Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 15 • Tuesday 16 April 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840
Atlete in aksie
Boland se June Roelofse tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse Atletiek-byeenkoms vir seniors wat Vrydag en Saterdag by Coetzenburg aangebied is.
Stellenbosch Gazette
News - Nuus
Tuesday 16 April 2013
Safety tips when using the ATM After a client was robbed of almost R100 000 at the local Standard Bank branch, the bank gave some feedback regarding criminal syndicates. According to Kershia Singh, spokesperson for Standard Bank, syndicates continue to target the banking industry with card-related scams. “This is an issue that affects all banks across the country. Standard Bank works closely with law-enforcement authorities as well as industry bodies, such as the South African Banking Risk Information Centre (SABRIC), to combat card and ATM-related fraud as well as other forms of financial crime. “ATMs identified as high-risk locations are indeed monitored and successful arrests have been made across the country of criminals involved in these scams.” According to Singh ensuring a safe and secure banking environment for their customers is a key priority for Standard Bank. “We treat all such reported incidents seriously and will investigate allegations jointly with law enforcement. Standard Bank urges customers to remain vigilant at all times when transacting at ATMs and never engage with strangers offering assistance. “Never tell anyone your PIN. Cancel your transaction or leave the ATM area if in any doubt about the security or your surroundings.” Together with SABRIC, Standard Bank embarks on regular awareness and education
campaigns to alert customers to how to bank safely. Some tips from Standard Bank to protect your ATM details: ) Only use ATMs in well-lit, high-traffic areas. If the lights aren’t working, don’t use that machine. Stay alert. Look out for suspicious individuals or circumstances. If you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts and leave the area. ) Never tell anyone your personal identification number (PIN) and be sure to shield the keypad with your hand when entering your PIN. To further reduce the risk of fraud, memorise your PIN and never write it down. ) Be wary of strangers who offer to help you, even if you are experiencing difficulty with your transaction. Don’t allow others to distract you while you’re banking. ) Have your ATM card for your transaction ready and in your hands. Opening your wallet or purse can be time consuming and also provides a potential thief with easier access to your valuables. ) Make sure the card you get back from the ATM after your transaction is yours. ) Don’t count or expose your money after your transaction. As soon as you receive your money and bank receipt, put them away and leave the ATM area. She further said to contact them immediately on 0800 020 600 if you lose your card, it is stuck in the machine, or stolen. The Standard Bank Fraud Call Centre can also be contacted on 0800 222 050 to assist with any fraud related information.
Be alert when using the ATM.
Mesmoord in Kylemore Drie mans is Sondag aangekeer ná ’n mesmoord in Kylemore verlede naweek. Luidens konst. Rionel Uithaler, die Groot-Drakenstein-polisiewoordvoerder, het hulle reeds in die Stellenboschlanddroshof verskyn. “Hulle is aangekeer vir die moord op Elfrido Cloete (19 jaar) van Kylemore. “Na bewering het die oorledene ’n familielid van die drie verdagtes vroeër die aand (rondom middernag, Saterdagaand) met ’n mes gesteek. Die slagoffer is na die Stellenbosch-hospitaal geneem vir behandeling. “Die oorledene is toe na sy woning in Erasmusstraat, Kylemore, waar die drie verdagtes later ingestorm en hom aangerand het. “Hy is óók met ’n mes gesteek en is op die toneel oorlede.” Die Groot-Drakenstein-polisie is besig om ’n saak van moord te ondersoek.
Ooggetuies gesoek Die Stellenbosch SAPD is op soek na ooggetuies wat moontlik ’n ongeluk op die R44 gesien het. Luidens lt. Nathalie Martin, die polisiewoordvoerder, het die ongeluk op 14 Februarie om 14:04 op die R44, by die Remhoogte-afrit, plaasgevind. Die bestuurder van ’n silwer Opel Corsa-bakkie, registrasienommer CF200 515, het beheer verloor en die voertuig het gerol. Die bestuurder is oorlede. Enige ooggetuies van die ongeluk kan adj. Wentzel bel by 021 809 9140.
