Stellenbosch gazette 23 julie 2013

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Tuesday 23 July 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Stellenbosch Municipality makes a difference Stellenbosch Municipality embraced the ideals of Mandela Day and promoted dignified living by constructing a temporary library, donating blood, handing out cooked meals, blankets and toys and paving and planting a garden at a new clinic. They also supported the MFM radio project which focused on the Sibongumusa Crèche in Kayamandi. Most importantly, staff and councillors made personal donations rather than rely on the municipality’s funds for this year’s celebrations. Here they are at the Okuhle Connie’s Educare Centre in Kayamandi where they donated toys.


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Poeding, port en poësie Kom geniet ’n poeding, port en poësie-aand met drie gewilde Afrikaanse kunstenaars op Woensdag 14 Augustus, Taaldag, in die Paarl. Dit word aangebied deur die Wynland Dameskring in samewerking met die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en -monument. Die bekende akteurs Johann Nel en Elsabé Daneel sal van hul gunsteling Afrikaanse gedigte voordra, onder meer uit die bundel Gewildste Afrikaanse Gedigte. Die sanger Emile Minnie sal toonsettings sing van sy album Spore op die Maan, ’n versameling Afrikaanse gedigte wat voorgeskryf is vir graad 12leerlinge. Hy sal ook liedjies sing van sy nuutste album Anderkant die Ewigheid sowel as Franse liefdesliedjies van sy album Chanson. Minnie word deur Laurika Rauch, wat al drie van sy liedjies opgeneem het, beskryf as een van SuidAfrika se top-liedjieskrywers. Sy CD Nagmusiek is genomineer vir ’n Sama vir beste alternatiewe Afrikaanse album, hy was onder die topdrie in die Huisgenoot Tempo-liedjiekompetisie, genomineer vir ’n Kanna by die KKNK, en ’n finalis in die ATKV Crescendo kompetisie. Taaldag word jaarliks op 14 Augustus gevier om die stigting van die Genootskap van Regte Afrikaners (GRA) op 14 Augustus 1875 te herdenk. Die GRA het hulle daarvoor beywer om Afrikaans as leesen skryftaal te vestig en het die eerste Afrikaanse koerant, Die Afrikaanse Patriot, in 1876 gepubliseer. Kaartjies is teen R50 beskikbaar by die Dameskring by 021 872 9602 of 072 2196 420. Die kaartjieverkope is ten bate van die Dameskring se beursfonds vir behoeftige Afrikaanse studente.

Erfenisfees in September Die tweede Erfenisfees word hierdie jaar op Dinsdag 24 September in Die Laan langs die Eersterivier aangebied. Terwyl kanoresies en ander watersport in die rivier aangebied word, kan feesgangers ’n opwindende musiekprogram met plaaslike sangers en dansers geniet. ’n Verskeidenheid stalletjies is beskikbaar waar feesgangers van eg tradisionele disse tot handgemaakte items kan koop. Stalletjies sal tussen 9:00 en 16:00 vir feesgangers oop wees om te besoek. Kos stalletjies en stalletjies met handgemaakte items is teen R200 beskikbaar. Alle aansoeke sal gekeur word. Voorkeur sal aan gemeen-

skapsorganisasies gegee word. Aansoekvorms vir bespreking van ’n stalletjie is op die webwerf by of by die Stellenbosch Museum beskikbaar. Die sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke is 6 September 2013 en kan na 021 883 2232 gefaks of na gestuur word. Aansoekers sal teen 13 September in kennis gestel word of hul aansoek vir ’n stalletjie suksesvol was. Indien geen terugvoering teen 13 September ontvang is nie, moet u aanvaar dat u aansoek nie suksesvol was nie. Vir nadere inligting bel gerus vir Debbie Gabriels 082 799 7330 of Elize Fortuin 078 270 4423.

