Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 15 • Tuesday 11 June 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840
A Habitat home after 10 years
The beneficiaries for the Sinomonde (We are patient) housing project in Kayamandi finally received their brand new homes last Friday. The project started in 2002 where 35 residents approached Habitat for Humanity South Africa to help them build homes for their families. The beneficiaries each contributed R100 a month towards their future homes and started engaging with the Stellenbosch Municipality about land ownership. They also performed Habitat’s 60 hours of “sweat equity” where they had to work a total of 60 hours on other people’s homes before qualifying for their own. In 2012, with the group withered down to six, the municipality agreed to give them the rights to their own land. The construction of the houses commenced in February 2013. Each house consists of a lounge, two bedrooms a bathroom and a kitchen. Here (back from left) are Rev Thumakele Gosa, deputy mayor Martin Smuts, Paul du Rand (Habitat), Brian Hilliard (Habitat); (front) and the beneficiaries Anderson Gwele, Noxolo Mbambala, Nombulelo Baduza, Mercy Ndamasa, Nobafundi Mangcunyana and Mdoda Mdoda. PHOTO: ANJE SMIT
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 11 June 2013
Stay safe this winter
Darryn Hillhouse from the Put Foot Foundation gives a child a pair of school shoes.
Go barefoot for a day The Put Foot Foundation is hosting the first ever official Barefoot Day on Tuesday 18 June. All South Africans are asked to go barefoot to highlight the plight of underprivileged children in South Africa, and to commemorate Youth Month. The Put Foot Foundation has become synonymous with giving children hope, pride and dignity through the gift of a brand new pair of school shoes. Through this simple act children in need are able to play, learn and have fun. National Barefoot Day has been created to highlight the impact of not having the basics, in this case a pair of school shoes. Walking to school in the height of winter is traumatic and the embarrassment of not having shoes overshadows the necessity to learn. National Barefoot Day will fall in Youth Month (June) each year, and will be acknowledged on the first working day following Youth Day on 16 June. Daryn Hillhouse, Put Foot Foundation Chairman, has challenged all South Africans to go barefoot on this day for an hour or a few minutes, to
Join National Barefoot Day on 18 June. experience what millions of young children in our country have to deal with every day, to fully understand the extent of the problem and to show their support for South Africa’s children. South Africans participating in National Barefoot Day can sign up or pledge their support on at and share their story of support via the official National Barefoot Day Facebook
The cold, wet weather during the winter months keeps many people indoors; but in some cases not even this is enough to keep criminals at bay. There are a number of practical measures that can be followed to improve your safety and that of your loved ones and belongings. Rob Dale, Managing Director of ADT Security, Western Cape said the first step is to be more aware of what is going around you, especially in the mornings and evenings when it’s dark outside. “When leaving home, at any time of the day, always ensure that all doors and safety gates in your home are properly locked and that you have activated the alarm system before you shut the door behind you. If you are going out alone, possibly to the shops or the gym, it is important that you let someone know when you expect to return.” Another good idea is to never let your home appear to be empty, regardless of whether you are at home or not. “Visibility can be drastically reduced on grey, gloomy days and crooks could take advantage of this to try to enter your property
or burgle your home. Turn on the lights in one or two rooms; possibly one at the front and another at the rear of the house.” “Also, never leave the driveway gate open - even if someone is home, if it is pouring with rain or if you plan to only be away for a short while – because criminals could see this as an invitation to come onto your property.” Dale added that exercising caution when driving into or out of your property is equally as important. He said grey conditions or heavy rainfall could divert your attention from what is happening around you, leaving you vulnerable to being caught off guard by criminals. “If you have an electric gate, open it before you turn into your driveway; this will prevent hijackers from boxing you in and allow you the chance to get away. If you have to manually open the gate, leave the key in the ignition and the motor running. However you must take the key with you if you have a child in the car. In this kind of hijacking situation the key is a valuable negotiating tool; they want your car and you want your child.”
page. On the day, supporters can also TwitPic or Instagram their favourite images along with messages of solidarity, with the hashtags #BarefootSA or #ShoesOnFeet. “We want to create a movement, and more importantly, we want to help put brand new pairs of 100% leather, locally produced school shoes on the feet of every needy child in South Africa,” pledged Hillhouse. He said that the Put Foot Foundation, a registered NGO, has raised more than R1.5 million since inception in June 2012. “We have helped over 5 000 children and touched the lives of hundreds of teachers, parents and ordinary South Africans. The National Barefoot Day is the next chapter in the Foundations success, and we need all South African’s to get involved, including corporates or individuals – we can all make a difference.” Supporters of the National Barefoot Day, who have registered on the official website, can donate to the Put Foot Foundation or volunteer their time for one of the national shoe drops taking place at schools across South Africa.
