Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 17 • Tuesday 20 January 2015 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Brandweerbeamptes spook om ’n brand in die informele nedersetting Kreefgat, Jamestown onder bedwang te bring. Altesaam 29 strukture is in puin gelê en 127 mense, waaronder 67 kinders, is dakloos gelaat. Dit is nog onbekend wat die oorsaak van die brand is. FOTO’S: RAYMOND WILLEMSE
Twee mans dra ’n rusbank uit ’n huis, wat langs ’n huis staan wat in ligte laaie is. Van die inwoners het byna al hul besittings verloor terwyl ander daarin kon slaag om van hul besittings te red.
Sowat 29 strukture is verwoes en het tot op die grond afgebrand. Altesaam 16 brandweerbeamptes het gespook om die brand onder bedwang te bring. Lees die volledige berig op bl.2.
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Van die inwoners het hul besittings na buite gedra om te keer dat dit nie ook brand nie.
Tuesday 20 January 2015
Inwoners van die informele nedersetting Kreefgat in Jamestown, kyk hoe strukture brand. Altesaam 29 strukture het afgebrand. FOTO’S: RAYMOND WILLEMSE
Inwoners verloor alles toe strukture brand Twee babas is vir rookinaseming behandel toe ’n brand verlede Woensdag by ’n informele nedersetting in Kreefgat, Jamestown, uitgebreek het. ’n Brandbestryder is ook lig beseer toe ’n spyker deur sy stewel gesteek het. Dit is nog nie bekend hoe die brand, wat ná 16:00 uitgebreek het, ontstaan het nie. Die brand het 29 strukture in puin gelê en 127 mense – 30 mans, 30 vroue en 67 kinders
– dakloos gelaat. Altesaam 16 brandweerbeamptes het gespook om die brand onder bedwang te bring. Van die inwoners het al hul besittings verloor waaronder persoonlike dokumente. Die klere aan hul lyf was al besittings wat hulle oorgehad het. Soos die brand van die een struktuur na die ander versprei het, het inwoners hul besittings na buite gedra om te voorkom dat dit ook in die brand verwoes word. Ander inwoners van Jamestown
het ook kom hand bysit om die slagoffers te help om hul besittings te probeer red. ’n Hartseer Beverley Skippers het gesê sy was besig by haar bure terwyl haar man, Mario, besig was om hul huis reg te maak. “Om te dink ons huis wat my man besig was om reg te kry, is nou afgebrand. Ons kon van die klere red, maar die ander goed het als gebrand. Ek het ook my ouma se erfgoed verloor.” Sy het saam met haar man daar gewoon.
Nóg ’n inwoner, Sara Daniels, het gesê sy het van die werk gekom toe sy ’n rookwolk sien. “Dis baie hartseer. Ek kon darem van die goed red, maar die meeste is tot niet. Ek weet nie hoe ek weer die besittings gaan bekom nie.” Volgens Wayne Smith van die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit se brandweerdiens het hulle onmiddellik gereageer toe hulle ’n oproep ontvang het. “Met inagneming van die spitsverkeer op die pad, het ons redelik
vinnig die brand bereik.” Smith het gesê die normale uitdagings by informele nedersettings, soos ontoeganklikheid, gebrek aan brandpaaie, die digtheid van strukture en gebrek aan brandkrane, het hulle begroet en het sonder twyfel ’n nadelige impak op effektiewe brandbestryding gehad. Hy het gesê die betrokkenes word tydelik gehuisves by die Jamestown klubhuis terwyl samesprekings aan die gang is.
’n Nuwe toerismevereniging, die Weber Tourism Network, is onlangs in Jamestown gestig. By die geleentheid was, van links, Martha Koopman, Derick Hendricks, Franklin Adams en Karin Brandt-Adams. FOTO’S: DAAN WILLIAMS
Nathan Blom wys sy rugbyvernuf by die opening van die onderdak-sportsentrum in Groendal verlede Donderdag. FOTO: RAYMOND
Nuwe onderdaksportsentrum geopen
Groendal buite Franschhoek kan spog met ’n wêreldklas onderdaksportsentrum. Die Franschhoek-vallei se gemeenskapsportsentrum wat ongeveer R25 miljoen kos, is verlede Donderdag amptelik deur die premier van die Wes-Kaap, Helen Zille, geopen. Finansiering vir die sentrum is deur die organisasie Hope Through Action (HTA) ingesamel. Philip Green, die stigter van die sportsentrum, het gesê die sentrum gaan fokus op kinders van agtergeblewe gemeenskappe om hulle vaardighede te leer. ’n Soortgelyke sentrum is in 2010 in Mbekweni buite die Paarl gebou en Green het gesê hy het reeds gesien watter verskil die sentrum in die jongmense se lewens gemaak het. “Met die sentrum wil ons duisende kinders se lewens deur sport veran-
der. Saam kan ons dit doen.” Hy het gesê die sentrum is vir die hele vallei. Die organisasie gebruik sport om positiewe lewensvaardighede by kinders te ontwikkel en help ook die jongmense met probleme wat hulle daagliks in die gesig gestaar. Die voormalige Olimpiese swemkampioen, Ryk Neethling, die voormalige Protea-aanvangskolwer, Gary Kirsten, en die bekende sjef en Masterchef-beoordelaar, Reuben Riffel, is die ambassadeurs vir die projek. Riffel is ’n boorling van Groendal. Die sentrum spog met ’n onderdaksportveld waar sokker, vlugbal, rugby en netbal gespeel kan word. Gevegkunsklasse word ook aangebied. Daar is ook klaskamers, stortgeriewe, oefenkamers, ’n kombuis en kleedkamers.