KAYAMANDI HIGH SCHOOL PROVIDES FOR THEIR LEARNERS: Kayamandi High School launched their own initiative to help pupils, who were affected by the recent fire in Zone O, to get back on their feet. Clothes and shoes were donated by teachers, churches and other organisations in the area. School uniforms and new school books are also being organised with the help of a number of organisations. Here are some of the pupils receiving new clothes on Friday. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Ratepayers’ Association to meet The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Stellenbosch Ratepayers’ Association (SRA) will be held on Thursday 18 April at 19:00 in the Plein Street Library Hall. Saliem Haider, from the Stellenbosch Municipality, will discuss solid waste and recycling, whilst Paul Mann, a traffic consultant, will give a talk on the town’s traffic problems. Everyone is welcome to attend. The annual membership fees for the SRA are currently R80 per person or R120 for two persons living at the same address. At the meeting, the subscribed members will choose representatives for the respective wards on the management committee. Visit for further information.
Easter weekend road deaths down Easter weekend road deaths in the Western Cape have decreased by 30% compared to last year, according to the Department of Transport and Public Works. In Stellenbosch no serious accidents were reported over this period. In the Western Cape, however, fourteen people were killed this year, in comparison to 20 last year. MEC for Transport and Public Works, Robin Carlisle, says this Easter was characterised by wet conditions and high traffic volumes. “As we await figures for the entire month of March 2013, which was not a good month on our roads, the Easter period has shown that buckling-up and pedestrian safety re-
main a serious concern. “As we continue to see motorist behaviour change, so too must passengers, particularly back-seat passengers, and pedestrians,”says Carlisle. “These classes of fatalities must realise how vulnerable they are and the dangers that they often place themselves in by not complying with road rules.” Enforcement Statistics reveal that, across the province, more than 22 400 vehicles were stopped and checked, almost 300 public transport vehicles were stopped and a total of 3 370 people were screened for alcohol. There were 56 arrests made for driving under the influence of alcohol.
Tuesday 16 April 2013
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
First years and their lecturers celebrated The special and important relationship between students and lecturers was celebrated at the Rector’s Dinner for Top-Performing Students recently. The event was hosted by the First-year Academy (FYA) of the Stellenbosch University. During this event the 30 top performing first-years of 2012 were honoured. Special recognition was also given to the lecturers who the students felt had made the greatest contribution to their academic success. Guest speaker Prof Sonia Human, dean of the Faculty of Law, congratulated the students and lecturers. “I see excellent lecturers here who tell the students at the beginning of their first year: ‘I am willing to walk this road with you’. And students who say: ‘I’m in’.” Before she became dean, she herself had been nominated by students a number of times. Prof Arnold Schoonwinkel, the vice-rector for Learning and Teaching, commended both students and lecturers and told the academic achievers that they have created an excellent platform for the rest of their studies. He challenged them to be role models in their classes and communities, but encouraged them to be more than just academic role models. A highlight of the function was when the lecturers and students formally exchanged letters
that they had written to each other. Copies of these letters were placed in cylinders and exchanged over dinner. Prof Johan de Villiers, retired professor in Mathematics, has been invited to this event at least five times and was invited to this year’s event by Michal van der Walt, a student in Actuarial Sciences. De Villiers believes an invitation to this event serves as an encouragement to lecturers because they realise: “Wow, I’m on the right track.” “It is great that students are recognised for their hard work after their first year and not only at the end of their studies,” he added. Most of the students agreed that it motivates them to continue working hard. Prof Johan van Zyl, associate professor in Pharmacology and nominated by medical student Leanne Young, said it was quite sobering to realise what an impact a lecturer can have on a student, especially because classes are often very big and there is little time to pay attention to individuals. )The FYA is a University-wide initiative to improve the success rate of first-year students by implementing or facilitating a variety of research actions, programmes and projects. The FYA was implemented for the first time in 2007 and the entire university community is involved in this very important initiative.