Bistro Meat Centre posted a petition against rising prices of chicken. PHOTO:LEIGHSCHALLER
Rising chicken prices LEIGH SCHALLER
INFORMATION SOUGHT: The police are looking for this man who can assist them with an investigation of a case of rape, which took place during October 2012. His is known as “Thulani”, is about 1,8 metres tall and between 20 and 25 years old. The victim was walking home when she was approached by the suspect and his friend. The suspect, known to the victim, asked her to be in a relationship with him. The victim refused and the suspect dragged the victim into a shack where he allegedly raped her at knife point.
This man might also help in the investigation. He is between 20 and 25 years old. In a separate incident the same victim was cornered by a man as she was leaving the bathroom. He pushed her inside and told her he didn’t have his chance during her assault in October 2012. He flushed the toilet several times and told her to pretend nothing is happening. As he was trying to rape her, she kicked him in his groin and managed to run away. Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of these two men or information regarding the incidents can contact Const LD February at 082 469 1479 or 021-809 9168/5.
Chicken prices are set to rise drastically this month and the residents from Stellenbosch are not happy. The price of imported chicken is set to rise by as much as 50 per cent. This after South Africa’s International Trade Administration Commission increased duties by up to 82 percent. This means that Stellenboschers who pay R30 for a portion of meat may soon have to fork out R45 for the same product. Not everyone is taking the blow lying down. Bistro Meat Centre, situated on the corner of Crozier and Bird Streets, has recently run a campaign to fight the increase. The campaign allowed enraged shoppers to show their support by signing a petition. Stephan Brink from the companies regional office said as many as
10 000 people have signed petitions across the Cape Peninsular. “The increases are absolutely ridiculous,” said Brink. “The chicken portions are the main thing that will be affected. This is only the tip of the iceberg. It will also affect the food services industry.” Shoppers queuing to buy groceries on Bird Street are also concerned. “They can’t make everything more expensive. Bread and electricity have already gone up,” said Louise Anthony “I remember the days where we would raise our own chickens. It was better then,” said Mary Pietersen. “The increase in tariffs is meant to support the local chicken farming industry, which is shedding jobs.” Kekkel en Kraai, situated on Bird Street, only sells South African chicken. They are unsure how it will affect their sales. “I hope our sales get better,” said owner Petro Werth.
Tuesday 11 June 2013
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Wat is die perfekte Vadersdag-geskenk? Vadersdag lê om die draai. Anje Smit het Stellenbosch se inwoners gevra wat, volgens hulle, vanjaar die ideale geskenk vir pa’s is.
Enjoy a day out at Solms Delta’s Cook Franschhoek weekend with a special Father’s Day lunch on Sunday.
It’s Cook Franschhoek for Father’s Day
ucts will be on display. Don’t miss the Solms-Delta experience. Booking essential on Numbers are limited to 15 pax. Tickets cost R320 per person. ) Treat Dad to a special Father’s Day lunch at Fyndraai resThroughout the weektaurant, Solms-Delta end at participating wine wine estate. farms there will be a wide Chef Shaun Schoechoice of tours, wine tastman has laid on a deliings, pairings and cookcious three course ing demos and a visit to feast fit for a king. Solms Delta and FynChilli salt squid and draai restaurant at 12:00 marinated black tiger noon for 12:30 on Saturprawn on cape malay day or Sunday, is an absoChef Shaun Schoeman will make sure everyone vegetable breyani with lute must. Upon arrival, visitors is well-fed during the Cook Franschhoek week- citrus buchu aromas, Fyndraai braai bord, will enjoy a brief intro- end at Solms Delta. barbequed lamb duction to the Museum van de Caab and then take a tractor ride to chops, marinated chicken, traditional boerethe Dik Delta culinary gardens where after wors and green leaf and aartappel salad and a complimentary glass of Dik Delta Perry, a roasted root vegetables and warm banana and sparkling cider-style pear beverage, there will chocolate pudding with ice cream. Upon arrival at Solms-Delta, Dad will be be a guided tour of the culinary gardens, where you will be able to pick herbs along the treated to a free wine tasting at the Museum van de Caab. He will be presented with a comway and taste the produce. Then back onto tractor and trailer to Fyn- plimentary bottle of Solms Astor Langarm draai restaurant for a cooking demo with ex- 2012, an unlabelled pre-release bottle signed ecutive chef Shaun Schoeman, when he will by winemaker Hagen Viljoen, which he can reveal his secrets of cooking with veldfood enjoy with his meal, or take home to drink freshly gathered from the indigenous garden. at leisure. So head out to Franschhoek on 16 June, reYou will then tuck into a delicious three course meal, each course paired with one of lax in magnificent Winelands countryside the Solms wines and assistant winemaker and say thank you to the special man in your Joan Heatlie will chat about the wines and an- life. Tickets cost R195 per person and R75 for swer questions. Well wined and dined, everyone will leave children under 12. For more information call 021 874 3937 ext bearing a complimentary gift of Dik Delta Spekboom and jars of other Dik Delta prod- 115 or e-mail
Ricky Arendse: “Miskien ’n lekker whiskey of ‘n draagbare DSTV-dekodeerder.” :
Edward Pietersen: “Net waardering vir als wat pa’s doen. Dis die beste geskenk.”