Almal genooi na GPF-vergadering

Emile Minnie

Films tackle mental health issues Pharma Dynamics, one of South Africa’s leading suppliers of central nervous system (CNS) medication, has again joined forces with the Film Industry Learner Mentorship (F.I.L.M.) programme and the Mental Health Information Centre (MHIC) at Stellenbosch University to get the country talking about mental health conditions, which affect millions of South Africans, many of whom go through life undiagnosed and untreated. This year, about 40 interns at F.I.L.M. and guided by MHIC experts have made striking and emotionally charged short films for the Let’s Talk campaign around the following critical challenges in South Africa: ) Depression and unemployment: One in four “economically active” South Africans is now without work and studies show that unemployment is a risk factor for psychological symptoms of depression requiring medical intervention. ) Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Psychiatrists estimate that at least 10% of the population has been affected by PTSD, which is a de-

Tuesday 23 July 2013

bilitating condition that follows a traumatic event, including domestic violence, traffic accidents, crime and war. ) Depression and suicide in young people: Research shows that suicide accounts for 1 in 10 deaths from non-natural causes in youngsters. For every young person who commits suicide in South Africa, 20 attempt to commit suicide. The interns, who hail mostly from previously disadvantaged backgrounds, worked in teams to create eight short films, all with different themes, plots, genres and points of view so that viewers will no doubt find a story that they can relate to. Move, for example, tells the story of two men with PTSD, one of whom was a former policeman who lost his legs and friends in a tragic and fatal car accident and the other who was almost murdered during a home invasion. Now, they have found relief and solace in interpretative dance by performing a haunting pas de deux at a studio in Cape Town. In Ice Cold, a priest and a tsotsi both deal with the mental fallout and

Die Stellenbosch Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum hou op 24 Julie om 18:00 sy eerste vergadering vir die jaar. “Die GPF is ’n vennootskap tussen die polisie en die gemeenskap om veiligheid te bevorder en misdaad te bekamp, en dien as instrument van burgerlike oorsig oor die polisie,” het Roelof van der Merwe, voorsitter van die Stellenbosch GPF, gesê.

“Die vlak van misdaad op Stellenbosch is heeltemal onaanvaarbaar,” het hy bygevoeg. Almal word na die vergadering toe genooi. Vir nadere besonderhede bel die voorsitter Roelof van der Merwe by 083 443 5687 of e-pos, of bel lt. Nathalie Martin by 021 809 5061. Al die nodige dokumente is beskikbaar by

PTSD following the shooting of an innocent young girl in a township hijacking. Other films tackle the burdens of being a teenager, the aftermath of rape and effects of unemployment. All the films have been posted on YouTube (search for Let’s Talk Mental) and viewers are welcome to discuss the issues they contain and vote on the ones they find most useful or relevant. “We decided to use short films that incorporate young people in situations and real-life places they can relate to as a starting point to a bigger discussion on mental health issues,” said Mariska Fouché, public affairs manager for Pharma Dynamics. “Getting sufferers, friends, families and communities to talk about their perceptions of issues like depression and youth suicide is the best way to start addressing stereotypes, encouraging treatment and getting all those affected on the road to recovery.” For more information on the project, please visit

PLAASLIKE ONDERWYSER ONTMOET SKAAKMEESTER: Uhlan Lackay, onderwyser en skaak-afrigter van Laerskool Rietenbosch (regs) het hom as FIDE-Arbiter (skaakskeidsregter) tydens die State Bond en Suid-Afrikaanse Ope Skaakkampioenskap bekwaam. Die spele het van 5 tot 14 Julie te Port Elizabeth plaasgevind. Hy was ook bevoorreg om vir Garry Kasparov (links), die wêreld se beste skaakspeler van alle tye, te ontmoet. Lackay wil nou sy vaardighede gebruik om skaak in die dorp en die streek te ontwikkel en na ’n hoër vlak te neem. President Jacob Zuma het ook tydens die prysuitdeling die belangrikheid van skaak as ’n skole sport beklemtoon en gesê dat skaak meer aandag gaan geniet en selfs nog vinniger in skole moet groei.

ACT hosts bus tour The Stellenbosch Anglican Chaplaincy Trust will be hosting a charity tour by luxury bus along the Garden Route to Knysna and Plettenberg Bay from 10 to 13 October. Tickets are R1 675 per per-

son sharing and includes transport, accommodation on the Knysna Waterfront and one main meal per day. Call trustees Lionel Cloete (082 850 7845) or Bereneace Katts (074 580 8227).

Tuesday 23 July 2013

News - Nuus

Pupils taking part in a demonstration at the open day in 2012.

Stellenbosch Gazette


Various experiments are explained to the pupils..

