Stellenbosch Gazette 14 Mei 2013

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Tuesday 14 May 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

’n Hart vir die gemeenskap

IDASVALLEIER GEE TERUG: Nicolette Smith, ’n inwoner van Idasvallei, het geld ingesamel in haar gebied om terug te gee aan die gemeenskap. Volgens Smith het die Here die begeerte om terug te gee aangewakker en sy het geskenkpakkies met toiletware aan sowat 30 mense in Smartie Town, Cloetesville, uitgedeel. Daar is nog verskeie areas wat sy wil seën. Enigeen wat haar kan ondersteun in haar werk kan haar bel by 074 025 9800. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Chicken Star Packs

28.99 per kg


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News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

MUNISIPALE HONDE-EENHEID HELP: Die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit Wetstoepassing se honde-eenheid het Vrydag ’n operasie in Cloetesville uitgevoer. Tydens die operasie tussen Vredeluststraat en Pinestraat het hulle huise besoek en honde wat nie deur hul eienaars versorg kan word nie weggeneem. Die operasie het slegs gefokus op eienaars wat die hulp wou hê. Insp. Lilly Joubert (tweede van regs) van die Franschhoek Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV) en raadslid Valerie Fernandez (heel regs) het hulle bygestaan. Raadslid Fernandez het gewaarsku dat losloperhonde in dié area geskut sal raak en dat eienaars dan ’n boete sal moet betaal. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Kayamandi volunteers help to fight crime JUSTICE KHUMELA A Kayamandi neighbourhood watch group, the Lukhanyisweni Committee, said they have arrested six thieves and handed them over to the police during recent patrols. The committee says they have been patrolling Stellenbosch for the past four weeks. They have identified the Stellenbosch train station as one of the top crime hot spots, more so, now that winter is approaching. “Thieves are targeting workers in the early hours of the mornings,” said Msitheli Sidwell Makhomazi, the committee chairman. “These thieves are targeting workers phones and wallets. As a group we have decided to take it upon ourselves to help fight them. They are making life difficult for workers and other Stellenbosch residents.” The unfunded committee is based in Kayamandi’s Lukhanyisweni section, where the group was started. They said their objective is not to act like the police, but to catch thieves and take them to the police.

The committee consists of volunteer Kayamandi residents. The group does not have a fixed membership count and encourage anyone from Kayamandi to join. They have daily patrols from 03:30 to 08:00, around the train station. The patrol group is made up of men of different ages. Some of the elder members are in their sixties, with some of the youngest members in their early twenties. “The age difference has been one of their biggest challenges when it comes to fitness. Some of the older members are not as energetic and fit enough to chase some thieves,” said Makhomazi. “We caught one criminal who later escaped. He was too fast for our group to catch him.” Makhomazi has instructed his group not to take the law into their own hands and harass the thieves they catch. The patrol group is equipped with three walkie talkies. The walkie talkies were donated to them by a local businessman who appreciated their efforts to protect the neighbourhood. According to Makhomazi their help has not gone unnoticed and the police have decided to help train the committee’s patrol group.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

STUDENTE HELP AWSS: Twee Universiteit Stellenbosch-studente help as deel van ’n grafiese ontwerpprojek om bewustheid te skep vir die Animal Welfare Society Stellenbosch (AWSS). Hulle gee terselfdertyd vir die honde ’n kans om bietjie uit te kom deur saam met hulle op kampus te gaan stap. Hier (van links) is Kayleen Botha (van AWSS) met Rose, Lyke de Jager saam met Peter Parker en Rob van der Merwe saam met Herbie voor hul uitstappie. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Join International Missing Children’s Day Become involved in this year’s International Missing Children’s Day, which takes place on 25 May. The purpose of this day is to commemorate children who found their way back home, to remember those who were victims as well as the continuous efforts to find those who have not been found yet. Encourage your company, school and group of friends to wear black, white and red, or a combination of these colours in order to show support for International Missing Children’s Day as well as for Missing Children South Africa. As 25 May falls on a Saturday your school or organisation can take part in the effort on Friday 24 May. Here are a few ways you can get involved: ) Make a direct deposit into their bank account. ) Sign a debit-order form and make a monthly financial contribution. ) Purchase Vodacom airtime and send them the voucher number or PIN. ) Apply for your MyVillage card and list Missing Children SA as your beneficiary. ) Pledge to send an SMS every month for the next 12 months to help the fight against

human trafficking. Get your friends and colleagues to do the same. SMS “Fight”, followed by your name and surname, to 42141 and donate R10 to Missing Children SA and stand a chance to win in our monthly draw. ) Organise a civvies day in aid of Missing Children SA for your company/school and donate all proceeds to Missing Children SA. ) Convince your employer to allow you and your colleagues to do a collection for a couple of hours at a busy intersection in aid of Missing Children SA. ) Ask your employer for permission to print and distribute flyers of missing individuals for a couple of hours at a busy intersection. ) Get your school or a school in your area to print the ID Kit and have all the children complete it. ) Join their mailing list and help share flyers electronically. ) Or join their team by signing up as a volunteer. Spread the message of hope. Join this day and help us make a difference. For more ways to get involved, please visit .