Adele Steynberg: “Dit is mos nou amper winter en jagseisoen. So, miskien ’n mooi mes met iets daarop gegraveer.”
Alida de Bruyn: “ ’n Lekker paar slippers en ietsie wat lekker ruik.”
Maria Visagie: “ ’n Warm, mooi kamerjas sal net die ding doen.”
Head out to Franschhoek, culinary capital of South Africa, for the Cook Franschhoek weekend on 14 to 16 June and learn to cook with Franschhoek’s chefs and taste top wines with their winemakers.
Helene-Mari de Bruyn: “ ’n Kilogram biltong. Ek dink dit is wat ek sou wou hê as ek ’n pa was.”
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 11 June 2013 0 021 880 1980 of 2
12 Junie
)Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA Stellenbosch Sentraal) ontmoet om 20:15 by die Stellenbosch-Wes se kerksaal in Alexanderstraat. Bel die AA by 084 293 3967 vir meer inligting.
)Dr. J.C. Visagie, ’n professor in geskiedenis en voorheen verbonde aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch, praat oor die jeug in die Groot Trek. 18:00, Erfurthuis in Ryneveldstraat. Sop en brood na die tyd. Donasie van R10 by die deur. Debbie Gabriels: 0 021 887 2937.
12, 26 en 29 Junie
13 Junie
)Werksessie oor meubel-verftegnieke by Paint & Decor DIY in Stellenbosch Square. Leer Antiquing, Distressing en Silver leafing. 09:00 tot 12:30, plekke is beperk. R500 per persoon sluit alle materiale, notas en heerlike verversings in.
)Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) sowel as Alanon, ter ondersteuning van familie en vriende van verslaafdes, ontmoet om 20:15 in die NG Stellenbosch-Wes se kerksaal in Alexanderstraat. 0 084 293 3967 of Alanon 0 021 889 5791.
11 Junie
Donate blankets for Golden Trolley 2013 campaign Many people will once again have to face the harsh weather without a roof over their heads, a snug coat against the frosty wind and without a warm blanket as protection against the cold of night. This is why Checkers and Shoprite stores in the Western Cape have teamed up with Radio Tygerberg for a winter-collection campaign that
encourages customers to open their hearts and wrap those in need up in warmth, love and hope this winter. These stores join forces with Radio Tygerberg to support Shiloh Synergy – a group of projects committed to the holistic upliftment of underprivileged communities in the Western Cape – with a request for new blankets. The public is invited to contribute
to this worthy cause by donating blankets at Checkers, Checkers Hyper or Shoprite stores in the Western Cape between 1 June and 31 July 2013. The items can be deposited into the Golden Trolleys found at the entrance of the stores. All items collected will be distributed to needy communities throughout the Western Cape by Shiloh Synergy.
Celebrate Youth Day with the SU The Stellenbosch University (SU) is inviting all high schools and youth organisations to celebrate Youth Day on Thursday 13 June this year. The event will be held from 13:00 to 14:00 in the Sasol Art Museum in Ryneveld Street.
Ziyanda Stuurman, a member of the Student Representative Council (SRC), and Dylan de Nysschen, a grade 12 pupil at Paul Roos Gymnasium, will do short talks on the theme, “Speak up and Speak out”, while various cultural activities including music, poetry and art
Span saam teen kanker As deel van die Mansgesondheidveldtog gedurende Junie en Julie moedig Kansa alle mans aan om verantwoordelikheid vir hul gesondheid te aanvaar. Kansa bied in samewerking met PathCare spesiale tariewe gedurende Junie en Julie vir PSA-bloedtoetse om moontlike probleme in die pros-
Gimnasium: 1965-reünie Lede van die 1965 Welkom Gimnasium-matriekklas word gesoek vir ’n reünie. Die beoogde reünie sal die naweek van 26 tot 28 Julie 2013 op Welkom gehou word. Oudlede wat belangstel, moet ’n e-pos aan Wilna Buter na stuur of haar by 051 436 2388 bel.
Taebo-klasse in Idasvallei Taebo-klasse word nou elke Maandag, Woensdag en Donderdag in Idasvallei aangebied. Die klasse is van 19:00 tot 20:00 in die skoolsaal van die Laerskool St. Idas en die koste is R200 per maand. Almal is welkom. Selfs kinders word genooi om by hul ouers aan te sluit. Belangstellendes kan Lazola by 078 614 2693 bel.
taat vroegtydig op te spoor. Hierdie toetse word tot 31 Julie 2013 teen R85 aangebied. Mans 40 jaar en ouer word aangemoedig om jaarliks hierdie eenvoudige siftingstoets vir prostaatkanker te ondergaan. Bel Barbara Williams van Kansa by 021 873 6358 of 082 718 5639.
Brigade-lede gesoek Ou Brigade-lede, veral seuns van Idasvallei van 1984 af, word gesoek. Brigade-lede van ander gebiede op Stellenbosch is ook welkom om kontak te maak. Bel Jan Wallow by 078 876 0262.