Pupils invited to open day at university Come and expand your study horizons at the Stellenbosch University’s (SU) open day on Friday 2 August. The event is open to all pupils in and around Stellenbosch and will be held from 09:00 to 16:30 on the Stellenbosch campus. “There are too many pupils who are not aware of the variety of ‘new’ careers and associated study programmes that can be followed. “Our experience is also that many pupils are unaware of the long list of available bursaries and loans,” says Leon van den Heever, the director for prospective students at the SU. Anne Havemann-Serfontein, a career psychologist at the Centre for Prospective Students (CPS), is of the opinion that many pupils are unaware of the option to enter the business world with a BA degree, for example. “Few also realise that a degree from the faculty of AgriSciences can lead to a career in environmental impact assessment and monitoring, eco-tourism or even food

sciences. “In order to address these realities the university makes a concerted effort to expand the horizons of grade 11 and 12 pupils, their parents and even teachers, by providing them with useful information about careers, study choices, bursaries and accommodation – regardless of where they decide to study. Open Day visitors will on 2 August be able to visit more than 100 information stalls, which include ten academic faculties, the respective departments, the various SU support services – such as bursaries and loans, student fees, Maties sport and academic support – as well as Maties student bodies, residences and societies. Accommodation is crucial for all prospective students, and for this reason there will also be stalls for enquiries about university residences, as well as private accommodation options. All the residences will be open for viewing. Some of the other stalls include facilities available for handi-

capped students, the library, Centre for Student Counselling and Development (CSCD) and the Language Centre. Several other educational institutions will also be present, such as Boland College and the Isa Carstens Academy. Apart from the information stalls, all the faculties and the Centre for Prospective Students will also be presenting information sessions during the course of the open day. Student leaders will also offer interesting campus tours, and to top this MFM 92.6, the campus radio station, will broadcast from the Neelsie student centre. The open day is hosted in and around the Neelsie and on the Rooiplein. Admission is free and parking will be available close to the Neelsie. For further information visit the website at Pupils interested in attending can also call the Centre for Prospective Students on 021 808 4709 or 021 808 2631.

ONS VERJAAR SAAM MET MADIBA: Twee leerlinge van Idasvallei Primêr verjaar ook op 18 Julie, dieselfde dag as Madiba. Hier is die twee graad 2-leerlinge, Tegan Moses en Temiah Cyster, by die skoolhoof, Hymon Titus. FOTO: ANJE SMIT

Doen jou deel vir Winterwarmte Dit is bitter koud in die Boland en in ons gemeenskap is daar talle haweloses wat daagliks die winterkoue sonder enige verweer moet aandurf. Eikestadnuus en die Stellenbosch Gazette doen dus ’n vriendelike beroep op die vrygewige Stellenbosse gemeenskap om komberse en warm klere te skenk aan ons jaarlikse Winterwarmte-projek. Enige warm ding, soos komberse of ou slaapsakke, is welkom. Handgebreide of gehekelde komberse sal ook waardeer word. Ons het nog net ’n paar komberse ontvang en moedig die publiek aan

om ons te help om die baie mense wat smag na warmte se lewe dié winter beter te maak. Die komberse en klere sal aan gevestigde welsyn- en gemeenskapsorganisasies op die dorp geskenk word. Lesers kan hul donasies na Eikestadnuus se kantoor by Alexanderstraat 44, Stellenbosch bring. Die publiek is ook meer as welkom om ons te bel by 021 887 2840 en ons kom laai self die komberse op, indien nodig. Vir meer inligting oor die projek stuur ’n e-pos na


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News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette


23 Julie ) Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA Stellenbosch Sentraal) kom bymekaar om 20:15 by die NG gemeente Stellenbosch-Wes se kerksaal in Alexanderstraat. Navrae: 0 084 293 3967.

24 July ) The Sisterhood is hosting a movie night at the Neelsie Cinema. Join them for a glass of sherry and the movie, The Intouchables, at 20:00. Nca’kos will provide some delicious treats for which food vouchers will be sold. All funds will go towards WAR (Women Against Rape) – Hillsong. R60 per person. Book your seat at 2 ) Excelsiors RFC (Rugby): Seuns tussen 13 en 18 jaar wat by die klub wil aansluit, kan van 17:00 af op die Cloetesville-sportterrein aanmeld. 2

25 Julie ) Alle sake-eienaars word na ’n spesiale bidsessie genooi om 10:00 tot 11:00 in die Rynse kerk op Die Braak. Almal is welkom om dit by te woon. Deon: 0 082 430 4186 of Deano: 0 083 261 2017. ) Die Stellenbosch Toastmasters vergader om 18:30 op die Skilpadvlei-wynlandgoed. Kom leer hoe om jou toespraak-tegniek in ’n ontspanne omgewing te verbeter. Almal is welkom. Danie Germishuys: 0 082 775 9330 of

Michelle: 0 079 380 2004.

