Stellenbosch Gazette 19 Mar 2013

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Tuesday 19 March 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

4 500 left homeless

A devastating fire in Zone O, Kayamandi, which broke out late on Thursday night, left 4 500 homeless. About 1 357 informal settlements were destroyed. Read more on page 2.



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Stellenbosch Gazette

News - Nuus

Tuesday 19 March 2013

One dead, 1 357 shacks destroyed in fire In a devastating fire in the Kayamandi informal settlement on Thursday evening about 1 357 shacks were destroyed, displacing about 4 500 people. One resident, reportedly a man, died in the fire. According to the Stellenbosch Municipality spokesperson, Vernon Bowers, the fire started at about 24:00 on Thursday evening. The fire was reportedly caused by an unattended paraffin stove in one of the shacks in Zone O. The fire rapidly swept through a large area, and the intensity of the flames was such that little could be done to contain the rapid spread of the blaze. “The Municipality’s fire services and disaster management were on the scene within minutes of being notified. Twelve fire engines were rushed to the scene – three from Stellenbosch, two from the Cape Winelands District Municipality, two from the Drakenstein Municipality and five from the City of Cape Town – together with 50 fire fighters,” Bowers said. The executive mayor, Alderman Conrad Sidego, was on hand together with councillor Nyaniso Jindela from about 02:00, until the blaze was contained around 06:00. According to Bowers the damage and losses

suffered by the affected families are enormous. Sidego is now, however, urgently calling on all Stellenbosch residents to assist with the needs of the affected families. “There is urgent and immediate need and I appeal to the residents, students and businesses of Stellenbosch to open their hearts and give in abundance, to help alleviate the desperate need and desolation of fellow citizens. “This is a call for all of us to rally and unite around the plight of those most in need. I, however, would like to thank the fire departments of the Cape Winelands District Municipality, Drakenstein Municipality and the City of Cape Town who assisted us.” According to Bowers they are busy ensuring that the scene is cleared and safe for resettlement by removing dangerous electricity cables damaged by the fire. Law Enforcement officials are also assisting in ensuring that the affected families and their belongings are protected from any harm. Emergency housing kits are being provided to the affected families. “The departments of Social Development Services and Home Affairs will also assist to help those whose identity documents were destroyed in the fire while ensuring that they continue to receive social services. Social Development will also provide counselling to the affected families,” he said.

There is currently an urgent need for non­perishable food, blankets and clothing. To assist or to make a donation please call Shezayd Siegels at the Stellenbosch Disaster Management Centre on 082 050 4834 or send an email to

On Friday morning residents here already started cleaning up the area and rebuilding their homes. Donations of non-perishable food, blankets and clothing are however urgently needed.

Cloetesville loop deur onder vandalisme ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

A devastating fire in Zone 0 in Kayamandi on Thursday night set 1 357 shacks alight, leaving one man dead. PHOTO’S: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Bespreek stalletjie vir ‘Junk’­mark ’n Unieke “Junk”-mark sal Saterdag 27 April by die NG Kerk StellenboschWes gehou word. Die mark sal belangstellendes ’n kans bied om ekstra geld te verdien. Enige items kan verkoop word en almal is welkom om deel te neem. Staanplekke by die mark kos R60 en belangstellendes moet so gou moontlik bespreek. Die mark sal van 09:00 tot 14:00 op die kerkgronde gehou word en alle Stellenbossers word genooi om te kom rondsnuffel. Daar sal ook kosstalletjies en kindervermaak wees. Vir meer inligting of om ’n staanplek te bespreek bel Michelle Botha by 079 380 2004.

VGK Vlottenburg hou reünie Die VGK Vlottenburg hou 1 Junie vanjaar ’n reünie. Alle gemeentelede, van 1963 af , word genooi om dié spesiale geleentheid by te woon. Dit sal 14:00 in die VGK Vlottenburgkerksaal begin. Bel asseblief vir Desmond Solomons by 082 757 2190.