Waterpype: nuwe metode Die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit werk vandeesmaand aan die opgradering van verouderde waterpyplyne in Dorpstraat. Die munisipaliteit maak egter nou gebruik van ’n nuwe metode om die pype te vervang, wat ’n kleiner uitwerking op verkeer het, maar ook die historiese kern sal beskerm. Destyds sou hulle slote opgrawe om die pype te vervang. Nou word slegs klein gate in die padoppervlak gemaak en die pype só gelê. “Met die gebruik van nuwe tegnologie word die historiese leiwatervore sowel as die wortels van jare oue bome teen beskadiging beskerm,” het die munisipale woordvoerder, Vernon Bowers, gesê. “Verder sal die nuwe metode beteken opgrawings sal baie minder tyd neem aangesien daar slegs klein gate in die padoppervlak gemaak word, teenoor die lang slote wat voorheen gegrawe moes word.

“Dit beteken die pad moet vir kort rukkies gesluit word tot die pype geplaas en die gate weer opgevul is. “Die bestaande pyplyn in Dorpstraat loop onder die baan aan die suidekant van die pad. Dié baan was dus gesluit vir motoriste, maar verkeer kon steeds vloei aan die noordekant van die Adam Taspad tot in die dorp. “Vir die verloop van die projek sal Dorpstraat dus ’n eenrigtingstraat wees, met Kerkstraat wat die vloei van verkeer van oos na wes hanteer, soos wat tans die geval is. “Die idee is om die verkeer se vloei so min moontlik te ontwrig en die reistyd in die oggend behoort nie te erg geraak te word nie.” Volgens Bowers het hulle die vloei van verkeer op die R44 ook in ag geneem, maar motoriste word gevra om asseblief geduldig en vriendelik te bly om die situasie so doeltreffend moontlik te hanteer.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

News - Nuus

Bound for success ANJE SMIT Kanayo Okwuraiwe has been a paraplegic and wheelchair bound for eleven and a half years after being involved in a car accident. He has recently found a job in Stellenbosch and because he will be a lot more active now he will need a new wheelchair, as his old one is showing signs of breaking down. He is in need of a lightweight wheelchair which will be easier and lighter to wheel about and more importantly, light enough to carry as well as put in a car, given that the other goal is to be able to drive a car. Regular and cheaper wheelchairs, which

community organisations usually give away are very heavy, and would be almost impossible for Kanayo to lift into a car by himself. He needs one extra last push to be completely independent and be able to start living his new life and only a car and a new wheelchair can help bring this about along with his new job in Stellenbosch. He has recently started an online fundraiser where he is trying to raise funds for a car and his wheelchair. The fundraiser can be seen under: So far he has raised R10 000 with his fundraiser, a long way to go to the R75 000 he needs. Any donations will help Kanayo achieve his goal.

Stellenbosch Gazette


Argiefwerkwinkel dié jaar ’n Inleidende argiefwerkwinkel, geskik vir bibliotekarisse, museum- en erfenisbeamptes, dokumentering- en argief-assistente, word van 27 Augustus tot 29 Augustus by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument in die Paarl aangebied. Die fasiliteerder, Pétria Marais, is ’n gekwalifiseerde argivaris met baie jare se ervaring in die veld van rekordbestuur en argivering. Die werkwinkel sluit praktiese sessies in en fokus op onderwerpe soos die verskille

tussen biblioteke, argiewe en dokumentesentrums; insameling en aanwins, waardebepaling (insluitende die waarde van rekords asook afskryf-instruksies); sortering en rangskikking; beskrywing/indeksering; bewaring; die rampbestuurplan; en wenke oor die ontsluiting van argiewe. Die kursusfooi is R2 000 per persoon en sluit ’n ligte middagete en koffie/tee in. Bel Amira Clayton by 021 863 4809/0543 of stuur ’n e-pos na vir meer inligting.

Tour to Knysna The Stellenbosch Anglican Chaplaincy Trust is hosting a charity tour by luxury bus along the Garden Route to Knysna and Plettenberg Bay from 10 to 13 October. Tickets will cost R1 675 per person sharing. The ticket includes transport, ultra luxury accommodation on the Knysna Wa-

terfront and one main meal per day at top selected restaurants. A deposit of R375 by mid-June secures your reservation (seats limited). For more information call the Anglican Chaplaincy trustees, Lionel Cloete 082 850 7845 or Bereneace Katts 074 580 8227.

Next training for fisheries observers Kanayo Okwuraiwe needs help in raising money to buy a new wheel chair.

Enaleni ontvang implemente Bemagtigde plaaswerkers van die Enaleniboerdery op die plaas Nagenoeg in Lynedoch, Stellenbosch het ’n trekker sowel as ander plaasimplemente as deel van ’n skenking van die Wes-Kaap se departement van landbou ontvang. Die skenking vorm deel van die departement se Omvattende Landbou Ondersteuningsprogram. Gus Gelant, die direkteur van Enaleni-boerdery, het die toerusting namens die groep ontvang. Gedurende 2009 het Schalk Visser van die plaas Nagenoeg besluit om sy werkers te bemagtig deur ’n gedeelte van sy plaas aan hulle te verkoop. Met die hulp van ’n skenking van die LRAD (Grondherverdeling vir Landbou-ontwikkeling) van die departement van landelike ontwikkeling en grondsake het die werkers ’n 60 % aandeel in die plase bekom. Drie en twintig werkers is hierdeur bemagtig.