26 Julie

9 Augustus

) Die Primêre Skool Weber Gedenk hou sy jaarlikse winterbal in die skoolsaal. Die Elginairs Dance Band sal optree en toegang is R60 per persoon. Tyd: 20:00 tot laat. Bring jou eie piekniekmandjie en xyz. Navrae: 0 021 880 0286. ) Azaleahof-tehuis hou ’n boetiekuitverkoping van 09:30 by die tehuis in Van Riebeeckstraat. Goeie tweedehandse klere en skoene sal verkoop word. Tee en verversings sal ook verkoop word. Navrae: 0 021 887 0136.

) Ondersteuningsgroep vir mense met outisme hou ’n Vrouedag-ontbyt om 09:30 in die Weber Gedenk-skoolsaal, Jamestown. Toegang is R70 per persoon. Navrae: 0 083 679 2863 of 073 147 6208.

27 Julie ) Boland Bonsai Kai kom byeen. Dr. Carl Morrow, skrywer van Bonsai Success in South Africa, is die spreker. Bome sal ook bespreek word. Tyd: 09:00, US Botaniese Tuin. Besoekers is welkom. Navrae: Willem Pretorius: 0 083 260 5696.

29 Julie ) Die studiehulp-organisasie, Studietrust, sal terugvoer gee oor die afgelope jaar se werk. Tyd: 18:30 vir 19:00, Hofmeyrsaal in Kerkstraat. Almal is welkom. Sop, brood, kaas en wyn sal bedien word. RSVP by Annemarie: 0 084 982 5583 of 2

3 Augustus ) “Junk en vintage”-mark by die NG gemeente Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. Tyd: 09:00 tot 13:00. Enige ou of interessante items is welkom.

14 August ) Stellenbosch360 annual general meeting at 17:30 for 18:00, Van Ryn’s brandy distillery. Members will have the opportunity to nominate and select four members who will serve on the Stellenbosch360 board of directors.

22 Augustus ) Kindersorg SA: Stellenbosch algemene jaarvergadering. Tyd: 10:00, by Rooikruis/Kindersorg-gemeenskapsaal in Banhoekweg. RSVP voor 16 Augustus: 0 021 887 2816.

VGK hou koorfees Die VGK hou op 8 September ’n ringkoorfees op Stellenbosch. Dit sal 15:00 in die Kruiskerk in Ryneveldstraat begin en toegang is R20 per persoon. Kaartjies vir die fees is beskikbaar by alle VGK-koorlede op die dorp.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Straatlig hou ’n heerlike wintermark Straatlig, ’n welsynsorganisasie, hou die week van 24 tot 26 Julie ’n handwerkmark op die dorp. Die hoofdoel van die mark is om die produkte te verkoop wat deur die mense in Straatlig se bemagtigingsprogram gemaak is. Die items sluit alles en nog wat – van leer, gebreide wintersokkies, truie, handgemaakte servette, plekmatjies, blomme en koekies – in.

Dit is ’n wintermark. Besoekers kan dus uitsien na ’n kaggelvuur, koffie, warm sop, kerrie en rys, pannekoek, sjerrie en selfs tuisgebak. Al die geld wat ingesamel word, sal vir Straatlig se bemagtigingsprojekte en kinderprogramme aangewend word. Die mark sal daagliks oop wees van 10:00 tot 17:00 in die Kruiskerk in Ryneveldstraat. Inligting oor Straatlig:

Meeting for emerging businesses Members of various business forums have in the recent past been holding meetings, with the aim to form one entity/unit that would provide a platform for sharing information and communication, by facilitating a discussion forum between emerging black businesses of the Greater Stellenbosch and the Stellenbosch Municipality. The formation of this unit, the Black Business Unity-Stellenbosch (BBUS), will come to fruition at a gathering at the PMU offices of the municipality on Wednesday 24 July, when the Memorandum of Under-

standing will be signed. The PMU offices are behind the Tourism office in Mark Street. Emerging black business have a key role to play in providing opportunities and creating new jobs in Stellenbosch and the municipality should play the role as an enabler of economic success. This forum will also seek to identify issues relating to the advancement of black businesses, such as skills development, training needs and access to information and opportunities. Call Ray Jagers on 076 542 5352 for more information.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette


High School Jam at GrandWest

Last year’s winners in the Mr and Miss Stellenbosch competition.