Die skoolhoof van Cloetesville Primêr is moedeloos aangesien die skool aanhoudend deur diewe geteiken word. Cloetesville Primêre Skool se nuwe skoolgebou is slegs twee jaar oud, maar vandale het nie op hulle laat wag nie. Volgens die skoolhoof, Abram Samuels, word die skool van buite af gestroop. “Die vandale het reeds probeer om in die skoolsaal in te breek, maar kon nie in kom nie en het gevolglik die deurknoppe afgesteel. “Die ysterroosters wat booor die slote was om die kinders te beskerm is ook afgesteel. So ook die krane vir die nuwe drink-fonteine. “Vier krane is die laaste week gesteel. Dit beteken ook dat die water regdeur die nag gespuit het, voor ons dit kon stop.” Hulle het ook aan die einde van verlede jaar tien nuwe vrugtebome geplant vir skaduwee, maar agt daarvan is intussen gesteel. Abram Samuels van Cloetesville Primêr by een van die krane wat “Die heining wat rondom vandeesweek afgesteel is. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN die skool loop, veral aan die stal van koper en ander metale ’n reuse protreinspoor se kant, word ook afgesteel. “Hulle knip die drade en dra rolle daarvan bleem in die area is. Hulle het verder die hulp van die gemeenweg!” Gelukkig kon die diewe tot op hede nie skap gevra om verdagte persone of aktwiteitoegang verkry tot die skool self nie aange- te aan te meld. Bel die Cloetesville-polisiekantoor by 021 sien dit toegerus is met ’n alarmstelsel. Die Cloetesville SAPD het gesê dat dief- 888 5940.

Staptog vir skoon water Matie-studente en personeel gaan Dinsdag 19 Maart die daad by die woord voeg en saam stap as deel van ’n wêreldwye poging om mense bewus te maak van mense se reg op skoon water. Die Verenigde Nasies se Wêreld-waterdag word jaarliks op 22 Maart gehou en sluit verskeie veldtogte in, waaronder die Wêreld Stap vir Water en Sanitasie-projek. Dit betrek meer as 200 000 mense van 30 verskillende lande. Volgens prof. Eugene Cloete, die Universiteit Stellenbosch se viserektor vir navorsing en innovasie, het die Wêreld-waterdag

ten doel om mense bewus te maak van die moontlikhede en uitdagings wanneer dit kom by water-aangeleenthede; om dialoog tussen die verskillende rolspelers aan te moedig én om innoverende oplossings vir die waterprobleme te vind. Dinsdag se staptog begin 12:50 op die Rooi Plein op die Stellenbosch-hoofkampus en word deur die universiteit se Water-instituut en die Suider-Afrikaanse Watersentrums van Uitnemendheid-inisiatief ondersteun. Vir meer inligting of om jou deelname te bevestig, besoek of bel 021 808 9453.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

News - Nuus

19 – 22 Maart

Stellenbosch Gazette

Vullisverwydering op vakansiedae

art of mosaic will also guide attendees in creating a mosaic stepping stone. R200 per person for Willie’s session, all material for the mosaic workshop and refreshments at Die Plaaswerf coffee shop. 0 083 666 1480, or 2

)Stellenbosch-biblioteek in Pleinstraat vier Biblioteekweek 2013. Gratis koffie sal daagliks tussen 10:00 en 13:00 aangebied word. Die program is as volg: 19 Maart – storieuur met Delia van Wyk om 10:00. 20 Maart – Poppekas om 10:00. Skrywersaand met Karin Brynard en Winnie Rust om 18:30. 22 Maart – Storie-uur om 10:00 met Delia van wyk. Alle geleenthede op die program is gratis. Bespreek by 021 808 8385/7. )Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA Stellenbosch Sentraal) ontmoet 20:15 in die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. 0 084 293 3967. )Pleinstraat-biblioteek storie-uur elke Dinsdag om 10:00. Dit word voortaan elke Dinsdag deur Delia van Wyk aangebied. Navrae: 0 021 808 8385/7. )Stellenbosch Blommeklub vergader in die NG Stellenbosch-Wes kerksaal. Elbeth Liebenberg kom demonstreer: “Dekoratiewe balle vir alle geleenthede”. Tee word van 09:30 bedien en die vergadering begin 10:00. Bring ’n vriendin saam. Navrae: Greta van der Merwe: 0 021 886 5367/072 202 4572.

)Little Flower School hou ’n karaoke in die Laerskool Brückner de Villiers-skoolsaal in Idasvallei. Begin 20:00. Toegang R20. 0 084 299 2428.

20 March

19 April

)Willie Schmidt, owner of Aspidistra Nursery, will be sharing his creativity during a workshop presented by Creative Retreats. 09:30 – 12:00. A presenter who is adept in the

)VCSV WOW-geleentheid. Laerskole van 16:00 tot 20:00 by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof en hoërskole van 19:00 tot 23:00 by Paul Roos Gimnasium.