Die burgemeesterskomiteelid vir sosiale ontwikkeling, Aldridge Frazenburg, het gesê hulle is baie dankbaar vir HTA wat die sentrum gebou het. “Hierdie sentrum kan vir ons kinders in die Franschhoek-vallei baie geleenthede bied. Dit is ook ’n plek waar hulle veilig kan wees en besig gehou kan word, weg van die strate en uit die moeilikheid. Sport het positiewe uitwerkings.” Zille het die organisasie geloof vir die werk wat hulle doen en ook die ander rolspelers bedank wat by die projek betrokke is. Sy het gesê dit moet oorweeg word om die model oor die provinsie uit te brei. “Sport bring mense byeen. Om bendebedrywighede hok te slaan moet jongmense by sport betrokke raak.”
Ook by die stigting van die Weber Tourism Network was Desmond Hartzenberg en Tyrone Wentzel.
Die bestuur van die nuwe Weber Tourism Network is: Jacques Buys, Anne Heyns (Stellenbosch 360), Annemarie Ferns (Stellenbosch 360), Linda Isaacs (tesourier), Franklik Adams, Lee-Anne Seliger (addisionele lid) en Chanene van As (voorsitter).
Tuesday 20 January 2015
News - Nuus
SciMathUS lewer sy eerste doktor MICHELLE VAN DER SPUY @MichellevdSpuy
matrikuleer het, sê ’n gebrek aan finansies was nie die enigste struikelblok nie. “Daar was nie net Hy het dalk toevallig een struikelblok nie, in Universiteit Stelmaar die tekort aan lenbosch (US) se Scifinansies tesame MathUS-program met huislike uitdabeland, maar Gerald gings, was ’n groot Maarman was duistruikelblok vir my. delik bestem om Dit het regtig my uitdiep spore op die mehouvermoë en gediese terrein te trap. loof getoets. Maarman het op “Daar was dae toe 16 Desember ’n dokek gevoel het om net torsgraad van die Universiteit Kaap- Gerald Maarman het op 16 in die onbekende in stad ontvang en is Desember die SciMathUS- te loop en aan te hou die program se eer- program se eerste doktorale loop tot ek wegkom van alles wat my teste doktorale gegra- gegradueerde geword. rughou. Maar ek dueerde. SciMathUS (Science and Mathe- dank God vir genade en sulke onmatics at Stellenbosch Universi- dersteunende ouers.” Hy glo dat om gemotiveerd te ty) is een van die US se toegangsverbredingsprogramme. Die pro- bly die geheim tot sy sukses in die gram bied aan Graad 12-leerders program was. “SciMathUS se voluit onderwysbenadeelde skole die tydse skedule was nogal moeilik geleentheid om hul punte te verbe- om aan gewoond te raak en die ter en sodoende vir toelating tot werklading was groot. Ek kan onthou, aan die einde van my SciMadie universiteit te kwalifiseer. Maarman het in 2003 by die pro- thUS jaar, was daar nie een wisgram aangesluit ná hy by iemand kunde-oefening wat ek nog nie gedaarvan gehoor het. “Hulle het doen het nie. Maarman het sy MSc-graad in aanvanklik gesê my wiskunde- en natuur-en-skeikunde-punte was Mediese Fisiologie met ’n fokus op onder hul toegangsvereiste. Die kardiovaskulêre afwykings en destydse programbestuurder het farmakologiese intervensies aan toe besluit om my ’n kans te gee.” die US voltooi. Sy navorsing vir sy Maarman, wat in Eersterivier doktorsgraad het bewys dat die grootgeword het en in 2002 aan hormoon melatonien effektief Eersterivier Sekondêre Skool ge- pulmonale hipertensie genees.