Clayton Robyn, also known as Enigma von Hamburg.

Mr and Miss Stellenbosch competition is now open Clayton Robyn also known as Enigma Von Hamburg, the holder of 69 beauty pageant titles and a well known public figure, proudly presents the third annual Mr and Miss Stellenbosch 2013, including a Fashion Extravaganza to promote talented designers. The categories for females include Tiny Miss (4 to 6 years, must turn 4 before end of year), Toddler Miss (7 to 9 years), Junior Miss (10 to 13 years ), Teen Miss (14 to 16 years), Seniors (17 to 24 years), Miss Stellenbosch (25 and older) and a new category for Mrs Stellenbosch as well. Male categories include Tiny Mr (4 to 6 years, must turn 4 before end of

year), Toddler Mr (7 to 9 years), Junior Mr (10 to 13 years), Teen Mr (14 to 16 years), Senior Mr Stellenbosch (17 to 25 years) and Mr (25 and older). The registration fee is R50 for Tiny, Toddlers and Juniors and R100 for Teens, Seniors, Miss and Adults. Entries are open until 3 August. The event will take place on 7 September at the Neelsie Student Centre VV-Hall. Tickets cost R50 and limited seats are available. The purpose of the event is to raise funds for Enigma’s annual Mr & Miss Matric SuperModel Western Cape Educational Empowerment Project, which provide matric pupils with an opportunity to further their studies. The prizes include designer outfits,

dinner gift vouchers, professional photo shoots, make-up gift vouchers and much more. “I came to realise that in order for communities to succeed, we as members of the community have to take the lead by empowering ourselves,” said Enigma von Hamburg, the organiser. “The aim of the educational empowerment project is to give talented pupils the opportunity for further education.” To enter the pageant, make a sponsorship or for any other queries relating the event you can contact Enigma at 073 707 1851, BBM 293345C8 or e-mail

GrandWest, Planet Productions and The Foschini Group’s ClubX Magazine invite all those budding musicians, singers and performers to the Backstage Pass High School Jam competition on Saturday 24 August for the semi-finals. The finals will be on Sunday 25 August. The competition, which is open to the entire Western Cape province, encourages high schools to compete through music, dance and other performances while and gain exposure in the entertainment industry. The idea behind the competition is to provide interactive learning experiences for all the students involved. Ten high schools have been chosen to compete on 24 August and three schools will be chosen to compete in the final on 25 August 2013. The winning school stands a chance to win R30 000, with the two runner-up high schools each winning R10 000 and the Spirit Award winning school will stand a chance to walk away with R10 000. All the cash prizes are sponsored by The Foschini Group’s (TFG) ClubX Magazine.

Individual prizes will also be awarded to solo and group performers across all ten schools. Other sponsors for the High School Jam 2013 competition are Planet Productions, GrandWest, Marshall Music and Yamaha Music, KFC, Cape Community Newspapers and Good Hope FM. The success of 2012 High School Jam saw 1 200 school musicians and performers participating and performing to a semi-final and final audience of 10 000. Last year’s winners were Settlers High School. Among the participants were the Zola Business School who were the 2011 beneficiaries with Chris Hani High School the 2012 beneficiaries who will also be taking part in this year’s competition. Audiences can look forward to uplifting vocals, creative costumes and a thoroughly entertaining show. Tickets can be purchased at the door for R30, or via Karen Burt at All the proceeds from the final will be donated to a disadvantaged school for the development and encouragement of music.

Workshop will help music exams A workshop Music examinations: The good, the bad and how to make it better, will be presented at the Hugo Lambrechts Music Centre in Parow on Thursday 25 July from 09:00 to 12:00 by Arisa Voges, the director of music at the Unisa Directorate of Music. It will focus on the common errors made by candidates in music examinations and how teachers should

remedy these, assisting them to prepare candidates better for general music examinations at all levels. The R40 workshop fee, payable at the door, will also cover refreshments. For more information email info@ or call 021 939 9105 (10:00 – 18:00); or or of 012 4292744/012 429 2535.


General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette

Local councillors planted the first tree in the Million Trees Project in the Jan Marais Nature Reserve in April 2013.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Some trees were also handed out to local school pupils during this event.