Ms Ebrezia Johnson, a lecturer in the Faculty of Law (left), was invited to the First-year Academy’s gala dinner for top-student achievers by Donnay Green, an LLB student. With them are Dr Rob Luckay, senior lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science, and Philip Frenzel, who is studying Conservation Ecology. Philip appreciated Dr Luckay’s open-door policy, while Dr Luckay admired Philip’s maturity and work ethic.
Breughel bied nuwe reeks dansklasse Die Breughel-teater in Cloetesville se deure is weer oop en hulle bied ’n nuwe reeks dansklasse aan. Die klasse sluit in Hip-Hop, Tibow en Zumba-klasse twee keer per week. Klasse begin Dinsdag 16 April van 18:00. Die Hip-Hop-klasse vir kinders en die jeug begin Saterdag 10 April om 11:00. Alle inskrywings moet by die Breughel-teater gedoen word. Bel vir Eleanor Benn by 021 889 5765 of 073 310 5637.
MORE ASSISTANCE FOR KAYAMANDI FIRE VICTIMS: The local businesses Engen Bird Street, Engen Paradyskloof, Pep Stores: Stellenbosch and Simonsig Meubels worked collectively to support 200 of the 4 500 residents affected by the fire in Zone O with donations.
Three stopovers were made where they supplied 200 people with mattresses, blankets, toiletries, health and cleaning materials, crockery, cups and mugs. The fire victims were elated by the support.
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
verslaafdes, ontmoet 20:15 in die NG Stellenbosch-Wes-kerksaal in Alexanderstraat. 0 084 293 3967 of 021 889 5791.
27 April 16 April )Stellenbosch Blommeklub vergader in die NG Stellenbosch-Wes-kerksaal. Marjolijn Malan en Lorraine Rose kom demonstreer vir ons Designs using different Stands. Tee van 09:30, en die vergadering 10:00. Bring ’n vriendin. Bel Greta van der Merwe by 021 886 5367 of 072 202 4572. )Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA Stellenbosch Sentraal) ontmoet om 20:15 by die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. Navrae: 0 084 293 3967.
18 April )Ledevergadering van die Stellenbosse Landbougenootskap. 19:00, Doornboschsaal. Phillip van Zijl, voorsitter van SA Jagters (Tafelbergtak) is die gasspreker. Verversings sal bedien word. Kaap Agri en Afrison LED is die borge. RSVP voor of op 15 April. 2 of 0 021 886 4867. )Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) sowel as Alanon, ter ondersteuning van familie en vriende van
Talk on travels in Africa at library The Hottentots Holland Branch of the Wildlife and Environment Society of SA (WESSA) will hold its annual general meeting on Wednesday 17 April. The meeting will be followed by a presentation by Peter Borchert, entitled Reflections on travels in Africa. It will start at 19:30 in the Somerset West library. Call 082 708 1016/021 851 6951.
)Bi-annual Rachel’s Angels Market Day for young entrepreneurs at the Stellenzicht Secondary School in Jamestown. First event of its kind for Jamestown. There will be fresh fruit and vegetables, face painting for children, a variety of games and food stalls as well as handmade products. Local artists such as Blackkurrant, Jimmy Nevis, Tribal Echo, Mixed Mense, Limited Edition and more will perform. Lucky draws with prizes as well. Entrance is R10 for adults and R5 for children (6 to 12 years). Lyndall Matroos: 0 021 914 2821.
16 May )Wine and golf day in aid of Stellenbosch Safe House. 2
24 Mei )Ondersteuningsgroep vir persone met Outisme bied ’n dans aan. 20:00, Weber Gedenkskoolsaal in Jamestown. R70 per persoon. Alle gaste moet hulle eie xyz en platters saambring. Callies Dance Band sal die musiek maak. 0 083 679 2863 of 073 147 6208.