Die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit vra alle Stellenbossers om asseblief kennis te neem van die volgende aanpassings rakende die vullisverwyderingsdiens wat die munisipaliteit lewer. Weens die openbare vakansiedae in Maart, moet die volgende aanpassings gemaak word: )Donderdag 21 Maart: Normale verwydering. )Vrydag 29 Maart: Daar sal geen vullisverwydering wees nie. Dit sal na Saterdag 30 Maart skuif. )Maandag 1 April: Normale verwydering. Die munisipaliteit vra alle gemeenskapslede se samewerking in hierdie verband. Vir meer inligting of spesifieke navrae bel die vaste afvalbestuur-departement by 021 808 8224.

21 Maart )Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) sowel as Alanon, ter ondersteuning van familie en vriende van verslaafdes, ontmoet 20:15 in die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. 0 084 293 3967 of 021 889 5791.

23 Maart )Anglican Chaplaincy Trust se jaarlikse Potjiekosfees. 12:30 tot 16:30, Speelkringskool in Idasvallei. Sien uit na pens-en-poot, seekos, lamskerrie, hoender-en-sampioen en nog baie meer. R30 per bord. Almal is welkom. Lionel Cloete: 0 082 850 7845 of Bereneace: 0 074 580 8227.

28 Maart

SKOOLHOOFDE BYEEN BY US WOORDFEES: Roy van Rooyen, die skoolhoof van Laerskool Rietenbosch, en Charmaine van Rooyen verkeer hier gesellig saam met Calvyn Solomons, die skoolhoof van Laerskool AF Louw, en Normaine Solomons by die jaarlikse skoolhoofde-funksie by die US Woordfees wat verlede Saterdagaand gehou is. Die skoolhoofde en hul metgeselle was almal gaste van prof. Russel Botman, die rektor en visekanselier van die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Die skoolhoofde het eers saam met Botman by die AmaMaties-hub besoek afgelê, waarna hulle almal by De Vette Mossel bymekaar gekom het en ’n heerlike seekosete geniet het. Die vertoning, Drie Reisigers en Valiant Swart, is ook daar aangebied.

Moenie Talent 360 Gala misloop nie

PERSONEEL VANG GRAAD: Drie personeellede van die Universiteit Stellenbosch-program SciMathUS het vandeesweek gegradueer. SciMathUS is ’n program wat matriekleerlinge uit benadeelde skole – wat nie aan die toelatingsvereistes vir hoër onderwys voldoen nie, maar tog potensiaal toon – ’n tweede kans bied om hul graad 12-punte in wiskunde en fisiese wetenskappe te verbeter. Ramesh Jeram (afwesig) het Maandag sy Mphil-graad in sosiaalwetenskaplike metodes ontvang, terwyl (links) Anneke Müller en (regs) Jeanne Cilliers Woensdag onderskeidelik hulle MEd- en MComm-graad ontvang het. Hier by hulle is ’n voormalige SciMathUS-student, Denovan Wagner, wat sy BComm-graad ontvang het. Hy is ’n voormalige leerling van Hoërskool Cloetesville. FOTO: ANTON JORDAAN




Die eerste gala-aand van die Talent 360-kompetisie vind op 22 Maart in die Stellenbosch-stadsaal plaas. Altesaam 18 semi-finaliste uit Idasvallei, Cloetesville, Kayamandi, Raithby, Jamestown, die middedorp en Klapmuts ding mee om as die beste danser, sanger of akteur aangewys te word. Aantreklike pryse asook die geleentheid om as Stellenbosch 360-ambassadeurs gekroon te word, is op die spel. Beoordelaars is Waldemar Schulz (Jan-Hendrik), O’Ryan Winter en Emile Jansen – bekende TV-persoonlikhede van onderskeidelik 7de Laan, Backstage en Step Up or Step Out. Die gasspreker is dr. Christo van der Rheede, uitvoerende hoof van die AHI. Bespreek nou by 021 883 3584; sitplekke is beperk. Kaartjies kos R120 elk en sluit ’n banket-ete en die opvoering in. Daar is ook 240 galery-sitplekke beskikbaar teen R30 per persoon en sluit net die opvoering in. ’n Kontantkroeg en versnaperinge sal ook beskikbaar wees.