Kunstenaars gesoek Die Ruimte Sentrum in Millstraat, Strand, hou op 6 en 7 September sy jaarlikse kunsuitstalling waar gesoute én opkomende kunstenaars geleentheid kry om hul kunswerke uit te stal en te verkoop. Enige kunsvorm, van skilderkuns en fotografie tot ysterwerk, is welkom. Dit sal die sesde uitstalling van sy soort wees. Die kunsuitstalling is ’n glansgeleentheid waar daar na die gemeenskap uitgereik word. Dit dien ook as geldinsamelingsprojek vir die Pikkewouters Kleuterskool en -nasorgsentrum. Bel 021 854 8234 of stuur ’n faks na 086 530 9411 of e-pos na vir navrae.
will add further colour to the event. The event, coordinated by the divisions for Community Interaction and Student Affairs, is supported by the departments of Music, English and Visual Arts, as well as the Sasol Art Museum.
Bus tour on Garden Route The Stellenbosch Anglican Chaplaincy Trust will be hosting a charity tour by luxury bus along the Garden Route to Knysna and Plettenberg Bay from 10 to 13 October. Tickets will cost R1 675 per person sharing. The ticket includes transport, ultra-luxury accommodation on the Knysna Waterfront and one main meal per day at top selected restaurants. A deposit of R375 by midJune will secure a reservation (seats are limited). For more information, phone the Anglican Chaplaincy trustees, Lionel Cloete (082 850 7845) or Bereneace Katts (074 580 8227).
Jeugdag in Idasvallei ’n Spesiale Jeugdagviering word Sondag 16 Junie deur die Community of Faith Stellenbosch aangebied. Die vieringe word deur die interkerklike leraarskring van Idasvallei en jeuginisiatief van die Idasvalleigemeentes ondersteun. Die tema is “Being young and Christian in this day and age”. Dit sal 15:30 in die VGK-sentrum in Kahlerstraat begin. Toegang is gratis en almal is welkom. Jerome Jacobs (VCSV) sal die predikant wees. Bel Christopher Brooks by 072 280 0825 vir navrae.
A slow cooked lamb pie is great for the winter months.
Slow cooked lamb and mint pie
This takes a bit of time, but it is really worth it – a perfect winter warmer recipe. Preparation time: 45 min Cooking time: 4 h 30 min Serves 6 Ingredients ) For the lamb shoulder: ) 2,5 kg lamb shoulder - deboned ) 1 bottle full bodied red wine ) 3 carrots - diced ) 3 fat cloves garlic - chopped ) 1 celery stick - diced ) 1 large onion - chopped ) 2 bay leaves ) 30 ml Nomu lamb stock concentrate ) 45 ml mint jelly To finish off ) 45 ml corn flour ) 15 ml Nomu lamb stock concentrate ) 45 ml mint jelly ) Salt and pepper ) 500 ml baby peas ) 500 g ready rolled all butter puff pastry ) 1 egg - beaten Method Preheat the oven to 150°C. Place the lamb (skin side up), wine, vegetables, bay leaves, stock and mint jelly into
a large casserole pot. Cover and cook in the oven for 4 hours. When the meat falls apart, it is ready. Remove lamb from the cooking juices and set aside. Shred the meat into small pieces. Discard excess fat and sinew). Place the cooking juice and vegetables into a bowl and chill in the fridge until the fat solidifies on the top (will take at least 30 minutes). Turn the oven heat up to 200 °C. Remove the fat layer and place the cooking juices with the vegetables in a medium pot and bring to the boil, make a paste with corn flour and whisk it into the liquid until thickened. Add more lamb stock and mint jelly to taste. Remove bay leaves. Season with salt and pepper. Add the shredded lamb and peas to the thick, rich gravy and stir until well combined. Place mixture into a large baking dish and allow to cool slightly. Arrange the pastry on top of the meat mixture, tucking in the sides neatly. Make a cross in the centre of the pie and brush with egg. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes. Serve with roast potatoes and steamed seasonal vegetables. – Recipe from
Tuesday 11 June 2013
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Youth Jazz Festival at Artscape
Hier is leerlinge van die Stellenzicht Sekondêre skool saam met die skoolhoof, Lester Allies, en die hoof van Matie Gemeenskapsdiens. Gareth Cornelissen.