Get involved in the municipality’s ‘Million trees project’ and beautify our town In 1712 Simon van der Stel launched a project to plant 1 000 oak trees along the streets of Stellenbosch to beautify the town.

Since the origin of the town trees have formed an integral part of its character and Stellenbosch became known as the “Town of Oaks”. Therefore it was no surprise that mayor Conrad Sidego, during Arbor Week 2012, announced an initiative to plant a million trees in the Greater Stellenbosch. This legacy of a treed, green environment will be the well-spring from which all citizens will benefit. The key focus of the Stellenbosch Municipality’s Million Trees Project is to provide dignified living spaces for all, thus sharing the environmental, social and economical benefits. |

Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840




Bouplanne/ Building Plans


aged to submit proposals, but more importantly, get involved and take ownership of this project. A job creation initiative through the ‘Trees for Life” project at Spier is currently underway. The municipality had wonderful support from the Wildlands Conservation Trust in Kwazulu Natal, sponsoring an intern which will oversee the river-rehabilitation component of the project. The municipal environmental officer, in collaboration with the parks department, is rolling out education programmes at schools to instill the value of a green environment as well. This initiative is not only aimed at homeowners, but also at developers, the agricultural sector and all other land owners. Anyone can make a contribution or get involved by donating trees,

Pressures of development and urbanisation often cause an imbalance in nature which can be corrected by planting trees. The project is a collective effort with the public to plant avenues, sidewalks, parks, recreational spaces, cemeteries and, wider than that, any privately-owned land. Currently tree surveys are being done throughout suburbs to map where new tree-planting opportunities exist. “Tree-a-thons” will be rolled out during which suburbs will be targeted and planted in a day, with the help and buy-in of all those affected. According to the municipality partnerships with like-minded institutes and organisations are being forged, to strengthen the collective effort. Members of the public are encour-


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Algemene Dienste General Services


Spyseniering Catering DECKSTER'S CATERING. Décor / Hiring. Menu's from R110.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. Contact Ielaahm or Rene. 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering.

Algemeen Miscellaneous BRAAI / KAGGELHOUT, Rooikrantz, Blackwattel, Bloekom, Firestarters, Spider gum, Myrtle braaihout. Gratis aflewering (radius 50 km), verpakking ekstra. Bestel nou, hout raak skaars Kontak 083 493 6894 / 076 947 0700 / 021 828 9693 / 021 854 7052 WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE. Fridges, Freezers, Microwaves, Washing machines, Stoves, etc. Call 073 608 4652.


Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs ALLE HERSTEL VAN yskaste, vrieskaste en alle tipe wasmasjiene. Gas hervul vanaf R150. Skakel 076 919 0596.

Spesiale dienste

compost and other material; adopting an existing tree in your neighbourhood and caring for it or requesting new trees; or volunteering your services such as labour, transport, and administrative support.

Arbor Week planning is also underway. To get involved please visit the website at, call 021 808 8160 or send an email to

Geskiedenis van borskanker bespreek Die Reik na Herstel Borskankersteungroep ontmoet Donderdag 25 Julie in die Mediclinic Vergelegen-raadsaal. Anna Stoddard sal oor die ge-

skiedenis van borskanker praat. Die vergadering begin om 09:30 vir 10:00. Bel die steungroep by 082 357 0497 vir inligting.

Dinsdag 23 Julie 2013

General - Algemeen

Apply for Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Scholarship The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, which aims to promote progress in Southern Africa by developing high-impact responsible entrepreneurs, has commenced its selection campaign whereby Grade 6 pupils can apply for a high-school scholarship to become Allan Gray scholars in Grade 8. The scholarship provides pupils with comprehensive financial support and access to an entrepreneurial and personal development programme. The scholarship aims to broaden the pool of successful applicants to the Allan Gray Fellowship, aimed at Grade 12 and first-year uni-

versity students. The scholarship is open to current Grade 6s who will start Grade 8 in 2015. The selection criteria include: ) Personal traits: Must demonstrate courage, leadership, vision and self-knowledge. The applicants must also display a track record in excellence, creativity and innovation. ) Academic requirements: Applicants must achieve 70% or higher in mathematics, English and natural science. ) The applicant must prove financial need and be a SA citizen. The first step in the application process requires the pupil to complete an application form. Upon the receipt

of the application form, candidates that meet these requirements will proceed through a series of tests which provide a clearer picture of the applicant’s abilities. Those who successfully complete this phase will be interviewed and the most deserving of these are then invited to attend one of the Foundation’s Selection Camps, which is the final stage of the selection process. Applications close Friday 13 September 2013. Visit to download an entry form or SMS “SCHOLAR + your fax no./email address” to 36777 (SMS is free) to have an application form faxed or emailed to you.