Stellenbosch Gazette
Idasvallei se eie Mej SA-finalis Idasvallei kan nou spog met ’n Mej. Suid-Afrika-finalis danksy Nicole Lamberts wat as een van die top-12 gekies is. Nicole, wat tans haar honneursgraad in arbeidsterapie aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch voltooi, is in 2012 as Mej. Stellenbosch en in 2013 as Mej. Veet gekroon. Nicole bly nog by haar ouerhuis in Idasvallei en sê sy is dankbaar dat sy uit ’n goeie huis kom. “Ek weet ek is geseën om ’n sterk familie-eenheid te hê wat my ondersteun en vir my omgee. Hulle het die fondasie wat ek nodig gehad het om te floreer en die stabiliteit om te groei vir my neergelê.” Haar ma, Yolanda, het ná die geboorte van Nicole se suster, Kayler (16), wat ’n leerder aan Rhenish Girls’ High is, ’n tuisteskepper geword. Haar pa, Hilton, is nie net ’n tegniese opleier by Appletiser nie, maar ook sy oudste dogter se grootste rolmodel. “Ek is so gelukkig dat ek elke dag met my pa kan gesels en raad kan vra. Hy is baie passievol oor verandering en geniet dit om buite die boks te dink. “Hy het my geïnspireer toe ek grootgeword het en het vir my geleer dat om die klein goedjies in die lewe, soos vertroue en respek, te bewonder en nooit die verlede toe te laat om my terug te hou nie.” Nog ’n belangrike lewensles is een wat sy op haar laaste dag as ’n hoërskoolleerder geleer het. Een wat sy nou aan ander jong meisies in Suid-Afrika wil oordra. “Jy is verantwoordelik vir die skep van jou eie geluk. As jy dit eers gevind het, kan niemand dit van jou af wegneem nie. Embrace wie jy is en maak dit ook duidelik vir ander mense om te sien.” Nicole wil graag Mej. Suid-Afrika word omdat sy ’n passie vir ons land en sy inwoners het. “Ek sal trots wees om as ’n leier vir ons diverse land met sy unieke individue gekies te word. “Ek wil ’n rolmodel wees vir nie net vroue en kinders nie, maar ook vir mans. Ek wil iemand wees waarop my gemeenskap kan trots wees en vir hulle hoop gee om hul lewens te verbeter deur in hul drome te glo.” Iets wat mense nie van haar sou verwag nie, is haar verrassende stokperdjie. “Ek is mal daaroor om lepels te versamel; interessante lepels en lepels wat my ouma al oor die jare bymekaar gemaak het. Ek het lepels teruggebring toe ek oorsee gereis het. Dis nogal ’n unieke en verrassende stokperdjie.”
Nicole Lamberts van Idasvallei is een van die top-12 Mej. SuidAfrika-finaliste. FOTO: KEVIN MARK PASS
Bloemhof top S’bosch school The Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof, which has been named the top school in Stellenbosch, managed to achieve a 100% pass rate. Bloemhof was ranked number eight on the list of the top schools in the province. Rhenish Girls’ High was ranked 12th, while Paul Roos Gimnasium was ranked 15th. Rhenish also managed to achieve a 100% pass rate, as well as a 100% Bachelor’s pass rate, meaning all their matrics are eligible for tertiary study. Paul Roos Gimnasium and Stellenbosch High School achieved a 99,1% and 99,3% pass rate respectively. At Stellenzicht High School the pass rate increased by more than 20% from 50,7% to 72,2%. Principal Lester Allies said he is overwhelmed by the learners’ results. “The learners worked hard and they did us proud. We are thankful for the parents’ cooperation
and the education department’s support.” At Cloetesville High the pass rate decreased by almost 3%. The school principal, David Andrews, said his school’s pass rate is 78,3%. “We were worried when the pass rate for the September exam results was 27%. The learners really came through.” Shirene Barends, acting principal for Lückhoff High School, said although their results are better than last year, they are not happy with the pass rate of 83,9%. “Our focus for this year will be to support the learners throughout the year.” Maphelo Ntshanga, the principal of Kayamandi High School, said they need to improve on their mathematics and science marks. “We are not happy with our results. It dropped by almost 20% from 85% to 68,3% in 2014. These two subjects are a challenge and we need to work harder.”
her amazing story. The talk starts at 19:00 and will take place at Mediclinic Vergelegen’s restaurant. For more information contact Aletta van der Watt 0 083 270 4842.
26 January
29 Januarie
) The Arthritis Foundation Helderberg kicks off its 2015 talks programme by inviting you to hear ice swimmer and arthritis sufferer Lindsay de Kock of Somerset West tell
) Anel Kirsten gaan die Reik na Herstel borskankersteungroep toespreek by Mediclinic Vergelegen se raadsaal. Die tema vir die toespraak, wat om 10:00 begin, is Die
groot vet-debat. Vir meer inligting kontak Reik na Herstel 0 082 357 0497 ) The Stellenbosch Ladies Luncheon Club will meet at L’Aurberge du Paysan at 10:30. Fay Rennie will talk on her recent trip to Morocco. For reservations and more information contact Val Steytler 0 021 855 2616. Stuur joudagboekinskrywings na
Die Wes-Kaapse departement van gesondheid is op soek na familielede van Marilyn Dreyer (in die foto). Sy is op 10 Desember 2014 in die Tygerberg-hospitaal opgeneem. Enigiemand met inligting oor Dreyer kan vir Anita Olivari by 0021 938 4164 / 4868 òf vir Jorita Williams by 0 021 938 5870 / 5869 kontak.
Tel: 021 886 8231
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 20 January 2015
Men march against violence Seven pastors who prayed at seven points during a march which lasted seven hours. This was the concept for a march for the Men For Change march which took place on 20 December 2014.
A-Jay Ryan was een van twee nuwejaarsbabas wat in die Mediclinic Stellenbosch gebore is. Hy het 3,90 kg by geboorte geweeg en is omstreeks 02:00 op 1 Januarie gebore. By hom is pa Rayan, ma Yvette en sussie Revé. Een baba is ook op Kersdag hier gebore. In die Stellenbosch provinsiale hospitaal is twee op Nuwejaarsdag en een op Kersdag gebore. FOTO: DAAN WILLIAMS
The goal of the march was to create awareness of violence against women and children. Policemen and male residents of Cloetesville and Idas Valley participated in the march, which started in Smartie Town and ended in Newman Street in Idas Valley. Pastors spoke to the participants about family values and morals, the importance of making the right choices, and the impact of alcohol and drug abuse on families and communities.