86 rekenaars geskenk aan plaaslike skole ILSE ARENDSE Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se departement elektriese en elektroniese ingenieurswese (EE), in samewerking met Matie Gemeenskapsdiens (MGD) en Inligtingstegnologie (IT), het onlangs 86 rekenaars aan verskeie skole geskenk. Die skole, naamlik Stellenzicht Sekondêr, Weber Gedenk Primêr, Raithby Primêr én die Middelvlei Plaasskool-nasorgprogram, is skole waar studente van die US reeds aktief betrokke is, aldus Gareth Cornelissen, hoof van MGD. MGD, een van die US se Gemeenskapsinteraksie Vlagskip-projekte en ook ’n HOOP-projek-inisiatief, voorsien in die behoeftes van gemeenskappe binne en buite Stellenbosch en is nou al vir 49 jaar lank ’n betroubare diensverskaffer. Die Eenstopdiens vorm deel van hierdie dienste en lei studentegroepe op om in vennootskap met gevestigde nie-winsgewende organisasies volhoubare, doeltreffende gemeenskapsdiens projekte te lewer. Die Eenstopdiens-projekte het verskillende fokuspunte en hanteer kwessies soos leerhulp, die ontwikkeling van lewensvaardighede, sportafrigting, die bevordering van kuns en kultuur en gesondheidsorg. Michelle Pietersen, senior-projekbestuurder van die Eenstopdiens, het by ’n vorige geleentheid gesê daar is sowat 1 200 vrywilligers in die program wat meer as 3 000 mense bevoordeel. Prof. Thomas Jones, hoof van die EE-departement, het gesê sy departement was maar slegs een van talle rolspelers wat deel gehad het in die skenking van die rekenaars. “Ons
voorgraadse elektroniese laboratoriums is toegerus met sowat 180 moderne rekenaars. Ons rekenaars moet in staat wees om te werk met ingewikkelde en intensiewe simulasiesagteware wat deur ons studente gebruik word. As sodanig, wanneer ons gedwing word om ons rekenaars te hernu en te vervang, is hierdie rekenaars inderdaad nog baie nuttig vir ander persone. “Ná ’n onlangse opgradering het ons besef dit sou ’n skande wees om die rekenaars verlore te laat gaan. Ons het toe besluit om MGD sowel as IT te kontak om ons te help om die rekenaars te versprei aan skole wat ’n behoefte het aan sulke toerusting. IT het hulself uitstekend van hul taak gekwyt deur die rekenaars op te knap, terwyl MGD die skole geidentifiseer het. Die onderskeie personeellede was gretig om te help, want hulle het die waarde van hierdie poging besef.” Jones meen hulle sal beslis weer in die toekoms rekenaars skenk. “Ons vervang gereeld ons laboratoriumrekenaars en sal beslis die rekenaars op dieselfde manier skenk. Dit is ’n goeie voorbeeld van US-entiteite wat saamwerk tot voordeel van ons gemeenskappe. Hierdie soort inisiatief is goed vir ons gemeenskappe en vir ons universiteit, want ons help om rekenaarfasiliteite by ons plaaslike skole te verbeter, terwyl skole op hul beurt leerlinge kan toerus en voorberei op die uitdagende tegniese programme hier by die US. Beslis ’n wen-wen-situasie vir almal.” Lester Allies, skoolhoof van Stellenzicht Sekondêr, het gesê hulle het beslis ’n behoefte en waardeer altyd toerusting wat in ’n goeie werkende toestand is. “Hierdie rekenaars kom op ’n welkome tyd en sal beslis goed aangewend word.”
The 11th Youth Jazz Festival will take place at the Artscape on 14 June with seven exceptionally talented young soloists who successfully auditioned to perform at this significant event. The performers include Brandon Ruiters (24, trumpet), Hanley-Marc Jumat (19, guitar), Jason Beukes (19, drums) and Marcelle Adams (18, trumpet). Vocalists are Megan Herbert (19), Zoe Palesa Modiga (19) and Zolani Bongo (19). The performance starts at 19:30 in the Artscape Theatre. Multi-instrumentalist and educator Camillo Lombard will direct the festival and together with acclaimed jazz musicians The soloists performing in this year’s Artscape Youth Jazz Festival. PHOTO: HANNES THIART Kevin Gibson (drums), Gorm Helfjord (guitar) and Peter Ndlala (bass guitar) they will form a jazz ensemble and comes from Mbekweni. “There is a phenomenal jazz tradition in the to accompany the soloists. In preparation of the festival, Artscape de- Western Cape which will be kept alive through signs a mentorship programme with a focus on nurturing young musicians. These valuable the development and education of young jazz projects are building positive future audiences aspirants. This year the jazz ensemble will men- and citizens who recognise through hard work tor the instrumentalists and Melanie Scholtz their dreams can be realised.” Artscape salutes Camillo Lombard and the the vocalists. “This year we are collaborating in a Learner- mentors who over the past 11 years have conship programme in Wellington at the Breyten- tributed to the jazz industry and paved the way bach Centre and St Albans Primary School who for young musicians to find a career in music. draw on youth from the Wellington and Mbek- Artscape also congratulates this year’s soloists weni communities,” said Marlene le Roux, di- and welcomes them to celebrate the 2013 Festirector of Artscape Audience Development and val. Tickets cost R80. Book through Artscape DialEducation. “The programme is funded by the Cathsseta a-Seat, 021 421 7695, Computicket, Shoprite and (Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Checkers outlets or SETA). It is a year’s course where learners will Seating is unreserved. This project is supported qualify with a National Certificate in Music by Distell and bus transport is provided by HCI. Contact Tarnia van Zitters on 021 410 9803 or Practice with skills in performance, theory and knowledge of the music industry in general. and Marlene le Roux on 9982 or marlenel@art“Zolani Bongo, soloist in the Youth Jazz Festi- 021 410 9958/410 val this year, is a recipient of this programme
We are busy improving your experience at the Traffic Department. Unfortunately it will mean that there will be limited Traffic Services from 7 – 18 June 2013. The Traffic Department will unfortunately have to institute limited services from 7 – 18 June 2013 due to legislatively required construction work at its offices. During the construction period it is hoped to keep interruptions to the normal service to a minimum. All transactions related to registration and licensing of Motor Vehicles will be done at the Vehicle Testing Station along with application for roadworthy transactions. The Payment of Fines, Driving Licences and Learners Licence application transactions will be done at Driver's Licence Testing Centre. The operating hours on 7 June 2013 will be from 08:00- 12:00. From Monday 10 June 2013 to 14 June 2013 the operating hours for all services, including the payment of fines will be from 08:00 to 14:30. All Learners Licence tests for Wednesday, 12 June will be rescheduled. No Learner's Licence tests will be scheduled during the construction period. On Tuesday, 18 June 2013 the offices will close at 12:00. The operating hours for all services will return to normal on 19 June 2013. Stellenbosch Municipality apologises for any inconvenience caused as a result of the construction.
