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Oudgevangenes bring boodskap van hoop
Peter Hendricks (links), Jonathan Bezuidenhout en Willem Samuels, drie voormalige gevangenes, stap Sondag 19 April in die strate van Cloetesville om vir inwoners te verkondig dat God tweede kanse gee. FOTO’S: RAYMOND WILLEMSE
Daar is hoop vir die hopeloses, in Jesus Christus. Dít was Sondag 19 April die boodskap van oud-gevangenes by ’n opelugdiens in Jakarandestraat, Cloetesville. Die voormalige gevangenes Peter Hendricks, Willem Samuels en Jonathan Bezuidenhout het hul getuienisse met die mense gedeel. Dié drie, van die organisasie Prisoners for Christ, het die diens saam met Josiah Ministries International (JMI) in Cloetesville aangebied. Pastoor Dean Jacobs van JMI het gesê die diens is gehou om ’n geleentheid te skep om die gemeenskap bewus te maak dat God ’n God is van tweede kanse. Hendricks het gesê weens sy liefde vir geld was hy vir meer as 10 jaar in die gevangenis vir roof en was ook leier van die 26-bende. Hy het gesê hy het in die gevangenis tot bekering gekom.
“Verandering is moontlik. In die tronk het ek ’n begeerte gehad om my lewe te verander. Dinge kon anders gewees het, maar die Here het my genade geskenk.” In 1991 is hy vrygelaat en hy en sy vrou het ’n bediening begin waar hulle die woord van God in tronke bedien. Hulle werk ook saam met voormalige gevangenes om hulle te vertel dat God die weg is. “As God vir my verander het, kan Hy dieselfde vir jou doen.” Bezuidenhout het gesê ouers moet nie moed opgee op hul kinders nie. Hy het ook gepleit by kinders om na hul ouers te luister en nie by verkeerde aktiwiteite betrokke te raak nie. “Wanneer jy in die gevangenis is, is jou ouers nie daar nie. Die Here alleen kan van jou wat ’n niks is, iets maak.”
Peter Hendricks, ’n vorige leier van die 26-bende, deel sy lewenstorie by ’n opelugdiens in Cloetesville.
We mix paint, any colour you require Hardboard Std Brown 1700 x 800 x 3.2mm Door Frame H/Wood 76 x 38 x 813 W/CiLL
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Chipboard Bison Supreme 16mm x 2750 x 1830
R599 95
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R299 95 While stocks last. X1Q0EAND-ES210415
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 21 April 2015
Parmalat skenk koelkamer aan Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie MICHELLE VAN DER SPUY Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie het Maandag 13 April die nuwe koelkamer by sy sentrale kombuis in Woodmill ingewy. Die koelkamer is deur Parmalat vir die berging van bederfbare produkte, veral groente en vrugte, ingerig. Liesel Koen, projekbestuurder by Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie, sê die organisasie voed weekliks 5 000 mense en verskaf onder meer 3 000 ondersteunende maaltye aan organisasies wat finansiering het, maar bykomende hulp benodig. Sy het van die geleentheid gebruik gemaak om te beklemtoon hoe belangrik skenkings vir hul organisasie is. “Ons kan nie ons werk doen sonder die gemeenskap se ondersteuning nie. Daarom is ons so dankbaar vir Woodmill en Parmalat, want ons kan nie sonder skenkers funksioneer nie.” Stellenbosch se burgemeester, Conrad Sidego, het die geleentheid bygewoon en gesê dat die voorsiening van kos veel meer as net ’n uiterlike daad is. “Elkeen van ons het die reg tot ’n huis, die reg tot ’n werk. Is die reg tot kos dan nie die mees wesenlike reg nie? “Ons bly in ’n dorp wat enersyds geseën is op soveel gebiede, maar andersyds is daar soveel mense wat behoeftig is. “Ek wil vir Parmalat en Woodmill namens die dorp dankie sê vir
dit wat hulle doen. Ook die vrywilligers wat na die mense aan die skadukant van die dorp omsien.” Sidego het die belangrikheid beklemtoon van die Stellenbosch CAN-projek wat blikkieskos insamel om honger mense in Stellenbosch te voed. “Stellenbosch CAN is ’n belangrike projek. Die huidige mikpunt is om teen die einde van Mei 25 000 blikkies kos in te samel, maar ek dink ons moet vir meer as dit mik. We can do better! “Die afwesigheid van kos skep by mense ’n gevoel van hopeloosheid en waardeloosheid. Deur vir hulle kos te gee, voed jy nie net hul liggaam nie. Jy gee vir hulle ook sielskos.” Die Stellenbosch CAN-projek onder leiding van Eikestad Mall met Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie, MFM 92.6 en Eikestadnuus as vennote, is in Maart vanjaar van stapel gestuur. Inwoners van Stellenbosch word aangemoedig om blikkieskos by die spesiale Stellenbosch CAN-masjiene in Eikestad Mall te skenk en so hul deel te doen om kos te voorsien aan die 28% inwoners wat nie weet waar hul volgende maaltyd vandaan kom nie. Die geleentheid is ook bygewoon deur “Mama” Grace Mayepu, wat ten spyte van haar ouderdom van 82 jaar, reeds sewe jaar lank as een van Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie se vrywilligers dien. V Besoek Eikestad Mall se webwerf vir meer inligting oor die Stellenbosch CAN-projek.
Daphne Sales en Liesel Koen van Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie, burgemeester Conrad Sidego, raadslid Valerie Fernandez (wat op Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie se direksie dien), raadslid Aldridge Frazenburg, Diana Williams en “Mama” Grace Mayepu. FOTO: MICHELLE VAN DER SPUY
Liesel Koen, projekbestuurder by Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie, Zelrese Brair van Parmalat en burgemeester Conrad Sidego by die pas-ingewyde koelkamer. FOTO: MICHELLE VAN DER SPUY
In Eikestadnuus hierdie Donderdag: Lees Donderdag in Eikestadnuus oor hierdie en nog vele ander stories: V Marli van Breda word ontslaan V SAPDbevelvoerder in die sop V WoordTrofees bekend V Groot rugby in die kollig
Straat toe vir prof. Wim se inhuldiging Die nuwe rektor en visekanselier van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US), prof. Wim de Villiers, word amptelik op Woensdag 29 April ingehuldig. Dié geleentheid gaan voor die Ou Hoofgebou in Ryneveldstraat plaasvind. Ten einde genoeg ruimte te maak vir gaste (onder wie personeel, studente en die publiek) om die geleentheid by te woon, gaan ’n gedeelte van Ryneveldstraat tussen Crozierstraat en Victoriastraat tussen 13:00 en 17:30 gesluit moet word. Die universiteit vra by
voorbaat om verskoning vir die ongerief en gaan in samewerking met die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit alles moontlik doen om die ontwrigting vir die publiek tot die minimum te beperk. Ryneveldstraat sal direk ná die seremonie weer oopgestel word vir verkeer. Gaste woon die inhuldiging per uitnodiging by. Belangstellendes is welkom om ook die geleentheid by te woon, maar sal ongelukkig hul plekke in Ryneveldstraat en op die sypaadjie moet inneem.