VCSV-geleentheid vir alle leerlinge Die VCSV hou Vrydag 19 April ’n “WOW- geleentheid” vir laerskool- en hoërskoolleerlinge op die dorp. Die geleentheid vir laerskoolleerlinge sal van 16:00 tot 20:00 by die Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof gehou word. Dieselfde aand sal hoërskoolleerlinge van 19:00 tot 23:00 by Paul Roos Gimnasium vermaak word. Vir meer inligting bel Colleen by 021 887 0212 of stuur ’n e-pos na
Tuesday 16 April 2013
Skenk boeke vir Boekprojek Skole en biblioteke regoor die land ondervind deurlopend ’n ernstige tekort aan boeke, omdat daar nie genoeg geld is om meer boeke te koop nie. Hierdie opvoedkundige instansies sukkel dan gevolglik om hul gemeenskappe van gepaste leesstof te voorsien wat nodig is om die geletterdheid van jonk en oud te verbeter. Die RSG/KKNK Boekprojek spreek hierdie kwessie aan deur boeke vir minderbevoorregte gemeenskappe in te samel. Die projek, nou in sy 15de Hier wys die bekende akteurs Christo Davids, Jody Abrahams jaar, het deur die jare al meer en Hennie Jacobs wys hul ondersteuning vir die boekprojek. as ’n miljoen boeke ingesamel, en in 2012 het die publiek se ruimhartige skenkings 56 404 boeke vir die projek bymekaargemaak. Shoprite en Checkers dra die opvoeding van die land se kinders na aan die hart en ondersteun dus verskeie veldtogte wat kan bydra tot die verbetering en uitbreiding van opvoedingsdienste. Ter ondersteuning van die 2013 RSG/ KKNK Boekprojek maak Shoprite en Checkers-supermarkte landwyd hulle “Goue Waentjies” beskikbaar as insamelingspunte vir boeke. Lesers word uitgenooi om by te dra tot die insamelingsveldtog deur enige tipe boek – fiksie, nie-fiksie, handboeke, kinderboeke, ensiklopedieë en naslaanboeke, oud en nuut – tot 30 April te gaan skenk. Die spesiaal-gemerkte “Goue Waentjies” kan by die supermarkingange gevind word. Al die boeke wat ingesamel word sal deur die Vryburgers Diensorganisasie gesorteer en dan aan behoeftige skole, biblioteke en Die bekende sangeres, Nádine, is ook ’n ondergemeenskapsorganisasies oorhandig word. steuner van die boekprojek.
LOW PRICES Products have been styled for photography
32 5999 99
All taken care of
Products have been styled for photography.
per kg
PnP Fresh Chicken Braaipack 4s
per kg
Bulk Tenderised Steak
99 99 1121 Each
DairyBelle Fiesta Lipton Yellow Fruit flavoured Label Teabags dairy drink Assorted 100s 2 litre re e
per kg
PnP Soft Citrus, Lemons, Oranges or Grapefruit Loose Sell
Jive Cooldrink Assorted 2 litre
per kg
PnP no nameTM Fresh Chicken Braaipack 8s
Clover Seal Fresh Milk Assorted 500ml
Enterprise Bits o’ Bacon 250g
Danone Yogi Sip Drinking Yoghurt Assorted 300g
Always there for f you
Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Please check availability: 0800 11 22 88 (toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply). We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors that may occur. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details.
Please Recycle
TOLL FREE: 0800 11 22 88
Tuesday 16 April 2013
Advertisement - Advertensie
Stellenbosch Gazette
THANK YOU TO ALL DONORS AND VOLUNTEERS Your help restored people’s dignity.
DANKIE AAN ALLE SKENKERS EN VRYWILLIGERS U bydrae het mense se waardigheid help herstel.