Enaleni-plaas is 30 ha groot en 23,89ha is met wyndruiwe beplant. Die druiwe word aan verskeie wynkelders in die omgewing gelewer Van 1 Desember 2012 is Gerrie Albertse aangestel as ’n voltydse mentor en het verantwoordelikheid geneem vir die implementering van die besigheidsplan, vaardigheidsplanne en verseker dat korrekte boerdery- en arbeidspraktyke gevolg word. Die Enaleni-groep beoog om gedurende 2013, 8 ha ou wingerde uit te haal en te vervang met nuwe kultivars. Die oprig van die opleistelsel, plant van nuwe wingerde asook die ontwikkeling van die nuwe stokke word self deur die opgeleide werkers gedoen. Enaleni beoog om wyndruiwe winsgewend te verbou en om hul werkers op te lei in verskeie wingerdboukundige onderwerpe, finansiële bestuur asook kantooradministrasie. Die afgelope seisoen het Enaleni reeds meer as 265 ton druiwe gelewer aan verskeie wynkelders in die omgewing

The next training session for fisheries observers will be held in May at Stellemploy. Suitable candidates must be between 20 and 26 years old and in possession of a valid grade 12 certificate with physical science or biology and mathematics on grade 12 level.

After having completed the theoretical training trainees still need to do practical work to qualify. Observers work away from home for up to three months at a time. For more information phone Gaino or Betta on 021 886 6993.

S’bosch Hiking Club to visit Jonkershoek The Stellenbosch Hiking Club will go on a hike on the “Tweede Waterval” route in Jonkershoek on Saturday 18 May. Everyone is welcome to take part in the hike.

For further information regarding the club and membership or to take part in the hike in Jonkershoek please call Jeanne du Roubaix on 083 704 1291.

Werksentrum hou basaar Die Stellenbosch Werksentrum vir Volwasse Persone met Gestremdhede se basaar word op Saterdag 1 Junie 2013 by die VG Kerksaal te Langstraat, Cloetesville, Stellenbosch gehou. Die Basaar begin om 09:00 en die publiek word uitgenooi om die sentrum te ondersteun. Daar gaan iets vir elkeen in die huisgesin teen bekostigbare pryse wees. Benewens die normale gebak waaronder koek, ander soetighede en tuisgemaakte brode, sal daar plaasvars groente en vrugte en selfs wegneemetes soos worsrolletjies, slap tjips en kerrie-disse beskikbaar wees.

Die sentrum se selfvervaardigde artikels soos gebreide handsakke en leer artikels sal ook te koop aangebied word. Die sentrum beoog om met hierdie geldinsamelingspoging die programme van die sentrum verder uit te bou, terselfdertyd ouer en gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid aan te wakker en die gemeenskap opnuut bewus te maak van die aktiwiteite waarmee persone met gestremdhede daagliks by die sentrum besig is. Besighede wat nog bydraes wil maak, kan Phil Williams en Marlese Robertson by 0 021 887 8688 bel.

Nuwe sateliet praktyk in Technopark. Drs André Truter en Trix van der Walt. Algemene Praktisyns.

1 Techno Drive Technopark Stellenbosch 021 880 1480 Suite 5 Morkelstraat Mostertsdrif Stellenbosch 021 886 7761

Marius Kotze, plaasbestuurder op Nagenoeg-wynplaas, oorhandig die sleutels van die nuwe trekker aan Gus Gelant, voorsitter van die Enaleni-direksie.

Werkers van Enaleni-plaas by hul nuwe trekker en spuitpomp wat hulle ontvang het.

Beide kantore sal ook Botox aanbied en n skoonheidsdeskundige.


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

14 Mei ) Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA Stellenbosch Sentraal) ontmoet om 20:15 by die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. Navrae: 0 084 293 3967.

16 Mei ) Die Vonkel-ini-Oog groep bymekaarkoms. ’n Humoristiese oggend met Helene de Villiers oor “tussen die mense en seediere”. NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes. 09:30 – 11:00. Bettie Senekal: 021 880 2939 of 082 825 7830.

18 Mei ) Bergklub van Suid-Afrika, Stellenbosch: Franschhoek Jonkershoek dwarsstap. Stap van die Bergrivierdam na Jonkershoek, via die Assegaaiboschkloof. 08:00, Ingenieursgebou. Kevin Koorzen: 2 of 0 083 301 0657.

19 Mei ) The Blaauwklippen Antique Fair will be held in the function room next to Restaurant from 10:00 – 15:30. Entrance is free. Antique

and costume jewellery, china, glass, silver, art, Africana, collectables and small furnishings for sale. Barbara: 0 083 444 0133. ) “Global Day of Prayer” geleentheid aangebied deur die VGK kerk Cloetesville. 14:30 tot 17:00, Hoërskool Cloetesville. Almal is welkom om saam vir Stellenbosch te bid. Edward Crowley: 0 082 718 9513. ) VGK Idasvallei (Rustenburgweg) bied ’n gospelfees aan. Dit begin 15:00. Toegang is R20 per persoon. Dumisani en nog vele meer sal optree. Andries Wewer: 0 079 891 6270.