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Stellenbosch Gazette

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Tuesday 19 March 2013

Tuesday 19 March 2013

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Stellenbosch Gazette




Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Stellenbosch part of Easter Rural Sports Tournament The annual Cape Winelands District Municipality (CWDM) Easter Rural Sports Tournament is set to take place on Saturday 30 March at the Rawsonville sportsfield. This exciting sports event will showcase the rugby and netball talent from farming communities from all five local municipalities in the Winelands, including Stellenbosch, Drakenstein, Langeberg, Breede Valley and Witzenberg. A thrilling day filled with non-stop action is promised to the spectators. It is anticipated that over 1 000 spectators will descend on Rawsonville to watch their teams compete. This event is a platform created by the CWDM in partnership with its five local municipalities to celebrate the talented

Focus on poaching The monthly meeting of the Hottentots Holland Branch of the Wildlife and Environment Society of SA will be held on Wednesday 20 March. The meeting starts at 19:30 in the Somerset West Public Library hall. Leif Petersen’s thought-provoking presentation, entitled Perspectives on poaching – understanding the wild harvest and trade of Cape Town’s natural resources, will be the main topic discussed. This talk should not be missed. Contact Freya Brett on 021 852 8831 or 021 851 6951 for further information. |



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Wine and golf in aid of Safe House The Safe House Stellenbosch is hosting a golf and wine day at the Stellenbosch Golf Club on 16 May. The event will be a charity day to raise awareness of abused women and children in the Stellenbosch area. For further information about this special event in aid of charity or to take part in it, please send an e-mail to

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Gelukwensing Congratulations


sportsmen and women from the rural areas in the district. It is to honour them and to show appreciation for the positive contribution that they make to not only their community, but also to the broader South Africa. Sport is a proven method for keeping our youth and young adults off the streets and creating a healthy communities and winning nation. Those attending will enjoy local food, good sports, music, entertainment and a fun-filled family day, with many spot prizes with compliments of CWDM. For further information call Claude Schroeder or Gregory West on 023 348 2300 or send an e-mail to

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Spesiale dienste

KINDERSORG-VRYWILLIGERS VEREER: Kindersorg Suid-Afrika: Stellenbosch het Saterdag tydens ’n spoggeleentheid diplomas aan 67 vrywilligers oorhandig. Hulle sal nou deel vorm van Kindersorg Suid-Afrika se Oog op Kind-projek. Die vrywilligers uit verskillende gemeenskappe in Stellenbosch het elkeen Saterdag ’n diploma ontvang nadat hulle ’n intensiewe opleidingsprogram voltooi het.


Take your best friend to the annual Woefie Wandel The SPCA Purina Woefie Wandel doggiewalk will be held on 24 March on the D’Aria Wine Estate in Durbanville this year. This country dog walk, organised by the Cape of Good Hope SPCA (GoGH) and pet food company Purina, will take walkers and their dogs on a 4 km scenic circular route through charming vineyards. Famed actress and Pasella presenter, Vicky Davis will be master of ceremonies for the day. Being an off-road country walk, the SPCA urges all entrants to wear proper walking shoes suitable for walking on dirt roads. Owners of short-nose breeds, such as bulldogs and pugs, and those with older dogs with joint problems, are encouraged to consult their veterinarian before committing to take part in the walk. Puppies under four months are not permitted to take part. Owners of large breed dogs (18 months or younger) should also consider walking a shorter distance. Water and cool-off points for both dogs and owners will be available along the routes. SPCA inspectors and Animal Welfare assistants will be on hand to ensure human and canine walkers are kept safe along the routes. Entry forms are available at local veterinarians, from the SPCA in Grassy Park and

SPCA Vet Shop in Plumstead. Visit for further information. Registration starts at 07:00. Call the CoGH SPCA on 021 700 4141/80 for further information.

Walk for hope on Skilpadvlei wine farm Sunette Olivier, a finalist for Mrs Cape Town, is hosting a 5 km “Walk for Hope” on the Skilpadvlei wine farm on 24 March. Entrance is R70 per person, as well as a tin of food.

All proceeds and tinned food will be donated to the Rolemodels Foundation. The walk will start at 08:30. For further information please call Sunette on 084 824 3676.