Tuesday 21 April 2015
News - Nuus
Raadslid Donovan Joubert (links agter) het die afgelope Paasnaweek kinders uit sy wyk (5) bederf. Hy het elke jaar ’n projek oor die Paasnaweek saam met die gemeenskap. Die projek word aangebied in samewerking met die RCCG-kerk. Hulle het pakkies aan ongeveer 650 kinders op al die plase en in die Idasvalleigebied wat onder wyk 5 val, uitgedeel.
Raadslid Donovan Joubert, middel, saam met van die ontvangers van die kospakkies.
Vaccinate against influenza People are urged to have the influenza vaccine as soon as it becomes available at a pharmacy or healthcare centre. The National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) recently announced there was a delay in the availability of the influenza vaccine for 2015. The NHLS stated there was a change in influenza viruses circulating during the 2014 season. As a result, the influenza strains included in the 2015/16 vaccines had to be changed. This resulted in delays in manufacturing and quality control of the 2015 southern hemisphere vaccine globally. Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness. Influenza can cause mild to severe illness. It can also make chronic health problems worse or lead to pneumonia for example which in turn could lead to death. Doctor Robyn Holgate, from ER24, urged people to get vaccinated. “It is never too late to vaccinate, even though it may take up to two weeks to develop sufficient protection for the winter months. I am glad the correct strains were included in the vaccination for the coming season, even if it meant the vaccine arriving a little late,” she said. There are people who say they have in the past been vaccinated but still had influenza and therefore choose not to get vaccinated again. Holgate said the reason why people develop influenza even though they had the vaccine is because they may be infected with one of the strains not included in the current vaccine. She added the influenza vaccine is usually a preparation against the three most probable strains of the virus for the current flu season. These are an A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)-like virus, an A/Switzerland/9715293/2013 (H3N2)-like virus and A B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus. Pregnant women, irrespective of the stage of pregnancy, should get vaccinated. Women who are still within their two weeks after delivery should also have the vaccination. Holgate said a recent trial conducted in South Africa proved the safety of the influenza vaccine for pregnant women. She said pregnant women must have the vaccination as they are high risk for influenza. It is important to note that influenza is different from a cold. Holgate said the key difference between colds and influenza is the very high temperatures one gets with the associated symptoms of Influenza. People usually develop influenza suddenly. Symptoms include: fever, headaches, cough, runny or blocked nose, body aches, tiredness and gastric flu.
Stellenbosch Gazette
To clean up and update all data and contract information on the unemployment database, all existing entries that has not been updated through this outreach, programme will be archived.
Stellenbosch Municipality will be hosting the unemployment database outreach programme for the entire area of WC024. The unemployment database programme is aimed at registering unemployed people of the municipal area in order for them to be eligible for temporary employment when available.
to W HO ister: reg NO. 1 2 3
Please note: Registering is not an application process. By registering you will merely indicate that you are without employment and are actively seeking employment.
HOW? You simply need to collect and complete a registration form in your target areas or go to Stellenbosch Municipality at 58 Andringa Street, Stellenbosch. Registration forms need to be accompanied by CV’s, Certified copies of ID document, Certified School Report or a letter of the school you have attended previously confirming which grade was completed. If matriculated, a certified copy of your matric certificate, and/or other qualifications needs to be included.
20/04/2015 Franschhoek Town, Bo-Hoek Farms, Groendal, Mooiwater 21/04/2015 La Motte, Dennegeur and Langrug 22/04/2015 Lanquedoc Meerlust 23/04/2015 Pniel Kylemore & Johannesdal 24/04/2015 Upper Part of Ida's Valley, Jonkershoek Hydro, The Ridge and Lindida
Mostertdrift, Kolonieshof, Karindal, Rozendal, Uniepark, Simonswyk, University, CBD, Lappan Street to Lakay Street, La Colline-Faure, La Colline, Dr. Malan Street to Irene Park, Conde Street, Mount Albert, Andringa Office 29/04/2015 Taylor, Voorplein to Kromrivier, Lavanda, Aurora, Phyllaria, Molteno Avenue to Paul Kruger Street and Banghoek Avenue, all areas in Papegaaiberg, Stellenbosch Train Station, Alexander Street and Bird Street.
30/04/2015 Kayamandi
04/05/2015 Devon Valley
12 13 14
05/05/2015 12/05/2015 13/03/2015 14/05/2015 15/05/2015 18/05/2015
20/05/2015 Raithby, Meerlust
Nuutvoorbij, Timberlea, Muratie, Groenhoff, Delheim, Lievland, Kanonkop, Uitkyk, Glenelly, Tenrie, Laundry, Peckham and Laveneer, Warwick, Knorhoek, Remhoogte, Morgenhof and Summerhill
Groendal Community Hall Youth House Office Church Hall Meerlust Hall Banquet Hall Kylemore Hall Ida's Valley Sports Field Boardroom
09:00 - 15:00 09:00 - 15:00 09:00 - 12:00 12:30 - 16:00 09:00 - 12:00 12:30 - 16:00 09:00 - 13:00
Ida's Valley Library Hall
09:00 - 15:00
08:30 - 16:00
Kayamandi Corridor Kwarentyn Papplaas Weltevrede Kwekery Dwars in die Weg Waterkloof The First JC Le Roux Cloetesville Small Hall
Klapmuts (Mobile Thusong)
Klapmuts Community Hall
09:00 -18:00
Koelenhof & Denovo Lynedoc Vlottenburg
Tennis Court Lynedoc Primary School Vlottenburg Hall
09:00 - 15:00 09:00 - 14:00 09:00 - 13:00
Jamestown, Paradyskloof, De Zalze, Techno Park, Blaauwklippen and surrounding farms and Mooiberge Jamestown Community Hall (Mobile Thusong) Raithby Sports Club
09:00 - 15:00 09:00 09:45 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:15/13:00 09:00 - 15:00
09:00 - 18:00 09:00 - 13:00
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 21 April 2015
Unsympathetic 2015-’16 budget does not impress SRA DANIE KEET @daniekeet The Stellenbosch Ratepayers’ Association (SRA) views the draft municipal budget for 2015-’16 as unsympathetic to the financial realities of the day, and the mayor’s request for public participation as less than sincere. This is the view of the SRA in reaction to a report in Eikestadnuus last week on the draft budget, now available for public comment. “For the past four years the SRA has gone to great lengths to obtain the advice of financial experts and to share their recommendations with the mayor and his administration. This proved to be of no avail. Last year’s response by Council was that ‘no adjustments will be made on the comments received’ – so
much for public participation and participative government,” Lewis Silberbauer, chairperson of the SRA, said in a statement. “The budget themes for 2015-’16 are listed as ‘back to basics’ and ‘doing more with less’. There is little evidence of this in the fine print of the draft document. With the family budgets of middle- and lower-income earners under stress and the sluggish nature of the local economy, confirmed by the mayor’s own local economic growth figure of 1,3% per year (17,1% from 2000 to 2013), ratepayers would have expected an honest attempt at cost-cutting and fiscal restraint on the part of the municipality. This is not to be,” Silberbauer said. While the SRA supports the increase in capital expenditure, they believe more could have been done to raise capital expenditure contributions from province and the university, two organisations with co-responsibili-
ty for the current backlog in municipal infrastructure. “Of serious concern is the inability to get a grip on the operational expenditure of local government, controlled by the mayor and his municipality. “Operational items amount to about 60% of total expenditure, comprising among others, employee costs of R351 million (compared with a property rate income of R270 million!), legal fees of R11,5 million, consulting fees of R18,3 million, and substantial office rentals. In the current financial year controllable expenditure items will increase by 14,5%, with a further escalation of 9,1% planned for 2015-’16. “These increases are massive when compared with the national inflation rate of 5,8% and ratepayers should be aware of its compounding effect in future years. “In this regard, the SRA shares the concern of the Western Cape provincial government,
who last year observed: ‘The (Stellenbosch) municipality is advised to start containing tariff increases to lighten the burden on consumers who have been faced with cumulative years of higher than inflation increases for services, as this places additional strain on household incomes’,” Silberbauer explained. He said the parallel caution is that the municipality is becoming increasingly dependent on bulk services margins for its revenue, with the unpredictable Eskom being the main contributor. “The SRA’s advice to the mayor is to walk his talk and to revisit his good intentions of ‘back to basics’ and getting his municipality to ‘do more with less’. “Furthermore, listening to the views of the town’s ratepayers, who are not only legitimate partners in local government, but also its main source of funding, would be a bonus,” he said.