21 Mei ) ACVV-jaarvergadering om 10:00 in die ACVV-sentrum. Gasspreker Patricia Britz rakende die Kinderwet. RSVP by 0 021 887 6959.

24 Mei ) Ondersteuningsgroep vir persone met outisme bied ’n dans aan. 20:00, Weber Gedenkskoolsaal in Jamestown. R70 per persoon. Alle gaste moet hul eie xyz en platters saambring. Kallies Dance Band sal die musiek maak. 0 083 679 2863 of 073 147 6208.

31 Mei ) Stellenbosch Community Learning Centre will hold their annual winter ball with the Kallies Dance Band. 20:00 to 00:45, in the AF Louw School Hall. R70 per person. Bring your own platters and xyz. For more information call 0 021 882 8357.

Student Expo at CTICC Calling all students, graduates, high school scholars and parents to access all they need to know about courses, careers, campus life, loans, accommodation and transport – all under one roof at one time at the Student Expo. The Student Expo is the only exhibition that is designed to provide both current and prospective students with the necessary tools to succeed in tertiary education and beyond. The Expo is being held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre on the 17th and 18th of May, and then moves to Johannesburg, Durban as well as Port Elizabeth. The Expo brings together exhibitors such as corporate companies, financial institutions, professional bodies, real estate firms, motor dealers and tertiary institutions. On both days there will be “Power Hours” which are times that are specifically focused on certain fields/career paths. They will have specialists as well as professors that will be speaking.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

The Expo was initially conceptualised to address the shortfall in student accommodation, but soon progressed to encompass the wide variety of exhibitors it has on offer today. Student Expo assists scholars in making informed decisions about their future as information is readily available on different tertiary institutions, gap year options, student loans, transport and accommodation. Often students still need to learn essential skills such as compiling a CV. At the Student Expo they can learn this essential skill which will assist them in the job market. Tickets are being sold at a cost of R30 each and are available from Webtickets ( Should you require any further information, please visit the website:

ANTIQUE FAIR ON THE BLAAUWKLIPPEN WINE ESTATE: The popular Blaauwklippen Antique Fair will be held on the estate (just off the R44 towards Somerset West) on Sunday 19 May. The fair is from 10:00 to 15:30. Entrance is free and refreshments will be sold. Everyone is welcome.

Wear your tekkies for a good cause Friday (31 May) will see the first Tekkie Tax annual fundraising campaign kick off, where participants will wear their tekkies in support of a good cause. During April and May, five different stickers, each representing a beneficiary, will be available to South Africans at a cost of R10 each which will be donated to the chosen beneficiary. The Tekkie Tax campaign will give you the option of donating to a welfare sector of your choice which include animals, children, education, disability or basic community welfare.

It’s as easy as: ) Getting permission from relevant parties (such as your office, school) to participate in the campaign. ) Promoting the campaign with free publicity material such as posters and brochures. ) Choosing the beneficiary of your choice by purchasing the relevant sticker. )Wearing your tekkies and sticker on Friday (31 May) to show your support. For more information visit or email

Dans ten bate van outisme

Wine and golf in aid of Safe House

Die Ondersteuningsgroep vir persone met Outisme bied ’n dans op 24 Mei aan. Dit sal om 20:00 in die Weber Gedenkskoolsaal in Jamestown begin en toegang is R70 per persoon. Alle gaste moet hul eie xyz en platters saambring. Kallies Dance Band sal die musiek verskaf. Skakel 083 679 2863 of 073 147 6208 vir meer inligting.

The Safe House Stellenbosch is hosting a golf and wine day at the Stellenbosch Golf Club on 16 May. The event will be a charity day to raise awareness of abused women and children in the Stellenbosch area. For further information about this special event in aid of charity or to take part in it, please send an email to

Tuesday 14 May 2013

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Skryfkursus by die Taalmonument

Chicken cottage pie Warm up on cold winter nights with a hot chicken cottage pie. Preparation time: 10 min Cooking time: 25 min Serves 4 Make this more nutritious with sweet potato. Ingredients 5 large sweet potatoes – peeled and roughly cubed 1 tbs olive oil 1 onion – finely chopped 1 clove garlic – chopped 2 sprigs fresh thyme or ½ tsp dried thyme 1 sprig fresh rosemary or ½ tsp dried rosemary 400 g chicken mince – or mince chicken breasts in a food processor 1 can chopped peeled tomatoes 1 tbs chutney 1 – 2 tbs Worcestershire sauce salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste ¾ cup frozen peas Method Add the potatoes to a large pot of salted boiling water and cook for 15 minutes, or until they can be easily pierced with a knife. Remove from the heat, drain, season with salt and pepper and mash together with a little olive oil and milk (to