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 16 April 2013
Domestic violence: Be aware of the first signs NICOLE MCCAIN A study recently released by the Medical Research Council of SA found that while the murder of women on the whole has decreased between 1999 and 2009, women are still being murdered by their intimate partners. Murder by a current or ex-husband or boyfriend, a same-sex partner or a rejected lover did not decline at the same rate over the same period of time. However, experts say there are ways for both women and men to protect themselves from potentially violent relationships. In any relationship, signs that your partner may be violent will show up early on. Michelle Mulder, a self-defence trainer for
organisation Pink Army, says a warning should go off if you find your partner trying to control you. Mulder says this can manifest in a partner who criticises what you wear, or who prevents you from seeing friends and family. Hilda Lourens of Ukhukanya, a non-profit organisation working with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence, says control can often be as small as insisting your partner doesn’t leave their wet towel on the floor or squeezes the toothpaste from the end of the tube. She says that abuse can take many forms. While men tend to be more physical, women tend to abuse emotionally. This includes nagging and name calling, which often impacts on the other partner’s self-confidence, and can push them to react violently. |
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Die Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit streef daarna om ’n dinamiese en doeltreffende diens aan die gemeenskap onder sy jurisdiksie te lewer. As ’n diensbillikheidswerkgewer het ons tans die volgende vakature vir toepaslik gekwalifiseerde en ervare persone:
Cape Winelands District Municipality strives towards rendering a dynamic and effective service to the community under its jurisdiction. As an Employment Equity Employer, we currently offer the following vacancies to appropriately qualified and experienced individuals:
Beroepsgesondheid- en Veiligheidsbeampte
Occupational Health and Safety Officer
Aanvangsalaris: R166 140 per jaar (Ref. 45) Stellenbosch
key to breaking the cycle of abuse. “Break ties with the abuser, or get professional help from a councillor. You have to walk away if it is a bad relationship, and always prioritise your children.” In order to leave an abusive relationship, Mulder recommends putting together a plan of action. “If you are prepared you won’t go into a flat spin when things go wrong because you know exactly what to do. What happens when he takes your car keys? Hide your spare keys in a safe place. Where are your children? Have a code word that means they need to get out and get into the car.” Call Ukhukanya on 082 875 3046 or send an email to Abuse victims in Stellenbosch can also get help by phoning Safe House Stellenbosch on 021 883 2574.
Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840
Spyseniering Catering
Mulder says it is important to not escalate a potentially abusive or violent situation. “Let’s face it, women talk too much. We always need to have the last say. This is a huge, big trigger. You have to control your emotions.” Abuse occurs in a cycle, says Lourens. It is during what she calls the red stage that the abuse takes place. Following this is a green or honeymoon period, where the abuser is especially attentive to the victim in an attempt to make up. This is followed by an orange period, where the abuse will begin nitpicking or arguing and the victim will feel as if they are walking on eggshells as the situation escalates to abuse again. Lourens says it’s essential to remove yourself from the relationship as soon as the red stage occurs. Breaking ties with the abuser is
Sleutelprestasie-areas: • Ontwikkel en instandhou van ‘n veilige en gesonde werksomgewing • Verseker dat aan die vereistes van toepaslike wetgewing voldoen word • Koördineer veiligheidspanne, verteenwoordigers en veiligheidskomitees in terme van die Wet op Beroepsgesondheid en -veiligheid, Wet 85 van 1993 • Bied opleidingskursusse aan soos nodig • Onderneem doeltreffende administrasie van eise ten opsigte van beroepsbeserings • Assisteer met Werknemerbystandaangeleenthede Vereistes: • ‘n Toepaslike driejaar tersiêre kwalifikasie • Ten minste twee jaar toepaslike ervaring • Grondige kennis van toepaslike wetgewing en beleide • Uitstekende mondelinge en geskrewe kommunikasievaardighede • Goeie interpersoonlike vaardighede • Rekenaarvaardigheid • ‘n Geldige Kode B-rybewys.
