Daar is ’n gelukkige trekking van R1 000 en kleurryke medaljes vir alle deelnemers.

David Knuffman shows a box full of clothing given to patients at the Overberg Community Hospice.

Football Foundation kicks it forward Employees of the Football Foundation of South Africa (FFSA), together with a group of volunteers, recently donated clothing to the Hawston community. The items were originally donated by the Marcos Senna Foundation in Spain. Senna, a Brazilian-born footballer who plays for Villarreal, visited the FFSA earlier this year. After returning to Spain he set about collecting T-shirts and shorts from football clubs to donate to the FFSA in Gansbaai. “Wanting to share this amazing gift, our staff has been visiting various communities in the Overberg delivering clothing,” says Natasha Bredekamp, project coordinator. The group visited St Andrew’s Church, as well as the Overberg Community Hospice and Jubilee Haven.

Jesse Beesems, Konstantin Koerner, Bulelani Mtobela, David Knuffman and Mziyanda Matiwane bore gifts of clothing to women and children in Hawston in celebration of Women’s Month.

Ashwin ploeg terug in streek met skoletoernooi Ashwin Willemse en die Greensmile Foundation het Vrydag 24 Augustus die finaal van die GreenSmile Foundation-rugbytoernooi in Caledon aangebied. Agt skole het aan die finaal deelgeneem, wat bestaan het uit die bowl, plate, shield en cupuitspeelwedstryde. Die agt skole het tydens die Suid-Boland-ligawedstryde uitgespeel om vir die finaal te kwalifiseer. Die betrokke skole is deur Ashwin geidentifiseer om aan die kompetisie teel te neem om die spelers meer blootstelling te gee en daardeur rugby te laat groei. Volgende jaar sal die skole in ’n deurlopende kompetisie deelneem, punte opbou en dan sodoende kwalifiseer om in die finaal te speel. Hawston Sekondêr is as wenners van die dag gekroon en het die Son-wisseltrofee gewen deur Emil Weder Sekondêr te klop.

Die gees waarin die kompetisie gespeel is, asook die atmosfeer wat geheers het, het die uitslae van die wedstryde oorheers. Rugby het op dié dag geseëvier en bande is gesmee. Die deelnemers het met die blootstelling nuwe doelwitte vir hulself gestel om nie net as span te groei nie, maar ook as individue. Namens die deelnemende skole: Swartberg Sekondêr, Albert Myburgh Sekondêr, Gansbaai Adademia, Hawston Sekondêr, De Rust Futura, Groenberg Sekondêr, Villiersdorp Sekondêr en Emil Weder Sekondêr wil die skool graag vir Ashwin dankie sê omdat hy terugploeg in die streek waar hy grootgeword het. Opregte dank ook aan die kunstenaars vir die wonderlike atmosfeer wat hulle geskep het, aan plaaslike besighede vir hul bydraes, asook al die borge wat die glansryke dag moontlik gemaak het.

Ashwin Willemse met Alex Kleinsmith op die dag.


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