Die bekende skrywer Rachelle Greeff bied van Vrydag 13 tot Saterdag 14 September ’n skryfkursus by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument in die Paarl aan. Kursusgangers het die keuse om in die maand ná die kursus ook hul eie skryfwerk vir kommentaar voor te lê. Die kursus sluit een borgskap in. Greeff werk in verskillende genres, maar is veral bekend vir haar kortverhale en die toneelstuk Die Naaimasjien wat verlede jaar as The Sewing Machine ook in Edinburgh, Skotland, opgevoer is. Haar koerantwerk behels boekresensies en onderhoude met skrywers. Kursusgangers ontvang ’n maand voor die kursus elk ’n kortverhaal, asook ’n koerantrubriek of tydskrifskets. Dit dien as wegspringplek vir die eerste sessie. Daaropvolgende sessies fokus op praktiese kwessies waarvan nuwe skrywers kennis moet neem voordat hulle by uitge-

Try this delicious chicken cottage pie with sweet potato. loosen if necessary). Set aside. Meanwhile, fry the onions over medium heat with 1 tbs olive oil. Cook for 2 – 3 minutes until softened, then add the garlic and herbs and fry for another minute. At this stage, preheat oven to 200 °C. Add the chicken to the onions and cook until just cooked through, about 4 minutes. Add the tomatoes, chutney, Worcestershire sauce and a pinch

of salt and pepper. Leave to simmer for a further 10 minutes. Remove from the heat, check the seasoning, add the frozen peas and pour into a medium-sized ovenproof dish. Top the chicken filling with the potato mash, and a sprinkling of cheese if you like. Bake for 10 – 15 minutes or until the mash topping is lightly golden. – Recipe from

wers en mediaredakteurs aanklop. As opsionele ekstra het kursusgangers agterna ’n maand waarin hulle óf ’n rubriek (620 woorde) óf ’n kortverhaal (nie langer nie as 2 000 woorde) kan skryf. Dit word eenmalig deur die kursusleier geredigeer en aan die kursusganger terugbesorg. Dié aanbod is by die kursusfooi ingesluit. Die sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke is 16 Augustus. Die Taalmonument maak voorsiening vir ’n borgskap vir een kursusganger, wat bondig deur die voornemende kursusganger en ’n mentor gemotiveer moet word. Die kursus word tot 12 persone beperk en vind daagliks van 09:00 – 16:00 plaas. Die kursusfooi is R2 000 per persoon. ’n Ligte vingermiddagete en koffie en tee is ingesluit. Bel Amira Clayton by 021 863 4809/0543 of stuur ’n e-pos na

A night with Spyro Gyra

VGK Vlottenburg hou reünie Die VGK Vlottenburg hou 1 Junie vanjaar ’n reünie. Alle gemeentelede, van 1963 af, word genooi om dié spesiale geleent-

heid by te woon. Dit sal 14:00 in die VGK Vlottenburg-kerksaal begin. Bel Desmond Solomons by 082 757 2190.

Massive Events Live presents A Night with Spyro Gyra for a live music show on 14 June at GrandWest, Grand Arena. This classic five piece band will perform many of their hits, such as “Shaker Song”, “Morning Dance”, “It Doesn’t Matter”, “Autumn of our Love”, “Cafe Amore”, “Summer Strut”, “Cashaca, Shakedown”, “Catching the Sun”, “Old San Juan”, “Bob Goes to the Store”, as well as new material and many more.

The legendary Jay Beckenstein said: “My hope is that our music has the same effect on the audience that it does on me and the band.” Spyro Gyra is an American fusion jazz group who has played over 5 000 shows and have sold over 10 million copies worldwide. There is no doubt that this will be a show to remember. The door opens at 19:00 and the show starts at 20:00. Tickets cost R200 to R400 for GrandWest, available at Computicket.






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General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 14 May 2013

KINDERBESKERMINGSMAAND SKOP AF MET OPTOG IN CLOETESVILLE: Kinders en volwassenes het op 5 Mei ’n plakkaatoptog in Cloetesville gehou om die gemeenskap van kinderbeskermingsmaand bewus te maak. ’n Versoekskrif waarin die kinders hulle kommer uitspreek oor veiligheid, smokkelhuise, bendebedrywighede, misdaad en behuising is aan die onderburgemeester, raadslid Martin Smuts, en ’n afgevaardigde van die SAPD oorhandig. Die geleentheid was ’n inisiatief van die VGK Cloetesville en is deur lede van die ander kerke ook ondersteun. |

Concert in aid of HIV and Aids management

Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840

The Africa Institute for HIV and AIDS Management, a non-profit organisation linked to the Africa Centre for HIV and AIDS Management at Stellenbosch University, is hosting its annual instalment of the South African Artists for Aids Awareness concert on Sunday 9 June 2013.





Algemeen Miscellaneous


BRAAI / KAGGELHOUT, Rooikrantz, Blackwattel, Bloekom, Firestarters, Spider gum, Myrtle braaihout. Gratis aflewering (radius 50 km), verpakking ekstra. Bestel nou, hout raak skaars Kontak 083 493 6894 / 076 947 0700 / 021 828 9693 / 021 854 7052


Spyseniering Catering DECKSTER'S CATERING. Décor / Hiring. Menu's from R110.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. Contact Ielaahm or Rene. 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering.