Ons is besig om dienslewering by die Verkeersdepartement te verbeter. Ongelukkig beteken dit dat beperkte dienste tussen 7 – 18 Junie 2013 gebied sal word. JACK PAROW GOES GREEN IN KAYAMANDI: On Friday 31 May the new Green Music Movement laid down its roots in the heart of Stellenbosch, as none other than Jack Parow took the lead and planted the first of a real People Forest in the Winelands in Kayamandi. Earth Call joined hands with the local UNESCO Biosphere and Dream SA to give a green light for ecological conservation initiative called “MuzikTree”. PHOTO: ANJE SMIT
Die Verkeersdepartement kan ongelukkig slegs beperkte dienste tussen 7 – 18 Junie 2013 bied weens wetlikverpligte konstruksiewerk by hul kantore. Daar word gepoog vir minimum versteuring van normale dienste tydens die konstruksietydperk. Alle motorvoertuigregistrasies en lisensieëringstransaksies sal by die Motortoeststasie gedoen word, insluitend aansoeke vir padwaardigheidsertifikaarte. Die Betaling van Boetes, Aansoeke vir Bestuurders- en Leerlingslisensies sal by die Bestuurderslisensie Toestssentrum gedoen word. Die kantoorure op 7 Junie 2013 sal van 08:00 – 12:00 wees. Vanaf Maandag 10 Junie tot 14 Junie 2013 is die kantoorure vir alle dienste, insluitend die betaling van boetes: 08:00 – 14:30. Alle Leerlinglisensietoetse vir Woensdag 12 Junie sal herskeduleer word. Geen leerlinglisensietoeste sal tydens die konstruksietydperk geskeduleer word nie. Die kantore sal om 12:00 op Dinsdag, 18 Junie 2013 sluit. Die kantoorure vir alle dienste sal op 19 Junie 2013 weer na die normale terugkeer. Munisipaliteit Stellenbosch vra om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat die konstruksie mag veroorsaak.
2213 DE SMUN 20X4
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 11 June 2013
Vroue ly die meeste in Suid-Afrika Die gebrek aan elektrisiteit in miljoene huishoudings in SuidAfrika raak vroue dikwels meer regstreeks as mans. Die rede is dat juis vroue vir hul huisgesinne moet kook en hul karige inkomste gebruik om onder meer paraffien te koop, sodat hulle dit as brandstof vir stofies kan gebruik. In Suid-Afrika is die gebruik van paraffien een van die groot oorsake van brand in huise in informele nedersettings. “Na raming beloop die koste van paraffienverwante beserings sowat R104 miljard per jaar. Dit is 50% meer as die jaarlikse omset in paraffienverkope,” het Makoma Lekalakala van die organisasie Earthlife onlangs by die Feminist Table gesê. Die Feminist Table was ’n geleentheid vir feministe in die akademie, asook grondvlak-aktiviste om oor sake te gesels wat vroue raak.
Die konferensie wat deur die departement sosiologie en sosiale antropologie van die Universiteit Stellenbosch aangebied is, is geborg deur die Friedrich Ebert Stigting. Earthlife is ’n organisasie sonder winsbejag wat as drukgroep oor omgewingsake funksioneer. Met die tweedaagse konferensie kon feministe vanuit die akademie sowel as grondvlak-aktiviste besin oor die ou en nuwe uitdagings wat vroue daagliks te bowe moet kom. Lekalakala het gesê dit is onaanvaarbaar dat groot energieverbruikers soos die myne minder per eenheid krag betaal as die gewone verbruiker. Sy het beklemtoon dat vroue aan die voorpunt moet wees in die stryd om te verseker dat hernubare en ander skoon energiebronne ontwikkel word. Klimaatsverandering maak dit dringend noodsaaklik dat vroue aandring op besluite en beleid wat |
sisies. Feminisme behoort veel meer te wees as om ’n magsposisie te beklee en gelyke regte met mans te hê. “Sosialistiese feminisme dui op ’n gelyke gemeenskap op alle vlakke. Die werklikheid in die land is egter dat vroue in magsposisies meer bekommerd is oor duur motors en huise vir hulself as om vroue as ’n groep te help en om ’n gelyke samelewing te help bou.”