Pelotonoffisier (2 Poste)
Aanvangsalaris: R166 140 per jaar (Verw. 872 & 873) Robertson
Sleutelprestasie-areas: • Hou toesig oor Brandbestryders • Verseker doeltreffende insidentbestuur • Verseker operasionele gereedheid en funksionering van skofte • Verseker implementering en handhawing van gemeenskapsveiligheid verordeninge en ander toepaslike kodes, regulasies en wetgewing om sodoende ‘n gemeenskap te skep wat veilig is teen vuur • Instandhouding van operasionele gereedheid van voertuie en toerusting en die instandhouding van geboue. Vereistes: • ‘n Hoër Sertifikaat in Brandtegnologie • Ten minste twee jaar toepaslike ondervinding • Rekenaargeletterdheid • Goeie kommunikasie-, bestuurs-, interpersoonlike en konflikbestuursvaardighede • Die vermoë om doeltreffend te funksioneer in stresvolle situasies en om gevaarlike en traumatiese toestande te hanteer • ‘n Geldige Kode C-rybewys. Byvoordele sluit ’n pensioen-/aftreefonds, mediese skema, groeplewensversekering, dertiende tjek en nie-pensioendraende verblyftoelae in. Besonderhede oor die omvattende lys byvoordele vir elke pos is op versoek beskikbaar. Die sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke word beskou as die datum waarop aansoekers moet voldoen aan die minimum vereistes soos in hierdie advertensies uiteengesit word. Aansoekers moet die voorgeskrewe aansoekvorm by me J Martin by (021) 888-5196, mnr S Magalela by (021) 888-5109 en mev R Beukes by (023) 348-2311 aanvra. Aansoeke, vergesel van oorspronklike gewaarmerkte afskrifte van kwalifikasiesertifikate (grade, diplomas, sertifikate, skoolsertifikate, ens), asook die verlangde rybewyse, Professionele Bestuurderspermitte en registrasiesertifikate van professionele liggame, waar van toepassing, moet aan die Munisipale Bestuurder, Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit, Posbus 100, Stellenbosch 7599 gestuur word. Neem asseblief kennis dat aansoeke wat nie aan die bogenoemde voorskrifte voldoen nie, nie oorweeg sal word nie. Laat aansoeke en aansoeke wat per faks en/of e-pos ontvang word, sal ook nie oorweeg word nie. Let asseblief daarop dat, indien geen terugvoering teen 31 Julie 2013 ontvang word nie, kandidate moet aanvaar dat hulle aansoek onsuksesvol was. Sluitingsdatum: 3 Mei 2013 om 15:00 Gunswerwing sal ’n kandidaat diskwalifiseer. Human Communications C97604A
Starting salary: R166 140 per annum (Ref. 45) Stellenbosch
Key performance areas: • Develop and maintain a safe and healthy work environment • Ensure compliance with applicable legislative requirements • Coordinate safety teams, safety representatives and safety committees in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993 • Conduct training courses as and when required • Efficiently administer workmen’s claims regarding occupational injuries • Assist with Employee Assistance issues. Requirements: • A relevant three-year tertiary qualification • At least two years’ relevant experience • Sound knowledge of applicable legislation and policies • Excellent verbal and written language skills • Sound interpersonal skills • Computer literacy • A valid Code B driver’s licence.
Platoon Officer (2 Posts)
Starting salary: R166 140 per annum (Ref. 872 & 873) Robertson Key performance areas: • Supervise Fire Fighters • Ensure effective incident management • Ensure operational readiness and functioning of shifts • Ensure implementation and enforcement of community safety by-laws and other applicable codes, regulations and legislation in order to create a fire-safe community • Maintain operational readiness of vehicles and equipment, and maintain buildings. Requirements: • A Higher Certificate in Fire Technology • At least two years’ relevant experience • Computer literacy • Good communication, managerial, interpersonal and conflict management skills • The ability to function effectively in stressful situations and handle dangerous and traumatic conditions • A valid Code C driver’s licence. Fringe benefits include a pension/retirement fund, medical scheme, group life insurance, 13th cheque and a non-pensionable accommodation allowance. Details regarding the comprehensive list of fringe benefits for each position are available on request. The closing date for applications is regarded as the date on which minimum requirements