Kindervermaak Children’s Entertainment JUMPING CASTLES Choose your theme! We deliver, erect & collect. 072 411 6416


Geld/lenings Money/Loans DO YOU NEED A LOAN to cover other loan payments? We can help. SMS help to 074 441 3658 or please call me. Deon

Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs ALLE HERSTEL VAN yskaste, vrieskaste en alle tipe wasmasjiene. Gas hervul vanaf R150. Skakel 076 919 0596. AUCTION FRIDGES Repairs fridges & freezers. We buy and sell @ best prices. 135 Bird Street 076 552 0272.


Algemene Dienste General Services NEW HORIZON'S DEKOR. Blindings, sonskerms en vlieësiwwe. ( Fabian: 021 886 6453 of 083 348 1703 . Epos:


Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted LADY AGED 27 SEEKS everyday work or chars. Reference Melan 071 897 0576.

Spesiale dienste

“Let’s Beat It” is the title of this year’s production which takes place in the Artscape Theatre at 19:00 on 9 June. Ushering in the significant June 16 Youth Day commemoration, this concert will celebrate and honour South African youth for the tremendous contribution and impact they are making in the country. It will also acknowledge unsung individuals who are doing exceptional work in the HIV and AIDS field and other areas of humanity. Singer, actor and performer Jimmie Earl Perry directs this concert and will be joined by the Mike Campbell Rhythm Orchestra,

Wolfgang Riebe as MC, vocalists Amy Campbell, Wendy Alexander, Spha Mdlalose, Manuel Losper, Luciano Swarts, Lana Crowster, dancers from the Waterfront Theatre Company and other artists. “Using Michael Jackson’s hit ‘Beat It’ as a metaphor to ‘beat’ HIV’, gave me the idea for the title of this year’s production,” said Jimmie Earl Perry. “The words of the song resonated so profoundly with me because it’s about a young man who is living dangerously and told to ‘beat it’ (go away) if he wished to stay alive.” Perry states that through the arts, the aim of these concerts is to continue making people aware of their individual responsibility to help turn around the HIV and AIDS epidemic as well as crime, violence and substance abuse among people in South Africa and around the world. Musical direction and arrangements are by Mike Campbell who has led and worked with groups in Europe, the USA and throughout South Africa. He currently holds the position of Associate Professor and is Head of Jazz at the SA College of Music at the University of Cape Town. Wolfgang Riebe is a well-known motivational speaker, acknowledged for his original and unique approach as a comedic magician and Jean-Pierre Steyn is the vocal rehearsal accompanist. “Let’s Beat It” has an exciting, powerful programme that includes dance, theatre, jazz and adult contemporary music. It will inspire and educate and is suitable for the entire family. Tickets cost R100 for this two hour concert and may be purchased from Artscape Dial-aSeat 021 421 7695 or Computicket.

Second hand goods needed The Rape Crisis Helderberg currently needs second hand furniture and appliances to sell in their bargain shop. All other unwanted goods are also welcome. The money raised is used to help survivors of rape throughout the region. For further information or to make a donation please call Colleen on 021 852 5620.

Dinsdag 14 Mei 2013

General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette


Nurses’ day celebrated

Khaya Mayedwa, SARU’s Senior Manager for Government and Stakeholder Relations poses for a photo in front of the Tjovitjo! bus with Ikaya Primary School headmistress Tammy Mgijima

The handover.

‘Tjovitjo’ bus saves the day

As part of last year’s Vodacom Cup “Tjovitjo” campaign, Ikaya Primary School in Kayamandi won a branded Tjovitjo bus in a moment that would have a lasting positive impact for the children and teachers at the school The “Tjovitjo!” branded bus has become a regular sight in and around Kayamandi and Stellenbosch since Ikaya Primary School won it as part of last year’s “Tjovitjo!” Vodacom Cup campaign. On any given day the bus ferries the Ikaya pupils to and from rugby, soccer, tennis, gymnastics, athletics and netball events. The bus is also used to take the children on educational school outings and to take Ikaya’s staff to teacher conferences all over the country. “The Tjovitjo bus has made a huge difference to our school. Before we won the bus last year, we had to hire taxis which was a huge problem because with 1 400 learners at Ikaya, we were sometimes hiring up to four taxis at the same time to take our children to and from sporting events,” said Ikaya headmistress Tammy Mgijima. With the added stress of taxis often being late or not showing up at all, coordinating lifts for the Ikaya children became an expensive logistic juggling-act that required considerable time and careful planning to get right. The handover of the Tjovitjo bus has changed all that and the difference it’s made for the teachers and children at Ikaya is evident in the immense pride the school takes in their bus. Despite being use so often, one year on the

The pupils of Ikaya Primary School lined up to sing songs of praise when the Tjovitjo! bus was delivered at the end of last year’s Vodacom Cup tournament. bus is still in pristine condition and now boasts a set of personalised “Ikaya” numberplates to compliment the bright, colourful Vodacom Cup “Tjovitjo!” branding that wraps the bus. “We are the only school in the region to have our own bus and because we don’t have to pay for taxis any more, the bus is saving us upwards of R1 000 a month. There are also certain NGOs that sponsor sports like soccer who have said they will reimburse us for the

petrol we use going to certain events provided we have our own transport. So we fill in a claim form and get money back for petrol in some instances, which is also a huge help.” Ikaya won the Tjovitjo bus after taking part in one of the Tag Rugby clinics last year that ran alongside the Vodacom Cup. All the schools that took part were required to submit regular reports after the clinics concluded that detailed how the schools were rolling out sustainable Tag Rugby programmes.