Veertiende SA Kaasfees by Sandringham vanjaar groter as ooit tevore Vanjaar se Kaasfees, wat van 25 tot 27 April by Sandringham buite Stellenbosch gehou word, gaan die grootste nog in die 14-jarige geskiedenis van die fees wees. ’n Nuwe toevoeging tot die fees is die Wes-Kaapse departement landbou se projek Cape Made: Taste the Alternatives, wat alternatiewe produkte soos granate, olywe, kruie, sampioene, neute, heuning, inheemse tee en suurvye insluit. Ontdek die verrassings wat hierdie innoverende nuwe toevoeging beskikbaar het en ondersteun ons plaaslike nismarkte sodat hulle kan groei tot voordeel van almal. Kaasliefhebbers kan ’n ongelooflike smaaksensasie verwag met innoverende koskombinasies deur glanspersoonlikhede by die SA Kaasfees. ’n Indrukwekkende verskeidenheid kaas en verwante produkte word in die Checkers Kaasemporium gehuisves. Bekende persoonlikhede soos Nataniël, die Giggling Gourmet Jenny Morris, Sarie-kosredakteur Herman Lensing en Kokkedore Johnny Hamman en Marius ’n Groot verskeidenheid kase en verwante produkte gaan vanjaar by die SA Kaasfees te proe en te koop wees. Uys, gaan hul kulinêre vernuf ten toon stel wanneer hulle watertand-geregte proe en gekoop kan word om later te geniet. van verskillende suiwelrasse. Die Cornetto Tienersone is een van die By die SA Kaasfees word gewone blokke met kaas en vleis met plaaslike en internasionale wyne in die Checkers Markteater kaas in kunswerke omskep met die daaglik- innoverende aktiwiteite waar tieners met se Ladismith Kaaskerfkompetisie. Hierdie hul vriende sal kan ontspan (chill) tussen optower. Die Afrox Kookpot kook hierdie jaar met kompetisie is reuse-pret vir enigeen wat die geroesemoes van duisende feesgangers. V Kaartjies is by enige Computicket, Shopprogramaanbiedings wat ’n uitsonderlike kans sien om deel te neem. Uitstekende gehalte-eetplekke en kos- rite- of Checkers-winkels beskikbaar teen keuse van innoverende koskombinasies en trokke in die Gourmetlaan sal sorg vir ’n R130 per dag. Senior burgers betaal R100 vermaaklike aanbieders insluit. Feesgangers kan ’n eet-ervaring verwag geurige verskeidenheid disse vir middag- per dag en kinders 13 jaar en jonger kry gratis toegang. Geen kaartjies sal by die hekke etes en selfs vroeë aandetes. wat hul smaakkliere sal kielie. Daar is ook volop kindervermaak waar te koop wees nie. Die feestye is daagliks van Die Agri-Expo Mall het ’n uitgesoekte verskeidenheid verwante produkte wat ge- die kleinspan interaksie kan hê met diere 10:00 tot 18:00.
Kaapse Wynland distriKsmunisipaliteit
Cape Winelands distriCt muniCipality
Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge regulasie 3(4)(b) van die Regulasies insake Plaaslike Regering:Munisipale Beplanning en Prestasiebestuur, 2001; artikel 21 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet No. 32 van 2000) en artikel 22 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, 2003 (Wet No. 56 van 2003) dat die 2012/2013 tot 2016/2017 Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan (GOP) konsep Hersiening, konsep 2015/2016 tot 2017/2018 Veeljarige Mediumtermyn-Inkomste-en-Uitgaweraamwerk (MTIUR) vir die Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit (KWDM) en Dienslewerings- en Begrotingsimplementeringsplan (DLBIP) deur die Raad oorweeg sal word vir goedkeuring op 28 Mei 2015 en nie 21 Mei 2015 soos voorheen geadverteer.
Notice is given in terms of regulation 3(4)(b) of the Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations, 2001; section 21 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) and section 22 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003) that the 2012/2013 to 2016/2017 Integrated Development Plan (IDP) draft Revision, draft 2015/2016 to 2017/2018 Multi-year Medium-Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework (MTREF) for the Cape Winelands District Municipality (CWDM) and Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) will be considered for approval by Council on 28 May 2015 and not 21 May 2015 as previously advertised.