Paasfees vir kroos by Taalmonument Kinders kan Donderdag 28 Maart ’n vroeë Paasfees by die laaste volmaanpiekniek van die seisoen by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument geniet. Ouers moet hul kinders se Paaseiers, wat duidelik gemerk moet wees, vooraf in die Paashaas se mandjie by die Volksmond Koffiewinkel kom sit. Die Paashaas behoort om 18:30 sy opwagting te maak om die Paaseiers uit te deel. Sonsondergang is om 18:45 en maanopkoms is om 20:05. ’n Begeleide toer van die monument sal om 18:30 en weer om 19:30 aangebied word, en die monument sal tot om 22:00 oop wees. Besoekers is welkom om hul eie piekniekmandjies saam te bring of een by Volksmond Koffiewinkel te bestel. Skakel gerus 021 863 2800 vir bestellings. Volksmond sal tot om 22:00 oop wees vir

koffie en ligte verversings. Die toegangsfooi by die hek beloop R15 vir volwassenes, R10 vir studente en R5 vir kinders (gratis onder ses jaar). Geen besprekings is nodig nie. Besoekers moet onthou om flitse en warm klere saam te bring. Geen honde en vure word toegelaat nie. Veilige parkering is beskikbaar en toegang word beheer. ’n Nuutjie by vanjaar se volmaanpieknieks is ’n fotokompetisie op die Taalmonument se Facebook-blad, met verskeie pryse op die spel. Vir meer inligting oor die Taalmuseum of Taalmonument, skakel 021 863 0543/4809, besoek die webwerf by, of besoek afrikaansetaalmonument of

Tuesday 19 March 2013

General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette


Propvol program vir Biblioteekweek Die Pleinstraat-biblioteek neem vanjaar weer deel aan nasionale Biblioteekweek. Die program het gister afgeskop en sal duur tot Vrydag 22 Maart. Daar sal daagliks gratis koffie tussen 10:00 en 13:00 bedien word. Toegang tot al die programme is gratis. Só lyk die program vir die week: ) Dinsdag 19 Maart kan kinders kom die biblioteek se storie-uur meemaak aangebied deur Delia van Wyk om 10:00.

SOKKERSPAN IN FINAAL: Laerskool Idasvallei se o.14-seunssokkerspan het deurgedring na die finaal in die Stellenbosch-sokkerbeker vir laerskole. Die wedstryd word Donderdag 21 Maart om 14:30 op die Coetzenburg-sportgronde gespeel. Almal word genooi om die skole te kom ondersteun. FOTO: SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG

Bergzicht open for business After implementing severe spending cuts to ward off a cash flow crisis, Stellenbosch’s Bergzicht Training Centre remains open to train unemployed people. Its board of directors gave this assurance this week. The 20-year-old NGO which provides training to unemployed people – and placement in jobs afterwards – was in danger of being closed down because donations received could not cover operating costs. “Many NGOs are facing closure as funds dry up in this difficult economy. In spite of an ongoing aggressive fundraising programme we have had to take drastic measures. Sadly, this includes staff retrenchments,” says chairman Marius Ungerer. Since it was founded, Bergzicht has trained more than 10 000 students, mostly women who support their families. The NGO’s impact has improved the lives of more than 100 000 people if family members and dependents of the students are taken into account. About 90% of students have been placed in jobs after having received training in home management, basic catering, educare and frail care.

“There is a huge demand for Bergzicht training from poor, unemployed people in and around Stellenbosch. This centre provides life changing entrepreneurial opportunities to them and their families. The board and the Stellenbosch community simply cannot let it die,” says Ungerer. Feedback from employers of Bergzicht trainees is generally excellent. Ungerer says it is ironic that Bergzicht and other NGOs are facing serious financial challenges while our society increasingly needs skilled people. In Bergzicht’s case, it includes people who can take care of young children and elderly people. “The tourism sector is growing so we are positive about the future placement of our students in local guest houses, restaurants and hotels.” Ungerer says changes have been made to the Bergzicht Centre’s operating model. Permanent staff at the centre has been cut from 13 to two people. In future training will be given by people engaged on a part-time basis. The board is investigating options for a more sustainable way of running the Heerenhuys conference facility

through social entrepreneurship initiatives. Until then, the Heerenhuys will remain closed. All training will take place in the two adjacent buildings. The board is also investigating new training programmes as well as income generating activities. It will be calling on volunteers to assist at the centre. Board member Renske Minnaar has volunteered to manage the centre until a new team is in place. Training will resume during week 18th March. “We are fortunate in that we have a small core of donors committed to securing the Centre’s future. We are immensely grateful for their support. “But, more than ever, we are going to have to rely on partners to come forward from within the Stellenbosch community to assist us in keeping the centre open and delivering its important services,” says Ungerer. Anyone interested in assisting the centre with funding, or as volunteers can contact Renske Minnaar on 082 570 6984 or e-mail For further information or comment contact chairman, Prof Marius Ungerer on 082 498 6747 or e-mail