On 12 May this year nurses all around the world were celebrated for their tireless pursuit of service excellence. Florence Nightingale, best remembered for her work during the Crimean War (1853-1856), fundamentally changed the role of nursing in hospitals and was a key figure in introducing professional nursing training standards. Clicks Nursing Sister Kobie van der Merwe agrees that much has changed since the 1800s. “Historically, nurses were seen as attendants who prepared and administered medicines, cared for the physical needs of patients and followed through on all doctor’s orders. ‘‘A great part of a nursing professional’s role is still focused on providing wellness, comfort and care to patients, but this has evolved into one of the most crucial support functions of modern medicine.’’ Nursing sisters have vast experience in many nursing disciplines and can therefore offer a great variety of services from immunising babies to doing wound care. Even though they work independently in some cases, they will always rely on the knowledge of the pharmacist when it comes to recommending the appropriate medication or treatment. Nursing sisters and pharmacists are also ideal as a first point of call before visiting a doctor. Most clinics and nursing sisters are equipped to offer services for mom and baby, family planning, adult immunisations and wellness screenings. Some of the services for mom and baby include; advice on sleeping, nutrition and feeding, immunisations and developmental information, advice on which supplements to take, what to expect during pregnancy, how to take care of yourself, how to prepare for child birth and breast feeding. “Prevention is always better than the cure, which is why it is important to go for regular wellness screenings at your local clinic,” said Kobie. The types of wellness screenings include blood pressure, BMI glucose and cholesterol tests. The clinics also offer breast examinations and HIV counselling and testing and are also able to refer patients to appropriate facilities and support structures. At selected Clicks clinics you can also get papsmears, finger prick PSA tests for prostate, while all Clicks clinics offer specimen collection for insurance purposes or as requested by a medical practitioner. As one of the preferred partners for more than 50 medical schemes in South Africa, Clicks offers patients a great and more affordable option for these screening tests which are covered by most medical schemes. To make an appointment to visit your local Clicks Clinic Sister, visit or call 0860 CLICKS/254 257.

New crèche helps children escape fire danger in impoverished areas. “As the winter months approach, the use of candles, paraffin stoves and open fires increases, along with the risk of accidental fires. “According to reports, over the last five years, there are on average 10 shack fires a day in the country. South Africa’s socio-economic challenges contribute greatly to the high incident rate of burns among those living in informal settlements, with the most vulnerable being children, as dwelling units usually consist of highly flammable substances such as wood, cardboard and plastic and are built in close proximity of each other. “With limited services and infrastructure, and minimal safety controls in place, impulsive and fast The fire-resistant crèche helps prevent the spread of spreading flash fires are fires and contains the flames. According to reports at least 15 000 children in South Africa suffer from burns-related injuries every year, with an average of nine children dying each day from these injuries. These shocking statistics make burns the leading cause of injury and death to young children in the country. Speaking ahead of National Burns Awareness Week( 6 to 12 May) David Grier of the Cipla Foundation, affiliated to Cipla Medpro, South Africa’s third largest pharmaceutical company, said the figure tends to rise during the winter months

a constant threat. Fire safety is often compromised due to the dwelling units that are built in close proximity to one another. The units usually have little or no access for firefighting teams or their equipment to gain entry to the fires. In addition to this, there is the lack of affordable safe energy appliances available to the communities,” said Grier. To address the country’s growing shack-fire crisis in these informal settlements, as well as the related burns injuries, the Cipla Foundation has launched the Ajuga initiative – a project that will ultimately see fire-resistant structures installed in informal settlements nationwide. “By replacing crèches with fire-resistant structures, the Ajuga initiative ensures that if there is a fire outbreak, children in the crèches will be protected. With this initiative, we can also provide children with a place of safety and improve the conditions in which they are schooled.” The first two Ajuga structures, sponsored by the Cipla

Foundation, replaced crèches in the informal settlement of Du Noon in Cape Town earlier this year. Currently three more structures are being deployed in this area and another in Khayelitsha. Other projects have been rolled out in the Kwamashu settlement in KwaZulu-Natal. Grier, who designed the Ajuga structure, said that together with Operation Smile, Cipla Medpro has for many years been involved in raising funds for corrective surgeries for children born with cleft lips and palates. “During the Cipla Miles for Smiles initiatives, we noticed the rapid increase of children being admitted with serious burn wounds and that is when we decided to investigate the causes around this. When we saw the shocking devastation caused by shack fires, we could not walk away. That is when the Ajuga project was conceived.” To get involved in the Ajuga project, or to apply for an Ajuga crèche, visit for more information.

The Ajuga crèche is a fire-resistant structure, designed by David Grier, to help save children in informal settlements.