Navrae kan gerig word aan: Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit, Posbus 100, Stellenbosch 7599 of telefoon 0861 265 263, faks 023 342 8442 of per e-pos by
Enquiries may be directed to: Cape Winelands District Municipality, P.O. Box 100, Stellenbosch 7599 or telephone 0861 265 263, fax 023 342 8442 or via e-mail at
M U N I S I PA L I T E I T • M U N I C I PA L I T Y • U M A S I PA L A
M U N I S I PA L I T E I T • M U N I C I PA L I T Y • U M A S I PA L A
25 April ) Die algemene jaarvergadering van die Breughel-teatersentrum vind plaas op Saterdag 25 April by North Endstraat 15 in Cloetesville om 14:00. Die voorsitter se verslag sal voorgelees word en ’n nuwe direksie sal ook verkies word. Voorstelle vir nominasies, met sekondante vir vyf direksieposte, moet teen Vrydag 17 April ingedien word by die Breughel-teatersentrum. Die poste is vir voorsitter, ondervoorsitter, kassier en twee lede. Lede van die publiek is welkom om die vergadering by te woon. Vir meer inligting of om nominasievorms te bekom, kontak Michael Arendse tussen 09:00 en 13:00 by 0 060 750 2339 of 078 509 9248, of 2
2 May ) The Stellenbosch Horticultural and Industrial Society will be exhibiting at the Stellenbosch town hall from 09:00. The prize-giving will take place at 14:00 and plants will be available for purchase at 16:00. A special category for the Louise Pocket-bloom will be exhibited. For more information: Henry Davids 0 081 048 5409 or 2
4 May ) Stellemploy will train 12 unemployed people in methods of cooking, knife skills and introduction to baking skills, kitchen hygiene and basic nutrition from 4 May to 12 June. Stellemploy facilitates this training opportunity for the youth of developing communities. This training opportunity is only available to unemployed people with consumer or hospitality studies on at least grade 10 level or experience in the hospitality industry. Only 12 people can be accommodated on a course – it is therefore important to register early. This training opportunity is only available to youths of 18 to 35 years of age in the greater Stellenbosch area. 23 April is the final date of registration for this City & Guilds accredited Food Preparation course. Stellemploy facilitates this with donor funding received from Distell. For more information, please call Gaino or Betta from Stellemploy at 0 021 886 6993
5 May ) Join the discussion as Donnay Fallinetti, clinical dietitian, talks about diet and supplement choices you need to be making in order to get your immune system in tip top shape before winter arrives. The talk takes place at Mediclinic Vergelegen’s restaurant at 18:00. Entrance is free. Remember to bring your R5 to enter the lucky draw. For more information: Vergelegen Dietitians 0 021 851 6228 or 2
Tuesday 21 April 2015
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Cape Winelands District Municipality
strives towards rendering a dynamic and effective service to the community under its jurisdiction. As an Employment Equity employer, we currently offer the following vacancies to appropriately qualified and experienced individuals:
Deputy Director: Financial Statements & Reporting
Die Stellenbosch Taxivereniging se bestuur vir 2015 is onlangs gekies. André Moses (voor middel) is verkies as voorsitter van dié vereniging. Die ander lede is (agter van links) Deon van Kerwel (dissiplinêre voorsitter), Candice Bergstedt (dissiplinêre komiteelid), Joseph Keller (griewe-voorsitter), Joseph Antonie (griewe-komiteelid) en Elroy George (griewe-komiteelid). Voor is Lizelle George (kassier), Catherine Robertson (ondervoorsitter,) Moses, Bernadine Williams (sekretaris) en Louis Rhode (assistent-sekretaris). Vir enige klagtes bel vir Van Kerwel by 0 083 228 1652 of vir Moses by 0 083 232 2311. FOTO: DAAN WILLIAMS
Job Profile: Advise on the implementation of financial strategies to enhance good financial management and decisionmaking • Implement good governance practices, ethics and values in financial management, as well as risk and change management within the Budget and Treasury Office, together with the Director: Budget and Treasury Office • Direct the implementation of specific procedures, systems, controls and policy reviews with the compilation of annual financial statements • Responsible for statutory reporting in accordance with legislative requirements that is applicable to the Division: Financial Statements and Reporting • Supervise the management of cash flow and investment management, as well as Council’s insurance portfolio • Supervise the compilation of various statistical information relevant to the Financial Statements and Returns; the submission of financial reports to National and Provincial Treasury, other organs of State, the Auditor-General and other organisations relevant to the Division: Financial Statements and Reporting, as well as the submission of information to be placed on Council’s website applicable on the Division: Financial Statements and Reporting • Ensure that all relevant key performance indicators of the Division: Financial Statements and Reporting are met • Assess and review the drafted control accounts related to Financial Statements and Returns • Responsible for the Asset Register function and implementation of the Asset Management Policy, inclusive of acquisitions and disposals • Supervise the submission of financial information to be captured in the Annual Report to Council, National Treasury and other Governmental Departments • Supervise the safeguarding of all documentation related to the Division: Financial Statements and Reporting and control the effective execution of relevant correspondence, as well as the handling of applicable external and internal audit queries • Prepare agenda items and financial comments for submission via the Director: Budget and Treasury Office to Council and other Committees • Manage and supervise personnel in the Division: Financial Statements and Returns • Liaise with the relevant departments regarding subsidies/grants allocated to Council and assist with the compilation of the annual capital and operating budgets • Disseminate guidance and information on specific key performance areas and requirements associated with the financial reporting programme and financial procedures relating to the various functionalities. Requirements: Degree or National Higher Diploma (NQF 7 qualification) with Accounting III (academic records with examination results must accompany the application) • 8 years’ relevant experience within Local Government • Minimum Municipal Competency Levels, as required in terms of the Local Government Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003): Municipal Regulation on Minimum Competency Levels, or proof of enrolment in the MMCL programme • Computer literacy in MS Office applications and SAMRAS • Language proficiency in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape Province • Good management, human relations, interpersonal and communication skills • Analytical skills and the ability to give attention to detail • High level of responsibility and the ability to work under pressure • Valid Code B driver’s licence. Starting Salary: R445 188 per annum Post Level: T17
Drowning – What you should know With a population that comes into contact with bodies of water everywhere, it is vital that people learn how to swim.