The Men For Change march from Cloetesville to Idas Valley created awareness about violence against women and children.
Slabtown not forgotten at Christmas The 80 adults and 20 children currently living in the Slabtown informal settlement in Cloetesville were treated to a Christmas lunch on 21 December 2014.
The lunch was hosted by the Cloetesville Sub Forum. The lunch also included a speech about motivation and the spirit of Christmas.
All the children received beautifully wrapped shoeboxes filled with presents donated by the Cloetesville SAPS.
Desiré Flowers lees oor Jesus se geboorte aan Joshua Fry, Masilino Davids en Shaun Hendriks en nog ander kinders by ’n Kersspel wat in Jakarandastraat, Cloetesville gehou is. FOTO: DAAN WILLIAMS
The children of Slabtown were not only treated to a Christmas lunch but also received presents.
Die Stellenbosch Gazette vra Stellenbossers om hierdie welsyns- en gemeenskapsorganisasies te help. Hier is ’n lys van hul grootste behoeftes: ) Stellenbosch-nagskuiling: Ingemaakte (blikkies-) of vars groente, enige droë sopbestanddele, macaroni, spaghetti, koffie, suiker, poeiermelk, smeergoed vir brood, badseep en handdoeke. Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan vrywilligers om daagliks sop te skenk. Dit kan bevrore of vars wees. Skakel 0 021 886 6173. ) Huis Horison: Materiaal, wol, kant en benodigdhede vir handwerkafdeling, waterdigte (enkelbed) oortreksels vir matrasse, inkontinensie-doeke vir volwassenes. Skakel 0 021 887 5080. ) Safe House Stellenbosch: Benodig dringend babaweggooidoeke, babaseep, -sjampoe en -klere, vroue- en kinderklere, pajamas en sokkies.
Vir die kombuis: rys, melkpoeier of langlewemelk, kookolie, suiker, pasta, koffie en tee. Algemeen: waspoeier vir outomatiese wasmasjien, Handy Andy, Jik, Domestos en opwasmiddel vir skottelgoed. Vaardigheidsklasse: hekelpenne, hekelgare, asook skryfbehoeftes soos verf, skêre, Pritt, gekleurde papier en inkleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte. Vroue van die gemeenskap word versoek om asseblief hul talente, stokperdjies, kennis en vaardighede met die inwoners te kom deel. Skakel 0 021 883 2574. ) Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie: Droë bestanddele soos rys, pasta, mieliemeel, stampmielies en sopmengsel, asook bruikbare produkte vir kospakkies. Skakel 0 021 886 8986 of 0 071 322 0747. ) Kindersorg SA Stellenbosch: Ons soek tweedehandse klere, nie-bederfbare voedsel, meubels en huishoudelike ware. Skakel 0 021 887 2816. ) Jeuguitreik: kinder- en jeugsorgsentrum: Brood, suiker, pasta, broodsmeer, ingemaakte (blikkies-) kos, gordyne en ou DVD’s wat oor naweke vir die kinders gewys kan word, asook skryfbehoeftes en skoolklere. Skakel 0 021 886 6216.
) Abba: ’n Maatskaplike werker van Abba se rekenaar het ná sowat agt jaar diens opgepak. Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan ’n eksterne geheueskyf as deel van risikobestuur om te verseker dat data nie verlore gaan nie. Mense wat hierdie items kan skenk, kan Abba se kantoor bel by 0 021 883 8030. Abba is ’n program van Badisa, die maatskaplike dienste-organisasie van die VGK (Kaapland) en die NGK (Wes- en Suid-Kaap). Abba lewer dienste in Stellenbosch ten opsigte van alkohol- en dwelmafhanklikheid. ) Ikhaya Trust Centre: Vrywilligers wat leerders in die nasorgsentrum op Vrydae van 15:00 tot 16:00 kan leer viool speel, word gesoek. Skakel 0 021 889 8774. ) Marcelino Singh-stigting: Brood, broodsmeer, vars groente, tweedehandse klere en meubels. Skakel 0 021 889 9555 of 072 888 7188. ) ACVV Stellenbosch: Nie-bederfbare kos, toiletware, skoolskoene, -hemde en -broeke, weggooidoeke vir babas en volwassenes, rugsakke vir skoolgaande kinders en ou klere vir ons klerewinkel om te gee aan diegene wat kom vra. Skakel 0 021 887 6959. ) Kayamandi-traumakamer:
Matrasse (driekwart- en enkelbed), waaier, verwarmer, beddegoed, gordyne, komberse, eetgerei, tweedehandse klere en onderklere, kos, toiletware en skoonmaakmiddels. Bel me. Bakubaku, 0 074 717 9676 of 0 021 889 7686, of Mary, 0 083 945 5811. ) Stellenbosch-hospies: Koffie, tee en warmsjokoladepoeier (hot chocolate), skryfbehoeftes (verf, skêre, Pritt, gekleurde papier en inkleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte), opvoedkundige en ander speletjies soos ’n domino-, dambord- en skaakstel, “stresballe”, rekbande en wolnaalde of breipenne, asook manspajamas en -skoene, kinderklere, komberse en kussings met kussingslope. V Do you need material for a school project? Find relevant cheap material in our great selection of books and pictures in our many magazines at the Hospice Shop in Borcherd Street, open weekdays until 16:45 and on Saturdays. Your purchases help fund the caring services Stellenbosch Hospice provides for over 1 000 patients every month. Contact 0 021 886 5994. ) GreenDoorProjek@Jamestown: Babaklere (0 – 3 jaar) en bababenodigdhede vir 13 tienermammas in hul sorg, asook meisieklere (9 – 10 jaar). Vir meer inligting: Chanene van As 0 082 890 8616.