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Dinsdag 14 Mei 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Jong Bokke op hul stukke JONG BOKKE VERMORSEL NAMIBIË: Die Suid-Afrikaanse o.20rugbyspan het Namibië Saterdag met 92-27 afgeransel en 14 drieë in die proses gedruk. Die wedstryd is op Paul Roos Gimnasium se Markötter-veld gespeel. Hier draf Cheslin Kolbe oor vir sy drie.


Sport in kort Tread Lightly Women’s MBC

The Tread Lightly Women’s Mountain Bike Chal­ lenge will take place on 18 May this year at Backsberg Wine Estate. After the success of last year’s event, this popu­ lar ride will offer a route geared for every fitness level ranging from a 5 km course to a 15 km route for the more experienced rider and a 35 km race for serious, competitive mountain ladies. Female cyclists can enjoy the scenic farm roads through vineyards, orchards and forest areas, whilst testing their endurance on some steep climbs, fast descents and non­technical, single­ track sections. The route is marshalled while the water point may offer a surprise or two. For information or to enter online visit or call 021 689 8420.

Pniel kry vroue­rugbyspan

Die Pniel Villagers­rugbyklub se program vir 2013 sluit die begin van ’n eerste amptelike vroue­rugbyspan in. Die span sal in die WP­rugbyunie se vroueliga meeding. Die klub nooi alle belangstellende vroue ouer as 18 jaar uit om die oefening by te woon. Oefening sal weekliks op ’n Dinsdag plaasvind. Vir meer besonderhede bel Andria Stubbs Men­ toor by 083 303 9565.

Golf fundraiser for Maties Swimming

The Maties Swimming Club’s Golf Day is Friday 31 May at the Stellenbosch Golf Club to raise funds for the club. The format will be a four­ball Alliance Stableford – two scores to count. The swimming club has a history of excellence, producing multiple olympians, an olympic medal­ list, Commonwealth Games’ medals and national champions. After the London Olympics the club realised that as a club they stand on the threshold to continue as before or to strive towards something better. They have seen the need to be forward thinking and innovative. To take the club to the next level they need to work towards bridging the gap between just being good and being the best. For information or to register for the golf day contact Lise Veldsman at 0 082 776 2595, 021 910 1384 or 2

Cellar2Cellar Trail Run

Rohan Janse van Rensburg het twee drieë vir die Jong Bokke gedruk.

Impi Challenge returns to Lievland, Stellenbosch The much anticipated New Balance Impi Challenge will return to Lievland Wine Estate and Wiesenhof Legacy Park, Stellenbosch the weekend of 19 – 20 October. Two lucky Eikestadnuus readers stand the chance to win a New Balance Impi Challenge hamper to the value of R670. Each hamper will include an entry into the Impi Challenger race, an Impi visor and an exclusive 2013 Impi vest.

To be eligible for this prize, send the answer to the following question, your name, surname and vest size to Question: Who is the title sponsor of the Impi Challenge? For more information on the New Balance Impi Challenge contact Hayley Weinberg on 073 411 5575, email or visit

Stuur nou nominasies Nominasies vir Let’s Play/Eikestadnuus Sportster vir Mei moet op die laatste Vrydag 31 Mei ingestuur word. Die enigste manier om op dié manier erkenning aan jou skool se sportsterre te gee, is deur ’n e-pos met die nominasie en motivering aan te stuur. Net skole kan nominasies instuur. Die maandelikse wenners kom nie net in aanmerking vir die sportster van die jaar nie, maar kan ook die wenner van die Hennie Pietersen-wisseltrofee wees. Dié trofee gaan aan die wenner wat uit al die streke se wenners gekies word. Skole word vriendelik herinner aan die opsie om ook spanne te nomineer vir die sportspan van die maand-kompetisie. Vir meer besonderhede 0 021 887 2840.

Entries for the 4th annual Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience on Saturday 7 September are open. Starting and finishing at Blaauwklippen, partici­ pants can choose between a fun 12 km wine ex­ perience, a 12 km trail run and a 20 km trail run. According to Pieter du Plessis, Cellar2Cellar race director, the 12 km wine experience is unique in that there are seven wine estates that will offer two tastings per cellar. For further information or to enter the Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience visit, call Agne du Plessis on 082 517 4799 or email entries@iqela­

Nine­to­Five MTB Action at Delvera

Mountain bike enthusiasts, leisure cyclists and spectators can look forward to an action­packed day of fun at the eighth Dirtopia Nine­to­Five Mountain Bike Team Relay taking place at Delvera Farm on Monday 17 June, a public holiday. Competitors’ endurance levels will be put to the test with entrants trying to finish as many 7 km laps as possible in an 8­hour time period. The concept is similar to a 24 hour event. The route is easy enough for riders across all levels and fast laps will ensure lots of activity in the transition area. Riders can participate in three cat­ egories: solo, teams of two or teams of four. For more information or to enter mail info@dirt­ or phone 021 884 4752.

Skryf nou in vir Bergrivier

Inskrywings vir die Bergrivier­kanomarathon van 10 tot 13 Julie is oop. Besoek

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