PUPILS VISIT FRANSCHHOEK: Rhea Michau from Stellenbosch 360, recently took 115 pupils from Kayamandi Primary on an educational trip to the Huguenot museum in Franschhoek. The trip was sponsored by the Stellenbosch Municipality. Kayamandi Primary forms part of a local tourism project that was started 12 years ago. During the recent visit the grade 4 pupils had the opportunity to learn about the symbolism behind the monument as well as about the history of the French language.

VCSV hou geleentheid vir leerlinge Die VCSV hou Vrydag 19 April ’n “WOWgeleentheid” vir laerskool- en hoërskoolleerlinge op die dorp. Die geleentheid vir laerskoolleerlinge sal van 16:00 tot 20:00 by die Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof gehou word.

Dieselfde aand sal Hoërskoolleerlinge van 19:00 tot 23:00 by Paul Roos Gimnasium vermaak word. Vir meer inligting bel Colleen by 021 887 0212 of stuur ’n epos na

) Woensdag 20 Maart word daar ’n spesiale poppekas aangebied met die titel Jos ontdek ’n skat in die biblioteek om 10:00. Woensdagaand word daar ’n skrywersaand aangebied met Karin Brynard en Winnie Rust. 18:30. ) Vrydag 22 Maart is dit weer tyd vir ’n storie-uur om 10:00, aangebied deur Delia van Wyk. Vir besprekings vir die onderskeie programme of meer inligting bel gerus die biblioteek by 0 021 808 8385/7.

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Dinsdag 19 Maart 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Sauser wins Kayamandi’s Champions Race mountain bikers the unique opportunity to race through the streets of a township, plus bringing white locals into an area where they usually never go. The race literally brings mountain biking to the people who can stand on their doorsteps and cheer on the likes of Sauser and Kulhavy, while shouting the names of the local kids that are part of and get to race against the biggest names in This race which draws the world of mountain biking! big names like Olympic “But most importantly it is champion Jaroslav Kulto inspire the kids in the townhavy, Florian Vogel, ship, showing them dedicaManuel Fumic and Marco tion, commitment and exciteFontana is held to raise funds for the Christoph Sauser on his way to victory. ment. It was simply mindblowing to see so many charity started by Sauser in 2007. This charity is a social development pro- enthusiastic kids running around and cheering. gramme that provides sport and recreational ac- The kids were so happy and just wanted a handtivities to children, offering a safe place to play shake or hug afterwards. The most special and grow, establishing values of accountability crowd ever!” added Sauser. The speed of the race was breathtakingly fast. and responsibility, teaching goal setting and instilling in children the ability to dream and go By the time the third lap started, some of the locals were lapped already. Kulhavy, Yamamoout and achieve their goals. On Wednesday Sauser’s Specialized team- to, Vogel, Fontana and Sauser were the main mates Kulhavy and Kohei Yamamoto joined him protagonists. At the beginning of the last lap, on the winner’s podium. For Sauser this race Yamamoto was in the lead, but in the spirit of is important because not only does it give expo- the race, Sauser “the people’s champ” crossed sure to it also gives international the finish-line in first place.

In the streets of the township outside the Boland town Stellenbosch he is known as Kayamandi’s Champion and on Wednesday the former multiple world champion Christoph Sauser didn’t disappoint his fans when he won the Champions Race through the streets of Kayamandi.

Stellenbosch local Erik Kleinhans took on some of the best in the world on Wednesday.

LEKKER GHOLF IN JAMESTOWN: Die Jamestowngholfklub in samewerking met die Suid-Afrikaanse Gholf Ontwikkelingsraad het onlangs nuwe gholfgeriewe by Stellenzicht Senior Sekondêr in Jamestown geopen. Kinders van Jamestown – selfs die heel kleintjies – was baie opgewonde oor die geriewe wat afslaanbowwe insluit. The kids could not get enough of Christoph Sauser and Jaroslav Kulhavy.



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