as stipulated in these advertisements should be met by applicants. Applicants must acquire the prescribed application form from Ms J Martin on (021) 888-5196, Mr S Magalela on (021) 888-5109 and Mrs R Beukes on (023) 348-2311. Applications, accompanied by originallycertified true copies of qualification certificates (degrees, diplomas, certificates, school certificates, etc) as well as required driver’s licences, Professional Driver’s Permits and registration certificates from professional bodies, where applicable, are to be forwarded to the Municipal Manager, Cape Winelands District Municipality, PO Box 100, Stellenbosch 7599. Kindly note that applicants who do not meet the abovementioned prescriptions will not be considered. Late applications and applications received by fax and/or e-mail will also not be considered. Please note that, should no feedback be received by 31 July 2013, candidates may assume that their applications have been unsuccessful. Closing date: 3 May 2013 at 15:00 Canvassing will disqualify a candidate. Human Communications C97604
Dinsdag 16 April 2013
Advertisement - Advertensie
Stellenbosch Gazette
WEEKLY WINNERS Product has been styled for photography
PnP no nameTM Large Eggs 18s
Bulk Stewing Beef (Bone in)
per kg
per kg
PnP no nameTM Viennas (Chicken, Red or Smoked) 500g
County Fair Fresh Whole Riverside Chicken
Glenryck Pilchards Assorted 400g/425g
Brookes Oros Orange Squash 2 litre
Nola Lite Dressing 780g or Mayonnaise 750g
99 per pack
Pampers Active Baby Value Pack Disposable Nappies Mini 72s, Midi 62s, Maxi 54s, Maxi Plus 48s, Junior 44s or Extra Large 40s
Johnnie Walker Red Label Whisky 750ml
99 Each
Wellington VO Brandy 750ml
Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age off 18 18. Drink Responsibly.
ON YOUR WHOLE SHOP ON BOTH 20TH & 21ST APRIL. Print your voucher at the kiosk
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TOLL FREE: 0800 11 22 88
Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Some stores may not stock some of these products. Please check availability: 0800 11 22 88 (toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply). We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors that may occur. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details.
Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 15 • Dinsdag 16 April 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840
United closing in on Premier League title Robin van Persie was on the scoresheet for the first time in 10 games as Manchester United closed in on the Premier League title with a 2-0 win over Stoke City on the weekend. Neighbours Manchester City were also celebrating after beating Chelsea to earn a place in next month’s FA Cup final against Wigan Athletic. Former Manchester United striker Cristiano Ronaldo was in commanding form with two goals for Real Madrid in their win over Athletic Bilbao and the absence of Lionel Messi did nothing to slow Barcelona’s march towards the La Liga title as they beat Real Zaragoza 3-0. Manchester United took another big step towards reclaiming the Premier League title with a 2-0 win at Stoke City. Michael Carrick put United ahead at Stoke with an early goal and a second-half penalty by Robin van Persie sealed a victory which left Alex Ferguson’s team 15 points ahead of second-placed City with six games left. Defending champions City, who have seven
league games to play, beat Chelsea 2-1 at Wembley on Sunday in the second FA Cup semifinal, Samir Nasri and Sergio Aguero scoring the goals. Premier League strugglers Wigan overcame Championship (second division) Millwall 2-0 on Saturday to reach their first FA Cup final. The match was marred by fighting among Millwall supporters and 14 people were arrested. Arsenal climbed to third in the Premier League, scoring three late goals to secure a 3-1 victory over Norwich City on Saturday. This weekend’s fixtures: SATURDAY – Norwich v Reading; QPR v Stoke; Sunderland v Everton; West Brom v Newcastle; West Ham v Wigan; Fulham v Arsenal; Swansea v Southampton. SUNDAY – Tottenham v Man City; Liverpool v Chelsea. In Spain’s La Liga leaders Barcelona fielded a weakened side but still enjoyed a comfortable 3-0 win at Real Zaragoza that left them on 81 points, 13 clear at the top of La Liga with seven games left. Real muscled their way to a 3-0 win at Athletic Bilbao to stay second with 68 points. –