10 fast facts about littering
Spyseniering Catering DECKSTER'S CATERING. Décor / Hiring. Menu's from R110.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. Contact Ielaahm or Rene. 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering.
ADAMS: MARTIN. Sag heengegaan op 06.06.2013. Begrafnis, 12.06.2013. 09:00 Huis. 10:00 Rynse Kerk.
velopment) het onder meer gepraat oor voedselonsekerheid en armoede. Volgens haar het tot 80% van die inwoners in sekere gebiede van die land nie toegang tot voldoende voedsel nie. “Aan die hoof van talle van die huishoudings is vroue wat in algehele armoede lewe.” Sy het bygevoeg dat daar in Suid-Afrika ook buitensporige ryk vroue is. Dr. Mamphela Ramphele, leier van Agang, is byvoorbeeld een van die rykste vroue in Afrika en Maria Ramos, uitvoerende hoof van ABSA, verdien luidens onlangse berigte sowat R17 miljoen per jaar. “Ek sien dit egter nie as vooruitgang vir vroue in die algemeen nie,” het Cock gesê. “Wat doen die vroue wat topposte het en groot geld verdien vir die gemeenskap? In Suid-Afrika word die gaping tussen ryk en arm al groter. “In die land word die konsep feminisme gereduseer tot magspo-
Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840
34 Sterfgevalle Death Notices
ook die omgewing in ag neem – en hernubare energie is verkieslik bo die gebruik van skadelike energiebronne soos steenkool en paraffien. “Die beskikbaarheid van energie is sentraal tot sosiale ontwikkeling, maar die prys van goedere, insluitend kos, elektriese krag en paraffien as energiebron, styg voortdurend. Dit word verbind met die stygende brandstofprys. Vroue in van die mees gemarginaliseerde omgewings moet die stygings met karige inkomste absorbeer. Maar al word vroue so regstreeks geraak, word hul behoeftes geïgnoreer wanneer daar oor beleid rondom energiesake gepraat word.” Volgens Lekalakala moet vroue hulle bemagtig deur seker te maak hulle verstaan die wetlike prosesse wat energiebesluite betref. Jacklyn Cock, ’n akademikus van die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand en lid van die instituut SWOP (Society, Work and De-
Algemene Dienste General Services DEBT REVIEW. Drowning in debt? You need expert help? You realized that more loans will put you more in debt? Call now. Deon 074 441 3658. I can really help you today.
Spesiale dienste
Littering is a problem that starts with the action of a single person. We, however, have to teach our children not to litter so that the environment is kept clean. Here are a few facts about littering and how we can prevent it: )Don’t throw your fastfood containers, cans or bottles out of a car window. Use a litter bag in your vehicle or on public transport. )Dropping papers, packets, plastic bags or other rubbish while walking is also littering. )Why should we worry about litter? Because it is costing you money. Millions of
rands are spent picking up litter each year. )Our country’s natural beauty is spoilt by careless littering. )Litter not only looks ugly, but it also threatens public health as rubbish piles up and becomes homes for rats and other pests. )Litter can harm the environment by contributing to making the environment dirty and poisonous. It can also harm animals and plants. )Rubbish on streets, whether it is dropped on purpose or it falls out of an overfull dustbin, can get washed or blown into the storm
drains. The water from the storm drains goes directly into our river systems, where it can cause water pollution and becomes a danger to water creatures as well as to plants. )Always put your rubbish in a proper container. If there isn’t one available, keep your rubbish until you find one. )If you have municipal refuse removal in your area, put your rubbish out for collection as close to pick-up time as possible. )Make sure the bags are closed properly so that dogs and other animals cannot get in and scatter rubbish everywhere.
Dinsdag 11 Junie 2013
General - Algemeen
Foundation visits HB Thom Upon discovering that the Stellenbosch University Drama Department would be putting on a performance of Rumpelstiltskin at the HB Thom theatre, the Anna Foundation knew they could not let this opportunity slide. Almost the entire theatre was booked out for the Anna Foundation’s primary school pupils who all live on surrounding farms in the area. The main character (Rumpelstiltskin), who was also the villain, proved to be rather frightening to some of the younger children as he would appear on stage, out of nowhere, in a huge ball of smoke. Each time one of the children would pipe up: “Oh no, not that rude man again!” or a variation thereof. The Anna Foundation children became so caught up in the story that during the final wedding scene all of them rose up out of their chairs and danced along with all the wedding guests, much to the amusement of the other theatre-goers. After the show the children had the opportunity to meet the cast, shaking hands or exchanging hugs with their favourite characters. The Anna Foundation is pleased to report that most of the children made peace with “the rude man”.