Parents to instill culture of saving in children from a young age Research shows that those who successfully save during adulthood have been taught to do so as children by their parents. According to a recent survey by the South African Savings Institute of South Africa (SISA), 56% of employed South Africans start to save at the age of 28 – an alarming statistic given that the recommended age to secure a nest egg and comfortable retirement is 23 years. “Various factors influence and impact on the ability of an individual to save,” said Lezanne Human CEO of FNB Investment Products. “Fear of retirement and the ability to pay for children’s education impact individuals over 30. Our research suggests that of those who start saving before they turn 30, 78% were taught and encouraged to do so by their parents.” Human explains that parents therefore play a critical role in teaching savings behaviour. Parents across the income spectrum save for their children and are responsible in doing so, however by not directly teaching children to save, they inadvertently do not foster the right saving habits in their children. Seizing the opportunity to foster

Stellenbosch Gazette

Free entrepreneurial training, register now Are you a hopeful entrepreneur? Do you have an innovative idea you would like to see flourish into a business or do you have a new business that needs guidance to grow to the next level? Do you need help pitching your business to potential investors or bank managers? If you answered yes to any of these questions, ENGEN Pitch & Polish is the solution for you. Entrepreneurship is part of the solution to job creation in South Africa. Entrepreneurs create employment, drive and shape innovation and contribute to productivity. ENGEN Pitch & Polish is a free workshop and competition which will be held in Athlone on Saturday 27 July. These ENGEN Pitch & Polish events intend to unearth the entrepreneurial talent and innovation that is believed to be in abundance within South Africa. The ENGEN Pitch & Polish programme is designed to give you the skills you will need to pitch your business or idea effectively to potential investors, while learning valuable business lessons. Steps to be part of the free ENGEN Pitch & Polish pro-

Fun karaoke evening A fun karaoke evening will be held at the Brückner de Villiers Primary School in Ida’s Valley on Friday 26 July. It will start at 20:00 and the entrance fee is R20 per person. Bring your own xyz an platters. The karaoke is in aid of the Speelkring Debutants.

It is important to start saving at a young age. financial literacy through age specific savings initiatives from a young age is crucial. The first step in fostering a savings culture is by talking to chil-

dren about savings and explaining the various concepts to them in order to make them less vulnerable to over indebtedness as they grow older.

gramme: 1. Decide whether you would like to register as a delegate or contestant (delegates and contestants participate in the workshop throughout the day but only contestants compete by pitching their business to the delegates who are encouraged to role-play as investors and bank managers). 2. Choose the city closest to you where an event will be held or alternatively follow the SAfm Wild Card round in August to pitch on-air. 3. Register online at, or sms PITCH and your NAME and CITY to 45982 (charged at R1,50 an sms), email or call on 011 566 2000. 4. Arrive at Dulcie September Civic Centre, Corner Jan Smuts and Klipfontein Road, Athlone, Western Cape on Saturday 27 July at 08:00 to sign in. 5. Refreshments will be provided This unique experience-based form of training makes ENGEN Pitch & Polish a one-of-a-kind entrepreneurial programme which aims to empower and motivate budding entrepreneurs. Advance registration is essential as seats are limited.


Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Dinsdag 23 Julie 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Sport in kort Laaste kans vir Die Burger

BORGSKAP ONTVANG: Victoria Swifts FC het onlangs nuwe uitrustings ontvang. Hier is die span ná hul sege oor Maties met 6-0 saam met hul afrigter Graham October (regs) en voorsitter Benno Langeveldt (links). Die The Fish & Chips company en World Focus Project is nou die borge van die span.

Nomineer jou sportster nou Dit is weer tyd om jou skool se sportsterre te nomineer vir die Let’s Play/ Eikestadnuus se Sportster van die Maand-kompetisie. Die keertyd vir nominasies vir Julie is Maandag 29 Julie. Stuur asseblief alle nominasies met motiverings aan Eunice Visagie by eunice.visagie@eikestadnuus. com. Vir meer besonderhede bel Eunice by 021 887 2840. Skole kan ook spanne nomineer vir Eikestadnuus se Sportspan van die Maand-kompetisie.