Plenty of opportunity to run and cycle Winemakers MTB Challenge
The Anna Foundation has invited winemakers throughout the Boland and further afield to step out of the cellar and compete against one another in the 2013 Winemaker’s MTB Challenge, irrespective of their cycling ability. After months of harvesting, winemakers will be required to replace their gumboots with a cycling helmet and complete a 20 km off-road mountain-bike route through the farm roads of Solms-Delta and surrounds. The Winemaker’s Challenge is run in conjunction with the Delta Trap at SolmsDelta on 21 April. For information and MTB entries email
Running for firefighters
Part of the fun at the Fire & Fynbos Awareness Day at the Lievland Wine Estate to commemorate International Firefighters Day is the VWS Jonkershoek Fireman’s
PITCH PERFECT: The Tottenham Hotspurs International Player Development Programme was held at Paul Roos Gymnasium in Stellenbosch during the holidays. The programme, sponsored by Investec, granted players between the ages of six and 16 the opportunity to gain invaluable experience on the football pitch and to benefit from the football expertise of an international coaching team. The Tottenham Hotspurs coaches were assisted by various local coaches, including three Maties coaches. A number of talented local players received sponsorships from Stellenbosch University to attend the training sessions as part of the University’s wider football development programme, which seeks to establish and promote a thriving football culture and coaching development on campus and in the community. Here are a few of the players who received sponsorships from Stellenbosch University to attend the Tottenham Hotspurs programme: (back from the left) Miles Leighton (Tottenham Hotspurs), Kheena Francis, Mishka Geswin, Lucrecia Davids, Junecia April, Sharne Meyer, Nicholas Hardy (Tottenham Hotspurs); (front) Edgar Jimenez (Tottenham Hotspurs), Deonay February, Monique Barry, Lauren Bezuidenhout, Ashleigh Claasen, Allison Hartogh, Keechia Ruiters and Andy Rogers (Tottenham Hotspurs). PHOTOS: ADRIAN BAILLIE STEWART
Revenge 14 km Trail Run and the Mellow Yellow 6 km Fun Run on 4 May. Both routes take in sweeping views of Simonsberg and the surrounding mountains. The Fireman’s Revenge 14 km trail run starts at 07:30, while the Mellow Yellow 6 km fun run starts at 08:00. Entries are now open. Entry forms are available from, or for online bookings at
Jonkershoek Mountain Challenge
This year the Jonkershoek Mountain Challenge 35 km Extreme is also the official South African Long Distance Trail Running Championships. The Jonkershoek Mountain Challenge over 35 km, 21 km and 10 km will take place on Sunday 5 May. For more information 2
NUWE REKORD VIR TIAAN: Paul Roos Gimnasium se Tiaan Smit het verlede naweek in Pretoria die Suid-Afrikaanse junior rekord in die 110 m hekkies verbeter. Smit het die nommer in 13,51 sekondes afgeblits om die vorige rekord van 13,71 te laat spat. Volgens Smit was dit sy doelwit om die nasionale rekord by die SA Juniorbyeenkoms te verbeter.
Two players show off some of the skills that they learnt at the recent Tottenham Hotspurs International Player Development Programme, held at Paul Roos Gymnasium.
Pniel kry vrouerugbyspan Gazette wil ingelig wees oor wenners Wat gebeur in jou sportgebied? Het jou gemeenskap ’n sportster? Presteer jou skool se leerlinge op die sportveld? Laat die Gazette weet!
Die Pniel Villagers-rugbyklub se program vir 2013 sluit die begin van ’n eerste amptelik vrouerugby-span in. Die span sal in die WP rugbyunie se vroueliga meeding. Dit is die eerste keer in die geskiedenis van dié klub dat ’n erkende vrouespan op ’n weeklikse basis sal speel. Die klub nooi alle belangstellende vroue ouer as 18 jaar om die oefening by te woon. Vir meer besonderhede skakel Andria Stubbs Mentoor
by 083 303 9565. Die eerste oefening is op Dinsdag 16 April om 18:00 by die Pniel-sportgronde. Oefening sal daarna weekliks op ’n Dinsdag plaasvind. ) Die klub bied op Saterdag 20 April ’n Great Pretenders vertoning aan. Dit begin om 19:00 in die Millennium-saal. Koste is R100. Vir meer besonderhede skakel Stephan Myburgh by 073 740 5224.