Some of the children seen here with the “Princess” after the play.
The children had a whale of a time at HB Thom.
Stellenbosch Gazette
Idasvallei se sokkerklub Die vier sokkerklubs in Idasvallei kyk tans na die moontlikheid om as een saam te smelt. ’n Werkgroep bestaande uit verteenwoordigers van Ida’s Valley FC, Nelsons FC, United FC en Victoria Swifts FC het reeds verskeie vergaderings gehou om hierdie inisiatief te bespreek. Die voorstel is dat die nuwe klub ’n gemeenskapsklub sal wees wat as ’n eenheid te werk gaan om beter blootstelling vir plaaslike spelers te verskaf. Een van die grootste uitdagings vir die vier klubs is die situasie waarin junior sokker hom bevind. Feitlik geen klub het genoeg spelers om in
elke ouderdomsgroep te kan meeding nie en samesmelting behoort hierdie probleem uit te skakel. Die huidige voorstel is dat elke klub nog steeds in sy liga speel, maar dit onder die vaandel van die gesamentlike klub doen. Samesprekings is nog in ’n beginstadium en die groep erken dat eenwording vir sommige ’n emosionele saak kan wees. Die klubs wil graag afskop met die samestelling van ’n Bayhill o. 19span wat die betrokke gemeenskap sal verteenwoordig. Bel Oswin Groenewald by 083 254 8913 of stuur ’n e-pos na
Gunsteling-onnie gesoek Eikestadnuus is op soek na Stellenbosch se Gunsteling-onnie. Die enigste manier vir onderwysers om dié kompetisie te wen, is vir leerlinge om hul onderwysers nomineer. Nominasies geskied deur middel van ’n motiveringsopstel van 150 woorde oor waarom jy dink jou onderwyser moet met die titel as Stellenbosch se Gunstelingonnie wegstap. Hoërskool- én laerskoolonderwysers kan in aanmerking kom. Eikestadnuus sal elke week een van die opstelle plaas en die ander onderwysers wat benoem is se name sal ook bekend gemaak
word. Die stemproses sal geskied deur middel van SMS’e. Die algehele wenner van die kompetisie sal op 31 Julie aangekondig word. Vir meer besonderhede bel Eunice Visagie by 021 887 2840 of stuur ’n e-pos na Die onderwysers wat reeds genomineer is, is Lizette de Beer (Laerskool Stellenbosch), Rohann Stumke (Laerskool Eikestad), Mev. B. Smart (Rhenish Girls’ High School), Dries van Wyk (Hoërskool Stellenbosch) en Annemarie Swart (Laerskool Eikestad).
Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 15 • Dinsdag 11 Junie 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840
SEGE VIR VDS: Die Van der Stel-rugbyklub het die afgelope naweek ’n oorwinning oor Strand United behaal. Van der Stel het die besoekers met 42-13 geklop.
Boland Central cross country champions The slogan “Come hail or high water, we will run” got new meaning this past Saturday in Ceres when the six districts in the Boland challenged each other to determine who the 2013 Boland Cross Country Districts Champion will be. The six Boland districts are Boland Central, Boland North, Boland West, Boland North West, Boland South and Witzenberg. They challenged each other on a soaking wet, muddy and slippery coaching course. The athletes’ endurance and mental toughness were tested to capacity. Although the weather was very testing for the athletes, the organisation of the 2013 Boland
Cross Country Districts Championships was excellent and the athletes enjoyed the competition. The champion was determined by means of points. The district that achieved the most success in all the age categories of the competition were crowned the champion. The Boland Cross Country Districts Champion for 2013 is Boland Central who scored 107 points. In second place is Boland North (92) and the 2012 winners Boland West (83) took the third spot on the winner’s podium. The final placings were: 1. Boland Central 107; 2. Boland North 92; 3. Boland West 83; 4. Boland North West 56; 5. Boland South 46; 6. Witzenberg 37.
BLITSBOKKE SLYP: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Sewesrugby-span is besig met hul finale voorbereiding vir die Wêreldbeker-toernooi van 28 tot 30 Mei in Moskou, Rusland. FOTO: EUNICE VISAGIE
Weer tyd om te nomineer Dit is weer tyd vir skole om hul nominasies in te stuur vir Let’s Play/Eikestadnuus se Sportster van die Maand. Inskrywings geld vir Junie. Die sluitingsdatum vir nominasies (wat net deur skole gedoen kan word) is Vrydag 28 Junie. Skole kan ook sportspanne nomineer vir Eikestadnuus se beste span kompetisie. Nominasies moet aan Eunice Visagie by gestuur word. Vir nadere besonderhede bel Eikestadnuus by 021 887 2840.
Gazette wil ingelig wees oor wenners Wat gebeur in jou sportgebied? Het jou gemeenskap ’n sportster? Presteer jou skool se leerlinge op die sportveld? Laat die Gazette weet! SMS op 32513 of epos