Tuesday 20 January 2015
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Te min jongmense is entrepreneurs
Daar is die laaste paar jaar baie oor entrepreneurskap gepraat en geskryf. Tog is dit ’n boodskap wat baie stadig inslag vind by mense. Mense verander nie maklik hul denke van “waar kan ek ’n werk kry?”, na “watter werk kan ek vir myself skep?” nie.
Top Matie and Olympian swimmer Trudi Maree will be one of the Matie Swimming Club’s participants in the Grand Prix swimming series, of which one event will be held in Stellenbosch in February.
Major international swim event at Maties In what can be regarded as a major scoop for Stellenbosch swimming, the 2015 South African Swimming Grand Prix will be held in Stellenbosch from 13 to 15 February. “We are delighted with the announcement by Swimming South Africa (SSA) that this event will be held in Stellenbosch. It is the first international swimming event to be held in the new Coetzenburg 50 m swimming pool. Maties swimmers will be able to interact with their swimming heroes, which should provide additional motivation and encourage new talent to join the sport,”said Karin Hugo, sport scientist and coach of Maties Swimming. Hugo said the Maties Swimming Club feels privileged to be hosting the event. “Bringing swimming to a smaller community like Stellenbosch improves focus on the sport and at the same time will emphasise the world class facilities we have to offer to the national and international markets. “At this stage, we cannot confirm the participation of top swimmers but it is most likely that swimming stars like Chad le Clos, Karin Prinsloo and Myles Brown will be in action. “From our own Maties club our Olympic swimmer Trudi Maree and club mates
Caitlin Kat, Liam Fourie and Sebastian Simenic are likely to line up in the various competitions,” Hugo explained. According to a statement by SSA, South African top level swimmers are not provided with enough access to tough international competition. As part of a long-term participant development programme for 2016 and 2020, SSA has conceptualised the introduction of a South African Swimming Grand Prix to address the scenario of more high level competition for locally based swimmers. The model for the series is to present a number of two-day events, each to be hosted by a different SSA Affiliate. Although the primary focus is for South African Athletes, international athletes would be able to compete in the series. This would also allow for more South African swimmers to experience tough racing conditions, which will help their reach their full potential. The second Grand Prix swimming event will be held at the Kings Park swimming pool in Durban from 20 to 22 February. Both events will be held according to FINA (International Swimming Federation) technical rules and is are open competitions in both the men’s and women’s divisions.
Volgens ’n artikel in Entrepreneur is slegs 3,6 persent van jongmense onder die ouderdom van dertig jaar betrokke in hul eie besighede. Baie jongmense wat pas matriek geskryf het, kon dalk nog nie ’n werk kry nie of weet nog nie wat hulle wil doen nie. Daarom ’n paar entrepreneurskapswenke vir jongmense. Die moeilikste is om jou eerste R10 wins te maak deur jou eie eerlike werkskepping. Daarna herhaal jy die resep. Die beste tyd om te begin, is terwyl jy jonk is. Baie gevestigde entrepreneurs wens hulle het hul besighede vroeër begin. Hoe gouer jy jou doel begin nastreef, hoe beter. Verder dink ons altyd jy het baie geld nodig om ’n besigheid te begin. Meer geld is voordelig wanneer jy begin, maar as jy ie-
mand se motor vir hom was vir dertig rand, het jy al ’n eerste tree gegee om jou eie geld te verdien. Onthou, mense is nie suksesvol omdat hulle baie geld ontvang of geërf het nie, maar eerder oor wat hulle doen met hul gawes en talente. Gebruik joune tot jou eie voordeel. Ek lees van ’n man wat as jong man begin het om vir mense rommel weg te ry. Later het hy iemand ontmoet wat die rommel by hom begin koop het. Hy maak toe ekstra die geld uit dieselfde rommel. Na twintig jaar was hy ’n gevestigde sakeman. Sag. 4:10 sê: “Moenie die dag van klein dingetjies (’n klein begin) gering ag nie.” Laastens is dit nodig om vas te byt en aan te hou met wat jy doen. Moenie sommer tou opgooi nie. ’n Besigheid word oor tyd gebou en nie oornag nie. Sorg ook dat jy aanhou leer. Lees soveel as moontlik oor besigheid en wat suksesvolle sakepersone doen, in koerante, tydskrifte, boeke, die internet, ens. Onthou, jy kan vir jouself werk, ... AS JY WIL. V David Malherbe is ’n besigheids- en loopbaankonsultant en woon in Wellington.