Every year, a number of families lose loved ones in drowning incidents. With several public holidays coming up, some people may be planning to visit the coast or laze around a swimming pool. People are urged to be careful. Kim Habib, from ER24, said the concern is that most people do not know how to swim or swim poorly. “Learn to swim. You are never too young or too old to learn,” she said. People should remember however that anyone, even those who can swim, are at risk of drowning. Risk-taking and overconfidence in swimming ability may play a significant role in water-related deaths. Children Never allow a child to swim without adult supervision. Also, never leave youngsters unsupervised around water bowls or bathtubs for example. You can drown in approximately two centimetres of water. Ensure children wear a life jacket if they cannot swim. Keep your pool covered with an approved cover when not in use. Safe swimming in open water: Do not swim too far out into the ocean. After a while, you may struggle due to fatigue or get swept away further due to strong currents. Wearing a life jacket is vital. Remember your life jacket when participating in water sports such as boating, tubing or rafting. When at the ocean, swim in designated areas that are supervised by lifeguards. Never swim alone. Remember that swimming in open water is not the same as swimming in a pool. Never dive or jump into unfamiliar or shallow water. Habib added, “Do not consume alcohol near bodies of water. This impairs your movement and thinking. Do not ‘horse around’ near pools as you may slip, hit your head and fall in.” She urged people to learn first aid and CPR. “It is never too early to learn first aid and CPR. ER24’s Training Academy recently held a pre-first aid course for children from seven to 14 years of age. These children now know how to perform chest compressions (hands only CPR),” said Ha-
bib. Explaining what happens to a person during a drowning incident Habib said, “When a person becomes submerged in water, they may swallow large volumes of water as well as breathe some water into their lungs. “This washes out the protective layering in the alveoli in the lungs. The alveoli are where gaseous exchange takes place and oxygen moves into the bloodstream. “With water in the way, oxygenation cannot take place and the person becomes hypoxic (little oxygen in the cells, tissues and brain). The person who is submerged will then pass out. Water will enter their lungs freely and they will drown. Without oxygen, your brain cells begin to die.” If a victim is revived and survives the drowning, there may be brain damage/ neurological damage or they may be normal. This depends on how long they were without oxygen. “With regard to the lungs – the surfactant (protective layer of fluid which holds the alveoli open) will be washed out and the alveoli collapse. The victim who has taken in the water may develop pneumonia,” said Habib. What to do if someone is drowning? If you are at the coast and you see a person drowning, alert a lifeguard immediately. If you decide to save the person yourself, ensure you wear a floatation device. If you find a person drowning and are able to get them out of the water, initiate CPR if there is no pulse and breathing. Do not stop CPR unless the victim starts to breathe on his/her own. Call for an ambulance as soon as possible and tell them what you are doing so they can send the correct level of care. Do not put the person in the car and drive to hospital. You may be involved in an accident due to panic or the victim may suffer brain damage while en route to hospital. In case of a near drowning, seek medical attention as soon as possible and explain clearly to medical staff what has happened. There are instances where secondary drowning occurs. This is more common in children than adults and may be difficult to recognise. The person may seem okay even though they have taken in water that finds its way to the lungs. ER24’s Emergency Contact Centre can be reached 24 hours a day on 0 084 124 for any medical emergency. ER24’s Training Academy offers first aid and CPR courses. Email 2 for further information
Work Centre & Reference: Stellenbosch (Ref. 114)
Technician: Road Infrastructure Construction Job Profile: Provide technical input relating to road maintenance with the emphasis on road construction and re-gravel activities and gravel pit management • Comment on Land Use applications according to Provincial Ordinances relating to traffic impact on the provincial road network, on request by the Provincial Road Authority • Monitor the utilisation and cost-effectiveness of activities against operational plans • Prepare and approve drawings, designs and cost estimates for minor new works and monitor the implementation sequences thereof • Assess, analyse and address civil roads and minor structure technical issues • Keep abreast with new technology and development associated with civil engineering • Analyse and align requirements with operating capacity and capability • Provide technical input relating to all concrete work by designing and controlling of concrete mix, evaluating and monitoring of structure construction and supplying of knowledge regarding concrete work in general, concrete additives and use of epoxies Requirements: Degree or National Diploma in Civil Engineering • Valid Code B driver’s licence. Starting Salary: R189 564 per annum Post Level: T11 Work Centre & Reference: Worcester (Ref. 397)
Senior Mechanic Job Profile: Deliver mechanical support service to the District Municipality’s vehicular and machinery fleet • Execute prescribed administration of quotations, service records, etc. • Advise and guide subordinates on various matters and ensure the correct execution of work • Execute modifications on vehicles and equipment as requested • Service and repair vehicles and machinery and do basic auto electrical repairs • Perform welding on implements and road worthy inspections • Perform basic hydraulic work • Implement preventative maintenance to vehicles and machinery • Handle purchases and order parts within approved budget • Diagnose and find faults on vehicles and machinery. Requirements: N2 Certificate in Petrol/Diesel Mechanics • Proof of trade test as an Artisan as Diesel and/or Petrol Mechanic • At least 3 years’ appropriate experience in a mechanical workshop • Computer literacy • Valid Code EC driver’s licence • Valid Professional Driver’s Permit • Willingness to perform standby duties and work overtime. Starting Salary: R189 564 per annum Post Level: T11 Work Centre & Reference: Worcester (Ref. 762)
Artisan Assistant: Mechanical Job Profile: Executing of general mechanical repair and maintenance activities of machinery and vehicles as instructed by skilled personnel in order to ensure activities are completed in accordance with laid down instructions and specific deadlines • Check and test vehicles before and after service maintenance and/or repairs • Ensure adequate support during maintenance and repair work • Cleaning of worksites and responsible for the storage and safekeeping of mechanical tools. Requirements: Appropriate NQF 3 qualification •Two to three years’ relevant mechanical experience • Valid Code C driver’s licence • Valid Professional Driver’s Permit • Knowledge of different types of tools and vehicle parts. Starting Salary: R112 524 per annum Post Level: T7 Work Centre & Reference: Stellenbosch (Ref. 752) Closing date for applications: 8 May 2015 Fringe benefits include: Pension/retirement fund, medical scheme, group life insurance, 13th cheque and a non-pensionable accommodation allowance. Details regarding the comprehensive list of fringe benefits are available on request. The closing date for applications is regarded the date on which minimum requirements, as stipulated in this advertisement, should be met by applicants. No supplementary documents will be accepted after the closing date. Applicants must acquire the prescribed application form from Mr S. Magalela on 021 888 5109 or Ms J. Martin on 021 888 5196. Applications, accompanied by originally-certified, true copies of qualification certificates (degrees, diplomas, certificates, school certificates, etc.) as well as required driver’s licences, Professional Driver’s Permits and where applicable, registration certificates from professional bodies, are to be forwarded to the Municipal Manager, Cape Winelands District Municipality, P.O. Box 100, Stellenbosch 7599. Sealed envelopes must be endorsed: “Application form”.
ADVERTISEMENTS ARE AVAILABLE IN AFRIKAANS AND XHOSA ON REQUEST. It should be noted that applications that do not adhere to the abovementioned prescriptions will not be considered, neither will late, faxed and/or electronic applications be considered. Please note that, should no feedback be received by 31 July 2015, candidates may assume that their applications have been unsuccessful. Canvassing will disqualify a candidate.
M U N I C I PA L I T Y • M U N I S I PA L I T E I T • U M A S I PA L A
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 21 April 2015
Take note of these good habits for entrepreneurs David Malherbe Some people believe that you are born an entrepreneur, or not. I believe though that many people who never thought of themselves as entrepreneurs, once they started a business, eventually say that they cannot imagine themselves ever working for someone else again. Some say that entrepreneurs have certain traits or characteristics and that if you don’t have them, you don’t have it. I would rather say that most people can learn the necessary skills and good habits that will enable them to become good entrepreneurs. Steven Covey in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Powerful lessons in personal change) discusses seven habits that can help you become more successful. One of the habits that he emphasises is to “Put first things first”. He says to be able to accomplish this, we should occupy ourselves with those things that are important but not yet urgent. But often we as business owners tend to procrastinate on doing those important tasks because they are not yet urgent. Yet, when they
DECKSTER'S CATERING, DéCOR / HIRING. Menu's from R130.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. (Ielaahm or Rene.) 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering.
become urgent, you are in frenzy because all of a sudden you have so much else to do that you don’t know which way to turn. Brian Walsh of gives some advice on how to keep out of the urgent zone by overcoming procrastination. He says that we should see those important tasks that we do not like and tend to postpone as a live frog that we have to eat each day. His advice is to eat the live frog first. After that anything else you need to do the rest of the day will seem much easier because the worst is done. He says that this habit will make you much more productive as well as more successful. This will also keep those important tasks from moving to where they become urgent. One of the other habits that Covey emphasises is to “be proactive”, which basically means to attend to things before they become problematic. To eat the live frogs first as Walsh recommends, you will certainly be proactive and it will help you to avoid crisis management. V David Malherbe is a business- and career consultant and lives in Wellington.
AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/SMS/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.
JUMPING CASTLES & WATERSLIDES We deliver, erect & collect. 072 411 6416
HERSTEL BY DIE HUIS Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene, tuimeldr. en mikrogolfoonde. 071 755 3390.
Forum vir pastore in Stellenbosch gestig
Oor die jare heen was daar ’n behoefte aan ’n vereniging waar Pinkster en charismatiese geestelike leiers kan saamwerk om die kerk en gemeenskap doeltreffend te dien.
In Mei 2014 het pastoor Aron September sy visie om ’n forum te stig met al die Pinkster en charismatiese leiers gedeel. Geestelike leiers het ingekoop in die visie en dit positief aanvaar. Drie tydelike bestuurslede het rigting gegee aan die forum totdat ’n volledige bestuur in 2015 gekies sou word. Die forum se bestuur bestaan uit die uitvoerendedirekteurpastoorCedrickWilliams,visie uitvoerende direkteur pastoor Anthony Otto, direkteur van finansies pastoor Levurn Jacobs, streeksdirekteur pastoor Aron September, skakelbeampte pastoor Godfrey Martin en sekretaris pastoor Petrus Beukes. Die doel van die forum is om ’n platform te
skep waar die gemeenskap doeltreffend bedien kan word en ook om as skakel te dien tussen die gemeenskap en die verskeie staatsdepartemente en die munisipaliteit. Elke derde Saterdagoggend ontmoet die pastore vir ’n gebedsessie van twee ure en die daaropvolgende Sondagmiddag word ’n ekumeniese diens gehou, met die doel om eenheid met die verskeie denominasies te bevorder. Die forum was ook deel van die Men against women abuse-optog wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse-polisiediens aangevoor is. Alle pastore van die onderskeie Pinkster en charismatiese kerke in die Stellenbosch-streek is welkom om deel van die forum te word. Kontak vir pastoor Cedrick Williams by 0 073 671 6925 of pastoor Petrus Beukes by 0 082 736 5608. Die forum se volgende diens is Sondag 26 April in Klapmuts.
New Stellenbosch farming academy offers full bursaries
FRIDGE/YSKAS - MAN Regas & repairs from R180.00. We buy & sell. Piet: 079 339 0646
Lede van die Stellenbosch Pinkster Pastore Forum is links van agter Simba, Charlton Davids, Victor Counted, Edward Crowley, Aron Semptember, Cedrick Williams. Voor is Godfrey Martin, Basil Pietersen, Anthony Otto, Simon Slinger, Randell Visagie en Petrus Beukes. Pastore Jane Pietersen en Levurn Jacobs is nie in die foto nie. FOTO: DAAN WILLIAMS
DIE BOORD: DIE WERF North-facing ground floor flat with access to garden. Size 87m2. 3 Bed, 2 bath, open plan lounge, upgraded kitchen. Ample cupboards. Garage, parking space, storage room. Safe, quiet area, next to Stb. Golf Course. Very neat , newly painted. Price R1 595 000 direct from owner. Available immediately. Enquiries 083 4400 968
Spesiale dienste
The newly launched Agro-ecology Academy based in Stellenbosch seeks to increase the sustainability of local food systems while addressing the youth unemployment crisis. On offer is a rare opportunity for school-leavers without matric to gain a nationally-recognised qualification leading to a life-long career with opportunities for growth. Organic farming is a growing field in South Africa, with recent research showing that demand far outstrips supply in South Africa. Eric Swarts, a local organic farmer and land-reform beneficiary who has been farming on the Annandale Road near Stellenbosch for the past 12 years, confirms this: “At the moment I have more people wanting my produce than I can possibly supply.” At the same time, the Winelands region is battling with high levels of youth unemployment, which in turn leads to many other social problems. Luke Metelerkamp, a researcher at the Sustainability Institute says: “Nationally, youth unemployment is at around 60%. But, statistically a young adult with some form of tertiary qualification is six times less likely to be unemployed than one without matric. This highlights the need to train young people in areas where there is a skills shortage. “Our vision for this programme is to create a supportive environment in which the youth, who would otherwise battle to find any form
of meaningful employment, can embark on a skills development journey. This not only sets them on a meaningful career path, but also helps to make agriculture and the wider food system more sustainable in the long run. It’s about creating livelihoods with real purpose – qualifying people to help solve the problem of providing safe nutritious food to all South Africans.” This fully-funded, nationally-recognised course will help graduates find a job in farming or start their own business. Courses on offer include mixed-farming systems and a farming management qualification. Over the three-year course, students will learn advanced farming skills and are taught how to combine these with basic business management skills to farm more autonomously. On successful completion, the course can lead to employment with course partners in organic farming, animal breeding, viticulture, dairy or chicken farming.
I am Chane Jacobs 48 years old, and I want to thank Mama Kim who helped me with my financial, love and business problems. Mama Kim gave me the holy oil and stick which helped me with all my problems. I am no longer in debt, I opened a business and we are one big happy family now. I can't thank Mama enough, call her on 071 165 1897 X1PXJKQD-ES070415
The new farming project offers a multitude of training opportunities in the agricultural sector.