JUMPING AT THE CHANCE: The Eikestadnuus Team has leaped at the opportunity to be part of the action at the fun-filled Totalsports Ladies Race on National Women’s Day, August 9. Participants can choose between a fun 5 km run/walk and a 10 km run/walk. Early entries will receive an official race T-shirt and medals will be awarded to all finishers. Moms with prams are welcome, while husbands, friends and family are encouraged to join in the fun and show support en route. Enter now to avoid disappointment. Fax and in-store entries will close on Sunday, 21 July while online entries will close on Sunday, 28 July. With awesome prizes up for grabs, the 2013 Totalsports Ladies Race is an event not to be missed. For more info, phone 021 511 7130 or visit PHOTO: CHERIE VALE / NEWSPORT MEDIA

visit or

Die Burger­bergfietsuitdaging vind vanjaar Saterdag 3 Augustus plaas en daar is nog net ’n paar dae oor om in te skryf. Vanjaar is daar ook splinternuwe hardloop­roetes vir buitelug­entoesi­ aste op Sondagoggend. Die geleentheid is bekend vir sy uitdagende en skilderagtige bergfiets­ roetes en het weer vyf roete­keuses vir deelnemers op alle vlakke. Die afstande is 15 km, 30 km, 42 km, 60 km en 75 km — laasge­ noemde afstand is net op uitnodi­ ging. Die begin­ en eindpunt is by die Laerskool Eikestad. Vir meer besonderhede of om in skryf, besoek, of stuur ‘n e­pos aan team@dirto­ of 0 021 884 4752.

Entries for the third annual Moun­ tain Warrior Trail Run Festival are now open. Taking place on Saturday 31 Au­ gust and Sunday 1 September, the Mountain Warrior Trail Run Festival will give trail­running enthusiasts the perfect opportunity to experience the beautiful slopes and contours of the Stellenbosch and Simonsberg moun­ tains as well as a major section of the Greater Simonsberg Conservancy. For further information or to enter, visit, phone Agne du Plessis 0 082 517 4799 or send an email to en­ tries@iqela­

Ladies Race

Cellar2Cellar Trail Run

Enter Mountain Warrior

Arguably the most fun way to cele­ brate National Women’s Day is the much loved Totalsports Ladies Race. Participants in the event taking place in Stellenbosch on Friday 9 August, can choose between a 5 km run/fun walk and a 10 km run/fun walk. The start of the race is in Plein Street and the finish at Coetzenburg Stadium. Races will start at 08:00. For more information on the Total­ sports Ladies Race, call 021 511 7130. For race rules or online en­ tries, visit

Entries are open for the 4th Annu­ al Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience on Saturday 7 September. Starting and finishing at Blaauw­ klippen, participants can choose be­ tween a fun 12 km wine experience, a 12 km trail run and a 20 km trail run. For further information or to enter the Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience, visit www.cellar2cellar., phone Agne du Plessis 0 082 517 4799 or send an email to entries@iqela­

Kainos golf day

Impi Challenge in Stellenbosch

On 30 August the Kainos Founda­ tion (for tennis) will have a golf day at De Zalze Golf Estate to raise funds for the foundation. The Kainos Foundation was estab­ lished to develop and help young tennis players to achieve their dreams. Due to the limited opportuni­ ties available in South Africa and the high costs involved, it is extremely important for the foundation to do everything in its power to provide funding for South African tennis. Part of the vision of Kainos is to develop and expand tennis in all areas in the country and also to give as many children as possible the opportunity to play the game and achieve their full potential. For more information and to enter,

Die baie gewilde New Balance Im­ pi Challenge is terug in Stellenbosch en word die naweek van 19 – 20 Oktober by die Lievland­wynland­ goed en Wiesenhof aangebied. Vir meer besonderhede kontak Hayley Weinberg by 0 073 411 5575, 2 of besoek

Skryf in vir Orchard Run

Inskrywings vir die baie gewilde Orchard Run op 2 November in Pniel is oop. Die eerste 1 000 inskrywings sal elkeen ’n geskenkpakkie ontvang. Die afstande is 21 km, 10 km en 5 km. Vir meer besonderhede kontak Ralph 0 083 586 1168 of Nolan 0 072 785 6529.

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