Kayamandi’s beauties sought The annual Mr and Miss Kayamandi auditions will take place on 24 and 25 January between 14:00 – 17:00 at the Kayamandi Economic Tourism Corridor boardroom. The organisers are calling on all young individuals from the community of Kayamandi participate in the event They are looking for 12 female and 12 male
candidates between the ages of 14 – 17 (juniors) and 18 – 21 (seniors) respectively. Mr and Miss Kayamandi aims to help promote a positive image of young women and men living in the disadvantage townships. The pageant will focus on promoting education, and youth involve in community initiative, thus building a better future for them.
Sedrick Taljaard van Radio Tygerberg 104fm, die sanger-komediant Emo Adams en Albert Maritz, regisseur en akteur, het die bekendstelling van die Woordfees onlangs op Webersburg bygewoon.
Saartjie Botha FOTO’S: DANIE KEET
’n Eerste, eie feeskoerant vir die Woordfees!
Kinders van Tennantville, Cloetesville is vol glimlaggies tydens ’n vakansieprogram wat in Desember aangebied is deur Nellie Loubser en rdl. Donovan Joubert. Die kinders het ook geskenkpakkies ontvang.
Vir die eerste keer in die Woordfees se bestaan, sal die fees in 2015 ’n eie feeskoerant hê. “Dit is regtig vir ons ’n groot en trotse gebeurtenis. Die gebrek aan ’n eie feeskoerant was nog altyd ’n seer gemis by die Woordfees, veral gegewe die bronne in ons midde: die Departement Joernalistiek aan die US, Die Burger, Eikestadnuus en die baie skrywers, joernaliste en kreatiewes so digby ons,” sê Saartjie Botha, direkteur van Woordfees 2015. “Dit is ook ’n groot voorreg om vir Jacolette Kloppers, tans dosent in joernalistiek by die Noordwes Universiteit, as eerste redakteur te hê. Ek weet van niemand wat haar vermoëns en integriteit in twyfel trek nie!’ Hannelie Cronjé, ’n ou hand as dit by feeskoerante kom, sal die rol van uitgewer vervul. Sy is ’n bekende in die bedryf met baie jare se diens by Die Burger. Cronjé, wat tans in Reitz woon, is ook die uitgewer van Krit, KKNK-feesblad. Botha sê hoewel die koerant aan die fees behoort, is die totale redaksionele onafhanklikheid gewaarborg. “Regverdige kritiek is gesond en die fees het dit nodig om te groei en te ontwik-
kel.” Sy meen die betrokkenheid van die Departement van Joernalistiek sal ook ’n belangrike bydra lewer om die koerant se onafhanklike stem te versterk en uit te bou. “Die redaksiekantoor sal onafhanklik en sonder inmenging van enige feespersoneel geskied.” Senior, gevestigde joernaliste sal die resensies en ontledings doen terwyl die joernalistiekstudente grootliks (maar nie uitsluitlik nie) vir feesnuus ingespan sal word. Eikestadnuus sal daagliks die digitale weergawe van die koerant op hul webwerf dra. Wat ’n naam betref, word die publiek genooi om hul bydraes te stuur aan Litnet, wat ’n aanlyn-kompetisie aanbied in die soeke na ’n geskikte titel. Die wenner sal vyf dubbelkaartjies van sy of haar keuse na enige vertonings (onderhewig aan beskikbaarheid) by Woordfees 2015 wen. Die koerant, daagliks ’n 12-blad in tablet-grootte, sal sewe keer verskyn: ’n oorsig-uitgawe word beplan vir Donderdag 5 Maart wat ook ijn Eikestadnuus ingevoeg sal word, waarna daar van Maandag 9 Maart tot Saterdag 14 Maart daagliks ’n koerant sal wees.
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 20 January 2015
Muratie’s new pink bubbly Muratie has released its maiden Rosé Cap Classique, the Lady Alice 2012, in response to countless requests for a pink bubbly from women visiting the Muratie tasting room
MY HANDY MAN SERVICES: Painting (Interior and Exterior), roof painting and high pressure cleaning, tiling, tree felling and min. removals. WE REMOVE UNWANTED MIN RUBBLE FURNITURE, GARDEN REFUSE AND GARAGE JUNK AT A REASONABLE PRICE. Cell: 083 558 7911 / 084 341 9155 Email: myhandyman.edwin@ VOERTUIE
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Spesiale dienste
The grapes of this bubbly were handpicked at the end of January 2012, at between 19 and 20°C, and whole-bunch pressed. Only free-run juice was used and settled for one day at 8°C after which it was inoculated and fermented for about two weeks at 14–16°C. It is a blend of 72% Pinot Noir and 28% Chardonnay and spent 26 months on the lees before dégorgement. Layers and layers of flavour characterise this classicallystyled crisp dry MCC. The pronounced aromas of lemons, limes, almond blossom and toasted cereal are echoed on the palate where the frothy, persistent bubbles dance on your tongue as the flavours move through more citrus, toasted buttered brioche and a distinctively salty edge, all of it wrapped up in rich butter The new pink cream. Vibrant acidity adds Muratie. zest to each mouthful of rounded fruit and the finish is long and lingering, ending with a final tangy twist. It’s a wine for celebrations and commiserations, for drinking on its own or pairing with food (try oysters or Gentleman’s Relish on toast) and is certain to turn any occasion into something memorable and special. Muratie Lady Alice Brut Rosé 2012 retails nationally for about R160.