Dinsdag 21 April 2015
Ons Gee Om. Stellenbosch Gazette vra Stellenbossers om hierdie welsyn- en gemeenskapsorganisasies te help. Hier is ’n lys van hul belangrikste behoeftes: ) Stellenbosch-nagskuiling: Ingemaakte (blikkies-) of vars groente, enige droë sopbestanddele, macaroni, spaghetti, koffie, suiker, poeiermelk, smeergoed vir brood, badseep en handdoeke. Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan vrywilligers om daagliks sop te skenk. Dit kan bevrore of vars wees. Skakel 0 021 886 6173 ) Huis Horison: Toiletware en bestanddele vir kermis, bv. meel, suiker, kondensmelk, olie, versiersuiker materiaal, kant, wol ensovoorts vir die handwerkafdeling; vrywilligers wat hou van naaldwerk om te help by handwerk en/of om artikels af te werk. Skakel 0 021 887 5080 ) Safe House Stellenbosch: Benodig dringend babaweggooidoeke, babaseep, -sjampoe en -klere, vroue- en kinderklere, pajamas en sokkies. Vir die kombuis: rys, melkpoeier of langlewemelk, kookolie, suiker, pasta, koffie en tee. Algemeen: waspoeier vir outomatiese wasmasjien, Handy Andy, Jik, Domestos en opwasmiddel vir skottelgoed. Vaardigheidsklasse: hekelpenne,
General - Algemeen hekelgare, asook skryfbehoeftes soos verf, skêre, Pritt, gekleurde papier en inkleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte. Vroue van die gemeenskap word versoek om asseblief hul talente, stokperdjies, kennis en vaardighede met die inwoners te kom deel. Skakel 0 021 883 2574 ) Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie: Droë bestanddele soos rys, pasta, mieliemeel, stampmielies en sopmengsel, asook bruikbare produkte vir kospakkies. Skakel 0 021 886 8986 of 0 071 322 0747 ) Kindersorg SA Stellenbosch: Ons soek tweedehandse klere, niebederfbare voedsel, meubels, huishoudelike ware en drie babakarstoeltjies. Skakel 0 021 887 2816 ) Jeuguitreik: kinder- en jeugsorgsentrum: Ons benodig ’n naaldwerk-vrywilliger wat herstelwerk aan kinders se klere kan doen. Goeie tweedehandse klere word benodig vir ’n gemeenskap-kleinsakeprojek. Nie-bederfbare kruideniersware is baie welkom. Vir navrae: 0 021 886 6216 ) Marcelino Singh-stigting: Brood, broodsmeer, vars groente, tweedehandse klere en meubels. Skakel 0 021 889 9555 of 072 888 7188 ) ACVV Stellenbosch: Nie-bederfbare kos, toiletware. Weggooidoeke vir volwassenes en babas. Klere, skoene, warm komberse, kombuisartikels, gordyne,
beddegoed. Herwinningsmateriaal en veral papier. Die ACVV kan artikels by huise kom oplaai. Skakel 0 021 887 6959 ) Kayamandi-traumakamer: Matrasse (driekwart- en enkelbed-), waaier, verwarmer, beddegoed, gordyne, komberse, eetgerei, tweedehandse klere en onderklere, kos, toiletware en skoonmaakmiddels. Bel me. Bakubaku, 0 074 717 9676 of 0 021 889 7686, of Mary, 0 083 945 5811 ) Stellenbosch-hospies: Koffie, tee en warmsjokoladepoeier (hot chocolate), skryfbehoeftes (verf, skêre, Pritt, gekleurde papier en inkleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte), opvoedkundige en ander speletjies soos ’n domino-, dambord- en skaakstel, “stresballe”, rekbande en wolnaalde of breipenne, asook manspajamas en -skoene, kinderklere, komberse en kussings met kussingslope. V Find cheap material in our great selection of books and pictures in our many magazines at the Hospice Shop in Borcherd Street, open weekdays until 16:45 and on Saturdays. Your purchases help fund the services Stellenbosch Hospice provides for over 1 000 patients. Contact 0 021 886 5994 ) GreenDoorProjek@Jamestown: Babaklere (0-3 jaar) en bababenodigdhede vir 13 tienermammas in hul sorg, asook meisieklere (9-10 jaar). Vir meer inligting: Chanene van As 0 082 890 8616.
Stellenbosch Gazette
Verkeersvolumes gaan innoverend aangepak word nuwe finansiële jaar in Julie 2015 gereed te wees om proefprojekte by ’n paar groot werkgewers uit te rol.” Wanneer verDie suksesvolle keersvolumes hoër implementering word as die vervan ritvermindevoerinfrastrukringsinisiatiewe tuur se kapasiteit, het die potensiaal ontstaan verkeersom voordele vir beiopeenhopings en de werknemers en langer spitstye. Dit werkgewers in te is reeds lankal ’n hou. frustrerende reali“In die geval van teit wat die meeste werknemers beStellenbossers hoort daar meer goed ken, en die huidige Stellen- Conrad Sidego, burgermeester van vervoeropsies beskikbaar te wees, bosch-tendense Stelolenbosch. minder spanning van toenemende voertuigeienaarskap, voertuigge- en besparings in terme van tyd en bruik en spitstydritte deur enkelbe- geld. Werkgewers behoort voordele sette voertuie is nie besig om die situ- soos beter moraal, beter interne menasie te verbeter nie! Voertuie met en- severhoudings, beter publieke beeld, kelbesettings het ’n yslike spasie- beter produktiwiteit en laer behoefte aptyt met ’n konstante behoefte vir aan parkering te ondervind.” Tipiese ritverminderingstrategieë meer van ons mooi dorp se grond – vir beweging (paaie) en om te stoor wat wêreldwyd suksesvol geïmple(parkering). Dit is ook ondoeltref- menteer word is saamrygeleenthede, gewaarborgde fend in terme van energieverbruik parkeringbeheer, en lewer ’n groot bydrae tot besoede- huistoe-ritte, fietsry en stap-aansporingsinisiatiewe, infrastruktuur- en ling. finansiële Conrad Sidego, burgemeester van fasiliteit-opgradering, Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit, verdui- aansporing, publieke vervoerbenutdelik die munisipaliteit kyk na inno- ting en verbetering van dienste wat verende maniere om die probleme in verskaf word. “Die munisipaliteit gaan saam met die dorp so effektief as moontlik binne die begrotingsbeperkings aan te Hatch Goba gedurende die volgende paar maande groot werkgewers wat spreek. “Een van hierdie innoverende pro- moontlik kan kwalifiseer as kandijekte is om vas te stel tot hoe ’n mate date vir die proefprojekte kontak. die vraag na die beskikbare kapasi- Ons vertrou dat die projek met ope teit op die vervoernetwerk beter in arms deur die werkgewers en werknemers in Stellenbosch ontvang sal spitstye bestuur kan word.” Dit behels dat die munisipaliteit word.” Geïnteresseerde partye kan intusgroot werkgewers wil ondersteun met die implementering van ritver- sen kontak maak met Yolandi Venter of Nokwanda Mpofana van Hatch Gominderingsinisiatiewe. “Om die munisipaliteit by te staan ba by 0 021 911 5823 of Louise Dudley is Hatch Goba (Pty) Ltd aangestel en of EJ Wentzel van Stellenbosch-mubeplan ons om teen die begin van die nisipaliteit by 0 021 808 8222. Jy sit nie net vas in die verkeer nie, jy’s ook deel van die verkeer!
Is jy dalk April se Let’s Play sportster?
Newtons se o.11-sokkerspan het Saterdag 18 April met 2 - 2 gelykop gespeel teen Nelsons van Idasvallei. Hier is die spelers saam met hul afrigters: Agter van links is Warren Meiring, Conré Slingers, Darren Ghalpie, José Daniels, Jayden van der Rheede, Ronwin Adriaanse, Nathan Hendrikse, Raiez Ghalpie en Faghrie Ghalpie. Voor is Liam Hector, Jade Christians, Brayden Meiring, Breyton Arendse, Damian Williams, Caan Clark, Hakiem Rhode en Rueben Noble. FOTO: RAYMOND WILLEMSE
Die maandelikse Let’s Playkompetisie is weer volstoom aan die gang en nominasies vir April word nou ingewag. Hierdie kompetisie word in samewerking met Super Sport aangebied. Al wat jy moet doen is om ’n sportster van jou klub of skool te nomineer vir besonderse prestasies wat hulle onlangs behaal het. Daar sal elke maand ’n wenner aangewys word. Al die maandwenners kom in November in aanmerking vir die groot jaarprys en die titel van Let’s Play-sportster van die jaar. Al die jaarwenners kwalifiseer dan vir die nasionale Let’s Play-sport-
ster van die jaar. Groot pryse is op die spel. Stuur die nominasie en ’n hoë resolusiefoto na
Matie-athletes dominated Boland team for SA Champs EUNICE VISAGIE Maties athletes dominated the Boland team chosen for the South African senior track and field championships, held this weekend at Coetzenburg. Some 67% of the Boland team consists of Maties. A total of 37 athletes were selected to represent Boland Athletics at the ASA championships.
At this event the athletes had the opportunity to be crowned as the 2015 national champion in their respective events and at the same time attempt to qualify for the national team to the 2015 CAA southern region track and field championships on 13 and 14 June in Mauritius. They could also attempt to qualify for the national team to the 15th IAAF
world senior championships in Beijing, China from 22 to 30 August this year and also qualify for the national team to the 11th African Games in Brazzaville, Congo from 3 to 19 September. Maties in the Boland team for the SA championships were Cheyne Rohme (pole vault), Damian Boshoff (high jump), Johan Kruger (hammer),
Juan de Swardt (pole vault), Keegan Fourie (high jump), Kwezi Mtoba (triple jump), Luvo Nkewu (high jump), Marcel Maree (high jump), Victor Hogan (discus); Giovanni Mathews (high jump), Ebeth Marais (10 000 m), Illse Hayes (100 m), Jean-Mare Senekal (100 and 400 hurdles), Jodie Sedras (pole vault), Justine Palframan (100 m, 200 m, 400 m); Kaitlyn Sparks
(pole vault); Karla Bronn (high jump), Luca Hartman (100 m), Robyn Haupt (200 m), Samantha Pretorius (100 m, long jump), Thineke Fourie (800 m, 1 500 m), Christy Nell (pole vault), Chane Coetzee (discus), Nienka du Toit (heptathlon), Helene Pens (heptathlon). V Get the Eikestadnuus on Thursday for a full report on the event.
Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 17 • Dinsdag 21 April 2015 | Tel. 021 887 2840
SU Football perform well in youth competitions The youth teams of Stellenbosch University (SU) performed well in two recent football competitions which took place in Cape Town. The teams participated in the Strandfontein (under 13) and Kensington (under 15) tournaments and proudly represented Stellenbosch with some exciting football and great results. The under 13 team finished as runners-up in the 2014 tournament and had a point to prove in this year’s competition. The team made their way to the final with the following results: a win of 5-0 against Masakhane. The goal scorers were Mcael Haywood (2) Callister Pohl, Caylo Pohl, and Kyle Ross. They drew their match 2 - 2 against Cape Town Liverpool with Mcael Haywood and Caylo Pohl scoring the goals. The team won their third match against Fish Hoek 3-0, Callister Pohl, Rushwin Dortley and Mcael Haywood were the goal scorers. In their fourth match Callister Pohl and Mcael Haywood scored goals to beat Cape Tars 2 - 1. The team faced a tough opponent in Old Mutual Academy. The university team opened the scoring with a well executed goal by Callister Pohl. Old Mutual equalised with an excellent free-kick from range which left goalkeeper Thaabiet Abbass with no chance to keep it out of the back of the net. SU had the opportunity to take the lead with a penalty, but unfortunately the penalty kick was off target which left the door open for Old Mutu-
The Matie under 15 team who won the Kensington Championship Cup. al. At this point the momentum swung in the favour of the Old Mutual side who scored the winning goal three minutes before the final whistle blew. Although disappointed, the SU team walked away with the runnersup trophy, team fair-play award as well as the award for the goalkeeper of the tournament (Thaabiet Abbass). Carlo Krieling, coach of the team, said he was very impressed with the character and professionalism that the boys showed in each and every game. “It was great to see the friendships that developed out of this tournament between the boys and both Al-
The Matie under 13 team finished as runners-up. fourth match they beat Ajax 1 - 0 with Brett Veale scoring for Maties. In the semi finals Jaqueel de Jager scored to give them a 1-0 victory over MPCE. The team faced Riverside Rangers in the final of the competition in front of a large number of supporters. The SU side took the lead with a goal from Aden Philander and went into the half-time break with a 1 - 0 lead. Jacqueel de Jager scored the second goal to take the final score to 2 - 0 to see the boys from Stellenbosch crowned as champions of the Kensington Cup. Jacqueel de Jager was the top-performing player at the competition
cardo van Graan and I are excited about the season ahead”. The under 15 team participated in the Kensington tournament and faced a challenging route to ultimately qualify for the final of the competition with the following results: they draw their match against Helenic 0 - 0. In their second match Jaqueel de Jager scored four goals. Team mates Shane Simons and Aden Philander also scored to win the match 6 - 2 against Saxon. In their third match they beat Lifezone 7 - 0. Aden Philander scored a hattrick. Luke le Roux, Shakier Ismail, Jaqueel de Jager and Ashley Samuels also scored. In the
and walked away with the player of the tournament as well as the top goal scorer. The team coach Matthew Haywood afterwards said he is very proud of the performance of the individual players and the team. “They pulled together well and put on an exciting display of football at the tournament. V The Stellenbosch University Youth Football Development programme includes under 11, 13, 15 and 17 teams and aims to develop football professionals, student athletes and community leaders for the future in partnership with the Stellenbosch Local Football Association.
SPORT BROKKIES | SPORT SNIPPETS VAN DER STEL-RUGBY Die Van der Stel-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae by die klub se rugbyvelde om 18:30. Almal is welkom. Kontak Adam Wagner by 0 073 851 3477 of Charles Williams 0 084 596 5102.
dag en Donderdag vanaf 19:00 op Cloetesville se sportterrein. Vir verdere navrae bel Christie Noble by 0 073 272 7103. PNIEL VILLAGERS Die Pniel Villagers-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae van 19:00 tot 21:00 by die Pniel-sportterrein.
CORONATIONS Coronations-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae om 19:00 by Idasvallei-sportterrein. Bel Jerado Hendricks by 0 078 597 6156. BLAKES-RUGBY Blakes-rugbyklub oefen elke Dins-
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EVERGREENS Die rugbyklub Evergreens Vlottenburg oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae vanaf 18:00 tot 19:30 by die Vlottenburg Primêre Skool. Kontak vir Leon Krediet 0 060 774 9429 of Vernon Fortuin 0 083 978 6923 vir meer inligting.