Lady Alice Sarah Stanford Muratie’s Cap Classique honours Lady Alice Sarah Stanford, who was married to a senator, and as custodians of Muratie after they bought the farm in 1909, they lived the life of the landed gentry at the time. Life was filled with endless festivities: luncheons, cocktails, soirées, banquets, balls and fancy dress parties as well as hosts of shooting, hunting and tennis gatherings. And as a high society woman of note, Lady Alice was adept at turning every event into a dance party, with jazzy tunes in the background and the notes of fine wine on the nose. Muratie’s Lady Alice Méthode Cap Classique toasts this lovely lady of pleasure! Muratie’s Iconic Wines At Muratie, the passion for preserving the estate’s rich heritage and the intriguing human stories woven into the very fabric of its centuries old history, are captured in every nook and cranny of this family farm, where the unique rosé bubbly from old-world ambience is almost tangible. Even the wines reflect a tangible sense of time suspended. The Melck family has honoured the estate’s fascinating history by naming all Muratie’s Iconic Wines after extraordinary characters from the farm’s colourful past, each with its own enchanting story described on the back label. And there are a myriad stories reaching as far back as the 17th century, making Muratie one of the oldest wineries in the Cape Winelands.
Private institutes boost education
Private higher education is becoming the study route of choice for an increasing number of young South Africans, in line with international trends. Although in the past private education at tertiary level was often pursued mostly in instances where space at a public university could not be secured, or for courses of study other than degrees, that is no longer the case. “We have seen a definite increase in applications from prospective students who elect to go the private route, partly because of the individual attention and smaller class sizes offered by many accredited institutions, as well as unique course offerings. Additionally, because of private institutions’ focus on workreadiness and post-qualification assistance in terms of placement, the reputation of these places of learning have grown significantly in recent years,” says Dr Felicity Coughlan, Director of the Independent Institute of Education. Coughlan says there has also been a marked drop in the previously stubborn – but false – perception about comparative standards between public and private institutions. “The public has become more aware of the fact that all registered institutions, regardless of sector, are required to meet the stringent Higher Education Quality Council accreditation requirements, as well as the equally stringent and onerous registration requirements of the Department of Higher Education and Training,” she says. “The recent focus on the constrained admissions in the public higher education sector has generated much debate
about alternatives for students. It is absolutely correct that the FET sector is one that is often overlooked by school leavers, and equally true that within the higher education sector, qualifications other than degrees are insufficiently considered. “Absent from the debate, however, has been recognition of the fast growing – in size and reputation – private higher education sector. As with private schooling, and as in many developing economies throughout the world, the private higher education sector in South Africa provides exciting further study options for prospective students, and dramatically increases the scope of access.” Coughlan says that the experience at all of the campuses of The Independent Institute of Education and many other private providers, is that students have come to understand the value offered in the private sector and actively seek the smaller campuses, flexible modern curricula, innovative teaching and learning, models of student support and student life and focus on the individual that can characterise private higher education campuses. She notes that, by its nature, private higher education will in some instances be comparatively more expensive than public higher education, as the Government has not moved in the same direction as other developing countries – such as Botswana – to fund the sector to make its offering more widely accessible. However, it would clearly be a fallacy to believe that quality is measured by the extent to which the taxpayer funds education, she says, and a direct fee comparison does not take into account the other value propositions such as student support and high success rates during and after study. The suitability of the environment for particular students is not determined by who paid to build it, she says. “Many public institutions in SA are leaders in the field of research and others focus on quality teaching or are excellent universities of technology. However, that does not equate to them being the right environment for all students and all courses. “To make the right decision about where, what and how to study, prospective students must start researching and receiving information about all their options, in a context which does not continue to pander to historic misconceptions,” she says.
Dinsdag 20 Januarie 2015
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
A talk about open water swimming will be held in Stellenbosch on Thursday in the run up to the inaugural Sanlam Cape Mile open water swimming MTB that will be held at the Eikenhof Dam in Grabouw on 14 February. Both seasoned swimmers and newcomers to the sport will benefit from the evening’s line-up which will include discussions with Olympic swimmer Trudi Maree and top South African triathlete Vicky van der Merwe. The discussion will be held at BMT Bike Shop on the corner of Dorp and Market Street at 19:00.
Stellenbosch’s Kleinhans triumphs in Attakwas MTB
with a win, it’s a good indication of your form after all the December miles and it’s a big weight off my shoulders to get another Attakwas win!” commented Kleinhans. Specialized’s Christoph Sauser won the men’s event in a winning time of 4:51:59 with Stefan Sahm and Gert Heyns joining him on Starting at a pace a bit slower the winners’ podium. There was than usual, Kleinhans found herno clear effort for a new record of self almost 5 minutes behind at 4:47:46 and not even close to the the first technical assistance R100 000 incentive time of a winpoint, after which she started to ning time of under 4:30. claw back time of the leading laRESULTS dies, Jennie Stenerhag and RobWOMEN yn de Groot. 1. Ariane Kleinhans (Team Stenerhag was unfortunate to RECM) 5:30’58” puncture while in the lead, and 2. Robyn de Groot (Team Ashad to run the last few kilometres into the second technical point to Ariane Kleinhans of Stellenbosch triumphed in the very difficult Attakwas MTB. cendis) +7’14” 3. Jennie Stenerhag (Team Aschange her wheel. Teammate De Groot, and chasing Kleinhans, passed Stener- were together with 30 km to go, but Kleinhans cendis) +24’10” MEN hag to move into first and second on the road, continued to edge ahead and finished almost 1. Christoph Sauser (Specialized) 4:51’59” with just 50 seconds separating them at the 8 minutes ahead of De Groot at the finish in 2. Stefan Sahm (Team Bulls) +4’25” Groot Brak. 85 km mark. 3. Gert Heyns (Scott Factory Racing) +7’40” “It’s really important to start the season Kleinhans caught De Groot and the pair Team RECM’s Ariane Kleinhans from Stellenbosch opened her 2015 account with a win at the 121 km Fairview Attakwas Extreme this weekend, arguably the toughest one-day MTB race in South Africa.
Speel gholf vir Huis Horison en wen pryse Die Cluver Markotter/Huis Horisongholfdag vind vanjaar op 26 Maart by die Stellenbosch-gholfbaan plaas. Die sentrum is ’n maatskappy sonder winsbejag wat vir sy eie finansiering verantwoordelik is. Die sentrum is ’n residensiële en beskutte werksentrum wat ’n tuiste bied aan 98 volwasse persone en 35 dagwerkers wat daagliks by hulle aansluit vir werk. Die aktiwiteite is op holistiese en kliëntgesentreerde diens gerig. Die formaat van die kompetisie is ’n 4-bal alliansie-stableford en kos R3 200 per 4-bal. Die koste sluit in 18 putjies se gholf, halfweghuis-verversings, aandete en prysuitdeling, ’n veiling met verskeie interessante items en ’n geskenk van Huis Horison. Daar sal baie pryse wees om te wen en spelers se droë kele sal by die natgate gelawe word. V Vir inligting oor die dag, skakel gerus vir Sonja de Klerk: e-pos:; faks (021) 887 5337; tel: 021 887 5080
Die span van Huis Horison wat verlede jaar aan die kompetisie deelgeneem het, is (van links) Riaan Kriel, Kobus Koorts (inwoner), Leon Peters en Boland Woest, ’n personeellid.
Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 17 • Dinsdag 20 Januarie 2015 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Ziyanada Tywaleni, Kirtsen Conrad and Sinaza Nobele sharpen their skills at the practise session this week.
Fundiswa Plaatjie and Zeney Jordaan, captain of the Springbok Sevens women’s team, going through their paces at a practise session in Stellenbosch on Monday. PHOTO: DANIE KEET
Bok Women’s Sevens team gears up for world series
The Springbok Women’s Sevens this week stepped up their preparations for the World Rugby Women’s Sevens World Series in Brazil on 7 and 8 February.
Coach Renfred Dazel rallied SA under-20 fullback Kirsten Conrad and Bok Women’s lock Nolusindiso Booi to train with the squad with an eye on boosting their depth early in the season. The team assembled at their base in Stellenbosch on 5 January following their festive season break. South Africa will face England, Canada and Russia in the pool stages of the tournament. The Brazil leg will mark the second tournament on the World Series circuit. The women Blitzbokke will be determined to start the year on a high
note as the top four sides on the log table at the end of the season will qualify for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. Dazel said the players’ fitness levels and the tempo of their training sessions were impressive and he hoped they would be able to transfer that form onto the field in Sao Paulo. “The team has made good strides since assembling. Our training sessions have been solid, the team is a tight-knit unit, and the players are determined to do well, so the building blocks are in place. “The women have also had the luxury of working with former Springbok Sevens player Paul Delport, who has introduced a few fresh ideas.” After going down against Brazil in the bowl final of the season’s opening Dubai event in December, Dazel said his team would mentally be bet-
ter prepared for the Sao Paulo tournament. “We took several lessons out of the Dubai tournament so I have no doubt we will be better prepared for Brazil,” said Dazel. “That said, we are aware that we face a tough draw with England, Canada and Russia in our pool, but the advantage of that is that it will give us an opportunity to test ourselves against other quality teams. “We have been working hard at training and the players know what to expect in Brazil, so our focus will be to continue putting in the hard yards on the training field and hopefully the results will follow.” The main injury concern in the camp is utility back Sinazo Nobele who is nursing a shoulder injury, but Dazel will make a call on her availability next week.
Die No Fear-raakvatrugbyspan is van links agter: Adrian Ferrier, Godfrey Thomas, Aqeem Jacobs, Darren Gordon, Herschelle Rhode en Sergio Samuels. Voor: John Noble (o/k), Yaatie Rhoda (hoofborg, RMG Trucking), Carlo Gordon (k) en Athon Arnolds. FOTO: VERSKAF
No Fear wen raakvatliga Die No Fear-raakvatrugbyspan het in Desember die Tag Rugby Summer Series-liga gewen. Dit is die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar dat die span, met Carlo Gordon as kaptein, dié liga wen. Die span van Stellenbosch het ook aan die nasionale raakvat-
rugbytoernooi in Port Elizabeth deelgeneem en het tot in die semifinaal gevorder. Die span wil hul hoofborg, Yaatie Rhoda van RMG Trucking, baie dankie sê vir die borgskap en ook dankie sê aan Charl Bergh vir sy bydrae.